Quantum mechanics in Jyotish – Understanding Multiverse Karma, How our karmic energy effects our time thread

How our karmic energy effects our time thread and planetary motions

pearson threads of time labyrinth of time1 Quantum mechanics in Jyotish - Understanding Multiverse Karma, How our karmic energy effects our time thread

Karma is widely considered as a continuous process, always in motion and moves with perfect order and speed. Every karma has its perfect order and bind with multiple time threads those made out of our karma either in past, present or in future actions. Whatever we do in any form either physical one or mental are simply connected with these time threads and every action and thought travel in universe also connected with these multi-verse time threads, thus shows how time is connected with every and each part of our karma which means karma is an eternal process and has perfect order and rotatory speed.

That’s what lord Shiri Krishna said in Bhagwat Geeta in Chapter 3,  Text 5,  Karma-yoga :

Na hi kascit ksanam api
jatu tisthaty akarma-krt
karyate hy avasah karma
sarvah prakrti-jair gunaih
na—nor; hi—certainly; kaścit—anyone; kṣaṇam—even a moment; api—also; jātu—even; tiṣṭhati—stands; akarma-kṛt—without doing something; kāryate—is forced to do; hi—certainly; avaśaḥ—helplessly; karma—work; sarvaḥ—everything;prakṛti-jaiḥ—out of the modes of material nature; guṇaiḥ—by the qualities.
” All men are forced to act helplessly according to the impulses born of the modes of material nature; therefore no one can refrain from doing something, not even for a moment.”
(Reference – Bhagwad Geeta, Karma Yoga, chapter 3, Source – http://asitis.com/3/5.html)

” karma is a flow and no one can sit idle, everyone has to do its associated karma to survive in the karmic world, even god itself never sit idle either it is a physical or mental one. Karama always in action even when one is not willing to act in any way “.

This shows how god is itself in motional form but the rotational speed of god and our karma bind with us Only with our soul and way we think broadly that only decides how we can understand god around us and how our karma matters much in understanding actions of planetary forces.

Now, what are Time threads?

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In a questionnaire dialogue between Charlie Kaufma and Brian Greene regarding understanding on the fabric of time and cosmos, famous astrophysicist Brian Greene explained in a very simplest form how we can understand time in our day to day life –

The Question was: What is Time?

Mr Greene said: “The mechanism by which you can notice the change is exactly the definition of time ” He suggested that it may be a derivative idea, an emergent property, not elemental to the first equations of physics. The equations certainly do not distinguish between past and future. In fact, all moments of time are in existence. We can imagine an expanse of space before our eyes, but not time. This is merely a limit of our representative imagination. It is just as “real,” even “material,” as this computer, or the Pacific Ocean.

Why do we experience a sequence—a passage, a flow—of time?

Mr Greene offers an evolutionary explanation. Establishment of a now (including an imprinted past in the form of memory) distinct from a future leads to predicting and anticipating, planning and striving, brain-initiated functions that encourage acquisition of energy until the replication of DNA, and thus survival in nature. Mr Greene insists that there is no mathematical distinction between present and future. There is no unique NOW. (“And is that, is that what they’re thinking these days?” said Mr Kaufman, mind blown, to a laugh).

Words ultimately fail here– although Mr Kaufman’s, writer that he is, was often perfectly selected. “Now is a function of a brain. If there is no brain, I think there is no now. It just is, whatever that means.” (“Do you guys . . . smoke a lot of pot?” the novelist and Kaufman-collaborator Susan Orlean humorously asked during the question period). Let it be known, too, that quantum physics complicates this picture.

What is time in Vedic Cosmology ?
Quantum mechanics in Jyotish - Understanding Multiverse Karma, How our karmic energy effects our time thread

The Hindu concept of time is cyclical (and eternal and degenerative). Time is preciously based on two schemes, one is used for creation and destruction of planetary structures for human beings and it is endless, eternal and cyclic in nature and another part of the time is purely mathematical also cyclic in nature and preciously exist in both material and non-material form.

That shows time is circular and cyclic in nature and keep moving around us. Question is how we can relate it and understand it in our day to day life actions.

The answer is simple – Our Karma decides how we move in time threads.

The karma we do decides how it has perfect speed and harmony with nature itself. If we look out at scientific definition of Time is what -It is also simply a cyclic or circular motion and follows a certain amount of speed based on our karmic energies based on spiritual aspects.

If we compare it with planet’s – they are also in motion, cyclic and circular in nature too and thus shows they too have some karma or actions or certain amount of energies associated with them and follows certain order and speed since many eras from the beginning of creation  with  many variations in speed and motion shows root of everything, including time is – The speed and Motion of our karma.

Something’s keep flowing and keep moving everything in perfect order is simply our karma and energies associated with those karmas.

Take an Expression as T – Time, K – Karama and P – Planets and write it down as a direct proportion relation of karmic motions acting as key and shows a formula for decoding time and karmic link.

i.e  Time = Karama x Motion + Cyclic loop, Planets also works on same phenomena = Speed x Motion + Cyclic Loop.

Moving in certain order following a system.

That shows  Both time and Karma is Interrelated to each other in some way, what we do directly effects our time threads and same effects thus are seen via planetary movements too.


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This means that everything is karmic in nature from individual actions to natural disasters at a particular location’s. Our karmic energies thus influence actions pertaining to natural forces either it is individual or its a group actions.

If you want to understand how planets are effecting us this is the answer for them those who are always in a state of dilemma how planets affect our karma and how our karma are interrelated with planetary action in a vice versa relationship.

This proves Jyotish Planetary science is simply a karmic science based on our karmic actions and energies associated with them.

The motion of planets is simply relative to our motion and speed of karma.How well we do our karma will decide our destinies and planets effects will reflect it in the same and can be astrologically analysed.Same way the time is moving karmas are also moving and relative with our planetary speed and motions.

If you can move your karma fast maybe you can cross time dilatation and able to travel in an interstellar manner. Simply, Time, karmas and planetary motions are moving in perfect harmony with each other if you stop, time will be stop for you but it will keep running eternally in background as always endless in a circular loop.

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23rd March 2016 Lunar eclipse will fall in uttraphalguni Nakashtra and visible in Most of Asia, Australia, North America and South America

untitled infographic28229 23rd March 2016 Lunar eclipse will fall in uttraphalguni Nakashtra and visible in Most of Asia, Australia, North America and South America

According to Vedic principals, 23rd march minor lunar eclipse will fall in uttraphalguni nakshatra in Virgo sign when the sun will be in exactly opposite in uttrabhadra nakshatra in Pisces sign. During this lunar eclipse, Mercury will be closely conjoined with Sun within 2 degrees of orbital difference.According to Koorma Chakara, this eclipse will fall in Sign of India and Mostly it affects Northern and South-eastern states of India and Asia, Australia, North and South America will be most affected by it.

According to Indian Political chart, this Eclipse will fall in 5th-11th  house axis, Northern and South Eastern states of India need to take care.

Wednesday eclipse is falling in Fire circle nakshatra and the symptom will be observed within a week.

Mars and Saturn will be in 3rd from Moon, Rahu and Jupiter will be in 12th from Moon and South Node will be closely conjugated with Venus.

Usually, it has been seen whenever Moon and Mercury fall in opposition during eclipse we have observed a dramatic shift in weather situation i,e sudden rainfall, cyclonic activities and rainstorms etc to those countries falling under eclipsed areas.

Tomorrow Eclipse will be falling in the category of minor eclipse but it is falling within a gap of 15 days from last solar eclipse occurred on 9th of March 2016.

The mundane point of view it has greater meaning since from Vedic periods. Whenever two eclipses have been observed within the span of 15 or 30 days usually Mass tragedies, unusual and sudden mundane activities have been observed within a month or could be either day before or after it where the eclipse will be visible.This can be true as soon after this eclipse we are going to see retrogression of 3 three planets (Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter)  in month of April 2016 in Square (Kendra) relation to each other. 

We can observe Dramatic shifts in weather, increase in earthquake activities, Minor warning for tsunami’s, sudden tragedies, increase in Anti-national activities and level of vehicle-based accidents or plane hijack’s or air crashes could be observed.It is not a dead sure principal that events are likely to occur but we have been observing since past mundane events soon after retrogression of planets with eclipses. It’s simply because of change in apparent motion of planets wrt to Earth closeness with elemental conflicts of signs and planets those are falling in square and trine relation to each other.

In April 2016 Mars and Saturn will be retrograde in Watery signs and Sun will be having a relation of 6/8 signs to each other. North Node and Jupiter will In fiery signs trine to Aries – something like sudden, irrational and outbursts like situation can be observed.

According to Brihat Samhita;

When Mercury cuts the Moon and then departs therefrom, there will be trouble for the country of Magadha (Bihar). The city of Mathura(UP) and People living on the banks of the river Vena. In other places, there will be peace and plenty.

Let’s see what is written in the destiny of the world. we can only pray and hope for the best of world peace and integrity. Stars works on universal principals.we are nothing against the working principals of nature and neither we can change anything in material world.its the time and nature who decides and balance it for establishing harmony in the world.

pin 23rd March 2016 Lunar eclipse will fall in uttraphalguni Nakashtra and visible in Most of Asia, Australia, North America and South America

Views: 5

Mundane Astro-Meteorological analysis of Rainfalls: How we can Calculate and cast Rainfall and pregnancy of clouds for upcoming Monsoons clue based on principals of early Ancients Ages.

Nofertiti large Mundane Astro-Meteorological analysis of Rainfalls: How we can Calculate and cast Rainfall and pregnancy of clouds for upcoming Monsoons clue based on principals of early Ancients Ages.
How Rain Calculated and casted in Ancients Ages for Monsoons.

As per the early Ancient observations the four days commencing from the eigth day in the light half of the month of jyestha (i.e 4 days after the mid of the month of the may and june – from 15th may to 15th june) fall in may and june month are Known as Vayu Dharan-  The days when the winds movements seen and observed in the jyestha month freely from North-west to East direction  with full of  rich amount of moisture in it.  Those 4 days when wind is heavy moving near around moon movement in Swati to visakha nakashtra are vital clue for judging the nature of health of the Pregnancy of the rain-clouds for up-coming monsoon seasons. Here observation of wind direction and its richness with Apah, movement in these particular 4 days is most important.If there is no wind in those 4 days we can expect coming months will be much dry in nature as well as humidity will be more. 

heavyrain Mundane Astro-Meteorological analysis of Rainfalls: How we can Calculate and cast Rainfall and pregnancy of clouds for upcoming Monsoons clue based on principals of early Ancients Ages.

If there is enough winds in those 4 days, should be like gentle , agreeable and if the Sky Should be covered by fine, bright clouds than there will be possibility of good rainfall in Monsoon else monsoon will be bit delayed and level of humidity will be more.

From 15th June  onward if you observe any possibility of rain drops or moisture contents in air than there should be enough rainfall in continues 4 days when Moon will Passes through Swati to Jyestha Nakashtra (Libra Sign to first Half of Vishkha).

If there is rainfall during Swati to Viskhka Nakshtra for full 4 days than we can say with surety that the monsoon is near to Shower full of insistent rainfall in Shravana to Karttika Month (August to November) else there will be possibility of drought like situation in rainy season.

This is an easiest way to time entry of monsoon via own sense of judgement and to get clear understanding on clue for rainfall during Sharavana and Karttika month. Only thing required is you need to keep observing the movement in sky, the direction and pregnancy of winds and clouds.

You can observe this fact in coming jyestha month (Commencing after 5th of june 2016, 8th bright light day will start after 12th of june and those 4 days will come around 15th of june @8:17:00 Pm  to 18th of june 2016 ) when moon will be in Libra sign in swati nakashtra in verge of moving to Vishakha with Mars (Fire) and Saturn (Air) already there in sign of Scorpio (sign of water) and at the same-time North Node (Rahu -suddenness and airy) will be in Kendra to both Visakha nakashtra. 
The main planet of rainfall – Jupiter will be in 11th from Saturn and Mars. So Keep an eye on those 4 days.

If there is an Indication of  rain in this nakashtras than you can expect monsoon is very soon to come.

Source, Reference and links

Brihat Samhita of Varahmihira by Ramkrishna Bhat
Astrology in Predicting Weather and Earthquakes by Dr B.V Raman

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