The Karma Theory in vedic astrology part 1: Know about Astrology, Past life and karma Connection ?

The Karma Theory in Vedic Astrology, Part 1: Astrology and Karma Theory, Understanding Karma Astrologically

Revised, Compiled and Re-edited

By Rocky Jamwal | 2023  


Vedic Astrology and Karma theory part 1 The Karma Theory in vedic astrology part 1: Know about Astrology, Past life and karma Connection ?

The Upanishadic notion of karma serves as a foundational principle in Hindu philosophy, providing a framework for comprehending the relationship between actions and their consequences. The Upanishads, being an old text, offer profound insights pertaining to the fundamental basis of existence and the intricate interrelation between actions and their subsequent outcomes.

The Upanishads claim that karma encompasses the aggregate of an individual’s physical and mental activities, and the consequent outcomes that shape their current and forthcoming experiences. The concept underscores the notion that each action elicits a commensurate reaction, so establishing a cyclical pattern of causality that governs an individual’s existence.

The Bhagavad Gita provides a comprehensive elucidation of the principles of karma, reincarnation, and rebirth, with several verses, known as shlokas, expounding upon the concept of karma. The Bhagavad Gita demonstrates substantial influence from the Upanishads, despite its incorporation into the broader context of the Mahabharata.

The Gita is presented in a conversational structure involving Sri Krishna and Arjuna, taking place during the notable occurrence referred to as the dharmaudha, or morally justifiable conflict, in Kurukshetra. The Gita not only elucidates essential truths, but also posits that any manner of existence or mode of religious devotion undertaken by humans, provided it is motivated by a genuine aspiration for personal betterment, ought to be recognised and esteemed.

This article aims to elucidate the fundamental aspects of the Karma theory within the context of Vedic philosophy, Bhagwad Geeta, and the teachings of Bhagwan Shri Krishna and Swami Sivananda Saraswathi. Additionally, it will expound upon the astrological principles that underpin these concepts. It is anticipated that this will facilitate a more comprehensive comprehension of the underlying principles of karma in a meaningful manner.



krishna arjun holy chariot of krishna iuozm96lzdi4j86m The Karma Theory in vedic astrology part 1: Know about Astrology, Past life and karma Connection ?

Karma theory in Hinduism, Vedic philosophy, and Vedic astrology

कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन। मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि॥ २-४७

Karmanye vadhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadachana । Ma Karmaphalaheturbhurma Te Sangostvakarmani ।।

Meaning– Your right is to perform your work, but never to the results. Never be motivated by the results of your actions, nor should you be attached to not performing your prescribed duties.

( Bhagwat Geeta, chapter 2 )

Interpretation :  In this discourse, Divine Sri Krishna advises individuals to priorities their focus on the execution of karma, rather than fixating on the outcomes or results of their acts. Furthermore, Sri Krishna emphasizes the importance of adopting a selfless mindset when engaging in one’s duties and responsibilities within the realm of Karam Bhumi.

Karma is purportedly influenced by multiple elements, encompassing intention, motive, and the inherent moral nature of the conduct. The Upanishads emphasise the significance of engaging in virtuous behaviours with sincere motives, as these behaviours result in favourable consequences and facilitate spiritual development.

In addition, the Upanishads emphasise the philosophical notion of samsara, denoting the perpetual cycle of birth, mortality, and subsequent reincarnation. The prevailing belief posits that the karmic actions of an individual play a pivotal role in moulding their future existences, exerting influence over their circumstances and encounters. Positive activities are often believed to contribute to an elevated state of existence, whereas negative actions are associated with lower states of being or even the experience of misery.

The Upanishads also introduce the concept of moksha, which signifies emancipation from the cyclic nature of samsara. The attainment of moksha is often regarded as the paramount objective of human existence, representing the liberation from the entanglements of karma and the realisation of a profound connection with the divine. The attainment of emancipation is achieved through the process of self-realization and the recognition of the authentic essence of reality.

In essence, the Upanishadic doctrine of karma offers a complete theoretical structure for comprehending the intricate interplay between human actions and their subsequent outcomes. The text underscores the need of adhering to a virtuous lifestyle and underscores the possibilities for spiritual advancement and escape from the perpetual cycle of reincarnation. The acknowledgement of karma’s influence motivates individuals to make deliberate decisions that are in accordance with moral principles, so facilitating their progression towards an elevated level of existence.

The concept of karma holds considerable significance in Vedic astrology. The prevailing belief posits that the activities undertaken in previous incarnations exert influence over an individual’s current circumstances and forthcoming experiences. In my capacity as an astrologer, I engage in the examination of planetary positions within a birth chart in order to acquire a deeper understanding of an individual’s karmic patterns.

Karma is a concept that pertains to the principle of causality, wherein each action is believed to produce corresponding outcomes. According to the principles of Vedic astrology, it is widely acknowledged that individuals bear the burden of prarabdha karma, denoting the segment of their previous life’s deeds that have matured and are presently exerting an impact on their current existence. The manifestation of prarabdha karma might encompass both favourable and unfavourable situations, contingent upon the inherent characteristics of our previous acts.

The arrangement of celestial bodies in a natal chart yields significant insights about an individual’s karmic inclinations. Every celestial body in our solar system symbolises distinct facets of human existence and possesses its own karmic implications. One illustrative instance involves the association of Saturn with karmic lessons and duties, juxtaposed with Jupiter’s representation of spiritual growth and insight.

Through an examination of the celestial arrangements and their interplay, one can discern the domains of existence in which an individual may encounter the repercussions of their prior deeds. The potential influence of karmic forces in various aspects of life, including as relationships, careers, health, or wealth, can be inferred from the relative strength or weakness of specific celestial bodies, namely planets.

It is noteworthy to acknowledge that Vedic astrology does not perceive karma as a punitive measure, but rather as a catalyst for personal development and advancement. Gaining insight into one’s karmic patterns can facilitate individuals in making deliberate decisions and implementing suitable measures to manage adversities and augment their spiritual progression.

In summary, the notion of karma in Vedic astrology underscores the intrinsic interdependence between our preceding, ongoing, and forthcoming circumstances. Through the examination of the planetary positions within a birth chart, I possess the ability to offer discerning observations of an individual’s karmic inclinations. This enables me to provide guidance that facilitates educated decision-making, ultimately fostering personal development and a sense of contentment.

Origination of Karma 

The concept of karma holds significant roots in Vedic, Eastern philosophy and spirituality. The concept that determines the consequences of our acts, both in the present life and in subsequent lifetimes, is considered to be of essential importance. The term “karma” originates from Sanskrit and carries the connotation of “action” or “deed,” underscoring the significance of individual accountability for one’s own acts. Karma can be conceptualized as a metaphysical principle governing the relationship between actions and their consequences in the cosmic realm. The proposition posits that any action undertaken, regardless of its moral quality, generates an energy that will ultimately manifest itself in a reciprocal manner. This implies that engaging in favourable behaviours will yield favourable results, but engaging in unfavourable behaviours would lead to adverse repercussions.

The concept of karma is intricately associated with the doctrine of reincarnation in Santana dharma . Based on this particular belief system, it is posited that upon the cessation of an individual’s life, they undergo a process of reincarnation whereby they are subsequently born into new corporeal forms. The conditions and experiences encountered in their subsequent existence are purportedly shaped by the cumulative effects of their past actions, known as karma, across prior lifetimes. Put simply, the choices and behaviours we engage in during our present existence have a profound influence on the course of our subsequent existences.


Definition of Karma and Its Relation to Astrology: What is Karma?


Karma Meaning in vedic astrology The Karma Theory in vedic astrology part 1: Know about Astrology, Past life and karma Connection ?


The idea of karma is very important in Hinduism, particularly when it comes to comprehending the cycle of life and the effects of one’s actions. According to the karma theory, which is a central tenet of both Vedic astrology and Vedic philosophy, every action we carry out has repercussions that can be felt in both the here and now and in the lifetimes we have yet to live. It is believed that karma, which comes from a Sanskrit term that means “action” or “deed,” is a basic force that governs the cosmos. According to this point of view, each person is responsible for their own activities and must, in the end, deal with the results of those actions, regardless of whether those results are favourable or negative.

According to the concept of karma, our deeds leave behind an energetic imprint that is ultimately responsible for determining our fate. This concept is based on the concept of cause and effect. It highlights the concept that one’s current circumstances are the product of acts taken in the past, while future experiences will be affected by decisions made in the present moment. This philosophical framework encourages individuals to take responsibility for their deeds and to make deliberate choices in order to direct the course of their own lives.

The idea of karma is developed further in Vedic philosophy, which asserts that it is not limited to the application to human beings but rather encompasses the application to all living entities. It gives the impression that every deed, thought, and purpose adds to the building up of karma. Each deed, whether it be one of compassion, selflessness, or harm, leaves an indelible mark on a person’s karmic account.

The ideas of karma are utilised by Vedic astrology, which is strongly connected with both Hinduism and Vedic philosophy, in order to analyse and forecast the events and patterns that occur in the life of an individual. Astrologers are of the opinion that the locations and motions of celestial bodies at the moment of a person’s birth have an impact on their karma as well as the following events of their lives.

Astrologers are able to provide insights into an individual’s karmic tendencies and probable life paths by evaluating the influences that these planets have on our solar system.

Individuals are better able to see the interconnection of their activities and the effect those actions have on both their own lives and the world around them if they have a firm grasp on the karma principle, which is central to Hinduism, Vedic philosophy, and Vedic astrology. It fosters in one a sense of self-reflection, personal growth, and accountability for the decisions they make in their life. Individuals can attempt to build positive karma by accepting and embracing this philosophy, which can ultimately lead to a life that is more satisfying and peaceful.

It is imperative to acknowledge that karma should not be perceived solely as a mechanism of retribution and reward. Instead, it is a system that functions at a more profound level. Karma is widely regarded as a mechanism that facilitates individual development and spiritual advancement. Through the direct observation and understanding of the outcomes resulting from our activities, we are afforded the chance to acquire significant insights and cultivate enhanced levels of sagacity and empathy.

Moreover, the concept of karma transcends just individual deeds and encompasses the realm of thoughts and intentions as well. The generation of karmic energy can be attributed to the profound wants and motives that are within us. Consequently, the cultivation of a good mindset and the preservation of pure intentions are crucial for the generation of positive karma.

Although the notion of karma may appear intricate, its fundamental principle is straightforward: individuals bear accountability for their own actions and the resulting outcomes. It reminds us to be mindful of our choices and to strive for virtuous behaviour. Through this proactive approach, individuals have the ability to actively influence and mould their current and forthcoming conditions, so cultivating a life that is characterised by greater harmony and satisfaction.

The concept of karma holds substantial significance in Vedic astrology as it pertains to comprehending an individual’s life experiences and prospective outcomes. Karma pertains to the principle of causality, wherein our past deeds exert an influence on our current circumstances and mould our forthcoming experiences. Vedic astrology encompasses various forms of karma, each holding distinct significance.

In accordance with the precepts of astrology, Karma can be broken down into a number of subcategories, each of which I will briefly describe below before delving into in further detail in the following installment of this series.

For the sake of gaining a knowledge of the karmas, which are inextricably interwoven with Vedic astrology, I will merely provide a high-level overview here:

Dridha Karma refers to a category of karma that encompasses the predestined and unalterable actions that individuals have accrued from their previous incarnations. The phenomenon in question is commonly denoted as “fate” or “destiny.” The concept of “dridha karma” posits that certain aspects of an individual’s existence, including their birth family, physical appearance, and key life events, are predetermined and unchangeable.

Adridha karma, alternatively referred to as “modifiable karma,” pertains to the activities that are subject to modification or alteration within the context of our current lifetimes. In contrast to dridha karma, adridha karma affords individuals the capacity to exercise agency and alter the trajectory of their fate. The phenomenon is subject to the influence of our volitional agency and deliberate choices.

Kriyamana Karma, also known as current karma, pertains to the actions that are promptly executed in one’s present existence. The aforementioned activities are a manifestation of our capacity for autonomous decision-making and are likely to exert influence on our forthcoming encounters. Kriyamana karma is regarded as the collective result of both constructive and destructive actions in which individuals partake over the course of their lives.

Sanchit Karma refers to the collective accumulation of all activities, encompassing both positive and negative deeds, that an individual has amassed throughout successive incarnations. The concept can be understood as a reservoir of karma that exerts impact on both our present existence and subsequent rebirths. The concept of Sanchit karma posits that actions and their consequences are thought to persist across multiple lifetimes until they are adequately addressed or harmonised.

Prarabdha karma pertains to the segment of sanchit karma that is deliberately selected for manifestation during the present incarnation. The term “karma” refers to a subset of accumulated actions that have reached a state of maturation and are poised to emerge in the current incarnation. Prarabdha karma is responsible for determining the significant life events, obstacles, and prospects that individuals meet throughout their current existence.

Agami Karma pertains to the forthcoming outcomes that arise from our present activities. The concept of karma pertains to the accumulation of actions and their subsequent consequences, which individuals generate in their current existence and will encounter in subsequent rebirths. The concept of agami karma is believed to be influenced by the decisions and acts individuals make in the current moment, ultimately affecting their destiny in future incarnations.

Gaining a comprehensive comprehension of the various forms of karma within the realm of Vedic astrology offers profound insights into the intricate nature of human existence and the intricate dynamics between determinism and personal agency. While certain elements of human existence may be predestined, individuals possess the agency to exercise deliberate decision-making and actively influence their own futures by their choices and behaviours.


Read More; 

Unlocking Mystery of the Past life Astrology Part 1 : Understanding Past life karma via past life regression therapy


The astrological concept of karma: Karma theory in Vedic Jyotish


Mathematical and Astrological aspect of karma The Karma Theory in vedic astrology part 1: Know about Astrology, Past life and karma Connection ?


In the terminology of astrology, Saturn and Mars are referred to as being in the top category for the karaka of physical karmas, deeds or actions of all life, where Saturn signifies all the actions of life we have passed numerous journeys of life. It involved the karmas of past, present, and future lives, and based on that, we experience Karma Bhoga and enjoy our lives. This refers to the karmas that we actually do or perform in the material world with our fully aware mind based on some of the action plans and logic participation that we have. All of these karmas are determined by one’s physical actions and the reasons behind them.

Then there is a different level of karmas that always reside and keep growing in the hidden nook of our minds; these are the kind of karmas that are classified as being on the mental or sub-conscious level. Karmas that take place in our minds, or at a sub-conscious level, are known as mental karmas or sub-conscious level karmas. These are the karmas that we truly manipulate in some hidden part of our brains, or those that always reside in Mana (one of Sense). These karmas continue to bloom in the dreamlike world or in an imaginary world, and they are constantly busy crafting stories that have no connection with the practical or real world. These stories are founded on our unfinished aspirations, logics that we have left for the future, and those hidden means and motives that we have never been able to bring to fruition.

In this context, Mercury (representing the brain) and the Moon (representing the mind) are important manipulators for the construction of those imagined Mansik Karma or “Mana’s “. If we perceive something fictitious in Deep prospects, it’s likely due to karmic debts and an unbalanced flow of energy through the Vishudhi chakra we manifest those mansik karma’s. Purification is the purpose of the Visudhi chakra role, and it is intended to take place not only on the level of the body, but also on the levels of the psyche and the mind. All of the terrible events that we have pushed to the back of our minds throughout our lives will remain there until we confront them head on and find a way to make peace with them using more mature insight. In the event that this Chakra has not been developed to its full potential or is in an imbalanced state, the native may struggle with a variety of issues pertaining to the mind.

When the Vishuddha Chakra becomes blocked, people experience emotions of anxiety, a lack of freedom, and confinement, as well as general issues with their thyroid and throat.

To Speak Frankly, in the language of Astrology, the Moon and Mercury are the only ones to blame for the mana-based good and evil karmas that we make in our hidden corner. The Moon is associated with mana-based acts that are impacted by the wants and thought processes that are buried deep within us. When any of us get afflicted via the nodes (Rahu/Ketu, Mars, and Saturn), we produce those evil karmas in the physical world.

Those are the thoughts that never leave my head. A spark is set off in our day-to-day lives as a result of our five senses’ speculation for the manifestation of hidden desires. These hidden desires take the form of manipulative acts, and the spark is set off by our five senses. These are the cravings that are constantly being reborn in our minds as a result of a small number of thoughts, and we either make an effort to satisfy them or we become dissatisfied by them.

Those karmas that are somewhere hidden in the mind and are working hard to take a form on a physical level or in the physical world for the manifestation of desires based on some action plan are referred to as Sub-conscious-based karmas. This term refers to all those future thoughts that keep taking birth in our Sub-conscious plane.

“Mana is the main culprit as well as a boon too and is classified in the top level overall 5 senses for accountability in evil and Good Karmas,” states the Karama Theory of the Bhagwat Geeta.

Mercury, which turns those ideas into some logic and yields some planning and acts, is the subpart of Mana-based karma. Mercury is responsible for intelligent action-oriented karma based on some logic, computations, and mathematical equations that are fired from the Vishudhi Chakra. Mana exerts a significant amount of impact over the functioning of the brain, which in turn controls all of these senses.

If Mercury is afflicted in a chart, it will give birth to an evil logical approach in actions; however, if it is beneficially placed in any Dharma Kona (1, 5, and 9th houses) or gets aspects from the Sun and Jupiter, it will uplift the dharma and those actions in a fruitful manner for the cause of society.

In other words, if Mercury is afflicted in a chart, it will give birth to an evil logical approach in actions. Mercury, or the brain, will eventually rule over all of those five senses, and it will serve as an indicator of the greater intelligence of Gyaani, as described in the Bhagavad Gita. This will take place in the distant future. A person will live their life in accordance with Gyan Yoga.

Actions or outcomes that are determined by one’s wants are the forms that karma takes when it is carried out on the conscious and the sub-conscious levels of existence. The aggregated effects, also known as the “fruits” of acts, are referred to as Karma-Phala (Sanskrit for “fruit of Karma”).


Astrological Interpretation of Karma and Astrology


Karamatheory 1 The Karma Theory in vedic astrology part 1: Know about Astrology, Past life and karma Connection ?


Karma, Navamsa and Relationships


The Navamsa Chart, also known as the Dharm-Amsa (D9), is seen as the fructification of karmas (both subconscious and conscious karmas) in the context of the Astrological Language. The Dharma-amsa provides hints and information regarding the strength of karma, which can be used to verify the fruition of any Raaj or Raja yoga practise.

This is the primary reason why we regard the fructification of Marriage from D9 as a dharma related with marriage bonding; the dharma of Marriage is having legal children, fulfilling our religious and societal duties, and elevating it mutually, all of which are important to grow for both the individual and his or her kula (family). Dharma imparts insight and illuminates the way to conduct oneself in the most morally sound manner.

The affliction of any planet in the D9 chart reveals in what domain you are practising dharma or what you are not following, which is not in accordance with dharma or the righteous principles of the Almighty. Additionally, the affliction may indicate what you are not following, which is not in accordance with dharma.

Kids are the products of marriage, and if Venus is afflicted in the D9 chart for both males and females, then signifies that something illegitimate is happening in a relationship or in the sphere of Venus, i.e., Marriage or w.r.t. women. Kids are the fruits of marriage. Either the native is violating the rights of women in some way, or he or she is engaging in sexual behaviour that is not permitted outside of the context of marriage. Both of these scenarios are unethical.

Someone I know has Venus in the second house of the D9 chart, which is aspected by Mars and Rahu. This person used to have illicit connections with women in order to gratify their senses, which, in the end, would undoubtedly destroy the properties that Venus possesses in the D1 chart.

Venus (in a retrograde state; having unwanted desires to fall in love) rules the 5th house in the D1 chart of a native, despite the fact that it is located in the 12th house. I was fairly certain that it would lead to a delay in his happiness via marriage (happiness through marriage leads to kids; the 5th house is falling into the 11th house from the 7th house; this shows the fruits or product of marriage or gain via marriage). In this particular scenario, the native was unable to complete his studies for his master’s degree, his spouse experienced miscarriage of their first child before it was born, and both couples do not have a particularly healthy relationship in marriage.

Therefore, the affliction of any planet in the D9 chart will offer you a hint as to how Adharma is happening around you, which can result in a crisis in marriage, a poor relationship with Women, a problem with your wife, and a reduction in Results in the house in which Venus is having lordship in D1.

According to the spiritual truth or reality, marriage is the result of the Sanchita and Prarabdha Karmas that each of us has completed in previous incarnations. Based on those karmas, either we used to enjoy those ties or we realised or suffered because of those relations as a result of actions or bad deeds from the past. Marriage will be extremely successful for you if you have a history of excellent karma in previous lives; this outcome may be verified using the D9 chart as well.

Venus (in male charts) and Jupiter and Mars (in female charts) will be unaffected by any nodal affliction when viewed through the lens of the d9 chart. In your present birth chart, the 6th House and 6th Lord in D1 will generally try to hinder marriage relationship maturity, and any afflicted nodes will always try to upset the marriage in your current life if you have done anything evil to any men or women in past lives. If you have done anything harmful to men or women in past lives, the 6th House and 6th Lord in D1 will try to obstruct marriage relationship maturity.

Whenever it makes any relationship or influences the 7th house, 7th Lord, UL (Uppada Lagana) or A7 (Darapada) in the d1 chart and other marriage-supporting houses, natives either will face delays in the marriages or, if somehow natives fall in relation to love or close bonding, the relationship will be like a path of cactus or the level of suffering in that relationship will be intense or severe.

If AK is deeply afflicted by nodes, is in some way connected with Suffering houses, or has some relationship with either Venus, UL, or A7 Arudha, then either relationships and marriage will be difficult to handle and can fail very quickly, or the level of suffering will be very intense and unbearable for that soul. This is something that I have seen in many of the cases where I have looked into this, and it has been my experience.

The only goal is to learn the lesson of one’s soul from past karmas by experiencing the same kinds of sufferings that one has caused for other people. Karma’s job is to ensure that the soul is constantly aware of its actions and to filter out those that prevent it from experiencing greater progress in the present incarnation. Because of those pains, there is a possibility that some souls will perish, while other souls will use them to forge a fresh start along the spiritual road.

This can also be verified by consulting the D9 chart, specifically the strength of Ak (Atmakarka). If Ak is strongly conjugated with nodes or malefic planets, or if it is debilitated situated in trik Bhavas from Lagana of D9, it is a definite indication that the level of soul suffering will be extreme, and it also suggests that one will have to suffer greatly in this incarnation as a consequence of past sins. As Ak is weakly situated and weakened, there is also the possibility that the native could either fall back or rise above on a spiritual level. This is due to the fact that Atmakarka is main planet that rules your whole in definitive actions of life.

Debilitation of Ak is always a situation of the fallen soul due to one’s own actions in this life; while one may rise materially, it may be difficult for him to lift his soul from Tamasik Parvarti, or Tamas would be part of his life. This could be a difficult situation for him in the later part of life, not initially in the beginning, but when one’s soul consciousness grows or gets mature and when the progression of Saturn, Jupiter, and Rahu/Ketu’s 2nd cycle begins in the native, he will realise his past life actions.

The native has a very obvious decision to make regarding what he wants to achieve as a result of that suffering: either rise above it or fall further into it. This obviously shows that one is required to pay back its karma in any way, either in this incarnation or in the next birth, either in this birth or in the next birth, if somehow the native could take it forward to the next birth with the blessings and assistance of the seers, saints, gurus, and divine spirits. obviously, this says that one must pay back its karma in some manner.


For More Reading on Karma Theory and Past birth :

When we investigate further, we find that Sanchit Karama is primarily used to classify good karmas on a broad level. This is despite the fact that Sanchit Karama is also used to classify bad karmas; however, the level of outcome is extremely different. When dashas and slow-moving transits (such as Saturn, Jupiter, and the nodes) are in support of the chart, the result of Sanchit karma can manifest at any moment during your life.

It’s possible that it can happen either before or after marriage, depending on the circumstances. It is wholly dependent on the transits of the karmic planets (Saturn, the Nodes, and Jupiter) on the houses or lords that have connections to actions that have been carried out in the past. Therefore, keep a close eye on your karmas with keen insight and an open mind.

When they are coupled with the Moola dasha, which reveals the outcomes of past actions, the Good and Bad vimsotri Dashas in the Natal Chart keep reminding you about your combined Sanchit (the sum total of all good and bad karmas) and Prarabdha Karmas (the pain you have given to others).

The result of moola dasha provides a clear picture of the degree of misery we are experiencing in this life, and the result of moola dasha’s combined readings provides a clear picture of the reasons we are experiencing this level of suffering in this life. Each dasha complements the other in its function. The first presents the reasons for pain, while the others demonstrate that throughout that time period, we could experience suffering as a consequence of actions or behaviours we committed in the past.

In the Next parts of this karma theory, we will try to explain all these principals in the native individual chart with examples of life events so that the user can better understand the concept of karma that one applies in the own birth chart for personal development and growth rather than taking it as a burden, guilt, or feeling of lowliness.

Teachings of the Swami Sivananda Saraswathi on the Actions, Karma and Past life


sivananda quotes 400 1 The Karma Theory in vedic astrology part 1: Know about Astrology, Past life and karma Connection ?


The following sayings of Swami Sivananda Saraswati Ji speak unmistakably about the consequences of one’s acts or deeds in the past, as was covered in the astrological interpretations presented before in this article:

“What you do has to have repercussions and effects on our surrounds. Put another way, “As you sow, so shall you reap.” “Life is an infinite chain of results of deeds (Karma) in the past that work on the premise of “the law of Cause and Effect.” This is also true in physics and actual reality.”  The process by which the consequences of karma are meted out is referred to as the “Law of Karma.” This law is governed by Lord Saturn, whose role it is to either punish or impart and teach the valuable lessons of life.

The Law of Karama can be summed up in a few words: “What you will do and what you will get at any moment at any time.”

“In our Sanatana dharma, Karma is considered to be a spiritually originated law that governs all of life’s functioning, and this is according to Swami Sivananda Saraswati’s teachings,” Even though an individual is thought to be the only person who is responsible for his karmas and the enjoyment of their “fruits,” according to the Law of Karma, the supreme being (The Divine power, Lord Jupiter, represents the divine blessings from the god who showers blessings upon us when we deserve them as our Sanchit karmas allow) plays a significant role as the dispenser of the “fruits” of karma.

(For further information, Refer Yogi Swami Sivananda Saraswati’s books )

The “Transit of Jupiter and Saturn Transits in D1 Chart” is the ideal place to start when attempting to gain an astrological understanding of the law of karma and the fruits or results that are associated to it.

These are examples of what are known as “Non-Fixed Karma” (Adridha Karmas), and they can manifest at any time, regardless of whether or not both transits are in your favour. The transit of Jupiter bestows chances, and Saturn reveals the times when karma must be satisfied in order to move on. Both of these transits operate together to convey the outcomes and fruits of karmas and actions associated to past deeds. They do this by working in mutual interactions.

I have faith that this most recent installment of this series has provided you with useful information regarding the karma theory of Vedic philosophy, which is something that we can also use to Vedic astrology provided that we take certain precautions and have a thorough understanding of it.

Concluding remarks:

Astrology is just a tool that helps us understand the karmic impact on us when it is at a high level. In the spiritual world, God is somehow directly involved in this process, and astrology is just a tool that helps us grasp that influence. Although there is no way to avoid karmas in any way, they can be neutralised or minimised to some extent thanks to Bhakti/Tapa/Nama Jaap and immense devotion towards the almighty. However, the period of karmic suffering that one has to go through cannot be avoided. In general, the natural laws of causation are sufficient to explain the effects of karma.

Stay connected and wait for the upcoming parts of this series.

Best wishes and Regards,

Rocky Jamwal | Vedic Siddhanta

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To be continued…..

pin The Karma Theory in vedic astrology part 1: Know about Astrology, Past life and karma Connection ?

The Effect of Jupiter Gandanta from 31st October to 21 November 2019

Jupiter in Gandanta The Effect of Jupiter Gandanta from 31st October to 21 November 2019

The Gandanta is the position of the zodiac where two junction points of fire and water meet. Whereas the Nakshatra Gandanta is commonly known Dosa, arises when the Moon or any planet is positioned at the ending degree of the mercury Nakshatra ( From 26’00 to 30’00)  i.e, Revati, Aslesha, and Jyestha, and it is falling near the starting point  of Ketu’s Nakshatra (0 to 3’20) i.e., Ashvini, Magha and Moola.

They are very powerful points in giving soul revealing Karmic effects. In General meaning, Gand means a knot and Anta means the end so Gandanta means the knot fixed at the end.

Below are the degrees that have to be considered in Nakashtra Gandanta 

Degrees Rashi Nakshatra Amsha
26º00-30:00 Pisces Revati Pisces
0º00- 3º20 Aries Ashwini Aries
26º40-30º00 Cancer Ashlesha Pisces
0º00- 3º20 Leo Magha Aries
26º40-30º00 Scorpio Jyeshta Pisces
0º00- 3º20 Sagittarius Mula Aries


More detailed version: The #Gandanta of #Jupiter

Jupiter is going to be in #gandanta zone from #scorpio to #Sagittarius from October 30th onward to 9th of November 2019, till Jupiter reaches around 1 degree.these ending 1 degrees of Jupiter and beginning 1 degree of Jupiter is very careful for general well being but auspicious for pilgrimages, spiritual practices and holy dip in the sacred rivers.

Its the time of spiritual #transformation from all sorts of mundane and emotional Desires to live in a spiritual zone which resonates with the energy of Prakriti.Its the time when nature changes its natural energy to more higher plane, from earthy ( material, Budh) plane to ether ( Guru, Spiritual) , from water element to fire.

It will break all the knots of bondage from all the past life experiences where one has felt in Scorpio is a most difficult time for both jyestha and moola nakshatra born people, as they will experience the change most in their inner plane. the diety of Jyestha is Indra whose duty is to control on all the senses but due to arrogance of having controlled on senses native often self destroy them, being the nature of Indra and they live in luxurious life which they feel difficult to leave when transformation happens from water to fire element during the transit.

Same is the case with moola, nakshatra deity is Nirrti, gives an experience like death, pain, and suffering awakes one to live according to the natural laws. LordShip of Ketu shows one needs to get ready to accept the change of naturality. its a time to balance your self from self-destruction to #universal #conciousnes and need to practice silence, meditation and doing sacred practices as it will shake the inner soul with many physical and mundane issues.

Its the time to leave your all mundane desires and merge yourself with the nature and aspire for natural spiritual path desired by inner soul for higher consciousness .its the time when nature starts it’s natural churning process and demands its children’s to get align and merge with it as during gandanta process nature changes its element from water to fire, where water tries to off the fire and fire tries to evaporate the Apah( water) into small droplets, breaking into nature demands one should leave all the mundane desires and burn your body for higher Tapasya .

It is never be considered as easy path as it creates many psychological and physical blocks that one needs to experience either it in a bodily, emotionally or mundane level plane changes, one needs to accept it in any case as it is the forceful changes given by the nature. As it is happening in #scorpio sign in #jyestha nakshatra, there will be churning of deep inner emotional and psychological changes where one feels emotionally shattered.

Those having any planet’s in jyestha they need to be careful wrt to any emotional activities as it will shake both materials as well as Their emotional level. when Jupiter reaches to #saggitarus,/mola nakshatra native feels like that he has experienced the forceful changes which native is not ready to accept it as mola signifies the root, to live in naturality, having lordship of Ketu which shows the ties of past karma or past lifestyle Where one is living in luxuries lifestyle in earthy plane having all sort of Mundane happiness has to give up.

This change is difficult for most of the materialistic people who were earlier enjoying the path of materials and feeling it’s happiness and one needs to live in the grass root of common life. people need to accept this spiritual change with complete openness and start practicing the spiritual rituals. one such easy way is to having dip in the holy river signifies by the zodiac sign given for Jupiter which we called as #Pushkaram celebrations and it include reverence of ancestors and spiritual discourses.during the pushkaram one should engage in activities such as snana (bath in the river), dāna (charity), japa (recitation of mantras), Archana and dhyana (meditation).

Here, The first 12 days when the Jupiter enters the zodiac sign and the last 12 days when it exits the zodiac sign are considered as most auspicious. When devotees take a dip in the sacred river is believed to erase all sins as per scriptural beliefs. The first twelve days are called as Adi Pushkaram, and the last twelve days are called as Anthya Pushkaram.

It is believed that during these twenty-four days, “Pushkar” ( Sthaan of Bramha) , imbued with the power to make any river holy, will travel with Jupiter as Jupiter moves from one Zodiac house to another. That’s the reason Planets that fall in the “Pushkara navamsa” or “Puskara Bhaga” of a birth chart are considered to be very beneficial and auspicious in Jyotish.

This year Tapti river is most auspicious for sacred dipping (Pushkaravahini). In Assam, the festival is celebrated on the banks of the Brahmaputra river. Tapti enjoys this sacred dipping in the Tapti river including all sorts of spiritual rituals to be done till the 16th of November 2019.



Rakesh Jamwal

pin The Effect of Jupiter Gandanta from 31st October to 21 November 2019

How to Unlock your Pending karma’s of past life from the natal chart- Part 1

karma logo How to Unlock your Pending karma's of past life from the natal chart- Part 1

According to the Vedic astrology system, astrology closely linked with the past lives accumulated karmas which get manifested in the present life Whereas karakas of the pending karmas are Saturn, Rahu/Ketu, and Ketu is mainly seen for moksha, detachment, and rejection in this life regarding material prosperity. Rahu is mainly seen for all sort of desires that are pending from the past life and Saturn is majorly seen for all sort of karmas, either it is ongoing, collected from past or it is form of new karmas whereas nodes are seen for the dispense of dynamic karmas when their transits and Dasha’s get active.

Our Scriptures has mentioned various such doshas that are mentioned in BPHS. Though in the current article we will not discuss reasons for curses or debts. our motive is to decode the reasons for pending karmas by various techniques via natal chart. some of those doshas or curses mentioned in BPHS are as mentioned below :

1) Curses of snakes: This curse is indicated by the placement and strength of the Rahu in the natal chart. Effects of this curse give childlessness, fear from snakes and snake bites. This curse originates due to the killing of snakes in past lives. Root house for this curse is to been seen from the 5th house.

1) Curses of father: This curse is indicated by the placement and strength of the Sun in the horoscope which gets triggered in the natal chart due to wrongs done to father or due to the suffering of souls of forefathers. It gives issues of childlessness, uneasy relationships with father in the current life, untimely death of father and lack of happiness from father. To understand this curse or debt one has to see 5th, 9th and 10th house.

3) Curses of mother: This curse is indicated by the placement and strength of the Moon in the natal chart. This may happen due to ill-treatment with mother in past life. It gives issues of childlessness, problematic relationship with mother in the current life, unhappiness from mother, the untimely death of the mother. We have to see the Influences on the 4th, 5th house and moon with nodes to understand the curse.

4) Curses of brother: According to the Vedic astrology this curse has to be seen from the placement and strength or weakness of mars and Jupiter.whereas for younger brother planet Mars has to be seen and Jupiter for elder brother.Though in Nadi we see elder brother via Saturn. It gives problem in childlessness, difficult relationship with brothers, problems from brothers and lack of cordial relations with brother. To understand the curse we need to decode the placement of 3rd, 11th and 5th house along with affliction on Mars and Jupiter either via nodes or via Saturn.

5) Curses of maternal relations: For maternal relations, we need to check affliction on mercury and Saturn. It will give difficult relationship with maternal relations and we need to check affliction on 5th house and mercury, Saturn.

6) Curses of Spiritual Persons: To see curse of spiritual person we need to see affliction on Jupiter. It majorly gives problem in childlessness, problems from teachers, unhappiness, slow growth in life, stuck life, and general dissatisfaction in life, etc. We need to see the affliction on the 9th and 5th house along with Jupiter and their lordship condition.

7) Curses of the wife (or women): To see the curse or debt from females or wife one has to see the condition of the planet Venus. Any affliction on the planet venus via Nodes, Saturn or mars have majorly seen for the activation of the curse. The placement of Venus in the natal and divisional chart is important to understand the curse. It majorly gives effect problem in childlessness, difficulty in getting married, problems from wife or women, the possibility of divorce, defamation from women, etc. The most important house to be considered is the 7th house/lord.

8) Curses of Evil spirits: To see curse from the evil Spirits we need to see the planetary placement of the Rahu and Ketu in the natal chart. Generally, Role of the Nodes and Bhadhaka Graha, their lord and placement have key roles in identifying the curse from the evil spirits. It gives major problem in mental setup of the native, it gives fear from unknown and majorly fear of ghosts. we need to see the conditions of Moon, Saturn, the 5th house and the fifth lord in the natal chart along with Bhadhaka Graha and lord.

Techniques to Unlock the Pending Karma’s from the birth chart

In the next section, we will discuss the major techniques used to identify the pending karma from the natal lets decoding the secrets of past life but first, we need to understand the concept of karma, reincarnation and the cycle of karma.

shut down your karma factory part1 How to Unlock your Pending karma's of past life from the natal chart- Part 1

Lord Sri Krishna said in ‘The Bhagawad Gita’,
” vasamsi jirnani yatha vihaya navani grhnati naro ‘paranitatha sarirani vihaya jirnany anyani samyati navani dehi “
As a man, casting off worn-out garments takes new ones, so the dweller in the body, casting off worn-out bodies, enters into others that are new”. He has also said, “The misdeeds of our past lives torment us in the form of illnesses or ailments”

Explanation Given By Yogananda on the above Verse :

During our daily lives, we change our old and/or dirty clothes and put on new and/or clean clothes whenever the need arises. Similarly, the soul or atman casts off its worn-out physical body and takes residence in a newer physical body at regular intervals in time. Just like the clothes that we wear do not represent the real state of our physical body, the state of our physical body (which deteriorates over time and is hence impermanent) does not represent the truly unchangeable and permanent nature of the soul that resides within it.

The eternal does not move from place to place but the embodied soul moves from one abode to another. It takes birth each time and gathers to itself a mind, life and body formed out of the materials of nature according to its past evolution, karma, deed and its needs for the future. The psychic being is the vijnana which supports the triple manifestation of the body, life, and mind. When the gross physical body falls away, the vital and mental sheaths still remain as the vehicle of the soul. Rebirth is the law of nature. There is an objective connection between the various forms of life. “Like corn, a mortal ripens and like corn is he born again”.

(Katha Upanisad, Ch 1, verse 6)
(The Bhagvad Geeta by Swami Yogananda)

This verse refers to the doctrine of reincarnation in Hinduism. Death is described here as the simple discarding of a worn-out garment for a new one. When the body becomes diseased and old, the ever-lasting soul forsakes it for a new disguise. Death is but a change of attire in an uninterrupted continuity of immortality.

How to Clear Debts


nahled karma proweb How to Unlock your Pending karma's of past life from the natal chart- Part 1


Although there is none another such way to understand the past birth Debts or underlying karma process and what soul has gone through in last birth and what it will bring to the new birth. God way and process of management and operations are way beyond our imagination to understand how life and souls cycle is moving around Birth and death cycle.

We are biologically a very small electrically charged energies residing in a physical bodies having limitation to the material world, our reach and understanding life cycle in a simple plain language is not an easy task. Unless and until we are able to develop our Kundalini Shakti via deep Spiritual penance unless we can’t understand how the soul’s deeper roots karmic accounts are connected with life and death cycle.

Neither we are Yogic Person nor we are born as a Godly soul having extraordinary sensory abilities to experience futuristic visions or dream and able to understand for what purpose we took birth but yes there are certain methods via we can understand how our this life is connected with the past birth Karma’s, Rinas, and curses ( Unfinished Karmas).

One of the common methods is Understanding past life impressions via Regression therapy and other is having Extraordinary astrological knowledge on studying Past Birth Astrological cases via various Astrological charts and tools by a different branch of jyotish but astrologer must be well experienced in collecting and analyzing different life experiences with natal charts.

If you are seeking a detailed guidance regarding deep understanding on Life Purpose, Spiritual awakening, Spiritual Learning, Understanding past lives curses, debts and past birth karmic sufferings, then you need to understand the deeper karmic connections which are linked with debts and pending and decode it we need to understand methodologies used for decoding Past birth rina and curses for better understanding on karma and moving toward right Spiritual.

Although, Tracing Pending karma from a natal chart is always a tough job, as many people carry those karmas from immediate last birth or some of them carrying from many of past journeys. These are hard to trace combinations. Below are few observations which I have studied from many of the charts for Pending karmas and found true and working in many of the cases.

Technique 1 :

A) Check the number of Retrograde planets in the Natal chart:  Look for the presence of a number of retrograde planets in the chart. Total number of Presence of Retrograde planets in the Natal chart shows how many pending karmas one has to exhaust in this birth. More the Retrograde planets more the total pending karmas one has to finish in this life i.e if one has a presence of 3 retrograde planets, then it means one has accumulated 3 pending karmas from many of the past journies. Each of the Retrograde planet shows, karma connected with the karakas of the planets. To see what exactly the karma is pending with the native, check the placement of the Retrograde planets in the natal chart, check, in which sign planet is placed and how many planets are aspecting it. Sign shows sufferings or delays may face in this birth and aspects show via whom you may face such hurdles, difficulties, and hurdles in this life. Dispositer lord placement of the Retrograde planet in the natal chart shows what you need to do in this life in order to fix the pending karma. To see what exactly is the pending karma retrograde planet is indicating that one has to finish in this birth or giving a clue for certain area of life, check its 12th house placement from the retrograde planet, that house placement will show the area where one has to experience the pending karma that one has to finish. for e.g if one has retrograde planet placed in the 9th house then it means pending karma is either with the guru, teacher or father and one has to experience it in this life via 8th house matter which is the 12th house placement from the 9th. 8th shows sufferings, health issues, hurdles and unknown troubles in life. now let us understand more by different planetary examples how we can judge it :
1) If Mars is retrograde, and if it is connected with the Lagna or trik Bhavas ( i.e 6th, 8th or 12th house/lord) – There will be intense Pending karmas connected with Brothers, enemies, Husband ( In Nadi), fights, Legal battles, Land, Houses, War, bravery, Kings, and Kshatriya etc. To see what exactly the karma is pending with, check the placement of the Retrograde mars in which sign and how many planets are aspecting it.
2) If Saturn is Retrograde – and if it is connected with the Lagna and trik bhavas – Then there will be deep Pending Karmas connected one’s own action in the society i,e with Karam, Actions, work, Career, debts, sins, deeds, workers, social circle, Society, Land, agriculture, and Mass, etc.
3) If Jupiter is Retrograde – then one has Pending Karmas connected with the Spiritual Guru, teacher or father he has met in the past life, or it is with the Teacher, Knowledge he has learned in past, or it is connected with one’s Learning, or there might be a karma connected with the Brahmin, Gurukul and it is the karma given by the god to finish it in this life etc. if it is connected to the trik bhavas then one has to Experience it in any case via serving people. If it is connected with the Upachaya and Dharma Bhavas then one may get success via it and one will do service to the people in the right manner for uplifting own self and other also.
4) If it is Venus – then one has pending karma connected with his wife, sister, relationships and one has to give to his Wife, Spouse, Girlfriend, elder sister and one may face hardships or some karmic debt or pending karma with respect to Relationships, wealth, luxury and majorly with the wife or lover he or she may face or experience. If the conjunction is with Sun, Nodes, Mars and Saturn, AK then the Severity would be intense and it can give hard lessons in relationships or marriage. Many a case it gives hardships, struggles in Wealth, Luxury and comfort matters. Even it gives an indication with the concerned people those are connected with the karka of Venus i.e sister in law etc. Start of pending karma depends on the Lordship of the venus in Natal chart Mool trikona rashi, that house shows the event that can trigger the past karma i,e if Venus is lord of 9th house ( then event trigger after when one starts its higher learning or enter in any institution or society).The same way you can check for other planets as well

Technique 2 : 

B)  Check where the Bhrigu Bindu is placed in the natal chart, the sign, planet placed in it and its lord shows what sort of karma is pending in this birth and whom it is pending and how one can finish it. If BB is placed in the 10th house then one may have pending karma with the society or with the environment where he works or with the colleagues he works in society. whenever any major planet like Jupiter, Rahu/Ketu and Saturn transit on this point; BB, native experience major shift in his destiny in that particular year till that Transit is active  with respect to that sign and house placement during particular years and same way vimshotri and Chara dasha of the BB lord point shows major shift one can experience in one’s destiny during their. We will explain the concept of Bhrigu Bindu in detail in the next part with an example chart.

Technique 3 : 

C) Check the house Placement and sign of the 3rd house and its lord ( Karyesha) in the natal and D3 chart ( Jaganath Drekkana) it shows your karma one is born with to fulfill in this birth by doing certain actions and karmas in the society. As 3rd house is the house of actions and initiatives done by the jeeva, and it is also directly opposite to the 9th house which shows your Past birth, father and the Bhagya, it shows your Free will (Force of karma that one perform against his destiny)  and in broader sense it will show your must-have actions or karmas that you need to perform in this birth to unlock the future karma or actions one need require in this current birth.

Technique 4 : 

D) Check the 6th house, Sign, planets placed in this house and its lord in the natal chart to decode the Shadripus one has to cross in this birth in order to achieve the purpose of this life. This house, planets placed in it and its lord shows what is the pending karma of this life that must be finish in order to finish or cross this life cycle barrier and reach to next life. For e.g if one has sign libra in the 6th house and there is no planet placed in the house then we have to see where 6th house lord is placed. that placement shows what sort of blockage one is experiencing in this birth  with respect to that particular house placement. If we take current Example, venus is 6th lord and if it is placed in the 10th house in Aquarius sign then one may experience a problem in his career or profession because of his relationships with the female members in his office environment or one can face problem in his career via his wife  or one face hurdle in his career life or performing certain karma in society due to the properties of the venus i.e problems via females, wife, wealth etc.

Technique 5 : 

E) Check Placement and Sign aspect of Saturn and Rahu in the natal chart, shows what is the Major karma that needs to work on it in current life and if both the planets make a relation to each other or some Sambandha in a way by Mutual Aspects, conjunctions then one need to first finish this house karma in order to grow or progress in this life. for e.g Saturn is placed in 8th house and Rahu is placed in the 5th house , As Saturn is aspecting 5th house by 10th aspect then one needs to finish the pending karma wrt to 5th house matters i.e Bhakti, Stability of the chitta ( Mind) affairs, romance, children’s and basic education etc.

Note : These Pending karmas one has to exhaust in any case without any delay or without escaping point from it, Dashas, Ad, and Pd of all these retrograde planets play the main role in turning life into a major transformative events and one has to finish it in any case by experiencing it and all these planets play a major role in transforming inner conscious (Spiritual instinct) of the native. Either they teach a hard lesson or one totally get spiritual in these dasha periods.

Technique 6 :

Karma from D9 and Divisional charts :
There are also few other pending Karmas which are very intense and one cannot avoid it and those are presence in the form of curses and Karmic point. All these intense karmas one has to seen from the D9, D3, D30 and D60 chart. Whereas Planetry conjunction with either North node or south nodes in D9 shows the Deep and very intense karmas which were long pending from many of the birth and native is trying to avoid it or carry forwarding to many of birth from long via some divine help, guru blessings or Good Deeds.
As, Rahu-Ketu shows Sudden karmic point whereas Saturn shows karma that one has to improve it in this birth with own efforts and actions. Rahu-Ketu karmas have come in the form of mundane and physical sufferings and karma of Saturn comes in the form of Learning and lessons.
i.e If Rahu is placed with Venus in d9 chart – One had deep, Sudden and intense karma connected with either wife or girlfriend, Relationships (Extra or pre-marital physical relations) , some karma connected with lady love or with women whom he loves in past birth that can give either intense suffering or one may learn a hard lessons after marriage or it can starts when one person get involved in any relationship.
If Sun is with Rahu, then one may play a deep and intense relationship with Father or fatherly figure people, this conjunction can activate a Pitru curse in chart when Sun is involved with either 5th or 9th lord in D1 chart and it is in conjunction in d9 chart. this can activate it either after marriage or when some joins Job or he or she do bad deeds to any of fatherly figure native.
If Moon is with Rahu – then it gives deep and intense emotional sufferings via Mother, mother in law or eldest sister or via suffering intensely in an emotional bond. this could be very intense when the moon is lord of 4th house in d1 and same time if it is lord of 7th lord in d9. then it can get activate after marriage.
same we can check for Planetary conjunction with Ketu that shows Long pending karma connected with the past birth that one is avoiding from many of the birth. Ketu shows what is left behind, one’s rejections that have to experience and what is you have to finish in this birth to grow yourself spiritually. Ketu is a planet of detachment so here suffering and the lesson is connected in the form of detachment and one may face lots of detachment via karaka of the planet as native may have given sufferings or detachment to someone in that past birth in any of the form

Other Pending karmas are seen from the D3, D30 and  D60 chart that shows the karma of immediate last birth, that one has to face or experience in this birth that we will cover in the 2nd part of this article with example charts. It could be seen in these above mentioned divisional charts when karka of any of planet is connected with Mars, Saturn and nodes in D3, D30 and D60 chart, those having lordship with the 6th, 8th, 12th or Lagna in the D1 chart.D3 chart majorly shows about the Bott past and future karma native has to experience i.e what is the soul goal of the native or what one has to experience in this birth due to the good and Bad deeds done via the native. whereas D30 chart shows about the Suffering one has to experience in this birth because of his weaknesses, shadripus, sins and past debts.

I hope people would have enjoyed this article reading it and people will try to apply in their chart to understand it more deeply with the example charts. In the 2nd part, we will try to explain each and every technique with example charts of people those have experienced their destiny and past karmas astrologically.


Rakesh Jamwal

Source and Reference :
(Katha Upanisad, Ch 1, verse 6)
(The Bhagvad Geeta by Swami Yogananda)

pin How to Unlock your Pending karma's of past life from the natal chart- Part 1

Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi


Decoding Past Life Reincarnation and Astrology Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

Article Written and Researched By

Sumanta Ghosal

Life Reincarnation is mainly a vedic philosophical concept that an aspect of living being starts a new life in a different physical body after each bio-logical death. It is a central point of vedic literature. Then other Indian religions such as Buddhism, Jainism and Shikh follows this concept.

But today I am going tfo discuss regarding Reincarnation and Astrology. We all know the twin beliefs of Karma and Reincarnation are among Hinduism many jewels of knowledge. Karma literally means “deed or act”, but more broadly it describes the pinciple of cause and effect. Simply stated Karma is a law of action and reaction which governs conscioussness. In metaphysics, Karma is the law that states that every mental, emotional and physical act, no matter how insignificant, is projected out into yhe physic mind substance and eventually returns to the individual with equal impact.

In ‘Bhagvad Gita’ Lord Shree Krishna says to Arjuna –

“वासाांसस जीर्ाासि यथा सवहाय
िवासि गह्णृ ासि िरोऽपरासर् ।
िथा शरीरासर् सवहाय जीर्ाा
न्यन्यासि सांयासि िवासि देही ॥” – Chapter 2, verse 22

It means during our day to day liles we change our old and dirty cloths and take a new/clean cloths whenever we need. Similarly, the Souls or Aatman costs off its worn out physical body at regular intervals of time. Soul is immortal but the physical body is mortal.

This sloka or verse refers to the doctrine of Reincarnation in Vedic philosophy. Death is described here as the simple process of a worn out garmentsfor a new one. Death is nothing but a chage attire in an uninterrupted continuity of immortality. In ‘Bhagvad Gita’, chapter number 2, verse number 23 Lord Krishna states to Arjuna-

“ििै ां सिन्दसन्ि शस्त्रासर् ििै ां दहसि पावकः ।
ि चिै ां क्लेदयन््यापो ि शोषयसि मारुिः ॥”

Lord Krishna states Aatman can not be harmed by weapons- and since it is formless and shapeless – it can not be cut into pieces by any instruments. In the same way, fire can not burn it or destroy it. Water can not wet it because water can act only elements which have physical description or dimensions. For the same reason, wind can not dry it or exert any force on it. Thus the Aatman is beyond the influence of all three primary forces which can affect entities having physical form and description.


Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

But today I am going to discuss regarding the relation between Astrology and Reincarnation. We all know Astrology is nothing but a celestial map of our previous births deeds. Our previous deeds or Karma decides our fate in this existance. By grace and blessings of my Ishtadev Lord Shiva, I am able to collect some birth datas of those people who can remember their previous births. I have collected those datas from various books and internet. I am thankful to them.Astrologically speaking a person’s natal chart does contain indicators for knowing the past and future births.

In a classic astrology book named Phaladeepika, we come to know how to predict past and future births. The author of this book is Manteswara, in the 14th chapter there comes information on astrological pointers to know previous and future births. According to Phaladeepika, the 9th house holds the key.

If 9th lord in natal chart is exalted, the previous birth was in a high society of good people. If 9th lord in natal chart is in debility or in enemy’s sign, the previous birth was in a different country. If 9th lord is in his own house or in a freind’s house, the previous birth was in the same country where the person belongs (Manteswara states Bharat Varsha/India).

In such cases, if 9th lord happens to be Jupiter, the person was born in Aryavarta (Himalayas Vindhyas area).

If 9th lord happens to be Venus or Moon, the person was born near sacred rivers such as Ganga,
Narmada, Kavery etc.

If 9th lord happens to be Mercury, the person was born near places of God like Lord Vishnu or Lord

If 9th lord happens to be Saturn, the person was born in meleccha desha- outside of India or where
Vedic culture is not prevailed.

If 9th lord happens to be Sun, the person was born in a place of forests or mountains.

If 9th lord happens to be Mars, the person was born in places where living was difficult.

To detect future birth we judge 5th lord carefully. To detect future birth same rules are applicable as
mentioned above. But here 5th lord should be judged instead of 9th lord.

Now we have to judge what kind of birth we spent during last birth and what kind of birth we will spend in future birth- whether as plant life or animal life.

According to Vedic philosophy the souls are born in four forms- as Devas, Human, Animals and Plant life.

Manteshwaraclearly states in his book Phaladeepika regarding this :

If the 9th lord is placed in Bhustadhaya rashi which is fixed sign also, the previous birth was that of same Vegetarian.

If the 9th lord is placed in Seershadhaya rashi which is movable sign also, the previous birth was that of same living being, either animal or man.

If the 9th lord is placed in exaltation sign or own house or friend’s house of the lagna lord, the previous
birth was that of a human being.

If the 9th lord is placed in neutral sign of the lagna lord, the previous birth was that of an animal.
If the 9th lord is placed in enemy sign of the lagna lord, the previous birth was that of a bird.

To detect future birth judge 5th lord in the same way as mentioned above.

These are the rules given by the famous astrologer Manteswara in his monumental book named –

We get some more clues regarding past and future births from “Brihat Jataka”- by Varahamihira.

According to Varahamihira, Jupiter,Moon and Venus, Sun and Mars, Saturn and Mercury bring people from Devloka, Pitriloka, Tiryagloka and Narakloka. respectively.

We have to judge first who is powerful among Sun and Moon is rashi chart. We have to choose the powerful one and see its position in Drekkana chart. The lord of that house signifies the key of previous birth.

In such a lord in D3 is Jupiter, it signifies that the person was in Devaloka before his birth on earth.

If such a lord is Moon or Venus then that person was in Pitriloka before his birth on earth.

If such a lord in D3 is Sun or Mars then that person was in Tiryaloka before his birth on earth.

If such a lord in D3 is Mercury or Saturn then that person was in Narakloka before his birth on earth.

To detect future birth take 8th lord and see the D3 chart where 8th lord occupies. The lord of the 3rd
house of 8th lord signifies future birth of native.

If such lord is exalted or in benefic position, then we come to this conclusion that person has enjoyed high status in that loka. If it is opposite then reversed result is indicated.

Now I am going to discuss on some case histories regarding this. I have collected these case histories from some books and internet. At the end of my article I will mention regarding this.

1. Shanti Devi and Ms Lugdi devi –

shantidevi Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

In Delhi, a little girl was born named Shanti. She was born on 11th december, 1926 at 13:48 pm. She gave an elaborate description about her past life. Common public were astonished having heard her statements. In her previous birth she was known as Ms Lugdi, died on 4th october 1925 during delivery of her third child. All of her statements were verified carefully by respected and educated persons including Mahatma Gandhi. Shanti Devi never married due to fear of pregnancy.

A) Chart of Lugdi Devi –

D.O.B- 18.01.1902, T.O.B- 10 AM, P.O.B- Mathura (U.P)

1 Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

She died in Moon dasha-Rahu antardasha.This is Lugdi Devi’s chart who died at the time of delivery. She was born as Shanti Devi in her future birth.

Now Let’s examine her chart. Her 5th lord as well as 8th lord is Mercury. We all know 5th lord is indicator of future birth. 5th house lord Mercury occupies in 12th house in Capricorn. Capricorn is Saturn’s house. Saturn here lagna lord also. 5th lord Mercury is occupied in 12th house which is friend’s house of Mercury.

It denotes that native’s future birth will be as human. As we know Manteshwara states in his book ‘Phaladeepika’ – that if 9th or 5th lord isin own house or in a friend’s house then previous and future birth forms as human being and in same country.

Here Lugdi’s 5th lord Mercuryis in 12th house that means Saturn’s house which isher lagnesh also. Saturn’s friend is Mercury. So Lugdi Devi’s future birth would be as human being in same country that is India. Lugdi Devi reincarnated as Shanti Devi in her future birth. Lugdi Devi’s 5th lord Mercury occupies in venus navamsha. Venus occupies in lagna, Venus indicates sacred river such as Ganga, Yamuna, Kaveri etc. Lugdi Devi born as Shanti Devi in her future birth in Delhi where sacred Yamuna river exists.

Now I am going to discuss on Shanti Devi’s birth chart who was Lugdi Devi in previous birth. Born in Rahu mahadasha and Mercury antardasha.

2 Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

Shanti Devi known as Lugdi Devi in her previous birth. Shanti Devi’s 9th lord is Mars, occupied in own house, aries. As per Manteshwara’s ‘Phaladeepika’- If 9th lord is in own house or in friend’s house, previous birth was as human being in same country. We know Lugdi Devi is born as Shanti Devi in Mathura. Mars is in Moon navamsa. Moon denotes sacred river such as Ganga, Yamuna etc. Mathura is near to sacred river Yamuna.

Notes: –

i) We observe that Lugdi’s ascendant was kumbha where Shanti Devi’s (incarnation of Lugdi Devi) ascendant is Meen, 2nd house of Kumbha. It means where Lugdi ended her life journey from there Shanti Devi started her journey again in a different physical body.

ii) Lugdi died in Moon dasha and Rahu antardasha. Shanti devi was born in Rahu mahadasha and Mercury antardasha.

2. Another case study of reincarnation is Rampratap Singh. Rampratap Singh was born in 10th january at 10:30 am in Delhi. He could remember his previous birth. According to him, he was born in same family where he is born in this birth. He died by an accident took place on 6th february 1983. In his previous birth he was born 30th december 1958 at 8:55 pm, Delhi. Now I am going to analyse his previous birth chart and his this existance birth chart.

Previous birth of Rampratap Singh

D.O.B- 30.12.1958, T.O.B- 08:55 PM, P.O.B- Delhi

3 Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

This is the birth chart of Rampratap Singh’s previous existence. Let us analyse this. 5th lord denotes future birth. Here 5th lord occupies in 10th house in Aries sign which is Mars own sign. According to Manteshwara, If 5th lord is in own house or in a friend’s house, future birth will be as human being in same country. In his next birth the native born in same country and same city.

Now we will discuss his present birth chart. In his previous birth he died on 6th february 1983. And the
native born as Rampratap Singh on -10th january 1984 at 10:30 am in Delhi.

4 Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

He was born in Saturn dasha aand mars antardasha.

His 9th lord Venus and 10th lord Mars interchanges house. So no malefic results will be occured. Venus is in star of Mercury. Mercury is friend of Saturn and Venus. So it indicates Rampratap Singh’s previous birth was as human being in a same country, same city. As his Lagna is in even sign and as his ascendant is in moon’s hora, Rampratap Singh is born in same family where he was born in his previous birth.

Case Study number- 3

Another rebirth case study I am going to mention here. The name of this person is Pooran Singh. He was born on 9th december 1968 at 4:10 am, Kapurthala.This person can remember his previous birth.

According to him he was born on 19th november 1929 at 6:26 pm at Moga and died on 19th may 1966 by an accident.

Pooran Singh’s previous birth chart-

5 Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

He died in 19th may 1966 in Saturn dasha and Mercury antardasha.

From 5th lord we judge future birth. 5th lord Mercury is in 6th house Libra which is Venus sign. Venus is lagnesh and 6th lord also. Mercury and Venus are mutual friends of each other. In famous astrological book ‘Phaladeepika’, Manteshwara states that if 5th lord is occupied in own house or friend house then native’s future birth will be as human being and he will born in same country and same region. Hence all the combinations are fulfilled. After death the native is born as Pooran Singh at Kapurthala. Kapurthala and Moga’s distance is not so far. Both places are under Punjab state. Now i am going to analyse his present birth chart.

Pooran Singh

D.O.B- 09.12.1968, T.O.B- 4:10 AM, P.O.B- Kapurthala

6 Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

Born in Saturn dasha and Mercury antardasha.From 9th house we denotes previous birth. 9th lord is Mercury occupies in 2nd house Scorpio with Sun and Mercury both are in Jyestha star which is Mercury Star. Mars is in Virgo which is Mercury’s house.So Mercury and Mars both interchanges each others house. Mercury’s signification is prime here. As a result we come to this conclusion that native was born in human being in his previous birth in same

Note:- In his previous birth he died in Saturn dasha and mercury antardasha. In his present birth he was born in same dasha and antardasha. Soul has just changed new mortal body. Soul’s evaluation is continuously going on.In his previous birth chart ascendant was Taurus that is Venus sign. In this present birth he is born under Libra ascendant which is Venus sign too.

In Shashta Kanda of Mahabharat, Lord Shiva explains to Goddess Parvati: –

“Tasmajjatismara loke jayante Badhshanyukta
Tesha Vivardhatam sangya swapanvat sa pranashyati
Parlokashya chesitatve moodhanam karanam tuidam “

It means when a person who dies suddenly somewhere and is born again suddenly, his old habits and samskaars may remain for some time. But as they grow up, their old memories disappear like dreams.In this way birth and death cycle is going on. It will never be ended until soul get salvation or moksha.

Thats why Adi Shankaracharya states-

“Punaropi Jananam Punaropi maranam, punoropi janani jathare shyanam
Tha samsare khalu dustare – kripayapare pahi murae.”

It means we take birth again and again and die again anad again, sleep again and again in the womb of
mother. The world is so difficult place to stay. Oh God! rescue me from all this anad give me salvation.

Sources : –

i) 765 notable horoscope by Raj Kumar,

ii) Yatharth Geeta by Swami Adgadanand,

iii) Discovering your past lives by Gloria Chadwick,

iv) Karma and rebirth in Hindu Astrology – K.N Rao,

v) Parlok and Punarjanm ank by Kalyan,

vi) Internet and Youtube.

These are the sources from where I have collected information’s to write this article.



Sumanta Ghosal

pin Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

Decoding Bhakti Yoga as per nadi astrology in Acharya Srila Prabhupada birth chart

2958435 orig Decoding Bhakti Yoga as per nadi astrology in Acharya Srila Prabhupada birth chart
       By H.Ramadas Rao
ॐ श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः
With the Blessings of my Kula Guru Acharya Madhva, my Kula Devatha, My Ishta Devatha and Nadi Guru Shri R.G.Rao,I am going to write about BHAKTI YOGA as per NADI ASTROLOGY principles. To explain this I have taken the chart of Shri Prabhupada.
What is Bhakti Yoga?
There is a small chapter stresses the super-excellence of the path of loving devotion over all other types of spiritual practices.  It begins with Arjun asking Shree Krishna whom He considers more perfect in Yog—those who are devoted to the personal form of God or those who worship the formless Brahman.  Shree Krishna responds by declaring that both paths lead to God-realization.  However, He regards the devotees of His personal form as the best yogis.  He explains that meditation on the impersonal unmanifest aspect of God is full of tribulations and is exceedingly difficult for embodied beings.  But devotees of the personal form, with their consciousness, merged in Him and all their actions dedicated to Him, are swiftly delivered from the cycle of life and death.  Shree Krishna thus asks Arjun to surrender his intellect to Him, and fix his mind in exclusive loving devotion on Him alone.
Below mentioned verse explained in chapter 12 clearly explains about it
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 12, Verse 3-4

maxresdefault 2 Decoding Bhakti Yoga as per nadi astrology in Acharya Srila Prabhupada birth chart

ये त्वक्षरमनिर्देश्यमव्यक्तं पर्युपासते |
सर्वत्रगमचिन्त्यञ्च कूटस्थमचलन्ध्रुवम् || 3||
सन्नियम्येन्द्रियग्रामं सर्वत्र समबुद्धय: |
ते प्राप्नुवन्ति मामेव सर्वभूतहिते रता: || 4||

ye tv akṣharam anirdeśhyam avyaktaṁ paryupāsate
sarvatra-gam achintyañcha kūṭa-stham achalandhruvam
sanniyamyendriya-grāmaṁ sarvatra sama-buddhayaḥ
te prāpnuvanti mām eva sarva-bhūta-hite ratāḥ


BG 12.3-4: But those who worship the formless aspect of the Absolute Truth—the imperishable, the indefinable, the unmanifest, the all-pervading, the unthinkable, the unchanging, the eternal, and the immoveable—by restraining their senses and being even-minded everywhere, such persons, engaged in the welfare of all beings, also attain Me.


Having said that worship of the personal form is the best, Shree Krishna clarifies that in no way does He reject the worship of the formless.  Those who devote themselves to the all-pervading, indefinable, unmanifest, inconceivable, immovable, eternal Brahman, also attain God.

Living beings are of an infinite variety of natures.  The Supreme Lord who has created this variety also possesses an infinite variety of aspects to His personality.  For the sake of our finite comprehension, we classify the infinite manifestations of God into categories.  Accordingly, Ved Vyas has classified God’s various manifestations into three types, Brahman, Paramātmā, andBhagavān, as mentioned in the commentary of the previous verse.  One may worship either of these categories, but one should never claim that one’s conception of God is the only correct one while those of the others are erroneous.

In verse 4.11, Shree Krishna had stated: “In whatever way people surrender unto Me, I reciprocate with them accordingly.  Everyone follows My path in all respects, O son of Pritha.”  Here, Shree Krishna confirms that the worshippers of the formless also reach Him.  Since their choice is to unite with the attributeless manifestation of the Supreme Absolute Truth, God meets them as the unmanifest, all-pervading Brahman.

Astrological Analysis 

Srila prabhupad Decoding Bhakti Yoga as per nadi astrology in Acharya Srila Prabhupada birth chart

Let me take the chart of Acharya Srila Prabhupada. He was born on September 1, 1896. In most of Nadi literature, time of birth ie., Lagna is not given. Importance is given to Jivakaraka Guru/Jupiter’s placement. There is no Dasa system, instead, we follow the progression of natal Guru/Jupiter every year to the next sign or Rashi. Here no lordships are not taken into consideration but only planetary Karakattwas are important. Planets which are in 2nd,12th,11th,5th,7th and 9th are most important. There are a lot of Karakattwas allotted to each planet. Anyhow for the reader’s information, the time of birth was 4 PM at Kolkata.
Bhakti yoga nadi astrology Srila Prabhupada Image Decoding Bhakti Yoga as per nadi astrology in Acharya Srila Prabhupada birth chart
Now in Acharya’s chart, Jivakaraka Guru was placed in Simha Rashi/Leo sign along with its Lord Surya/Sun and Ketu, the planet of renunciation/Tyagakaraka or Mokshakaraka. So this chart has Jeevatma Moksha Yoga ie., Jiva + Atma + Moksha Yoga a powerful Yoga which is in Simha Rashi which is Dharma Tattwa Rashi. Also please note that both Guru/Jupiter and Ketu are in the Nakshatra of Makha ruled by Kethu itself showing HE was born to renounce the world. Here Ketu will enter the next house of Karka Rashi which is the exaltation sign of Guru which is also a Moksha Tattwa Rashi indicating it was HIS last birth.2nd to these planets are Budha exalted  ( being born in Budha Hora )with Shukra ( Neecha Bhanga ). This clearly indicates he had Vak Siddhi Yoga.He became a big preacher and also a praiser of Lord Krishna. Now see this combination is in Karma Tattwa and in the same direction, we find exalted Chandra/Moon with Kuja/Mars. Please note that HE was born on Tuesday and the Janma Nakshatra was Mrigashira which was again ruled by Kuja/Mars. So Kuja is powerful in His chart.
Jivakaraka Guru is with Surya who is in his own house. Surya is the Karaka for father.So Acharya’s father was also a highly religious person along with His mother as Chandra, the Karaka for Mother is exalted who was a worshipper of Lord Krishna. Karma Karaka Shani is exalted in 3rd house from Jiva Karaka Guru + Surya + Ketu.12th from Shani is occupied by exalted Budha with Shukra. So His Karma is related to religious preaching, singing bhajans & spiritual activities related to Lord Krishna. Shani’s placement in Tula Rashi which is a Kaama Rashi but the planet is Karma Tattwa based, so Acharya’s main aim/desire in HIS life was Karma related to religious preaching, writings in praise of Lord Krishna. As Guru + Surya + Ketu are in Simha Rashi, HE was a Vedic scholar, also the planets 2nd to these planets ie., Budha + Shukra + Chandra + Kuja have given HIM what is called as
Bhakti Yoga.
Prabhupada discusses sense gratification morning walk Decoding Bhakti Yoga as per nadi astrology in Acharya Srila Prabhupada birth chart
Buddha in 2nd to Jiva Karaka Guru who is exalted in Kanya Rashi gave Him good education related to finance/economics etc. Also, Rahu who is in 7th to Guru indicates Foreign, so Acharya learnt the English language also and became proficient in that language.
Now 7th sign of Zodiac is Thula Rashi and is occupied by exalted Shani, so 7th house got afflicted. Also its lord Shukra/Venus is debilitated in Kanya/Virgo Rashi. So even though He is married, His married life was not smooth. Even though Shukra/Venus is debilitated, it gets Neechabhanga due to association with exalted Budha.
Jivakaraka Guru transits every Rashi for one year, so it completes 12 years when it comes to the previous house of Jivakaraka Guru/Jupiter in the chart. So when Jivakaraka Guru in his 2nd round when transiting over 9th from Shukra/Venus where Chandra and Kuja are there ie., during his 22nd year, HIS marriage took place.In Nadi literature, Surya has Karakattwa for father as well as for son also. This is mainly due to father is responsible for the issues in his family.So in Acharya’s chart, Surya is in his own place of Simha Rashi/Leo sign which is the most powerful sign along with Guru, so He had 2 male children. But now you see the longitude of Surya. He is in Simha 17 Degs.2’.He is moving to next sign within a few days where he meets Shukra/Venus. So even though He had 2 male children nobody helped Him and they were away from Him.
For renunciation, Ketu is the most important. Now see in 1922, the transits were Guru, Shani and Rahu were in Kanya and Ketu in Meena Rashi activating the natal Ketu which aspects Kataka Rashi through its previous house aspect. Shani, the Karma Karaka has decided what to do with this gentleman. He met with His spiritual Guru during this time. ( All the dates are between August and October as September 1, 1896, is His date of birth.)But He took spiritual initiation in 1933. Please check the transit of planets as on September 1, 1933.
For any spiritual initiation, Ketu’s transit is very important. Please see that during the 2nd round of Rahu-Ketu’s transit, Ketu was transiting over natal Jivakaraka Guru, Surya and especially Ketu. Karma Karaka Shani was retrograde and was in Makara Rashi. So he has to be considered from Dhanu also. Now see the planetary patterns are changed. It is like this: Shani ( R ) + Ketu acting on natal Jivakaraka Guru + Surya, the Atma Karaka and Natal Moksha Karaka Ketu. Even though He has not taken Sanyas, his spiritual activities have started from this period onwards.
Bhakti yoga Decoding Bhakti Yoga as per nadi astrology in Acharya Srila Prabhupada birth chart
So all the spiritual activities, lectures related to Lord Krishna, Bhagavatham etc.started from this period along with publications. But during 1959 ( between August and September ), He took complete Sanyas. See the planetary patterns. Transit Guru was in Vrischika Rashi, Shani ( R ) was in Dhanu and Ketu was in Meena Rashi. So these planetary positions made Him take complete Sanyas.
In 1965, September, when transit Guru was in Mithuna Rashi, Shani ( R ) was in Kumbha Rashi, Rahu was in Vrishbha Rashi and Ketu was in Vrischika Rashi ( But his progressed Guru/Jivakaraka Guru was in Vrishabha Rashi -70th year ), He travelled to the USA as per His Guru’s directives and in 1966, ISKCON – International Krishna Consciousness was started by Him.
On November 14, 1977, His Atma attained Moksha. On that day, Rahu-Kala/Mrityu was transiting over Kanya Rashi respecting its previous house where natal Guru, Surya and Ketu are there. Transit Ketu was in Meena Rashi aspecting its previous house of Kumbha Rashi which is in trine to Tula Rashi where Natal Shani is there. Thus there was the end of Karma and end of Jiva and Atma attained Moksha. Please go through His Punya chart below.
This is my 1st Nadi article written on this auspicious day of Shri Krishna Janmashtami and is completely dedicated to HIM. Without HIM,I am nothing in this Universe.
                                                                             OM TAT SAT
pin Decoding Bhakti Yoga as per nadi astrology in Acharya Srila Prabhupada birth chart

A Nadi Research to predict the year of BRAHMOPADESHAM (Upanayana), Guru Deeksha


A Nadi Research to predict the year of BRAHMOPADESHAM (Upanayana), Guru Deeksha


By Ramadas Rao


What is Brahmopadesham

Brahmopadesham A Nadi Research to predict the year of BRAHMOPADESHAM (Upanayana), Guru Deeksha

Upanayana, also called “sacred thread ceremony”, is commonly known for being a Hindu Sanskar, rite-of-passage ritual, where the concept of Brahman is introduced to a young boy. The youngster is taught during the ceremony the secret of life through Brahmopadesam (revealing the nature of Brahman, the Ultimate Reality) also called the Gayatri manthra.

The hallmark of having gone through the Upanayana ceremony is the wearing of the Yajñopavita (Sacred Thread) on the body. Yajñopavita has three threads (actually only one thread, folded three times and tied together) each consisting of three strands.

These threads represent:-

  • Goddess Gayatri (Goddess of mind)
  • Goddess Saraswati (Goddess of word)
  • Goddess Savitri (Goddess of deed)

Upanayana makes the person receiving it a Dwija, a twice-born! The initiation is done by the Upadesam of the Gayathri manthra. The manthra is a universal prayer that can be used by men of all climes and creeds, for, it calls upon the Glorious Power that pervades the Sun and the three words to arouse, awaken and strengthen the Intelligence, so that it may lead to intense Sadhana and Sadhana may lead to success.

The main ceremonies during the Brahmopadesham are

  1. Nandhi Ceremony: It is performed generally just 10 days before the Upanayana to obtain the blessings of the family ancestors. Nandi in Sanskrit means the beginning, so with Nandi begins the actual rituals for the functions.
  2. Uthakashanth: Uthakashanthi is conducted for the purification of the mind and body and the protection of the child. All names of the deities are chanted in the form of mantras and invoked in water and then poured over the child
  3. Aajyabhaagaantha homam: It is a prayer to the God of Fire, Agni for the child’s long life, intellect, courage etc.
  4. Yagnopaveethadhaaranam: This is the core of the Brahmopadesham. The boy is anointed with the sacred thread. The thread has three strands symbolising the Goddesses Gayathri, Saraswathi and Savithri, combined with a knot symbolising God Brahma.
  5. Kumaarabhojanam: The boy’s mother feeds him before Brahmacharya with five different sweets made by her.
  6. Brahmopadesham: The Gayathri mantra is chanted in the boy’s ear by his father, his first Guru.
  7. Soorya Dharshan: The boy to be taken outside and shown the soorya, the sun god. This assumption here is that he will be protected by the sun god. The palms are clasped in such a way that it makes a peep hole to the sun god.
  8. Biksha-Charanam: The Brahmachari, who is now ready to recite the scriptures, and begins to do so, is offered food and shelter by the mother, householders and other ladies.

Bhrigu and Nandi Nadi leaves are thousand, thousands of years old and we know that our complete past, present and future are written there and with the help of right-hand thumb impression only predictions were made and even now in Kumbhakonam the Nadi readers are doing this as their career. But using traditional or Jaimini methods, it is difficult to predict some important matters like the exact happening of our Shodasha Karmas especially Brahmopadesham, Marriage , childbirth etc.

But Shri R.G.Rao has gone very deep into such palm leaves, discussed with many ancient Nadi Astrologers and decoded the methods of prediction using Nadi leaves.As I am an ardent student of Shri R.G.Rao, from last many years,I was doing some researches on Nadi Astrology and suddenly by the Blessings of our Nadi Guru,my lineage Guru ( Kashyapa Maharshi ),Acharya Shri Madhva,my Kula Devatha and Ishta Devata,I have found the method to predict when Brahmopadesham will take place.I was trying to find out from Vimshottari Dasa and Antar Dasas,Jaimini Rashi Dasa and Antar Dasas was trying to find out when such event will take place.Now by the Blessings of my Gurus and Devatas,I am going to delineate this secret Nadi method.

While making Nadi predictions, as per my studies,the planets’ Karakattwas will be taken and the corresponding events will be checked from transits of low moving planets Shani,Guru,Rahu/Ketu.After the male child’s birth,within 1st round of transit of Guru from natal Guru,the event will take place.1st round means after birth,from natal Guru,till the native reaches 12 years is called Guru’s 1st round.As per shodasha Karma rules, Brahmopadesham should be conducted within 11 years of birth of the male native.

As we know Ketu is the planet of spirituality and Vedic knowledge also.In the natal chart,Guru,the Jeeva Karaka is the native.Ketu is also the Karaka of Sacred Holy Thread ( Yajnopaveet ).So Ketu’s transit over natal Guru will make the native to take Brahmopadesham.Note natal Guru’s longitude and transit Ketu’s longitude.Ketu’s longitude must be within 3-5 Degs.of natal Guru’s longitude.

2nd rule is transit Guru must be in 10th house from native’s natal Guru.The reason is that here transit Guru works like result giver ( Phala Karaka )and 10th house is Karma Sthana.So from native’s Guru’s 10th house must be occupied by transit Guru.

Example chart 1A :


This male native was born on 14/10/1979 and natal Guru is at Simha Rashi 9 Degrees 15 Minutes and the native’s Brahmopadesham was conducted on 24/2/1989 at 9-50 AM.At that time transit Ketu in Transit chart 1B was in Simha Rashi 11 Degs.13’ and transit Guru was in Vrishabha Rashi which is 10th from native’s natal Guru.


Chart1a A Nadi Research to predict the year of BRAHMOPADESHAM (Upanayana), Guru Deeksha


Chart 1b A Nadi Research to predict the year of BRAHMOPADESHAM (Upanayana), Guru Deeksha

If we look into Vimshottari Dasa,it was Budha-Shukra-Guru running.Budha is 5th and 8th house lord placed in 9th house with Shukra who is 4th and 9th house Lord.Guru is the Lord of 2nd and 11th house placed in 7th with Rahu and Shani.By this we can not make out anything clear about the native’s Brahmopadesham.Only Budha,the lord of 5th and 8th house placed in 9th house with 9th house lord Shukra tells us that there will be some auspicious event.But Nadi Astrology tells us what will be that event and when it will take correctly.

Example Chart 2A :


Chart2a A Nadi Research to predict the year of BRAHMOPADESHAM (Upanayana), Guru Deeksha


chart2b A Nadi Research to predict the year of BRAHMOPADESHAM (Upanayana), Guru Deeksha

This male native was born on 22/10/2009 and the natal Guru was in Makara Rashi at 23Degs.19’ and is with Rahu.The native’s Brahmopadesham was conducted on 4/4/2018 at 10 : 58 AM.At that time transit Ketu in chart 2B was at Makara 17 Degs.51’.Here the difference in longitude was 5 Degs.28’ only and transit Guru was in Tula Rashi which is 10th from native’s natal Guru thus satisfying the 2nd rule also.

In this chart also,if we consider Vimshottari Dasa, it was Ketu-Chandra-Guru.Ketu is in 6th house with Kuja and Guru is in 12th house with Rahu.Here we can not even guess that the Brahmopadesham will take place at the date mentioned above.But Nadi Astrology helped us to predict the exact date of Brahmopadesham.

ना अहं कर्ता सर्वस्य हरि कर्ता


pin A Nadi Research to predict the year of BRAHMOPADESHAM (Upanayana), Guru Deeksha

Interview with Prashant Trivedi on Essence of vedic life ( वैदिक विज्ञान और जीवन)

Coverofyoutubevideo final Interview with Prashant Trivedi on Essence of vedic life ( वैदिक विज्ञान और जीवन)


Understanding Vedic Science and Life with Prashant Trivedi

Today we are going to meet one of Legendary Vedic Scholar and author who has done remarkable Research work on Many of ancient Subjects, He has mastered the micros of vedic life style and his life mission is to spread the words of vedic seers to masses.He has written many of beautiful books on vedic astrology and other divine Subjects.

He is none another Prashant Trivedi. Prashant Trivedi has been known as a master of Vedic and esoteric knowledge and has authored one of Maganum opus on Nakashtra “The 27 Celestial Portals” & “The Rahu & Ketu Experience,” He is leading very simple life and deeply connected with the nature for understanding the essence of Panch tattvas. he is practising Vedic life and spreading the words to mass too.

I  loved learning more from Prashant regarding and his Books and Nakashtra book is still one of my best book.

You can reach to Prashanta Trivedi at #Prashant

Website :


Here is the video link for Same :


pin Interview with Prashant Trivedi on Essence of vedic life ( वैदिक विज्ञान और जीवन)

How to worship Goddess Laxmi in Deepawali 2018

Diwali How to worship Goddess Laxmi in Deepawali 2018


Compiled, Arranged and Written by
Rakesh Jamwal and Rahul Hr

The word Diwali has originated from Deepavali, and root name is taken from the Deepawali word whereas deep means (lamp) + avali means (row), putting Lamps in a row or in a sequence. Deepavali is thus a row of lamps. During Diwali, lamps are lit everywhere where darkness is there.

HistoryWhen Lord Ram returned to Ayodhya after completing fourteen years in exile, His subjects celebrated by lighting lamps. Since then, the festival of Diwali has been celebrated.

The spiritual meaning of Diwali‘By killing the demon Narkasur, Shrikrushna freed people from an attitude of indulgence in worldly pleasures, jealousy, unrighteousness and negative attitudes and made them happy by giving thoughts of God (or Divine thoughts), which is what Diwali is about. We have been celebrating Diwali year after year merely as a custom. Today the festival has lost its true meaning. If after comprehending this hidden meaning our knowledge is kindled, then the ignorance in the form of darkness will reduce. Also, the domination by people with demoniacal tendencies of enjoying worldly pleasures and indulging in unrighteous attitudes, over the righteous, will reduce.Why we Celebrate Lakshmi in Deepawali

Goddess Lakshmi is the Hindu Goddess of wealth. She is worshipped by all households devotes and is associated with the festival of Deepawali when people offer special prayers to her to invite her into their homes. Lakshmi Puja is performed for prosperity, material abundance, and spiritual prosperity. She is worshipped to remove troubles that prevent us from starting a spiritual path or business.

Lakshmi Pujan (Sanskrit: लक्ष्मी पूजा), celebrated on Amavasya (new moon day) of  the Krishna Paksha (Dark fortnight) in the Vikram Samvat, month of Ashwin, on the third day of Tihar and is considered as the main festive day of Deepawali.

The most auspicious time for the puja is decided when “Amavasya tithi” prevails during “Pradosh Kaal” or the evening time. On this day, the sun enters its second course and passes the constellation Libra, which is represented by the balance or scale. Hence, the sign of Libra is believed to suggest the balancing and closing of account books.

This Year Deepawali Muhurata : 2018 Diwali Puja Muhurat :
How to worship Goddess Laxmi in Deepawali 2018

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Delhi – 17:57 to 19:53


Noida – 17:57 to 19:52


Pune – 18:27 to 20:27


Jaipur – 18:06 to 20:02


Chennai – 18:10 to 20:07
Mumbai – 18:31 to 20:31
Kolkata – 17:23 to 19:21
Gurgaon – 17:58 to 19:54
Hyderabad – 18:11 to 20:11
Bengaluru – 18:21 to 20:17
Ahmedabad – 18:25 to 20:23
Chandigarh – 17:55 to 19:50



Pradosh Kaal Muhurat


Lakshmi Puja Muhurta = 17:57 to 19:53
Duration = 1 Hour 55 Mins
Pradosh Kaal = 17:27 to 20:06
Vrishabha Kaal = 17:57 to 19:53
Amavasya Tithi Begins = 22:27 on 6/Nov/2018
Amavasya Tithi Ends = 21:31 on 7/Nov/2018

Mahanishita Kaal Muhurat


Lakshmi Puja Muhurta = None
Duration = 0 Hours 0 Mins
Mahanishita Kaal = 23:38 to 24:31+
Simha Kaal = 24:28+ to 26:45+
Amavasya Tithi Begins = 22:27 on 6/Nov/2018
Amavasya Tithi Ends = 21:31 on 7/Nov/2018

Choghadiya Puja Muhurat


Auspicious Choghadiya Muhurat for Diwali Lakshmi Puja
Morning Muhurta (Labh, Amrit) = 06:41 – 09:23
Morning Muhurta (Shubh) = 10:44 – 12:05
Afternoon Muhurta (Char, Labh) = 14:46 – 17:28
Evening Muhurta (Shubh, Amrit, Char) = 19:07 – 21:31

Lakshmi Puja Muhurat

According to the On Diwali, Lakshmi Puja should be done during Pradosh Kaal which starts after sunset and approximately lasts for 2 hours and 24 minutes. Some sources propose Mahanishita Kaal also to perform Lakshmi Puja. Mahanishita Kaal is best suited for Tantrik community and practising Pandits who know the best about Lakshmi Puja during this special time. For common people, one should do Pooja in Pradosh Kaal Muhurat.

According to many legends, Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and Lord Vishnu’s wife, visits her devotees in the Deepawali night and bestows blessings upon each of them and it is believed that Mata Laxmi roams around on the earth on Diwali night during Vrishbha and Simha Lagna.
Step 1: Precheck for Deepawali Pooja
cats 309 How to worship Goddess Laxmi in Deepawali 2018
To welcome the Goddess, devotees must follow below-mentioned pre-requests before going to Perform Deepawali Pooja : 
1) Perform Cleanliness in every corner of the home: Devotees must maintain cleanliness in the Deepawali. 

2) Maintain Peace and harmony: Maa Lakshmi likes peace and harmony, So try to prevent disputes between family members. Make a loving and peaceful environment at home.

3) Give Respect to every woman at your home: Never show disrespect towards your wife and Mother, she is Grih Lakshmiji (Lakshmi of Home). If she would be happy, Dhan Lakshmiji (Goddess of Money) will be happy.
4) Wake up early in Deepwali: Get up early in the morning.

5) Offer Bhog to your Temple Ishta Dev/ Devi: Take food only after bathing and worshipping in the morning. Offer food to agni dev or keep bhog for God.
6) Respect your elders: Give respect to your elder, your parents and have faith in God.

7) Perform Family Prayer: Perform morning and evening prayer or aarti with your family every day, even in Deepawali day too. This makes Goddess Lakshmi always happy.

It is believed that goddess Lakshmi likes cleanliness and visit the cleanest house first. Hence, the worshipping is done with offerings of haldi (turmeric) and sindoor(vermilion) on this day. Usually, Lakshmi Puja consists of a combined puja of five deities:
1. Ganesha is worshipped at the beginning of every auspicious act as Vighneshvara.
2. Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped in her three forms; Mahalakshmi the goddess of wealth and money, Mahasaraswati the goddess of books and learning, and Mahakali.
3. Later, Lord Kubera, the treasurer of the gods is also worshipped during Deepawali.


Step -2 How to Perform Lakshmi Pooja on Diwali
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1) Purify your house in the morning. Clean your every corner of the house properly. Sprinkle Gangajal or water from Ganga river to purify the surrounding in the morning.

2) Set up the platform in your pooja room in a choke Made of mango trees. Spread the red cloth on a wooden choke and keep a handful of grains centre.3) Place the kalash in the middle. Fill it with 75% of water and put one supari, one marigold flower, a coin and some rice grains. Put 5 mango leaves in the kalash and arrange them in a circular design on the neck of the kalash.

4) Place Goddess Lakshmi. Keep a small Puja thali on the kalash and make a small flat mountain of rice grains. Draw a lotus with haldi over it and place the idol or Goddess Lakshmi in the center. Place some coins in front of it.

5) Place Lord Ganesha’s idol. Lord Ganesha is given first importance in every puja. Therefore, on the right side (South-West direction) of the kalash, place the idol of Ganesha. Apply a tilak of haldi and kumkum. Put some rice grains on the idol. Light a Diya with Ganapati Puja Oil and White Madar Wick to get the blessings of Lord Ganesha

6) Place wealth related items near the Pooja place of Mata Laxmi. Now place some books or anything related to your business or wealth besides the arrangement.

7) Light diyas all around your House. Place and Light a panch mukhi diya (oil lamp with 5 wicks) with Lakshmi Puja Oil along with Lakshmi Grace Wick and place it in a thali along with some haldi, kumkum and rice grains. (sandalwood paste, saffron paste, abeer and gulal are optional)
Step – 3: Beginning of the Deepawali Pooja in Pradosh Kaal: Rituals or Procedures to be Followed
How to worship Goddess Laxmi in Deepawali 2018



The individual performing the worship should apply Kumkum on his forehead.

1) Purifying your Self via following Mantras:
Performming Aachman, Nyasa, Pranayam, Sankalp, Ghanta Naad.
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Achaman (Sipping water from the cupped palm thrice while uttering the three Names of Shrivishnu and releasing the water into the plate from the palm while uttering the fourth Name.)

PurificationMantras1 How to worship Goddess Laxmi in Deepawali 2018

While uttering the three Names, drink the water from the right hand which is taken by the spoon with the left hand.

श्री केशवाय नमः । श्री नारायणाय नमः । श्री माधवाय नमः ।



 ‘Shri Keshvaya Namaha |’, ‘Shri Narayanaya Namaha |’, ‘Shri ‘Madhavaya Namaha
|’‘श्री गोविन्दाय नमः ।’

Then say ‘Shri Govinday namaha |’ and release the water from the hand into the plate.

Thereafter, utter the names given ahead –

श्री विष्णवे नमः । श्री मधुसूदनाय नमः । श्री त्रिविक्रमाय नमः । श्री वामनाय नमः । श्री श्रीधराय नमः । श्री हृषीकेशाय नमः । श्री पद्मनाभाय नमः । श्री दामोदराय नमः । श्री संकर्षणाय नमः । श्री वासुदेवाय नमः । श्री प्रद्युम्नाय नमः । श्री अनिरुद्धाय नमः । श्री पुरुषोत्तमाय नमः । श्री अधोक्षजाय नमः । श्री नारसिंहाय नमः । श्री अच्युताय नमः । श्री जनार्दनाय नमः । श्री उपेन्द्राय नमः । श्री हरये नमः । श्री श्रीकृष्णाय नमः ।

Shri Vishnave Namaha |, Shri Madhusudanay Namaha |, Shri Trivikramay Namaha |. Shri Vamanay Namaha |, Shri Shridharay Namaha |, Shri Rushikeshay Namaha |, Shri Padmanabhay Namaha |, Shri Damodaray Namaha |, Shri Sankarshnay Namaha |, Shri Vasudevay Namaha |, Shri Pradyumnay Namaha |, Shri Aniruddhay Namaha |, Shri Purshottamay Namaha |, Shri Adhokshajay Namaha |, Shri Narsihimay Namaha |, Shri Achutay Namaha |, Shri Janardhanay Namaha |, Shri Upendray Namaha |, Shri Haraye Namaha |, Shri Krishnay Namaha |
Achman may be done the same way again. This has to be done twice before and after the ritualistic worship.
श्रीमन्महागणाधिपतये नमः । इष्टदेवताभ्यो नमः । कुलदेवताभ्यो नमः । ग्रामदेवताभ्यो नमः । स्थानदेवताभ्यो नमः । वास्तुदेवताभ्यो नमः । आदित्यादिनवग्रहदेवताभ्यो नमः । सर्वेभ्यो देवेभ्यो नमः । सर्वेभ्यो ब्राह्मणेभ्यो नमो नमः । अविघ्नमस्तु ।

Shri Manmahaganadhipataye Namaha |, Ishtadevatabhyo Namaha |, Kuldevatabhyo Namaha |,Gramdevatabhyo Namaha |, Sthan devatabhyo Namaha |, Vastudevatabhyo Namaha |, Adityadinavagrahadevatabhyo Namaha |, Sarvabhyo Devebhyo Namaha | Sarvebhyo Brahmanebhyo namo Namaha |, Avighnamastu |

How to worship Goddess Laxmi in Deepawali 2018
Saying of the Desh-Kala (country and the time)

The worshipper should apply some water to both the eyes and say the Deshkal as given ahead.

श्रीमद्भगवतो महापुरुषस्य विष्णोराज्ञया प्रवर्तमानस्य अद्य ब्रह्मणो द्वितीये परार्धे विष्णुपदे श्रीश्‍वेत-वाराहकल्पे वैवस्वत मन्वंतरे अष्टाविंशतितमे युगे युगचतुष्के कलियुगे कलि प्रथम चरणे जंबुद्वीपे भरतवर्षे भरतखंडे दक्षिणापथे रामक्षेत्रे बौद्धावतारे दंडकारण्ये देशे गोदावर्याः दक्षिणतीरे शालिवाहन शके अस्मिन्वर्तमाने व्यावहारिके विलम्बी नाम संवत्सरे, दक्षिणायने, शरदऋतौ, आश्विनमासे, कृष्णपक्षे, अमावास्यायांतिथौ, सौम्य वासरे, स्वाती (सायं ७:३० नंतर विशाखा) दिवस नक्षत्रे, सौभाग्य योगे, नागव करणे, तुला स्थिते वर्तमाने श्रीचंद्रे, तुला स्थिते वर्तमाने श्रीसूर्ये, वृश्‍चिक स्थिते वर्तमाने श्रीदेवगुरौ, धनु स्थिते वर्तमाने श्रीशनैश्‍चरौ, शेषेषु सर्वग्रहेषु यथायथं राशिस्थानानि स्थितेषु, एवंग्र्रहगुणविशेषेणाविशिष्टायां शुभपुण्यतिथौ.

(On the auspicious tithi of Amavasya (Note ) in the month of Ashwin in Sharad season in Dakshinayan in the year called Hemalambi in the present Shalivahan era in the country called Aryavarta (Note 1) (In the Ramkshetra in Bouddha Incarnation on the southern bank of River Godavari in Dandakaranya country in Bharat continent of Bharatvarsha in Jambudweep) in the first phase of Kaliyug of the four yugas from the twenty-eithth yuga in the Vaivaswat Manwantar in Shrishwet-Varaha Kalpa in Vishnupada of Brahmadeva’s second Parardha which is inspired by the Supreme God Bhagawan Shrivishnu)

Note 1 – Here Deshkal is in reference to the whole of Bharat and so it is mentioned as ‘Aryavartdesh’ In this manner, the name of the country is to be mentioned and the deshkal be mentioned accordingly


Those who find the above Deshkal difficult can say the Shlok given ahead and say they make a Sankalpa :

तिथिर्विष्णुस्तथा वारं नक्षत्रं विष्णुरेव च । योगश्च करणं चैव सर्वं विष्णुमयं जगत् ।।
Sankalp2 How to worship Goddess Laxmi in Deepawali 2018
Take some Akshata (Unbroken rice grains) in your right hand and make the resolve.


मम आत्मनः परमेश्वर-आज्ञारूप-सकलशास्त्र-श्रुतिस्मृतिपुराणोक्त-फलप्राप्तिद्वारा श्रीपरमेश्वरप्रीत्यर्थं श्रीमहालक्ष्मीप्रीतिद्वारा अलक्ष्मीपरिहारपूर्वकं विपुलश्रीप्राप्ति-सन्मंगल-महैश्वर्य-कुलाभ्युदय-सुखसमृद्ध्यादि-कल्पोक्त-फलसिद्ध्यर्थं लक्ष्मीपूजनं कुबेरपूजनं च करिष्ये । तत्रादौ निर्विघ्नतासिद्ध्यर्थं महागणपतिपूजनं करिष्ये । शरीरशुद्ध्यर्थं विष्णुस्मरणं करिष्ये । कलशशंखघंटादीपपूजनं करिष्ये ।
I am performing this ritualistic worship of Lakshmi and Deity Kuber for various benefits like the removal of my/our poverty and acquisition of more wealth, auspicious opulence, the growth of dynasty, pleasure and prosperity by the love of Shri Mahalakshmi.
Nyasa of Goddess Laxmi
AngyaNyasa How to worship Goddess Laxmi in Deepawali 2018
Ganapathi Pooja
How to worship Goddess Laxmi in Deepawali 2018

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GaneshaPooja1 How to worship Goddess Laxmi in Deepawali 2018
GaneshaPooja2 How to worship Goddess Laxmi in Deepawali 2018
Ritualistic worship of Shri Ganapati

Take some rice grains in a plate or a wooden board. Keep betel leaf and coconut on it. The tuft of the coconut must face the worshipper. Keep the stem of the leaf towards the Deity and the other end towards the worshipper. Say the mantra given ahead and perform worship.

वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय कोटिसूर्यसमप्रभ । निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा ।।

Meaning: Oh Ganesh, you are the one with the curved trunk, huge body, a Deity who has the light equal to that of crores of suns, help me do all my jobs always without any obstacles.

ऋद्धिबुद्धिशक्तिसहितमहागणपतये नमो नमः ।

Meaning: With Rrdhi, intellect and Shakti I pay obeisance to Mahaganapati.

महागणपतिं साङ्गं सपरिवारं सायुधं सशक्तिकम् आवाहयामि ।

Meaning: I invoke Mahaganapati to come with all His family members and with His weapons and powers.

महागणपतये नमः । ध्यायामि ।
(I meditate on Mahaganapati.)
महागणपतये नमः । आवाहयामि ।
(Pay obeisance to Mahaganapati and invoke Him.)
(Offer some Akshata.)
महागणपतयेनमः । आसनार्थे अक्षतान् समर्पयामि ।
(I pay obeisance to Mahaganapati and offer Akshata to the seat.)
(Offer Akshata.)
महागणपतये नमः । चन्दनं समर्पयामि ।
(I pay obeisance to Mahaganapti and offer sandalwood paste.) (Apply sandalwood paste to the coconut.)
ऋद्धिसिद्धिभ्यां नमः । हरिद्राकुङ्कुमं समर्पयामि ।
(I pay obeisance to Ridhi Sidhi and offer turmeric powder and vermilion)
(Offer turmeric powder and vermilion)
महागणपतये नमः । पूजार्थे कालोद्भवपुष्पाणि समर्पयामि ।
(I pay obeisance to Mahaganapati and offer fresh flowers for the worship.)
(Offer the flowers.)
महागणपतये नमः । दूर्वाङ्कुरान् समर्पयामि ।
(I pay obeisance to Mahaganapati and offer durva [A fragrant grass]).
(Offer durva.)
महागणपतये नमः । धूपम् समर्पयामि ।
(I pay obeisance to Mahaganapati and offer frankincense.)
(Move the incense stick in circular manner.)
महागणपतये नमः । दीपं समर्पयामि ।
(I pay obeisance to Mahaganapati and offer offer a lamp.)
(Move the lamp in a circular manner.)
महागणपतये नमः । नैवेद्यार्थे पुरतस्थापित-मधुरनैवेद्यं निवेदयामि ।
(I pay obeisance to Mahaganapati and offer sweet Prasad [Holy sacrament]) .
(Hold durvas in the right hand or a flower with water on it, sprinkle it on the Prasad, close both the eyes with the left hand and recite the mantra given ahead.)
प्राणाय नमः ।
(I offer this for the pran.)
अपानाय नमः ।
(I offer this for the apan.)
व्यानाय नमः ।
(I offer this for the vyana.)
उदानाय नमः ।
(I offer this for the udan.)
समानाय नमः ।
(I offer this for the samana.)
ब्रह्मणे नमः ।
(I offer this for Brahma.)
(The flower of the durva may be offered to the coconut.)
Note: We can also say swaha instead of Namaha.


महागणपतये नमः । नैवेद्यं समर्पयामि ।
(I pay obeisance to Mahaganapati and offer this Prasad.)
मध्ये पानीयं समर्पयामि ।
(I offer water for drinking purpose intermittently.)
उत्तरापोशनं समर्पयामि ।
(I offer this water to sip before and after the meals.)
हस्तप्रक्षालनं समर्पयामि ।
(I offer this water to wash hands.)
मुखप्रक्षालनं समर्पयामि ।
(I offer this water to rinse the mouth.)
करोद्वर्तनार्थे चन्दनं समर्पयामि ।
(I offer the sandal for applying to the hand.)
मुखवासार्थे पूगीफलताम्बूलं समर्पयामि ।
(I offer the betel leaf and nut as mouth freshners.)
दक्षिणां समर्पयामि ।
(I offer the monetary gift.)
(Say ‘samarpayami, and release the water in the plate through the palm )
अचिन्त्याव्यक्तरूपाय निर्गुणाय गुणात्मने ।
समस्तजगदाधारमूर्तये ब्रह्मणे नमः ।।
(I pay obeisance to Brahma, who is unthinkable, formless, nirgun, in the form of a soul who is a support to the whole world.)
कार्यं मे सिद्धिमायातु प्रसन्ने त्वयि धातरि ।
विघ्नानि नाशमायान्तु सर्वाणि गणनायक ।।
(O Ganapati! When you are present and pleased, let the work that I undertake be completed and if any obstacles arise, let them be destroyed.)
अनया पूजया सकलविघ्नेश्वरविघ्नहर्तामहागणपतिः प्रीयताम् ।
(With this Puja, let all the obstacles be destroyed and let Mahaganapati be pleased.)
(Take some water on the right hand palm and release it in the plate.)
Kalash Pooja :
How to worship Goddess Laxmi in Deepawali 2018
KalashPooja How to worship Goddess Laxmi in Deepawali 2018
Worship of Kalash (Pot)
कलशदेवताभ्यो नमः सर्वोपचारार्थे गंधाक्षतपुष्पं समर्पयामि ।
(Offer sandalwood paste, Akshata and flower together in the Kalash.)
Worship of the bell
घंटायै नमः सर्वोपचारार्थे गंधाक्षतपुष्पं समर्पयामि ।
(Offer sandalwood paste, Akshata and a flower to the bell.)
Worship of the lamp
दीपदेवताभ्यो नमः सर्वोपचारार्थे गंधाक्षतपुष्पं समर्पयामि ।
(Offer sandalwood paste, Akshata and a flower to the lamp.)
Before Dhayana or Avahana of Laxmi
अपवित्रः पवित्रो वा सर्वावस्थाङ्गतोऽपि वा । यः स्मरेत्पुण्डरीकाक्षं स बाह्याभ्यन्तरः शुचिः ।।
Meaning : (Whether the gross body is clean or not, whatever be the state, the man who remembers Kamalnayan (Shrivishnu) is clean inside–out.)
With this mantra, dip the Tulsi [Basil] leaf in water and sprinkle water on the instrument rquired for worship and on self.

Meditate on Shi Lakshmi (Dhaynam )
ध्यायामि तां महालक्ष्मीं कर्पूरक्षोदपाण्डुराम् । शुभ्रवस्त्रपरीधानां मुक्ताभरणभूषिताम् ।।
पङ्कजासनसंस्थानां स्मेराननसरोरुहाम् । शारदेन्दुकलाकान्तिं स्निग्धनेत्रां चतुर्भुजाम् ।।
पद्मयुग्माभयवरव्यग्रचारुकराम्बुजाम् । अभितो गजयुग्मेन सिच्यमानां कराम्बुना ।

Meaning : I meditate and see the form of Shri Mahalakshmi, who is wearing a saree which is white like the powdered camphor, with ornaments, standing on a lotus, with a smile on her face, with a beautiful face like the full moon, with beautiful eyes and four hands. Two hands are holding the lotus and the other two hands in a posture of blessing. Two elephants with their trunks are showering water from all sides.
Note :

1.Reciting the mantras with proper pronunciation is not always possible. So we are giving a simple worship which is with the chant and mantra. The worshipper should note that the actual mantra is not given but the meaning is given. This will make the worship with bhav as the individual will understand the meaning.2. While saying ’Avahyami’ ( ‘आवाहयामि’) and ‘Samarpayami’ (‘समर्पयामि’), the worshipper should have the bhav of offering with devotion.

( Invocation or Avahana of Laxmi )
Heavenly Goddess Laxmi Ji Wall Clock How to worship Goddess Laxmi in Deepawali 2018
महालक्ष्मि समागच्छ पद्मनाभपदादिह ।
पूजामिमां गृहाण त्वं त्वदर्थं देवि संभृताम् ।।

(O Mahalakshmi ! Come here from the lotus feet of Shrivishnu and accept my worship.)Take Akshata in the right hand.

(Every time when Akshata are offered, do it by bringing the middle finger, ring finger and the thumb together.)

श्री लक्ष्मीकुबेराभ्यां नमः । आवाहयामि ।।
(Fold hands.)


The seat


श्री लक्ष्मीकुबेराभ्यां नमः आसनार्थे अक्षतान् समर्पयामि ।।


(Offer Akshata at the feet of Shri Lakshmikuber.)
(O Lakshmi ! You live in the Lotus. Come in this Lotus to bless me.)

(If there is a photograph, sprinkle water with a flower or a tulsi (basal ) leaf. If it is an idol or a statue keep it in front of you in the plate and do the following ritual. )
The feet

श्री लक्ष्मीकुबेराभ्यां नमः । पाद्यं समर्पयामि ।।

(Release some water with the right hand by a ladle on the feet of Shri Lakshmi.)

(I am using the water from the Holy Ganga which is full of various mantras for washing the feet as this will remove the fatigue of the journey.)

Offering water
श्री लक्ष्मीकुबेराभ्यां नमः । अर्घ्यं समर्पयामि ।।

(Take water in the ladle and hold it in the left hand. Put Akshata, sandalwood paste and a flower in it.Then with the right hand offer it at the feet of Shri Lakshmi.)

Meaning :
O Mahalakshmi ! Your grace is on the devotee; so accept this water which destroys the sin and creates merits.



श्री लक्ष्मीकुबेराभ्यां नमः । आचमनीयं समर्पयामि ।।

(Release some water with the right hand by a ladle at the feet of Shri Lakshmi.)

Meaning : O Jagdambike ! Drink this pure and cool water, which is mixed with camphor and aloe for the Achaman.

The bath


श्री लक्ष्मीकुबेराभ्यां नमः । स्नानं समर्पयामि ।।

(Release some water with the right hand by a ladle at the feet of Shri Lakshmi.)

Meaning : O Mahalakshmi ! Accept this water mixed with camphor and aloe, which is brought from the Holy river, for the bath.)



(A mixture of milk, curd, honey, sugar and pure ghee)

श्री लक्ष्मीकुबेराभ्यां नमः । पंचामृतस्नानं समर्पयामि। तदन्ते शुद्धोदकस्नानं समर्पयामि ।।

(Milk, curds, ghee, honey and sugar is mixed and offered at the Holy feet of the Deity. This is followed by pouring a ladle of pure water.)

Meaning :
O Shri Mahalakshmi, accept the Panchamrut made from milk, curds, ghee, honey and sugar for the bath.

Bath with sandalwood paste


श्री लक्ष्मीकुबेराभ्यां नमः । गंधोदकस्नानं समर्पयामि ।।

(Take a ladle full of water and add sandalwood paste to it and offer it at the Holy feet of the Devi.)

Meaning : Accept this scented water with sandalwood paste, camphor, and cardamom for bath.



(Do Abhishek [Consecration with water] as per the authority given by Shrisukt/ Puranokta or Devisukta.)

Thereafter the idol or the photo should be washed, wiped and put in the original place. The worship as given ahead shuld be performed.)


Vastra (Clothes)


श्री लक्ष्मीकुबेराभ्यां नमः । वस्त्रोपवस्त्रार्थे कार्पासनिर्मिते वस्त्रे समर्पयामि ।।

(Offer clothes and upvastra to the Devi.)

Meaning : O Devi, wear this fibre which is weaved artistically for you to look good.



श्री लक्ष्म्यै नमः । कंचुकीवस्त्रं समर्पयामि ।।

(Offer a sari and a blouse piece as per availability.)

Meaning : O wife of Shrivishnu ! I offer you this blouse that is decorated with pearls which are nice and precious.


Sandalwood paste


श्री लक्ष्मीकुबेराभ्यां नमः । विलेपनार्थे चंदनं समर्पयामि ।।
(Apply sandalwood paste.)

Meaning : Accept this sandalwood which was formed on the Malay Mountain and protected by many snakes. It is cool and aromatic.


Turmeric powder-Kumkum


श्री लक्ष्मीकुबेराभ्यां नमः । हरिद्रां कुंकुमं समर्पयामि ।।


(Offer Turmeric powder-Kumkum.)

(O Ishwari, I offer these substances of a married woman such as the tatank, turmeric powder-Kumkum, Anjan. Sindhur and Alita. Accept them.)




श्री लक्ष्मीकुबेराभ्यां नमः । अंलकारार्थे नानाभरणभूषणानि समर्पयामि ।।


( As per the availability, offer the ornaments)
Meaning : O Devi, wear the ornaments, bangles with precious stones, arm band, waist band, earrings, anklets and the crown etc.


श्री लक्ष्मीकुबेराभ्यां नमः । पूजार्थे ऋतुकालोद्भवपुष्पाणि तुलसीपत्राणि दुर्वांकुरांश्च समर्पयामि ।।
(Offer flowers, tulsi, Bel, durva as per the availability.)


Meaning : O Lakshmi ! Accept the bouquet of flowers which is brought from the garden filled with the black bees which were overwhelmed with happiness due to the fragrance of flowers.





लक्ष्मीकुबेराभ्यां नमः । धूपं समर्पयामि ।।

(Offer incense stick by moving it in circular manner.)

Meaning : O Goddess ! Accept the frankincense which is created from the fluid of many plants and the fragrance of which gives happiness to gods, demons and men.
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श्री लक्ष्मीकुबेराभ्यां नमः । दीपं समर्पयामि ।।


(Move the lamp in a circular manner.)

Meaning: I
have offer this lamp to you with devotion. This lamp gives radiance to the sun, the full moon and fire.

Place a Lamp on Dhanya ( RIce), Put Ghee or Gingelly oil and lit a Lamp in 5 Directions shown in the photo
(Hold the tulsi / Bel leaf / durva in the right hand and release water on it. Sprinkle the watter on the Naivedya (Food offered to a Deity). Keep holding the basil leaf, close the eyes with the left hand and offer Naivedya to the Deity reciting the mantra given ahead.) (Offer Naivedya of milk with clove, cardamom and sugar in it and a ladoo [sweet dish]).

श्री लक्ष्मीकुबेराभ्यां नमः । नैवेद्यार्थे एला-लवंग-शर्करादि-मिश्रगोक्षीरलड्डुकादि-नैवेद्यं निवेदयामि ।।

(Offer the tulsi leaf which is in the hand at the Holy feet of the Devi. Then take water in hand and release it in the plate after reciting the mantra given ahead.)

श्री लक्ष्मीकुबेराभ्यां नमः । नैवेद्यं समर्पयामि ।।
मध्ये पानीयं समर्पयामि । उत्तरापोशनं समर्पयामि ।
हस्तप्रक्षालनं समर्पयामि । मुखप्रक्षालनं समर्पयामि ।
करोद्वर्तनार्थे चंदनं समर्पयामि ।।


(Offer sandalwood paste and a flower to the Devi.)

Meaning: Accept the grains which are the support of the Heaven, Hell and the earth and the Naivedya of sixteen shapes prepared from them.


Fruits or Naivaidya 


श्री लक्ष्मीकुबेराभ्यां नमः । मुखवासार्थे पूगीफलतांबूलं समर्पयामि ।।

(Take water from the ladle and release it on the betel leaf and betel nut.)

Meaning: O Devi ! I offer this fruit so that in every birth I get good fruit. As in all the three regions, the fruit gives good results. Let my wishes be fulfilled by offering this fruit.
Betel leaf

Meaning : O Devi ! I offer the betel leaf which originated in the hell but has many qualities. .Accept the leaf offered by me.

श्री लक्ष्मीकुबेराभ्यां नमः । महानीरांजनदीपं समर्पयामि ।।


(Sing the arati and burn the camphor.)

Meaning : The radiance of the moon, the sun, the earth, the lightning and the fire is yours (Many such radiances are offered to you.)

कर्पूरगौरं करुणावतारं संसारसारं भुजगेन्द्रहारम् ।
सदा वसन्तं हृदयारविन्दे भवं भवानीसहितं नमामि ।।

Meaning : I pay obeisance to Shankara who is with Parvati, who is white as camphor, who is compassionate, who is master of the three regions, who has a serpent as his necklace and who always resides in my heart.


Paying obeisance


श्री लक्ष्मीकुबेराभ्यां नमः । नमस्कारान् समर्पयामि ।।


(Pay obeisance to the Devi.)

Meaning : O Devi ! We all humbly pay obeisance to you. You have the power of Deities like Indra, you are the energy of Mahadev, Mahavishnu and Brahmadev. You are auspicious and bestow happines on all.




श्री लक्ष्मीकुबेराभ्यां नमः । प्रदक्षिणान् समर्पयामि ।।


(Take three circumambulations around self.)

Meaning : Every step during the circumambulation will destroy whatever sins I may have committed in this life or the past lives. You are my saviour. There is no one to protect me except you.O Jagadambe ! Protect me with compassion.




श्री लक्ष्मीकुबेराभ्यां नमः । मंत्रपुष्पांजलिं समर्पयामि ।।


(Offer sandalwood paste, flowes and akshata at the feet of Devi with both hands and say ‘Samarpayami’.)

Meaning : O Lakshmi, wife of Vishnu ! I offer these flowers. You help me to benefit from this ritualistic worship.




या देवी सर्वभूतेषु लक्ष्मीरूपेण संस्थिता । नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम: ।।


(Pray to the Devi and Kuber with folded hands.)

Meaning : O Devi ! I pay obeisance to you. You are dear to Shrivishnu. Grace us with your blessings. With this puja let me progress as we progress by surrendering to You. I pay obeisance three times to Lakshmi who resides in all beings in the form of radiance. I pay obeisance to Kuber who is the master of wealth. With your grace let me prosper in wealth and food.

अनेन कृतपूजनेन श्री लक्ष्मीकुबेरौ प्रीयेताम् ।

(Recite the above mantra, take akshata in hand, pour water over it and release it in the plate. Do achaman two times.)

Worshipping Ashta Laxmi Mata
ashta lakshmi sri chakra poster tmsp0220 large original imaegqanjrcubepn How to worship Goddess Laxmi in Deepawali 2018
How to worship Goddess Laxmi in Deepawali 2018
Note : Devotees Can Recite Shiri Sukatam or Laxmi Shasranama or Parayana of Lakshminarayana Hrudaya during this Deepawali Pooja if it is not possible one can Recite Lakshmi Ashthothara at the end of all Pooja.
Source and Reference :


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Deepawali- Awaken Your Ram Within

ramayana 7591 Deepawali- Awaken Your Ram Within
||Om Sri Guru CharanKamalebheyo Namah||
I bow down at the lotus feet of my master
Pranam to all the sincere seekers of truth,

Grateful for your wholehearted interest in the deeper aspects of spirituality and happy that the sharings are bringing awareness among the right set of people. As you must have gone through my last V-log on “Lakshmi- The Celestial Goddess” and if you have not then do read it before you read this one as both are linked in some way.Here is the link for the last V-log:

Today’s V-log is about bringing awareness about the festival of Deepawali. So, now as you know about Lakshmi, which has no relation with money but with one’s evolution on the life journey, now we need to understand who is “Ram”, “राम”. Is it the same राम or it means something else? Is it that whole Bharat is celebrating the coming back of Lord Ram to Ayodhya after fourteen years of exile? Let’s decode this today along with few more facts.
heart on fire 1080P wallpaper Deepawali- Awaken Your Ram Within
First of all, what does the word “राम” means; “र” represents the creative energy and light, “T” represents more/abundance of that energy and giving it a pathway, “म” signifies the waking state. So, this gives us a clear meaning of “राम”, which conveys the creative energy of light which is abundant and gives pathway to reach the waking state. One thing that we must realize now is that the pure & deep ancient knowledge is lost because of which we are merely surviving on the information which is passed from one generation to another. So is the case of our festivals and rituals. Living in a pure & spiritually rich country like Bharat, we can easily access to that wisdom, just if we connect to our roots and do not follow anything blindly.
Same way, Deepawali signifies the moment when the light is powerful and it removes all darkness from within. It reflects the beginning of the days of light as Deepawali is celebrated on the dark night of Amavasya which denotes, even if there is darkness all around but still you can enlighten amidst the darkness by lightning. Burn the soft cotton wick “chitta” by pouring the oil of “samkalpa shakti” in the earthen pot like “body” and let Thy Name by the flame to illumin you from within. “Ram” inside you has to be brought back home from the exile and it must shine within. Wake up to all what is causing darkness inside and let your light shine amidst all darkness as the Amavasya night.
How long will you continue to celebrate the festival of Deepawali without the return of your Ram home? How long will you continue to clean your cemented houses and let your house body be in utter dirt and darkness created by anger, hatred, sorrow, lust and grief? Will just burning lamps on your walls bring light inside? Think on these lines!!
The same life begins as the next day comes. Same routine, same life, same people, same emotions, same everything which shows that there is still darkness and you continue to live in the middle of Amavasya. Moon might shine on the sky but you there is yet no light in your conscious. Another Deepawali, an opportunity came and went but house remained unclean, the life remained in darkness and no change. Do you think sages were not wise enough to decide and fix festivals for us? Every festival is kept with great significance but the whole essence is lost and the surfaced rituals are left which lead you nowhere.
How can you celebrate Deepawali?
– Free yourself from all the dark emotions which kill your vigour and pull you down.
– Promise yourself that you will bring your Ram back home inside with your strong will power and practice.
– Forgive people whom you could not because forgiving them is not good for them but it will only set you free.
– Bow to nature and Lord Almighty to shed light into your life through knowledge.
– Keep your body in good health by feeding good food (ahaar) in all respects, be it natural food, knowledge or truthful company.
– Spread your sweet words to one and all. Make it a permanent thing that you will gift your words to people.
– Take it as a new birth like a new moon shines the very next day to Deepawali.
Remember, until your energy does not rise above the basic functionality of life, until the first lotus at the Muladhar does not flower, till then Lakshmi can not reside.

One more hint: Govardhan (Go means senses, Vardhan means to be enhanced) Puja is performed after Deepawali, which signify that awaken your Ram (light) on Deepawali and then your senses will function in an enhanced manner, which reflects the abilities like clairvoyance & clairaudience. But, this depends upon the shining of inner light, your Ram.I hope this will help you look at Deepawali in an absolute way and it shall be prosperous for you.

Happy & Prosperous Deepawali,

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Hanuman- The Pranic Human Force

Hanuman- The Pranic Human Force
||Om SriGuru Charan Kamalebheyo Naman||
I bow at the lotus feet of my Master SriGuru Mahavatar Babaji,
Since in the modernized Bharat, we have lost all our ancient knowledge and we do not know what we do not understand today, why are we doing any recitation of any text or what does that text mean in its absolute terms. Such one text is “Hanuman Chalisa”; which many and many had been doing it over & over but yet do not realize the true meaning of it.
Here, in the V-log, I am just explaining few facts about Hanuman and the Chalisa. Let’s firstly look into the word- Hanumat (हनुमत) with the phonetics in devnagri script- “ह”,”न”,”म”,”त”.
“ह” represents the “fire”, which is the seed syllable for Sun,
“न” denotes to “by” (द्वारा),
“म” represents the ” waking state” (जागृत अवस्था), (as mentioned in Manudkya Upanishad about M-kaara)
“त” denotes to “to” (से),
So, Hanumat means the “fiery energy by which one can reach to the waking state”.
shri panchmukhi hanuman t3 Hanuman- The Pranic Human Force
“Chalisa” conveys “the discipline that the seeker has to follow for 40 days to reach onto that state.” Now, in the text “Hanuman Chalisa” itself there are numerous hints which speak about this principle of energy and the discipline.
Hanuman represent to the fiery prana energy inside each one of you which is super powerful (महावीर), glorified (बिक्रम), strongly weaponed body (बजरंगी- वज्र- अंगी), which removes the ignorance (कुमती निवार) and it companions with the intelligent (सुमती के संगी). It’s glory is represented as golden halo (कंचन वरन) and beautifully clothed (विराज सुबेसा). Bhakta Tulasidas has coded it so beautifully & intelligently that readers will continue reading it with it’s literal meanings whereas it completely allegorically.
Hanuman Chalisa also laid down to the discipline for the seekers and practitioners, as it mentions:
और देवता चित्त न धरई, हनुमत से हि सर्व सुख करई
do not let any other deity to reside in your conscious,
Hanumat alone shall bestow all prosperities. 
It refers that only the prana should be practised and nothing else is required. And, that requires the basic discipline in life to be put in place. First work upon the body, then breath and then the sadhna of the prana. Then, there is one more similarity that the word Hanuman relate to Human too, which signify the powers and qualities of an evolved being which we here are mentioning as “Hanuman- The Pranic Human Force.”
Hope this helps you develop an absolute vision to understand the text.

Vishal sood
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