A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

timing of marriage in astrology 1 A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology


Written & Researched by By H.Ramadas Rao
ॐ श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः

After prostrating to my Nadi Guru Shri R.G.Rao, Acharya Madhva, my Kula Devatha and my Ishta Devatha,I am going to delineate a new method of predicting marriage as per Nadi Astrology.

We all know that marriages are made in heaven but some marriages are auspicious or happy marriages and some have difficult marriage life. Traditional Astrology uses Lagna based predictions. Here normally we consider 7th house from Lagna, its lord,2nd house and its lord and 11th house and its lord are considered along with Karaka of marriage, Shukra/Venus. But in Nadi Astrology, Guru/Jupiter is the karaka of Jeeva and indicates male natives. In female natives, Shukra/Venus is Stree/female Karaka but Jeeva Karaka remains the same ie., Guru/Jupiter. Already there is double transit theory of Guru/Jupiter and Shani/Saturn is famous and we can agree with this Sutra as an almost accurate method to predict a marriage.

Now let us know one thing is that Astrology is basically Indian whether it is traditional or Nadi Astrology. So now let us see the term Marriage.

Inter caste love marriage problem solutions by astrology A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

What is Marriage? It is a Karmic bond between a male and a female as agreed by the parents and relatives of both parties. Then the marriage engagement will be performed where the exact date of marriage will be fixed by the family priest/Astrologer.

Now next is on the marriage day, the bridegroom will tie what is called as Mangala Sutra to Bride. Now, what is this Mangala Sutra? As per our Shastras, Mangala Sutra is a Holi thread immersed in turmeric powder solution which is tied with a piece of turmeric.So this will be tied by the bridegroom to the bride’s neck. In modern days the Mangala Sutra is made up of small black beats with golden Tali ( 2 in numbers ).

Anyhow, let us come to the point that what is Mangala Sutra. It has a holy thread and a turmeric piece.The Karaka for Holy thread is Ketu and the Karaka for turmeric is Guru/Jupiter. This is because marriage is a spiritual event where Vedic Mantras are chanted followed by Havan. In the marriage after tieing the Mangala Sutra, both the bride and bridegroom have to walk 7 steps as advised by the priest which is called as Saptapadi. Now, who is the Karaka for this event? Again, Ketu. So the marriage will take place when transit Guru, Shani and Ketu transiting or aspecting natal Guru/Shukra and in a female chart, Kuja/Mars as he is Pati Karaka. So it is very clear that marriage event will not happen without the Blessings of Ketu. Sometimes transit Ketu will be in a Rashi whose Lord is connected to Karaka of Patni or Karaka of Pati ie., Shukra or Kuja. Sometimes on the marriage engagement day, the above said planets confirm the marriage.

wedding A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

To confirm this, let me try to explain through some real example charts below :

1) Male Chart :

J A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

This is the chart of a male who got engaged on 1/1/2006.

For the marriage to take place as per Nadi Astrology, transit Shani must be linked to Patni Karaka Shukra 1st, then transit Guru must be on natal Shukra or its trines. Finally transit Ketu must have a link to natal Shukra. This male native’s marriage engagement took place on 1/1/2006 at 16-30 Hrs.

Now let us see the planetary transits on this day.

Transit chart on 1/1/2006 at 16-30 Hrs.: Chart-2

Engagement 1 A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

Here transit Shani was in Karka Rashi but retrograde, so it must be considered from Mithuna Rashi also. So this Shani from Mithuna Rashi is in trine to natal Shukra in Tula Rashi. Next transit Guru was in Tula Rashi transiting over natal Shukra. Finally, transit Ketu was in Kanya Rashi which is in Kendra to Retrograde Shani whom we are considering from Mithuna Rashi. When this is the case, both Shani and Ketu are to be considered as in conjunction as per Nandi Nadi principles. Thus all the requirements for marriage were set.

Chart-3 Female Wife of the above male chart:

Now let us look at the female chart whom she got married to the male chart 1) :

A A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

In a female chart, for the purposes of marriage, we have to consider Kuja or Mangal. So in this chart, Kuja is placed in Dhanu Rashi. Her Jiva Karaka Guru is in Vrischika Rashi. In her chart, Shani, the Karma Karaka is exalted in Tula Rashi. Marriage is also a past life Karma. Transit Guru was transiting over Tula Rashi, hence over-exalted Shani. This transit Guru was also aspecting her natal Chandra indicating after the marriage she will move to a different place. Now transit Shani as it was retrograde in Karka Rashi will be considered from Mithuna Rashi also. So this retrograde Shani from Mithuna Rashi was directly aspecting Pati Karaka Kuja in Dhanu Rashi. Transit Guru in Tula Rashi was in 11th from Pati Karaka Kuja. Finally transit Ketu was in Kanya Rashi which was in Kendra to both transit retrograde Shani and Pati Karaka Kuja in Dhanu Rashi. So all the planetary arrangements were perfect for marriage.

The planetary configurations on the marriage engagement day were indicating the marriage will take place soon. So the marriage took place on 10/5/2006.

Here is the transit chart on 10/5/2006.: Chart-4 ( Marriage Chart-1 )

Marriage chart1 A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

In the marriage chart, transit Shani was in Kendra to Patni Karaka Shukra of the male chart, Guru was retrograde and was transiting over natal Shukra and transit Ketu was in Kanya Rashi whose sign dispositor Budha is with Patni Karaka Shukra in the male chart, thus satisfying all the conditions for the marriage.

When we consider female chart 2), transit Shani was in Karka Rashi whose powerful Kendra is in Mesha Rashi and the female chart’s Pati Karaka Kuja has a trinal aspect on Mesha Rashi. transit Guru ( retrograde ) was in 11th to Pati Karaka Kuja and transit Ketu was in Kendra to Kuja, thus satisfying all the conditions of marriage.

Let me take another 2 charts.

Chart-5 ) Male :

SS Male A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

In this male chart, Jiva Karaka Guru is exalted in Karka Rashi and Patni Karaka Shukra is exalted in Meena Rashi with Budha and Kuja. This trinal linking of Shukra with Guru indicates the marriage is promised.

Now let us look at the chart of his wife :

Chart-6 )

YS Female A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

In this chart,Jiva Karaka Guru is in Kumbha Rashi and 11th from him is Pati Karaka Kuja in Dhanu Rashi ruled by Guru.So the marriage is promised to this female native.

Now let us see the planetary arrangements on the day of marriage.

Chart-7, Marriage Chart-2 :

Marriage Chart 2 A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

Now considering the above transit chart in the case of male chart 5), transit Shani was retrograde in Kanya Rashi aspecting his natal Patni Karaka Shukra in Meena Rashi. Transit Guru was in Kumbha Rashi whose sign Lord Shani is in Simha Rashi ( Retrograde ). So considering this from previous house Karka Rashi,it is in trine to natal Patni Karaka Shukra.Finally, transit Ketu was in Mithuna Rashi which was in Kendra to natal Patni Karaka Shukra, thus satisfying all the conditions for the marriage.

Now let us consider the same transit chart for the female chart 6). Here transit Shani ( Retrograde ) in Kanya Rashi is in Kendra to Pati Karaka Kuja who is in Dhanu Rashi. Transit Guru in Kumbha was in 3rd from Pati Karaka Kuja in Dhanu Rashi whose Lord Guru is also in Kumbha Rashi. This means Pati Karaka Kuja’s sign Lord Guru is in Kumbha Rashi in her natal Chart and transit Guru was transiting over this Guru.Finally, transit Ketu which was in Mithuna Rashi was aspecting directly Pati Karaka Kuja in her natal chart, thus confirming all the conditions for the marriage.

Thus we can analyse or predict the marriage of a male native through the Patni Karaka Shukra and in female chart through Pati Karaka Kuja and the transits of Shani, Guru and Ketu linking to the said planets or their sign dispositors.

ना अहं कर्ता । सर्वस्य हरि कर्ता ॥

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A Nadi Research to predict the year of BRAHMOPADESHAM (Upanayana), Guru Deeksha


A Nadi Research to predict the year of BRAHMOPADESHAM (Upanayana), Guru Deeksha


By Ramadas Rao


What is Brahmopadesham

Brahmopadesham A Nadi Research to predict the year of BRAHMOPADESHAM (Upanayana), Guru Deeksha

Upanayana, also called “sacred thread ceremony”, is commonly known for being a Hindu Sanskar, rite-of-passage ritual, where the concept of Brahman is introduced to a young boy. The youngster is taught during the ceremony the secret of life through Brahmopadesam (revealing the nature of Brahman, the Ultimate Reality) also called the Gayatri manthra.

The hallmark of having gone through the Upanayana ceremony is the wearing of the Yajñopavita (Sacred Thread) on the body. Yajñopavita has three threads (actually only one thread, folded three times and tied together) each consisting of three strands.

These threads represent:-

  • Goddess Gayatri (Goddess of mind)
  • Goddess Saraswati (Goddess of word)
  • Goddess Savitri (Goddess of deed)

Upanayana makes the person receiving it a Dwija, a twice-born! The initiation is done by the Upadesam of the Gayathri manthra. The manthra is a universal prayer that can be used by men of all climes and creeds, for, it calls upon the Glorious Power that pervades the Sun and the three words to arouse, awaken and strengthen the Intelligence, so that it may lead to intense Sadhana and Sadhana may lead to success.

The main ceremonies during the Brahmopadesham are

  1. Nandhi Ceremony: It is performed generally just 10 days before the Upanayana to obtain the blessings of the family ancestors. Nandi in Sanskrit means the beginning, so with Nandi begins the actual rituals for the functions.
  2. Uthakashanth: Uthakashanthi is conducted for the purification of the mind and body and the protection of the child. All names of the deities are chanted in the form of mantras and invoked in water and then poured over the child
  3. Aajyabhaagaantha homam: It is a prayer to the God of Fire, Agni for the child’s long life, intellect, courage etc.
  4. Yagnopaveethadhaaranam: This is the core of the Brahmopadesham. The boy is anointed with the sacred thread. The thread has three strands symbolising the Goddesses Gayathri, Saraswathi and Savithri, combined with a knot symbolising God Brahma.
  5. Kumaarabhojanam: The boy’s mother feeds him before Brahmacharya with five different sweets made by her.
  6. Brahmopadesham: The Gayathri mantra is chanted in the boy’s ear by his father, his first Guru.
  7. Soorya Dharshan: The boy to be taken outside and shown the soorya, the sun god. This assumption here is that he will be protected by the sun god. The palms are clasped in such a way that it makes a peep hole to the sun god.
  8. Biksha-Charanam: The Brahmachari, who is now ready to recite the scriptures, and begins to do so, is offered food and shelter by the mother, householders and other ladies.

Bhrigu and Nandi Nadi leaves are thousand, thousands of years old and we know that our complete past, present and future are written there and with the help of right-hand thumb impression only predictions were made and even now in Kumbhakonam the Nadi readers are doing this as their career. But using traditional or Jaimini methods, it is difficult to predict some important matters like the exact happening of our Shodasha Karmas especially Brahmopadesham, Marriage , childbirth etc.

But Shri R.G.Rao has gone very deep into such palm leaves, discussed with many ancient Nadi Astrologers and decoded the methods of prediction using Nadi leaves.As I am an ardent student of Shri R.G.Rao, from last many years,I was doing some researches on Nadi Astrology and suddenly by the Blessings of our Nadi Guru,my lineage Guru ( Kashyapa Maharshi ),Acharya Shri Madhva,my Kula Devatha and Ishta Devata,I have found the method to predict when Brahmopadesham will take place.I was trying to find out from Vimshottari Dasa and Antar Dasas,Jaimini Rashi Dasa and Antar Dasas was trying to find out when such event will take place.Now by the Blessings of my Gurus and Devatas,I am going to delineate this secret Nadi method.

While making Nadi predictions, as per my studies,the planets’ Karakattwas will be taken and the corresponding events will be checked from transits of low moving planets Shani,Guru,Rahu/Ketu.After the male child’s birth,within 1st round of transit of Guru from natal Guru,the event will take place.1st round means after birth,from natal Guru,till the native reaches 12 years is called Guru’s 1st round.As per shodasha Karma rules, Brahmopadesham should be conducted within 11 years of birth of the male native.

As we know Ketu is the planet of spirituality and Vedic knowledge also.In the natal chart,Guru,the Jeeva Karaka is the native.Ketu is also the Karaka of Sacred Holy Thread ( Yajnopaveet ).So Ketu’s transit over natal Guru will make the native to take Brahmopadesham.Note natal Guru’s longitude and transit Ketu’s longitude.Ketu’s longitude must be within 3-5 Degs.of natal Guru’s longitude.

2nd rule is transit Guru must be in 10th house from native’s natal Guru.The reason is that here transit Guru works like result giver ( Phala Karaka )and 10th house is Karma Sthana.So from native’s Guru’s 10th house must be occupied by transit Guru.

Example chart 1A :


This male native was born on 14/10/1979 and natal Guru is at Simha Rashi 9 Degrees 15 Minutes and the native’s Brahmopadesham was conducted on 24/2/1989 at 9-50 AM.At that time transit Ketu in Transit chart 1B was in Simha Rashi 11 Degs.13’ and transit Guru was in Vrishabha Rashi which is 10th from native’s natal Guru.


Chart1a A Nadi Research to predict the year of BRAHMOPADESHAM (Upanayana), Guru Deeksha


Chart 1b A Nadi Research to predict the year of BRAHMOPADESHAM (Upanayana), Guru Deeksha

If we look into Vimshottari Dasa,it was Budha-Shukra-Guru running.Budha is 5th and 8th house lord placed in 9th house with Shukra who is 4th and 9th house Lord.Guru is the Lord of 2nd and 11th house placed in 7th with Rahu and Shani.By this we can not make out anything clear about the native’s Brahmopadesham.Only Budha,the lord of 5th and 8th house placed in 9th house with 9th house lord Shukra tells us that there will be some auspicious event.But Nadi Astrology tells us what will be that event and when it will take correctly.

Example Chart 2A :


Chart2a A Nadi Research to predict the year of BRAHMOPADESHAM (Upanayana), Guru Deeksha


chart2b A Nadi Research to predict the year of BRAHMOPADESHAM (Upanayana), Guru Deeksha

This male native was born on 22/10/2009 and the natal Guru was in Makara Rashi at 23Degs.19’ and is with Rahu.The native’s Brahmopadesham was conducted on 4/4/2018 at 10 : 58 AM.At that time transit Ketu in chart 2B was at Makara 17 Degs.51’.Here the difference in longitude was 5 Degs.28’ only and transit Guru was in Tula Rashi which is 10th from native’s natal Guru thus satisfying the 2nd rule also.

In this chart also,if we consider Vimshottari Dasa, it was Ketu-Chandra-Guru.Ketu is in 6th house with Kuja and Guru is in 12th house with Rahu.Here we can not even guess that the Brahmopadesham will take place at the date mentioned above.But Nadi Astrology helped us to predict the exact date of Brahmopadesham.

ना अहं कर्ता सर्वस्य हरि कर्ता


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Views: 70

RAJA YOGA as per Rao’s system of nadi Astrology

Raja Yoga in nadi astrology RAJA YOGA as per Rao's system of nadi Astrology


                   By H.Ramadas Rao

ॐ श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः

With the Blessings of Acharya Madhva,My Kula Devatha ,my Ishta Deavatha and Shri R.G.Rao,I would like to write a topic on Raja Yoga as per Rao’s System of Naadi Astrology.

As per traditional Astrology,there are many planetary combinations for Raja Yoga.For that one has to see from Lagna,the different planetary combinations.But in Naadi Astrology,it is planetary combinations or 2-12 to each other or aspects,one can able to see the Raja Yoga in a birth chart.Now let us which planets are responsible for richness and all types of luxuries.

For any kind of richness,the Karaka for wealth Shukra is very important.His combination with other planets give richness Yoga.Here the 1st planet is Shani  or Saturn.If Shukra is combined with Shani or in Kendra to each other,especially if Shani,the Karma Karaka is placed in 10th from Shukra,that will be the excellent Raja Yoga with richness.2nd planet with Shukra is Kuja or Mars.Kuja is Bhumi Putra or the Karaka for lands also along with other Karakas.

So if Shukra is with Kuja or aspect each other and in 3-11 to each other,such native will have expensive landed properties.The 2rd planet is Ketu.One may be surprised to see how Ketu becomes a Karaka for richness.Ketu is an indicator of root or base.Now Shukra is also Karaka for Padma or lotus.So Shukra + Ketu indicates lotus with its root to the bottom most portion of the earth.Shukra is also an indicator of Dravya or wealth.Ketu indicates root,so this means the native will have enormous wealth which can not be counted.This  combination if Ketu is placed in Vrischika Rashi and Shukra placed in 7th ie.,in Vrishabha Rashi or is in trine to Vrischika Rashi ie., Meena Rashi.This last combination indicates a multi billionaire Yoga.

The next is richness with Raja Yoga and this is formed by the combination of Surya + Kuja + Budha + Guru which are in 11th from Karma Karaka Shani.The last combination for richness Yoga is the combination of Shukra + Rahu either in 11 to Karma Karaka Shani or in 2 /12/7th to Shani.

Now let me try to analyse some charts for learning purposes :

  • Birth chart of Shri Krishnadevaraya of Vijayanagara.His date of birth is 16/2/1471.Time of Birth is not known.Place of Birth is Hampi ( Near Bellary,Karnataka ).

When we do Nadi method of analysis,first Jeeva karaka has to be identified.He is placed in Kanya Rashi but Retrograde.Guru is with Chandra indicating his ancestors migrated to this place of Hampi.Guru + Chandra is in trine to Kuja + Budha + Shukra in Makara Rashi.Here again Shukra is in Parivarthana with Shani who is in Vrishabha Rashi.So the combination will be Kuja + Budha + Shukra + Shani.So it is very clear from this chart that he is a warrior ( Kuja exalted ),intelligent and rich also through his Karma.Now consider Guru in Simha Rashi ( as he is retrograde ) who is aspecting directly Surya.By this this native has Jeevatma Samyoga and in this particular case as

Chart1 RAJA YOGA as per Rao's system of nadi Astrology


Chart2 RAJA YOGA as per Rao's system of nadi Astrology

He is a king,this Yoga is also known as Raja Pratapa Yoga.This is mainly because Jeeva Karaka Guru is connected with exalted Kuja and also with Surya who is the sign dispositor of retrograde Guru.Next when Shukra by exchange goes to his own house of Vrishabha Rashi,so Shani goes to his own house of Makara Rashi.When Shukra comes to his own house of Vrishabha Rashi,Ketu is in 12th to him along with Surya.So it is a very clear indication that his lineage or Vamsha is very rich.Final point is that exchanged Shukra from Vrishabha Rashi is in trine to Kuja + Budha + Shani + Guru + Chandra.So it is a very clear case of Raja Yoga and multi billionaire Yoga.

  • This chart belongs to Shri Jayachamarajendra Wodeyar of Mysore.He was born in July 18,1919 at 18 : 30 Hrs.at Mysore.


JCWodeyar RAJA YOGA as per Rao's system of nadi Astrology

In his chart,Jeeva Karaka Guru is placed in Karka Rashi whose Lord Chandra is placed in Meena Rashi.So Guru is having an exchange with Chandra.So the combination of the planets in Karka Rashi will be Surya + Chandra + Budha + Guru + Rahu .Kuja is the sign dispositor of Budha.So Budha will give the results of Kuja also.Now next in Surya’s own house Simha Rashi,there are Shukra + Shani.This means both Shukra and Shani can give the results of Surya.So this clearly indicates he was a king and a multi billionaire.As an addition to this analysis,Surya,the sign lord of both Shukra + Shani is aspected by Rahu who is his great enemy.So eventhough he was a king,his kingship was removed.But he got all the respects of a king till his death.Also eventhough Surya is placed with Guru,due to exchange Guru goes to his own place and Chandra comes to his own house of Karka Rashi which is a Jala Tattwa Rashi.So he was not able to have any male progeny but only adopted son due to exchanged Guru is in trine to Surya with Chandra + Budha + Surya.

Here one more point is that in Surya’s own house Simha Rashi,Shukra + Shani are placed who are considered as female planets.Hence no male progeny.

So by using carefully Karakattwas of planets and their position in different Rashis,it is possible to analyse any charts correctly.



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Views: 262

The Divine Codes Volume 5 | Issue by Team Divine Codes

” The Divine Codes ” – volume 5

44693952 2134351789951077 8871738425766576128 n The Divine Codes Volume 5 | Issue by Team Divine Codes

Dear Readers,

We are glad to inform you that the 5th Volume of our magazine has just been released on the auspicious day of Aswin Shukla Poornima.
Articles at Glympse for volume 5th | October 2018 | The Divine Codes
• Unxplored wonders near Vaishno devi- The Editor
• Spiritual power yoga — Shri Adarsh Narayandas (Spiritual yoga guru)
• A nadi research. Predicting the year of Brahmopadesham. –Shri Ramdas Rao
• Understanding allergies, The Ayurvedic way. Dr V.D Singh M.D (Ayurveda)
• || चन्द्रमा मनसो जातः || Shri Tejas Pandya, M. A. (Vedang Jyotish)
• Cancer- A vedic jyotish analysis- Shri Jatinder Sandhu
• Transformative astrology: An Introduction- Dr. Ajay Shahi
• The workflow in Vastu analysis – The Editor
• Kundali Power Rising and its benefits- Shri. Adarsha Narayandas.
• Ritucharya: an overview of seasonal regimen in ayurveda for healthy living- Dr V.D Singh M.D (Ayurveda)
• Stories for champs/dedication to the duty- Dada J. P. Vaswani
• Karkamsha – Shri Vinay Jha
• Astro-meteorology: The process of vayu-dharana or garabhdharana- Shri Rakesh Jamwal
• The rashi, bhava & graha guna. A snapshot method to understand a chart. : With examples- The Editor
pin The Divine Codes Volume 5 | Issue by Team Divine Codes

Views: 61

” BLIND CHART ANALYSIS ” Predicting past and background of unknown people by Guru Rajesh Kotekal


30123764 1987048824945916 6230283626911629312 n " BLIND CHART ANALYSIS " Predicting past and background of unknown people by Guru Rajesh Kotekal

29789945 1987049138279218 7523557331242582016 n " BLIND CHART ANALYSIS " Predicting past and background of unknown people by Guru Rajesh Kotekal


With an immense sense of satisfaction and fulfillment, we are happy to share you with that, the fourth book ” Blind Chart Analysis – Predicting past and background of unknown people ”  has been published by our Guest Scholar and Author ” Guru Rajesh Kotekal “.

‘Blind chart analysis’ is a procedure in which an astrologer predicts the past events and present condition of a native only by looking into the horoscope, without having a prior knowledge about the native.

Astrologers practice this method for many reasons: for birth-time rectification, to bring faith in the client about the efficacy of astrology, to test the astrological techniques, to find out which method suits best for the given case, and to demonstrate his/her predictive abilities.

To do blind chart analysis successfully an astrologer should have very sound knowledge of the subject, vast experience, good intuition and a bit of luck also.

In the Previous Free e-book version author has explained only 10 cases briefly.

This book presents 100 cases of Blind Chart Analysis of people who have approached author for astrological consultation.

This is a book, first of its kind, where the method of Blind Chart Analysis is demonstrated by explaining the astrological reasoning and logic for the queries.

This work impresses the reader about the power and utility of Jyotisha in general and Nandi Naadi methods in particular.


Buying information : 


It’s size is 6 inch by 9 inch, nearly 450 pages and price Rs. 550 + postage charges (Total Rs.620/-). 

This is self-published the book through Print-On-Demand technology,
If you are interested to purchase the book reply back to this email or fill this form.

For copies of the books, write to: 
Kind regards,
Dr. K. Guru Rajesh
Team Vedicsiddhanta
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Views: 108

Decoding Devakeralam Chandrakala Nadi – Explanation of Chart 2

Decoding Devakeralam Chandrakala Nadi

Decoding Devakeralam Chandrakala Nadi


Decoding Devakeralam Chandrakala Nadi – Explanation of Chart 2 
Written By Guru Rajesh Kotekal

Dear friends,

“The Sanskrit text of Devakeralam Chandrakala Nadi has its own problems in its current form. Portions of some horoscopes are incomplete or mixed up, while same horoscopes have been explained at multiple places. Devakeralam requires thorough study, re-editing, re-interpretation and re-translation. The initial step would be to group the text according to the different horoscopes described. Then the conventional and
Nadi Amsa analysis applied in the interpretation of the horoscopes are to be documented and separated into different categories based on the techniques employed. The next step includes the extraction of general rules from this study. Finally, these rules have to be applied on real-life horoscopes to check their veracity.” With this statement I had concluded my article series ‘Decoding Devakeralam’.
Accordingly I have taken up the job of re-editing, re-interpretation and re-translation of the text. Here I am presenting the English translation of the slokas. This is a draft translation and does not include the deductions and interpretations. As I said earlier, some charts are explained at multiple places.I have translated every sloka where the chart appears in the first instance and in the subsequent places, I have translated only the slokas which give extra information or differ from the first. It can be seen that the internal information within the slokas will help
rectify many corruptions in the Sanskrit text and sometimes better meaning emerges when the text of different places is compared. I know this is a huge project and it may take much time to finish. And perhaps, no publisher may come forward to bring out the entire re-translation. Hence, I am sharing my work as and when it progresses. THIS IS NOT THE FINAL VERSION. This entire translation is hoped to form the basis of a book where specific astrological rules applicable for horoscopic analysis will be explained. I believe this endeavor of mine will add value to the extant astrological literature and the learned astrological fraternity will welcome it.

This chart has been discussed
from Sloka 54 to 96 in Book-1 and Slokas 1510 to 1549 in Book 2. The birth star
of the native is Anuradha 4th quarter (Book 1 & 2 refer to the
versions published by Sh. R. Santhanam).
DK2 Decoding Devakeralam Chandrakala Nadi - Explanation of Chart 2


54. Native will be born in first
part of Abalamsha in a fixed lagna, in a brahmin family and will be dark and
handsome in appearance.55. He will be liked and fond of his elder brother and
will be gentle in disposition. He will have troublesome childhood. He will earn
in fortune in a foreign land because of his sister’s husband.56. The native
having Mars in the ascendant and Jupiter in the 5th house will not
have younger brothers. Even if they are born they will die.57. He will have
two sisters and one elder brother. He will be bereft of comforts from his
father and mother.58. The person born in later half will have long lived
parents while born in the first half will have long-lived elder brother.59.
The native will live in a small village and go to a foreign country during
Sampat dasa (Mercury dasa). That place will be near Gokarna, on the banks of a
river flowing west60. (1515. On the coast of western sea). He will roam in his
childhood suffering from the pangs of penury. But the person born in the latter
half will be fortunate in his own country.

61. He will leave his place because
of civil unrest and later come back to his native place. The native born in
Taurus ascendant with Aries navamsa will be fortunate in pilgrim centres.

Later he will become prominent in the court of an Andhra ruler. The person born
in the middle portion of the first half will lose his father in his childhood.

But his mother will live long. For the native who was born with Sun in the 11th
joined with Saturn,

64. Father will die in the Sampat dasa (Venus dasa) and he
will leave his native country. During the currency of the 8th lord
from the Chandra lagna and in the bhuktis of malefic planets,

65. Native will
lose his father and mother (1521. And later his mother also). The native will
have three wives

66. (1521-1522. 7th lord being aspected by Saturn
will give three wives to the native as per some scholars). He will be bereft of
comforts from his wives. When Moon occupies the first half of abalamsa, and
being aspected by the 12th lord,

67., (1522. When the 7th
lord is aspected by Saturn) the native will have two wives and his first wife
will be poor. When the 5th lord is joined with Rahu, (1523. 5th
lord aspected by Rahu?)

68-70. And Saturn occupies the 11th house,
the native will face difficulties in begetting children. In the latter half he
will be very wealthy (1524. He will suffer serious disease) and otherwise, his
elder wife will be kakavandhya (lady giving birth to a single child). In the
first half, he will not have sons. But as per some other texts the native will
have a son after delay (1526. Will have a son after delay through his 2nd
wife). When Jupiter occupies the 5th house aspected by two malefics,

71. The native had a curse from a Brahmin from his earlier life. To ward off
this sin, he should do sethusnana and worship lord shiva. (1528. By donating
the idol of Nagalinga he will be blessed with progeny)

72-73. By the blessings
of lord Nageshvara, the native will beget children. He should observe fasting
on Mondays as prescribed in the scriptures and should donate palam or half of
the amount in the evening after pradosha puja. The native who was born in the
first half of abalamsa and having Sun in the 11th house,

74. Will be
blessed with sons without any doubt after observing Bhanuvratha. Jupiter being
the 8th lord and joining the 5th house aspected by
Saturn, 75. Indicates destruction of progeny. By the blessings of nageswara,
the native will be blessed with little progeny in his old age.

76-77. The lord of 5th
house that rules over progeny from the 11th house that rules over
the elder brother (Moon), placed in his debilitation sign and debilitation
navamsa aspected by Mars results in the danger of the son of elder brother
through water (1531. His elder brother’s son will die by drowning in water).
The native’s sisters will have sons.78. The native will enjoy comforts because
of his paternal and maternal uncles (1532. He will have comforts because of his
maternal uncle, since from his childhood). For the native born in latter half,
two sisters will be blessed with good sons.79. For the native born in first
half, a sister will be bereft of children and suffer widowhood. When the 3rd
lord occupies nirmalamsa,80. The native will have five brothers (1534. Five or
seven brothers) among whom two or three will be long lived. For the native born
in uttaramsa one sister will suffer widowhood. For the native born in first
half two sisters will suffer widowhood without any doubt.81-82. When Mars
occupies the 7th from Moon aspected by Saturn, the native will
suffer because of loss of mother (1534-1536. When Venus occupies the 7th
from Moon aspected by Saturn, the native’s mother will die during the dasa of
the owner of Tula or hora?). During the currency of the dasa of 5th
lord and the bhukti of 7th lord,83. The native’s mother will expire
after his father’s death. For a native born in the middle portion of the first
half, mother will predisease his father. 84. Death will happen in the Sampat
dasa (Mercury dasa) after native completes his 10th year. The
native’s parents may die in his 8th or 12th or 16th
or in the 24th year.
85. When the Moon is placed in
vargottama in Scorpio, the junction of the Vipat dasa (between Mercury and Ketu dasa) will be unfortunate.86. For a native born in first half Manu said that
the native’s parents will leave the native country and die in a foreign place. 87.
The minute timing of these things should be fixed based on the prasthara
ashtakavarga. This will be explained at some other place.88. When the 10th
lord occupies his exalted navamsa, the native will have knowledge of Vedanta
and will follow the vedic way of life. (1542-43. He will do ahnika karma –
prescribed daily rituals- every day and will have great devotion).89. He will
be devoted to saints.90-91. He will be of pure and calm disposition, will be
eloquent and devoted to shiva and Vishnu. After his 10th year, he
will be uprooted because of a civil unrest. After his 12th year he
will roam about in various countries and will suffer a lot because of the loss
of his parents.92. He will ultimately live on the banks of a great river and
start enjoying great comforts from the end of Vipat dasa (Ketu dasa).93. The
native will have great fortune during kshema dasa (Venus dasa) and will face a
grave danger during his 40th year.

94. After his 30th
year the native will enjoy great fortune after the change of the ruler. As per
the transit of Saturn he will suffer yogabhanga and mental affliction. (1547.
When transit Saturn moves in a sign that is in trines to the navamsa sign
occupied by the 10th lord, the native will suffer yogabhanga and
mental affliction as per the transit effects of Saturn)

95. When transit Saturn
moves in a sign that is in trines to the navamsa sign occupied by the 6th
lord, the native will suffer great difficulties. He will attain to normalcy
after performing remedies (1548. He will leave his country).

96. During the
dasa of the 4th lord Sun the native will enjoy great comforts. The
native will take to apatsanyasa and leave this world during the currency of the
8th lord dasa (Jupiter dasa). (1549. During the dasa of the ascendant
lord the native will have great wealth. But he will die in the dasa of the 7th
lord Mars after taking to apatsanyasa – Sanyasa taken in extreme situations like
impending death when there is no possibility of taking Sanyasa in prescribed

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Decoding the mystery of Devakeralam – Chandrakala Nadi – Chart 1

nadi jyotish Decoding the mystery of Devakeralam – Chandrakala Nadi - Chart 1
Devakeralam – Chandrakala Nadi
By Dr. K. Guru Rajesh
Dear friends,

“The Sanskrit text of Devakeralam has its own problems in its current form. Portions of some horoscopes are incomplete or mixed up, while same horoscopes have been explained at multiple places. 
Devakeralam requires thorough study, re-editing, re-interpretation and re-translation. The initial step would be to group the text according to the different horoscopes described. Then the conventional and Nadi Amsa analysis applied in the interpretation of the horoscopes are to be documented and separated into different categories based on the techniques employed. 
The next step includes the extraction of general rules from this study. Finally, these rules have to be applied on real-life horoscopes to check their veracity.”


With this statement I had concluded my article series ‘Decoding Devakeralam’.Readers can read my previous article too for more understanding on Devakeralam nadi.

Accordingly, I have taken up the job of re-editing, re-interpretation and re-translation of the text. Here I am presenting the English translation of the slokas. This is a draft translation and does not include the deductions and interpretations. As I said earlier, some charts are explained at multiple places. I have translated every sloka where the chart appears in the first instance and in the subsequent places, I have translated only the slokas which give extra information or differ from the first. It can be seen that the internal information within the slokas will help many corruptions in the Sanskrit text and sometimes better meaning emerges when the text of different places is compared.I know this is a huge project and it may take much time to finish. And perhaps, no publisher may come forward to bring out the entire re-translation. Hence, I am sharing my work as and when it progresses. This entire translation is hoped to form the basis of a book where specific astrological rules applicable for horoscopic analysis will be explained.

I believe this endeavour of mine will add value to the extant astrological literature and the learned astrological fraternity will welcome it.

This chart has been discussed from Sloka 1 to 53 in Book-1 and Slokas 1443 to 1509 in Book 2. The birth star of the native is Jyeshtha 2nd quarter.
Picture1 Decoding the mystery of Devakeralam – Chandrakala Nadi - Chart 1

1. Born in the first half of Malinyamsha while Jupiter is placed in the Kalakootaamsha, the native born in Matangayoga will be good looking with reddish complexion.2. Jupiter exalted and placed in Pisces Navamsa joins Venus forming Matanga yoga which makes the native famous, while Moon is placed in his debilitation sign occupying Capricorn Navamsa (नीचे नक्रांशगे wrongly typed as निजे ऋक्षांशके).

3. Moon having malefic planets Saturn joining Rahu in a trine makes the native’s birth in a blemished family (Malinya Kula).

4. The native will be bereft of brothers but will half half-brothers and his father will have three consorts.

5. Mother will have long life while a sister will have questionable character. Mother will be devoted to her husband but will be worried because of the family troubles (grihachchidra).

6. She will remain a widow for a long time suffering after the death of her husband.

7. One sister will have long life and remaining siblings will all die. Maternal or paternal uncle or anyone belonging to the same lineage,

8. Will join in spouse, but she will die of separation and widowhood.

9. This may happen before the marriage of the native’s father or in the childhood of the native. 4th lord being Moon occupying his debilitation sign in Capricorn navamsa,

10. And aspected by the 9th lord and attaining Durbhagavastha (Special avastha for Moon), makes the native bereft of brothers.

11. He will have one long lived sister while his mother will have a long life. When Moon has attained Durbhagavastha, his sister will be a Durbhaga (ugly or unfortunate).

12. His half-brothers will die and his father will have two wives. The native’s father will acquire lot of wealth during the native’s 3rd or 5th year.

13. He will roam in various places and countries and live by trading of goods. He will carry out business in goods like precious stones, grains, clothes and various different goods.

14. The native’s father will have a flourishing career in business and is blessed with siblings.

14. When the transit Saturn moves in a sign that is in trine to the navamsa occupied by the Sun, or Saturn moves in a trinal sign to the navamsa sign occupies by the 4th lord, father’s death will happen.15. This will happen when Saturn attains the same longitude as of Sun or 4th lord respectively. The death of father will happen in the birth dasa (Mercury Dasa, birth star is Jyeshtha 2). If this does not happen then,

16. It may happen in Mercury bhuktis of other dasas. Father will die suffering diseases.

17. During the birth dasa (Mercury dasa), the native will experience some comforts and will have his thread ceremony performed. He will get married in the 3rd dasa, Vipat dasa (Venus dasa) during the bhukti of 10th lord Saturn.
18. This will happen during the native’s 22nd or 25th year. The native’s marriage in childhood will face with obstructions.

19. A person born in Matanga yoga while Jupiter is placed in Kaala Koota amsa, will have some money obtained by the selling of a virgin, his own sister.20. The native born with Saturn in the 12th house obtaining Cancer navamsa and joined with a planet that is placed in the Libra navamsa will have money earned by his sister.

21. He will have some money earned on his own and in his childhood he will enjoy the wealth earned by his father. Otherwise he will enjoy the wealth earned by his kinsmen or his sister.

22. 600 or 300 or 400 or more than 10, the native will earn amount by doing business in trees and plants.

23. During the dasa of a planet that owns the navamsa of 10th lord the native will see destruction of his friends. His sister will face troubles and his mother will perish later.24. When Jupiter occupies Malinyamsa, the native’s mother will have mental imbalance in his old age and will die in a forest because of a wild and cruel animal.

25. As per other texts, when the 11th lord is joined with Rahu and occupies a cruel shashtyamsa, the native’s mother will have unnatural and painful death.

26. The native’s father also, during the native’s childhood, will face death because of a woman. He will die in a distant place because of Sannipatha Jwara.

27. The native will be wealthy during his middle age, but will suffer penury in his old age. He will have few comforts during his childhood.28. During the Pratyak dasa (Moon Dasa), after the completion of his 43rd year, the native will have difficult time for next 3 years. This will coincide with civil unrest in his native’s country.

29. The Mandaladhipathi will die and after the change of the ruler peace will be restored. After the 16th year of the native, there will be famine and shortage of food grains in the world.

30. When Saturn transits in the navamsa sign of Sun or in its trinal signs, the native’s king will face death in enemy lands.

31. The death of King may also happen when Saturn moves in the navamsa sign of 9th lord, or its trines or in the 7th sign.

32. When transit Saturn moves in the sign occupied by Mars in navamsa, or in its trines attaining the same longitude of Mars, there will be great famine in the country of the native.

33. During the Pratyak dasa, Moon Dasa, of the native, when transit Saturn moves in Libra, there will be a great famine and shortage of food grains that lead to deaths of many people.

34. When Saturn joins Rahu in the 12th house aspected by benefic planets, the native will suffer rekha yoga for some time and kemadruma yoga for some time.35. Saturn in the 12th, Jupiter in the 4th and Moon in the 8th will give the native Rajayoga sometimes and Kartari yoga some other times.

36. When such Moon is placed in Kartari, the native will suffer huge difficulties in the first half of Moon dasa.

37. When the native attains 46th year, he will have Surya yoga for 3 years. He will have comforts from his other wife (second wife) and will have gain of wealth.

38. (Same as 36).

39. The native will have arishtha to his wife.

40. He will marry for the 2nd time immediately after the death of his 1st wife and will enjoy comforts in the next Saturn antara. (So death of the first wife will happen in Moon-Rahu). He will have fortunate period starting with Jupiter bhukti and continuing into the Saturn bhukti.

41. The native will have marriage in Pratyak dasa (Moon dasa) and will have auspicious events happening in his house. He will gain wealth and comforts as a result of the Koorma Yoga.

42. During the Pratyak dasa, and the bhuktis of Moon or Mars, the native will have children in other islands (????).

43. Because of the Koorma Yoga, the native will have great wealth and comforts because of many endeavours in the 2nd half of the dasa.

44. When transit Saturn attains the same longitude of 11th lord or the 6th lord while moving in the sign occupied by them in navamsa or their trines, the native’s sister will die.45. This shall happen during the 51st year or 48th year of the native.

46. The native born in Koorma yoga will enjoy comforts during the dasa of the ascendant lord. He will have comforts from his 2nd wife and will enjoy the women in his old age.

47. During the currency of the dasa of Mars, the lord of Chandra lagna, and the bhukti of Jupiter, the native will have very difficult times and may have fear of untimely death.

48. He may suffer because of the death of his equivalents in the family or of his female children. If this does not happen, he may suffer because of loss of wealth at the end of the dasa.

49. For the native who was born in Aries ascendant and Cancer navamsa, the dasa of Mars will be comfortable. During the Rahu dasa also the native will have happy events like marriage of his son.

50. During the 63rd year of the native when Jupiter bhukti was current in Rahu dasa, the native will have the fear of untimely death. But he will attain peace after performing remedial measures.51. The native will die in his 77th year during the dasa of naidhanesha (8th star lord, Rahu dasa).

52. He will die in the three solar months starting with Taurus or in the solar month of Capricorn. He will die on a Monday during early morning.

53. The native having malefic planets in the 12th house will have unnatural and painful death. He will have a son in his old age. His next birth will be of abominable nature.


1448. The native will have three sisters.1451. Swabharyanugamishyati (Wife will follow him in death).

1452. His own half-sister will also follow her husband in death unable to bear the pain of separation.

1456. According to others’ opinion, father will have three wives.

1459. Father’s death may happen in the birth dasa (Mercury dasa), or otherwise in the vipat dasa (Venus dasa). 1460. Father will die in the same bhukti of Sampat dasa (Ketu-Ketu) suffering with diseases.

1463. The native will have many female children and will be longing to have sons.

1464. When the dispositor of the 7th lord occupies his debilitation sign, the native will be blessed with sons from his 2nd wife and he will lose his elder brother.

1465. When two malefic planets occupy the 12th house, the native will be fickle minded because of lack of sons. He will be bereft of comforts from his wife and will suffer because of death of brothers.

1466. His sister will suffer widowhood and the native will always be of sinful thoughts. When the 7th lord occupies Scorpio in navamsa,

1467-1468. The native will join prostitutes and will have two wives, during the pratyak dasa (Moon dasa), when transit Saturn reaches the longitude of the 5th lord while moving in a sign identical with the sign occupies by the 5th lord in navamsa, the native’s mother will meet an unnatural and painful death. Later he will be in great pain because of the death of his wife.

1469. The native may lose his wife in his 32nd or 38th or 42nd or 44th year.

1470. During the dasa of Moon who is in durbhagavastha, the native will suffer the loss of his brother and wife. There may be trouble to an infant in the house also.1471. During the currency of the kshema dasa (Sun dasa) the native will be blessed with daughters. In the pratyak dasa (Moon dasa) he will have mental affliction after the marriage of his daughter.

1472. During the dasa of debilitated planet (Moon) the native will have severe difficulties and will lose his accumulated wealth.

1473. When the 2nd lord Venus is placed in a Kendra and joined with Jupiter, the native will have a wealth of more than 300 (gold coins).1474. When the 10th lord joins Rahu, the native born in Cancer navamsa will carry out business joined with his friends.

1475. He will be endowed with quadrupeds, grains and money but will be a miser. He will not have faith in anybody because of Moon occupying his debilitation sign (Tribhagage?).

1476. He will live in another village or in a town and will be fortunate throughout his life.

1477. When Saturn joins Rahu in the 12th in the birth chart, the native will lose money in the year of his marriage. He will suffer some loss in business in the Pratyak dasa (Moon dasa).

1478. Some money will be lost because of some official works and some more will be lost because of his sister’s friend. He will have unfortunate periods in between and fewer comforts.

1482. At the least he will have more than 100 coins of wealth continuously.

1484. Mother’s death will happen because of cruel animals like tigers.

1488-1489. During the middle of pratyak dasa (Moon dasa), the native will suffer loss of wife. During the Vipat dasa (Venus dasa) there will be change of king in his native kingdom or in the country where he lives.1491. When transit Saturn moves in the sign occupied by Sun in navamsa, or in its trines attaining the same longitude of Sun, there will be great famine in the country of the native.

1493. Because of kemadruma, the native have severe mental affliction.

1494. The kartari yoga is akin to the kemadruma in its effects.

1495. During the dasa of Moon who is making these two malefic yogas, and in the antara of Jupiter, the native will lose his wife to death.

1498. In all the dasa and especially in the pratyak dasa (Moon dasa), the native will suffer sorrow (Santapam not Santanam) in the bhuktis of Moon, Mars and Jupiter.

1500. When transit Saturn attains the same longitude of 11th lord or the 6th lord while moving in the sign occupied by them in navamsa or their trines, the native’s siblings will die.

1502. For the native who is born in kurma yoga the dasa of Mars will be auspicious.

1507. Death will be during the end of naidhanesha dasa (Rahu-Mars).


pin Decoding the mystery of Devakeralam – Chandrakala Nadi - Chart 1

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Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi

slide5 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi

This was an article published in the journal the ‘Modern Astrology’. I thank Mrs Gayatridevi Vasudev, the editor, for allowing me to share the article in social media. I hope you will enjoy reading this.

Decoding Devakeralam
By Dr. K. Guru Rajesh

Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques

scripture top img 1 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi


Devakeralam or Chandra Kala Nadi authored by Achyuta and Venkatesa is a voluminous work extending to more than 9000 Slokas in two volumes and belongs to the category of Nadi literature in Vedic astrology. Though its original manuscript is with Government Oriental Manuscript Library, Chennai, which published it in 1950, the richness of its astrological knowledge was first introduced to the English readers by the late C.S. Patel. Later, the late R. Santhanam published the entire Sanskrit text with English translation. With due respect to these late scholars, I proceed to present before the esteemed readers the results of my own study of this great work.
Apparently, both Sri Patel and Sri Santhanam had assumed that Devakeralam does not deal with actual horoscopes, unlike other Nadi works, because the work uses Nadiamsas. “Nadi texts are of two kinds. One uses a certain starting point, known as particular Nadiamsa, which rises in the eastern horizon at birth e.g. Vasudha, Vaishnavi, Brahmi etc; while the other one deals with the actual horoscopes; showing all planetary positions and giving entire life histories of natives. The present chapter deals with the former one … ” says C.S. Patel in the 9th Chapter of his book Nadi Astrology. Santhanam also writes in the preface to his English translation of Devakeralam, “He (Achyuta) had also quoted Garga, Vasishta, Parasara, Yavana etc … These Nadis, unlike Saptharishi apparently contained principles usable in predictive astrology and not full-fledged horoscopes … “. Anyone going through the works of these scholars on Devakeralam can observe that this assumption was always there at the back of their mind. While Patel culled out and presented the general rules quoted in the work, the entire English translation of Santhanam is influenced by the above idea. This resulted in missing the spirit of the general rules at some places and in a mostly redundant English translation. Added to this, the poor editing of the original Sanskrit text at places made the English translation erroneous at those places.
A deep and repeated study of Devakeralam has revealed to me that the text, in fact, deals with actual horoscopes that can be constructed by the hints that are intelligently embedded within the text. The horoscope including Rasi and Navamsa positions of planets that are mentioned in the discussion and the birth star with its Pada can be known, from which the entire discussion becomes meaningful and instructive. All the general principles enumerated are demonstrated by the horoscope. Encouraged by this discovery, I started grouping the entire text in terms of different charts and started the further intensive study.
Based on Nadiamsas

There is an element in Devakeralam which is discouraging to serious astrologers. It is the fact of the text being based primarily on Nadi Amsas which are very minute 150th parts of a sign. Added to this, the text divides each Nadiamsa into two parts, Purvamsa and Uttaramsa, and further into four parts, each pertaining to the four Varnas. Given the problem of correct birth time recording and the controversies shrouding the Ayanamsa, practical minded people shun studying and applying Devakeralam. Nevertheless, I found that, besides the Nadiamsas, more than 60% of the text actually uses conventional astrological principles which can be grouped under the following heads.
Bhava and Yoga Analysis: Great insights can be obtained by studying the way Devakeralam analyses a Bhava using various parameters like Rasi, Navamsa, Arudha, Ashtakavarga etc. Different types of Yogas, both famous and not so well-known, can be learnt from the work. Cancellations of various benefic and malefic Yogas find a place here, which is rare to find in other classical texts. Predictions regarding different relatives of the native, even the distant ones like cousins, their spouses and children are also made in the work.
Use of Vargas: Devakeralam extensively uses the Navamsa position of planets in the analysis of Bhavas, Yogas and effects of Dasas. Besides Navamsa, other Vargas like Dwadasamsa, Trimsamsa and Shastyamsa have also been applied.
Use of Arudha: The text demonstrates the way to use Arudha Padas in Bhava analysis and also Dasa predictions. At several places, Arudha and Ashtakavarga are used in tandem.
Use of Ashtakavarga: Ashtakavarga usage has been demonstrated at several places to quantify the things to predict. The number of siblings of the parents, of the native etc., is predicted using prediction principles of ashtakavarga. Further, the age that may prove dangerous to the native as also the age from which the native’s life becomes productive can be known by these principles.
Use of Dasas: It uses Vimshottari Dasa mainly to predict the unfolding of the events in the native’s life. Kala Chakra Dasa also finds extensive usage in most of the horoscopes discussed. Besides this, a few horoscopes have been explained using Rasi Dasas, mostly Chara Dasa.
Use of Transits: Transits of Saturn and Jupiter find wide usage in timing of various good and bad events. The Navamsa positions of planets are extensively considered here. Transit analysis is used along with the Dasas to pinpoint the event.
Mundane and Political Predictions: Interestingly, Devakeralam demonstrates the way to predict mundane and political events from an individual’s horoscope which include death or defeat of the rulers, revolutions, famines, wars etc. Saturn’s transit in various signs has been used independently to predict troubles in various parts of southern India.
Remedies: The text is replete with remedial measures to ward off the evil results of planetary afflictions. They seem to be culled from authentic Smriti and Mantra Sastra works and are of great practical use.
Miscellaneous: The text also includes a variety of information on the usage of Rashmis; prediction of Janma Rasi and Lagna (Ascendant) of the spouse, children, employer etc; prenatal epoch and mentioning of various planetary Nadis from which additional information has been solicited.
The entire text of Devakeralam deals with actual horoscopes. I have given some of the horoscopes discussed, highlighting the conventional tools of astrology employed in their analysis.
The chart I is given under Slokas 188 to 367 in Volume 1. The birth start is Poorvashada 2nd quarter and the birth Dasa will be of Venus. The following are some of the points discussed in the text with regard to Chart 1.
1 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi
(i) The Ascendant lord Jupiter is with 8th lord Moon in the Ascendant and receives the aspect of Mars, a natural malefic. The text says that Jupiter having 5 bindus in his Ashtakavarga, joining the 8th lord and aspected by malefic Mars will cause great danger to the life of the child at the age of 5 years (Sloka 196).

(ii) The Moon placed in Sagittarius Rasi and Virgo Navamsa makes Aquarius as the Deha-Rasi and Virgo as the Jeeva-Rasi as per Kala Chakra Dasa system (Sloka 320). (Because of poor editing, the word deha is printed as dvesha whose consequence can be noted in the accompanying English translation). The presence of Rahu in Virgo (and Saturn in Aquarius) at the time of birth indicates that the native will almost die in the very first year of his birth but will recover and survive (Sloka 321).

(iii) Whenever the junction between two signs of Kala Chakra Dasa or two Dasas of Vimshottari coincide with the transit of Saturn in the Jeeva-Rasi, the native will experience a lot of trouble in his life including unfortunate events to his kin. When the Libra Chakra Dasa ends and Scorpio Chakra Dasa starts for the present native which coincides with the transit of Saturn from Virgo, the Jeeva-Rasi, into Libra, he will experience very bad times like untimely death (Apamrutyu). This happens from the 19th year to the 21st year of the native. As a remedy he should give an image of the Zodiac in donation (Slokas 322-326).

(iv) Saturn being the lord of Bhagyarudha (Arudha of 9th house) placed in own sign and obtaining Capricorn Navamsa indicates that the native’s father will be of angry disposition inwards, pleasing in appearance and a miser (Sloka 267, 268). The Sun, the lord of the 9th house, is in Taurus, the 10th from Leo. Counting 10 signs from Taurus comes to Aquarius where Saturn is his placed in own sign.
(v) Saturn placed in Aquarius obtaining Capricorn Navamsa (Makaramsayute Mande wrongly typed as Makaramsekujemande in  Sanskrit) and Venus placed in Pisces obtaining Aquarius Navamsa indicates obstructions in the native’s marriage. For any person born in any Nadiamsa, Saturn in the 3rd creates hurdles whenever marriage efforts are made. After failure of two or three attempts, the native will get married (Slokas 219-221). Jupiter obtaining the Navamsa of Mercury (Budhamsa wrongly typed as Brahmamsa in Sanskrit) and Venus obtaining Aquarius Navamsa indicates that the native will marry a girl in his birth place and she will be hailing from the North direction. The Ascendant lord Jupiter in Gemini, the 7th sign from the Rasi Ascendant and Karaka Venus in a fixed Navamsa indicates a wife from the birth place while Venus placed in Pisces indicates a wife from North direction.
(vi) The 8th lord Moon joining the Ascendant lord Jupiter indicates that the native will be fortunate in the Vipat Dasa (third Dasa from birth – that is Moon Dasa). The native will have Raja Yoga during this period enjoying conveyances, ornaments, prominent position in society and a lot of wealth. He will beget children in this Dasa and his own sister will also prosper (Slokas 240-241).

(vii) When Saturn in transit moves into Sagittarius and obtains Virgo Navamsa, death of the native’s mother is to be predicted. Otherwise, she may die when transiting Saturn aspects the 11th house, the 8th from the 4th house. Similarly, transit Saturn moving in Taurus and obtaining Aries Navamsa may kill the native’s father. This event may also happen when transit Saturn moves in trines to the sign occupies by the Sun in Navamsa (Slokas 300- 301). Note that Matrukaraka Moon occupies Sagittarius sign and Virgo Navamsa while Pitrukaraka Sun occupies Taurus sign and Aries Navamsa.
(viii) The native will have a lifespan that will end during the Dasa of the Ascendant lord Jupiter and Bhukti of 8th lord Moon (Sloka 258). During the Dasa of Aries of Kala Chakra Dasa which coincides with the Jupiter Vimshottari Dasa, the transit of Saturn in Aries will precipitate the death of the native in the solar months of Sagittarius or Gemini or Virgo (Slokas 362-63). Note that these three signs are influenced by the 8th lord Moon in Rasi and Navamsa.
Chart 2 comes under Slokas 548 to 637 in Volume I. The birth star of the native is Revati 3rd quarter and the birth Dasa will be of Mercury. The following are some of the points discussed in the text about the horoscope.
2 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi
(i) The Ascendant lord Saturn obtaining a movable Navamsa and joined by Mars results in some physical deformity for the native’s mother or his elder sister (Sloka 548). Note that Mars is the 4th and 11th Lord.
(ii) The 9th Lord Mercury occupying Gemini Navamsa while Rahu is in the 9th house receiving the aspect of the Moon indicates that the native’s sister will be involved with a paramour (Sloka 551). Note that 9th house is the 7th house from the 3rd house.
(iii) When the Ascendant falls in Capricorn obtaining Leo Navamsa, while Ascendant lord joins the 4th lord Mars (kujasamyute wrongly typed as guru samyute in Sanskrit), the native’s mother will be ugly in appearance and wicked in nature and she does not heed her husband (Sloka 552).

(iv) When the Arudha of the 4th house falls in Sagittarius, the 4th lord occupies Aquarius with Saturn and Jupiter occupies Sagittarius, the native’s maternal grandfather will be very fortunate. He will be blessed with many siblings and progeny and will have many conveyances. He will be famous in the court of kings (Sloka 555-556). Note that 4th lord Mars is in Aquarius, the 11th sign therefrom. Counting 11th signs from Aquarius brings us to Sagittarius, the Arudha of the 4th house, where Jupiter is in own sign. Sagittarius is the 9th house from the 4th indicating maternal grandfather.
(v) When the Arudha Lagna falls in Pisces, while the Ascendant lord Saturn joins Mars and obtains his exaltation Navamsa, the native’s mother will have 7 or 8 brothers out of whom only two will survive (Sloka 530-531).

(vi) When the Bhagya and Karma lords Mercury and Venus respectively join in the Ascendant while the Ascendant lord occupies a movable Navamsa (Libra), the native will have fortune after 20 years of age in the Vipat Dasa, that is Venus Dasa (Sloka 574).

(vii) When the 8th lord Sun is in the Ascendant joined with two benefic planets, though the native faces almost fatal condition, he will recover and survive (Sloka 575).

(viii)The Ascendant lord Saturn occupying his exaltation Navamsa and joining the 4th lord Mars will indicate that the native will be learned and humble, will be of angry disposition but regains his cool quickly (Sloka 576).

(ix) Saturn placed in the 2nd, Rahu in the 9th and 7th lord with a malefic (darese typed wrongly as charese in Sanskrit) indicate thatthe native will lose his wife to death in the Vipat Dasa (Venus Dasa) but will remarry immediately (Sloka 594). This happens when transit Saturn moves in a trine to the Navamsa Rasi occupied by the 2nd lord, the 8th lord from the 7th house (Sloka 595).

(x) When two malefic planets are in the 2nd house while Rahu occupies the 9th, the native will face dire circumstances in his old age (Sloka 608).

(xi) In Sloka 529, the author says that the 5th house is the Rajyastana – the kingdom where the native lives, while 9th house represents the king. Regarding the present horoscope, Rahu placed in the 9th house receiving the aspect of Mars indicates that the ruler of the kingdom where the native lives will be suffering from diseases and will be of a cruel temperament (Sloka 619).

(xii) Rahu in the Bhagyastana, the 9th house, obtains Taurus Navamsa ruled by Venus. Hence the native will be fortunate after his 20th year, when Venus Dasa starts as the Vipat Dasa (Sloka 621).
Chart 3 comes under the discussions under Slokas 54 to 96 of Volume I. Birth star of the native is Anuradha 4th quarter and the birth Dasa will be of Saturn. The following are some of the points discussed in the text under Chart 3.
3 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi
(i) The Sun joining Saturn in the 11th indicates that the native’s father will face dire circumstances in the Sampath Dasa (Mercury Dasa). This is because Mercury is the 8th lord from the Chandra Lagna or the Moon-sign. In malefic Bhuktis of Mercury Dasa, the native’s parents will experience evil results (Slokas 63-64).
(ii) As the Moon in the 7th is aspected by the 12th lord (Dwadasesanireekshite is typed wrongly as Dwadasesaniveekshite), the native will have two marriages (Sloka 66). The 5th lord joining Rahu and Saturn occupying the 11th house (aspecting the 5th) creates obstacles in begetting progeny. His first wife will be barren or a Kaakavandhya (giving birth to only one child) (Slokas 67-68).

(iii) Jupiter placed in the 5th house aspected by two malefic planets suggests that the native was subject to a curse of a Brahmin because of which he will not get progeny. To pacify the curse, the native should perform Setusnanam and propitiate Lord Shiva. He should observe Somavarapradoshavrata and in the evening should donate an idol of Nageswara made of gold weighing one pala or its half (Slokas 70-72).
(iv) When the Sun is in the 11th house, performing of Bhanuvrata will also ensure that the native will beget sons (Sloka 73). The 8th lord Jupiter in the 5th house and receiving the aspect of Saturn results in the loss of progeny. When the native performs the prescribed remedies, he will be blessed by Nageswara with a few children after a long period or in his old age (Slokas 74-75).

(v) The planet having lordship over the children of the native’s elder brother (native’s elder brother is ruled by the 11th house Pisces. The 5th house from Pisces is Cancer, hence Moon will be the planet referred to here) being placed in his debilitation sign receiving the aspect of Mars (Kujaveekshite wrongly typed as Subhaveekshite in Sanskrit) indicates that the children of native’s elder brother may face dangers through water (Jalagandam) (Sloka 76).

(vi) Mars placed in the 7th from the Moon being aspected by Saturn will cause danger to the native’s mother (Arishtha) (Sloka 71).
Chart 4 comes under the discussion from Sloka 97 to 187 of Volume 1. Birth star of the native is Revati 3rd quarter and the birth Dasa will be of Mercury.
4 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi

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(i) Slokas 167-168 indicate that the junction of birth Dasa of Mercury will be in the 5th year, of Ketu will be in the 12th year and the next Dasa Sandhi of Venus will be in the 32nd year. These periods prove dangerous to the native.
(ii) The Arudha of the Ascendant falling in Sagittarius, Moon in the 2nd house while the Arudha lord Jupiter is in a Kendra or Kona, indicates that the native will enjoy conveyances after his 25th year. He will enjoy prominence after his 16th year. He will have great Yoga because of his intellect after his 19th year, all in Venus Dasa (Slokas 165-166).

(iii) Jupiter placed in Scorpio and obtaining Virgo Navamsa indicates that the native will have the normal physical appearance and his words will be boisterous. The native will be righteous, will know the intentions of people and will be truthful (Sloka 101). This is attributed to Jupiter because he is the lord of Arudha Lagna which falls in Sagittarius.
(iv) Jupiter placed in a friendly sign and attaining the Navamsa of Mercury makes the native highly passionate and he will serve a ruler. He will be fond of his half-brothers (Sapatnimatrusutavatsala) (Sloka 103). The 11th house rules half-brothers. Arudhalagna falling in the 11th house indicates this result.
(v) Rahu in the Ascendant aspected by the Sun indicates that the native will have a windy temperament in his body. He will have enmity with his relatives in course of time and will incur grief because of his own mother (Sloka 104).

(vi) The Sun joined with Ketu in Leo indicates early death to native’s father (Sloka 121). His father will face dangers because of wounds and boils during the Janma Dasa, which is Mercury Dasa (Sloka 123). Mars in the 5th house and the 9th lord Venus joining malefic planets indicate death of the native’s father in a foreign place (Sloka 124). Jupiter in a trine to the 9th lord Venus indicates that the death of native’s father will happen while he is on a pilgrimage to pray the deities (Sloka 129).

(vii) The 4th and 9th lord Venus joining the Ascendant lord Saturn in the 6th house indicates that the native will obtain a good education and will head many villages. He will be capable of writing and speaking three languages and enjoy Raja Yoga. He will be devoted to both Vishnu and Shiva (Slokas 158-159). (viii) The native will marry in the own Bhukti of Vipat Dasa (Venus Dasa- Venus Bhukti) (Sloka 162). During the end of Mercury Bhukti in Venus Dasa or in the beginning of Ketu Bhukti, which coincides with the transit of Saturn over natal Moon, the native’s wife will face danger (Sloka 174). The native will marry twice. He will beget a son during his 23rd year and will suffer only loss of progeny before that. He will be blessed with sons only from his second wife, among whom two or three will have long life (Slokas 175-176). Mars in the 5th house from Ascendant, while its lord Mercury is in the 8th house, indicates that the native will have many short lived children and will beget long lived sons only after a long time. In order to pacify this Dosha he has to observe Kumara vrata and perform setusnana. After that he will be blessed with sons (Slokas 178-179).

(ix) The native will suffer sorrow due to the death of his half-brother during the Dasa of the 6th lord Moon, during his 40th year (Sloka 180). The 6th house will be the 8th house from the 11th house that rules half-brothers and hence the Dasa of 6th lord Moon will give this result.
Chart 5 comes under the discussion on Sloka 1219 to 1335 of Volume 1. The birth star of the native is Uttaraphalguni 2nd quarter and the birth Dasa will be of the Sun.
5 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi
(i) Saturn placed in the 5th from the Sun and the 8th lord Mercury occupying the 9th indicates that the native’s father was struck with grief. Father will be of angry disposition but will cool down quickly. He would be given to vices for some time and suffer boils and wounds. However, later he would repent for his bad ways and become righteous and devoted to the deities and brahmins (Slokas 1227-1229).

(ii) The 9th lord joined with or aspected by Jupiter indicates that the native’s father was wealthy and a seeker of spiritual knowledge. He will be following both Vaidika and Tantrika systems of worship. During his childhood he was given to Tamasika nature but will become Sattwika later on. He will perform charitable acts like digging of tanks, developing gardens etc. (Slokas 1234-1235).

(iii) The 9th lord with a malefic planet and 11th lord (Venus joined with Mars and Jupiter) indicates that the native’s father will have two wives (Sloka 1238). He will be blessed with huge wealth, knowledge and many sons. This fortune to the native’s father is because the Arudha of the 9th house falls in the 11th house Sagittarius (Sloka 1239).

(iv) The Moon joining two malefic planets in the 8th house devoid of benefic aspects indicates Balarishtha to the native (Sloka 1241). However, Mars, the 8th lord from Moon sign placed in own sign and exaltation Navamsa joined with two benefic planets cancels the Balarishtha (Sloka 1242). The Moon in the 8th from Ascendant and obtaining the 12th sign in Navamsa from the Rasi Ascendant (Vyayamse) indicates short life span for the native (Sloka 1243). The native born in a fixed Ascendant and Pisces Navamsa while Rahu is placed in the 8th house will suffer Ba1arishtha (Sloka 1244). During the starting of Mars Dasa the native will definitely suffer Balarishtha (Sloka 1246). Ascendant falling in a fixed sign and attaining Pisces Navamsa, while Jupiter is placed in the 10th will cancel all the Balarishthas (Sloka 1251). During the Dasas of the Sun, Moon and Rahu the native should perform remedial measures. He should perform the Japa of Mrutyunjaya Mantra and should donate clothes. The life span of this native will be medium (Slokas 1252-1253).

(v) Mars being the 3rd lord when placed in his exaltation Navamsa and joined with two benefic planets will bestow the native with 8 brothers, among whom two will become prominent and influential (Sloka 1260).

(vi) Whoever takes birth when Moon is joined with or aspected by two malefics will be of sinful nature and engaged in secretive activities (Sloka 1269).

(vii) The 9th house from Chandra Lagna (Moon-sign) when aspected by Venus will make the native wise and fortunate (Venus being the 9th lord) (Sloka 1270). Jupiter being the lord of Lagna Navamsa (Navamsa Ascendant), when joins Venus and Mars (the 9th and 10th lords) bestows the native with lot of fortune. The native will be engaged in multifarious businesses (Sloka 1271). Lakshmi, the deity of wealth, will never leave a native born with Mars in the 10th or the 7th or the 1st house, and he will be fortunate right from his birth (Sloka 1325). 9th lord Venus in the 10th house joined by the 10th lord makes the native very fortunate and wealthy (bhagyartha wrongly typed as bharyartha in Sanskrit). However, because of the association of the 11th lord Jupiter in this combination, the native will not get political power (raja Yoga). He will do business and earn lot of wealth (Slokas 1286-1287).

(viii) The Moon ruling the house of maternal uncles (6th house) when joins two malefics, the native will have many maternal uncles among whom two or three will have long life. One of the maternal uncles will die in a foreign land. Another will become the lord of thieves and follow atheistic belief system (Slokas 1293-1294). During the Sampat Dasa (Moon Dasa), the maternal uncle will be afflicted by stomach diseases (Sloka 1301).
(ix) During the junction of Sampat Tara Dasa (Moon Dasa and Mars Dasa), transit Saturn moving in retrogression or acceleration at the junction of Gemini and Cancer results in the death of the native’s king. The Chola kingdom will face a grave danger (Slokas 1308-1310).
Chart 6 comes under discussion on Sloka 778 to Sloka 846 of volume 1. Birth star of the native is Ashlesha 4th quarter and the birth Dasa will be of Mercury. The following are some of the points discussed in the text about Chart 6.
6 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi
(i) Saturn placed in Aries with Mercury indicates that the native will be devoted to Vishnu (Sloka 779). Saturn in Aries, his debilitation sign, placed in Leo Navamsa, an inimical Navamsa, makes the native hate his own religion and he will adopt another religion (Sloka 778). This result is ascribed here to Saturn because he is the lord of the Arudha of 9th house.
 (ii) Saturn joining Sun in Aries indicate that the native will be righteous, self-reliant, knowledgeable, Satwika natured, sometimes of cruel disposition hurting people at their vulnerable points and displaying Tamasa nature (Sloka 780).

(iii) The native will be bereft of happiness from his father.  This is because of the position of 9th lord Mars in the 4th house, 8th house there from the 9th, joined with Ketu and receiving the aspect of Saturn. However, Arudha of 9th house falling in the 11th house, the 3rd house from the 9th house, ensures the native will be supported by his paternal uncles (Sloka 785).

(iv) Saturn placed in debilitated sign Aries and obtaining Leo Navamsa indicates that the native will suffer poverty during his childhood and will be fortunate only after the 30th year (Sloka 786). This is attributed to Saturn as he is the lord of the Arudha of Bhagya Sthana.
(v) Saturn obtaining the navamsa of Sun (Bhanvamsaka wrongly typed as Bhoumamsaka in Sanskrit) in a sign of Mars indicates that the native will lose his younger sister and Mother. He will be brought up by his maternal grandfather where he will get the Vaishnava Deeksha of Chakrankitam. After his marriage he will return to his paternal house and follow the religion of his paternal grandfather (Slokas 788-791).

(vi) Mars placed in the 4th house joined with Ketu (Puccha Graha is wrongly typed as Uccha Graha in Sanskrit) indicates that during the Janma Dasa (Mercury Mahadasa, the 4th lord) the native will grieve the death of his maternal relations (Sloka 795).
(vii) For the present native who is born in Pisces Ascendant, Saturn joining Mercury indicates that the native’s wife will be virtuous and wealthy (Sloka 804). This is because Mercury is the 7th lord and Saturn is the lord of the 9th house Arudha. However, there will be blemish in the wife’s family. Her brother will be sinful and will be seduced by a low-class woman. He will become penurious in course of time and will hate his own father (Sloka 805).

(viii) Venus placed in Pisces obtaining her debilitation Navamsa and Rahu placed in the 10th house indicates that a sister of the native’s wife will be ugly, unfortunate and sinful (Sloka 806).
(ix) 8th lord placed in exaltation sign and obtaining debilitation Navamsa, and receiving the aspect of Jupiter indicates that the native will have medium life span (Slokas 839-840).
(x) Significance of this case is that the events in the native’s life have been described by using Rasi Dasa (Chara Dasa). The Dasas start from Pisces and move in regular order. Though describing the entire text is not possible, I would explain a few points. (a) During the Ascendant Pisces Dasa, as Moon is placed in the Lagna Arudha, the native’s mother will face difficult circumstances and he will not have any happiness from his father (Sloka 808). 8th lord Venus placed in the Ascendant Pisces while Jupiter placed in a trine there from indicates that though the native will almost die in the Ascendant Dasa he will survive (Sloka 810). His father will face penury and difficulties while his paternal uncle will get married in this Dasa (Sloka 811). This is because the Ascendant is occupied by 8th lord Venus, the 12th lord from the 9th house. The Arudha of Ascendant is falling in Cancer, the 7th house from the 11th, house that rules paternal uncle. Hence, the native’s paternal uncle will get married in this Dasa. (b) During the Dasa of 2nd sign Aries, the 2nd lord placed in a Kendra joined with or aspected by Rahu will cause poverty (Sloka 812). 2nd lord joining with Ketu also indicates that the native’s Upanayana (thread ceremony) will be performed in this period (Sloka 813). There will be agitation in the kingdom where the native lives because of the change of the ruler (Sloka 815). This is because 2nd lord is placed with Ketu in the 4th house, the 8th from 9th house that indicates the king. (c) During the Dasa of the 4th sign Gemini whose lord Mercury is placed in the 2nd house, the native will get married (Sloka 818). Note that Mercury is also the 7th lord. However, the 4th sign occupied by Mars and Ketu indicates that the native’s domestic peace will be destroyed. The ruler of the kingdom where the native resides will perish (Sloka 819). (d) The native’s mother-in-law will pass away after the native’s marriage during the Dasa of 5th house Cancer. This is because, 5th house is the 8th from 10th house that rules over mother-in-law (Sloka 820). 5th lord placed in the 5th house, the Rajyasthana, aspected by the 10th lord Jupiter results in the native entering the service of a king during the end of the Dasa. The native will beget sons during this Dasa (Sloka 821-822). (e) Sun placed in Aries while Rahu placed in the 10th house (the Arudha of sign Leo) indicates that during the Dasa of Leo, the 6th house, the native will face the anger of ruler and suffer insults (Sloka 825-826). (f) During the dasa of 7th house Virgo, the native will enjoy fortunate times. This is because Jupiter is placed in the Arudha of the 7th house obtaining his own Navamsa (Sloka 836).
Chart 7 comes on discussion from Sloka 1821 to 1874 of volume 1. Birth star of the native is Pushyami 3rd Quarter and the birth Dasa will be of Saturn. The following are some of the points discussed in the text about the horoscope.
7 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi
(i) This native is born in Taurus Ascendant with the Lagna Arudha falling in Virgo (Sloka 1824). Saturn joining with Mars in the 5th house, the Arudha Lagna, indicates that the native will be secretly deceitful, passionate, will get angry instantly but have a pleasant disposition (Sloka 1837-1838). Because of this combination of Saturn and Mars in the 5th house, the native will suffer poverty in his childhood and will have comforts only after 5th year (Sloka 1839).

(ii) Mercury obtaining Libra Navamsa and joined with Venus indicates that the native will be devoted to Vishnu (Sloka 1836). Sun placed in the 2nd house and obtaining Pisces Navamsa indicates that the native will get the Chakrankita Deeksha of Vaishnavites during his childhood (Sloka 1840).

(iii) Sun being the 4th lord when placed in the 2nd house (Dhana Rasi wrongly typed as Dhanu Rasi in Sanskrit) and obtaining the Navamsa of Pisces while the karaka Moon associated with Venus will indicate long life to the native’s mother (Sloka 1841). During his 2nd cycle when transit Saturn moves in Virgo, the native’s mother will die (Sloka 1842). This will happen about 29-31 years of the native. This is because, transit Saturn aspects the 11th house from Ascendant which will be the 8th from the 4th house.
(iv) During the Sampat Tara Dasa (Mercury Mahadasa), transit of Jupiter in a sign trine to the Navamsa sign occupied by 5th lord Mercury (Libra), the native will get married (Sloka 1846). Otherwise, transit Jupiter moving in Scorpio in his 2nd cycle will see the native married (Sloka 1847).

(v) 7th lord Mars placed in a fixed Navamsa and joined with Saturn indicates only one wife (Sloka 1848). The Janma Rasi of one’s spouse will be in a trine to the Navamsa sign occupied by the 7th lord. The sign aspected by the 7th lord will be the Ascendant (birth sign?) of the spouse (Sloka 1849).

(vi) When Venus occupies the Arudha of the 7th house, the native will be fortunate after marriage. This is so especially because 9th lord Saturn joining Venus gives fortune through spouse (Sloka 1851).

(vii) Mercury being the 5th lord obtaining Libra Navamsa (Jookamse wrongly typed as Jookante in Sanskrit) and joined with Venus indicates abortions to the native’s wife (Sloka 1855). This is because Libra is the 6th sign from the Ascendant while Venus is the 6th lord.
(viii) During the first cycle of Saturn, when transit Saturn enters Cancer after leaving Gemini, the native will lose his father (Sloka 1865). This is because Cancer is a trine to Pisces, the sign occupied by the 4th lord, the 8th lord from the 9th house.
Chart 8 comes under discussion on Sloka 4977 to Sloka 5056 of volume 2. Birth star of the native is Moola 1st quarter and the birth Dasa will be of Ketu.
8 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi
(i) Saturn placed in Scorpio indicate that the native will be corpulent and intelligent.  He will be somewhat stubborn and foolish, passionate, hot-tempered but cools down instantly (Sloka 4984). These results are attributed to Saturn because he is the lord of the Lagna Arudha and occupies Scorpio, a watery sign owned by Mars, receiving the aspect of Jupiter.
(ii) This native born with Amala Yoga (natural benefic Venus placed in the 10th from Ascendant/Moon) will be fond of holy people, will be truthful and will look after his kith and kin (Sloka 5010).

(iii) 5th lord Mars is placed in the 11th house joined with the 9th lord. This bestows fortune, comforts and wealth on the native (Sloka 5027).

(iv) During the Dasa of Venus who is placed in the debilitation sign and exaltation Navamsa, the native will have a highly comfortable period (Sloka 5002).

(v) 8th lord Moon placed in the Ascendant in Sagittarius and obtaining the navamsa of Aries indicates that the Mars Dasa would cause difficulties and especially during the latter half there will be grave danger (Sloka 4991). This suggests that the Dasa of a planet who hosts the 8th lord in Navamsa will be troublesome. Venus occupying the Arudha of the 2nd house bestows the native will lot of wealth and clothes in Mars Dasa (Sloka 5012). However, the native will lose his own wealth for the purpose of serving his king (Sloka 5013). This result is attributed to Mars as he is the lord of the sign and Navamsa occupied by the 2nd lord Saturn, which happens to be the 12th house Scorpio.
(vi) Rahu placed in Leo (9th house) and obtaining Sagittarius Navamsa (Ascendant sign of Rasi) indicates that the native will have very comfortable period and good Yoga starting from the Jupiter Bhukti of Rahu Dasa (Sloka 4994). The junction period between Pratyak Tara Dasa (Mars Dasa) and the own Bhukti of Sadhana Dasa (Rahu Bhukti in Rahu Dasa) will prove to be difficult and the native will be involved in confrontation with the rulers (Sloka 4996). Starting from the transit of Saturn in Virgo during his second cycle the native will have fortunate period (Sloka 4999).

(vii) When the 2nd lord Saturn is placed in Scorpio Navamsa (12th sign from Rasi Ascendant), transit of Saturn in Cancer will give severe difficulties. Similar results will be experienced when Saturn transits in other trines (Sloka 5025).

(viii) During the Bhukti of Saturn who occupies Davagni Shastyamsa, in the Dasa of Rahu, the native will lose his relatives to death. He will suffer with windy complaints and experience sorrow because of the death of a child in his house (Sloka 5030).
(ix) During the last Bhukti of Mars in Rahu Dasa, the native will have comforts because of the position of his son. Because of the blemish of Dasa sandhi, the king will die and there will be change of ruler (Sloka 5040).

(x) As the native has Saturn in the 12th house he will face sorrow in his old age because of the death of his son. This happens during the Dasa Sandhi period (junction between Rahu and Jupiter Dasa) (Sloka 5051-5052). Saturn occupies the 12th house which is the 8th house to the 5th house that rules over progeny.
(xi) Venus getting lordship over the Arudha of the 8th house (Randhresa Arudhape wrongly typed as Randhresa Arudhage in sanskrit) and placed in the 10th house bestows long life even when hundreds of Apamrutyu Yogas are present in the horoscope (Sloka 5049).

(xii) The native’s death will take place during the Naidhana Tara Dasa (Jupiter’s Dasa) when Saturn transits in Pisces (Sloka 5042-5043). Transit Saturn moving over the Navamsa sign occupied by the lord of 8th house Arudha (Venus is the lord of 8th house Arudha who occupies Pisces Navamsa) the native will die (Sloka 5050-5051).

(xiii) Placement of Saturn in the 12th house in Scorpio indicates that the native will die in a pilgrimage centre on the banks of a river, on a Monday (8th lord being Moon) (Sloka 5055-5056).
Chart 9 comes on discussion from Sloka 5332 to 5599 of volume 2. Birth star of the native is Sravana 3rd quarter and the birth Dasa will be of the Moon. The following are some of the points discussed in the text about the horoscope.
9 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi
(i) Ascendant lord placed in the 11th house, obtaining own Navamsa and aspected by Jupiter indicates native’s birth in a royal family (Sloka 5333). Ascendant lord placed in the 11th house and 9th lord placed in the 10th house makes a person to be born in a fortunate family (Sloka 5352).

(ii) The text interestingly describes about the prenatal epoch of the native. Conception would have happened in the Ashwayuja Masa, Krishna Paksha, Chaturthi Tithi, on a Monday, in Rohini star and in Capricorn Ascendant. It is to be known that the birth Ascendant would fall in the 10th sign of the Adhana Lagna (Slokas 5334-5335).

(iii) 11th and 9th lords joined together and receiving the aspect of the 10th lord forms IndraYoga, because of which the native will be a ruler (Sloka 5353).

(iv) The native will have small-pox marks on his face as Ascendant lord Venus is joined with Rahu while Mars occupies the Ascendant. (Sloka 5357). Mars in the Ascendant, Saturn in the 8th house and Ketu in the 5th cause severe ill-health to the native in the very first year of birth and pose grave danger to the native in his 2nd year (Sloka 5358). Ayushkaraka Saturn placed in the 8th house bestows long span of life (Sloka 5360). 4th lord placed in the 8th house while Mars occupies the Ascendant will cause fear from dogs after the native completes his 8th year (Sloka 5361).

(v) Matrukaraka Moon in the 4th house while the 4th lord Saturn is placed in the 8th causes early death of the native’s mother and he will be brought-up by a foster mother (Sloka 5362-5363). This will happen in the Janma Tara Dasa, birth year and birth month (Sloka 5426-5427). Moon placed in the 4th house obtaining the Navamsa of Gemini, receiving the aspect of Sun while the 10th from Moon is occupied by Mars gives a step-mother to the native. His father will marry for the second time after the death of the native’s mother and the native will be happy through his step-mother (Slokas 5372-5373).

(vi) 9th lord Mercury joined with Pitrukaraka Sun and receiving the aspect of 10th lord Moon will cause RajaYoga to the native’s father (Sloka 5365). The aspect of Saturn on them will cause the father to have enmity with many people (Sloka 5368). Moon is placed in the 8th to the 9th house (4th house) while 4th lord is placed in the 12th to 9th house. During the currency of Janma Tara Dasa (Moon Dasa) and Bhukti of 8th lord Venus, native’s father will die when transit Saturn moves in Gemini (Slokas 5370-5371, 5429). The native will enjoy raja Yoga after the death of his father and he will attain powerful position (Sloka 5372). As 5th house is the Rajyasthana, transit of Saturn in Gemini, a trine to the 5th house, will cause great agitation and strife in the native’s kingdom (Sloka 5431).

(vii) 7th lord Mars placed in a trine or quadrant from the 7th house while Jupiter placed in the 9th from 7th house indicates a virtuous wife. 7th lord placed in the Ascendant, Ascendant lord placed in the 11th house while the 7th house is joined or aspected by Jupiter will bestow many wives to the native (Sloka 5387-5388). 7th lord placed in the Ascendant in a Kendra to Moon and obtaining the Navamsa of a malefic planet, while the 2nd house is aspected by Saturn (Samdrushte is wrongly typed as Samyukte in Sanskrit) makes the native marry women from various castes and communities (Sloka 5392). 2nd lord placed in the Ascendant, 2nd house is aspected by Saturn and karaka Venus joining Rahu indicates Arishtha to the native’s wife (Sloka 5393). Jupiter placed in the 9th to the 7th house while Mars occupies the 10th from Moon will result in a childhood marriage (Sloka 5394). Marriage of the native will happen during the junction between Sampat Dasa (Mars Dasa) and Vipat Dasa (Rahu Dasa), in the own Bhukti of Vipat Dasa (Rahu Bhukti of Rahu Dasa) after which the native will experience raja Yoga and becomes the ruler of a kingdom. This will happen after his 16th year (Slokas 5395-5396).

(viii) When natural benefic planets own the Navamsas occupied by the 6th, 8th and 12th lords, the native’s enemies will run away seeing the native (Sloka 5419). 6th lord Jupiter is placed in Gemini, 8th lord Venus is placed in Taurus while 12th lord Mercury is placed in Pisces. Jupiter being the 6th lord placed in his own sign with strength and obtaining a benefic Navamsa will give a strong body devoid of any illness (Sloka 5420).

(ix) This case is a perfect example where the text describes numerous Raja Yogas in the horoscope. Yogas like Indra Yoga, Avatara Yoga, Hariharabrahma Yoga, Mahalakshmi Yoga, Kubera Yoga, Kahala Yoga, Shankha Yoga, Bheri Yoga, Matsya Yoga, Kalanidhi Yoga, Akhanda Samrajya Yoga, Chamara Yoga, Koorma Yoga and Rudrasana Yoga are explained with the planetary position in the horoscope, along with their effects. Interestingly, for some Yogas nullifying factors are also described. I would explain this with the example of Koorma Yoga. Koorma Yoga is formed when strong Jupiter is placed in the 3rd or 11th occupying his own sign while the Ascendant lord is placed in the 11th house (Sloka 5518). The Ascendant lord of a movable Ascendant placed in a fixed sign and fixed Navamsa while Venus is joined or aspected by Jupiter forms the Koorma Yoga (Sloka 5519). However, a malefic planet placed in the 6th or 8th from Jupiter while Venus joined with Rahu in the 8th house from Moon will cause cancellation of Koorma Yoga (Sloka 5522).

(x) The text describes in every detail the different results of various Dasas and Bhuktis for this horoscope combining transit of planets. Explaining those details will be out of scope here. Readers are requested to refer to the original Sanskrit text in the light of the horoscope given here.
(xi) When the Ascendant, 8th and 10th lords are placed in Kendras, Konas and 11th house, while Saturn is also strong, the native will have full span of life. 8th lord placed in the 11th house obtaining benefic or own Navamsas while Saturn occupying the 8th house will bestow 60 years of longevity. When the 8th lord joins Rahu while Mars and Saturn occupy the Ascendant and 8th house respectively, the native will have medium span of life which may end during his 54th year (Slokas 5421-5423). During the Chakra Dasa of 8th sign of Kala Chakra Dasa that coincides with the Saturn Dasa of Vimshottari, the native’s death will take place in the Bhukti of Ascendant and 8th lord Venus during his 53rd year. Transit of Sun in the three signs starting from Leo in Dakshinayana, in the bright-half of the lunar month, on a Saturday, during day-time, the native will shed his mortal coil (Sloka 5597-5598).

What is presented here is only a glimpse of the astrological wisdom hidden in Devakeralam – only the tip of an Iceberg. A careful study of the work gives us great insights into the ways the predictive tools of Jyotisha were used by the savants of the bygone era. Many unsettled questions like – whether to consider planetary aspects and Ascendant position in Navamsa? Whether to consider the exceptional rules in counting the Arudha Pada? How to predict using transits, Vimshottari, Kala Chakra and Chara Dasas? How to use other Vargas, like Shastyamsas etc.? – becomes clear. Or, at the least we will come to know the way they were used.
The Sanskrit text of Devakeralam has its own problems in its current form. Portions of some horoscopes are incomplete or mixed up, while same horoscopes have been explained at multiple places. Devakeralam requires thorough study, re-editing, re-interpretation and re-translation. The initial step would be to group the text according to different horoscopes described. Then the conventional and Nadiamsa analysis applied in the interpretation of the horoscopes are to be documented and separated into different categories based on the techniques employed. The next step includes the extraction of general rules from this study. Finally, these rules have to be applied on real-life horoscopes to check their veracity. My experience so far suggests that there is a hidden treasure trove of Jyotisha in Devakeralam, which when properly unearthed will contribute to the progress of this ancient science.

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  1. Devakeralam (Chandrakala Nadi), published by GOML, Madras
  2. Nadi Astrology, C.S. Patel, Sagar Publications
  3. Devakeralam (Chandra Kala Nadi), English translation by R.Santhanam, Books 1 & 3, Sagar Publications


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How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse – Part 2

how to finf spouse first alphabet How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse - Part 2

How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse – Part 2


Keywords : How to Find Spouse First Alphabet :  Understanding spouse in astrology, physical appearance, 7th house, 7th lord and nature of spouse,Marriage and Relationships, spouse appearance in astrology, spouse astrology, Spouse First name, spouse in astrology, type of spouse in astrology, Vedic Astrology, first letter of my life partner astrology.


As a result of reading the prior piece, we are now familiar with all of the characteristics necessary for appreciating the attributes of one’s partner and are able to identify all of the individuals who are or are not suitable candidates for marriage.

Apart from Natal chart 7th house, 7th lord, its nakashtra and lord placement,  analysis of the “Up-Pada Lagna” and D9 is equally important to gain insight into the true character and attributes of the partner. However, Uppada Lagna is considered to be of considerable importance in Jamini astrology to true and soul nature of spouse. It is a concept that aids in determining the appropriate time to get married and offers insights into one’s experiences inside a marriage when it is used with chara dasha. It is necessary to have a more in-depth understanding of the 12th house, and then it is necessary to observe how the UL is the person who represents this. The Upapada, which can also be referred to as the Guana Pada, is that which rides the 12th house; it reveals who represents the image of the 12th house,  your spouse or one who live always either in a sentence or in a house.


Spouse characteristics and understanding capable spouse from Natal Chart 


Philosophy of Hindu Marriage How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse - Part 2


When analysing a natal chart for marriage and relationship analysis The 12th house plays a major role in understanding Up-pada lagna, as the 12th house from the ascendant, is the house where you spend all of your intellectual and emotional energy, as well as what you have given in the past and what you provide physically to others. Its the house where you give or sacrifice everything. The 12th house represents places like prisons, hospitals, monasteries, ashrams, the joys of the bed, sleeping (which can cause loss of consciousness), and the bed in which one sleeps to loose your self conscious. Giving back to the community is an expression of one’s energy, and the 12th house reveals the channels via which one channels that energy. Giving to charitable causes is an example of shubha yoga, which is practised in the 12th rung of the yoga hierarchy. Ashubha yoga refers to the practise of placing one’s vitality in unfavourable circumstances, and malefics in the 12th signify doing so. The maranakaraka sthana in the 12th house is where the Sun is placed since the 12th house is Saturn’s domain and Saturn’s domain is devoid of life and light.

twelfth house is known as the home of sacrifice or giving, and the Arudha of this house reveals to whom you are making sacrifices. Those that benefit the most from your generosity are typically your wife and children. When a person first becomes financially independent and is able to provide, marriage naturally follows. Sometimes this giving will consist of little more than monetary assistance, while other times it will take the form of in-home caregiving. One must understand the significance of the fact that if there is no giving, then there is nothing to keep a connection going. You would not want to marry the partner if they had not done anything for you in the relationship.

The 7th house is the 8th house from the 12th house, and it reveals what is bringing together two people who were previously separate. The 12th house does not represent sexual activity; rather, it represents solitude or celibacy, and the 7th house, which is the 8th house from the 12th, is what brings an end to being alone. The 12th house is associated with sanyas and celibacy; the 8th house from this terminates that, causes a person to be married, and eliminates celibacy; hence, the 7th house must be pure in order to keep sanyas, and the length of sanyas may be seen from the 7th house. As a result, the UL is not utilised in order to view the sexual partner or sexual relations; rather, the A7 is utilised.

The 12th house is the house that comes 8th after the 5th house, and it provides insight into how long your kula, lineage, or family has been around. The UL reveals the members of your kula, family, or lineage who will assist you in ensuring their lifespan. The 7th house is located three houses away from the 5th house, which indicates that it is upachaya from the 5th house and that it will cause your kula to expand. The 12th house is the sixth house from the seventh house, and as it is also upachaya for the seventh house, this indicates that there will be an increase in sexual activity.

It is associated to the pleasures of the bed since this is the area where one can be alone to cultivate the seventh house and allow it to mature into genuine closeness. On the other side, the sixth house is located directly opposite the fifth house, making it a maraka, or “death giver,” to the fifth house. This placement is unfavourable for having children or expanding one’s kula, and it suggests that one should lead a celibate lifestyle. It is essential to keep in mind that the twelfth house plays a significant role in interpersonal connections, but it does not denote sexual urges or needs.


Readers can go through part 1st to understand all the factors responsible for spouse characteristics identification by bellow link  : 




What exactly is Up-pada lagna ? How it is related to Spouse characteristics    


Vedic Marriage How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse - Part 2


The term “Up-Pada lagna” is etymologically derived from the Sanskrit words “Upa,” denoting proximity or adjacency, and “Lagna,” which pertains to the ascendant or the initial house within a birth chart. The significance of Upapada Lagna in Jaimini astrology lies in its role as a crucial determinant of marriage and interpersonal connections. The aforementioned statement pertains to the representation of the Arudha Pada associated with the 12th house inside a natal chart. In Vedic astrology, the 12th house holds significance since it represents several aspects such as loss, expenses, foreign territories, and the characteristics of one’s spouse or partner. The Upapada Lagna plays a significant role in comprehending the intricacies and attributes of an individual’s matrimonial or partnership relationships.

The arrangement of celestial bodies and their interactions on the Upapada Lagna and its ruling planet can offer valuable insights into the dynamics of interpersonal connections, the attributes and traits of the marital partner, and the likelihood of entering into matrimonial or collaborative unions throughout one’s lifetime. The analysis of marital compatibility and comprehending relationship dynamics in Vedic astrology is contingent upon the consideration of a crucial aspect.

In order to determine the Upapada Lagna (UL), it is necessary to adhere to the following procedural guidelines:
Ascertain the placement of the lord of the twelfth house inside the natal chart. The planetary ruler of the 12th house in an individual’s natal chart is commonly referred to as the 12th house lord. Please determine the zodiac sign that is occupied by the ruler of the twelfth house. Please record the sign. Determine the equidistant number of signs from the location of the lord of the 12th house. The twelfth astrological sign in the zodiac is Taurus, and it is governed by the planet Venus. If the planet Venus is positioned in the astrological sign of Leo, which is four signs away from Leo, by counting four signs from Leo, we will arrive at the sign of Scorpio. According to astrological principles, Scorpio is considered to be the Upapada Lagna.

It is important to note that the Upapada Lagna holds significant importance in the natal chart and serves as a key element in Vedic astrology, especially employed for comprehending problems related to marriage and interpersonal relationships. This phenomenon has the potential to offer valuable perspectives on an individual’s partner and the intricate workings of a marital relationship. Various facets of marriage and relationships can be subjected to analysis.

The celestial body known as the “Darakaraka” is believed to symbolise the essence of an individual’s romantic partner and provides valuable understanding into their character and associated matters. The seventh house within an individual’s birth chart serves as an indicator of their interpersonal interactions and their manner of relating to the wider public sphere. This dwelling is additionally linked to Venus, the celestial body symbolising affection and romantic relationships. The romantic partner with whom one shares the deepest connection and exhibits the greatest degree of similarity.


12th house and Role in Marriage life


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In order to have a deeper comprehension of the 12th house, it is necessary to direct our attention towards the Upapada Lagna (UL), which serves as its representative. The Upapada represents the symbolic representation of the 12th house, indicating the individuals or entities to whom one tends to offer their resources or support. The twelfth house symbolises the allocation of one’s physical, intellectual, and energetic resources. The term “it” can encompass several locations such as correctional facilities, medical institutions, spiritual retreats, and instances of misfortune, as well as sources of enjoyment, periods of rest, and the sleeping surface utilised.

The presence of benefic planets inside the 12th house is indicative of a propensity to contribute towards positive endeavours, whereas the presence of malefic planets suggests a tendency to contribute towards bad endeavours. When specific dwellings are positioned as the twelfth celestial body from the centre of our solar system, it signifies an inherent deficiency in the capacity to bestow vitality.

The 12th house is commonly linked with experiences of loss and acts of giving, with its Arudha signifying the primary recipients of one’s generosity, typically one’s spouse and offspring. The institution of marriage is typically entered into by those who have reached a certain level of financial independence and are capable of providing for their partner. The act of giving include both providing money assistance and attending to domestic responsibilities. The sustainability of a connection is contingent upon the presence of reciprocity.

The 7th house, positioned as the 8th from the 12th house in astrological charts, symbolises the institution of marriage and serves to alleviate feelings of solitude. The 12th house symbolises a state of celibacy, while the 7th house signifies the transition from celibacy to marriage. The 7th house is also indicative of the period of abstaining from marriage or sexual relations. The Arudha of the 7th house, commonly referred to as A7, is employed in the examination of sexual partners and relationships, as opposed to the Upapada Lagna (UL).

The concept of the UL symbolises the perceived rise or ascent, whereas the UL signifies the perceived concealment or illusion associated with the 12th house. It demonstrates a concrete manifestation of either a bestowal or deprivation. The term “UL” refers to the individuals who will play a significant role in ensuring the long-term survival and prosperity of one’s family.

The 12th house, being the 6th house from the 7th, signifies individuals or factors that contribute to the development of sexual endeavours and foster the establishment of intimate connections. According to astrological beliefs, the individual referred to as the marriage partner is associated with this concept. Additionally, the UL, which stands for the lord of the Upapada Lagna, symbolises the family of the partner.

Marriage is commonly understood as a significant and enduring partnership that is characterised by a high level of commitment and typically extends beyond a duration of one year. The Upapada signifies the concept of marriage in its inherent state, independent of any religious or legal ceremonial definitions. Ancient scriptures make reference to diverse forms of marriage, although it is imperative to refrain from interpreting them literally within contemporary society. The utilisation of the Universal Law (UL) can aid in distinguishing between various prospective marriage partners.

The initial partner is observed from the Ascendant, whereas the subsequent partner is observed from the eighth house relative to the Ascendant (referred to as UL2), and so forth. Identifying a suitable spouse can present difficulties, particularly in contemporary society, characterised by a wide range of relationship dynamics and levels of commitment. The characterization of each spouse can be discerned through the examination of several houses within the navamsa chart.

In instances involving several marriage partners, the UL2 is observed as the sixth element from the initial UL. The 6th house exhibits the presence of supplementary companions alongside the primary significator. The eighth house is indicative of the termination of a preceding relationship. The sixth house symbolises the process of growth and signifies the broadening of generosity in terms of expenditure.

The Darapada, which is also referred to as the A7 pada, is an extremely important tool for gaining insight into the personality of one’s partner along with sexual traits of partner. In order to determine it, one must count the seventh house from the ascendant and then locate the lord of that house in the Navamsa chart. The location of Darapada in the Navamsa chart reveals information about the spouse’s physical appearance, personality traits, and overall compatibility.

Eligibility of the Spouse ( UL) and actual Meaning 


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Whenever you are looking for deep relationship from natal chart, always check the UL (Up-pada) along with 7th house, 7th lord , Venus and Mars placement in  both Natal and Navamsa chart  which will indicate the actual nature of the eligible spouse. This should only be done for serious partnerships. Upapada, also referred to as ‘Arudha’ of the 12th bhava’ of the chart, The 12th Bhava signifies to give, to sacrifice, and to expand. This pada’s purpose is to ascertain how the native truly feels about their spouse on the inside.

The relationship between the lord of Upapada and the lord of Lagna will be the determining factor in determining whether or not the marriage or relationship will mature. If UL is well positioned in Trines or Kendra’s and also falls in trine to the lagna of the spouse, then this is the best match for marriage. If UL is not well placed in Trines or Kendra’s, then this is not the best match for marriage. If, on the other hand, the lord of the Upapada moves to the 12th house, this is interpreted as a sign that the marriage will not progress at all.

This might also be an indication that there are delays, difficulties, or unanticipated troubles developing in married life, which frequently result in the marriage being denied. Any planet that is located in UL reveals information about the soul character of the partner. For example, if the moon is located in UL, the partner is likely to be sensitive, highly kind, fair-skinned, and loving.

In the same manner, if Venus is located in UL, the nature of the partner’s romance, passion, beauty, artistic ability, and sensuality will be characterised by these qualities. If Ketu or Jupiter were situated in UL, the partner’s personality would be spiritual and fair if either planet was present there. Saturn in Ul would in some way bestow upon a married couple an Orthodox spouse who observes long-standing customs and fashions in married life. It is of the utmost importance that the sign or rasi of the Upapada be auspicious with respect to the Lagna of the native without any malefic influence. This is because the Upapada dictates the personality or attitude of the person towards the spouse, who is a lifelong partner.

The native’s moral rectitude and the manner in which they would treat their partner are both directly related to how fortunate it is for the native. If the UL Rasi were to suffer any kind of affliction, the entire picture of the traits of the spouse would shift. This would imply that the factors of compatibility (fidelity, affection, and so on), which constitute the basis for a successful spousal connection, are either doubtful or completely absent depending on the inauspiciousness or ailment of the UL sign.

Compatibility factors provide the basis for a good spousal relationship. If the 2nd Lord from the UL were to suffer an affliction, or if the 2nd Lord from the UL were to suffer an affliction in D9, there would be a disruption in married life because the 2nd Lord either maintains or dissolves the marriage connections. The malefic aspects of a situation illustrate how it can be broken, while the helpful aspects show how it can be sustained. They also demonstrate the necessity of a spouse in a married existence. Therefore, the total assessment of UL is the most crucial factor in comprehending the genuine character of a partner.

It has now been established that the Lord of Gaunapada, also known as the 12th Lord, plays a significant role in defining the nature of one’s spouse, as well as their family, siblings, pre- and post-marital troubles, the attitude of one’s spouse towards the individual, and whether or not a spouse brings joy or sadness into one’s life.

In most cases, an exalted lord of Upapada will bring a spouse from a noble family into the marriage. On the other hand, a debilitated lord of Upapada will bring a spouse from a family that is lower in status than the native’s family. A subsequent post will provide explanations of UL that are more in-depth than this one.


The 7th Lord, 7th House, and the Darapada ( A7)


ancient2 How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse - Part 2

An Examination of Sexual Relationships, casual affairs in the Natal Chart

The assessment of the 7th Lord’s placement in the natal chart provides insights about the corporeal dimensions of a relationship and its potential for success. The “A7” is associated with both commercial partnerships and intimate connections. The 7th house within the navamsa divisional chart provides insights into the partner’s aptitudes, capabilities, and overall disposition, hence assuming greater significance compared to the 7th house within the natal chart. Furthermore, it serves as an indicator of the sexual inclinations of the companion.

Whereas, , The term “Upapada” symbolises the individual who is chosen as a spouse or enters into a committed romantic partnership shows possible partner for marriage. The aforementioned statement elucidates the inherent characteristics of the familial background from which an individual originates, the manner in which interpersonal connections will be established, and the potential longevity of those relationships. Additionally, it offers valuable insights regarding the potential number of offspring resulting from said relationship in comparison to previous relationships. The Upapada can be utilised to ascertain the date of marriage and its eventual dissolution. The Upapada’s ruler, also known as the UL lord, serves as an indicator of the familial characteristics of the spouse and frequently mirrors the couple’s social standing.

Always verify the connectedness of the A7 or A7 Lord with the Arudha Lagna or AL Lord and the link with planets in the 7th House or the lord of that house when dealing with short-term relationships such as “boyfriends” or “girlfriends.” In most cases, having the 7th Lord also join A7 or A7 Lord indicates a deep infatuation with the person with whom they are having an affair. Additionally, it indicates a physical intimacy with partners if the 7th Lord also joins A7 or A7 Lord. When A7 is connected with UL it usually gives serious relationship or marriage.

General Reminder: Always consult the D1 Chart (Lagna) 7th House or 7th Lord for issues in the 1st Marriage Partnership, as well as the location and strength of the 7th Lord of the Lagna Chart (D1) in the D9 (Navamasa Chart—Chart of Marriage) for any affliction or not. In addition, consult the D1 Chart (Lagna) 7th House or 7th Lord for issues in the 1st Marriage Partnership.

This produces separations as well as denials and blockages in marriage, and the 6th house and its lord are primarily responsible for this. Additionally, the 6th house and its lord are primarily responsible for comprehending difficulties in getting into relationships,  the 6th house and 6th lord are linked with the 7th lord in D9, they will always work to prevent and postpone marriage, and they have the potential to produce rifts in any existing partnerships. In a typical scenario, the positioning of the 7th Lord strengthens partnerships while the placement of the 6th Lord produces delays.

Note of General Importance: For Precise Information Regarding the Spouse Study of UL (Up-pada Needs to Be Studied in Depth), and for Short-Term Relationships, Living in Study of the (A7-Dara-pada) Need to Be Studied in Depth.

How to Find Spouse Alphabet and Name possibility 


Vedic names How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse - Part 2


Now that the characteristics and qualities of the spouse have been determined, it is time to use the horoscope to try to determine the name characteristics, first letter, or Swara falling in the spouse’s name. This may be done after determining the features and qualities of the spouse. Even though it is a very difficult procedure to go through, it is rather accurate and provides some insight into it as well. Deciphering it is not always difficult, but the majority of the time it requires a great deal of patience to fully grasp the notion.

Checking the Nakshatra of the 7th Lord planet, as well as its Pada and the lord of the Nakshatra Direction in D1, is necessary in order to determine the initial letter of the spouse’s name or name. This will tell you everything there is to know about that Nakashtra, and in addition to that, it will also give you the name of the spouse associated with the first letter.

This nakshatra will tell you everything you need to know about the characteristics of your future partner. After that, you should determine who the lord of the nakshatra is and where in your horoscope the lord of the nakshatra is located. Check also whether Nakshatra Lord Sign Depositor is seated in which sign or house; this will tell you the direction as well.If the lord of the Nakshatra is located in the tenth house, then further information will be provided regarding the hints of the name, the clues of the naming ritual, and the characteristics of the spouse that identify her name.

Conditions to Be Check for Spouse Alphabet and Traits 


Case Study 1 : Male | Single ( Aq ) Lagna :


Aq How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse - Part 2

1) Native 7th Lord Sun in Pisces Sign (Spiritualistic Sign): Native will get a spiritual, emotional, and thought-full spouse, but somehow to mean self-centered and egoistic as well (Sun 8th from its own sign).

2) Native 7th Lord Sun in Aquarius Sign (Water Sign): Native will get a spiritual, emotional, and thought-full spouse.

3) The seventh Lord Nakashtra is Poorva Bhadrapada, and the deity associated with it is Rudra. The fourth Pada (Moksha) Nakashtra is a cruel and mean sign that is controlled by Jupiter. Therefore, the character and attributes of the future husband will be determined only by Poorva-Bhadra. The Nakashtra is a symbol of a man with two faces. It causes burns, punishes by fire, to cause pain, to burn things to ashes, to use words that burn, to conduct that blisters, to use harsh words, to have a wicked disposition, cruelty, greediness, restlessness, a feeling of despair, and unsatisfied ambition, to burn slowly, to have a sudden excess of anger, and other things like that. When viewed from an anthropomorphic perspective, the side of Kalapurush’s body In Moksha Pada, this means that the native may obtain a spouse, which may allow them to develop their spirituality or to be involved in spiritualism; nevertheless, it also suggests that she may be of a lonely temperament.

3) Nakshatra (Indian) Because the Depositor Lord Venus is located in the 12th house, which is the House of Tapa and Moksha or Mediation, the native must be getting a spouse having Venusian qualities, having spirituality in the soul, and she may belong from another land or she may like to tapa as well. Since Jupiter is located in the 9th house, which is the House of Dharma and Luck, the significance of dharma, karma, and Bhagya will all improve. Therefore, the name carries a great deal of significance in relation to the Dharma and having an artistic disposition.

As Guru is in Rahu Nakshatras in the 3rd Pada (Kama, passionate behaviour), the spouse will be very passionate, sensual, and skilled in the art of negotiation; they will be good in all artistic pursuit matters; they must also be good in business dealings; and they will uplift the Dharma and Bhagya. The category of Swati Nakastra is represented by the letters Ro, Ru, Re, Ra, and Taa, and Guru is located in the third pada of the Rahu Nakashtra (Swati) horoscope. Therefore, Natives Must Marry Partners Whose First Names Begin with the Letter “R”.

Lord number 7 The Moon derives from Venus, and the Moon is currently stationed in the 10th house of the Nakashtra of the Lord of Jupiter. Jupiter, meanwhile, is currently located in the sign of Libra in the 9th house, where it is subject to the influence of the Libra sign, which is ruled by both Guru and Rahu in addition to Venus. In Swati nakshtra, the guru is the same as the lord of the moon nakshatra. Since the seventh, Venus also offers a clue to the letter “R” in the name.

4) The constellation of Jupiter known as Swati Lord Rahu is located in the fifth house in Guru Nakshtra (also known as Punurvase Nakshtra and Jupiter Nakshtra), and Lord Mercury, the Depositor, is located in Rahu Nakshtra in Lagna, with an aspect to the seventh house: Therefore, a local will end up with a partner who is exceptionally perceptive and knowledgeable.

Since Guru is located in Rahu Nakshatra and Rahu is located in Guru Nakshatra, around Pada 2, the Swati Nakshtras have been given the letter R as their name. Swati is ruled by a windy deity, therefore names should be inspired by wind. Additionally, since Rahu is in a dual sign, it is possible that two names will be involved.


Case Study 2: Male | Married | Capricon Lagna 


cap How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse - Part 21) The 7th Lord of the Native Zodiac is the Moon, and it is located in the 5th House of the Taurus Sign (Sukh, Pleasure, Wealth, and Family Growth): Natives need to have a loving wife and a caring spouse who are able to bring growth in all material concerns into their lives.

2) Since the native 7th Lord Nakashtra is in Kritika (Lord Sun, Brave and Administrative), in the 3rd Pada (Kama, Desire of all Sukh), she would bring all Sukh to the native family once she is married. The seventh deity resides in the constellation of Kritika Nakashtra, which translates to “women who can burn anything and have all of the qualities of the sun and Agni.” Agni represents Devata. Agni is the god, and the Sun is the planet that he rules over. Agni is known as the “great consumer” and “great purifier,” in addition to being the source of light, heat, and brightness. Agni is the source of both the living fire and the drive. In addition to this, it is the impetus for life. Creation would not take place in the absence of fire. Agni is the driving force behind both the beginning of existence and its continued unfolding. It eats up everything in its path.

Agni refers to both the internal fire that aids in digestion and the external fire that is used for cooking; these are just two distinct manifestations of the same fundamental concept. Agni is the Hindu god of light and brilliance, and firepower is a characteristic shared by all weapons. The Krittika group can also include additional objects that belong to the same category as long as they fall within its scope. Because it destroys all that is evil, dark, and dull in addition to everything that is low, sinful, and inauspicious in the world, fire is seen as a purifier. Only effulgence and light were left after the dross was consumed by the flames.

Fire is what gives the earth its activity and dynamic, and it is what brings the earth back to life after the cold spells that periodically put the earth in a comatose state. The Krittika group’s influence on the cause of the fire may be inferred with relative ease using this evidence. Therefore, she will serve as a beacon of hope for the indigenous people, one that can eradicate any unfavourable aspects of native way of life.

3) The Nakashta The native will meet his wife via work environment or in work environment, and she will bring all forms of social as well as career growth to the native life, including wealth (1st Pada) and Dharama (9th house) to the native as well as add luck and spirt to the native’s life. Because Lord Sun is in the 9th house in Hasta nakashtra, the Nakashtra of Skills and Hands, in Dual Sign (Virgo), and in the 1st Pada.

Pu, Sha, Na, and Thaa are the deities that reign over Hasta Nakashtra.Therefore, the native spouse will be governed by all of these letters and names because the 7th depositor is in the first pada in Hasta. This indicates that the name must have a strong influence of the letter “Na” and must be a combination of two names as what the dual sign signifies because the 7th Lord Nakashtra Lord is in dual sign. The native wife has a prominent role of Sun, Saturn, and Jupiter (mixed influence), and all attributes will be within the grasp of the sun (dharma). Saturn is the seventh planet from Venus, and it is also located in the ninth house, which is the home of Jupiter and the Sun.

Since Hasta, the lord of the Sun nakashtra, is also the lord of the 5th house, and since Moon is also the lord of the 7th house, this indicates that the native wife must be highly emotional, sympathetic, and tender. Because of this, her name must be one that has a Moon Role in real life, and the authentic Native Spouse Name begins with the letter “Na.” Her name is “Navneeta,” and it begins with the letter “Na.” A name formed by combining the following: Nav with “Neeta” equals Nav plus Neeta, which equals “Navneeta,” which implies exceedingly smooth, very soft, and similar to butter in texture.



Rocky Jamwal

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How to Find Spouse First Alphabet : spouse in astrology, physical appearance, direction of spouse, 7th house, 7th lord and nature of spouse – Part 1


how to find spouse first alphabet


Keywords : How to Find Spouse First Alphabet :  Understanding spouse in astrology, physical appearance, 7th house, 7th lord and nature of spouse,Marriage and Relationships, spouse appearance in astrology, spouse astrology, Spouse First name, spouse in astrology, type of spouse in astrology, Vedic Astrology, first letter of my life partner astrology.

Research Case Study: How to Find Spouse First Alphabet, Name Clues, Spouse Nature & Ruling Planets

(Revised and Redited Edition June 2017)

Written by Rocky Jamwal


The process of ascertaining the initial letter of one’s prospective spouse’s name within the realm of astrology might be seen as a captivating pursuit. Various aspects contribute to the investigation of this enigma, encompassing the physical attributes, the orientation of the partner, the 7th house, the 7th lord, and the characteristics of the spouse.

In the realm of physical appearance, astrology posits that specific zodiac signs may exert an influence on the characteristics exhibited by one’s prospective life mate. For instance, in the event that the 7th house or its ruling planet is linked with the zodiac sign Aries, it is plausible that one’s marital partner may possess a robust and physically fit physique. Likewise, in the event that Taurus assumes a dominant position, it is plausible that one’s companion may exhibit a captivating and aesthetically pleasing physical presence.

Astrology can also provide insights into determining the direction of one’s spouse. The 7th house in astrology symbolises the domain of marriage and alliances, and its positioning in an individual’s birth chart can offer valuable insights into the potential origin of their future spouse. For example, in the event that the 7th house is situated in the eastern direction, it signifies the potential that one’s spouse may originate from the eastern region.

Moreover, the seventh Lord holds considerable importance in the prognostication of the initial letter of one’s spouse’s name. Astrologers possess the ability to discern the initial letter of an individual’s prospective partner’s name by examining the location and attributes of the 7th lord inside their birth chart. This information has the potential to facilitate the process of narrowing down the alternatives and establishing a foundational point for initiating your search.

Ultimately, comprehending the inherent characteristics of one’s potential life partner is vital in fostering a joyful and mutually beneficial partnership. Astrology offers important insights into the personality traits and qualities of prospective life partners. Astrologers can ascertain several attributes of one’s spouse, such as affection, compassion, ambition, and intellect, by analysing the planetary influences on the 7th house and its ruling celestial body.

In summary, astrology provides a range of methodologies for determining the initial letter of one’s spouse’s name. Valuable insights into the element of one’s life pertaining to future partners can be obtained by taking into account various factors, including physical appearance, direction, the 7th house, the 7th lord, and the nature of the prospective mate. It is important to acknowledge that astrology can offer assistance; however, the responsibility of cultivating a robust and gratifying connection with one’s spouse ultimately rests with the individual.

Methods for Determining the Initial Letter of Your Spouse’s Name


Nadi astrology introduction How to Find Spouse First Alphabet : spouse in astrology, physical appearance, direction of spouse, 7th house, 7th lord and nature of spouse - Part 1


The ancient Nadi System encompasses numerous intricate methods for determining a spouse’s name or ascertaining the initial letter of their name. These methods are derived from Nadi Kadam, which consists of Sanskrit writings authored by Vedic seers. However, the process of uncovering these names necessitates extensive cognitive processes and a comprehensive understanding of translation techniques.

The leaves serve as documentation not only for Indian citizens, but also for individuals of many nations, religions, and beliefs. Furthermore, it has been indicated that approximately 40% of the global population is prone to obtaining these outcomes. It is possible that the remaining leaves may have incurred damage or been lost with the passage of time. The leaves are not just records for Indian nationals but also for people of other nationalities, religions, and creeds. It is also stated that about 40% of the people in the world are likely to get these results. The other leaves might have been damaged or may have been lost in the course of time.

Traditional Indian astrology is known as nadi astrology, and its roots may be traced back to India. It is predicated on the idea that palm leaves, also known as nadi granthas, contain written accounts of people’s lives from the past, the present, and the future. These ancient manuscripts provide in-depth information on an individual’s life, including the particulars of their birth, the history of their family, the chances for their work, their health concerns, and even the solutions to any troubles that they might have.

When compared to other schools of astrology, the Nadi school of thought takes a very different approach. It focuses on the fingerprint of an individual to determine the palm leaf that corresponds to their destiny rather than relying on the positions of celestial bodies at the time of birth. This allows it to be more accurate than other methods. The technique entails matching the thumb impression with the imprints on the palm leaves, which can be extremely complex and specialised depending on the situation.

After the right leaf has been identified, an experienced Nadi astrologer will decode the text, which is written in an old kind of Tamil script. This demands a significant amount of information as well as expertise in order to interpret the intricate language and symbols that are written on these palm leaves. The astrologer will then give their forecasts and insights about the individual’s life, offering advise and potential solutions to help the individual overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

The accuracy and specificity of Nadi astrology is one of the most amazing qualities of this branch of astrology. Because of their uncanny accuracy, the forecasts that Nadi astrologers provide frequently take people by surprise. It is widely held that the writings on the palm leaves were penned by enlightened sages who have divine knowledge and insight into the destinies of particular persons. Because of this, the information that is included inside them is regarded as being extremely dependable and trustworthy.

An in-depth examination of several facets of a person’s life, such as their schooling, marriage, financial situation, health, and spiritual development, can be obtained through the practise of Nadi astrology. It gives people a road map to follow so they can navigate through the problems of life and make decisions based on accurate information. In addition, Nadi astrology recommends various cures and rituals to ease the effects of bad influences and to amplify the effects of favourable energies.

In recent years, not only in India but also everywhere else in the world, more and more people have been interested in Nadi astrology. People from many walks of life and cultural traditions consult with Nadi astrologers in the hopes of gaining a more in-depth insight of their lives and locating answers to the challenges they face.

In conclusion, Nadi astrology is a distinct and old style of astrology that provides specific and in-depth insights into an individual’s life by using palm leaf records as the primary source of information. Because of its precision and specificity, it has become a popular approach to consulting for advice and locating answers to problems encountered in everyday life.


There are 4 kinds of Nadi:


Jeeva Nadi : operates through the utilisation of the reader’s breath as a source of electricity. When individuals are venerated, they acquire intuitive abilities that enable them to make predictions about future events. Some of the most renowned nadi texts include Kakaibujandar Nadi, Brighu Nadi, and Sukar Nadi etc.

Abhayas Nadi : In the aforementioned procedure, Nadi Jyotishi employs the technique of fingerprinting the right or left thumb impression to ascertain the horoscope of the individual in question. Subsequently, utilising the individual’s birth date and time, they proceed to make predictions regarding the horoscope.

Kirantha Nadi operates on the principles of Hora Shastra time (Hora chakra) and utilises Etchani to make predictions about an individual’s future.

The Karantha Nadi : is derived from the Adharva/Atharva (in Tamil) Veda and is rooted in the practises of mantra and tantra.

Current status of Nadi Astrology and finding Spouse traits 


Nadi Astrology in marriage How to Find Spouse First Alphabet : spouse in astrology, physical appearance, direction of spouse, 7th house, 7th lord and nature of spouse - Part 1


Currently, individuals in India who are engaged in the practise of the Nadi system have access to only the general practises associated with the first and second phases of this system. Despite its location in southern India. Although it is possible to acquire knowledge of a musical note without having prior knowledge of the Kandam system, this approach requires a significant level of expertise and comprehension of the Vedic Nakshatras and their associated musical notes, as well as the location of the chart.

In the analysis of the natal chart, it is imperative to consider the positioning of the 7th Lord, its corresponding disposition lord, Pada (divisional chart), as well as the nakshatra lord, Pada, and the placement of nakshatras. The topic of discussion pertains to the significance of rental signs and nakshatras in an academic context. The comprehensive procedure can provide a general understanding of the complete characteristics of a spouse and offer potential indications for their identity.

The text discusses several microdetails pertaining to the spouse’s name, the significance behind the spouse’s name, the content of the spouse’s letter, and the direction of the spouse’s benevolent horoscope. However, armed with this limited research data, one may potentially identify and analyse their partner’s name as well as the associated attributes of their partner.

The primary characteristic of this approach is its exclusive reliance on a nakshatra-centered naming system, wherein the identification of the spouse’s characteristics and name is derived from the moon nakshatra, the 7th lord nakshatra, and the dominant planet positioned in trines within the Natal chart.

The natal chart, specifically the placement of the planet in the trine aspect, holds significant influence over the Nakshatra and the traits of the native spouse as indicated by the elements of the Nakshatra and the planet. Furthermore, based on my observations throughout the duration of this course, it has been observed that this particular method is highly effective in situations where the natal chart of a child, along with Vedic rituals, entails a comprehensive analysis of the child’s natal chart subsequent to their birth. Additionally, the intonation of Akasharas from various Nakshatras exerts a significant impact on the natal chart, with the most potent planetary influence being observed in the trines.

The significance of a name is derived solely from the celestial impact on Rashi and the Nakshatra. When the seventh Lord, together with its disposition or Nakshatra Lord Planet, is positioned in a dual sign, it typically results in the amalgamation of two names inside a single entity. When a celestial body is positioned within a fixed astrological sign, it typically corresponds to a concise appellation derived from the elemental classification of fire, air, water, or earth. When an individual’s astrological sign is associated with a water element, it is said to provide insight into the significance of their name, which is determined by the planet associated with that particular water sign.

In the context of Sanskrit nomenclature, the designation of an oceanic entity may be attributed to a celestial body situated within the astrological sign of Cancer. Conversely, a celestial body positioned within the astrological sign of Pisces may be denoted as a river. Lastly, a celestial body located within the astrological sign of Scorpio may be designated as a little canal.

The identification of the planet’s tattva can provide a key indication for discerning the genuine significance of its name. In order to comprehend the variables influencing names, it is imperative to first direct attention towards the Sanskrit etymology underlying the name.

This is because the phonetic composition of vowels, or Aksharas, present in Nakshatras aligns with Prakriti, signifying that the significance of a name should reflect the effect of Prakrti on celestial bodies. As an illustration, with closer examination, the name “Alaknanda” can be identified as a river name originating from the region of Jambudweep. The term “Alaknanda” originates from Sanskrit and denotes a juvenile female kid aged between eight and ten years, commonly referred to as “Kanya.” References to this term may be traced back to ancient Hindu scriptures such as the Mahabharata and Vishnu Purana, where it is associated with a river originating from the Himalayas and merging with the sacred Ganga River. This observation suggests that the planets that exert influence on the trines of the natal chart ought to be positioned in the dual sign, particularly when accompanied by the effect of watery planets inside that sign.


In order to accurately forecast the meaning of a name and the Akashras associated with it, it is necessary to consider the various intricacies associated with names from both Vedic and ancient perspectives. The Nadi Scriptures contain Sanskrit names that are associated with meanings pertaining to the characteristics of nature (Prakriti). In the remaining instances, individuals who are unable to ascertain the authentic significance of a name should direct their attention towards the preeminent celestial body exerting influence over their trines. This influential factor is highly likely to impact the connotation and inherent qualities associated with the name.


The likelihood of employing this strategy in contemporary society is approximately 40-50%, owing to the fact that individuals no longer adhere to Vedic procedures as outlined in the Scriptures while naming their offspring. The situation can be characterised by a binary outcome, with equal probabilities of success and failure (50-50) or with a little higher probability of failure (40-60). While this approach may yield positive results in certain instances, it is not universally applicable. Therefore, it is necessary to explore alternative techniques for the remaining scenarios. Prior to delving into the methodology, it is imperative to ascertain the true identity of one’s spouse, determine their categorization, and establish their alignment with the aforementioned condition.

Significant Residences: It is vital to acquaint oneself with the abodes that are associated with the characteristics of one’s marital partner.

Important Houses one should know those are connected with the Nature of Spouse 


15359 hindu marriage the lightsmiths lead image How to Find Spouse First Alphabet : spouse in astrology, physical appearance, direction of spouse, 7th house, 7th lord and nature of spouse - Part 1


Placement of planets in the 7th House:

The 7th House pertains to an individual’s attitude, sexuality, libido, and preferences regarding their relationships or partnerships. The success of a partnership is not solely determined by the tangible benefits it offers, but more by the attitudes and level of commitment exhibited by the individuals involved.  The aforementioned statement merely illustrates one’s professional occupation or the desired characteristics in a partner, rather than providing an accurate depiction of the actual qualities possessed by a spouse. The perception of a marital partner is observed through the astrological placement of the planet situated in the 7th House, commonly referred to as D9.

This planetary configuration provides significant insights on the characteristics and attributes of the spouse. For instance, the placement of Mars in the seventh house of the D9 chart indicates that the spouse would possess a highly energetic and vibrant personality. Additionally, physical attributes such as a round face, stout physique, and a short stature with a reddish complexion may be observed.

However, it is important to note that the overall portrayal of the spouse can be significantly influenced by factors such as the zodiac sign, planetary aspects, and the strength of the seventh lord in the D9 chart. The planetary placements in the 7th house of an individual’s birth chart provide insights on their preferences, inclinations, and desired qualities in matters related to partnerships, personal interests, and potential life partners. The descendant, being the antithesis of the ascendant, mostly pertains to one’s conscious selection of a life partner, encompassing the preferred characteristics and attributes sought in a romantic relationship.

In this context, the concept of “Beneficial” refers to factors that contribute positively to a relationship, while “Malefic” represents elements that have a detrimental effect, obstructing or acting as a hindrance to the partnership. Malefic factors can be seen as the direct antithesis of the native, therefore engaging in oppositional actions, while Beneficial factors provide support either through the spouse or the business partnership.


Planets placed in 7th House


palm leaf 1 How to Find Spouse First Alphabet : spouse in astrology, physical appearance, direction of spouse, 7th house, 7th lord and nature of spouse - Part 1
Ancient Nadi’s Patra


For instance, in the event that the moon is positioned in the 7th house, it signifies a desire for an emotionally responsive and nurturing partner in the context of a marital union. This individual is sought after for their ability to provide a sense of care and tenderness akin to that of a parent, thereby fostering a partnership characterised by emotional support and nourishment. In essence, the individual seeks a spouse who exhibits qualities of empathy and compassion within the realm of matrimony.

Mars: In the context of astrology, Mars is said to obstruct the formation of harmonious partnerships due to its association with individuals who possess assertive and confrontational tendencies. Consequently, these individuals tend to engage in conflicts with those they deal with, finally gravitating towards partners who exhibit boldness and courage, qualities that mirror their own disposition.

In the context of Mercury, the individual is actively searching for a mate who possesses qualities such as intelligence, expertise, youthfulness, knowledge, and effective communication skills. In the context of partnerships, effective communication plays a pivotal role in fostering mutual understanding and strengthening the link between the involved parties. The degree to which a partner is youthful and aesthetically pleasing positively correlates with their ability to attract a spouse.

In the realm of Venus, individuals exhibit an unrestrained libido and sexual energies, which contribute to their tendency to engage in various partnerships while being committed. This phenomenon is particularly observed when Venus in the 7th house is affected by malefic planets or the lunar nodes. Individuals with Venus positioned in the 7th house tend to have a heightened inclination towards aesthetics, desire, physical attractiveness, and to some extent, amorous and harmonious interpersonal connections. In the context of interpersonal relationships, individuals are advised to exercise self-regulation over their sexual impulses to mitigate potential issues both prior to and following engagement. Similarly, it is possible to examine characteristics of celestial bodies beyond Earth.


Placement of 7th Lord

The 7th Lord serves as a significant indicator of the physical attributes of one’s spouse. It encompasses various aspects related to the spouse’s physical well-being, including their overall health, body composition, facial features, outward appearance, and certain minor personality traits. Additionally, the 7th Lord provides insights into the direction of the spouse, the future prospects of the marital union, personal desires and expectations from the spouse, as well as the anticipated outcomes and implications for the future of the marital partnership.

The 7th Lord Nakshatra and its corresponding pada play a crucial role in determining the characteristics of one’s spouse, including their true nature and various intricate aspects associated with them. These indicators provide valuable insights into the attributes exhibited by the spouse.

This text provides insights into the many categories of individuals, both male and female, with whom we engage in social interactions. Additionally, it offers indications on the physical appearance and desirable attributes we seek in a potential life partner. It also touches upon the identity and behavioural characteristics of our chosen spouse, as well as the criteria for eligibility in the context of marriage.



Mars (Boyfriend/Husband and Real Man)


mangal mars indian art How to Find Spouse First Alphabet : spouse in astrology, physical appearance, direction of spouse, 7th house, 7th lord and nature of spouse - Part 1


The topic of discussion pertains to the characteristics and qualities exhibited by individuals of the male gender, specifically in the context of romantic relationships and the broader concept of masculinity. When examining the characteristics of romantic partners, it is customary to consider the North Indian astrology system. However, in the South Indian Nadi system, the planet Mars is specifically associated with the attributes of husbands or the men with whom individuals are interested in or seek to engage.


The rationale behind this is straightforward. Mars symbolises attributes such as power, protection, and sexuality, which are associated with both genders. Throughout the course of evolution, women have demonstrated a greater inclination towards seeking a partner who possesses qualities of strength, capable of safeguarding and providing for them, thereby instilling a sense of security. The differential gene orientation or DNA development in both genders has been a determining factor from the inception of evolutionary processes.


The underlying rationale is that women exhibited physical vulnerability at a certain period of development and consequently developed a heightened inclination towards Mars energy. This energy is perceived as a source of protection and sustenance under challenging circumstances, and is discernible through Mars’ typical attributes, namely bravery, courage, power, fighting spirit, and protective qualities. The individuals displayed a greater inclination towards guys who possessed the ability to engage in combat on their behalf, provide care, offer protection, and ensure sustenance even under adverse circumstances.

However, in contemporary times, circumstances have undergone a complete transformation. In contemporary society, there is a growing trend among women to exhibit a heightened interest in males who possess status-oriented and power-driven qualities. This inclination stems from the recognition that, in today’s context, the ability of men to provide protection and wield influence is closely associated with their social standing and capacity to fulfil various requirements. Who have the capability to furnish all the necessary amenities and conveniences essential for contemporary living in the ordinary realm?

Hence, it is imperative that the individuals seek personal or close interactions with men who are aligned with the sign of Mars and its corresponding house placement. However, individuals who identify as Maritain face a challenge with their energy, characterised by its high density and vigour, as it strives for personal development and empowerment. Individuals primarily engage in conflict for personal reasons such as bolstering their self-esteem, pursuing personal progress, realising individual aspirations, or attaining personal hopes and objectives. This inclination towards self-centered motivations is indicative of notions of masculinity and the planet Mars. Advocate for the principles that define the positive aspects of masculinity.


In more formal terms, Martians exhibit a strong inclination towards prioritising their personal growth and are unwilling to make concessions, even when faced with the need to sacrifice their aspirations for the betterment of a partnership. Consequently, they tend to terminate relationships prematurely and redirect their efforts towards pursuing their own passions and achievements, thereby emphasising their individual objectives.


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In the context of marriage, the establishment of a healthy relationship necessitates the presence of mutual understanding, guiding, and sharing between the two individuals involved. However, individuals adhering to the Maritain philosophy often struggle to achieve this level of communication owing to the presence of ego, arrogance, and inflexible attitudes. In contemporary circumstances, Mars tends to be primarily favoured by women for short-term and casual partnerships, sometimes referred to as “The Boy Friends.” However, in the long term, women desire a state of equilibrium and a harmonious married partnership, qualities that are noticeably absent among the inhabitants of Mars.

In contemporary times, there is an increased inclination among women towards establishing enduring and committed partnerships with men who demonstrate a proactive approach and with whom they envision a lifelong companionship.

Women tend to prefer boyfriends as companions for short-term adventures, but they are less inclined to pursue long-term commitments with them. Similarly, Mars, as a celestial body, does not exhibit a willingness to conform to partnership norms or prioritise mutual development. Rather, Mars emphasises individual growth above collaborative endeavours.

Typically, Maritain energy exhibits a lack of concern for others. However, in actuality, it pertains to the discourse surrounding the sexuality or sexual energy of women that individuals seek in their prospective partners. When a compatible energy level is discovered, a relationship commences or sparks, yet ultimately fails to progress.

In every connection or partnership, the sole requirement for progress is Kutumbh, a concept that encompasses an ongoing process contingent upon the passage of time and the cultivation of mutual understanding between the involved parties. The growth of a relationship between two individuals is indicative of the extent to which they engage in mutual understanding and invest in the exchange of ideas. Individuals may exert effort in order to facilitate optimal functioning within a partnership. The essential essence of Jupiter is in its association with several aspects such as thinking, personal development, familial happiness (Kutumbh sukh), and the expansion of family, children, or financial circumstances.

The Mars Sign Positions and Placements in the Natal Chart serve as significant markers for individuals’ selection of initial male partners, specifically in the context of transient relationships such as boyfriends, attractive male friends, or male colleagues within their professional environment. To gain a more comprehensive comprehension of the specific categories of men that pique their attention, it is advisable to examine the astrological sign and positioning of Mars within both the D1 and D9 charts. The following examples illustrate the concept of Mars sign placement as it pertains to astrology.


Placement of Jupiter in Natal Chart 

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The Natal chart encompasses various astrological factors, including Jupiter, which serves as an indicator of the husband’s energy within a woman’s chart. It also signifies the specific type of husband that the woman finds intriguing and with whom she can experience mutual expansion and growth. This interpretation is commonly observed in the northern region of Indian astrological analysis. However, according to Nadi texts, the role of Mars is emphasised as a representation of the husband in the southern region.


From a logical standpoint, Jupiter is associated with the expansion of various aspects, including knowledge, thoughts, riches, status, and employment opportunities. The inherent characteristic of this phenomenon is to undergo expansion. The aforementioned phenomenon facilitates growth and development across several domains, instills optimism and prospects in diverse areas, fosters intellectual enlightenment and spiritual nourishment, and contributes to the extension of familial bonds and material prosperity. Women often seek to acquire a deeper understanding or wisdom in their lives, with the aim of nurturing their inner emotions, intellect, and reflections.


However, a notable challenge arises when women get drawn to the qualities associated with Mars. Once married, their attraction shifts towards the desires associated with Jupiter, as Jupiter possesses attributes that Mars lacks the ability to fulfil. This phenomenon explains why women may have feelings of romantic attraction towards one individual, yet ultimately choose to enter into a marital union with a different male partner.


In the context of a marital relationship, it is commonly argued that women often require support and a sense of security due to their perceived emotional vulnerability. Individuals require assistance at periods of vulnerability, such as pregnancy, as well as during various aspects of their lives. However, Mars is incapable of fulfilling these needs. Mars exhibits a proclivity for engaging in conflict, embracing individualism, and pursuing recreational activities. This is the reason why they selected Jupiter as their spouse, rather than Mars.


The positioning of signs can provide insights about a woman’s selection of a spouse. Presented below are several examples of signs and their corresponding positions.

Mercury ( Friends, Cousins, Best Buddies and Close friends)


Budha graha How to Find Spouse First Alphabet : spouse in astrology, physical appearance, direction of spouse, 7th house, 7th lord and nature of spouse - Part 1


Mercury presents itself as a potential candidate for the individual in question who garners the interest of women. However, the issue lies in Mercury’s status as a youthful prince, lacking in maturity. Consequently, he often finds himself overlooked by most women when considering potential spouses or romantic partners. This can be attributed to Mercury’s inclination towards intellectual pursuits and effective communication, rather than prioritising responsibility and sexual appeal.


In interpersonal relationships, individuals with a deep bond, referred to as “Mercury,” often exhibit a strong inclination towards developing an attraction to those of the opposite gender, denoted as “Venus.” Conversely, women tend to display a propensity for being drawn to men, symbolised by “Mars.” Meanwhile, Jupiter represents an individual who consistently prioritises their professional obligations, actively engaging in tasks that contribute to the collective advancement of others.


The phrase “Vasudev Kutumbkam” is a Sanskrit concept that is sometimes translated as “the world is one Mercury is a term used to describe those who consistently find themselves overlooked by women in the context of potential romantic partners. However, these individuals often possess strong qualities as friends, forming tight relationships with those who are in their immediate social circle.

Venus: ( Wife/Girl Friend & Spouse )

LordShukraSukraVenusVedicAstrologyHinduHinduism How to Find Spouse First Alphabet : spouse in astrology, physical appearance, direction of spouse, 7th house, 7th lord and nature of spouse - Part 1


In the context of astrology, the celestial body known as Venus is commonly associated with the representation of a female partner, such as a wife or girlfriend, within the astrological chart of a masculine individual. In the context of a woman’s birth chart, it is commonly understood that Jupiter symbolises her spouse, while Mars symbolises her romantic partner. This distinction arises from the recognition that women’s experiences and social roles sometimes diverge from those of males. Women exhibit greater emotional complexity in comparison to men.


Within societal structures, there exists a discernible distinction between the roles assigned to men and women. As a consequence of this feature, it is observed that women may develop affection for men who possess qualities such as charm, masculinity, and physical attractiveness. However, it is important to note that these attributes alone do not suffice to meet the essential needs of life. Consequently, women choose to enter into marital unions with men who are capable of providing the necessary support and security in all aspects of life. However, the perspective differs for men, as they primarily seek affection and companionship from women.


Consequently, males often perceive no distinction between a girlfriend and a wife, considering both roles as equivalent in terms of fulfilling their emotional needs. As a consequence, the celestial body Venus governs both romantic partners and spouses inside the astrological chart or personal life of a male individual. The function of a woman in a man’s life encompasses the fulfilment of his aspirations, provision of support for his personal endeavours, enhancement of his overall well-being, and assistance in meeting his various life obligations. By examining the placement of Venus in the astrological chart of a male individual, it is possible to make predictions regarding the characteristics and qualities of their spouse.


The acquisition of spouses by men is contingent upon the level of Venus’ dignity as indicated in their astrological chart. The following items can be examined below:


1) Venus in Aries: In the event that an individual possesses Venus in Aries, it is plausible that they may exhibit a propensity to draw the attention of a female counterpart who displays pronounced characteristics of self-reliance, assertiveness, fortitude, resolute ambition, physical athleticism, and a proclivity for engaging in competitive pursuits. The aforementioned individual exhibits a propensity for impulsive behaviour within the realm of romantic relationships, possesses a captivating allure, and displays a strong inclination towards individualism. The individual in question exhibits a strong inclination towards embarking on daring and exploratory endeavours, particularly in the realm of travel. Men seek a spouse who provides them with motivation and exhibits dominant characteristics in their lives.


2) Venus in Taurus: In the event that an individual possesses Venus in Taurus, it is plausible that they will exhibit an inclination towards attracting women who possess qualities of sensuality, physical attractiveness, and possess a pleasant vocal timbre. The individual in question exhibits a proclivity for opulence, obstinacy, modesty, pragmatism, and a penchant for indulging in fine cuisine. The individual seeks a female partner who exhibits loyalty within the context of a romantic relationship and provides them with a sense of financial stability. These individuals actively seek out ladies who own significant wealth.


3) Venus Placement in Gemini: In the context of astrology, when an individual possesses Venus in Gemini, it is posited that they may exhibit a propensity to draw the attention of a female counterpart who displays communicative prowess, intellectual acumen, creative inclinations, a penchant for enjoyment, and a preference for being involved in a romantic partnership. The individual in question possesses a proclivity for writing, exhibits amiable conversational skills, exudes charisma, and demonstrates expertise in manual dexterity activities such as stitching, among others. In this context, males are paired with women who exhibit high levels of intelligence and demonstrate a strong commitment to domestic responsibilities.


Conclusion : 


In conclusion, it may be inferred that This study focuses on doing research through a case study to gain a comprehensive understanding of the characteristics associated with the 7th house, the 7th lord, and the planetary influences that contribute to the formation of partnerships.


The primary objectives of this investigation include determining methods for identifying the initial alphabet of a spouse’s name, interpreting clues related to the spouse’s name, analysing the nature of the spouse, and identifying the ruling planets associated with relationships.


In the subsequent section, we shall endeavour to acquire the knowledge of determining the identity of an individual’s marital partner in 2nd part.


Stay connected for 2nd part.



Rocky Jamwal

pin How to Find Spouse First Alphabet : spouse in astrology, physical appearance, direction of spouse, 7th house, 7th lord and nature of spouse - Part 1

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