The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 – How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being

natal saturn retrograde2 The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being

Effects of Gravitational and Magnetic field based on Vedas and Scriptures 

Although Saturn is much larger than the Earth, its surface gravity is only a little more than the surface gravity on Earth. This is only because Saturn is made up of mostly gases part and is not solid like Earth.
Now the question is why Saturn has such massive gravity though it is made up of a gaseous structure? What contributes to all this Saturn gravity?. The element-wise core structure of Saturn is largely comprised of hydrogen and helium, which came together at the beginning of the Solar System, gathered by their mutual mass. It’s the same composition as Jupiter and the Sun have. These primordial elements were formed at the beginning of the Universe in the Big Bang if we see modern assessment but in Hindu cosmology, Saturn celestial structure and origin has a different story. This shows that the Same power which is present on Sun is also present in the rest of the planets too including Saturn. It’s the same force that keeps on pulling every planet to each other which the sun has.
What is that Power? Is it a Magnetic Shield or the magnetic force of attraction which we called gravity or something else? Let’s understand first, What is mentioned in the Scriptures about Gravity or force of attraction, that keeps on attracting every other planet in the solar system with fixed boundaries. Science has named this force of attraction -The Gravitational force of planets.

What is Gravitational Force of Planets

rig veda bhu sukta The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
“Vaishesika Sutra” discusses the role of Gravity Deeply for every object present in this solar system or in the celestial sphere that can help us in understanding how planets affect us either by aspect or by stronger magnetic attraction, everything is accountable in understanding that gravitational force:
The same thing has been explained by Bhaskaracharya on Surya Siddhanta around 400 AD;
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“Vaishesika Sutra”  describes that in the absence of conjunction (In an action) falling results due to Gravity.
संयोगभावे गुरुत्वात्पतनम (V.S. 5.1.7)
In the absence of conjunction (Gurutvat(is a process, defines the action or an instance of two or more events or things occurring at the same point in time or space.) falling results from Gravity. This means something that makes progress, movement, or achieving something difficult or impossible is the process of Impediment responsible for Gurutvat. Thus it clearly recognizes objects fall downward due to Gravity.
Sutra 2 The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
Sutra 5.1.8 States that due to the absence of a particular molecular motion there arises no upward or side-ward motion in any object causes to fall down.
Sutra 3 The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
Why does an object throw in the air fall after some time? 

Then Vaishesika Sutra discusses the role of Gravity in the falling of moving objects. It gives through the analogy of the arrow. First, it gives the mechanism of arrow projection in Sutra 5.1.17

Sutra 4 The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
Sutra 4 1 The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
4 3 The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being

नोदनाद्यभिषोः कर्म तत्कर्मकारिताच्च संस्कारादुत्तरं तथोत्तरमुत्तरं च 

The first action of the arrow is from impulse; the next is the resultant energy produced by the first action, and similarly the next to next. Then it explains why it falls in the next Sutra.


Sutra 5 The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
संस्काराभावे गुरुत्वात्पतनम (V.S. 5.1.18)
In the absence of resultant/propulsive energy generated by the action, falling results from Gravity.
5 2 The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
Thus from the above Sutras, we can acknowledge that Vaisheshika Sutra clearly discusses Gravity. It uses the word “Gurutwa” which is also used in the present time to represent Gravity. Gurutwa in ancient understanding means force which arises due to mass.


B1VIctwCUAASeEz The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
Further correlation on the gravitational force or guru at a has  been explained in the rig-Veda Rig Veda 1.6.5, 8.12.30

“O Indra! by putting forth your mighty rays, which possess the qualities of gravitation and attraction-illumination and motion – keep up the entire universe in order through the Power of your attraction.”

Rig Veda 1.6.5 and Rig Veda 8.12.30 Says,

“O God, You have created this Sun. You possess infinite power. You are upholding the sun and other spheres and render them steadfast by your power of attraction.”

Yajur Veda 33.43 Says, 

“The sun moves in its own orbit in space taking along with itself the mortal bodies like earth through force of attraction.”

Rig Veda 1.35.9 Says, 

“The sun moves in its own orbit but holding earth and other heavenly bodies in a manner that they do not collide with each other through force of attraction.”

Rig Veda 1.164.13 further says that,

“Sun moves in its orbit which itself is moving. Earth and other bodies move around the sun due to the force of attraction, because the sun is heavier than them”.

Atharva Veda 4.11.1 Says,

“The sun has held the earth and other planets”

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As per Rig Veda, it is been said that “There are suns in all directions, the night sky being full of them.” and same we can further confirm it from Markandeya Purana 78.8, that Blue Sky is Nothing but scattered sunlight.

From all Rig Vedic Sutras, we can confirm that Due to Sun pulling Force every planet is dire to attached and attracted toward him by a unique magnetic force, and by the same force all these planets are affecting us with some sort of Planetary attraction in the form of Cosmic rays. As we are born with the same elements the Sun and the rest of planetary structure are made of, Having on their surface, the same magnetic force keeps pulling us and influencing our mental makeup, state of mind, and power of discretion every day to day karmas. Thus Celestial bodies including Saturn do have a bigger role in our life, as Saturn mass and force are equally powerful in influencing our karmas and bodily actions.

Now! We have understood it well, what is gravity and how different planets are well connected with the sun and its gravitational force and why because of that every planet keeps affecting us. Now, The next question is what makes the Saturn Aspects are So special in influencing our karmic actions ?. As in this portion, we have studied the Saturn mathematical and astronomical aspects. In the next portion, we will try to understand how our Puranic ancient stories are well connected with the planetary aspects and structure. we will try to figure out deep answers lie in the Puranic stories that are connected with the Saturn Evolution time. For understanding Saturn aspects part in a predictive way via the natal chart, click below on continue:


With Regards,

Rocky  Jamwal
Source and Reference:
The Vaisesika sutras of Kanada Translated by Nandalal Sinha (Via

 A Study of Heliocentric Science by Swami Abhedananda 

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Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi


Decoding Past Life Reincarnation and Astrology Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

Article Written and Researched By

Sumanta Ghosal

Life Reincarnation is mainly a vedic philosophical concept that an aspect of living being starts a new life in a different physical body after each bio-logical death. It is a central point of vedic literature. Then other Indian religions such as Buddhism, Jainism and Shikh follows this concept.

But today I am going tfo discuss regarding Reincarnation and Astrology. We all know the twin beliefs of Karma and Reincarnation are among Hinduism many jewels of knowledge. Karma literally means “deed or act”, but more broadly it describes the pinciple of cause and effect. Simply stated Karma is a law of action and reaction which governs conscioussness. In metaphysics, Karma is the law that states that every mental, emotional and physical act, no matter how insignificant, is projected out into yhe physic mind substance and eventually returns to the individual with equal impact.

In ‘Bhagvad Gita’ Lord Shree Krishna says to Arjuna –

“वासाांसस जीर्ाासि यथा सवहाय
िवासि गह्णृ ासि िरोऽपरासर् ।
िथा शरीरासर् सवहाय जीर्ाा
न्यन्यासि सांयासि िवासि देही ॥” – Chapter 2, verse 22

It means during our day to day liles we change our old and dirty cloths and take a new/clean cloths whenever we need. Similarly, the Souls or Aatman costs off its worn out physical body at regular intervals of time. Soul is immortal but the physical body is mortal.

This sloka or verse refers to the doctrine of Reincarnation in Vedic philosophy. Death is described here as the simple process of a worn out garmentsfor a new one. Death is nothing but a chage attire in an uninterrupted continuity of immortality. In ‘Bhagvad Gita’, chapter number 2, verse number 23 Lord Krishna states to Arjuna-

“ििै ां सिन्दसन्ि शस्त्रासर् ििै ां दहसि पावकः ।
ि चिै ां क्लेदयन््यापो ि शोषयसि मारुिः ॥”

Lord Krishna states Aatman can not be harmed by weapons- and since it is formless and shapeless – it can not be cut into pieces by any instruments. In the same way, fire can not burn it or destroy it. Water can not wet it because water can act only elements which have physical description or dimensions. For the same reason, wind can not dry it or exert any force on it. Thus the Aatman is beyond the influence of all three primary forces which can affect entities having physical form and description.


Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

But today I am going to discuss regarding the relation between Astrology and Reincarnation. We all know Astrology is nothing but a celestial map of our previous births deeds. Our previous deeds or Karma decides our fate in this existance. By grace and blessings of my Ishtadev Lord Shiva, I am able to collect some birth datas of those people who can remember their previous births. I have collected those datas from various books and internet. I am thankful to them.Astrologically speaking a person’s natal chart does contain indicators for knowing the past and future births.

In a classic astrology book named Phaladeepika, we come to know how to predict past and future births. The author of this book is Manteswara, in the 14th chapter there comes information on astrological pointers to know previous and future births. According to Phaladeepika, the 9th house holds the key.

If 9th lord in natal chart is exalted, the previous birth was in a high society of good people. If 9th lord in natal chart is in debility or in enemy’s sign, the previous birth was in a different country. If 9th lord is in his own house or in a freind’s house, the previous birth was in the same country where the person belongs (Manteswara states Bharat Varsha/India).

In such cases, if 9th lord happens to be Jupiter, the person was born in Aryavarta (Himalayas Vindhyas area).

If 9th lord happens to be Venus or Moon, the person was born near sacred rivers such as Ganga,
Narmada, Kavery etc.

If 9th lord happens to be Mercury, the person was born near places of God like Lord Vishnu or Lord

If 9th lord happens to be Saturn, the person was born in meleccha desha- outside of India or where
Vedic culture is not prevailed.

If 9th lord happens to be Sun, the person was born in a place of forests or mountains.

If 9th lord happens to be Mars, the person was born in places where living was difficult.

To detect future birth we judge 5th lord carefully. To detect future birth same rules are applicable as
mentioned above. But here 5th lord should be judged instead of 9th lord.

Now we have to judge what kind of birth we spent during last birth and what kind of birth we will spend in future birth- whether as plant life or animal life.

According to Vedic philosophy the souls are born in four forms- as Devas, Human, Animals and Plant life.

Manteshwaraclearly states in his book Phaladeepika regarding this :

If the 9th lord is placed in Bhustadhaya rashi which is fixed sign also, the previous birth was that of same Vegetarian.

If the 9th lord is placed in Seershadhaya rashi which is movable sign also, the previous birth was that of same living being, either animal or man.

If the 9th lord is placed in exaltation sign or own house or friend’s house of the lagna lord, the previous
birth was that of a human being.

If the 9th lord is placed in neutral sign of the lagna lord, the previous birth was that of an animal.
If the 9th lord is placed in enemy sign of the lagna lord, the previous birth was that of a bird.

To detect future birth judge 5th lord in the same way as mentioned above.

These are the rules given by the famous astrologer Manteswara in his monumental book named –

We get some more clues regarding past and future births from “Brihat Jataka”- by Varahamihira.

According to Varahamihira, Jupiter,Moon and Venus, Sun and Mars, Saturn and Mercury bring people from Devloka, Pitriloka, Tiryagloka and Narakloka. respectively.

We have to judge first who is powerful among Sun and Moon is rashi chart. We have to choose the powerful one and see its position in Drekkana chart. The lord of that house signifies the key of previous birth.

In such a lord in D3 is Jupiter, it signifies that the person was in Devaloka before his birth on earth.

If such a lord is Moon or Venus then that person was in Pitriloka before his birth on earth.

If such a lord in D3 is Sun or Mars then that person was in Tiryaloka before his birth on earth.

If such a lord in D3 is Mercury or Saturn then that person was in Narakloka before his birth on earth.

To detect future birth take 8th lord and see the D3 chart where 8th lord occupies. The lord of the 3rd
house of 8th lord signifies future birth of native.

If such lord is exalted or in benefic position, then we come to this conclusion that person has enjoyed high status in that loka. If it is opposite then reversed result is indicated.

Now I am going to discuss on some case histories regarding this. I have collected these case histories from some books and internet. At the end of my article I will mention regarding this.

1. Shanti Devi and Ms Lugdi devi –

shantidevi Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

In Delhi, a little girl was born named Shanti. She was born on 11th december, 1926 at 13:48 pm. She gave an elaborate description about her past life. Common public were astonished having heard her statements. In her previous birth she was known as Ms Lugdi, died on 4th october 1925 during delivery of her third child. All of her statements were verified carefully by respected and educated persons including Mahatma Gandhi. Shanti Devi never married due to fear of pregnancy.

A) Chart of Lugdi Devi –

D.O.B- 18.01.1902, T.O.B- 10 AM, P.O.B- Mathura (U.P)

1 Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

She died in Moon dasha-Rahu antardasha.This is Lugdi Devi’s chart who died at the time of delivery. She was born as Shanti Devi in her future birth.

Now Let’s examine her chart. Her 5th lord as well as 8th lord is Mercury. We all know 5th lord is indicator of future birth. 5th house lord Mercury occupies in 12th house in Capricorn. Capricorn is Saturn’s house. Saturn here lagna lord also. 5th lord Mercury is occupied in 12th house which is friend’s house of Mercury.

It denotes that native’s future birth will be as human. As we know Manteshwara states in his book ‘Phaladeepika’ – that if 9th or 5th lord isin own house or in a friend’s house then previous and future birth forms as human being and in same country.

Here Lugdi’s 5th lord Mercuryis in 12th house that means Saturn’s house which isher lagnesh also. Saturn’s friend is Mercury. So Lugdi Devi’s future birth would be as human being in same country that is India. Lugdi Devi reincarnated as Shanti Devi in her future birth. Lugdi Devi’s 5th lord Mercury occupies in venus navamsha. Venus occupies in lagna, Venus indicates sacred river such as Ganga, Yamuna, Kaveri etc. Lugdi Devi born as Shanti Devi in her future birth in Delhi where sacred Yamuna river exists.

Now I am going to discuss on Shanti Devi’s birth chart who was Lugdi Devi in previous birth. Born in Rahu mahadasha and Mercury antardasha.

2 Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

Shanti Devi known as Lugdi Devi in her previous birth. Shanti Devi’s 9th lord is Mars, occupied in own house, aries. As per Manteshwara’s ‘Phaladeepika’- If 9th lord is in own house or in friend’s house, previous birth was as human being in same country. We know Lugdi Devi is born as Shanti Devi in Mathura. Mars is in Moon navamsa. Moon denotes sacred river such as Ganga, Yamuna etc. Mathura is near to sacred river Yamuna.

Notes: –

i) We observe that Lugdi’s ascendant was kumbha where Shanti Devi’s (incarnation of Lugdi Devi) ascendant is Meen, 2nd house of Kumbha. It means where Lugdi ended her life journey from there Shanti Devi started her journey again in a different physical body.

ii) Lugdi died in Moon dasha and Rahu antardasha. Shanti devi was born in Rahu mahadasha and Mercury antardasha.

2. Another case study of reincarnation is Rampratap Singh. Rampratap Singh was born in 10th january at 10:30 am in Delhi. He could remember his previous birth. According to him, he was born in same family where he is born in this birth. He died by an accident took place on 6th february 1983. In his previous birth he was born 30th december 1958 at 8:55 pm, Delhi. Now I am going to analyse his previous birth chart and his this existance birth chart.

Previous birth of Rampratap Singh

D.O.B- 30.12.1958, T.O.B- 08:55 PM, P.O.B- Delhi

3 Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

This is the birth chart of Rampratap Singh’s previous existence. Let us analyse this. 5th lord denotes future birth. Here 5th lord occupies in 10th house in Aries sign which is Mars own sign. According to Manteshwara, If 5th lord is in own house or in a friend’s house, future birth will be as human being in same country. In his next birth the native born in same country and same city.

Now we will discuss his present birth chart. In his previous birth he died on 6th february 1983. And the
native born as Rampratap Singh on -10th january 1984 at 10:30 am in Delhi.

4 Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

He was born in Saturn dasha aand mars antardasha.

His 9th lord Venus and 10th lord Mars interchanges house. So no malefic results will be occured. Venus is in star of Mercury. Mercury is friend of Saturn and Venus. So it indicates Rampratap Singh’s previous birth was as human being in a same country, same city. As his Lagna is in even sign and as his ascendant is in moon’s hora, Rampratap Singh is born in same family where he was born in his previous birth.

Case Study number- 3

Another rebirth case study I am going to mention here. The name of this person is Pooran Singh. He was born on 9th december 1968 at 4:10 am, Kapurthala.This person can remember his previous birth.

According to him he was born on 19th november 1929 at 6:26 pm at Moga and died on 19th may 1966 by an accident.

Pooran Singh’s previous birth chart-

5 Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

He died in 19th may 1966 in Saturn dasha and Mercury antardasha.

From 5th lord we judge future birth. 5th lord Mercury is in 6th house Libra which is Venus sign. Venus is lagnesh and 6th lord also. Mercury and Venus are mutual friends of each other. In famous astrological book ‘Phaladeepika’, Manteshwara states that if 5th lord is occupied in own house or friend house then native’s future birth will be as human being and he will born in same country and same region. Hence all the combinations are fulfilled. After death the native is born as Pooran Singh at Kapurthala. Kapurthala and Moga’s distance is not so far. Both places are under Punjab state. Now i am going to analyse his present birth chart.

Pooran Singh

D.O.B- 09.12.1968, T.O.B- 4:10 AM, P.O.B- Kapurthala

6 Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

Born in Saturn dasha and Mercury antardasha.From 9th house we denotes previous birth. 9th lord is Mercury occupies in 2nd house Scorpio with Sun and Mercury both are in Jyestha star which is Mercury Star. Mars is in Virgo which is Mercury’s house.So Mercury and Mars both interchanges each others house. Mercury’s signification is prime here. As a result we come to this conclusion that native was born in human being in his previous birth in same

Note:- In his previous birth he died in Saturn dasha and mercury antardasha. In his present birth he was born in same dasha and antardasha. Soul has just changed new mortal body. Soul’s evaluation is continuously going on.In his previous birth chart ascendant was Taurus that is Venus sign. In this present birth he is born under Libra ascendant which is Venus sign too.

In Shashta Kanda of Mahabharat, Lord Shiva explains to Goddess Parvati: –

“Tasmajjatismara loke jayante Badhshanyukta
Tesha Vivardhatam sangya swapanvat sa pranashyati
Parlokashya chesitatve moodhanam karanam tuidam “

It means when a person who dies suddenly somewhere and is born again suddenly, his old habits and samskaars may remain for some time. But as they grow up, their old memories disappear like dreams.In this way birth and death cycle is going on. It will never be ended until soul get salvation or moksha.

Thats why Adi Shankaracharya states-

“Punaropi Jananam Punaropi maranam, punoropi janani jathare shyanam
Tha samsare khalu dustare – kripayapare pahi murae.”

It means we take birth again and again and die again anad again, sleep again and again in the womb of
mother. The world is so difficult place to stay. Oh God! rescue me from all this anad give me salvation.

Sources : –

i) 765 notable horoscope by Raj Kumar,

ii) Yatharth Geeta by Swami Adgadanand,

iii) Discovering your past lives by Gloria Chadwick,

iv) Karma and rebirth in Hindu Astrology – K.N Rao,

v) Parlok and Punarjanm ank by Kalyan,

vi) Internet and Youtube.

These are the sources from where I have collected information’s to write this article.



Sumanta Ghosal

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Decoding Bhakti Yoga as per nadi astrology in Acharya Srila Prabhupada birth chart

2958435 orig Decoding Bhakti Yoga as per nadi astrology in Acharya Srila Prabhupada birth chart
       By H.Ramadas Rao
ॐ श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः
With the Blessings of my Kula Guru Acharya Madhva, my Kula Devatha, My Ishta Devatha and Nadi Guru Shri R.G.Rao,I am going to write about BHAKTI YOGA as per NADI ASTROLOGY principles. To explain this I have taken the chart of Shri Prabhupada.
What is Bhakti Yoga?
There is a small chapter stresses the super-excellence of the path of loving devotion over all other types of spiritual practices.  It begins with Arjun asking Shree Krishna whom He considers more perfect in Yog—those who are devoted to the personal form of God or those who worship the formless Brahman.  Shree Krishna responds by declaring that both paths lead to God-realization.  However, He regards the devotees of His personal form as the best yogis.  He explains that meditation on the impersonal unmanifest aspect of God is full of tribulations and is exceedingly difficult for embodied beings.  But devotees of the personal form, with their consciousness, merged in Him and all their actions dedicated to Him, are swiftly delivered from the cycle of life and death.  Shree Krishna thus asks Arjun to surrender his intellect to Him, and fix his mind in exclusive loving devotion on Him alone.
Below mentioned verse explained in chapter 12 clearly explains about it
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 12, Verse 3-4

maxresdefault 2 Decoding Bhakti Yoga as per nadi astrology in Acharya Srila Prabhupada birth chart

ये त्वक्षरमनिर्देश्यमव्यक्तं पर्युपासते |
सर्वत्रगमचिन्त्यञ्च कूटस्थमचलन्ध्रुवम् || 3||
सन्नियम्येन्द्रियग्रामं सर्वत्र समबुद्धय: |
ते प्राप्नुवन्ति मामेव सर्वभूतहिते रता: || 4||

ye tv akṣharam anirdeśhyam avyaktaṁ paryupāsate
sarvatra-gam achintyañcha kūṭa-stham achalandhruvam
sanniyamyendriya-grāmaṁ sarvatra sama-buddhayaḥ
te prāpnuvanti mām eva sarva-bhūta-hite ratāḥ


BG 12.3-4: But those who worship the formless aspect of the Absolute Truth—the imperishable, the indefinable, the unmanifest, the all-pervading, the unthinkable, the unchanging, the eternal, and the immoveable—by restraining their senses and being even-minded everywhere, such persons, engaged in the welfare of all beings, also attain Me.


Having said that worship of the personal form is the best, Shree Krishna clarifies that in no way does He reject the worship of the formless.  Those who devote themselves to the all-pervading, indefinable, unmanifest, inconceivable, immovable, eternal Brahman, also attain God.

Living beings are of an infinite variety of natures.  The Supreme Lord who has created this variety also possesses an infinite variety of aspects to His personality.  For the sake of our finite comprehension, we classify the infinite manifestations of God into categories.  Accordingly, Ved Vyas has classified God’s various manifestations into three types, Brahman, Paramātmā, andBhagavān, as mentioned in the commentary of the previous verse.  One may worship either of these categories, but one should never claim that one’s conception of God is the only correct one while those of the others are erroneous.

In verse 4.11, Shree Krishna had stated: “In whatever way people surrender unto Me, I reciprocate with them accordingly.  Everyone follows My path in all respects, O son of Pritha.”  Here, Shree Krishna confirms that the worshippers of the formless also reach Him.  Since their choice is to unite with the attributeless manifestation of the Supreme Absolute Truth, God meets them as the unmanifest, all-pervading Brahman.

Astrological Analysis 

Srila prabhupad Decoding Bhakti Yoga as per nadi astrology in Acharya Srila Prabhupada birth chart

Let me take the chart of Acharya Srila Prabhupada. He was born on September 1, 1896. In most of Nadi literature, time of birth ie., Lagna is not given. Importance is given to Jivakaraka Guru/Jupiter’s placement. There is no Dasa system, instead, we follow the progression of natal Guru/Jupiter every year to the next sign or Rashi. Here no lordships are not taken into consideration but only planetary Karakattwas are important. Planets which are in 2nd,12th,11th,5th,7th and 9th are most important. There are a lot of Karakattwas allotted to each planet. Anyhow for the reader’s information, the time of birth was 4 PM at Kolkata.
Bhakti yoga nadi astrology Srila Prabhupada Image Decoding Bhakti Yoga as per nadi astrology in Acharya Srila Prabhupada birth chart
Now in Acharya’s chart, Jivakaraka Guru was placed in Simha Rashi/Leo sign along with its Lord Surya/Sun and Ketu, the planet of renunciation/Tyagakaraka or Mokshakaraka. So this chart has Jeevatma Moksha Yoga ie., Jiva + Atma + Moksha Yoga a powerful Yoga which is in Simha Rashi which is Dharma Tattwa Rashi. Also please note that both Guru/Jupiter and Ketu are in the Nakshatra of Makha ruled by Kethu itself showing HE was born to renounce the world. Here Ketu will enter the next house of Karka Rashi which is the exaltation sign of Guru which is also a Moksha Tattwa Rashi indicating it was HIS last birth.2nd to these planets are Budha exalted  ( being born in Budha Hora )with Shukra ( Neecha Bhanga ). This clearly indicates he had Vak Siddhi Yoga.He became a big preacher and also a praiser of Lord Krishna. Now see this combination is in Karma Tattwa and in the same direction, we find exalted Chandra/Moon with Kuja/Mars. Please note that HE was born on Tuesday and the Janma Nakshatra was Mrigashira which was again ruled by Kuja/Mars. So Kuja is powerful in His chart.
Jivakaraka Guru is with Surya who is in his own house. Surya is the Karaka for father.So Acharya’s father was also a highly religious person along with His mother as Chandra, the Karaka for Mother is exalted who was a worshipper of Lord Krishna. Karma Karaka Shani is exalted in 3rd house from Jiva Karaka Guru + Surya + Ketu.12th from Shani is occupied by exalted Budha with Shukra. So His Karma is related to religious preaching, singing bhajans & spiritual activities related to Lord Krishna. Shani’s placement in Tula Rashi which is a Kaama Rashi but the planet is Karma Tattwa based, so Acharya’s main aim/desire in HIS life was Karma related to religious preaching, writings in praise of Lord Krishna. As Guru + Surya + Ketu are in Simha Rashi, HE was a Vedic scholar, also the planets 2nd to these planets ie., Budha + Shukra + Chandra + Kuja have given HIM what is called as
Bhakti Yoga.
Prabhupada discusses sense gratification morning walk Decoding Bhakti Yoga as per nadi astrology in Acharya Srila Prabhupada birth chart
Buddha in 2nd to Jiva Karaka Guru who is exalted in Kanya Rashi gave Him good education related to finance/economics etc. Also, Rahu who is in 7th to Guru indicates Foreign, so Acharya learnt the English language also and became proficient in that language.
Now 7th sign of Zodiac is Thula Rashi and is occupied by exalted Shani, so 7th house got afflicted. Also its lord Shukra/Venus is debilitated in Kanya/Virgo Rashi. So even though He is married, His married life was not smooth. Even though Shukra/Venus is debilitated, it gets Neechabhanga due to association with exalted Budha.
Jivakaraka Guru transits every Rashi for one year, so it completes 12 years when it comes to the previous house of Jivakaraka Guru/Jupiter in the chart. So when Jivakaraka Guru in his 2nd round when transiting over 9th from Shukra/Venus where Chandra and Kuja are there ie., during his 22nd year, HIS marriage took place.In Nadi literature, Surya has Karakattwa for father as well as for son also. This is mainly due to father is responsible for the issues in his family.So in Acharya’s chart, Surya is in his own place of Simha Rashi/Leo sign which is the most powerful sign along with Guru, so He had 2 male children. But now you see the longitude of Surya. He is in Simha 17 Degs.2’.He is moving to next sign within a few days where he meets Shukra/Venus. So even though He had 2 male children nobody helped Him and they were away from Him.
For renunciation, Ketu is the most important. Now see in 1922, the transits were Guru, Shani and Rahu were in Kanya and Ketu in Meena Rashi activating the natal Ketu which aspects Kataka Rashi through its previous house aspect. Shani, the Karma Karaka has decided what to do with this gentleman. He met with His spiritual Guru during this time. ( All the dates are between August and October as September 1, 1896, is His date of birth.)But He took spiritual initiation in 1933. Please check the transit of planets as on September 1, 1933.
For any spiritual initiation, Ketu’s transit is very important. Please see that during the 2nd round of Rahu-Ketu’s transit, Ketu was transiting over natal Jivakaraka Guru, Surya and especially Ketu. Karma Karaka Shani was retrograde and was in Makara Rashi. So he has to be considered from Dhanu also. Now see the planetary patterns are changed. It is like this: Shani ( R ) + Ketu acting on natal Jivakaraka Guru + Surya, the Atma Karaka and Natal Moksha Karaka Ketu. Even though He has not taken Sanyas, his spiritual activities have started from this period onwards.
Bhakti yoga Decoding Bhakti Yoga as per nadi astrology in Acharya Srila Prabhupada birth chart
So all the spiritual activities, lectures related to Lord Krishna, Bhagavatham etc.started from this period along with publications. But during 1959 ( between August and September ), He took complete Sanyas. See the planetary patterns. Transit Guru was in Vrischika Rashi, Shani ( R ) was in Dhanu and Ketu was in Meena Rashi. So these planetary positions made Him take complete Sanyas.
In 1965, September, when transit Guru was in Mithuna Rashi, Shani ( R ) was in Kumbha Rashi, Rahu was in Vrishbha Rashi and Ketu was in Vrischika Rashi ( But his progressed Guru/Jivakaraka Guru was in Vrishabha Rashi -70th year ), He travelled to the USA as per His Guru’s directives and in 1966, ISKCON – International Krishna Consciousness was started by Him.
On November 14, 1977, His Atma attained Moksha. On that day, Rahu-Kala/Mrityu was transiting over Kanya Rashi respecting its previous house where natal Guru, Surya and Ketu are there. Transit Ketu was in Meena Rashi aspecting its previous house of Kumbha Rashi which is in trine to Tula Rashi where Natal Shani is there. Thus there was the end of Karma and end of Jiva and Atma attained Moksha. Please go through His Punya chart below.
This is my 1st Nadi article written on this auspicious day of Shri Krishna Janmashtami and is completely dedicated to HIM. Without HIM,I am nothing in this Universe.
                                                                             OM TAT SAT
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Views: 195

Lakshmi- The Celestial Goddess

Sacred Indian Symbols Lakshmi- The Celestial Goddess
||Om SriGuruCharanKamalebheyo Namah||
“I bow down at the lotus feet of my master SriGuru Mahavatar”

Pranam to all the beautiful seekers,

I’m happy to write this V-log for you and as you are reading this- I’m sure you are one of the sincere seekers who has reached here to this revelation. Let’s begin.
Since Deepawali is around the corner, so, Today I’ve chosen to write on “Lakshmi” which is misinterpreted through various media channels or by the priests and nonetheless by con-practitioners who con people by selling remedies or rituals.
The most important aspect of any understanding that we want to develop is the knowledge which is majorly lost in today’s time because of which we lost our all understanding of various facts and we are unable to realise the truths behind. The basis of our ancient scientific knowledge is Devnagri (lipi) text script through which the Shruti (sound vibration) is given a form to understand at the level of conscious.
Now, Let’s understand what does the word Lakshmi means. Lakshmi considered to be the Goddess of wealth & fortune, the sustainer energy of the universe, the one who emerged out from the kshir sagar during the churning by devatas and asuras, she who accepted Lord Vishnu as her eternal consort. Lakshmi (लक्ष्मी) comes from the sanskrit word “लक्ष्यामि”- “the giver of direction for goal”; लक्ष्य को आयाम देने वाली.  Now, the word “लक्ष्य” denotes to the destroying (क्षय) of “ल” means the old archetype, the core limiting behavior which is the pure trait of “Muladhar center” that is why the seed syllable “लं” (lam) is chanted to raise the energy from the base as the anuswara (the dot used above the vyanjan ल) is the connecting sound which is the fourth quarter vibration of ॐ called as “im”representing the “state of liberation”.
the legend of samudramanthana dg30 Lakshmi- The Celestial Goddess
So, Lakshmi is the energy which is worshipped by the ones who have destroyed their old primitive limiting beliefs, habits & desires and have one universal goal to evolve from the base to know who they are and want to move forward on the path in a sustained pace. And, a seeker of truth must have sustaining discipline and efforts to reach the final goal of evolution. That is why Lakshmi accepted the sustainer Lord Vishnu to be her eternal consort.
Lakshmi Sukt mentions “पद्मिनि पद्मपत्रे पद्मप्रिये”- She sits on Lotus flower which represents Her evolving out of lotus signifying the rise of energy from the Muladhar and the only goal remains is to know “Who am I?” which arises from its counterpart question- “I dont know who am I?”. That’s why the Goddess can not be approached with a mind which knows everything.  But since, in the delusioned world where money is the only goal behind every action, every desire, every learning; that’s is why the worldly people started to worship Lakshmi as the Goddess of money not as wealth, which is the biggest disbelief. Because, money which is the medium of exchange of resources is a temporary and time bound whereas wealth is “what remains forever and travels with you as accumulation”; that is how money and wealth are different. And, the most dreadful thing is- we lose wealth to grab money, losing all values, truthfulness and accept treachery, hatred and folly in order to just grab money.
Now, Just ask yourself-
1. Do you think, Goddess can be worshipped by anyone who is not interested in the wealth that She is offering and can ask for something which She has no relation with??
as She is offering ultimate wealth and you ask for money which she is not even printing anyway!!
2. Do you think, any worship or recitation or prayer performed by a treacherous can raise the ultimate wealth?
-as She betows Her blessings upon a disciplined truthful seeker and after all cheating in the workplace only paper money might be collected but wealth can never be!!
I hope this will make you think on these questions while you perform Lakshmi worship this year. I will share more on this in the upcoming posts as more is coming up on “Deepawali” in the next V-log.
Do write your comments or questions below.
Guru’s Grace Be Upon You!!


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Who is Shiva ? Understanding Importance of the Lord Shiva based on the view of Swami Sivananda

19c82421af50a261c6379ea972103835 shiva shakti lord shiva Who is Shiva ? Understanding Importance of the Lord Shiva based on the view of Swami Sivananda

This is an Article Compiled from the chapters of  ” Lord Shiva and his worship ” Book Written by Swami Sivananda

Shared for the Knowledge purpose for public benefits to get Detailed view on Lord Shiva by Swami Sivananda Philosophy. As I am deeply infatuated by the Wisdom of the Swami Sivananda on Lord shiva so i have presented his peace of work on Shiva for the people reading interest.Readers can buy the Original Book from the Amazon or

ShivaMantra Who is Shiva ? Understanding Importance of the Lord Shiva based on the view of Swami Sivananda

We comprehend (realise) that Celebrated Supreme Being (Purusha), and meditate upon that Great God, Mahadeva; may that Rudra impel us to do so. This is the Rudra Gayatri Mantra.

(Shiva Gayatri Mantra)
Who is Shiva? 
angry shiva Who is Shiva ? Understanding Importance of the Lord Shiva based on the view of Swami Sivananda
In Me the universe had its origin,
In Me alone the whole subsists;
In Me it is lost—Siva,
The Timeless, it is I Myself,
Sivoham! Sivoham! Sivoham!
” Salutations to Lord Siva, the vanquisher of Cupid, the bestower of eternal bliss and immortality, the protector of all beings, destroyer of sins, the Lord of the gods, who wears a tiger-skin, the best among objects of worship, through whose matted hair the Ganga flows.
 Lord Siva is the pure, changeless, attributeless, all-pervading transcendental consciousness.
He is the inactive (Nishkriya) Purusha. Prakriti is dancing on His breast and performing the creative, preservative and destructive processes.”
 (By Swami Sivananda)
shiva Who is Shiva ? Understanding Importance of the Lord Shiva based on the view of Swami Sivananda

View of the Swami Sivananda on Lord Shiva from His Book ( Lord Shiv and His worship)

shiva3 Who is Shiva ? Understanding Importance of the Lord Shiva based on the view of Swami Sivananda

By Swami Sivananda

” When there is neither light nor darkness, neither form nor energy, neither sound nor matter, when there is no manifestation of phenomenal existence, Siva alone exists in Himself.He is timeless, spaceless, birthless, deathless, decayless. He is beyond the pairs of opposites. He is the Impersonal Absolute Brahman. He is untouched by pleasure and pain, good and evil. He cannot be seen by the eyes but He can be realised within the heart through devotion and meditation.”

” Siva is also the Supreme personal God when He is identified with His power. He is then omnipotent, omniscient active God. He dances in supreme joy and creates, sustains and destroys with the rhythm of His dancing movements.
He destroys all bondage, limitation and sorrow of His devotees. He is the giver of Mukti or the final emancipation. He is the universal Self. He is the true Self of all creatures. He is the dweller in the cremation-ground, in the region of the dead, those who are dead to the world.
The Jivas and the world originate from Him, exist in Him, are sustained and rejected by Him and are ultimately merged in Him. He is the support, source and substratum of the whole world. He
is an embodiment of Truth, Beauty, Goodness and Bliss. He is Satyam, Sivam, Subham, Sundaram, Kantam.
He is the God of gods, Deva-Deva. He is the Great Deity—Mahadeva. He is the God of manes (Prajapati). He is the most awe-inspiring and terrifying deity, Rudra, with Trisul or trident in
His hand. He is the most easily pleased (Asutosha). He is accessible to all. Even the untouchable Chandalas and the illiterate rustics can approach Him.
He is the source of all knowledge and wisdom. He is an ideal Yogi and Muni. He is the ideal head of an ideal family with Uma as His devoted wife, Lord Subrahmanya, the brave general of
strength and courage, Lord Ganesa, the remover of all obstacles.

The Sadasiva

At the end of Pralaya, the Supreme Lord thinks of re-creation of the world. He is then known by the name Sadasiva. He is the root-cause of creation. From Sadasiva creation begins. In Manusmriti He is called Svayambhu. Sadasiva is unmanifested, He destroys the Tamas caused by Pralaya and shines as the self-resplendent light bringing forth the five great elements, etc., into being.

The Siva Purana says that Siva is beyond both Prakriti and Purusha. Siva is Mahesvara. He is the witness, well-wisher and nourisher of all beings.
The Gita says:

‘Upadrashtanumanta cha bharta bhokta mahesvarah’.

Mahesvara conducts the work of creation according to His will and pleasure.

The Sruti says,

‘Mayam tu prakritim viddhi mayinam tu mahesvaram’. 

Know Prakriti to be Maya and Mahesvara to be the wielder of Maya or Prakriti.

The Sakti of Siva works in two different ways. Mula Prakriti
and Daivi Prakriti. Mula Prakriti is Apara Prakriti from which the five elements and other visible objects and the Antahkarana are evolved. Para Prakriti is Chaitanya Sakti which converts the Apara
Prakriti and gives name and form to it. Apara Prakriti is Avidya and Para Prakriti is Vidya.
The controller and dispenser of these two Prakritis is Lord Siva.
Siva is distinct from Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra.

Lord Siva is the Lord of innumerable crores of Brahmandas or worlds. Isvara united with Maya gives rise to Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra out of Rajas, Sattva and Tamo Gunas respectively, under the command of Lord Siva. Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra are the trinities of the world.

There is no difference among the trinities, Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra. By the command of Mahesvara these three do the creative, preservative and destructive duties of the world. The work of all the three deities is done conjointly. They all have one view and one definite purpose in creating, preserving and destroying the visible universe of names and forms. He who regards the three deities as distinct and different, Siva Purana says, is undoubtedly a devil or evil spirit.
The Lord who is beyond the three Gunas, Mahesvara, has four aspects: Brahma, Kala, Rudra and Vishnu. Siva is the support for all the four. He is the substratum for Sakti also. Siva is distinct from the Rudra included in the trinities. Rudra is really one though according to the different functions He is considered to have eleven different forms.
Who is Shiva ? Understanding Importance of the Lord Shiva based on the view of Swami Sivananda


The first face of Siva does Krida or play, the second does penance, the third destroys or dissolves the world, the fourth protects the people and the fifth, being knowledge, fully covers the entire universe by its power.He is Isana the creator and promoter of all beings, from within.The first form of Siva is the enjoyer of Prakriti as Kshetrajna Purusha. The second is Tatpurusha resting in Sattva-guna, rooted in Bhogya-Prakriti, the Prakriti-enjoyed. The third is Ghora rooted in the eightfold Buddhi like Dharma, etc.

The fourth is Vamadeva rooted in Ahankara and the fifth is Sadyojata, the presiding deity of the mind. The eight forms of Siva are Sarva, Bhava, Rudra, Ugra, Bhima, Pasupati, Isana and Mahadeva, rooted respectively in earth, water, fire, air, ether, Kshetrajna, sun and moon.”

(Source and Reference: Lord Shiva and his worship by Swami Sivananda)
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Views: 18

How is our life affected by planetary influences ? Let’s Explore

257988722022202 How is our life affected by planetary influences ? Let's Explore

People had been researching upon the very fact of life that how the situations in our life our created? How does our life gets affected because of the play of energies as well as under the effect of planetary influences? As one goes through any tough & challenging life situation the most common question always that arises in ones mind is- Why is this happening with me? Why am I victimized?

Now, most of the time, we put that straight on Karma or destiny and no doubt, Karma has its own role as well as destiny too plays its role. To know more about destiny, you may go the my another old blog on “Destiny versus Astrology”-

Let’s not put the blame of our troublesome life situations directly on Karma or destiny but we must understand, how is the energy of though getting converted into the actions, then behaviour, creating situations and thence, bringing results in our day to day life. Our life is a simulation of various milestones which open up in front of us in terms of various life situations. Just like, we begin a journey from one place to another and the milestones are fixed. So, we have to cross all the milestones to reach our destination. Now, you can call these milestones as the situations and the experiences which one has to undergo and one has to face, which is further based on the laws of Karma and ones fate, not destiny, as accumulated karma (sanchit/prarabdha) from past lives.Every individual is one whole microcosmic system in its totality which represents the reflection of macrocosmic system and Astrology deals with the study of every individual horoscope as one system that’s why we study all the Gruhas (Planets) together for it’s results in one’s life. Now, consider every individual as a unique set of combinations of various planetary energies which unite together to form one totally unique life story which is an infinitesimal part of the Kaal-Purusha. Since, every individual life is unique in its every essence so is the planetary combinations for every individual.The whole working mechanism and effect of planetary energies is dependent upon the Prana (Life Force Energy) of the individual. The energies of the Gruhas, they strike in to the pranic energy fields of the individuals through breath, with the mechanism of Ida & Pingla nadi and create a specific vibration which is reflected into the mind of the individual as thought. And, from here begins the seed of creation for life situations.

Moon being the significator of mind; it works as the archery through which the rest of planetary forces strike an arrow during their transit, dasha & bhukti. Now, you can test it by being a witness in any of the life situation that you are facing today. As I mentioned above about the journey & milestones, just consider that you are going through a road to reach your destination; until you stop, stay at a milestone and spend time there, it will certainly get you involved with the various happenings on that particular milestone. What- if you see the milestone (life situation) and continue to move without putting in your time & energy; it will have some impact which shall be experiential in nature but you will save yourself from bigger damage.

In one of the beautiful verse from Bhagwad Gita, Lord conveys: “manah shashthani indryani prakrutisthani karshati”; which states that it is these six- the mind and the five senses which create friction in one’s whole nature. And, that’s what is the whole endeavor of Yoga- “yogah chittvrutti nirodah”; Yoga* works upon removing the delusions of the chitta (consciousness).

*Yoga here refers to any form of yoga; Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, etc.

So, the life situations are just a part of divine play and one must experience & handle any tough situation as an opportunity to see towards the other side of the life and to explore all new horizons of this beautiful universe.

Hope this helps you explore your life situations in the light of this article.

Note: For any questions, you may reply in the comments below or reach me on my email at

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Views: 6

Past life Astrology and Karma Theory : How to analyse Past life Karma, life purpose and destiny

Past Life Karma

Subject Analysis: Past life Astrology: Decoding Jagannath drekkana (D3), Destiny, Karma, Past birth karma, Karma Phala, and Karma Yoga of current birth.

Re-Edited, Compiled, and Analysed on 20th Jan 2018
 By Rocky Jamwal
Understanding Past life astrology, Karma Phala, and Karma Yoga astrologically
153 image 2 Past life Astrology and Karma Theory : How to analyse Past life Karma, life purpose and destiny

Astrology says, 

“Avashyam anubhoktavyam kruta karma shubhashubham”

which means, one has to experience the effects of karma in any case whether it is part of good or bad actions.  Karma Phalas act like Newton’s third law of motion which clearly says that,

“To every Action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”. 

Karmaphala or the result of our actions equally works like newton’s third law of motion and the same are equally powerful, whether we do good or bad karma in any birth or life. All our actions and work in society act like an arrow shot. Once it is shot from the bow, there is no chance to recall it in any case. Karma Phala or cause or effects work in the same way, so everyone has to be very cautious and one should always think before any action.

Karmas are majorly classified into three major categories. Dridha, Adridha & Dridh-Adridha karmas or Uddishya, Anuddhishya & Uddishyanuddhishya karmas.

It means, intentional or willful karmas, un-intensional karmas & karmas done at any moment without any prior thought. whatever the nature of karma, results or karma phalas are bound to happen and no one can escape from it.

According to our Hindu philosophy, it is based on the Karma & reincarnation theory. Without understanding the twin theory of Karma and Reincarnation no one can able to follow or decode divisional charts.

What is the Natal Chart all about?
energy healing calgary astrology Past life Astrology and Karma Theory : How to analyse Past life Karma, life purpose and destiny

Natal Chart is all about the Prarabdha Karmas that we had performed in any many of the birth and that we have to face in this birth, where Planetary placements of Retrograde planets, Malefic in trik Bhavas, and affliction to the Karka planets via nodes shows what our major Prarabdha that we have to experience without getting any redemption from it, whereas Fixed signs are more rigid in nature as there is no pran Vayu in fixed signs, where Dual signs are totally blessings of Vishnu and Chara rashis shows the Blessings of creation or Brahma. If we look deeply, Dharma Trikonas in the D1 chart show what are our Total sanchit karmas of the past which have a good karmic part bag in it from the total portion of the karma, and that can come at any moment of life in Dashas, Antar Dasha and in transits.
All the Divisional chart shows the Root cause of the Past Karma and shows subtle reasoning behind any karma that what we had performed in past and also shows what we have to do in near future, whereas D9, D3, D10, and D60 are the root houses that exactly speaks about the Karma and portion of its phala from the past life.

Whereas, Drekkana (D3) and Navamsa (D9) are the, most important Divisional charts after Shashty-amsa chart in Vedic Astrological Strength system. Whereas, Drekkana / Dreshkana means a sign which is equally divided into three equal portions of the 10 degrees majorly in 1/3 of a sign equal to 10 degrees, which means there are three Drekkana in each sign rules nature of the Sign.

There are 4 Major Drekkana (D3) Charts, which are described in classical texts which are as follows:-

1. Parashara Drekkana

2. Jagannath Drekkana

3. Somanath Drekkana

4. Privritti-traya Drekkana


What is Parashara Drekkana:


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This is the most widely and commonly used Drekkana chart in Vedic astrology used for highlighting information on the siblings, talents, courage, valor, complexion, personality, and trait of the native. Parashara Drekkana is used to know vital information on the sibling of a person and analyze all matters related to co-borns and issues.


What is Jagannath Drekkana: 


past life regression 12 638 Past life Astrology and Karma Theory : How to analyse Past life Karma, life purpose and destiny


This is the Major Drekkana chart which gives deep-rooted information on karma and phala of the previous life of a person. This Chart should be used and analyzed along with the D-60.


What is Somnath Drekkana:


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Somnath Drekkana is used to know about Hidden knowledge on the sexual drive of a native and it is also used for analyzing the attitude of a person towards sexual matters and his libido.


What is Privritti-traya Drekkana: 


woman backpacking Past life Astrology and Karma Theory : How to analyse Past life Karma, life purpose and destiny


This  Drekkana chart is used for understanding the initiatives and efforts of the person for achieving goals and motives. Among all, Jagannath drekkana (D3) is the most important chart to know about the Karma Phala, Karma Yoga or fruits of your actions either from the Past life or from the current birth. Fruits of actions could come in any form or by anything, either in a form of relationships or in any activity we do in society but before going deep to understand Karama and its phala from Jagannath Drekkana, we just need to understand What is Karma Phala, Karma yoga, and fruits of our karma (Actions) we had done in any of birth.

First of all, we need to understand what is karam phala and how it is linked with our past life actions and karma phala.


Understanding Karma Phala, Work, and Modes of actions according to Bhagwad Geeta


bhagavad gita Past life Astrology and Karma Theory : How to analyse Past life Karma, life purpose and destiny


Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 2, Verse 47

कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन |मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि || 47 ||

karmaṇy-evādhikāras te mā phaleṣhu kadāchanamā karma-phala-hetur bhūr mā te saṅgo ’stvakarmaṇi


BG 2.47: You have a right to perform your prescribed duties, but you are not entitled to the fruits of your actions. Never consider yourself to be the cause of the results of your activities, nor be attached to inaction.


Commentary by Swami Muktananda :

This is an extremely popular verse of the Bhagavad Gita,  It offers deep insight into the proper spirit of work. The verse gives four primary instructions regarding the science of work:

1) Do your duty, but do not concern yourself with the results.

2) The fruits of your actions are not for your enjoyment.

3) Even while working, give up the pride of doership.

4) Do not be attached to inaction.

As per the Article Need, I am only Highlighting the first part to understand The  meaning of Karam or actions or what is work in society :

Do your duty, but do not concern yourself with the results. We have the right to do our duty, but the results are not dependent only upon our efforts. A number of factors come into play in determining the results—our efforts, destiny (our past karmas), the will of God, the efforts of others, the cumulative karmas of the people involved, the place and situation (a matter of luck), etc. Now if we become anxious about results, we will experience anxiety whenever they are not according to our expectations.

So Shree Krishna advises Arjun to give up concern for the results and instead focus solely on doing a good job.

The fact is that when we are unconcerned about the results, we are able to focus entirely on our efforts, and the result is even better than before.

In the Next Verse, Shiri Krishna is advocating about the necessity of the actions or work that we have to perform in any case that we cannot avoid or move away from it. 

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 18, Verse 11

न हि देहभृता शक्यं त्यक्तुं कर्माण्यशेषत: |
यस्तु कर्मफलत्यागी स त्यागीत्यभिधीयते || 11||

na hi deha-bhṛitā śhakyaṁ tyaktuṁ karmāṇy aśheṣhataḥ
yas tu karma-phala-tyāgī sa tyāgīty abhidhīyate


BG 18.11: For the embodied being, it is impossible to give up activities entirely. But those who relinquish the fruits of their actions are said to be truly renounced.


The explanation was given by Swami Mukundananda:

Shree Krishna clearly says that the state of complete inactivity is impossible for the embodied being.No, one can stay away from any sort of action and work. one has to perform every sort of action in any case. However, Shree Krishna states here that if one can give up attachment to the fruits of actions, it is considered perfect renunciation.

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 18, Verse 27

रागी कर्मफलप्रेप्सुर्लुब्धो हिंसात्मकोऽशुचि: |
हर्षशोकान्वित: कर्ता राजस: परिकीर्तित: || 27||

rāgī karma-phala-prepsur lubdho hinsātmako ‘śhuchiḥ
harṣha-śhokānvitaḥ kartā rājasaḥ parikīrtitaḥ


BG 18.27: The performer is considered in the mode of passion when he or she craves the fruits of the work, is covetous, violent-natured, impure, and moved by joy and sorrow.

The explanation was given by Swami Mukundananda:

” Karmas or work are described according to the nature of the doer and categorized into three parts majorly; Satvik, Rajasik, and Tamasik. The sāttvic workers are motivated by the desire for spiritual growth, the rājasic workers are deeply ambitious for materialistic enhancement. They do not realize that everything here is temporary and will have to be left behind one day. Agitated with immoderate rāg (desires of the mind and senses), they do not possess the purity of intention. They are convinced that the pleasure they seek is available in the things of the world. Hence, never satisfied by what comes their way, they are lubdhaḥ (greedy for more). When they see others succeeding or enjoying more than them, they become hinsātmakaḥ (enviously bent on injury). To fulfill their ends, they sometimes sacrifice morality and hence become aśhuchiḥ (impure). When their desires are fulfilled they become elated, and when they are daunted they get dejected. In this way, their lives become harṣha śhoka anvitaḥ (a mixture of delights and sorrows).”

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 5, Verse 14

न कर्तृत्वं न कर्माणि लोकस्य सृजति प्रभु: |
न कर्मफलसंयोगं स्वभावस्तु प्रवर्तते || 14||

na kartṛitvaṁ na karmāṇi lokasya sṛijati prabhuḥ
na karma-phala-saṅyogaṁ svabhāvas tu pravartate


BG 5.14: Neither the sense of doership nor the nature of actions comes from God; nor does he create the fruits of actions. All this is enacted by the modes of material nature (guṇas).Commentary

The explanation was given by Swami Mukundananda ;
In the above-mentioned verse, the word Prabhu has been used for God, to indicate that he is the Lord of the world. He is an omnipotent and controls the entire universe. He conducts the activities of the universe, he remains the non-doer. He is neither the director of our actions nor does he decree whether we will perform a particular virtuous or evil deed. Had he been our director, there would be no need for elaborate instructions on good and bad actions.
All the scriptures would have ended in three short sentences:

“O souls, I am the director of all your works. So you do not need to understand what good or bad action is. I will make you do as I wish.”

Similarly, God is not responsible for our getting stuck with the sense of doership. If he had deliberately created the pride of doing in us, then again we could have blamed him for our misdoings. But the fact is that the soul brings this pride onto itself out of ignorance. If the soul chooses to do away with ignorance, then God helps dispel it with his grace. Thus, renunciation of the sense of doer ship is the responsibility of the soul. The body is constituted of the three modes of material nature, and all actions are performed by the modes. But out of ignorance, the soul identifies with the body and becomes implicated as the doer of actions, which are in fact done by material nature (verse 3.27).

From all that we have found ultimate goal or motive of any soul is Self-realization from all sorts of Karam yogas or spiritual paths, which are majorly discussed in the Bhagavadgita in most of the chapter and it is the only purpose why a soul is kept taking on birth and keep doing the Karma and experiencing the phala for same until and unless soul becomes totally purified from every sort of actions and causes. Astrologically, Jagannath Drekkena Chart along with Privritti-traya Drekkana is widely used to understand every sort of karma one has to perform in the material world.


Understanding Karma Yoga?
krishna Past life Astrology and Karma Theory : How to analyse Past life Karma, life purpose and destiny

At the opening of the Third Chapter,  Arjuna is confused by Krishna’s instructions in the previous chapter.

He has misconceived that Krishna’s telling him to control his senses and fix his mind and intelligence on the Supreme is incompatible with the performance of the action. Therefore he questions why Krishna is requesting him to engage in warfare (1–2). In response, Krishna explains karma-yoga, the performance of actions free from desire for selfish, fruitive gain and dedicated to the Supreme (Krishna) (3–35).

(Source: Speaking tree) 
For More understanding of Karma  Theory, Checkout the article on Karma in Astrology :


Karma and Liberation:

tumblr inline o6wmpbld0b1rcan9b 1280 Past life Astrology and Karma Theory : How to analyse Past life Karma, life purpose and destiny


Karma, or fruitive work, brings both material enjoyment and material suffering. Whether the results of the action are pleasant or unpleasant, however, they bind one to the bondage of repeated birth and death in the material world.

Krishna explains further that inaction is insufficient to save one from material reactions (and subsequent bondage to the material world).

By nature, everyone is forced to act. Even to maintain the physical body, one must work.

Therefore, one should work in a way that will not further entangle one in material bondage but will lead to ultimate liberation.

That art of work is karma-yoga; working and acting under the direction of the Supreme (Vishnu or Krishna) for His satisfaction.

(Source: Speaking tree)
Why sinful acts:

In the last section of this chapter, Arjuna asks, “By what is one impelled to sinful acts, even unwillingly, as if engaged by force?”

Krishna answers that it is lust (material desire) :

the “destroyer of knowledge and self-realization”, which incites sinful acts, and He prescribes the method to conquer it: sense regulation inspired by spiritual self-knowledge.

(Source: Speaking tree)
Understanding Karma Phala and Past life astrology
how to remove bad karma of past life with astrology Past life Astrology and Karma Theory : How to analyse Past life Karma, life purpose and destiny

What is Drekkana and how Jagannath Drekkana is different from the usual Drekkna chart?


In the Current article, we will study the Jagannath Drekkana along with D1 and D9. Generally, D3 or Dresh-Kana, drekkana has a root connected with the word Darshan which means seeing or visualizing objects those are apparent and hidden in nature. Kana means the corner and in the astrological language, it speaks about the Trikonas or trine.

Thus, the word  Drekkana represents the division where the sign, trine speaks about the Apparent and hidden personality and nature of the native chart.

Mathematically, The Drekkana is1/3rd of the divisional chart and it has a deep link with the 3rd house, as the 3rd house is falling in the 8th from the 8th house which shows roots connected with the 8th house. Generally, Drekkana is calculated by dividing each sign into 10-degree segments.

Planets those are falls, in the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd division of each sign, are then placed in the Drekkana Chart in Trines ( the 1st, 5th, or 9th ) from that sign. In every Drekkana chart, every sign is divided into 3 equal parts of 10 degrees each of which is known as Drekkana.

The first Drekkana of every sign ( 0-10) would be of the same sign. the 2nd Drekkana ( 10-20) of every sign would fall in the 5th sign from it. The last Drekkana (20-30) of every sign would fall in the 9th sign from it. When a sign is divided into three parts each of them constitutes a Drekkana.

The Jagannath Drekkana starts from the Movable sign in trine to the sign. For a movable sign, drekkana would start from the sign itself, for a fixed sign, drekkana would start from the 9th from the sign and for dual signs drekkana would start from the 5th from the sign. Please follows the below-mentioned Scheme for calculating Jagannath drekkana
Jagannath Drekkana Calculation 
JaganathD3 Past life Astrology and Karma Theory : How to analyse Past life Karma, life purpose and destiny
For Predictive purposes, Jagannath Drekkana is used for understanding Deep-rooted karma phala those are results of the actions one’s soul has done in its previous birth and also speaks about the What soul has to do in current birth or to know about the sole purpose or what native has to do, in order to fulfil the task assigned to him or her by the divine master based on his previous birth karma. Jagannath Drekkana works based on the tripod of life, i.e Lagana is seen for the physical body creation ruled by the Lord Bramh and the moon is seen for the mind and the Sun is seen for the Atma, soul).
The body comes and goes in this world because of the karma we did and keep on uniting or exiting from the body, what matters is our actions which decide our birth and death. Based on one’s action when one is dying we see where one can go and in the same case when one takes birth we can see where one comes from, That Stoppage point shows the Loka where one goes and comes back in this body which decides on the time of the death and birth. Each planet and Sign decides at what loke one came from and one goes in. Below is the chart for the same:
Lokad3 Past life Astrology and Karma Theory : How to analyse Past life Karma, life purpose and destiny
At the time of death and Birth chart, we can find out the position of the sun and moon and their strength( lordship) and their placement in the chart to see the previous and future destiny of the soul.
1st Drekkana of each sign is called Karma Drekkana, 2nd is called Bhoga Drekkana and 3rd Drekkana is  Called Nasha Drekkana ruled by the Devarishi Narda,  Maharishi Agastya, and Bramha Rishi Durvasa respectively.
Moveable signs represent Rajas Guna, and Maushya and the presiding diety is Lord Bramha and Rishi Durvasa. fixed signs represented by  Tamas Gunna, Rakashas Gana, and the Presiding deity is Lord Shiva and Maharishi Agastya and dual signs represented by Satva Guna, Deva Gana, and the presiding deity are Vishnu and Devarishi Narada.1st Drekkana of Dual signs is karma drekkana represented by devas and Maharishi Narada.
2nd Drekkana of moveable signs represents bhoga ruled by the lord shiva and the person one born here should practice maximum discipline to avoid falling from his dharma and karma.
3rd Drekkana of fixed signs have raja guna ruled by the Lord Brahma and people born in this drekkana should live unattached life else they will keep on getting in birth and death cycles to reap their fruits of actions.
( Source and information; Varga Chakara, Sanjay Rath )
That is what we had studied in the Karma theory and we called it Karma yoga or the sole purpose of this birth. This is the only reason why Jagannath drekkaṇa is the most important divisional chart to understand the task assigned or the life direction of the native for its success or failure, to understand all sorts of fluctuations one may face in current birth.
Even it shows, what Native has brought back from the past life that one has to bear it or go through it in current birth. This can be understood in a way that what is the root cause of this birth actions as a result of the past karma done by the soul.
It is more about understanding one’s Karma and actions related to self, for self-growth and self-evaluation, and bearing pain or suffering for the next journey of the soul. To understand one’s actions and karma phala of one, the focus is on the third house and its lord, it will speak more about the nature of karma yoga and the phala connected with it.
Step 1: What you have to do


A True Approach To Horoscope Analysis Past life Astrology and Karma Theory : How to analyse Past life Karma, life purpose and destiny


1) First, of all, we have to study or see the 3rd lord of the Natal chart which acts as Karyesa then see where the Karyesa is placed in the Jagannath Drekkana chart (D3) and which house does it lord.


2) The placement and houses lorded by the Karyesa of the D1  in D3 indicate what is the prime area where one has to go through it, it could also indicate one about its suffering or the redemption one can get from his past life karma.
3) Meanwhile, any Planet in the 3rd house of the D3 Shows what the native has to do in the future for fulfilling the goals of life that have been assigned to the native.
4) Placement of the 3rd lord of D3 shows what is the Karma Phala that one brought from the past life and also shows how he has to manifest or perform in this current birth, spiritually or materially if the 3rd house of the D3 is vacant.
Step 2: Check the Tattava or nature of the Signs in the D3 Chart :
All the Chara Rashi’s shows – Bhu-loka (Earth),
All the Sthira Rashi’s shows – Bhuva-loka (Grahas or Deities of the Solar System),
All the Dual Sign shows – Swarga-Loka (Higher Gods and Deities),
Bhu-Loka (Chara Rashi), shows the earth and any planet in it show suffering due to bad karma one has done on earth in the previous life to someone. This also indicates that sufferings are dynamic in nature and it can go and come on the journey of life during its Dashas, Bhukti, and Pratyantar dashas. Basically, it shows about Suffering those are temporary in nature and shall not carry forward till the whole life.
Any Planet in the Sthira Rashi (Bhuva-Loka), shows the sufferings that one gets via the anger or affliction of the planetary deity toward the native actions in the past life. Any planet in the Dual Rashis (Swargaloka) shows that Gods or Higher Deities are not happy with the native previous birth actions. It majorly shows the anger of the higher god toward the person and affliction is at the Nakashtra level (Health). Here, there is no redemption from such Suffering and painful experiences. The motive could be lying in the eternal growth of the native or future spiritual manifestation of the soul.
Suffering one gets at the Bhu-Loka is changeable and temporary in nature and we have to check it from the lagna level (Body- Tanu – Ascendant) in the form of other people, relationships, and nature we might receive from them. It’s more like the influence on us via others (More it is like Rinanubandhan) who are closely associated with us.
Suffering one gets at the Bhuva-Loka is at the Aatmic level (Soul realization, Sun Lagna). One might get in the form of wealth, Finance, and Soul transformations which are all represented by the nature of the sun (Sun Shows Wealth of any type i.e knowledge, Aatmic Gyan, Financial wealth, Wealth from Children’s, Name, Fame, and Status etc). Wealth could be in any form as might also show one of the Punya of the past life too. Suffering one gets at the Swarga-Loka shows realization at the subconscious Level (Mind, ruled by Moon), it mostly indicates suffering one will face via mental actions, via Manan and it is mostly seen at the nakshatra level and majorly affects the health of the native and it is impossible to redeem in any case.
Now, Let’s understand the Jagannath drekkena chart by a Few example charts:


Chart 1: Author of the Article


D3%2BChart Past life Astrology and Karma Theory : How to analyse Past life Karma, life purpose and destiny
Natal%2BChart Past life Astrology and Karma Theory : How to analyse Past life Karma, life purpose and destiny
Decoding Past Birth Root cause – Karma Phala
Untitled 1 1 Past life Astrology and Karma Theory : How to analyse Past life Karma, life purpose and destiny

In the Above mentioned natal chart, Karyesa is mars being the 3rd lord in Aquarius Lagna, also being Chara Amatya-karaka placed in the 8th house in Virgo Sign (Dual Sign) with lagnesha Saturn, also Atma-Karka, clearly shows that the native has born to explore, research and write about the hidden meaning of traditional knowledge (Jyotish, occult, and Mathematical Sciences) in a new shape or modern form with the more technical, scientifical or analytical approach via writing down journals or research paper socially.


As Both the Ak(Mars) and Amk (Saturn) are Retrograde in nature, this shows about the strong desire of the native from the past life to keep on exploring, researching, and presenting the new idea about traditional knowledge to the masses for their well-being in a more profound way astrologically.

Now, lets check in D3 chart, Mars being Amk and Karyesa is placed in the 4th house  with retro (Ak) Saturn in dual Sign of Virgo (Sign of Swarga-Loka),  having rashi drishti of Exalted Nodes from Gemini and Sagitarius sign  (Rahu and Ketu- shows  Deep rooted karmic Phala and also shows Technically sharp intellcual and Research oriented tendency) Shows that native is born for Serving (Saturn being Karka of Service and also Retrograde Ak – it is the deep desire of the native to serve other that native got from the previous birth)others via traditional learning and knowledge and decoding literature (Sign of Virgo – shows about Literatures, Generalism, Writing, Research or Journals or scholarly articles based on Scientific parameters) into new form in a more technical and scientifical way, as Retro Saturn (shows Strong Desire brought from the past life) being AK and Lagnesh of the Natal chart and also 9th lord of the D3 is conjoined with Karyesha Mars in dual sign sharing vargottam placement.


This clearly shows hardcore passion and learning as Keryesa is sharing the same vargottam sign placement in both D1 and D3 charts. Here, the Native soul’s purpose is very strong for future birth, that he has to serve others via his Technical, traditional knowledge, and writing capability in Jyotish and occult. But it also shows one will also suffer regarding his health matters and might feel issues in his work, routine job, and career matters.


As Karyesha is in the dual sign – Swarga Loka, the Higher god or deity is in anger state toward the native and there is no redemption from the suffering one might face in his life, as Karyesa Mars being Amk and Ak both are in the retrograde state. This clearly shows that regarding native has to face self-evaluation, self-experience, and go through the phase of self-realization via his Work and passion and it might disturb his Mental, Physical health (Abdomen ruled by Virgo) and Career related issues.


As Karyesa is the 6th and 11th lord, the 8th lord from the Karyesa (Virgo)  in the D3 chart (Suffering would be related to 6th (Routine job, Service and health) and 11th house (Financial gains) matters), So overall native will face issues regarding his health and career matters and one has to work hard and need to accept his destiny accordingly with no choice left, as there is no redemption given to the native.

Here Remedies won’t work. The most important part is the Virgo sign is the native pakka Lagna Rashi too, which also shows matters related to health.


Karma Yoga of the Future

Natal%2BChart Past life Astrology and Karma Theory : How to analyse Past life Karma, life purpose and destiny

For future actions or direction of the native, this chart shows strong karmic root and karma yoga in this life, and for that, we have to look for the 3rd house of d3 which is vacant. In that case, we have to look for placement of  3rd lord in the d3 chart.


In D3 chart, lord of the 3rd house is Sun who is placed in the 2nd house with the moon getting Rasi aspect from the Venus and Jupiter from 9th and 12th house, clearly shows one has to be responsible regarding 2nd house matters (Family Wealth, Values, Family Responsibility toward parents) and one has to be spiritually align toward higher path of Bhakti or eternal devotion, as both the sun (Ruled by the Para Vidya – it is knowledge of higher spirituality and divine path, lorded by the Sun, who is the natural atmakaraka)and moon (Apara Vidya – is the knowledge of the material realm and is lorded by the Moon who is natural ruler of the mind and shows resources) are involved here in the Sign of Cancer  (Sign of basic learning, education, and Bhakti experience) with the rasi aspect of Jupiter (all form of Non-material Knowledge, including Guru guidance, and teaching – shows all form of Shashtric knowledge those are spiritually in nature including jyotisha – the light of illuminating darkness) and Venus (Knowledge of those are governed by the Material things including healing, Mantric, Tantric or siddhis etc).




This clearly shows that a native has to learn, serve and share his spiritual experience via Jyotish, Occult, and healing sciences after experiencing it by self and that would be his “Karma of the future Birth” to help, lift and guide others in a right direction via the modes of deep spiritual experiences and knowledge. For accomplishing this task native need to utilize his knowledge and learning in Jyotish and Healing sciences and later needs to share it via the modes of technical writing and research Journals.

Chart 2: Swami Viveka-Nanda

Swami%2BViveka%2BNanda%2BD1 Past life Astrology and Karma Theory : How to analyse Past life Karma, life purpose and destiny


In the Swami Viveka Nanda chart, the 3rd house of the Natal chart is ruled by two lords Rahu and Saturn and both Saturn and Rahu are somehow interconnected with each other. Saturn being (BK- Bharti Karka) is in the 10th house from the Sun (AK) with the 8th lord Moon and Saturn is aspecting Rahu from the 3rd house that shows deep-rooted Karmic task assigned and given to Swami Viveka Nanda for the well-being of the society and mankind by Karma Yoga (Moon and Saturn in 10th – A yogi is born).


Saturn is all about studying deep-rooted karmas and experiencing and realizing deep karmic roots for uplifting those who are in need. It’s a good yoga of learning Karma and its pahla by self-realization and, as in Swami Vivekananda’s case Saturn is the 3rd lord associated with the 8th lord moon, so it is all about finishing the task of past birth assigned to him for liberating many souls those are directionless or unguided from the present birth tasks.


Karyesha (3rd lord of the D1) is Saturn and is placed in the 6th house in Sthira Rashi of Taurus (Sign of Wealth, family & values). As Karyesha is placed in the fixed sign, Suffering is at the Bhuva-Loka, which means one who realized at the Soul level, here Soul experiences are mainly ruled. It is about learning at the Atmic level (Soul realization, Sun Lagna) and one gets in the form of wealth, Finance, and Soul transformations. Here Wealth could be in any form as might be one of the Punya of the past life too.


In Swami Vivekananda’s chart, Graha  (Planetary deity) is angry toward him and affliction is at the graha level and he will suffer on account of planetary anger. In D3 chart Saturn (BK- shows Guru teaching for the karma yoga of the future) is placed in the sign of Taurus (Wealth and family values)  with Moon (Amk –  Task given to him) and Mercury clearly shows Swami Vivekananda has to leave or sacrifice family life or follow the path of Moksha or liberation, or on account of his family wealth.


This will happen only when he will meet his guru and will realize his Soul purpose, as Saturn being Bk also the lord of the 2nd and 3rd house in both D1 and D3 charts placed in the 6th house with Moon and Mercury. Swami will accomplish this task via self-learning, self-realizing it via Manan, or practicing it via deep self-questioning or via meditation. As in both D1 and D3 charts, Karyesha Saturn and other lord Rahu is placed in the sign of Pisces and Taurus getting the Rashi aspect from Jupiter and Sun (Ak).


As the 8th lord moon is involved here with Karyesha Saturn (BK), swami Viveka  Nanda will realize this life Karma-Yoga after meeting his divine guru who would be a Kali or Devi worshipper (Saturn is with Moon shows Devi worshipper or deity who illuminates one’s darkness from the soul and karma) and then he will realize his life goal or would understand his task given via his guru teaching, guidance and he will undertake this task Via mediation – Manan (Moon is ruled by the Apara Vidya and also Amk too, shows all form of knowledge one experience, realize or one get it via manan or via senses and it includes all the worldly knowledge in any art and science, including the knowledge of Vedas, Vedanta, and Vedanga).


Apara Vidya encompasses the entire spectrum of ‘objects’, that is, anything that can be objectified by our senses or mind. Anything that can be ‘seen’ is an object of Apara Vidya. Under this category comes all our worldly knowledge. Science, arts, commerce, management, technical knowledges, etc.


Interestingly the teacher even classifies the knowledge of the Vedas and Vedanga’s in this category, because they are also a part of the limited & changing world in front of us. Apara Vidya is worth knowing because of various reasons. One, specialization in any one field of the objective world, helps us to serve our society & world better, two, the pursuit of knowledge disciplines our mind & intellect, so that we become capable of thinking deeply & properly, and last but not the least, this pursuit of Apara Vidya helps us to realize the ephemerality of the objective world, and thus helps us to get qualities of vairagya, etc, and also motivates us to look out for something more permanent in this ever-changing world.


The objective of this categorization is to indicate to us that however much we may know about the world outside, by this pursuit alone we shall never move towards omniscience. Apara Vidya shall help us to make a living, have a dignified & respectable life, and have a thoughtful intelligent mind, but never ever hope that you shall move towards omniscience. This is not the way for the fulfillment of such an aspiration.


This clearly shows swami Vivekananda’s eternal goal for this life is to awaken people who are misguided in the path of darkness to move toward balanced material and spiritual knowledge.


In the D3 chart, Karyesha is placed in the 6th house and is the ruler of the 2nd and 3rd houses showing that swamiViveka-Nanda has to accomplish this  Karma yoga task via visiting too many places, communicating, via delivering the speeches, traveling or leaving his family life. As Both Jupiter and Venus are Aspecting it from the 11th and the 2nd house from the D3 lagna via Rasi drishti. He has to do this task via learning and experiencing every sort of material and non-material knowledge and he needs to travel across the globe to deliver it in many of the forms, as the sun being AK placed in the 8th from the Karyesha and lordship of the 8th from it, Jupiter also aspecting it shows that the, its a long-lasting task assigned to him for the well being of the society till his conscious soul is alive. Its an Atmic task given to him for uplifting mankind.


Final Conclusion:  I hope from the above-mentioned example charts and understanding of the Jagannath Drekkana D3 chart, one can understand his karma yoga and find his soul purpose, and able to do his destined karma yoga for the future life.


Source and Reference guides :
  • The Jyotisha Digest, “Analysis of Varga charts ” by Manoj Kumar Gupta
  • Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology by Visti Larsen
  • Jagannathh Drekkana by Visti Larsen
  • Varga Charts by Sagar Publication

Related Consultation: From our Research Panel

This session is meant for those users who want to understand & decode root areas of life issues connecting with Past life karma, Curses, Doshas, Karmic Debts, and Rinanubandhan which they have accumulated from past life karmas, deeds, actions, and sins and are manifesting in their present life in different timelines, age, and the cycle of dashes, transits and progressions of Karmic planets. Click on the below link to understand more about this consultation: 




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बहुमन्जिली इमारतें ऐक धोखा । बहुमन्जिली इमारतों में नहीं हो सकता वास्तु का प्रयोग

3DArt 23 बहुमन्जिली इमारतें ऐक धोखा । बहुमन्जिली इमारतों में नहीं हो सकता वास्तु का प्रयोग

क्यों न करें बहुमन्जिली इमारतों में निवेश

By Alok Jagawat
(सम्भल कर करें निवेश । बहुमन्जिली इमारतों में नहीं हो सकता वास्तु का प्रयोग )
हमारे देश में आजकल बहुमन्जिली इमारतों का चलन है । इन इमारतों में निवेश से पहले कुछ बातें जान लेना आवश्यक है । बहुमन्जिली इमारतों का गणित कुछ इस प्रकार है । (I know this because I have been dealing with builders, architects and interior designers from past many years, these are facts)
शहर के बाहरी हिस्सों में बनीं इमारतें
१. Average cost of land in outer areas.
Rs 100 Rs/sq ft to Rs 1200 /sq ft (Depending on the fact that the land acquired is a farm land. Most of the deals are shady. Sometimes land is disputed or captured as well. Land is also bought from ST/SC community at very cheap prices. There is a law which prevents it, but there is a loop hole in this law as well.
(Tradecraft includes forming a partnership firm)
2. Average cost of building is 250 Rs/sq ft to Rs 1200/sq ft. Builders do not use very good material in building. This is a very common practice. You can expect extreme changes in walls, bathrooms and fixtures from six months to one-year time. Biggest problems include falling POP roofs, water seams and clogging and paint loss.
Secondly, small time builders use pre-tailored plans in each plot which are re-used in every third project. So actually in reality it does not cost much. Big builders have hired architects and structural engineers.
So on an average a 900 sq ft flat will cost.
Cost of land: 500000.
Cost of bribery to State development authorities: 10,000 to 1,00000.
Cost of flat: 815000 becomes 870,000, If it is the ground floor. Building cost increases with height but again it is not that much.
Average selling price is near 150000 to 20,0000. This is from a single customer. On an average a five story building fetches 10 to 30 lakhs based on several variations.
Topping this, is the State development authorities, land Mafia and scores of other corrupt departments that only increase the cost of these flats.
Most of the builders are corrupt and prone to wrong doings and shady work. There are scores of pending cases against the builders which includes Unitech, Parshvanath and very big names in other cities. According to consumer disputes redressal commission, there has been a continuous increase in cases against builders from past many years. This is the proof of the debauchery and telltale claims of builders.
बहुमन्जिली इमारतों में नहीं हो सकता वास्तु का प्रयोग
वास्तु के मानद ग्रन्थों में बहुमन्जिली इमारतों का भी उल्लेख मिलता है । द्वीशाल व अन्य भवन का  उल्लेख तो कई ग्रन्थो में है परन्तु बहुमन्जिली इमारतों का उल्लेख कम ग्रन्थों है । पुरानी इमारतों में भी अधिक से अधिक दो या तीन ही मन्जिलें मिलती हैं, ज्यादा ऊचीं  इमारतों को बनाने के वास्तु ग्रन्थों में विशेष नियम  हैं ।
दो या तीन मन्जिलों वाली इमारतों में भी वास्तु के कडे नियम हैं और उन्हे कोई भी बिल्डर प्रयोग में नहीं लाता है । ज्यादातर बिल्डरों के दावे, की उन्की इमारतें वास्तु नियमों पर आधारित हैं, सत्य से परे हैं ।
अथ भूलम्बाह

गृहं व्यासेष्टहस्तान्तमेकभूमं प्रकारयेत ।

ततो दशदशर्ध्यन्तं क्रमवृध्द्या तलं न्यसेत । १४ ॥वास्तुमण्ङनम्

The height of one floor should be equal to the eighth part of the perimeter. This accounts to very good height while most the floors in flats do not carry a height above 10 to 11 ft.

The sequence includes increasing the height of the later floors with 10 hastha parts each.
Further slokas indicates that two storied structure should be built for common man, three and four for Vaishyas and six for Kshatriyas and Brahmins.
I have studied the ancient structures in Old city of Jaipur which was built by the great Sthapathi Vidhyadhar. All structures which carry two or three floors have brahmasthana and proper entrance doors to the center of the structure.
Some vastu granthas consider tall structures to be very problematic and recommend it for kings only.
Mayamattam and Varahmihira have different opinion on same subject. Mayamattam calculates height of the building in comparison to foundation stone or last brick of the wall. Varah recommends height to be equivalent to the breadth of the sala.
The last dictum is being followed in old city of Jaipur.
बहुमन्जिली इमारतों में एक और समस्या है । इस तरह की इमारतें कबूतरों, मधुमक्खीयों आदी के रहने का स्थान बन जाती हैं। ये दोनो जीव अशुभ माने जाते हैं तथा सूनेपन का कारण बनते हैं ।
So in totality the investments in such building is not very useful until and unless somebody does not have enough money to buy a plot. Builders take advantage of this problem and sell their products through dubious lucrative offers.
pin बहुमन्जिली इमारतें ऐक धोखा । बहुमन्जिली इमारतों में नहीं हो सकता वास्तु का प्रयोग

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How Planets influences and effects human affairs

Magnetosphere rendition How Planets influences and effects human affairs

How Planets influences and affects human affairs

Magnetic field and Influence: 

Scientifically Saturn has a magnetic field (Power of Attraction and controlling any Jeeva for enforcing duties and responsibilities) about 578 times more powerful than the Earth’s, that shows the power, and force of attraction (Gravity) which is impossible to count, further shows the impact and controlling nature it possesses toward Rest of planetary structure from Mercury to Jupiter. This shows any Moving and rotating body circulation motion has a deep role in impacting any nearby celestial body within its range.


The thing is how huge celestial bodies floating in solar system effects so badly that we cannot think more than from it. Well, the answer lies in understanding the solar magnetic forces or currents they produce and how they influence, which keep on affecting any particle in contact with these huge celestial bodies.


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Understanding Scientific Hypothesis of solar magnetic currents

According to the “Swami Abhedananda” as explained in Heliocentric science, Effects of the planets upon on earth are the results of the certain vibrations, frequencies and circulatory motions of their bodies.These vibrations usually travel’s in an outer space from all the direction and strike the sun like a telegraphic signals those keep coming to the receiver end (Here sun is acting as the source of accepting and reflecting back those waves and signals) and in the same way sun strike back or reflect those telegraphic waves in all the direction to the sender ends

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Here both the Sun and rest of the planets are acting like a communication channel, whereas rest of the planets act like Transponder and the sun is acting like as the receiver who keep on responding those signals from outer space.These vibrations always coming from the other planetary ends in a regular manner in the medium of “Ether” and keep beating on the atmosphere of the sun.when they Strike to the surface of the sun they cannot penetrate through the sun, in return they reflected back and goes in every direction and strike to all other planets including earth too.


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These waves or vibrations are like magnetic current travelling everywhere in the solar surface and it has influence of each and every planet and they keep on sending this current to the sun, and sun keep on sending back these influences to other planets in all the directions and these currents keep on travelling from one planet to the other planet affecting weather surface, Mental and physical conditions of the human beings living on those planets. Larger the planet is located much powerful would be the magnetic current it has to send back to the sun and after coming back from the sun it gets magnetised by the solar atmosphere with much-telling influences on the human mind, weather, atmosphere and physical conditions of the human being.


solar wind bow shock How Planets influences and effects human affairs
These solar magnetic currents or waves of energy produce force and vitality and they are reflected upon the earth from every direction.Every planetary current has a much-telling influence on the human mind and body.Then Sun send it back to the medium of ether in the same way to the earth via its radiation, It has everything including light, Sound, different wavelength of colour, heat, Pran Shakti, Vitality, power, force and other telling influences those are gathered from the rest of the planets in certain wavelengths and they get mixed up with heat and light of the sun.

Our ancient seers and astronomers studied these patterns very well and then they understood that why human beings are more or less affected by the influence of each planet motion.


Because of the quick motion of the Mercury around the sun, it produces a much-telling influence on the human mind and brain functionality as it waves get much magnetised by the sun and in result vibration of the mercury produces quickness, Activity, changeableness, Hilarity, wittiness and brilliant intelligence.It has also been observed that these vibrations also produces different forms too, its vibrations are very quick and shorter in nature, that’s why its goes quick and back in much shorter period.

The result will be it has a much shorter influence on the human mind and body during its transitory and retrogression motion.Same way Venus has bit slower vibrations and it’s in a pleasant form.

It produces a soothing and harmonious influence on the human mind as well as on the weather too, and whenever Venus vibrations strike to anyone it produces harmonic vibrations around heart chakra those helps in a healthy relationship with any other being.Jupiter Has much longer, powerful but slower vibrations due to its slow motion and much broader surface and it produces vast and huge waves around earth helps in harmonic growth around human mind and body and when it strikes to the sun it gets harmonized by the sun and same it is reflected back to the surface of earth it has much-telling influence on the mind and it affects more on the Spiritual ground affecting human mind in a most positive way because it has much smoother and harmonic relation with the medium of the waves (The Ether – Akash Tattva).


As it is very huge in size and largest among all it has tremendous power of influence on the human mind, body and the surface of the earth weather condition. It has the quality of absorbing everything and when it strikes to human mind it gives healthy and powerful vitality force to the human body and absorbs every negativity around it.Now coming to the Saturn, it has very long, heaviest and much slower vibrations than any of the planets in the solar system and its waves and vibrations are very powerful and strong and it produces disintegrating influence on the human mind and body.Each of these different vibrations coming from different planets having different wavelength produces different effects in human system and characteristics of the human too.

Saturn being much slower in motion for longer period, its magnetic current has much influence on the inner side of the body and has more influence on the bone and flesh of the human being and its vibrations produce more a restriction on a person or its activity and have more of all kind of disintegrating effects on human body with diseases connected with it.

Source and Reference,

 Heliocentric science by 

Swami Abhedananda

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