Influence of Uranus in astrology on Humans and Nature

Influence of Uranus in Astrology Influence of Uranus in astrology on Humans and Nature

According to Mahabharata

What Mahabharta Says about Uranus or Sweta (Greenish White planet)

Vishesheena hi Vaarshneya Chitraam Pidayate Grahah….[10-Udyog.143]
Swetograhastatha Chitraam Samitikryamya Tishthati….[12-Bheeshma.3]

As per the Shaloka quoted by the author of  Sanskirtimagazine  & Natya shastra on Uranus in their blog taken from Udog parva of Mahabharta ;

“Greenish-white (Sweta) planet has crossed Chitra Nakshatra and same has been mentioned by the scholar Neelakantha of 17th century in his commentaries. Sweta means greenish-white, which was later discovered to be the color of Uranus. Neelakantha also has written writes in his commentary on Mahabharat (Udyog 143) that Shveta or Mahapata (one which has greater orbit).Neelakantha calls this “Mahapata” which means having greater orbit and it indicates a planet beyond Saturn.”

(Udyog Parva, Section CXLIII)

In Mundane and other Astrological systems, Uranus is related to bringing change, revolution, individuality, and freedom. It stays in each house for a duration of 7 years. Uranus has a great ability in bringing change in any individual whenever it is conjoined or having an influence of benefic planets. It allows us to express greater individuality regarding the house where it is placed. It can bring sudden and unexpected changes. Uranus is an unpredictable planet as it brings revolution in thinking power and it defines truth and sincerity.

Uranus Own Sign is Aquarius and It gets Exalted in Scorpio and debilitated in Taurus and it gets weak in Leo sign and its major traits are bringing change, Individual independence, unique thinking and opposing odd thinkings and traditions. It brings outrages,  explosions, evolution, terrorism, Railway service, Gases, and water control systems, Airplane and space place control and technologies, scientific researches, Inventions, discoveries, It has adopted close traits and resemblance from Mars and Saturn due to that it is seen for bringing major changes in kings rulerships, kingdoms, and political situations  of any country.



Rakesh Jamwal

Source and Reference

Scientific Hindu Astrology by Prof. P. S. Sastri

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Does Science has proof of Vedic Sciences ? Scientific vs Non-Scientific Debate

Does Science has proof of Vedic Sciences ? Scientific vs Non-Scientific Debate

There is a huge debate always going on in this scientific and non-scientific fraternity regarding our Vedic culture, rituals, and Shastras like Jyotish and other such micro spiritual sciences. The basic thing is non-believers are strongly in belief that what we see is true rest is false.

My question to them there are immense galaxies, stars, sun, and multiple universes exist in this super-spiritual world do they have seen by their own eyes or have they visited them or landed them ?? But still it is existing, do we need any proof? When things are present they are it doesn’t require any certification from any authorities.

As per Bhagavatam, there are 14 lokas of Jeevas existing, life is still there does anyone has seen? But still lokas are there and we are part of it. We live in bhuvaloka and it has existed.

Does anyone knows where comes Atma or soul goes in or out from the body ?? But still, it is the process life is following it. We take birth and then rebirth happens does anyone has seen it but still, it is happening.

So my point is the spiritual reality of this world is too huge, vast one cannot prove it by their facts, logics and scientific views. These things will exist and are existing from millions of years of the life cycle they don’t need any proof. This world of almighty is so huge and big, it is impossible for a common human being to imagine and experience it by their naked eyes and micro brain.

Life is hidden and it will remain hidden. Working in this universe is beyond human calculation and logic. So before questioning it, one should know it’s base and base should be learned from the Shastras that are visualized by the rishis and sages by Thier immense Tapasya for the human well being. The same is the case with the Jyotish majority of the scientific world claimed it as pseudoscience but in reality, it is a divine and spiritual science which needs divine vision to decode and understand it. Those who believe in their naked eyes is difficult for them to understand it’s complexity and mathematical computation. We are tiny particles in front of these Shastras knowledge.

Science has certain limitations, the more you explore, the more you practice more you can able to learn and understand it so it is in learning state but this universe is already existing before human science.

Today’s youth and non believers world behaves like a tiny microorganism that stays in a half-cut apple who believes that this is his only world as he doesn’t know what is present in below the apple and what is present in above the apple but in true reality, there are multiple apples in a apple tree where numerous microorganism lives in many apples and in many trees no one knows each other’s that they exist and there are huge forest of apple trees which again exist and no one knows to each other but certainly means human thinking is limited to its imagination and logic but this spiritual world was existing from many of millions of years. Same way karma, reincarnation, rebirth and cycle of life is working in an invisible pattern you don’t need to prove it.



Rakesh Jamwal

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Surya Sankranti and Effects of transit of Sun in Libra in October 2019

Surya Sankranti and Effects of transit of Sun in Libra in October 2019


What is Surya Sankranti 

Surya Sankranti means entering of Sun from one sign to the another which signifies major changes in the course of the sun in the heaven for signifying major changes occurring in nature.

According to the Hindu Muhurata System, 16 ghatis or 6 hours 24 minutes before or after the Solar Ingress (Surya Sankranti) which falls on every month in different signs should be avoided for starting any new work, as in Hindu Panchanga system it is known for surya sankramana, When Sun god travels to different zodiac signs of the Brahmanda corresponding with different regions of the earth for changing seasons or welcoming new change in nature or bringing change in weather systems and also invoking new energies linked with the signs in the form of an electromagnetic impulses which directly hits the body.

Its the phase when solar energies are immensely powerful for bringing change in nature which are not harmonical for human (Body is not capable to adapt solar energies) well being or for beginning of any new works, as per Hindu Panchanga but it is considered as good for worshiping and doing certain spiritual and religious rituals especially worshiping of different shiva forms (Rudra; as Surya is karka of Aatma and the Pratayadi Devta of the Surya is Shiva. Surya gives vitality and strength to both the Soul and body and also works for purification of both) or one can do meditate with nature to get align with electromagnetic vibrations of the solar energies which we get from both the sun and the sign ( Sign is a combination of stars- source of energies). Solar ingress in zodiac sign marks for the beginning of the change in nature and few hours before and after are immensely powerful for mantra Jaap , Worshiping and certain spiritual rites as they do the work of purification of your Atma and Jeeva shudhi.

Sankranti falls on Monday or Sunday should be chosen for Jal Abhishek for Atma, Shareera and Mana shudhi to discharge your negative electrical charge or ions from the body. This is the reason why our Maharishis were so scientific and sync with nature for the formation of any new principals of Jyotish.

Impact of  Sun Transit on Libra ( Tula Surya Sankranti ) on India and general mass.

With the ingress of Surya Sankranti on Tula Rashi, the winter season has triggered or initiated which indicates that the sun has moved toward the southern sphere of the earth which we in the Vedic period called as dakashinayan period of Surya or Sharad Sampat period. As this Surya Sankranti triggered on the conjunction of Vara of Thursday – Friday around midnight from 11 pm to 1 am in Chitra nakshatra it is called as Mandakini Sankranti , it will give medium results and there will be happiness around kingdom and people those are living in it ( people those are living in western states and the globe) . This Sankranti falls on the Chitra nakshatra so people who are living around Karnataka, Bangalore, western states of India, eastern states and those of northern states will experience rainfall and good weather. As sun has conjugated with mercury and Venus, Mars is falling in 12th from it and Jupiter is falling in 2nd it northern hemisphere and northern states of India will experience cold waves, early snowfall and rainfall and weather will be good from now onward and it will trigger early winter in northern hemisphere and there are many chances that northern states of India those are living close to hills and mountain will experience early snowfall . As this Surya Sankranti triggered in night time after the sunset it will be considered as good it will favour ruling nation and Kingdom, it will restrict all sort of anti-national activities and people those are doing activities against the nation will be punished or get sentenced. It will control all the anti-national social activities and many of those people will experience sentences soon. As this Sankranti ingressed on libra sign and rainfall, the storm has triggered in northern states there are many chances that north of India will experience excessive rainfall in the winter season, there will be chances of any incident with respect to fire, bomb blast and chances of loss on Monterey gains of people living in the north.

If we look out the panchang during Tula Sankranti balava karna was rising it indicates as slept Sankranti and it is considered as good for weather and vegetables, it will increase the production and trade of vegetables, fruits and paddy. All eatables natural products prices will get stable and will be easily available in the market.

Balava vehicle is lion, and it indicates revolt creating political leaders those who keep on opposing the ruling party policies and procedures, the direction is west and it impacts the younger teenage girls, will create hurdles in Students those are going in school and collages. As Surya transited in Dahan Nadi in Chitra nakshatra ruling lord is Mangal so the possibility of fire incident will be possible.

For general mass one should do meditation, worship lord Shiva Mrityunjaya form to get a blissful and happy life, as Surya Sankranti shows the period of transition and filtering the soul silence, meditation and worshipping is must for the whole day.

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The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 – How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being

natal saturn retrograde2 The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being

Effects of Gravitational and Magnetic field based on Vedas and Scriptures 

Although Saturn is much larger than the Earth, its surface gravity is only a little more than the surface gravity on Earth. This is only because Saturn is made up of mostly gases part and is not solid like Earth.
Now the question is why Saturn has such massive gravity though it is made up of a gaseous structure? What contributes to all this Saturn gravity?. The element-wise core structure of Saturn is largely comprised of hydrogen and helium, which came together at the beginning of the Solar System, gathered by their mutual mass. It’s the same composition as Jupiter and the Sun have. These primordial elements were formed at the beginning of the Universe in the Big Bang if we see modern assessment but in Hindu cosmology, Saturn celestial structure and origin has a different story. This shows that the Same power which is present on Sun is also present in the rest of the planets too including Saturn. It’s the same force that keeps on pulling every planet to each other which the sun has.
What is that Power? Is it a Magnetic Shield or the magnetic force of attraction which we called gravity or something else? Let’s understand first, What is mentioned in the Scriptures about Gravity or force of attraction, that keeps on attracting every other planet in the solar system with fixed boundaries. Science has named this force of attraction -The Gravitational force of planets.

What is Gravitational Force of Planets

rig veda bhu sukta The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
“Vaishesika Sutra” discusses the role of Gravity Deeply for every object present in this solar system or in the celestial sphere that can help us in understanding how planets affect us either by aspect or by stronger magnetic attraction, everything is accountable in understanding that gravitational force:
The same thing has been explained by Bhaskaracharya on Surya Siddhanta around 400 AD;
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“Vaishesika Sutra”  describes that in the absence of conjunction (In an action) falling results due to Gravity.
संयोगभावे गुरुत्वात्पतनम (V.S. 5.1.7)
In the absence of conjunction (Gurutvat(is a process, defines the action or an instance of two or more events or things occurring at the same point in time or space.) falling results from Gravity. This means something that makes progress, movement, or achieving something difficult or impossible is the process of Impediment responsible for Gurutvat. Thus it clearly recognizes objects fall downward due to Gravity.
Sutra 2 The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
Sutra 5.1.8 States that due to the absence of a particular molecular motion there arises no upward or side-ward motion in any object causes to fall down.
Sutra 3 The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
Why does an object throw in the air fall after some time? 

Then Vaishesika Sutra discusses the role of Gravity in the falling of moving objects. It gives through the analogy of the arrow. First, it gives the mechanism of arrow projection in Sutra 5.1.17

Sutra 4 The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
Sutra 4 1 The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
4 3 The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being

नोदनाद्यभिषोः कर्म तत्कर्मकारिताच्च संस्कारादुत्तरं तथोत्तरमुत्तरं च 

The first action of the arrow is from impulse; the next is the resultant energy produced by the first action, and similarly the next to next. Then it explains why it falls in the next Sutra.


Sutra 5 The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
संस्काराभावे गुरुत्वात्पतनम (V.S. 5.1.18)
In the absence of resultant/propulsive energy generated by the action, falling results from Gravity.
5 2 The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
Thus from the above Sutras, we can acknowledge that Vaisheshika Sutra clearly discusses Gravity. It uses the word “Gurutwa” which is also used in the present time to represent Gravity. Gurutwa in ancient understanding means force which arises due to mass.


B1VIctwCUAASeEz The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
Further correlation on the gravitational force or guru at a has  been explained in the rig-Veda Rig Veda 1.6.5, 8.12.30

“O Indra! by putting forth your mighty rays, which possess the qualities of gravitation and attraction-illumination and motion – keep up the entire universe in order through the Power of your attraction.”

Rig Veda 1.6.5 and Rig Veda 8.12.30 Says,

“O God, You have created this Sun. You possess infinite power. You are upholding the sun and other spheres and render them steadfast by your power of attraction.”

Yajur Veda 33.43 Says, 

“The sun moves in its own orbit in space taking along with itself the mortal bodies like earth through force of attraction.”

Rig Veda 1.35.9 Says, 

“The sun moves in its own orbit but holding earth and other heavenly bodies in a manner that they do not collide with each other through force of attraction.”

Rig Veda 1.164.13 further says that,

“Sun moves in its orbit which itself is moving. Earth and other bodies move around the sun due to the force of attraction, because the sun is heavier than them”.

Atharva Veda 4.11.1 Says,

“The sun has held the earth and other planets”

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As per Rig Veda, it is been said that “There are suns in all directions, the night sky being full of them.” and same we can further confirm it from Markandeya Purana 78.8, that Blue Sky is Nothing but scattered sunlight.

From all Rig Vedic Sutras, we can confirm that Due to Sun pulling Force every planet is dire to attached and attracted toward him by a unique magnetic force, and by the same force all these planets are affecting us with some sort of Planetary attraction in the form of Cosmic rays. As we are born with the same elements the Sun and the rest of planetary structure are made of, Having on their surface, the same magnetic force keeps pulling us and influencing our mental makeup, state of mind, and power of discretion every day to day karmas. Thus Celestial bodies including Saturn do have a bigger role in our life, as Saturn mass and force are equally powerful in influencing our karmas and bodily actions.

Now! We have understood it well, what is gravity and how different planets are well connected with the sun and its gravitational force and why because of that every planet keeps affecting us. Now, The next question is what makes the Saturn Aspects are So special in influencing our karmic actions ?. As in this portion, we have studied the Saturn mathematical and astronomical aspects. In the next portion, we will try to understand how our Puranic ancient stories are well connected with the planetary aspects and structure. we will try to figure out deep answers lie in the Puranic stories that are connected with the Saturn Evolution time. For understanding Saturn aspects part in a predictive way via the natal chart, click below on continue:


With Regards,

Rocky  Jamwal
Source and Reference:
The Vaisesika sutras of Kanada Translated by Nandalal Sinha (Via

 A Study of Heliocentric Science by Swami Abhedananda 

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An Astrological case study: Blessing to Science, Man of Cosmos The Albert Einstein Life biography

An Astrological case study: Blessing to Science, Man of Cosmos The Albert Einstein Life biography


Brain Behind Unfolding Secrets of Cosmos

“It is not enough that you should understand about applied science in order that your work may increase man’s blessings. Concern for the man himself and his fate must always form the chief interest of all technical endeavours; concern for the great unsolved problems of the organisation of labour and the distribution of goods in order that the creations of our mind shall be a blessing and not a curse to mankind. Never forget this in the midst of your diagrams and equations.”

Above mentioned Quotes Said by One of Famous Personality in the history of Science, None another “Albert Einstein ”

About Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was born at Ulm, in Württemberg, Germany, on March 14, 1879. Six weeks later the family moved to Munich, where he, later on, began his schooling at the Luitpold Gymnasium. Later, they moved to Italy and Albert continued his education at Aarau, Switzerland and in 1896 he entered the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich to be trained as a teacher in physics and mathematics.

Early Childhood and Family Life:

albert einstein 2 728 An Astrological case study: Blessing to Science, Man of Cosmos The Albert Einstein Life biography

As per the Date of based on Albert Einstein  life history he started his educations

“In 1901, the year he gained his diploma, he acquired Swiss citizenship and, as he was unable to find a teaching post, he accepted a position as technical assistant in the Swiss Patent Office. In 1905 he obtained his doctor’s degree. Einstein always appeared to have a clear view of the problems of physics and the determination to solve them. He had a strategy of his own and was able to visualize the main stages on the way to his goal. He regarded his major achievements as mere stepping-stones for the next advance. At the start of his scientific work, Einstein realized the inadequacies of Newtonian mechanics and his special theory of relativity stemmed from an attempt to reconcile the laws of mechanics with the laws of the electromagnetic field. He dealt with classical problems of statistical mechanics and problems in which they were merged with quantum theory: this led to an explanation of the Brownian movement of molecules. He investigated the thermal properties of light with a low radiation density and his observations laid the foundation of the photon theory of light. Most Important Factor is what made Einstein so much specialized in presenting his theories of cosmos and idea of his creations and how he got so many brilliant ideas for his vivid imaginations wrt to Cosmology. This is truly a most astonished and achievable point for me to understand his scientific life path.”

Even with so much brilliant intellect, there were so much up’s and down in his whole Career life -beginning from his childhood days to earlier career life – Einstein struggled a lot to get recognise his theories.

It took me so much time to understand the brilliance intellectual of Einstein.

There are two most important points one should keep in mind while analyzing any chart for career selection that what I had observed and felt during the course of my research. It’s not necessary for what subject we study in higher education we can get a job regarding the same profile. In my 90% of astrological experience what I have found people have studied something else and they are mostly doing the job in different profile and in the different industrial sector.

Point to ponder on it, why it is happening mostly ?

Do you know why ?

Answer is very simple –

It’s not necessary what we study based on 4th (Schooling), 9th (Bachelor or Higher Study) and 5th (technical and Creative studies) gives us the job and earning from same. All three houses have no connection with the wealth houses or upchaya houses (Growth Giving houses). for earning from the Educational sector, One should have strong connection ofupchaya (2nd, 6th, 10th and 11th) houses lords with all three education houses. Wealth belongs to 2nd and 11th Houses; their placement, Lord and Strength of Dhana Karka planets plays a major role in deciding prospects of Finance via Education sector planets. In General Jupiter and Karma, Karka Saturn has a major role in deciding our profession and career stream, that we can check in both D1, D9 and D10 Chart. Unless and until there will be a connection of 9th, 5th, 10th house or lord connectivity with 2nd and 11th lord we cannot earn from Same. Now coming to Main Post;

This Article Belongs to One of most Ingenious Scientist of the 20th Century ” ‪#‎Albert‬ Einstein.


Exceptionally Human in nature, an Ingenious Scientist who was able to decode God Cosmos Structure by his theoretical calculations and forumlated an eqation of E=MC2 for understanding Mass and Energy as one form via his Special Relative theory and further worked on visualiszing concept of theory of everything; The General Theory of Relativity. Both the Theores are considered as benchmark in decoding Higher Cosmos for understanding Structure of time and Space.

About Albert Einstein

As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality they are not certain and as far as they are certain they do not refer to reality. Albert Einstein An Astrological case study: Blessing to Science, Man of Cosmos The Albert Einstein Life biography

Albert Einstein was a German-Swiss-American scientist, a physicist who developed the theory of relativity in 1905, and the general theory in 1916 after a Much struggle and controversies were able to Prove it after the long gap of 7 years, laying the groundwork for 20th-century physicists and providing the essential structure for the cosmos.

Having IQ level of 160 at the age of 14 Taught himself integral and calculus and analytic Geometry from books, Because of Surya- Budh Yoga, Einstein revolutionized the basic Structure of Physics with Impossible and unimaginable ideas in the Era of Atomic age around the 19th century.

Now what are the rules to understand how planetary combinations have a major role on deciding profession in science stream:
Here is the basic understanding of planetary nature, Cracking Down Career Field in Science, being physicist’s,  Astronomer, Astrophysics or Being a Scientist? 


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Karka of Science – Sun- Denotes Knowledge of Cosmos, Creation and Deep Knowledge.
Saturn + Jupiter + Sun Mainly seen for this career, though Karka of Physics are: Sun + Mercury if they are falls in trine to Moon.

Karka of Scientists are:

1) Ketu: – A Genius Scientist, Expert in Philosophy of High Machines, Higher Mathematics, and Art of Statistical analysis, an expert in higher Calculations and mathematics.

2) Rahu: Working with Highly Technical Machines which are highly intelligent in core structure having Huge size and big in mass i.e. Atomic and Nuclear Bombs, knowledge of Gases and Representer of true Researcher and working with Secret Societies and working Underground.

3) Mercury: Art Of Analysis, Thinking in a Unique way, Knowledge of Electronics, Communication, IT Technology & Media, Journalism, Writing, Accounting and Sharp Intelligence and logical Calculations if aspect by Rahu or by Mars and or in Rahu Nakashtra it makes a brilliant Scientist.

4) Sun: Karka of the source of Knowledge, Knowledge of Cosmos & Creation, knowledge of Godly things i.e. Geeta, Vedanta, Bhagwat Puraan etc., it indicates the clue for Source of Knowledge – where knowledge originates, Lord of Strings Based Musical instruments i.e. Guitar, violin, taan Pura etc.

5) Saturn : Knowledge of traditional Studies which have deep roots from old Traditions i.e ancient scriptures, Astrology, Vedic Astronomy, Shashtras etc and when it Combine with Jupiter or Sign of Jupiter or Vice versa (Jupiter with Saturn or in Sign of Saturn) it gives Brahma Yoga or finest knowledge of Creation and passing down to others in a traditional way or working in traditional knowledge’s i.e. Study of the Cosmos, Universe, space, time-based on Vedic Cosmology etc.

6) Jupiter: Karka of Dhi and Philosophy and power of discretion through knowledge, Knowledge of God or God Blessing and knowledge of Vedas, Shasta’s, most highest knowledge, karaka of Apara Vidya, – the knowledge which never Destroyed in the Cosmic cycle of birth and death which we called Supreme or Divine knowledge – Real Karka of Scientist and Being philosopher and Preaching Higher Cause.

7) Venus: Karka of Para Vidya and Knowledge of Shastra’s and making harmonic relation with nature and the finest author who can write with beauty and complete harmony.

When we combine all, the Finest Scientist like Albert Einstein will be born who can Present Science into new Shape and New Ideas.

Now the point is how to analyze career in ” Scientific field “, it is not an easy job to crack down career in the scientific field and having brilliant thinking like Albert Einstein, only he has that unique ability and imaginative thinking out of frame from usual physicists ideology.

He was the blessed scientist able to decode the hidden meaning of God and his nature, so giving him name “Messenger of the God ” (Jupiter in 9th house) won’t be a big thing for his notifying career in science and physics, to understand and present God Cosmos and Creation in a Unique Style to mankind.

He was the only Scientist expert in theoretical physics in 19th century, believed in Approaching and Solving Cosmological Mysteries by his ingenious mathematical abilities in paper.

Now the question is What are the ways to Analyses Career?

Coming to Post how we can analyze career and professional achievements.


what emc2 means An Astrological case study: Blessing to Science, Man of Cosmos The Albert Einstein Life biography

Available detail of Albert Einstein is:

Date of Birth: 14 March 1879,
Time of Birth: Available time- 11:30 Am (Standard Time), (Fixed time, which I corrected, based on his life events was: 11:36:29 Am) Place of Birth: Ulm, Germany,
Long and Lat: 48n24, 10e00, Timezone: LMT m10e00 (is local mean time).

Albert%2BEinstien An Astrological case study: Blessing to Science, Man of Cosmos The Albert Einstein Life biography


Navamsa An Astrological case study: Blessing to Science, Man of Cosmos The Albert Einstein Life biography

Initial Factors before analysis :

While doing initial Calculation in birth chart analysis of Albert Einstein with available birth time  @11:30 am, I was not so sure about Einstein would have such an Ingenious Career in the scientific field if we take Aquarius as D9 Lagna with Venus and Mars in Lagna. With Current Lagana it be would be an impossible deal to say that he would be having an un-matchable imagination with style of visualising things in a lucid way none other can imagine.

The presence of Venus and Mars in D9 lagan only can give Passionate nature in Music, Romanticism in an unconventional style and usually gives Natural artistic skills and talents with handsome and attractive appearance those are linked with Both Mars and Venus. Though he has a very youthful appearance that matches more with Gemini traits of 4th pada or might be having an influence of Mercury over D9 Lagana.

But if we slightly move birth time to few minutes forward, to Pisces Lagna, it can give me a clue of having an Expansive and imaginative nature with an unusual out of Box Style thinking of Albert Einstein. Rahu in D9 Lagna in Pisces clearly matches over the choice of career and traits of scientific bent of mind, looking everything in different way and style, having natural tendency for observing everything in micro point of view and adept in rejecting causal way of philosophical systems and Laws of nature, that what science has propagated at that time. Only strong Rahu over Lagana has that ability and power to accept unconventional ideas those are beyond imagination for any set of mind.

Usually, Expansive and imaginative nature ruled by Guru and out of Box thinking ruled By Rahu, but If we combine both we can get a person who can think and imagine in an unusual way, or who can dig deep with an unconventional and different set of rules till that he never gets his answer.

So, I was quite assured about Rahu in Pisces Lagna in D9 would definitely give an expansive and highly visualized thinking for the scientific career.

If we take Gemini Lagan with 4th pada, we would be having an ambitious Rahu ruling the Ascendant nakshatra and Mercury will be ruling the lagna Rashi and with Guru ruling over d9, it will definitely form a hyper-expansive pair.

Being born in Gemini 4th Padas of Ardara, It will give an extravagant, expediently generous, but not normally reckless, Huge adventure, large-scale speculation, enormous having “animal fantasy” potential for gaining tremendous knowledge if Guru is well disposed in the Horoscope.

After Approaching to final conclusion, changed the birth time to 11:36:29 AM, where the birth time would be in 4th pada of Pisces Navamasa lagan, Rahu placed in Pisces sign ( the Sign of Deep Mystery, deep imagination, Study of Deep Space and Cosmos). At the Sametime D9 lagnesh lord  is also well placed in the 9th house – Signifies house of Higher Knowledge, philosophy and Deep secrets. The Sign of Scorpio – signifies mystery, transformations, Secret knowledge and Doing Mystical research in Something extraordinary in a Scientific way also aspecting the lagna (where Rahu is placed in Pisces), Sun (also placed in 5th house) from 9th house, clearly indicating a scientist was Born with extra-ordinary knowledge,thoughts and skills and would be having an expert  understanding on Vedanta and Bhagavad  gita philosophy.Further shows that Einstein would be having an utter faith on his Teachers and Guides.

That gives final surety that D9 Lagan should be Pisces rather than Aquarius.

Now, Coming to D1 Being born in Gemini Lagan in Ardra Nakshatra in the 4th Padas of Jupiter, making Albert Einstein an extremely Ingenious, Brilliant in calculus, sharp intellect, well versed in Vedas or Sciences of gods and interested in Astronomy, Cosmos and knowledge of Creation, highly Imaginative, visually ingenious being born in sign of Pisces amsa in d9.

Being born in Gemini ascendant einstein possessing an extreme human nature and having Witty and generous disposing nature, Possess a high degree of self-esteem and brimming confidence, Capable of rising in life by dint of merit alone. Exceptional oratorical and writing capacity well versed in Literature and journalism all things which involved visually or imaginative writing or theoretic writing.

That further can be verified from the placement of the lagnesh mercury being placed in “Poorna chandra” Amsa in d60. Poorna chandra signifies ” Full Moon ” and one would be deeply related to “Pustaka – working with books”.  Nature of Works would be involving those related to printing, publication, distribution, training of Books, writing Journals, or might be work in an Publicity or Advt or Librarians etc.that further shows the life direction or where one applies his intelligence or where actually life direction lies in.

Einstein was exceptionally versed in acts of differentiation and always be misunderstood as being born as an independent & indifferent thinker in Science being born in Ardra Nakshatra. But if we see another side of the frame, it indicates an extraordinary brilliance of intellect and hall of fame, exceptional in the study of literature and science & a keen intent observer of human nature and observing behaviour and act of nature, but negatively it makes always restless.

Now coming to the main theme, how we can analyze career, well for analyzing career in right approach astrologically, there are certain rules that one should have to remember before predicting career stream:

*Rule* 1 :  While analysing Career from Natal chart is ; Most important and firstmost parameter is check the Lagan Sign, its Degree, Nakashtra lord and its placement in both D1 and D9 chart. The Padas lord, Sign being rise in D9 and its placement in D9 shows the actual trait one get naturally or it can indicate natural abilites and skills one have. Ascendant Nakashtra lord Placement in D1 and D9 shows where one applies his intelligence and how that lord influences his thought process for whole life. Most Important factor from above all is see where the Lagan and Nakashtra lord is Placed in D1 and D9. that precisely indicates see what native wanted to do in his life- the ultimate goal of life, it simply indicates about the application of  an Intelligence and where one can learn and utilise his knowledge for what purpose.

Analysis Begins:

Albert Einstein was born in Gemini Lagan in 16 Degree 40 ‘ – The mid Degree ( in 2nd Drekkena) – indicative of Young, Dynamic and revolutionary thinker and must be successful in youth age after 25th to 32 (the Natural Age of Mercury and Youth).

Lagan Nakshatra Lord (Ardara) is in 8th house in Uttrashada nakshatra (Nakshatra lord in 10th house in Pisces Sign – A urge to do something for the society ,to Expose Deep Secrets of cosmos, a help and Knowledgeable Nakashtra in the field of Deep Space and Cosmos ( Pisces)) with exalted 11th lord Mars clearly indicate wanted to do something in the field of research was his ultimate destiny or you can say having gift of aggression , obsession and passion for research, also indicates earning via research and Doing Something out of box in the field of research and finding truth Under the Shell via unique Calculative and Logical style.

Mars and Rahu in 8th house indicates Something explosive in nature, because of this combination Einstein did a major mistake   (Rahu – in the field of research) in his life by presenting his idea to the United States for the research of Atomic Bomb, he got clue his research may lead to something Destructive for mankind in later stage.

“On the eve of World War II in 1939-1940 During Mars ending and Starting Rahu MD period, he endorsed a letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt alerting him to the potential development of extremely powerful bombs of a new type” and recommending that the U.S. begin similar research. This eventually led to what would become the Manhattan Project. Einstein supported defending the Allied forces, but largely denounced the idea of using the newly discovered nuclear fission as a weapon. Later, with the British philosopher Bertrand Russell, Einstein signed the Russell–Einstein Manifesto, which highlighted the danger of nuclear weapons because of his atomic theory”.

How to analyse Career: Key house for Career and Goals Accomplishments in life is the 10th house which indicates your work front, your Working environment, your role in Society and all the aspects of Work ruled by 10th house.

**Note** 2:-> Second rule to check Career of the person is to check which planet is stronger in :

1) 10th from Sun

2) 10th from Moon

3) 10th from the lagan.

4) 10th from D9 lagan in D9 – ( for advance Analysis)

5) 10th from Karkamasa in D9 – ( For Advance Analysis)

6) 10th from A10 Arudha in D10- ( for Advanced Analysis)

7) 10th from Arudha Lagna (AL) in D1 and D10 – ( for Advanced Analysis)

8) 10th from Amatya Karka in D9 – (for Advanced Analysis)

1) 10th from Lagan: Indicates what you wanted to do in life in reality, indicates what type of your current karma is you are doing in society or you wanted to do, what actually you are made of or what sort of things making you are interested in doing for the well-being of Society.

2) 10th from Moon: Indicates what are those things which you actually like to do comfortably or those things which you feel comfortable to do or it simply indicates work which sustains you or the mode of income or earning.

3) 10th from Sun: Indicates those works which bring Status and position to the native, it simply indicates Work which brings Authority and power to you.

4) 10th from Arudha lagan: What actually you are doing in society or it is the actual work you are doing in society or the work people getting perception from you. It is the actually Bread and Butter you get from Social society.

**Note** 3 :->Those planets who are stronger from 10th will indicate choice of work you will do in Society.

In Albert Einstein D1 chart 10th from Moon is Empty and having Leo sign, lord of Leo Sun is in Pisces with 5th & 12th lord Venus, 1st & 4th lord Mercury, 8th & 9th lord Saturn, 5th from Moon sign (Scorpio) and Ketu 9th from Moon Indicates an Intuitive person who can see and imagine things in reality with his power of Imagination and visualizing it. A real intellectual and Creative Mind, Having real Imagination, which can imagine with his outstanding visual power, A powerhouse of creativity who can deeply imagine and understand creator equation on Cosmos and knowledge of Cosmos.

All the planetary positions from Moon Made Albert Einstein a real Imaginary and much skilled in visualizing things.

He simply wanted to know the creation of cosmos and understand god equation while making the universe.

Here 10th from Moon is Leo Sign; no planet is there, so we can’t decide 10th from Moon for the native career.

Although 10th from Moon has Jupiter and Mars aspect – Making passionate and very logical in higher learning.

10th from Sun having Sagittarius sign ( sign of Knowledge, the lord is in 9th house 4th from Moon and 12th from Sun – indicates Higher Knowledge and doing research in cosmos will bring his name and fame in worldwide.

Now Last and most important point is cluster of 4 planets are in 10th from Lagan , Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Venus in Pisces Sign clearly indicating doing something deep, mystical and completely dominating the interest of Albert Einstein, telling me something he will do something for the Society and whole public or mass will know him by his work and he will be well known to the whole world. He will do deep for the sake of Society and will be an icon for many people for his accomplishment in higher causes, Pisces is the 12th sign of Kaalpurush – the Sign of cosmos and Deep World in modern terminology we called It Space, cosmos and universe.

Now the question is what would be career type of Albert Einstein?

**Note** 4:-> Whenever you want to see what would be career interest type , we have to see the strength of 10th house and 10th lord placement in D1, D9 and D10 and its nakshatra, nakshatra lord and its pada.

10th lord Jupiter is in 9th house ( House of Higher Knowledge, wisdom, God Messenger, God blessing, Knowledge of Ancient scriptures etc. ) in Aquarius sign ( Mystical Sign of traditional knowledge i.e. Cosmos , astronomy , Stars , space and and knowledge of Creation) , Kendra lord in trikona House – ( raj yoga means work which can give native Name, fame via Higher learning ).

10th lord Jupiter is in 9th house aspecting 1st & 5th house in D1 indicates owner of Supreme knowledge which we called Dhi Shakti – a form of Higher learning – in house of Higher philosophy , Wisdom , something connected with God and creation of God which is clearly indicative of Doing something for Higher cause or Finding truth of creation , a real knowledge of Real medium – Space and time bondage and will be self-learned (aspecting 1st house) will teach whole world via his own findings and give godly knowledge to his future Followers( 5th house).

Same can be confirmed in D9 and D10 Chart, Jupiter is lagan lord of D9 in 9th house in Scorpio sign aspecting lagan having Rahu (Indication of being in Science for out of box thinking – A restless mind) in it , aspecting 5th house having Sun in it , will be a Blessed Researcher who will extract & crack down and write down all his findings of cosmos and secret world and will present to whole world.

In D10 chart Jupiter is with Saturn in Pisces Sign in 5th forming Brahma Yoga ( higher knowledge of creation) house aspecting lagan (where sun is in it in A10 Arudha) , aspecting Venus from 5th house and 7th from AL – Will be known for His Brahma Gyan theories – Theory of Relativity – E= MC2 god equation of cosmos.

10th lord Jupiter is in Aq which is a Mystic sign of traditional knowledge lorded by Saturn and Rahu, Rahu in 8th and Saturn in 10th also indicating Albert wanted to do something in the field of Science for the sake of society for presenting a truth of cosmos for the future wellbeing of mankind.

10th lord is in Dhansitha, Nakashtra lord in 8th house with Rahu – Dhansitha is a Nakashtra of Harmony, a close connection with nature and music, Albert wanted to do research of natural laws and understanding it deeply for the prospects of nature passionately , but he did a mistake (Rahu in 8th house with Mars – Nakashtra lord of 10th lord), by suggesting research for Atomic Bomb based on his Atomic theory which he had a deep guilt in his heart & always realized till his death.

Dhanistha indicates divine power from the” eight Vasus “; its presiding deities happens to be the twenty third birth star, to sparkle in the cosmic firmament. Guided by the planetary force of Mars, Dhanishta Nakshatra stands for symphony, prosperity and adaptability from nature, the eight Vasus are the solar gods of energy and light Because of the influence of ruling Nakashtra of 10th lord Einstein was always having a deep fantasy for Light and its origination.

Native of Dhanishtra nakshatras are usually fond of Music , Symphony and Healing, reciters of rhythmical incantations and also indicates Scientist who likes to do things In fine tuning with nature and god in a perfect harmony with nature which gave him deep interest in forming its Relational theory of Light, energy and Mass is same but form of one another.

There is an Exchange yoga of 10th and 9th lord – Indicates Dharma – Karma adhipati yoga, Dharma hi Karma and Karma hi Dharma – A Sign of Saint and Satvic Soul.

10th Lord Nakashtra Lord Is in 8th house with Rahu clearly indicates native inventions or researches may lead to something destructive for Social mass by mistake(Rahu in Capricorn in 8th house).

Rahu and Mars always indicate something explosive or something is hidden behind the truth which is under cosmos or nature i.e. deep anger is burning under a body and brain.

**Note** 5 :-> Beside 10th lord and Strength of 10th house , Lagan lord placement and its nakshatra is most important and need to check in D1, D9 & D10 chart for tracking career interest and in any house indicates where you are applying the knowledge for creation purpose or destruction purpose or it simply indicates application of your intelligence.

Here lagan lord is in 10th house in D1 and 8th house (Mercury + Saturn) in D9 with 9th lord Saturn and in 4th house in Aq Sign in D10 with Moon again confirming me a Brilliant Analyzer, Deep thinker and Keen observer and the finest researcher.

Although Lagan lord is in debilitation in D1, having neech bhanga too , but being placed in 10 Degree it is away from its deepest debilitation degree of 20 deg , Mercury is in Utrabhadra nakashtra lord of Saturn, making Mercury much stronger, closely conjugated within the orbital distance of 2 degree with 9th and 8th lord Saturn who also happens to be Nakashtra lord of Uttrabhadra indicates Albert was a lover of traditional knowledge in science i.e. he was a deep follower of Isaac Newton, Max Plank, Michael Faraday etc. and he always wanted to do work of old Knowledge’s and giving understanding the concept and giving it in new shape.

Because of this he was always in Contradiction and always faced controversies whenever he presented journals of a new model of old traditional physics laws.

Beside this combination making him very much logical, and deft at skills of calculations strong determination, wisdom and experience.

He was always Penchant for calculation and acquiring wisdom by way of experience which was the essential aspects of his personality. Another interesting aspect of Albert was its changeability.

Owing to this changeability according to the varying needs of circumstances, it was difficult to attribute typical traits to his personality.

He was very attractive features and complexion; excel in attracting attention by virtue of his grace and mannerisms.

He was very much religious and drawn to a high ethical standard and always recluse within the folds of spirituality.

Saturn completely dominated the Mercury in Albert Einstein Chart Which is giving me a clear indication of having the natural bent of mind for doing calculations, logic and much skilled in Scientific hypothesis which is the clear indication of a finest of finest Scientists.

Combination of Saturn and Mercury always indicate the finest scientist who always keeps them-self busy in doing calculations and deep observing nature and Science.

Beside 8th and 9th lord conjugation with Lagnesh Mercury, Sun and Venus is also there in 10th house but not having Close conjugation with Lagnesh Mercury and Saturn, which is good if we look at deeply, all the planets are free from combustion of Sun and 7th from Al – He will be known a public Icon known for his Tremendous knowledge in abstract sciences.

**Conclusion **:-> It is Quiet clear he was a genius Scientist and a blessing to Science and mankind for his theories and Researches.
Financial and Professional Achievements :

Sun Being 3rd lord in 10th house with 5th lord Venus, and lagan lord Mercury and 9th lord Saturn also indicates Albert Einstein was very much Skilled in Music, mainly in those instruments which are having the link with strings.

Albert Einstein was a great Violinist and better than average musicians he was the lover of Symphony and Soothing music and he usually plays the Violins with Club Musicians and most of the time when he always stuck in Some puzzles or mysteries.

Because of the 3rd lord in 10th house, 6th from 3rd house, Albert Einstein had to travel Many Countries for getting Job and career prosperity, have to face many short breaks in career to achieve Professional achievements 8th lord in 10th house clearly indicating it.

Because of the 10th lord is 12th from its own place, 3rd lord in 10th He has to live for small jobs with much smaller earnings in govt offices.

He was a patent officer when he started his career and got rejected in many Institutes, universities and colleges and many Scientific Intuitions when he was trying to apply for Job of Professor or teacher.

Even he has to leave his homeland for completing his technical studies to gain More knowledge (5th and 4th lord in 10th house) to get more technical Jobs.

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This was quiet Clear why he has to do many small jobs or live for small perks via his jobs , 2nd lord Moon is in 6th house – 3rd (Less Paid – Hard efforts ; Need to put many efforts in order to get satisfied jobs ) from AL in debilitation ( in Jyestha Nakashtra , Nakashtra Lord is also in Debilitated in 10th house too, he has to do job of Clerks , patent officer and those jobs which are connected with writings – Mercury (1st lord) + Sun(3rd Lord) which are less in perks ) clearly telling me Albert Einstein has to put many Efforts in order to get success and have to stay live with jobs like Clerks and Patent Officers.

His most of His income and Success he got from Fighting’s with competent members in sciences, by defeating rivalries or by proving it right.

Moon in 6th house in debilitation clearly indicating He has to earn by winning over legal Battles and also indicates Albert Einstein had no solid financial support from family and have to fight hard to earn and live , always have to compete with rivalries in order to gain wealth and money and also in personal life wise too.

Native will usually get earning via 8th house matters – if 11th lord is in 8th house with Rahu who is also 9th house – Wealth by research, a hard Earned money.

Mars – Rahu indicating a research gain via same which will give some hypotheses for something explosive which may give the foundation for Explosive matters.

**Note** 6 :-> Its the 2nd lord and 11th lord which decides your source of earning and how much wealth you can earn and what you have to do to get money or type of work you have to do , not what you have studied from 1st , 4th , 5th and 9th house/lord , unless and until both are Connected.

Major Event: Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921-22

Nobel Prize Albert An Astrological case study: Blessing to Science, Man of Cosmos The Albert Einstein Life biography

In 1922 He got Sum of Rs 20,000 Dollar during Moon Mahadasha (2nd Lord In 6th House – Defeating Enemies and Competing all his close physicists , after Proving it true , Moon in Jyestha Nakashtra, Nakashtra Lord Mercury 7th from Al in 10th house – An Indicator of Fame , Name and Recognizance ) after Winning Nobel Price for for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect ( Effect of Dhanishtha Nakshatra) ” in Quantum physics in 1921 , even he got Rejected many time in Nobel pric e.During 1921-22 Saturn, Rahu and Jupiter all there were closely conjugated in the Virgo sign and are falling to his 4th house, 7th house from the 10th house that clearly shows about some extraordinary major breakthrough in his research career, a world wide recognition or getting name and fame via his researches. 

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On November 9, 1922, he was named the winner of the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics ” for his services to theoretical physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect.Albert Einstein received his Nobel Prize one year later, in 1922. During the selection process in 1921, the Nobel Committee for Physics decided that none of the year’s nominations met the criteria as outlined in the will of Alfred Nobel. According to the Nobel Foundation’s statutes, the Nobel Prize can in such a case be reserved until the following year, and this statute was then applied. Albert Einstein, therefore, received his Nobel Prize for 1921 one year later, in 1922.

His name has been synonymous with genius, and the scientific definitions of the modern age–ranging from the Bomb to space travel, electronics and quantum physics – all bear the stamp of his conceptualizations.

Using his theory of quanta (Rahu), Einstein explained the photoelectric effect (Mars in 8th house – 10th Lord Nakashtra Lord in exalted State ). He showed that when quanta of light energy strikes atoms in the metal, the quanta force the atoms to release electrons.

Einstein’s work helped justify quantum theory. The photoelectric cell resulted from Einstein’s work. This device made possible sound motion pictures, television and many other inventions.

Einstein received the 1921-22 Nobel Prize in physics for his paper on quanta.

The work of Planck and Einstein quickly established the Quantum Theory, not only in light but also in many forms of energy. Quantum physics was born.

Event 2:

In 1916 during the Beginning of Sun Mahadasha ( Indicator of Creation) and Sun antardasha He proposes general theory of relativity – still central to our understanding of the universe. Einstein changed the political balance of power in the twentieth century, through his scientific foundation in the development of atomic energy. Einstein’s theory is embodied in his famous equation E=mc². Although light photons don’t have mass, they have energy, and Einstein’s theory says that even pure energy has to behave in some ways like mass. Therefore light could be bend by the gravitation force of the sun.

Light from the background stars closely bypassing the sun on the way to the earth are being bend by the sun. The result is that the stars are seen in slightly different positions in the sky when the sun is in front of them, compared to their positions when the sun is elsewhere.

Even after Presenting General Theory in 1916 , ground work Of Theory was still missing and scientific community was not able to accept theory completely . for Proving his General theory of Relativity , Einstein has to wait for 4 Solar Eclipses from 1916 to 1919 and has to wait for The final eclipse of May 29, 1919 which confirmed Einstein’s theory that the light could be bend by the gravitational force of the sun.

An English expedition in the area of the eclipse have actually measured the deflection of starlight from the sun. The data of the expedition was presented to a special joint meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society and the Royal Society of London on November 6, 1919 , at the time it was Saturn Antardasha( Process of Working on Old trends and Traditions and giving it to new shape) was running.

The eminent Professor J.J. Thomson, discoverer of the electron and Chair of the meeting, was convinced: “This is the most important result obtained in connection with the theory of gravitation since Newton’s day.”

After long battle of 7 years via his Solar Eclipse formula He got Noble Price in 1921 and presented in 1922 during Moon Mahadasha not for his work for brilliant work on General Theory of Relativity but for the photoelectric effect which he formulated quiet earlier in research paper during 1905 in Venus Mahadasha( lord of 5th house in 10th house).

He even Donated his sum of Price to His Separated Wife as what he promised to his wife for children well being.

Einstein formulated most of His research work of Cosmos and Creation in Sun Mahadasha from 1916 to 1921.

He Presented his most of Theoretical Researches in Venus Mahadasha – dasha of 5th and 12th lord in 10th house and in AD period Rahu (9th lord in 8th – Deep Research from 1903 to 1906) , Jupiter (10th lord in 9th – Higher Knowledge and Search of Cosmos – 1906 to 1908 ), Saturn(9th lord in 10th – Revolutionizing the searches, old bottle – new Shape in 1908 to 1912) ,Mercury(1st and 4th lord in 10th – Applying , presenting , writing journals and testing process – 1912 to 1914 ) and Ketu( 6th lord in 2nd house – fighting for honor and brilliance – 1914 to 1916) .

But he got Recognition in 1922 during End of Sun Mahadasha and Venus AD and in Moon MD Starting Phase after winning many legal battles of proving his Scientific theories , 6th lord in 8th house with Rahu – always in controversies , Debilitated Moon in 6th house.

In 1905 During Venus Mahadasha ( lord of 5th and 12th house in 10th house) and Antardasha of Jupiter/Rahu( Lagna Nakashtra lord /9th lord Rahu in 8th , 9th and 10th lord Jupiter in 9th house ) Einstein contributed three papers to Annalen der Physik (Annals of Physics) based on Space and time formula , Each of them became the basis of a new branch of physics.

Einstein treated matter and energy as exchangeable. Albert Einstein became famous for the theory of relativity, which laid the basis for the release of atomic energy.

In 1905 During Mid of Venus Mahadasha , Albert Einstein formulates Special Theory of Relativity.He established law of mass- energy equivalence and in 1907 in Jupiter Antardasha, he came up with the immortal e=mc2, better known as the Special Theory of Relativity, encapsulating energy and matter as aspects of a single phenomenon.

In 1908 during Saturn Antardasha , while still at the patent office, he began work on his major achievement, the general theory of relativity, which he officially proposed in 1916 in Sun Mahadasha.

The theories were the greatest challenge to Newtonian mechanics that the modern world had ever known was a fact for Cosmos and Universe creation.

Einstein calculates how the movement of molecules in a liquid can cause the Brownian motion.

Using Max Planck’s quantum Theory he formulated the photon theory of light and explains the photoelectric effect in 1905 During Venus Mahadasha and Rahu Antardasha.

In 1916 proposes general theory of relativity-still central to our understanding of the universe. Einstein changed the political balance of power in the twentieth century, through his scientific foundation in the development of atomic energy.

Over the next decade During Moon Mahadasha Period , Einstein took visiting professorships in England and America and gave many speeches.

But his Life Become Miserable after the dasha commenced of Mars (lord of 11th and 6th lord in 8th house with Rahu , owner of two Malefic Houses with Malefic Rahu ) after 1932 , He refused to live in Hitler’s Reich, He was expelled from the Academy of Science in Germany , his citizen ship was Revoked and in 1932-33 he moved permanently to U.S.A to Princeton’s Institute for Advanced Study, where he sponsored a steady stream of refugees from Nazism. He became a U.S. citizen in 1936.

During Rahu Mahadasha Einstein went on thinking , speculating all theory in one form and looked for common solution based on all his theories , unity in all nature, Rahu Even gave him Success but in 8th house it was Destructive idea , which was the result of Manhattan project based on Atomic Theory of Einstein , but later he realized He did a major mistake in his life by formulating this theory and suggesting US to Make Atomic Bomb against Nazis.

Conclusion: So this is all about the Scientific breakthrough about his research in theoretical physics and we tried to understand his major scientific changes in his profession.
Source and Reference :
pin An Astrological case study: Blessing to Science, Man of Cosmos The Albert Einstein Life biography

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Research Journal on Ancient Vedic Astro meteorology of India | November 2018

AncientIndiaMetrology Research Journal on Ancient Vedic Astro meteorology of India | November 2018
Astrological weather prediction of India and understanding the Ancient Science of Astro-meteorology
The Process of Vayu-Dharana or GarabhDharana
Weather and Meteorology of ancient India
“According to one indigenous theory established in the Upanishads, the universe consists of five basic elements 1. Earth or land, 2.water, 3. light or lustre, 4. air and 5. ether. Nature has maintained a status of balance between and among these constituents or elements and living creatures. A disturbance in the percentage of any constituent of the environment beyond certain limitsdisturbs the natural balance and any change in the natural balance causes lots of problems to the living creatures in the universe.Different constituents of the environment exist with set relationships with one another. The relation of the human being with an environment is very natural as he cannot live without it. From the very beginning of creation, he wants to know about it for self-protection and benefit.” 
(Reference: Origin of Environmental Science from Vedas by Sashi  Tiwari)
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Understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018

1920x1080 px building clouds field Horizon landscape Lightning nature 572917 Understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018



Subject: Astrology weather prediction 2018 and understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018


india temples Understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018

Weather and Meteorology of ancient India

As per the early Ancient observations, the four days commencing from the “eighth day in the light half ( Krishna Paksha) of the month of jyestha (i.e 4 days after the mid of the month of the may and June – from 15th may to 15th June, it can be varied) fall in may and June month are Known as, “Vayu Dharan Days (Pregnancy days of Clouds) “

These are the most important days when the movements of the wind seen and observed in the jyestha month freely from ” North-west to East direction  carrying full of rich amount of moisture in it”.

In Science of Astro-meteorology, These 4 days when the wind is heavy,  Pressure is quiet low  in the environment it carries lots of  moisture in it. Around these period, Moon movement would be seen from ” Swati to visakha nakashtra” before Poornimagives a vital clue for judging the nature of health of the Pregnancy of the rain-clouds for upcoming monsoon seasons.

Here observation of the wind direction and its richness or quantity with Apah (moisture),  and movement in these particular 4 days are most important.If there is no wind in these 4 days, we can expect coming months will be much dry in nature as well as humidity will be more.

If there are enough winds in those 4 days, should be like gentle, agreeable and if the Sky Should be covered by fine, bright clouds than there will be the possibility of good rainfall in Monsoon else monsoon will be a bit delayed and level of humidity will be more.

If there is rainfall during” Swati to Vishaka Nakshatra for full 4 days ” then we can say with surety that the monsoon is near to Shower full of insistent rainfall in Shravana to Karttika Month (August to November) else there will be the possibility of drought like situation in the rainy season.
rhwallalphacoderscom lightning Lighting Storm Ocean storm over the ocean full hd wallpaper and background rhwallalphacoderscom forces of nature waves clouds rhrenaturescom forces Lighting Storm Understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018
In Ancient Weather science, This gives an easiest way to time entry of monsoon via own sense of judgement and to get clear understanding on clue for rainfall during Sharavana and Karttika month. The only thing required is you need to keep  on observing the movement in the sky, the direction, and pregnancy of winds and clouds.

Astrology Meteorological year 2018 : Vayu-Dharan 2018 Process


VayuDharan%2B2018 Understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018
This year Vayu Dharan process started from ” 15th of May 2018 ” onward when moon was entered in Jyestha Amavasya and sun in Taurus Sign, and those 8 light half days started from “15th of May to 22nd of May 2018″. In Those 8 days Venus was in front of Moon, Mercury is behind the sun and moon, Mars and Ketu was in trine to Sun and Moon, blocking the good Vayu Dharan process. This shows that during this Vayu Dharan process there will be intense heat and warm weather will start from 22nd of May onward when those 8 light days will end.
Vayu%2BDharan%2B2018 Understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018
After those 8 light half days, 4  Major Vayu Dahran Days  started around “26th of  May to 29th of  May 2018 “ when moon was transiting from “Swati to visakha Nakshatra around poorniamsya (Full moon day)” , carrying huge Amount of moisture from the north west  coastal regions to rest of india closely in contact with Jupiter,  Mercury opposite to Moon/Jupiter and Venus was in trine to the Moon , shows that the this year Monsoon  for india will be much better then earlier years. This year South of india, North west states including maharashtra,  Karnataka, Kerala and costals regions of north west  of indian states will receive plenty of rainfall. Only Gujarat, Many of states of north of india will receive normal rainfall due to presence of two warm planets in Amrita Nadi ruling north indian states.
During those 4 days of Vayu-Dharan Process, Temperature was around 46 degree to 47 Degree, that shows Planetary alignment those were featuring around 26th to 29th of june triggers toward high temperature and maximum moisture process.
TemperatureVarations Understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018
Graph Understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018

From 29th of May onward, we have seen gradual decrease in temperature almost in most of the states of india.

As per Skymet Weather, both maximum and minimum temperatures seen over Delhi and adjoining regions of Noida, Faridabad, Gurugram, and Ghaziabad. In fact maximum temperatures has touched around 47°C in these 4 days.Hot weather conditions are observed due to the dry and hot northwesterly winds which are blowing over Delhi and NCR.Due to Close movements over scorpio, soothing dust storm was likely to appeared over Delhi and others north of indian states by the end of the month when Moon will further conjugated over Sagittarius and Capricorn.


Symptoms need to observe on Meteorological events from 26th of May to 3rd of june 2018


Did anyone observed good winds, cool breeze or Rainfall during this period ?  If they had missed that opportunity, here is an another opportunity to closely observe the weather in up coming days.

If Anyone hasn’t yet started observing the sky or weather scenario from 15th of May 2018 to 29th of June 2018  for vayu Dharan process, Start observing the weather when Sun will move Mrigshara nakashtra around coastal areas of india. 

Here are another time for amateurs Rainman observers or an upcoming opportunity to analyze current monsoon weather scenario for your state or place. Via this tips you can understand how monsoon will take shape in coming days.
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Below are the points required for Mundane analysis of rainfall, please note it down and carefully follows those. here are the tips shows what you have to do now:
1) See the direction of the wind first, it should be from North- east/ west to south, See the speed, See the depth, See the content of moisture in it, Show how warm or cold it is, See the level of storm factor in it.If it is stormy in nature Chances of pregnancy will be wash away by the fierce wind.If the wind is full of cold and smooth in movement, rainfall will fall soon.The direction of winds shows how it will cover the moisture in the atmosphere, usually if air is smooth moisture will always be in intact with the wind.
2) See the cloud movement from Northwest to South in the sky, Observe its motion – Moving or it is still or stays for a much longer period or not, See the color of the clouds.See how close clouds are moving toward the surface.More they are closer to the surface, better chances are for cold weather and cool breeze.During the day of rainfall, there will be slight warmness in the environment.
3) Note down the atmospheric pressure,  if it is too much humidity in the atmosphere with Warm weather or if it is the hot windy environment,  Rain will be delayed.If it is a cool breeze in air rain will follow can observe the content of water in Atmosphere. If it is high-pressure weather will be good but it will delay rainfall on coming days. If it is Low pressure after some period of rainfall will be there soon when the moon will transit to Jala Nadis with nodes or Jala Grahas around Mercury or Venus in Jala signs ( Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces)
3) If there are blackish or bluish clouds sky and are very close to the surface or place where they appear,  rainfall will come soon within 5 to 7 days soon after Surya enters in Ardara Nakashtra.Currently, Sun will be with Mercury so chances of rainfall will be more especially in Eastern and Northern India.
4) Watch carefully the wind intensity, Speed, Motion, denseness,  if it is stormy, dry and warm in nature rain will be delayed.Hot winds have the capacity to clear the low pressure in air.
5) If during Sankranti some rainfall has come, or you observed water content in the air, or Cold factor in wind its an indication rainfall will be good in upcoming monsoon season soon after Ardara parvesh of the sun.

6) Observe the birds, animals and aquatic animals movement in the sky and land both, if u see lots of birds moving in the sky, especially those came around Swati nakshatra, then chances of rain will be high in your environment and rainfall will be good.Birds Sounding in environment indicates that weather will be good.Their movement and nature show the intuition they got from nature.\


Rakesh Jamwal

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How is our life affected by planetary influences ? Let’s Explore

257988722022202 How is our life affected by planetary influences ? Let's Explore

People had been researching upon the very fact of life that how the situations in our life our created? How does our life gets affected because of the play of energies as well as under the effect of planetary influences? As one goes through any tough & challenging life situation the most common question always that arises in ones mind is- Why is this happening with me? Why am I victimized?

Now, most of the time, we put that straight on Karma or destiny and no doubt, Karma has its own role as well as destiny too plays its role. To know more about destiny, you may go the my another old blog on “Destiny versus Astrology”-

Let’s not put the blame of our troublesome life situations directly on Karma or destiny but we must understand, how is the energy of though getting converted into the actions, then behaviour, creating situations and thence, bringing results in our day to day life. Our life is a simulation of various milestones which open up in front of us in terms of various life situations. Just like, we begin a journey from one place to another and the milestones are fixed. So, we have to cross all the milestones to reach our destination. Now, you can call these milestones as the situations and the experiences which one has to undergo and one has to face, which is further based on the laws of Karma and ones fate, not destiny, as accumulated karma (sanchit/prarabdha) from past lives.Every individual is one whole microcosmic system in its totality which represents the reflection of macrocosmic system and Astrology deals with the study of every individual horoscope as one system that’s why we study all the Gruhas (Planets) together for it’s results in one’s life. Now, consider every individual as a unique set of combinations of various planetary energies which unite together to form one totally unique life story which is an infinitesimal part of the Kaal-Purusha. Since, every individual life is unique in its every essence so is the planetary combinations for every individual.The whole working mechanism and effect of planetary energies is dependent upon the Prana (Life Force Energy) of the individual. The energies of the Gruhas, they strike in to the pranic energy fields of the individuals through breath, with the mechanism of Ida & Pingla nadi and create a specific vibration which is reflected into the mind of the individual as thought. And, from here begins the seed of creation for life situations.

Moon being the significator of mind; it works as the archery through which the rest of planetary forces strike an arrow during their transit, dasha & bhukti. Now, you can test it by being a witness in any of the life situation that you are facing today. As I mentioned above about the journey & milestones, just consider that you are going through a road to reach your destination; until you stop, stay at a milestone and spend time there, it will certainly get you involved with the various happenings on that particular milestone. What- if you see the milestone (life situation) and continue to move without putting in your time & energy; it will have some impact which shall be experiential in nature but you will save yourself from bigger damage.

In one of the beautiful verse from Bhagwad Gita, Lord conveys: “manah shashthani indryani prakrutisthani karshati”; which states that it is these six- the mind and the five senses which create friction in one’s whole nature. And, that’s what is the whole endeavor of Yoga- “yogah chittvrutti nirodah”; Yoga* works upon removing the delusions of the chitta (consciousness).

*Yoga here refers to any form of yoga; Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, etc.

So, the life situations are just a part of divine play and one must experience & handle any tough situation as an opportunity to see towards the other side of the life and to explore all new horizons of this beautiful universe.

Hope this helps you explore your life situations in the light of this article.

Note: For any questions, you may reply in the comments below or reach me on my email at

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Quantum mechanics in Jyotish – Understanding Multiverse Karma, How our karmic energy effects our time thread

How our karmic energy effects our time thread and planetary motions

pearson threads of time labyrinth of time1 Quantum mechanics in Jyotish - Understanding Multiverse Karma, How our karmic energy effects our time thread

Karma is widely considered as a continuous process, always in motion and moves with perfect order and speed. Every karma has its perfect order and bind with multiple time threads those made out of our karma either in past, present or in future actions. Whatever we do in any form either physical one or mental are simply connected with these time threads and every action and thought travel in universe also connected with these multi-verse time threads, thus shows how time is connected with every and each part of our karma which means karma is an eternal process and has perfect order and rotatory speed.

That’s what lord Shiri Krishna said in Bhagwat Geeta in Chapter 3,  Text 5,  Karma-yoga :

Na hi kascit ksanam api
jatu tisthaty akarma-krt
karyate hy avasah karma
sarvah prakrti-jair gunaih
na—nor; hi—certainly; kaścit—anyone; kṣaṇam—even a moment; api—also; jātu—even; tiṣṭhati—stands; akarma-kṛt—without doing something; kāryate—is forced to do; hi—certainly; avaśaḥ—helplessly; karma—work; sarvaḥ—everything;prakṛti-jaiḥ—out of the modes of material nature; guṇaiḥ—by the qualities.
” All men are forced to act helplessly according to the impulses born of the modes of material nature; therefore no one can refrain from doing something, not even for a moment.”
(Reference – Bhagwad Geeta, Karma Yoga, chapter 3, Source –

” karma is a flow and no one can sit idle, everyone has to do its associated karma to survive in the karmic world, even god itself never sit idle either it is a physical or mental one. Karama always in action even when one is not willing to act in any way “.

This shows how god is itself in motional form but the rotational speed of god and our karma bind with us Only with our soul and way we think broadly that only decides how we can understand god around us and how our karma matters much in understanding actions of planetary forces.

Now, what are Time threads?

gravquantumphysedfig Quantum mechanics in Jyotish - Understanding Multiverse Karma, How our karmic energy effects our time thread

In a questionnaire dialogue between Charlie Kaufma and Brian Greene regarding understanding on the fabric of time and cosmos, famous astrophysicist Brian Greene explained in a very simplest form how we can understand time in our day to day life –

The Question was: What is Time?

Mr Greene said: “The mechanism by which you can notice the change is exactly the definition of time ” He suggested that it may be a derivative idea, an emergent property, not elemental to the first equations of physics. The equations certainly do not distinguish between past and future. In fact, all moments of time are in existence. We can imagine an expanse of space before our eyes, but not time. This is merely a limit of our representative imagination. It is just as “real,” even “material,” as this computer, or the Pacific Ocean.

Why do we experience a sequence—a passage, a flow—of time?

Mr Greene offers an evolutionary explanation. Establishment of a now (including an imprinted past in the form of memory) distinct from a future leads to predicting and anticipating, planning and striving, brain-initiated functions that encourage acquisition of energy until the replication of DNA, and thus survival in nature. Mr Greene insists that there is no mathematical distinction between present and future. There is no unique NOW. (“And is that, is that what they’re thinking these days?” said Mr Kaufman, mind blown, to a laugh).

Words ultimately fail here– although Mr Kaufman’s, writer that he is, was often perfectly selected. “Now is a function of a brain. If there is no brain, I think there is no now. It just is, whatever that means.” (“Do you guys . . . smoke a lot of pot?” the novelist and Kaufman-collaborator Susan Orlean humorously asked during the question period). Let it be known, too, that quantum physics complicates this picture.

What is time in Vedic Cosmology ?
Quantum mechanics in Jyotish - Understanding Multiverse Karma, How our karmic energy effects our time thread

The Hindu concept of time is cyclical (and eternal and degenerative). Time is preciously based on two schemes, one is used for creation and destruction of planetary structures for human beings and it is endless, eternal and cyclic in nature and another part of the time is purely mathematical also cyclic in nature and preciously exist in both material and non-material form.

That shows time is circular and cyclic in nature and keep moving around us. Question is how we can relate it and understand it in our day to day life actions.

The answer is simple – Our Karma decides how we move in time threads.

The karma we do decides how it has perfect speed and harmony with nature itself. If we look out at scientific definition of Time is what -It is also simply a cyclic or circular motion and follows a certain amount of speed based on our karmic energies based on spiritual aspects.

If we compare it with planet’s – they are also in motion, cyclic and circular in nature too and thus shows they too have some karma or actions or certain amount of energies associated with them and follows certain order and speed since many eras from the beginning of creation  with  many variations in speed and motion shows root of everything, including time is – The speed and Motion of our karma.

Something’s keep flowing and keep moving everything in perfect order is simply our karma and energies associated with those karmas.

Take an Expression as T – Time, K – Karama and P – Planets and write it down as a direct proportion relation of karmic motions acting as key and shows a formula for decoding time and karmic link.

i.e  Time = Karama x Motion + Cyclic loop, Planets also works on same phenomena = Speed x Motion + Cyclic Loop.

Moving in certain order following a system.

That shows  Both time and Karma is Interrelated to each other in some way, what we do directly effects our time threads and same effects thus are seen via planetary movements too.


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This means that everything is karmic in nature from individual actions to natural disasters at a particular location’s. Our karmic energies thus influence actions pertaining to natural forces either it is individual or its a group actions.

If you want to understand how planets are effecting us this is the answer for them those who are always in a state of dilemma how planets affect our karma and how our karma are interrelated with planetary action in a vice versa relationship.

This proves Jyotish Planetary science is simply a karmic science based on our karmic actions and energies associated with them.

The motion of planets is simply relative to our motion and speed of karma.How well we do our karma will decide our destinies and planets effects will reflect it in the same and can be astrologically analysed.Same way the time is moving karmas are also moving and relative with our planetary speed and motions.

If you can move your karma fast maybe you can cross time dilatation and able to travel in an interstellar manner. Simply, Time, karmas and planetary motions are moving in perfect harmony with each other if you stop, time will be stop for you but it will keep running eternally in background as always endless in a circular loop.

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