vedicsiddhantaResearchJournals Our Journals

From The Editor’s Desk

Welcome to Krishnadhaam Astrological and Astronomical newsletters and Research Journals. We will be sending out the newsletters and research journals each month or in a quarterly circulation in order to keep readers in the loop for regular updates and upcoming events regarding everything going on in the world of astrology and astronomy.

So that reader should know what is happening in the cosmological world and keeping krishndhaam readers up to date.we believe more familiar is our reader’s with the krishnadaam research work more successful we will be collective efforts.

Krishnadhaam thrives on creating a team-oriented atmosphere and we believe that this is an excellent step in that direction.

We know that there are a lot of creative individuals within the Krishnadhaam Astro family and we welcome your ideas and article submissions for the newsletter. If you would like to contribute anything (Astro articles, Astro news) please send an email to and we will review your submission.

Research Journals 

Below are research papers written by our scholars based on  many of vedic sciences streams i.e Mundane, Vedic astrology, Ayurveda, Spritual Sciences and other miscellaneous astrological subjects after spending lots of time on intensive research works in past few years.Still, our teams is doing intensive Research work in finding various hidden aspects of Vedic Astrology, Vedic Cosmology/ Astronomy, Mundane, Hora and ancients Siddhantas for establishing scientifical and logical approach toward our sacred sciences via our research journals. Some of  research journals are free to download and some are based on preimum pacakages and one need to buy that from our journal portal. Most of the journals are well written in easy lucid writing but few of journals need scientific or subjective knowledge.For More on  Journals, click on below link:

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