Retrogression of Saturn in Scorpio in Jyestha : Impact of Retrograde Saturn on ascendant, its a Time to evaluate your true goals hidden beneath in subconscious side.

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Retrogression of Saturn in Scorpio in Jyestha – Time to evaluate your true goals hidden beneath in subconscious side.

Saturn is currently in Retrograde in Sign of water (Scorpio) in Jyestha Nakashtra placed in Square to Retrograde Jupiter in Fiery sign. Nakashtra Lord Mercury is in Debilitation state too. Two Retrogression elemental energies Clashing with each other and creating a situation of rebellion in deep inner side – that’s what is called retrogression – A new prospective hidden in your original personality. Later After April 2016 – A True Rebellion Leader will born in you either you will become too rude or too Rigid. those who can handle such immense retrogression energy  will be a born leader in near future.This is the high time to think deeply in deeper emotional side what were you doing wrong from the last couple of months, where were you stuck in middle of way, why you were not real, why you were not able to fix your situation and why you ignoring your real karmic duties. Saturn will force you or give you plenty of time to think more and more to evaluate your real practical personality simply to get evolve in practical world. May be you stuck in challenges or in hidden jealously prevail in working environment by the people try to challenge your credibility but ultimately you have to fight back those situations given by people and get rise ultimately.

Saturn will warn or make you more tough and serious and will make a complete changeover in your viewpoint of life. You will see many new values in you whom you might be ignoring in past months or years.You will see why world is so rude out your boundaries and why you are not enough competent to fight back. This phase of transformation will keep up-to till Sun reach to Highest  Retrogression energy in Taurus sign. After attaining highest chesta bala in Taurus Saturn will totally transform you in real and practical world. After this you will become real you who can survive in any situation. Till Sun reach at Taurus you see many challenges in life from many known and unknown people around you. Kendras are representative of public life, so you will you see many new challenges in society from your very own people whom you were trying to totally dependable on them.  It might  change your ideology regarding your daily routines, might be your ignorance in work, might be negligence toward your real motives and true thoughts.

Saturn is telling you currently try to make yourself independent  in emotional side. Release all your Emotional thoughts which keep burdening you and try to be in an independent state of all duties and think of those karmic duties which you were neglecting from long pending time. this is the time to think from much more deeper prospective level about whats your true goal in your life are, will show you who is real and who is unreal and whom you going to rely. Challenges and challenging people (Mars) will keep try to shatter your dreams and try to make you weaker from inner side in deep emotional nature. Its the time when you only have to think from your own soul level not from any other such Outer prospective thoughts  of people.

Its the time you have to spent your thinking to yourself only leave all people aside. your deeper Level of Sixth sense will develop during this time period and you will able to think more on your real targets of life. you will either try to change your profession or you will take your life too seriously might be you were ignoring from many months. Retrogression of Saturn only meant to make more disciplined ideology in life , be more realistic, thinking on big projects on real ground not in imaginary world. It will make you much stronger internally in emotional side and your deep hidden independent talent will come up after deep challenges you will meet in your Work areas, as Jupiter is also retrograde in fiery sign with Nodes. The Firing and igniting Deeper wisdom of Jupiter will transform your internal side of Saturn very soon after April.

4/10 Relationship is always be a time to work on ground reality rather than totally depending on people and what time is giving you. Trines works like a driver is ruling your life but in Kendras you have to work on your own wisdom, you have to make efforts and you have to work in actual one will move you further. its the only your deeper hidden thoughts will build your inner personality much stronger. This is the time to agitate your thoughts and ideology to bring real you in society.

People (Mars – Fiery Nature – turbulence in emotional values will increase) will challenge you after April 2016 to till August 2016. Situation will calm down when Jupiter will be in 3/11 Relationship with Saturn.

Its a High challenging time for Aquarius, Capricorn, Gemini, Libra, Leo, Scorpio  and Taurus Lagana people.

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