Krishndhaam Jyotish Services – For Domestic Users


This Jyotish Portal, contains important information (i.e., consultation technical specifics, fees, and how we undertake consultations) about Jyotish services for domestic users. Our pricing structure aligns with the research-based Jyotish services we offer, which include detailed case studies, brief consultations, Prashna, miscellaneous written reports, and recorded audios.

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In-Depth Specific Life Area Consultations

Specific Life Area Consultations are meant for those users who want to decode and resolve their specific life area issues i.e Relationship challenges, Career, Business, Post Marriage Conflicts, Pre/ Post Relationships Issues & Timing of Marriage, Health Issues, Progeny problems, long Financial Crunches', Chronic Health issues etc. These are Specialized voice sessions restricted to specific life area challenges to have more clarity and understanding on specific issues of life in well defined time arrangement and scheduled appointments.

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Available On Appointment only
In-Depth Business Analysis | 60 Minutes Voice session
was ₹4 100.00
Save 12%
₹3 600.00
In-Depth Business Analysis | 60 Minutes Voice session
For Startup's, Businessman & Entrepreneurs only | Understanding business & Financial challenges
SKU IDBA00002023

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