Mystery of Past Life Astrology, Bhagavad Gita and decoding Cycle of Karma Part 3: Astrological case study of Past Life

Mystery of Past Life Astrology, Bhagavad Gita and decoding Cycle of Karma Part 3: Astrological case study of Past Life


Mystery of Past life Astrology_vedicsiddhanta


In Hindu philosophy, the concept of Past life astrology and reincarnation signifies the continuous cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, known as samsara which is directly and directly linked with the deep philosophy of Bhagavad Gita and the cycle of karma. The ultimate goal of this cycle is to achieve moksha, or liberation, freeing oneself from the limitations of physical existence and the consequences of karma. Moksha represents the end of suffering and the realization of one’s true self, which transcends physical form. Understanding this purpose is essential for those seeking spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Paths of Liberation or Moksha 

There are several paths outlined within the Vedic scriptures that individuals can pursue to attain moksha. These pathways include devotion (bhakti), knowledge (jnana), and disciplined practice (yoga). Each path offers unique ways to connect with the divine and foster self-awareness, ultimately leading to liberation from samsara. Devotion encourages a personal and emotional connection with God, enabling the transformation of the heart, while knowledge emphasises the understanding of the true nature of reality and self. Disciplined practice, often through meditation and ethical living, cultivates inner peace and helps individuals realise their spiritual potential.

The journey towards self-realisation is not merely about escaping the cycle of reincarnation; it involves deep inner transformation and alignment with dharma, which refers to one’s duty or righteousness. Dharma plays an integral role in determining the moral actions and choices that shape an individual’s life. By living in accordance with dharma, practitioners reinforce positive karmic patterns, facilitating their progression towards moksha. This adherence to one’s duty not only aids in the personal evolution of the self, but it also contributes to the harmony of the universe.

Ultimately, liberation from the cycle of reincarnation in Hinduism is a multifaceted journey that invites individuals to explore their spirituality from various angles. Through devotion, knowledge, and disciplined practice, seekers can uncover their true essence and establish a profound connection with the divine, paving the way towards moksha and spiritual enlightenment.

The Bhagavad Gita: Decoding Past Life Astrology, Karma Theory, and Reincarnation

sri krishna Mystery of Past Life Astrology, Bhagavad Gita and decoding Cycle of Karma Part 3: Astrological case study of Past Life

Let’s explore what our Divine scriptures says on past life mysteries and karmic issues?

Understanding Bhagavad gita : Reincarnation, Karma and the Past life Astrology clues ?

The Bhagavad-Gita serves as a primary source for acquiring foundational knowledge regarding the concept of Reincarnation, Karma and the Past life clues.

Soul, Karma and Bhagavad Gita 

In the second chapter, Bhagwan Shiri Krishna elucidates the process by which the soul transmigrates from one physical form to another in a logical, straightforward, and comprehensible manner. This fact does not rely on subjective belief but may be comprehended and accepted through logical reasoning. In order to comprehend the concept of reincarnation, it is essential to possess a clear grasp of the distinction between the physical body and the metaphysical essence sometimes referred to as the soul.

Below are the quotes from the Bhagavad Gita that elucidate the true meaning of the soul and reincarnations:

"That which pervades the entire body you should know to be indestructible. No one is able to destroy that imperishable soul. " (Bhagavad Gita 2.17)

"For the soul there is neither birth nor death at any time. He has not come into being, does not come into being, and will not come into being. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain." (Bhagavad Gita 2.20)

"The soul can never be cut to pieces by any weapon, nor burned by fire, nor moistened by water, nor withered by the wind.(Bhagavad Gita 2.23)

While the essence of the soul surpasses the boundaries of quantifiable material interactions, its existence can be apprehended through the utilization of the subsequent illustration. According to the text, the living being within the body, similar to the sun’s illumination of the universe, illuminates the entire body through consciousness.

Bhagavad Gita verse 13.34 
"O son of Bharata, as the sun alone illuminates all this universe, so does the living entity, one within the body, illuminate the entire body by consciousness." (Bhagavad Gita 13.34)

Meaning : 

There exist multiple ideas pertaining to the concept of consciousness. In the Bhagavad-gita, an analogy is presented to illustrate the relationship between the sun and its radiance. Similar to how the sun, despite being located in a fixed position, radiates light throughout the entire cosmos, the soul, a minute spiritual being, while placed within the heart of the physical body, illuminates the entirety of the body through consciousness.

Consequently, consciousness serves as evidence for the existence of the soul, analogous to how sunlight or light serves as evidence for the presence of the sun. The presence of the soul within the corporeal form engenders a state of awareness that permeates the entirety of the body. Conversely, upon the departure of the soul from the physical vessel, consciousness ceases to exist. This concept can be comprehended readily by individuals possessing a high level of cognitive ability.

Hence, it can be argued that awareness does not arise as a result of the amalgamation of material components. It represents a characteristic displayed by an organism. The consciousness of an individual, while sharing qualitative similarities with the ultimate consciousness, does not possess the same level of supremacy. This is due to the fact that the consciousness of a specific body is not interconnected with the consciousness of another body.

However, the supersoul, which is present within all bodies as a companion to the individual soul, possesses awareness of all bodies. The distinction lies in the contrast between ultimate consciousness and individual consciousness. (Purport, Srila Prabhupada) 

Reincarnation is a phenomenon characterized by the continuous transmigration of the soul into different corporeal forms. However, within Western cultural contexts, the term reincarnation predominantly denotes the ultimate transition of the soul into a novel physical vessel.

(As explained above in the Bhagavata Gita chapter 2nd, about deeper secrets of reincarnations and past life connections with our current well-being.) 

Bhagavad gita Reincarnation, Chapter 8th 

To understand in a better way, lets understand furthermore on its deep meaning from the bhagavata Gita chapter 8th, 6th verse on incarnations :

In the Eighth Chapter Sixth Verse Lord Krishna says:

yaṁ yaṁ vāpi smaran bhāvaṁ
tyajaty ante kalevaram
taṁ tam evaiti kaunteya
sadā tad-bhāva-bhāvitaḥ
“Whatever state of being one remembers when he quits his body, that state he will attain without fail “
Explanation  given by Prabhupada : 
“This quote explains the mechanism through which a person’s nature can shift at the crucial moment right before they die. How is it that one can pass away with their mind in the right place? Because Maharja Bharata was thinking about a deer at the time of his death, he was reincarnated as a deer when he passed away. However, even as a deer, Maharja Bharata was able to remember the things he had done in the past. Naturally, the effect that one’s thoughts and deeds have had on one another over the course of their life will have an influence on their thinking at the time of their death; hence, one’s acts in this life will decide their future state of being. If one becomes transcendentally engaged in Ka’s service, then his next body will not be physical but rather transcendental (spiritual). Therefore, reciting the mantra Hare Ka is the most effective method for bringing about a change in one’s state of being that will result in transcendental life.
( As explained by Srila Prabhupada  in ) 

Hence we can conclude that, From the profound words shared above, we gain insight into the clear interconnection between our past experiences and our present existence, manifested as karmic imprints. This understanding serves as the foundation for comprehending the profound wisdom encapsulated in the quote about the soul and the body, as elucidated in Chapter 2 of the esteemed Bhagawad Gita.

Lord Sri Krishna said in ‘The Bhagavad Gita’,

" vasamsi jirnani yatha vihaya navani grhnati naro 
'paranitatha sarirani vihaya jirnany anyani samyati navani dehi "

Meaning :

As a man throws away worn-out clothes and replaces them with new ones, so the dweller in the body throws away worn-out bodies and enters into others that are new.” Additionally, he has been quoted as saying, “The sins we committed in our previous lives come back to haunt us in the form of illnesses or ailments.”

Explanation Given By Yogananda in the above Verse :

Lord Shiri Krishna preaching to Arjuna in Chapter 2 | Samkhya Yoga | Verse 22

Whenever there is a need to do so, we remove our worn and/or soiled clothing and replace it with fresh and/or unworn clothing as we go about our everyday lives. In a same manner, the soul, also known as the atman, will eventually shed its old, worn-out physical body and move into a more recent physical body at predetermined intervals during the course of time. The state of our physical body, which degrades with the passage of time and is therefore ephemeral, does not accurately represent the actually unchanging and permanent nature of the soul that sits within it. This is true in the same way that the clothing that we wear do not accurately represent the real state of our physical body.
The eternal does not travel from one location to another, but the soul that is embodied does so, going from one body to another. Each time, it gives birth to itself and builds a mind, a life, and a body for itself out of the components of nature, in accordance with its previous evolution and the requirements it will have in the years to come. The vijnana is the psychic being, and it is responsible for sustaining the threefold manifestation of body, life, and mind. When the gross physical body is no longer present, the vital and mental sheaths will still be present to serve as the vehicle for the soul. The cycle of life always begins again. There is a literal link that can be drawn between all of the many types of life. “A mortal matures like corn, and like corn, he is reborn over and over again.

(Katha Upanisad, Ch 1, verse 6).

This passage makes reference to the concept of rebirth, which is central to the Hindu religious tradition. In this passage, death is analogized to the process of replacing an old, worn-out clothing with a brand-new one. When a disease takes hold of the body and it reaches old age, the immortal soul abandons the body in favour of a new form. Simply put, death is nothing more than an alteration of one’s appearance inside the unbroken flow of eternity.

(The Bhagavad Gita Vol I, Parmahansa Yoganada, p. 218)

Soul strength, Death, and Reincarnation

Lord Shiri Krishna preaching to Arjuna in Chapter 2 | Samkhya Yoga | Verse 23

नैनं छिन्दन्ति शस्त्राणि नैनं दहति पावकः।न चैनं क्लेदयन्त्यापो न शोषयति मारुतः।।
Shaloka 23, chapter 2 Explanation:

The so-called atman ( Soul ) is immune to harm from weapons, and due to the fact that it lacks both form and shape, it is not possible for any tool to sever it into smaller parts. In the same way, fire is unable to cause it to burn or be destroyed. Because it can only operate on things that have a physical description or dimension, water is unable to wet it. Water can only act on things that have a physical description or dimension. Wind is unable to either dry it out or apply any kind of force on it for the same reason. Therefore, the atman is immune to the effects of the three fundamental forces—fire, water, and wind—any of which are able to have an impact on entities that have a physical form and can be described.

अच्छेद्योऽयमदाह्योऽयमक्लेद्योऽशोष्य ऐव च।नित्यः सर्वगतः स्थाणुरचलोऽयं सनातनः।।
Shaloka 24, chapter 2 Explanation:

The atman, dear seeker, is impervious to the forces of cutting, burning, decay, and drying out. The five forces of nature, known for their immense power to dismantle physical elements through their synergistic actions, hold no sway over the aatman. It is often called nitya, for it embodies the essence of permanence and unchangeability. The state of permanence bestows upon it the profound abilities of omnipresence, omniscience, and unwavering stability. Behold the profound essence of stability that permeates this very existence, for it is this unwavering quality that bestows upon it the divine attribute of immovability. The eternal self, known as the aatman, is aptly hailed as Sanatana, a term synonymous with the ancient and timeless path of Hinduism, also known as Sanatana dharma. Ah, dear seeker of wisdom, allow me to enlighten you on the profound meaning of Sanatana. It is a sacred term that embodies the essence of existence itself, for it signifies that which transcends the boundaries of creation and destruction, existing eternally in the realm of time immemorial.

तस्मादेवं विदित्वैनं नानुशोचितुमहर्सि।।

Shaloka 25, chapter 2 Explanation: 
The essence of the atman eludes mere comprehension and transcendence through the limited faculties of the cerebral realm. Therefore, it is recognised as ‘avyakta’ or indescribable – that which transcends the limitations of language and cannot be captured in mere words. The essence of ‘achintya’ lies beyond the realm of mere meditation or contemplation (‘chintan’). In the realm of ‘chintan’, true understanding is reserved solely for those entities that are within the grasp of our five senses.
जातस्य हि ध्रुवो मृत्युर्ध्रुवं जन्म मृतस्य च।तस्मादपरिहार्येऽर्थे न त्वं शोचितुमहर्सि।।Shaloka 27, chapter 2 Explanation:
For one who has taken birth, death is certain and for one who has died, birth is certain. Therefore in an inevitable situation, understanding should prevail.

Conclusion :

The reiteration of life’s cycles is made abundantly plain in this final lyric. Both birth and death are inevitable parts of the human experience. In the autumn, the leaves become vibrant shades of red, yellow, and orange before falling to the ground and going dormant until the following year.

This cycle repeats itself every year, beginning with the growth of new buds in the spring, which then develop into flowers and leaves in the summer. Finally, in the autumn, the leaves turn fiery colours such as red, yellow, and orange before falling to the ground. In a similar manner, the soul joins new bodies during its stages of childhood, adolescence, maturity, and old age.

At the conclusion of its cycle of life, the soul is reborn and accepts a new body to use for the next phase of its existence. This is an unavoidable process that occurs throughout material existence; it is also the mechanism that determines the natural order of birth and death. This reality is perfectly followed by every entity that has ever been in the material manifestation.

This makes it abundantly evident what is carried over from life to life by the soul: Karama and the memory of how it was connected in each and every birth, regardless of whether the soul lives through another cycle on the material plane or not. This is another evidence that the soul is immortal and that it is always connected to the actions that it performs. It is possible to solve its riddle with the assistance of reincarnation and the process of rebirth, and it is the primary driving force behind the previous birth.

After gaining an understanding of the spiritual realm of past life karma, the soul journey, and reincarnation, I am now going to explain the events of the past life of a native in a narrative story and cast study form to imagine and fantasize the beauty of both Astrology and this case study . These events will be known from acquaintances who have gone through the trauma of prior lives’ worth of karmic issues, and this study will focus on that particular individual.

This native went through the process of past life regression (PLR) in order to get over the traumatic experience and recognize a profound connection with a previous life in order to find a solution to these birth-life troubles. PLR helps natives find answers to problems that have been plaguing them since birth.

Exploring Past Life Karma: An Astrological Case Study


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Have you ever wondered how your past lives influence your current existence? In vedic astrology, the concept of past life karma delves into the deeds and experiences from previous incarnations that shape our present fate. By analyzing one’s astrological chart, we can uncover clues about unresolved karmic lessons that echo through time.

Reincarnation is the belief that can help us to understand how our souls experience multiple lives, allowing us to learn and grow. Each life presents unique challenges that help us evolve spiritually. Using astrological insights, we can identify which past life events may be affecting our current karma. Understanding the connections between these lives can provide clarity and guidance, making the journey of self-discovery that much richer.

The Saturn, Mysterious Shani Sadesati and Karmic Remedies : Therapeutic Guide of Saturn – Part 2

Case Study: Unravelling Past Life Events


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Let’s explore a hypothetical case study where an individual seeks to understand their relationship with fear. By analysing their natal chart, we find prominent placements that suggest anxiety stemming from a past life where they faced turmoil. This astrological reading brings to light significant past life events, indicating lessons of courage and overcoming adversity. This connection not only offers insight into present challenges but also reveals a roadmap for healing.

Astrological case studies are invaluable learning tools, allowing us to connect dots between our past lives and present experiences. As we embrace our journey through past life karma, we empower ourselves to break free from limiting patterns and grow into the best versions of ourselves.

Understanding Native Mystery of Past Life events ?

Lets try to decode How past life regression is related to the past life astrology in the coming sections  ?


Case Study: Beginning of Situation and Problems: Deep Rooted Past Karmic Results of Native as Explained Astrologically:

rr Mystery of Past Life Astrology, Bhagavad Gita and decoding Cycle of Karma Part 3: Astrological case study of Past Life

How to Know about Past Life ?

Presented here is an authentic case study involving an individual personally acquainted with the author, whose personal name will remain undisclosed. The individual in question underwent past-life regression therapy in response to the occurrence of unforeseen painful circumstances subsequent to their marriage during the years 2008-2009.

The present inquiry pertains to the causal factors underlying the sequence of events subsequent to the act of matrimony.

Beginning of Native Life experiences : Exploring Past life

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In the early stages of his life and trajectory, an individual embarked upon a career in the Merchant Navy. The individual embarked on a journey that spanned numerous nations, allowing for the exploration of various locales, encounters with diverse individuals, and exposure to a multitude of cultures and traditions.
Additionally, they had the opportunity to sojourn in numerous hotels and opulent establishments, indulging in various luxuries and living a life of regal splendour, thereby deriving immense satisfaction from their experiences.
However, one must inquire as to why he had significant hardships in the latter stages of his life, particularly following his marriage, while possessing the aforementioned attribute. The intensity of anguish and the strain on the individual’s psyche has been so overwhelming that they have thus far been incapable of effectively managing or enduring it.
Let us commence the process of deciphering the information gradually, based on the events and occurrences that were conveyed to me in a native manner.
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Early Native Early Life experiences  (the years 2002 to 2008)

Native was a student who performed about average in his classes, but he had an excellent and sharp memory that enabled him to solve difficult puzzles and technical scenarios in any live sailing with his presence of mind. During the course of his professional journeys as a Marchant Navy Sailor, that native explained to me that he has to experience many difficult life-threatening challenges during difficult and critical situations when it was a matter of life and death in front of native decision-making.

Life started taking a sudden bend after the start of Mars Mahadasha in 2002, native left his studies in the middle of their completion and joined the Merchant Navy, where he started his journey through the oceans and visited many countries for his professional pursuits.

Everything was going well after 2002 onward (after the beginning of his mars dasha), long journeys travelling and comfortable life ( that one can see via the exchange of  7th and 10th lord , moon & Mars  and both are in moveable signs )but suddenly there was a major shift or change in his destiny and there was a triggered change in his life.

It was the time of Prarbadha—karma of the past life—came into the picture in native life when the native marriage ceremony got fixed on September 10, 2008. Soon after the month, problems started cropping up in their marriage life; day-to-day issues started triggering, and there were tones of heated arguments that started getting ignited like a fiery flame in their marriage life, which even led to physical violence and abuse between the couples.

Before the marriage instance happened to take place, I was planning to leave my hometown for New Delhi to join my new office in the first month of October 2008. Before leaving, I had clearly warned the native about his upcoming marriage life events, saying that he needs to be cautious in his marriage as it can be very fatal for him and it can take the shape of a war zone like Mahabharata between two families after October 2008 to December 2008, and maybe the situation can become worse soon after, which can lead to legal separation and harassment from police or government authorities.

My calculations and observations lead me to believe that both partners may have already parted ways prior to the start of 2009, and that they have not gotten back together to form a family unit since that time. After walking away from the relationship in the middle of its course, the native may be able to resume his life as a sailor sometime after February 2009; however, the likelihood of this happening is so remote that the native may never return to his home country to pursue the resumption of his marriage.

At that time, Native expressed his appreciation for all of my guidance and suggestions, and he gave me his word that he would adhere to all of my recommendations with complete commitment. I advised him that he should make every effort to steer clear of situations that have the potential to make his married life a shambles in the future.

The Destiny Point of Past Life : The Point when Prarbadha Karama Triggered

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But fate is fate, and Prabhadha Karama fulfilled its function in the lives of the natives. A major argument that broke out between two different couples in the month of October in the year 2008 was the spark that started a dispute that grew like a ferocious snake and ultimately resulted in both physical and verbal abuse between the different couples.

It was like a daily routine for both of them, and there was no hope seen between them, which might have been when it could stop. The entire family went through trauma as a result of the ongoing physical violence and abuse that was taking place between the couples. The verbal and physical altercations could not be avoided or stopped in any way. There was never a moment in time when harmony prevailed among the members of the family.

After Marriage: The Experience of Prarabhda Karma, or “The Reaping of the Fruits”

The family lives of both couples were severely disrupted up until December 2008, but on the first day of February 2009, the situation between them reached a new level of insanity and took on a more serious form. It was very difficult for the native to avoid experiencing such mental anguish while still married, so he made the difficult decision to leave his spouse and move on to join the ship in order to put an end to all of the suffering he had been going through in the middle of his life.

Date of Occurrence: Karma Was Activated

The prophecy was fulfilled:Because of all the frustrations and suffering that were triggered in Native’s marriage life shortly after the ceremony, he made the decision to leave his spouse and join Ship in the middle of his journey in February 2009 so that he could continue on with his journey. However, time has determined another aspect of native life, and that is the ultimate fate of both of the couples who are still to come. After deserting the spouse in the middle of the act, it was now time to endure suffering for the indigenous family as well.

As a means of exacting revenge on the native family and his conduct towards her husband, the native spouse came to the conclusion that she would, with the assistance of his brother, bring a legal action against the entire family, accusing them of dowry abuse and physical violence. Within a few days, the police took action against the native family, and they began harassing the family members one at a time as if they had a personal grudge against them. This harassment extended to my closest friend, who was the younger brother of the native and had no part in the relationship mess.

What do we call it when we have a more in-depth understanding of it?

What was the error that he made?

Even though he had nothing to do with creating the mess, he was still made to endure all of this suffering and dishonor.

Is this not the result of his previous karmas or the deeds he committed in a previous life?

Think about it in great detail.

The process of torturing a native family by members of the police department continued to escalate on a daily basis, leaving the entire family in a state of great trauma and shock. In the meantime, a court case was opened against members of the family, and the issues flared up like a blazing spark.

There was no way to comprehend the predicament or identify the nature of the events that were taking place to them. The members of the family were all in a state of shock, and there was no information or course of action that they could take for themselves at this point.

My friend would frequently come to me with questions such as, “Why did everything start going wrong all of a sudden, and they had no choices left for them?

“What would be the deepest reason to think further about it, why, and how everything was happening with them without their fault?”, and

“What would be the deepest reason to think further about it, why, and how everything was happening with them without their fault?”

While the members of the family were going through the tormenting phase as a result of the spouse’s personal matter of revenge and unethical behaviour towards them, the police department further began doing their extra-threatening work in order to create a situation or environment of fear among the whole family.

This was accomplished with the assistance of an extra push given by the spouse’s elder brother, who was also an on-duty senior police officer but was posted in some other location. Native professional life had reached a point where there was no way forward while family members were preoccupied with the court case and police actions. Because the visa was going to be revoked in a matter of weeks, the native was required to renew it at any cost in order to continue working in the country.

But what exactly is it about his life that is a secret ?

Absolutely no one can be aware of it !

The native felt as though everything in his life was caught in the middle, with no way to move forward, and he was in a condition in which he had no choice left to do anything with the assistance of members in authority; it more closely resembled a situation in which he had nothing in hand.

The New Phase of Life, Unfolding Past life Astrology : Beginning of Rahu Dasha in 2009


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Finally, with the beginning of the first phase (Rahu PD) in Rahu Mahadasha approximately in December 2009, the native was forced to leave his ship because he was unsuccessful in renewing the visa and passport in time due to some financial and unknown reasons (Rahu in the Bhadhak Sthan in the 11th house conjoined with 5th Lord Saturn and 3rd Lord Jupiter).

He decided further that he should move back to India for some relief and take help from his brother for some Once more, the hand of fate was at work not long after the event described above. Because the native was absent from all of the court hearings for an entire year, the case took on a very dangerous tone during that time. This was due to the fact that the native was not present for any of the hearings during that time.

The court reached a decision and declared him a fugitive; as a result, he will be required to serve a sentence or make an appearance in court for further clarification and penalties whenever and wherever he will be seen or found in India.

The native was once again thrown into a state of shock as a result of the decision made by the court. In the deep dilemmas of his life, where one must think deeply and he is left with no clue in his hand, it was more like a state of zero, and every corner was seen as the dark side of life. In this situation, one has no other choice but to think about what to do next, where to go, and how to proceed in life in a better way.

Native made the decision to remain on the opposite side of India, and he began living with the sister of his cousin. He also frequently used to live with his friend. The native’s primary preoccupation was finding a way to secure both his professional and financial futures, as he was actively seeking out a variety of employment opportunities that he was qualified for.

During this time, Native made the decision to renew his passport and visa in India; however, once again, the dots of his destiny and Prarabdha played their roles, and he ended up losing his passport in a sense; no one is sure where he left it all. It was yet another setback and a startling realisation for him at that moment. Because of this, he was completely perplexed about what action to take next.

Native was trying very hard to approach some of his friends for assistance, for the purpose of obtaining any links or clues to get settled in India; however, his friends’ behaviour was a bit unusual and different towards him, and Native felt cheated from his inner core by those whom once looked very needy to get jobs in the Merchant Navy sector;

Native had always forwarded his hands in their hard times and given them as much as helping hands, like when you feel like an angel appears suddenly in a situation in which you are struggling; But in this scenario, things were a little bit different; friends were more likely to appear to be enemies, or it can be said that they were acting like devils in darkness, appearing as though they were wearing a devil advocate coat with a friendly face. They did not offer any assistance to him and flatly refused to do so, acting in accordance with the double standard that is typically upheld by society in times of crisis.

In the meantime, when I returned to my hometown after being away for a few months, my native brother approached me and continued to contact me in order to explain his entire mystery, which was the story of various traumas and shocks that had occurred to members of their family.


After hearing what he had to say, I made the decision to offer him some Vedic suggestions, and I advised the native to adhere to all of these suggestions with the utmost diligence in order to reach Lord Shiva.

After using the remedies for a number of months, his entire outlook and perception of living life like a king shifted into the path of severe spiritualism, and he experienced a significant personal transformation as a result.

Failures and self-desires brought about significant growth in him. native began practising intense worship of Lord Shiva, which resulted in a complete transformation of his subconscious mind and bestowed upon him a refocused perspective on his life, including his finances, his family, his wealth, and his relationships. That moment (the activation of the Atma Karka Graha) served as the turning point in his life for self-awareness.


The beginning of Accumulated Karamas – The Sanchit Karama ( Good deeds- The Fruits of Life)

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Now, here is the picture of a native good Sanchit Karama who, for some reason, was able to make a new passport and got a new job in another country, but in the marketing and sales sector of that country. After many months and years of hard work, he was happy to receive this new surprise in his life. Despite the fact that he did not choose his work, he was happy to receive it.

Native was bringing in lakhs every month thanks to his work in the Merchant Navy. Here, Native started his career path again, but this time from the ground up, and began earning thousands of dollars so that he could begin his new life with a newfound sense of hope. In the meantime, the legal proceeding was also taking place in India, and the brother was managing it in some way with a good strategy. On numerous occasions, natives have inquired as to why everything is taking place to him and his family, including his personal and professional lives, and what caused it to take place.

My response has been the same from the beginning: there has been no change in it; it is all due to the Prarabdha Karama of the previous life that one must suffer either in this birth or possibly in the next birth. In any event, one is required to use up all of their karma. In addition to this, it is recommended that natives go through the process of past-life regression therapy with knowledgeable spiritual masters who are working in their profession with integrity. In accordance with the recommendation, Native participated in a session of past-life regression therapy in New Delhi with a knowledgeable master.

It was more like a ray of hope to resolve his case now that things were clearer to me after studying the process of the native’s past life regression therapy. Just as we see a bright light emerging out of the dark and dense clouds, this was like a ray of hope to resolve his case. The findings have a profound impact on me, and it is extremely challenging for me to accept them as true and make sense of them.

Later, when I tried to evaluate the same with a native horoscope, I was feeling quite amazed and surprised by the brilliance of the astrological principles, and the results gave me the assurance and authenticity of the sutras—how the Nadi Jyotish and Jamini Sutra concepts are so precious and accurate, and how well they are explaining the whole process of past birth karmas.

I was feeling quite amazed and surprised by the brilliance of the astrological principles. Once more, Shows, After analysing the entire situation of the chart, I discovered that our sages were never wrong in any of their theories or sutras for explaining its essence. This is something that I learned, and after doing so, I am now pretty sure about both the fact that it is true and how brilliantly Vedic astrology will be at that time.


The native Karmic life difficulties that I looked into in Parts 1, 2, and 3 as well as events from native life have now been revealed to you. I have finally supplied all of the information that is necessary for you to comprehend native Karmic life concerns. In the fourth section, we will study the fundamentals of Jamini, Nadi, and Vedic astrological principles, as well as the ways in which we might be able to identify the date of these events. In addition, we will go deeper into the concept of past life regression and its connection to the field of astrology that focusses on former lives.
For the purpose of strengthening people’s spiritual consciousness and understanding the deeper links between unresolved mysteries and the karmic difficulties of life, which can be difficult to believe in and find solutions for, it is important to maintain connections, never stop learning, and never discontinue sharing. By consulting the Bhagavad Gita, engaging in the practice of past life astrology, and engaging in the practice of past life regression, individuals might get a more thorough understanding of the fundamental mysteries that are associated with life.
It may be challenging to believe and digest these ideas in the context of modern life; but, after folks have studied and comprehended them with an open mind, they are able to comprehend the true significance of what they are expressing. The purpose of this post is to hopefully shed light on some of the most fundamental cosmic secrets that life has to offer.

References, Sources, and links:

[1]. Past Lives & Future Lives | History of Past-Life-Understanding & Therapy | Source –
[2]. Regression | Source -
[3]. Reincarnation: Who were you in past life? By Pallavi Tyagi | Source –
[4]. All about Hinduism by sri swami sivananda and Yoga Sutra Patanajali | Source
[5]. Wikipedia and other Web resources.
[6]. Jamini Sutras by Sanjay Rath.
[7]. Saptarishis Research Group Discussion facts.
[8]. Based on the facts of Yogi Swami Sivananda ji.
[9]. Based on the facts of Avdhoot Baba Shivanand ji | Source –
[10]. Bhagwad Geeta, Samkhya Yoga, Chapter -2, verse -22 | Source –
[11]. Insights in Nadis: By A.V Sundram Sir | Theory of Karama, Page 28 to 42.
[12]. Samyama Samyama is defined in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali verses 3.1 through 3.6 as follows where the Sanskrit in Devanagari and IAST were sourced from Little and the English from Iyengar (1993: pp. 178–183). | Link –
[13]. Karma and reincarnation | Source –
[14]. Past life Regression – Link –
[15]. Chapter 17-Reincarnation :
[16]. Srimad Bhagavad-Gita and Reincarnation :
[17]. Prabhupadabooks :
pin Mystery of Past Life Astrology, Bhagavad Gita and decoding Cycle of Karma Part 3: Astrological case study of Past Life

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Understanding Mystery of Past Life Astrology, Past Life Regression and decoding Past Life Journey : Astrological case study of Past Life – Part 2

Understanding Mystery of Past Life Astrology, Past Life Regression and decoding Past Life Journey : Astrological case study of Past Life – Part 2


Mystery of Past Life Astrology


In the 2nd Part of Mystery of Past Life Astrology Article series, we will dive deeper in the ocean of Vedic philosophy connected with past life, reincarnations, past life regression, Upanishads, and we will decode sutras of past life along with understanding the astrological case study of the native to go deeper to understand more hidden insights on the past life, i.e., what are the major indicators required to study past life astrology that we will cover in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th parts of this series, and we will also let you know what will be the astrological tools we will use to decode the mystery of the native past life journey in the following sections.

For example, we will employ methods of past life regression, study sutras from Jamini Sutras, Nadi Astrology, classical astrological sutras from Phaladeepika, Brihat Jataka, and other vedic astrology systems, and apply these principles to decode and comprehend past life issues.

Firstly, we must comprehend the ways in which Past life regression, Prati Prasav Sadhna/Medtation, Bhagawd Geeta, and Upanishads can aid us in understanding how reincarnations, past lives, and astrology can shed light on the deeper issues in our lives. First, let’s explore the concept of past life regression (PLR) in the next section.

Why is it important to comprehend past life issues, traumas, and karmic blockages? Reason being, In Vedic traditions, it is believed that these karmic influences manifest in the astrological chart, specifically through the positions of planets at the time of a person’s birth. Each planet governs specific traits, challenges, and lessons, allowing astrologers to interpret the deep-seated influences that stem from past lives. For instance, a difficult relationship with a particular family member might correlate with unresolved issues from previous lifetimes, as revealed through careful analysis of the natal chart.

Furthermore, certain planetary combinations can indicate a strong connection to past life experiences. In Vedic astrology, the placement of the Nodes of the Moon—Rahu and Ketu—holds particular importance. Rahu represents unfulfilled desires and challenges that originate from past deeds, while Ketu signifies spiritual growth and the lessons one must learn to overcome karmic debts. Astrologers often analyze these elements to offer insight into the underlying motivations and fears that individuals encounter in their current lives.

Through Vedic astrology, understanding past life influences serves as a tool for self-reflection and growth. By recognising and embracing the karmic ties that guide their behaviour and choices, individuals can strive towards personal development. The nuanced interpretations provided by this ancient practice encourage a deeper comprehension of one’s life journey, illuminating the intricate tapestry woven by previous existences.

Readers can read Part -1st from the given link :

Mystery of Past Life Astrology and Past Life Regression decoded -Part 1: Astrological case study of Past Life

Mystery of Past Life Astrology and Past Life Regression decoded -Part 1: Astrological case study of Past Life

What is Past Life Regression ?

Past-life Regression is another powerful tool for exploring your past lives and with the help of Past life astrology we can able to know the root cause of past lives issues. It is a therapeutic technique that allows you to access memories and experiences from your previous incarnations. Through deep relaxation and guided visualization, a trained past-life regression therapist can help you tap into your subconscious mind and retrieve past-life memories.

During a past-life regression session, you may find yourself reliving specific scenes, emotions, or even physical sensations from a different time and place. These experiences can provide valuable insights into your past life relationships, unresolved traumas, and the lessons you are meant to learn in this lifetime.

Benefits of Past Life regression 

Exploring your past lives can have a profound impact on your personal growth and spiritual development. Here are some of the benefits:

  • Healing unresolved issues: Past life regression can help you uncover and heal unresolved traumas and wounds from your past lives. By addressing these issues at their root, you can release emotional baggage and experience deep healing.
  • Understanding current life patterns: By gaining insight into your past life experiences, you can identify patterns and themes that may be influencing your current life. This awareness can empower you to make conscious choices and break free from repetitive cycles.
  • Strengthening relationships: Past life astrology can shed light on the dynamics and connections between you and the important people in your life. Understanding the karmic lessons and agreements you have with others can help you navigate your relationships with compassion and wisdom.

Embarking on a journey to explore past-life astrology and regression can be a transformative and enlightening experience. Whether you choose to consult with a past-life astrologer or undergo past-life regression therapy, remember that the true purpose of these practices is to deepen your understanding of yourself and facilitate your personal growth.

By delving into the depths of your past lives, you can gain valuable insights, heal unresolved issues, and make conscious choices that align with your soul’s purpose. Embrace the mysteries of your past lives, and let them guide you on your journey of self-discovery and spiritual evolution.

Regression in Vedic Astrology 

The Natal Astrological System provides us with insights into the soul regression process and the karmas associated with it. For instance, the placement of Jupiter in the birth chart significantly influences soul reincarnations. This regression process aids in pinpointing the underlying karmas that are causing our current life’s suffering. We can also trace back the placement of Jupiter, Saturn, and Rahu/Ketu to understand all the past life issues that are causing soul sufferings in the current life. In the next part of this series, we will delve deeper into the example charts.

What is Prati Prasav Sadhana/Meditation in Patanjali Yog Sutra  ?


Past Life Astrology_Prati_prasav_Sadhna_Patanajali

Who is Patanjali Maharishi ?  

Patanjali Maharshi, an ancient Indian guru/seer, is credited with having conducted considerable research on the concept of regressing to previous lives. Patanjali Maharishi, the author of the Yoga Sutras, referred to this process of regressing to a previous existence as “Prati-Prasav.”, The process of reabsorbing the cause is what this refers to. This entails tracing the effect all the way back to its origin, often known as the involution process.

What is Prati Prasav Meditation/Sadhana ?

Prasav is the name given to the day that a kid is born. When you perform Prati-Prasav, you go back to the moment of your birth and relive the traumatic events that occurred at that time. This is what it means to be “born again in memory.”

As per Patanjali Yog Sutra, chapter, Quote 10 & 11, 
॥ ते प्रतिप्रसवहेयाः सूक्ष्माः पदच्छेद: ते , प्रतिप्रसव , हेयाः , सूक्ष्माः॥

Meaning : 
The subtle klesas are to be conquered by resolving them into their causal state.


Explanation on Prati Prasav Sadhna 

We are able to eliminate these impediments by resolving them back into their fundamental cause, which we refer to as kelasa or vikaras. This can be accomplished by returning to a spiritual state of meditation. It is possible for the mind to triumph over the subtle kinds of suffering (klesas), which are also referred to as subconscious sensations, when it returns to its initial, unadulterated state. Pratiprasava or state of meditation is literally translated as “return to its original state,” “resolving back into their cause,” “return to the original state,” “disassociation from the creation process,” “counter-order,” “inverse propagation,” “resolving to a more elementary form,” and “withdrawal from manifestation.”

How Prati-Prasav Sadhna will help in Mystery of Past Life Astrology studies ?


Prati Prasav Sadhna vedicsiddhanta Understanding Mystery of Past Life Astrology, Past Life Regression and decoding Past Life Journey : Astrological case study of Past Life - Part 2


What is Patanjali Yoga Sutras ?

The Patanjali Yoga Sutras, considered one of the major yoga texts, present a scientific view of yoga and helps to understand Prati Prasav meditation. Around 2000 years ago, Patanjali wrote this treatise, providing a systematic explanation of the yoga system. Patanjali developed a holistic system by combining yoga’s approach with the North Indian philosophical tradition. This system not only promotes physical health but also helps in mental and spiritual development.

Rules of Patanjali Yoga Sutras

The Patanjali Yoga Sutras comprise 195 sutras, segmented into eight parts. These eight limbs are Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi. Each organ has a special significance and acts as a complement to the other. Yama and Niyama ensure moral discipline, while asana and pranayama are essential for physical health. Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi can achieve mental peace and stability in meditation.

Patanjali has presented yoga as a systematic system that helps the soul and mind develop. Through these sutras, the seeker discovers his true self and moves out of the trance towards self-knowledge. Thus, the Patanjali Yoga Sutras are considered not just a pedagogy but a path of profound study and development of the soul. This knowledge plays an important role in making a person live a balanced and healthy life even in the present times.

Prati-Prasav Sadhna or Past life Regression 

Concept of Prati Prasav  Sadhana is a spiritual and psychological practice aimed at rekindling the memories of past lives. The Indian Yoga and Vedanta traditions, where one experiences the immortality of the soul and its various births, particularly inspire this sadhana. This sadhana helps the devotees to know the familiarity and experiences of their past lives, allowing them to better understand their present situation.

Yogic Techniques in Prati Prasav Sadhnas

This sadhana involves the use of yogic techniques such as meditation, pranayama, and vision control. Through these techniques, the seeker can penetrate deeply into his mental and emotional realms. This sadhana often poignantly reveals the inner journey of the individual, in which they improve their physical, mental, and spiritual health. Seekers believe that this practice not only helps them know the essence of their soul, but also increases their understanding of various aspects of life.

Hypnosis in Past life Regression

Fundamentally, past life regression is based on the theory that unsolved problems or traumas from former life may surface in the present and influence a person’s psychological and emotional state. Accessing these previous events helps practitioners find insights that might support personal development and healing. Usually involving guided imagery or hypnosis, the technique helps one to establish a closer relationship to the subconscious mind where these prior memories could be found. Native may relate rich memories of their prior life, which can highlight ideas or behaviors influencing their present decisions.

Benefits of Prati Prasav Sadhna or Past Life regression 

The benefits of perinatal sadhana include mental peace, self-awareness, and the development of a sense of duty. This sadhana gives the seeker the ability to analyse their thoughts, feelings, and actions, allowing them to make positive changes in their lives. Aside from that, this sadhana also helps the person identify the purpose of their life, which makes their life journey even more meaningful.

Thus, Prati Prasthan Sadhana paves the way for prosperity at the physical, mental, and spiritual levels.

Impact of Past Lives Memories in Current life ?

dreamstime xl 40180137 e1421436347397 Understanding Mystery of Past Life Astrology, Past Life Regression and decoding Past Life Journey : Astrological case study of Past Life - Part 2

The significance and impact of memories of past lives are widely discussed. Memories of past lives are an important topic because they play a profound role not only in yoga and self-knowledge, but also in mental health and personal development. These memories connect us to our past and occasionally aid in comprehending our current thoughts, emotions, and behavioral patterns.

This allows us to recognize hidden mental blocks and conflicts that we may not have been able to experience before. Therefore, the importance of these memories lies not only in concentrating but also in moving towards self-realization.

What are Memories and how can i know my past life in Astrology ?

When we start exploring the memories of our past lives, it becomes a medium to expand our thinking process. A person’s thinking changes when he understands his past experiences. That’s why many therapists and yoga instructors use these memories to help people improve their mental health. This allows the person to recognize their emotional patterns and take steps towards turning them in a positive direction.

Astrological Explanation on Past life Memories

In Astrological systems Past life memories are connected withe ones moon placements, signs and the Nakshatra position . Why Moon, because moon shows one about Sub-conscious mind, memories, traumas, past life experiences, Skills,  and  past life samskaras one carry forwarded from all the soul journey and it also shows super conscious experiences soul has gone through it. Whereas Rahu and Ketu shows everything about past life experiences whether they are good or bad and how it will impact in the current world. 

Along with that there is a prime importance of the 8th house/8th lord and 12th house /12th lord role in understanding past life experiences in the form of memories. 

Acknowledging and understanding the memories of the past life not only enhances self-development, but it also gives a new direction to the person in his life journey. Therefore, it is necessary that we pay attention to our past life experiences. It is not only a source of knowledge but also helps in the process of self-realization, mental health, and personal growth. Thus, memories of past lives are not just stories of the past, but an important means of guiding the present.

Practicing Prati Prasav Sadhna or going back into the past lives

Prati Prasav Sadhana is an intense and dedication-seeking process that benefits physical, mental, and spiritual health. To perform this sadhana correctly, it is necessary to pay attention to some important methods and tips. First of all, the seekers should choose a calm and orderly place where they can perform their sadhana without any disturbance. This place will provide them with mental stability and help to improve their sadhana experience.

After this, it is important to meditate for a few minutes at the beginning of the sadhana. During meditation, the seeker should clearly determine their mental dedication and purpose. It is also beneficial to pay attention to the speed and depth of breathing during sadhana.

View of Avdhoot Shivananda baba on Past life or Prati Prasav Sadhna 

According to Avdhoot Baba Shivanand ji on Prati Prasav Sadhna,  “Prati” means “again,” and Prasav” means “birth,” meaning “re-birth,” which refers to a very ancient practice that focuses on accessing the deep, hidden bad memories of the past and prior lifetimes.

These memories remain concealed deep inside the subconscious mind, even though they have been ‘forgotten’ by the conscious mind. They are the core reasons of our bad emotions, habits, and behaviours that produce more karmic, and as a result, we slip into the infinite loop of cause and effect.

All of these deeply ingrained feelings and psychic impressions are brought to the surface in the Prati Prasav Sadhana practise so that they can be released and healed. What we accomplished in the past is nothing more than a reflection of itself in the here and now.

Unfinished business of the Past life

The unfinished business from our previous lifetimes is supposed to be wrapped up in this one, so that we can move on to better things. The conditions and the troubles that one is currently experiencing are the result of the stored luggage of psychic impressions that one has collected in various lives through each and every action, speech, and thought. This baggage was accumulated over the course of many lifetimes. Not only do the psychic impressions come from previous lifetimes, but they are also received and assimilated during the stages of being a child and a foetus in the womb of the mother.

Astrological Explanation on Unfinished business of the Past life in Natal Horoscope 

The very first dasha of the child birth shows everything about the past life unfinished business along with that number of retrograde planets placed in the birth chart shows how much karmas are pending that native need to complete in this life cycle. . 

The presence of challenges in one’s life is often an indicator of unsolved problems; conversely, the more the number of challenges and problems encountered in one’s life, the greater the number of unresolved problems that must be addressed in order to prevent oneself from being reborn into the same kind of situation over and over again.

Importance of Karmas in Past life 

Samskaras, also known as sanchit karmas or psychic impressions, are the name given to unresolved issues, and the only way to access them is through meditation. If there is something, some trouble, or some problem that is associated with the past, then we return to the primary source from whence it originated. Because we can keep attempting to find a solution to the problem, but unless we get to its foundation, we won’t be able to find one. It is impossible to find a solution to a problem unless one first traces it back to its root cause.

Astrological Explanation on Past Life Karmas in Horoscope 

In Birth chart or horoscope 9th house shows everything about the Sanchit karmas and D9 ( Navamsa ) shows what are our sanchit karmas in the form of good and bad placements in the D9 chart. If 9th house is badly afflicted it shows that native or native ancestors have done much bad deeds in their past life because of that native is experiencing much sufferings and series of unfortunate events in current life. 

For instance, if there is an unpleasant plant and we continue to cut the branches and the leaves in an effort to get rid of the weed, we will find that more and more branches and leaves are growing in their place to replace the ones that we have removed. We need to get down into the roots of the weed and pull them out completely if we want to get rid of the weed for good.

The only way to fully comprehend this concept is to transport yourself back in time to those final seconds, to the precise moment when a soul departs from its physical body. From there, you must go even further back in time to determine how many lives a soul has lived.

Karmas, Memories, Traumas and Soul connection with Past life 

All of those memories never become stale and never lose their connection to the soul and the conscious mind, but they do lose that connection with the body and the conscious mind.

We ought to put all of this to the test using case studies taken from real-life situations so that it may be consolidated into real truths. When it comes to this method, we should begin by cross-verifying it with people who have gone through the process of past life regression, and then we should verify its causes and consequences in the horoscope by analysing all four types of karmas.

When we go through such a procedure, we are better able to comprehend and compare it to the actual torment and suffering that anyone experiences in this birth as a direct result of their sins and wrongdoings in previous lives. In this section, I will show how we might have a better understanding of the process of past birth incarnation by evaluating a real-life case of past happenings uncovered by both ways. This case will be taken from the past. The most essential component is having a solid understanding of former lives as well as the nature of the regression process itself.

Contemporary belief, what exactly is regression to a Past life?

Firefly The 12th House Moksha Spirituality and Liberation 3456 scaled Understanding Mystery of Past Life Astrology, Past Life Regression and decoding Past Life Journey : Astrological case study of Past Life - Part 2

Prati-Prasav is a process, and it has previously been explained that this process involves the soul going back and forth between the conscious mind and the sub-conscious mind in order to get to its root point. However, the process itself involves many other processes. Hypnosis is employed during the process of past-life regression therapy, which aims to elicit memories of a person’s previous incarnations or lives.

Importance of Past Life Reading in astrology

In most cases, people engage in the practise of past-life reading either via past life regression or with the help of past life reading in astrology either in the hope of having a spiritual awakening or within the context of psychological treatment. The Upanishads, which are part of the canon of ancient Indian literature, include reference to past-life regression; however, Patajali’s Yoga Sutras provide a more in-depth examination of the topic. Patajali, a Hindu scholar, penned a text in the second century B.C. that described the concept of the soul becoming burdened with an accumulation of impressions as a component of the karma from previous lives.

Maharishi Patajali referred to the act of regressing to a prior life as prati-prasav, which literally translates to “reverse birthing.” He saw it as a way to solve present-day issues by recalling experiences from previous lifetimes. There are still schools of yoga that use prati-prasav as a method of practise.

It is important to do past life regression because it is the only way to cleanse or heal painful events from previous lifetimes, which, if not addressed, might prevent us from fully actualizing ourselves in this life and/or cause us distress. Activating creativity or a useful ability that has been actively displayed in a previous life but has stayed dormant or unrecognised in this incarnation is another benefit of past life regression therapy.

With the helps of Past life regression  and knowing native past life events we can know about native past life events those are linked with the current planetary placements and the series of traumatic life events native is experiencing in the current life in the form of bad marriage, health issues and challenges in career. 

For e.g. if 7th lord and Venus is afflicted in the D1, D9 and D10 chart it shows native relationship and married will be bad due to past life events that one can experience whenever there is a transit of the Rahu and ketu over the 7th lord and Natal Venus

Benefits of past life regression and Past Life Astrology 

  • The healing of overt deeds (the past-life self acting more as the offender than the victim in these incidents).
  • Engaging one’s creative side
  • Acquire an understanding of the factors that contribute to unreasonable concerns and the ability to overcome these anxieties.
  • Having a happy and successful life gives you a sense of calm and inspires you to persevere when confronted with momentary challenges.
  • Getting in touch with the wisdom of your higher self
  • The recovery from and purging of traumatic experiences
  • Having an understanding of the relationships between things and the patterns of action that are repeated
  • It enlightens you about who you are and the reason you were put on this earth in the first place.
  • Freeing oneself from oaths and curses imposed during a previous incarnation
  • It assists you in reconstructing your understanding of your current life in light of the events that occurred in earlier incarnations of yourself.
  • Realising that death is not a threat and that you would not be permanently separated from loved ones but would instead only go to a new location is helpful in reducing anxiety.
  • It can help you overcome addictions such as drinking too much alcohol or smoking cigarettes.
  • Enhances the perception of the spiritual aspect of our existence and its implications. Contracts from previous lives being rewritten

Relationship between Past Life, Karma and Horoscope

All of these deeply ingrained feelings and psychic impressions are brought to the surface in the Prati Prasav Sadhana practise so that they can be released and healed. What we accomplished in the past is nothing more than a reflection of itself in the here and now.

In Birth chart, Horoscope Karma is divided in into 4 parts :

  1. Sanchit Karmas seen by the 9th house and its lord and its placement, Strength or weaknesses in the D1, D9 and D60 chart.
  2. Punya Karmas are seen by 5th house and its lord placements in the good and bad houses and its strength and weaknesses need to analyze in the D1,D9 and D60 chart.
  3. 1st, 5th and 9th houses/lords shows Native Dharmas and Duties and it also shows Native good deeds and gives us vital clues to understand Sanchit karmas of native
  4. Trik-Bhavas ; 6th and 8th and 12th house and their lord shows about Native bad deeds and gives as vital clues about native Prarabdha Karmas.  
  5. 4th house/4th lord and Moon  placement shows about Native Agami Karmas or you can say future actionable karma, refers to the karma that’s generated by your current actions and choices that may have consequences either in this lifetime or in future lifetimes and that can effects your Kriyamana Karmas. 
  6. 6th house/lord and 10th house/lord, Prashna’s Jyotish Queries or Questions  shows everything about Native Kriyamana karmas, or present actionable karma, refers more specifically to the instantaneous or immediate consequences of your actions. It emphasizes the cause-and-effect relationship between your actions and their immediate results in the current life. It has stronger impact on your 5th house as 5th is known for Future actions or more precisely it shows everything about future of the native due to native good and bad decision making. Malefic placements in the 5th house and if 5th lord is in afflicted state it shows native may bad decisions due to which native can spoil his future actions as 10th and 6th house have direct influence on the 5th house.
  7. 6th house and 6th lord shows Actions of the past life as it is falling in 10th from the 9th house ad 6th from the lagna shows what day to day  actions you are taking. 
  8. 9th House and 9th lord shows everything about the past life actions, karmas and native past life journey.
  9. 12th house and 12th lord placements shows everything about the future burth out of our current actions, karmas and deeds in the current  life.

The unfinished business from our previous lifetimes is supposed to be wrapped up in this one, so that we can move on to better things. The conditions and the troubles that one is currently experiencing are the result of the stored luggage of psychic impressions that one has collected in various lives through each and every action, speech, and thought.

Karmic Baggage, Past life Karma and Astrology 

This Karmic baggage was accumulated over the course of many lifetimes. Not only do the psychic impressions come from previous lifetimes, but they are also received and assimilated during the stages of being a child and a foetus in the womb of the mother. In the Birth chart or natal horoscope Rahu and Ketu shows everything about the karmic baggage and its relationship or conjunctions with natal planets shows what are those karmic baggage that we need to experience in this life to liberate from those deeds or baggage’s. Saturn relationship with planetary placement in the natal chart shows everything about the Rinanubandhan. Trine to Saturn , Conjunction with Saturn shows whom we are connected in this life as part of the Deep Rinanubandhan. 

The presence of challenges in one’s life is often an indicator of unsolved problems; conversely, the more the number of challenges and problems encountered in one’s life, the greater the number of unresolved problems that must be addressed in order to prevent oneself from being reborn into the same kind of situation over and over again.

One can read about Rinanubandhan from the given link :

Runanubandha part 1: Soulmates, Karmic Ties and Concept of Rinanubandhan in Vedic Astrology



Understanding Samskaras or Sanchit Karma : The Sum Total of Karma in Past life

Samskaras, also known as sanchit karmas or psychic impressions, are the name given to unresolved issues, and the only way to access them is through meditation. If there is something, some trouble, or some problem that is associated with the past, then we return to the primary source from whence it originated. Because we can keep attempting to find a solution to the problem, but unless we get to its foundation, we won’t be able to find one. It is impossible to find a solution to a problem unless one first traces it back to its root cause.

For instance, if there is an unpleasant plant and we continue to cut the branches and the leaves in an effort to get rid of the weed, we will find that more and more branches and leaves are growing in their place to replace the ones that we have removed. We need to get down into the roots of the weed and pull them out completely if we want to get rid of the weed for good.

The only way to fully comprehend this concept is to transport yourself back in time to those final seconds, to the precise moment when a soul departs from its physical body. From there, you must go even further back in time to determine how many lives a soul has lived. All of those memories never become stale and never lose their connection to the soul and the conscious mind, but they do lose that connection with the body and the conscious mind.

We ought to put all of this to the test using case studies taken from real-life situations so that it may be consolidated into real truths.

When it comes to this method, we should begin by cross-verifying it with people who have gone through the process of past life regression, and then we should verify its causes and consequences in the horoscope by analysing all four types of karmas.

When we go through such a procedure, we are better able to comprehend and compare it to the actual torment and suffering that anyone experiences in this birth as a direct result of their sins and wrongdoings in previous lives. In this section, I will show how we might have a better understanding of the process of past birth incarnation by evaluating a real-life case of past happenings uncovered by both ways. This case will be taken from the past.

The most essential component is having a solid understanding of former lives as well as the nature of the regression process itself.


To More Know on Karmas and Sanchit Karma in Vedic astrological system, click on the below link :

The Karma Theory in vedic astrology part 1: Know about Astrology, Past life and karma Connection ?


The Karma Theory in vedic astrology part 1: Know about Astrology, Past life and karma Connection ?

What is reincarnation and its relationship in Past life Astrology ?

According to the concept of reincarnation, we must through a series of incarnations in order to reach our full potential as spiritual beings and hence must endure multiple lifetimes. The soul is immortal and does not perish; we just temporarily house it in our bodies.

The soul has existed across a great number of lifetimes. When we are born, our soul brings with it all of the experience, knowledge, and karma that it has accumulated throughout the course of previous lives. The vast lineage of our ancestors’ experiences in prior lives is the source of the attributes that we manifest in this one.

The memories of earlier incarnations are preserved at the level of the soul, and it is not possible to retrieve them at the conscious level. Participating in a past-life regression session is the most straightforward approach to learning about and having an experience of a previous incarnation.

Reincarnation in Vedic Astrology 

In Vedic Astrology system whole birth chart or horoscope shows everything about the reincarnation and the placement of the jupiter and its relationship with the 12th lord /12th house placed planets from its own placement ( i.e. 2nd and 12th from the Jupiter )  shows about our past life reincarnation issues that native need to experience in this life due to past life actions, misdeeds and unfinished business  and for that we need to thoroughly analyze everything from the Jupiter placement or we need to make jupiter as whole horoscope or as an ascendant and need to evaluate the past and the current life simultaneously as jupiter shows everything about the Jeeva as jupiter is a Jeeva karka planet. 

Reincarnation, a fundamental concept in Hinduism, is known as samsara, which refers to the continuous cycle of birth, life, death, and rebirth. This belief system posits that the soul, or atman, undergoes numerous lifetimes in various forms, influenced by the actions and choices made in previous existences. The essence of reincarnation is deeply rooted in ancient Vedic texts, which serve as sacred scriptures and articulate the principles governing life, death, and the journey of the soul.

Karma, Rebirth, Reincarnation and Past life Astrology

A key element influencing the nature of each rebirth is karma, which encompasses the moral law of cause and effect. According to this principle, every action taken by an individual carries consequences that shape future experiences.

Positive deeds contribute to favourable circumstances in subsequent lives, whereas negative actions may lead to suffering and hardships in future reincarnations. This intricate relationship underscores the notion that individuals are responsible for their fate, and it is their conduct in this life that determines their spiritual progression and the form their next life will assume.

Samsara, Liberation, Moksha and Reincarnation  

Within the cyclical process of samsara, liberation, or moksha, is considered the ultimate goal for practitioners of Hinduism. Attaining moksha entails breaking free from the repetitive cycle of reincarnation, thus allowing the soul to unite with the divine consciousness, or Brahman.

This pursuit of liberation is not only a personal journey but is also a reflection of the broader philosophical teachings encapsulated in the Vedic scriptures.

As such, understanding reincarnation and its interconnected principles of karma and moksha is essential for those seeking to comprehend the nuances of Hindu beliefs and their implications on life and existence.

Astrological Explanation on Cycle of Rebirth

In vedic Astrological system,  cycle of Rebirth and Karma goes like  this ; 1st house -> ( Current birth) 12th house -> ( everything about the Next Birth) ->  8th, 12th and 4th house ( everything about Moksha ) and Finally Jupiter Progression and Regression ( everything about Reincarnations ) 

1st house or Ascendant ( Current Birth) in Vedic Astrology :

Whenever native born in this life with particular ascendant shows everything native carry forwarded from the past life samskaras, including skills, Appearance, health and intelligence etc and planetary placement in the birth chart, could be good or bad or could be in affliction shows about the Current birth sufferings or enjoyment one may enjoy in this birth all because of the past life soul journeys.  

Next Birth ( 12th house or 12th house lord ) as per Vedic Astrology :

When we are talking about the next birth in vedic astrology, 12th house and 12th lord placement, affliction, strength in the natal chart has much says on the next birth of the soul as it is  falling in 12th from the Lagna ( end of ones life and beginning of next and falling in 4th from the 9th house – shows Storage house of karmas ) and falling in 8th from the 5th house ( 5th is everything about future decision making, falling in 9th from the 9th house shows Root cause one born in current life  )  which shows one life ends and next cycle starts with new beginning. Placement of the 12th lord shows what could be possible place, Yoni or characterization of the soul in next life. 

Moksha ( 8th and 12th house ) in Vedic Astrology

When we are talking about the Moksha, 8th and 12th house strength and weakness has much says on the Moksha, though we cannot fully predict on the Moksha but we can have a basic understanding on the Moksha from the 8th and 12th house , as these are Moksha trikona houses in vedic Astrology which gives sound understanding of one spiritual path one may choose in this life which can helps to identity the path of Moksha, 

Reincarnations ( Jupiter ) in Vedic Astrology 

When discussing reincarnations, the progression of Jupiter in a forward direction reveals everything about the current life, while the regression of Jupiter in a backward direction from its original placement in the natal chart reveals all the past life journeys a soul has undertaken in numerous past lives. For example, if we regress Jupiter one step back, it reveals the precise cause of death in the previous life, as well as the exact root cause of any misdeeds a person was born with, which they need to experience in this life.


Vedic Philosophy Perspective on Reincarnation, Past life

The concept of reincarnation, or samsara, is integral to Hindu philosophy and deeply explored within the Vedic scriptures. Central to this understanding is the distinction between the physical body and the eternal soul, or atman. The Vedic texts, especially the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita, provide profound insights into the nature of the soul and its journey through numerous lifetimes. The Upanishads, composed between 800 and 400 BCE, emphasise that the atman is unchanging and eternal, transcending the temporary nature of the physical form. They present a philosophy where each soul undergoes a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, shaped by its actions in previous lives (karma).

The Bhagawad Gita and Theory of Reincarnation, Past life and Karma 

The Bhagavad Gita, often regarded as a spiritual and philosophical classic, reinforces these concepts by illustrating the dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna. Within this sacred text, Krishna explains that the soul cannot be killed or destroyed; it merely transitions from one body to another, akin to changing garments. This perspective encourages individuals to perform their duties selflessly, without attachment to the outcomes, as each life is part of a grander cosmic order that allows for spiritual evolution over consecutive births.

Karma and Its Role in Reincarnation in Past life Astrology

Karma, a central tenet in Hindu philosophy, refers to the principle of cause and effect concerning human actions. It embodies the belief that every action, whether good or bad, has consequences that can extend across multiple lifetimes.

This doctrine is intricately tied to the concept of reincarnation, wherein the soul undergoes cycles of birth, death, and rebirth—an eternal journey shaped significantly by one’s karma.

Each individual’s current existence is perceived as a manifestation of the choices made in previous lives, underscoring the moral weight carried by one’s actions.

Studying Saturn and understanding Karma and Reincarnations in Vedic Astrology

In Vedic Astrological system, Study of the Saturn is the majorly seen to study all sorts of the karmas, actions or misdeeds those are  connected with past, present and future life and it categorized as prime planet which we one should need to focus in the current life to have better birth in better family with good reincarnation experiences in the next life. 

Why Punya Karma and what are Paap ( 6th, 8th and afflictions in Natal chart )  & Punya Karmas ( 1st, 5th & 9th house )  in Past life ?

In this worldview, good deeds—often termed “punya”—result in positive outcomes, while bad deeds, referred to as “papa,” lead to negative consequences. This moral framework serves not only to govern personal behaviour but also to impart lessons essential for spiritual growth.

As individuals navigate their lives, their actions create a karmic record that influences their future experiences and forms the basis for the conditions of subsequent reincarnations.

Hence, one’s present circumstances are intimately linked to the actions of past existences. This interplay suggests that the journey of the soul is not random but rather a structured path that reflects the ethical quality of its past behaviors.

Astrological understanding on Paap and Punya Karmas

Astrologically, all sort of good karmas are seen from 5th house, 9th house and the 1st house whereas PaaKarmas are majorly linked with 8th and 6th house, Paap Karitari yogas, afflictions on Moon and conjunction or blockages via Rahu and Ketu in the natal chart. 

Additionally, the understanding of karma emphasises personal responsibility. Each person is seen as the architect of their fate, with the potential to alter their karmic trajectory through conscious choices and selfless deeds.

This intrinsic belief promotes a sense of agency and encourages individuals to act ethically, knowing their current actions directly affect their future lives. Ultimately, karma acts as a guiding principle within the broader framework of reincarnation, reflecting the moral implications that shape the soul’s evolution.

By embracing the lessons embedded in karmic outcomes, individuals engage meaningfully in their spiritual journey towards liberation.


To Know more on Paap and Punya Karma, Please click on the below link 

The Saturn, Mysterious Shani Sadesati and Karmic Remedies : Therapeutic Guide of Saturn – Part 2


Conclusion : 

The conclusion of this Article emphasizes the significance of understanding past life influences through Vedic astrology and past life regression techniques. It highlights that unresolved issues, traumas, and karmic blockages from previous lifetimes manifest in an individual’s astrological chart, particularly through planetary positions at birth. Key indicators, such as the Nodes of the Moon (Rahu and Ketu), the 8th and 12th houses, and the overall analysis of the natal chart, are essential for interpreting these influences.

The Article advocates for the practice of past life regression and Prati Prasav Sadhana as valuable tools for personal growth, healing, and self-discovery. By accessing past life memories, individuals can gain insights into their current life patterns, relationships, and challenges, ultimately facilitating a deeper understanding of their soul’s journey.

The integration of Vedic philosophy, astrology, and meditation practices is presented as a holistic approach to addressing karmic influences and achieving spiritual evolution. The overarching message encourages readers to embrace their past life experiences as a means to enhance their present life and pursue a path toward liberation and self-realization.

To be Continued…

To read more on Past life experiences of Native Life Journey click on part 3 and part 4th link :

Part 3 : 

Mystery of Past Life Astrology, Bhagavad Gita and Cycle of Karma Part 3: Astrological case study of Past Life

Mystery of Past Life Astrology, Bhagavad Gita and Cycle of Karma Part 3: Astrological case study of Past Life


Link for 4th Part  :


References, Sources, and links:

[1]. Past Lives & Future Lives | History of Past-Life-Understanding & Therapy | Source –
[3]. Reincarnation: Who were you in past life? By Pallavi Tyagi | Source –
[4]. All about Hinduism by sri swami sivananda and Yoga Sutra Patanajali | Source
[5]. Wikipedia and other Web resources.
[6]. Jamini Sutras by Sanjay Rath.
[7]. Saptarishis Research Group Discussion facts.
[8]. Based on the facts of Yogi Swami Sivananda ji.
[9]. Based on the facts of Avdhoot Baba Shivanand ji | Source –
[10]. Bhagwad Geeta, Samkhya Yoga, Chapter -2, verse -22 | Source –
[11]. Insights in Nadis: By A.V Sundram Sir | Theory of Karama, Page 28 to 42.
[12]. Samyama Samyama is defined in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali verses 3.1 through 3.6 as follows where the Sanskrit in Devanagari and IAST were sourced from Little and the English from Iyengar (1993: pp. 178–183). | Link –
[13]. Karma and reincarnation | Source –
[15]. Chapter 17-Reincarnation :
[16]. Srimad Bhagavad-Gita and Reincarnation :
[17]. Prabhupada books :
pin Understanding Mystery of Past Life Astrology, Past Life Regression and decoding Past Life Journey : Astrological case study of Past Life - Part 2

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Decoding Past Life Astrology, Reincarnation & Past life Regression – Part 3 : Unveiling Life’s Truths by Astrological Case Study

Decoding past life astrology past life regression vedic siddhanta Decoding Past Life Astrology, Reincarnation & Past life Regression - Part 3 : Unveiling Life's Truths by Astrological Case Study


Written by Rocky Jamwal | Based on True life events | February-April  201



In the preceding section of the study on the Mystery of Past Birth, we explored the use of past life astrology, karma, past life regression therapy, and the Bhagwat Geeta to get insights into the individual’s past life experiences and to comprehend their present life circumstances.

Link for part 1st : Unlocking the Mystery of Past Birth via past life astrology,  Past life Regression therapy, and Bhagwat Geeta


Mystery of Past Life Astrology and Past Life Regression decoded -Part 1: Astrological case study of Past Life


Decoding Past Life Astrology, Reincarnation & Past life Regression – Part 3 : Unveiling Life’s Truths by Astrological Case Study

In this iteration, we will make an attempt to decode the individual’s past life existence astrologically by utilising the ideas of Jamini, Nadi, and Parashara as our guiding principles.

A small number of writings, like the Jamini Sutra and the Nadi Sutras, give us hints about the hidden knowledge behind previous birth astrology or past lives. This knowledge is closely linked to soul parameters and methods for moving forward in life, which we can learn from the different Nadi scriptures written by seers and Nadi scholars in other times and places.

Though the Jamini Sutras give a profound understanding of the fundamental principles related to the soul’s purpose and learning directly linked with one’s spiritual experiences, whereas classical astrology texts do not provide explicit visual representations related to past birth astrological parameters; however, we can still get an idea of those mentioned in the Parashara Hora shashtra related to the spiritual aspects of human beings, and these writings or short quotes do offer insights into the hidden knowledge associated with previous birth astrology, i.e. Parashara gives emphasis on the 9th, 5th, and 1st houses for understanding the Dharma and righteous duties, which are directly and indirectly linked with native past life karmas, Punyas and the ideas of Past samskaras.

These ancient documents are full of cryptic quotations that can be helpful in supplying information that can be used to gain a better understanding of the incomprehensible complexity that are involved in past-birth astrology. The outcome of this discussion is going to be determined by how much in-depth research a particular person has conducted on the topic at hand. This research should comprise an in-depth review of a number of birth charts. These birth charts should demonstrate high correlates with the individual’s current traumatic life experiences, which we can then tie further to their previous existences. Alternatively, we can analyze these charts by performing a reverse correlation on them.

The well-known astrological treatise known as the Phaladeepika was written by Manteswara, and it provides insightful information on the concepts of previous and subsequent incarnations. In the fourteenth chapter, a significant amount of information regarding astrological markers relating to previous and upcoming incarnations is presented. In the fourteenth chapter, a significant amount of attention is placed on the ninth house and its ninth lord; nonetheless, according to Phaladeepika, the ninth house has a large amount of significance.

If the ninth Lord in a person’s natal chart is in an exalted state, it is possible to infer that the person’s previous existence was connected to a higher social class that was comprised of people who had strong moral principles. This may be determined by looking at the person’s horoscope. If the 9th Lord in the natal chart is discovered to be in a debilitated state or located within the sign of an opponent, then it is possible to draw the conclusion that the person’s previous existence was spent in a specific different geographical area or areas.

According to Manteswara, the placement of the 9th Lord in either the individual’s own house or in the house of a friend denotes a connection between the individual’s current place of habitation and a previous birth that took place in the same country. This is inferred from the fact that the 9th Lord is in either its own house or in the house of a friend.

Users can learn more about these aspects by reading the article on past life incarnations that is provided further down on this page.

To Know more on Past life Incarnations, click on the below link to understand more on these astrological fundamentals :


Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

Investigating Past life Connections using Vedic Astrology


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Now Questions arises ? Have you ever contemplated the enigmas surrounding your previous existence and the potential impact they may have on your present incarnation? 

Vedic astrology, an ancient astrological tradition originating from India, provides valuable insights into the interrelationships between one’s past and present lifetimes. Through the process of scrutinising an individual’s birth chart, practitioners of Vedic astrology possess the ability to reveal the karmic forces that intricately mould the trajectory of one’s life.

In the field of Vedic astrology, the birth chart, commonly referred to as the Janam Kundli, serves as a visual depiction illustrating the precise spatial arrangement of celestial entities during an individual’s moment of birth. The aforementioned acts as a comprehensive framework that delineates the trajectory of one’s previous, current, and forthcoming existence.

Through a comprehensive analysis of several astrological principles, it is possible to explore the intricate interconnections between your past lives and acquire a more profound comprehension of the trajectory of your soul’s evolution.

Indicators of Past Lives in the Natal Chart : Past Life Astrology Connections

There are few astrological pointers one should understand i.e. The examination of the location of Rahu and Ketu, commonly referred to as the North and South Nodes of the Moon, is a significant aspect explored in Vedic astrology to establish links with past lives. The obscured elements within the birth chart are indicative of the karmic imprints originating from previous lifetimes that are perpetuated into the present incarnation.

Rahu symbolises the manifestation of aspirations, ambitions, and lingering emotional states originating from previous incarnations. The positioning of an astrological entity within a specific house and sign provides insight into the domains of existence where one may encounter difficulties and acquire significant knowledge.

In contrast, Ketu symbolises the development of one’s spiritual journey, the act of detachment, and the liberation from previous karmic cycles.

The positioning of an entity might serve as an indicator of the domains in which one has already achieved proficiency in specific classes.

The Interplay of Planetary Aspects and Past Life Connections

The examination of planetary aspects is a significant component in the analysis of the birth chart for the purpose of investigating past life connections. Aspects refer to the geometric angles established between celestial bodies, particularly planets, which can give rise to either harmonious or problematic energetic interactions.

Through the examination of the interrelationships among many celestial bodies, valuable insights can be gleaned regarding the intricate dynamics and interconnections that exist between previous incarnations and one’s current existence.

As an illustration, in the context of an individual’s birth chart, the presence of a hard aspect between the Moon and Saturn could potentially suggest a previous incarnation characterised by a deficiency in emotional support and a dearth of feelings of security, spirituality one has lead life of Sadhu or Ascetic person.

This feature may indicate a necessity to engage in self-care practises and pursue emotional recovery in order to address the karmic imbalances present in your current life.

The Significance of the Ascendant and Descendant in Astrology

The ascendant, also known as the rising sign, refers to the specific zodiac sign that was positioned on the eastern horizon during the moment of an individual’s birth. One’s personal image encompasses both the manner in which they project themselves to society and their outward physical attributes. In contrast, the descendant is the astrological sign situated on the western horizon, symbolising an individual’s interpersonal connections and alliances.

Through the examination of the ascendant and descendant signs, it is possible to discern past life connections in respect to the individuals one tends to attract and the dynamics encountered within partnerships. An illustration of this concept may be seen when considering an individual whose ascendant is in Aries and descendant is in Libra. In such a case, it is plausible to infer that this person may have had a previous incarnation characterised by qualities of autonomy and assertiveness, while simultaneously attracting companions who possessed qualities of conciliation and diplomacy.

In conclusion, it can be inferred that the provided information leads to the stated conclusion.

Vedic astrology provides an intriguing viewpoint of the interconnections between past lives and their impact on an individual’s present birth. Through a meticulous examination of an individual’s birth chart, astrologers possess the ability to reveal the karmic imprints originating from previous incarnations, thereby offering valuable insights and recommendations for effectively navigating the obstacles and educational experiences encountered in one’s present life.

The primary objective of comprehending past life connections is not to fixate on historical events, but rather to acquire profound understanding of one’s spiritual progression and exercise deliberate decision-making in the current moment. The process of embracing the teachings and relinquishing karmic patterns has the potential to facilitate individual development, foster spiritual advancement, and enhance overall life satisfaction.

Beginning of Native Past Life Journey via Past Life Regression 


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In this section, we will go into a more comprehensive understanding of the individual using various astrological methodologies and systems, aiming to establish connections between past and present events in an investigative fashion.

Hence, let us commence the process of deciphering the enigma surrounding the prior existence of the indigenous individual, as disclosed by the native in the context of their engagement with the past life therapist during the regression session in the year 2009.

Lets dive deeper in the historical trajectory of the indigenous individual’s previous birth existence. The origins of this event may be traced back to the year 1806, when a regression session took place in close proximity to Dongri, a location situated in Rajasthan.

Specifically, this session occurred in the present-day village of Alwar, which was part of a princely kingdom where the individual in question was born. The individual in question belonged to a royal lineage and was known by the name “Rajveer.” Through the process of regression, the individual was able to witness their own existence.

The indigenous individual provided a comprehensive account, beginning from the first stage and progressing towards the last stage, while also incorporating detailed facts and personal experiences from all stages of life. The entire session with the therapist and native was quite beneficial, as it provided valuable insights and facilitated the comprehension and interpretation of the enigmatic aspects of his previous incarnation.

Due to the distinctive encounter I had with the indigenous individual, I engaged in a series of inquiries pertaining to his astrological forecast.

The process of comprehending his natal and divisional charts proved to be an exceptionally remarkable and unparalleled experience for me. The information provided to him corresponded precisely with the horoscope that the individual described to me during our talk.

In this discourse, I intend to elucidate a process by means of a native chart, which may potentially evoke astonishment and foster a transformative learning encounter.


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Dongri Fort, as appeared in his regression process, is currently situated near Jaipur.


The present study aims to do an astrological analysis of the native chart, with a focus on the life that commenced in the year 1806 in the region of Dongri.

Native  as explained me :

” The Native has shared with me that in the year 1806 AD, in a land close to Dongri in Rajasthan, he identified himself as the son, a prince, of the reigning monarch. This individual, known as Rajveer Singh, experienced a previous existence characterised by opulence and regality. Within his kingdom, every conceivable luxury was present, and he derived great pleasure from this former life, surpassing the joys of his present existence. In his previous existence, he displayed great generosity, offering assistance to both nature and his fellow beings. However, it is important to acknowledge that he also engaged in acts of harm, driven by his anger and unbridled emotions.”

In his previous incarnation, the individual’s sibling possessed the same identity as their present existence. This sibling held great significance to the individual, providing substantial assistance throughout their endeavours, particularly in the realm of professional pursuits and romantic romance.

In a previous incarnation, it was seen that the individual of indigenous origin shown a strong devotion towards Lord Shiva, engaging in daily prayers to the deity by balancing on a single leg each morning. However, during his previous incarnation, the individual exhibited a tendency towards aggression and hostility in his interactions with colleagues, subordinates, and military personnel, as well as others in his immediate vicinity, while enjoying a lavish way of life.


rr Decoding Past Life Astrology, Reincarnation & Past life Regression - Part 3 : Unveiling Life's Truths by Astrological Case Study
Astrological Reasoning : 

” You can Look at Mars’s Debilitation placement in the 10th house (Following the same routines in the current birth too), 2nd from the 9th house aspecting Both Venus and Mars (1st house and 5th from the 9th house) ” 

Native :” Moreover, he recounted an experience in which he was engaged in fervent devotion to Lord Shiva in a secluded area within a dense forest, while balancing on a single leg. During this spiritual endeavour, he unexpectedly encountered the presence of a woman who approached him from behind and forcefully propelled him forward.
As a consequence of this occurrence, he experienced a loss of equilibrium and subsequently descended to the ground, landing on his knee. The individual experienced a profound sense of anger and resentment, likely due to the influence of Mars Debilitation and its aspect on Lagana. On this particular day, the native was engaged in the concluding ritual of a ceremonial procedure. Despite facing significant challenges, the individual made persistent efforts to complete the ritual within the stipulated timeframe, following their departure from the palace. ”
Astrological Reasoning : 
” Look at Mars and Moon in Scorpio sign (Hidden places of worshipping) in the D60 chart aspected by Saturn from the 6th house (clearly telling Brutality toward women or lack of emotional balance or sudden turbulence in emotional nature gave him sudden anger in the place of the secret place of worshipping – Scorpio )”. 
As I ventured forth, the native elucidated that the lady, in her disturbance, brought about the dissolution of the sacred ceremony, thereby disrupting the sanctity of his worship. This occurrence transpired during the culminating day of the ritual, wherein the native embarked upon a devout journey towards his divine entity. When the observer witnessed the futility of all things, they found themselves unable to restrain their anger, and proceeded to inflict upon the girl a violent and agonising fate, not truly leading to her demise, but rather plunging her into a state of unconsciousness. In the sacred voyage of his yesteryears, this is what manifested.
He shared with me that during his journey of past life regression, he encountered a lady who manifested in his current life as his spouse (his first wife). This manifestation occurred in the year 2008, precisely during the Mars Mahadasha (the period ruled by Mars – Dasha of Uppada lagna) and the Antardasha period of Venus (the lord of the 8th house in Lagana, in conjunction with the 9th lord). This occurrence signifies a profound karmic debt or a connection to past experiences of suffering or events.
It is noteworthy that this manifestation took place during the dasha (period) of the lords of the 8th and 9th houses. In contemplating this matter once more, it becomes evident that the dashas of the lords of the 8th and 9th houses serve as reliable indicators of profound connections to previous birth existences, as well as the interwoven tapestry of accumulated karmic actions, both those presently unfolding (prarabdha) and those yet to manifest (sanchit).

In the pursuit of profound comprehension regarding previous actions and the karmic imprints of past existence, one may explore the profound influence of the native’s 6th Lord Dasha of Jupiter in the Natal chart, residing within the Sagittarius Sign, gracefully positioned within the 4th house in the D60 chart. This celestial arrangement beautifully signifies that the individual was blessed with spiritual enlightenment in their preceding birth, devoutly engaging in daily worship of Lord Shiva within a sacred temple nestled near their regal abode.

In the process of counter-enquiry and analysing the regression journey of the native verbal experience with the natal chart, I found myself in a state of profound contemplation.

As the native continued along his path, he shared with me his experience of encountering frustration with his Saarthi ( one who guided his chariot ) . Each day, he expressed his discontent by subjecting the Saarthi to harsh treatment. However, a moment of profound astonishment arose when it was revealed through regression that this very Saarthi had also been the father of the lady in his recent past.

In the realm of his past life regression journey, he shared with me that a certain lady manifested herself. As he traversed the state of death, this very lady reappeared in his current existence, assuming the form of his present spouse, his first wife. This occurrence took place in the year 2008, during the Mars Mahadasha ( Dasha of UL )  within the Antardasha period of Venus.

It is noteworthy that Venus, the lord of the eighth house, resides in Lagana alongside the ninth lord, establishing a karmic connection from a previous incarnation. This occurrence serves as a profound indication of a deeply ingrained karmic debt or a connection to past suffering or events. It is of particular significance that she appeared during the dasha of the eighth and ninth house lords.

Upon further contemplation, it becomes evident that the manifestations of the 8th and 9th house lords’ dashas serve as profound indicators of the profound interconnections stemming from previous incarnations, as well as the intricate web of accumulated Karmas, encompassing both Prarabdha and Sanchit.

As Explained by Native : 
” When Saarthi learned that the prince had brutally treated his daughter, he reported the incident and revolted against the native. further native told me later that he saw in his journey regarding his father of that lady. After he reported, he didn’t say anything else, nor any consequences, nor anything else; he simply overthrew all of his anger and grudge towards the father of that lady (Saarthi).
After that incident, it was a strange fact that the father of that lady, who was once his “Saarthi” and father of that lady in his past birth, was also the father of his Native Spouse in his current birth too. Both instances amply demonstrated that pending karma keeps coming back until the native either expels it or it clears off.
In Native Current Birth, the father of her spouse was the primary person behind the court lawsuit against the native family to torture and harass them, and it was the spouse’s father who was taking the case. It seemed as though some sort of old grudge was involved in it with the members of the native’s family.
Astrological Reasoning :
“Check out that the UL lord (Mangal – Family of Spouse ) is in Debilitation in the 9th house (father and family of the Spouse) from UL and the 10th house from Native Lagana. Again confirming me prarabhda plays its role in this birth too in the same manner too.”

While what he saw in his past journey was also very impressive, Native explained to me further that there was a general in his army in his past birth who always disobeyed his orders and always tried to put restrictions on him whenever he wanted to do something freely. From their childhood days, he used to torture him and always try to apply arm power to the native so that the native wouldn’t go anywhere at a young age, as it was the order given by the native father to that general—never leave him alone and keep an eye on him always like a guard, wherever the native goes, but the native always took this in some other direction with the motive of grudge.

Astrological Reasoning :

“Check out Sun in the 11th house from UL (older brother, in government authority and police), and in the 12th house from the Lagana (Bhadkesha Lord). It was a peculiar reality to learn that during the same life, the same guy had problems in his native life as well as a result of the powers that were held against him by his government.

This again demonstrates that there is some kind of karmic relationship between with that general’s previous incarnation and with the native; this is the reason that in this birth, that general is likewise exacting revenge via the powers vested in him by the government. In a previous life, the natives enjoyed torturing the general when he was older and always displayed his powers towards him; in this life, Prarabdha once again played his role by taking on the role of the general’s husband and brother.”

Native went on to tell me that the general who had appeared in his journey is today his brother-in-law. He is working in the police department at a senior rank, and he is also functioning as the personal security officer and secretary of various ministers. One of the primary antagonists was constantly in a rush to bother locals at whatever cost, and he displayed all of his powers simply so he could realise that he had made the same mistakes in a previous incarnation by chance.

Native informed me further that this was the person who actually was taking revenge for no reason in their current life; he used all of his police powers to mentally harass his whole family by throwing police force into his home, filling out a fake FIR case against his family without any proof or evidence, making a case of fugitive against native with the help of that saarthi (person who runs the chariot) (Now Father of native spouse and that general) in his current birth, and presuming that native.

In the end, it was pretty clear to declare that there are significant ties in the native previous life with the family of the person the native is married to at the present time. The only people Native mentioned to me throughout his voyage into his past lives were those that belonged to the same family as his current wife or girlfriend.


In addition, Native shared with me during his past-birth regression therapy session that his 11th wife was the same woman he was dating at the time he married his current wife; both of them were head over heels in love with one another and loved as if they were one soul. It’s almost like having a soulmate for a partner; it’s the same way with his current native girlfriend, who is still by his side and has given him all of her honesty, loyalty, and love. She is still generous and making an effort to build relationships with the locals and provide support for them.

Astrological Reasoning :

” Check out UL2 (8th from 1st UL (Scorpio Sign) is Gemini Sign, UL2 Lord Mercury is with Venus in Native Lagana aspecting 7th house, again displaying love from Poorva Life (9th lord in 1st house), indicating strong desire from both the pair to say linked in this birth also. Check out UL2 (8th from 1st UL (Scorpio Sign) is Aquarius Sign. Because of this, my love for reincarnation astrology has grown even stronger. “

Native continued by telling me that in his previous incarnation, he had the lifestyle of a king, and that during that time he had several Patraani who were deeply in love with him; roughly ten of them were present. This again proves to be accurate; during the native’s time spent serving in the merchant navy, he travelled to many different countries, and during those travels, he met a large number of female members (Moon in the seventh house, lord of the tenth house in the seventh house, exchange of both the seventh and tenth houses—many relationships) who were deeply in love with the native and who always took care of him with genuine love and devotion.

Mercury and Venus are conjugated in lagana in the Native American natal chart. This means that they are facing the moon in the seventh house, which represents a diversity of romantic partnerships. Also, the 7th lord Mars is in a debilitated position in the 10th house, which is the sign of Cancer (a water sign), which indicates that he formed many partnerships when he was travelling over the ocean (Jara Yoga). This provides further evidence that past birth connections exist, as well as the existence of numerous linkages with female members and locals who continue this pattern in current birth as well.

Astrological Explanation of Past life Karma


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Now, let me explain further how everything can be seen astrologically: Native Lagana is Libra (confirming me as a person with kingly style life standards and a lover of justice, truth, and balance in current life with a taste of beauty and style). As I have already explained earlier, a native is having Malavya Yoga. He must be living lavishly with high standards in life; hence, it is proven that a native brought the same thing in his current birth too, all the habits, qualities, and attributes of his past birth.

In my last article on “Past Birth Karma,” I have already explained that the 9th house should be seen for all the Sanchit Karmas (past life) and should be taken as a seed house for past birth, which means we can take it as a reference for past birth lagana. The reason being that D60 lagana changes within a fraction of minutes, and unless and until we are confirmed with accurate birth times, we can’t make it a final varga for past life assessment. Now, for a better understanding of past birth, treat the 9th house as past birth Lagana; in the native case, Gemini Lagana should be treated as past birth Lagana.


In the native case, if we take Gemini as Lagana, Gemini will be rising, and its lord Mercury is with Venus, falling in 5th (Punya of the past). It also happens to be Laganesh in Libra, forming Malvaya yoga (luxurious and kingly style of life), Adhi yoga (a king and chief of the army), and Raja Laxmi yoga (a fortunate and higher yoga of achievements).


In the native case, both Mercury and Venus are falling in the 5th from the 9th house, which means Lagana will act as “Purva Punya Karama “for the 9th house, indicating past birth good deeds. Simply the fruits of your past birth good karmas, as both the 9th Lord and Laganesh are forming Raja Yogas in the 1st house, clearly telling me natives will enjoy king-like status and will belong from a kingly background in their current lives too because of past birth good actions and deeds.


Now, this is quite true to say, 9th lord in Lagana: a self-made man who will be known for his kinglyship; here both the planets are 5th (Punya or fruits of Punya) from the 9th house of past birth, telling natives that they will be treated as ideals in their past birth or maybe a famous person known for their great kingship, nature, and big hearts. Anything 5th from any Bhava indicates the Purva Punya of Bhava it is placed from, or the fruits you will get because of your Punyas or good deeds you have done in the past or your willingness to do good for others benefits means the native will continue to enjoy his luxurious lifestyle in this birth too, whenever Mercury and Venus Dasha periods will be operative in his life.


Moving further, the Native having Ketu in the 5th bhava, 9th from 9th house (what native actually did by which native is getting Punya to this birth or simply can be said Bhagaya or root connected with the past), 9th to 9th indicates the luck of that previous bhava.

The 5th house is actually the Purva puna ya Bhava from the Lagana, which indicates what you did in the past by being placed in the 9th house, and also the bhava of Bhakti or Pooja, or the devotion you did in the past by also indicating your strong faith in the deity. 9th to any bhava is the Bhagaya connected with the Bhava. Here, Ketu in the 5th house is placed 9th from the 9th house, indicating the bhagaya of the 9th house (Gemini, the past birth Lagana).


Here, indicating that the native might be very spiritual indeed and should be a devotee of that Avtaar that has no form, i.e., Sada Shiva or Narayana (Ketu-Aquarius) which is quite true in the native case as he devoted Para Brahma avatar of Shiva in the past. The disposition lord of the 5th house is Saturn placed in the 11th house in Leo with Jupiter and Rahu, where Jupiter is the 6th lord too, again confirming Prarabdha connected with the bhakti of the native in the past, as the presence of Rahu also shows some sort of disturbance occurred in the bhakti too.
The 5th Lord is in the Sign of Leo (Sign of Shiva) with Jupiter (the A form, which has greater meaning). The question is: if the native was such a devotee in his past birth, a great donor, and a helping king, then why did he face so much suffering in this current birth?
Now, here comes the next picture: 4th to any bhava indicates happiness connected with those bhava; 4th from Gemini is the Virgo sign, where the sun is placed in the 12th house from Lagana; and 4th is the disposition sign of Atmakarka Saturn. 4th from 9th house is “the Storage of Sanchit/Past Birth Karama “. Native belonged to a royal family and was a worshipper of the family deity belonging to the sun (Lord Shiva). As natives reported to me, he was also a strong devotee of Lord Shiva in his birth and is still doing hard worship of Lord Shiva.


Understanding Past life Karma via Nadi Astrology Method


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Note: Nadi method to check previous life:

If we look at it from the Nadi perspective, we need to regress (moving backward to previous placement to see the immediate past life of the native (Jeeva), Jupiter progression (forward) shows about Jeeva’s current life growth and regression shows about how Jeeva has gone through his previous life) the Placement of Jupiter (in 10th house) (which is currently placed in 11th house), which will go back in the native 10th house over Mangal in If the Native’s Jupiter and Moon are in a trine with Mars, and Mars is in a trine with Jupiter, it is apparent that in a prior life, he had a position of royalty.

From Jamini Angle, from Lagana Sun is Bhadhakesha Lord, being lord of the 11th house for Chara Lagna (indicating previous birth deity) is placed in the 12th house from the Lagana, bhadhakesha in the 12th house (meaning a place where natives used to do worshipping) is considered to be a good placement for bhadhaka among all placements of bhadhaka in the natal chart for removal of all troubles, also indicates that the native was a devotee of Lord Shiva (Sun – Shiva).

Atamakarka lord (5th lord Saturn) is placed in the 11th house in Bhadhaka House with 3rd and 6th lord Jupiter (who is the 10th lord from the 9th house, indicating what Karama you have done in past birth), with 5th lord Rahu clearly indicating the disturbance happening or even happening in Bhakti at the place of worshipping in the past.


12th from Bhadkesha Lord Sun having Jupiter (6th Lord), Saturn (5th Lord), and Rahu (5th Lord) means something bad happened in the place of native worshipping in the past, which is resulting in suffering in current birth and anger to worshipping deity “Lord Shiva”; Moreover, with 3 planets placed in the bhadhaka house, the placement of Saturn and Rahu also happened to be in the 12th house from the Bhadkesha Lord Sun, further showing mismanagement (Saturn) or some sort of disastrous (Rahu) happened in the place of worshipping with Jupiter (event is something related to devotion, in the sign of eo-Bhakti).


Further, Jupiter is the 6th lord and is also placed in the 6th from the 6th house (punishment of the praradbha), and the 11th is also the 6th from the 6th, which means punishment of the diety as a result of karma you have done in the past, clearly telling me what action the native did in his past birth.

If we see the root cause, Jupiter also happens to be the lord of the 3rd house, which is also further placed in the 11th house, falling from the 9th to the 3rd, further confirming the past birth Karma phala (action). This shows the native had done something bad in the place of worship by beating that lady, and as a result, a lady came into his family in the form of his spouse (shows Rinna of past life) just to take revenge and realise suffering to the native, which is what all natives had faced after marriage, and all these sufferings are counted as a result of Native Praradbha Karam.

All the suffering that the native gave to the lady came to him as a matter of his bad deeds because of his uncontrolled anger. This clearly shows the whole matter was connected with the place of worshipping in past birth, and the involvement of the 3rd lord (arms, courage, and power) and the 6th lord Jupiter (suffering, debit, and Praradbha karma) confirms the actions in the past.

Hence, it is proved that past birth does come in the same way; maybe later, but it will come back to you to realise what you have done as a result of your Prarabhdha karma. All three planets are also placed in the 11th house, also indicating desires from the past, and also in the house of Bhadhakasthan (Karka of Root Desire—Rahu is there in Leo—indicating root reason of past birth—Disturbance in Bhakti (Sign of 5th Leo)) with 6th Lord Jupiter and Saturn, which signifies that whenever Rahu, Saturn, and Jupiter Dasha period will be operative, Native may face lots of unknown hurdles in its life because of his past birth bad deeds, or you can say praradbha karma.

This actually started after the Rahu Mahadasha period in 2009, when the native started facing sudden problems in his life in the same Antar Dasha period. Native lost everything because of his past deeds or actions done to him unintentionally.
It was not the native dire intention to hurt that lady, but it happened because of his controlled anger, which further shows the unhappiness and anger of Lord Shiva (Rudra) in the form of miseries in this birth. Lord Shiva is considered the Serpent God, and Rahu is the ruler of the serpents and Bhadha, which further shows the Rahu Dasha period would be the main root dasha for triggering these life sufferings in his current life. Placement and the Dasha period of the Rahu are clearly telling about the root reason for past birth desires.
When I further inquired with Native about that lady regarding his brutal action in his last birth after the regression therapy, Native reported to me that he was doing a great sadhana of Lord Shiva in the jungle, in an isolated place in a dense jungle. He left everything just for the love of Lord Shiva with his single leg, and he was very happy as the sadhana was about to complete or end soon when suddenly he felt someone push him forward, and he lost all his control and his penance got broke.
It was a major break in his sadhana, which influenced native anger. As a result, the native brutally beat that lady to a state of death, and now the native is facing suffering and misery on account of the same in his current birth.
Further Native told me he was very courageous as well as brave and violent in his nature, having a straight-forward approach to everything in his life.

It is quite easy to understand in this life, too. Mars is at his debilitation point in the 10th house in the sign of cancer, having an exchange with the moon, and Mars is giving the result of the sign aries as well (showing native courage and valor). He is also falling into the 2nd house (speech) from the 9th house. Further, Rahu, Saturn, and Jupiter also fall in the 3rd house from the 9th house (indicating bravery and courage) in his past lives, and it’s also another reason for rebirth because of his killing and brutality towards others.

Native also reported to me that from the beginning of his past birth, it was his dire desire to go to a place near water. He had a great love for water and a passion for ocean travel. As a result of his strong past desire, Native travelled across the world via ships and air mediums via his merchant navy profession (water travel is seen from the signs cancer and moon, and air travel is seen from the airy signs Rahu).

The Moon’s placement in the 7th house of the Aries sign and the 7th Lord Mars’ placement in the 10th house of the water sign, both of which clearly demonstrate a great passion for water and the oceans, have confirmed this. Both Moon and Mars are in 4/10 relationships and will also be in exchange yoga with each other, with the 7th and 10th exchange falling in the 11th house from the 9th house (past birth desire), indicating gain via travelling in the ocean in this birth as a result of the past desire.
Native further told me that he had 11 queens in his past life, and again, it was true, as further confirmed while discussing with Native. Wherever a native went to any country, he was having relationships with women, and all the women have always shown so much love towards him, which actually appeared like a relationship with the spouse. The fact that Mercury and Venus are in the first house and are aspecting the seventh house—a strong desire from a previous birth—and that the seventh lord is associated with the tenth lord, who also exhibits Jara Yoga and has multiple relationships in the present life, confirms this.


Therefore, it is rather clear to claim that the processes of previous lives and incarnations have had a larger role in this current birth and suffering. This conclusion can be drawn from the case study that was just presented. I am expecting that now people can comprehend how to use past-life astrological principles with current birth sufferings, which I have mentioned above via native horoscopes and the past-life regression process of natives. I have explained this information via native horoscopes and the past-life regression process of natives. In the future, I plan to do additional case studies on former life astrology principles in order to provide users with a deeper comprehension of their own past lives.

I really hope that you have enjoyed both the aspects of previous life astrology that have been revealed by past life regression as well as the astrological methods that have been used to comprehend how one’s past and present lives are intertwined with one another.

Therefore, I urge you to spread the word, provide feedback, and continue your education with Vedic Siddhanta and do not forget to like comment, share, spread and clicking on the ad that can help me to write more such articles.


References, Sources, and links:

[1]. Past Lives & Future Lives | History of Past-Life-Understanding & Therapy | Source –
[2]. Regression | Source -
[3]. Reincarnation: Who were you in past life? By Pallavi Tyagi | Source –
[4]. All about Hinduism by sri swami sivananda and Yoga Sutra Patanajali | Source
[5]. Wikipedia and other Web resources.
[6]. Jamini Sutras by Sanjay Rath.
[7]. Saptarishis Research Group Discussion facts.
[8]. Based on the facts of Yogi Swami Sivananda ji.
[9]. Based on the facts of Avdhoot Baba Shivanand ji | Source –
[10]. Bhagwad Geeta, Samkhya Yoga, Chapter -2, verse -22 | Source –
[11]. Insights in Nadis: By A.V Sundram Sir | Theory of Karama, Page 28 to 42.
[12]. Samyama Samyama is defined in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali verses 3.1 through 3.6 as follows where the Sanskrit in Devanagari and IAST were sourced from Little and the English from Iyengar (1993: pp. 178–183). | Link –
[13]. Karma and reincarnation | Source –
[14]. Past life Regression – Link –

Related Consultation: From our Research Panel

This session is meant for those users who want to understand & decode root areas of life issues connecting with Past life karma, Curses, Doshas, Karmic Debts, and Rinanubandhan which they have accumulated from past life karmas, deeds, actions, and sins and are manifesting in their present life in different timelines, age, and the cycle of dashes, transits and progressions of Karmic planets. Click on the below link to understand more about this consultation: 



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Mystery of Past Life Astrology and Past Life Regression decoded -Part 1: Astrological case study of Past Life

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Abstract concept of time passing by. Human silhouette and old clock representing past time. Turn back time concept. Melancholic mood. Generative AI, 

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Revised Edition | Originally Written in April 2017 |

Based on true Life Events & Story | Republished – September 2023  


This article, which I published in 2017 in the thick winter of Jammu and Kashmir, analyses the profound mysteries of past life astrology and the connection between past life regression and true life events of the native, whom I met through the close connection of a friend. The article is based on real-life facts and the events that I gathered through the investigation of the life events of natives in a mystical journey of native past and present life connections from the years 2009 to 2017 onward. An interesting point is that, when I was doing deep research on native life, Saturn transited over my Natal Ketu in the sign of Sagittarius in the winter of 2017.

Past Life Astrology, Idea and Experience 

In spite of the fact that I have no intention of disclosing the identity of the native nor drawing attention to the native’s private life concerns, the purpose of this article is to investigate the profound secrets of past life astrology and the relationship between past life regression and how these practices might assist us in evolving beyond them.

This article’s purpose is to provide a comprehensive discussion on the ways in which past life astrology and past life regression can assist you in comprehending the profound challenges you face in this life that remain unsolved but for which there are solutions that can be found by reading this article. It is my sincere wish that you will find this post fascinating to read by using the techniques of Vedic astrology and previous life regression.

Purpose of this Article : Why Past Life Astrology ?

The purpose of this article is to facilitate self-learning, foster comprehension, and facilitate personal growth in the realms of self-awareness and self-realization. Its aim is to assist individuals in comprehending and advancing their spiritual journey towards unity, spirituality, and in the pursuit of truth, which can be partially understood through the analysis of one’s birth chart. However, it is important to note that a comprehensive understanding can only be provided by a yogi or Siddha purush  ( A spiritual master) . In times of adversity, the acquisition of knowledge can serve as a guiding force, illuminating the way towards truth and enlightenment.

Now, let us commence the process of unravelling the intricate enigma of indigenous life experiences, systematically exploring each narrative through an engaging storytelling approach, articulated in my own unique manner with the help of Bhagavad Gita Quotes, Vedic Astrology principals, and little understanding on the  karma, Past life astrology and the past life regression principals.

I have high hopes that you will adore this.

Mystery of Past Life Astrology and Past Life Regression decoded -Part 1: Astrological case study of Past Life

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What is past life Astrology ?

Have you ever wondered about the mysteries of your past lives? Do you believe that your current life is influenced by the events and experiences of your previous incarnations? If so, past-life astrology and regression might hold the key to unlocking the secrets of your soul’s journey.

Past-life astrology is a branch of astrology that focuses on exploring the connection between your birth chart and your previous lives. It believes that the positions of the planets and other celestial bodies at the time of your birth can provide clues about your past life experiences, lessons, and karmic patterns.

By analyzing your birth chart, an experienced past life astrologer can uncover information about your past lives, such as the time period, geographical location, and significant relationships. This knowledge can help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the patterns that may be influencing your current life. 

Author View on Past Life Astrology, Spirituality and Karma cycle 

Although there is no other way to understand the past birth Karama process or what the soul went through in the previous birth or what it will bring to the new birth, God’s way and process of management and operations are way beyond our imagination to comprehend how the life and soul cycle is moving around the birth and death cycle.

This is despite the fact that there is no other way to understand the past birth Karama process. Because we are physiologically extremely small electrically charged energies existing in physical bodies with restrictions up to the material universe, it is not an easy task to explain the life cycle in a straightforward and simple manner.


Vedicsiddhnata yogi past life astrology Mystery of Past Life Astrology and Past Life Regression decoded -Part 1: Astrological case study of Past Life

Shiva – The transcendental spiritual image of the in meditation. Lord Shiva sitting in the lotus position

We won’t be able to comprehend how the deeper roots of the soul’s karmic accounts are related to the cycle of life and death until we are able to cultivate our Kundalini Shakti through intense spiritual penance. Until then, we won’t be able to do anything about it.

Role of Yogic Kriyas, Yogis and Past Life Astrology 

We are neither yogic people nor are we born as godly souls with extraordinary sensory abilities that allow us to experience futuristic visions or dreams and be able to understand for what purpose we took birth; however, there are certain methods through which we can understand how our past births are connected with our past karmas.

Past life regression therapy ( PLR)  is one of the common methods, and having extraordinary astrological knowledge about studying past birth astrological cases via various astrological charts is another.  However, in order to be successful, astrologers need to have a lot of experience collecting and analysing various life experiences with natal charts.

Context of Writing Article on Past life Astrology 

In this post, I have done the best I can to explain the processes of past birth astrology and incarnations as well as how a soul is associated with both prior and current karmas using the information and understanding that I have of certain astrological principles outlined in the Jamini and Nadi Sutras.

I hope that you find this article helpful. Even yet, there are a great number of gaps and inexplicable occurrences, making it impossible for me to explain everything in clear English. However, a yogi or a saint can better explain and comprehend everything on a deeper level thanks to their respective spiritual and yogic shaktis.

It is possible to communicate spirituality more effectively by using straightforward language and by taking a deeper and more nuanced approach to elucidating the Karama and rebirth processes.

When a soul undergoes rebirth into a new body, it forgets everything; the only things that remain attached to the soul are its qualities, which include its previous memories, activities, talents, skills, learning, and sufferings, as well as the events that occurred while the body was in existence.

The most significant aspect of this reality is the fact that the soul never forgets the very last instant before it departs from its physical body. The soul also retains a memory of how it feels right before it leaves its physical body and begins its trip to the hereafter.

Vedic Astrological Rules for Past Life Astrology 

Vedic astrology, rooted in the Vedas, Hinduism’s oldest sacred texts, emphasizes the connection between celestial phenomena and human experience. This astrological practice is based on the belief that the positions of celestial bodies at the time of an individual’s birth can influence their personality, life path, and karmic experiences.

Fundamentals of Past life Astrology 

The fundamental principles of Vedic astrology include the influence of planets, the twelve zodiac signs, and the birth chart (Kundali). Each of the nine planets—Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and the ascending and descending lunar nodes—plays a crucial role in shaping an individual’s destiny. These celestial bodies interact with the twelve signs of the zodiac, which represent different aspects of human life and personality traits. The birth chart serves as a blueprint of an individual’s life, illustrating how these planetary influences manifest throughout their existence.

Vedic vs Western Astrology in Past life Astrology 

One key distinction between Vedic astrology and Western astrology lies in their approaches to karma and past life influences. While Western astrology often focusses on personality analysis and psychological aspects, Vedic astrology delves deeper into the concept of karma, positing that one’s present life circumstances are the result of past life actions. This perspective encourages individuals to acknowledge their past life influences, facilitating better understanding and resolution of current challenges.

More calculations based on the sidereal zodiac further enhance predictive accuracy in Vedic astrology, offering a unique and holistic view of one’s life journey.

Vedic philosophy and concept of past life Astrology

Vedic philosophy intricately weaves the notion of past lives into the understanding of the self, karma, and the cycle of rebirth. Central to this perspective is the concept of karma, which asserts that every action—be it good or bad—creates an impression that influences future experiences. This belief posits that the consequences of one’s deeds not only manifest in the present life but can also extend across multiple incarnations. Therefore, this belief views individuals as continuous beings shaped by their past incarnations.

Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads and Past life Astrology 

Vedic texts, particularly the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads, delve into these profound ideas, elucidating the concept of the soul (Atman) embarking on a series of rebirths. The Bhagavad Gita introduces the principle of eternal life, asserting that the soul is cyclical in nature, simply transitioning from one body to another. This cycle of samsara, or wandering through various forms of life, emphasises the importance of one’s actions in shaping the future incarnations.

Upanishads and Soul Understanding ( Knowledge of Self Realization )

The Upanishads expand on these themes by discussing the relationship between karma and the soul’s liberation (moksha). They indicate that understanding and mastering one’s karma is essential for breaking free from the cycle of birth and death. This liberation signifies the culmination of a spiritual journey where the soul reunites with the ultimate reality, transcending the material world. Through meditation and self-realization, individuals can attain insight into their past lives, fostering a deeper comprehension of their current life’s challenges and experiences.

Overall, Vedic philosophy provides a rich and nuanced framework for exploring the concept of past lives, emphasising the interconnectedness of actions, consequences, and spiritual growth across multiple lifetimes.

Astrological Indicators of Past Life Astrology and Karma

Specific astrological indicators are critical in Vedic astrology for interpreting past life karma within an individual’s celestial chart. These indicators primarily include the positioning of particular planets, houses, and zodiac signs, which often reveal significant experiences and lessons carried over from past incarnations. A planetary alignment could point to unresolved seismic issues, denoting areas of both challenge and opportunity.

Understanding Karmic Planets in the Past Life Astrology 

One of the key players in this analysis is the planet Saturn, often referred to as the planet of karma. Its placement can indicate past life responsibilities and the consequences of previous actions. For instance, if Saturn resides in the fourth house, it may imply lessons related to home, family, or emotional stability, suggesting that these themes have historical roots that need addressing in this lifetime.

Role of the 12th House in Past life Astrology 

Furthermore, the twelfth house commonly represents past life experiences and hidden aspects of one’s self. Planets or specific signs that prominently activate this house may suggest that the individual is carrying forward unresolved issues or debts from previous lives. The North and South Nodes of the Moon, known as Rahu and Ketu, play a significant role; they represent the lessons the soul must learn (Rahu) and the tendencies it must overcome (Ketu), offering further insight into karmic patterns.

Role of the Navamsa ( D9) chart in Past life astrology

Another vital analytical tool in this context is the Navamsa chart, or the D-9 chart, which offers deeper insights into an individual’s spiritual and relational karma. By examining the Navamsa chart, astrologers can uncover past life influences that are affecting one’s current relationships and personal growth. For example, a significant placement in the seventh house of the Navamsa may indicate unresolved issues with partnerships that have spiritual roots and need careful navigation in this lifetime.

By thoughtfully analyzing these astrological factors, one can gain a more profound understanding of their past life karma, ultimately aiding in the journey of self-discovery and spiritual development.

Applications of Past Life Astrology

Past life astrology offers a profound lens through which individuals can gain insights into their current life dynamics. By examining astrological placements and karmic debts from previous incarnations, one can decipher the influences that shape present experiences, relationships, and personal growth. Understanding these past life implications not only fosters introspection but also paves the way for self-improvement and healing.

Past life Astrology and Personal Growth

Personal growth is one practical application of past-life astrology. Individuals can analyse their natal charts to identify recurring themes or patterns that hinder their progress. For instance, an individual consistently facing challenges in relationships may benefit from understanding a past life’s lesson related to trust or communication. By acknowledging and addressing these issues, individuals can implement strategies to break negative cycles and foster healthier interactions.

Understanding Relationships via Past life Astrology 

Relationship dynamics is another significant area where past-life astrology plays a crucial role. By comparing charts with significant others, one can reveal karmic connections and unresolved issues stemming from previous lives. This astrological insight helps individuals navigate their relationships with awareness, enabling them to resolve past conflicts and create a more harmonious connection. Embracing these revelations allows for deeper emotional intimacy and encourages forgiveness.

Sadhna, Meditation, Spiritual practices and the Past life Astrology

Moreover, spiritual practices such as meditation and rituals can be instrumental in working through past life issues. Engaging in guided meditations focused on past life regression can facilitate the release of old traumas and help individuals align with their soul’s purpose in this lifetime. Incorporating rituals that honor past life energies can also aid in karmic healing, promoting a sense of closure and renewal.

Conclusion of Application of Past life Astrology

In conclusion, integrating insights from past life astrology into daily life can enhance personal growth, improve relationships, and facilitate holistic healing. By actively engaging with these tools, individuals can embark on a journey toward self-discovery, transforming past influences into pathways for a more fulfilling life.

Before Moving forward we need to understand few astrological pointers to decipher past life  astrology clues :

Decoding Natal Planetary Placements, Prarabdha karma and Past Life Astrology


Firefly Karmic Lessons and Bondages 16479 scaled Mystery of Past Life Astrology and Past Life Regression decoded -Part 1: Astrological case study of Past Life

Any planetary placement in the natal chart sheds light on the Prarabdha and pending karma that are associated with the corresponding house. It’s only a sketch of your history, showing how Prarabdha and Rina were tied to that living creature and the house.

God has a plan for you when you are born into this world, and one of those plans is for you to either realise the prarabha, liberate yourself, or achieve moksha. However, only a yogi has the ability to free themselves from the bonds of their karma. What about the average member of the human race?

The second reason for this is that you are obligated to provide or do seva with regard to the bhava in question and any living creature that is considered to be a member of mankind. In layman’s terms, the second type of karma is known as your punya karma, which refers to your good deeds in the here and now.

The consequence of that punya, which you will receive in your subsequent birth, is that only God knows what he has in store for you.

Simply said, it is to carry out the obligation or duty that has been entrusted to you for the sake of a greater cause or to take part in the activities associated with that divine cause.

Role of the 9th house in Past life Astrology 
  • To understand astrology, readers should focus on the basic fundamentals in Jyotish, i.e., 9th is the bhagya, fortune, and root connection with any house; 4th shows it happiness, Mood & content nature  – good or bad it all depends how well any house is placed 4th from any bhava, it is the storage house of any  bhava that impacts your mind, happiness and mood ; 5th shows its purva punya; 7th shows its complement or completeness or an added part to it that helps to grow; 8th from any bhava shows its length or longevity; debts or missing dots; and 10th from any bhava shows karmic actions to any bhava.
Role of the Trik Bhavas ( 6th, 8th and 12th house) in Past life Astrology 
  • The 6th, 8th, and 12th lords ( Moksha Trikona) in natal charts reveal what you have inherited from the past, as well as what you have done and what you have left behind as in karmic state. The sixth house and its lord are concerned with the deeds, both good and evil, that resulted from your actions in the past. In your current birth, the sixth house reveals the service that you are obligated to perform for any given cause, its your house of action to the past life that is seen from 9th house that shows many karmic journeys of past life native has gone through.
Role of Jeeva Signs ( Sagittarius ) and Jeeva Graha ( Jupiter)
  • Same way Sagittarius sign ( 9th Sign ) , Retrograde Jupiter &  9th house shows root issues of past life that bind soul from many life journeys. This 9th house, also known as the “Blessings of the Past and New Life Mission of the Present” house, represents what you already have done.
  • Happy fruits from the past, which are the Dharama you have done in the past and received from the Dharama master ( Teacher and your Father ) , are the same Dharma that you have to spread again. It’s your sanchit karma, so deal with it. You must also give to others in order to maintain the temple in which you currently worship.
  • It’s the blessings you received in the past that you now have a responsibility to bestow upon others in the same way. You have an obligation to keep the promise that the Guru made to you in the distant past.
Role of the 12th House in Past life Astrology 
  • The 12th House, often known as the Root House of the Past Karmas, Storage of the karma, Subconscious part of the  life that is hidden in nature, ones private life that is connected with sleep and subconscious mind which is fourth from the ninth is the twelfth, which is the Rina of the Past or any debt that you have to exhaust in this life by giving it to the person with whom you are associated in current life.
  • Indicative of You are required to give back what you taken from someone in the past to the same person from whom you was associated.
  • It’s like going back in time to the house of debts. It’s the one that causes the most trouble. It is the domain of settling old obligations from the past.
  • Reason being our mind is the storage house of all the seen and unseen karmic actions  that’s why moon bring back all the karmic actions of past and is deeply connected with out present life.
Role of the 6th house ( Actions of Past life ) in Past Life Astrology 
  • 10th place from 9th is 6th, hence this is the 6th house. (Deeds Committed in the Past): This is what you did in the past, and in the same way, you have to examine the causes and ramifications of those actions in this incarnation of yourself.
  • You will now witness the results of your actions. It comes down to Karma from the Past vs Karma from the Current Birth.
  • It is your prardbha; it cannot be undone; it must pay back with the same degree of ferocity and anguish as it originally caused.
Role of the 8th house in Past Life Astrology 
  • 8th House: The Root Cause of Rebirth is located in the 8th House (12th from 9th). This indicates that whatever you have left to do, you need to complete it right away.
  • Unfinished Business that needs to be paid back. The same manner you bring about the downfall of others and the suffering that comes along with it, you will also have to experience the downfall of your own.
  • It’s Tat for Tat at this point. The same way that you transform other people is the same way that you see your own transformations occurring via the experiences and challenges that you go through in life.
Role of the 5th house in Past life Astrology ( Poorva Punya Karmas )
  • 5th House: 9th from 9th is 5th (Learning of Pasts- Poorva Punya Karma ): This represents what you have learnt in the past that you are responsible for passing on to other people and teaching them.
  • It’s your Sanchita, it’s your Dharma, and it’s the results of what you’ve done in the past in the form of good deeds in many past journeys of life.
Role of Retrograde Planets in Past Life Astrology 
  •  Retrograde planets in the chart shows what that burning desire, wish, or unfinished karma is that the native wants to complete in this life; house placements show the area of that desire or karma.
  •  Retrograde Jupiter shows past life native experiences, all sorts of environments, and everything about the past when you regress it back, whereas direct motion shows about these life native actions.
  • Same way Retrograde Saturn is all about your total karma and shows relationships with actions of past, present & future life.
Role of the Rahu-Ketu ( Nodes ) in Past life Astrology 
  •  Ketu is all about what you have already learnt, exhausted, and experienced in a past incarnation, while Rahu is all about what natives want to experience, which is burning in current life because of unfinished business and karmic leftovers.
  • Both Rahu and Ketu show burning desires from a previous existence. Because of this, everything that we try to learn and experience in this revolves around on the karmic punishment that a native has to go through when nodes afflict any bhava or planet in natal chat.
  • This is the reason why this is the case of current life leftovers and burning desires that one need to counter in any case.
Conclusion on Natal Placements and Past life Astrology 

I hope that these astrological hints will be sufficient for you to investigate past life travels in the subsequent section so that you can learn at your own pace and use what you’ve learned. Take a left turn, proceed further, and attempt to decipher the native life experiences and challenges. Now we will move further to understand more insights on what are Major indicators we require to Study Past life Astrology in the 2nd and 3rd part of this series and what is the tool we used to decode the mystery of native past life, we used method of Past life Regression, along with Jamini, Nadi and Parashari Astrology  Principals. First lets understand what is Past life Regression ( PLR) in the next part.

So, play stay connected  with vedic- siddhanta and click on the link for 2nd and 3rd parts.

Link for Past life Astrology -Part 2 

Mystery of Past Life Astrology and Past Life Regression decoded -Part 2: Astrological case study of Past Life

Mystery of Past Life Astrology and Past Life Regression decoded -Part 2: Astrological case study of Past Life


Mystery of Past life Astrology -Part 3 

Decoding Past Life Astrology & Past life Regression – Part 3 : Unveiling Life’s Truths by Astrological Case Study

Decoding Past Life Astrology & Past life Regression – Part 2 : Unveiling Life’s Truths by Astrological Case Study


The entirety of the information necessary for you to understand native Karmic life issues, which I detailed in Part 1 together with occurrences from native life, has finally been presented.
In the second half, we will investigate how we might determine the timing of these events, as well as the fundamentals of Jamini, Nadi, and Vedic astrological principles. In addition, we will explore more on past life regression and its connection with the past life astrology.
Stay connected, never stop learning, and never stop sharing for the sake of people’s spiritual awareness and to grasp deeper links between unresolved mysteries and the karmic obstacles of life that can be tough to believe and find resolutions for.
People are able to gain a deeper understanding of the profound mysteries of life by consulting the Bhagavad Gita, engaging in past life astrology, and engaging in past life regression. In the context of contemporary life, those are things that are difficult to believe and process, but once individuals study and understand them with an open mind, they are able to grasp the true meaning of what they are saying. I have high hopes that some of life’s most fundamental karmic secrets may become clearer to you as a result of reading this article.

References, Sources, and links:

[1]. Past Lives & Future Lives | History of Past-Life-Understanding & Therapy | Source –
[2]. Regression | Source -
[3]. Reincarnation: Who were you in past life? By Pallavi Tyagi | Source –
[4]. All about Hinduism by sri swami sivananda and Yoga Sutra Patanajali | Source
[5]. Wikipedia and other Web resources.
[6]. Jamini Sutras by Sanjay Rath.
[7]. Saptarishis Research Group Discussion facts.
[8]. Based on the facts of Yogi Swami Sivananda ji.
[9]. Based on the facts of Avdhoot Baba Shivanand ji | Source –
[10]. Bhagwad Geeta, Samkhya Yoga, Chapter -2, verse -22 | Source –
[11]. Insights in Nadis: By A.V Sundram Sir | Theory of Karama, Page 28 to 42.
[12]. Samyama Samyama is defined in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali verses 3.1 through 3.6 as follows where the Sanskrit in Devanagari and IAST were sourced from Little and the English from Iyengar (1993: pp. 178–183). | Link –
[13]. Karma and reincarnation | Source –
[14]. Past life Regression – Link –
[15]. Chapter 17-Reincarnation :
[16]. Srimad Bhagavad-Gita and Reincarnation :
[17]. Prabhupadabooks :


pin Mystery of Past Life Astrology and Past Life Regression decoded -Part 1: Astrological case study of Past Life

Views: 851

Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact

coronavirus tech istock Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact

Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 Astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact


ॐ श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः

Written and Researched by : Ramadas Rao


With the Blessings of my Kula Guru,Kula Devatha and my Naadi Guru Shri R.G.Rao,I am going to analyse the present pandemic disease Covid-19 through Naadi Astrology principles.

I. Introduction

Nadi Astrology has been a source of fascination and intrigue for centuries, offering profound insights into the mysteries of life and destiny. As we navigate through the unprecedented challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic, the wisdom of Nadi Astrology provides a unique lens through which to understand the inter between cosmic forces and global health crises.

By this time many experienced Astrologers have analysed about this deadly disease and gave their expert predictions.Even an young boy of 16 also has predicted almost 7 months before about this disease but it got published very recently.Even the famous Nostradamus has written about this disease in 1551 through his prophesis.Anyhow this is only an analysis of this disease as when it started and which planetary combinations have taken part in the formation of this deadly virus and when it may end etc.

A. The Impact of Covid-19 on Global Health

The Covid-19 pandemic has upended lives and societies worldwide, leading to unprecedented disruptions in healthcare systems, economies, and everyday routines. The rapid spread of the virus has highlighted the interconnected nature of our world and the importance of collective well-being in the face of a common threat.

B. Exploring the Interconnection between Planetary Movements and Pandemics

Nadi Astrology sheds light on the intricate relationship between planetary movements and earthly events, suggesting that cosmic energies influence human affairs in profound ways. By examining the planetary configurations at the time of major events such as pandemics, astrologers can glean valuable insights into the underlying causes and potential remedies for such crises. In 2020, a rare alignment of planets, including the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn, marked a significant period of transition and transformation. According to Nadi Astrology, these planetary movements have profound effects on health and well-being, indicating a time of upheaval and restructuring in global healthcare systems.

To start with we must know some basic Karakatwas of planets. Here the most important planet in consideration is Shani whom we consider him for day to day life activities or the Karma of everybody. Ketu is a planet of breaking anything related to Karma.Ketu is also responsible for the formation of deadly viruses when he gets certain planetary configuration.Rahu is the planet of communication or spreading the virus. As he is in Mithuna Rashi, it indicates nose and throat parts of human beings. Dhanu Rashi is the Moola Trikona Rashi of Guru,the Jiva Karaka. To start with in 2019 ,Shani was retrograde from 30/4/2019 to 18/9/2019.At this time,Shani Retrograde was in Dhanu Rashi and Ketu also was in Dhanu Rashi and both were in Dhanu Rashi ruled by Guru,the Jiva Karaka while Guru was in Keeta Rashi of Vrishcika.Shani eventhough retrograde till 18/9/2019,he lost Graha Yuddha with Ketu on 24/6/2019 and it was decided by Ketu to stop day to day activities ruled by Shani .


Shani Ketu Graha Yuddha 1 2 Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact


But the time has to come to take over by Ketu. For 2 days from 16/9/2019 to 18/9/2019,Shani was in Retro-Stambhana.When Shani became direct on 18/9/2019,again he was in Stambhana mode.


Shani Stambhana 1 Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact


So totally Shani was helpless and Ketu ,the significator of virus started acting. Now the sign lord of these 2 planets is Guru and was placed in Vrishcika Rashi which is a Keeta Rashi lorded by Kuja. Now if we look at the sign lord of Guru,Kuja is with Surya in Simha Rashi on 16th of September which gives a suspicion that some country leader may be involved in this deadly virus production.But Surya was in end of Simha Rashi and next day,he was about to move to Kanya Rashi lorded by Budha.So this leader wants to involve in a business through which he can control the world. Now on the same day, if we look to Chandra’s position it was in Meena Rashi/Pisces sign ruled by Guru.Thus Ketu links with Chandra indicating the virus testing was started as Guru,the Jiva Karaka was in trine to Chandra and also he is the sign lord of Ketu+Shani.Also Budha,the planet of multiplicity was exalted but the time has to come to spread this deadly virus.Please note that all planets are held between Ketu and Rahu forming a perfect Kalamrita Yoga.


1st case of Corona Virus 1 Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact


As per live science website,the 1st case of known Coronavirus was traced back on 17/11/2019.

On this day, Chandra was in Mithuna Rashi along with Rahu and are in trines to Budha (V) + Kuja placed in Tula Rashi, and in Dhanu Rashi, we have Guru +Shani + Ketu. This is the perfect combination of planets for virus transmission. Guru has just entered Dhanu Rashi indicating Jiva Karaka. Day to day life Karaka Shani has already crossed Ketu in Dhanu Rashi which indicates Shani has taken the malefic energy of Ketu. Ketu was heading towards Guru, the Jiva Karaka. But it was kept secret as Shukra was in Keeta Rashi of Vrishcika ruled by Kuja.


Solar Eclipse on 26th Dec.2019 1 Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact


On 26/12/2019, there was Annular Solar Eclipse and it occurred On Dhanu Rashi, Moola Nakshatra where along with Surya and Chandra, Ketu , Budha, and Guru were also in Moola Nakshatra indicating a dreaded danger to the universe due to Virus outbreak.

The above is Ketu Grasta Surya Grahan. In Dhanu Rashi there is a cluster of planets ie., Surya +Chandra+Budha+Guru+Shani+Ketu. Surya and Chandra indicate eyes and they are afflicted by Ketu as he is coming near to both of them. This means the universe has been made blind by Ketu, the Karaka for Virus. Shani has already crossed Ketu and has started to enter in day to day lives of human beings. Guru, the Jiva, or Prana is running in his own Moola Trikona Sthana to protect himself as Ketu is coming in the opposite direction ( behind ) to swallow him. But during this running of Guru called Ati Chara, he became afraid or Bheeta and gets in the hand of Ketu. This happens between 3/1/2020 and 6/1/2020. So Guru takes the energy of Ketu further till the end of his Rashi and enters his sign of debilitation, Makara Rashi. On the day of Solar eclipse, Budha, the planet of multiplication has just entered Dhanu Rashi, so the disease started slowly increasing. On 3/1/2020, Budha got completely afflicted by Ketu as he lost the war with Ketu. As he moves very fast ( inferior planet ), there was an increase in the number of patients. Rahu is a planet of spreading as he is also the sign lord of Mithuna Rashi whose sign lord Budha gets his aspect /link. Now Mithuna Rashi indicates right hand but as Rahu was transiting in that sign, the left-handed work has started by some country. So the increase in the number of Virus patients started more and more when Budha came to Dhanu Rashi and gets afflicted by Ketu and Rahu. By January 13, Budha had won the war with Shani, the planet of day to day life. So from this day, there started a huge number of Virus affected patients all over the world.

But the number was not that much. This was because Kuja, the planet of energy was in Vrishcik Rashi only. He entered Dhanu Rashi on the 8th of February,2020, slowly the number of Virus affected patients started increasing. Between 23 and 24th of February, Kuja lost a war with Ketu, so the energy of the human beings affected by Virus has reduced and so Virus took over the charge.


Now Budha,the planet of multiplication has moved to Makara and then to Kumbha Rashi on 31/1/2020 and suddenly the number of patients started increasing as Rahu was in trine to Budha.From 17/2/2020,he became retrograde.This means he started looking at Makara Rashi where Shani is placed,thus interfering more with day to day life of the human beings.Budha became direct on 10/3/2020 and suddenly there was rise in the number of patients and death also.Now he will be entering Meena Rashi,his sign of debilitation on 7/4/2020.He will be leaving this Rashi on 25/4/2020.But he will have a link with Ketu as both Rashis are owned by Guru who is also debilitated.So till he reaches 15 degrees in Meena Rashi,there will be a lot of casualties related to Corona Virus ie., till 16th of April.After this date,some medications will start working.Till 14th of April,Surya will be in Meena Rashi which has a link with Ketu,so Surya also will be afflicted.As a result,cat,tiger etc.may be attacked with Corona virus.This may continue after Surya enters Mesha Rashi on 14/4/2020 when both Rahu and Surya aspect each other.Also some powerful country king/president/prime minister will be attacked with Corona Virus and the result may be fatal.


From 28/3/2020,Shukra will enter its own Rashi of Vrishabha which will be in trine to Guru +Shani in Makara Rashi.So new types of medicines will be invented along with gain in energy.But he will be retrograde from 13/5/2020 to 25/6/2020.At this time,both Surya and Budha also will be in Vrishabha Rashi and this Shukra is the lord of Lagna of Indian Independence.So Ayurveda type of medicine will be invented and tested for human beings during this time as Budha is the Karaka for green leaves and medicinal leaves.

On 11/5/2020,Shani becomes retrograde in Makara Rashi followed by Guru also will become retrograde from 14/5/2020.But both will be in Stambhana state from 4+4 days before and after the date of retrogression has started.Let us look at the chart on 17/5/2020.


ShaniGuruShukra retro chart 1 Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact

Here I would like to explain the main purpose of Shani + Guru +Shukra retrogression.Shukra being in his swakshetra getting retrograde means he gains more strength to stop the fatality of the problems caused by the spread of Corona Virus.Supporting to human day to day life Karaka Shani who also becomes retrograde,so he also becomes more stronger to solve the problems of mankind.Now let me explain about retrograde Guru who is in Makara Rashi where he is debilitated.He is getting retrograde means he starts looking at the back door of his own powerful house,Dhanus Rashi where he saw the problem maker,destiny breaker Ketu has started leaving Dhanus Rashi.As retro Guru gets the support of retro Shani + retro Shukra +Budha +Surya,he will start his journey to his powerful Rashi of Dhanus through back door of his Rashi and starts chasing Ketu.He will be entering to Dhanus Rashi on 29/6/2020 and becomes more powerful.This is how Jiva Karaka Guru gets strengthened and with the support of the planets above,will be able to get rid of Ketu’s mischievous deeds.


Now to end this article,I would like to explain one more chart as below :

In this chart,all planets are in the same Rashis as in previous chart except Budha has moved to his own Rashi of Mithuna and crossed the longitude of Rahu,so has won the war with Rahu and thus Lord Vishnu,the personification of Budha with his Chakra destroys both Rahu,the Virus spreading planet and Ketu,the Karaka for Virus creator.On 21/5/2020,Rahu will be leaving Aridra Nakshatra and will enter Mrigashira-4th Pada.Thus his spreading power will slowly reduce.Budha,then enters its own Rashi of Mithuna on 24/5/2020 and slowly prepares war with Rahu.Also retro Guru will be chasing Ketu from Makara Rashi.

End of Corona Virus chart 1 Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact


On 29/5/2020,Budha will win the war with Rahu and becomes more stronger to remove the evil effects of both Rahu. Once the virus spreading planet Rahu has lost its powers,it can not spread virus to anywhere in the Universe.There is one more thing to be written here.On 18/6/2020,Budha who will be in Mithuna Rashi will become retrograde in Punarvasu Nakshatra 1st Pada.This clearly indicates Lord Vishnu ( Deity of Budha ) will be chasing Rahu from behind.This retrogression of Budha will end on 12/7/2020 and he will be at 11 Degrees 21 minutes of Mithuna Rashi and Rahu will be at 3 Degrees 51 minutes of Mithuna Rashi.Here when Budha becomes retrograde he becomes more stronger to chace Rahu, thus nullifying the malefic effects of Rahu.

Lastly on 29/6/2020, Guru in retrograde motion enters its own Moola Trikona Rashi of Dhanus and will chase Ketu who will be at 4 Degrees 33 Minutes. This will continue till September 13th when Guru becomes direct. On this date, Ketu will be at 0 Degree 32 Minutes.

So this clearly indicates even though Budha crosses Rahu’s longitude on 29/5/2020, Guru retrograde when enters back Dhanus Rashi will become immensely strong to chase Ketu and his malefic effects on earth.

The above analysis is through the Blessings of my Guru, Ishta Devatha, Kula Devatha and Naadi Guru Shri R.G.Rao whose Atma has helped me to write this article.

ना अहं कर्ता । सर्वस्य हरि कर्ता ॥

( I am not the doer and HE, Lord Vishnu is the doer )

By Ramadas Rao

pin Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact

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How to Unlock your Pending karma’s of past life from the natal chart- Part 1

karma logo How to Unlock your Pending karma's of past life from the natal chart- Part 1

According to the Vedic astrology system, astrology closely linked with the past lives accumulated karmas which get manifested in the present life Whereas karakas of the pending karmas are Saturn, Rahu/Ketu, and Ketu is mainly seen for moksha, detachment, and rejection in this life regarding material prosperity. Rahu is mainly seen for all sort of desires that are pending from the past life and Saturn is majorly seen for all sort of karmas, either it is ongoing, collected from past or it is form of new karmas whereas nodes are seen for the dispense of dynamic karmas when their transits and Dasha’s get active.

Our Scriptures has mentioned various such doshas that are mentioned in BPHS. Though in the current article we will not discuss reasons for curses or debts. our motive is to decode the reasons for pending karmas by various techniques via natal chart. some of those doshas or curses mentioned in BPHS are as mentioned below :

1) Curses of snakes: This curse is indicated by the placement and strength of the Rahu in the natal chart. Effects of this curse give childlessness, fear from snakes and snake bites. This curse originates due to the killing of snakes in past lives. Root house for this curse is to been seen from the 5th house.

1) Curses of father: This curse is indicated by the placement and strength of the Sun in the horoscope which gets triggered in the natal chart due to wrongs done to father or due to the suffering of souls of forefathers. It gives issues of childlessness, uneasy relationships with father in the current life, untimely death of father and lack of happiness from father. To understand this curse or debt one has to see 5th, 9th and 10th house.

3) Curses of mother: This curse is indicated by the placement and strength of the Moon in the natal chart. This may happen due to ill-treatment with mother in past life. It gives issues of childlessness, problematic relationship with mother in the current life, unhappiness from mother, the untimely death of the mother. We have to see the Influences on the 4th, 5th house and moon with nodes to understand the curse.

4) Curses of brother: According to the Vedic astrology this curse has to be seen from the placement and strength or weakness of mars and Jupiter.whereas for younger brother planet Mars has to be seen and Jupiter for elder brother.Though in Nadi we see elder brother via Saturn. It gives problem in childlessness, difficult relationship with brothers, problems from brothers and lack of cordial relations with brother. To understand the curse we need to decode the placement of 3rd, 11th and 5th house along with affliction on Mars and Jupiter either via nodes or via Saturn.

5) Curses of maternal relations: For maternal relations, we need to check affliction on mercury and Saturn. It will give difficult relationship with maternal relations and we need to check affliction on 5th house and mercury, Saturn.

6) Curses of Spiritual Persons: To see curse of spiritual person we need to see affliction on Jupiter. It majorly gives problem in childlessness, problems from teachers, unhappiness, slow growth in life, stuck life, and general dissatisfaction in life, etc. We need to see the affliction on the 9th and 5th house along with Jupiter and their lordship condition.

7) Curses of the wife (or women): To see the curse or debt from females or wife one has to see the condition of the planet Venus. Any affliction on the planet venus via Nodes, Saturn or mars have majorly seen for the activation of the curse. The placement of Venus in the natal and divisional chart is important to understand the curse. It majorly gives effect problem in childlessness, difficulty in getting married, problems from wife or women, the possibility of divorce, defamation from women, etc. The most important house to be considered is the 7th house/lord.

8) Curses of Evil spirits: To see curse from the evil Spirits we need to see the planetary placement of the Rahu and Ketu in the natal chart. Generally, Role of the Nodes and Bhadhaka Graha, their lord and placement have key roles in identifying the curse from the evil spirits. It gives major problem in mental setup of the native, it gives fear from unknown and majorly fear of ghosts. we need to see the conditions of Moon, Saturn, the 5th house and the fifth lord in the natal chart along with Bhadhaka Graha and lord.

Techniques to Unlock the Pending Karma’s from the birth chart

In the next section, we will discuss the major techniques used to identify the pending karma from the natal lets decoding the secrets of past life but first, we need to understand the concept of karma, reincarnation and the cycle of karma.

shut down your karma factory part1 How to Unlock your Pending karma's of past life from the natal chart- Part 1

Lord Sri Krishna said in ‘The Bhagawad Gita’,
” vasamsi jirnani yatha vihaya navani grhnati naro ‘paranitatha sarirani vihaya jirnany anyani samyati navani dehi “
As a man, casting off worn-out garments takes new ones, so the dweller in the body, casting off worn-out bodies, enters into others that are new”. He has also said, “The misdeeds of our past lives torment us in the form of illnesses or ailments”

Explanation Given By Yogananda on the above Verse :

During our daily lives, we change our old and/or dirty clothes and put on new and/or clean clothes whenever the need arises. Similarly, the soul or atman casts off its worn-out physical body and takes residence in a newer physical body at regular intervals in time. Just like the clothes that we wear do not represent the real state of our physical body, the state of our physical body (which deteriorates over time and is hence impermanent) does not represent the truly unchangeable and permanent nature of the soul that resides within it.

The eternal does not move from place to place but the embodied soul moves from one abode to another. It takes birth each time and gathers to itself a mind, life and body formed out of the materials of nature according to its past evolution, karma, deed and its needs for the future. The psychic being is the vijnana which supports the triple manifestation of the body, life, and mind. When the gross physical body falls away, the vital and mental sheaths still remain as the vehicle of the soul. Rebirth is the law of nature. There is an objective connection between the various forms of life. “Like corn, a mortal ripens and like corn is he born again”.

(Katha Upanisad, Ch 1, verse 6)
(The Bhagvad Geeta by Swami Yogananda)

This verse refers to the doctrine of reincarnation in Hinduism. Death is described here as the simple discarding of a worn-out garment for a new one. When the body becomes diseased and old, the ever-lasting soul forsakes it for a new disguise. Death is but a change of attire in an uninterrupted continuity of immortality.

How to Clear Debts


nahled karma proweb How to Unlock your Pending karma's of past life from the natal chart- Part 1


Although there is none another such way to understand the past birth Debts or underlying karma process and what soul has gone through in last birth and what it will bring to the new birth. God way and process of management and operations are way beyond our imagination to understand how life and souls cycle is moving around Birth and death cycle.

We are biologically a very small electrically charged energies residing in a physical bodies having limitation to the material world, our reach and understanding life cycle in a simple plain language is not an easy task. Unless and until we are able to develop our Kundalini Shakti via deep Spiritual penance unless we can’t understand how the soul’s deeper roots karmic accounts are connected with life and death cycle.

Neither we are Yogic Person nor we are born as a Godly soul having extraordinary sensory abilities to experience futuristic visions or dream and able to understand for what purpose we took birth but yes there are certain methods via we can understand how our this life is connected with the past birth Karma’s, Rinas, and curses ( Unfinished Karmas).

One of the common methods is Understanding past life impressions via Regression therapy and other is having Extraordinary astrological knowledge on studying Past Birth Astrological cases via various Astrological charts and tools by a different branch of jyotish but astrologer must be well experienced in collecting and analyzing different life experiences with natal charts.

If you are seeking a detailed guidance regarding deep understanding on Life Purpose, Spiritual awakening, Spiritual Learning, Understanding past lives curses, debts and past birth karmic sufferings, then you need to understand the deeper karmic connections which are linked with debts and pending and decode it we need to understand methodologies used for decoding Past birth rina and curses for better understanding on karma and moving toward right Spiritual.

Although, Tracing Pending karma from a natal chart is always a tough job, as many people carry those karmas from immediate last birth or some of them carrying from many of past journeys. These are hard to trace combinations. Below are few observations which I have studied from many of the charts for Pending karmas and found true and working in many of the cases.

Technique 1 :

A) Check the number of Retrograde planets in the Natal chart:  Look for the presence of a number of retrograde planets in the chart. Total number of Presence of Retrograde planets in the Natal chart shows how many pending karmas one has to exhaust in this birth. More the Retrograde planets more the total pending karmas one has to finish in this life i.e if one has a presence of 3 retrograde planets, then it means one has accumulated 3 pending karmas from many of the past journies. Each of the Retrograde planet shows, karma connected with the karakas of the planets. To see what exactly the karma is pending with the native, check the placement of the Retrograde planets in the natal chart, check, in which sign planet is placed and how many planets are aspecting it. Sign shows sufferings or delays may face in this birth and aspects show via whom you may face such hurdles, difficulties, and hurdles in this life. Dispositer lord placement of the Retrograde planet in the natal chart shows what you need to do in this life in order to fix the pending karma. To see what exactly is the pending karma retrograde planet is indicating that one has to finish in this birth or giving a clue for certain area of life, check its 12th house placement from the retrograde planet, that house placement will show the area where one has to experience the pending karma that one has to finish. for e.g if one has retrograde planet placed in the 9th house then it means pending karma is either with the guru, teacher or father and one has to experience it in this life via 8th house matter which is the 12th house placement from the 9th. 8th shows sufferings, health issues, hurdles and unknown troubles in life. now let us understand more by different planetary examples how we can judge it :
1) If Mars is retrograde, and if it is connected with the Lagna or trik Bhavas ( i.e 6th, 8th or 12th house/lord) – There will be intense Pending karmas connected with Brothers, enemies, Husband ( In Nadi), fights, Legal battles, Land, Houses, War, bravery, Kings, and Kshatriya etc. To see what exactly the karma is pending with, check the placement of the Retrograde mars in which sign and how many planets are aspecting it.
2) If Saturn is Retrograde – and if it is connected with the Lagna and trik bhavas – Then there will be deep Pending Karmas connected one’s own action in the society i,e with Karam, Actions, work, Career, debts, sins, deeds, workers, social circle, Society, Land, agriculture, and Mass, etc.
3) If Jupiter is Retrograde – then one has Pending Karmas connected with the Spiritual Guru, teacher or father he has met in the past life, or it is with the Teacher, Knowledge he has learned in past, or it is connected with one’s Learning, or there might be a karma connected with the Brahmin, Gurukul and it is the karma given by the god to finish it in this life etc. if it is connected to the trik bhavas then one has to Experience it in any case via serving people. If it is connected with the Upachaya and Dharma Bhavas then one may get success via it and one will do service to the people in the right manner for uplifting own self and other also.
4) If it is Venus – then one has pending karma connected with his wife, sister, relationships and one has to give to his Wife, Spouse, Girlfriend, elder sister and one may face hardships or some karmic debt or pending karma with respect to Relationships, wealth, luxury and majorly with the wife or lover he or she may face or experience. If the conjunction is with Sun, Nodes, Mars and Saturn, AK then the Severity would be intense and it can give hard lessons in relationships or marriage. Many a case it gives hardships, struggles in Wealth, Luxury and comfort matters. Even it gives an indication with the concerned people those are connected with the karka of Venus i.e sister in law etc. Start of pending karma depends on the Lordship of the venus in Natal chart Mool trikona rashi, that house shows the event that can trigger the past karma i,e if Venus is lord of 9th house ( then event trigger after when one starts its higher learning or enter in any institution or society).The same way you can check for other planets as well

Technique 2 : 

B)  Check where the Bhrigu Bindu is placed in the natal chart, the sign, planet placed in it and its lord shows what sort of karma is pending in this birth and whom it is pending and how one can finish it. If BB is placed in the 10th house then one may have pending karma with the society or with the environment where he works or with the colleagues he works in society. whenever any major planet like Jupiter, Rahu/Ketu and Saturn transit on this point; BB, native experience major shift in his destiny in that particular year till that Transit is active  with respect to that sign and house placement during particular years and same way vimshotri and Chara dasha of the BB lord point shows major shift one can experience in one’s destiny during their. We will explain the concept of Bhrigu Bindu in detail in the next part with an example chart.

Technique 3 : 

C) Check the house Placement and sign of the 3rd house and its lord ( Karyesha) in the natal and D3 chart ( Jaganath Drekkana) it shows your karma one is born with to fulfill in this birth by doing certain actions and karmas in the society. As 3rd house is the house of actions and initiatives done by the jeeva, and it is also directly opposite to the 9th house which shows your Past birth, father and the Bhagya, it shows your Free will (Force of karma that one perform against his destiny)  and in broader sense it will show your must-have actions or karmas that you need to perform in this birth to unlock the future karma or actions one need require in this current birth.

Technique 4 : 

D) Check the 6th house, Sign, planets placed in this house and its lord in the natal chart to decode the Shadripus one has to cross in this birth in order to achieve the purpose of this life. This house, planets placed in it and its lord shows what is the pending karma of this life that must be finish in order to finish or cross this life cycle barrier and reach to next life. For e.g if one has sign libra in the 6th house and there is no planet placed in the house then we have to see where 6th house lord is placed. that placement shows what sort of blockage one is experiencing in this birth  with respect to that particular house placement. If we take current Example, venus is 6th lord and if it is placed in the 10th house in Aquarius sign then one may experience a problem in his career or profession because of his relationships with the female members in his office environment or one can face problem in his career via his wife  or one face hurdle in his career life or performing certain karma in society due to the properties of the venus i.e problems via females, wife, wealth etc.

Technique 5 : 

E) Check Placement and Sign aspect of Saturn and Rahu in the natal chart, shows what is the Major karma that needs to work on it in current life and if both the planets make a relation to each other or some Sambandha in a way by Mutual Aspects, conjunctions then one need to first finish this house karma in order to grow or progress in this life. for e.g Saturn is placed in 8th house and Rahu is placed in the 5th house , As Saturn is aspecting 5th house by 10th aspect then one needs to finish the pending karma wrt to 5th house matters i.e Bhakti, Stability of the chitta ( Mind) affairs, romance, children’s and basic education etc.

Note : These Pending karmas one has to exhaust in any case without any delay or without escaping point from it, Dashas, Ad, and Pd of all these retrograde planets play the main role in turning life into a major transformative events and one has to finish it in any case by experiencing it and all these planets play a major role in transforming inner conscious (Spiritual instinct) of the native. Either they teach a hard lesson or one totally get spiritual in these dasha periods.

Technique 6 :

Karma from D9 and Divisional charts :
There are also few other pending Karmas which are very intense and one cannot avoid it and those are presence in the form of curses and Karmic point. All these intense karmas one has to seen from the D9, D3, D30 and D60 chart. Whereas Planetry conjunction with either North node or south nodes in D9 shows the Deep and very intense karmas which were long pending from many of the birth and native is trying to avoid it or carry forwarding to many of birth from long via some divine help, guru blessings or Good Deeds.
As, Rahu-Ketu shows Sudden karmic point whereas Saturn shows karma that one has to improve it in this birth with own efforts and actions. Rahu-Ketu karmas have come in the form of mundane and physical sufferings and karma of Saturn comes in the form of Learning and lessons.
i.e If Rahu is placed with Venus in d9 chart – One had deep, Sudden and intense karma connected with either wife or girlfriend, Relationships (Extra or pre-marital physical relations) , some karma connected with lady love or with women whom he loves in past birth that can give either intense suffering or one may learn a hard lessons after marriage or it can starts when one person get involved in any relationship.
If Sun is with Rahu, then one may play a deep and intense relationship with Father or fatherly figure people, this conjunction can activate a Pitru curse in chart when Sun is involved with either 5th or 9th lord in D1 chart and it is in conjunction in d9 chart. this can activate it either after marriage or when some joins Job or he or she do bad deeds to any of fatherly figure native.
If Moon is with Rahu – then it gives deep and intense emotional sufferings via Mother, mother in law or eldest sister or via suffering intensely in an emotional bond. this could be very intense when the moon is lord of 4th house in d1 and same time if it is lord of 7th lord in d9. then it can get activate after marriage.
same we can check for Planetary conjunction with Ketu that shows Long pending karma connected with the past birth that one is avoiding from many of the birth. Ketu shows what is left behind, one’s rejections that have to experience and what is you have to finish in this birth to grow yourself spiritually. Ketu is a planet of detachment so here suffering and the lesson is connected in the form of detachment and one may face lots of detachment via karaka of the planet as native may have given sufferings or detachment to someone in that past birth in any of the form

Other Pending karmas are seen from the D3, D30 and  D60 chart that shows the karma of immediate last birth, that one has to face or experience in this birth that we will cover in the 2nd part of this article with example charts. It could be seen in these above mentioned divisional charts when karka of any of planet is connected with Mars, Saturn and nodes in D3, D30 and D60 chart, those having lordship with the 6th, 8th, 12th or Lagna in the D1 chart.D3 chart majorly shows about the Bott past and future karma native has to experience i.e what is the soul goal of the native or what one has to experience in this birth due to the good and Bad deeds done via the native. whereas D30 chart shows about the Suffering one has to experience in this birth because of his weaknesses, shadripus, sins and past debts.

I hope people would have enjoyed this article reading it and people will try to apply in their chart to understand it more deeply with the example charts. In the 2nd part, we will try to explain each and every technique with example charts of people those have experienced their destiny and past karmas astrologically.


Rakesh Jamwal

Source and Reference :
(Katha Upanisad, Ch 1, verse 6)
(The Bhagvad Geeta by Swami Yogananda)

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Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

left hand Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview


   By H.Ramadas Rao

ॐ श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः

With the Blessings of Acharya Madhva,my Kula Devatha ,Ishta Devatha and my Naadi Guru Shri R.G.Rao,I would like to present a new topic on Left Handers based on Naadi Astrology.

Natural zodiac 3rd house,Mithuna Rashi and its Lord Budha indicate our shoulders,arms ie.,hands.Budha also is significator or Karaka for our central nervous system in the brain.Actually all our actions are through the signals from our brain only.Human brain is a more powerful part of the body even more than that of a computer.This is God’s creation.In this brain also,all the 7 planets are allotted some particular part/parts as shown in the following ancient diagram of human brain :

brain Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

The planets are indicated in the form of some symbols whose meanings are given below.( Earth can be omitted as we stand on earth ) :

pic1 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

The symbols given above are Surya,Budha,Shukra ( Earth ),Chandra,Kuja ,Guru and Shani.Thus any planet afflicted in the brain part will give wrong signals to the particular part of the body and so we suffer from various diseases,accidents etc.Thus we can see the middle portion of the forehead,upper portion and the side part is controlled by Budha/Mercury who is the controller of our central nervous system in the brain.We can also see through the following picture how our body parts are connected through the brain :

The above picture is only a part showing how our head,face,eyes,hand and its related parts,leg and its related parts function through our brain.This is a very big study related to medical science.

Now we know that the left part of human brain controls right side of the body and vice versa.For most of the human beings left side of the brain works faster than that of right side and so all our right side organs work prominently.

Now coming to the occult or secret science,human body has seven Chakras which modern science has not established.Starting from the base of the spine,it starts with Mooladhara Chakra,Swadhistana Chakra,Manipoora Chakra,Anahata Chakra,Vishuddha Chakra,Ajna Chakra and Sahsrara Chakra.Here I am not going to give all the details about these Chakras but a small and important information is that Sahasrara Chakra is controlled by Rahu.It is situated in the top,middle portion of our head inside the brain.Now who is Rahu ? It is an imaginary planet which revolves in Apasavya mode around Surya.So if this Rahu is either connected in a birth chart to 3rd house of natural zodiac or its lord Budha/Mercury,then the person will become a left hander.Even when Rahu is placed in a Rashi and Budha crosses it and stays in the next Rashi of Rahu’s placement in a chart,such person will be a left hander which means the native will work mostly through his/her left hand like writing,cooking,cleaning utensils in the kitchen etc.but eating through right hand.

Now let me try to explain how Rahu will influence  Mithuna Rashi and its Lord Budha.For a person to be left handed,Rahu has to be either in Mithuna Rashi,Karka Rashi,Simha Rashi,Tula Rashi or Dhanu Rashi.2nd point is that if Rahu is not in any of the above Rashis,then Budha must be  with or in 3rd,5th,7th or 9th from Rahu .Now let me try to analyse this theory with various examples ..

Male Chart-1 :

male1 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this male chart,Rahu is placed in Tula Rashi and Budha is also with Rahu in Tula Rashi.Also Rahu is in trine to Mithuna Rashi.So this person is purely left hander.

Male Chart-2 :

Male2 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this chart ,Rahu is placed in Dhanu Rashi aspecting directly Mithuna Rashi in 7th house.Budha,the Lord of Mithuna Rashi is placed in Meena Rashi and both Dhanu and Meena Rashis are lorded by Guru.So there is a link between Rahu and Budha,so this male person is also a left hander.This is the chart of Sachin Tendulkar, a famous cricket player who played through his left hand only.But Budha is out of Rahu’s cusp,so this native can write through his right hand also.

Male Chart-3 :

Male3 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

This is another Male chart which belongs to movie star Amitabh Bacchan.Here Rahu is placed in Simha Rashi in Eastern directional sign and aspecting Mithuna Rashi which is a Western directional sign.Here the Lord of Mithuna Rashi,Budha is exalted in Kanya Rashi but retrograde,so he will be connected to Rahu also.As Budha is exalted and retrograde,this gentleman eventhough a left hander,he used to write through his  right hand also.

Male chart -4:

Male4 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this male chart,Rahu is placed in Meena Rashi and Budha retrograde is placed in Vrischika Rashi which is in trine from Rahu.So eventhough this gentleman is a left hander,he used to write through his right hand also.

Male Chart-5 :

male5 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this male chart,Rahu is placed in Kumbha Rashi which is in trine to Mithuna Rashi.Budha,the Lord of Mithuna Rashi is placed in Dhanu Rashi aspects its own Rashi but Budha is retrograde.So the native is a left hander and eventhough Budha is retrograde,there is Rahu in Kumbha Rashi who directly aspects Makara Rashi and directionally opposite to Dhanu Rashi also.So the native was forced to write through right hand but he could not succeed.

Male Chart-6 :

Male6 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this male chart,Rahu is placed in Vrishabh Rashi but Budha is placed in his exaltation sign of Kanya Rashi.So this native is left handed.

Male Chart-7 :

male7 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this chart,Rahu is placed in Dhanu Rashi aspecting directly Mithuna Rashi.Budha,the Lord of Mithun Rashi is in trine to Rahu.But Budha is not in his own Rashi of Mithun or in his exaltation sign but is in the Rahu-Ketu axis.So this native is a strong left hander.

Male Chart-8 :

Male8 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this male chart,Rahu is placed in Mesha Rashi and is not connected to Mithuna Rashi at all but Budha,the Lord of Mithuna Rashi is placed in Meena Rashi and is retrograde also.But the difference of longitude between Rahu and Budha is less than 30 Degrees.So this male is completely left hander.

Male Chart-9 :

Male9 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

This is the chart of Barack Obama.In this chart,Rahu is placed in Simha Rashi which is 11th from Mithuna Rashi.Budha,the lord of Mithuna Rashi is placed in Karka Rashi.Rahu is aspecting this Rashi and Budha and the longitudes between both the planets is less than 30 Degrees.So this native is a pure left hander.

Female Chart-1:

1 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this female chart,Rahu is placed in Tula Rashi which is in trine to Mithun Rashi.Budha,the Lord of Mithun Rashi is placed in Dhanu Rashi directly aspects Mithun Rashi and is in 11th from Rahu.So this female native is a left hander.But Budha is not in the cusp of Rahu,so she can write from right hand also along with other jobs.

Female Chart-2 :

2 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

This chart belongs to daughter of above female chart-1.In this chart,Rahu is placed in Mesh Rashi and will move towards Meen Rashi and Mithun Rashi is 11th from Rahu.So the effect of Rahu on this Rashi is very less due to Rahu moving in anti cloakwise direction.Budha,the Lord of Mithun Rashi is in Vrishabh Rashi which is about to move to Mithuna Rashi and is out from Rahu-Ketu axis.So when she was very young she started drawing from her left hand and because of mother’s force,she slowly started to use right hand for all her activities.

Female Chart-3 :

3 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this chart,Rahu is directly sitting in Mithun Rashi and Budha is placed out of Rahu-Ketu axis in Vrischik Rashi.So eventhough she is a left hander,she uses right hand also equally..

Female Chart-4:

4 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this female chart,Rahu is in Simha Rashi and is moving towards Mithun Rashi and he aspects directionally Mithun Rashi.Budha,the Lord of Mithun Rashi is in Vrishabh Rashi but at 0 Degrees.So Budha’s effect on its own Rashi is very less.So this female is completely left hander and takes food only from right hand.

Female Chart-5 :

5 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this chart,Rahu is placed in Tula Rashi and is in trine to Mithun Rashi.Budha is placed in Vrischik Rashi and is out of Rahu-Ketu axis.So eventhough she is a left hander,she also uses right hand for all day to day activities.

Female Chart -6:

6 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

This is slightly different female chart.Here Rahu is placed in Mesh Rashi which is

11th from Mithun Rashi.Budha is within Rahu-Ketu axis and is placed in Vrischik Rashi.Both Rahu and Budha are placed in Rashis lorded by Kuja.So both planets are linked with each other.Hence this female native is a left hander..

Female Chart-7 :

7 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this female chart,Rahu is placed in Mithun Rashi,so she is a left hander.But Budha is out of Rahu-Ketu axis and is in Vrischik Rashi.So she uses right hand for eating food.In a way,we can say that she uses both hands for her day to day work eventhough a left hander.

Female Chart-8 :

5 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this female chart,Rahu is placed in Vrischik Rashi and has no connections with Mithun Rashi but Budha,its lord is placed in Tula Rashi and is retrograde.The difference in the longitudes between Rahu and Budha is less than 30 Degrees.So this female child is a left hander in day to day activities but writing and eating food from right hand.This she uses both hands.

So from above different example charts,we can make it clear that Rahu’s effect on Mithun Rashi and or Budha is more important in deciding a native left hander or using both hands.The reason for this is mainly due to Budha is the Karaka for our central nervous system in the brain,and Rahu,the planet of Apasavya movement and the Karaka for Sahasrara Chakra is controlling Mithun Rashi and or Budha,the Karaka for hands.


ना अहं कर्ता । सर्वस्य हरि कर्ता ॥

pin Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

Views: 347

Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi

By H.Ramadas Rao
ॐ श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः
f14gfptc pm modi at rashtrapati bhavan Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi
With the Blessings of Acharya Madhva,my Kula Devatha,Ishta Devatha and my Naadi Guru Shri R.G.Rao,I would like to write about Naadi Muhurta for swearing-in ceremony of Shri Narendra Modi Ji on 30th of May 2019 at 19:00 Hrs.
Before proceeding to Naadi Muhurta,I would like to write about BJP’s natal chart as per Naadi is the natal chart of BJP :
1 Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi
Now as per this chart,the strongest planet will indicate the person to rule our country.Surya is in Meena Rashi at 23 Degs.01’,Chandra is in Vrischika Rashi at 26 Degs.1’,Guru ( R ) is in Simha Rashi at 7 Degs.17’ and Shukra is in Vrishabha Rashi at 8 Degs.49’.These longitudes of the planets are very important in deciding the strongest planet.Surya in Meena Rashi is going to be exalted.Chandra has crossed its debilitation zone of 3 degs,so it will give the results of Kuja.Shukra is placed in his own house zone from 3 Degs.1’ to 30 Degs.Finally Guru ( R ) is in Simha Rashi.After looking all these, we can say that Surya,Guru ( R ) and Shukra are powerful.But out of these who will be the most powerful planet ? Now both Surya and Guru will have a powerful Parivarthana Yoga and Surya goes to its own and Moola Trikona Rashi of Simha and Guru goes to its own swakshetra.
So it is very clear that Surya becomes the most powerful planet in this horoscope.Now by position,Surya is in Meena Rashi.So any person in the party who has Surya in Meena Rashi /Dhanu Rashi as both are ruled by Guru and Surya here becomes very strong or in Kanya Rashi or trines to Meena Rashi will have the chance to become Prime Minister of this country.2nd criteria is Guru.Guru in BJP’s chart is placed in Simha Rashi in retrograde.So the ruling person should have Guru in Simha Rashi or in Kumbha Rashi or in trines to Simha Rashi.As Guru is retrograde in Simha Rashi, we should also consider it from Karka Rashi which is its exaltation Rashi.So the person who will rule our country must have Guru either in Karka Rashi or its trines.Similarly the 3rd planet indicating courage is Kuja or Mangal.He is placed in Simha Rashi but in retro state.So he also must be considered from its previous house of Karka Rashi.So omitting Karka Rashi,Kuja in Makara Rashi and trines to Karka Rashi ie.,Vrischika and Meena Rashi will be considered.As Kuja’s placement is in Simha Rashi,trines to it ie.,Dhanu and Mesha Rashi is also considered.Kumbha is omitted as it is an enemy sign for Kuja.
Now let us consider when BJP has gained power.In May 1996,it got power under the leadership of Late Shri Atal Bihari Vajapayee.But it lost the power within 16 days.Sometimes even if the chart is strong but the transits are weak,then the power will be lost.For this we have to see the chart of BJP and that of Atal Ji also.Now let us look at BJP’s transits in May,1996 especially on 16th.
Transit Guru was retrograde and was in Dhanu which is ok as per BJP’s chart where its natal Guru is in Simha Rashi.Now let us look which planets are transiting over Surya in Meena Rashi and they are Shani and Ketu and Rahu aspects from 7th house of Surya.So Surya has lost the power to rule the country.Also transit Surya is in trine to transit Rahu.So Shri Atal Ji has resigned on 1st of June,1996.
Now let us look at the horoscope of Shri Atal Bihari Vajapayee.
Atal Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi
2 Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi
In this chart,Jiva Karaka Guru is in Dhanu Rashi which is in trine to BJP’s Jiva Karaka Guru.In his chart,Surya is with Guru in Dhanu Rashi and is ruled by Guru itself.So Surya becomes stronger.Energy booster Kuja is in Meena Rashi which is in trine to Kuja ( R ) in Simha Rashi and to be considered from Karka Rashi.So in his chart,Kuja being placed in Meena Rashi whose Lord Guru himself is in his Moola Trikona Rashi of Dhanu Rashi.So Kuja also got boosted to be powerful.Now while considering transits on 16th May 1996,it was not favouring Atal Ji.Eventhough transit Guru was in Dhanu Rashi,he was retrograde.The energy booster Kuja in his chart was under severe afflictions in transit chart.Shani + Ketu was transiting over his Kuja and Rahu was aspecting the Kuja.This means he did not get sufficient support from other parties and his government fell.
Then Atal Ji’s party ie., BJP has formed government again in March 19th 1998 and he ruled for 13 months only.
Now let us look at this transit chart.
3 Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi
In this chart,transit Guru was in Kumbha Rashi with Ketu.Guru was at 16 Degs.28’ and Ketu was at 15 Degs.48’ which means both Guru and Ketu were strong.Ofcourse Ketu was retrograding or moving towards Makara Rashi with a lesser longitude than that of Guru but that was not sufficient to gain strength for Guru.Guru was under some affliction here.Transit Surya was on natal Kuja and this Surya is more powerful than his natal Surya which was in Dhanu Rashi as he is going to be exalted.Transit Shani was also over his natal Kuja but transit Shani was at 26 Degs24’ and his natal Kuja was at 10 Degs.31’ in Meena Rashi.So the affliction from Shani has reduced.So the energy got boosted here.So the government called NDA started functioning from 19th of March 1998.Here the main party supporting BJP was AIDMK with 18 seats with other parties whose numbers were less.Now as I already wrote that Guru got affliction by Ketu as both are almost in same longitude.Now Ketu was moving towards Makara Rashi and Shukra there in Makara Rashi was moving towards Kumbha Rashi.This means a lady was involved in failure of NDA Government.Ketu entered Makara Rashi on 11th Jan.1999 and and on 22/23rd of Jan.1999 both Shukra and Ketu conjuct each other.So the problems to NDA started from here and on 17th April 1999,the NDA government fell due to AIADMK removed its support to the government.Please note on that day Ketu was transiting over Atal Ji’s chart’s natal Ketu on the same longitude.
Now let us look at BJP’s chart to see this failure of NDA government.The transit of Guru in Kumbha Rashi in NDA’s 2nd rule falls in the 7th house from Jiva Karaka Guru but there is also Ketu in BJP’s chart in Kumbha Rashi.Transit Shani in Meena Rashi is over natal Surya of BJP Chart.Both are almost near to same longitude.This indicates failures in different policies.Also transit Ketu was over BJP’s natal chart Budha and both have almost same longitudes.This also indicate failures in dialogues,friendships etc.( BJP not adjusted for any compromise in alliance parties ).So these transits in BJP Party chart has resulted in failures of the government and hence it fell on 17th April 1999.
BJP and its alliances NDA again got power in elections in 1999 and Atal Ji became the PM again on 13th October 1999.
4 Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi
When we consider the chart of BJP,and the transits on 13th October 1999,transit Guru was with transit Shani and both are retrograde and in BJP’s natal chart,Jiva Karaka Guru is retrograde and is in trine to transit Guru ( R ).Transit Surya was in Kanya Rashi which is opposite to natal Surya in Meena Rashi.Transit Kuja was in Dhanu Rashi which is in trine to Kuja ( R ) in BJP Natal chart.Thus it forms a favourable Yoga for forming the government.Now let us look at Atal Ji’s natal chart.Transit Guru on 13th October 1999 was in Mesha Rashi retro with Retro Shani and is in trines to retro Guru in Atal Ji’s natal chart.Transit Surya was in Kanya Rashi whose sign dispositor Budha in Atal Ji’s chart is in Dhanu Rashi and gets support from Surya in Dhanu Rashi.Transit Kuja was in Dhanu Rashi which is in trine to his natal Kuja ( R ) in Simha Rashi.Thus all the factors were very favourable for Atal Ji to get power as PM of our country.
Now let us come to present picture of Shri Narendra Modi.Most of the famous Astrologers have given 2 dates of his birth date and month.This is the main controversy.If we take October 17th as date and month of birth,Surya will be in Tula Rashi and is in debilitated state which is not possible at all.He is a man of very high self confidence.Traditional Astrologers are of the mind of Tula Lagna or Vrischika Lagna.Lagna with Chandra makes a person handsome.Now I request the readers to decide.As per my studies above,Shri Narendra Modi’s Guru,the Jiva Karaka is in Kumbha Rashi which is retrograde and is opposite to BJP’s natal Guru ( R ) which is in Simha Rashi.BJP’s natal Surya is in Meena Rashi which is exactly opposite to Shri Narendra Modi’s natal Surya which must be in Kanya.Finally Kuja ( R ) in BJP’s chart has to be considered from its previous house ie., Karka or its trines Vrischika or Meena Rashi and in Modi Ji’s chart,Kuja/Mangal is in Vrischika Rashi.And that is why he gained again and today ie., on 30th of May,2019 he will swear-in as PM of our country.

Now let us try to analyse the swearing -in Muhurta chart by traditional and Naadi Method.

5 Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi
The time fixed is at 19:04 Hrs.on 30th May 2019.At this time,Vrischika Lagna rises with Guru ( R ) in the Lagna.2nd house has Retrograde Shani and Ketu.5th house has Chandra,Shukra is in 6th house,Surya +Budha in 7th and Kuja+Rahu in 8th house.Navamsha Lagna is of Vrischika,so Vargottama Navamsha indicating the ministry will be strong and Chandra is Vargottama but is in Rashi/Nakshatra Gandantha.Retro Shani and Ketu are aspected by Kuja + Rahu.Shukra Shataka,Kujaashtama,Nakshatra Gandantha all these are serious afflictions for the Muhurta chart.Only Guru( R ) is a benefic in the Muhurta Lagna which aspects both Surya + Budha.As per Muhurta Shastra,Guru in the Lagna removes thousands of Doshas in the Muhurta chart.But this Guru was retrograde from Dhanu Rashi and now in Vrischika Rashi.So this Guru is not that strong.They should have selected Karka Lagna which is approved by Kalaprakashika.Then Guru will be in 5th,Chandra in 9th,Shukra in a powerful Kendra and Surya + Budha will be in 11th.
Muhurta Devatha is Mitra which is positive and Nakshatra Nadika is Poorvashada and again a positive one.Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga based on Vara + Nakshatra Yoga.Kuja with Rahu in 8th from Muhurta Lagna is a severe affliction but this can be counteracted by their sign Lord Budha who is in 7th house from Lagna and aspected by Guru ( R ).
Now as per Naadi Astrology,Shani Hora is running during swearing in ceremony.After 24 Minutes ie., at 19:24 Hrs.Guru Hora will start.Shani is retrograde and swearing in during this Hora will make the government suffer due to loss of its own people.As Ketu is very near to Hora Lord Shani ( R ),troubles from other religious people will be there and no doubt there will be more terrorist activities during this 5 years tenure.But as Kuja indicating defence force is very strong as he is in the middle of the Rashi and the terrorists will be crushed to death.The reason is both Mesha and Vrischika Rashis are ruled by Kuja and both Rashis are occupied by Shukra and Guru ( R ) respectively.So it will be like Guru + Shukra, a Sanjivini Yoga is formed.Kuja’s sign Lord Budha is with Surya and is aspected by Guru directly thus strengthening defence force.And to mitigate the effects of Rahu,there will be more “ Surgeries “ during this tenure of 5 years.
Now when we see this Muhurta Chart over BJP’s natal Chart,Guru ( R ) is transiting over Chandra of BJP chart which indicates the type of rule will be changed from that of the previous one.Also Shani ( R ) has to be considered from previous Rashi of Vrischika ,so it joins with Guru ( R ) and aspects Shukra of BJP’s natal chart and this indicates a lady will be given a powerful portfolio who will tackle many difficult policies.From Modi Ji’s natal Guru ( R ) in Kumbha Rashi,transit Kuja and Rahu are in trine,there is a possibility to attack Modi Ji by terrorist group .Anyhow due to the trinal link of transit Shukra in Mesha Rashi with his natal Shukra + Shani ( this is as per my calculation ) in Simha Rashi ,by the Blessings of Shri Maha Mrityunjaya,the danger to his life will be averted.
ना अहं कर्ता । सर्वं हरि कर्ता ॥
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Kala Sarpa Yoga & Education as per nadi astrology

kaal sarp dosha banner Kala Sarpa Yoga & Education as per nadi astrology
ॐ श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः
With the Blessings of Acharya Madhva,my Kula Devatha,my Ishta Devatha and my Nadi Guru Shri R.G.Rao,I would like to explain about Kala Sarpa Yoga & education in Nadi Astrology.
We know as per traditional Astrology,Kala Sarpa Yoga is formed by the placement of all planets within Rahu-Ketu axis.Some scholars mention about 12 types of Kala Sarpa Yoga based on different positions of Kala Sarpa Yoga from Lagna.In some books it is mentioned that if Rahu /Ketu is placed with 5th/9th house lord or with Kendra Lords,then it gives sudden Raja Yoga during the Dasa/Antar Dasa of such planets.Except this condition,other placements of planets within Rahu-Ketu axis are termed as bad with difficulties in life.In such ancient books,it is also mentioned that if all the planets are within Rahu-Ketu axis then it is called as Kala Sarpa Yoga and if all the planets are within Ketu-Rahu axis,then it is called as Kalamrita Yoga.Anyhow both Yogas are termed bad and the native will experience difficulties in his/her life.But if any one planet has more longitude than Rahu/Ketu ,then it breaks Kala Sarpa Yoga.
But in Rao’s system of Nadi Astrology,we are not considering any Lagna.Instead we consider all the planets within Rahu-Ketu or Ketu-Rahu axis for Kala Sarpa Yoga.But to have such kind of Kala Sarpa Yoga,the planets must be related to Rahu or Ketu ie.,from Rahu,there must be a planet in the 2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th 7th from him.Similar is the case from Ketu also.
Now I was doing some research on this from past 15 years and about 13 years before I got a client and she wants her son’s education line has to be analysed she sent an email regarding this on March,6th,2006.When my client called me for this analysis,her son was studying in 6th standard.But when I saw his chart,I got surprised as all the planets are hemmed between Ketu-Rahu axis but I found the most important planets Jiva Karaka,Atma Karaka and Karma Karaka are in such a strong place,nothing bad will happen to him in his education or his future life ,rather he will get reward during his studies.
Now let us study his chart in detail. This is a male chart and was born in a western country.Now look at the Rahu-Ketu axis,and there are no planets at all and all the planets are within Ketu-Rahu axis.Even Chandra who is with Rahu is in the clutches of Rahu.

Kaal sarpa Kala Sarpa Yoga & Education as per nadi astrology

As both Ketu and Rahu are retrograding,from Ketu,the 2nd house is occupied by Shani and Shukra in Kumbha Rashi,Kuja and Budha ( R ) is Makara Rashi,Surya + Guru in Dhanu Rashi in 4th house from Ketu and finally Chandra in 7th house from Ketu.Let me keep the Jiva Karaka Guru aside and analyse from Rahu.Rahu is with Chandra,the Karaka for mother.Rahu is in trine to Vidya Karaka Budha ( R ) and Kuja,the Karaka for skills.Also from Ketu,both Budha ( R ) and Kuja are in 11th house.When Ketu is involved with Karaka for education,it is directly related to hospital as Ketu is in 12th house if we consider natural zodiac.Now both Dhanu Rashi and Meena Rashi are lorded by Guru and he is placed in his Moola Trikona Sthana of Guru along with Surya.So here Surya also becomes more stronger by associating with Guru and both will have a connection with Ketu.This is simply because both Rashis are lorded by Guru,so Surya + Guru + Ketu are in conjunction.Now Rahu with Chandra are in trine to Kuja + Budha (R) in Makara Rashi.Now Chandra is blood circulation,Rahu is poisonous medicines ( which we call as allopathic medicines ) ,Kuja is blood ,Shastra Karaka and skills through the hands and,Budha,the intelligence.Here as Budha ( R) is aspecting its previous house of Dhanu Rashi he becomes associated with both Surya + Guru.Thus Budha ( R) becomes more stronger.So I predicted to his mother that he will study medicines but he will move towards East or South-East from where he is born.I also told his mother that he is a genius boy and will get rewards during his studies.As the planets involved are mainly Surya + Guru  ( East direction ) and Kuja + Budha ( R) ( South direction ) and as all these planets are within Ketu-Rahu axis,he will move out of the country where he is born and move to a country where Sanatana Dharma is in existence which is none other than our Hindustan.His mother got surprised and said to me that they don’t have any plan to migrate back to India.But I said after looking to the planetary transits,all will move to India and he will study in India only.
Ketu is the planet representing hospitals placed in Meena Rashi which is also called as Devaloka whose Lord Guru is in his Moola Trikona Rashi of Dhanu.With Guru,there is Surya and Budha ( R) in Makara Rashi whom we have to consider from his previous house of Dhanu Rashi.So he has a combination of Guru + Surya+ Budha ( R ) + Ketu.This kind of planetary combination indicates a Vedic place which is India itself.There are no planets in Rahu-Ketu axis which clearly tells us that the native will move out of his birth country when progressed Jiva Karaka Guru touches Rahu + Chandra which was his 10-11th year and it was decided by the fate to contact me to do the analysis of this native boy.It was 31st of May 2006 and she called me when I was in Kuwait,that they are moving back to India and also to Bangalore.Let us look at the planetary configurations on this day.
Now look at the transit Rahu-Ketu axis.Rahu was in Meena Rashi and Ketu was in Kanya Rashi which is just opposite in his natal chart.In his natal chart,Jiva Karaka Guru + Pitru Karaka Surya are in Dhanu Rashi,so we can conclude that transit Rahu has a link with his natal Guru + Surya which clearly indicates that this male native along with his father will move to India.Also please look at the longitude of natal Jiva Karaka Guru which is Dhanu 8 Degrees 33’ and transit Rahu was at Meen Rashi 7 Degrees 3’,which means Rahu is forcing Jiva Karaka Guru to move from the place of birth.Also if we check his progressed Jiva Karaka Guru,it will be in Kanya Rashi and Chandra + Rahu are posited there.Chandra means movement and Rahu means foreign country,so a complete change of Rahu-Ketu alignment over his Chandra + Rahu indicates he will be migrated to India where Kanya Rashi indicates southern direction.His natal Rahu has a Drishti on Simha Rashi as he will be moving to his next Rashi and natal Guru + Surya are in trine to this east directioned Rashi.So it becomes South-East direction from where he was born.


transit chart Kala Sarpa Yoga & Education as per nadi astrology
After moving to India and Bangalore,the mother of the male native called me around 4 years before that as I predicted her son got admission into Medical sciences.She also told me that the CET board has given 3 options to choose the medical college.She asked me whether it is possible to predict to which medical college her son will join.I said “ the native’s Vidya Karaka Budha’s placement is in Makara Rashi 9 Degs.56’ along with exalted Kuja who is in Makara 10 Degs.21’But there is no Graha Yuddha as Budha is retrograde.This Budha ( R ) + Kuja are in trine to Chandra + Rahu in Kanya Rashi.Budha (R ) is connected to Dhanu Rashi where both Guru + Surya are placed.Also in Guru’s another Rashi of Meen,there is Ketu,so a combination of Guru + Surya +Budha ( R )+ Ketu has taken place.Now Ketu in Meen Rashi lorded by Guru indicates the institution must be a religious one and as Budha ( R ) with Guru + Surya are in Dhanu Rashi,the medical institute must have a statue of a Guru in front of the college.After this prediction,mother and son both went to all the 3 institutes and one institute called KEMS Medical College has the statue of Shri Raghavendra Swami Ji of Mantralaya and both were very happy about my analysis and took admission there and completed his medical studies.As Surya is very strong in the chart along with Guru in his Moola Trikona Sthana,I told his mother that your son is a genius one and will complete the studies before the time and he will be rewarded by a prestigious institution.When his 3rd year of Medical studies completed,the F.R.C.S in London invited him along with his parents for a special speech by the native.The professors and students there got stunned by his speech and awarded him with a special certificate and told that his M.D.studies will be sponsored by them if it is in London or anywhere in the world.So he completed his M.B.B.S.this year with a very high ranking.


Then he sit for the entrance exam.for M.D.Now recently his mother contacted me and asked me which kind of higher studies he can do and where ? Here is my analysis and answer.In the whole chart,both Guru and Surya are powerful and out of that Surya is most powerful and he is the karaka for children ( male ) and in opposite direction ( West ),there are Shukra + Shani.As Shukra is with Shani,Shukra becomes also very powerful as he is going to enter the Rashi of his exaltation. Shukra is the Karaka for female children.So I told the mother that her son will go for M.D. in Pediatrics and mother said as he got into Pediatrics.Now again the question of selection of Medical College.Here now both Guru +Surya+ Budha ( R ) are in east direction and both Shukra + Shani are in Kumbha Rashi in West Direction.Shukra indicates as per Sanskrit Kama and Shani indicates ancient and Surya indicates eyes.Ketu in linking with Shani indicates that the place where this native has to study is a very ancient one and a famous Kama + Akshi ie., Kamakshi Temple is there which is none other than Kanchipuram.His mother got completely surprised and asked me that such secrets also can be told as per Nadi Astrology and I replied yes but for that Tarka ( Logic ) and intuition from Ishta Devatha is required.So as per my analysis the male native is going to Kanchipuram Medical Institute for Pediatrics.
The above is only a real life example to show that we can predict many secrets through Rao’s  System of Nadi Astrology.
ना अहं कर्ता । सर्वस्य हरि कर्ता ॥
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Decoding Bhakti Yoga as per nadi astrology in Acharya Srila Prabhupada birth chart

2958435 orig Decoding Bhakti Yoga as per nadi astrology in Acharya Srila Prabhupada birth chart
       By H.Ramadas Rao
ॐ श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः
With the Blessings of my Kula Guru Acharya Madhva, my Kula Devatha, My Ishta Devatha and Nadi Guru Shri R.G.Rao,I am going to write about BHAKTI YOGA as per NADI ASTROLOGY principles. To explain this I have taken the chart of Shri Prabhupada.
What is Bhakti Yoga?
There is a small chapter stresses the super-excellence of the path of loving devotion over all other types of spiritual practices.  It begins with Arjun asking Shree Krishna whom He considers more perfect in Yog—those who are devoted to the personal form of God or those who worship the formless Brahman.  Shree Krishna responds by declaring that both paths lead to God-realization.  However, He regards the devotees of His personal form as the best yogis.  He explains that meditation on the impersonal unmanifest aspect of God is full of tribulations and is exceedingly difficult for embodied beings.  But devotees of the personal form, with their consciousness, merged in Him and all their actions dedicated to Him, are swiftly delivered from the cycle of life and death.  Shree Krishna thus asks Arjun to surrender his intellect to Him, and fix his mind in exclusive loving devotion on Him alone.
Below mentioned verse explained in chapter 12 clearly explains about it
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 12, Verse 3-4

maxresdefault 2 Decoding Bhakti Yoga as per nadi astrology in Acharya Srila Prabhupada birth chart

ये त्वक्षरमनिर्देश्यमव्यक्तं पर्युपासते |
सर्वत्रगमचिन्त्यञ्च कूटस्थमचलन्ध्रुवम् || 3||
सन्नियम्येन्द्रियग्रामं सर्वत्र समबुद्धय: |
ते प्राप्नुवन्ति मामेव सर्वभूतहिते रता: || 4||

ye tv akṣharam anirdeśhyam avyaktaṁ paryupāsate
sarvatra-gam achintyañcha kūṭa-stham achalandhruvam
sanniyamyendriya-grāmaṁ sarvatra sama-buddhayaḥ
te prāpnuvanti mām eva sarva-bhūta-hite ratāḥ


BG 12.3-4: But those who worship the formless aspect of the Absolute Truth—the imperishable, the indefinable, the unmanifest, the all-pervading, the unthinkable, the unchanging, the eternal, and the immoveable—by restraining their senses and being even-minded everywhere, such persons, engaged in the welfare of all beings, also attain Me.


Having said that worship of the personal form is the best, Shree Krishna clarifies that in no way does He reject the worship of the formless.  Those who devote themselves to the all-pervading, indefinable, unmanifest, inconceivable, immovable, eternal Brahman, also attain God.

Living beings are of an infinite variety of natures.  The Supreme Lord who has created this variety also possesses an infinite variety of aspects to His personality.  For the sake of our finite comprehension, we classify the infinite manifestations of God into categories.  Accordingly, Ved Vyas has classified God’s various manifestations into three types, Brahman, Paramātmā, andBhagavān, as mentioned in the commentary of the previous verse.  One may worship either of these categories, but one should never claim that one’s conception of God is the only correct one while those of the others are erroneous.

In verse 4.11, Shree Krishna had stated: “In whatever way people surrender unto Me, I reciprocate with them accordingly.  Everyone follows My path in all respects, O son of Pritha.”  Here, Shree Krishna confirms that the worshippers of the formless also reach Him.  Since their choice is to unite with the attributeless manifestation of the Supreme Absolute Truth, God meets them as the unmanifest, all-pervading Brahman.

Astrological Analysis 

Srila prabhupad Decoding Bhakti Yoga as per nadi astrology in Acharya Srila Prabhupada birth chart

Let me take the chart of Acharya Srila Prabhupada. He was born on September 1, 1896. In most of Nadi literature, time of birth ie., Lagna is not given. Importance is given to Jivakaraka Guru/Jupiter’s placement. There is no Dasa system, instead, we follow the progression of natal Guru/Jupiter every year to the next sign or Rashi. Here no lordships are not taken into consideration but only planetary Karakattwas are important. Planets which are in 2nd,12th,11th,5th,7th and 9th are most important. There are a lot of Karakattwas allotted to each planet. Anyhow for the reader’s information, the time of birth was 4 PM at Kolkata.
Bhakti yoga nadi astrology Srila Prabhupada Image Decoding Bhakti Yoga as per nadi astrology in Acharya Srila Prabhupada birth chart
Now in Acharya’s chart, Jivakaraka Guru was placed in Simha Rashi/Leo sign along with its Lord Surya/Sun and Ketu, the planet of renunciation/Tyagakaraka or Mokshakaraka. So this chart has Jeevatma Moksha Yoga ie., Jiva + Atma + Moksha Yoga a powerful Yoga which is in Simha Rashi which is Dharma Tattwa Rashi. Also please note that both Guru/Jupiter and Ketu are in the Nakshatra of Makha ruled by Kethu itself showing HE was born to renounce the world. Here Ketu will enter the next house of Karka Rashi which is the exaltation sign of Guru which is also a Moksha Tattwa Rashi indicating it was HIS last birth.2nd to these planets are Budha exalted  ( being born in Budha Hora )with Shukra ( Neecha Bhanga ). This clearly indicates he had Vak Siddhi Yoga.He became a big preacher and also a praiser of Lord Krishna. Now see this combination is in Karma Tattwa and in the same direction, we find exalted Chandra/Moon with Kuja/Mars. Please note that HE was born on Tuesday and the Janma Nakshatra was Mrigashira which was again ruled by Kuja/Mars. So Kuja is powerful in His chart.
Jivakaraka Guru is with Surya who is in his own house. Surya is the Karaka for father.So Acharya’s father was also a highly religious person along with His mother as Chandra, the Karaka for Mother is exalted who was a worshipper of Lord Krishna. Karma Karaka Shani is exalted in 3rd house from Jiva Karaka Guru + Surya + Ketu.12th from Shani is occupied by exalted Budha with Shukra. So His Karma is related to religious preaching, singing bhajans & spiritual activities related to Lord Krishna. Shani’s placement in Tula Rashi which is a Kaama Rashi but the planet is Karma Tattwa based, so Acharya’s main aim/desire in HIS life was Karma related to religious preaching, writings in praise of Lord Krishna. As Guru + Surya + Ketu are in Simha Rashi, HE was a Vedic scholar, also the planets 2nd to these planets ie., Budha + Shukra + Chandra + Kuja have given HIM what is called as
Bhakti Yoga.
Prabhupada discusses sense gratification morning walk Decoding Bhakti Yoga as per nadi astrology in Acharya Srila Prabhupada birth chart
Buddha in 2nd to Jiva Karaka Guru who is exalted in Kanya Rashi gave Him good education related to finance/economics etc. Also, Rahu who is in 7th to Guru indicates Foreign, so Acharya learnt the English language also and became proficient in that language.
Now 7th sign of Zodiac is Thula Rashi and is occupied by exalted Shani, so 7th house got afflicted. Also its lord Shukra/Venus is debilitated in Kanya/Virgo Rashi. So even though He is married, His married life was not smooth. Even though Shukra/Venus is debilitated, it gets Neechabhanga due to association with exalted Budha.
Jivakaraka Guru transits every Rashi for one year, so it completes 12 years when it comes to the previous house of Jivakaraka Guru/Jupiter in the chart. So when Jivakaraka Guru in his 2nd round when transiting over 9th from Shukra/Venus where Chandra and Kuja are there ie., during his 22nd year, HIS marriage took place.In Nadi literature, Surya has Karakattwa for father as well as for son also. This is mainly due to father is responsible for the issues in his family.So in Acharya’s chart, Surya is in his own place of Simha Rashi/Leo sign which is the most powerful sign along with Guru, so He had 2 male children. But now you see the longitude of Surya. He is in Simha 17 Degs.2’.He is moving to next sign within a few days where he meets Shukra/Venus. So even though He had 2 male children nobody helped Him and they were away from Him.
For renunciation, Ketu is the most important. Now see in 1922, the transits were Guru, Shani and Rahu were in Kanya and Ketu in Meena Rashi activating the natal Ketu which aspects Kataka Rashi through its previous house aspect. Shani, the Karma Karaka has decided what to do with this gentleman. He met with His spiritual Guru during this time. ( All the dates are between August and October as September 1, 1896, is His date of birth.)But He took spiritual initiation in 1933. Please check the transit of planets as on September 1, 1933.
For any spiritual initiation, Ketu’s transit is very important. Please see that during the 2nd round of Rahu-Ketu’s transit, Ketu was transiting over natal Jivakaraka Guru, Surya and especially Ketu. Karma Karaka Shani was retrograde and was in Makara Rashi. So he has to be considered from Dhanu also. Now see the planetary patterns are changed. It is like this: Shani ( R ) + Ketu acting on natal Jivakaraka Guru + Surya, the Atma Karaka and Natal Moksha Karaka Ketu. Even though He has not taken Sanyas, his spiritual activities have started from this period onwards.
Bhakti yoga Decoding Bhakti Yoga as per nadi astrology in Acharya Srila Prabhupada birth chart
So all the spiritual activities, lectures related to Lord Krishna, Bhagavatham etc.started from this period along with publications. But during 1959 ( between August and September ), He took complete Sanyas. See the planetary patterns. Transit Guru was in Vrischika Rashi, Shani ( R ) was in Dhanu and Ketu was in Meena Rashi. So these planetary positions made Him take complete Sanyas.
In 1965, September, when transit Guru was in Mithuna Rashi, Shani ( R ) was in Kumbha Rashi, Rahu was in Vrishbha Rashi and Ketu was in Vrischika Rashi ( But his progressed Guru/Jivakaraka Guru was in Vrishabha Rashi -70th year ), He travelled to the USA as per His Guru’s directives and in 1966, ISKCON – International Krishna Consciousness was started by Him.
On November 14, 1977, His Atma attained Moksha. On that day, Rahu-Kala/Mrityu was transiting over Kanya Rashi respecting its previous house where natal Guru, Surya and Ketu are there. Transit Ketu was in Meena Rashi aspecting its previous house of Kumbha Rashi which is in trine to Tula Rashi where Natal Shani is there. Thus there was the end of Karma and end of Jiva and Atma attained Moksha. Please go through His Punya chart below.
This is my 1st Nadi article written on this auspicious day of Shri Krishna Janmashtami and is completely dedicated to HIM. Without HIM,I am nothing in this Universe.
                                                                             OM TAT SAT
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