Krishndhaam Jyotish Services – For Domestic Users


This Jyotish Portal, contains important information (i.e., consultation technical specifics, fees, and how we undertake consultations) about Jyotish services for domestic users. Our pricing structure aligns with the research-based Jyotish services we offer, which include detailed case studies, brief consultations, Prashna, miscellaneous written reports, and recorded audios.

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Full Life Horoscope Consultations

Full Life Analysis will be based on advance Jyotish consultation and this consultation will cover everything about your life that too in 3 hour of duration in 3 different sessions that we conduct in 3 weeks sessions to understand deep insights of your life.

Before proceeding with this consultation make sure to read each and everything about this consultation as this is very advance and premium consultation which requires ample amount of time to read, research and study the horoscope in 3 recurrent appointment that users need to book 1 go for all 3 consultations.

Users have to book all three Jyotish Services from the Portal so that we can start working on the case study.

1.1st Part will cover Birth Time Rectification & Birth chart analysis, house and nakashtra wise.

2. 2nd Part will cover walkthrough all divisional charts.

3. 3rd Part will cover Root Cause analysis, Life Events and Dasha Analysis

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