The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 – How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being

natal saturn retrograde2 The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being

Effects of Gravitational and Magnetic field based on Vedas and Scriptures 

Although Saturn is much larger than the Earth, its surface gravity is only a little more than the surface gravity on Earth. This is only because Saturn is made up of mostly gases part and is not solid like Earth.
Now the question is why Saturn has such massive gravity though it is made up of a gaseous structure? What contributes to all this Saturn gravity?. The element-wise core structure of Saturn is largely comprised of hydrogen and helium, which came together at the beginning of the Solar System, gathered by their mutual mass. It’s the same composition as Jupiter and the Sun have. These primordial elements were formed at the beginning of the Universe in the Big Bang if we see modern assessment but in Hindu cosmology, Saturn celestial structure and origin has a different story. This shows that the Same power which is present on Sun is also present in the rest of the planets too including Saturn. It’s the same force that keeps on pulling every planet to each other which the sun has.
What is that Power? Is it a Magnetic Shield or the magnetic force of attraction which we called gravity or something else? Let’s understand first, What is mentioned in the Scriptures about Gravity or force of attraction, that keeps on attracting every other planet in the solar system with fixed boundaries. Science has named this force of attraction -The Gravitational force of planets.

What is Gravitational Force of Planets

rig veda bhu sukta The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
“Vaishesika Sutra” discusses the role of Gravity Deeply for every object present in this solar system or in the celestial sphere that can help us in understanding how planets affect us either by aspect or by stronger magnetic attraction, everything is accountable in understanding that gravitational force:
The same thing has been explained by Bhaskaracharya on Surya Siddhanta around 400 AD;
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“Vaishesika Sutra”  describes that in the absence of conjunction (In an action) falling results due to Gravity.
संयोगभावे गुरुत्वात्पतनम (V.S. 5.1.7)
In the absence of conjunction (Gurutvat(is a process, defines the action or an instance of two or more events or things occurring at the same point in time or space.) falling results from Gravity. This means something that makes progress, movement, or achieving something difficult or impossible is the process of Impediment responsible for Gurutvat. Thus it clearly recognizes objects fall downward due to Gravity.
Sutra 2 The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
Sutra 5.1.8 States that due to the absence of a particular molecular motion there arises no upward or side-ward motion in any object causes to fall down.
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Why does an object throw in the air fall after some time? 

Then Vaishesika Sutra discusses the role of Gravity in the falling of moving objects. It gives through the analogy of the arrow. First, it gives the mechanism of arrow projection in Sutra 5.1.17

Sutra 4 The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
Sutra 4 1 The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
4 3 The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being

नोदनाद्यभिषोः कर्म तत्कर्मकारिताच्च संस्कारादुत्तरं तथोत्तरमुत्तरं च 

The first action of the arrow is from impulse; the next is the resultant energy produced by the first action, and similarly the next to next. Then it explains why it falls in the next Sutra.


Sutra 5 The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
संस्काराभावे गुरुत्वात्पतनम (V.S. 5.1.18)
In the absence of resultant/propulsive energy generated by the action, falling results from Gravity.
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Thus from the above Sutras, we can acknowledge that Vaisheshika Sutra clearly discusses Gravity. It uses the word “Gurutwa” which is also used in the present time to represent Gravity. Gurutwa in ancient understanding means force which arises due to mass.


B1VIctwCUAASeEz The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
Further correlation on the gravitational force or guru at a has  been explained in the rig-Veda Rig Veda 1.6.5, 8.12.30

“O Indra! by putting forth your mighty rays, which possess the qualities of gravitation and attraction-illumination and motion – keep up the entire universe in order through the Power of your attraction.”

Rig Veda 1.6.5 and Rig Veda 8.12.30 Says,

“O God, You have created this Sun. You possess infinite power. You are upholding the sun and other spheres and render them steadfast by your power of attraction.”

Yajur Veda 33.43 Says, 

“The sun moves in its own orbit in space taking along with itself the mortal bodies like earth through force of attraction.”

Rig Veda 1.35.9 Says, 

“The sun moves in its own orbit but holding earth and other heavenly bodies in a manner that they do not collide with each other through force of attraction.”

Rig Veda 1.164.13 further says that,

“Sun moves in its orbit which itself is moving. Earth and other bodies move around the sun due to the force of attraction, because the sun is heavier than them”.

Atharva Veda 4.11.1 Says,

“The sun has held the earth and other planets”

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As per Rig Veda, it is been said that “There are suns in all directions, the night sky being full of them.” and same we can further confirm it from Markandeya Purana 78.8, that Blue Sky is Nothing but scattered sunlight.

From all Rig Vedic Sutras, we can confirm that Due to Sun pulling Force every planet is dire to attached and attracted toward him by a unique magnetic force, and by the same force all these planets are affecting us with some sort of Planetary attraction in the form of Cosmic rays. As we are born with the same elements the Sun and the rest of planetary structure are made of, Having on their surface, the same magnetic force keeps pulling us and influencing our mental makeup, state of mind, and power of discretion every day to day karmas. Thus Celestial bodies including Saturn do have a bigger role in our life, as Saturn mass and force are equally powerful in influencing our karmas and bodily actions.

Now! We have understood it well, what is gravity and how different planets are well connected with the sun and its gravitational force and why because of that every planet keeps affecting us. Now, The next question is what makes the Saturn Aspects are So special in influencing our karmic actions ?. As in this portion, we have studied the Saturn mathematical and astronomical aspects. In the next portion, we will try to understand how our Puranic ancient stories are well connected with the planetary aspects and structure. we will try to figure out deep answers lie in the Puranic stories that are connected with the Saturn Evolution time. For understanding Saturn aspects part in a predictive way via the natal chart, click below on continue:


With Regards,

Rocky  Jamwal
Source and Reference:
The Vaisesika sutras of Kanada Translated by Nandalal Sinha (Via

 A Study of Heliocentric Science by Swami Abhedananda 

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Interview with Prashant Trivedi on Essence of vedic life ( वैदिक विज्ञान और जीवन)

Coverofyoutubevideo final Interview with Prashant Trivedi on Essence of vedic life ( वैदिक विज्ञान और जीवन)


Understanding Vedic Science and Life with Prashant Trivedi

Today we are going to meet one of Legendary Vedic Scholar and author who has done remarkable Research work on Many of ancient Subjects, He has mastered the micros of vedic life style and his life mission is to spread the words of vedic seers to masses.He has written many of beautiful books on vedic astrology and other divine Subjects.

He is none another Prashant Trivedi. Prashant Trivedi has been known as a master of Vedic and esoteric knowledge and has authored one of Maganum opus on Nakashtra “The 27 Celestial Portals” & “The Rahu & Ketu Experience,” He is leading very simple life and deeply connected with the nature for understanding the essence of Panch tattvas. he is practising Vedic life and spreading the words to mass too.

I  loved learning more from Prashant regarding and his Books and Nakashtra book is still one of my best book.

You can reach to Prashanta Trivedi at #Prashant

Website :


Here is the video link for Same :


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Views: 23

Deepawali- Awaken Your Ram Within

ramayana 7591 Deepawali- Awaken Your Ram Within
||Om Sri Guru CharanKamalebheyo Namah||
I bow down at the lotus feet of my master
Pranam to all the sincere seekers of truth,

Grateful for your wholehearted interest in the deeper aspects of spirituality and happy that the sharings are bringing awareness among the right set of people. As you must have gone through my last V-log on “Lakshmi- The Celestial Goddess” and if you have not then do read it before you read this one as both are linked in some way.Here is the link for the last V-log:

Today’s V-log is about bringing awareness about the festival of Deepawali. So, now as you know about Lakshmi, which has no relation with money but with one’s evolution on the life journey, now we need to understand who is “Ram”, “राम”. Is it the same राम or it means something else? Is it that whole Bharat is celebrating the coming back of Lord Ram to Ayodhya after fourteen years of exile? Let’s decode this today along with few more facts.
heart on fire 1080P wallpaper Deepawali- Awaken Your Ram Within
First of all, what does the word “राम” means; “र” represents the creative energy and light, “T” represents more/abundance of that energy and giving it a pathway, “म” signifies the waking state. So, this gives us a clear meaning of “राम”, which conveys the creative energy of light which is abundant and gives pathway to reach the waking state. One thing that we must realize now is that the pure & deep ancient knowledge is lost because of which we are merely surviving on the information which is passed from one generation to another. So is the case of our festivals and rituals. Living in a pure & spiritually rich country like Bharat, we can easily access to that wisdom, just if we connect to our roots and do not follow anything blindly.
Same way, Deepawali signifies the moment when the light is powerful and it removes all darkness from within. It reflects the beginning of the days of light as Deepawali is celebrated on the dark night of Amavasya which denotes, even if there is darkness all around but still you can enlighten amidst the darkness by lightning. Burn the soft cotton wick “chitta” by pouring the oil of “samkalpa shakti” in the earthen pot like “body” and let Thy Name by the flame to illumin you from within. “Ram” inside you has to be brought back home from the exile and it must shine within. Wake up to all what is causing darkness inside and let your light shine amidst all darkness as the Amavasya night.
How long will you continue to celebrate the festival of Deepawali without the return of your Ram home? How long will you continue to clean your cemented houses and let your house body be in utter dirt and darkness created by anger, hatred, sorrow, lust and grief? Will just burning lamps on your walls bring light inside? Think on these lines!!
The same life begins as the next day comes. Same routine, same life, same people, same emotions, same everything which shows that there is still darkness and you continue to live in the middle of Amavasya. Moon might shine on the sky but you there is yet no light in your conscious. Another Deepawali, an opportunity came and went but house remained unclean, the life remained in darkness and no change. Do you think sages were not wise enough to decide and fix festivals for us? Every festival is kept with great significance but the whole essence is lost and the surfaced rituals are left which lead you nowhere.
How can you celebrate Deepawali?
– Free yourself from all the dark emotions which kill your vigour and pull you down.
– Promise yourself that you will bring your Ram back home inside with your strong will power and practice.
– Forgive people whom you could not because forgiving them is not good for them but it will only set you free.
– Bow to nature and Lord Almighty to shed light into your life through knowledge.
– Keep your body in good health by feeding good food (ahaar) in all respects, be it natural food, knowledge or truthful company.
– Spread your sweet words to one and all. Make it a permanent thing that you will gift your words to people.
– Take it as a new birth like a new moon shines the very next day to Deepawali.
Remember, until your energy does not rise above the basic functionality of life, until the first lotus at the Muladhar does not flower, till then Lakshmi can not reside.

One more hint: Govardhan (Go means senses, Vardhan means to be enhanced) Puja is performed after Deepawali, which signify that awaken your Ram (light) on Deepawali and then your senses will function in an enhanced manner, which reflects the abilities like clairvoyance & clairaudience. But, this depends upon the shining of inner light, your Ram.I hope this will help you look at Deepawali in an absolute way and it shall be prosperous for you.

Happy & Prosperous Deepawali,

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Views: 5

Research Journal on Ancient Vedic Astro meteorology of India | November 2018

AncientIndiaMetrology Research Journal on Ancient Vedic Astro meteorology of India | November 2018
Astrological weather prediction of India and understanding the Ancient Science of Astro-meteorology
The Process of Vayu-Dharana or GarabhDharana
Weather and Meteorology of ancient India
“According to one indigenous theory established in the Upanishads, the universe consists of five basic elements 1. Earth or land, 2.water, 3. light or lustre, 4. air and 5. ether. Nature has maintained a status of balance between and among these constituents or elements and living creatures. A disturbance in the percentage of any constituent of the environment beyond certain limitsdisturbs the natural balance and any change in the natural balance causes lots of problems to the living creatures in the universe.Different constituents of the environment exist with set relationships with one another. The relation of the human being with an environment is very natural as he cannot live without it. From the very beginning of creation, he wants to know about it for self-protection and benefit.” 
(Reference: Origin of Environmental Science from Vedas by Sashi  Tiwari)
For complete Journal, Download and View from Scribd 


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Views: 14

Hanuman- The Pranic Human Force

Hanuman- The Pranic Human Force
||Om SriGuru Charan Kamalebheyo Naman||
I bow at the lotus feet of my Master SriGuru Mahavatar Babaji,
Since in the modernized Bharat, we have lost all our ancient knowledge and we do not know what we do not understand today, why are we doing any recitation of any text or what does that text mean in its absolute terms. Such one text is “Hanuman Chalisa”; which many and many had been doing it over & over but yet do not realize the true meaning of it.
Here, in the V-log, I am just explaining few facts about Hanuman and the Chalisa. Let’s firstly look into the word- Hanumat (हनुमत) with the phonetics in devnagri script- “ह”,”न”,”म”,”त”.
“ह” represents the “fire”, which is the seed syllable for Sun,
“न” denotes to “by” (द्वारा),
“म” represents the ” waking state” (जागृत अवस्था), (as mentioned in Manudkya Upanishad about M-kaara)
“त” denotes to “to” (से),
So, Hanumat means the “fiery energy by which one can reach to the waking state”.
shri panchmukhi hanuman t3 Hanuman- The Pranic Human Force
“Chalisa” conveys “the discipline that the seeker has to follow for 40 days to reach onto that state.” Now, in the text “Hanuman Chalisa” itself there are numerous hints which speak about this principle of energy and the discipline.
Hanuman represent to the fiery prana energy inside each one of you which is super powerful (महावीर), glorified (बिक्रम), strongly weaponed body (बजरंगी- वज्र- अंगी), which removes the ignorance (कुमती निवार) and it companions with the intelligent (सुमती के संगी). It’s glory is represented as golden halo (कंचन वरन) and beautifully clothed (विराज सुबेसा). Bhakta Tulasidas has coded it so beautifully & intelligently that readers will continue reading it with it’s literal meanings whereas it completely allegorically.
Hanuman Chalisa also laid down to the discipline for the seekers and practitioners, as it mentions:
और देवता चित्त न धरई, हनुमत से हि सर्व सुख करई
do not let any other deity to reside in your conscious,
Hanumat alone shall bestow all prosperities. 
It refers that only the prana should be practised and nothing else is required. And, that requires the basic discipline in life to be put in place. First work upon the body, then breath and then the sadhna of the prana. Then, there is one more similarity that the word Hanuman relate to Human too, which signify the powers and qualities of an evolved being which we here are mentioning as “Hanuman- The Pranic Human Force.”
Hope this helps you develop an absolute vision to understand the text.

Vishal sood
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Views: 22

How to worship Goddess laxmi, Kubera, Yamdeepak and Dhanvantri in Dhanteras 2018

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As per wiki, Dhana Trayodashi (or Dhanteras or धनत्रयोदशी) is the first day of the Indian Diwali and Nepalese Tihar Festival. The festival is known as “Dhanatrayodashi” or “Dhanvantari Trayodashi”. It is celebrated on the thirteenth lunar day of Krishna Paksha (dark fortnight) in the Vikram Samvat Hindu calendar month of Kartika month.

This day is also celebrated for Lord Dhanvantari (Deity who rules Ayurveda) and worshipped on the occasion of Trayodashi, usually, this day is called Dhanvantari Trayodashi. Dhanvantari is considered to be the teacher of all physicians and the originator of Ayurveda.

‘Dhan’ means wealth and ‘Teras’ refers to the thirteenth day of the moon cycle on the thirteenth day of Kartika Krishna Paksha. On this auspicious day, Goddess LaxmiLord Dhanvantri and Lord Kuber are worshipped in sthir Lagna at evening time. Traditionally it is considered as to be good in Hindus to buy gold and silver jewelry or utensils as they are karka for Vaibhav.

If we See background history from our Vedic Scriptures  (Puranas), root of the Dhanteras belong from the Samudra Manthan, It is believed that on this day, Goddess Lakshmi emerged from the ocean along with other precious treasures and pieces of jewelry, during Churning of Ocean. According to the Bhagwat and Visnu Purana, Lord Dhanvantri also emerged from the sea with the pot of Amrit for distributing it to the Devtas. Lord Dhanvantri is another form of Lord Vishnu and also worshipped on this day along with Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Kuber for the good health, wealth, and wellbeing.

Below are Detailed info on Dhanteras Puja Vidhi and Muharat :


happy diwali 2014 How to worship Goddess laxmi, Kubera, Yamdeepak and Dhanvantri in Dhanteras 2018
Pradosh Kaal Muhurat

Dhanteras Puja on Monday, November 5, 2018

Dhanteras Puja Muhurta – 18:06 to 20:01

Duration – 01 Hour 56 Mins

Pradosh Kaal – 17:29 to 20:07

Vrishabha Kaal – 18:06 to 20:01

Trayodashi Tithi Begins – 01:24 on Nov 05, 2018
Trayodashi Tithi Ends – 23:47 on Nov 05, 2018

According to Drikpanchang, Lakshmi Poojan on Dhanteras should be done during Pradosh Kaal after sunset and approximately lasts for 2 hours and 24 minutes when Sthir Lagna (Fixed Signs) prevails, Sthir means fixed, not movable as in Sthira Lagna goddess Laxmi sits and stays in your home.Today Sthira Lagna will rise after 18:05:38 (Taurus Lagna), hence this time is the best for Dhanteras Pujan for Laxmi poojan.


TaurusLagna How to worship Goddess laxmi, Kubera, Yamdeepak and Dhanvantri in Dhanteras 2018
( Source : )

But before that there we need to light 13 or 1 lamp in the house to keep away the evil and let the good light come in in the form of good health and wellbeing with Goddes Laxmi and Dhanvantri.

Dhanteras has nothing to do with the wealth,  but It is more about the health and well being of the house, what happens when “Ashta Laxmi” comes in the house with lord Dhanvantri which brings good health, well being and overall happiness for the whole family members. ‘

It Has a deep story, as for why we need to lit the lamp on Dhanteras for Lord Yama;

This is explained in the story of the prince and his new wife, which is said to have happened on this day centuries ago. The prince, his new wife and the serpent The 16-year-old son of King Hima was predicted to die on his fourth day of marriage – on Dhanteras – by snake bite. 

But instead of dying, on that date his wife decided she would not let him go to sleep. She laid out all her ornaments as well as pots of gold and silver coins at the entrance to their bedroom and lit lots of lamps. 

She told him stories and sang songs to keep him awake that night and when the God of Death, Yama, came disguised as a snake, he was so dazzled by the glittering precious metals and lights that he climbed on top of the coins and listened to the stories instead. By morning, rather than killing the prince, he slithered away silently because he had missed the chance. The prince was saved by his bride after she baffled the snake with her wealth.”

That’s why in Dhanteras first it involves worshipping of Lord Yama with Deep Daan on this day for the protection of one’s family members and loved ones. After worshipping Lord Yama one should Lit 13 earthen Lamps on the honour of Lord Yama in a southern direction with sesame oil outside the house in evening time in pradosh kaal.
Below is the Step by Step Process first from Lighting earthen lamp in evening time for Lord Yama Deepam Daan.
Step -1 – Worshipping of Lord Yama in Pardosh Kaal in evening
2016 10 24 yam ka diya How to worship Goddess laxmi, Kubera, Yamdeepak and Dhanvantri in Dhanteras 2018

Yama Deepam Puja Muhurat


Yama Deepam Time = 17:29 to 18:48
Duration = 1 Hour 19 Mins
1. Take a small wooden slab with small legs.
2. Make a swastik with roli on it.
3. Now put 13 or 1 earthen lamps on it fill it with sesame oil and light the earthen lamps.
4. Now take a cowry shell with hole and put it into earthen lamps.
5. Shower water (Gangajal or pure water) around lamp 3 times.
6. Put tilak of roli on lamp. Then put raw whole rice on tilak.
7. Offer some sugar to it. (Just put some sugar in the lamp).
8. Put 1 rupee coin in it.
9. Now offer some flowers to lamp.
10. Do pranam to earthen lamp.
11. Offer tilak to family members.
12. Now place this lamp outside main gate of your house. Place it on right side of door. It’s flame must face towards south direction.

After placing this earthen lamp recite the following mantra and offer honor and respect and pray to the Lord Yama for well being of the family members:

2 How to worship Goddess laxmi, Kubera, Yamdeepak and Dhanvantri in Dhanteras 2018

Step 2 – Worshipping of Lord Dhanwantari 




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After lighting earthen lamp for Lord Yama, one should start dhanwantari pooja in your pooja room. Lord Dhanwantari is diety of the Ayurveda, form of Lord Vishnu, as he has emerged on this day so he should be worshipped in Dhanteras. Give bathing and anointing the idol of Lord Dhanwantari with vermillion, nine varieties of grains are offered to the Lord.

1. Sit in your pooja room.
2. Recite Dhanwantari Mantra at least 108 times.
Dhanwantari mantra is : “Om Dhan Dhanvantaraye Namah”
 “ॐ धं धन्वन्तरये नमः“.
or you can Recite below-mentioned mantra

“Om Namo Bhagavate Maha Sudharshana Vasudevaya Dhanvantaraye; Amrutha Kalasa Hasthaaya Sarva Bhaya Vinasaya Sarva amaya Nivaranaya Thri Lokya Pathaye Thri Lokya Nidhaye Sri Maha Vishnu Swarupa Sri Dhanvantri Swarupa Sri Sri Sri Aoushata Chakra Narayana Swaha”


We pray to God, who is Sudharshana Vasudeva Dhanvantri. He holds the kalasha full of nectar of immortality. Lord Dhanvantri removes all the fears and diseases. He is the well-wisher and preserver of the three worlds. Like Lord Vishnu, Dhanvantri is empowered to heal our souls. We bow to the Lord of Ayurveda.
After the end of recitation, Say,
“O Lord Dhanwantari! I offer this recitation in your lotus feet. Please give us good health.”


Step 3: Ganesh, Lakshmi and Kubera Pooja on Dhanteras


Diwali Ganesh Puja How to worship Goddess laxmi, Kubera, Yamdeepak and Dhanvantri in Dhanteras 2018


After Dhanwantari pooja one must do panchopchar pooja of Lord Ganesh and Goddess Lakshmi with Kubera.In the evening, all family members should gather and start the prayer.Before Starting pooja give him a bath and anoint him with sandal paste. A red cloth is offered to the Lord and then fresh flowers are showered on the idol of Lord Ganesha. Devotees can also chant the mantra and take his blessings before starting the rituals of Dhanteras.

Ganesh Panchopchar puja is as follows:
1. Show earthen lamp to him.
2. Offer dhoop to him.
3. Offer scent to Lord Ganesha.
4.Offer flowers in his lotus feet.
5.Offer sweets (naivedya) to Lord Ganesh.

Chant the following mantra:

वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सूर्यकोटि समप्रभ ।

निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा ॥


Vakra-Tunndda Maha-Kaaya Suurya-Kotti Samaprabha |


Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryessu Sarvadaa ||
(I pray to Sri Ganesha) Who has a Curved Trunk, Large Body, and Who has the Brilliance of a Million Suns, O Lord, Please make all my Works Free of Obstacles, Always.
Now Worship Lord Kuber after the Ganesh Pooja as follows:
lord kuber4 How to worship Goddess laxmi, Kubera, Yamdeepak and Dhanvantri in Dhanteras 2018

Lord Kuber should be offered flowers, incense, fruits and sweets, and diya and after that chant the following mantra:

“Om Yakshyaya Kuberaya Vaishravanaaya Dhanadhanyadi Padayeh
Dhana-Dhanya Samreeddhing Me Dehi Dapaya Swaha”


Kubera, the lord of yakshas, bless us with wealth and prosperity.

Now, worship Goddess Lakshmi in Sthir Kaal in Vrishabha Kaal @18:05 to 20:01

lakshmi759 How to worship Goddess laxmi, Kubera, Yamdeepak and Dhanvantri in Dhanteras 2018

In Dhanteras, During the Pradosh Kaal, which is the time after sunset and lasts for about two and a half hours, Goddess Lakshmi is used to worshipped on Dhanteras. Before starting this pooja ritual, one should take a piece of new cloth, spread with a handful of grains in the middle of the cloth. The cloth should be spread on a raised platform. A kalash half filled with water (mixed with Gangajal), betel nut, a flower, a coin and some rice grains is also kept together.

One can also keep mango leaves in the kalash. According to the rituals, a lotus is drawn with Haldi (turmeric) over the grains and the idol of Goddess Lakshmi is kept over the grains. Light a lamp, offer flowers, haldi, Vermillion to the Goddess Lakshmi, Lord Ganesha and to the kalash then chant the below-mentioned mantra:


“Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Kamale Kamalalaye Praseed Praseed Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Mahalakshmaye Namaha”

After this, take a plate and bathe the idol of Lakshmi with panchamrit (mixture of milk, curd, ghee, butter and honey).

This is followed by offering the Goddess sandal paste, saffron paste, ittar (perfume), Vermillion, haldi, gulal and abeer.
Later Close your hands and worship Goddess for the success, prosperity, happiness, and well-being!
Source and Reference,
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Views: 32

Lakshmi- The Celestial Goddess

Sacred Indian Symbols Lakshmi- The Celestial Goddess
||Om SriGuruCharanKamalebheyo Namah||
“I bow down at the lotus feet of my master SriGuru Mahavatar”

Pranam to all the beautiful seekers,

I’m happy to write this V-log for you and as you are reading this- I’m sure you are one of the sincere seekers who has reached here to this revelation. Let’s begin.
Since Deepawali is around the corner, so, Today I’ve chosen to write on “Lakshmi” which is misinterpreted through various media channels or by the priests and nonetheless by con-practitioners who con people by selling remedies or rituals.
The most important aspect of any understanding that we want to develop is the knowledge which is majorly lost in today’s time because of which we lost our all understanding of various facts and we are unable to realise the truths behind. The basis of our ancient scientific knowledge is Devnagri (lipi) text script through which the Shruti (sound vibration) is given a form to understand at the level of conscious.
Now, Let’s understand what does the word Lakshmi means. Lakshmi considered to be the Goddess of wealth & fortune, the sustainer energy of the universe, the one who emerged out from the kshir sagar during the churning by devatas and asuras, she who accepted Lord Vishnu as her eternal consort. Lakshmi (लक्ष्मी) comes from the sanskrit word “लक्ष्यामि”- “the giver of direction for goal”; लक्ष्य को आयाम देने वाली.  Now, the word “लक्ष्य” denotes to the destroying (क्षय) of “ल” means the old archetype, the core limiting behavior which is the pure trait of “Muladhar center” that is why the seed syllable “लं” (lam) is chanted to raise the energy from the base as the anuswara (the dot used above the vyanjan ल) is the connecting sound which is the fourth quarter vibration of ॐ called as “im”representing the “state of liberation”.
the legend of samudramanthana dg30 Lakshmi- The Celestial Goddess
So, Lakshmi is the energy which is worshipped by the ones who have destroyed their old primitive limiting beliefs, habits & desires and have one universal goal to evolve from the base to know who they are and want to move forward on the path in a sustained pace. And, a seeker of truth must have sustaining discipline and efforts to reach the final goal of evolution. That is why Lakshmi accepted the sustainer Lord Vishnu to be her eternal consort.
Lakshmi Sukt mentions “पद्मिनि पद्मपत्रे पद्मप्रिये”- She sits on Lotus flower which represents Her evolving out of lotus signifying the rise of energy from the Muladhar and the only goal remains is to know “Who am I?” which arises from its counterpart question- “I dont know who am I?”. That’s why the Goddess can not be approached with a mind which knows everything.  But since, in the delusioned world where money is the only goal behind every action, every desire, every learning; that’s is why the worldly people started to worship Lakshmi as the Goddess of money not as wealth, which is the biggest disbelief. Because, money which is the medium of exchange of resources is a temporary and time bound whereas wealth is “what remains forever and travels with you as accumulation”; that is how money and wealth are different. And, the most dreadful thing is- we lose wealth to grab money, losing all values, truthfulness and accept treachery, hatred and folly in order to just grab money.
Now, Just ask yourself-
1. Do you think, Goddess can be worshipped by anyone who is not interested in the wealth that She is offering and can ask for something which She has no relation with??
as She is offering ultimate wealth and you ask for money which she is not even printing anyway!!
2. Do you think, any worship or recitation or prayer performed by a treacherous can raise the ultimate wealth?
-as She betows Her blessings upon a disciplined truthful seeker and after all cheating in the workplace only paper money might be collected but wealth can never be!!
I hope this will make you think on these questions while you perform Lakshmi worship this year. I will share more on this in the upcoming posts as more is coming up on “Deepawali” in the next V-log.
Do write your comments or questions below.
Guru’s Grace Be Upon You!!


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Vedic Etymology- Dive Deep Into The Absolute Knowledge

hayagriva brahma Vedic Etymology- Dive Deep Into The Absolute Knowledge

Understanding Vedic Etymology

!! Om Sri Guru Charan Kamale bheyo Namah !!

Let me share with you a glimpse of the power of “Vedic Etymology” which will certainly put you in amaze.

From past many years, I had been emphasizing upon “niruktam”- the vedic etymology which helps us understand the deeper, absolute and true meanings of words. Every letter in the Devnagri varnmala (alphabetic system) has a meaning and it represents a system inside you. The vowels (swara) and consonants (vyanjan) has a meaning leading to a deeper understanding of the whole of creation and forms the connecting links between the creations that we see in this world.

Let me explain to you with the help of my own name. the word Vishal, विशाल, which means in a simple language as very big or huge or expansive.
vedangas2 Vedic Etymology- Dive Deep Into The Absolute Knowledge

विश in devnagri means the lotus stem which in sanskrit is written as “बिस”, and आल is आ (through, से) + आलय (abode) which means abode. So, we can join the meanings and understand that “Vishal” means “to the abode through lotus stem”, which is also explained beautifully in Lalita Sahastranam as “mahashaktih kundalini bistantutaniyasi”, verse 92. This signify the expansive form of the energy which is multi-dimensional with its expansion in each individual and the creation.

Now, let’s take another word. Same way the word विश्व is designed:

विश + अव, अव means to come down (उतरना); विश्व means which has come down from the lotus stem. This too is beautifully pictured in a puranic image where Brahma, the Lord of creation is attached at the other end of lotus stem originating from Lord Vishnu.This way you can reach more deeper into finding the lost knowledge.Note: You can also find a video from 2016 done on my fb account explaining how devanagri consonants represent the vertebral column and relate to our breath

Vishal Sood
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Happy Monsoon and the Lifestyle according to Ayurveda

THEAYURVEDAWAY Happy Monsoon and the Lifestyle according to Ayurveda
Written and Edited by Dr Vikram Singh (Md, Ayur)
Founder of Ayurcare

Monsoon is a season of romance. The cool breeze and damp smell of the earth after a long roasting summer turn the mind ecstatic. Jumping in the puddles, dancing in the rain, going for a long drive etc add to the pleasure. However, it continues to remains so until an individual holds good health as rainy season brings a plethora of diseases along with. It has been observed that there is an increased occurrence of air and water-borne diseases in the rainy season.

Ayurveda lays emphasis on prevention of diseases rather than to cure them. Based on the analytical reasoning, Ayurveda recommends different regimens of diet and lifestyle for different seasons to ward off the imbalances in the body and thereby helps in boosting immunity and maintaining good health. This concept of following a specific diet and lifestyle modification in a specific season to prevent various diseases is described as Ritucharya.
Ritucharya is derived from two words –

1. Ritu (Season) and
2. Charya (Regimen or routine to be followed).

monsoon diet Happy Monsoon and the Lifestyle according to Ayurveda

Monsoon season is categorized as Varsha Ritu in Ayurvedic texts. It ranges from the month of Shravana toBhadrapada (Mid July to Mid September) and denotes the onset of Visarga Kala or Dakshinayana or Southern Solstice. During this season, the sky is covered by clouds and rains occur without the thunderstorm. The ponds, rivers, etc are filled with water.

Ayurveda describes the aggravation of Vata and accumulation of Pitta in Varsha Ritu. Constant raining, moisture in the atmosphere and cold weather results in aggravation of Vata which was accumulated during the dry and dehydrating heat of the summer; while Pitta accumulates following the conducive acidic conditions of the atmosphere as the predominant Rasa is Amla (sour) and Prithvi and Agni are predominant Mahabhutas in the rainy season.

According to Ayurveda, Agni is responsible for the digestive & metabolic activities of the body. During monsoon, the digestive fire or Agni weakens, leaving digestive system most vulnerable to various ailments. Diet thus followed during this season should balance the vitiated doshas and stimulate Agni to perform proper digestion.

Monsoon is the time when body’s immunity drops, thus proper care should be taken to prevent possible illnesses like general debility, blood and skin related problems, pain and swelling of joints, ringworm, fever, malaria, dysentery etc. In addition, other virus and bacteria related diseases may also emerge.

Here are few simple guidelines recommended by Ayurveda that should be followed during the monsoon season. By following these dos and don’ts, you’ll be able to celebrate the monsoons without fearing its adverse impact –

Ayurvedictreatmentsanddietinthemonsoonseason Happy Monsoon and the Lifestyle according to Ayurveda
ü One of the foremost rules in monsoon in Ayurveda is to eat according to the ability of one’s digestion. One must use spices such as pepper, ginger, asafoetida (Hing), garlic, cumin powder, coriander and turmeric for enhancing digestive capability. A small piece of ginger with rock salt before every meal is highly recommended. These help in improving immunity too.
ü Consume warm, light and fresh foods prepared from barley, rice, wheat, gram flour, corn or oats. Brown rice and bread are the best food items to go with during monsoons.
ü Avoidance of curds, red meat and any foodstuff, which takes longer time to digest, is good during the monsoon. One may have buttermilk instead of curds. Include cow’s ghee in daily diet to kindle the digestive fire.
ü Consumption of uncooked / raw leafy vegetables and salads should be avoided. You may consume their sour and salted soups instead. However, if you want to have them raw, they should be washed thoroughlyto ensure removal of bacteria and dirt before eating. The leafy vegetables contain larvae too and you need to be very careful in finding them while washing. The vegetables recommended in this season include yam (Suran), snake gourd (Turi), pointed gourd (Parwal), bitter gourd (Karela), cluster beans (Gavaar), apple gourd (Tinda), pumpkin, brinjal, bottle gourd and garlic etc.
ü Drinking boiled water with a dash of honey, or sipping on hot and herbal tea is ideal for this season. Drink small portions of lukewarm water throughout the day for good digestion. Pure water should be taken. If the water is taken from well, pond or river, then alum should be applied before using it. Water should be consumed within 24 hours of boiling. Avoid drinking excess fluids at this time as this further slows down the metabolism.
ü Among fruits, stick to pomegranates, mangoes, bananas, apples, lychees and cherries. Stick to seasonal fruits during monsoons as the unseasonal ones can easily get infected with microbes and worms during the monsoons.
ü Avoid non-vegetarian foods in monsoon. The possibility of germ content is highest in non-vegetarian foods.Those who can’t should go for lighter meat preparations like soups and stews rather than heavy curries.
ü Increased intake of sweet, sour and salty food is recommended while excessive pungent, bitter and astringent tastes should be avoided. Food, which contains acid, salt and greasiness, should be taken.
ü Although it is difficult to resist snacks in the cool weather, your diet should mostly consist of cereals and vegetables cooked in minimum of oil. If you want to snack, there is no dearth of healthy options. In rainy season, prefer grilled items such as bhutta (corn), chana (black gram), etc as humidity is very high and these food items are relaxing to the system and will not lead to accumulation of doshas. Having oily food would create problems in digestion.
ü Eat food cooked at home always. Excellent road side temptations like pani puri and bhel puri are not prepared hygienically and thus may cause stomach aches. So it would be better to control yourself till the end of the season so as to keep yourself healthy and fit to enjoy the monsoons to the fullest.
Avoid eatingchaats, fried items such as pakoras, pre-cut fruits and juices from roadside vendors
Avoid foods such as pasta, soups, and other such foods which are meant to be good host for the growth of bacteria. Avoid fermented foods which include idli, dosa, uttapam, etc. People tend to eat a lot of junk and fried food during the rainy season. This can lead to weight gain and lethargy.
ü Excessively spicy foods such as tamarind and pickles should be avoided. They add taste to your food but can be very heavy in the monsoon.
ü Don’t consume food which is stored in cold storage or a refrigerator.
ü Fasting is especially recommended in the monsoon season, particularly for people fond of erratic eating. You can gain a lot of health benefits simply by observing a weekly or fortnightly fast during monsoon. It helps to improve your digestive fire.
monsoon ayurveda treatments Happy Monsoon and the Lifestyle according to Ayurveda
Consumption of healthy diet only may not provide desired results unless supported by lifestyle modifications. Following are the tips for important changes in lifestyle of rainy season –
ü Avoiding daytime sleep is good as it hampers digestion and slows down the metabolism. Similarly, waking during night too is a bad thing to do as it further vitiates an already aggravated Vata.
ü Over exertion or over work will lower your metabolic rate and hence must be avoided. Perform only moderate exercises such as light walks and simple yogasanas. Do not tire yourself.
ü Keep the surrounding dry and clean and do not allow water to stagnate at places near you as it offers mosquito, flies and many microorganisms which may cause many diseases like malaria, typhoid, common cold, conjunctivitis, cholera and a variety of skin diseases.
ü Avoid getting wet in the rains. Always carry an umbrella. However, if it happens, it is better to take a bath with clean water and change into dry clothes as soon as possible in order to avoid exposure from infections as immunity is naturally low during monsoon. Keep body warm, to protect any attack from viruses as and when body temperature goes down.
ü Dampness breeds fungal and bacterial infections. Hence home as well as workplace should be damp free.
ü Oil massage followed by a warm water bath regularly is recommended.
ü Fumigation with likes of loban and dry neem leaves for drying cloths and killing insects / bacteria is recommended.
ü Use of Perfumes is advocated in this season.


panchkarma Happy Monsoon and the Lifestyle according to Ayurveda

Varsha Ritu or Monsoon season is considered as the best to go through Ayurvedic treatments since the moist climate opens up the pores in the skin, making it more receptive to all the medications and treatments. Ayurvedic treatments are highly recommended during this season in order to prevent any kind of disorders and to boost immunity.
Here are few key benefits of Ayurveda during the Monsoon season 
0 Happy Monsoon and the Lifestyle according to Ayurveda


Balances the vitiated doshas
Increases immunity
Cleanses & detoxifies the body
Rejuvenates body & mind 
Prevents lifestyle disorders like diabetes, blood pressure & stress
In this season, more especially, people of vataja prakriti and likewise people suffering from vataja disorders like arthritis (rheumatoid as well as osteoarthritis), backache, lumbar and cervical spondylosis, insomnia, swelling in joints, sciatica, body aches etc are major sufferers. They must consult an Ayurvedic consultant so as to avoid a Vata imbalance.
If the above-mentioned diet and lifestyle is followed during the Monsoon, one can do their best to balance the body and mind.

Note: Article is Originally Written by Dr VD Singh and Author can be reachable at

With Regards,
Dr V D Singh MD (Ay)
Ayurcare, Vijaypur (Jammu)
Mobile : +91- 9419180272 | +91- 9622361874
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Who is Shiva ? Understanding Importance of the Lord Shiva based on the view of Swami Sivananda

19c82421af50a261c6379ea972103835 shiva shakti lord shiva Who is Shiva ? Understanding Importance of the Lord Shiva based on the view of Swami Sivananda

This is an Article Compiled from the chapters of  ” Lord Shiva and his worship ” Book Written by Swami Sivananda

Shared for the Knowledge purpose for public benefits to get Detailed view on Lord Shiva by Swami Sivananda Philosophy. As I am deeply infatuated by the Wisdom of the Swami Sivananda on Lord shiva so i have presented his peace of work on Shiva for the people reading interest.Readers can buy the Original Book from the Amazon or

ShivaMantra Who is Shiva ? Understanding Importance of the Lord Shiva based on the view of Swami Sivananda

We comprehend (realise) that Celebrated Supreme Being (Purusha), and meditate upon that Great God, Mahadeva; may that Rudra impel us to do so. This is the Rudra Gayatri Mantra.

(Shiva Gayatri Mantra)
Who is Shiva? 
angry shiva Who is Shiva ? Understanding Importance of the Lord Shiva based on the view of Swami Sivananda
In Me the universe had its origin,
In Me alone the whole subsists;
In Me it is lost—Siva,
The Timeless, it is I Myself,
Sivoham! Sivoham! Sivoham!
” Salutations to Lord Siva, the vanquisher of Cupid, the bestower of eternal bliss and immortality, the protector of all beings, destroyer of sins, the Lord of the gods, who wears a tiger-skin, the best among objects of worship, through whose matted hair the Ganga flows.
 Lord Siva is the pure, changeless, attributeless, all-pervading transcendental consciousness.
He is the inactive (Nishkriya) Purusha. Prakriti is dancing on His breast and performing the creative, preservative and destructive processes.”
 (By Swami Sivananda)
shiva Who is Shiva ? Understanding Importance of the Lord Shiva based on the view of Swami Sivananda

View of the Swami Sivananda on Lord Shiva from His Book ( Lord Shiv and His worship)

shiva3 Who is Shiva ? Understanding Importance of the Lord Shiva based on the view of Swami Sivananda

By Swami Sivananda

” When there is neither light nor darkness, neither form nor energy, neither sound nor matter, when there is no manifestation of phenomenal existence, Siva alone exists in Himself.He is timeless, spaceless, birthless, deathless, decayless. He is beyond the pairs of opposites. He is the Impersonal Absolute Brahman. He is untouched by pleasure and pain, good and evil. He cannot be seen by the eyes but He can be realised within the heart through devotion and meditation.”

” Siva is also the Supreme personal God when He is identified with His power. He is then omnipotent, omniscient active God. He dances in supreme joy and creates, sustains and destroys with the rhythm of His dancing movements.
He destroys all bondage, limitation and sorrow of His devotees. He is the giver of Mukti or the final emancipation. He is the universal Self. He is the true Self of all creatures. He is the dweller in the cremation-ground, in the region of the dead, those who are dead to the world.
The Jivas and the world originate from Him, exist in Him, are sustained and rejected by Him and are ultimately merged in Him. He is the support, source and substratum of the whole world. He
is an embodiment of Truth, Beauty, Goodness and Bliss. He is Satyam, Sivam, Subham, Sundaram, Kantam.
He is the God of gods, Deva-Deva. He is the Great Deity—Mahadeva. He is the God of manes (Prajapati). He is the most awe-inspiring and terrifying deity, Rudra, with Trisul or trident in
His hand. He is the most easily pleased (Asutosha). He is accessible to all. Even the untouchable Chandalas and the illiterate rustics can approach Him.
He is the source of all knowledge and wisdom. He is an ideal Yogi and Muni. He is the ideal head of an ideal family with Uma as His devoted wife, Lord Subrahmanya, the brave general of
strength and courage, Lord Ganesa, the remover of all obstacles.

The Sadasiva

At the end of Pralaya, the Supreme Lord thinks of re-creation of the world. He is then known by the name Sadasiva. He is the root-cause of creation. From Sadasiva creation begins. In Manusmriti He is called Svayambhu. Sadasiva is unmanifested, He destroys the Tamas caused by Pralaya and shines as the self-resplendent light bringing forth the five great elements, etc., into being.

The Siva Purana says that Siva is beyond both Prakriti and Purusha. Siva is Mahesvara. He is the witness, well-wisher and nourisher of all beings.
The Gita says:

‘Upadrashtanumanta cha bharta bhokta mahesvarah’.

Mahesvara conducts the work of creation according to His will and pleasure.

The Sruti says,

‘Mayam tu prakritim viddhi mayinam tu mahesvaram’. 

Know Prakriti to be Maya and Mahesvara to be the wielder of Maya or Prakriti.

The Sakti of Siva works in two different ways. Mula Prakriti
and Daivi Prakriti. Mula Prakriti is Apara Prakriti from which the five elements and other visible objects and the Antahkarana are evolved. Para Prakriti is Chaitanya Sakti which converts the Apara
Prakriti and gives name and form to it. Apara Prakriti is Avidya and Para Prakriti is Vidya.
The controller and dispenser of these two Prakritis is Lord Siva.
Siva is distinct from Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra.

Lord Siva is the Lord of innumerable crores of Brahmandas or worlds. Isvara united with Maya gives rise to Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra out of Rajas, Sattva and Tamo Gunas respectively, under the command of Lord Siva. Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra are the trinities of the world.

There is no difference among the trinities, Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra. By the command of Mahesvara these three do the creative, preservative and destructive duties of the world. The work of all the three deities is done conjointly. They all have one view and one definite purpose in creating, preserving and destroying the visible universe of names and forms. He who regards the three deities as distinct and different, Siva Purana says, is undoubtedly a devil or evil spirit.
The Lord who is beyond the three Gunas, Mahesvara, has four aspects: Brahma, Kala, Rudra and Vishnu. Siva is the support for all the four. He is the substratum for Sakti also. Siva is distinct from the Rudra included in the trinities. Rudra is really one though according to the different functions He is considered to have eleven different forms.
Who is Shiva ? Understanding Importance of the Lord Shiva based on the view of Swami Sivananda


The first face of Siva does Krida or play, the second does penance, the third destroys or dissolves the world, the fourth protects the people and the fifth, being knowledge, fully covers the entire universe by its power.He is Isana the creator and promoter of all beings, from within.The first form of Siva is the enjoyer of Prakriti as Kshetrajna Purusha. The second is Tatpurusha resting in Sattva-guna, rooted in Bhogya-Prakriti, the Prakriti-enjoyed. The third is Ghora rooted in the eightfold Buddhi like Dharma, etc.

The fourth is Vamadeva rooted in Ahankara and the fifth is Sadyojata, the presiding deity of the mind. The eight forms of Siva are Sarva, Bhava, Rudra, Ugra, Bhima, Pasupati, Isana and Mahadeva, rooted respectively in earth, water, fire, air, ether, Kshetrajna, sun and moon.”

(Source and Reference: Lord Shiva and his worship by Swami Sivananda)
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