Krishndhaam Jyotish Services – For Domestic Users


This Jyotish Portal, contains important information (i.e., consultation technical specifics, fees, and how we undertake consultations) about Jyotish services for domestic users. Our pricing structure aligns with the research-based Jyotish services we offer, which include detailed case studies, brief consultations, Prashna, miscellaneous written reports, and recorded audios.

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Ask a Question - Prashna Jyotish Analysis | Specific Query Analysis | Written PDF Report

₹2 100.00
Prashna Chart Analysis - For Single Question Analysis | Horary Jyotish
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Product Details

Ask a Question – Prasna Jyotish

This session includes using the method of “ The Prashna Chart” as well as the use of "The Natal chart " to elaborate on the minutest detail of the specific query being put forward. This analysis is specially made for those people who are looking for specific answers to their queries.

Its other purpose is decoding root cause analysis via the Divine prashna chart system, when you don’t have your horoscope & somehow confused with the accuracy of your birth time and birth date along with doubt about the horoscope results as you have seen many times when you have consulted to many astrologers. Don’t worry you can still get answers to your queries with the Ask a Prashna astrology Methodology with a more profound way of analysis.

The word Prashna literally means a question. The Prashna chart or
Prashna Kundali answers a query without using or in addition
to the natal birth chart of a person. The Prashna chart is cast
for the time of the query. If the astrologer is in a different
place from the person asking the question, the time and place of
the astrologer are usually considered for the chart.
The idea to ask the question, or the very question is born at
the moment the person asks it. So, the birth chart of the
question (Prashna chart) can answer the query.
Area of the Prashnas ( Questions ) could be like Job, Court case,
Problems in finance, Problem in career, Problems in education, etc.

Ask a prashna is the right astrology consultation service you should choose.

Ask a prashna to cover queries that cannot be answered by the birth horoscope independently. These queries are checked from prashna horoscope along with your birth horoscope for more accuracy.

How to Conduct Reading?

  • Upon receiving your consultation request, as well as your payment reference, expect 7-10 days (1 to 1.5 weeks, because of ongoing consultation booking & written report sometime take time ) of processing time before your consultation report is given in pdf format.
  • If you do not receive notice within 7-10 working days, please contact us


Fees are payable through Cash, IMPS, NEFT, PayPal or Credit Card, Debit card as well as Bank Transfer. You can choose those options at the end of the booking case study.


Team Vedicsiddhanta

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