Krishndhaam Jyotish Services – For Domestic Users


This Jyotish Portal, contains important information (i.e., consultation technical specifics, fees, and how we undertake consultations) about Jyotish services for domestic users. Our pricing structure aligns with the research-based Jyotish services we offer, which include detailed case studies, brief consultations, Prashna, miscellaneous written reports, and recorded audios.

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The divine codes journal/Magazine is an untimely periodical related to Many divine subjects. This includes Vedic Jyotish, Nadi Jyotish, Sariraka Sastram (Palmistry), Sthapathya (Oriental Architecture), Art related topics (Includes photos, paintings, art installations), Yoga, Ayurveda and Spirituality. The primordial being have encrypted many matters of life and Jyotish is a light that enlightens the path to unknown. The Divine Codes Journal is a free periodical with no time limits attached. It is completely free and downloadable from the following links. The articles in the magazine are well researched and carry a well-balanced scientific approach.

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