How Planets & Remedies works – The Truth Decoded” (Excerpts from my Galactic Research)

“Planets & Remedies- The Truth Decoded”  (Excerpts from my Galactic Research)

AllPlanetsastrology How Planets & Remedies works - The Truth Decoded” (Excerpts from my Galactic Research)

Helloooo Folks,

Sooooo, here we are again, on the most discussed topic in Astrology i.e. Remedies whether these work or not?? Many doubts about remedies..Huhhhh…

Let’s take a deep breathe in & breathe out…let me share with you the real truth/ science about remedies.

Every single creation in this universe is energy being (source) & its vibrating on some frequency. Be it trees, animals, machines, our body, our soul, the planets, the light…everything. The divine light is an extreme source of energy from which our soul has descended to this earthly dimension (3rd dimension) for our soul progression & to enhance our vibrational frequency to progress towards higher dimensions of the Universe.

The earthly nature comprises elements viz. fire, air, earth, water and our physical body is the this nature’s gift to our soul energy in order to live in this physical plane. Thence, the soul energy is placed in this vehicle called body. Now, the soul energy which is invisible to the physical vision has to have nourishment and it has to receive information & messages from the higher planes/dimensions & actions/karma has to take place on this planet which will free us from the cycle of life & death.

The planets in the sky are spinning on a fixed rotational motion & Astrological texts give huge information about planets and their signification aspects of our lives. Actually, it might sound strange for a while but understand that planets are spinning information to the mankind in different sectors of life and this information hits our physical body through our breathe every single second. This information reaches our brain as electromagnetic waves and we receive this information into our nerve receptors which is processed into thoughts and thence the consequences.

So, this was about the planetary sector of my article which states the working of planets, now, let’s talk about the remedial measure that are inscribed in astrological texts. As I explained a part of the energy concept in my above description, so similarly remedial measures are basically the energy balancers which are grace given to the mankind, to feel the divine presence and to repent on their negative action which are performed using the free will as per the situation created by the destiny.

Similarly, everything on this 3rd dimensional earthly plane represents energy form and objects & gemstones also represent energy which is similar to the energy level & refractive index of planets respectively, so when any remedy is performed under the guidance of a learned & spiritually enlightened Guru always results in pacifying effect in our life. Same is the case with mantras as remedy. Viz. our voice has a vibrational frequency, same way our thoughts too have a electromagnetic frequency. So, Mantra chanted with correct pronunciation & thoughts enhance the positivity in our aura, thence, balancing the negative energy which is resulting in negative/difficult consequences in our life. He true results of remedies are dependent upon the remedial measure adopted like Mantra chanting or the tatva balancing.

I hope this clears the fact about working of planets & remedies. Any queries related to article, please drop in a text. Have a great positive life.

With Thanks and Regards,
Love & Light, 
Vishal Sood
pin How Planets & Remedies works - The Truth Decoded” (Excerpts from my Galactic Research)

Views: 15

Can we Really change our Destiny by knowing the future ? – Spiritual analysis on “Destiny” versus “Astrology”

“Destiny” versus “Astrology”

moon blue night outer space planets best widescreen desktop 2500x1800 hd wallpaper 1274634 Can we Really change our Destiny by knowing the future ? - Spiritual analysis on "Destiny" versus "Astrology"

We always had been longing for a very strong thought in our minds, if our destiny is fixed and everything in our life is destined to happen then why do we need to bother much about anything. Why should be take actions?? Whatever has to happen will happen!! 🙂 But, my dear friends, let me help you with a very strong quote: “I am the master of my destiny, I am the captain of my soul”.

To understand the deeper underlying concept, my dear friend, just read through the complete article, only then you will be in a condition to draw your own conclusion. And, let me tell you one thing clearly, once you understand it deeply & precisely, you will never face any fear or pain in your lifetime. Being on the planet earth, we our living in a free will zone, where everything works with individual’s free- will which is our desire/wish to take actions or to perform karma.

We take birth on the planet earth, which belongs to a specific dimension where we have our physical bodies & we follow a cycle of life & death in order to progress spiritually & to speed up the purification level of our soul so as to merge with the divine light. During our journey in the physical world (Earth), we face ourselves with Kaam (Lust), Krodh (Anger), Lobh (Greed), Moh ( Ignorance) & Ahankaar (Ego) which are presented in front of us in the form of various situations. Like, we face financial crisis, disputes with family member, quarrels with any relative, mis- using power etc. So, the actions (Karma) we perform helps us progress or regress in life and actions are purely the active form of thoughts. The thoughts we create, positive or negative, similar will be our actions & thence, we get similar results. Now, the thoughts are actually the utilization of our free- will.

Our soul journey is basically about the control over mind & our spiritual action. Chalo, let’s add another angle in our discussion which is astrology- our main connection.. Right!! As we know that, our mind is the generator of thoughts, which are influenced by the energies from the environment
& cosmos…And, the energy from cosmos is transmitted on our planet thru’ the planetary bodies in orbitation.

The planets, hence, has the power to influence our thoughts & similarly, they create impact on the
thoughts of the complete mankind. Every individual process those thoughts by using their free-will into a positive or negative outcome.
When all such outcomes are showcased in the family/society they become a situation which might be simple or difficult. Astrology as a Science, is a map which helps understand the situations which as per the birth chart of a person, might happen & it can work as a path en-lighter & provider to help use our free- will in the most favorable spiritual manner.

Here, spiritual doesn’t mean to be priest or to sit in a temple & chant but to follow the path of righteousness. As “Destiny” is futuristic & no one on this earth has the capacity to unfold the future because of the DNA level & the atomic structure of our physical body. So, when in our present, we know our probable future situations with the divine help of astrology, so we can prepare our frame of mind accordingly & we can alter our thought process using our freewill & thence, it will change our future outcome & finally, our destiny. Destiny is uncertain not certain & everyone has the power to change it & make it as per their free-will.

Be a parent to yourself & make your own destiny. 

With Thanks and Regards,
Love & Light, 
Vishal Sood

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