Can we Really change our Destiny by knowing the future ? – Spiritual analysis on “Destiny” versus “Astrology”

“Destiny” versus “Astrology”

moon blue night outer space planets best widescreen desktop 2500x1800 hd wallpaper 1274634 Can we Really change our Destiny by knowing the future ? - Spiritual analysis on "Destiny" versus "Astrology"

We always had been longing for a very strong thought in our minds, if our destiny is fixed and everything in our life is destined to happen then why do we need to bother much about anything. Why should be take actions?? Whatever has to happen will happen!! 🙂 But, my dear friends, let me help you with a very strong quote: “I am the master of my destiny, I am the captain of my soul”.

To understand the deeper underlying concept, my dear friend, just read through the complete article, only then you will be in a condition to draw your own conclusion. And, let me tell you one thing clearly, once you understand it deeply & precisely, you will never face any fear or pain in your lifetime. Being on the planet earth, we our living in a free will zone, where everything works with individual’s free- will which is our desire/wish to take actions or to perform karma.

We take birth on the planet earth, which belongs to a specific dimension where we have our physical bodies & we follow a cycle of life & death in order to progress spiritually & to speed up the purification level of our soul so as to merge with the divine light. During our journey in the physical world (Earth), we face ourselves with Kaam (Lust), Krodh (Anger), Lobh (Greed), Moh ( Ignorance) & Ahankaar (Ego) which are presented in front of us in the form of various situations. Like, we face financial crisis, disputes with family member, quarrels with any relative, mis- using power etc. So, the actions (Karma) we perform helps us progress or regress in life and actions are purely the active form of thoughts. The thoughts we create, positive or negative, similar will be our actions & thence, we get similar results. Now, the thoughts are actually the utilization of our free- will.

Our soul journey is basically about the control over mind & our spiritual action. Chalo, let’s add another angle in our discussion which is astrology- our main connection.. Right!! As we know that, our mind is the generator of thoughts, which are influenced by the energies from the environment
& cosmos…And, the energy from cosmos is transmitted on our planet thru’ the planetary bodies in orbitation.

The planets, hence, has the power to influence our thoughts & similarly, they create impact on the
thoughts of the complete mankind. Every individual process those thoughts by using their free-will into a positive or negative outcome.
When all such outcomes are showcased in the family/society they become a situation which might be simple or difficult. Astrology as a Science, is a map which helps understand the situations which as per the birth chart of a person, might happen & it can work as a path en-lighter & provider to help use our free- will in the most favorable spiritual manner.

Here, spiritual doesn’t mean to be priest or to sit in a temple & chant but to follow the path of righteousness. As “Destiny” is futuristic & no one on this earth has the capacity to unfold the future because of the DNA level & the atomic structure of our physical body. So, when in our present, we know our probable future situations with the divine help of astrology, so we can prepare our frame of mind accordingly & we can alter our thought process using our freewill & thence, it will change our future outcome & finally, our destiny. Destiny is uncertain not certain & everyone has the power to change it & make it as per their free-will.

Be a parent to yourself & make your own destiny. 

With Thanks and Regards,
Love & Light, 
Vishal Sood

pin Can we Really change our Destiny by knowing the future ? - Spiritual analysis on "Destiny" versus "Astrology"

Views: 6

Planetary Influence on Earthquakes : Number of earth quakes Increased in Pacific Ocean,Coastal areas and Islands of Indonesia after Saturn ingress in Scorpio Sign – Formation of Grand Watery triangle -observation was in right direction

Planetary Influence on Earthquakes : Number of earthquakes Increased in Pacific Oceans, Coastal Areas, Islands of Indonesia After Saturn Ingress in Scorpio Sign, 2014 (Grand Watery Trine Scorpio – Cancer – Pisces Completed after November 2014 ) – Observation was in Right Direction

(Re-updated and Revised on 29th of April 2015)

proxy? Planetary Influence on Earthquakes : Number of earth quakes Increased in Pacific Ocean,Coastal areas and Islands of Indonesia after Saturn ingress in Scorpio Sign - Formation of Grand Watery triangle -observation was in right direction

These are latest Data Of Earth quakes from “31st of October 2014 upto 29th April 2015” from the Zones of China, Japan, Pacific Ocean, Indonesian Sea and Autonomous Region of Bougainvillea.

As per data available We have observed Earthquakes range increases gradually from 5.0 to 5.7 up-to 6.8 to 7 Mag and it is quite clear from the attached Images, as observed from the data of earth-quakes. After Ingress of the Saturn in Scorpio sign in Visakha Nakashtra with ongoing consecutive  tetra blood moon lunar eclipses, after 8th and 4th of April 2014-15, number of earth quakes increased frequently in most of islands, places near oceans and coastal areas. The same observation i had already explained in my last article published on “Saturn transit in Scorpio sign and effect of Blood moon Lunar eclipse around Pacific ocean” that there will be an increase in earthquakes activities in oceans or islands or all areas close to water or around these areas” soon after Saturn transit. If we look at it closely, it is actually happening right now and it was quiet evident from the collected data, as we have seen massive growth in number of earth quakes  activities around water zones signs.

After 2nd November 2014 to till date April 2015, we have observed 59 earthquakes occurred till now and most of the earthquakes are occurred around pacific ocean, islands and coastal areas.

Last time we have observed, soon after 24th November, clustering of 3-4 planets were transiting in Scorpio sign in Vishakha nakashtra and adjacent to Scorpio sign was Mars and Mercury alignment. As soon as clustering matured in visakha nakashtra with strong gravitational impact around Scorpio, Pisces and cancer zone areas, almost three rapid earthquake triggered in Indonesian sea.

KoormaChakaraforworld Planetary Influence on Earthquakes : Number of earth quakes Increased in Pacific Ocean,Coastal areas and Islands of Indonesia after Saturn ingress in Scorpio Sign - Formation of Grand Watery triangle -observation was in right direction

**Important Note**  – Based on Kurma Chakara Mapping (Prithvi Chakara – World Chakara Division based on 27 Constellations ) Drawn for World Map it is clearly seen Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces signs have strong zone Near the Pacific Zone, Yellow Sea, Coastal Areas and Islands of Indonesia, Majorly East eastern states.Last time When Jupiter was in Cancer – we had experienced most of the earthquakes only around the Indonesian zones and soon after Saturn ingresses on Scorpio – Grand Watery trine Ignited the Watery Energy Deeply  under the earth, around  every corners of eastern oceans, majorly in Pacific sea.

Interesting point to notice is all the three signs are Watery in nature and i was pretty much sure about that time all these earthquake activities soon should be around islands or oceans because of triangular geometry of watery signs.

Below is the Earth quakes data having above 5 Magnitude from November 2014 to April 2015 ,from last week from 29th Nov to 24th Nov 2014:

Last time, Astronomical and Astrological Reasoning of Earthquakes around November 2014 month was : Clustering of 4 planets in Scorpio sign  for past few days (Sun + Saturn + Moon + Venus alignment), trine to Jupiter in cancer and presence of south node in respective (Ruling South Eastern Zones) Pisces/Virgo axis (all three are Watery signs) having Close support from Mars and Mercury adjacent to this cluster, in 2nd and 12th house.

proxy? hJ PeZoAMZ0%2FVHsVpyug6QI%2FAAAAAAAAAYY%2Fw K02nzZy4w%2Fs1600%2FWorld%252BChart Planetary Influence on Earthquakes : Number of earth quakes Increased in Pacific Ocean,Coastal areas and Islands of Indonesia after Saturn ingress in Scorpio Sign - Formation of Grand Watery triangle -observation was in right direction

Magnitude Mw 5.7
Date time 2014-11-29 19:40:12.2 UTC
Location 2.46 N ; 127.15 E ( Indonesia)
Depth 40 km
Distances 538 km S of Davao, Philippines / pop: 1,212,504 / local time: 03:40:12.2 2014-11-30
278 km NE of Manado, Indonesia / pop: 451,893 / local time: 03:40:12.2 2014-11-30
125 km NW of Tobelo, Indonesia / pop: 10,000 / local time: 04:40:12.2 2014-11-30

Magnitude Mw 6.8
Date time 2014-11-26 14:33:45.7 UTC
Location 1.95 N ; 126.57 E
Depth 46 km
Distances 576 km S of Davao, Philippines / pop: 1,212,504 / local time: 22:33:45.7 2014-11-26
199 km E of Manado, Indonesia / pop: 451,893 / local time: 22:33:45.7 2014-11-26
157 km NW of Ternate / pop: 101,731 / local time: 23:33:00.0 2014-11-26

Magnitude Mw 5.6/7
Date time 2014-11-25 15:19:09.5 UTC
Location 30.27 N ; 101.94 E
Depth 9 km
Distances 209 km W of Chengdu, China / pop: 3,950,437 / local time: 23:19:09.5 2014-11-25
24 km N of Kangding, China / pop: 100,000 / local time: 23:19:09.5 2014-11-25

Magnitude Mw 5.6/7
Region BOUGAINVILLE REGION, P.N.G. (The Autonomous Region of Bougainville )
Date time 2014-11-24 21:02:21.9 UTC
Location 5.95 S ; 154.97 E
Depth 191 km
Distances 671 km NW of Honiara, Solomon Islands / pop: 56,298 / local time: 08:02:21.9 2014-11-25
348 km SE of Kokopo, Papua New Guinea / pop: 26,273 / local time: 07:02:21.9 2014-11-25
69 km NW of Arawa, Papua New Guinea / pop: 40,266 / local time: 07:02:21.9 2014-11-25

These are new Earthquake Data of 59 earthquakes occurred after “ October 2014 to till date around pacific ocean “: 

AllEarthquakes Planetary Influence on Earthquakes : Number of earth quakes Increased in Pacific Ocean,Coastal areas and Islands of Indonesia after Saturn ingress in Scorpio Sign - Formation of Grand Watery triangle -observation was in right direction

1. 6.7 19km SSE of Kodari, Nepal 2015-04-26 07:09:10 UTC17.3 km

2. 6.6 49km E of Lamjung, Nepal 2015-04-25 06:45:21 UTC14.6 km

3. 7.8 34km ESE of Lamjung, Nepal 2015-04-25 06:11:26 UTC15.0 km

4. 6.2 182km WSW of Bella Bella, Canada 2015-04-24 13:56:16 UTC10.0 km

5. 6.1 68km NW of Kaikoura, New Zealand 2015-04-24 03:36:43 UTC55.0 km

6. 6.3 158km SSE of Lata, Solomon Islands 2015-04-22 22:57:15 UTC72.0 km

7. 6.1 66km SW of Yonakuni, Japan 2015-04-20 12:00:00 UTC29.0 km

8. 6.0 70km SW of Yonakuni, Japan 2015-04-20 11:45:13 UTC29.0 km

9. 6.4 64km SE of Su’ao, Taiwan 2015-04-20 01:42:58 UTC29.0 km

10. 6.5 183km SSW of Sigave, Wallis and Futuna 2015-04-17 15:52:51 UTC10.0 km

11. 6.0 52km E of Palaikastron, Greece 2015-04-16 18:07:42 UTC20.0 km

12. 6.3 105km NE of Hihifo, Tonga 2015-04-07 00:46:21 UTC30.0 km

13. 6.5 99km ENE of Hihifo, Tonga 2015-03-30 08:48:26 UTC15.5 km

14. 6.4 109km NE of Hihifo, Tonga 2015-03-30 08:18:00 UTC11.5 km

15. 7.5 53km SE of Kokopo, Papua New Guinea 2015-03-29 23:48:31 UTC41.0 km

16. 6.4 45km ESE of Putre, Chile 2015-03-23 04:51:38 UTC130.0 km

17. 6.2 75km NNW of Talcahuano, Chile 2015-03-18 18:27:29 UTC13.0 km

18. 6.2 135km NW of Kota Ternate, Indonesia 2015-03-17 22:12:28 UTC44.0 km

19. 6.1 70km NW of Luwuk, Indonesia 2015-03-15 23:17:16 UTC31.0 km

20. 6.2 9km NNE of Aratoca, Colombia 2015-03-10 20:55:44 UTC155.0 km

21. 6.1 48km NW of Sikabaluan, Indonesia 2015-03-03 10:37:30 UTC28.0 km

22. 7.0 130km N of Nebe, Indonesia 2015-02-27 13:45:05 UTC552.1 km

23. 6.2 217km SW of Tomatlan, Mexico 2015-02-22 14:23:12 UTC5.0 km

24. 6.0 133km E of Miyako, Japan 2015-02-21 10:13:53 UTC7.0 km

25. 6.2 141km E of Miyako, Japan 2015-02-20 04:25:23 UTC10.0 km

26. 6.4 85km ESE of Lakatoro, Vanuatu 2015-02-19 13:18:32 UTC10.0 km

27. 6.1 187km W of Lata, Solomon Islands 2015-02-18 09:32:26 UTC10.0 km

28. 6.7 83km ENE of Miyako, Japan 2015-02-16 23:06:28 UTC23.0 km

29. 6.2 146km NNW of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands 2015-02-16 22:00:53 UTC13.0 km

30. 6.2 30km ESE of Taitung City, Taiwan 2015-02-13 20:06:32 UTC29.7 km

31. 7.1 Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge 2015-02-13 18:59:12 UTC16.7 km

32. 6.7 102km W of El Aguilar, Argentina 2015-02-11 18:57:22 UTC223.0 km

33. 6.3 91km NW of La Punta, Argentina 2015-02-02 10:49:48 UTC172.0 km

34. 6.0 209km SSE of Isangel, Vanuatu 2015-01-30 17:57:56 UTC7.1 km

35. 6.2 54km SE of Ndoi Island, Fiji 2015-01-28 02:43:19 UTC484.1 km

36. 6.8 80km NNE of Port-Vila, Vanuatu 2015-01-23 03:47:27 UTC220.0 km

37. 6.5 236km S of Punta de Burica, Panama 2015-01-07 05:07:07 UTC8.0 km

38. 6.0 38km NNE of Ndoi Island, Fiji 2014-12-30 21:17:23 UTC599.3 km

39. 6.1 109km SSE of Cagayancillo, Philippines 2014-12-29 09:29:37 UTC8.0 km

40. 6.3 156km WNW of Tobelo, Indonesia 2014-12-21 11:34:13 UTC41.0 km

41. 6.1 84km ENE of Keelung, Taiwan 2014-12-10 21:03:39 UTC256.0 km

42. 6.6 22km ESE of Punta de Burica, Panama2014-12-08 08:54:52 UTC20.0 km

43. 6.1 61km SSW of Nueva Concepcion, Guatemala2014-12-07 21:16:35 UTC32.0 km
44. 6.6115km W of Panguna, Papua New Guinea 2014-12-07 01:22:02 UTC23.0 km

45. 6.0223km NNW of Saumlaki, Indonesia 2014-12-06 22:05:10 UTC116.0 km

46. 6.0 15km ESE of Punta de Burica, Panama 2014-12-06 17:21:49 UTC15.0 km

47. 6.6 106km WSW of Sangay, Philippines 2014-12-02 05:11:31 UTC614.0 km

48. 6.8 157km NW of Kota Ternate, Indonesia 2014-11-26 14:33:43 UTC39.0 km

49. 6.2 15km N of Omachi, Japan 2014-11-22 13:08:18 UTC9.0 km

50. 6.5 123km WNW of Tobelo, Indonesia 2014-11-21 10:10:19 UTC35.0 km

51. 6.1 Prince Edward Islands region 2014-11-17 16:52:46 UTC10.0 km

52. 6.7 183km NE of Gisborne, New Zealand 2014-11-16 22:33:20 UTC22.0 km

53. 7.1 154km NW of Kota Ternate, Indonesia 2014-11-15 02:31:41 UTC45.0 km

54. 6.0 Fiji region 2014-11-13 10:24:18 UTC10.0 km

55. 6.67 9km NNE of Finschhafen, Papua New Guinea 2014-11-07 03:33:55 UTC53.2 km

With thanks and Regards,
Rakesh Jamwal

Reference and links  :

pin Planetary Influence on Earthquakes : Number of earth quakes Increased in Pacific Ocean,Coastal areas and Islands of Indonesia after Saturn ingress in Scorpio Sign - Formation of Grand Watery triangle -observation was in right direction

Views: 9

The Mundane Science behind Nepal Earthquake : Understanding Astro-Planetary Scientific reason on Earthquake in Nepal/India (Himalayan Ranges) triggered in May 2015

(Revised Edition, September 2017)

“Thinking! Thinking! The process should no longer be merely this feeble flurry of hailstones that raises a little dust. It should be something quite different. Thinking should be a terrifying process. When the earth thinks, whole towns crumble to the ground and thousands of people die.

Thinking: raising boulders, hollowing out valleys, preparing tidal waves at sea. Thinking like a town: that’s to say: eight million inhabitants, twelve million rats, nine million pints of carbon dioxide, two billion tons. Grey light. Cathedral of light. Din. Sudden flashes. Low-lying blanket of black cloud. Flat roofs. Fire alarms. Elevators. Streets. Eighteen thousand miles of streets. 145 million electric light bulbs.” 

By Jean-Marie G. Le Clezio, The Book of Flights, Good reads

1 The Mundane Science behind Nepal Earthquake : Understanding Astro-Planetary Scientific reason on Earthquake in Nepal/India (Himalayan Ranges) triggered in May 2015

(Image Source- Google) 

It was the day of 25th of April 2015 when dreams of millions of people shattered in dusts, millions of people lost their homes, loved ones, those who were sleeping deep in the seat of lord Buddha in kathumandu day before never thought, there won’t be same night again come in next day and day will become a nightmare of crying’s and deaths of their loved ones. It was a history saddest days for people of Nepal when mother earth took a slight bend and the land of Lord Shiva shivered with 100’s of shocks and the day became a land of deaths and unspoken memories.

2 The Mundane Science behind Nepal Earthquake : Understanding Astro-Planetary Scientific reason on Earthquake in Nepal/India (Himalayan Ranges) triggered in May 2015
(Image Source – Internet) 

As per the latest official news at least 9,000 people were killed and more than 23,000 people got injured and nearly 3 million people got homeless almost destroyed 600,000 homes in Himalayan country in the history most massive earthquake of 7.9 that struck outside Kathmandu on 25th April 2015 approximately around 11:25:00 to 11:56:00 AM, near Pokhara (Kathmandu, Nepal). As per latest wiki reports, Its epicenter was around east of the district of Lamjung, and its hypocentre was at a depth of approximately 8.2 km (5.1 mi) and it is considered as one of worst natural disaster to strike over Nepal since the 1934 Nepal–Bihar earthquake.

1024px India 78.40398E 20.74980N1 The Mundane Science behind Nepal Earthquake : Understanding Astro-Planetary Scientific reason on Earthquake in Nepal/India (Himalayan Ranges) triggered in May 2015
(Pictorial representation and modelling of Planetary conjunctions and alignments during Nepal Earthquake based on Nakashtras Mapping in Koorma Chakara, Drawn for India (Center of Reference taken as Vidisha,Latitude : 23.5251102,Longitude : 77.8081363, MP)

If we look at pictorial representation on Modelling of planetary conjugation done on Koorma Chakara drawn for 25th of April 2015 over India Map, It is clearly seen majority of planets were in the eastern states of India and close to eastern Himalayan ranges i.e. Nepal, Meerut, and UP etc. Under close influence of Aries Sign and most of the planetary alignment were are in “Agni “and “Vayu” Mandala Nakashtras. Both the nakashtras Zones are much prone to give deadly earthquakes in lands and Hilly areas.

As per Acharya Varahmihira observations on earthquakes termer effects, which occurs on “Vayu” and “Agini” Mandalas prone to give tremor effect up to 200 and 110 Yojanas of distance, which in actual reality is around about 2574.95 KM wide (1 Yojana = 8 Miles, and 200 Yojana = 1600 Miles) from the epic point and this was quiet true on 25th April based on ancients observations and calculations. Recent earthquake was so powerful that the shivering of earth bending and strong Electromagnetic energies felt across whole India. As noted by seismologist, Termer effect felt up to Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Delhi/NCR, Assam, Uttarakhand, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Gujarat, Sikkim, Karnataka, Kochi, Kerala. Again shows our ancient sages work on earthquake activities was so true and even they had noted how long earthquakes activities can be felt and further confirms many of these earthquakes were keeping shaking since the beginning of mother earth from “ages of sage”. Earthquake which shatters dreams of many people in Nepal effects felt up to 2400 kilometres in many parts of India including northern parts of India, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.

3 The Mundane Science behind Nepal Earthquake : Understanding Astro-Planetary Scientific reason on Earthquake in Nepal/India (Himalayan Ranges) triggered in May 2015
(Image Source – Maps of India) 

Earthquake was so powerful that as many as approximately 100 Subsequent aftershocks observed in east of main shock zone. It was quiet Confirmed from the last two eclipses occurred on March and April month something notorious activity might be going to trigger around 30th of march and 4th of April around those areas, where last Lunar and solar eclipses occurred, near to “Revati” Nakashtras zone ( Ruling Hilly areas, Eastern Directions and mostly places falling in Himalayan Ranges ). In India death toll reached around 78 and many were injured too in Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, West Bengal, MP, Lakhnow etc. Astrologically, Earthquake Epic centre was triggered in India 12th (Aries Sign) house from lagan of Indian Independence Political Chart and Moon was present with Jupiter in the 3rd house at the time of earthquake (indicates day of the event), 3rd from India chart signifies adjoining places of North and North east of India and mainly signifies Neighboring Countries might be under strong alignment with Jupiter, Saturn, Moon, Mercury and Mars during the event. 

As per Koorma chakara mapping on India chart, “Revti”, “Ashwani” and “Bharni” nakashtras were close toward North-Eastern regions of India.

Kurmachakra The Mundane Science behind Nepal Earthquake : Understanding Astro-Planetary Scientific reason on Earthquake in Nepal/India (Himalayan Ranges) triggered in May 2015

(Koorama Chakara – Based on 9 Directions, including central india and 27 Nakashtra Divisions on Indian Map)

Earlier, U.S. Geological Survey revised the magnitude from 7.5 to 7.9 but then lowered it to 7.8 and as per China Seismic department magnitude of the earthquake was felt up to 8.1. and according to the sources, quake hit at 11-56 a.m. exactly, in local time it would be around (0611 GMT) at Lamjung. As per Magnitude count since 2014, it was the largest shallow quake since the 8.2 temblor off the coast of Chile on April 1, 2014.

4 The Mundane Science behind Nepal Earthquake : Understanding Astro-Planetary Scientific reason on Earthquake in Nepal/India (Himalayan Ranges) triggered in May 2015

(Above Image of geographical view, clearly shows series of earthquakes triggered around Nepal since 25th of April to May 2015 and how much area it had covered across the epic center as per noticed in earthquake Software) 

In My Recent article on Massive Earthquake of 7.7 Magnitude strikes in Papua New earthquake posted in my blog on 1st April 2015, since the series of tetra Blood lunar eclipses was keep telling as soon as earth move toward two major total eclipses; total solar eclipse on 20th of march 2015 with upcoming total blood lunar eclipse on 4th of April 2015, we might see larger seismic activity from march 2015 to may 2015, which was quite true and series of activities had been noticed since last two eclipses.

These are some of my observations which I had posted in my research blog on 1st of April 2015:

“ Eclipses have major reasons in bringing earthquakes, cyclones and tsunamis reason being, during eclipses earth Magnetic field is Majorly Under gravitational pull of Moon, Sun and Mercury as they are very closer to earth. Elemental composition of both Moon and Mercury are majorly responsible for changing weather conditions in earth during eclipses. Both are acting like two Strong Magnetic celestial bodies having solid rocky composition and beneath core is Solid iron core having strong impact on earth magnetic field and weather conditions. Core Structure of Both Moon and Mercury act like two magnetic bodies are attracting and pulling earth from both the sides. Now Mercury already Joined Pisces with Sun and Uranus – So Pull will be much stronger after Vernal equinox. On 4th of April 2015 – Moon will oppose Earth from one side from Virgo and Mercury will be in other side from Pisces. So, Much bigger earthquake can be expected after 4th of April 2015 within week or 15 days or might be near next full moon day or new moon day “ 

After last total eclipse occurred on 20th and 4th of April further explained a phenomenon of planetary alignments posted on 23rd of April 2015, 2 day before the Nepal earthquake in my “Facebook research Group

 “. As per observation noted on alignments based on last earthquake, it was explained as; “Troops and Military people gone suffer from this major celestial changes occurring in Aries Sign”, which was again true to some extent, as per the reports, Most of the troops were stuck near Himalayan ranges after the earthquake and rest of the military people were working on rescue mission in Bihar, Nepal and other places. Point of explanation on this planetary alignment was focused toward major alignment going to happen in Eastern regions of India, East Asian region after 19th of April 2015. It was observed that “Bihar” and other eastern states can suffer from this badly. As said in Post, exactly on 25th of April 2015 from 11:25 to 11:56 AM in Nepal, massive event triggered (Near 12 am (Nadir) to 12 Noon (Zenith), usually been observed for Notorious time for earthquake)”

Below is the short article posted in my research group in Facebook on 23rd of April 2015 regarding planetary alignment occurred after 19th of April? 

5 The Mundane Science behind Nepal Earthquake : Understanding Astro-Planetary Scientific reason on Earthquake in Nepal/India (Himalayan Ranges) triggered in May 2015

(Pictorial Alignment and arrangements of 4 Planets in Solar System around Aries Sign on 21st of April 2015, as explained on 23rd of April 2015) 

” Mercury is approaching closer to in between Sun & Venus, Jupiterian Gravitational pull be will be high in coming months and will help in forming close angle of strong unconventional aspects to earth (3 coordinates of planets will form an Angle of 80 -90 and 120 degree). (Retrograde) Saturn is also approaching near to Earth in few months – Two Sides strong Gravitational will be experience from Jupiter and Saturn. Although both the major planets are in these days in Watery Signs – large Seas, oceans and continental areas gone much effected by this. Jupiter is More Prone to give drought and earthquakes in Fixed Fiery and Earthy Signs (Aries, Taurus Leo and Sagittarius, where Taurus, Leo are more notorious to drought and earthquakes).”

It seems Celestial activities gone increase soon in few months and we can see many frequent changes in weather and environmental conditions, Crops gone dry, there will be High price of food products in few months – i.e. wheat products, Pulses etc., Hike in rare metals and gold price can be seen, Some of places may be under doughty atmosphere, Dryness will be high in atmosphere, there will be sudden rise in temperature, and sudden instability in atmosphere can be experience. Might be we may see sudden rise in temperature, Increase in storms – Dust Storms, Sand Storms etc., increase of heat waves in Eastern and Northern India.

Currently Mars and Mercury are closely conjugated In Aries in Bharani Star (Star of transformation) – Eastern states gone see major changes in weather conditions , Military Units or troops gone effected by sudden climatic changes. Jupiter and Venus are almost aligning in same degree at 18 degree Opposite to Sun – Weather changes will be serious concern in most of countries, in India (Bihar, Tamil Naidu and states which are close to Magha Nakashtra in Leo Sign gone suffer). There will be quiet much possibility of Earthquake in eastern Asia region (where Sun rises first – Japan, China) i.e. close to Yellow Sea and also near to Indonesian Region (Currently Jupiter is effecting this region).Soon Mercury is also gone join the league of Alignment with Sun – Weather will be Sudden and frequent.”

Matter of fact was from march, i was continuously telling my group members as soon as Sun Ingresses into Aries after 19th of April 2015 – we may see a larger earthquake which i had already explained in my last post in my research blog regarding the reason – why we can expect massive earthquake after two eclipses within 1 month or 15 days after eclipses. As we had already seen Major earth strikes of 7.7 Magnitude on 29th of March 2015 in Papua New Guinea – exactly after solar eclipse on 20th of March 2015. Next event was the full Moon eclipse which was going to happen on 4th of April 2015. I was quiet Sure about that, as soon as Next full moon will come and after Sun ingresses in Aries we can experience a major catastrophe in Earthquake form or might be in solar storms form.

The Last quake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.9 struck before noon (Around 11:25:00 AM) and was most severely felt in the capital as well as the densely populated Kathmandu Valley and again with magnitude-6.6 aftershock hit about an hour later, and smaller aftershocks continued to ripple through the region for hours and up to months shocks were felt. The earthquake also shook several cities across northern India, and felt as far away as Lahore in Pakistan, Lakhnow, Bihar, West Bengal, Orissa, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand , Lhasa in Tibet, and in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

6 The Mundane Science behind Nepal Earthquake : Understanding Astro-Planetary Scientific reason on Earthquake in Nepal/India (Himalayan Ranges) triggered in May 2015

In my last article on earth quake on Papua new guinea, I had already explained why we can face another much massive and huge earthquake after 4th of April 2015, Members can read that post on my research blog on ( for further understanding on impacts of earthquake after 5 blood moon eclipses. Current catastrophic earthquake event was part of much related to my research on eclipses and their impact on earth which I was keep explaining from articles on celestial activities regarding 5 blood moon lunar Eclipses and two eclipses within 15 days in my research blog. 

My Observation was based on sudden climatic, environmental and weather changes can be seen in Eastern States of India after close Alignment of Sun, Venus, Mercury, mars around Aries Sign in “Bharni Nakashtra – nakashtra which rules eastern region of India ” and Jupiter and Moon were also acting like catalytic agent in promoting these events. Before this Bihar had already experienced massive Dust storm before 25th of April approximately 2 -3 days back which further justifies that solar pattern was much stronger toward eastern regions.

25th of April Earthquake triggered when Moon and Jupiter was in close Conjunction in the sign of Cancer in Star of Mercury (Ashlesha) and at the same time Venus, Mars, Sun, Mercury were in Star of Bharni (Star Closed to East of India) and Rohini (Star Closed to Central India) and Jupiter were in Close alignment with all – it was quiet assured major gravitational pull can be experienced soon after these alignments.

Screenshot013 The Mundane Science behind Nepal Earthquake : Understanding Astro-Planetary Scientific reason on Earthquake in Nepal/India (Himalayan Ranges) triggered in May 2015

Last Papua New Guine earthquake also triggered when Moon was closely conjugated with Jupiter in cancer sign and this again fall true for Nepal earthquake. Below is the list of Earthquakes which occurred when moon was in close conjugation with Jupiter in year 2014 to 2015.

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(Image Source – SolarWatcher@2015, Moon and Jupiter symmetry) 

( 25th of April, 11:25 Am, Pokhara, Nepal, tithi – Shukala Sapthami, ruling Nakashtra – Punurvasu, last Amavasya occurred on 18th of April 2015 on Saturday and exactly after 1 week on Saturday Pokhara earthquake triggered ) 

nepalearthquake The Mundane Science behind Nepal Earthquake : Understanding Astro-Planetary Scientific reason on Earthquake in Nepal/India (Himalayan Ranges) triggered in May 2015

On 25th of April, Mars was in (23’55’’ – in Bharni – Star of Yama – destruction) , Mercury was in (26′ 31” – Bharni Star of Yama ) and Sun was in (10’41” – in Ashwani ) and all were closely conjugated in Aries. During the time of earthquake it was Star of “ Punuravsu” (A Holy Star – Lord Jupiter Nakashtra and its Lord Jupiter Was ruling the orbit of Nepal and the other eastern States, reference – “ NarapatiJaicharya” ) which was arising in the earth orbit/atmosphere when moon transited in cancer.

Nakashtra Lord Jupiter was already with the Moon in cancer – in Square to Mars, Mercury and Sun from 4th-10th house axis. Clearly indicating there will be Major Loss and damage to Lands, Properties, buildings and earth surfaces – Not Oceans and water regions. As, majority of clustering was present in Zenith Point during earthquake, opposite to 4th house – Karka of home, lands and properties.

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(Nakashtra Details of Planets on 25th of April) 

Interesting point was Clustering of Planets were majorly in “Agni Mandala Nakashtras” ( Mars & Mercury were in Bharni Nakashtra – Aries – “Fiery Sign” – Signifies massive amount of EM energy will radiate after this from earth ) in 10th house (Signifies -The Epic Point of Earthquake), Sun and Moon were in “Windy Nakashtra” (Ashwani and Punurvasu – signifies as soon as earthquake will triggered there will be dust and winds everywhere ) , Jupiter was in Ashlesha (“Varuna Mandla”- signifies before earthquake heavy Air and Heavy Clouds will be seen in the atmosphere or might be till Moon is in orbit – dense cloud will be seen) and Venus was in “ Indra Nakashtra” (Rohini – cause of thundering and Heavy Rains after earthquakes or during earthquakes)

During the earthquake it was cancer Sign which was rising during “11:25 am to 11:56 Am” and “Moon and Jupiter” were in close conjugation in Lagana (signifies Country or State will be impacted by this) aspect-ed by Mars from 10th house and Saturn was in angle (Trine) to Both Moon and Jupiter in 5th house getting aspect from Jupiter too.

Venus (Taurus) and Saturn(Scorpio) were in exactly opposite (5-11 Axis -Trines) to each other in between earth and Mutually aspecting to each other from Taurus-Scorpio axis, clearly indicating major portion of India also going to effect by these alignments. Both the signs have old history of giving major earthquakes in India and history of India has observed many earthquake since these alignment occurred. As per Sir K.N Rao both these signs are most notorious signs for Seismic activity in India.

In Navamasa(D9) Chart –Two of major Planets were active in the Eastern region atmosphere in “Agni Mandala” (Mars and Mercury) conjugated in Amsa of Scorpio (Sign of transformation, Suffering, death and destruction’s – Secret places) Majorly Under Nodal Influence of Rahu and Ketu (Sudden Loss and Damage to Life) & Trine to Cancer having Venus, Sun and Moon in it.

D4 Chart ( Chaturmasa Chart – Drawn on 11:56 when Earthquake was 7.9 in Richter Scale 
Screenshot015 The Mundane Science behind Nepal Earthquake : Understanding Astro-Planetary Scientific reason on Earthquake in Nepal/India (Himalayan Ranges) triggered in May 2015

In Chaturasma chart (D4), around when Earthquakes increased up-to 7.9 around 11:56 AM – 4th and 10th house was majorly targeted by the cluster of 5 planets – Jupiter, Mercury and Mars were in 4th house exactly opposite to Moon and Sun in 10th house. From all it is confirming there will be Major loss to earth surfaces, lands, Properties and buildings gone destroy and people living over there will suffer from them.

In D1 Tithi Lord of death (8th lord – Saturn in Scorpio) was in retrograde in 5th house (trine to Jupiter and Moon) aspcted from Venus in taurus and Mars from 10th house (8th aspect) – The notorious signs of Earthquakes Ruling Avantika, Kalinga, Gujraat , Rajasthan and Maharashtra.

If we Look at Pictorial representation based on ” Kurma Chakara ” as drawn for India – It is clearly Seen Bharni Nakashtra and Aries signs were rising in the Eastern States of India, where Major Planets were closely conjugated and impacting the epic point area (Kathmandu)- the seat of Himalayan Ranges.

Mercury, Sun and Mars were in the eastern direction of India and followed by the Venus in Rohini Nakashtra close to centre of India – also the most notorious Nakahshtra for Earthquake, exactly opposite was Saturn there too in Scorpio in Western Region of India where Earthquakes Shakes also felt in Rajasthan too.

At the time of earthquake Jupiter was in Ashlesha Nakashtra Moving toward Magha Nakashtra – Nakahstra which have Strong impact on South -Eastern states of India too – i.e. Bihar, Avantika, Kalinga, MP, West-Bengal etc.

So, overall I can Say from all Observations, which i was keep telling from since January month – There could be major and Massive earthquake gone strike in Eastern Regions (where Sun rises), if we take it from India point of view – Nepal, Bihar, West Bengal, MP, Sikkim etc. were lying close to eastern states of India and if we take it from World – It could be Japan, china and probably other Eastern Asia regions

With thanks and Regards,
Rakesh Jamwal

Facebook official Group and official Page

References, Source and Links:

[1]. April 2015 Nepal Earthquake | Link –

[2]. Nepal Earthquake 2nd Deadly Earthquake | Link –

[3]. Maps of India | 25th April and May Earthquake | Link –

[4]. Nepal Earthquake Magnitude details | Link-

[5]. Brihat Samhita by Varahmihira, Chapter 32, and Signs of Earthquake translated by Ramakrishna Bhat, Quote number 31.

[6]. Saptanadi Chakara , By Narapati Jaya charasarvadoyo by Dr Sataynder Mishra

[7]. IMD (Indian Meteorological Department)

[8]. Weathers and Earthquakes by Dr B.V Raman

[9]. Time Tested Techniques of Mundane Astrology by K.N Rao, MS Mehta and A Radhika

[10]. Planets influence on Human affairs by Dr B.V Raman

[11]. Brihat Samhita of Varahmihira by Ramakrishna bhat

[12]. Image Sources – Google, BBC and other web resources

pin The Mundane Science behind Nepal Earthquake : Understanding Astro-Planetary Scientific reason on Earthquake in Nepal/India (Himalayan Ranges) triggered in May 2015

Views: 14

Massive Earthquake of 7.7 Magnitude strikes in Papua New Guinea on 9th day after full Solar Eclipse and 5th day before Next full Moon Blood Lunar Eclipse on 29th/30th of March 2015

Mundane Astrological case Study of Earthquake of 29th/30th March 2015 

papua new guinea Massive Earthquake of 7.7 Magnitude strikes in Papua New Guinea on 9th day after full Solar Eclipse and 5th day before Next full Moon Blood Lunar Eclipse on 29th/30th of March 2015

This was the starting phase of an event was worried about from long time – Earthquake of magnitude about 7.7 took place near Pacific ocean (Triggered due to Grand watery trine).

Many times in my recent articles i have pointed why all Blood Moon Lunar eclipses and last year transit of Saturn on Scorpio sign (sign of transformations and deep mysterious of nature and things which are buried under the ground), Jupiter transit on cancer sign (again a sign of watery, sign of large Oceans and Sea), South Node transit on Pisces sign ( again watery sign – Sign of oceans, rivers , seas and deep transformations, hills and mountains), North Node on Virgo Sign ( Sign of Earth – Sign of conflicts – diseases – war like situations – terrorist activities etc) have deep impact on oceans, rivers and lands near hills and mountains.

This recent natural event again confirmed my intuition on earthquake activities, why i was focusing on issues related to oceans, seas, and watery diseases will be more prominent after series of natural astronomical patterns happening on Watery signs (Cancer -Pisces – Scorpio).

From last October 2014 we have seen target area for upcoming natural activities after Saturn transit on Scorpio Sign, Lunar eclipse on 8th October 2014, 23rd October 2014 Partial Solar Eclipse, Feb-March 2015 Grand Watery Trine formation and recent total solar eclipse on 20th of March was more on oceans and areas which are closer to seas, islands, tropical areas, lands near to rivers and those areas which are more closer to hills and mountains like Indonesia, Australia , Solomon Island, Pacific ocean zone, Indian Ocean, Yellow Sea, Gujarat, Mumbai, Kashmir etc

Things were pretty clear from last year watery signs patterns why we are going to face cyclones, earthquakes and tsunamis near oceans and Islands; First it was 20th of March Solar Eclipse on Pisces Sign exactly on ” Vernal equinox – 20th of March ” when day and nights are almost equal.

Secondly on 4th of April 2015 Full Lunar Eclipse will strike in Virgo Sign and will be seen in most of North America, South America, Asia and parts of Australia, Much of Asia, Australia, Much of North America, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica.

Massive Earthquake of 7.7 Magnitude strikes in Papua New Guinea on 9th day after full Solar Eclipse and 5th day before Next full Moon Blood Lunar Eclipse on 29th/30th of March 2015

The March equinox signals the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere.

” It marks that special moment when the sun crosses the celestial equator going from south to north and have small deflection or shift at the equinox “

During equinox earth’s two hemispheres are receiving the sun’s rays equally. Night and day are approximately equal in length. The word equinox comes from the Latin aequus(equal) and nox (night) which means sun will have maximum impact on earth during equinox points.

From the above celestial events it was confirmed that we might see natural happening near those areas which are closer to Oceans and islands.

Exactly it happened on 29th/30th of March 2015, Major Earthquake Strikes with 7.7 Magnitude in Papua New Guinea ( Near Australia- Near Pacific ocean) 9th day after full Solar Eclipse and 5th day before full Moon Blood Lunar Eclipse on 4th of April 2015.

These are important observations of Eminent Astrologers  like Dr B.V Raman and Dr K.N Rao  proposed for earthquake triggering  model and studies based on eclipses which was my ground for predicting earthquakes, cyclones or tsunamis like activities around eclipses :

1) Earthquake Never occurs during eclipses but they mostly take place exactly within 15 days before or within 15 days after eclipses almost around next new or full moon day, total of 1 month period is important after eclipses.

2) Earthquake often happens either at midnight (around 12 am, Nadir Point, 4th house) or just after the sunrise before midday (around noon time, 12 hr to 3 PM, Zenith Point, 10th house).

3) During Earthquake Major planets like Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Nodes are either in trine (1, 5 & 9) to each other or they are in Kendras to each other (means Quadrant distance from each other – 4/10 relationship – Square Relationship).

4) During Earthquake Day, either Moon or Mercury are closer to each other or might be both are closely conjugated within 6 degrees, or might be both are in exactly 180 degree to each other or Moon usually transiting in stars of Mercury or moon might be with Jupiter.

5) During Major Earthquakes triggering after eclipses, Slow moving planets are Often found in Earthy or Windy Signs– Earth Signs earthquakes gave major Disasters to lands where mostly humans are living and windy Signs gives major Disasters to those places which are closer to deserts and dry lands where Mostly Dust storms or wind storms are common and Watery Signs earthquakes gives disasters to those who are either closer to oceans and rivers i.e fishermen, the innocent people, aquatic animals but humans less effected by these earthquakes.

6) The Star on Devastating earthquake day often will be in the orbit of the earth or in the atmosphere.

7) Major Earthquakes Occurs during Sun Shifting toward equinox points or within 15 days after equinox points or during sun ingresses toward 0 or 180 degrees i.e moving from Pisces to Aries sign (March-April Month), during Tropic of Capricorn in December and January, During Tropic of cancer (June-July), and finally during after vernal equinox point.

8) 55.8 % of the earthquakes have occurred during the period covering the 5 tithis (5 lunar dates after Lunar eclipse) i.e days after New moon or full moon day and two days just following the new moon or full moon day including day of the new moon and full moon.

9) 33.5 % Of earthquakes have occurred during chaturdashi (1 lunar day before full moon day – when usually moon enters in full moon phase approximately during midnight) to pratipada (1st lunar day after full moon day or new moon day) including intervening new and full moon day.

10) Earthquake normally follows during eclipses and especially in those countries where eclipses occur in the tenth or the fourth house from their geographical or political charts.

Recently 20th March Eclipse Occurred in Pisces Sign and next one will be happen in Virgo sign exactly opposite to Pisces, So it is quiet evident 10th house and 4th house falling from these signs will be more prone to earthquakes i.e for Gemini Ascendant – Virgo will be in 4th house, for Sagittarius Ascendant – Virgo will be in 10th house.

Matter of fact is both the eclipses are occurring within 15 days to each other – means Two Major events within 1 month – Pointing me toward something big notorious activity will be played by nature near around oceans and islands as mostly watery signs are much influencing because of recent astronomical patterns and transits.

This happened true, On 29th/30th of March a powerful earthquake rattled the South Pacific nation of Papua New Guinea on Monday Morning and warning already given on 29th of march around 7:40 PM after the sensation felt around this island on evening, prompting officials to issue a tsunami warning for vast swathes of the Pacific and as far north as Russia.

For More detail look at the Chart of Papua New Guinea

Horoscope of Papua New Guinea

Date : 16 September, 1975 , Time : 00:00:00 , Day : Tuesday , Place : Port Moresby
PapuaNewGuinea Massive Earthquake of 7.7 Magnitude strikes in Papua New Guinea on 9th day after full Solar Eclipse and 5th day before Next full Moon Blood Lunar Eclipse on 29th/30th of March 2015

In Papua New Guinea Natal Chart, Jupiter is Currently transiting in 3rd house from Taurus ascendant ( Impacting Both 3rd-9th axis – Trine Houses ), Saturn is currently transiting in 7th house Impacting both Ascendant and 4th house (again Kendra Houses or Quadrant houses – 4-10 Houses ), South Node is in 11th house Directly influencing 5th house (Trine house), Neptune is in the 10th house from the Natal chart( Impacting both 4th and 10th – Square relation) and North Node is already in 5th house in Virgo Sign.

At the time of earthquake Mars and Venus Were in 12th house from Papua New Guinea – in the House of Loss- Earthquakes on Watery signs usually gives Destruction to animals or species which are living around islands or Oceans and earthquakes which are occurring in Windy or earth signs usually gives massive destruction’s to those who are living in Lands – i.e Humans.

Neptune was in the 10th House ( 4/10 relationship).

Sun, Uranus, South Node and Mercury was in the 5th- 11th house axis (Impacting trine house from direct aspect on 5th house of natal chart of Papua new Guinea ).

Solar Eclipse was occurred on 11th -5th Axis ( Trine houses) which means it wont give major loss in lands, though it will create social hype much.

Now Look at the earthquake Day Chart of Papua Gunea on 29th of March @ 7:40 Pm

29thMarch2015 earthquakeonpapuaNewGuinea Massive Earthquake of 7.7 Magnitude strikes in Papua New Guinea on 9th day after full Solar Eclipse and 5th day before Next full Moon Blood Lunar Eclipse on 29th/30th of March 2015

At the Day of Earthquake Warning Day – Moon was in Closely Contact with Jupiter in 10th house in the star of Pushya (Star of Saturn – Star lord was already placed in the 7th house from Papua New Guinea Chart – Kendra Placement- Square to Natal Chart) impacting both 4th and 10th house.

Mars and Venus were in 7th house impacting both 7th and 1st house.

Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, Moon, Sun, Mercury, South Node ( Ketu) are in trine to each other at the day of Earthquake which means Strong gravitational pull will be experience soon by all trine planets.

On 29th/30th of March, Exactly The magnitude -7.7 earthquake struck at a depth of 65 kilometers (40 miles), about 50 kilometers (30 miles) southeast of the town of Kokopo in northeastern Papua New Guinea, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

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At the time of Earthquake Mercury was closely Conjugated in ” Uttrabhadra nakashtra – Star of Saturn ” falling in 7th house of Papua New Guinea, With Sun, Uranus and South Node in Pisces Sign in 6th house on 29th of March.

Screenshot004 Massive Earthquake of 7.7 Magnitude strikes in Papua New Guinea on 9th day after full Solar Eclipse and 5th day before Next full Moon Blood Lunar Eclipse on 29th/30th of March 2015

Moon was with Jupiter in Cancer Sign (Watery Sign of oceans) trine to Sun and Mercury in Pisces ( Again watery sign – close to hills and Water) in 10th house – impacting both 4-10th Axis.

Venus and Mars was in 7th impacting Ascendant and 7th Axis.

Though 8th house is clear there wont be any major loss of lives for this earthquake.

In My software it is clearly seen – Depth of earth quake is quiet deep ( 65 kilometers (40 miles) – from 60 onwards earthquakes are categorized in Class 2 Earthquakes – Having medium impact on lands – but more will be in oceans on aquatic animals – as epic points are in center of watery signs and vast oceans )), so wont be much damaging for human lives but aquatic animals and people living over sea shore may suffer much, it seems Impact will be more experience when another major pull will trigger in watery signs over other part of pacific oceans in coming days might be after 4th of April 2015 – when Moon, Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus will be in alignment deeply toward oceans, More gravitational pull can be experienced.

Screenshot001 Massive Earthquake of 7.7 Magnitude strikes in Papua New Guinea on 9th day after full Solar Eclipse and 5th day before Next full Moon Blood Lunar Eclipse on 29th/30th of March 2015

For more Impact we need to wait for Blood lunar eclipse which will be happen on 4th of April 2015, again it will impact Virgo Sign – Moon will be in Exact opposition to Mercury, Uranus and Sun + South Node in Pisces on 4th of April 2015.

Screenshot002 Massive Earthquake of 7.7 Magnitude strikes in Papua New Guinea on 9th day after full Solar Eclipse and 5th day before Next full Moon Blood Lunar Eclipse on 29th/30th of March 2015

Currently Virgo – Pisces Axis is in Major hit area now and Flood Like Situation already Hitting in India in Kashmir and continuous rain is following from last week.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said hazardous tsunami waves could hit coasts located within 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) of Kokopo, with waves between 1 to 3 meters (3 to 10 feet) possible for Papua New Guinea.

4eb9c037 cafa 493f a515 e13688f58285 Massive Earthquake of 7.7 Magnitude strikes in Papua New Guinea on 9th day after full Solar Eclipse and 5th day before Next full Moon Blood Lunar Eclipse on 29th/30th of March 2015

Farther afield, tsunami waves of less than 0.3 meters (1 foot) could hit other Pacific island nations, Russia, China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Hawaii, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile and Antarctica later Monday, the tsunami warning center said. The Japan Meteorological Agency, however, said there was no tsunami risk to Japan from the quake.

Eclipses have major reasons in bringing earthquakes, cyclones and tsunamis reason being, during eclipses earth Magnetic field is Majorly Under gravitational pull of Moon, Sun and Mercury which are very closer to earth. Elemental composition of both Moon and Mercury are majorly responsible for changing weather conditions in earth during eclipses. Both are acting like two Strong Magnetic celestial bodies having solid rocky composition and beneath core is Solid iron core which have strong impact on earth magnetic field and weather conditions. Core Structure of Both Moon and Mercury is act like two magnetic bodies are attracting and pulling earth from both the sides. Now Mercury already Joined Pisces with Sun and Uranus – So Pull will be much more stronger after Vernal equinox .
On 4th of April 2015 – Moon will oppose Earth from one side from Virgo and Mercury will be in other side from Pisces . So, Much bigger earthquake can be expected after 4th of April 2015 within week or 15 days or might be near next full moon day or new moon day

With Thanks and Regards,
Rakesh Jamwal

pin Massive Earthquake of 7.7 Magnitude strikes in Papua New Guinea on 9th day after full Solar Eclipse and 5th day before Next full Moon Blood Lunar Eclipse on 29th/30th of March 2015

Views: 6

What are Blood Moons and its Impact on Nations – Research Study on tetra Blood Moon Eclipses based on Vedic Mundane Astrological Principals – The 4 Blood Moon Eclipses, Series of Mundane events and era of Transformations

lunar eclipse What are Blood Moons and its Impact on Nations - Research Study on tetra Blood Moon Eclipses based on Vedic Mundane Astrological Principals - The 4 Blood Moon Eclipses, Series of Mundane events and era of Transformations

The 4 Blood Moon Eclipses and era of Transformations

Astrology of Nature & world (Vedic Samhita)

Re-Updated & Research Done on December 2014, Revised on 20th of March 2015

Version 2

The 4 Blood Moons

Blood Moon is sometimes used to describe a Total Lunar Eclipse. When the Earth casts its shadow on a Full Moon and eclipses it, the Moon may get a red glow.

Total lunar eclipses are rare, only about one in three lunar eclipses are total. About four to five total eclipses can be seen at any place on Earth in a decade.

Lunar eclipses usually do not occur in any specific order. However, every once in a while, four total lunar eclipses happen in a row. This is called a lunar Tetrad. The total lunar eclipses happen 6 months apart. There are at least six full Moons between two total lunar eclipses in a tetrad.

proxy? mRbgXlBDE7k%2FVDVqCbr7DaI%2FAAAAAAAAAK0%2FZMXzOO3Rbik%2Fs1600%2F1280x720 cgY What are Blood Moons and its Impact on Nations - Research Study on tetra Blood Moon Eclipses based on Vedic Mundane Astrological Principals - The 4 Blood Moon Eclipses, Series of Mundane events and era of Transformations
Pattern of 5 Eclipses which are going to happen in 2014-2015

Italian Astronomer ” Giovanni Schiaparelli ” calculated that the occurrence of such tetrads varies over centuries. Some 300 year intervals have several lunar tetrads, while other 300 year intervals do not have any. For example, the years between 1852 and 1908 did not have any tetrads, whereas the next 3 centuries will have 17 tetrads.

The first Blood Moon eclipse in a series of four happened on the night of April 14-15, 2014. The second one took place on the night of October 7-8, 2014. At that October Blood Moon, there was a total lunar eclipse. Blood Moon term originate from religious background after April 2014, at least according to Christian pastor John Hagee, who wrote a 2013 book about Blood Moons.

The Blood Moon Prophecy is a theory studied and taught by some Christian ministers, such as John Hagee and Mark Biltz, which states that an ongoing Tetrad (a series of four consecutive lunar eclipses, coinciding on Jewish Holidays, with six full moons in between, and no intervening partial lunar eclipses) which began with the April 2014 lunar eclipse is a sign of the end times as described in the Bible in Acts 2:20 and Revelation 6:12.

In Support of Blood Moon Prophecy, from April 2014 to till date eclipse, got the idea of interpretation for doing initial research & analysis based on the series of astronomical patterns of eclipses from 2014-2015.

I was quiet assured only astrological mathematics and calculations will help me to find out the reasoning behind prophecy and started collecting events Information’s and Data from April 2014 to till date.

I was much surprised to see all the facts and figures related to mundane events which were commenced after April 2014 to till date, as they were so much accurate in its timing around the astronomical patterns.

All the numbers, facts, figures & event details are very much close to mundane events when i matched it with Eclipses Duration and planet transits period.

Though it Stunned me for a while & confirmed my sub-conscious thought of Nature phenomena into reality that every Astronomical Patterns has deep rooted link with Humans psychological behavior which can leads them to act irrationally and sometime it makes them too much fanatic to do anything for a condition of do or die for any religious reasons ( i.e Killings and Massacre ) and same thing we are experiencing in Mundane world too as off now, after all everything is relative to each other as what Einstein said in his theories.

Nature every composition is made up of smaller ” Atoms “, ” Microorganisms” to Micro sub-atoms, from Nature to Universe to God Cosmos (God Particles) – all are interrelated with each other, exactly act in a same way.

If we take Newton & Murphy Laws – Both are pointing us toward actions and reactions probabilities and laws which are happening in nature.

Newton Law : ” To Every action there is Equal and Opposite Reaction ” – Either it is s celestial action or human action – it has to come in any form or any nature or any event in a same way – either it is acceptable for humans or not , But every nature Law has Some reasons and reactions according to situations we promote, results are common in occurrence as we are seeing every day around our environment.

Murphy Law : “Things will go wrong in any given situation, if you give them a chance,” or more commonly, “whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.” – Every Species or an object has duration of degradation or decay process – it will goes in that direction in any nature or environment when perfect time frame will come.

So, from above nature equations it s true to say that – Every Event in nature has Chains of reactions as per our Situations, Probabilities and happenings either it is in celestial world or in a mundane world.

Things gone Happen and nature gone react.It can applies to everything constituent in nature, objects to people living in this earth, Changes and happenings will happen as every start has an its end or every beginning has its point of destruction or its end and than new beginning, so it will happen for you sure, some of them are in our hand and some of them we cant change.

Those who are controlled by us , if we give them a chance, they can be avoided but if cant it will goes in that direction (Means in our State of mind). So every actions or happening in astronomical world has some cause & effects on us and which is true by nature law & by all mean, it will happen, might be today or might be after 100 years later but it will happen for sure- That is called nature.

Nature itself is an expansive in nature and works on Law of changeability, Time Factor, Motion, Gravity and exactly relative to our solar system patterns.

Because of Deep Exploration for Blood Moons theory, Facts exactly matched with Astronomical patterns which gave me accurate results for somewhat situation like Prophecy of 4 Blood Moons as predicted by John Hagee few months back.

Although it wont be sign of end of Mankind, its just a sign of Something which can bring humanity into deep Destructive mode for period of time from April 2014 to 2015 or might be up-to 2016 but it wont be an end – that’s why it is named as ” State of transformations and Destructive Era for Mankind and Humanity” which was so much true in its accuracy with the events.

After doing all the Statistical Research on Pre & Post Eclipse results, its true to say that it has deep relation with series of Mundane events and Happenings which are occurred after April 2014 and still we are seeing it globally across the world.

After analyzing all the pre and post results of Blood Moon Eclipses with major planetary transits in different signs and stars, found whenever any astronomical patterns occurs or any celestial bodies changes above our universe – It can give strong impact on human Psychological activities & behavior i.e, sometime it can force you to act irrational exactly during the solar eclipse period, more often it can give you irritative behaviors and may be you often indulge in verbal or physical conflicts with others if eclipse is strongly impacting in your place – Sometime too much brutal behaviors has been seen or sometime it can make you too much fanatic which can bring any human mistakes i.e have seen killing after eclipses increases suddenly, gradual rise in Terrorist activities has been seen after solar eclipses – Mass Violence and killings has been seen after solar eclipses, Emotional brutality also increased after lunar eclipse and every human act has shown me sound proof of destructive era after blood Moon eclipses with astronomical transits, logically as well as scientifically proven correct, based on Statistical data we have seen after April 2014.

During major solar eclipses, birds and insects will often lapse into an eerie silence. Those that generally sleep at night will actually begin to get ready for a nap, while nocturnal animals begin to wake up and move around.There was significant change observed during exposure to normal sunlight and eclipse phase. Bacterial colonies showed difference in morphology on smear examination and sensitivity pattern during this study. One fungal species and three bacterial isolates were studied and changes were recorded. Fungal species showed a definite change in their morphology on exposure to sunlight during eclipse observed by stained smear examination from broth, plate, and slant ( research done in Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Center in Manga-lore).Post Solar Eclipses usually increases possibility of higher magnitude of earthquakes – Heated issues seen in Politics and Major activities seen in Troops for counter attacking terrorist activities, Political Crisis seen in countries, Massive violence have been seen in mass, Solar Storms increases, Geo magnetic activities increases in sun – Rise in killing also increases after April 2014 in comparison to 2013 year.

Lunar Eclipses were more prone to give cyclonic storms, heavy Rains, emotional disturbances in psychological patients, suicidal tendencies, rapes, earthquakes in islands and oceans.

Finally, i can say we should need to get ready to experience nature most amazing Miracles and Happenings after ending & beginning of 2014-2015 year.

Conclusion based on analysis : 

Based on Research and analysis from April 2014 to till date now, we might see beginning of new era of transformations (as what Scorpio Sign signifies) in major political systems, in most of the countries globally across the world.There might be possibility of beginning of ” War Like Situations in those countries already going in conflicts – closer to eclipsed effected areas & Transit effected countries”. We can observe global increase in diseases (i.e Swine flue, Ebola and many more Microorganism based diseases).Natural happenings can be more effectively seen after series of Eclipses and Transits – i.e Assassinations, Political Crises, Political Conspiracies, Heated Issues with Neighboring countries, Massive Killings, National Disturbances, Terrorist activities, Violence, Natural disasters – Earthquakes, Cyclones, Heavy Rains and Sudden increase in Micro Diseases too.

Based on 2014-2105 conflicts analysis, collected from different-different sources found stunning statistics regarding the death toll in the world’s for year 2014.

Shockingly to say stats showing more than 28% higher rate than the previous year, with bloodshed in Syria was worse than all others for the second year running.

1) According to a study released by the Project for the Study of the 21st Century think tank – Conflict in India claimed 976 lives in 2014.

2) Fighting in Yemen claimed 1,500 lives in 2014.

3) The Israel-Palestinian conflict claimed 2,365 lives in 2014.

4) Fighting between rival groups in Libya claimed 2,825 people in 2014.

5) Fighting in Central African Republic claimed 3,347 lives in 2014.

6) Fighting in Ukraine took the lives of 4,707 people in 2014.

7) The conflict between Pakistan and the Pakistani Taliban killed 5,496 people.

8) Fighting between rebels and government forces in South Sudan killed 6,389 people in 2014.

9) More than 76,000 people were killed in Syria in 2014 and at least 14 separate wars killed more than 1,000 people in 2014.

10) In Ukraine, the shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 on July 17 2014 killed all 298 aboard.

11) Crash of Trans-Asia Airways Flight 222 killed 48 in Taiwan, Air Algeria Flight 5017 crashed in Mali, leaving at least 116 dead.

12) Unexplained loss of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, with 239 aboard, in March 2014.

Below mentioned astronomical patterns & mundane events will blow your mind after seeing the accuracy of events w.r.t to Blood Moon Eclipses and Major transits, all the mundane events are either occurred within 15 days Before the eclipses or after the 15 Days of eclipses and maximum up-to 1 month.

Astrological Research has proven series of consecutive eclipses are main cause for massive disastrous events or loss in life’s via wars or killings.

Astronomical Patterns, Transits & Causes on Psychological Impact on Humans

1) 1st Blood Lunar eclipse on 15th, April 2014 on Jewish Year (Passover) – ” High Magnitude Earthquake of 8.2 occurred in Chile & Crisis in Eastern Ukraine Started “

Conflict I : 
We have seen a Magnitude 8.2 earthquake struck offshore of Iquique, Chile on April 1, 2014 , which was 14 day Before Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse at a depth of 20.1 km (12.5 mi). The earthquake caused at least 7 deaths and triggered a tsunami of 2.11 Meters.

The 2014 Iquique earthquake struck off the coast of Chile on 1 April, with a moment magnitude of 8.2, at 20:46 local time (23:46 UTC). The epicenter of the earthquake was approximately 95 kilometers (59 mi) northwest of Iquique. The main shock was preceded by a number of moderate to large shocks and was followed by a large number of moderate to very large aftershocks, including a M7.7 event on 3 April.

The mega-thrust earthquake triggered a tsunami of up to 2.11 meters (6.9 ft) that hit Iquique at 21:05 local time (00:05 UTC, 2 April) Similar-sized tsunamis were also reported to have hit the coasts of Pisagua and Arica.

At the time of earth Quake it was Running Shukala Pakasha tritya ( Means 3rd day after the full moon day) and 14 day earlier before Blood Lunar eclipse which was going to happen on Libra Sign and on Aries axis Sign.

Again its a strange fact to notice, when earthquake occurred on 1st of April 2014 on 20:46, it was ” Libra ” Ascendant Rising with Rahu and Saturn on Lagana ( Clearly telling me a disaster or a Strong damage and affliction to Lagana of nation ) , Mars was in the 12th house of destruction ( 3rd house to Chile Natal chart – Neighboring nation also gone effect by this badly). Jupiter was in 9th house to Libra Ascendant at the day of Earthquake and 12th house from the chart of Chile ( Again a Trine formed of destruction and loss – (Jupiter- Saturn) both are in mutual Angle, Mercury + Venus were in trine to Jupiter and Saturn and from Libra and same both will be in 8th house from Chile Natal Chart ), Confirming me Libra sign was the epic point of Earthquake.

Chilleearthquake What are Blood Moons and its Impact on Nations - Research Study on tetra Blood Moon Eclipses based on Vedic Mundane Astrological Principals - The 4 Blood Moon Eclipses, Series of Mundane events and era of Transformations

April 1, 2014 , Iquique , Chile , 20:46 

Chile Ascendant Chart is of Cancer and Both Saturn & Rahu was in Libra , was falling in its 4th house – Ketu + moon in 10th house from it, Impacting both 4th(lands) and 10th house (Work Area), Jupiter in 12th house and Mercury and venus in 8th house ( House of destruction – sign of relief, though moderate planets (Venus + Mercury) were there in 8th house, so it wont give mass destruction to people, Moon movement in Mercury Star usually indicates the day of event ) – overall a strong clue of earth gone shake badly in Chile.

Chile Natal Chart

chilechart What are Blood Moons and its Impact on Nations - Research Study on tetra Blood Moon Eclipses based on Vedic Mundane Astrological Principals - The 4 Blood Moon Eclipses, Series of Mundane events and era of Transformations

April 5th, 1818 , time : 4:00 PM, Time Zone: 4:00 West of GMT, Long : 70 W 38 , Lat : 33 S 27

Conflict II:

Intensification of fighting in Eastern Ukraine between Russian-backed military forces and Ukrainian security forces, with potential overt Russian military intervention.

Conflicts started in Don-bass (Ukraine) after 6th of April 2014 when demonstrations by pro-Russian and anti-government groups took place in the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine, together commonly called the “Donbass”, exactly 8 days before Blood Moon eclipse and when Moon (Lord of 8th house – Destruction and transformation) transited in 11th house ( House of Social Gathering and Social issues) in Libra Sign (Sign of Mass Movement with People for revolution or bringing change) with Rahu and Saturn (Karka for Notorious or rebellion actions influenced by Political Benefits) – So everything is indicating Huge Social gathering or Social mass movement of Notorious people started in Ukraine, & after with the Blood lunar eclipse in 11th house, Mass killing also got increased as a case of revolt, as 8th lord Moon joined with Rahu and Saturn on 15th of April 2014 which confirms the Conflict will shape into major military action and national Conflict for Ukraine.

Exactly it happened and Russian Military Started Intervention in Don-bass (Eastern Ukraine) after 6th of April and These demonstrations, which followed the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation, and which were part of a wider group of concurrent pro-Russian protests across southern and eastern Ukraine, escalated into an armed conflict between the separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics (DPR and LPR respectively), and the Ukrainian government which gives the death toll reached over five thousand.

Still Military issue is going on till Jupiter is very much active.

During the first stage of the unrest, Crimea was annexed by the Russian Federation after a crisis in the region, Russian military intervention, and an internationally criticized referendum. Protests in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts escalated into an armed separatist insurgency.

This led the Ukrainian government to launch a military counter-offensive against the insurgents, which resulted in the ongoing War in Donbass. From late 2014, cities outside of the Donbass combat zone, such as Kharkiv, Odessa, Kiev and Mariupol, were struck by bombings that targeted pro-Ukrainian unity organizations

Ukraine Independent Chart detail is :
ukraine What are Blood Moons and its Impact on Nations - Research Study on tetra Blood Moon Eclipses based on Vedic Mundane Astrological Principals - The 4 Blood Moon Eclipses, Series of Mundane events and era of Transformations
August 24th , 1991 , Time : 17:31:00 Hr, Long : 30 E 31, Lat : 50 N 26 : 3:00 East of GMT

Since April 2014, after the Sub-lord of Saturn started in Jupiter Mahadasha ( Ascendant lord Dasha ) , Russian-backed separatist forces have battled the Ukrainian military in the east, where the death toll is over five thousand.

Retrograde Saturn is lord of the 3rd House (Neighboring countries – Showing Power or Military Invasion) with 8th lord Moon (Death of Innocent people – Terrorized by Neighboring nations) in 2nd house from Ukraine Natal Chart – Clearly telling me Strong desire or interest from the Neighboring Nations in the matter of Financial Condition of the Ukraine because of the long pending conflicts. 2nd house is Heavily afflicted by the 8th lord and 3rd lord Which means Nation is going to draw heavy losses on due to long pending Conflicts or the emergencies implanted by the Neighboring nations. As Saturn Sub-lord was up-to August 2014, Ukraine felt badly and still issues is going on.

If we look at deeply in Ukraine Natal Chart Jupiter MD started in 2013 in 9th house in Leo Sign ( The Sign of King Throne – Laws and Forces) , with 6th lord (Conflicts, diseases, war and killing) Venus, Sun and 10th lord Mercury, closely conjugated in Magha Nakashtra with A6 Arudha ( Military actions and Conflicts) – Clearly telling me there will be Huge Political crises will crop up in Jupiter Mahadasha, Ascendant lord affliction always shows Serious damage to the country.

Conflict III : 

On the night of Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse of 14–15 April 2014, 276 female students were kidnapped from the Government Secondary School in the town of Chibok in Borno State, Nigeria. At the Night of 14-15 Moon was passing over Mars closely to Join Rahu and Saturn in Libra Sign – Indicating Some sort of Brutality or applying emotional force over Virgin Girls, Young Girls (Virgo Sign) or abducting them for political benefits is clearly Seen on the day of Event.

Sun was Just entered at 0 Degree with South Node (Ketu) at the same day – Again clue of Some sort of Political crisis may going to take place. Responsibility for the kidnappings was claimed by Boko Haram, an Islamic Jihadist and terrorist organization based in northeast Nigeria.

Conflict IV: 

Between 14 and 18 May 2014 exactly within 1 Month after Lunar eclipse, a low-pressure cyclone designated Tamara and Yvette, affected a large area of Southeastern and Central Europe, causing floods and landslides. Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina suffered the greatest damage, as the rain was the heaviest in 120 years of recorded weather measurements.

On 20 May, at least 62 people had died as a result of the flooding, and hundreds of thousands had been forced from their homes. Towns of Obrenovac in Serbia and Doboj in Bosnia and Herzegovina account for most victims, after being inundated by waters several meters high from nearby rivers.

All the events occurred within 4- 5 days of difference when Nodes, Sun & Moon were ingresses toward their next signs, Sun was moving toward Mercury in Taurus Sign in ” Kritika ” Star from 29 degree to 0 degree – One of Major shifting in weather conditions.

At the time when floods started in Bosnia and Herzegovina on 14th of May 2014 Moon joined with North Node (Rahu) and Saturn was in Libra and Moon was moving toward Capricorn ( the Sign of Bosnia ) from Scorpio to Capricorn.

Usually Sun and Mercury Conjugation or earlier shifting gives continues rain and flood like situation because of heavy rain.

North and South node was depressing toward Virgo sign again indicating major shifting in weathers conditions, In Most of the cases North and South depression gives condition likes catastrophes or sudden climatic changes or destruction’s in mass level.

Uranus was Closely conjugated with Venus in Star of ” Revti ” in Pisces.

Major Planets responsible for heavy rains and flood like situations are Sun, Mercury and Moon.

On the Day of 20th May Moon was in Capricorn sign.

Floodwater caused over 2,000 landslides across the Balkan region, spreading damage across many towns and villages.The rains activated torrents and mudslides, and subsequently several rivers in watersheds of Sava and Morava rose and flooded surrounding valleys. Official counts indicate that over 1.6 million people were affected in Serbia and Bosnia, after a week of flooding.

2) After Jupiter transits on Cancer Sign in June 2014 – “Alaska Earth Quake & Growth in ISIS Activities “

Conflict V: 

 On June 23, 2014 , Massive Earthquake Shakes Aleutian Islands in Alaska exactly 5 Days after Jupiter Transit @19th of June 2014, in Cancer Sign ( Watery Sign – Sign of Oceans and Islands) . Sixty-seven miles beneath the western Aleutian Islands, a portion of the massive Pacific tectonic plate was straining mightily today to plunge deeper into the Earth’s interior And then, at a little before 1 p.m. local time, it suddenly wrenched free, triggering a magnitude 7.9 earthquake that shook the tiny island town of Adak about 200 miles to the East.

Conflict VI: 

As Per Study, After June 2014, there was an Explosive Growth in ISIS (Jupiter Being Expansive in nature), Analysis has shown during 2014 and 2015 there has been dramatic shifts in ISIS activities and with the transit of Rahu(North Node) in Virgo in July 2014, it has been prominent across the world.

Conflict VII: 

 Pro-Russia Separatists shoot down a military plane in the east, killing 49 people.

3) Rahu (North Node) Transits in Virgo Sign in July 2014 (Over Israel Natal Chart) – ” MH17 Shot Down & ISRAEL and GAZA Crisis Heated Up”

Exactly after when Rahu Transited from Airy Sign to Earthy Sign (i.e Libra(Airy) -Virgo(Earthy)) in Virgo Sign on 14th, July 2015, Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 (MH17/MAS17) scheduled international passenger flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur crashed on 17 July 2014 after being shot down, killing all 283 passengers and 15 crew on board.

After the transit of Jupiter in Cancer sign and Rahu Transit in Virgo Sign ( in ISRAEL lagana/Asc ) – Conflicts Started with Gaza and Israel Started its Military Operation on 8th July, 2014 in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip. Thereafter, seven weeks of Israeli bombardment, Palestinian rocket attacks, and ground fighting resulted in the deaths of over 2,200 people, the vast majority of them Gazans exactly after, When Rahu transited in its 1st house – Which clearly Meant Serious threat to Nation Security and Safety.

In September 2014 when Close Conjugation of Mercury + Rahu and Moon occurred in 5th of September 2014 in Virgo Sign , Jammu and Kashmir (India) region witnessed disastrous floods across many of its districts caused by torrential rainfall. The Indian administrated Jammu and Kashmir, as well as Azad Kashmir, Gilgit-Baltistan and Punjab in Pakistan, were affected by these floods. By September 24, 2014, nearly 277 people in India and 280 people in Pakistan had died due to the floods.

The Jammu and Kashmir state and adjoining areas received heavy rainfall from 2 September 2014 onwards, during last stage of monsoon in India.

This triggered flooding and landslides in India and the adjoining areas of Pakistan. On 5 September, the Jhelum River in Srinagar was reported to be flowing at 22.40 feet (6.83 m) which was 4.40 feet (1.34 m) above the danger mark and at 33 feet (10 m) at Sangam in Anantnag district above the danger mark. The discharge rate in the river was recorded as 70000 m3/s against the normal discharge of 25000 m3/s

4) 8th October 2nd Blood Lunar eclipse – ” Terror of Hudhud “

On the night of 8th October 2014 when Blood Lunar Eclipse happened in Virgo-Pisces Axis near Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean and Yellow sea, Hudhud intensified into a cyclonic storm on October 8 and as a Severe Cyclonic Storm on October 9. It was a strong tropical cyclone that caused extensive damage and loss of life in eastern India and Nepal in October 2014. Hudhud originated from a low pressure system that formed under the influence of an upper-air cyclonic circulation in the Andaman Sea on October 6. Shortly before landfall near Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, on October 12, Hudhud reached its peak strength with three minute wind speeds of 175 km/h (109 mph) and a minimum central pressure of 960 mbar (28.35 inHg). The system then drifted northwards towards Uttar Pradesh and Nepal, causing widespread rains in both areas and heavy snowfall in the latte

Hudhud caused extensive damage to the city of Visakhapatnam and the neighboring districts of Vizianagaram and Srikakulam of Andhra Pradesh. Damages were estimated to be proxy? Rupee symbol.svg%2F7px Indian Rupee symbol.svg What are Blood Moons and its Impact on Nations - Research Study on tetra Blood Moon Eclipses based on Vedic Mundane Astrological Principals - The 4 Blood Moon Eclipses, Series of Mundane events and era of Transformations21908 crore (US$3.4 billion) by the Andhra state government. At least 124 deaths have been confirmed, a majority of them from Andhra Pradesh and Nepal, with the latter experiencing an avalanche due to the cyclone.

5) 23rd October Partial Solar Eclipse – ” Political Crisis ,Violence and Heated issues in Neighboring Countries “

On 22 October 2014 exactly day before Solar Eclipse, a Palestinian rammed his car into a crowd of people waiting at the Ammunition Hill light rail station in in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood in East Jerusalem.The attack killed a three-month-old girl and a 22-year-old Ecuadorian potential convert to Judaism, and injured seven others. Police shot the driver of the vehicle as he fled the scene and he later died of his wounds

On 24 October 2014 on very first day after Solar eclipse , ISIL militants launched two attacks on Egyptian army positions in the Sinai Peninsula, killing at least 33 security personnel. This was one of the deadliest assaults on the Egyptian military in decades.

A series of shootings occurred on October 22, 2014(Day before Eclipse), at Parliament Hill in Ottawa. At the Canadian National War Memorial, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau fatally shot Corporal Nathan Cirillo, a Canadian soldier on ceremonial sentry duty. He then entered the nearby Center Block parliament building, where members of the Parliament of Canada were attending caucuses. After wrestling with a security guard at the entrance, Zehaf-Bibeau ran inside and was cornered and killed by the Commons Sergeant at Arms, Kevin Vickers, after a shootout with parliament security personnel.

In Mexico the disappearance of 43 students in Guerrero within Month after 23rd of October, apparently at the hands of local police with links to organised crime, triggered massive, sometimes violent, protests.

Increases in Hostilities between India and Pakistan continued along Kashmir’s Line of Control (LoC) Exactly after 23rd of Solar Eclipse and the working boundary dividing Pakistan and India-administered Kashmir, with each side accusing the other of unprovoked firing. Severe Terrorist attack Seen over Indian Military troops in October- November – December 2014.
6) On 2nd November, 2014 Saturn transits to Scorpio Sign – ” Peshawar Attack & Charli Hebdo Attack “

Suddenly after Transit of Saturn into Scorpio (Hidden Sign of Micro diseases) Swine Flue Cases Started Sudden growth after November 2014 to Feb 2015 , The maximum number of cases (155) was reported in Gujarat, where 55 people succumbed to the disease followed by Maharashtra with 42 deaths and 112 cases. Karnataka and Punjab reported 294 cases and 33 deaths and 56 cases and 30 deaths respectively.

On 16 December 2014(within 1 month of transit), seven gunmen affiliated with the Tehrik-i-Taliban (TTP) conducted a terrorist attack on the Army Public School in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar. The militants, all of whom were foreign nationals, included one Chechen, three Arabs and two Afghans. They entered the school and opened fire on school staff and children, killing 145 people, including 132 schoolchildren, ranging between eight and eighteen years of age.

On the morning of 7 January (When Saturn Changes its course to its next nakashtra) 2015 at about 11:30 local time, two brothers, Saïd and Chérif Kouachi, forced their way into the offices of the French satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris. Armed with assault rifles and other weapons, they killed 11 people and injured 11 others in the building

In Jan, 2015 there was a series of mass killings carried out by Boko Haram in the Nigerian town of Baga and its environs, in the state of Borno, between 3 January and 7 January 2015.

7)Total Solar Eclipse on 20th of March & Blood Lunar Eclipse on 4th of April 2015 –

Finally after 20th March 2015 there will be two Major events we will experience, One is Total Solar Eclipse happen in Pisces-Virgo Axis and thereafter Blood lunar eclipse will occur on 4th of April 2015, and we will see complete Transformation in Nature & Mundane world events.

Review of 2014 Eclipses:

In October- November 2014 months there will be major changes in astronomical patterns in celestial world leads too many changes in world affairs.

After 8th of October 2014 big mysteries will take new shape or might be experience within our environment or to be revealed globally in many areas of life and global conspiracy will prevail in most of the Political systems, specially it will effect Global mutual understanding and harmonic balance between countries which are earlier good in relation with each other, this will be seen mainly in those countries which are closer to Eclipsed areas i.e USA, Israel, Islamic countries, Indian Ocean, Pacific Region , Yellow sea etc.

American political system undergo a major transformation in their policies and we can observe complete change in their internal and war policies toward their neighboring regions.

All Eclipse will majorly impact Western Regions including Israel, Ukraine, Britain, Syria etc. & after Two Eclipses within 1 month – Total Blood Lunar eclipse on 8th of October and Partial Solar Eclipse on 23rd of October 2014 – we will see Rise in natural Disasters situations like Earthquakes, cyclones and Sudden changes in weather conditions etc.

Most of Major transformations in Mundane events will be seen after 20th of March 2015 & 4th April 2015, when there will be two major events occur again within span of 15 days – One is total Solar Eclipse which will happen in Pisces-Virgo Axis Sign and last one there will be Blood Lunar Eclipse happen on 4th April 2015 on sane Virgo-Pisces Axis.

20th March Solar Eclipse will fall in ISRAEL 7th house(Opponents) and USA 8th House (House of Destruction – Earthquakes like situation can be seen after March 20th and 4th April 2015; Period of 15 days of two Eclipses) from Natal Chart.

With these 4 Eclipses pattern there will be complete transformation in Political scenario of Western , European and Asian Countries directly impact whole World political scenario.

There can be increase in terrorist activities, rise in frequent earthquakes, war like situations can be seen in those countries which are going to effect by these eclipses and Prophecy of 4 Blood Moons will start beginning it works after ending October 2014 and further we will see its effects after March 2015 to till year 2016.

” Transit of Saturn over Sign of transformation (Scorpio) will confirm these hidden conspiratorial events mostly in political systems of most part of the world regions “

In India, New Delhi. Maharashtra, Gujarat will be under its closer Influence & Jammu and Kashmir will See New Political System in a new bottle.

What world Can See and Experience ?

( 2015 Review)

There will be two times major Eclipses Within 1 month or duration of 15 days + Comet Movement near Mars + 4 Blood Moons in 2014-2015 + Saturn Transits in Scorpio + Rahu(North Node) Transit over Virgo (Israel Natal Chart) + There will be deep Closeness of Uranus in Pisces Sign with Venus and Mars + Grand Watery Trine Formation will rise Watery energy : Lots of Astronomical pattern will occur majorly so many changes can be expected in future.

From above all facts, Everything is Indicating a massive transformation in whole scenario, War Like Situations between neighboring countries, Rise in terrorism, terrorist attacks over mankind , assassinations, we will experience new beginning of natural issues overs oceans and islands i.e

Earthquakes, cyclones, Storms, Tsunami’s & there will be high chances of collaborate fight against terrorism after June 2015 when Jupiter will move to Leo Sign and Saturn will aspect it from mutual quadrangle.

There will be high possibility that all major nations like USA, Britain, Israel and other Western Countries over rise against terrorism.

All Blood Moons are Passing over Israel in their Jewish years, so Role of Jewish and Israel’s people will be much seen in this fight.

With Thanks and Regards

Rocky Jamwal

Sources, References & web Links :

All actual Events Data, Images & information Belongs to www.Space.Com ,, & & , Various Internet resources.

Time Tested Techniques of Mundane Astrology : K.N Rao

Brihat Samhita of Varahmihira Ramkrishna Bhat

Surya Siddhanta by Burgees

Planetary Influence on Human Affairs – Dr. B.V Raman

Predicting Weather and Earthquakes -. Dr .B.V Raman

pin What are Blood Moons and its Impact on Nations - Research Study on tetra Blood Moon Eclipses based on Vedic Mundane Astrological Principals - The 4 Blood Moon Eclipses, Series of Mundane events and era of Transformations

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11th house in astrology: Understanding the role of 11th house and its lord in root cause of Desires of the past life

Case analysis: Understanding the role of 11th house and its  lord in root cause of Desires of the past life

10669108 10203096687207039 7152971725137207925 o 11th house in astrology: Understanding the role of 11th house and its lord in root cause of Desires of the past life

Why 11th House and its lord is linked with Root Cause of  all the desires

Understanding 11th house in astrology



While analyzing any Chart for material wealth accumulation and desires of native , Astrologer should give much priority to 11th house, 11th lord, Strength of Venus and to the sign where Venus placed and Most Important Placement and Sign of Rahu-Ketu axis.Reason Being 3rd , 7th and 11th are Kaama Trikona houses (The houses where your desire flourish) and 9th from 3rd house is 11th house – actually the Power House of Desires and the root cause of past birth, what made to soul born again to fulfill desires which are left from past.

All your answers to Desires from past and present birth, Material unsatisfactory leading to continuous birth, Unfinished business from past birth , Unfulfilled Desires those are left from Past birth are hidden in 11th house placed planets, 11th lord, Venus and Rahu -Ketu axis placement and Signs.

The Purpose

The Purpose of Life in Material world lies within our pending desires and the karmic debits and credits.In this life you can seek what you want. In order to achieve meaning and significance of life , there are four basic necessities (Dharama (Agni), Artha (Prithvi), Kama(Vayu) and Moksha(Jala) that you have to fulfill in different age patterns, every Necessity is important to fulfil the pursath.It is important to realize that all persons need to go through all the stages, and they will be left alone if they pursue and enjoy any one of the following paths in isolation, every phase is equally important to get succeed in  both spiritual and mundane plane.

The twin goals of any human are “Pleasure and Success”, as it leads to Moksha when they are equally satisfied ; nothing is gained by repressing these desires- in fact we might be worse if at some point we do not seek desires.Desires leads to satisfactions of goals and goals satisfaction leads to icha for Mukti and moksha.

In Mundane world Pleasure, Success, Fame, Name are some of these common desires whom we want to fulfill it in any case, if you want it, go after it rather than suppressing it ; the beauty and delight is there then any soul can be easily transformed into spiritual plane but those who are keep juggling in endless desires having no goals, its very hard for them to understand what actually is their life goals or life path after a period of time.Time is the ultimate healer in understanding our true life paths and goals.

This is the basic reason, why Desirous person feels very are Hard to transform himself into Spiritual plane, as his life paths  are unclear i in both the planes. Male are less prone to endless desires, success, fame and Name but females are much into a pleasurable life style because of Rich composition of Jala Tatava in  their Mind and Body (Venus and Moon) and root cause of all the desires are generated from Swadhisthana Chakara ruled by the Moon (the Seat of Mind and thoughts)

Astrological Answer

Astrologically, None has any capability to answer Women’s rapid fire questions on Materials Desires because of the genetic coding and inbuilt karmic debits. “women’s are Simply Power house of Desires –  Take an example of Sonia Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, Jai Lalita etc. In Case of Sonia Gandhi chart Rahu is sitting in 11th house in Taurus sign – indicating Unlimited desires to gain material in this birth and she is keep adapting mean way to get and bag material in her account and she chooses this way via 5th house -( Seen by Ketu) –  via followers, hidden links, by hiding identities or by her kids.

So if you want to seek answers of your unfulfilled desires and Unlimited questions of your counterparts, Use the simple way to get answer.

One must see below mentioned conditions then you can answer all their questions on desires, wealth and material gains.

Reason being it makes me really irritated by the rapid fire questions on accumulating wealth and mundane factors from the chart, i.e when will i get settled or when will i become rich. For whole 30 years in past i was not able to find the exact answer of these types of unique questions.Another reason was there is no such direct sutras clearly speaks about the answering endless desires generates in both the genders.

Till now i have seen thousands of charts from last 15 years and most of the time in my experiences, 95% of women ask usually me these unique questions oftenly, i.e When will i get settled and how ? , when i will become Super rich or Billionaire in life ?? , how long i will be rich ? and when will i have this and this and this ??, that and this word has no end.Another reason is there is no such word mentioned in Jyotisha system regarding settlements, financial status of native life effects because of the continues dashas and transits system, so we can’t justify the word settlement. Because it is bit dynamic in nature and it keep on fluctuating based on the good and bad dasha and transits systems.So we could never give such direct answers in straight way. Jyotisha is a science based on analysis and some mathematics and based on Sutras and principals, direct answer of the questioner has direct relation with the intuition power of the astrologer.No such tool can give direct answer regarding stability of the finance and Settlement.

But finally after the years of research i was able to find out the answer for endless desires, after having research on many case studies.

The Astrological Reasoning and logic

So, Here are the Short principals based on testing experience on many charts. First thing one should always keep in mind is  that Desires has direction relation with the Kaam Trikona Houses, their Karkas (Nodes) and their lords.More the planets are placed in 3rd , 7th and 11th houses more the native will have  urge for unlimited desires in current life and more the native will be materialistic in nature, Desire could be of any form.More the past birth connectivity will be there present in chart with desires, unfulfilled and unsatisfied businesses.

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Desire could be of anything it could be falling in number of relationships or multiple relationships (karka of 7th & 11th house – 11th lord in 7th house – 9th to 11th – Past birth connectivity for falling in love or relationship with friends).

It could be of knowledge, it could be of killing or having grudge of doing cruel things with intentions (6th to 6th house is 11th house), it could be of getting name and fame (7th from 5th , 11th from 1st ), it could of becoming rich like bill gates (9th to 3rd via business – past birth connectivity for establishing business with social media ).It could be of Keep trying hard for wealth attaining , Name and fame in media or masses etc (Venus and moon in 11th house) .

Every answer lies in 11 house and all the Kaama trikona houses connected with it.

Any Planet placed in 11th house indicates what type of desires is unfinished or unfulfilled from past birth being 9th from 3rd (which is the origin of the desires or Kama and 9th is past birth or root cause connected from past birth).

Sign present in the 11th house indicates what is the seat of Desire (what sort of desire) , for e,g Aries – Power and Being born leader , Taurus – Material and wealth and Falling in relationships number of time in friend circle or social circle, Gemini – Desire for Sexual gratification and Relationships, intelligence and communication with friend circle .

11th lord Indicates what you have to do (What action is required) in order to fulfill your unfinished business  or desires from past for e.g 11th lord in 12th – you need to go to abroad to fulfill your desires, 11th lord in 9th – you need to travel to spiritual places , monasteries , pilgrimages to fulfill your desires.

11th lord Sign indicates what is the desire , which made you to travel to 12th house or 9th house or what mode you have to use or adopt in order to finish your unfinished desires – If it is Libra in 12th – you need to travel abroad to get peace , balance , make relationships , make business links or establish business or to get settle in abroad by involving relationships with them and get benefit from them.

Venus indicates what are the Material prospective of that desire being natural Karka of feminine , Material , luxury , comforts and Desires.

For e.g, Venus in Taurus will indicates want to get pleasure and comforts from Material and wealth , Venus in libra will indicates want to make balanced relationship or to get settle in business and partnership after attaining desires.

Placement of Both Rahu and ketu and its sign indicates what is the Root desires present in that house which made you keep focusing on 11th house , if Rahu is itself present in the 11th house – It indicates lots of and infinite unfinished businesses which are left from past regarding social circle, friends zone, Name and fame etc.

Rahu-Ketu axis Sign indicates what are the root desires – for eg if Rahu is in taurus – Rahu wanted to earn and earn and keep earning till person never dies and get bag all those material gains and comforts in pockets till the end of life.

Ketu Sign indicates what you have to do in order to fulfill that desire which is signified by the sign placement of Rahu, for e.g if Rahu is placed in Taurus, Ketu will be in Scorpio which indicates Rahu is directing Ketu to get hidden knowledge, study occult sciences, and get knowledge of  ancient techniques or use hidden mean ways i.e tantra , mantra and black magic way to earn and bag all material gains or make friendship with those people who are in this profiles to get learning and knowledge from such people.Ketu always follows What Rahu giving him directions.

I hope these short practically tested principles will help you to understand factor of hidden desires and karmic root connected with those from your chart.

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With thanks and Regards,
Rocky Jamwal

pin 11th house in astrology: Understanding the role of 11th house and its lord in root cause of Desires of the past life

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Why Marriages Break – Understanding Root Cause Analysis on marriage astrology and its reason for marriage separations

Case Study: Why Marriages Break – Understanding Root Cause Analysis on marriage astrology and its reason for marriage separations

Why Separations in marriage astrology is very common

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In My Experience, I have seen even after Good matching points between two horoscopes and having more than 30 Guna’s people still facing many issues in their marital life & problems keep disturbing in marriage & personal life.

match making image Why Marriages Break - Understanding Root Cause Analysis on marriage astrology and its reason for marriage separations

You know why this is happening ? Because of Half baked Copy-Cat knowledge of Jhola Chap Commercial Astrologers, predicting based on mere so called mis – conceptualized and manipulated Modern concepts like Kaal Sarpa Yoga, Manglika yoga, and there are many such more concepts and yogas are present which are not mentioned in any of classical works, with out evaluating true reasons for post marriages issues, people are blindly following commercial astrologers.

Understanding Matchmaking in astrology

In My opinion they are simply ruining the image of Vedic Astrology, without doing any statistical research on post & pre Marriages issues, blind match makings are made.Without Digging Deep details on two horoscopes they are simply claiming match is perfect, in my view its a dangerous method of ruining life of two people and two emotional family values.

What is marriage astrology ?

article 20141027611484742527000 Why Marriages Break - Understanding Root Cause Analysis on marriage astrology and its reason for marriage separations

For Perfect Matching between two horoscopes learned astrologers should do Lagana Matching and Up-Pada(UL) Matching before approaching to final verdicts on horoscopes.

Lagana Matching gives complete knowledge on nature, Spiritual values, frequency and thinking intensity of two couples, qualities and level of intelligence between two couples which can be a measure for building block & growth in marriage relationships, Up-pada Lagana matching gives complete information on soul level compatibility between two couples.

Lagana Sign should be compatible to each other i.e If one has Cancer Lagana and Other lagana you are matching is Aquarius than it would be a dangerous match which deliberately become a main reason for hardship and suffering in marriage relationship, it can give massive amount of emotional turbulence and Physical separation as well as suffering in emotional/personal values of two couples which can give arise sever enmity between two people.6/8 is a Dangerous relation between two lagnas , both the laganas are falling to their 6th(enmity) and 8th(Suffering) house respectively, both the people never ever gone able to stabilize each other with their physical, intelligence, emotional and thought level harmonies.One is a watery and other is an Airy Lagana ; two different domain cant be perfect for long term relationships.Perfect Rule is, always Match signs of lagana either falling in trine( 1 , 5 and 9th house from your lagana ) to each other or in mutual kendra to each other ( 4, 7 and 10th from your Lagana).2/12 is another Most incompatible match where one has to face Miscommunication and other has to face setback in emotional expectations.One need attention but other is not ready to give any attention or enough caring toward the values of other emotional need.

It is a bit Mismatch relationship between two people, so never match laganas falling in 2 and 12th house to each other.

How to do matchmaking in astrology

kundli match making astrologer Why Marriages Break - Understanding Root Cause Analysis on marriage astrology and its reason for marriage separations

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If you are matching a Girl chart check her 1st house for presence of any malefic house ( for any Rigidness in Nature ), afterward check her 2nd house – for any malefic planet placement house of speech and family values. Than check her 4th house – if there is presence of malefic planets in 4th house – girl cant be stable in next home she is going to join with the in-laws family and soon she has to leave the house of in-laws and there wont be any harmony or peace after marriage. This could lead a major break-up due to issues with inlaws families.4th house is falling 10th to 7th house – a Play ground for Marriage relationship where actual cricket match plays after marriage – if any malefic planets are there match can be ruin with violence and aggression toward family.

2nd house is 8th from 7th house – again a Karka of Suffering to 7th house properties, any malefic in 2nd house – gone suffer family values of both spouse.1st house is directly opposition to your 7th house of Partner – if any malefic present , both the ideology never gone match ever in life and there will be life of Ego and opposition of views.

Now Coming to 7th house – If there will be any Negative planets in 7th house , Spouse always negatively treat partner or may be she dont like the attitude of the partner. Malefic in 7th house always be a case of ill treatment with partner which again lead to a battle ground for either extra-marital relationship or having out of wed lock situation.

8th house should be clean with any negativity – if there is any nodal or any malefic planets placed in 8th house – there will be a Major violence in relationship after marriage, it can be related with sexual incompatibility between two couples or might be sexual frequency never gone matches with each other and they may gone separate soon due to heavy violence , animistic sexual behavior or due to Sever Financial losses or joint ventures may gone face hardship.

If there is Any Malefic in 10th house – it will lead downfall to career of partner after marriage.

Most Important – 12th house should be clean from malefic influence in both Couples i.e from Mars , Rahu + added Venus for females , if it is then there always be secret enmity or hidden relationships behind Wall and two people cant sleep in one room ever.

Most Important – In Female Chart – Venus shouldn’t be there in 6th & 12th house either in D1 and D9 Chart – In My experience i have seen legal separation very often soon after marriage.

Karka of Feminism , Women-ism and Relationship Shouldn’t be Debilitated in D9 Chart for longevity of marriage.

Reason for Legal Separation and Divorce Is seen from Affliction in 8th house or 8th lord , 6th house and 6th lord, 6th house and 6th lord promotes bachelor hood and 8th lord and 8th house promotes Inability to fall in marriage and also marak for 7th house too, 6th house and 6th lord is Marak for 5th house matters – True Love and Kids.

In 6th Lord Major/Antar Dasha period usually tension arises in both couple and they may opt for legal separation or paper work May starts in 6th lord AD period.Dasha of 8th house planets gives temporary Separation which can lead to legal separations.

Sun + Venus Close conjunction within 6 Degree is Most disastrous Combination for Legal Separation and Disputes between couples.

In D9 Chart – 8th and 2nd house Should be clean from any Malefic Influence i.e Mars , Rahu and Saturn.

In D9 chart if 7th lord is with Nodal axis- it may give argumentative spouse who always involve in Starting of issues in personal life.

Presence of Malefic Influence on D9 7th house gives – Very Bad , Mean and Argumentative Spouse and may always give interest in mean people other than marriage.

For Longevity point of view of Spouse in Female chart – always check strength of Jupiter in D1, D9 and D60 chart.

For Longevity point of view of Spouse in male chart – always Check Strength of Venus in D1 , D9 and D60 chart.

If there is Presence of Mars , Rahu and Venus influence is there on 2nd house of D9 – Relationship with other women or men could be reason for break in Marriage.

All the combinations which i have explained above are based on my Experience on Martial discords which i had came across in my recent years observations.All the experience are based on practical and real Life case study analysis.2nd Major Way to check Couple compatibility is UL Matching ( Up-Pada Lagana Matching). UL Indicates Soul Nature of Spouse and DK indicates Soul quality of Partners – it includes Every relationship – Gf/bf/Sexual/Business/Spouse too.

Presence of Malefic Planets in UL indicates – Bad Soul Nature of Spouse , Presence of Malefic planets in 2nd from UL gives – Reason for breakup or Separation between couples.

6/8 and 2/12 Relation of AL and UL gives Bad compatibility between couples.Presence of malefic planets in 8th from UL gives – Probability of 2nd Spouse after one serious Major break-up.7th from UL gives People who are Openly opposing the Spouse i.e Mars – Brothers , Venus – Sisters or females friends , Sun – father in Law , Moon – Mother in law.Weakness of 2nd lord from UL gives when relationship can break or in which Rasi Dasha it can break the relationship and also gives clue how relationship breaks.Lagana of Spouse should fall either trine from UL or Kendra from UL for perfect harmony between couples , other than trine and Kendras gives Issues after marriage.Matching and finalizing the horoscopes based on Gunas Milan is a dangerous system which i have seen Jhola-Chaap Astrologers are doing these days , ruining the emotional values of Two families.

Even The Lord Shiri Rama and Mata Sita has Matching points over than 34 but they still got separated due to Complicity and environment factors arises after marriage.So, my Dear Learned and innocent members never go & opt blind matching based system on Gunas, Please get evaluate over all Analysis before confirming or finalizing two horoscopes.

Conclusion : From above all what we have found traditional way of Match making in Marriage astrology is purely a incomplete system and one has to do a complete and thorough lagna match making of both the couples rather believing in Guna milan system in astrology.

With thanks and Regards,
Rocky Jamwal

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