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october Lunar Eclipse
8th october 

Lunar Eclipse
8th october 

Lunar Eclipse
8th october 

Lunar Eclipse


october Lunar Eclipse


october Lunar Eclipse


october Lunar Eclipse


october Lunar Eclipse

Astronomical Patterns Made on 8th October 2014- The Rare Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse

Sky-watchers across much of the world will have the chance to see the moon glowing with an eerie red pallor during a pre-Halloween total lunar eclipse next week.

The “blood moon” total lunar eclipse will rise during the full moon of Oct. 8 just before sunrise in North America, but red might not be the only color people see during the total eclipse. Weather permitting, it’s possible that some sharp-eyed observers might be able to see some blue in the moon’s glow. The event will be the second of four consecutive total lunar eclipses in 2014 and 2015, according to NASA officials.

On the East Coast of the United States, Eclipse totality starts at 6:25 a.m. EDT (1025 GMT), but stargazers on the West Coast of the United States will have an even better chance of seeing the rusty glow of the moon during totality. The eclipse will occur between 3:25 a.m. PDT and 4:24 a.m. PDT Wednesday. Observers in Australia and countries along the Pacific Ocean will also have the chance to see the eclipse.

The years of 2014 and 2015 bring with them an interesting and uncommon occurrence called the “Blood Moon Tetrads.” This title reflects the fact that there will be four “blood moons” during these two years, an astronomical phenomenon involving the eclipse of a full moon. These total lunar eclipses will occur on April 15th and October 8th of 2014, and April 4th and September 28th of 2015. Because of atmospheric conditions during these total eclipses, the lunar surface will appear “blood red” from our perspective. Fortunately for Americans, all four of these blood or red moons will be visible from the United States.

The Blood Moon Tetrads have occurred a number of times in the last several centuries, with an attendant mythology developing around them, including and especially among Christians during the past nearly 2,000 years.

The 4 Blood Moon Eclipses and Beginning & Indications of Transformation and Destructive era for world

Astrology of Nature & world (Vedic Samhita)

Introduction on Series of Eclipses after October 2014

World will face new era of transformation after two times major eclipses happen within a Month in October 2014 and March- April 2015, Preceding with the Transit of Saturn on Scorpio (Watery Sign of Transformation and new beginning after destruction).

October 8th will brings a Lunar eclipse to North America.

On October 19th, Comet Siding Spring (C/2013 A1) will fly within 81,000 miles of the Mars.

proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F4.bp.blogspot.com%2F niOEr1032MY%2FVDVprcKSonI%2FAAAAAAAAAI4%2FXbqZzc0 qsc%2Fs1600%2Flunar eclipse 111127b 02

Image Courtesy www.Space.com , 8th October 2014 Lunar Eclipse

On October 23rd, a partial solar eclipse graces Canada most of the US and Mexico.

In Month of Feb-March 2015, Uranus will be closer to Venus and Mars.

20th of March 2015, A Total solar Eclipse Will Over shadow whole world

proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F4.bp.blogspot.com%2F gvAvHBoFubY%2FVDVpwBSWKXI%2FAAAAAAAAAJs%2FJbjRbt rbHg%2Fs1600%2Fpartila solar eclipse october 23

On 4th April 2015, Blood Lunar Eclipse will happen & fills whole world into Reddish appearance.First one Event will be total Lunar eclipse or you can say a complete Blood ( appearance wise) Moon Eclipse which will happen on 8th of October 2014 in Pisces Sign, affecting both Pisces and Virgo ruling sign countries and people being in mutual aspect on both signs by Sun and Moon.Sun will be under close influence by Rahu and Venus on each other nakashtras.During this eclipse Moon will be under Close Influence by Ketu (South Node) in Revti Nakashtra.

proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F2.bp.blogspot.com%2F fbfm6wsSaBc%2FVDVpwwnoyDI%2FAAAAAAAAAJ8%2FUVN4br9g 2I%2Fs1600%2Fpath720

Pic Courtesy: Timedata & Nasa, 8th October 2015 Lunar Eclipse 
proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F4.bp.blogspot.com%2F djTK9bYd3Bg%2FVDVpugNB3kI%2FAAAAAAAAAJM%2FSt eWRJzhto%2Fs1600%2Flunar eclipse tetrad 140408b 02

Pic Courtesy : Space.com, Complete Knowledge on Lunar Eclpise for 2014-2015
8th October Lunar Eclipse 

8th October 2014, Lunar eclipse fall in USA 8th house( House of Destruction), Israel 7th house ( House of Opponents) from Lagna (Leo Lagna – USA, Virgo – Israel ) and in 10th house from its Sign (Gemini) and 23rd October 2014 Partial Solar eclipse fall in USA (3rd/4th – House of Actions) house, 20th March 2015 Total Solar Eclipse will again fall in USA (8th house – House of destruction and transformation ) with Mars, Ketu and Uranus & 4th April 2015 Lunar Eclipse will fall in USA (2nd/8th) house axis ( Again Wealth & Destruction houses) , Israel (1st-7th Axis) and India (5th-11th Axis – Loyal followings and tie-ups ) as chosen from Western time zone.

In India Political Chart, 8th October Lunar eclipse fall in India 11th-5th house Axis, in Geographical Chart (Capricorn – Where Capricorn is ruling most of the north Indian sign and Cancer is for Southern-western India) as per Varahmihira it was in (3rd-9th house Axis – Neighbors, Religion and Law). Dr B.V Raman favoring for Virgo should be Ruling sign for India as Near to Kanya-kumari, The Southernmost States of India- The Sign of Virgo.

In India Lunar Eclipse happened on 8th of October was partially seen over in North of India and effects was Major- Heavy Windstorm seen on 8th in North of India for continues 3-4 days.

proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F1.bp.blogspot.com%2F zsuvzUyeDMM%2FVDVpsOdLOII%2FAAAAAAAAAI0%2FQj3g2uQWVfo%2Fs1600%2Flunar eclipse 8 oct 2014 map

Pic Courtesy: Timedata & Nasa, October 8th , 2014 Lunar Eclipse 

Lunar Eclipse which was happened on 8th of October Mainly triggered the Pacific Ocean, Yellow Sea, China, Japan, Indian Ocean Mumbai , Kerala, Andhra-Pardesh, Srilanka, Australia, Indonesia and Will be Much seen in North America (those areas where we can expect cases on cyclones, earthquakes & tsunamis).

After 8th of October, New Moon Day can see Some activities in Coastal areas i.e like increase in Earthquakes .

Preceding with Solar eclipse which was happened on USA 4th house, Transit of Saturn was also happened on US 4th house during the month of November 2014.

If we look at deeply in US Chart 4th, 8th and 12th house usually triggered the Malefic Energy which results serious decisions took place in US after October 2014.

” Usually two eclipse within 15 days or 1 Month time period indicate a sign of war like situation, sudden natural calamities or might be disastrous situations , Major Political Assassinations, Major political crises or some sort terrorist activities (as we have seen in Mahabharta ) “

Beside War we may face sudden rise of Earthquakes shocks, tsunamis, & cyclones in most of the tropical & coastal regions in most part of the world including US, North America, Canada, China, Japan & in Coastal regions of India, which are very close to Coastal areas , near Indian Ocean ,Yellow Sea and Pacific Ocean.

Astronomically, Solar eclipses happen at the New Moon, and lunar eclipses on a Full Moon.

New and Full Moon phases are always intense, and when they correspond with eclipses, that impact get magnified within next 15 days. A conjunction of the Sun and Moon (when they’re together in the same degree of the same sign) creates a New Moon, which kicks off a new lunar cycle and the phase of strong gravitational force around earth areas.

proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F3.bp.blogspot.com%2F NgPB628FqRA%2FVDVpoQQpOhI%2FAAAAAAAAAIQ%2Fg w83JMFwhs%2Fs1600%2FSE2014Oct23P

This can initiates a new theme, and often a new start in our life. An opposition of the Sun and Moon (in the same degree but on opposite sides of the zodiac) creates a Full Moon.

Full Moons are the fullest of the cycle, especially in terms of how emotional you feel about situations and circumstances that are triggers in your life. Eclipse cycles can spark change in our life, which can cause stress and tension. The changes may be profound or hardly noticeable, depending on what affect the eclipse has on our personal and solar chart.

The light of the luminaries, which is a term astrologers use to relate to the Sun and Moon, can be the trigger to interrupted old patterns as new information is divulged.

October month’s lunar eclipse was on the eighth of USA, when the Aries Moon opposes the Sun in Libra.The solar eclipse was on the 23rd, on the New Moon in Scorpio/Libra, when the Sun and Moon are both at the first degree of that sign. October’s eclipses have a common theme concerned with relationship.

The Full Moon lunar eclipse, with the Sun in Libra, the sign of partnership, opposite the Moon in self-assertive Aries, issues of personal freedom are front and center as Uranus, planet of revolution and individuality, tightly joins the Aries Moon.

The Scorpio New Moon and solar Eclipse on the 23rd was conjugated with Venus, goddess of relationships, and as Scorpio rules deep, soul level intimacy, relationships were very much highlighted and supports greater honesty in all relationships.

The central role of Venus in the message of this solar eclipse indicates that profound opening on a heart level is possible now, with significant personal growth the result.

Lunar eclipse was Seen Clearly on below mentioned Continents and Regions :

proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F3.bp.blogspot.com%2F JK1MAqqgH14%2FVDVpmdluesI%2FAAAAAAAAAHs%2FgBu0aGmwvvA%2Fs1600%2F2014 oct 8 lunar eclipse diagram top

Pic Courtesy: Nasa 

proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F3.bp.blogspot.com%2F K gI4 mwYu0%2FVDVpqjCKTlI%2FAAAAAAAAAIo%2FnqfmO1MXR5c%2Fs1600%2Feclipse visibility map october

Pic Courtesy: Nasa 
proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F1.bp.blogspot.com%2F V54CMqK 4lk%2FVDVpuhSWJII%2FAAAAAAAAAJE%2Fb8Lhm4k 9Fw%2Fs1600%2Fmoon total lunar eclipse times

Pic Courtesy: Nasa 

proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F4.bp.blogspot.com%2F na2Y4LlPQEM%2FVDVpyRCDzRI%2FAAAAAAAAAKQ%2FS ry3LHxS4%2Fs1600%2Ftotal eclipse chart
Pic Courtesy: Nasa 

proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F1.bp.blogspot.com%2F h1rMMG7DENs%2FVDVpyt u5yI%2FAAAAAAAAAKE%2FrvX ke gGz0%2Fs1600%2Ftotal lunar eclipse oct 8 2014

Pic Courtesy: Nasa

Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.

San Francisco, California, U.S.A.

Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.

Tokyo, Japan

Guatemala, Guatemala

Beijing, Beijing Municipality, China

Hanoi, Vietnam

Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

Havana, Cuba

Mexico City, Federal District, Mexico

Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Washington DC, District of Columbia, U.S.A.

Manila, Philippines

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

New York, New York, U.S.A.

Jakarta, Jakarta Special Capital Region, Indonesia

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F3.bp.blogspot.com%2F Mc1VKeGwpCs%2FVDVpuj8xB7I%2FAAAAAAAAAJU%2FqKgRWsEPefY%2Fs1600%2Foct 8 2014 lunar eclipse animation still

Continents which saw some parts of the lunar eclipse of 8th of october 2014 are :

East in EuropeMuch of AsiaAustraliaMuch of North AmericaMuch of South AmericaPacificAtlanticIndian OceanArcticAntarcticaPartial lunar eclipse will be visible in:São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilSantiago, ChileCaracas, VenezuelaHamilton, BermudaDhaka, BangladeshKolkata, West Bengal, IndiaNew Delhi, Delhi, India

Skywatchers across much of the world had the chance to see the moon glowing with an red pallor during a pre-Halloween total lunar eclipse.

The “blood moon” total lunar eclipse happened during the full moon of Oct. 8 just before sunrise in North America, but red might not be the only color people saw during the total eclipse. Weather permitting, it’s possible that some sharp-eyed observers might be able to saw some blue in the moon’s glow. The event was the second of four consecutive total lunar eclipses in 2014 and 2015, according to NASA officials.

On the East Coast of the United States, Eclipse totality starts at 6:25 a.m. EDT (1025 GMT), but stargazers on the West Coast of the United States will have an even better chance of seeing the rusty glow of the moon during totality. The eclipse occured between 3:25 a.m. PDT and 4:24 a.m. PDT Wednesday. Observers in Australia and countries along the Pacific Ocean will also had the chance to see the eclipse.

Mystery of the Tetrads of Blood Lunar 

The years of 2014 and 2015 bring with them an interesting and uncommon occurrence called the “Blood Moon Tetrads.” This title reflects the fact that there will be four “blood moons” during these two years, an astronomical phenomenon involving the eclipse of a full moon. These total lunar eclipses will occur on April 15th and October 8th of 2014, and April 4th and September 28th of 2015. Because of atmospheric conditions during these total eclipses, the lunar surface will appear “blood red” from our perspective. Fortunately for Americans, all four of these blood or red moons will be visible from the United States.

The Blood Moon Tet-rads have occurred a number of times in the last several centuries, with an attendant mythology developing around them, including and especially among Christians during the past nearly 2,000 years.

proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F3.bp.blogspot.com%2F Mshyt4hEn5w%2FVDVp5x jFQI%2FAAAAAAAAAKs%2F5FQBuUP9KWw%2Fs1600%2Fhqdefault

After 8th October total lunar cycle there was a partial solar eclipse followed on Oct. 23, as the moon’s shadow darkens much of Earth’s surface. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the this event also favored sky-watchers in western North American; observers in Vancouver, for example, saw 66 percent of the sun’s disc obscured by the moon, according to NASA eclipse expert Fred Espenak.

proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F1.bp.blogspot.com%2F X293 0mjUak%2FVDVpmDq7jZI%2FAAAAAAAAAHo%2FpNhhUhwem0I%2Fs1600%2F2014 10 23

Sun, thereby totally or partly obscured the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth. A partial solar eclipse occurred in the polar regions of the Earth when the center of the Moon’s shadow misses the Earth.


The center of the Moon’s shadow misses the earth, passed above the north pole, but a partial eclipse was visible at sunrise in far eastern Russia, and before sunset across most of North America.

proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F2.bp.blogspot.com%2F H9DT1u ca7c%2FVDVvfZNwspI%2FAAAAAAAAALA%2Fc9 d3I7Eu0o%2Fs1600%2Fpath720%252B(1)

The Oct. 23 solar eclipse begans at 3:37 p.m. EDT (1937 GMT) and ended at 7:51 p.m. (2351 GMT), Espenak wrote on NASA’s 2014 eclipse page. The eclipse peaks at 5:44 p.m. EDT in Canada’s Nunavut Territory, where sky watchers saw more than 80 percent of the solar disk blocked.

WARNING: Never look directly at the sun during an eclipse with a telescope, binoculars or your naked eye; severe eye damage can result. Astronomers use special filters to observe the sun.

Partial Solar Eclipse majorly effected Most part of the USA, North America , Canada, mostly US Neighboring States.

The Moon information shown here applied to Washington, District of Columbia, United States on Thursday, October 23, 2014. (Local time America/New York)

Moonrise to moonset : 11h15mMoonrise : 07:03Moonset : 18:18Distance to the center of the Sun : 148,825,814 kmDistance to the center of Earth : 395,585 kmMoon ilumination (at midnight) : 0.6%Lunar phase : waningCurrent zodiac sign: the Moon Libra/ New Moon on Scorpio

Continents saw at least a partial eclipse:

East in AsiaMuch of North AmericaPacificAtlanticPartial eclipse visible in:Anchorage, Alaska, U.S.A.Fairbanks, Alaska, U.S.A.Inuvik, Northwest Territories, CanadaSachs Harbour, Northwest Territories, CanadaWhitehorse, Yukon Territory, CanadaKugluktuk, Nunavut Territory, CanadaCambridge Bay, Nunavut Territory, CanadaRae-Edzo, Northwest Territories, CanadaYellowknife, Northwest Territories, CanadaTaloyoak, Nunavut Territory, CanadaVancouver, British Columbia, CanadaBaker Lake, Nunavut Territory, CanadaSeattle, Washington, U.S.A.Rankin Inlet, Nunavut Territory, CanadaEdmonton, Alberta, CanadaArviat, Nunavut Territory, CanadaCalgary, Alberta, CanadaWinnipeg, Manitoba, CanadaMinneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A.Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.

Super-moon Total Solar eclipse of equinox sun on March 20, 2015

proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F1.bp.blogspot.com%2F iK U2GfU yI%2FVQv8aWUdHyI%2FAAAAAAAAAiQ%2FIkp75IDepnA%2Fs1600%2F10599390 10204122774618583 7002894951487915038 n

On March 20 2015 – same date as the 2015 March equinox – the moon turns new only 14 hours after reaching lunar perigee – moon’s closest point to Earth in its orbit. Thus this moon is a super-moon – at the new phase – not visible in our sky, but having a larger-than-average effect on Earth’s oceans. Plus this new super-moon swings right in front of the equinox sun on March 20, so that the moon’s shadow falls on parts of Earth.

It’s a Total Solar Eclipse in the Faroe Islands and Svalbard (Norway), and a Partial Solar Eclipse in Europe, northern and eastern Asia and northern and western Africa. The eclipse starts at 07:41 UTC and ends at 11:50 UTC

1508551 10204122796459129 7897258418746550763 n

On the worldwide map above that the path of totality (in red) passes mainly over the frigid waters of North Atlantic Ocean. In other words, only those along that path – at high northern latitudes, near Greenland and Iceland – will see the total eclipse. The path of totality starts at sunrise to the south of Greenland, circles to the east of Greenland and Iceland at midday, and ends to the north of Greenland at sunset. The best spots to watch this total solar eclipse from land are the Faroe Islands and the Svalbard archipelago, which reside right on the semi-circle path of totality. Eclipse times for total eclipse below.

A much larger swath of the world gets to see varying degrees of a partial solar eclipse (Greenland, Iceland, Europe, northern Africa, the Middle East and northwestern Asia).
Where to see the eclipse

Europe, North/East Asia, North/West Africa, West in North America, Atlantic, Arctic.

11062941 10204122764138321 6833118068398104480 n

4 April 2015 — Total Lunar Eclipse

Earth at total eclipse april 4 2015

This total lunar eclipse will occur on April 4, 2015. Most of North America, South America, Asia and parts of Australia will be able to see the eclipse.

The eastern coast of the United States will be treated to an early morning eclipse, while locations in South Asia will experience the eclipse in the evening.

The eclipse will last for 3 hours and 29 mins from beginning to end. The Moon will be totally eclipsed (totality) for about 5 minutes.

eclipse lunar 4 4 2015 Larry shadowandsubstance

The total eclipse of the full moon on April 4, 2015 will last less than five minutes, making it the shortest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century. The total lunar eclipse will be visible from western North America, eastern Asia, the Pacific, Australia and New Zealand.

At North American time zones, that means the greatest eclipse happens before sunrise on April 4 – the morning of April 4, not the evening. From the world’s Eastern Hemisphere – eastern Asia, Indonesia, New Zealand and Australia – the greatest eclipse takes place after sunset April 4.

With Thanks and Regards

Rocky Jamwal

Sources, References & web Links :

All actual Events Data, Images & information Belongs to www.Space.Com , timeanddate.com, earthsky.org & Nasa.gov & Various Internet resources.
Time Tested Techniques of Mundane Astrology : K.N Rao
Brihat Samhita – Varahmihira
Surya Siddhanta
Planetary Influence on Human Affairs – Dr. B.V Raman
Predicting Weather and Earthquakes -. Dr .B.V Raman


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