Understanding Allergies in Ayurveda

What does Ayurveda say about Allergies?

A1 Understanding Allergies in Ayurveda

Written and Researched by Dr V.D Singh

The immune system is the defence mechanism of your body against certain bacteria, viruses etc. which may harm you. But sometimes when this defense mechanism starts fighting with the substances with which it shouldn’t, the condition is called Allergy. Such substances, found in dust mites, animal dander, pollen, insects, ticks, moulds, foods, some medicines etc., are called allergens and are completely harmless for most people.

An allergic reaction begins when an allergen (for example pollen) enters the body of a person, who is allergic to that particular allergen and triggers the release of antibodies. These antibodies attach themselves to special cells, called mast cells. When this allergen (pollen) comes into contact with the antibodies, the mast cells respond by releasing histamine and other chemicals.

Allergy may be atopic (inherited) or acquired. The allergens may hit your eyes, nose, sinus, skin, stomach, bowels, lungs etc and may cause conjunctivitis, allergic rhinitis, urticaria (hives), eczema, allergic asthma, etc and sometimes may result into anaphylaxis – a serious situation which may put your body into shock.

Antihistamines, intranasal corticosteroid nasal sprays etc may provide the symptomatic relief but the episodes may recur once you get exposed to that particular allergen again.

Allergy and Ayurveda

A2 Understanding Allergies in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, Allergy is described as Asatmya. Asatmya literally means Intolerance or Incompatibility or Unsuitability.

In other words, Asatmya is that “which doesn’t suit the self” and ‘self’ here includes mind, body and soul. Pathophysiologically, Allergy is a condition in which either of the doshas ( Vata, Pitta & Kapha), individually or in unison, refuses to accept and adjust with some specific change in diet or environment and as a result, react against the causative factor.

Apart from doshas, misbalanced Agni (Digestive Fire) and hence produced ama (toxins) play a pivotal role in allergic reactions.

The Ayurvedic treatment puts emphasis on clinical observations of signs and symptoms of Allergy. The first line of treatment being  Nidan Parivarjanam ­ – to avoid the cause.

The causative factors may include any of the substances discussed above. However it is not always possible to evade the cause and sometimes even the patient himself is not aware of the allergen; hence, an all-inclusive Ayurvedic treatment is required.

It includes Shamana Chikitsa (Palliative treatment), and once the acute symptoms subside, Shodhana Chikitsa (Detoxification program or Panchakarma) is done to avoid the recurrence.

By and large Ashwagandha, Shatawari and Yashtimadhu are good herbal antihistamines for Vata, Pitta and Kapha  type of Allergy respectively but Ayurveda believes in individualized approach towards a patient and disease.

 Seasons and Allergy

A3 Understanding Allergies in Ayurveda

There are certain seasonal allergies which are described as per Ayurveda those are further connected to the state or changes in the season regimen of the earth at that time, means according to the rituachrya.

Ayurveda further states that season trigger allergies due to ‘doshas’ that are involved. To find a treatment, it is important to determine the aggravated ‘dosha’.

Vata types of allergies are caused due to dryness. Symptoms includes dry cough with dry phlegm, insomnia and anxiety. It gets worse in dry or windy environments and also during autumn.

Pitta type allergies cause excessive heating such as burning eyes, rashes and loose stools. The condition usually worsens during summers.

Kapha allergies develop due to moist, humid conditions and worsen during spring time as the weather warms up. It shows up as cloudy or clear mucus production and slow digestion. You should follow a liquid diet of liquefied fruits and vegetables once a week.

For curing allergies with Ayurveda, we must focus on cleansing the body off the toxins and boosting the immune system. If the allergies last all year long, it is advisable to visit an ayurvedic practitioner for proper guidance and diet plan.

How to Cure Allergies with Ayurveda

  • We must avoid heavy foods such as dairy, meats and nuts.
  • We should do hearty lunch and opt for a very light dinner.
  • Drinking plenty of warm water would be much relaxing.
  • Exercising daily.
  • Yoga breathing exercise would be good for relaxing the mind and body.
  • Allergies are worsened with intense stress. Stress causes disturbance in sleep which in turn aggravates the allergy. One must get adequate sleep to avoid allergies.
  • Applying Herbal oil massage enhances blood circulation in the body. This leads to the removal of chemical toxins which might be causing the allergy.


Hence Ayurveda can better deal with the Allergies and we must adhere it according to seasonal regimen, food and taste and for better results one must consult an Ayurveda consultant for complete relief from Allergy.


By Dr V D Singh MD (Ay)


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Views: 22

The Divine Codes Volume 5 | Issue by Team Divine Codes

” The Divine Codes ” – volume 5

44693952 2134351789951077 8871738425766576128 n The Divine Codes Volume 5 | Issue by Team Divine Codes

Dear Readers,

We are glad to inform you that the 5th Volume of our magazine has just been released on the auspicious day of Aswin Shukla Poornima.
Articles at Glympse for volume 5th | October 2018 | The Divine Codes
• Unxplored wonders near Vaishno devi- The Editor
• Spiritual power yoga — Shri Adarsh Narayandas (Spiritual yoga guru)
• A nadi research. Predicting the year of Brahmopadesham. –Shri Ramdas Rao
• Understanding allergies, The Ayurvedic way. Dr V.D Singh M.D (Ayurveda)
• || चन्द्रमा मनसो जातः || Shri Tejas Pandya, M. A. (Vedang Jyotish)
• Cancer- A vedic jyotish analysis- Shri Jatinder Sandhu
• Transformative astrology: An Introduction- Dr. Ajay Shahi
• The workflow in Vastu analysis – The Editor
• Kundali Power Rising and its benefits- Shri. Adarsha Narayandas.
• Ritucharya: an overview of seasonal regimen in ayurveda for healthy living- Dr V.D Singh M.D (Ayurveda)
• Stories for champs/dedication to the duty- Dada J. P. Vaswani
• Karkamsha – Shri Vinay Jha
• Astro-meteorology: The process of vayu-dharana or garabhdharana- Shri Rakesh Jamwal
• The rashi, bhava & graha guna. A snapshot method to understand a chart. : With examples- The Editor
pin The Divine Codes Volume 5 | Issue by Team Divine Codes

Views: 61

Webinar on Medical Astrology: Understanding Seat of the Disease – How to find Disease from Natal Chart

WebinaronMedicalastrology Webinar on Medical Astrology: Understanding Seat of the Disease - How to find Disease from Natal Chart

The Vedicsiddhanta Presents webinar on Medical Astrology

The seat of Disease – How to predict Disease from Natal chart by Jatinder Sandhu

@ 21st October 2018, from 10:00 Am to 12:00 PM On Zoom

Webinar Fee: Rs 350/-

For Any Details or Query for Registration, you can Contact: +91-7006278941

All those who are interested in learning medical astrology can join this Paid Webinar on Medical astrology for the understanding seat of the disease via different Astrological Methodologies and principals. Session Duration would be around 2 Hours.lectures would cover the entire gamut of basics to advanced concepts as required for identifying the diseases from the horoscope. The course can be in English/Hindi depending on the participants enrolled.

Video recording of the session Would be provided after the session but first, we need to understand

What is Medical Astrology?

Understanding the Content of the webinar

In Real Life, astrology is related to every simple aspect of life. Thus it is important for people to have the perfect idea of diseases. These predictions are important for astrology that can also predict the condition of diseases that have a chance of health problems. It is also important to have health situations related to those of medical astrology.

Stages of predicting health conditions through astrology
These process of predicting is done through various tests that help in understanding the knowledge and events to occur in the life of that person. This can only be predicted by assessment of all the positions of planets and other heavenly bodies. Thus just like any other important events, disease and health problem are also associated with astrology. Medical astrology is an important sector of astrology that can be used to avoid chances and risks of having diseases as much as possible.

Prediction of Astrological condition with medical benefits
The most important part of the disease and sickness prediction through astrology is the preparation of the planetary position. Each high planetary position depicts particular risks of a disease and then comes the charting of the associated conditions.

Best wishes for the session

For Register yourself in webinar click on the below link:


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Views: 9

Burt Reynolds heart attack and death analysis : Medical Astrology in the light of heart attack

poster 6368c5cc541e472b87b748255872cc9d Burt Reynolds heart attack and death analysis : Medical Astrology in the light of heart attack

What is Heart Attack ? 

If you believe that you are having the symptoms of a heart attack, please call 911 immediately and seek medical attention. The heart is a muscle like any other in the body. Arteries supply it with oxygen-rich blood so that it can contract and push blood to the rest of the body. When there isn’t enough oxygen flow to a muscle, its function begins to suffer. Block the oxygen supply completely, and the muscle starts to die.

Heart muscle gets its blood supply from arteries that originate in the aorta just as it leaves the heart. The coronary arteries run along the surface of the heart and supply oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle. The right coronary artery supplies the right ventricle of the heart and the inferior (lower) portion of the left ventricle. The left anterior descending coronary artery supplies the majority of the left ventricle, while the circumflex artery supplies the back of the left ventricle. The ventricles are the lower chambers of the heart; the right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs and left pumps it to the rest of the body.

What Causes a Heart Attack ? 

Over time, plaque can build up along the course of an artery and narrow the channel through which blood flows. Plaque is made up of cholesterol buildup and eventually may calcify or harden, with calcium deposits. If the artery becomes too narrow, it cannot supply enough blood to the heart muscle when it becomes stressed. Just like arm muscles that begin to ache or hurt when heavy things are lifted, or legs that ache when you run too fast; the heart muscle will ache if it doesn’t get adequate blood supply.

This ache or pain is called angina. It is important to know that angina can manifest in many different ways and does not always need to be experienced as chest pain. If the plaque ruptures, a small blood clot can form within the blood vessel, acting like a dam and acutely blocking the blood flow beyond the clot.

When that part of the heart loses its blood supply completely, the muscle dies. This is called a heart attack, or an MI – a myocardial infarction (myo=muscle +cardial=heart; infarction=death due to lack of oxygen).

Picture of Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction) Picture of Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction)

heart attack Burt Reynolds heart attack and death analysis : Medical Astrology in the light of heart attack
Heartattk Burt Reynolds heart attack and death analysis : Medical Astrology in the light of heart attack
HeartAttk1 Burt Reynolds heart attack and death analysis : Medical Astrology in the light of heart attack
The circulatory axis in natal chart is afflicted on two points Aquarius and Sagittarius ,while the sign and house having Leo sign is under malefic influence ,lord of Leo sun is hemmed in malefic s along with 3rd and 5th lord mercury ,sun is the fourth lord ,the karak of 4th and planet moon is also under malefic influence from Saturn through the 8th aspect of mars,karak of 5th Jupiter is also under the malefic influence since the lords of 4th ,5th ,natural sign lords of kaal pursh and sign lords are all in malefic influence ,the involvement of circulatory axis again with malefic points to a cardiac problem.
He had triple bypass surgery in last week of Feb in the year 2010. Sun/Venus/Jupiter in Aquarius ,Rahu in Sagittarius ,Saturn in Virgo in 5th house of natal over moon.
Mars in cancer and mercury in Capricorn.Again the stress is on cardiac related axis and body organs.

At the time of his death Saturn is in transit on Sagittarius ,rahu in cancer and ketu in Capricorn ,sun in Aquarius ,Mercury /Venus in Pisces,Moon/Jupiter in Libra,mars in Scorpio. Dasha Mercury -Saturn .Mercury is lord of 2nd a marak.

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Views: 7

Remedy for childless couples or those having difficulty in conceiving

0 lP Remedy for childless couples or those having difficulty in conceiving

Article written by Jatinder Sandhu

Remedy For childless couples

बाल गोपाल श्रीकृष्ण के बाल रूप को कहा जाता है। कृष्ण जी अपने बाल रूप में बेहद नटखट थे। हिन्दू धर्म के अनुसार कृष्ण जी के बाल गोपाल स्वरूप को सर्वाधिक पूजनीय माना जाता है। भगवान श्री कृष्ण के बाल स्वरूप की पूजा करना निसंतान दंपत्तियों के लिए बेहद शुभ माना जाता है। संतान बाल गोपाल मंत्र एक ऐसा ही मंत्र है जो निसंतान दंपत्तियों के लिए आशीर्वाद समान माना जाता है।

संतान गोपाल मंत्र का प्रयोग (Santan Gopal Mantra for Child) 
Krishna Remedy for childless couples or those having difficulty in conceiving

 ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं ग्लौं देवकीसुत गोविन्द वासुदेव जगत्पते
देहि मे तनयं कृष्ण त्वामहं शरणं गतः ।

shrim hrim klim glaum devakisuta govinda vasudeva jagatpate
dehi me tanayam krishana tvamaham saranam gatah.

मान्यता है कि इस मंत्र का प्रतिदिन 108 जाप करने से जातक को संतान प्राप्ति अवश्य होती है। साथ ही ज्योतिषी सलाह देते हैं कि मंत्र जाप के साथ-साथ अपने शयन कक्ष में श्रीकृष्ण की बाल रूप की प्रतिमा रखना चाहिए। इस प्रतिमा की श्रद्धाभाव से पूजा करते हुए उन्हें लड्डू, माखन मिसरी का भोग लगाना चाहिए।

 संतान प्राप्ति के लिए कृष्ण जी के एक अन्य मंत्र ।

 सर्वधर्मान् परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज।अहं त्वा सर्वपापेभ्यो मोक्षयिष्यामि मा शुच।।

Sarvadharman parityajya mamekam Saranam vraja.
Aham tva sarvapapebhyo moksayisyami ma sucha.

Fast for childless couples and the way to do it

Shiv Chaturdashi Ka Mahatva Remedy for childless couples or those having difficulty in conceiving

शिव चतुर्दशी व्रत विधि (Shiv chaturdashi vrat vidhi in Hindi)

on the designated day go the Shiva temple without eating and drinking anything, offer coconut wrapped in mouli or roli, two whole suparis, two male gender fruits like banana or mango, do abhisheka and offer all these to shiv linga. Donate one lota vessel and white cloth to young pujari ( priest) not to an old one ( this is to be done first time only ) all the other procedure to be repeated each time. Then come home and drink cold and sweetened milk, have some fruits if required or if the medical condition is such that its required.

( fast to be done by the couple)

हिन्दू धर्म के अनुसार प्रत्येक माह की चतुर्दशी तिथि को भगवान शिव को समर्पित शिव चतुर्दशी का व्रत किया जाता है।

 भविष्यपुराण के अनुसार प्रत्येक महीने के कृष्ण पक्ष की चतुर्थी को “शिव चतुर्दशी” कहते हैं। इस दिन पूरे विधि-विधान से शिव जी की पूजा की जाती है। इस व्रत को करने से व्यक्ति काम, क्रोध, लोभ, मोह आदि के बंधन से मुक्त हो जाता है।

शिव चतुर्दशी व्रत विधि (Shiv chaturdashi vrat vidhi in Hindi)

भविष्यपुराण के अनुसार शिव चतुर्दशी व्रत में भगवान शिव के साथ माता पार्वती, गणेश जी, कार्तिकेय जी और शिवगणों की पूजा की जाती है। शिव चतुर्दशी का व्रत करने वाले जातक को त्रयोदशी के दिन मात्र एक समय भोजन करना चाहिए।

इसके उपरांत चतुर्दशी के दिन व्रत का संकल्प लेकर शिव जी की धूप, दीप पुष्प आदि से पूजा करनी चाहिए। शिवजी की पूजा में भांग, धतूरा और बेलपत्र का विशेष महत्व होता है।

 चतुर्दशी के दिन रात्रि के समय शिव मंत्रों का जाप करना चाहिए। 

Remedy for childless couples or those having difficulty in conceiving

शिवजी के कुछ विशेष मंत्र निम्न हैं:
“ऊँ नम: शिवाय” व ” शिवाय नम:”

रात को सोते समय इस मंत्र का जाप करना चाहिए:

शिव चतुर्दशी व्रत का फल (Benefits of Shiv chaturdashi vrat in Hindi)

शिव चतुर्दशी का व्रत जो भी व्यक्ति पूरे श्रद्धाभाव से करता है उसके माता- पिता के सारे पाप नष्ट हो जाते हैं।

इसके अलावा उसके स्वयं के सारे कष्ट दूर हो जाते है तथा वह जीवन के सम्पूर्ण सुखों का भोग करता है। इस व्रत की महिमा से व्यक्ति दीर्घायु, ऐश्वर्य, आरोग्य, संतान एवं विद्या आदि प्राप्त कर अंत में शिवलोक जाता है।

पौराणिक मान्यता के अनुसार चतुर्थी के दिन भोलेनाथ की शादी मां पार्वती से हुई थी, इस दिन भगवान शिव के भक्तों द्वारा उनकी बारात निकाली जाती हैं। उपवास के दौरान भक्तों को गेहूं दाल और चावल से दूर रहना चाहिए।

इस दिन कई भक्त बिना आहार ग्रहण किए व्रत करते हैं लेकिन जो लोग निराहार नहीं कर सकते हैं वो फल, चाय, कॉफी का सेवन कर सकते हैं।

Jatinder Sandhu
Medical Astrologer
pin Remedy for childless couples or those having difficulty in conceiving

Views: 5

Understanding Heart Issue fatality – Child death Heart attack/stroke and astrological connection

heart illustration Understanding Heart Issue fatality - Child death Heart attack/stroke and astrological connection

Understanding Heart Issue fatality

Article Written by Jatinder Sandhu

Heartissuefatality Understanding Heart Issue fatality - Child death Heart attack/stroke and astrological connection

The circulation of the human body is based on three zodiac signs Leo the heart and pump, Sagittarius the arterial system and Aquarius the venous system, Sign Aquarius has been named Hridya roga in Brihat jatak , roughly translated it means a heart disease.

Planet moon signified blood and heart, sun heart and circulation, as per Greek astrology Leo/Aquarius axis has been defined as Circulatory axis.

heart attack Understanding Heart Issue fatality - Child death Heart attack/stroke and astrological connection
Image result for Heart attack

In this chart moon is in 12th ,its said planets whose lords go to 6,8 or 12 suffer. So here as lord of 3rd the secondary longevity house it suffers.

Venus is the lord of ascendant and 6th under aspect from ketu . There is an exchange between 3rd and 12th kords moon and mars.

The initial two months Maha dasha of ketu – mercury is in operation ,mercury is lord of 2nd the marak here.


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64th navamsa lord Mars 22nd drekana Sun, 3rd house , mars and sun are in Sarpa drekana ( dangerous for health).

Transits and dasha on Feb 2018 the time of death Venus – Venus its lord of ascendant or self/physical body and the 6th the trigger of diseases.

Transits Saturn Sagittarius the natal 8th house ,Rahu over sun and mars in 3rd house of natal horoscope ,ketu in 9th of natal horoscope ,mars in Scorpio the 7th house over natal Saturn,Sun ,mercury and Venus in Aquarius over natal ketu.

So in the horoscope Mars in transit connects with natal ascendant/ 6th lord Venus so 7th lord the marak in transit connecting with Dasha lord made it tough for the baby. 

Coupled with circulatory axis going bad , moon in an adverse position, Saturn also connects with dasha lord the 7th aspect.

Saturn in transit connects with natal mars ( inflammation creator) Jupiter the signification of cholesterol and arterial system , Saturn signifies blockage and it is known for all kind of blockages like stones in human body , so Saturn+Jupiter +mars when they connect they represent blockage of heart or formation of clot , that may turn fatal.

BPHS says that sometimes the lord of kendras( angular houses) or trikonas (trines) can bring death in their dasha, further it also says that dasha of planet in 2,7,6,8,12 from atam karka can kill since sun is the atam karka planet in 12th from it is Venus so the dasha of Venus was fatal.

Jatinder Sandhu

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Views: 19

Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Progenyanalysis Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Introduction :

“I take shelter of Lord Hari, who is the unborn, eternal Supreme Personality of Godhead. UponRemembering Him, a reservoir of all auspiciousness is produced, Obeisance’s unto Him who is the destroyer of all obstacles, who the knowers of Vedanta describe as the Supreme Brahman, and who others describe as the pradhana, or totality of mundane elements. Some describe Him as the supreme male person, or purusha, while others describe Him as the Supreme Lord and the cause of the creation of the universe.”

(Vishnu Purana).
Om Guruve Namah 
Om Namo Narayana
Om Kreem Kalikaye Namah

“या देवी सर्वभुतेषु छायारूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥११॥”
The goddess who is omnipresent as the personification of universal Mother.The goddess who is omnipresent as the embodiment of power.
The goddess who is omnipresent as the symbol of peace
I bow to her, I bow to her, I bow to her again & again

Note: This was an advance case study of one of the client I did in a few months back, I am just sharing here for the technical understanding of chart how we can properly use of Divisional Charts while doing case studies. I thank Mr. XXX sir for allowing me to share the article on social media. I hope you will enjoy reading this.

Case Study: Analysis and Scope of Progeny

p053dbgk Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth


Prashna Asked: When will native can enjoy the happiness of Childbirth. Why there is a delay in childbirth.

Natal Chart ( Native Details)
1 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth
Basic Details of Native :
3 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth
General Natal Chart Analysis


Based on available birth details, rising Navamsa is Scorpio having a difference of 7 minutes earlier and 3 minutes later. That further confirms that possibility of error in birth time is less based on past life events as discussed earlier with the native. As most of the physical, educational traits, skills, and qualities justifying or advocating for Scorpio lagan with Jupiter in lagan and Ketu in 9th house, that confirms native spiritual bent of mind and deep interest in Spirituality and reading scriptures.

So, available birth details need not to be corrected or tested further for the timing of events in this report.

As Native is born in Aquarius Lagan in Taurus Moon sign, in Krishna Chaturthi (Lord is mercury) is falling in 6th from the Moon sign and having 6/8 relationship with the Moon lagna, further confirms that native can face issues regarding relationships and marriage.

Though tithi lord mercury is not under any malefic influence in D9 and D60 chart but it is having Exchange with the dispositer lord Saturn having 9th aspect from the Rahu placed in 3rd house of the Navamsa can confirm that it might give Further prolonged issues in deep relationships but it might give delays in fruits (Children’s) from the marriage too.

If we see in D1 chart, Putra Karka Jupiter is placed in the 6th house from the D1 and falling in 3rd from the Moon sign, having 3/11 Relationship with the Moon it and also rules lordship of the 8th lord from the Moon lagan too, falling in 2nd from the 5th house in exaltation from lagan that further confirms challenges and Hardship regarding Progeny related matters with delay.

As Same Jupiter in D9 chart is getting 3rd Graha aspects from the Saturn and Rashi dristhi from the Rahu, Ketu, and Moon, whereas Both Rahu and Ketu aspects show challenges w.r.t to Spiritual and Progeny related matters but Aspect of Moon on Putra Karka Jupiter In Both D1 and D9 shows possibilities related to Progeny happiness.

So Aspect of Moon on Jupiter shows blessings and possibilities of children’s happiness in Moon Rashi and Graha Dasha.

But the Major problem is Jupiter being Maraka as well as malefic for Aquarian people further shows that native might face lots of struggle, hurdles, delays and wastage of efforts in getting childbirth on time.

Though Jupiter is well placed in the 6th house in exaltation and falling in 2nd (Sustainer- one who protects and feeds the previous house) from the 5th Bhava (Seen for Progeny related matters) always try to protect the Childbirth matters or its growth being a natural Shubha and Putra karka graha but being placed in a marak house and getting Virodh argala from the 4th Rahu and 3rd Saturn from the 5th house (Bhava for Putra) for children birth it might give delays in the fruits of childbirth whenever its Rashi and Graha Dasha period will be operative and functional in chart.

Though the 5th house is Getting Shubh Argala from the 6th placed Jupiter in cancer, 9th placed Venus, Mercury, Mars, and Sun in Libra and 12th placed Moon in Taurus Sign shows positive results and improvement or chances of fructification of results wrt to children’s related matters in these Rashi Dasha periods.The only Issue is Putra Karka Jupiter is getting virodh argala from the 7th placed Saturn in Leo and 8th placed Rahu in Virgo shows Delays and Hurdles in the progeny related matters.

The good thing is Moon showing positive results to the Putra Karka Jupiter and 5th Bhava from the Shubh argala and the Rashi Drishti point of view from the Taurus Sign.

So, Taurus and Libra Sign Rashi Dasha has much potential for giving childbirth, besides this Virgo Sign also has potential for childbirth but Rahu is causing virodh argala to the Putra Karka and 5th house shows It might help native in conceiving the childbirth in mother womb but pregnancy may not sustain for much longer period or it might give issues like abortion or miscarriages.

From Jamini Point of view, Jupiter is falling in 10th from both Chara Putra Karka Mercury and the Karka of Conception Venus again showing for begetting the results native might need to put lots efforts or some sort of Remedial measures in order to gain positive results for progeny happiness.

As Kendra’s bhavas are ruled by the different Elements and if it has malefic yukti like Fiery and Watery elements planets or Water and Airry it can give problem in sustaining the pregnancy for a longer period of time and sometime one may not able to conceive the pregnancy because of the Mismatch in elements or Tattvas.

Though in native case Jupiter is not aspecting the chara Putra Karka Mercury and Venus but is causing Shubh argala to the natural Putra karka Jupiter and also having relation of 4/10 with each other, whereas Venus (Jala Tattva graha), Mercury (Vayu Graha), Sun (Agni Graha) and Mars (Agni Graha) are placed in Vayu Rashi, shows the mismatch between the tattvas (Venus is Hemmed between Fire, Agni) and further confirms that major issue is in sustaining Pregnancy for longer period of time in mother womb or sometimes it also shows too much fire in the Swadishtan Chakra, causes imbalance in the Sexual energy which can lead to sperm wastage, shortage or loss of the sperm count and, in during the coitus movement, required sperms may not able to reach the destination point in the spouse uterus.

Lagna or Ascendant
4 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

For getting the childbirth, Role of Lagna (Self Desire, being the pada lord of 7th house), 9th house/9th lord (Sanchit Karma or Fruits of past, blessings of divine, being the pada lord of 5th house), 5th house/lord (Poorva Punya, Punya of past- fruits of past ), 11th house/lord (Being pada lord of 7th house, falling 5th from the 7th), 2nd House/Lord (Mainly seen for personal family, Kula growth) and 4th house/4th lord (Being motherhood, Motherly nature and nourishment, Happiness via Motherhood) from Lagan and Moon lagan are important.

In Native case, 5th from Lagna is Gemini sign and lord of the 5th house is Mercury, lord of the 9th house Libra is Venus and Lagnesh is Saturn.

That further shows Mercury, Venus and Saturn are paramount for Bringing childbirth in native life and all these planets Dasha period is majorly important for getting childbirth.Whereas lagna is empty (Getting 7th aspect from the Saturn on own sign Aquarius – Shows results or fruits but after some initial Delays, due to self or karmic reasons).

5th house is empty but 5th lord is Mercury sitting with the 9th lord Venus in the 9th house with the sun and Mars further shows Dasha period of Venus, Mercury, Sun, and Mars are also majorly important for timing of the childbirth.

Though all are not well placed from the Moon Lagna (6th from the Moon), shows initial hurdles and difficulties in bringing childbirth in the mortal world.

Only Rahu (the other lagna of Aquarius) is well placed from the Moon lagna (5th from the Moon) and the Natal chart in own mooltrikona sign (lord is Mercury).Again Shows Rahu is also one of contender for giving yoga for conception but also shows difficulty in delivering the childbirths, as it is falling in 12th from the chara Putra Karka Mercury and karka of conception, (Venus) and most important it is placed in the 3rd from the Putra Karka Jupiter while sitting in the 8th house of the hurdles, delays, transformations, and obstacles.

3rd relationships always show challenges and extra efforts one may require for sustaining the results of the house that what Both Jupiter and Rahu are showing each other in a 3/11 relation in the d1 chart.

But the basic problem in native chart is all these planets are placed in Bhadhaka sthan with Bhadkesha venus who is getting 3rd aspect from both the Saturn and Rahu, falling in 12th from the Bhadhaka adhipati, moreover Rahu and Ketu are also aspecting the 5th house from the Rashi Drishti while sitting in 8th and 2nd house, further shows native may experience lots of unknown troubles, Delays, difficulties, and hurdles in getting childbirth due to past birth karmic reasons.


“It is a clear cut Sarpa Dosha from the Past birth that native need to resolve it in this birth for getting healthy and fruitful child birth.”

For Aquarius Lagna both Mars and Jupiter are considered as malefic, whereas mars being the 3rd lord (Karka of Mathun or Sexual acts) also placed in the 9th house with 9th lord Venus, 5th and 8th lord Mercury with the 7th lord Sun and all are placed in Bhadhaka sthan, Shows issue of an overheat in the coitus movement while having sexual act or it can lead to shortage in the sperm count which can further give issues in holding the conception due to an overheat or early loss of fluid in the sexual acts or it can also show conception occurring in wrong muhurta or the timings of coitus may not be good or could be happening in wrong timing that could become another reason couple may not able to conceive the pregnancy in a correct time period.

Here Sun (The Beeja) is also debilitated but getting neech bhanga from the Venus, so it is acting as neutral but Sun and Mars being with Venus it is giving loss of Sperm in the native.

From all this, we can conclude that there will be difficulty in getting conception in time and even if conception occurs it may not be able to survive it for the longer period (not able to deliver) in the womb due to other medical reasons like Abortion, miscarriage or some sort of technical or medical difficulties , as Venus is hemmed between Malefic influence in Both D1, D9, and D7 chart.

In D1 chart, Rahu is placed in 12th from the Chara Putra Karka Mercury and Bhadkesha Venus is deeply conjugated with the mars in D1, getting 3rd aspect of Saturn too.Moreover, Saturn is also giving Permanent Rashi drishti on the Libra Sign with Moon too.Saturn shows Difficulties or delays in conception, whereas moon shows chances of procreation or when native can conceive with positive results.

Here, Native needs both Spiritual and Medical Solutions and remedies to get the bliss of progeny happiness or blessing of the childbirth via divine.

As Chara Putra Karka (Mercury) Is messed up with debilitated sun, Mars, and Saturn, moreover Rahu is placed in the 12th from it.
In D1chart, all these factors are a clear-cut indication of either denying or delays in the childbirth happiness. If we see from Putra Karka Jupiter, Saturn is placed in 2nd from it in Sthira Rashi also shows Delays and difficulties in getting the child in right time. Here, Solution lies in the Deity worshiping of the planet who is falling in Kendra to the Chara Putra karka (Mercury) and Bhadhaka/ Sthan (Venus) and native also need to perform certain rituals and acts.
Here in Native Case, Jupiter is present in an exalted state falling in 10th from the bhadhaka sthan/Bhadhaka pati (Venus) and Chara Putra Karka Mercury that shows, guru devotion or guidance or advice or Prasad from some spiritual and divine guru is required to get Beeja of Putra in the mother womb.

As bhadkesha lord, Venus is placed in the Dual sign Gemini with Mars in the D9 chart and mercury is placed in the 9th house from the Karkamsa and Bhadkesha Venus, the remedial measure is possible after visiting distant holy places i.e visiting temples, godly places, any Siddha place or via Siddha guru advice.

“ Another way is native can also do deep worshiping to Bhadhakesha lord for pacifying the badha or obtacles coming in the way of concieving and visiting to the Ishta or Deity temple would also give positive results.”

Further it also shows divine blessings of Gauri/Laxmi (worshiping of Devi form as what Venus in native case Signifies to remove the bhadha for getting childbirth), Shiva (for providing strength to Sun for establishing Beeja in the womb) and Vishnu (As Jupiter is falling in 2nd from the 5th house, to get smooth delivery, for protection of Progeny, role of Vishnu ( protector)) required and native also need to perform some spiritual rituals or Vedic anusthan’s.

Venus is retrograde first thing, 2ndly it is Bhadkesha lord, and most important it is deeply messed up in Navamsa chart by Mars (by conjugation), Ketu (Placed in 2nd from Venus) and Saturn (By 10th aspect).

The remedy for AK venus is most important unless there won’t be any chance conception can occur or stay further in the womb for a longer period. In native case, enhancing the strength of Venus is majorly important for the conception process and to increase Sperm count, especially in the male chart.

“So, Remedy lies in the deep devotion or sadhana of the Ishata Devi, Shiva and Vishnu form is essential.”

Reason being, as Sun (Creator – Shiva – Beeja) is debilitated (Dispositer lord Venus is in Bhadhaka sthan but in own sign) and Moon (Mother Gauri – Womb of mother) is exalted, dispositer lord again is Venus placed in 6th from the moon, being karka of the conception and also rules sperm in male native, falling in 4th and 9th house and having 6/8 relationship with each other, that further shows there is mismatch in the tattva and Rinna involved with respect to the procreation that is giving unknown hurdle, difficulties, and delays in conception.

In native case, Wife is capable to give childbirth but Male native can face the issue of Sperm count or issue due to Sperm count infusion or problem of sperm flow in the uterus or it can give trouble in conceiving.In Simpler words, it might give issue in the timing of conception and sometime it can further give rise to medical difficulties like Miscarriage or Abortions due to an elemental mismatch in Fire, water, and air,and in astrological terms when Karka is under the heavy influence of malefic planets either by Paap Kriti yoga, aspect or conjunction, medical issues would be common.

From Lagna chart, Mercury, Venus and Moon Dasha period are paramount in giving child birth as both Mercury (5th lord), Venus ( 9th lord) are falling in 9th from the lagna, and Moon (where Venus sign is there) falling in Kendra Bhava in 4th house and also aspecting 9th house and 5th lord Mercury by Rashi Drishti shows better possibilities for begetting child in these vimsotri dasha periods but correct timing for Dasha period of Progeny happiness would be assured if above planets are well placed from the Moon (of D1, D9, and D7), Navamsa and Saptamasa Lagna ( D7).
Moon Lagna ( D1 and D9)


5 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Now let’s study the Moon lagna, in case of Moon lagna, 5th from the Moon is most important for timing of the childbirth, Here in native case 5th sign is Virgo where Rahu is placed in its mool-trikona sign, placed in 5th from it and 9th sign is Capricorn, who is empty and its lord is placed in the 7th house falling in 4th from the Moon.

Being lord of the 5th (Virgo) and 6th (Libra) sign from the Moon Lagan , Both Mercury and Venus are placed in the 6th house ( Marak House for children’s happiness) from the Moon lagna, and as per the classical rules conjunction of the 5th and 6th lord Signs usually denies or delays the fruits of the childbirth in the chart, that further shows though both the dashas are capable from the Lagna Kundli being lord of the 5th and 9th and are closely conjugated but being placed in mark Sthan from the Moon lagna it is denying or delaying the childbirth and also giving lots of delays and hurdles in the conceiving.

This is the only reason why even having good strength from the D1 chart but due to the bad placement from the moon chart, both the planets are not helping much for the conception and childbirth events.

From The Moon, Rahu has the greater possibility as it is well placed on it and Saturn is placed in 4th from it shows Stress or delays via the relationship that may not help in begetting child happiness.Jupiter is placed in the 3rd house that shows with the much efforts one can get beget a child.

So, there are possibilities of the childbirth but it also shows lots of unknown difficulties, efforts and delays in begetting childbirth.

If we see the past Record Rahu Mahadasha period has given opportunities for two times but both the periods were not fruitful for getting childbirth, as it is not well placed from the Putra Karka Jupiter (3rd from it) , Chara Putra Karka Mercury (12th from it) and Karaka of Conception, Venus (12th from it), shows the clear reason why it has given the possibilities of conception but couples not able to fruitfy childbirth successfully.

Navamsa Analysis


4 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

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If we see the D9 chart Rahu is also well placed in the 3rd house but 12th from the Chara Putra karka Mercury and 3rd from the Sthir Putra Karka Jupiter and 8th from the Venus show events related to cheating in marriage, Miscarriage, Delays and absorption.

Now current Dasha period of Jupiter is also going on, also lord of 5th and 2nd house placed in Lagna aspecting 5th and the 9th house Ketu too, again shows Current Mahadasha period Jupiter has good potential and capability to give childbirth as it is well placed in 4th from the chara Putra Karka Mercury.

But being 8th from the Moon lagan and 6th from the Venus also shows delays, hurdles and difficulties in begetting childbirth in the Dasha period on time, but it can be minimized by putting extra efforts in spiritual and medical remedial measures and needed strong and deep devotions toward the Ishta Devata or deity to fulfill the criteria of conception and Pregnancy.

Presence of Divine wish or Understanding Fertility Factor from the chart

Arudha Pada of Lagna( A3 and A9) ( Surya Arudha S9, S3)


8 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth
7 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Based on the above-mentioned details Neither Sun, Nor Venus and Mercury which are ruled for Infertility factors are falling in 2nd, 7th, 12th and 8th from the Both A3 and A9 Arudha (Arudha of the lagnas seen for medical fertility factors). 

Whereas from both A3 and A9, A9 is much stronger compared to A3 as Jupiter is placed over A9 arudha in cancer sign, moreover, Moon is also aspecting on A9 arudha pada too, that shows Moon Dasha would be most prominent dasha period for childbirth and conceiving factor.Though Both Saturn and Rahu are placed in 2nd and 3rd from the A9 Shows delays, hurdles and medical efforts in conceiving but same Jupiter is also placed in the 9th from AL shows there will be fortune with respect to children birth in MD of Jupiter.

As per Lagna arudhas, there are strong factors available for complete fertility from the Natal chart and native having very much potential in begetting the childbirth.

Now Let’s move toward the Surya Arudha of 3rd and 9th lord from the Surya that shows divine wish of the almighty for progeny.

Here both S3 and S9 are placed in Aquarius sign and neither, Sun, Venus and Mercury are placed in the 2nd, 7th 8th and 12th from the S3 and S9 confirms Divine wish is also there for conception and childbirth and Native is fertile from the Surya Arudha too, Soul of the child can come in the mortal mortal but with some efforts.

Another good factor is all Benefic planets, Mercury, Sun and Venus are also aspecting both S3 and S9 arudhas that shows good progress and development in the pregnancy with the gradual process, but also needed much time and patience.Only native need to be very cautious for the month when coitus movement will happen, in short muhurta of the conception month matters a lot for presiding over on time pregnancy and in same case aspect of Jupiter on S3 and S9 also further confirms native will beget the child birth by the divine wish of the almighty after performing certain rituals and divine remedial measures or advices of the guru or astrologer.

The Only factor which is stopping is both Saturn and Rahu are placed in the 7th and 8th from the Adhana Lagna (S3 and S9 lagna).


Overall both the Adhna and Natal Lagna shows much potential for holding the pregnancy in couple and native is fertile as well from both the Sun and Arudha Lagna of 3rd and 9th house.Best Timing for Conception:

10 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth
11 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Based on the Chara Dasha details Current Dasha is of Leo falling in 7th from the S3 and S9 Arudha where lord of S3 and S9 is placed in the Leo sign which shows Leo dasha has much potential for the conception and pregnancy factor and Period from the Feb 2018 to 20th December 2019 has many bright chances for conception can trigger.


12 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Same factors are also confirming from the Vimsotri dasha,as period of Mercury AD going to start from Jan 2018 to April 2020, whereas Period from Jan 2019 and March 2019 Shows Child birth can happen.

Transits Factor Whereas Period from November and December 2017 month also shows strong period for conception can likely to happen, when Jupiter , Sun and Venus will be transiting over Libra Sign where Putra Karka Mercury also present there, if it is not going to happen then much possibility would be there after Feb 2018 period that conception or pregnancy can occur.Preciously May, June July 2018 to March 2019 periods shows much brighter chances for conception can occur or native can enjoy the bliss of 3rd pregnancy.

Timing Pregnancies, abortions, Miscarriages from (D1) and (D7) Saptamsa chart


13 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Past Events

Dasha analysis ( Possible Dashas for Progeny)


14 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

1) First Event – Miscarriage – 2/12/2008, Second marriage, Sept-2011 first miscarriage

Possible Reason:

In the first Case, Rahu is falling in 5th from the Moon Lagna in d1 and also lord of Lagna, placed over lagna in D7 chart in Pisces Lagna and further it is 3rd from the 5th lord Moon in d7 chart that shows Rahu MD has the capability to give childbirth but with efforts.

Transitsof2011 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth
Understanding Saptamsa chart


D7chart Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Transit of Jupiter and Saturn were in Aries and Virgo forming 6/8 Relationship in Lagna whereas Transiting Saturn ( Lagnesh ) is aspecting by 10th aspect to

5th house by both Rashi and Graha Drishti whereas Jupiter has no connection with the D1 5th house that further confirms Maturity of the child would be less.

If we see D7 chart, In 2011 Jupiter was transiting over Putra Karka Jupiter and Venus in aries ( being lord of D7 lagna) confirms that Transit of Jupiter was favorable for conception but for maturity both the transiting lord should have relationship with 1st, 5th, 9th or 11th lord in D7 chart whereas 5th lord is paramount for final delivery of childbirth.
Though Jupiter being lagnesh transiting over Aries over Jupiter and Saturn was transiting over 7th house aspected the lagna and MD lord Rahu confirms about the conception period but due to lack of relationship with 5th house/lord child birth was not able to mature.

Further D7 Lagna is Even lagna (Pisces) as it is male chart 5th house is paramount for confirmation of any childbirth but here Rising Lagna is Even so we have to see first pregnancy from the 9th house in reverse order i.e first childbirth 9th house, then 7th house and 5th house so on etc.So 1st Pregnancy should be seen from the 9th house where natal Saturn is already placed over it.In 2011, Transit of Jupiter and Saturn were well placed from the D7 Moon lagna ( 9th from the D7 moon sign) and Jupiter is transiting over the 5th lord Venus, from the moon lagna. From D7 chart, Saturn is aspecting the 9th house with the 3rd aspect graha drishti and also aspecting lagna of d7 too.

Transiting Jupiter is also Aspecting 9th house via Rashi Drishti. So, both the aspects and relationship shows possible chances of 1st pregnancy to occur.

But for Reverse Lagna in D7 chart 10th house and 10th lord is acting as Marakesha for childbirth and can abort or shows some sort of issues in possible delivery chances.

Here Jupiter is becoming the markesha for 1st pregnancy and placed with the dispositer lord mars, the owner of the 9th house with 10th lord jupiter in 2nd house of the D7 chart.

Here both the 9th and 10th lord is conjoined in 2nd house aspecting 9th house via rashi drishti, Saturn was also aspecting the 9th house from both Natal and transit chart and Most important Rahu was also aspecting the 9th house further shows some sort of incident or mistake in pregnancy, that become one of the major reason why 1st pregnancy was lost due to Miscarriage because of influence of number of Malefic planet on 9th house was more. Malefic influence on karka house usually denial the childbirth or shows miscarriage or abortion.

The timing of Conception Based on Transits on D1 and D7 chart ( July-August 2011) :

Timingofconception Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

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Based on Dasha details period from April 13th 2011 to 15th of July was main for conception as Venus and Sun were placed in 5th house over Gemini falling in 7th house from the Darapada (A7 Arudha), Saturn was aspecting the 5th house from both Rashi and Graha Drishti and Venus was also under the influence of Jupiter during timing of conception period.

Timing of Loss of pregnancy (1st Miscarriage – September 2011) based on D1 and D7 Transits

Lossofpregnancy Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

The period from 24th of September to 29th of September was main for some sort of issues at that time most of the planets were transiting over Virgo sign in D7 and D1 chart.

2) Second Event – Abortion – 26-May 2012 


D7chart 1 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

In 2nd Event, we have to see 7th lord from the Lagna and 7th house or lord from the D7 chart as rising Lagna is an Even sign in d7 where Ketu is placed, Generally Placement of Ketu in karka bhava mostly denial the child.

Here 7th house is under the influence of nodes, and Dispositer lord of 7th house Mercury is getting aspect 3rd aspect from the Saturn placed in 9th house. 8th house is acting as Marka and dispositer lord venus act as markesh for 2nd pregnancy, where Sun is placed in debilitation in 8th house in libra and Dispositer lord venus is under the influence of Mars again aspecting the 8th house from 2nd house. Mars and Markesh also placed in 8th house from the 7th house. That confirms that 2nd pregnancy was also not going to be mature fruitfully.

The timing of Conception Based on Transits on D1 and D7 chart:

2ndConception Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

During November 2011, Both Jupiter and Saturn were aspecting the Venus from 9th and 3rd aspect in D1. Saturn was placed in 9th house and Jupiter and Saturn having mutual 1/7 relationship focusing on the 11th house where Venus was placed there that further shows Chances of 2nd pregnancy. During this period Rahu- Moon and Mercury dasha period was operative from 24th of September to Dec 9th 2011, where mercury was ruling the lordship of 7th house in D7 and 5th house in D1.Further Mercury was conjoined with 5th lord moon of D7 confirms that Mercury PD can give conception.

Timing of Loss of pregnancy

2ndloss Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

In May 2012 Mercury, Jupiter, Sun and Venus were under the influence of Nodes in Taurus sign placed in 4th house from the D1 where Moon was placed there that shows event of loss of pregnancy due to abortion.

Chances of 3rd Pregnancy :

Based on the Dasha details Mercury AD period that is going to be Start after 23rd January 2018 to 29th of April 2020 shows many possibilities for the 3rd pregnancy reason being mercury is lord of 5th house from D1 and also from the Moon lagan, happen to be Putra Karka placed in 9th house with the 9th lord Venus (ruler of 3rd pregnancy, also Seen for 3rd Pregnancy).

Another Possible reason is after December 2017 transiting Saturn will be in its mature degree away from the Gandanta degree of 3’20 minute, will be aspecting the 9th house, 9th lord venus will be there with Putra Karka Mercury and later after January 2018 Chara Putra Karka dasha of Mercury will start. Transit of Jupiter will be over Putra Karka Mercury and 9th house Lord Venus. Jupiter will be forming a relationship with Venus further shows higher possibilities of conception may occur in this dasha period.


From all this, we can conclude that the transit of both Jupiter and Saturn are most important for timing childbirth, Pregnancy and Conception events and it should be linked concerned houses with Sun and Venus for Male and Moon and Mars for women in Both D1 and D7 chart. For 3rd Pregnancy, both Saturn and Jupiter are focusing on 9th house usually seen for the 3rd pregnancy. Whereas period from May, June July 2018 to March 2019 shows much brighter chances for conception can occur or native can enjoy the bliss of 3rd pregnancy.

Whereas Dasha period going to start after Jan 2019 to March 2019 shows mush possibilities of childbirth, as Moon PD period has better possibility over other dasha periods if we see both D1 and D7 chart.Though if we see the D7 chart, 3rd pregnancy will be seen from the D7 5th house (Reverse Order in Mandook Gati), where the 5th lord of the D7 chart moon is conjoined with the AD lord Mercury in 11th house aspecting the 5th house from 7th house, Except Saturn no such aspect is influencing both Moon and Mercury in d7 chart.

After Oct 2019 transiting Jupiter will be transiting over natal Saturn over the 9th house in the D7 chart will aspect the lagna (Rahu), 7th house and 5th house. Transiting Jupiter will aspect the Dasha PD lord Moon and AD Lord Mercury too via Rashi Drishti.

So, chances would be high for native would have the bliss of childbirth.

I Hope learned Readers can now better use this case study for the further timing of childbirth and medical issues related to pregnancies.

With thanks and Regards
Rakesh Jamwal
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