Earth’s Ascension: Decoded – How earth is Rapidly moving to new age of advance DNA with increasing amount of Cosmic energies

The penned write up would unravel the mystery to all the mortals, which is possible solely through the heavenly plan, as only awakened and enlightened souls who are potential star seeds (signifies the human beings/ other extra-terrestrial beings, who have experienced the life anywhere in the Universe than earth) would be able to read and explore the path intricately explained. Consider the propitious moment of swimming through this article, as your providence, which would be a pointer to the fact that you are a faction of the celestial strategy, which would attract the energy of the soul towards the vigor which would enable sparking the light.

                                                       “I announce to the Universe,
                                  to bring the star seeds* together on this planet earth, &
                                                    to become aware of this article, &
                        this lights up the soul consciousness which they are carrying inside!!
                              Let the light workers be awake now and serve the Divine Plan.”

As time elapsed, the vibrational frequency of earth descended with the ascent in the act(s) of Kaam (Lust), Krodh (Anger), Lobh (Greed), Moh (Ignorance) & Ahankaar (Ego). Consequently, Earth sloped to the third dimension from the fifth, which in vedic terms, can be referred to or correlated with the shift of Yugas from Satyug to Kaliyug. After earth inclined to lower facet, innumerable scholars and rational beings left earth and never reincarnated. This could be possible due to the fact, which might be thought of as the receiving of guidance from the higher aspects in the galaxy to allow earth to complete 24000 cycles to attain the energy level, which would be appropriate to climb to higher extents.

Subsequent to the completion of 26000 earth cycles, earth would be able to channelize the negative energy vibrations from the atmosphere, and, the codes from the higher dimensions shall be released, from the core of the earth, which could manifest itself in any of the following forms; through the release of the seismic energy, melting of icecaps and/or by shift of current soul consciousness into a spiritual being.

Earth completed the 26000 cycles as on December 12, 2012 and is now ready for ascension to the fifth dimension. There is a huge energy influx experienced by every soul on the earth plane, which is affecting the physical, emotional and mental set-up, thus creating turbulence in the auric field of the physical body.

The Galactic Council (Union of star nations, similar to UN) arrived at a consensus in the previous session to include earth in the council, but, before earth becomes a part of the galactic council to participate in the deific proposal, earth had to be rise to the fifth dimension, so that human also carry the same consciousness and awakening inside and is capable of becoming an inter-dimensional being.

This ascension will serve the following objectives

  • Alteration in the energy vibration of the earth, so as to match the fifth dimension energy field, which reflects a shift from Kaliyug to Satyug

  • Creation of a new human who has 12 stranded DNA carrying all the qualities from the 12 dimensions, which would enlighten the soul and elevate the consciousness to higher levels

  • Accelerate the spiritual progress of life on earth

  • Craft a pain free environment at physical, mental and emotional plane

  • Generate humans as astral plane/multi-dimensional beings than a physical plane being

  • Achieve the completion of the era of duality at the earth plane level

Ascension And Rebirth Earth’s Ascension: Decoded - How earth is Rapidly moving to new age of advance DNA with increasing amount of Cosmic energies

To serve the purpose of ascension, the energy has been released on earth thru’ Sun which is like a doughnut in the hot air oven getting heat energy from all the directions while rotational motion. With the beginning of new 26000 earth cycles, there was an enormous change, as the foundation of the 3rd dimension gave way to fluidity of new dimensions of reality. We are becoming independent sovereign beings, releasing our ego personality’s expectations.

Profound and remarkable shift is progressively relocating from knowing to accepting. With the birth of this new sovereign being, there is a need to accept that there is no authority supreme than thyself. The necessity to learn, to balance the ego personality with the divine, in entirety because this totality is responsible for running the complete show; and, in quantum physics, wholeness is collapsing the quantum waves of potential, into particle form or matter, thus, leading to the formulation of novel creations in the new earth.

The wisdom of the universe in encapsulated in a holographic field, which is held by the life on earth. Therefore, to serve the divine plan, the call of the hour is for unity in form of loving kindness, and, this cohesion will help the life on earth be geared up for this shift. Helping each other to walk the path, is the key to serve one another, and, thus, the divine plan.

The ascended prodigies are now back on earth to help shift to the new dimension. Earth has 14,400 masters back on earth, working on, organizing earth to absorb the energy and transmitting the same into humans for awakening the soul and the consciousness. The virtuoso from other dimensions, namely; Sirius, Andromeda, Arcturia, Pleaides, Lyra, Epsilon Lyra are sending codes to the light workers on earth and guiding to release energy codes from various portals (on earth) and transmitting the same in the current human DNA, which can be achieved through meditations and breathing exercises.

The symptoms of this ascension phase are quite lucid to humans, because, simultaneously, earth and humans are ascending to the next dimension. The feeling of anxiety and pressure in life, could be at a physical level, manifesting as weak eye sight, head pain, dry and bumpy scalp, shorter sleep period, imbalance in the emotional sensitivity, awareness of the spiritual world, no dreaming, skin irritation, increased spherical consciousness.

Humans can prepare for this ascension at the individual level. At the completion of comprehension of this editorial, a thought is sowed in the consciousness which will cater to becoming proximate in preparing for this big transition and towards new you. Acceptance of one such single thought will transform the complete chemistry of life form at the cellular & DNA levels.

To speed up ascension progress, contribute towards yourself, and then, serve the cosmic blueprint. Stated underneath are tasks/activities that can be adopted in the routine to enhance the ascension process

  • Observe the love inside, for self, for fellow beings, nature, divine and every creation

  • Restrict to the vegan diet, specifically green vegetables in the raw form; green vegies contain chlorophyll which has the light holding capacity, and nourishes the soul by providing the light restored in it from energy of the sun

  • Meditate at least 30 minutes a day to enhance the energy field and cleanse the energy centers

  • Adopt the Dantian cleansing meditation/therapy, which will help cleaning the impressions the soul is carrying from past birth(s)

  • Drink lots of mineralized water which will keep the internal system clean & fresh, helping the body to absorb energy

  • Perform Pranayaam (breathing yoga technique), which will facilitate to absorb energy codes from the environment

  • Listen to various energy transmission by masters like Judy Satori, Patriji, Barbara Marcinieck which are transmitted in the language of light
The rational of this artifact is to help awaken many masters & enlighten souls to be a part of the blissful proposal and guide to help realize the true soul potential.

Let us celebrate every breathe and ascend together !!

*star seeds signifies the human beings/ other extra-terrestrial beings, who have experienced the life anywhere in the Universe than earth.

With thanks and Regards, 
Love & Hug 
Vishal Sood 

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