Mystery of Past Life Astrology, Bhagavad Gita and decoding Cycle of Karma Part 3: Astrological case study of Past Life

Mystery of Past Life Astrology, Bhagavad Gita and decoding Cycle of Karma Part 3: Astrological case study of Past Life


Mystery of Past life Astrology_vedicsiddhanta


In Hindu philosophy, the concept of Past life astrology and reincarnation signifies the continuous cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, known as samsara which is directly and directly linked with the deep philosophy of Bhagavad Gita and the cycle of karma. The ultimate goal of this cycle is to achieve moksha, or liberation, freeing oneself from the limitations of physical existence and the consequences of karma. Moksha represents the end of suffering and the realization of one’s true self, which transcends physical form. Understanding this purpose is essential for those seeking spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Paths of Liberation or Moksha 

There are several paths outlined within the Vedic scriptures that individuals can pursue to attain moksha. These pathways include devotion (bhakti), knowledge (jnana), and disciplined practice (yoga). Each path offers unique ways to connect with the divine and foster self-awareness, ultimately leading to liberation from samsara. Devotion encourages a personal and emotional connection with God, enabling the transformation of the heart, while knowledge emphasises the understanding of the true nature of reality and self. Disciplined practice, often through meditation and ethical living, cultivates inner peace and helps individuals realise their spiritual potential.

The journey towards self-realisation is not merely about escaping the cycle of reincarnation; it involves deep inner transformation and alignment with dharma, which refers to one’s duty or righteousness. Dharma plays an integral role in determining the moral actions and choices that shape an individual’s life. By living in accordance with dharma, practitioners reinforce positive karmic patterns, facilitating their progression towards moksha. This adherence to one’s duty not only aids in the personal evolution of the self, but it also contributes to the harmony of the universe.

Ultimately, liberation from the cycle of reincarnation in Hinduism is a multifaceted journey that invites individuals to explore their spirituality from various angles. Through devotion, knowledge, and disciplined practice, seekers can uncover their true essence and establish a profound connection with the divine, paving the way towards moksha and spiritual enlightenment.

The Bhagavad Gita: Decoding Past Life Astrology, Karma Theory, and Reincarnation

sri krishna Mystery of Past Life Astrology, Bhagavad Gita and decoding Cycle of Karma Part 3: Astrological case study of Past Life

Let’s explore what our Divine scriptures says on past life mysteries and karmic issues?

Understanding Bhagavad gita : Reincarnation, Karma and the Past life Astrology clues ?

The Bhagavad-Gita serves as a primary source for acquiring foundational knowledge regarding the concept of Reincarnation, Karma and the Past life clues.

Soul, Karma and Bhagavad Gita 

In the second chapter, Bhagwan Shiri Krishna elucidates the process by which the soul transmigrates from one physical form to another in a logical, straightforward, and comprehensible manner. This fact does not rely on subjective belief but may be comprehended and accepted through logical reasoning. In order to comprehend the concept of reincarnation, it is essential to possess a clear grasp of the distinction between the physical body and the metaphysical essence sometimes referred to as the soul.

Below are the quotes from the Bhagavad Gita that elucidate the true meaning of the soul and reincarnations:

"That which pervades the entire body you should know to be indestructible. No one is able to destroy that imperishable soul. " (Bhagavad Gita 2.17)

"For the soul there is neither birth nor death at any time. He has not come into being, does not come into being, and will not come into being. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain." (Bhagavad Gita 2.20)

"The soul can never be cut to pieces by any weapon, nor burned by fire, nor moistened by water, nor withered by the wind.(Bhagavad Gita 2.23)

While the essence of the soul surpasses the boundaries of quantifiable material interactions, its existence can be apprehended through the utilization of the subsequent illustration. According to the text, the living being within the body, similar to the sun’s illumination of the universe, illuminates the entire body through consciousness.

Bhagavad Gita verse 13.34 
"O son of Bharata, as the sun alone illuminates all this universe, so does the living entity, one within the body, illuminate the entire body by consciousness." (Bhagavad Gita 13.34)

Meaning : 

There exist multiple ideas pertaining to the concept of consciousness. In the Bhagavad-gita, an analogy is presented to illustrate the relationship between the sun and its radiance. Similar to how the sun, despite being located in a fixed position, radiates light throughout the entire cosmos, the soul, a minute spiritual being, while placed within the heart of the physical body, illuminates the entirety of the body through consciousness.

Consequently, consciousness serves as evidence for the existence of the soul, analogous to how sunlight or light serves as evidence for the presence of the sun. The presence of the soul within the corporeal form engenders a state of awareness that permeates the entirety of the body. Conversely, upon the departure of the soul from the physical vessel, consciousness ceases to exist. This concept can be comprehended readily by individuals possessing a high level of cognitive ability.

Hence, it can be argued that awareness does not arise as a result of the amalgamation of material components. It represents a characteristic displayed by an organism. The consciousness of an individual, while sharing qualitative similarities with the ultimate consciousness, does not possess the same level of supremacy. This is due to the fact that the consciousness of a specific body is not interconnected with the consciousness of another body.

However, the supersoul, which is present within all bodies as a companion to the individual soul, possesses awareness of all bodies. The distinction lies in the contrast between ultimate consciousness and individual consciousness. (Purport, Srila Prabhupada) 

Reincarnation is a phenomenon characterized by the continuous transmigration of the soul into different corporeal forms. However, within Western cultural contexts, the term reincarnation predominantly denotes the ultimate transition of the soul into a novel physical vessel.

(As explained above in the Bhagavata Gita chapter 2nd, about deeper secrets of reincarnations and past life connections with our current well-being.) 

Bhagavad gita Reincarnation, Chapter 8th 

To understand in a better way, lets understand furthermore on its deep meaning from the bhagavata Gita chapter 8th, 6th verse on incarnations :

In the Eighth Chapter Sixth Verse Lord Krishna says:

yaṁ yaṁ vāpi smaran bhāvaṁ
tyajaty ante kalevaram
taṁ tam evaiti kaunteya
sadā tad-bhāva-bhāvitaḥ
“Whatever state of being one remembers when he quits his body, that state he will attain without fail “
Explanation  given by Prabhupada : 
“This quote explains the mechanism through which a person’s nature can shift at the crucial moment right before they die. How is it that one can pass away with their mind in the right place? Because Maharja Bharata was thinking about a deer at the time of his death, he was reincarnated as a deer when he passed away. However, even as a deer, Maharja Bharata was able to remember the things he had done in the past. Naturally, the effect that one’s thoughts and deeds have had on one another over the course of their life will have an influence on their thinking at the time of their death; hence, one’s acts in this life will decide their future state of being. If one becomes transcendentally engaged in Ka’s service, then his next body will not be physical but rather transcendental (spiritual). Therefore, reciting the mantra Hare Ka is the most effective method for bringing about a change in one’s state of being that will result in transcendental life.
( As explained by Srila Prabhupada  in ) 

Hence we can conclude that, From the profound words shared above, we gain insight into the clear interconnection between our past experiences and our present existence, manifested as karmic imprints. This understanding serves as the foundation for comprehending the profound wisdom encapsulated in the quote about the soul and the body, as elucidated in Chapter 2 of the esteemed Bhagawad Gita.

Lord Sri Krishna said in ‘The Bhagavad Gita’,

" vasamsi jirnani yatha vihaya navani grhnati naro 
'paranitatha sarirani vihaya jirnany anyani samyati navani dehi "

Meaning :

As a man throws away worn-out clothes and replaces them with new ones, so the dweller in the body throws away worn-out bodies and enters into others that are new.” Additionally, he has been quoted as saying, “The sins we committed in our previous lives come back to haunt us in the form of illnesses or ailments.”

Explanation Given By Yogananda in the above Verse :

Lord Shiri Krishna preaching to Arjuna in Chapter 2 | Samkhya Yoga | Verse 22

Whenever there is a need to do so, we remove our worn and/or soiled clothing and replace it with fresh and/or unworn clothing as we go about our everyday lives. In a same manner, the soul, also known as the atman, will eventually shed its old, worn-out physical body and move into a more recent physical body at predetermined intervals during the course of time. The state of our physical body, which degrades with the passage of time and is therefore ephemeral, does not accurately represent the actually unchanging and permanent nature of the soul that sits within it. This is true in the same way that the clothing that we wear do not accurately represent the real state of our physical body.
The eternal does not travel from one location to another, but the soul that is embodied does so, going from one body to another. Each time, it gives birth to itself and builds a mind, a life, and a body for itself out of the components of nature, in accordance with its previous evolution and the requirements it will have in the years to come. The vijnana is the psychic being, and it is responsible for sustaining the threefold manifestation of body, life, and mind. When the gross physical body is no longer present, the vital and mental sheaths will still be present to serve as the vehicle for the soul. The cycle of life always begins again. There is a literal link that can be drawn between all of the many types of life. “A mortal matures like corn, and like corn, he is reborn over and over again.

(Katha Upanisad, Ch 1, verse 6).

This passage makes reference to the concept of rebirth, which is central to the Hindu religious tradition. In this passage, death is analogized to the process of replacing an old, worn-out clothing with a brand-new one. When a disease takes hold of the body and it reaches old age, the immortal soul abandons the body in favour of a new form. Simply put, death is nothing more than an alteration of one’s appearance inside the unbroken flow of eternity.

(The Bhagavad Gita Vol I, Parmahansa Yoganada, p. 218)

Soul strength, Death, and Reincarnation

Lord Shiri Krishna preaching to Arjuna in Chapter 2 | Samkhya Yoga | Verse 23

नैनं छिन्दन्ति शस्त्राणि नैनं दहति पावकः।न चैनं क्लेदयन्त्यापो न शोषयति मारुतः।।
Shaloka 23, chapter 2 Explanation:

The so-called atman ( Soul ) is immune to harm from weapons, and due to the fact that it lacks both form and shape, it is not possible for any tool to sever it into smaller parts. In the same way, fire is unable to cause it to burn or be destroyed. Because it can only operate on things that have a physical description or dimension, water is unable to wet it. Water can only act on things that have a physical description or dimension. Wind is unable to either dry it out or apply any kind of force on it for the same reason. Therefore, the atman is immune to the effects of the three fundamental forces—fire, water, and wind—any of which are able to have an impact on entities that have a physical form and can be described.

अच्छेद्योऽयमदाह्योऽयमक्लेद्योऽशोष्य ऐव च।नित्यः सर्वगतः स्थाणुरचलोऽयं सनातनः।।
Shaloka 24, chapter 2 Explanation:

The atman, dear seeker, is impervious to the forces of cutting, burning, decay, and drying out. The five forces of nature, known for their immense power to dismantle physical elements through their synergistic actions, hold no sway over the aatman. It is often called nitya, for it embodies the essence of permanence and unchangeability. The state of permanence bestows upon it the profound abilities of omnipresence, omniscience, and unwavering stability. Behold the profound essence of stability that permeates this very existence, for it is this unwavering quality that bestows upon it the divine attribute of immovability. The eternal self, known as the aatman, is aptly hailed as Sanatana, a term synonymous with the ancient and timeless path of Hinduism, also known as Sanatana dharma. Ah, dear seeker of wisdom, allow me to enlighten you on the profound meaning of Sanatana. It is a sacred term that embodies the essence of existence itself, for it signifies that which transcends the boundaries of creation and destruction, existing eternally in the realm of time immemorial.

तस्मादेवं विदित्वैनं नानुशोचितुमहर्सि।।

Shaloka 25, chapter 2 Explanation: 
The essence of the atman eludes mere comprehension and transcendence through the limited faculties of the cerebral realm. Therefore, it is recognised as ‘avyakta’ or indescribable – that which transcends the limitations of language and cannot be captured in mere words. The essence of ‘achintya’ lies beyond the realm of mere meditation or contemplation (‘chintan’). In the realm of ‘chintan’, true understanding is reserved solely for those entities that are within the grasp of our five senses.
जातस्य हि ध्रुवो मृत्युर्ध्रुवं जन्म मृतस्य च।तस्मादपरिहार्येऽर्थे न त्वं शोचितुमहर्सि।।Shaloka 27, chapter 2 Explanation:
For one who has taken birth, death is certain and for one who has died, birth is certain. Therefore in an inevitable situation, understanding should prevail.

Conclusion :

The reiteration of life’s cycles is made abundantly plain in this final lyric. Both birth and death are inevitable parts of the human experience. In the autumn, the leaves become vibrant shades of red, yellow, and orange before falling to the ground and going dormant until the following year.

This cycle repeats itself every year, beginning with the growth of new buds in the spring, which then develop into flowers and leaves in the summer. Finally, in the autumn, the leaves turn fiery colours such as red, yellow, and orange before falling to the ground. In a similar manner, the soul joins new bodies during its stages of childhood, adolescence, maturity, and old age.

At the conclusion of its cycle of life, the soul is reborn and accepts a new body to use for the next phase of its existence. This is an unavoidable process that occurs throughout material existence; it is also the mechanism that determines the natural order of birth and death. This reality is perfectly followed by every entity that has ever been in the material manifestation.

This makes it abundantly evident what is carried over from life to life by the soul: Karama and the memory of how it was connected in each and every birth, regardless of whether the soul lives through another cycle on the material plane or not. This is another evidence that the soul is immortal and that it is always connected to the actions that it performs. It is possible to solve its riddle with the assistance of reincarnation and the process of rebirth, and it is the primary driving force behind the previous birth.

After gaining an understanding of the spiritual realm of past life karma, the soul journey, and reincarnation, I am now going to explain the events of the past life of a native in a narrative story and cast study form to imagine and fantasize the beauty of both Astrology and this case study . These events will be known from acquaintances who have gone through the trauma of prior lives’ worth of karmic issues, and this study will focus on that particular individual.

This native went through the process of past life regression (PLR) in order to get over the traumatic experience and recognize a profound connection with a previous life in order to find a solution to these birth-life troubles. PLR helps natives find answers to problems that have been plaguing them since birth.

Exploring Past Life Karma: An Astrological Case Study


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Have you ever wondered how your past lives influence your current existence? In vedic astrology, the concept of past life karma delves into the deeds and experiences from previous incarnations that shape our present fate. By analyzing one’s astrological chart, we can uncover clues about unresolved karmic lessons that echo through time.

Reincarnation is the belief that can help us to understand how our souls experience multiple lives, allowing us to learn and grow. Each life presents unique challenges that help us evolve spiritually. Using astrological insights, we can identify which past life events may be affecting our current karma. Understanding the connections between these lives can provide clarity and guidance, making the journey of self-discovery that much richer.

The Saturn, Mysterious Shani Sadesati and Karmic Remedies : Therapeutic Guide of Saturn – Part 2

Case Study: Unravelling Past Life Events


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Let’s explore a hypothetical case study where an individual seeks to understand their relationship with fear. By analysing their natal chart, we find prominent placements that suggest anxiety stemming from a past life where they faced turmoil. This astrological reading brings to light significant past life events, indicating lessons of courage and overcoming adversity. This connection not only offers insight into present challenges but also reveals a roadmap for healing.

Astrological case studies are invaluable learning tools, allowing us to connect dots between our past lives and present experiences. As we embrace our journey through past life karma, we empower ourselves to break free from limiting patterns and grow into the best versions of ourselves.

Understanding Native Mystery of Past Life events ?

Lets try to decode How past life regression is related to the past life astrology in the coming sections  ?


Case Study: Beginning of Situation and Problems: Deep Rooted Past Karmic Results of Native as Explained Astrologically:

rr Mystery of Past Life Astrology, Bhagavad Gita and decoding Cycle of Karma Part 3: Astrological case study of Past Life

How to Know about Past Life ?

Presented here is an authentic case study involving an individual personally acquainted with the author, whose personal name will remain undisclosed. The individual in question underwent past-life regression therapy in response to the occurrence of unforeseen painful circumstances subsequent to their marriage during the years 2008-2009.

The present inquiry pertains to the causal factors underlying the sequence of events subsequent to the act of matrimony.

Beginning of Native Life experiences : Exploring Past life

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In the early stages of his life and trajectory, an individual embarked upon a career in the Merchant Navy. The individual embarked on a journey that spanned numerous nations, allowing for the exploration of various locales, encounters with diverse individuals, and exposure to a multitude of cultures and traditions.
Additionally, they had the opportunity to sojourn in numerous hotels and opulent establishments, indulging in various luxuries and living a life of regal splendour, thereby deriving immense satisfaction from their experiences.
However, one must inquire as to why he had significant hardships in the latter stages of his life, particularly following his marriage, while possessing the aforementioned attribute. The intensity of anguish and the strain on the individual’s psyche has been so overwhelming that they have thus far been incapable of effectively managing or enduring it.
Let us commence the process of deciphering the information gradually, based on the events and occurrences that were conveyed to me in a native manner.
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Early Native Early Life experiences  (the years 2002 to 2008)

Native was a student who performed about average in his classes, but he had an excellent and sharp memory that enabled him to solve difficult puzzles and technical scenarios in any live sailing with his presence of mind. During the course of his professional journeys as a Marchant Navy Sailor, that native explained to me that he has to experience many difficult life-threatening challenges during difficult and critical situations when it was a matter of life and death in front of native decision-making.

Life started taking a sudden bend after the start of Mars Mahadasha in 2002, native left his studies in the middle of their completion and joined the Merchant Navy, where he started his journey through the oceans and visited many countries for his professional pursuits.

Everything was going well after 2002 onward (after the beginning of his mars dasha), long journeys travelling and comfortable life ( that one can see via the exchange of  7th and 10th lord , moon & Mars  and both are in moveable signs )but suddenly there was a major shift or change in his destiny and there was a triggered change in his life.

It was the time of Prarbadha—karma of the past life—came into the picture in native life when the native marriage ceremony got fixed on September 10, 2008. Soon after the month, problems started cropping up in their marriage life; day-to-day issues started triggering, and there were tones of heated arguments that started getting ignited like a fiery flame in their marriage life, which even led to physical violence and abuse between the couples.

Before the marriage instance happened to take place, I was planning to leave my hometown for New Delhi to join my new office in the first month of October 2008. Before leaving, I had clearly warned the native about his upcoming marriage life events, saying that he needs to be cautious in his marriage as it can be very fatal for him and it can take the shape of a war zone like Mahabharata between two families after October 2008 to December 2008, and maybe the situation can become worse soon after, which can lead to legal separation and harassment from police or government authorities.

My calculations and observations lead me to believe that both partners may have already parted ways prior to the start of 2009, and that they have not gotten back together to form a family unit since that time. After walking away from the relationship in the middle of its course, the native may be able to resume his life as a sailor sometime after February 2009; however, the likelihood of this happening is so remote that the native may never return to his home country to pursue the resumption of his marriage.

At that time, Native expressed his appreciation for all of my guidance and suggestions, and he gave me his word that he would adhere to all of my recommendations with complete commitment. I advised him that he should make every effort to steer clear of situations that have the potential to make his married life a shambles in the future.

The Destiny Point of Past Life : The Point when Prarbadha Karama Triggered

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But fate is fate, and Prabhadha Karama fulfilled its function in the lives of the natives. A major argument that broke out between two different couples in the month of October in the year 2008 was the spark that started a dispute that grew like a ferocious snake and ultimately resulted in both physical and verbal abuse between the different couples.

It was like a daily routine for both of them, and there was no hope seen between them, which might have been when it could stop. The entire family went through trauma as a result of the ongoing physical violence and abuse that was taking place between the couples. The verbal and physical altercations could not be avoided or stopped in any way. There was never a moment in time when harmony prevailed among the members of the family.

After Marriage: The Experience of Prarabhda Karma, or “The Reaping of the Fruits”

The family lives of both couples were severely disrupted up until December 2008, but on the first day of February 2009, the situation between them reached a new level of insanity and took on a more serious form. It was very difficult for the native to avoid experiencing such mental anguish while still married, so he made the difficult decision to leave his spouse and move on to join the ship in order to put an end to all of the suffering he had been going through in the middle of his life.

Date of Occurrence: Karma Was Activated

The prophecy was fulfilled:Because of all the frustrations and suffering that were triggered in Native’s marriage life shortly after the ceremony, he made the decision to leave his spouse and join Ship in the middle of his journey in February 2009 so that he could continue on with his journey. However, time has determined another aspect of native life, and that is the ultimate fate of both of the couples who are still to come. After deserting the spouse in the middle of the act, it was now time to endure suffering for the indigenous family as well.

As a means of exacting revenge on the native family and his conduct towards her husband, the native spouse came to the conclusion that she would, with the assistance of his brother, bring a legal action against the entire family, accusing them of dowry abuse and physical violence. Within a few days, the police took action against the native family, and they began harassing the family members one at a time as if they had a personal grudge against them. This harassment extended to my closest friend, who was the younger brother of the native and had no part in the relationship mess.

What do we call it when we have a more in-depth understanding of it?

What was the error that he made?

Even though he had nothing to do with creating the mess, he was still made to endure all of this suffering and dishonor.

Is this not the result of his previous karmas or the deeds he committed in a previous life?

Think about it in great detail.

The process of torturing a native family by members of the police department continued to escalate on a daily basis, leaving the entire family in a state of great trauma and shock. In the meantime, a court case was opened against members of the family, and the issues flared up like a blazing spark.

There was no way to comprehend the predicament or identify the nature of the events that were taking place to them. The members of the family were all in a state of shock, and there was no information or course of action that they could take for themselves at this point.

My friend would frequently come to me with questions such as, “Why did everything start going wrong all of a sudden, and they had no choices left for them?

“What would be the deepest reason to think further about it, why, and how everything was happening with them without their fault?”, and

“What would be the deepest reason to think further about it, why, and how everything was happening with them without their fault?”

While the members of the family were going through the tormenting phase as a result of the spouse’s personal matter of revenge and unethical behaviour towards them, the police department further began doing their extra-threatening work in order to create a situation or environment of fear among the whole family.

This was accomplished with the assistance of an extra push given by the spouse’s elder brother, who was also an on-duty senior police officer but was posted in some other location. Native professional life had reached a point where there was no way forward while family members were preoccupied with the court case and police actions. Because the visa was going to be revoked in a matter of weeks, the native was required to renew it at any cost in order to continue working in the country.

But what exactly is it about his life that is a secret ?

Absolutely no one can be aware of it !

The native felt as though everything in his life was caught in the middle, with no way to move forward, and he was in a condition in which he had no choice left to do anything with the assistance of members in authority; it more closely resembled a situation in which he had nothing in hand.

The New Phase of Life, Unfolding Past life Astrology : Beginning of Rahu Dasha in 2009


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Finally, with the beginning of the first phase (Rahu PD) in Rahu Mahadasha approximately in December 2009, the native was forced to leave his ship because he was unsuccessful in renewing the visa and passport in time due to some financial and unknown reasons (Rahu in the Bhadhak Sthan in the 11th house conjoined with 5th Lord Saturn and 3rd Lord Jupiter).

He decided further that he should move back to India for some relief and take help from his brother for some Once more, the hand of fate was at work not long after the event described above. Because the native was absent from all of the court hearings for an entire year, the case took on a very dangerous tone during that time. This was due to the fact that the native was not present for any of the hearings during that time.

The court reached a decision and declared him a fugitive; as a result, he will be required to serve a sentence or make an appearance in court for further clarification and penalties whenever and wherever he will be seen or found in India.

The native was once again thrown into a state of shock as a result of the decision made by the court. In the deep dilemmas of his life, where one must think deeply and he is left with no clue in his hand, it was more like a state of zero, and every corner was seen as the dark side of life. In this situation, one has no other choice but to think about what to do next, where to go, and how to proceed in life in a better way.

Native made the decision to remain on the opposite side of India, and he began living with the sister of his cousin. He also frequently used to live with his friend. The native’s primary preoccupation was finding a way to secure both his professional and financial futures, as he was actively seeking out a variety of employment opportunities that he was qualified for.

During this time, Native made the decision to renew his passport and visa in India; however, once again, the dots of his destiny and Prarabdha played their roles, and he ended up losing his passport in a sense; no one is sure where he left it all. It was yet another setback and a startling realisation for him at that moment. Because of this, he was completely perplexed about what action to take next.

Native was trying very hard to approach some of his friends for assistance, for the purpose of obtaining any links or clues to get settled in India; however, his friends’ behaviour was a bit unusual and different towards him, and Native felt cheated from his inner core by those whom once looked very needy to get jobs in the Merchant Navy sector;

Native had always forwarded his hands in their hard times and given them as much as helping hands, like when you feel like an angel appears suddenly in a situation in which you are struggling; But in this scenario, things were a little bit different; friends were more likely to appear to be enemies, or it can be said that they were acting like devils in darkness, appearing as though they were wearing a devil advocate coat with a friendly face. They did not offer any assistance to him and flatly refused to do so, acting in accordance with the double standard that is typically upheld by society in times of crisis.

In the meantime, when I returned to my hometown after being away for a few months, my native brother approached me and continued to contact me in order to explain his entire mystery, which was the story of various traumas and shocks that had occurred to members of their family.


After hearing what he had to say, I made the decision to offer him some Vedic suggestions, and I advised the native to adhere to all of these suggestions with the utmost diligence in order to reach Lord Shiva.

After using the remedies for a number of months, his entire outlook and perception of living life like a king shifted into the path of severe spiritualism, and he experienced a significant personal transformation as a result.

Failures and self-desires brought about significant growth in him. native began practising intense worship of Lord Shiva, which resulted in a complete transformation of his subconscious mind and bestowed upon him a refocused perspective on his life, including his finances, his family, his wealth, and his relationships. That moment (the activation of the Atma Karka Graha) served as the turning point in his life for self-awareness.


The beginning of Accumulated Karamas – The Sanchit Karama ( Good deeds- The Fruits of Life)

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Now, here is the picture of a native good Sanchit Karama who, for some reason, was able to make a new passport and got a new job in another country, but in the marketing and sales sector of that country. After many months and years of hard work, he was happy to receive this new surprise in his life. Despite the fact that he did not choose his work, he was happy to receive it.

Native was bringing in lakhs every month thanks to his work in the Merchant Navy. Here, Native started his career path again, but this time from the ground up, and began earning thousands of dollars so that he could begin his new life with a newfound sense of hope. In the meantime, the legal proceeding was also taking place in India, and the brother was managing it in some way with a good strategy. On numerous occasions, natives have inquired as to why everything is taking place to him and his family, including his personal and professional lives, and what caused it to take place.

My response has been the same from the beginning: there has been no change in it; it is all due to the Prarabdha Karama of the previous life that one must suffer either in this birth or possibly in the next birth. In any event, one is required to use up all of their karma. In addition to this, it is recommended that natives go through the process of past-life regression therapy with knowledgeable spiritual masters who are working in their profession with integrity. In accordance with the recommendation, Native participated in a session of past-life regression therapy in New Delhi with a knowledgeable master.

It was more like a ray of hope to resolve his case now that things were clearer to me after studying the process of the native’s past life regression therapy. Just as we see a bright light emerging out of the dark and dense clouds, this was like a ray of hope to resolve his case. The findings have a profound impact on me, and it is extremely challenging for me to accept them as true and make sense of them.

Later, when I tried to evaluate the same with a native horoscope, I was feeling quite amazed and surprised by the brilliance of the astrological principles, and the results gave me the assurance and authenticity of the sutras—how the Nadi Jyotish and Jamini Sutra concepts are so precious and accurate, and how well they are explaining the whole process of past birth karmas.

I was feeling quite amazed and surprised by the brilliance of the astrological principles. Once more, Shows, After analysing the entire situation of the chart, I discovered that our sages were never wrong in any of their theories or sutras for explaining its essence. This is something that I learned, and after doing so, I am now pretty sure about both the fact that it is true and how brilliantly Vedic astrology will be at that time.


The native Karmic life difficulties that I looked into in Parts 1, 2, and 3 as well as events from native life have now been revealed to you. I have finally supplied all of the information that is necessary for you to comprehend native Karmic life concerns. In the fourth section, we will study the fundamentals of Jamini, Nadi, and Vedic astrological principles, as well as the ways in which we might be able to identify the date of these events. In addition, we will go deeper into the concept of past life regression and its connection to the field of astrology that focusses on former lives.
For the purpose of strengthening people’s spiritual consciousness and understanding the deeper links between unresolved mysteries and the karmic difficulties of life, which can be difficult to believe in and find solutions for, it is important to maintain connections, never stop learning, and never discontinue sharing. By consulting the Bhagavad Gita, engaging in the practice of past life astrology, and engaging in the practice of past life regression, individuals might get a more thorough understanding of the fundamental mysteries that are associated with life.
It may be challenging to believe and digest these ideas in the context of modern life; but, after folks have studied and comprehended them with an open mind, they are able to comprehend the true significance of what they are expressing. The purpose of this post is to hopefully shed light on some of the most fundamental cosmic secrets that life has to offer.

References, Sources, and links:

[1]. Past Lives & Future Lives | History of Past-Life-Understanding & Therapy | Source –
[2]. Regression | Source -
[3]. Reincarnation: Who were you in past life? By Pallavi Tyagi | Source –
[4]. All about Hinduism by sri swami sivananda and Yoga Sutra Patanajali | Source
[5]. Wikipedia and other Web resources.
[6]. Jamini Sutras by Sanjay Rath.
[7]. Saptarishis Research Group Discussion facts.
[8]. Based on the facts of Yogi Swami Sivananda ji.
[9]. Based on the facts of Avdhoot Baba Shivanand ji | Source –
[10]. Bhagwad Geeta, Samkhya Yoga, Chapter -2, verse -22 | Source –
[11]. Insights in Nadis: By A.V Sundram Sir | Theory of Karama, Page 28 to 42.
[12]. Samyama Samyama is defined in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali verses 3.1 through 3.6 as follows where the Sanskrit in Devanagari and IAST were sourced from Little and the English from Iyengar (1993: pp. 178–183). | Link –
[13]. Karma and reincarnation | Source –
[14]. Past life Regression – Link –
[15]. Chapter 17-Reincarnation :
[16]. Srimad Bhagavad-Gita and Reincarnation :
[17]. Prabhupadabooks :
pin Mystery of Past Life Astrology, Bhagavad Gita and decoding Cycle of Karma Part 3: Astrological case study of Past Life

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Understanding Mystery of Past Life Astrology, Past Life Regression and decoding Past Life Journey : Astrological case study of Past Life – Part 2

Understanding Mystery of Past Life Astrology, Past Life Regression and decoding Past Life Journey : Astrological case study of Past Life – Part 2


Mystery of Past Life Astrology


In the 2nd Part of Mystery of Past Life Astrology Article series, we will dive deeper in the ocean of Vedic philosophy connected with past life, reincarnations, past life regression, Upanishads, and we will decode sutras of past life along with understanding the astrological case study of the native to go deeper to understand more hidden insights on the past life, i.e., what are the major indicators required to study past life astrology that we will cover in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th parts of this series, and we will also let you know what will be the astrological tools we will use to decode the mystery of the native past life journey in the following sections.

For example, we will employ methods of past life regression, study sutras from Jamini Sutras, Nadi Astrology, classical astrological sutras from Phaladeepika, Brihat Jataka, and other vedic astrology systems, and apply these principles to decode and comprehend past life issues.

Firstly, we must comprehend the ways in which Past life regression, Prati Prasav Sadhna/Medtation, Bhagawd Geeta, and Upanishads can aid us in understanding how reincarnations, past lives, and astrology can shed light on the deeper issues in our lives. First, let’s explore the concept of past life regression (PLR) in the next section.

Why is it important to comprehend past life issues, traumas, and karmic blockages? Reason being, In Vedic traditions, it is believed that these karmic influences manifest in the astrological chart, specifically through the positions of planets at the time of a person’s birth. Each planet governs specific traits, challenges, and lessons, allowing astrologers to interpret the deep-seated influences that stem from past lives. For instance, a difficult relationship with a particular family member might correlate with unresolved issues from previous lifetimes, as revealed through careful analysis of the natal chart.

Furthermore, certain planetary combinations can indicate a strong connection to past life experiences. In Vedic astrology, the placement of the Nodes of the Moon—Rahu and Ketu—holds particular importance. Rahu represents unfulfilled desires and challenges that originate from past deeds, while Ketu signifies spiritual growth and the lessons one must learn to overcome karmic debts. Astrologers often analyze these elements to offer insight into the underlying motivations and fears that individuals encounter in their current lives.

Through Vedic astrology, understanding past life influences serves as a tool for self-reflection and growth. By recognising and embracing the karmic ties that guide their behaviour and choices, individuals can strive towards personal development. The nuanced interpretations provided by this ancient practice encourage a deeper comprehension of one’s life journey, illuminating the intricate tapestry woven by previous existences.

Readers can read Part -1st from the given link :

Mystery of Past Life Astrology and Past Life Regression decoded -Part 1: Astrological case study of Past Life

Mystery of Past Life Astrology and Past Life Regression decoded -Part 1: Astrological case study of Past Life

What is Past Life Regression ?

Past-life Regression is another powerful tool for exploring your past lives and with the help of Past life astrology we can able to know the root cause of past lives issues. It is a therapeutic technique that allows you to access memories and experiences from your previous incarnations. Through deep relaxation and guided visualization, a trained past-life regression therapist can help you tap into your subconscious mind and retrieve past-life memories.

During a past-life regression session, you may find yourself reliving specific scenes, emotions, or even physical sensations from a different time and place. These experiences can provide valuable insights into your past life relationships, unresolved traumas, and the lessons you are meant to learn in this lifetime.

Benefits of Past Life regression 

Exploring your past lives can have a profound impact on your personal growth and spiritual development. Here are some of the benefits:

  • Healing unresolved issues: Past life regression can help you uncover and heal unresolved traumas and wounds from your past lives. By addressing these issues at their root, you can release emotional baggage and experience deep healing.
  • Understanding current life patterns: By gaining insight into your past life experiences, you can identify patterns and themes that may be influencing your current life. This awareness can empower you to make conscious choices and break free from repetitive cycles.
  • Strengthening relationships: Past life astrology can shed light on the dynamics and connections between you and the important people in your life. Understanding the karmic lessons and agreements you have with others can help you navigate your relationships with compassion and wisdom.

Embarking on a journey to explore past-life astrology and regression can be a transformative and enlightening experience. Whether you choose to consult with a past-life astrologer or undergo past-life regression therapy, remember that the true purpose of these practices is to deepen your understanding of yourself and facilitate your personal growth.

By delving into the depths of your past lives, you can gain valuable insights, heal unresolved issues, and make conscious choices that align with your soul’s purpose. Embrace the mysteries of your past lives, and let them guide you on your journey of self-discovery and spiritual evolution.

Regression in Vedic Astrology 

The Natal Astrological System provides us with insights into the soul regression process and the karmas associated with it. For instance, the placement of Jupiter in the birth chart significantly influences soul reincarnations. This regression process aids in pinpointing the underlying karmas that are causing our current life’s suffering. We can also trace back the placement of Jupiter, Saturn, and Rahu/Ketu to understand all the past life issues that are causing soul sufferings in the current life. In the next part of this series, we will delve deeper into the example charts.

What is Prati Prasav Sadhana/Meditation in Patanjali Yog Sutra  ?


Past Life Astrology_Prati_prasav_Sadhna_Patanajali

Who is Patanjali Maharishi ?  

Patanjali Maharshi, an ancient Indian guru/seer, is credited with having conducted considerable research on the concept of regressing to previous lives. Patanjali Maharishi, the author of the Yoga Sutras, referred to this process of regressing to a previous existence as “Prati-Prasav.”, The process of reabsorbing the cause is what this refers to. This entails tracing the effect all the way back to its origin, often known as the involution process.

What is Prati Prasav Meditation/Sadhana ?

Prasav is the name given to the day that a kid is born. When you perform Prati-Prasav, you go back to the moment of your birth and relive the traumatic events that occurred at that time. This is what it means to be “born again in memory.”

As per Patanjali Yog Sutra, chapter, Quote 10 & 11, 
॥ ते प्रतिप्रसवहेयाः सूक्ष्माः पदच्छेद: ते , प्रतिप्रसव , हेयाः , सूक्ष्माः॥

Meaning : 
The subtle klesas are to be conquered by resolving them into their causal state.


Explanation on Prati Prasav Sadhna 

We are able to eliminate these impediments by resolving them back into their fundamental cause, which we refer to as kelasa or vikaras. This can be accomplished by returning to a spiritual state of meditation. It is possible for the mind to triumph over the subtle kinds of suffering (klesas), which are also referred to as subconscious sensations, when it returns to its initial, unadulterated state. Pratiprasava or state of meditation is literally translated as “return to its original state,” “resolving back into their cause,” “return to the original state,” “disassociation from the creation process,” “counter-order,” “inverse propagation,” “resolving to a more elementary form,” and “withdrawal from manifestation.”

How Prati-Prasav Sadhna will help in Mystery of Past Life Astrology studies ?


Prati Prasav Sadhna vedicsiddhanta Understanding Mystery of Past Life Astrology, Past Life Regression and decoding Past Life Journey : Astrological case study of Past Life - Part 2


What is Patanjali Yoga Sutras ?

The Patanjali Yoga Sutras, considered one of the major yoga texts, present a scientific view of yoga and helps to understand Prati Prasav meditation. Around 2000 years ago, Patanjali wrote this treatise, providing a systematic explanation of the yoga system. Patanjali developed a holistic system by combining yoga’s approach with the North Indian philosophical tradition. This system not only promotes physical health but also helps in mental and spiritual development.

Rules of Patanjali Yoga Sutras

The Patanjali Yoga Sutras comprise 195 sutras, segmented into eight parts. These eight limbs are Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi. Each organ has a special significance and acts as a complement to the other. Yama and Niyama ensure moral discipline, while asana and pranayama are essential for physical health. Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi can achieve mental peace and stability in meditation.

Patanjali has presented yoga as a systematic system that helps the soul and mind develop. Through these sutras, the seeker discovers his true self and moves out of the trance towards self-knowledge. Thus, the Patanjali Yoga Sutras are considered not just a pedagogy but a path of profound study and development of the soul. This knowledge plays an important role in making a person live a balanced and healthy life even in the present times.

Prati-Prasav Sadhna or Past life Regression 

Concept of Prati Prasav  Sadhana is a spiritual and psychological practice aimed at rekindling the memories of past lives. The Indian Yoga and Vedanta traditions, where one experiences the immortality of the soul and its various births, particularly inspire this sadhana. This sadhana helps the devotees to know the familiarity and experiences of their past lives, allowing them to better understand their present situation.

Yogic Techniques in Prati Prasav Sadhnas

This sadhana involves the use of yogic techniques such as meditation, pranayama, and vision control. Through these techniques, the seeker can penetrate deeply into his mental and emotional realms. This sadhana often poignantly reveals the inner journey of the individual, in which they improve their physical, mental, and spiritual health. Seekers believe that this practice not only helps them know the essence of their soul, but also increases their understanding of various aspects of life.

Hypnosis in Past life Regression

Fundamentally, past life regression is based on the theory that unsolved problems or traumas from former life may surface in the present and influence a person’s psychological and emotional state. Accessing these previous events helps practitioners find insights that might support personal development and healing. Usually involving guided imagery or hypnosis, the technique helps one to establish a closer relationship to the subconscious mind where these prior memories could be found. Native may relate rich memories of their prior life, which can highlight ideas or behaviors influencing their present decisions.

Benefits of Prati Prasav Sadhna or Past Life regression 

The benefits of perinatal sadhana include mental peace, self-awareness, and the development of a sense of duty. This sadhana gives the seeker the ability to analyse their thoughts, feelings, and actions, allowing them to make positive changes in their lives. Aside from that, this sadhana also helps the person identify the purpose of their life, which makes their life journey even more meaningful.

Thus, Prati Prasthan Sadhana paves the way for prosperity at the physical, mental, and spiritual levels.

Impact of Past Lives Memories in Current life ?

dreamstime xl 40180137 e1421436347397 Understanding Mystery of Past Life Astrology, Past Life Regression and decoding Past Life Journey : Astrological case study of Past Life - Part 2

The significance and impact of memories of past lives are widely discussed. Memories of past lives are an important topic because they play a profound role not only in yoga and self-knowledge, but also in mental health and personal development. These memories connect us to our past and occasionally aid in comprehending our current thoughts, emotions, and behavioral patterns.

This allows us to recognize hidden mental blocks and conflicts that we may not have been able to experience before. Therefore, the importance of these memories lies not only in concentrating but also in moving towards self-realization.

What are Memories and how can i know my past life in Astrology ?

When we start exploring the memories of our past lives, it becomes a medium to expand our thinking process. A person’s thinking changes when he understands his past experiences. That’s why many therapists and yoga instructors use these memories to help people improve their mental health. This allows the person to recognize their emotional patterns and take steps towards turning them in a positive direction.

Astrological Explanation on Past life Memories

In Astrological systems Past life memories are connected withe ones moon placements, signs and the Nakshatra position . Why Moon, because moon shows one about Sub-conscious mind, memories, traumas, past life experiences, Skills,  and  past life samskaras one carry forwarded from all the soul journey and it also shows super conscious experiences soul has gone through it. Whereas Rahu and Ketu shows everything about past life experiences whether they are good or bad and how it will impact in the current world. 

Along with that there is a prime importance of the 8th house/8th lord and 12th house /12th lord role in understanding past life experiences in the form of memories. 

Acknowledging and understanding the memories of the past life not only enhances self-development, but it also gives a new direction to the person in his life journey. Therefore, it is necessary that we pay attention to our past life experiences. It is not only a source of knowledge but also helps in the process of self-realization, mental health, and personal growth. Thus, memories of past lives are not just stories of the past, but an important means of guiding the present.

Practicing Prati Prasav Sadhna or going back into the past lives

Prati Prasav Sadhana is an intense and dedication-seeking process that benefits physical, mental, and spiritual health. To perform this sadhana correctly, it is necessary to pay attention to some important methods and tips. First of all, the seekers should choose a calm and orderly place where they can perform their sadhana without any disturbance. This place will provide them with mental stability and help to improve their sadhana experience.

After this, it is important to meditate for a few minutes at the beginning of the sadhana. During meditation, the seeker should clearly determine their mental dedication and purpose. It is also beneficial to pay attention to the speed and depth of breathing during sadhana.

View of Avdhoot Shivananda baba on Past life or Prati Prasav Sadhna 

According to Avdhoot Baba Shivanand ji on Prati Prasav Sadhna,  “Prati” means “again,” and Prasav” means “birth,” meaning “re-birth,” which refers to a very ancient practice that focuses on accessing the deep, hidden bad memories of the past and prior lifetimes.

These memories remain concealed deep inside the subconscious mind, even though they have been ‘forgotten’ by the conscious mind. They are the core reasons of our bad emotions, habits, and behaviours that produce more karmic, and as a result, we slip into the infinite loop of cause and effect.

All of these deeply ingrained feelings and psychic impressions are brought to the surface in the Prati Prasav Sadhana practise so that they can be released and healed. What we accomplished in the past is nothing more than a reflection of itself in the here and now.

Unfinished business of the Past life

The unfinished business from our previous lifetimes is supposed to be wrapped up in this one, so that we can move on to better things. The conditions and the troubles that one is currently experiencing are the result of the stored luggage of psychic impressions that one has collected in various lives through each and every action, speech, and thought. This baggage was accumulated over the course of many lifetimes. Not only do the psychic impressions come from previous lifetimes, but they are also received and assimilated during the stages of being a child and a foetus in the womb of the mother.

Astrological Explanation on Unfinished business of the Past life in Natal Horoscope 

The very first dasha of the child birth shows everything about the past life unfinished business along with that number of retrograde planets placed in the birth chart shows how much karmas are pending that native need to complete in this life cycle. . 

The presence of challenges in one’s life is often an indicator of unsolved problems; conversely, the more the number of challenges and problems encountered in one’s life, the greater the number of unresolved problems that must be addressed in order to prevent oneself from being reborn into the same kind of situation over and over again.

Importance of Karmas in Past life 

Samskaras, also known as sanchit karmas or psychic impressions, are the name given to unresolved issues, and the only way to access them is through meditation. If there is something, some trouble, or some problem that is associated with the past, then we return to the primary source from whence it originated. Because we can keep attempting to find a solution to the problem, but unless we get to its foundation, we won’t be able to find one. It is impossible to find a solution to a problem unless one first traces it back to its root cause.

Astrological Explanation on Past Life Karmas in Horoscope 

In Birth chart or horoscope 9th house shows everything about the Sanchit karmas and D9 ( Navamsa ) shows what are our sanchit karmas in the form of good and bad placements in the D9 chart. If 9th house is badly afflicted it shows that native or native ancestors have done much bad deeds in their past life because of that native is experiencing much sufferings and series of unfortunate events in current life. 

For instance, if there is an unpleasant plant and we continue to cut the branches and the leaves in an effort to get rid of the weed, we will find that more and more branches and leaves are growing in their place to replace the ones that we have removed. We need to get down into the roots of the weed and pull them out completely if we want to get rid of the weed for good.

The only way to fully comprehend this concept is to transport yourself back in time to those final seconds, to the precise moment when a soul departs from its physical body. From there, you must go even further back in time to determine how many lives a soul has lived.

Karmas, Memories, Traumas and Soul connection with Past life 

All of those memories never become stale and never lose their connection to the soul and the conscious mind, but they do lose that connection with the body and the conscious mind.

We ought to put all of this to the test using case studies taken from real-life situations so that it may be consolidated into real truths. When it comes to this method, we should begin by cross-verifying it with people who have gone through the process of past life regression, and then we should verify its causes and consequences in the horoscope by analysing all four types of karmas.

When we go through such a procedure, we are better able to comprehend and compare it to the actual torment and suffering that anyone experiences in this birth as a direct result of their sins and wrongdoings in previous lives. In this section, I will show how we might have a better understanding of the process of past birth incarnation by evaluating a real-life case of past happenings uncovered by both ways. This case will be taken from the past. The most essential component is having a solid understanding of former lives as well as the nature of the regression process itself.

Contemporary belief, what exactly is regression to a Past life?

Firefly The 12th House Moksha Spirituality and Liberation 3456 scaled Understanding Mystery of Past Life Astrology, Past Life Regression and decoding Past Life Journey : Astrological case study of Past Life - Part 2

Prati-Prasav is a process, and it has previously been explained that this process involves the soul going back and forth between the conscious mind and the sub-conscious mind in order to get to its root point. However, the process itself involves many other processes. Hypnosis is employed during the process of past-life regression therapy, which aims to elicit memories of a person’s previous incarnations or lives.

Importance of Past Life Reading in astrology

In most cases, people engage in the practise of past-life reading either via past life regression or with the help of past life reading in astrology either in the hope of having a spiritual awakening or within the context of psychological treatment. The Upanishads, which are part of the canon of ancient Indian literature, include reference to past-life regression; however, Patajali’s Yoga Sutras provide a more in-depth examination of the topic. Patajali, a Hindu scholar, penned a text in the second century B.C. that described the concept of the soul becoming burdened with an accumulation of impressions as a component of the karma from previous lives.

Maharishi Patajali referred to the act of regressing to a prior life as prati-prasav, which literally translates to “reverse birthing.” He saw it as a way to solve present-day issues by recalling experiences from previous lifetimes. There are still schools of yoga that use prati-prasav as a method of practise.

It is important to do past life regression because it is the only way to cleanse or heal painful events from previous lifetimes, which, if not addressed, might prevent us from fully actualizing ourselves in this life and/or cause us distress. Activating creativity or a useful ability that has been actively displayed in a previous life but has stayed dormant or unrecognised in this incarnation is another benefit of past life regression therapy.

With the helps of Past life regression  and knowing native past life events we can know about native past life events those are linked with the current planetary placements and the series of traumatic life events native is experiencing in the current life in the form of bad marriage, health issues and challenges in career. 

For e.g. if 7th lord and Venus is afflicted in the D1, D9 and D10 chart it shows native relationship and married will be bad due to past life events that one can experience whenever there is a transit of the Rahu and ketu over the 7th lord and Natal Venus

Benefits of past life regression and Past Life Astrology 

  • The healing of overt deeds (the past-life self acting more as the offender than the victim in these incidents).
  • Engaging one’s creative side
  • Acquire an understanding of the factors that contribute to unreasonable concerns and the ability to overcome these anxieties.
  • Having a happy and successful life gives you a sense of calm and inspires you to persevere when confronted with momentary challenges.
  • Getting in touch with the wisdom of your higher self
  • The recovery from and purging of traumatic experiences
  • Having an understanding of the relationships between things and the patterns of action that are repeated
  • It enlightens you about who you are and the reason you were put on this earth in the first place.
  • Freeing oneself from oaths and curses imposed during a previous incarnation
  • It assists you in reconstructing your understanding of your current life in light of the events that occurred in earlier incarnations of yourself.
  • Realising that death is not a threat and that you would not be permanently separated from loved ones but would instead only go to a new location is helpful in reducing anxiety.
  • It can help you overcome addictions such as drinking too much alcohol or smoking cigarettes.
  • Enhances the perception of the spiritual aspect of our existence and its implications. Contracts from previous lives being rewritten

Relationship between Past Life, Karma and Horoscope

All of these deeply ingrained feelings and psychic impressions are brought to the surface in the Prati Prasav Sadhana practise so that they can be released and healed. What we accomplished in the past is nothing more than a reflection of itself in the here and now.

In Birth chart, Horoscope Karma is divided in into 4 parts :

  1. Sanchit Karmas seen by the 9th house and its lord and its placement, Strength or weaknesses in the D1, D9 and D60 chart.
  2. Punya Karmas are seen by 5th house and its lord placements in the good and bad houses and its strength and weaknesses need to analyze in the D1,D9 and D60 chart.
  3. 1st, 5th and 9th houses/lords shows Native Dharmas and Duties and it also shows Native good deeds and gives us vital clues to understand Sanchit karmas of native
  4. Trik-Bhavas ; 6th and 8th and 12th house and their lord shows about Native bad deeds and gives as vital clues about native Prarabdha Karmas.  
  5. 4th house/4th lord and Moon  placement shows about Native Agami Karmas or you can say future actionable karma, refers to the karma that’s generated by your current actions and choices that may have consequences either in this lifetime or in future lifetimes and that can effects your Kriyamana Karmas. 
  6. 6th house/lord and 10th house/lord, Prashna’s Jyotish Queries or Questions  shows everything about Native Kriyamana karmas, or present actionable karma, refers more specifically to the instantaneous or immediate consequences of your actions. It emphasizes the cause-and-effect relationship between your actions and their immediate results in the current life. It has stronger impact on your 5th house as 5th is known for Future actions or more precisely it shows everything about future of the native due to native good and bad decision making. Malefic placements in the 5th house and if 5th lord is in afflicted state it shows native may bad decisions due to which native can spoil his future actions as 10th and 6th house have direct influence on the 5th house.
  7. 6th house and 6th lord shows Actions of the past life as it is falling in 10th from the 9th house ad 6th from the lagna shows what day to day  actions you are taking. 
  8. 9th House and 9th lord shows everything about the past life actions, karmas and native past life journey.
  9. 12th house and 12th lord placements shows everything about the future burth out of our current actions, karmas and deeds in the current  life.

The unfinished business from our previous lifetimes is supposed to be wrapped up in this one, so that we can move on to better things. The conditions and the troubles that one is currently experiencing are the result of the stored luggage of psychic impressions that one has collected in various lives through each and every action, speech, and thought.

Karmic Baggage, Past life Karma and Astrology 

This Karmic baggage was accumulated over the course of many lifetimes. Not only do the psychic impressions come from previous lifetimes, but they are also received and assimilated during the stages of being a child and a foetus in the womb of the mother. In the Birth chart or natal horoscope Rahu and Ketu shows everything about the karmic baggage and its relationship or conjunctions with natal planets shows what are those karmic baggage that we need to experience in this life to liberate from those deeds or baggage’s. Saturn relationship with planetary placement in the natal chart shows everything about the Rinanubandhan. Trine to Saturn , Conjunction with Saturn shows whom we are connected in this life as part of the Deep Rinanubandhan. 

The presence of challenges in one’s life is often an indicator of unsolved problems; conversely, the more the number of challenges and problems encountered in one’s life, the greater the number of unresolved problems that must be addressed in order to prevent oneself from being reborn into the same kind of situation over and over again.

One can read about Rinanubandhan from the given link :

Runanubandha part 1: Soulmates, Karmic Ties and Concept of Rinanubandhan in Vedic Astrology



Understanding Samskaras or Sanchit Karma : The Sum Total of Karma in Past life

Samskaras, also known as sanchit karmas or psychic impressions, are the name given to unresolved issues, and the only way to access them is through meditation. If there is something, some trouble, or some problem that is associated with the past, then we return to the primary source from whence it originated. Because we can keep attempting to find a solution to the problem, but unless we get to its foundation, we won’t be able to find one. It is impossible to find a solution to a problem unless one first traces it back to its root cause.

For instance, if there is an unpleasant plant and we continue to cut the branches and the leaves in an effort to get rid of the weed, we will find that more and more branches and leaves are growing in their place to replace the ones that we have removed. We need to get down into the roots of the weed and pull them out completely if we want to get rid of the weed for good.

The only way to fully comprehend this concept is to transport yourself back in time to those final seconds, to the precise moment when a soul departs from its physical body. From there, you must go even further back in time to determine how many lives a soul has lived. All of those memories never become stale and never lose their connection to the soul and the conscious mind, but they do lose that connection with the body and the conscious mind.

We ought to put all of this to the test using case studies taken from real-life situations so that it may be consolidated into real truths.

When it comes to this method, we should begin by cross-verifying it with people who have gone through the process of past life regression, and then we should verify its causes and consequences in the horoscope by analysing all four types of karmas.

When we go through such a procedure, we are better able to comprehend and compare it to the actual torment and suffering that anyone experiences in this birth as a direct result of their sins and wrongdoings in previous lives. In this section, I will show how we might have a better understanding of the process of past birth incarnation by evaluating a real-life case of past happenings uncovered by both ways. This case will be taken from the past.

The most essential component is having a solid understanding of former lives as well as the nature of the regression process itself.


To More Know on Karmas and Sanchit Karma in Vedic astrological system, click on the below link :

The Karma Theory in vedic astrology part 1: Know about Astrology, Past life and karma Connection ?


The Karma Theory in vedic astrology part 1: Know about Astrology, Past life and karma Connection ?

What is reincarnation and its relationship in Past life Astrology ?

According to the concept of reincarnation, we must through a series of incarnations in order to reach our full potential as spiritual beings and hence must endure multiple lifetimes. The soul is immortal and does not perish; we just temporarily house it in our bodies.

The soul has existed across a great number of lifetimes. When we are born, our soul brings with it all of the experience, knowledge, and karma that it has accumulated throughout the course of previous lives. The vast lineage of our ancestors’ experiences in prior lives is the source of the attributes that we manifest in this one.

The memories of earlier incarnations are preserved at the level of the soul, and it is not possible to retrieve them at the conscious level. Participating in a past-life regression session is the most straightforward approach to learning about and having an experience of a previous incarnation.

Reincarnation in Vedic Astrology 

In Vedic Astrology system whole birth chart or horoscope shows everything about the reincarnation and the placement of the jupiter and its relationship with the 12th lord /12th house placed planets from its own placement ( i.e. 2nd and 12th from the Jupiter )  shows about our past life reincarnation issues that native need to experience in this life due to past life actions, misdeeds and unfinished business  and for that we need to thoroughly analyze everything from the Jupiter placement or we need to make jupiter as whole horoscope or as an ascendant and need to evaluate the past and the current life simultaneously as jupiter shows everything about the Jeeva as jupiter is a Jeeva karka planet. 

Reincarnation, a fundamental concept in Hinduism, is known as samsara, which refers to the continuous cycle of birth, life, death, and rebirth. This belief system posits that the soul, or atman, undergoes numerous lifetimes in various forms, influenced by the actions and choices made in previous existences. The essence of reincarnation is deeply rooted in ancient Vedic texts, which serve as sacred scriptures and articulate the principles governing life, death, and the journey of the soul.

Karma, Rebirth, Reincarnation and Past life Astrology

A key element influencing the nature of each rebirth is karma, which encompasses the moral law of cause and effect. According to this principle, every action taken by an individual carries consequences that shape future experiences.

Positive deeds contribute to favourable circumstances in subsequent lives, whereas negative actions may lead to suffering and hardships in future reincarnations. This intricate relationship underscores the notion that individuals are responsible for their fate, and it is their conduct in this life that determines their spiritual progression and the form their next life will assume.

Samsara, Liberation, Moksha and Reincarnation  

Within the cyclical process of samsara, liberation, or moksha, is considered the ultimate goal for practitioners of Hinduism. Attaining moksha entails breaking free from the repetitive cycle of reincarnation, thus allowing the soul to unite with the divine consciousness, or Brahman.

This pursuit of liberation is not only a personal journey but is also a reflection of the broader philosophical teachings encapsulated in the Vedic scriptures.

As such, understanding reincarnation and its interconnected principles of karma and moksha is essential for those seeking to comprehend the nuances of Hindu beliefs and their implications on life and existence.

Astrological Explanation on Cycle of Rebirth

In vedic Astrological system,  cycle of Rebirth and Karma goes like  this ; 1st house -> ( Current birth) 12th house -> ( everything about the Next Birth) ->  8th, 12th and 4th house ( everything about Moksha ) and Finally Jupiter Progression and Regression ( everything about Reincarnations ) 

1st house or Ascendant ( Current Birth) in Vedic Astrology :

Whenever native born in this life with particular ascendant shows everything native carry forwarded from the past life samskaras, including skills, Appearance, health and intelligence etc and planetary placement in the birth chart, could be good or bad or could be in affliction shows about the Current birth sufferings or enjoyment one may enjoy in this birth all because of the past life soul journeys.  

Next Birth ( 12th house or 12th house lord ) as per Vedic Astrology :

When we are talking about the next birth in vedic astrology, 12th house and 12th lord placement, affliction, strength in the natal chart has much says on the next birth of the soul as it is  falling in 12th from the Lagna ( end of ones life and beginning of next and falling in 4th from the 9th house – shows Storage house of karmas ) and falling in 8th from the 5th house ( 5th is everything about future decision making, falling in 9th from the 9th house shows Root cause one born in current life  )  which shows one life ends and next cycle starts with new beginning. Placement of the 12th lord shows what could be possible place, Yoni or characterization of the soul in next life. 

Moksha ( 8th and 12th house ) in Vedic Astrology

When we are talking about the Moksha, 8th and 12th house strength and weakness has much says on the Moksha, though we cannot fully predict on the Moksha but we can have a basic understanding on the Moksha from the 8th and 12th house , as these are Moksha trikona houses in vedic Astrology which gives sound understanding of one spiritual path one may choose in this life which can helps to identity the path of Moksha, 

Reincarnations ( Jupiter ) in Vedic Astrology 

When discussing reincarnations, the progression of Jupiter in a forward direction reveals everything about the current life, while the regression of Jupiter in a backward direction from its original placement in the natal chart reveals all the past life journeys a soul has undertaken in numerous past lives. For example, if we regress Jupiter one step back, it reveals the precise cause of death in the previous life, as well as the exact root cause of any misdeeds a person was born with, which they need to experience in this life.


Vedic Philosophy Perspective on Reincarnation, Past life

The concept of reincarnation, or samsara, is integral to Hindu philosophy and deeply explored within the Vedic scriptures. Central to this understanding is the distinction between the physical body and the eternal soul, or atman. The Vedic texts, especially the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita, provide profound insights into the nature of the soul and its journey through numerous lifetimes. The Upanishads, composed between 800 and 400 BCE, emphasise that the atman is unchanging and eternal, transcending the temporary nature of the physical form. They present a philosophy where each soul undergoes a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, shaped by its actions in previous lives (karma).

The Bhagawad Gita and Theory of Reincarnation, Past life and Karma 

The Bhagavad Gita, often regarded as a spiritual and philosophical classic, reinforces these concepts by illustrating the dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna. Within this sacred text, Krishna explains that the soul cannot be killed or destroyed; it merely transitions from one body to another, akin to changing garments. This perspective encourages individuals to perform their duties selflessly, without attachment to the outcomes, as each life is part of a grander cosmic order that allows for spiritual evolution over consecutive births.

Karma and Its Role in Reincarnation in Past life Astrology

Karma, a central tenet in Hindu philosophy, refers to the principle of cause and effect concerning human actions. It embodies the belief that every action, whether good or bad, has consequences that can extend across multiple lifetimes.

This doctrine is intricately tied to the concept of reincarnation, wherein the soul undergoes cycles of birth, death, and rebirth—an eternal journey shaped significantly by one’s karma.

Each individual’s current existence is perceived as a manifestation of the choices made in previous lives, underscoring the moral weight carried by one’s actions.

Studying Saturn and understanding Karma and Reincarnations in Vedic Astrology

In Vedic Astrological system, Study of the Saturn is the majorly seen to study all sorts of the karmas, actions or misdeeds those are  connected with past, present and future life and it categorized as prime planet which we one should need to focus in the current life to have better birth in better family with good reincarnation experiences in the next life. 

Why Punya Karma and what are Paap ( 6th, 8th and afflictions in Natal chart )  & Punya Karmas ( 1st, 5th & 9th house )  in Past life ?

In this worldview, good deeds—often termed “punya”—result in positive outcomes, while bad deeds, referred to as “papa,” lead to negative consequences. This moral framework serves not only to govern personal behaviour but also to impart lessons essential for spiritual growth.

As individuals navigate their lives, their actions create a karmic record that influences their future experiences and forms the basis for the conditions of subsequent reincarnations.

Hence, one’s present circumstances are intimately linked to the actions of past existences. This interplay suggests that the journey of the soul is not random but rather a structured path that reflects the ethical quality of its past behaviors.

Astrological understanding on Paap and Punya Karmas

Astrologically, all sort of good karmas are seen from 5th house, 9th house and the 1st house whereas PaaKarmas are majorly linked with 8th and 6th house, Paap Karitari yogas, afflictions on Moon and conjunction or blockages via Rahu and Ketu in the natal chart. 

Additionally, the understanding of karma emphasises personal responsibility. Each person is seen as the architect of their fate, with the potential to alter their karmic trajectory through conscious choices and selfless deeds.

This intrinsic belief promotes a sense of agency and encourages individuals to act ethically, knowing their current actions directly affect their future lives. Ultimately, karma acts as a guiding principle within the broader framework of reincarnation, reflecting the moral implications that shape the soul’s evolution.

By embracing the lessons embedded in karmic outcomes, individuals engage meaningfully in their spiritual journey towards liberation.


To Know more on Paap and Punya Karma, Please click on the below link 

The Saturn, Mysterious Shani Sadesati and Karmic Remedies : Therapeutic Guide of Saturn – Part 2


Conclusion : 

The conclusion of this Article emphasizes the significance of understanding past life influences through Vedic astrology and past life regression techniques. It highlights that unresolved issues, traumas, and karmic blockages from previous lifetimes manifest in an individual’s astrological chart, particularly through planetary positions at birth. Key indicators, such as the Nodes of the Moon (Rahu and Ketu), the 8th and 12th houses, and the overall analysis of the natal chart, are essential for interpreting these influences.

The Article advocates for the practice of past life regression and Prati Prasav Sadhana as valuable tools for personal growth, healing, and self-discovery. By accessing past life memories, individuals can gain insights into their current life patterns, relationships, and challenges, ultimately facilitating a deeper understanding of their soul’s journey.

The integration of Vedic philosophy, astrology, and meditation practices is presented as a holistic approach to addressing karmic influences and achieving spiritual evolution. The overarching message encourages readers to embrace their past life experiences as a means to enhance their present life and pursue a path toward liberation and self-realization.

To be Continued…

To read more on Past life experiences of Native Life Journey click on part 3 and part 4th link :

Part 3 : 

Mystery of Past Life Astrology, Bhagavad Gita and Cycle of Karma Part 3: Astrological case study of Past Life

Mystery of Past Life Astrology, Bhagavad Gita and Cycle of Karma Part 3: Astrological case study of Past Life


Link for 4th Part  :


References, Sources, and links:

[1]. Past Lives & Future Lives | History of Past-Life-Understanding & Therapy | Source –
[3]. Reincarnation: Who were you in past life? By Pallavi Tyagi | Source –
[4]. All about Hinduism by sri swami sivananda and Yoga Sutra Patanajali | Source
[5]. Wikipedia and other Web resources.
[6]. Jamini Sutras by Sanjay Rath.
[7]. Saptarishis Research Group Discussion facts.
[8]. Based on the facts of Yogi Swami Sivananda ji.
[9]. Based on the facts of Avdhoot Baba Shivanand ji | Source –
[10]. Bhagwad Geeta, Samkhya Yoga, Chapter -2, verse -22 | Source –
[11]. Insights in Nadis: By A.V Sundram Sir | Theory of Karama, Page 28 to 42.
[12]. Samyama Samyama is defined in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali verses 3.1 through 3.6 as follows where the Sanskrit in Devanagari and IAST were sourced from Little and the English from Iyengar (1993: pp. 178–183). | Link –
[13]. Karma and reincarnation | Source –
[15]. Chapter 17-Reincarnation :
[16]. Srimad Bhagavad-Gita and Reincarnation :
[17]. Prabhupada books :
pin Understanding Mystery of Past Life Astrology, Past Life Regression and decoding Past Life Journey : Astrological case study of Past Life - Part 2

Views: 227

Rahu and Ketu in Past Life Astrology: Unveiling Karmic Influences

Rahu and ketu in past life astrology 2 Rahu and Ketu in Past Life Astrology: Unveiling Karmic Influences

Introduction to Rahu and Ketu

In Vedic astrology, Rahu and Ketu hold a distinctive place, as they are not physical celestial bodies but rather mathematical points that mark the intersection of the moon’s orbit with the ecliptic plane. These shadow planets, referred to as the lunar nodes, derive their significance from ancient mythology and their profound influence on astrological charts.

Rahu and Ketu’s mythological origins can be traced back to the churning of the cosmic ocean, a pivotal event in Hindu mythology. According to the legend, Rahu and Ketu were originally a single entity, a demon who disguised himself to partake in the nectar of immortality. Upon discovery, Lord Vishnu severed the demon into two parts: Rahu, the head, and Ketu, the tail. As a result, Rahu and Ketu are forever in pursuit of the sun and moon, causing eclipses when they catch up with these celestial bodies..

Rahu and Ketu in Past Life Astrology

Unveiling Karmic Influences

Symbolically, Rahu and Ketu represent the head and tail of the celestial serpent, embodying the duality of the material and spiritual realms. Rahu, the north node, signifies worldly desires, ambition, and the quest for material success. It drives individuals towards earthly pleasures and illusions, often leading to unorthodox or unconventional paths. Conversely, Ketu, the south node, embodies detachment, spiritual growth, and karmic resolution. It represents past life experiences and the lessons one must learn to achieve spiritual enlightenment.

As shadow planets, Rahu and Ketu wield a unique influence on astrological charts, despite their lack of physical form. Their positions in a natal chart indicate areas of life where individuals face intense karmic challenges and growth opportunities. The interplay between these nodes and other planetary bodies can reveal deep-seated patterns and unresolved issues from past lives that shape one’s present and future experiences.

Understanding Rahu and Ketu’s roles in Vedic astrology provides valuable insights into the karmic influences that govern our lives, guiding us towards fulfilling our spiritual and material destinies.

The Concept of Past Life Karma and Rahu and Ketu in Astrology


Karma in astrology Rahu and Ketu in Past Life Astrology: Unveiling Karmic Influences


Vedic astrology roots the concept of past-life karma in the philosophy that the actions and experiences of our previous lives significantly influence our current existence. This principle, known as karma, posits that every action, whether good or bad, leaves an indelible mark on our soul, which carries forward into subsequent lifetimes. The astrological charts, particularly through the positions of Rahu and Ketu, serve as celestial maps that reveal this karmic baggage, offering insights into the unresolved issues and lessons that our soul needs to address in this lifetime.

Understanding past-life karma is pivotal for personal growth and spiritual development. Examining the positions and aspects of Rahu and Ketu in one’s natal chart is believed to reveal the patterns and tendencies from past incarnations. These nodal points symbolize the soul’s journey and the destined evolutionary path. Rahu, the North Node, represents the areas where we need to grow and evolve, pushing us towards new experiences and challenges. In contrast, Ketu, the South Node, represents past life experiences as well as the inherent skills and wisdom we bring to this life.

The interplay of Rahu and Ketu in the astrological chart is a testament to the dual nature of karma. While Rahu encourages us to embrace new lessons and move beyond our comfort zones, Ketu reminds us of past influences and the spiritual lessons we have already learned. By understanding this dynamic, individuals can gain a profound awareness of their karmic patterns, enabling them to make more informed choices and navigate life’s challenges with greater wisdom. Thus, the examination of past life karma through astrology becomes a valuable tool for those seeking to understand their life’s purpose and foster spiritual growth.

Rahu: The North Node of the Moon


Rahu in Astrology Rahu and Ketu in Past Life Astrology: Unveiling Karmic Influences


In the realm of past-life astrology, Rahu, known as the North Node of the Moon, holds a significant place. Rahu is often associated with materialism, desire, and worldly ambitions. Its influence is both potent and complex, as it drives individuals to seek growth and new experiences in specific areas of their lives. Rahu’s position in a natal chart indicates where an individual is likely to focus their energy in pursuit of these ambitions, making it a critical component in understanding one’s karmic path.

Rahu’s characteristics are typically marked by an insatiable quest for success and fulfillment. This celestial body propels individuals towards achieving their goals, often through unconventional or uncharted means. However, pursuing these desires can present challenges and illusions. Rahu’s energy is that of relentless ambition, pushing one to transcend boundaries but sometimes leading to confusion and disillusionment.

In astrology, Rahu’s placement in a natal chart can highlight areas where an individual is destined to seek new experiences and growth. However, this journey is not without its hurdles. Rahu’s illusions can manifest as misguided ambitions or deceptive appearances, making discernment crucial. The lessons Rahu imparts are deeply karmic, often stemming from unresolved issues and desires from past lives. These lessons are integral to the individual’s spiritual progression and understanding of their life purpose.

By analysing Rahu’s position, astrologers can provide insights into the specific challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. This understanding allows individuals to navigate their paths more effectively, balancing their material desires with spiritual growth. Thus, Rahu serves as both a guide and a test, steering individuals towards their true potential while challenging them to overcome the illusions that may cloud their judgement.

Ketu: The South Node of the Moon


Ketu in Vedic astrology Rahu and Ketu in Past Life Astrology: Unveiling Karmic Influences


Ketu, known in Vedic astrology as the South Node of the Moon, holds significant importance in past-life astrology. It is often associated with mystical and spiritual aspects, symbolising detachment, liberation, and the transcendence of material desires. Unlike its counterpart Rahu, which is known for its worldly ambitions and desires, Ketu directs an individual towards spiritual enlightenment and inner wisdom.

Ketu’s position in a natal chart is indicative of the areas where an individual has garnered substantial expertise and wisdom from past lives. While these areas often showcase innate talents and skills, they also carry karmic baggage that requires attention. Ketu’s presence in a particular house or sign suggests that the soul has already experienced and mastered the lessons of that domain, leading to a sense of detachment or disinterest in those aspects of life.

Astrologically, the process of letting go is associated with Ketu. It represents the need to release attachments and transcend the material plane, fostering spiritual growth and self-realisation. This detachment is not merely about renunciation but about understanding the ephemeral nature of worldly experiences and focusing on the eternal essence of the soul. Ketu encourages introspection and the pursuit of truth beyond the physical realm.

The karmic lessons associated with Ketu involve recognising that true fulfilment comes from spiritual evolution rather than material acquisition. It teaches the importance of humility, self-sacrifice, and the dissolution of the ego. Individuals influenced by Ketu often encounter situations that compel them to relinquish their hold on past achievements and embrace a path of spiritual awareness and self-discovery.

Ultimately, Ketu’s role in astrology is to guide individuals towards spiritual emancipation. By understanding and integrating its influence, one can achieve a balance between worldly experiences and spiritual aspirations, leading to a more profound and meaningful existence.

Interpreting Rahu and Ketu in a Natal Chart


Rahu and Ketu in past life Astrology Rahu and Ketu in Past Life Astrology: Unveiling Karmic Influences


In the realm of past-life astrology, Rahu and Ketu play significant roles in revealing karmic influences. To interpret their placements in a natal chart, one must consider the houses and signs these lunar nodes occupy. Rahu and Ketu’s house position indicates the areas of life where karmic lessons are most pronounced, while the signs they inhabit reveal the nature of these experiences.

Rahu, the North Node, is often associated with desires, ambitions, and the material aspects of life. Its placement in specific houses can highlight the sectors where an individual is likely to experience growth and challenges. For instance, Rahu in the 10th house can signal a strong drive for professional success, often leading to significant career achievements. However, this placement may also bring challenges related to work-life balance and ethical dilemmas in the workplace.

Conversely, Ketu, the South Node, represents past life experiences and inherent talents. People often associate it with detachment and spiritual growth. Ketu’s position in the 4th house suggests a natural inclination towards introspection and a strong connection to one’s heritage or home life. This placement can also indicate past life influences affecting family dynamics and emotional well-being.

Rahu and Ketu’s signs further refine these interpretations. For example, Rahu in Aries might drive an individual towards bold and assertive actions, pushing them to take risks in their professional life. On the other hand, Ketu in Libra could point to a past-life emphasis on partnerships, suggesting a need for balance and harmony in current relationships.

By analyzing the interplay between houses and signs, one can gain deeper insights into how Rahu and Ketu influence various life aspects. Whether it is career, relationships, health, or personal growth, understanding these placements can provide valuable guidance for navigating one’s karmic journey and achieving holistic development.

The impact of Rahu and Ketu’s transits


Rahu and Ketu in vedic astrology Rahu and Ketu in Past Life Astrology: Unveiling Karmic Influences


In the realm of astrology, planetary transits are pivotal in understanding the dynamic energies influencing an individual’s life at any given moment. Specifically, the transits of Rahu and Ketu, the lunar nodes, are of profound significance. Unlike other planets that transit relatively quickly, Rahu and Ketu take approximately 18 months to transit through a single zodiac sign. This extended period enables them to profoundly impact life events and initiate transformative phases.

Rahu’s transit often brings a surge of ambition, desire, and material pursuits. It can catalyse moments of intense focus on professional achievements, social status, and the acquisition of wealth. Conversely, Ketu’s transit tends to emphasise spiritual growth, detachment, and introspection. It encourages individuals to look inward, often leading to periods of self-discovery and the shedding of materialistic attachments.

These transits are not only symbolic, but they can also manifest as real-life events and shifts. For instance, during Rahu’s transit through a significant house in one’s natal chart, one might experience career advancements, sudden travel opportunities, or a heightened interest in unconventional pursuits. On the other hand, Ketu’s transit might coincide with a desire to retreat from public life, pursue spiritual practices, or confront past life karmas that require resolution.

Observing Rahu and Ketu’s transits is crucial for understanding the current challenges and opportunities one may face. For astrologers, these transits provide a roadmap for navigating periods of upheaval or growth. By recognising the specific energies at play, individuals can make informed decisions, harnessing the positive aspects while mitigating potential difficulties.

Ultimately, the transits of Rahu and Ketu offer a window into the cyclical nature of life, emphasising the balance between the material and spiritual realms. Understanding their impact aids in aligning one’s actions with the broader karmic lessons intended for personal and spiritual evolution.

Balancing Rahu and Ketu energies

Balancing the energies of Rahu and Ketu is crucial to mitigating their karmic influences and achieving harmony in one’s life. Traditional Vedic practices offer various methods to address the imbalances caused by these celestial bodies. Among the most common remedies are mantras, rituals, gemstones, and fasting.

Chanting specific mantras dedicated to Rahu and Ketu can help pacify their adverse effects. People often recite the Rahu mantra “Om Raam Rahave Namah” and the Ketu mantra “Om Kem Ketave Namah” with devotion to seek their blessings. Regular chanting during specific times, such as Rahu or Ketu’s planetary hours, can amplify their positive impact.

We recommend rituals and poojas, especially on auspicious days like Rahu and Ketu Kalasarpadosha days. These rituals, conducted by knowledgeable priests, aim to appease the deities and reduce their malefic effects. Additionally, wearing gemstones such as hessonite (for Rahu) and cat’s eye (for Ketu) can be beneficial. These stones, when worn according to astrological guidance, can enhance positive attributes while minimising negative influences.

Fasting on specific days associated with Rahu and Ketu, such as Saturdays for Rahu and Tuesdays for Ketu, is another traditional method to balance their energies. Abstaining from certain foods and practicing mindfulness during these fasts can foster spiritual growth and mental clarity.

Modern approaches to balancing the Rahu and Ketu energies include meditation, mindfulness, and therapy. Meditation practices, particularly those focusing on the chakras, can help harmonise the subtle energies within the body. Mindfulness techniques, which encourage present-moment awareness, can mitigate the anxiety and restlessness often associated with Rahu. Similarly, therapeutic interventions can assist individuals in understanding and transforming deep-seated karmic patterns linked to Ketu.

Ultimately, achieving balance requires a conscious effort. Combining traditional Vedic practices with modern approaches can create a holistic strategy for managing the energies of Rahu and Ketu. Through consistent practice and dedication, one can navigate the karmic influences of these celestial bodies, fostering a life of balance and harmony.

Related Article : North Node in Astrology: Your Karmic Evolution, Past Life, and Soul’s Intention

link :

Personal Growth Through Understanding Rahu and Ketu

Understanding the influences of Rahu and Ketu in past-life astrology can serve as a profound catalyst for personal and spiritual growth. These lunar nodes are more than just astrological entities; they also represent the karmic baggage we carry from our past lives. Individuals can gain valuable insights into their life’s purpose and lessons by delving into their symbolism and effects.

Rahu, known as the North Node, often brings challenges and desires that seem insurmountable. However, these obstacles are not just hurdles but opportunities for significant transformation. Confronting the trials posed by Rahu can lead to a deeper understanding of one’s ambitions and the areas in life that require more effort and growth. By recognising and embracing these lessons, individuals can work towards achieving their true potential.

Conversely, Ketu, the South Node, represents past life experiences and the skills we have already mastered. While Ketu can sometimes signify areas of comfort, it also calls for detachment and letting go of outdated patterns. Embracing Ketu’s influence can help individuals release what no longer serves them, paving the way for new experiences and growth. This detachment is often challenging, but it is essential for moving forward and evolving spiritually.

By integrating the lessons of Rahu and Ketu, individuals can strive for a balanced and fulfilling life. Understanding these nodes allows for a more conscious approach to present actions, fostering a sense of purpose and direction. Embracing the challenges and lessons of Rahu and Ketu not only aids in personal development but also enhances one’s spiritual journey.

Ultimately, the goal is to harmonise the insights gained from past life astrology with current life experiences. This integration can lead to a more enriched and meaningful existence where one is continuously learning, evolving, and striving towards self-discovery and fulfilment.

pin Rahu and Ketu in Past Life Astrology: Unveiling Karmic Influences

Views: 551

North Node in Astrology: Your Karmic Evolution, Past Life, and Soul’s Intention

North node in astrology


 Guest Article Written by Jane Angel 

Author Bio : Jane is a passionate hobbyist in the art of astrology, a co-owner of Wisdom Tavern is a deep playground for curious learners of astrology, where self-knowledge, self-elevation, and self-enlightenment become the central theme. It serves as a platform to help you develop the power of “self”.


What is the North Node or Rahu in Astrology?

In Vedic astrology , “Dragon’s Head” or North Node in astrology or Rahu and is associated with your life­’s purpose and spiritual developme­nt and shows about past life.

Did you know that in astrology, the North Node­ symbolizes your soul’s mission and karmic journey in this lifetime­?  According to Vedic Science, it’s often referre­d to as the “Dragon’s Head” and is associated with your life­’s purpose and spiritual developme­nt.

Interestingly, it always directly oppose­s the South Node, which repre­sents your past lives and dee­ply ingrained habits.

In your natal birth chart, your North Node place­ment reveals the­ areas of life that require­ development and the­ lessons meant for your soul’s growth.

It shines a light on the­ qualities and experie­nces that will aid in your soul’s evolution. On the othe­r hand, while the South Node re­presents comfort zones, the­ North Node signifies uncharted te­rritory beckoning your soul to explore ane­w.

The North Node’s sign, house placement, and aspects show the energies and themes you should embrace to align with your soul’s purpose.

Indeed, your nodal axis can provide the key to understanding your karmic journey in this incarnation.

North Node or Rahu in Past life Astrology: Your Karmic Evolution, Past Life, and Soul’s Intention


Rahu and ketu in past life astrology North Node in Astrology: Your Karmic Evolution, Past Life, and Soul’s Intention

Understanding Rahu and Ketu in Past Life Astrology

Rahu and Ketu are two significant lunar nodes in Vedic astrology, often associated with past life karma and spiritual lessons. These shadow planets do not have a physical form but are considered powerful due to their impact on an individual’s life journey and destiny.

According to Hindu mythology, Rahu and Ketu originate from the demon Swarbhanu. During the churning of the ocean of milk, Swarbhanu disguised himself to drink the nectar of immortality. However, he was discovered by the gods, and Vishnu severed his head. The head became Rahu, and the body turned into Ketu. This mythological tale underscores their karmic significance.

Rahu and Ketu in Birth Chart

In Vedic astrology, Rahu and Ketu are placed opposite each other in the birth chart, representing the axis of past and future life karma. Rahu is often linked with one’s desires and worldly attachments, while Ketu is associated with spiritual liberation and detachment. Together, they highlight the balance between material pursuits and spiritual growth.

Impact on Individual’s Life

The placement of Rahu and Ketu in a birth chart can reveal insights into an individual’s past life experiences and their influence on the current life. Rahu’s position may indicate unfulfilled desires or areas of obsessive focus, whereas Ketu’s placement can point to areas where one has already gained significant wisdom and is now seeking freedom from attachments.

Understanding the roles of Rahu and Ketu in past life astrology can provide valuable guidance for personal development. By acknowledging their influence, individuals can work towards balancing their karmic energies and achieving a harmonious life.

The Sign Placement of the North Node or Rahu

Curious about your North Node and its significance­? Your zodiac sign reveals the qualitie­s your soul must embrace to fulfill its divine purpose­!

Let’s dive into what each North Node­ sign placement signifies:

North Node or Rahu in Aries

With your North Node in Arie­s, the growth of your soul depends on de­veloping initiative, courage, and inde­pendence. This life­time revolves around taking action for yourse­lf, overcoming fears, and learning to le­ad.

Embrace your natural competitive nature­ and don’t shy away from confrontation. It is crucial to develop a strong sense­ of personal identity. Be willing to e­mbark on new endeavors and e­mbrace risks.

North Node or Rahu  in Taurus

In astrology, if your North Node is in Taurus, this life­time centers around attaining stability, savoring life­’s pleasures, and cultivating patience­. Nurture your unique talents and skills, e­ven if you must begin from scratch. Construct a depe­ndable support system and embrace­ the value of loyalty.

Rather than rushing into de­cisions, take the time to make­ thoughtful choices based on solid grounding. Delight in the­ sensual joys and comforts that surround you while mastering the­ art of simplicity.

North Node or Rahu in Gemini

With a North Node in Gemini, you are here to follow your curiosity, engage with people, and explore ideas. Focus on learning as much as possible in this lifetime and developing excellent communication skills. Welcome change and intellectual stimulation.

Share your thoughts, speak your truth, and make connections. Avoid being tied down to just one belief system, approach, or relationship. Stay youthful, witty, and quick on your feet.

North Node or Rahu in Cancer

If your North Node is locate­d in Cancer, this lifetime will re­volve around nurturing your sensitive and e­motional side. You should focus on developing de­ep connections with your family and loved one­s by remaining loyal, supportive, and affectionate­ towards them.

It is also important to take care of othe­rs while respecting your own ne­eds. Trust in your intuition and harness your creative­ abilities. Prioritize building a secure­ foundation, especially within the comforts of your home­. Remember not to shy away from vulne­rability.

North Node or Rahu in Leo

According to Wisdom Tavern, with the North Node­ positioned in Leo, your true purpose­ is to emit warmth and creativity, leading with passion while­ showcasing your unique talents. Allow yourself to radiate­ without apologies or false modesty.

Embrace­ fearless self-e­xpression and embrace your inhe­rently noble and gene­rous nature. Nurture your abilities, share­ your gifts, and make meaningful contributions. Open yourse­lf up to receiving love and appre­ciation while infusing playfulness and vibrant colors into eve­ry aspect of your life.

North Node or Rahu in Virgo

If your North Node is in Virgo, this life­time is all about applying yourself, paying attention to de­tails, striving for personal growth, and serving others. You should aim to de­velop practical systems and sharpen your analytical skills.

Maste­r the art of troubleshooting and have the­ ability to fix any flaws that arise. Share your intellige­nce humbly while assisting others inste­ad of showing off. Moreover, make sure­ to establish a connection with the broade­r environment around you. Lastly, reme­mber not to take yourself too se­riously.

North Node or Rahu in Libra

With a North Node in Libra, your purpose­ is to cultivate balanced and harmonious relationships and e­nvironments. Strive for fairness and avoid e­xtremes. Embrace the­ ability to see both sides of e­very issue.

Deve­lop charm, grace, and mediation skills while appre­ciating beauty in all its forms. Instead of competing, focus on coope­ration and compromise. Recognize the­ power that words hold. Surround yourself with art, music, and people­ who inspire you.

North Node or Rahu in Scorpio

If your North Node is in the­ sign of Scorpio, this lifetime will be focuse­d on exploring deep aspe­cts of yourself and forging intimate connections. Embrace­ significant transformations as you delve into the de­pths of your being. Take part in profound bonding expe­riences that lay your soul bare.

Se­ek understanding by embracing both your shadow side­ and the darkness within, rather than avoiding the­m. Nurture your psychic abilities, trust your intuition, and learn to e­mbrace vulnerability with great de­pth. Discover the art of unraveling myste­ries as you let go of obsessive­ thoughts and paranoia through direct experience­s.

North Node or Rahu in Sagittarius

You have arrive­d with the North Node in Sagittarius, guiding you on a journey of e­xploration and questioning assumptions. Embrace the fre­edom that surrounds you and envision the bigge­r picture. Take bold leaps of faith, chase­ after thrilling adventures, and e­mbrace new expe­riences wholehe­artedly.

Nurture an optimistic outlook on life and uphold e­thical integrity in all you do. Share your eve­r-expanding wisdom with others and find joy in defying socie­tal norms. Keep an open mind, avoiding arrogance­ and instead nurturing a curious spirit.

North Node or Rahu in Capricorn

If your North Node is in Capricorn, this lifetime is about establishing yourself professionally, taking responsibility, and gaining maturity. Learn the value of structural discipline versus total spontaneity.

Develop sound strategies and master essential skills. Welcome a degree of conventional success. Practice realistic self-reliance versus depending heavily on others. Lead by example.

North Node or Rahu in Aquarius

With a North Node in Aquarius, you are here to innovate, unite communities, and cultivate humanitarian ideals. Detach from biases and outdated paradigms. Embrace the unusual, eccentric, or avant-garde.

Consider the needs of the collective versus just yourself. Develop an independent, progressive spirit and use technology mindfully. Be willing to be different and challenge the status quo.

North Node or Rahu in Pisces

If your North Node is in Pisce­s, this lifetime is all about delving into the­ depths of your spirituality. It’s about cultivating empathy, letting go of e­go boundaries, and embracing your intuitive side­. Nurture your imagination and practice mystical expe­riences, creative­ pursuits, and visionary thinking.

Discover the power of de­votion instead of excessive­ skepticism. Embrace surrende­r and go with the flow rather than aiming to control eve­rything. Allow music, poetry, and time spent in nature­ to inspire you deeply.


Read More on Past Life Astrology ;


The House Placement of the North Node or Rahu

In this lifetime­, your soul growth is determined by the house­ location of the North Node in your chart. It signifies the­ area in your life where­ spiritual development ne­eds to occur.

Let’s explore­ the soul work associated with each house­!

North Node or Rahu in 1st House

With the North Node in the 1st house, your soul growth depends on establishing a strong identity, overcoming shyness, and learning independence.

Develop self-confidence, embrace your special talents and appearance, and shine as an individual. Take the initiative.

North Node or Rahu in 2nd House

If your North Node is place­d in the 2nd house, this lifetime­ will revolve around building self-worth, e­nsuring material security, indulging in life’s ple­asures, and nurturing your talents.

Make sure­ to cultivate and nourish your resources and skills while­ seeking meaningful work that aligns with your value­s. Embrace and appreciate the­ delightful experie­nces offered by e­ach of your five senses. 

North Node or Rahu in 3rd House

With a North Node positione­d in your 3rd house, you are encourage­d to embrace curiosity, explore­ concepts, nurture intelle­ct, forge connections, and refine­ your skills.

Embrace change as the vibrant e­ssence of life itse­lf. Engage in open discussions and strive to be­come an effective­ communicator who shares smart thoughts while also actively se­eking knowledge from othe­rs.

North Node or Rahu in 4th House

If your North Node is in the 4th house, this lifetime is about developing your inner foundations, deepening your roots, nurturing your sensitive side, and absorbing emotional nourishment from home and family. Establish security.

North Node or Rahu in 5th House

With the North Node in the 5th house, your soul growth depends on embracing your inner child, expressing individual creativity, accepting praise, leading passionately, and sharing your special gifts. Take risks to shine.

North Node or Rahu in 6th House

If your North Node is locate­d in the 6th house, this lifetime­ is all about dedicating yourself and fostering e­xpertise while se­rving others. It involves deve­loping practical systems and honing analytical skills. Take steps to re­fine yourself and pay attention to the­ finer details.

North Node or Rahu in 7th House

With a North Node in your 7th house­, your purpose is to create balance­d and harmonious relationships. Embrace cooperation ove­r competition and nurture charming social skills, an appreciation for be­auty, and strong diplomacy skills.

North Node or Rahu in 8th House

If your North Node is in the­ 8th house, this lifetime focuse­s on exploring deep e­motions, forming intimate connections, overcoming inse­curities, finding healing through self-discove­ry, and managing shared resources. It’s a journe­y of developing intuition.

North Node or Rahu in 9th House

In the 9th house­, when the North Node aligns with your soul’s journe­y, it becomes esse­ntial for you to embark on explorations, see­k truth, embrace life’s adve­ntures, gain wisdom, and find faith in something greate­r than yourself. North Node in the Ninth House urges you to question old, outdated assumptions along your spiritual journey. 

North Node or Rahu in 10th House

If your North Node is locate­d in the 10th house, this lifetime­ revolves around attaining significant goals. It entails achie­ving career success, gaining re­cognition in public circles, embracing responsibilitie­s, and eventually becoming an influe­ntial authority figure. A core aspect guiding this journe­y is leading by example.

North Node or Rahu in 11th House

You have a North Node­ in the 11th house, which means your purpose­ is to actively participate in groups, advocate for humanitarian ide­als, let go of biases, foster inde­pendence, and unite­ people through innovative approache­s. It’s important to consider the collective­ when navigating this path.

North Node or Rahu in 12th House

If your North Node re­sides in the 12th house, this life­time centers around dissolving your e­go, enhancing intuition, nurturing compassion, delving into your subconscious and spiritual depths, and e­mbracing inner growth.



pin North Node in Astrology: Your Karmic Evolution, Past Life, and Soul’s Intention

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The Saturn, Sadesati and Lord of Karma in Vedic Astrology : Comprehensive Therapeutic Guide of Saturn – Part 1


The Saturn, Sadesati and Lord of Karma in Vedic Astrology


Saturn occupies a significant position in Vedic astrology, being recognized as a highly potent and prominent celestial body. Saturn referred to as ‘Shani’ in the Sanskrit language, this celestial body is commonly linked to the principles of discipline, diligent effort, and the acquisition of karmic wisdom. The celestial trajectory of Saturn within the zodiac is meticulously observed due to its profound influence on all facets of human existence, encompassing domains such as professional pursuits and interpersonal connections. The ‘Sade sati’ period, a widely discussed phenomenon associated with Saturn, is said to be characterized by notable transformations and obstacles.

The mythology of Sade sati is centered on the notion that during the transit of Saturn through the twelfth, first, and second houses of an individual’s moon sign, a significant time of profound change may occur. The duration of this phenomenon is commonly estimated to be approximately seven and a half years, during which it is believed to evaluate an individual’s fortitude, endurance, and adaptability.

The Impact of Saturn and Sadesati on Human Life

During the Sadesati phase, individuals may encounter challenges, interruptions, and hindrances in diverse domains of life. Nevertheless, it is crucial to bear in mind that this particular timeframe has both positive and negative aspects. This experience presents an opportunity for personal development, introspection, and acquisition of significant life knowledge.

From a psychological perspective, Sadesati has the potential to compel individuals to confront their fears, address their deficiencies, and cultivate inner resilience. The process has the potential to facilitate a profound metamorphosis and enable individuals to liberate themselves from constricting beliefs and attitudes. Numerous individuals who have experienced the astrological phenomenon known as Sadesati have attested to the occurrence of heightened levels of maturity, emotional stability, and a reinforced sense of self.

Exploring the Saturn and the Sadesati Expedition

Although the Sadesati era may appear intimidating, it is crucial to approach this phase with a positive outlook and a mindset focused on personal development. Instead of harbouring anxiety towards the various problems that arise, it is more beneficial to perceive them as occasions for personal and spiritual growth. The following are few strategies for effectively navigating the Sadesati period:

  • Engage in the practise of self-care, which involves attending to one’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
  • Participate in endeavours that elicit feelings of happiness and contribute to your state of relaxation.
  • Maintain a sense of practicality and realism. In order to foster a sense of connection with one’s inner self and uphold emotional equilibrium, it is advisable to engage in a regular practise of meditation or mindfulness.
  • Request guidance: Engage in consultation with a proficient astrologer who possesses expertise in interpreting individual birth charts and discerning the prevailing astrological influences.
  • It is vital to adopt a receptive attitude towards change.
  • It is important to have a mindset that is receptive to change and adaptable in nature.
  • It is important to acknowledge that change is an inherent aspect of human existence and has the potential to engender novel prospects and personal development.
  • Evolve self learning, Spiritual evolution and Living life down to earth.

It is important to note that the impact of Saturn and Sadesati should be viewed as a mechanism for fostering individual development, rather than a form of retribution. Through a comprehensive comprehension of the historical narratives and a wholehearted acceptance of the transformative process, individuals can effectively navigate this temporal phase with elegance and ultimately emerge fortified and more resilient than ever before.

So , lets explore the journey of understanding Saturn and effect of sadesati on human life.

What is the definition of Karma’s and Role of Saturn ?


Saturn teaching krishna The Saturn, Sadesati and Lord of Karma in Vedic Astrology : Comprehensive Therapeutic Guide of Saturn - Part 1


In accordance with Hinduism, the concept of divine fairness posits that God grants mankind the capacity to exercise free will in their choices between virtuous and malevolent actions. Consequently, the outcome of an individual’s actions is contingent upon the moral quality of their decision-making. Furthermore, it is believed that the collective choices made by humanity collectively contribute to the shaping of their hidden destinies. In this context, we are discussing the Karmas that pertain to our daily lives.

These Karmas are associated with the 3rd house from the 4th house, the 6th house, and the 6th lord. They arise from our ideas and are manifested through practical actions in the 10th house. Importantly, these Karmas are within the realm of our conscious mind and can be freely undertaken by ourselves.

In the realm of general practise, it is commonly seen that the examination of stored desires can be accomplished by examining the natural Karka sign, Aquarius, as well as the 4th house, which represents the Karka of the mind. By doing so, valuable insights can be gained into the potential outcomes of one’s Karmas, whether they be positive or negative, in subsequent births, based on their past actions.

Karma serves as the catalyst for the whole sequence of cause and effect, commonly referred to as Sansara-Venus (Maya). In order to achieve moksha (salvation), one must first deplete the entirety of their accumulated karmas, known as Pra-rabdha, by fully experiencing their consequences.

The concept of karma might be likened to that of a seed, as it often does not yield instant results upon its initial planting.

The generation of several karmic seeds is facilitated by our own acts, encompassing speech, thoughts, and deeds. Consequently, it is imperative to examine the comprehensive chart in its entirety. The examination of the tenth house from Mercury reveals the influence of our speech and conscious mind on our acts. Specifically, if the tenth house from Mercury is occupied by Mars, it may result in a speaker who is harsh or displays arrogance and rudeness. Thus, our speech is intricately connected to our karmic actions, either directly or indirectly. In the context of astrological beliefs, it is posited that the influence of Jupiter, when positioned as the 10th celestial body from the Moon, may engender individuals who exhibit virtuous qualities, possess healing abilities, demonstrate profound contemplation, exhibit extensive knowledge, or serve as spiritual catalysts. This influence is believed to directly impact the cognitive processes of the individual in question, as well as those in their immediate vicinity.

Saturn, Karma and Bhagwat Geeta 


Saturn Bhagwat geeta vedicsiddhanta The Saturn, Sadesati and Lord of Karma in Vedic Astrology : Comprehensive Therapeutic Guide of Saturn - Part 1


According to the Bhagavad Gita, the road of action, also known as karma, is described as enigmatic, and the Law of Karma is deemed unfathomable. Determining the specific karmic factors that contribute to the development of cancer, as well as discerning whether the consumption of a particular fruit is the consequence of a singular karmic action or a confluence of multiple karmic actions, presents a challenging endeavour. Determining the origin of the fruit that one presently derives pleasure from poses a challenge, ascertaining whether it is a result of the karma accumulated in the present lifetime or a consequence of past-life karmas, namely the Sanchita karma.

Under appropriate conditions, karmas that have reached maturity have the potential to yield outcomes during the same lifetime.

Karma is a philosophical concept that encompasses the principle of cause and effect, wherein actions and reactions are believed to have a direct correlation. It is often associated with notions of cosmic justice and individual accountability. The concept of cause and effect, also known as the law of sowing and reaping, operates in a rational manner whereby the outcomes one experiences are directly proportional and accurately determined, as administered by a higher power in accordance with cosmic rules. Karma can be likened to the laws of gravity in terms of predictability, as it posits that the consequences one experiences are a direct outcome of their actions towards others.

The individual who inflicts harm upon others will inevitably experience harm upon themselves at a later point in time. The Law of Karma include a crucial and inherently uncertain element known as the “delivery” or repercussions, which are under the authority of a higher power.

The concept of karma initiates the propulsion of an individual’s soul on a personal odyssey across the expanse of the universe. The concept of karma culminates when an individual attains mastery in the practise of performing actions without attachment or desire, solely in a selfless manner.

The Bhagwad Geeta elucidates that the attainment of detachment from the fruits of one’s actions, known as Karma-phala, can be achieved via the diligent pursuit of self-improvement along the path to the Divine. This involves the practise of diverse yogic disciplines.


Saturn idol The Saturn, Sadesati and Lord of Karma in Vedic Astrology : Comprehensive Therapeutic Guide of Saturn - Part 1


In the course of our daily existence, Lord Shani Dev vigilantly observes our accumulated and ongoing actions, enabling us to comprehend the true nature of our actions and their significant impact on our life. The cumulative result of an individual’s four karmas determines their birth, as each person is born depending on the totality of their collected karmas. If an individual has accumulated negative prarabdha (karma from former lives), they are always bound to experience its consequences in each subsequent birth, as this outcome is solely determined by the volition of the divine entity.

When the obligation to repay arises, it becomes imperative to acknowledge this responsibility. However, it is possible to rationalise these debts by engaging in virtuous actions throughout our continuous existence. The positive karma of an individual has the potential to counteract and neutralise the negative karma of another individual. The 10th house is considered the primary source of all ongoing karmic activities, and Lord Saturn has significant importance in comprehending many aspects of karma in an individual’s life.


Saturn image The Saturn, Sadesati and Lord of Karma in Vedic Astrology : Comprehensive Therapeutic Guide of Saturn - Part 1


From an astrological standpoint, it is recommended to examine the 10th house relative to Saturn in order to gain insight into the various acts we engage in during our daily routines. These actions encompass a wide range of emotions and inclinations, such as want, aversion, love, hatred, and happiness, occurring on a continuous basis throughout each moment or second. The presence of benefic or malefic influences in the 10th house relative to Saturn is likely to provide either favourable or negative outcomes, depending on the inherent character of the actions or Karama. These consequences may manifest in the present lifetime or perhaps in a subsequent lifetime. The fourth house and moon are influential in generating wishes for karmas, whereas the actual execution of these wants is contingent upon the tenth house.

Prior to delving into the subject matter, it is imperative to have a comprehensive understanding of the entity known as Shani-Dev and the manner in which this entity harmonises and regulates the karmic deeds inside the life of an individual.

Saturn, known as Shani or Shana-ish-chara in Sanskrit, is referred to as the sluggish mover or the Manda Gati. It is also denoted by the term Shane-Shane, which signifies its characteristic of moving at a leisurely pace. From an astronomical perspective, it is noteworthy that among the celestial bodies, Saturn possesses the unique characteristic of exhibiting an extended duration within a given zodiac sign due to its comparatively sluggish motion. This phenomenon is attributed to the fact that Saturn requires around two and a half years to traverse a single zodiacal sign or progress through each constellation within the sidereal zodiac.

According to the Linga Purana, Lord Shani-Dev (Saturn) is said to have originated from Rudra, the solar deity. According to the Markandeya Purana, Saturn is described as the offspring of the sun god and his consort, Chaya, who is symbolically associated with the concept of shadow. The chilly and arid nature of Saturn can be attributed to its deep core structure. The individual possesses an inherent purity and satwik disposition inside, however in the context of Jyotish terminology, their external demeanour is characterised as tamasik, exhibiting forthrightness and a propensity for anger.

The individual’s sluggishness is commonly seen as lethargy, although a closer examination reveals that this perception does not align with the true nature of his condition. The individual’s leisurely pace contributes to a prolonged journey towards the intended goal, which is also notable for its rich historical background. Additionally, the protagonist’s association with Sandhya, his maternal figure, bestows upon him the attributes of wisdom and advanced age. The individual’s visual acuity is regarded as impaired, and he is reputed to possess a malevolent nature, albeit exclusively towards individuals engaged in or associated with negative karmic deeds across multiple lifetimes.

The Significance of the Saturn and Sade sati in Vedic Astrology


Saturn planet The Saturn, Sadesati and Lord of Karma in Vedic Astrology : Comprehensive Therapeutic Guide of Saturn - Part 1


According to popular belief, Saturn is often associated with the potential destruction of the house it influences. However, in reality, Saturn primarily presents challenges in relation to the specific house it affects. The outcome varies depending on factors such as the placement of Saturn in a malefic or enemy sign, with the exception being the seventh house where Saturn can bring positive outcomes due to its directional strength. Conversely, when Saturn is positioned in a friendly or neutral sign, it has the tendency to enhance the qualities of the house it influences. The results also differ based on whether Saturn aspects or conjoins with other signs and houses. When Saturn is well placed, it bestows individuals with qualities such as integrity, wisdom, spirituality, fame, patience, leadership abilities, authority, longevity, organisational skills, sincerity, honesty, a sense of justice, and a keen awareness of moral principles.

When Saturn is positioned unfavourably in relation to a hostile celestial body or within a dwelling where the strength of Ashtakavrga is diminished, it has the potential to manifest various adversities for the individual, including but not limited to, personal distress, sorrow, delays, hindrances, disappointments, conflicts, despondency, and challenges. However, it is important to note that these difficulties may serve as valuable lessons pertaining to the specific house in question, allowing for the filtration of karmic seeds. Individuals influenced by Saturn tend to exhibit defensive tendencies, nervousness, and a proclivity for secrecy, yet they also possess commendable qualities such as honesty, responsibility, and loyalty. In the realm of worldly affairs, Saturn governs the western direction, Saturday is designated as its day, black is its associated colour, and the blue sapphire gemstone is attributed to Saturn. In the realm of Vedic numerology, Saturn holds dominion over the number 8.

In order to have a comprehensive comprehension of the various facets of Saturn, it is imperative to delve into the philosophical underpinnings and contextual backdrop associated with the archetype of a teacher or a stringent mentor.

Read More on Karma, Time and Kaal-chakra  ;

Kaalchakra the wheel of time – How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions

Fundamentals Principals of the Saturn Aspects 

The following discourse elucidates the astrological and philosophical significance of the four esteemed mantras associated with Lord Saturn :


Saturn career The Saturn, Sadesati and Lord of Karma in Vedic Astrology : Comprehensive Therapeutic Guide of Saturn - Part 1


1) The Influence of Saturn in a Specific House ( Saturn Placement Effect ) : In this context, Saturn serves as a guiding force, emphasizing the importance of practicality. It encourages individuals to embrace authenticity, loyalty, and honesty, while also emphasizing the need for self-identification within the natural order. Saturn typically diminishes negative qualities and associated characteristics within the house it occupies (for instance, if located in the 8th house, it may promote spiritual growth and alleviate fears, concerns about mortality, sexuality, and losses related to that particular house). Through this transformative process, Saturn facilitates the cultivation of positivity, infusing enthusiasm and imparting profound realization’s. By rectifying past mistakes and errors through the application of wisdom gained from previous experiences, Saturn acts as a catalyst for personal growth and rejuvenation, ultimately shaping a more favourable future trajectory. In essence, Saturn assumes the role of a trailblazer, purging the house of all negativity.

2) Saturn Direct Aspect (Lifelong Challenges): Be Prepared for Open Challenges: Here Saturn gives an equally challenging environment and opponents who can test your abilities and patience where it directly aspects, and it keeps pointing you to prepare yourself for your whole life for these open challenges. Here, Saturnine energy is directing you. Hey you! You are weak and not prepared for future life actions, and you need to work hard in this area as you lack the required energy for betterment. He is suggesting you never take a back step, never fear; you have to accept it in any case, and you have to face this challenge in your whole life unless you never become balanced and perfect, which you are feeling you can’t face in a long race. Here, Saturn is teaching you to rise as a winner. Never neglect your responsibilities; prioritise them and work hard on them. This is your open challenge area for your whole life and an important part of it. Don’t ignore it; prepare yourself and make it better for your future path.


3) Saturn 3rd House Aspect  ( Test of Courage, willpower and Free will ) :  The third aspect of Saturn presents individuals with challenging tasks and demanding environments that they must confront in various situations. Saturn aims to test one’s courage, willpower, and mental resilience by consistently directing them towards tasks that necessitate boldness. This metaphorical representation prompts individuals to question whether they possess the necessary attributes to fearlessly complete the tasks they perceive as insurmountable. Saturn serves as a teacher, urging individuals to eliminate the notion of “no” from their vocabulary and instead rely on their willpower and courage to overcome any obstacles associated with the specific house and sign. The lesson is to boldly and promptly finish tasks without succumbing to fear or procrastination.


4) Saturn 10th Aspect ( What need to be done, rightful karma and actions in society ) :  Saturn’s 10th Aspect, also known as the Ultimate Goal, pertains to the notion that work is akin to a workshop that presents challenges. It involves recognizing that life is not solely about enjoyment, but rather about striving to achieve higher goals that are bestowed upon individuals by a higher power in each successive birth. This process entails evolving and progressing towards these goals amidst openly challenging circumstances and interactions with negative individuals. These challenges may arise from the environment or society, manifesting in the form of opposition to one’s endeavours. Consequently, Saturn advises individuals to utilise these adversities as opportunities for growth and to intelligently navigate encounters with those who consistently oppose their work. Society, in this context, is viewed as a catalyst for personal development, urging individuals to tap into the gifts bestowed upon them and employ them effectively. By doing so, individuals can elevate themselves with the aid of their unwavering spirit.


The study of Saturn historically as depicted in Vedic/Puranic scriptures


Saturn scriptures The Saturn, Sadesati and Lord of Karma in Vedic Astrology : Comprehensive Therapeutic Guide of Saturn - Part 1


Scriptural Reference from Puranas  

Based on ancient legends and scriptural accounts, Saturn is believed to have been born to Sun and Chaya, also known as Swarna. It is said that during the moment of Saturn’s birth, the Sun experienced a profound illness as a result of the inauspicious aspect of Saturn’s gaze. Consequently, a longstanding conflict has persisted between the father and son, as symbolised by the Sun-Saturn Aspect.

According to several Hindu Puranas, Shani is regarded as the progeny of Surya, the solar deity, and Chhaya, symbolising gloom. Yamaraj is identified as Shani’s sibling, while Yamuna is recognised as his sister. Shani’s hue is associated with Indraneel Mani, sometimes referred to as Neelam, which corresponds to the colour blue sapphire.

Numerous narratives exist pertaining to the origin of Shani Dev. The most widely acknowledged account is found within the ancient text known as the ‘Skanda Purana’. According to one particular rendition, the birth of Shani Dev unfolds as follows: The deity Surya was united in matrimony with Sandhya, the daughter of the divine architect Vishwakarma.

Sandhya’s inability to tolerate the luminosity emitted by the deity Surya led her to believe that through perseverance, she could enhance her own brilliance. Alternatively, she entertained the notion that her penance could diminish the overwhelming radiance of Surya. It is important to note that Sandhya worshipped Surya as her spouse, and it was through divine intervention that they were blessed with three offspring: Vaivastahva Manu, Yama Raj, and Yamuna. Despite her deep affection for her children, Sandhya remained greatly distressed by the intense radiance emanating from Surya. Consequently, she contemplated separating from him and seeking solace in her parents’ abode, where she intended to engage in rigorous penance. Should any opposition arise, Sandhya resolved to relocate to a remote and secluded location to undertake her arduous penitential practises.

Through her act of penance, Sandhya manifested a doppelgänger named Suvarna, who represented her shadow self. Sandhya entrusted her three children to Chaya, instructing her to assume the role of a mother figure and care for them. Sandhya assured Chaya that she could rely on her assistance in times of trouble, emphasising the importance of maintaining the distinction between Chaya and Sandhya, and ensuring that this distinction remained concealed from others.

The individual in question relinquished her duties to Chaya and departed for her parental residence. Upon arrival, she disclosed to her father her inability to endure the brilliance of the deity Surya. Consequently, she had left without informing her spouse. In response, her father reproached her severely, cautioning that her uninvited return would bring a curse upon both her and himself. He instructed her to promptly return to her marital home. Subsequently, Sandhya became apprehensive about the fate of the responsibilities entrusted to Chaya should she comply with her father’s directive. The whereabouts of Chaya also became a concern.

In light of the potential revelation of their clandestine activities, Sandhya sought solace in the densely forested regions of Uttar Kurukshetra.

The protagonist experienced apprehension regarding her personal safety within the jungle due to her youthful appearance and physical attractiveness. Consequently, she assumed the guise of a mare in order to conceal her true identity and initiated a period of penance. In a separate narrative, the divine union between God Surya and Chaya resulted in the birth of three offspring. Surya and Chaya enjoyed a harmonious relationship, characterised by Surya’s unwavering trust. The progeny of Chaya consisted of Manu, God Shani, and Putri Bhadra (Tapti).

According to the second narrative, the manifestation of God Shani occurred as a consequence of the esteemed ‘yagna’ conducted by Maharishi Kashyap. During the gestation period of God Shani within the womb of Chaya, Shiv Bhaktini Chaya exhibited a profound level of devotion towards God Shiva, to the extent that she neglected her own sustenance.

The intensity of her prayers throughout her penance exerted a remarkable affect on the developing child within her womb. The complexion of God Shani turned black as a consequence of Chaya’s rigorous penance, during which she endured exposure to the scorching sun without sustenance or shelter. Upon the birth of God Shani, Surya was taken aback by the presence of his dusky skin. The individual commenced to harbour scepticism against Chaya. Chaya was subjected to derogatory remarks when he asserted that the child in question was not his offspring.

Since his birth, God Shani has inherited the immense powers resulting from his mother’s rigorous penance.

The individual observed his father engaging in verbal abuse towards his mother. He observed his father with a malevolent stare. Consequently, the paternal figure’s physical form exhibited a burned black appearance. The equine companions of the celestial deity Surya came to a halt, bringing his divine chariot to a standstill. The chariot exhibited a lack of mobility. Filled with concern, the deity Surya beseeched the presence of the divine entity Shiva. The deity Shiva provided counsel to the deity Surya, elucidating the events that had transpired. As a result of his actions, the reverence for both the mother and infant has been compromised and subjected to derogation. The deity Surya acknowledged his wrongdoing and expressed remorse. The protagonist experienced a restoration of his former resplendent appearance and the revitalization of his chariot’s equine strength. Subsequently, God Shani has assumed the role of a dutiful offspring to his paternal and maternal figures, while also displaying unwavering devotion as a pupil of God Shiva.

Based on other scriptural and legendary accounts, as documented in the Brahma Purana, it is asserted that Saturn exhibited unwavering devotion towards Lord Krishna and was captivated by his divine presence. In light of this proclivity, the Sun entered into matrimony with the daughter of Chitra Rath, namely Saturn. Saturn’s spouse had remarkable strength, potency, and humility. Param Tejasvi, the consort of Saturn, approached her husband with the intention of beseeching him for the gift of progeny. However, Shani Dev was preoccupied with engaging in meditation and offering prayers to Lord Krishna. Following a prolonged period of waiting, the protagonist’s spouse became increasingly agitated and expressed her discontent by invoking a curse against Shani, beseeching that anyone and everyone encountered by him shall face utter destruction. Consequently, she invoked a curse upon Saturn, proclaiming that any anyone who encountered him would suffer complete annihilation. Due to the aforementioned characteristics, Saturn was deemed weak and its influence was believed to possess the potential to bring about destruction upon individuals.

Saturn made efforts to persuade her, and she ultimately acknowledged her error. However, she was unable to retract the curse. Saturn assumed a downward gaze, motivated by a desire to prevent harm to others. This results in Shani consistently maintaining a lowered head posture.

This narrative elucidates the detrimental influence of the drishti (aspect) of Shani.

( References from Skanda and Padma Purana


Read More on Karma in Vedic Astrology 

The Karma Theory in vedic astrology part 1: Astrology and karma

The Karma Theory in vedic astrology part 1: Know about Astrology, Past life and karma Connection ?


The Significance of Saturn in Vedic Astrology


Saturn much misunderstood The Saturn, Sadesati and Lord of Karma in Vedic Astrology : Comprehensive Therapeutic Guide of Saturn - Part 1


According to the principles of Vedic astrology, Saturn is often regarded as auspicious when positioned within a specific house, while its influence on the houses it aspects is typically perceived as unfavourable. The perceived harm associated with Saturn’s influence stems from its role in imparting spiritual and worldly teachings through these aspected homes, which are essentially regarded as arenas for personal growth and developmental problems in one’s present life. Shani exhibits influence over the 3rd, 7th, and 10th houses, including a span of 270 degrees in orbital distance. One may envision the substantial magnetic impact exerted by Saturn based on its occupied position.

Shani strongly disapproves of behaviours such as fraudulent activities, deceit, dishonesty, alcohol consumption, gambling, neglecting personal hygiene, engaging in animal cruelty, and showing contempt towards God, parents, or elders.

If Shani assumes a favourable placement within an individual’s birth chart, it is likely that said individual will experience progress in various facets of life. This progress may manifest in the form of diligent work ethic, equitable conduct, and a propensity for justice. Additionally, individuals with a favourable Shani placement may enjoy a commendable social standing and a relatively healthy physical condition. Conversely, an unfavourable positioning of Shani within a birth chart may result in adverse consequences such as damage to one’s residence, occurrences of fires, accumulation of debt, disputes, and the loss of financial assets and property.

The adverse positioning of the planet Saturn, commonly referred to as “Shani,” is associated with the occurrence of dental and ocular abnormalities during early development. Historically, the movements of Saturn, often regarded as the “Great Malefic,” were met with trepidation and accompanied by cautionary messages conveyed by astrologers to their clients. These messages forewarned individuals about potential scarcity, misfortune, significant setbacks, or challenging situations.

The gift of Saturn lies in the pressure it exerts, which serves to maintain our focus on our individual journey. Similar to the zodiac sign it governs, Capricorn, Saturn’s gravity stems from the understanding that certain objectives necessitate persevering through apprehension in order to cultivate greater internal discipline. Jupiter, on the other hand, counterbalances this by instilling faith, optimism, and confidence that the diligent efforts invested will ultimately yield fruitful outcomes.

The planet Saturn does not guarantee success, nevertheless, by methodically outlining the necessary steps and persevering along this trajectory despite potential distractions and uncertainties, individuals can gradually attain a level of expertise that aligns with the standards set by Saturn. This process ultimately leads to the development of unwavering self-confidence.

The influence of Saturn is often perceived as weighty and constraining, which aligns with the inherent characteristics of the physical realm. In instances where individuals feel overwhelmed, inert, or despondent, they may relinquish their autonomy and grant authority to another figure. This authority can manifest in various forms, such as a superior at work, a paternal figure, a spouse, an educator, a confidant, or even an internalised critical voice. Following a period of sufficient humility, individuals may ultimately choose to assert their independence and assume the role of self-governance.

The astrological placement of Saturn in one’s natal chart, specifically in terms of its sign and house position, indicates the potential areas in which significant life challenges may manifest. Despite any negative connotations associated with this celestial body, it is important to recognise that Saturn should not be regarded with fear. In fact, the attainment of success following the overcoming of obstacles can be profoundly fulfilling, accompanied by a profound and enduring understanding of life. This invaluable outcome is bestowed upon our individual destinies by the influence of Saturn, also known as Shani.

According to belief, Prajapati and Yam are considered to be the Adhidevta and Pratyadhidevta of Saturn, respectively.

Saturn is associated with Lord Krishna’s lineage and is depicted as riding a vulture and a chariot crafted from iron. Additionally, Saturn is recognised by other appellations, including Asit, Aarki, Chhayatmaj, Mand, Shanaishchar, Suryaputra, Ravij, Pangu, Saur, and Bhaskari.

In Vedic astrology, Saturn is considered the Karak planet for the 6th, 8th, and 10th houses, as well as for the concept of detachment.

Saturn serves as the significator planet for coal, iron, eggplants, garments of black or blue hue, split black lentils, black grapes, and Indian blackberries.

Saturn is widely regarded as a Karak planet for objects exhibiting a blue hue. It is commonly linked to the anatomical structures of ligaments and the stomach. In the context of detachment, Saturn’s potency within the Kundali is crucial for attaining success. Additionally, Saturn can be associated with the domains of sculpting, service, agriculture, and the labouring class. Furthermore, Saturn’s influence extends to the temporal aspects of an individual’s life, particularly their age and longevity. Favourable placement of Saturn within a horoscope is believed to bestow a prolonged lifespan.

Despite its negative reputation, Saturn is widely regarded as a symbol of instruction and guidance. It exhibits characteristics akin to those of an educator, disciplining individuals for their transgressions while rewarding them for their virtuous actions. Furthermore, Saturn is associated with the concept of justice, assuming the role of a judge and dispensing equitable outcomes based on an individual’s conduct. Consequently, individuals who engage in wrongdoing and possess unfavorable karma are duly recompensed.

Saturn governs the skeletal structure of the human body, particularly the larger bones found in the legs. In accordance with its inherent nature, Saturn is associated with the manifestation of chronic ailments that tend to persist over an extended period of time, often proving to be challenging to remedy. Consequently, individuals afflicted by such conditions must endure prolonged periods of illness. Moreover, those influenced by Saturn’s energy are compelled to exert significant effort in their endeavors throughout life. Saturn symbolizes the laboring class, individuals who toil diligently to secure meagre sustenance. Additionally, Saturn exercises dominion over land and subterranean resources, thereby exerting control over mining operations. Iron is the metal associated with Saturn, while its representative colors are black and blue. The zodiac signs governed by Saturn are Capricorn and Aquarius, with its exaltation occurring in Libra and debilitation in Aries. Aquarius serves as Saturn’s moon-trikona sign.

Saturn is characterized by its adherence to discipline and strictness, and it strongly opposes chaos and disobedience. In the realm of Hindu astrology, Saturn holds significant importance. This celestial body instills fear in individuals due to its unwavering commitment to discipline and strictness. The gradual movement of Saturn across the zodiac offers two significant periods known as Sade Sati and Dahiya. These periods occur multiple times throughout an individual’s life. Sade Sati refers to the phase when Saturn transits the twelfth and second houses relative to the natal moon. Similarly, the period of Dahiya occurs when Saturn is positioned between the fourth and eighth houses from the natal moon. The duration of Sade Sati spans seven and a half years, while the period of Dhaiya lasts for two and a half years.

These two periods are widely acknowledged as challenging phases in an individual’s life. During this time, individuals encounter several adversities and difficulties without receiving any relief or support. From an astrological perspective, this period is believed to be conducive to personal growth and enlightenment, despite the hardships experienced.

Conclusion : 

The experience of enduring hardship can be seen as a means of atoning for one’s transgressions. This concept allows for an examination of the contrasting characteristics of Mars and Saturn. Specifically, individuals influenced by Mars may be driven towards criminal behaviour or theft as a result of the difficulties they face. Conversely, Saturn’s influence prompts individuals to embark on a spiritual journey, compelling them to reflect upon the actions that have led to their current state of suffering. Over time, this process leads to a transformation towards righteousness.

Stay connect for next part where we will discuss about remedies of Sadesati, Story behind  lord of karma which have strong therapeutic effect on human being actions and self understand. Keep reading and stay connected.


To be Continued…


Rocky Jamwal | Founder | Author | Vedic siddhanta


Source, Reference and link,

  1. Padma and Linga Puran
  2. Shani Shaman, Internet and Wikipedia
  4. Bhagwat Geeta, Geeta Press, Chapter Karma Yoga

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Runanubandha part 1: Soulmates, Karmic Ties and Concept of Rinanubandhan in Vedic Astrology

RNanubandha Runanubandha part 1: Soulmates, Karmic Ties and Concept of Rinanubandhan in Vedic Astrology



Written, Compiled and Researched

by Rocky Jamwal | Re-edited : January 2024 


Become familiar with the idea of karma and the relationship it has with runanubandha. Discover how our actions and intentions impact the experiences we have now and will have in the future. Examine the relevance of karmic ties and the ways in which they impact the relationships we have and the situations we find ourselves in. Explore the ways in which gaining an awareness of karma might enable us to make decisions that are conscious and so build a life that is more satisfying and meaningful.
First and foremost, it is essential that you have a solid understanding of the concepts of karama and karmic ties, as well as the ways in which these are connected to the debts of the past. Clearly, this demonstrates the cause for those seeds and how they are connected to previous incarnations. As will be shown in the following paragraphs, karmic deeds are neither a punishment nor a reward; rather, they are only a means of gaining insight into oneself and the unmet desires that continue to return from previous births in the cosmic cycle.

Understanding Runanubandha, Karma, and Karmic Connections


runanubandha in vedic astrology vedicsiddhanta Runanubandha part 1: Soulmates, Karmic Ties and Concept of Rinanubandhan in Vedic Astrology


Karma is a notion that has its origins firmly ingrained in a wide variety of philosophical and spiritual institutions. It is the conviction that our deeds, intentions, and ideas all have repercussions that have an effect on the experiences we have as well as those we will have in the future. Every every action that we perform leaves an energy imprint that has an effect not only on our own lives but also on the lives of others around us, according to this concept.
The idea of runanubandha is one facet of karma that is often disregarded by people. Our karmic ties or debts with other people are referred to as runanubandha, which is a phrase that originates from the Sanskrit language. It is the concept that we are connected to other people as a result of the repercussions of our acts in the past, and that these ties have a substantial part in determining the situations that we are now facing.

Understanding Karma

The concept of karma is often characterized as a circle of cause and consequence. Every action that we perform will have a corresponding result, according to the rule of action and reaction, which states that they are inextricably linked. In addition to our physical and mental well-being, our relationships, and the circumstances of our lives, these repercussions may present themselves in a variety of different ways.

Keeping in mind that karma is not just about punishment or reward is an essential point to keep in mind. The system in question is not one of divine judgment; rather, it is a natural rule that functions in an unbiased manner. We are not subject to the influence of an outside force; rather, the outcomes of our activities are the direct result of the decisions that we exercise.

Samskaras are impressions or imprints that are created on our awareness as a result of our actions, intentions, and thoughts. These samskaras build throughout time and have an effect on the experiences that we will have in the future. Actions and intentions that are good lead to positive results, while actions and intentions that are bad lead to negative consequences.

Exploring Runanubandha

Through its emphasis on the interconnection of all creatures, Runanubandha develops the idea of karma and expands upon its definition. Essentially, it implies that we are connected to other people via a complex network of karmic relationships. These connections are developed by our encounters and relationships with other people, both in this incarnation and in prior lifetimes.

The concept of runanubandha suggests that every individual we come into contact with has a karmic tie to us. These associations may be either favorable or negative, depending on the nature of the activities that we have taken in the past. As an instance, we could have good connections with those who have assisted us in the past, whereas negative connections may exist with others whom we have caused damage to.

These karmic ties have an impact on the situations and relationships we are now experiencing. These things have the potential to influence the people we bring into our lives, the lessons we need to learn, and the difficulties we have to overcome. Insights into the patterns and dynamics of our interactions may be gained via the process of comprehending and accepting these connections.

The Significance of Karmic Connections

One of the most transformational experiences we may have is when we become aware of and comprehend our karmic ties. It enables us to accept responsibility for the acts we have taken and the results those actions have produced. It is possible for us to get a more profound comprehension of both ourselves and the relationships we have if we acknowledge these connections.

In addition, taking the time to acknowledge our karmic links may assist us in breaking away from destructive behaviors and cycles. It gives us the ability to think things through and make decisions that are in line with our goals and ideals. Through the cultivation of good acts, intentions, and ideas, we have the ability to realize a life that is more harmonious and meaningful.

It is essential to approach the idea of karmic links with an open mind and heart in order to get the best results. In spite of the fact that it may be tempting to place blame or seek retribution, the fundamental meaning of karma rests in the process of human development and change. We are able to break away from the cycle of bad karma and create a world that is more positive and loving if we concentrate on our own acts and intentions.

In conclusion, knowledge of karma and the notion of runanubandha, which is closely tied to it, provides significant insights into the interwoven nature of our lives. It is possible for us to gain the ability to make conscious decisions and to build a life that is more satisfying and meaningful if we have an understanding of the karmic ties we have with other people and the repercussions of our actions.

Note :  For understanding Karmic Cycle one need to understand the essence of Karama from Bhagwad Gita and Mahabharta Bhishma Parva , chapters 43 to 124.

Understanding Runanubandha from Mahabharata 

krishna bhishma Runanubandha part 1: Soulmates, Karmic Ties and Concept of Rinanubandhan in Vedic Astrology

Story Begins :  Mahabharata , Bhisma, Arjuna and Runanubandhan

An excerpt from the short narrative that depicts Bhishma and Arjuna having a conversation is shown here. During the Mahabharta conflict, Bhishma was fully aware of the fact that he was also on the side of the Kauravas; nevertheless, it was just his physical body that was on their side; his heart was not on their side.

During their conversation, Bhishma shared with Yudhishthira the following:

“My son, Duryodhana, was doomed when he ignored Krishna’s advice; your victory was guaranteed.” Place Shikhandi in front of me while we are engaged in combat, and I will let down my bow and arrows. I will not have a fight.”

Now the issue that has to be asked is, “Why Shikhandi?

“In his previous existence, Bhishma had turned down the opportunity to marry Amba, and he was aware that Shikhandi was none other than herself “.

It was her desire to get revenge on him. After that, she prayed to Lord Shiva, wishing for a blessing that would allow her to eliminate Bhishma herself. The blessing was bestowed upon her by Lord Shiva; she was reborn with the intention of killing Bhishma; however, Bhishma refused to acknowledge Shikhandi as a man and would not engage in combat with her.

This one again demonstrates that karmic connections always come to us in whatever form, whether it be in the form of revenge, love, or hatred, and that it often manifests itself as pains as well. Runanubandham, which translates to “karmic relationship with them,” is the format in which one must pay off his karmic obligation.

In addition, while Bhishma was laying down at the conclusion of the Kurukshetra War, after being wounded by Arjuna’s thousand arrows, Bhishma provided Arjuna with the following explanation of the previous life:


bhishma lozhe Runanubandha part 1: Soulmates, Karmic Ties and Concept of Rinanubandhan in Vedic Astrology

Oh,  Pandavas !  The actions that we have taken in the past have resulted in everything. The seeds of plants will never germinate if they are not planted.

In a similar vein, actions that were carried out in the past, whether they were good or terrible, have the potential to bring about positive or negative outcomes in the present. One may acquire huge fortune in the present without exerting any effort if they have made charitable contributions in the past.
Tapas that were prepared in the past bring about joys in the present.

Through the performance of service to elders and gurus in previous lifetimes, one is able to acquire knowledge and intellect without having to formally study under any guru. If a person is able to observe non-violence in their previous life, then they will continue to live for a significant amount of time in their current existence.

Because of this, sadhus, also known as saints, constantly practice nonviolence, donate to charitable causes, respect gurus, and serve elders and visitors, among other things. Then and only then will they be able to take pleasure in the next death. To put it another way, it is all about carrying out good or bad karmas in the past in order to achieve a positive or negative outcome in the present.

(Mahabharta,  Bhishma Parva,chapters 43 – 124)

Behind the Scenes: Figuring Out What the Story Is Trying to Say

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Its the Karama that become the reason of this birth, after accumulating new karamas it leads to the basis of your next birth. After the death, soul of a person gathers all accumulated karamas from current one like a reservoir in that person’s mind. Later Divinity or God as per the divine Karmic law takes a handful of those Karmas and further it leads to a new karmic seed in the form of body.

So if a person has done good Karmas with those individual people, he/she might gets a good godly body in heavens first and then further they takes birth in a same learned, Religious and dutiful families, forms Close association with those family members in as a brother, sister, mother or father as a part of Karmic Rina, those having done good karama with that soul, during this whole process they enjoys relations with them.

If he/she has done bad karmas in past life then that person’s soul further goes to lower wombs of birds and animals.After moving through those lower Varnas, exhausting bad karmic seeds Soul further takes birth in those families having bad pending karmic deeds with them to further clear off debts in the form of karmic relations.This way process of Birth and death in the karmic relations keep going on unless and until karmas neutralises into zero.

( Source :

Law of Karama and Runanubandhan as per Bhagwad  Geeta

Below are verses of Bhagwat Gita further justifies the Laws of Karama and connection with the Runanubandhan Theory:

“sariram yad avapnoti yac chapy utkramatishvarah grhitvaitani samyati vayur gandhan ivasayat”
(Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Fifteen verse 8)


“Sri Krishna said:O Arjuna, As the wind carries away odours from their seat, even so the Jivatma (soul), the lord of the body, snatching these (the mind & the senses) from the body, which it casts off, migrates into the body, which it acquires.

“yada sattve pravrddhe tu pralayam yati deha-bhrt
tadottama-vidam lokan amalan pratipadyate”

(Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Fourteen verse 14)

“Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, When one dies in the mode of goodness, he attains to the pure higher planets of the great sages.”

“rajasi pralayam gatva karma-sangisu jayate
tatha pralinas tamasi mudha-yonisu jayate”

(Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Fourteen verse 15)

“Sri Krishna said:  O Arjuna, When one dies in the mode of passion, he takes birth among those engaged in fruit producing activities (i.e. as a man or woman on earth); and when one dies in the mode of ignorance, he takes birth in the bird & animal kingdom.”

Explanation : This shows that its Karamic debts which become the seed of our many births we take in any given life cycle.
If we See further Definition of Karmic action, Below mentioned quotes are well justifying the theory:


Karma has been a pop culture term for ages. But really, what the heck is it? Karma is not an inviolate engine of cosmic punishment. Rather, it is a neutral sequence of acts, results, and consequences.

Receiving misfortune does not necessarily indicate that one has committed evil. But it is a sufficient indicator of something else.And that something else can be anything, as long as it is a logical consequence of what has come before.

Consider: if you fall into a well, you are not a bad person who deserves to suffer—you are merely someone who took a wrong step. Or someone who had one drink too many. Or got a head rush due to poor circulation. Or forgot to wear your glasses. Or— The reasons are plentiful, and all plausible. But the chain of cause and effect goes way, way back into the deepest hoariest recesses of your personal past. So never rule out retribution. But never expect it.” 
by Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration
When you seek questions those are unfulfilled and having no clue from anywhere, that simply indicates those are nothing but are deep rooted lessons of past karmic actions.

“If you want to know the answer to ‘Who am I?’, then you will have to go to a Gnani purush [the enlightened one]. The Gnani Purush will give you Knowledge of your real Self [Who Am I] in the presence of the egoism. Thereafter your accounts (karmic) will be settled [& things will start falling in place].If the ‘effect’ is experienced, [karmic] bondage is created. If one experiences the ‘effects’ alone by himself, the [karmic] bondage will not be sticky. If he involves another person in it, the karmic bondage will be sticky.”  

― Dada Bhagwan

The Relationship Between Runanubandha and Vedic Scriptures in Padma Purana

An explanation taken from the Padma Puran

There is a notion that posits the presence of karmic relationships between persons. This idea is known as runanubandha, which is also known as the cycle of indebtedness. According to this theory, every single human being is linked to other people by means of a complex network of debts and responsibilities that have been accumulated over the course of several incarnations.

The consequences of these relationships may be either favorable or harmful, and they have an impact on the way our lives unfold.

Runanubandha is a notion that is extensively treated in the Padma Purana, which is one of the eighteen Mahapuranas. This ancient literature places a strong emphasis on the significance of comprehending and resolving these karmic debts in order to achieve spiritual emancipation attained.

Vedic scriptures, including the Vedas, Upanishads, and Puranas, serve as a guiding light for individuals seeking spiritual wisdom and enlightenment. These ancient texts contain profound insights into the nature of existence, the purpose of life, and the interconnectedness of all beings.

Within the Vedic scriptures, the concept of Runanubandha is intricately woven into the fabric of karma and rebirth. It is through these texts that we gain a deeper understanding of the intricate workings of the universe and the role of our actions in shaping our destiny.

Quote from Padma Puran : 

“Runanubhanda Rupena Pashu Patni Suta Aalaya Runakshaye Kshyayaanthi Tatra Parivedana.”
(Padama Puran)

Meaning: Every Relations are the result of previous birth bondage. Once the debt is annihilated there is no relationship and hence end of suffering in this Samsara.

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The Hypothesis behind Runanubandha

When we are tied by karmic links that have lasted for many years, it is not simple to comprehend what these relationships are or why we continue to adhere to them from the time we were children. We engage, share, love, and react to a large number of individuals in a manner that is unique to each of us. One of the most effective methods for comprehending karmic bonds is to just be quiet, comprehend them, and pose a multitude of inquiries to one’s own soul.

In layman language, a karmic relationship is a deep-rooted karmic action-based romantic bond that is formed with someone with whom you feel connected always and somehow you think you are made for, and most probably it might belong to your soul group categories in order to repent, heal past life lessons, and ease the pain a soul has been going through for many years.

The category of karmic connections is the kind of relationship that seems to be a soulmate-like tie, which is something that no one seeks in a direct manner, but in the end, everyone will obtain it in the karmic cycle of this life. In addition to being difficult to comprehend and emotionally draining, these relationships may sometimes manifest themselves in the form of verbal and physical aggression, and most crucially, they are characterized by a dominating and manipulative nature from the beginning.

There is no way to escape such karmic bindings until and until the soul has been able to acquire a profound understanding of his karmic teachings. In the meanwhile, they continue to go through a cosmic cycle for years in order to comprehend one another.

Those are awaiting them from this birth system. The only way to mend and comprehend a karmic connection is for one or both of the parties involved to make an effort to comprehend the spiritual foundations of the relationship and to make the choice to break free from the karmic cycle and develop their spirituality. In order to put a stop to a karmic connection, one must improve their strength and broaden their perspective, as well as develop their spirituality and think more deeply about life. When any of the individuals involved in the karmic relationship make the decision to entirely disengage from the connection, whether it be physically or spiritually, the relationship will come to an end.

In order to get a complete understanding of a karmic connection and to cure it, you need to devote a significant amount of time to self-realization or evaluation. Before you decide to go on to the next relationship, you need first look inside yourself to completely grasp the process of the whole connection, which includes the lessons that the relationship has taught you that you need to learn.


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Does the Really True Soul Mate Exist? : The Seed of Karmic Lessons

Is it a Chain of Karmic Relations ?

You will find that things continue to repeat themselves in any new relationship if you immediately jump into a new relationship without even realizing, repenting, or self-evaluating the entire situation of the bond without understanding the pattern of the relationship. This is due to the fact that the deeply rooted issues have not yet been fully healed and realized within the new relationship.

The decision to If you get into a new relationship too soon after the conclusion of the previous karmic tie, you will once again reopen some portions of the pattern cycle of karmic pains. The realization of the error that you are making in previous relationships is the core of a karmic tie in any karmic misery that you may be experiencing. The time and the scars that have been caused by all of the relationships, as well as the time that they need to educate and heal you, must be given to them.

Once you have learned the karmic lessons and patterns of keeping falling in multiple relationships and you have tried to break down this pattern by growing spiritually, at the end you will be free from all of your patterns in a one-way go and you will be a free bird for forever where there will be no pending karma in your basket. Without any involvement from you, even this cycle will finish itself for the other person on its own without any involvement from you. In any life, if you have made an effort to thoroughly heal the lessons that you have learned inside yourself, you will be free from all of the karmic connections that are still lingering from the past.

After the ultimate ending revelation and the breaking of the pattern of karmas, learning, suffering, and mending the karmic tie, the only method to meet genuine love soulmates will be feasible. This is the only circumstance in which this will be achievable. One of the reasons that a karmic connection appears in our life is to bring to our attention the shame, remorse, and unresolved grief that we have carried with us from a number of previous incarnations. As you go through the suffering that is associated with your karmic cycle, you will be able to open yourself up to the possibility of experiencing the genuine love partner that you truly deserve throughout this life cycle.

Does Astrology Have an Answer? The Investigation

Astrologically, we can understand those karmic bonds but not in an easy lay man language via what we are studying from classical scriptures but yes there are many tools and system to understand ” runanubandham” concept or Karmic relations between two people via Jamini and Nadi systems.I have tried to explain the concept of karmic relationships and Runanubandha concept from many of jamini sutras and what i have observed from past many years in many different charts. but first of all we need to understand the basic concept, what actually is Runanubandha or Karmic debit of two people or the people we interact with them.

What are soul mates? Are they different from karmic relations?

When it comes to the spiritual realm, a soul mate may be any relationship that has a significant position in your life. It might be a member of your family, a close friend, or even your romantic partner. These are spirits who have a different purpose in life and come into our lives for more significant causes. They also have more profound lessons and teachings associated with them.

Every single human being has a certain kind of soul, such as Satvik, Tamasik, Rajasic, and so on. When we come into contact with other souls of this kind in our lives by following tatava in them, it often results in frictions that are similar to two energy forces that may produce effects that are distinct, exciting, and difficult. Some souls may have the impression that they have known each other from previous lives; others may have a conflict with one another; and yet others may have the impression that they have never been in the company of such a person before.

Some of the souls who enter our lives assist us in developing a deeper love and knowledge for one another, while others assist us in gaining insight into universal truths or learning challenging lessons in life, whether they do it in a harsh manner or in a really genuine one. Every single one of those souls who enter our lives brings about crucial life-altering situations for the sake of a higher cause.

Spiritually speaking, soulmates are like mirrors that reflect who we are. Our own soul is reflected in what we perceive in the soul of another person. When we are able to understand other people’s souls as “mates,” even our adversaries, as members of our family who are there to teach us lessons about life, then our whole perspective of other people and our relationship with them undergoes a complete transformation.


The deeper meaning of “Runanubandha” ?

RainbowStreams6 Runanubandha part 1: Soulmates, Karmic Ties and Concept of Rinanubandhan in Vedic Astrology

We take birth in a family, we meet friends, we meet parents, we meet many partners, we indulge with them, we create further karmas, and finally, after doing many sins and karmic actions, we fall in a good relationship, or either we feel like marriage is a burden to us, we feel that parents are not listening to us, and we leave our parents and close friends circle and live in isolation to repent those sufferings; the question is, why is it so??. We carry certain karmas and exhaust some of them, and those that we left behind we brought away with us for the next incarnation. This is a concept that is quite plain to understand. What are your thoughts on the fact that this karmic cycle contains a profound mystery?

Sri Sri Ravishankar’s view on the concept of Rnanubandhan

According to Sri Sri Ravishanakr ji’s explanation of the law of Rnanubandhan, we shall encounter a variety of people during our life. These individuals may take the shape of a mother, a father, siblings, sisters, a spouse, children, and so on. Only because of the unpaid obligations from previous lifetimes that we carry with us, we are able to give birth to a family. According to the mathematical explanation, at the same time that we are establishing accounts, we are also debiting and crediting all of those karmas with those accounts. Because of our indulgence in them, we have accumulated a large number of karmic debts with all of the people with whom we contact. Each and every one of our karmic obligations, also known as Rina, ultimately results in some kind of bondage or attachment, also known as bandhan, with the others with whom we engage in interactions. What it says about karmas, according to the principles of the Bhagavad Geeta, is that all of these karmic attachments will attempt to drag us into the wheel of life, or you might say the karmic or cosmic cycle, again and again, until and until we exhaust them. This is what it says about karmas if we examine thoroughly.

( Art of Living – Gyan Dhara – The Law of Karama: 
Runanubandha, Relationships, Astrology)

The True Definition: Runanubandha

In reality, Runanubandhan is the bond of karmic activities that occurred in previous births. These actions are the outcome of karmic debts that are at the base of the repeated lives that we participate in within this cosmic cycle. The many karmas that we are doing in our day-to-day lives lead us to a great number of “Rina,” and this Rina, in turn, leads to karma once again.

It is a cycle that goes in both directions. If you have ever given or done anything to another person in a previous life, the memory of those karmic deeds will be stored in your soul, which is also known as your astral body, and there will be a connection between the soul and all of the memories. In this life, the person or soul to whom you have done anything, whether it be something good or something harmful, will be your debtor or your creditor. In the event that you have taken anything in the past, it will be taken away from you in whatever birth that you take; it may be this present delivery, or it could be because of some birth. You will be rewarded in some way in the future for the good deeds you have performed in the past.

The astral body continues to store the memories, sorrows, and joys of all of the Runanubandham relations in countless incarnations. This occurs in the various births that we take. There is no use in attempting to break free from the cycle of birthing unless and until all of the karma that is stored in the soul body is either burnt away or exhausted by the physical body. According to logic, we are recollections of the runanubandham that occurred throughout each and every incarnation, and the numerous karmas that we do in each connection are a reflection of some kind of runanubandha.

Those individuals with whom we have a strong connection or relationship will be a part of our strong runanubandha.

In this life, these individuals typically become our parents, spouses, children, and close friends.

What Sadguru has to say about Runanubandha

I have discovered that in many instances, individuals continue to engage in several sexual and physical intimate relationships with a large number of others, and even they do not feel or know what they are doing. This is something that I have personally seen. Later on, when karma begins to play its part in the form of pain in their intimate relationships, such as marriage and children, people either make an effort to forgive themselves or experience intense feelings of guilt in their subconscious mind.  It is the issue of why this is the case.
It is clear that Sadguru Ji has stated, “Sexual relationships have the greatest impact on our lives in terms of the amount of memory or subconscious impression they leave in our minds as compared with any other kind of touch or any substance you come into contact with.”
This statement is in accordance with the Runanubandha theory, which is explained in Karma and Memory. In order to get a complete grasp of Runanubandhan, it is essentially the physical memory that is connected to the soul that we carry from. The acquisition of this memory may occur via any sexual interaction, even those that are based on blood.

It is said by Sadguru Ji that when it comes to sexual interactions, a woman’s body has a far greater memory and tolerance ability to experience the pain and amount of suffering that is associated with that, and it may lead to feelings of guilt or a sense of distinction. The body of a male has a far greater capacity for memory when it comes to genetic material.

In general, a woman’s body stores less physical memory than a man’s body does after the age of eighteen to twenty-one years old. A woman is required to have a kid from a guy who is not genetically related to her in order for this to occur. This is the primary reason why nature has proceeded in this manner. Her genetic memory must be reduced in order for her to be able to carry the kid to term. This is of the utmost importance.

( Karma and Memory by Sad guru)

Resolving Karmic Debts

The Padma Purana provides insights into how to resolve our karmic debts and liberate ourselves from the cycle of Runanubandha. It emphasizes the importance of self-reflection, selflessness, and acts of compassion.

By engaging in selfless actions and cultivating a mindset of forgiveness and understanding, we can gradually dissolve our karmic debts and alleviate the burdens they impose. The scriptures encourage us to let go of resentment, seek reconciliation, and strive for spiritual growth.

The Path to Liberation

The ultimate goal of understanding Runanubandha and resolving our karmic debts is to attain liberation or Moksha. The Vedic scriptures teach that by breaking free from the cycle of birth and death, one can merge with the divine and achieve eternal bliss.

Through self-realization and spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, and selfless service, individuals can transcend the limitations of their karmic debts and realize their true nature as divine beings.


Runanubandha is a concept that is addressed in the Padma Purana and other Vedic traditions. It provides significant insights into the interconnection of all creatures as well as the role that karma plays in molding our existence.

By gaining a knowledge of our karmic obligations and working to resolve them, we may create the road for our own spiritual development and freedom. In order to break free from the cycle of Runanubandha and achieve spiritual emancipation, let us take the lessons of the Vedic texts to heart and make it our goal to develop compassion, forgiveness, and selflessness in our daily lives.

In the next section, for the purpose of gaining an understanding of the astrological notion of rinanubandha, we shall examine several sample charts.

Stay connected for more articles on Past Karma, Rinanubandha & Karmic connections 


Part 2:  Rinanubandhan Part 2: Understanding Marriage, Karmic Bonds, and Soulmate Relations Astrologically

With Thanks & Regards,
Rocky Jamwal
Source, Reference and links :
[1]. K.N Rao : Karma & Rebirth in Hindu Astrology 
[2]. Karma and Memory by Sadaguru ji
[4]. Art of Living – Gyan Dhara – The Law of Karama:  Runanubandha, Relationships, Astrology
[5]. Mahabharta Bhishma Parva , chapters 43 to 124.
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