Video : The Great conjunction of Jupiter​ and Saturn​ of 2020 and World Predictions

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The Great conjunction of Jupiter​ and Saturn​ of 2020 and World Predictions

Host: Rocky Jamwal | Guest Speaker & Content  by: Mr. Navroop Singh 



The great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn video is all about the upcoming Saturn and Jupiter conjunction that was triggered in the year 2020 in the Capricorn sign and the exact conjunction we may experience around 21st December 2020, this video is all about its impact on the Mundane world, India, and World.  This is a corrected version of the Last Jupiter and Saturn conjunction Video that we uploaded a few days back and in this video, we covered all the concepts that were missing last time due to an audio issue. we have rerecorded with fresh audio and video. Saturn-Jupiter conJunction is most important In mundane astrology and takes place once every twenty years in each of the twelve signs, In a retrograde order In trine from the previous ones.


For example, In January 1842 the conjunction took place In Sagittarius, In 1861 It happened In Leo, in 1881 In Aries sign, and In 1901 In Sagittarius. The conjunction In earthy triplites falls In Virgo, then In Taurus, and then in Capricorn. After going through the four triplites In this manner the whole series of conjunctions repeats again.


Traits of Both Jupiter and Saturn 


Signification of Jupiter: The nature of events to be experienced as a result of this conjunction will depend upon the significance of both planets. Jupiter signifies religion, philosophy, ) udldary, finances, business, trade, capitalism, treaties, external affairs, ministers, ambassadors, nobility, prosperity and peace, international cooperation, birth rate, and arbitration between the countries.

Jupiter is a Jeeva planet and represents resurrection and a new order. Jupiter Is also the planet of kings, queens, and royalty and is also associated with the constitutional type of government.

Signification of Saturn: Saturn signifies death, national calamities, contraction, diseases, war, loss or gain of territory, agitation, strikes, labor dasses, democracy, farmers, miners, land, and crops. It has been noticed that the first conjunction falling In each triplite, which is also called a “Great Mutation”, has a very important and lasting effect, and when the places of other conjunctions, eclipses, and lunation, which occur after It, fall therein, or In opposition thereto, Important events are triggered. Saturn Is also a democracy, death, and dictators, being the lord of ten houses in the natural zodiac It has much to do with rulers of the country. Saturn is death- death of rulers also.

The Conjunctions: 21st December 2020 – great Shani Guru Conjunction – Grah Yudh


One of the most transformative conjunction is the Shani-Guru conjunction. Both are now Conjunct in Dhanu Rashi & later from 30th March to 30th June Shani & Guru would be conjunct in Makar Rashi before Guru retrogrades back from 14th May into Dhanu and back into Makar on 20th November. From 20th Nov 2020 to 6th April 2021 Guru wud again conjunct Shani and the exact conjunction will happen on 21st December 2020 at 5 Degrees where Guru is debilitated. This conjunction will have a profound effect on Politics Globally as Geo Politically well as Economically. Guru Shani conjunctions after every 20 years and the cycles keep repeating. This time it is happening in Makar Rashi is an Earthy sign that governs political rulers. Historically this conjunction has brought wars, assignations, and deeper political & ideological changes across the world.

Guru then moves to Kumbh Rashi on 6th April 2021 till before it starts retrograding on 20th June and moves back to Makar on 14th September making a short conjunction once again before it moves back to Kumbha rashi on 21st Nov 2021 & moves to its Swarashi Meen on 13 April 2022.

Guru finally ends this conjunction with Shani and the next 10 years from 2022 will be very good for Global Economy, Trade, Boom, and Liberal Elite marking the rise of the liberal left across the world before reaches in Opposition to Shani when the cycle reverses to Contraction once again.

Rise does not mean the left liberals will come to power but that the Right Wing Nationalism across the world would face challenges in many countries from resurgent left liberals. In some, it may succeed & in some, it will give serious opposition. Depends from country to country.

It has been observed that in the USA President elected under or about the time of this combination dies in office. The cases dated are of President William Henry Harrison, Abraham Lincoln, and A Garfield.

Other Presidents who died In office were William McKinley, Warren J Harding, Franklin J Roosevelt, and John F Kennedy. With Leo as the Lagna of USA, Saturn becomes lord of six and seven (marak,l) and hence evil.


Past Events: Great Jupiter and Saturn conjunctions of the past 100 years 

Other events on Guru Shani Conjunctions: In September 1803, the English army led by General Lake defeated Maratha forces at Aligarh & again on September 11 at Delhi establishing its Supremacy. Saturn, Jupiter & Mars were conjunct in Virgo then).


On 8th August 1940-1941:  Saturn Guru Conjunction happened in Aries (which is considered the deadliest of all conjunctions in 12 houses).

• Hitler launched a massive attack on Russia on 22nd June 1941

• Japan’s Pearl Harbour Attack on 7th December 1941

• Civil Disobedience movement.


1961 – Shani Guru Conjunction happened in Dhanu


• Indo-China war 1962 under its shadow

• liberation of goa from Portuguese

• Major Yuri Gagarin of the USSR made his first flight into space.


1961 – Conjunction in Capricorn:

•Decolonization of Africa – Britain & French

• Bombay was bifurcated into MH & Gujarat

• India took Goa, Daman & Diu

• In Africa, Rwanda, and Burundi became republics.


Guru Shani Conjunction in Virgo:

• 1980- Iran Iraq War

• 1981 – Zia Ul Rehman President of Bdesh was shot dead

• President Anwar Sadat of Egypt Assassinated

• mass suicide in Uganda

• Crash of Air France Concorde

• Attack on US Warship.


In September- November 1989, Shani in Dhanu & retrograde Guru in Mithun opposed each other:

• Collapse of Berlin War

• Breakup of the Soviet Union

• Mandal Commission protests in India

• Unification of East-West Germany, Eastern Europe, Russia & CIS States

• Gulf War 1.


The Shani Guru opposition continued in Capricorn-Cancer on 16th March 1991

• Devi Lal was sacked as Deputy PM

• Benazir Bhutto PM of Pakistan was removed from office

• Cauvery Water dispute between TN & Karnataka.


Shani Guru Conjunction is one of the most significant ones in Mundane Astrology it redefines the world so much. Though placement & aspects of other planets too differ since these two are big planets & move slowly far bigger impact they have on the world.


Video url :

Effects of Conjunction on India & Globe:


Jupiter is the planet of expansion. It rules the 9″‘ and 12″‘ signs of the natural zodiac Sagittarius and Pisces. Its nakshatras are Punarvasu (7), Vishakha ( 16), and Purvabhadra (25). Saturn has been designated by Kalidas as  Dukhakarka. Earthquakes, war, and calamities happen when Saturn Is moving through the asterism of Mars, Rahu, and Ketu.  The position becomes worse if Saturn Is afflicted by Rahu/Ketu or Mars by aspect or association. Harm would be more If Saturn Is In retrograde motion. Its position vis-a-vis Jupiter in 2/12. 6/8 or 3/ I I Is not good and Jupiter Is not capable of giving Its benefic results fully. If Jupiter Is In the 6/8 position from Saturn It can even cause Raj Bhang Yoga.

Conclusion :

This video will cover a brief idea of Jupiter and Saturn’s conjunction and its impact on India, the world, the Mundane world, and Spirituality.  The session mode will be in Hindi, Today’s Guest will be  Mr.Navroop Singh.

You can follow him on Twitter:

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Video : Impact of Jupiter​ and Saturn​ great conjunction of year 2020 on 12 Ascendants


maxresdefault 1 Video : Impact of Jupiter​ and Saturn​ great conjunction of year 2020 on 12 Ascendants

Impact of Jupiter​ and Saturn’s​ great conjunction of the year 2020 on 12 Ascendants

Host: Rocky Jamwal | Guest Speaker: Mr.Navroop Singh.


This video is all about the impact of Jupiter and Saturn’s great conjunction that will trigger in the year 2020 and we will discuss various implications related to this great conjunction with  Mr. Navroop Singh who will be our today’s guest in our you-tube channel. Jupiter- Saturn conjunction is most important In mundane astrology and takes place once every twenty years in each of the twelve signs, In a retrograde order In trine from the previous ones.

In the Previous Video Article, we talk about Jupiter and Saturn’s great conjunction and its relationship with the Mundane world and geo-political activities.

Users can check the previous from the given link :

The Great conjunction of Jupiter​ and Saturn​ of 2020 and World Predictions

Video : The Great conjunction of Jupiter​ and Saturn​ of 2020 and World Predictions

Youtube Link:

Events of Jupiter and Saturn 

For example, In January 1842 the conjunction took place In Sagittarius, In 1861 It happened In Leo, in 1881 in Aries sign and in 1901  In Sagittarius. The conjunction In earthy triplites falls In Virgo, then In Taurus, and then in Capricorn. After going through the four triplites In this manner the whole series of conjunctions repeats again.


Jupiter and Saturn Video 

Users can watch our interactive discussions with Navroop ji in the below-mentioned video link :

This Video will explain about Jupiter and Saturn that are going to soon conjugate around 21st December 2020 in the Capricorn sign in this video we will talk about the impact of Jupiter and Saturn’s conjunction on 12  ascendents along with that we will talk about all the remedial measures that native can perform at their own that can help native to pacify the malefic impact we can observe during the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. This video covers the remedial measures required for 12 lagnas or descendants.


About Guest Speaker


The session mode will be in Hindi and our Guest for the session will be Mr. Navroop Singh and he is currently practicing law, and is a 3rd generation intellectual property attorney in Delhi High Court, he has also co-authored two books on Geo Politics and International Affairs, Foreign Policy. He is an avid reader & most of all an Astro enthusiast with a keen interest in mundane astrology.


Reference and Links 


You can follow him in Twitter:

For more information regarding Vedic Siddhant blogs, articles, and videos check out our website :


​You can follow us on our Social Media Handlers: #Twitter:

For any Query or consultations information user can write down mail to us:

pin Video : Impact of Jupiter​ and Saturn​ great conjunction of year 2020 on 12 Ascendants

Views: 13

Vedic Astrology Remedies for Jupiter​ and Saturn​ Conjunction in 2020 for 12 ascendants

Vedic Astrology Remedies for Jupiter​ and Saturn​ Conjunction in 2020 for 12 ascendants

Vedic Astrology Remedies for Jupiter​ and Saturn​ Conjunction in 2020 for 12 ascendants
Host: Rocky Jamwal | Guest Speaker & Content  by: Mr. Navroop Singh 

The great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn video is all about the upcoming Saturn and Jupiter conjunction that was triggered in the year 2020 in the Capricorn sign and the exact conjunction we may experience around 21st December 2020, this video is all about its impact on the Mundane world, India, and World.  This is a corrected version of the Last Jupiter and Saturn conjunction Video that we uploaded a few days back and in this video, we covered all the concepts that were missing last time due to an audio issue. we have rerecorded with fresh audio and video. Saturn-Jupiter conJunction is most important In mundane astrology and takes place once every twenty years in each of the twelve signs, In a retrograde order In trine from the previous ones.

About this Video 

This Video is all about the upcoming Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn that is going to soon conjugate around 21st December 2020 in the Capricorn sign, in this video, we have talked about all the remedial measures that natives can perform on their own that can help native to pacify the malefic impact we can observe during the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn.  Jupiter- Saturn conjunction is most important In mundane astrology as well as in natal astrology usually takes place once every twenty years in each of the twelve signs, In a retrograde order In trine from the previous ones.

Last Video 

In the Previous Video Article, we talk about Jupiter and Saturn’s great conjunction and its relationship with the 12 Ascendants. Users can check the previous from the given link: This video will cover the remedial measures required for 12 lagnas or ascendants, session mode will be in Hindi, and our Guest for the session was Navroop Singh.

Impact of Jupiter​ and Saturn’s​ great conjunction of the year 2020 on 12 Ascendants.

Youtube Link:


Video : Impact of Jupiter​ and Saturn​ great conjunction of year 2020 on 12 Ascendants

Users can watch our interactive discussions with Navroop ji in below-mentioned video link :

Youtube Link:



Conclusion :

This video will cover a brief idea of Jupiter and Saturn’s conjunction remedies that will be applicable to all 12 lagnas and their impact on an individual chart, the world, the Mundane world, and Spirituality.  


Resource, Links & References 

You can follow Navroop singh in Twitter:

For more information regarding Vedic Siddhanta blogs, articles, and videos check out our website :


​You can follow us on our Social Media Handlers: #Twitter:

For any Query or consultations information user can write down mail to us:

pin Vedic Astrology Remedies for Jupiter​ and Saturn​ Conjunction in 2020 for 12 ascendants

Views: 23

Interview with Prashant Trivedi on Essence of vedic life ( वैदिक विज्ञान और जीवन)

Coverofyoutubevideo final Interview with Prashant Trivedi on Essence of vedic life ( वैदिक विज्ञान और जीवन)


Understanding Vedic Science and Life with Prashant Trivedi

Today we are going to meet one of Legendary Vedic Scholar and author who has done remarkable Research work on Many of ancient Subjects, He has mastered the micros of vedic life style and his life mission is to spread the words of vedic seers to masses.He has written many of beautiful books on vedic astrology and other divine Subjects.

He is none another Prashant Trivedi. Prashant Trivedi has been known as a master of Vedic and esoteric knowledge and has authored one of Maganum opus on Nakashtra “The 27 Celestial Portals” & “The Rahu & Ketu Experience,” He is leading very simple life and deeply connected with the nature for understanding the essence of Panch tattvas. he is practising Vedic life and spreading the words to mass too.

I  loved learning more from Prashant regarding and his Books and Nakashtra book is still one of my best book.

You can reach to Prashanta Trivedi at #Prashant

Website :


Here is the video link for Same :


pin Interview with Prashant Trivedi on Essence of vedic life ( वैदिक विज्ञान और जीवन)

Views: 23