Exploring Astro-meteorological Analysis of Nautapa and Extreme heatwave patterns in India and the world for the monsoon condition of 2024

Nautapa year 2024 heatwaves vedicsiddhanta Exploring Astro-meteorological Analysis of Nautapa and Extreme heatwave patterns in India and the world for the monsoon condition of 2024


What is Nautapa ?

Nautapa in mundane astrology , is a traditional nine-day period of extreme heat in India, occurs during the pre-monsoon season and significantly impacts agriculture, water resources, and public health. This blog post delves into the meteorological factors behind Nautapa, historical data, and the influence of global warming on its intensity. Learn about predictions for Nautapa 2024 and discover strategies to mitigate its adverse effects on communities and the environment.

Introduction to Nautapa

This ancient Indian meteorological term, which is derived from the Sanskrit words ‘nau’ meaning nine and ‘tapa’ meaning heat, refers to a period of nine days during which the temperature is extremely high. The occurrence of this phenomena, which is firmly established in India’s cultural and agricultural fabric, typically takes place in the latter half of May or the beginning of June. The Nautapa is a key landmark on the agricultural calendar, signalling the imminent approach of the monsoon season. Nautapa is more than just a meteorological occurrence; it is also a significant marker.

These nine days see temperatures climb to their highest point of the year, which is typically reached over these nine days. Because it has an impact on both natural processes and human activity, this time period is noteworthy from a historical perspective. The farmers, in particular, keep a careful eye on Nautapa because they believe it will have an effect on the quality of the monsoon rains that are on the way. It is believed that the severe heat creates conditions that are favourable for the formation of monsoon winds, which are crucial for the existence of the country’s agricultural sector.

The cultural significance of Nautapa is represented by a number of different local traditions and folklore. There are a variety of activities and rituals that are carried out in various regions of India with the purpose of appeasing the deities and seeking relief from the heat. In addition, the cyclical nature of weather patterns, which is firmly embedded in the ancient knowledge systems that have been passed down from generation to generation, serves as a reminder during this time period.

As a consequence of this, the ground is able to take in and hold onto more heat, which is a contributing factor to the rising temperatures. The interaction between these high-pressure systems, dry air conditions, and the sun’s zenithal position results in a one-of-a-kind set of circumstances that leads to the intense heat that was witnessed during the Nautapa period. In addition, there are no substantial weather systems that could provide cooling showers or winds, which means that there is very little that can be done to alleviate the excessive heat. In order to effectively predict and prepare for Nautapa, it is essential to have a solid understanding of these climatic conditions. This will allow for improved preparedness and adaption measures to deal with the high temperatures that are expected to be experienced.

Summary of the Article : Weather Forecast in 2024 and impact of Nautapa

This year, India is expected to experience nine days of extreme heatwaves in the Jyestha month of May and June, with temperatures reaching 46-48 degrees in most Indian states. The sun will enter the Rohini Nakshatra, with Venus and Jupiter in close conjunction with Jupiter and Venus, causing severe heatwaves in the North and Northwestern states from May 25th to June 6th 2024. The Nautapa chart indicates potential catastrophic events related to water causalities, flooding, or heavy rainfall in the north & North east of india. The signs of Pisces suggest a strange weather pattern with extreme heatwaves and rainfall. From June 15th, the sun will remain in the Rohini Nakshatra, causing severe heatwaves and higher humidity in most Indian states. Astronomers should monitor the movement of winds during this period to determine the rainy season and watch for unusual sky activity, such as meteorites, comets, thunderbolts, and mock fires, which could disrupt the South Western Monsoon pattern.

The sun and moon will move into the Rohini Nakshatra on May 25, 2024, causing intense heat and warm weather that will affect most parts of the planet, particularly in India and the center world. This movement will result in the formation of strong clouds for the upcoming monsoon, which will last for two to three months from June to November. The nine days of Nautapa, or the pregnancy of clouds, are responsible for extreme heat and warm weather in India and other nations.

The sun’s intense heat in the Jala Tattva of Rohini Nakashtras accelerates the condensation cycle in coastal regions, leading to the Garabhdharan period of the monsoon. The Nau-Tapa process starts when the sun enters Rohini Nakshatra on May 25th and continues until June 3rd, 2024. The sun’s intense heat absorbs its power, causing the elements of fire and water to regenerate for crops, plants, forests, animals, and rivers, resulting in a large increase in temperature.

Storms are likely to begin in the Ashad month (June 23rd to July 21st) and continue until the 16th of July when the sun enters the Cancer sign with Venus and Mercury, causing significant rainfall in North, Western, and South Eastern regions. The Sharavana month begins on July 22nd, 2024, with a greater likelihood of storms.

Monsoon season arrival may be delayed in many states, leading to weather anomalies between August and September. These anomalies can cause unpredictable rains and flooding, particularly in coastal areas of southern India and northern regions like Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh, and Uttarakhand.

Mundane Astrological Understanding of Nautapa based on Astro-Meteorology of 2024


Koorma Chakra scaled Exploring Astro-meteorological Analysis of Nautapa and Extreme heatwave patterns in India and the world for the monsoon condition of 2024


In astro metrology, the role of the Sun and Mars has a bigger role in analysing the heatwave patterns during pre-monsoon and monsoon seasons, i.e., if both the Sun and Mars are closely conjugated or have close relations in the same house in Ardara Parvesh chakra, it usually gives intense dry and warm weather for that year, and there will be intense heat waves before the start of monsoon. If, in the same case, the sun is behind Mars, then there will be the possibility of no rain for the whole monsoon season. There are numerous combinations that play a significant role in analyzing heat wave patterns during the Jyestha and Shravan months of May, June, and July.

  1. When both the sun and Saturn align closely in a single rashi, we typically witness intense heat waves during summer, and during winter, we typically experience severe cold and copious snowfall. According to common practices, Saturn is associated with dry and cold winds, typically causing dryness and severe coldness in the atmosphere based on seasonal fluctuations. When it aligns with Jala Nadi, it typically results in Strong windstorms of water and air and storms can cause massive cyclones in coastal regions, and wrecking of ships via thunderstorms is a role of Mars when it is with Saturn or getting aspects from Mars in coastal areas. When Saturn is in an airy nadi, it typically drives away all the rain-causing clouds with its powerful wind and dryness.
  2. If Saturn is in Agni Nadi, it usually gives intense dry heat waves, dusty wind storms, and heavy storms, which are very powerful and can even break any buildings or obstacles in their paths.
  3. If there are more planets in Agni Nadi, i.e., the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, it will also have strong heatwave patterns.

Our sages use the Sapta nadi Chakra, an ancient chakra scheme, to decipher and analyze summer, monsoon, and heatwave patterns. They use it to predict weather, floods, thunderstorms, and heat wave patterns, particularly for rainfall. It is the most effective tool for forecasting monsoon activities in India, particularly those related to the sun’s movement in Ardara Nakashtra.

Although it can also be used for global rain patterns, it requires extensive work with Koorma Chakra to locate Nakashtras on world charts using Videsh Koorma Chakra. Two ancient sources of Saptanadi Chakra, Narapati Jayachara and Sage Parashara, widely explain Sapta Nadi Chakara, and serve as the foundation for all subsequent texts. The original source of Sapta nadi Chakra was a tantric text titled ‘yamaleeya-Svarodaya’.

  1. Narapati Jayachara explains that it calculates the amount of rainfall starting from Kritika Nakashtra. The Sapata Nadi Chakara system widely uses the 4 Nakashtras Scheme. Saturn rules Parachanda Nadi (Chanda Nadi), which categorizes “Kritika, Vishakha, Anuradha, and Bharni Nakashtra”.
  2. The “Rohini, Jyestha, Swati, and Ashwani” nakashtras are located in Vayu Nadi, under the influence of the Sun. Mars rules “Mrigshara, Chitra, Moola, and Revti” in Agni Nadi. “Ardara, Hasta, Poorva Ashadha, and Uttrabhadra” fall in Soumya Nadi, which is ruled by Jupiter.
  3. “Punurvasu,” “Uttraphalguni,” “Uttra Ashada,” and “Poorva Bhadra” fall in Neera Nadi, ruled by Venus. “Pushya, Poorva Phalguni, Abhijeeta, and Satabhishaq”  fall in Jala Nadi, ruled by Mercury. “Ashlesha, Magha, Sharvana, and Dhanistha”  fall in Amrita Nadi, ruled by the Moon. 
  4. Prachanda Nadi usually gives a huge blow of wind; Vayu Nadi gives a normal volume of wind; and Agni Nadi gives immense heat and warm weather. Neera Nadi usually gives clues to cloud entry, and Jala and Parachanda planets give heavy rainfall. When the Malefic, Moon, and Beneficial planets align in the same sign or nakashtra, it typically results in an abundance of rainfall.
  5. When a moon and a planet conjugate in the same nakashtra on the same day, heavy rainfall occurs for 2.5 days until the moon aligns with that planet. When both Malefic and Benefic planets align with the moon in Amrita Nadi, the rain typically lasts for 3, 4, or even up to 7 days. In Jala Nadi, if the moon is both malefic and benign, it can also give rain for up to 1.5 or 5 days. 
  6. When the Moon, Mars, and Jupiter align closely in any nadi, it has the potential to submerge the entire earth for several days. During planet direct motion, retrograde motion, and combustion, and during any planet movement in sankranti in Jala Nadi, it usually gives excessive rainfall for a few days. When Mars moves ahead of the sun, it can absorb all heavy rain-producing clouds, resulting in a period of warm weather without rain.
  7. Mars and the sun usually produce excessive heat waves, warm weather, and the possibility of high humidity. For making a Sapta nadi Chakara, we need to use the 28 Nakshatra scheme. We also allot a space towards the end of Uttarashada for the 28th Nakshatra, ‘Abhijit’.
  8. Starting from ‘Krittika’ (3rd Nakshatra), we divide these Nakshatras into 7 Nadis, which include ‘Vaat Nadi or Airy Nadi’, ‘Ati-vaat or Prachand Nadi’, ‘Dahan’, ‘Soumya’, ‘Neera’, ‘Jala’, and ‘Amrita’. Usually Vaat produces windy weather, Ati-vaat produces cold weather after rainstorms, Dahan increases temperature depending on the environment, as Dahan Nadi is very sensitive to nature and surroundings and gradually increases with time and environment, and Soumya, Neera, Jala, and Amrita Nadis are rain-producing Nadis. 
  9. If we observe any unnatural activity in the Saptanadi chakra, we can verify it using the “Casting Hindu Near Year Chart for India”, which is based on the sun’s arrival on “Chaitra Shukala partipat tithi”.

To precisely decipher heatwave patterns during any summer season, we can examine the placement and planetary alignment during the Nautapa phase in various nakashtras and the Medini Nadi system. The Sun rules over Rohini, the most significant nakashtra during Nautapa, which falls under the Vayu Nadi category. This shows how exactly the heatwave pattern will be during any summer season and shows the exact condition of the pregnancy of the clouds due to exceptionally aggressive heat, humidity, warm weather, and wind flow in the Nautapa, as its nakashtra role falls under Vayu nadi, which shows how wind movement can help in precipitation. This phase is characterised by more aggressive heat and warm weather, and we can observe a rise in both temperature and humidity. More heat and warm weather mean more, and we expect plenty of rainfall after this in June and July. If the Nautapa phase continues, we can experience heavy to heavy rainfall in Ardra Parvesh when the sun enters the Ardara Nakashtra during the south-west monsoon.

The term here “Nautapa” in the Rohini Nakshatra refers to a nine-day period during which the sun’s movement in the Rohini Nakshatra induces severe heat following Kritika and Bharini Nakashra while also controls Eastern and Central Indian region as well, Majorly effects March and April month whenever we having Strong agni Graha ( i.e Mars, Sun etc )  influences on the Kritika, Bahrani and Rohini Nakshatra.

As per Koorma chakra, Taurus is the centre point of the earth, where Rohini Nakshatra is the astrological sign that governs the center of the earth and also the centre point of India  as well that we have to take into consideration when we place Koorma chakra over the India Map ( i.e. we can place traditional as well as modern map of India ) , and Vidisha, a place from Madhya-Pradesh, will be considered as  the centre point of India, which is located in the middle of India. 

An examination of the historical data of Nautapa suggests that there are recurrent trends of extremely high temperatures during this nine-day period in India that occurs before to the monsoon season. The phenomenon known as Nautapa, which literally translates to “nine days of intense heat,” has been seen and documented by us due to the significant impact it has on temperatures, which frequently leads to catastrophic heatwaves.

The historical records indicate that temperatures have consistently surged beyond 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) during the Nautapa period, with particular regions witnessing even higher rises and temperatures.When one considers the highest temperatures that have occurred over the course of the last few decades, it is clear that the intensity of Nautapa has been oscillating.

For instance, during the Nautapa earthquake that occurred in 2010 and 2016, temperature records reached levels that had never been seen before. In some regions, temperatures went as high as 48 degrees Celsius (118.4 degrees Fahrenheit). These kinds of anomalies have drawn attention to the fact that heatwaves in India are becoming more severe, which may be connected to broader climate shifts.

When looking at the length of time that these heatwaves last, historical data reveals that although Nautapa is typically a nine-day occurrence, the effects of these heatwaves frequently last for longer than that period of time. The protracted impact that Nautapa has had on the environment and public health has been highlighted by the fact that findings from post-heatwave study have regularly showed that residual high temperatures and delayed cooling have occurred. The issues that communities are already facing are made even more difficult by these prolonged periods of heat stress, particularly in locations that lack suitable infrastructure for heat mitigation.

In addition, the historical patterns of Nautapa have demonstrated anomalies of a significant nature. In certain years, for instance, the commencement of the heatwave has been delayed, while in other years, the intensity of the heatwave has been surprisingly lower or higher than they would have been otherwise. It is essential for meteorologists to take into consideration variations of this kind when attempting to forecast future trends. The historical data reveals that although the nine-day period continues to be a continuous timeframe, the actual influence can vary greatly depending on the different meteorological circumstances that occur each year with each passing year.

Given the historical backdrop and trends that have been observed, it is reasonable to anticipate that Nautapa will experience excessive heat in 2024 in a manner that is comparable to previous years. The severity and length of the heatwave are likely to be affected by a variety of factors, including but not limited to fluctuations in global temperatures, local meteorological conditions, and anomalies in the atmosphere. Therefore, continuous monitoring and analysis of past data are necessary in order to make accurate predictions and to effectively plan for mitigating the negative consequences of Nautapa.


Heatwaves,  Rainfall and Nautapa in 2024 – Mendini Jyotish or Mundane Astrology Analysis of  Heatwaves pattern in the year 2024


Nautapa May June 2024 Exploring Astro-meteorological Analysis of Nautapa and Extreme heatwave patterns in India and the world for the monsoon condition of 2024


In accordance with the Mundane or Medini Jyotish Siddhanta concept, the burning heat of the sun causes direct rays to fall on the centre of the earth whenever it transits over the Taurus sign. This is especially true around the Kritika and Rohini nakshatra during the months of April, May, and June, which causes the atmosphere to become hot. This, in turn, produces a condition in which storms and windstorms typically occur during the month of Ashada as a result of the sun’s travel over the Rohini, Mrigshira, and Ardara Nakashtras, which are classified as Prachanda, Vayu, and Soumya Nadi respectively.
The upshot is that heat outbreaks are increasing in most parts of the country, and dust storms and severe heat are disrupting life beginning at the beginning of April.

These events occur during Prachanda and Vayu Nadi, which are recognized for their strong wind movements whenever it is influenced by Saturn, Mars and Nodes. When the sun finally makes its way into the sky, which occurs later on during the Soumya Nadi, the south-western part of India is subjected to a significant amount of precipitation.


Nautapa Analysis of 2024 – Astrologically Explained


Sun Nautapa Exploring Astro-meteorological Analysis of Nautapa and Extreme heatwave patterns in India and the world for the monsoon condition of 2024


This year, the nine days of blistering heat are expected to begin in the Jyestha month of May and June, beginning on May 25–26, 2024, and continuing forth we may experience sever to sever heatwaves and temperature can cross or touch upto 46-48 degree  in majority of the Indian states and in few states it can touch up to 49-50 degree falling in the north western zone of India that is very rare in weather monitoring experiencing.

This is because the sun will be entering the Rohini Nakshatra by this year with other planetary alignment ( i,e Venus & Jupiter both will be in Prachanda Nadi  and falling in Kendra to the Saturn )  in close conjunction with Jupiter & Venus on 25th May 2024 around 2:41:11 am at 10:00:02 degree, that shows we experience severe heatwaves in North & Northwestern states of India from 25th Of May to 6th June 2024.   

In the Nautapa chart of 2024, both Rahu and Mars are ruling over the ascendent that shows we experience some sort of catastrophic event related to water causalities, flooding or via  heavy rainfall in North eastern states most probably after new moon when there will be conjunction of the 5 planets in taurus sign. The signs of Pisces show that this year we may have a have a strange weather pattern with severe heatwaves and a strange rainfall pattern. There will be extreme heatwaves, and we will also experience extreme rainfall.

From now until the 15th of June in 2024, the sun will continue to be in the Rohini Nakshatra for this lunar month when we can continuously experience Severe heatwaves along with higher amount of humidity almost majority of Indian states. Because of its direct link with the atmosphere of the planet, this transit almost always results in weather conditions that are extremely severe specially in terms of heatwave patterns that shows we can have ample amount of rainfall in monsoon season that probably start after Sun transits over Adara Nakshatra in June month . These severe heatwave’s will extreme  gives rainfall scenario in the month of July, August and September 2024 due to higher amount of precipitation in the month of May of June. 


kurmachakra Exploring Astro-meteorological Analysis of Nautapa and Extreme heatwave patterns in India and the world for the monsoon condition of 2024


According to the majority of opinions noted in the Sahimta Shashtra and in classical writings, the term “Rohini Yoga” is used to describe the phenomenon that occurs when the moon travels through the Rohini Nakshatra during the dark half of the lunar month of Ashadha.

In this period, the astronomer or Medini Jyotishi should keep a close eye on the movement of the winds when the moon precisely enters the Rohini nakshatra. This will allow them to determine the rainy season, which spans from the month of Shraavana to the month of Kartika (July to November). Additionally, they should keep a close eye on the weather throughout the day for any unusual activity in the sky, such as meteorites, comets, thunderbolts, mock fires, and other phenomena that have the potential to disrupt the beginning of the South Western Monsoon pattern. There will be a significant amount of precipitation during the upcoming monsoon season if the sky is clear, hot, and humid. This is something that we can be assured of.

As soon as the sun moves into the Rohini Nakshatra, its rays will have an immediate impact on the majority of the places on the planet, notably from the middle to the northern regions of India and in the centre world.

Due to the greatest planetary alignment, which will have a larger impact on one side of the earth sphere during this movement, they will have a higher impact on the earth, particularly on one side of the place. This increase in impact will be especially noticeable on one side of the place. In addition to this, the sun and moon will be moving in a direction that is very close to the surface of the planet. As the sun and moon make their way towards Rohini Nakashtra, the first nine days of their journey will bring intense heat and warm weather. This will help in the formation of strong clouds for the upcoming monsoon, which will last for two to three months (from June to November) and have an effect on both the southwest and southeast monsoons.

In this particular instance, the sun will enter Rohini Nakshatra on May 25, 2024, in the afternoon. Its influence will continue until June 3, nine days later, as soon as the moon begins to move in the Rohini Nakshatra and the process of garbhadharan begins. The nine nights or days that occur when the sun is at its closest proximity to the earth are referred to as the hottest days of the year. These days are responsible for the extreme heat and warm weather that occurs in practically all of India’s states as well as in other nations. These phenomena have an effect on the monsoon pattern that occurs from June to September.

These nine days of Nautapa are comparable to nine days of the pregnancy of clouds. The more heat that is generated as a result of the movement of the sun and moon over Rohini Nakshatra, the more it is able to carry clouds that cause rain for the upcoming monsoon seasons.

These nine days, which are commonly referred to as the monsoon pregnant clouds, are borne by Mother Earth for the sake of humanity. The sun’s intense heat in the Jala Tattva of Rohini Nakashtras (Rohini is actually a star called Aldebaran, the bull’s eye; Aldebaran is almost 44 times the diameter of the sun) speeds up the condensation cycle in the coastal regions, which ultimately results in the Garabhdharan period of the monsoon. In this year, the Nau-Tapa process starts when the sun enters Rohini Nakshatra on the 25th of May at 10 degrees 00’40’ and continues until the 3rd of June 2024. This position is occupied by the sun until then.

In the course of this time period, the sun, which is a representation of grandeur and ferocious heat, enters the constellation Rohini of the moon and completely absorbs its power. In turn, this causes the elements of fire and water that make up the earth to launch a regeneration process for crops, plants, forests, animals, and rivers, which ultimately results in the natural world being brought back into balance. As a consequence of this, we often experience a large increase in the temperature.

As a result of the increase in temperature during this time period, storms are likely to begin in the upcoming Ashad month (beginning on the 23rd of June 2024 and continuing until the 21st of July), and later in the Ashadha month, when the sun will enter the Cancer sign around the 16th of July along with Venus and Mercury, there will be a significant amount of rainfall that falls in the North, Western, and South Eastern regions.

Additionally, when the beginning of the Sharavana month occurs around the 22nd of July 2024, there is a greater likelihood of storms occurring. As soon as the Sun will join Venus, Mercury, and the Sun in the sign of Leo after the 16th of August 2024, it will be in opposition to Saturn, which is in retrograde motion.

Additionally, there will be a maximum number of planets placed in the fixed sign during that time, which indicates that there will be a possibility of heatwaves, dry winds, and rainfall in certain regions of the world and in coastal regions of India. This will provide us with the opportunity to witness the maximum impact of solar winds and rainstorms on the earth, as well as windstorms in coastal regions of India.

In many states, the arrival of the monsoon season is delayed, which may cause weather anomalies to occur between the months of August and September. As of the 23rd of August, when Venus, Mercury, and the Sun align with South Node Ketu in the sign of Virgo, these anomalies have the potential to bring about unpredictable rains and situations similar to flooding. It is possible for this alignment to take place in the coastal parts of southern India, such as Tamil Nadu, as well as in the higher regions of northern India, such as Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh, and Uttarakhand. This circumstance arises beginning on the 23rd of August, when Venus, Mercury, and the Sun will connect in the sign of Virgo with the South node Ketu.

This may take place in the coastal districts of southern India (Tamilnadu, for example) as well as in the higher regions of north India, such as Jammu, Kashmir, Ladakh, and Uttarakhand. As a result of delayed rainfall brought on by planetary alignments that take place throughout the months of August and September, this circumstance will continue to exist beginning on the 23rd of August and continuing until the end of September 2024.

These meteorological anomalies have the potential to cause substantial harm in the southwestern and north eastern regions of India, particularly through the occurrence of cyclones, floods, or damage to the areas along the coast from 18th to 25th of May 2024..


Impact of Nautapa on Indian Monsoon Pattern in 2024 – Heatwaves and Rainfalls goes back to back



Image Courtesy : PMS -IAS


Now lets understand how exactly Nautapa effects our pre-monsoon pattern. Technically Speaking, Nautapa is a result of the solar and lunar motions that occur during these nine days during the lunar month of Jyestha over Rohini Nakshatra (which, according to the Georgian calendar, finishes in May and begins in June).

The commencement of Nautapa takes place in the Rohini Nakshatras region and continues for a period of nine days unless and until it fully grabs ample of heat, moisture and atmospheric pressure in it that helps to fastens the condensation process in the coastal regions of India .

To understand the pattern of the South West monsoon we need to first understand Garbo-Dharan process of the clouds that starts during these 9 days. This Nau-Tapa, is a meteorological event, which has a tremendous impact on a global scale, normally begins on May 25 and continues until June 2nd or 3rd of each year because of the solar and lunar motion over Rohini Nakshatra.

With regard to the conditions of the South Western monsoon, it has the most severe impact. It is still not known what caused the weather at Nautapa to be so significantly warmer than usual but scientifically speaking it indicates more about the Garbo-Dharan process of the clouds that helps to give clue of south west monsoon  winds pattern from South west coastal regions toward Central to, North Eastern and North Indian region.


Importance of Wind Movement during Garbhodharan, Nautapa and Pre-Monsoon 2024


Quality of winds Nautapa Vedicsiddhanta Exploring Astro-meteorological Analysis of Nautapa and Extreme heatwave patterns in India and the world for the monsoon condition of 2024

The quality of wind flow in Medini or Mundane Astrology is important for timing rainfall and the pattern of wind flows In Medini or Mundane astrology, movement of the wind flow, air quality, and atmospheric pressure play a bigger role in understanding the quality of rainfall during the monsoon and early months of the rainy months of February/March and the initial days of April, ruled by Phalgun and Chaitra.
Usually it has been seen whenever Saturn or Mars rules Gemini, Libra, and  Aquarius signs ( Airy Signs) in any year, i.e., in conjunction, in opposition, or square( 0-30, 180 or 240 degrees) to each other, it controls strong wind flow from the south-west wind movement that we usually check during monsoon time during the Ardra Parvesh chakra when the sun enters in Ardara Nakashtra.
We have to monitor the wind movement from the coastal regions of the north-west of India toward southern India during Ardara Parvesh. The greater the number of planets in the Airy signs and Vayu Nadi, the better we can understand the wind movement during the rainy season.
Usually, both Jupiter and Saturn govern the quality of wind flow, with stronger rules in the south-west and north-west monsoon wind movements. Jupiter governs the south-west wind pattern, while Saturn governs the north-west monsoon winds.
In year 2024,  Saturn is in the Airy sign, i.e., Aquarius, and there is no other airy planet that sits in any airy sign or in Vayu Nadi, either in trine or square to it, which means it has strong role in the wind movement in the north-west during the stay of Saturn in the Aquarius sign, which we have to monitor during Jyestha (May-June) month for the quality of rainfall in the monsoon which is actually the month of Nautapa 2024 and Ardra parvesh chakra of the Surya for the monsoon pattern of year 2024.
According to the koorma chakra, during this monsoon season of 2024 , the northern regions such as Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, and Uttarakhand will receive substantial rainfall, while the southern region will encounter dry, warm weather due to the dominance of north-west wind movements until May 9th 2024 and later on pattern of the heatwave will shift toward North India zone ( Haryana, Himachal Pradesh , Punjab, Rajasthan,  Chandigarh, Delhi, Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh , Uttar Pradesh  & Uttarakhand ),  Central India zone  ( Central India consists of two Indian states: Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh and the areas lying in the borders of  Rajasthan, Gujarat, Odisha, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Telangana. ) and North West zone ( The term “Northwest India” refers to region often comprises Rajasthan, western region of UP, Gujarat , Pakistan. The elevated region in Northwest India is characterised by the Western Himalayas, while the lower region is comprised of the central section of the Indo-Gangetic plains and the Thar Desert ) falling as per the Koorma Chakra.
There will be possibility of this year these Zones of India will experience temperature around 47-48 degree and  may be more can be expected in north western India zone  and temperature can touch around 49 or 50 degree. Meanwhile, Jupiter will remain in Kritika Nakashtra, under the influence of Prachanda Nadi, signifying dry winds and aggressive wind movement, which will intensify with the rise in warm weather in the  northwest and central region of India this summer season.
Due to the absence or lack of influence of Jala tattva Grahas on Nakashtra and signs ruling the southern region, such as Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Leo signs, we are already witnessing strong warm weather and heatwave patterns in southern India. We can observe strong rainfall in the southern India region once there is movement of the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Leo and Virgo signs in Nakashtra.

Decoding Vayu-Dharan Process ( Pregnancy of Clouds ) for Monsoon situation of 2024



Nautapa and Vayu Dharan Process Exploring Astro-meteorological Analysis of Nautapa and Extreme heatwave patterns in India and the world for the monsoon condition of 2024
As per the early Ancient observations, the four days commencing from the “eighth day in the light half ( Krishna Paksha) of the month of jyestha (i.e 4 days after the mid of the month of the may and June – from 15th may to 15th June, it can be varied) fall in may and June month are Known as, “Vayu Dharan Days (Pregnancy days of Clouds) “
These are the most important days when the movements of the wind are seen and observed in the jyestha month freely from ” North-west to East direction carrying full of rich amount of moisture in it”.
In the Science of Astro-meteorology, These 4 days when the wind is heavy, Pressure is quite low in the environment and carries lots of moisture in it. Around this period, the Moon movement would be seen from ” Swati to visakha nakashtra” before Poornima, giving vital clue for judging the nature of health of the Pregnancy of the rain-clouds for upcoming monsoon seasons. Here observation of the wind direction and its richness or quantity with Apah (moisture), and movement in these particular 4 days are most important. If there is no wind in these 4 days, we can expect the coming months will be much dry in nature as well as humidity will be more.
If there are enough winds in those 4 days, should be like gentle, agreeable and if the Sky Should be covered by fine, bright clouds than there will be the possibility of good rainfall in Monsoon else monsoon will be a bit delayed and level of humidity will be more. If there is rainfall during” Swati to Vishaka Nakshatra for full 4 days ” then we can say with surety that the monsoon is near to Shower full of insistent rainfall in Shravana to Karttika Month (August to November) else there will be the possibility of drought like situation in the rainy season.
In Ancient Weather science, This gives an easiest way to time entry of monsoon via your own sense of judgement and to get clear understanding of the clue for rainfall during Sharavana and Karttika month.
The only thing required is you need to keep on observing the movement in the sky, the direction, and pregnancy of winds and clouds.
Below are the points required for Mundane analysis of rainfall, please note it down and carefully follow those.



Vedicsiddhanta Clouds Exploring Astro-meteorological Analysis of Nautapa and Extreme heatwave patterns in India and the world for the monsoon condition of 2024
1) Wind Direction in Monsoon : See the direction of the wind first, it should be from North- east/ west to south, See the speed, See the depth, See the content of moisture in it, Show how warm or cold it is, See the level of storm factor in it.If it is stormy in nature Chances of pregnancy will be wash away by the fierce wind.If the wind is full of cold and smooth in movement, rainfall will fall soon.The direction of winds shows how it will cover the moisture in the atmosphere, usually if air is smooth moisture will always be in intact with the wind.
wind movement vedicsiddhanta Exploring Astro-meteorological Analysis of Nautapa and Extreme heatwave patterns in India and the world for the monsoon condition of 2024
2) Cloud Movement in Monsoon : See the #Cloud movement from Northwest to South in the sky, Observe its motion – Moving or it is still or stays for a much longer period or not, See the color of the clouds. See how close clouds are moving toward the surface. More they are closer to the surface, better chances are for cold weather and cool breeze.
During the day of rainfall, there will be slight warmness in the environment.
Cloud movement Vedicsiddhanta Exploring Astro-meteorological Analysis of Nautapa and Extreme heatwave patterns in India and the world for the monsoon condition of 2024
3) Atmospheric and Humidity in Monsoon :  Note down the #atmospheric pressure, if it is too much humidity in the atmosphere with Warm weather or if it is the hot windy environment, Rain will be delayed. If it is a cool breeze in air rain will follow soon. you can observe the content of water in Atmosphere. If it is high-pressure weather will be good but it will delay rainfall in the coming days. If it is Low pressure after some period of rainfall will be there soon when the moon will transit to Jala Nadis with nodes or Jala Grahas around Mercury or Venus in Jala signs ( Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces)
Atmospheric Pressure Vedicsiddhanta Exploring Astro-meteorological Analysis of Nautapa and Extreme heatwave patterns in India and the world for the monsoon condition of 2024
3) Cloud Appearance in Monsoon : If there are #blackish or #bluish #clouds sky and are very close to the surface or place where they appear, rainfall will come soon within 5 to 7 days soon after Surya enters Ardara Nakashtra.
Currently, the Sun will be with Mercury so chances of rainfall will be more especially in Eastern and Northern India.
Cloud Colour apperance vedicsiddhanta Exploring Astro-meteorological Analysis of Nautapa and Extreme heatwave patterns in India and the world for the monsoon condition of 2024
4) Carefully Observe Sankranti Movement : Watch carefully the wind intensity, Speed, Motion, denseness, if it is stormy, dry and warm in nature rain will be delayed. Hot winds have the capacity to clear the low pressure in air. If during Sankranti some rainfall has come, or you observed water content in the air, or Cold factor in wind its an indication rainfall will be good in the upcoming monsoon season soon after Aradra Parvesh of the sun.
Birds animals rainfall vedicsiddhanta Exploring Astro-meteorological Analysis of Nautapa and Extreme heatwave patterns in India and the world for the monsoon condition of 2024
6) Birds, Animals and Aquatic Movements : Observe the #birds, #animals and #aquatic animals movement in the sky and land both, if u see lots of birds moving in the sky, especially those came around Swati nakshatra, then chances of rain will be high in your environment and rainfall will be good. Birds Sounding in the environment indicates that weather will be good. Their movement and nature show the intuition they got from nature.

Vayu-Dharan Process of 2024 – Predicting Rainfalls, South-west Monsoon Pattern in India 2024


Nautapa year 2024 vedicsiddhanta Exploring Astro-meteorological Analysis of Nautapa and Extreme heatwave patterns in India and the world for the monsoon condition of 2024


This year, the #Vayu Dharan process will start from ”June 6th, 2024, onward when the moon will enter Jyestha Nakashtra, and there will be the beginning of Jyestha month via Jyestha Amavasya. During that, the sun will be in Taurus Sign in Rohini Nakashtra, and those 8 light half days will start from “6th of June to 13th/14th of June 2024 (from Pratipada to Ashthami Tithi) “.

In those 8 days before the beginning of the Vayu Dharan process (pregnancy of clouds), Mars will be behind the Sun, and there will be a conjunction of 5 planets with the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Sun in Taurus. Majorly in the stars of Rohini and Kritika Nakashtra, where Jupiter is with Mercury behind the Moon and the Sun and Venus are in exact 22 Degrees conjunctions, it clearly shows the level of humidity and warm weather around that period.
As Venus, Sun, and Moon are in close conjunction during this period, central India and the majority of North India will experience very warm weather with a lot of moisture in the atmosphere. Another thing is that Ketu and Saturn will be in trine and Kendra to both Moons during the beginning of the Vayu Dharan process, which shows blockages for the good Vayu Dharan process, and we can experience much humidity in the southern, eastern, and northern areas of India.
This shows that during this Vayu Dharan process, there will be intense heat, and warm weather will start from the 13th or 14th of June onward, when those 8 light days will end. After those 8 light half days, 4 major Vayu Dharan Days will start around before poornima around the 17th or 18th of June up to the 20th of June 2024, “when the moon will be transiting from “Swati to Visakha Nakshatra around poornima (full moon day) that will fall around the 22nd of June 2024,” carrying a huge amount of moisture from the north-west coastal regions to the rest of India.
The contact of Mars in opposition to the moon shows the level of humidity and amount of moisture in the air during this period. During this period, Jupiter will be in Taurus (in Rohini Nakashtra in Vayu Nadi it shows a good amount of windfall , heat waves after carrying from Kritika that will cause good rainfall) and meet the Moon in opposition before entering Anuradha Nakashtra in opposition.
Jupiter shows a healthy cloud movement before the monsoon period and it is good for rainfall in Central and Northern India, whereas both Saturn and Jupiter will be in kendra to the Moon in Vayu and Neera Nadi Rule.
Ruled by Both Venus and the Sun clearly shows a good amount of wind movement along with rainfall during this whole season, and there will be ample rainfall in the northern & eastern region with good amount of wind movement, but there will be dryness and warm weather during the monsoon season in the south-eastern zone of India during this time.
The Sun, Mercury, and Venus will be in Gemini in Mrigshira Nakashtra shows that this year’s monsoon for India will have mixed results, and we will have heat as well as rainfall variations in different places but dryness will also prevail in the atmosphere in both the north and south zones before beginning of monsoon season.
This year, south-west India, north-west states, including Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, and coastal regions of north-west Indian states may receive a normal amount of rainfall in early May and June, but later in July and August there would be a good amount of rainfall, whereas northern, north-eastern, and eastern states would receive a good amount of rainfall in monsoon season beginning probably after 16th July 2024.
During those 4 days of the Vayu-Dharan Process, from June 17th to June 18th, temperatures could cross 40’s degrees in Centra India, which shows planetary alignment that featured around June 6th to 10th triggers toward a high temperature and maximum moisture process for the whole tenure. If anyone hasn’t yet started observing the sky or weather scenario from June 6th, 2024, to June 13th, 2024, for the Vayu Dharan process, start observing the weather when the sun will move in Mrigshara Nakashtra, which is the period when wind will start it’s movement from the south-western coastal areas of India that shows rainfall scenario for the coastal areas of India, i.e., Kerala, Konkan, Maharashtra, Gujarat, and for the rest of the southern region of India, when the sun will move in Ardara Nakashtra, it shows more about the north of India rainfall scenario that we will discuss in separate article on south West Monsoon.

This shift, which is marked by Nautapa, is extremely important because it bridges the gap between the dry and scorching summer season and the monsoon season, which is eagerly anticipated. The understanding of Nautapa and the ramifications it has can provide extremely helpful insights into the patterns of climate and the planning of agricultural production. This age-old idea maintains important importance even in contemporary times, particularly in the context of climate change and its impact on regional weather phenomena, as we delve deeper into the meteorological elements that influenced Nautapa. This becomes apparent as we continue to investigate the factors that contributed to Nautapa.

An annual meteorological phenomena that is known as Nautapa, which translates to ‘nine days of heat’ in Hindi, takes place in some regions of India during the pre-monsoon season. The formation of Nautapa, which in turn adds to the extreme heatwave that occurred during this time period, is closely linked to a number of meteorological circumstances and atmospheric events.

The development of high-pressure systems over the Indian subcontinent is one of the key elements that has contributed to this situation. As a result of these systems, which are characterised by falling air, clouds and precipitation are prevented from forming, which results in bright skies and unending sunshine.

This heat is made more worse by the fact that there is not enough moisture in the air. When Nautapa is over, the air is normally dry, and the humidity levels are rather low. Because of this dryness, evaporative processes are unable to cool down, which leads to significantly greater surface temperatures. Because of the low moisture content, both the land and the air are able to heat up at a faster rate, which in turn makes the heatwave conditions even more severe.

Position of the sun in relation to the Earth is another important factor that played a significant role in the formation of Nautapa. Particularly in the tropical regions of India, the sun is virtually directly overhead during the latter part of May and the beginning of June to a certain extent. The position of the sun at its zenith ensures that the electromagnetic radiation that is received by the surface of the Earth is at its highest possible strength.


Process of Garbo-Dharana and South West Monsoon pattern in India -2024


South west monsoon vedicsiddhanta nautapa 2 Exploring Astro-meteorological Analysis of Nautapa and Extreme heatwave patterns in India and the world for the monsoon condition of 2024


The monsoon winds that extend beyond south Kerala advance in the shape of two branches, namely the Arabian Sea branch and the Bay of Bengal branch. The Arabian Sea branch progressively extends in a northerly direction. The estimated arrival date in Mumbai is June 10th. The Bay of Bengal branch expands swiftly across the majority of Assam. The typical arrival date in Kolkata is June 7th.

The Himalayan barrier redirects the Bay branch in a westerly direction when it reaches the foothills of the Himalayas, resulting in its progression towards the Gangetic plain. The two branches converge, primarily near Delhi, to create a unified stream. Both branches arrive in Delhi about simultaneously. The collective electric current progressively spreads towards the western regions of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, and ultimately reaches Himachal Pradesh and Kashmir. The monsoon is generally established in most regions of the country by the end of June.

By the middle of July, the monsoon season reaches Kashmir and the rest of the country. Upon reaching Kashmir, the precipitation had largely dissipated. The Arabian Sea branch of the monsoon is considerably more potent than the Bay of Bengal branch due to the following factors: The Arabian Sea surpasses the Bay of Bengal in terms of size, and The entirety of the Arabian Sea current moves into India, but just a portion of the Bay of Bengal current flows into India, with the rest continuing towards Myanmar, Thailand, and Malaysia.


Impact of Global Warming on Nautapa



Image Source : India Today | Tanmoy Chakraborty


Both global warming and climate change have a significant impact on the severity and characteristics of Nautapa, which is India’s traditional nine-day heatwave season which occurs every year. Temperatures that are quite high are characteristics of Nautapa. We believe that heatwaves such as the one that occurred in Nautapa will grow more powerful and linger for longer periods of time as the average temperature of the earth continues to rise from previous levels. There are a number of factors that can be ascribed to this occurrence, including greater baseline temperatures and shifting patterns of atmospheric circulation.

According to the findings of a recent study, the frequency and severity of heatwaves in India have dramatically increased as a direct result of global warming. Since pre-industrial times, the average temperature of the entire planet has risen by around 1.2 degrees Celsius, as indicated by studies. Predictions indicate that this trend will continue if there is not a significant reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases over the course of the next few decades. As a result of this increase in temperature, there will be an increase in the number of instances of extreme weather, including heatwaves that continue for an extended period of time.

Alterations to the patterns of the monsoon are one of the most significant factors that are contributing to the intensification of the effects of Nautapa. As a consequence of climate change, the behaviour of the monsoon has grown increasingly irregular and unpredictable. This is because climate change has altered the beginning of pre-monsoon conditions as well as the strength of those conditions. When the monsoon arrives later than expected, heatwaves might last for longer periods of time than they would otherwise. Furthermore, alterations in the patterns of precipitation can have an impact on the levels of humidity, which can make heatwaves even more uncomfortable.

In places with a high population density, the effects of heatwaves are made worse by urbanisation and a phenomena that is referred to as the urban heat island effect. Cities with extensive concrete and asphalt surfaces have a tendency to absorb and keep more heat, which results in higher temperatures. This is in contrast to rural environments, which tend to have a lower capacity for heat absorption and retention. This urban heat island effect, in conjunction with rising global temperatures, has the potential to bring about heatwaves that are more severe and continue for a longer amount of time throughout the Nautapa period.

It is likely that future Nautapa periods will see heat levels that have never been experienced before if the trends that are currently occurring continue. This would provide significant risks to the public’s health, as well as to agricultural and water supply systems. The forecasts made by climate models and predictive models indicate that the current trends will presumably continue. We have an immediate and pressing need to take comprehensive climate action in order to mitigate the effects of global warming and adapt to circumstances that are changing in the environment. If we are going to be successful in overcoming these challenges, we will need to make a concentrated effort on both the national and international levels. The implementation of climate policies that are effective, the adoption of sustainable behaviours, and the use of renewable energy sources should be the primary focus of this effort.

Astro- Meteorological Predictions for 2024

While we are getting closer to the pre-monsoon season of 2024, climatic forecasts show that Nautapa, the infamous nine-day period of high heat, will once again create substantial issues across the entirety of India. The current models and data indicate that the severity of the heatwave will be significantly severe, and it is anticipated that temperatures will rise to levels that are significantly higher than the averages for the season. It is estimated that this heatwave will last for a period of nine days, during which time temperatures are expected to reach levels that have never been seen before. This duration is consistent with the trends that have been observed in the past.

Detailed projections have been offered by experts from renowned meteorological institutes, such as the India Meteorological Department (IMD) and the National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF). These forecasts are based on advanced climate models. The projections that have been made shed light on the geographical impact that Nautapa will have, with the northern and central regions of India being the ones that are expected to experience the most severe temperatures. There is a high probability that cities such as Delhi, Jaipur, and Nagpur may see extreme heat conditions, capable of potentially surpassing records that have been observed in past years.

A senior meteorologist at the Indian Meteorological Department named Dr. Ramesh Kumar highlighted the fact that the combination of high-pressure systems and delayed monsoon onset is anticipated to make the severity of the heatwave even worse. “This year, we are observing stronger-than-usual high-pressure systems that trap heat and prevent cloud formation, leading to prolonged periods of intense heat,” according to the scientist. The urgent need for adaptive measures in response to rising global temperatures is brought to light by the fact that experts are warning that larger climatic changes could be the cause of the growing frequency and intensity of heatwaves.

Taking into consideration these forecasts, it is of the utmost importance for communities and local authorities to make preparations for the imminent heatwave. In order to mitigate the negative impacts of Nautapa, it will be particularly important to establish cooling centres, make certain that there is an appropriate supply of water, and educate the general population about the dangers of heat-related illnesses. These preparatory measures will be guided by the data-driven insights offered by meteorological institutions, which will play a crucial role in guiding these efforts and helping to protect public health and infrastructure during this period of extreme heat.

Impact on Agriculture and Water Resources

The 2024 Nautapa heatwave poses significant challenges to agriculture and water resources in India. Extreme heat during this period can severely affect crop yields, soil moisture, and water availability, thereby threatening food security and livelihoods in agrarian communities. The high temperatures accelerate the rate of evapotranspiration, leading to reduced soil moisture levels and increased water stress for crops.

One of the primary concerns is the impact on crop yields. Crops such as wheat, rice, and maize are particularly vulnerable to heat stress during their critical growth stages. Prolonged exposure to temperatures above the optimal range can lead to reduced grain filling, lower biomass accumulation, and ultimately, decreased yields. Moreover, the heatwave can exacerbate pest and disease outbreaks, further compromising crop health and productivity.

Soil moisture depletion is another critical issue. The extreme heat can cause rapid evaporation of water from the soil, leading to dry and arid conditions. This not only affects the current crop cycle but also has long-term implications for soil health and fertility. Farmers may face difficulties in maintaining adequate soil moisture levels, making it challenging to ensure the successful germination and growth of crops.

Water availability is also a significant concern during the Nautapa heatwave. The increased demand for irrigation water, coupled with the reduced availability of water resources, can lead to conflicts over water use. Rivers, reservoirs, and groundwater sources may experience significant depletion, impacting not only agriculture but also drinking water supplies for communities.

In response to these challenges, farmers and communities are adopting several strategies to mitigate the impacts of extreme heat. These include the use of drought-resistant crop varieties, efficient irrigation practices such as drip and sprinkler systems, and the implementation of soil moisture conservation techniques like mulching. Additionally, rainwater harvesting and the use of weather forecasting tools can help farmers make informed decisions about planting and irrigation schedules.

Overall, while the 2024 Nautapa heatwave presents considerable risks to agriculture and water resources, proactive measures and adaptive strategies can help mitigate its adverse effects, ensuring the resilience and sustainability of India’s agricultural sector.

Health Risks and Safety Measures

Extreme heatwaves, such as the Nautapa’s 9-day event, pose significant health risks to the population. One of the most severe conditions associated with heatwaves is heatstroke, a life-threatening situation where the body’s temperature regulation fails. Symptoms include confusion, seizures, and loss of consciousness, necessitating immediate medical attention. Additionally, dehydration is a common consequence of prolonged exposure to high temperatures, leading to symptoms like dizziness, dry mouth, and decreased urine output. It is crucial to maintain adequate hydration by drinking plenty of fluids, even if not thirsty.

Heatwaves can also exacerbate chronic illnesses, particularly cardiovascular and respiratory conditions. Individuals with pre-existing health issues should take extra precautions, such as staying indoors during peak heat hours and ensuring they have access to necessary medications and medical care. Vulnerable populations, including the elderly, children, and those with chronic health conditions, are especially at risk and require vigilant monitoring.

To mitigate these risks, several safety measures are recommended. First and foremost, staying hydrated is essential. Water should be consumed regularly, and beverages that can lead to further dehydration, such as alcohol and caffeinated drinks, should be avoided. Wearing lightweight, loose-fitting clothing helps in maintaining body temperature, while hats and sunglasses offer protection against direct sunlight. Staying indoors, especially during the hottest parts of the day, and using fans or air conditioning can significantly reduce heat exposure.

Communities can play a pivotal role in safeguarding their members. Establishing cooling centers and ensuring they are accessible to the most vulnerable can provide much-needed relief. Public awareness campaigns by health professionals and emergency services are crucial in disseminating information on recognizing the signs of heat-related illnesses and the importance of staying cool and hydrated. Simple measures like checking on neighbors, especially the elderly or those living alone, can make a significant difference in community resilience against extreme heatwaves.

Conclusion and Future Outlook

As we have explored, the Nautapa period brings about a significant and challenging weather phenomenon characterized by extreme heatwaves in India. Understanding the meteorological factors behind these nine days of intense heat is crucial for preparedness and resilience. Throughout this blog post, we delved into the atmospheric conditions, historical data, and implications of Nautapa, highlighting how these extreme temperatures impact both the environment and the population.

The increasing intensity of heatwaves, exacerbated by climate change, underscores the need for ongoing research and adaptation strategies. Meteorological studies and data analysis are essential in predicting and preparing for such events. It is imperative for scientists, policymakers, and the public to work collaboratively to develop effective strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of these extreme weather conditions. This includes advancing early warning systems, improving infrastructure to withstand extreme heat, and promoting public awareness about heatwave preparedness.

Technological advancements hold promise in addressing these challenges. Innovations in climate modeling and forecasting can lead to more accurate predictions, allowing for timely interventions. Similarly, urban planning and building designs that incorporate heat-resistant materials and green spaces can help reduce the urban heat island effect, providing some relief during intense heatwaves. Additionally, policy measures aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable practices can play a pivotal role in mitigating the long-term impacts of climate change.

In conclusion, while the threat of increasingly severe heatwaves due to climate change is a daunting challenge, it is one that can be met with concerted efforts and innovative solutions. By leveraging technology, enhancing research, and implementing robust policies, we can build a more resilient future capable of withstanding the rigors of extreme weather events like Nautapa. Through proactive measures and global cooperation, it is possible to mitigate the impacts and protect communities from the harsh realities of extreme heat.


With Thanks and Regards,

Rocky Jamwal

Source, Reference and Links 

[1]. Weather and Earthquake by B.V Raman

[2]. Brihat Samhita by Varahmihira, Commentry by Dr Ramakrishna bhatt

[3]. Internet for various Data, Images and research.

pin Exploring Astro-meteorological Analysis of Nautapa and Extreme heatwave patterns in India and the world for the monsoon condition of 2024

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Astro-Metrology and blizzard winter of 2024 : The enigma of planetary alignment causing dense fog, blizzard cold and dry winter spell in India and globally

dense fog and winter 3 Astro-Metrology and blizzard winter of 2024 : The enigma of planetary alignment causing dense fog, blizzard cold and dry winter spell in India and globally


In light of the fact that we are looking forward to the winter of 2024, it is essential that we have a solid understanding of the potential meteorological issues that may be encountered in various regions of the world. We will be concentrating on the winter forecast and weather issues in the United States of America, India, and Europe in this particular blog article. More specifically, we will be analyzing the impact of blizzard cold, snowfall, and dry winter spells that are caused by El Niño.

There is a possibility that certain places in the United States of America will suffer colder temperatures and an increase in snowfall in 2024, according to the winter prediction. It is anticipated that the northern states, including Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan, will have temperatures that are lower than typical and a greater amount of snowfall. These places may experience difficulties in terms of transportation, infrastructure, and day-to-day life as a result of this.

On the other side, it is possible that the southern states, such as Texas, Florida, and California, may see temperatures that are milder in comparison to the winters that have occurred in the past. On the other hand, it is essential to keep in mind that winter weather can be rather unexpected, and that there is always the possibility of isolated variances.

During the winter season of 2024, the winter forecast for India shows that certain locations may have a winter period that is both drier and colder than usual. It’s possible that the northern states of Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and Jammu and Kashmir could have temperatures that are lower than average and more precipitation than usual. This may have an effect on agricultural activity as well as the amount of water that is available in certain regions.

On the other hand, southern states such as Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka could see temperatures that are more moderate and amounts of precipitation that are more typical. The fact that India’s climate is varied is something that should be taken into consideration, as it is possible for different locations to experience different winter weather patterns.

It is possible that Europe may see a variety of weather conditions during the winter of 2024, according to the winter forecast for Europe. There is a possibility that northern countries such as Norway, Sweden, and Finland will experience lower temperatures and an increase in the amount of snowfall. This may have an impact on transportation systems as well as activities that take place outside.

In the meantime, western nations like the United Kingdom, France, and Spain can experience temperatures that are more moderate and typical levels of precipitation. It is essential to keep in mind, however, that weather patterns are subject to quick change, and that differences on a local level are certainly a possibility.

Impact of El Nino on weather forecast of 2024

The climatic pattern known as El Niño, which is marked by sea surface temperatures that are higher than the usual in the Pacific Ocean, has the potential to exert a substantial influence on winter weather patterns all over the world. There is a possibility that certain places will endure blizzard cold, significant snowfall, or dry winter spells by the time an El Niño event occurs.

The term “blizzard cold” refers to conditions in which temperatures are extremely low and heavy winds are present. This combination may result in hazardous wind chills and frostbite risks. This can create difficulties for individuals in terms of their ability to participate in outside activities, transportation, and their overall well-being. In these kinds of conditions, it is essential to remember to take the necessary precautions in order to keep oneself warm and to protect oneself.

When there is a significant amount of snowfall, it can cause traffic disruptions, schools to close, and difficulties in clearing roads and sidewalks. In the event that severe snowstorms occur, it is of the utmost importance to adhere to safety recommendations and be ready for the possibility of power outages as well as restricted access to key services.
It is possible for dry winter spells to have severe repercussions for agriculture, water resources, and the overall health of ecosystems.

The decreased precipitation that occurs during these times can result in drought conditions, which can have an impact on agriculture output, water availability, and the habitats of some fauna. It is essential for communities to engage in water conservation activities and to encourage the use of environmentally responsible agriculture methods.

In spite of the fact that the effects of El Niño-induced extreme cold, snowfall, and dry winter spells might vary from one place to another, it is of utmost importance for individuals, communities, and governments to remain well-informed, well-prepared, and resilient when confronted with the possibility of winter weather issues.

In conclusion, the winter prognosis for 2024 indicates that conditions will be different in Europe, India, and the United States of America. It is of utmost importance for individuals, communities, and authorities to have a comprehensive understanding of the possible impact of El Niño-induced extreme cold, snowfall, and dry winter spells. This understanding is essential for properly preparing for and mitigating the issues that may develop throughout the winter season.

India and the world are affected by dry winters, dense fog, tough meteorological conditions, and the influence of El Niño.

Dense fog, The Fog Chronical_Vedicsiddhanta

Welcome to The dense Fog Chronicles and dry winter spell in India for the year 2024 ! In this blog post, we will explore the phenomenon of dry winter spells in India and around the world, specifically focusing on the year 2024. As climate change continues to impact our planet, it is crucial to understand the various weather patterns and their implications.

As the winter season sets in, many parts of the world experience a phenomenon known as dense fog. Acute snowfall, dry winter spell and some of the places are without Snowfall and rainfall. This natural occurrence can have a significant impact on various aspects of life, from transportation to public health. In recent years, the enigma of dense fog, Dry winter spell and weather anomalies has become even more complex due to the influence of increasing effect of the El Niño , global climate changes as per most of the climatic scientists and weather science learners are exploring a climate pattern that affects weather patterns worldwide.

In this article, we will explore the connection between dense fog, dry winter spells, and the global repercussions of El Niño’s wrath on India and the rest of the world. We will Learn about the winter forecast and potential weather challenges in the USA, India, and Europe for 2024 and we try to understand about about blizzard cold, snowfall, and dry winter spells for the year 2024 via astrometeorology and weather forecasting system of the indian jyotish system and try understand whether El Niño is the real cause for this year intense weather challenges which is impacting transportation, infrastructure, agriculture, and daily life. Stay informed and prepared to mitigate the challenges of winter weather.

Understanding Dry Winter Spells in Hilly regions of india for the year 2023-24

Fog chronical Vedicsiddhanta Astro-Metrology and blizzard winter of 2024 : The enigma of planetary alignment causing dense fog, blizzard cold and dry winter spell in India and globally

The winter season in northern India became more severe, resulting in the occurrence of dense fog over several states. The minimum temperatures in Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh ranged from 6 to 9 degrees Celsius, while New Delhi, south Rajasthan, and north Madhya Pradesh witnessed temperatures ranging from 10 to 12 degrees Celsius. A significant portion of Northern India encountered dense fog, resulting in visibility dropping to as little as 6 feet for many consecutive days. Foggy conditions were seen in Haryana, Chandigarh, as well as isolated regions in Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh, resulting in visibility dropping to less than 200 meters.

As per Kashmir Vision, newspaper , In December 2023, the union territories of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh experienced extremely dry conditions, with a rainfall deficit of 79% and 100% respectively. Dr. Muhammad Muslim, an Assistant Professor in the Environmental Sciences department at Kashmir University, stated that there are evident signs of climate change. “Upon analyzing historical data, there are evident indications of climate change.” “Regarding the precipitation regime, it is clear that we are experiencing both a reduction in precipitation and a change in the pattern of precipitation,” he stated.


IMD Satellite image : Clearly shows North india to north west india is covered by the dense fog.

As per IMD satellite image we can clearly see that whole Northern india to north west india is covered with the dense layer of fog impacting from J&K, to Punjab, West Up, Bihar, west pakistan, Rajasthan, central india etc.

“There is a noticeable change in winter precipitation.” Dr. Muslim stated that there is a decrease in precipitation in both India and Kashmir, although the decline is not particularly noteworthy in the latter. He further explained that there will still be some precipitation, but it will mostly occur during the spring season.”The changing climate is a direct result of system behavior,” he stated, acknowledging the lack of comprehensive research to determine the primary factors behind this change. “Limited progress has been made in analyzing the drivers to determine the most significant factors,” he stated.

According to Dr. Sami-ullah Bhat, a senior assistant professor in the Environmental Sciences department at Kashmir University, the precipitation pattern is influenced by the wind directions, cloud movement, and the timing and impact of its interaction with the mountains.

Scientifically, Dry winter spells refer to periods of reduced precipitation during the winter season. These spells are characterized by a lack of rainfall or snowfall, resulting in drier and colder conditions. While winter is typically associated with cold weather and precipitation, these dry spells disrupt the normal climate patterns.

In recent years, many regions, including India, have experienced an increase in the frequency and intensity of dry winter spells. These phenomena can have significant consequences for various sectors, including agriculture, water resources, and even public health.

During the winter season, many regions of india are experience a dry spell characterized by a lack of rainfall in the month of October, November and December . This dry winter spell can exacerbate the formation of dense fog. The absence of precipitation reduces the moisture content in the air, creating ideal conditions for fog formation. As a result, the fog becomes denser and persists for longer periods.

India, in particular, is known for its dense fog during the winter months. The northern parts of the country, including the Indo-Gangetic plains, often witness prolonged periods of foggy weather. This has a significant impact on transportation and disrupts daily life for millions of people.

As per Kashmir observer, Many of weather scientists are claiming these dense fog and dry winter spell is occurring due to “El Niño, a cyclic series of climatic variations affecting certain areas of the Pacific region. As per the statement from the Director of the Meteorological Department, this is the lengthiest duration without noteworthy snowfall since 2015. According to him, the valley encountered its initial significant snowfall on January 24th, 2015. Usually, occurrences of El Niño and La Niña often happen at intervals ranging from two to seven years, although they do not adhere to a fixed pattern.

El Niño is a naturally recurring phenomena characterized by periodic increases in sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern parts of the Pacific Ocean. La Niña is characterized by below-average sea temperatures, representing the reverse of the normal conditions. Both El Niño and La Niña have a substantial impact on the weather patterns of Earth. El Niño has a higher frequency of occurrence compared to La Niña, as stated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) forecasted higher than average minimum and maximum temperatures for the December-February period, influenced by the persistent impacts of El Niño and other regional factors. As a result, the majority of India is anticipated to see a milder winter this year. El Niño is officially defined when there is a sustained increase of at least 0.5 degrees Celsius in sea surface temperatures in the tropical eastern Pacific, compared to the long-term average.

As per Scientist, The elevated maximum and lowest temperatures experienced across the entire country during the period of December 2023 to February 2024 can mostly be ascribed to the occurrence of El Niño, which is known to cause higher temperatures. Furthermore, regional elements such as frequent western disturbances will result in cloud cover and lower minimum temperatures,” as stated by Mrutyunjay Mohapatra, Director General of the Indian Meteorological Department, at a virtual press conference.

Professor Shakeel Ahmad Romshoo, a specialist in Earth science and glaciology, supports the IMD forecast and predicts that the Kashmir valley will likely have a relatively mild winter with less snowfall than typical this year.Due to the ongoing El Niño phenomenon, hilly regions of india likely to see less severe winters with below-average snowfall. During an El Niño year, the Kashmir Himalayas typically get reduced snowfall. “It is responsible for the prolonged drought that has been witnessed in the valley recently.

Astrologically Speaking ( as per rules of Medini Jyotish ) , Condition of Elnio and la nino occurrence is responsible due to the magnetic changes occurring in the Sun and the correspondent Sunspots visible in the solar region, Majorly responsible for the weather conditions in india and across the globe. In Year 2023, we have seen multiple times the visibility of the sunspots from May 2023 to July 2023 and also during the month of October 2023 as well. This has been widely explained in the Brihat Samhita in Chapter 3rd of Adityachar.

As per “ Acharya Varahmihira ” 33 Ketus or 33 Dark shafts has been observed in Sub orbits during particular sun transits in different-different signs with slow moving planets, Uniquely Named as “ TamasaKilakas “ and effects has been seen and observed based on Color, Positions and Shapes. Acharya further explains impact of “Tamasakilakas “ in various regions in earth Whenever these dark shafts has been appeared in sun facing earth regions during Sun transits: “ Water turns turbid, Sky is filled with Dust, Storm arises carrying sand and breaking the tops of mountains and trees, there appears Flares in the quarter; thunderbolts, earthquakes and other such unusual phenomena take place in earth, Clouds bearing rains activity observes and river usually becomes slender

( Quote 9, 10 and 13, Brihat Samhita of Varahmihiraby Ramakrishna Bhatt).

Ancient Weather and Mundane science Acharya, Varahmihira scientific explanations and Impact of Sunspots in “ Adityachar” in Brihat Samhita shows Hindu’s brilliant astronomers like “ Aryabhatta“and “ Varahmihira “ around 400 to 500 were already aware of Sunspots and potent impact of heliocentric Sun and their major Solar cycle activities in earth atmospheres.

This even shows without having modern instruments likes Telescope’s and Fixed large observatories Hindu ancient scholars were much eminent and expertized in observing and calculating Solar activities during Sun orbits.(Reference: BrihatSamhita of Varahmihira, “ AdityaChar “, Chapter 3 , Quote 7 by Ramkrishna Bhatt ).

Astrologically learners can observe major Sunspots activities in yearly transits when sun is closely com-busted or conjugated with slow moving planets like Jupiter and Saturn, Dr B.V Raman has explained many of remarkable conclusions on Sunspots during their research on Earthquakes and weathers changes.

It has been seen and observed by Dr B.V Raman, whenever Sun transits in any signs having Close relation with Major Slow moving planets like Saturn and Jupiter – major Sunspots activities usually noted by astronomers across the globe. Sometime Small sunspots activities also been noted when Sun is superiority conjugated with Venus and Mars and usually appears in Solar discs areas and further massive solar flares activities also been observed by astronomers too.

Impact of these sunspots activities in earth atmospheres has been observed in Feb 2015 and might be even later impact was seen. Later activities Seen in weathers during Full Solar eclipse occurred in March 2015, lunar eclipse occurred on April 2015 and finally after Sun ingress in Aries in 0 degree in April 2015 month changed the whole scenario of weather situation in earth in eastern regions.

Important Astrological factors resposible for climatic conditions changes

1) Role of Sun and Mars: If both Sun and Mars are closely conjugated or having close relations in same house in Ardara Parvesh chakra, usually gives intense dry and warm weather for that year and there will be intense heat waves before start of monsoon. If Sun is behind Mars, there will be possibility of no rains for whole monsoon season.

2) Sun and Saturn: Whenever both sun and Saturn are closely placed in one rashi, usually in summer, intense heat waves observes and in winter usually observes acute cold with good amount of Snowfall.

3) As per mundane rules Saturn is considered as karaka for dry and cold winds and usually it gives dryness and acute coldness in atmosphere’s depends on seasonal changes and whenever it is placed in Jala Nadi it usually gives Strong windstorm of water and air and storms can cause massive cyclones in coastal regions and wrecking of ships via thunderstorms is a role of mars when it is with Saturn or getting aspect from mars in coastal areas.

If Saturn is in airy nadi, it usually drives away all the clouds responsible for rain with its huge blow of wind and dryness.

If Saturn is in Agni nadi, it usually gives intense dry heats waves; Dusty wind storms and heavy storms which are very powerful and even can break any buildings or obstacle come over their paths.

Sapta nadi Chakra is again a very useful tool or an ancient chakra schemes used by our sages in predicting weather, floods, thunderstorms, cold conditions, and heat waves patterns especially for rainfall and it is a best tool to use for predicting Monsoon activities in India around sun movement in ardara Nakashtra.

Though it can be used for world Rain patterns but it needs extensive work on with Koorma Chakra for World charts for locating Nakashtras. Mostly Explanation of Sapta Nadi Chakara is widely seen in two ancient sources of Saptanadi Chakra – Narapati Jayachara and Sage Parashara and all later texts are based on them. Original source of Sapta nadi Chakra was a tantric text titled ‘yamaleeya-Svarodaya’.

As Explained by Narapati Jayachara , it is used for Calculation on quantity of rainfalls starting from Kritika Nakashtra.

“ Pushya , Poorva Phalguni, Abhijeeta, Satabhishaq “ are fall in Jala nadi ruled by Mercury.

Prachanda Nadi usually gives huge blow of wind, Vayu Nadi gives normal volume of winds and Agni Nadi gives Immense Heat and warm weather.

Neera Nadi usually gives clue of entry of clouds and in Jala and Parachanda Planets give heavy rainfall.

If there is placement of Malefic, Moon and Beneficial planet in same sign or same nakashtra it usually gives huge amount of rainfall.

If there is Moon and any planet conjugated in same nakashtra at same day it gives heavy rainfall for continues 2.5 days till moon is conjugated with that planet.

If in Amrita Nadi both Malefic and Benefic planets are placed with moon it usually gives continues rain up to 3,4 or maximum up to 7 days.

In Jala Nadi If Moon is with Both Malefic and Benefic it can also give rain up to 1.5 or 5 days.

If in any nadi there is Moon, mars and Jupiter are closely placed it can also drown whole earth for some days. During planet direct motion, retrograde motion, and combustion and during any planet movement in sankranti in Jala nadi it usually gives excessive rainfall for few days.

Placement of Mars ahead than sun has capability to suck all clouds which are meant for heavy rain, it usually gives warm weather with no rain.

Mars with Sun usually gives excessive heat waves and warm weather and much possibility of high humidity.

For making a Sapta nadi Chakara we need to use 28 Nakshatra scheme. 28th Nakshatra ‘Abhijit’ is also allotted a space towards the end of Uttarashada.

These Nakshatras are subdivided into 7 Nadis starting from ‘Krittika’ (3rd Nakshatra) as ‘Vaat Nadi or Airy Nadi ’ followed by ‘Ati-vaat or PrachandNadi’, ‘Dahan’, ‘Soumya’, ‘Neera’, ‘Jala’ and ‘Amrita’.

Usually Vaat produces windy weather, Ati-vaat produces cold weather after Rainstorms, Dahan increases temperature depending on the environment as Dahan Nadi is very sensitive nadi wrt to nature and surroundings and it gradually increases with the time and environment, and Soumya, Neera, Jala and Amrita nadis are rain producing Nadis.

If there is in any case an unnatural activity has been observes in Saptanadi chakra, we can same also confirm via “Casting Hindu Near year chart for India “ based on entry of sun on “ Chaitra Shukala partipat tithi “.

By casting Hindu New Year chart we can cross check for any unnatural activity is damaging to country or not and what could be future situation for rain and crops in that particular year.The Sapta nadi chakara sequence follows a serpentine pattern as we have assigns Nakashtras based on Serpents in below mentioned Diagram, as suggested by shiri Narpati Jaicharya ji:

From January 2023, we have been witnessing unusual weather patterns due to the entry of Saturn into the Satabisha Nakashtra. The Satabisha Nakshatra is associated with windy conditions, intense rainfall, and cold weather during winter and rainy season, which can induces the condition of Ati-Vaat in atmosphere.

We have observed extreme rainfall since April 2023, when Jupiter joined with Rahu and Saturn influenced the Aries sign, which governs the northeastern region of India. Saturn in Aquarius indicates the northern region of India, while Scorpio represents the western region. Throughout the year, these regions have experienced severe weather conditions, initially with heavy rainfall and now with intense weather.

The dry winter period, once again linked to the Satabishaa nakshtra, is expected to occur in December 2023 without any alignment with Saturn.

Related Article :

Astro Meteorology Research study on Monsoon 2015 – Ardra Parvesh Chakra and South-West monsoon Pattern in India for 2015

The Impact on India

coconut palms in deep morning fog chronical vedicsiddhanta scaled Astro-Metrology and blizzard winter of 2024 : The enigma of planetary alignment causing dense fog, blizzard cold and dry winter spell in India and globally

India, with its diverse climate patterns, is no stranger to dry winter spells. In 2024, the country experienced an extended period of reduced rainfall and snowfall in several regions. This had far-reaching effects on agriculture, particularly in areas that heavily rely on winter crops.

During dry winter spells, the lack of moisture in the soil can hinder crop growth and reduce yields. Farmers may struggle to irrigate their fields adequately, leading to lower agricultural productivity. This, in turn, can have a ripple effect on the economy and food security.

Furthermore, dry winter spells can also impact water resources in the country. With reduced precipitation, rivers, lakes, and reservoirs may experience lower water levels. This can pose challenges for both domestic water supply and irrigation purposes.

Additionally, the lack of rainfall during the winter season can contribute to increased air pollution. Without precipitation to cleanse the air, pollutants and particulate matter can accumulate, leading to poor air quality. This can have detrimental effects on public health, particularly for individuals with respiratory conditions.

The Global Perspective of climate change

El Nino Astro-Metrology and blizzard winter of 2024 : The enigma of planetary alignment causing dense fog, blizzard cold and dry winter spell in India and globally

Dry winter spells are not limited to India; they are a global concern. In 2024, several countries across the world experienced similar weather patterns. Regions in Europe, North America, and Asia also reported reduced precipitation during the winter season. The implications of these dry spells vary depending on the geographical location. In areas where winter tourism is a significant economic driver, such as ski resorts, the lack of snowfall can have severe economic consequences. It can impact tourism revenue, employment opportunities, and the overall local economy.

Moreover, the ecological balance of certain regions can be disrupted by prolonged dry winter spells. Ecosystems that rely on winter precipitation, such as forests and wetlands, may suffer from water scarcity. This can affect wildlife habitats and biodiversity.

Adapting to Changing Weather Patterns

As we face the challenges posed by dry winter spells, it becomes crucial to adapt and mitigate their impacts. Governments, communities, and individuals can take various steps to address these changing weather patterns.

Investing in water conservation and management strategies is essential to ensure sustainable water resources. This includes promoting efficient irrigation techniques, rainwater harvesting, and the development of water storage infrastructure.

Furthermore, diversifying agricultural practices can help reduce the dependence on specific crops that are vulnerable to dry spells. Farmers can explore alternative crops or adopt techniques such as crop rotation to mitigate the risks associated with reduced winter precipitation.

On a broader scale, addressing climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions is crucial to prevent further disruptions to our climate patterns. This requires collective efforts from governments, businesses, and individuals to transition towards renewable energy sources and adopt sustainable practices.

Global Repercussions of El Niño’s Wrath, dense fog and dry winter spell

El Niño is a climate pattern characterized by the warming of the Pacific Ocean near the equator. It occurs irregularly, typically every 2-7 years, and has far-reaching effects on weather patterns worldwide. El Niño can disrupt the normal atmospheric circulation, leading to extreme weather events in various regions.

One of the consequences of El Niño is the alteration of winter weather patterns. It can lead to drier conditions in some areas, including India, resulting in an increased likelihood of dry winter spells. This, in turn, contributes to the formation of dense fog.

Furthermore, El Niño’s impact on global temperatures can exacerbate the intensity of dense fog. Warmer temperatures can increase the moisture content in the air, creating more favorable conditions for fog formation. As El Niño events become more frequent and intense, the enigma of dense fog is likely to persist and even worsen in the future.

The Enigma of Dense Fog in india from December 2023 to January 2024

Fog chronical kashmir vedicsiddhanta Astro-Metrology and blizzard winter of 2024 : The enigma of planetary alignment causing dense fog, blizzard cold and dry winter spell in India and globally

Dense fog is a meteorological phenomenon defined by the existence of condensed, low-altitude clouds that diminish visibility to less than 1 kilometer. It happens when there is a significant amount of moisture in the atmosphere along with low temperatures. This combination results in the condensation of moisture into minuscule water droplets, so generating a misty ambiance.

As per Kashmir vision, Weather analyst Faizan Arif Keng, who works independently, also commented on this matter, stating that a relatively mild Western disturbance during the Christmas period may not have resulted in much rainfall. However, it probably did contain a higher amount of moisture in the form of water vapor compared to ordinary conditions. The surplus moisture may have condensed into minuscule water droplets at the surface, resulting in the formation of fog.

Typically, he stated that wind aids in the dispersion of fog by blending and displacing the elevated warm air with the lower chilly and damp air. “Nevertheless, as a result of the lack of powerful winds originating from Western Disturbance, the foggy layer remained confined near the surface, resulting in an extended period of foggy conditions,” he stated. Following the cessation of the disturbance, the absence of clouds facilitated efficient radiational cooling. According to him, the fog became more intense, particularly in the mornings, due to the additional condensation of water vapor caused by rapid nighttime cooling.

On nights with clear skies, the earth’s surface emits heat, resulting in a quick decrease in temperatures. According to him, the quick decrease in temperature close to the surface causes the water vapor in the air to turn into fog.

The presence of dense fog can exert a substantial influence on multiple industries, with transportation being notably affected. Fog frequently leads to reduced visibility, resulting in aircraft delays and cancellations at airports. Incidents of road accidents tend to rise during foggy circumstances due to the challenges faced by drivers in maneuvering through the limited vision. In addition, the presence of dense fog can have detrimental impacts on public health, resulting in respiratory issues and allergic reactions.

Astro-Metrological understanding on weather challenges, Dense fog, dry winter spell and low snowfall for the year 2023-24

This year northern states may have long lasting winter due to Planetary alignments are moving more closer around February and March 2024 month and it will also impact selective states i.e Jammu & kashmir, uttrakhand, Himachal Pradesh, ladakh , Western Up, Western Punjab, North Western Pakistan, Afghanistan, Delhi NCR regions, few portions of Punjab region etc will have mixed winter, sometime acute cold and sometimes warm weather and we can expect a strong blizzard cold waves can start that can start from 17th to 28th December 2023 onward, though it will be for short term period but it will have good impact on weather and atmosphere.
Later on Mars & Sun conjunction will prevail bit warm weather in Northern and North Western areas but it also bad for the perception and effect badly the winter rainfall and the snowfall in the hilly that will have strong impact on winter condition of the December 2023 and eventually the dense fog and cloudy weather affettis will continue upto 12 January 2024, meanwhile Western area of india will have high chances to expect unexpected & sudden rainfalls from 29th December to 11th January 2024 onward.
Once, Jupiter becomes direct with Uranus in Aries, Neptune will mature its degree from 0 to 1 in Pisces with the loose conjunction of Rahu , we can see sudden disturbance in the economical world, chances of Financial crime, scam, along with certain military actions or kind of Anarchy on the eastern and North Eastern border areas of India or North eastern countries or there could be chances of some kind of geopolitical conflicts in the south eastern region due to some break in the treaty or signing authority.
The overall period from 8th January to 27th January is quite an active period for the Geopolitical issues around the globe which can have direct or indirect impact on the global financial world along with military activities that could be possible in the border areas also.
Currently, the sun is with Mercury, which is responsible for the wind condition require for the rainfall that india receive from west in the form of western disturbance helps to clear the weather and increase the chances cold wave with snowfall, as Sun is in deep conjunction with mercury it shows that cold waves will increase as soon as the sun moves closer to the Mercury in higher ranges of the India which can impact with sudden increase of cold waves in higher altitudes and cold waves will move toward the lower altitudes in the northern region from ending of December 2023 to mid of January 2024 though it will be for short term period but it will have strong impact on sudden change of weather from 18th December onward and during these dates temperature may fall rapidly from 15 degree to around 5 to 7 degrees in the night and stagnant weather condition in the day without the sun.
This also indicates the beginning of new sunspot regions in active areas of the sun , which can indicate sudden weather changes and chances of normal to average magnitude of earthquake from 17th to 28th of December in Ushan areas ( means areas where heat and lands are combined i.e desert areas ).
Though the sun and Mercury are without any affliction, it won’t impact the weather negatively but it will increase cold wave intensity suddenly from Western region.
Saturn will have a direct aspect on direct Jupiter and retrograde Uranus in Aries around the end of December 2023, which will further act as catalysts for weather anomalies along with sudden upheavals in the financial world.
As Jupiter and Uranus take time to achieve it mature state from stationary direct to natural direct, the months of January and December would be very interesting and would bring sudden geopolitical issues to the globe, which can impact the financial world, economy, and weather challenges in the whole globe.
Meanwhile, retrograde mercury will move back to the Scorpio sign, along with Venus, which also helps to intensify rainfall in the south-western and south-eastern regions of India, and further, Mars will join hands with the sun to increase warm winters in a few western regions of India.
The effect of winter will be there unless and until the sun is conjoined with Saturn, but later on, when the sun moves closer towards the north node of Rahu, we can expect sudden rainfalls in the northern and eastern regions of India in late February and March 2024.
Overall winter starts giving it its actual results in February and March month when there are good conjunction of planets with winter giving planetary alignment meanwhile after 16th January 2024 onward upto 1st February 2024 we can expect increase of sudden hot and cold weather simultaneously both northern region due to sun movement and conjunction of Mars with Venus & Mercury which can dry up the weather and usually clears the cloudy weather and helps to keep warm the atmosphere and air pressure also maintained due to change in the wind flow.

Entry of Blizzard cold waves and the impact on India : Understanding Sishir Ritu, Beginning of Dense Fog &
40 days of intense Winter condition

fog photos of indian village dnyaneshwar vaidya 01 Astro-Metrology and blizzard winter of 2024 : The enigma of planetary alignment causing dense fog, blizzard cold and dry winter spell in India and globally

In the current year, from December to January 2024, we are observing a dry and delayed winter season.
This delay is causing a postponement in the occurrence of cold waves and snowfall in the hilly areas of the Northern Hemisphere. The reason for this delay is the absence of any significant interactions between the planets #Venus, Moon, and Mercury, which are known to influence winter conditions, with the outer planets Uranus, Neptune, #Jupiter, and #Saturn.
The sole cause for the current dry winter conditions, characterized by a rising occurrence of frigid and dreary weather, together with cold waves and elevated fog levels across the plains of North India, is this. It is primarily responsible for the significant increase in dew, fog, and smog levels across the plains of the Northern Hemisphere.
Furthermore, Saturn is positioned in the satabisha nakshtra within the Aquarius sign, which is characterized by aridity and is associated with dry wind and precipitation. Currently, we are seeing arid cold fronts, a postponement of snowfall in mountainous areas of India, and insufficient winter precipitation in low-lying regions.
Astrologically, there is no astrological alignment or relationship between Saturn and Jupiter and the Sun, Venus, and Mercury. However, this lack of connection can contribute to a calm winter season and facilitate a significant amount of snowfall and winter rains with delay, As a result, we shall witness the authentic winter season throughout the latter part of February and March in 2024. From January 2nd, 2024, to January 7th, 2024, the alignment of planets will cause a significant decrease in temperature in the Northern Plains.
During this time, there will be a high level of moisture in the atmosphere, resulting in dense fog and a substantial amount of dew. Starting from January 8th, there will be a shift in wind direction accompanied by a significant increase in a cold wave. This phenomenon can also induce thunderstorms and light precipitation in the western area of the Northern Plains. Additionally, we can anticipate the impact of westerly winds from the western region extending to the northwestern parts of India.
Consequently, there will be a simultaneous increase and decrease in temperature. The duration of this will extend until January 15th, 2024.
Subsequently, as the sun transitions into the astrological sign of Capricorn, the meteorological conditions will ameliorate, resulting in a delightful day characterized by an uninterrupted presence of sunshine. During the period of January 18th to February 2nd, 2024, when Venus, Mercury, and Mars align with the Sagittarius sign, there will be a mix of sunny and rainy weather, as well as the possibility of thunderstorms.
These conditions may result in gloomy weather, heavy fog, and potentially chilly winter temperatures. One positive aspect is that when Venus approaches Mercury and Mars, it might result in atmospheric electrical discharges and occasionally intense precipitation with sizable water droplets, which may be accompanied by intense thunderstorms and gusty winds in the western ghats or maritime regions.
Starting from February 12th, we may expect a combination of rains and clear weather, making for a pleasant winter season. This year, the enjoyment of the winter season may be prolonged due to unfavorable planetary alignments occurring in February and March. Fortunately, we will be able to enjoy winter weather until March 2024, implying that winter precipitation may persist until April 2024.
Overall, We need to Observe the blizzard cold waves for up to the next 15 days from 28th of December upto 17th of January 2024 , where coming 3 days we can experience sudden or dramatic weather shift from 2nd January to 6th January 2024 onward and it will stretch upto 18th January in total and we can experience severe cold to coldest waves and blizzard in northern hemisphere of India , US , China etc, where US, Europeans regions will experience good amount of Snowfall but india will receive severe dry winter spell with dense fog where temperature drop can be in vital state in J&K, Punjab, West UP, Harayana, Himachal, North eastern regions of India , West Pakistan , New delhi , Few states of Western India , North eastern region of Ladakh etc.
These states of India will be in a vulnerable condition from December to the whole month of January 2024. Take pleasure in the cyclical variations of the seasons.

Understanding, The Shishir Ritu, Paush Month and the chilling winter season traditionally

the time sunil sheoran ritu Astro-Metrology and blizzard winter of 2024 : The enigma of planetary alignment causing dense fog, blizzard cold and dry winter spell in India and globally
With the beginning of Margashirsha Poornima , there is the beginning of Sishir Ritu ( intense Winter ) & Paush Month. The month of Margashirsha is closely linked to Lord Krishna and Paush month is dedicated to the lordship of Surya Dev and Lord Vishnu and closely linked with many seasonal changes. Autumn ( Sishir ) is a season that is part of the six seasons in India. According to the Vikram Samvat calendar, the months of Magha and Phalguna correspond to the season of ‘Shishir’, which is autumn. Makar Sankranti is also regarded as the starting point.
During the winter season, the temperature drops significantly, resulting in extremely low temperatures. A dense fog starts to develop. The directions intensify progressively, as though Vasundhara and Ambar have merged into a unified entity. Dew causes particles to get moist.
During this season, nature is flourishing. Foliage commences its descent. The entire area is enveloped in fog. Therefore, these seasons represent distinct stages of existence that imbue life with fascination, tranquilly, and fulfilment. The plant undergoes blooming during the winter season. An abundance of blooming plants available for purchase may be observed at the market.
Vegetable plants and creepers achieve their maximum productivity exclusively during this season. There is an abundance of vegetables on the market. The cuisine appears to be delectable, yet the flavour of the rasa is not reminiscent of its natural essence.The process of digestion accelerates to such an extent that regardless of the type or quantity of food consumed, complete digestion occurs.
The current period is referred to as Visharga Kaal, which signifies the conclusion of Dakshinayana.
During this period, the moon’s energy surpasses that of the sun. Consequently, throughout this season, there is a significant augmentation in the nutritional content of medications, vegetation, soil, and fauna. During this season, there is a buildup of kapha in the body, whereas pitta dosha is diminished.
During the winter season, the digestive capacity is heightened due to the naturally intensified stomach fire. This phenomenon occurs as a result of the impact of cold air, wind, and a frigid environment on the body’s skin, which hinders the release of internal heat. Consequently, the heat accumulates within the body and intensifies the stomach fire. Hence, the wholesome and energising diet consumed during this period bestows acuity, vigour, and sustenance to the body all year round.
During the winter ( Sishir ) season, there is a high concentration of solar nectar in the sky. Consequently, vegetables, fruits, and plants have a strong affinity for these nectar ingredients, which they absorb and assimilate, resulting in their enrichment. During Makar Sankranti, the winter season remains in its early stage. Sesame seeds and oil are purported to be remedies for colds. The body can be fortified by consuming various nutritious foods such as nuts, milk, jaggery, and peanuts, which are particularly beneficial during the colder winter months.
The current season is commendable. Upon the advent of a fresh harvest, the initial tribute is presented to the divine being. Currently, the significance of sesame has been elucidated in the context of fast food. Lord Ganesha is venerated during the month of Magha. Shani Shree Amavasya, Somvati Amavasya, Makar Sankranti, Tilak Chaturthi, and Tilak Ekadashi are observed as festivals.
The scientific perspective offers valuable insights on health, whereas religion mandates its adherence as an obligation.
Hence, the utilisation of sesame seeds during the celebrations of Makar Sankranti, Lohri, and Pongal holds significance. Jaggery-based foods are nutritious. As per religious traditions, the act of donating sesame and jaggery during the months of Pausha and Magha is considered noble and advantageous.
During winter, the severity of coldness in the environment escalates. During the uttarayana period, the sun’s energy steadily diminishes, resulting in a decline in bodily strength. It enhances the strength of your bones, teeth, skin, and hair. Sesame seeds have a calcium content that is six times higher than that of almonds.
Hence, it is recommended to ingest sesame seeds throughout the upcoming fasting holiday in this season. The winter diet enhances immune function year-round. During the winter season, several main foods are produced, including gond, methi, magaj ke laddoo, and saunth sweets. These dishes are not only delicious but also easily digestible.
Moreover, they possess medicinal properties that promote good health. During the winter season, frigid snow waves begin to shift.
Individuals are experiencing hardship due to the low temperatures. The strength of the sun’s rays diminishes under extremely cold conditions. The sensation of the sun’s rays is becoming pleasurable. The intensity of the flames is becoming increasingly alluring.
As per quote “Shishire Swadante Vahitaya: Pavane Pravati” During the winter season, when the frigid wind blows, it is gratifying to warm oneself by the blaze. Makar Sankranti is regarded as a festival that takes place during the winter season as widely recognized as change in seasonal direction due to movement of the sun.
As per the Expert comment by Dr Sunil Shearon, Author of the book the Science of time, In the Vedic era (Ramayana/Mahabharata and before that), there was no concept of Makar Samkranti and Mesh Samkranti as the 12-sign animal zodiac is a greek concept further worked on by indian astrologers. But what we used to have were two fixed intercalary months (Adhik Ashadha and Adhik Pausha, 6th and 12th respectively.).
Remember what Bhishma said in Mahabharata “Panchme Panchme Varshe Dvau Masa…”, first adhik Ashadha in middle of third year, then adhik Pausha at end of fifth year (of a 5-year yuga). 24 such yugas made up a Mahayuga.
Ramayana happened in 24th Treta and Mahabharata in 28th Dwapara, perfectly justifying the 17-18 generations that lie between them
The enigma of dense fog during the winter season is a complex phenomenon influenced by various factors, including moisture levels, temperature, and global climate patterns like El Niño. Understanding the connection between dense fog, dry winter spells, and the global repercussions of El Niño’s wrath is crucial for mitigating its impact on transportation, public health, and daily life. As we continue to study and monitor these weather patterns, it is essential to develop strategies to adapt and cope with the challenges posed by dense fog and its consequences.
With Thanks and Regards,
Rocky Jamwal,
Sources, Links and Reference :
Brihat Samhita, Adityachar, chapter 3
Dr Bv Raman, Weather and Earthquakes
pin Astro-Metrology and blizzard winter of 2024 : The enigma of planetary alignment causing dense fog, blizzard cold and dry winter spell in India and globally

Views: 257

Monsoon Mayhem: Witnessing the Catastrophic Downpour in Himachal Pradesh, India (July-August 2023)

Catastrophic Downpour in Himachal Pradesh

Monsoon Mayhem: Witnessing the Catastrophic Downpour in Himachal Pradesh, India (July-August 2023)

Astrological News: 

Encounter Himachal’s tumultuous downpour. Traverse July-August 2023’s unprecedented Monsoon Mayhem’s drama and discovery. Astrological alignments have been observed and studied for centuries, providing insights into various aspects of our lives. In July and August 2023, an alignment of Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus in the Leo sign occurred. This alignment signifies a powerful combination of energies and has the potential to impact various areas of our lives, including weather patterns and rainfall. Its implications for weather patterns and rainfall are analogies we have seen in various regions of the north of India, i.e., Himachal Pradesh, Jammu, Delhi, Uttarpradesh, Punjab, Chandigarh etc.


Welcome, readers, to this exciting astrological exploration of the alignment of Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus in the Leo sign during July and August 2023, and its potential implications on weather patterns and rainfall in the beautiful region of Himachal Pradesh. Astrology has long been regarded as a tool for understanding the interplay between celestial bodies and their influence on our daily lives. In this blog post, we will delve into the significance of this celestial event and its potential effects on the weather and rainfall in Himachal Pradesh.

The Insanity of India’s Monsoon Season: July 2023 Rainfall Breaks All Records

The month of July 2023 witnessed an unprecedented rainfall event in India, particularly impacting regions such as Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, and Punjab. As a professional observer of mundane astrology, I have been closely monitoring the celestial movements to understand the reasons behind this extraordinary weather phenomenon. In Delhi, the capital city, the monsoon rains during July 2023 broke all previous records, resulting in severe flooding and disruption of daily life. The excessive precipitation overwhelmed the city’s drainage systems, leading to waterlogging and traffic chaos. This exceptional rainfall can be attributed to a combination of astrological factors that influenced the atmospheric conditions over the region. Similarly, Himachal Pradesh and Punjab experienced an unusually high amount of rainfall during the same period. The abnormal weather patterns caused widespread landslides, flash floods, and damage to infrastructure. Understanding the astrological aspects at play helps shed light on the underlying reasons for these extreme weather events.

Astrological analogy and the onset of heavy rainfall 


nautapa 2022 1 Monsoon Mayhem: Witnessing the Catastrophic Downpour in Himachal Pradesh, India (July-August 2023)


According to my analysis, the alignment of certain celestial bodies during July 2023 created a unique configuration that intensified the monsoon activity in these regions. Planetary positions, such as the influence of Jupiter and Saturn, played a significant role in amplifying the moisture-laden winds from the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal, resulting in heavy downpours. Furthermore, the interaction between Mars and Venus further contributed to the intensification of rainfall.

The combined effect of these planetary alignments disrupted the usual monsoon patterns, causing an excessive influx of moisture-laden clouds over Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, and Punjab. While it is essential to acknowledge the natural variability of weather patterns, understanding the astrological influences provides valuable insights into the reasons behind the extraordinary rainfall witnessed in July 2023. By studying these celestial phenomena, we can enhance our preparedness and response strategies to mitigate the impacts of such extreme weather events in the future.

Below are the points that have a major role in bringing heavy rainfall and downpours for many days:

1. Even if it is not the rainy season, there may be a catastrophic downpour if a number of planets are congregated in the same rashi. This is especially true if Mars, the Sun, and Rahu are also congregated in the same nakshatra as the other planets.

2. When the Moon conjuncts Venus or is in the constellation Trikona, there is a change in the weather; during the rainy season, good showers take place unless there are preventing elements present.

3. The movement of Mars from one rashi to another, which brings about a discernible shift in the climate within a span of two days and, if it occurs during the wet season, favorable precipitation. Mars, the most powerful planet, is responsible for precipitation on Earth.

4. When a prominent planet shifts its position within a rashi, there is a discernible shift in the prevailing weather patterns.

5. There is a shift in the temperature and humidity levels whenever a planet goes into retrograde or direct motion. Mercury is an essential planet that should not be overlooked. Venus cannot independently affect the climate, either directly or by its retrograde motion.

6. The sky will be cloudy and rainy if the dispositor aspects a powerful moon.

7. If there are more favorable stars in Dakshina Nadi, rain will fall; if there are more unfavorable stars in Uttara Nadi, rain will not fall.

8. The development of clouds takes place when the planets Mercury and Venus, Mercury and Jupiter, and Venus and Jupiter are in the same rashi together and have favourable aspects to one another.

9.Venus, behind the slow-moving planet, causes wind. Many planets in Pawannadi are destructive nadis.

More can be learned from : ” Astro Meteorology Research study on Monsoon 2015 “



Effects in North of India
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Source : IMD & Downtoearth


In many parts of India, notably in the country’s northern regions, the month of July 2023 was marked by a deluge of rainfall on a scale never before seen. Because of the unprecedented amount of precipitation that has fallen, the states of Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, and Uttarakhand have all been seriously hit. In what can only be described as monsoon craziness, these regions have been hit by a monstrous rainfall that has shattered previous records and caused widespread anarchy and destruction.

The persistent rainfall has caused flash floods, landslides, and waterlogging, which have resulted in the isolation of populations and the crippling of infrastructure. Heavy rains are continuing to cause chaos in the nation’s capital, Delhi, which is known for its lively streets and culture but has came to a complete halt as a result of the storm. Roads have been flooded, transit has been interrupted, and power has been cut off as a result since the drainage system of the city has shown to be incapable of managing such an overwhelming volume of water. Residents are struggling to cope with the aftereffects of this severe weather event, which has prompted many of them to flee their homes and seek refuge in other locations temporarily.

In a similar vein, the magnificent hill stations of the states of Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, and Uttarakhand have taken the brunt of the damage caused by this monsoon lunacy. Overnight, these well-known tourist destinations, which are located in the midst of the gorgeous Himalayas, were transformed into disaster areas. The relentless rains has not only caused key routes to become impassable, but it has also been responsible for the loss of countless lives. The search for people who have gone missing has begun, and relief efforts have been organised for those who have been impacted.

Impacts on Agriculture and Infrastructure


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Both the authorities and the citizens of this area have been taken aback by the extraordinary nature of this rainfall. As a result of the magnitude of the issue, the administration at the local level is having trouble keeping up with the demands placed on emergency services. Efforts are being made to get things back to normal as quickly as possible while also providing aid to those who are in desperate need. However, it seems as though the path to recovery will be a long and difficult one.

It is imperative that, while we struggle to deal with the aftermath of this monsoon mayhem, we take some time to think about the ramifications of climate change. There is no doubt that our climate is shifting as a direct result of the increasing severity and frequency of extreme weather events like these. It is vital that we take preventative actions to lessen the effects of climate change and establish resilient communities that are able to weather the difficulties that will be presented.


In summary, the rainfall that occurred in northern India in July 2023 broke records and left a path of devastation in its wake. The territories that have been impacted by this extraordinary monsoon mayhem, which includes Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, and Uttarakhand, are currently attempting to deal with the aftermath of the disaster. As we work towards recovery, it is crucial that we address the underlying causes of such catastrophic weather events and prioritise sustainable solutions for a more resilient future. This can only be accomplished if we focus our efforts.

The alignment of Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus in Leo sign in July and August 2023 holds significant implications for weather patterns and rainfall in Himachal Pradesh. While astrology cannot provide specific predictions, it offers valuable insights into the general trends and tendencies that may arise during this period. The potential for increased rainfall and erratic weather patterns calls for preparedness, early warning systems, and environmental conservation measures to mitigate the risks and ensure the safety and well-being of Himachal Pradesh and its inhabitants. Let us embrace the celestial dance and its potential impacts with mindfulness and proactive action.

Note:  Astrology is a belief system and should be approached with an open mind and used for learning and understanding purposes only. Always rely on established meteorological organizations and expert advice for accurate weather forecasts and disaster preparedness.



Team Vedicsiddhanta

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The Nautapa : decoding scientific reasons of extreme heatwaves of india in 2022

Nautapa The Nautapa : decoding scientific reasons of extreme heatwaves of india in 2022
Mundane Astrology : Decoding Scientific reasons for 9 Days of extreme Heatwave in Nautapa in the upcoming summer during the Pre-monsoon season 


What is Nautapa ( 9 days of Extreme Heatwaves )?


Nautapa means 9 days of scorching heat generated due to the solar movement over Rohini Nakshatra,. As per the Koorma chakra, Rohini Nakshatra rules the center of the earth, and also rules the center point of India falls in central India. The beginning of Nautapa starts in the Rohini region and lasts for 9 days due to the Solar & Lunar Movement around these 9 days during the Lunar month of Jyestha ( as per the Georgian calendar it is ending in May and beginning of June ).  Nau-Tapa usually starts From May 25 to June 2 every year approximately, and the effect of Nautapa can be seen majorly across the globe. Its Most Severe impact is over South Western monsoon conditions.
Reasons for intense warm weather during Nautapa
Due to the scorching heat of the Sun, and as per Siddhantic belief, the direct rays of the sun fall on the earth whenever the sun transits over the Taurus sign and especially around Kritika and Rohini nakshatra, and the atmosphere becomes hot, which creates a situation of storms and windstorms, as a result, the outbreak of heat in most parts of the country increases, dust storms and severe heat disrupts the life.  This year, with the entry of the Sun in Rohini Nakshatra, the 9 days of the Scorching heat usually start in the Jyestha Month of May & June from the 25th of May 2022. During this lunar month, the sun will stay in Rohini Nakshatra till 15th June 2022 & journey of the Sun in Rohini nakshatra usually gives an intense weather scenario because of its direct connection with the earth’s atmosphere as per the majority of views observed in Sahimta Shashtra.
During Sun entry in Rohini Nakshatra Sun will be very closer to earth and its Rays will have a direct impact on the majority of places across the globe specially from Central India to Northern India, especially on one side of place will have More Impact on earth due to maximum planetary alignment have a stronger impact on one side of earth sphere during this movement & Sun will be transiting very closely to earth in the northern hemisphere, whereas first 9 days of Sun traveling toward Rohini Nakashtra gives intense heat & warm weather that helps in the strong conception of clouds for upcoming Monsoon for 2-3 Months ( From June to November – will have an effect on both Southwest & southeast monsoon ).
This time Sun will enter Rohini Nakshatra on the 25th of May 2022 in the afternoon time and its effect will remain till June 3 (9 days). These nine nights/days are called the 9 hottest days of the year when the Sun is closest to the Earth, which usually causes severe heat and warm weather almost in all the states of India or other countries as well.


ahmx alromeadheen taurus con zod 02 by ahmx alromeadheen The Nautapa : decoding scientific reasons of extreme heatwaves of india in 2022
Vedic Reason for Nau-tapa in Jyestha Month
When Sun Entered the Constellation of the Moon ( Rohini), Moon usually travels to 9 Nakashtras and starts grabbing the heat, which is why it is called Nau-Tapa which usually brings inconsistent warm weather and heat in the Atmosphere. It has been said that the whenever Moon during these transits causes rain it will give the signal for the upcoming days that the monsoon will bring low rainfall, which is called the Rohini Throat.
The reason being, As per the early Ancient observations the four days commencing from the eighth day in the light half of the month of Jyeshta (i.e 4 days after the mid of the month of May and June – from 15th May to 15th June), which falls in half of  May ( Jyestha ) and June ( Ashada)  month are Known as Vayu Dharan months –  The days when the movements of the wind are seen and observed in the Jyeshta month freely from North-west to East direction with full of the rich amount of moisture in it ( In Scientific terms the process of condensation is high during these days near coastal regions).
Those 4 days when the wind is heavy moving near around moon movement in Swati to Visakha nakshatra are vital clues for judging the nature of the health of the Pregnancy of the rain clouds for upcoming monsoon seasons. Here observation of wind direction and its richness with Apah ( Water) movement in these particular 4 days is most important. If there is no wind in those 4 days we can expect the coming months will be much dry in nature and humidity will be higher. If there are enough winds in those 4 days, should be gentle, and agreeable and if the Sky Should be covered by fine, bright clouds then there will be the possibility of good rainfall in the Monsoon else monsoon will be a bit delayed and the level of humidity will be more. 
From 15th June onward if you observe any possibility of raindrops or moisture contents in the air then there should be enough rainfall in continues 4 days when the Moon will Pass through Swati to Jyestha Nakshatra (Libra Sign to the First Half of Vishkha). If there is rainfall during Swati to Viskhka Nakshatra for full 4 days, we can say with surety that the monsoon is near to Shower full of insistent rainfall in Shravana to Karttika Month (August to November, else there will be the possibility of a drought-like situation in the rainy season )
These 9 days of Nautapa are like 9 days of pregnancy of clouds where the more the heat generates due to the Sun and Moon movement over Rohini Nakshatra and more it can carry rain causing clouds for the coming monsoon seasons. These 9 days are actually called Pregnancy clouds of the monsoon and mother earth bears it for the goodwill of mankind. Because of the extreme heat of the Sun in the Jala Tattva of Rohini Nakashtras ( Rohini is actually a star name  Aldebaran, the eye of the Bull,  Aldebaran is about 44 times the Sun’s diameter ), it increases or fastens the cycle of the Condensation process from the coastal regions, that’s the reason it is called the Monsoon Garabhdharan period. This year the process of Nau-Tapa starts when Sun will enter Rohini Nakshatra on the 25th of May from 10 degrees 00 ‘ 40′ and it will remain till the 3rd of June 2022.
During this period, The sun which is actually considered to be a symbol of glory and furious heat enters the moon’s constellation Rohini and takes its constellation fully under its influence and the earth’s elements of Fire & water will go in a process to create Regeneration process for crops, plants, forests, animals & river to balance the nature and the level of heat usually increases at a greater level. Due to the heat rise during this period storms usually start coming on the earth which we will see in the coming Ashad Month ( from 15th of June 2022 onward till 13th July ) & later in Shravan month when Sun will oppose the Saturn from 14th July to 12th August chances are higher than we can see the maximum impact of SolarWinds and rainstorms in the earth along with windstorm in coastal regions of India, as Saturn will impact Both Rahu & Mars by 90 degree that can give much damage in Southwestern & Eastern regions via cyclone, floods or via damage in the seashore.


Solarwinds vedicsiddhanta The Nautapa : decoding scientific reasons of extreme heatwaves of india in 2022
Understanding the Scientific Reason


Scientifically, the unknown reason behind this scorching heat is could be due to the inner solar activities happening in the sun which usually start when the sun gets influenced by Mercury, Jupiter & Saturn which triggers Solar activities in the sun’s inner region and black spots usually appears on sun surface that helps in the change in weather scenario of earth. Scientists are never able to understand The Sun’s influence on the earth’s weather conditions but researchers are slowly figuring out how the solar wind can indirectly affect clouds over the poles, its effects on the Earth’s weather and climate are still a mystery for most of the researchers.
FSVfykGagAAYdO0 The Nautapa : decoding scientific reasons of extreme heatwaves of india in 2022
According to JoAnna Wendel, research has found that the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) can cause certain effects in the Earth’s ionosphere but its impact on changes in climate remains still a mystery. According to Lam, et al., there are strong correlations found between the changes in the IMF and atmospheric pressure anomalies for the Earth’s polar troposphere which can result in a change in the atmospheric pressure to cause changes in cloud physics. Thus it can be said that it has a wider effect on weather and climate.
The Nautapa : decoding scientific reasons of extreme heatwaves of india in 2022
Understanding Medini Jyotish Reason
It has been seen that whenever Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn closely or loosely conjugate, influence, or Aspects sun in any sign, a high amount of solar activities in the surface area of the sun usually increases for the whole month. Such solar activities have also been noticed during Lunar and Solar eclipses too but depend on eclipse type, Half or full or partial, etc. During these combustion or conjugation periods,” Black Dark shafts” in Solar discs have usually been observed with different shapes and sizes in addition to the increasing amount of temperature and heat also being noticed in the earth’s atmosphere too. This has been noticed on the 17th of August 2015 when the sun ingresses on Leo, Sun was closely Conjugated with Jupiter in the Leo sign, in a close combustion state with an orbital distance of 9 degrees opp to earth – ” Tamasa karakas or Sunspot ” appeared in the Sun.
FSVg7WTaIAAi 4 The Nautapa : decoding scientific reasons of extreme heatwaves of india in 2022
The same is the case when In august 2015 Scientists observed two sun spots with rod and key-like shapes. During these sunspot phases, a major break in power (Electricity) and satellite Communication channels is usually observed. In the “August-September” 2015 month sun-spot impact has been seen more in the Northern Hemisphere Regions, which were closer to the line of Cancer. The rise of temperature in atmospheres has also been noticed after these dark shafts. It has been further noticed during these dark shafts rain clouds are usually unable to shower rain and the weather behaves strangely and also raises the possibility of earthquakes in those areas wherever these sunspots appear geographically. (Source   : Brihat Samhita, Adityachar) .
” Tamasakilakas ” or Dark Shafts in the Solar disc region is ancient wisdom on Sunspots research as described by Acharya Varahamihira in Brihat Samhita around 500 AD when there was no science and any scientists available to analyze the impact of Sunspots. This shows Ancient astronomers were already known to most of the Facts in nature “
– Source – Brihat Samhita of Acharya Varahmihira, by Ramakrishna Bhat , Adityachara, Chapter 3,Verse 9,10,11,12 &13


FSViEqVaMAAqTig The Nautapa : decoding scientific reasons of extreme heatwaves of india in 2022
Heatwave scenario of India for the Pre-Monsoon season of 2022
Now coming back to Nau-Tapa Process, there will be sudden shift weather scenario from 22nd May 2022 onward When Sun will join Saturn, later on will be in conjunction in Dhanistha nakahstra, further conjoin with Jupiter, Mars & venhs on 23rd May 2022 and we may see dynamic change in weather from 24th of May when Venus will Join Rahu in Aries sign and Moon will starts its journey of grabbing water from environment 25th of May 2022, from rohini Nakashtra and move toward Ardara Nakashtra whereas Moon will Join Ju, Mars & venus in uttrabhadra nakshtra , Ruled by Soumya Nadi ( Rain Causing Nakshtra), to ashwini to Krittika Nakashtra that will increase heat from and higher level of humidity from 27th of May to 3rd June and this scrotching heat will slow down from 10th of June when Moon will Joins Ketu in Visaksha nakshtra that will give first rainfall shower from 10th june to 13th June onward to Majority of South western states of india i.e Maharashtra, Banglore, Western ghat, Goa, kerela, AP, Gujarat and few northern states, with this condition of weather will improve and will be smoother but Major problem of extreme temperature, Dry and warm weather will still remain persistently until Saturn and Jupiter turns to direct motion. People of Madhya-Pradesh will experience relaxed weather when Sun will transits in Gemini Sign in Ardara Nakashtra from 22nd June onward.
Conclusion :
When Sun will reach Mrigshira nakshatra in Agni Nadi from the 8th of June 2022 onward, the condensation process will increase in the Coastal and other regions of southern India which will increase the chances of rainfall but with heat and moisture in the atmosphere will still remain. The same will apply to North India, though the Weather will be a bit relaxed from the Scorching heat the presence of moisture content will increase from the 10th of June 2022 onward. As a Vedic Remedial measure, Keep on distributing Sweet & lime water to people during these 9 days that will please the almighty and nature eventually nature will bless them with good rainfall & crops for the well-being of people. I hope this would be helped you to understand how mother nature has a deep influence on our weather in mundane astrology., Stay connected and keep on reading my articles on Medini and  Astro Metrology.
Rocky Jamwal
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Views: 132

Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact

coronavirus tech istock Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact

Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 Astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact


ॐ श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः

Written and Researched by : Ramadas Rao


With the Blessings of my Kula Guru,Kula Devatha and my Naadi Guru Shri R.G.Rao,I am going to analyse the present pandemic disease Covid-19 through Naadi Astrology principles.

I. Introduction

Nadi Astrology has been a source of fascination and intrigue for centuries, offering profound insights into the mysteries of life and destiny. As we navigate through the unprecedented challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic, the wisdom of Nadi Astrology provides a unique lens through which to understand the inter between cosmic forces and global health crises.

By this time many experienced Astrologers have analysed about this deadly disease and gave their expert predictions.Even an young boy of 16 also has predicted almost 7 months before about this disease but it got published very recently.Even the famous Nostradamus has written about this disease in 1551 through his prophesis.Anyhow this is only an analysis of this disease as when it started and which planetary combinations have taken part in the formation of this deadly virus and when it may end etc.

A. The Impact of Covid-19 on Global Health

The Covid-19 pandemic has upended lives and societies worldwide, leading to unprecedented disruptions in healthcare systems, economies, and everyday routines. The rapid spread of the virus has highlighted the interconnected nature of our world and the importance of collective well-being in the face of a common threat.

B. Exploring the Interconnection between Planetary Movements and Pandemics

Nadi Astrology sheds light on the intricate relationship between planetary movements and earthly events, suggesting that cosmic energies influence human affairs in profound ways. By examining the planetary configurations at the time of major events such as pandemics, astrologers can glean valuable insights into the underlying causes and potential remedies for such crises. In 2020, a rare alignment of planets, including the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn, marked a significant period of transition and transformation. According to Nadi Astrology, these planetary movements have profound effects on health and well-being, indicating a time of upheaval and restructuring in global healthcare systems.

To start with we must know some basic Karakatwas of planets. Here the most important planet in consideration is Shani whom we consider him for day to day life activities or the Karma of everybody. Ketu is a planet of breaking anything related to Karma.Ketu is also responsible for the formation of deadly viruses when he gets certain planetary configuration.Rahu is the planet of communication or spreading the virus. As he is in Mithuna Rashi, it indicates nose and throat parts of human beings. Dhanu Rashi is the Moola Trikona Rashi of Guru,the Jiva Karaka. To start with in 2019 ,Shani was retrograde from 30/4/2019 to 18/9/2019.At this time,Shani Retrograde was in Dhanu Rashi and Ketu also was in Dhanu Rashi and both were in Dhanu Rashi ruled by Guru,the Jiva Karaka while Guru was in Keeta Rashi of Vrishcika.Shani eventhough retrograde till 18/9/2019,he lost Graha Yuddha with Ketu on 24/6/2019 and it was decided by Ketu to stop day to day activities ruled by Shani .


Shani Ketu Graha Yuddha 1 2 Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact


But the time has to come to take over by Ketu. For 2 days from 16/9/2019 to 18/9/2019,Shani was in Retro-Stambhana.When Shani became direct on 18/9/2019,again he was in Stambhana mode.


Shani Stambhana 1 Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact


So totally Shani was helpless and Ketu ,the significator of virus started acting. Now the sign lord of these 2 planets is Guru and was placed in Vrishcika Rashi which is a Keeta Rashi lorded by Kuja. Now if we look at the sign lord of Guru,Kuja is with Surya in Simha Rashi on 16th of September which gives a suspicion that some country leader may be involved in this deadly virus production.But Surya was in end of Simha Rashi and next day,he was about to move to Kanya Rashi lorded by Budha.So this leader wants to involve in a business through which he can control the world. Now on the same day, if we look to Chandra’s position it was in Meena Rashi/Pisces sign ruled by Guru.Thus Ketu links with Chandra indicating the virus testing was started as Guru,the Jiva Karaka was in trine to Chandra and also he is the sign lord of Ketu+Shani.Also Budha,the planet of multiplicity was exalted but the time has to come to spread this deadly virus.Please note that all planets are held between Ketu and Rahu forming a perfect Kalamrita Yoga.


1st case of Corona Virus 1 Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact


As per live science website,the 1st case of known Coronavirus was traced back on 17/11/2019.

On this day, Chandra was in Mithuna Rashi along with Rahu and are in trines to Budha (V) + Kuja placed in Tula Rashi, and in Dhanu Rashi, we have Guru +Shani + Ketu. This is the perfect combination of planets for virus transmission. Guru has just entered Dhanu Rashi indicating Jiva Karaka. Day to day life Karaka Shani has already crossed Ketu in Dhanu Rashi which indicates Shani has taken the malefic energy of Ketu. Ketu was heading towards Guru, the Jiva Karaka. But it was kept secret as Shukra was in Keeta Rashi of Vrishcika ruled by Kuja.


Solar Eclipse on 26th Dec.2019 1 Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact


On 26/12/2019, there was Annular Solar Eclipse and it occurred On Dhanu Rashi, Moola Nakshatra where along with Surya and Chandra, Ketu , Budha, and Guru were also in Moola Nakshatra indicating a dreaded danger to the universe due to Virus outbreak.

The above is Ketu Grasta Surya Grahan. In Dhanu Rashi there is a cluster of planets ie., Surya +Chandra+Budha+Guru+Shani+Ketu. Surya and Chandra indicate eyes and they are afflicted by Ketu as he is coming near to both of them. This means the universe has been made blind by Ketu, the Karaka for Virus. Shani has already crossed Ketu and has started to enter in day to day lives of human beings. Guru, the Jiva, or Prana is running in his own Moola Trikona Sthana to protect himself as Ketu is coming in the opposite direction ( behind ) to swallow him. But during this running of Guru called Ati Chara, he became afraid or Bheeta and gets in the hand of Ketu. This happens between 3/1/2020 and 6/1/2020. So Guru takes the energy of Ketu further till the end of his Rashi and enters his sign of debilitation, Makara Rashi. On the day of Solar eclipse, Budha, the planet of multiplication has just entered Dhanu Rashi, so the disease started slowly increasing. On 3/1/2020, Budha got completely afflicted by Ketu as he lost the war with Ketu. As he moves very fast ( inferior planet ), there was an increase in the number of patients. Rahu is a planet of spreading as he is also the sign lord of Mithuna Rashi whose sign lord Budha gets his aspect /link. Now Mithuna Rashi indicates right hand but as Rahu was transiting in that sign, the left-handed work has started by some country. So the increase in the number of Virus patients started more and more when Budha came to Dhanu Rashi and gets afflicted by Ketu and Rahu. By January 13, Budha had won the war with Shani, the planet of day to day life. So from this day, there started a huge number of Virus affected patients all over the world.

But the number was not that much. This was because Kuja, the planet of energy was in Vrishcik Rashi only. He entered Dhanu Rashi on the 8th of February,2020, slowly the number of Virus affected patients started increasing. Between 23 and 24th of February, Kuja lost a war with Ketu, so the energy of the human beings affected by Virus has reduced and so Virus took over the charge.


Now Budha,the planet of multiplication has moved to Makara and then to Kumbha Rashi on 31/1/2020 and suddenly the number of patients started increasing as Rahu was in trine to Budha.From 17/2/2020,he became retrograde.This means he started looking at Makara Rashi where Shani is placed,thus interfering more with day to day life of the human beings.Budha became direct on 10/3/2020 and suddenly there was rise in the number of patients and death also.Now he will be entering Meena Rashi,his sign of debilitation on 7/4/2020.He will be leaving this Rashi on 25/4/2020.But he will have a link with Ketu as both Rashis are owned by Guru who is also debilitated.So till he reaches 15 degrees in Meena Rashi,there will be a lot of casualties related to Corona Virus ie., till 16th of April.After this date,some medications will start working.Till 14th of April,Surya will be in Meena Rashi which has a link with Ketu,so Surya also will be afflicted.As a result,cat,tiger etc.may be attacked with Corona virus.This may continue after Surya enters Mesha Rashi on 14/4/2020 when both Rahu and Surya aspect each other.Also some powerful country king/president/prime minister will be attacked with Corona Virus and the result may be fatal.


From 28/3/2020,Shukra will enter its own Rashi of Vrishabha which will be in trine to Guru +Shani in Makara Rashi.So new types of medicines will be invented along with gain in energy.But he will be retrograde from 13/5/2020 to 25/6/2020.At this time,both Surya and Budha also will be in Vrishabha Rashi and this Shukra is the lord of Lagna of Indian Independence.So Ayurveda type of medicine will be invented and tested for human beings during this time as Budha is the Karaka for green leaves and medicinal leaves.

On 11/5/2020,Shani becomes retrograde in Makara Rashi followed by Guru also will become retrograde from 14/5/2020.But both will be in Stambhana state from 4+4 days before and after the date of retrogression has started.Let us look at the chart on 17/5/2020.


ShaniGuruShukra retro chart 1 Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact

Here I would like to explain the main purpose of Shani + Guru +Shukra retrogression.Shukra being in his swakshetra getting retrograde means he gains more strength to stop the fatality of the problems caused by the spread of Corona Virus.Supporting to human day to day life Karaka Shani who also becomes retrograde,so he also becomes more stronger to solve the problems of mankind.Now let me explain about retrograde Guru who is in Makara Rashi where he is debilitated.He is getting retrograde means he starts looking at the back door of his own powerful house,Dhanus Rashi where he saw the problem maker,destiny breaker Ketu has started leaving Dhanus Rashi.As retro Guru gets the support of retro Shani + retro Shukra +Budha +Surya,he will start his journey to his powerful Rashi of Dhanus through back door of his Rashi and starts chasing Ketu.He will be entering to Dhanus Rashi on 29/6/2020 and becomes more powerful.This is how Jiva Karaka Guru gets strengthened and with the support of the planets above,will be able to get rid of Ketu’s mischievous deeds.


Now to end this article,I would like to explain one more chart as below :

In this chart,all planets are in the same Rashis as in previous chart except Budha has moved to his own Rashi of Mithuna and crossed the longitude of Rahu,so has won the war with Rahu and thus Lord Vishnu,the personification of Budha with his Chakra destroys both Rahu,the Virus spreading planet and Ketu,the Karaka for Virus creator.On 21/5/2020,Rahu will be leaving Aridra Nakshatra and will enter Mrigashira-4th Pada.Thus his spreading power will slowly reduce.Budha,then enters its own Rashi of Mithuna on 24/5/2020 and slowly prepares war with Rahu.Also retro Guru will be chasing Ketu from Makara Rashi.

End of Corona Virus chart 1 Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact


On 29/5/2020,Budha will win the war with Rahu and becomes more stronger to remove the evil effects of both Rahu. Once the virus spreading planet Rahu has lost its powers,it can not spread virus to anywhere in the Universe.There is one more thing to be written here.On 18/6/2020,Budha who will be in Mithuna Rashi will become retrograde in Punarvasu Nakshatra 1st Pada.This clearly indicates Lord Vishnu ( Deity of Budha ) will be chasing Rahu from behind.This retrogression of Budha will end on 12/7/2020 and he will be at 11 Degrees 21 minutes of Mithuna Rashi and Rahu will be at 3 Degrees 51 minutes of Mithuna Rashi.Here when Budha becomes retrograde he becomes more stronger to chace Rahu, thus nullifying the malefic effects of Rahu.

Lastly on 29/6/2020, Guru in retrograde motion enters its own Moola Trikona Rashi of Dhanus and will chase Ketu who will be at 4 Degrees 33 Minutes. This will continue till September 13th when Guru becomes direct. On this date, Ketu will be at 0 Degree 32 Minutes.

So this clearly indicates even though Budha crosses Rahu’s longitude on 29/5/2020, Guru retrograde when enters back Dhanus Rashi will become immensely strong to chase Ketu and his malefic effects on earth.

The above analysis is through the Blessings of my Guru, Ishta Devatha, Kula Devatha and Naadi Guru Shri R.G.Rao whose Atma has helped me to write this article.

ना अहं कर्ता । सर्वस्य हरि कर्ता ॥

( I am not the doer and HE, Lord Vishnu is the doer )

By Ramadas Rao

pin Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact

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The conjunction of 6 planets on 25 December 2019 and Impacts in India and the Mundane world

Conjunction of 5 planets The conjunction of 6 planets on 25 December 2019 and Impacts in India and the Mundane world

If we study the Holistic analysis of transits of major planets that are transiting after 16th December will be going to give a  major shift in the mundane world. After the 16th of December 2019, #Sun is going to meet #Jupiter at (8 degrees) + #ketu (15 degrees)  and #Saturn ( 25 Degrees) and this conjunction will give major shift in Political, Religious, social order and weather scenario in most of the Northwestern countries and states of India.

As soon as the sun is going to meet Jupiter in #Sagittarius sign weather situation will start changing from 16th onward, hilly areas will start getting colder and colder day by day which will inversely impact most of the states, places in north and western regions. Plain areas will have chances of rainfall.

From 16th December to 23 January cold breeze will spread across the nation, when Jupiter will reach closer to the south node Ketu around 15 degrees from 26th December 2019 to 23rd January there will be greater chances of a sudden change in weather situation and winter will take a u-turn.

Same time annular #solar Eclipse will act as catalytic factor For Northern and western countries and states of India. There will be chances of some #fire incidents, #political upsets, riots, Agitations,  Mass controversies and chances of #earthquake could be a trigger.

Snowfall will hit in hilly and #winter will be deep and #stagnant.

# The majority of the Stock market could see major fall after 26th Dec. Older people should avoid any major travel from 26th December to 23, January 2020. This year winter will be dense. Now let’s analyze it further in deep to understand how it is going to impact the mundane world.

Solar Ingress on 16th December 14:56:59

Dhanu Sankranti The conjunction of 6 planets on 25 December 2019 and Impacts in India and the Mundane world

On the 16th of December 2019, Sun will ingress on Dhanu Rashi, which will be considered as the start of Dhanu Sankranti, which means when the sun will enter in dual sign, of the Jupiter. With this ingress Hemant Ritu (winter season) will progress across the northern states of India. Hemant Ritu is majorly classified in one of the six Indian seasons that is indicative of the colder months. During this period, cold climatic conditions prevail and are referred to as the Pre-Winter season. As per the traditional Hindu calendar, Hemant Ritu prevails during the ‘Margashirsha’ and ‘Pausa’ masa. In the Gregorian calendar, it is from mid-October to mid-December. Hemant Ritu is considered as the most pleasant and enjoyable in the winter.

As this Surya Sankranti triggered on the Vara of Monday – around afternoon time 14:56:59 in Moola nakshatra it is called as “ Rakshashi Sankranti “, it will give average result for the period of this month. But this Sankranti will be good for the trader’s community and will be good for products related to drugs, and Liquor. As this Sankranti will be ingress on Monday it can invoke strong chances of cold waves, heavy windstorms, storm and cyclonic activities around the Arabian sea.

There will be strong chances that after this ingress western disturbance will bring unseasonal rainfall in most of the states of north and west of India.

As this Sankranti is falling in the 3rd part of the day ( A Day is divided in equal 4 hours of duration – Prahar ) which will be last for 4 hours, start from 2 pm to 6 pm onward this will be considered good for the progress of stock market, growth in currency market and will be considered as good for all sorts of financial institutions till the Sun is without affliction during the month but as soon as it will conjugate with Nodes and Saturn it can give fall in the currency rate and downfall of the Stock price for the month of December.

At the beginning of Sun entry, all trader’s community will start investing in the stock market and will be very beneficial until the 24th of December 2019. After the 25th of December 2019, there will be strong chances that it will give issues in stock prices I,e downfall in stock prices, fall of Sensex, sudden and incessant rainfall or sudden unpleasant change in the winter season.

If this Sankranti has fallen around before or 48 minutes of sunset then it can be disastrous for the whole month for India. As Per the Sage Vasistha Sankranti’s those are falling on the sign of 2,5,9 and 11 used to give diseases those trigger by unseasonal rainfall, increases fear among people, pain and struggle to the common mass. On a personal level, it will trigger fights among own people, problems from enemies, disagreements among the couple. chances of famine among the lower class of people. As this solar ingress happens on the Kaulava Karan, it is considered as Stable or consistent Sankranti good for commodities prices, all eatable foods will be easily available for the common mass. There will be very fewer chances that prices will hike during this month.

As Sun is falling under Kaulva Karna, It will affect the western direction, I.e countries or states those are falling under the western direction and majorly it effect common mass, labor industry, those who are not doing the job or facing issues in the job will be most affected by this. Those people who are getting less paid will be feeling difficulty under this sun transit.

In the Sankranti chart,  Lagnesh is Mars is going in the 7th house, getting aspect by Uranus, Mandi and Rahu. As Uranus and Mandi are placed in the Lagna of the Sankranti chart this will give  Riots, corruption, Violence, Anarchy, Strike, and there will be strong opposition toward the ruling party and revolt like situation. Common mass will be disturbed by Violence, Revolt, and Instability in the government work. As this Alignment is falling in Lagna (East)  and the 7th house (West) , Places, states or countries that are falling in East and west will be most affected by this. 

It will affect Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, eastern Madhya Pradesh, and States those are Falling under Western directions i.e Gujarat, Rajasthan, Mumbai, Maharashtra, western Pakistan, Karnataka,  West Madhya Pradesh, Sind, West Punjab, and Multan, etc. Will be majorly affected by this transit and will show dramatic effects on weather and political unrest will be seen.

The 4th house Having influence of  Moon and the Venus will give an abundance of rainfall, snow, and insistent cold waves in the Majority of Northern and Southern states of India.

As this Strong alignment is falling on the 3rd and 9th house axis on the Sankranti chart this will shake law and order of the country regarding some religious and caste-based matter and it will invoke strong opposition toward the ruling government for the withdrawal of the Law and order policy and later on, when eclipse will fall on this axis there will be strong chances of triggering riots or agitations in the Southwest direction of India.

With this ingress Sun will be joined by Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu, where Sun will be in the 1st Pada of Moola, Jupiter will be in 3rd Pada of Moola, whereas Ketu and Saturn will be sharing the Same nakshatra in Poorvashada.

So people who are living around Oman, Saudi Arabia, Mangalore, Karnataka, Kerala, Thalasseri, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Indonesia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Northern Mariana Islands, Guam., Bangalore, western states of India, Gujrat, Maharashtra, Baluchistan, Sindh and those are falling around north-western states will experience rainfall and dramatic weather situation especially after when Mercury and moon will enter in Sagittarius sign After 25th of December 2019.

Annular Solar eclipse which will be falling on the day of 26th December 2019 in Moola ( nakshatra of Past karmas ) could trigger dramatic weather shifts in the form of cyclonic activities, sudden warm weather, political unrest, Firestorms, Anti-social or anti-national activities, fire Incidents around temples, or some religious places, terrorist activities in form of explosions, Volcanic activities or earthquake could trigger around these places.

Impact on India

India chart The conjunction of 6 planets on 25 December 2019 and Impacts in India and the Mundane world

As after 25th of December 2019, there will be a conjunction of 6 planets in the sign of Sagittarius where 4 planets will be in the Moola Nakashtra (Goddess Niritti)  which has the rulership of Ketu also conjoined with the rest of 5 planets and also rules the stingy part of the Scorpion sign which stores all the poison of Scorpio but falls under the sign of Sagittarius shows there will be chances of strong disagreements, unrest, among political people toward the ruling govt and their decisions making via Fanatic thinkers which can result in some sort of Anti-national activities around some religious places.

kurmachakra The conjunction of 6 planets on 25 December 2019 and Impacts in India and the Mundane world


There is a strong reason for it, Jupiter which is a Jeeva karaka Graha ruled by religious sentiments has transited on the firey sign of #Dhanu on the nakshatra of #moola (#ketu, ruled by the goddess nirriti ) around 8 degree, will be reaching more closer to Ketu which is currently transiting around 14 degree, blocking transiting Jupiter in Sagittarius sign. All the planets are falling on the India 8th house which can harm the rulership of the chief ministers, horses, people Videhas, Panchalas, Physicians, merchants, those who wield weapons. The reason being Sagittarius is war sign and alignment on this sign will bring trouble or death, murder to the notable personality of the ruler and kingdom. This may even invite military actions or involvement after the 26th of December 2019 and a strong war-like situation, discontentment among people.So this conjunction would invite chances of fires incidents, explosions, and firey diseases and also chances of serious death and accidents too.

Currently, Ketu behaves like #Mars too (kujvat ketu) and in the fiery sign, it gives more dangerous activities like fierce Mars. Ketu behaves as Mars (#fiery) right now which means Jupiter is getting blocked from first Ketu (Mars) in the 14 degrees, then #Saturn (25) so till Jupiter never comes out from this fiery Ketu degree, there will be #agitations ignite in India till 15th Jan 2020.

So there will very strong chances that till Jupiter is blocked by both Ketu and Saturn in dhanu (15th Jan 2020) Majority of people ruled by fanatic (Ketu) thinking protest against #CAB Bills in eastern(Gemini) and western ( Sagittarius) states of India.

Revolt regarding CAB Bill will increase after 26th of December 2019 when 6 planets will be in #Saggitarus #sign and annular solar Eclipse will trigger on Sagittarius sign.

As mass agitations are given by the nodes when they are involved with Sun, Ju, Sat or Mars, so chances are high that the situation will disturb after 26th December 2019 when Ketu will hit Sun. Whereas Ketu is more dangerous then Rahu in giving headless revolts against the ruling country.watch this reaction when Sun will transit in dhanu and close to Ketu + Jupiter, and especially after 26 December 2019 when Eclipse Will trigger in dhanu Rashi over moola nakshatra, the situation will be more worsen.

Ketu is a fiery planet it is more dangerous in giving headless anti-national activities. It acts like Mars and more powerful in Dhanu.

Till this period the majority of people will be affected in their daily life routines, they will feel like life will be stuck. stay Safe till 15 January 2020.

General Impact on Individual Life

If we see General interpretation for these conjunctions in the individual chart it will deeply impact or create strong influences on the root or core belief system of the people, which actually Is the soul of everyone. This alignment occurring is very rare, forming in space and will affect deeply on the core system of the human beings I.e. spiritual ideas, spiritual belief system, changes in spirituality and ideas belong to that. Majorly it will Their religious belief system, their root karmas, their past life’s and the majority of people will experience their past karmas during this transit. As the presiding deity of this nakshatras is the goddess of dissolution and destruction known as Nritti, it will bring strong climatic changes in the human mind and nature too and could trigger himsa or violent situations in the deep-rooted religious and spiritual belief system. It is the goddess of poverty, Misfortune, and calamity but it also gives maximum material pleasure and later on triggers strong impulses for spirituality and majorly 4 planets will be transiting around this nakshatra till 2nd of January 2020 so it will bring many deep-rooted changes among many people. People will experience sudden material as well as spiritual gain around this period. This alignment will trigger Strong transformations in many aspects of life, especially in belief systems and thoughts. so, it will generate strong impulses by the universe around this period and many people feel uncomfortable to accept this change but it will happen for the goodness of mass, as Jupiter energy is associated with it which will bring calmness after the spiritual transformation.

This alignment will help people those are doing Shamanic work, people who are in medicine, Healers, doctors, Good for sadhana, people, who are doing with poisons, preachers, researchers, astrologers, those who are in the profession of herbs, roots, and those who are practicing Tantras, Voodo practitioners, Black magicians, nuclear physics and mathematicians, etc. For individual charts all these alignments result dependent’s on individual planets placed on the Sign of Sagittarius. So do not worry regarding your natal charts activation of alignment depends on your Dasha period and the planetary placement.

Only people who are having Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces Moon Sign or Lagna need to take care if there are any planets in the mentioned signs i.e nodes, Mars, Saturn in the natal chart, etc. People who are running Moola Nakashtra Dasha, or moon or Lagna are placed in the Mool Nakashtra need to take care of their day to day life till 15 of January 2020.


Conclusion: This conjugation is very transformative till 15 January 2020 so general mass needs to take care regarding their daily life activities.


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Influence of Uranus in astrology on Humans and Nature

Influence of Uranus in Astrology Influence of Uranus in astrology on Humans and Nature

According to Mahabharata

What Mahabharta Says about Uranus or Sweta (Greenish White planet)

Vishesheena hi Vaarshneya Chitraam Pidayate Grahah….[10-Udyog.143]
Swetograhastatha Chitraam Samitikryamya Tishthati….[12-Bheeshma.3]

As per the Shaloka quoted by the author of  Sanskirtimagazine  & Natya shastra on Uranus in their blog taken from Udog parva of Mahabharta ;

“Greenish-white (Sweta) planet has crossed Chitra Nakshatra and same has been mentioned by the scholar Neelakantha of 17th century in his commentaries. Sweta means greenish-white, which was later discovered to be the color of Uranus. Neelakantha also has written writes in his commentary on Mahabharat (Udyog 143) that Shveta or Mahapata (one which has greater orbit).Neelakantha calls this “Mahapata” which means having greater orbit and it indicates a planet beyond Saturn.”

(Udyog Parva, Section CXLIII)

In Mundane and other Astrological systems, Uranus is related to bringing change, revolution, individuality, and freedom. It stays in each house for a duration of 7 years. Uranus has a great ability in bringing change in any individual whenever it is conjoined or having an influence of benefic planets. It allows us to express greater individuality regarding the house where it is placed. It can bring sudden and unexpected changes. Uranus is an unpredictable planet as it brings revolution in thinking power and it defines truth and sincerity.

Uranus Own Sign is Aquarius and It gets Exalted in Scorpio and debilitated in Taurus and it gets weak in Leo sign and its major traits are bringing change, Individual independence, unique thinking and opposing odd thinkings and traditions. It brings outrages,  explosions, evolution, terrorism, Railway service, Gases, and water control systems, Airplane and space place control and technologies, scientific researches, Inventions, discoveries, It has adopted close traits and resemblance from Mars and Saturn due to that it is seen for bringing major changes in kings rulerships, kingdoms, and political situations  of any country.



Rakesh Jamwal

Source and Reference



Scientific Hindu Astrology by Prof. P. S. Sastri

pin Influence of Uranus in astrology on Humans and Nature

Views: 68

Astrological Reason behind Pakistan tragic train Accident triggered by fire on 31st October 2019

Pakistan Train Accident Astrological Reason behind Pakistan tragic train Accident triggered by fire on 31st October 2019

Astrological Reason behind Pakistan train Accident triggered by fire on 31st October 2019

On 31 October 2019, Pakistan Railways’ Tezgam passenger train caught fire while travelling from Karachi to Rawalpindi, resulting in at least 74 passenger deaths.Preliminary evidence suggested the explosion of a portable stove being used illegally by some of the passengers to cook aboard the train.

Pakistan Train Accident Astrological Reason behind Pakistan tragic train Accident triggered by fire on 31st October 2019

1) On the day of 31st October 2019, 6:18 am ( PTI), that would be 6:18 +30 minute – 6:48 am in India. If we draw the incident chart of the Place of an accident, ( Rawalpindi) Libra Lagna was rising where 3rd House was badly afflicted by the Saturn + Ketu + Rahu + Mars.

2) Basically for all sort of transportations incidents ruled by land like car, trains, trucks etc is seen via the Karka mercury, 3rd house and its lord , all Earthy Signs ( 2,6, 10) , all Earthy planets, earthy nakshatras and connection with Mars, Saturn ,Rahu , Uranus , Neptune + the political chart of the country + Surya Sankranti chart is seen for all the travel related tragic accidents happen via railway or any other vehicles used for short distance travellings within a month.

3) During the Incident time around 6:18 am Libra Lagna was rising, the (3rd) House which is important for all sort of accidents related to land travels was afflicted badly by the Nodes. Saturn was conjugated with the Ketu getting aspect from the Rahu + 4th aspect from the Mars sitting in the 12th house. Both Mars and Saturn were aspecting each other, Kendra to each other having 4/10 relation. 3rd lord Jupiter was in the ending degree (29) moving toward 3rd house in the Gandanta Zone. karka of the railway or short distance travelling Mercury was in the retrogression moving toward stationary retrograde motion. Mars was sitting in the bhu- Tattva Rashi ( Virgo) getting aspect from Airy planet Saturn.

4) As an incident caught by the Fire and Gas element used by one of the travellers, So fiery and Airy element connection should be there in the chart.3rd house was having fiery Sign Dhanu, Saturn element of Air was sitting in the fire sign with another firey element planet Ketu which is majorly seen for all sort of poisonous substances like gases or inflammable products or machine or short product getting aspect from the Rahu, airy element seen for high level of machines or having bombs like nuclear bomb. All the elements were giving a chain reaction which actually happened in the incident area. gas Stove got caught fire in the air and the whole train got reacted by the elemental chemical reactions. Moreover 3rd and 6th lord Jupiter was transiting through the gandanta degree sitting in the Scorpio sign with karkesh mercury and 8th lord Venus it was a very traumatic incident happened and many couples or married people have lost Thier life. As 6th and 8th lord was involved in it shaped like tragic incident, so death ratio was high. the whole incident was like fire expanded in the air element, having gaseous elements present above in the atmosphere and get reacted with the fire element due to which the whole train caught by fire.( gandanta – transition from Water to fire state, death-like burning after acute pain and suffering ). As both Rahu And Ketu was involved in it was like fire explosion or some sort of explosion.

5) Pluto was sitting in the fire Sign with Saturn and Ketu. Uranus was sitting in the fiery Sign Aries aspecting the fiery planet sun and it’s lord Mars was sitting in the bhu- Tatttva Rashi Virgo. All the earthy lords ( Capricorn, Venus and mercury ) was involved in the chart so it was the Incident triggered over land. As fiery planets like Ketu and Mars afflicting the Dhanu and Saturn over 3rd house, it takes the form of Fire to a vehicle made via raw iron.

Tula Surya Sankranti Astrological Reason behind Pakistan tragic train Accident triggered by fire on 31st October 2019

4) Moreover, in my earlier post of Surya Sankranti of Tula, I have clearly said this month Tula Sankranti will bring any Sort of fire incidents or bomb blast like activities within a month.

5) In the Surya Sankranti chart, Sun was transiting over the libra with mercury and Venus sign getting afflicted by the Rahu and Uranus sitting in aries clearly showing fire incident triggered in the western direction of the India and Pakistan.

kurmachakra Astrological Reason behind Pakistan tragic train Accident triggered by fire on 31st October 2019

6) If we see the Kurma chakra of tragic incident day, Dhanu rashi was rising in the 3rd house ruled by the moola, poorvashda and Uttara Shada shows northwestern zone from the India where Pakistan other border lying there.

pakistan horoscope Astrological Reason behind Pakistan tragic train Accident triggered by fire on 31st October 2019

7) In the independent chart of Pakistan, 3rd house having Mars and moon affected by transit of Rahu over it and Ketu and Saturn was Transiting over the 9th house shows land Incident which shakes the law and order of Pakistan government. 8th house was having Ju + Mercury + Venus + moon over Scorpio sign at the day of the incident shows tragic incident like deaths where many female’s members have been died by acute pain and suffering, painful death like as Scorpio was the under gandanta zone of Jupiter.

8) As aries, Sagittarius sign was afflicted by Saturn, Ketu, Rahu and Uranus incident took place like an explosion of fire. In the Surya Sankranti chart of Pakistan Aries ( Lagna) was affected by Uranus aspecting the Sun in 7th house having Venus and mercury, Dhanu was afflicted by Saturn + Ketu clearly telling within month fire incident can trigger overland travel. As Rahu was involved in the 3rd house it should trigger on high precise machine having mechanism run by electricity or gas made by iron.


Rakesh Jamwal

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Views: 8

Impact of Mercury transit in Libra-Scorpio sign from 23rd October to December 25 2019

Mercury Transit in libra scorpio Impact of Mercury transit in Libra-Scorpio sign from 23rd October to December 25 2019

The planet Mercury has entered the Scorpio zodiac sign on October 23, 2019, ruled by the planet Mars and Mercury is likely to stay in this zodiac sign for around two months till December 25, 2019. The planet would start having a retrograde motion from October 31, 2019, till November 7, 2019, in the sign of Scorpio and it will stay with Venus and Jupiter around November 5th, 2019.

It will start moving from Scorpio to Libra sign on November 7, 2019, to November 11, 2019. It will re-enter in direct motion in Scorpio sign on November 21, 2019, till December 5, 2019.

This transit would have a  much greater impact on all zodiac signs, natal charts, Nations, mundane activities and majorly in the Stock market. Below are the Mercury transit details from October 23, 2019 t0 25th December 2019

Total Transit Duration :

October 23, 2019, to December 25, 2019.

Time:  23:12 on October 23 to 15:45 on December 25.
Retrograde motion: 21:10 on October 31 to 15:56 on November 7 in Scorpio.
Retrograde transit to Libra: 15:56 on November 7 to 00:41 on November 21 in Libra.

Direct motion to Libra : November 21 to December 4 2019
Direct motion to Scorpio: 10:35 on December 5 to 15:45 on December 25.

Impact of Mercury transit on Scorpio (October 23 to December 25, 2019)

According to astrological calculations, Mercury goes through a Retrograde phase three times per year and this time Mercury turns Retrograde on October 31, 2019, at 27 degrees until November 20, 2019, at 16 degrees. Mercury is the planet that stands for the intellect, common sense, commerce, business, trade, Stock market and majorly it affects the weather. whenever it is placed in any sign it shows us about our communication and learning habits and our modes of thinking. The house that Mercury occupies in your Natal Chart is where these characteristics will manifest the most. Mercury in Scorpio is all about deep and profound communications reason being Scorpio is a very deep, intense, instinctive and mystic sign so when Mercury is placed in the sign of Scorpio it creates extremely profound and deeply insightful thoughts and communication.

Being Scorpio is the secretive and investigative sign, this transit brings about intense research, detective and investigative tendencies.

Mercury has transited on #Scorpio on October 23, 2019, its focus will be on a depth of thought and communication.here mercury will involve in deep communication with a thoughtful approach. as Mercury will be conjugated with Jupiter in Scorpio sign till the 5th of November 2019.

Native having beneficial planets in Scorpio will involve themselves in deep, #research oriented work and will dig deeper for mystic full subjects. These individuals need to desire to have deep communication and intellectual intimacy in #relationships with Thier surroundings and #partners.

#Couple will involve themselves in deep intimacy sharings of ideas and thoughts.

They will enjoy deep communication. They will love to enjoy sharing their deepest, darkest secrets with others and need others to open up to them verbally. Here deep sharing is the key.as mercury will be transiting in jala Rashi, so emotional communication will be a priority for natives.

Till 3’20 degree mercury will be in #Jupiter #nakashtra and the lord will be with mercury so it will be a good period for people who are doing #research, #writings, #Investigation and dark and mysterious journalism.

People may even keep their thoughts to themselves as a fear that others may not understand them fully as right now mercury will in AMSA of moon so deep emotionality be the key for this beginning phase.

Some people even might think about death and their own mortality and at times worry about this topic too but results will be depending on individual lagnas and planetary placements.

This transit will make a keen, insightful mind for deep communication with close associated people. this transit will be good for people who are in the profession of deep #writing, #researchers, crime investigations, #occultpractinors, #Astrologers, #doctors, #auditors, #healers,#Scientists, #meditators, #sadhakas and all sort of research-oriented fields will get beneficial Via this transit.

Impact of Mercury transit on Libra: November 7 to December 4, 2019 in Libra.

Mercury will move to Libra sign around 7th November 2019 in retrograde motion till 21st November. For Detailed article on the Retrograde motion of Mercury follow this link. Mercury in Retrograde Motion

During this retrogression phase in Libra, the mercury will give results of his previous sign where the sun is placed in libra so people need to put more focus and control on Thier overconfidence and egoistic behavior that might can create issues in Thier #relationships. one needs to listen to Thier inner soul and deep thinking. during this phase, one might feel a lack of confidence in expressing emotional thoughts as the whole focus of mercury retrogression on libra will be on balancing verbal communication and emotions with their loved ones. So one might take delay in taking decisions or one may feel difficulty in conveying his deep emotional thoughts and ideas to their close one. many times people will consider them wrong or may not able to understand them fully.

Lack of #communications or miscommunication between close relationships will be a key point in this coming #retrogression in libra. So watch your ?? and thoughts and express them in the right way.

The reason being Libra is a movable air sign having Venus as its lord and Venus is placed in the sign of Scorpio in Jala Rashi that shows there is deep down requirement of emotional bonding and stability during the mercury movement in libra. As Mercury will be in Retrogression motion so right communication will be the key for people who are in relationships. Though Both Venus and Mercury are friends towards each other and its an auspicious placement for Mercury as it will give the person with excellent communication skills and sophisticated disposition due to the influence of Venusian energy. As Mercury acts in a neutral earthy planet when it is placed in Libra and it gives the native knowledge of various art forms. Such a person is bent towards creative and artistic pursuits. As, Mercury rules communication, and the influence of Venus here gives eloquence and refinement to speech. Such people are soft-spoken and polite, with the power to persuade others.

But during this period Mercury will be conjoined with Sun in combustion after the 8th of November which will be the biggest reason people might having ego conflicts with their loved ones in relationships. This will cause many verbal arguments with their partners and when mars will join this placement after the 10th of November 2019 situation between the couple may Detroit. So till mercury is retrograde in Libra with Sun and Mars, there is a requirement of the right communication in relationships.  As Libra is Vayu Tattva Rashi it can give lots of heated debates and Arguments over any of silly topics and subjects. so one should be careful during this transit.

During this tenure, natives tend to spend lavishly and ere quite driven towards relationships and are fond of females. The approach will be quite balanced. Native tend to be very diplomatic in their ways and know how to capitalize on opportunities. People should be gregarious, friendly, and broadminded during this stay in libra. 

Later when the mercury will become direct in libra With Mars situations will improve, there will be improved communication but still people need to avoid heavy debates and arguments as mars will be with mercury but it will be good for making social connections and balanced relationship with surroundings.

I hope will able to utilize their communication in the right medium during this whole transit period.

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Rakesh Jamwal

pin Impact of Mercury transit in Libra-Scorpio sign from 23rd October to December 25 2019

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The Effect of Jupiter Gandanta from 31st October to 21 November 2019

Jupiter in Gandanta The Effect of Jupiter Gandanta from 31st October to 21 November 2019

The Gandanta is the position of the zodiac where two junction points of fire and water meet. Whereas the Nakshatra Gandanta is commonly known Dosa, arises when the Moon or any planet is positioned at the ending degree of the mercury Nakshatra ( From 26’00 to 30’00)  i.e, Revati, Aslesha, and Jyestha, and it is falling near the starting point  of Ketu’s Nakshatra (0 to 3’20) i.e., Ashvini, Magha and Moola.

They are very powerful points in giving soul revealing Karmic effects. In General meaning, Gand means a knot and Anta means the end so Gandanta means the knot fixed at the end.

Below are the degrees that have to be considered in Nakashtra Gandanta 

0º00- 3º20AriesAshwiniAries
0º00- 3º20LeoMaghaAries
0º00- 3º20SagittariusMulaAries


More detailed version: The #Gandanta of #Jupiter

Jupiter is going to be in #gandanta zone from #scorpio to #Sagittarius from October 30th onward to 9th of November 2019, till Jupiter reaches around 1 degree.these ending 1 degrees of Jupiter and beginning 1 degree of Jupiter is very careful for general well being but auspicious for pilgrimages, spiritual practices and holy dip in the sacred rivers.

Its the time of spiritual #transformation from all sorts of mundane and emotional Desires to live in a spiritual zone which resonates with the energy of Prakriti.Its the time when nature changes its natural energy to more higher plane, from earthy ( material, Budh) plane to ether ( Guru, Spiritual) , from water element to fire.

It will break all the knots of bondage from all the past life experiences where one has felt in Scorpio sign.it is a most difficult time for both jyestha and moola nakshatra born people, as they will experience the change most in their inner plane. the diety of Jyestha is Indra whose duty is to control on all the senses but due to arrogance of having controlled on senses native often self destroy them, being the nature of Indra and they live in luxurious life which they feel difficult to leave when transformation happens from water to fire element during the transit.

Same is the case with moola, nakshatra deity is Nirrti, gives an experience like death, pain, and suffering awakes one to live according to the natural laws. LordShip of Ketu shows one needs to get ready to accept the change of naturality. its a time to balance your self from self-destruction to #universal #conciousnes and need to practice silence, meditation and doing sacred practices as it will shake the inner soul with many physical and mundane issues.

Its the time to leave your all mundane desires and merge yourself with the nature and aspire for natural spiritual path desired by inner soul for higher consciousness .its the time when nature starts it’s natural churning process and demands its children’s to get align and merge with it as during gandanta process nature changes its element from water to fire, where water tries to off the fire and fire tries to evaporate the Apah( water) into small droplets, breaking into pieces.so nature demands one should leave all the mundane desires and burn your body for higher Tapasya .

It is never be considered as easy path as it creates many psychological and physical blocks that one needs to experience either it in a bodily, emotionally or mundane level plane changes, one needs to accept it in any case as it is the forceful changes given by the nature. As it is happening in #scorpio sign in #jyestha nakshatra, there will be churning of deep inner emotional and psychological changes where one feels emotionally shattered.

Those having any planet’s in jyestha they need to be careful wrt to any emotional activities as it will shake both materials as well as Their emotional level. when Jupiter reaches to #saggitarus,/mola nakshatra native feels like that he has experienced the forceful changes which native is not ready to accept it as mola signifies the root, to live in naturality, having lordship of Ketu which shows the ties of past karma or past lifestyle Where one is living in luxuries lifestyle in earthy plane having all sort of Mundane happiness has to give up.

This change is difficult for most of the materialistic people who were earlier enjoying the path of materials and feeling it’s happiness and one needs to live in the grass root of common life. people need to accept this spiritual change with complete openness and start practicing the spiritual rituals. one such easy way is to having dip in the holy river signifies by the zodiac sign given for Jupiter which we called as #Pushkaram celebrations and it include reverence of ancestors and spiritual discourses.during the pushkaram one should engage in activities such as snana (bath in the river), dāna (charity), japa (recitation of mantras), Archana and dhyana (meditation).

Here, The first 12 days when the Jupiter enters the zodiac sign and the last 12 days when it exits the zodiac sign are considered as most auspicious. When devotees take a dip in the sacred river is believed to erase all sins as per scriptural beliefs. The first twelve days are called as Adi Pushkaram, and the last twelve days are called as Anthya Pushkaram.

It is believed that during these twenty-four days, “Pushkar” ( Sthaan of Bramha) , imbued with the power to make any river holy, will travel with Jupiter as Jupiter moves from one Zodiac house to another. That’s the reason Planets that fall in the “Pushkara navamsa” or “Puskara Bhaga” of a birth chart are considered to be very beneficial and auspicious in Jyotish.

This year Tapti river is most auspicious for sacred dipping (Pushkaravahini). In Assam, the festival is celebrated on the banks of the Brahmaputra river. Tapti Pushkaravahini.so enjoys this sacred dipping in the Tapti river including all sorts of spiritual rituals to be done till the 16th of November 2019.



Rakesh Jamwal

pin The Effect of Jupiter Gandanta from 31st October to 21 November 2019

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