Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 2

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Mystery of 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 2 : Understanding Spirituality and analyzing case studies

Spiritual Experience regarding 8th house: Kundalini and Chakra

In First Post we try to understand how the 8th house has a deep relation with the longevity, pain, sufferings and life transformations, now in this part, we will try to understand How deeply it is important for Raising once spiritual awakening.

Readers can check on Part 1st of 8th house deep factors from Here

During the recent past years, I have heard and seen from many of people who are scared about the dreaded fear of 8th house – as being 8th house is always about a house of death, house of past birth curses, house of sufferings, Delays, Hurdles and obstacles and Many more blah blah things without knowing its spiritual essence etc.

One should always remember the death of Soul and Body is only one aspect of the 8th house, it has many more hidden secrets that are stored in the deep mystery world.

Death is majorly seen only when the strength of Lagnesh (1st) and 8th lord is purely devoid and weakly placed in D1, D9 and d60 chart.The main planet for Seeing Death via 8th house is always a separative planet ( Nodes ).

Always remember God never punishes you without any reason, he is the one who gives us new chance and watches our every action, and those who aspire to reach new heights for the new spiritual journey out of your past karmic actions and sins, he gave them bliss of spirituality for guiding mankind in the right path. Those who are in fear or guilt of their past actions god gave them first opportunity to learn and helps to let them transform themselves into a new path of spirituality for the well being of own soul and other pathless souls.

Astrologically, let me tell you 8th house energy is not easy to understand in simple layman language, it’s being Karka house of Scorpio, Saturn (Longevity) and Ketu (Occult and higher Spirituality).One should know first what saturn (Karmic Transformations)Scorpio and Ketu   (Pending Karams, Occult and divine spirituality) represents – Initially Saturn being lord of Mooladhara chakra first gets disturbed here due to imbalanced mundane desires arise after sufferings, delays and hurdles and out of those difficulties it makes person first empty hand and when further those disappointments makes your more closer toward higher divine path it activated the Kundalini energies toward higher chakras and when all the chakras in balance state, everything including any sort of mundane desires will be comes to you without any efforts but in right time, but first preparation and learning is important Here.

Ketu being the karka of 8th it makes you ultimate divine and after learning of pending karmic duties it balances you so that you can move further without support. It’s the Universal rule, to activate your kundalni energy you need to first become balance and eligible for it and when it reaches to 12th house (Higher Sub Conscious samadhi) it makes one more toward higher almighty and its dhayan.

logically it’s not a house of death of Body and Soul, its a house of death of ego and false intelligence (represented by lagana) being falling in 8th from 1st – it ends the lagana false properties and over proud – as Rahu and Sun being stronger in lagana.

It’s more a house of spiritual transformation and sacrificing your mundane desires and gives a new understanding of spirituality being falling in 9th from 12th. It’s about the house of surrendering your false ego and destroying your falseness given by Lagana.

when you surrender all of your mundane desires and greeds it gives you new transformations that where your new experience spiritual journey starts. Mundane sufferings lead to the new journey of spirituality and transformations and end is peace and you will be a blessed one that where the roles of 9th house came ( Divine wisdom).

That’s why it is falling in 5th (Skilled require for Bhakti) from 4th – the moksha trine, where 4th is the bhakti sthan then 8th is the house of sadhna required for bhakti for divine mother – where it sits. being fallen in 12th from 9th house of Sanchit karama it represents the what is left from your past karams – the debits of past that you have to finish in this birth without any if and buts. Debits are not curses, they are left over tasks that you have to finish in any case. Its not a house of curses it only shows your debits of past wrt to your past karmas and actions you had unknowingly done by moving in Adharamic path due to negligence of intelligence and believing in false ego and proud.


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Being the Natural Zodiac house of the Scorpio and 8th house it is related to the Mooladhara chakra whose colour is yellow shows the root energy sit in the Kundalini (8th house) at the bottom of the spine goes toward upward direction to lagana where Sahasara chakra sits, hence planet placed in the 8th house shows beginning of the Kundalini energy rising toward upward direction and how it manifest via the planetary energy.

( Source and Reference: By Visti Larsen Jyotisha Fundamentals)

1)  If Moon is there in the 8th house it shows Kundalini activation through Meditation and Mantras.

2) If Ketu is there in the 8th house it shows Kundalini rises suddenly and native need to deal with the sudden burst of energy even they did not performed the spiritual practices earlier.

3) Venus shows awakening of Kundalini via  Following celibacy.

4) Saturn Shows Kundalini Awakening via following Discipline and Hatha Yoga but role of Ketu is most important to balance it.

5) Mars shows Awakening via Following Vyayam  and practicing physical exercises and preserving Virya.

6) Sun Shows Awakening via Gyana Yoga and Atamic Realization.

7) Jupiter shows via the help of one Guru or Spiritual practices did under a learned guru.

So, those having any number of malefic or beneficial planets in 8th house they need not worry, it’s not meant for you to suffer unknowingly it has some deeper meaning, it’s only a call from the higher divine to Surrender yourself toward him and move ahead in the path of spirituality, Yoga, and Divine union  that’s what it shows 11th from 10th house- new beginning (11th) of your karma (10th)
for a society that is needed in this birth.

Only Rahu in the 8th house act as Blockage for Spiritual progress via without strict discipline, it usually disperses the Kundalini energy required to maintain it via Praan Vayu and for moving through via spine, as one cannot able to sacrifice his ego or completely surrender himself toward the almighty.Without total surrender, one can not attain the Kundalini.

In simple language 8th house shows your new spiritual journey toward higher goals, those having planets in 8th house, first Surrender your ego and let move your soul toward a higher journey of hidden secrets of spirituality.


Planets in the 8th House:

Sun in the Eighth House

The focus is on hiding one’s true nature and makes the individual extremely private and secretive. These individuals are blessed with intuition, psychic abilities, deep dreams, and depth of empathy. These individuals often benefit financially from the father or the father’s side of the family. Healing energies are the blessing of this placement and this person often keeps who they are a secret. Many individuals with this placement are drawn to fields such as law enforcement, psychiatry, massage therapy, counseling, detective work and any field that deals with death, change and behind the scenes actions. People with problems and pain are drawn to these individuals for healing. These individuals have a strong, powerful, intense presence.
Moon in the Eighth House
The focus is on concealing the emotions. These individuals are emotional, passionate and sensitive. They feel other people’s pain and the suffering of others weighs on them. They have to learn to protect themselves because they are highly emphatic and absorb all of the secrets and subtle energy in the environment. These individuals often benefit financially or receive an inheritance from the mother or the mother’s side of the family. These individuals suffer through the sacrifice of themselves for others and often in their lives feel victimized emotionally by others. Issues of sexuality often bring confusion and suffering until they find the right person to share intimacy with. These individuals bond through the sexual experience and need not only physical but emotional depth in any relationship.
Mercury in the Eighth House

The focus is on a depth of thought and communication. These individuals need deep communication and intellectual intimacy in relationships. They enjoy sharing their deepest, darkest secrets with others and need others to open up to them verbally. They often keep their thoughts to themselves for fear that others will not understand them. These individuals often think about death and their own mortality and at times worry about this topic. They have a keen, insightful mind and sharp tongue.
Venus in the Eighth House

The energy is focused on keeping the love nature secret and private. These individuals often benefit through the marriage partner and tend to marry someone of a higher financial status than themselves. They are blessed by the partner’s possessions and relationship. Their love nature is deep, possessive and intense.

Mars in the Eighth House

The energy is used to express aggression, drive, and ambition. These individuals often find themselves in conflict with others and with relatives at some time in their lives. The sexual nature is strong with this placement and can become addictive if not balanced. These individuals have intense passions and dramatic shifts in emotion. They feel strongly about things and respond assertively. There is a danger of accidents and surgeries. These individuals need to exercise regularly as it will aid in balanced health. If they repress their natural energies and drives they can find themselves suffering from illnesses. It is important for them to have a healthy outlet for their intense nature.

Jupiter in the Eighth House

The energy is focused towards expansion, abundance and good luck. These individuals often inherit money, land, and goods from the dead. They often are naturally lucky and are looked after by others. They draw financial and material things into their lives easier. This is a positive position of Jupiter and I often see individuals with intuitive gifts that come naturally.

Saturn in the Eighth House
The energy is focused on learning and discipline. These individuals are learning self-control and often repress their desires. Sexual tensions are high with this position and often these individuals are afraid of intimacy. They can overcome this fear by being vulnerable and letting go of the need to control their own emotions. This placement also shows a karmic wound in areas of sexuality, intimacy, relationships, death, and inheritances. The positive manifestations of the eighth house may be blocked with this placement because Saturn is the planet of karmic learning and this process is sometimes painful. The true lesson of this placement is to let go of the past and learn to trust others and themselves.

North Node(Rahu) in the Eighth House

Individuals with North Node in this house are born to be healers.  their spiritual mission in this lifetime is to heal others and many do this through energy work such as reiki, pranic healing, yoga, massage therapy and psychotherapy. These individuals are learning to let go of the past and detach from the need for physical, material and emotional security. They must embrace change and oftentimes the universe forces them to change by taking things away from them. This can manifest as divorce, a death of a loved one, loss of job, etc. The purpose of this pain is to force these individuals to become more spiritual and to become the “wounded healer.”

South Node(Ketu) in the Eighth HouseIndividuals with South Node in this house are meant to focus on finding security and balance in their lives. They have been through drama, change, and upheaval in the past and now desire to settle down and find comfort. They are meant to stick with things to completion and not end things before it is time. They are born to accumulate possessions and to focus on practical matters this lifetime.

Case Studies:

Case study 1: Jyotish, Spirituality, and Research: Author of Jagannath Hora ( P.V.R Narasimha Rao)

AuthorofJhora Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 2

This is a strong chart of Having strong Spiritual Transformations and doing deep research after experiencing Jyotish Journey, meeting Jyotish Guru and later diving deep in exploring Jyotish scriptures. Here, Lagnesh being Beneficial is in 8th house with 8th lord Mars, 2nd lord Venus (Beneficial), 6th Lord Saturn and getting aspect from Retrograde Jupiter (Beneficial) shows long life – with blessing of spiritual bliss via Mode of Jupiter (Guru, Jyotish and spirituality etc) and also shows sharp mind, with straightforward logical approach while writing and speaking. Junction of Mercury, Mars, and Saturn shows having a greater level of patience in engineering and calculative tasks, and also furthers shows native would be an expert mathematician. All the junction falls in 3rd from Moon shows very much skilled in calculative tasks, lagnesh and 3rd lord link also shows Dhi-Manta yoga in research and showing ability and presence of the sense of logical approach in every way.

Case study 2: Spirituality and Meditation: Osho Rajneesh


Osho Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 2

This is an another example Strong chart of showing the higher order of spirituality and learning experience after deep meditation. Here lagnesh Venus (Beneficial) is in 8th house in the sign of Sagittarius, with 10th lord Saturn, 3rd Lord Moon, 5th lord Mercury and 12th lord Mars shows – highest order of transformations and deep spirituality after experiencing Deep meditation.Lagnesh is placed in 8th house of occultism with 2nd lord Mercury shows very much logical approach and highest order of intellect, making him a blissful speaker with profound logic. Junction of planets on Sagittarius signs shows deep thought on ideas of revolution of deep mystery, higher wisdom and life philosophy. Even chart also shows the presence of Dhi-Manta yoga, writing ideas based on experiencing deep emotional thoughts.


Case study 3 : Short life and life Transformations


aa Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 2

This is an example chart showing short life at the age of 23 after facing serious disorder of neural and blood clotting.Here lagnesh Sun (Head) is in 8th house with 8th lord Jupiter and North node Rahu shows Short life span due to some sort of accidents or disorder related with the head. Moreover, 6th lord Saturn also in close mutual aspect with Bhadkesha Lord Mars falling in 8th from AL too further shows a serious threat to longevity.

This is all about 8th house in astrology and how it is linked with Spiritual reality of the vedic astrology.

Mystery of 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 2 : Understanding Spirituality and analysing case studies.

  • Note: We will release  3rd version too where we will try to explain how other houses are interlinked with the mystery of the 8th house.

With thanks and Regards,
Rakesh Singh Jamwal

Source and Reference:
Brihat Parashara hora shastra by G.C Sharma
PhalaDeepika V Subramanya Shastri
Jataka Parijata by V Subramanya Shastri
Sarvartha Chintamani by J.N Bhasin
Jyotisa Fundamentals: My Masters Words by Visti Larsen
Light on Life: An Introduction to the Astrology of India by  Robert E. Svoboda

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Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1

Mysteryof8thHouse Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1

Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1: Understanding Transformation, obstacles and longevity 

What is 8th House about ?

Transformation is a process, and as life happens there are tons of ups and downs. It’s a journey of discovery – there are moments on mountaintops and moments in deep valleys of despair.

– Rick Warren

Without Understanding the essence of transformation, pain and suffering we cannot grow our-self into a deep state of  higher realisation. Now question is what actually is transformation and how it is deeply linked with the 8th house matters.Logically 8th house is a mystic house of understanding higher Spiritual transformation and realisation that comes through after realising the pain of sufferings, being one of the house of moksha trikona sthan, it gives opportunity for purification of jeeva as well as Shareer mukti to rise above at higher level, at the level of Higher knowledge (Para vidya) and wisdom. It has connection of Secretiveness and hidden agendas that one has to live with them to understand life from micro angles, gives a fire or depth for understanding deep hidden knowledge that we need to dig deeper via keep exploring it till the end of life cycle(Cosmic cycle).

It is the main house that deals with all sort of occult sciences those are practical in nature where one has to put Fire, Tapa, energy in it to understand them, its a seed house where energy start flowing or proceeding from lower  spine to the higher point, required for Tantra practises with going deep inside to know hidden essence of the world that is unknown from us- the world of spiritual reality, the world of Hidden vidyas. It give us picture of true reality of the hidden world, where spiritualism starts and leads to the end of spirit world. Those let us understand how to live in true reality and generates urges for living away from the gossips of mundane world.But that urge only comes after realising the deeper pain and reality of life via Death of ego, over Pride,  shareer and after leaving mundane desires.

In Higher Sense, It gives Death of higher ego (what is bright , acceptable and appreciable in society is in mundane world seen and perceived has higher ego ruled by Aries and Scorpio, Being the house of transformations after life hurdles and obstacles act as house of darkness and transformations where sunlight always reaches late).

Being the house of Mundane transformations, ups and downs this house is closely linked with the past birth pending karmic debts that we must have to exhaust in any case, it is mainly deals with the unfinished karmic debts those are done in unconsciously adharmic or mistaken State “Avastha” when conscious is not in awake phase in earlier births.

Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1

Deeper Astrological Definition of 8th house 

8th house is being a vast house of spirituality, Death and transformations is hard to decode in few words. It need lots of understanding in straight way language. It is something hidden that only we can experience and then we can able to know about it and what world is perceived is beyond of this knowledge, what they are seeing its only the mundane transformation but in actual reality it is a house of what is hidden in destiny that we need to explore from hidden or buried form under the ground.Being the karka house of Scorpio It has deep mystery connected with all the characteristics those have resemblance with the nature of Scorpio i.e death, transformations, Accidents, Bankruptcy, Excretory organs, External Sexual organs, Inheritance, Litigation, occult, Plots, Poison, theft, Agonies, Anger, annihilation, Assassination, breaking of friendships, cancer, crossing large bodies of water, dangerous and fruitless journeys, deep psychotherapy, deep and wild forests defeat, Disputes, enemy fort, fall from height, fear, making loans, (Dishonourable profession), a hole, cavity, imprisonment, insults, long lasting diseases, Longevity, Long or disputed properties, Mental Distress, Monetary loss, partner’s money, punishment from authorities, receiving charities, Religious property, research, robbery, scandal money, trouble to spouse, unchastity, witchcraft, black-magic and all of them leads to higher learning and sufferings but its deep essence lies in understanding the deeper transformations appears in 9th house of wisdom after deeper pain, sufferings and higher realisation.

Difference between 8th house and rest of trik bhavas is that it indicates something very long pending, either it is about diseases or it is linked debt of the past. It gives understanding of chronic nature in every sense either it is about diseases or about realising the pain, but thing is 6th gives idea of an acute diseases, 8th gives understanding of deep chronic diseases.It can gives Legal difficulties  that can destroy anyone life via long term financial crisis, humiliation, scandal or bankruptcy.

Being the house of witchcraft work and Black magic being ruled by the sign  of Scorpio (characteristics comes form the Jyestha Nakashtra reside in sign of Scorpio, linked with disturbance in Pran Vayu that flows in the human body), it has same level of influence on native mind too where moon get debilitated (in the sign of Scorpio, 8th house). Same is connected with its stingy nature that comes from the animal ruled by it, “The Scorpion” bite usually gives neurological shock that is unbearable for any being and the same way Witchcraft work in 8th first effects mind of the native in a much deeper level that is hard for anyone i.e Vashikaran that primarily purpose is to control the mind of person, loosing the strength of the mind or imbalance of the Vayu in the body.

But another side story is why we are getting suffering via Black magic and Witchcraft work in 8th house, reason is only one – the level of suffering we have given to other, same way we have to face in same intensity – somewhat a debt or curse like situation, long pending from many early births.

8th being fallen in 12th from the 9th house (Past birth – shows what is left behind that you have to face in any case or finish or exhaust it). That Pain or suffering we incur by past debts or left behind karama helps us moving into achieving greater liberation or moksha after a death like situation.

We can never experience wisdom and higher philosophy unless and until we may never go through from it. Every Death and Suffering has some higher learning, purpose and teaching of almighty that is kept hidden for society benefits (10th).

Unless and until we never realised that deeper sufferings and transformations connected with the 8th house we can never become a filtered soul who can understand the higher wisdom and philosophy of life that is seen from the 9th house. That’s the reason it is falling in 12th from 9th house, first we need to filter out our left over debts then we can become pious and pure soul who can connect with the true brahma tatva.

In Layman language, 8th house covers primarily transformations of mundane worlds, i.e obstacles seen with respect to 7th (Marriages and partnerships – being falling in 2nd house from 7th house responsible for feeding the marriage, the need or requirement for marriage – The sustain-er house, if 8th is having influence of beneficial planet,  it will sustain the partnerships and joint finances required for growing in mundane world but if malefic’s planets are present in 8th it will block or end the partnership with much suffering, realisation and pain).

It gives Direct challenges in personal and joint financial life, 8th being in 7th from 2nd house (the food of Business).

Malefic’s Being fallen in 8th (Sufferings to the body and intelligence ) from Lagana it affects the longevity of the native and legacy, being a house of 8th and 2nd from 7th, 5th from 4th – inheritance is seen from the 8th house.

Most important it is seen for long lasting chronic health issues pending due to unknown causes but in actual reality true real sense and acute health issues seen from the the 6th house.

Being fallen in 11th from 10th house it gives breaks in career and at the same time shows new beginning or new journey of the career of native as seen from the 8th house. being a house of secret unknown hidden truth it could give unknown destiny to the native and can totally changes the path of career of native.

One must be aware in the dasha of the 8th house Planet/lord Antardasha period for any sudden change in the career path.

4 Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1


Spiritual and Astrological Significance of 8th House

In General, The Eighth House is known for the house of “ Deeper Life Transformations, unknown and hidden Obstacles & Longevity related issues those can falls in after Marriage and in personal life”.

8th being a house of the moksha trikona house indicates a house of higher awakening, spiritual learning and self realisation for purification of the inner self and soul. If 8th house is well disposed and beneficially placed and is strong it usually indicates healthy mind, body and soul and one can easily overcome life challenges that comes in life, and related to longevity.

If 8th house is malefically disposed or afflicted by strong malefic planets than it can shows karmic backlogs of past births with intent of having deep grudges and revengeful behavior. One must not stick to these deep hidden revengeful thoughts if the soul is wanted to transform in true reality of higher conscious. Being Karka of something hidden, deep and secretive in nature as what we learns form scorpio signs , it shows hidden activity related to 8th house , as it falls in 2nd from 7th (Marriage partnerships) it shows hidden sexual activities, depending on the nature of sign, planets and state (Beneficial and malefic) it shows the sexual orientation in marriage or in relationships. If it is beneficial native might has soft orientation wrt to Sexuality but same time it is having malefic planets native might have rough and wild sexual orientation wrt to Sexual acts.

Meanwhile these sexual deviancy also helps in rising of one’s kundalini shakti after realising the true essence of Yogi.In Sexual tantras this house has major role for understanding or transforming into yog Marg.At the same time if 7th house shows what you are seeking in close relationships between partnerships – love (Moon in 7th),  Romance or libido (Venus in 7th) , 8th house shows how you manage your sexuality and how sexually you are and what sort of sexual act you follows in bonding.Malefic can shows imbalance in sexual orientation and beneficial shows native of highest order of spiritual moral and follow the same path. People of highest order of spiritual path usually follows strong penance or Tapa Yoga by controlling their sexual energy into highest order of spirituality, that’s why it leads to Moksha and falls under Moksha trikona sthan – being falling in 5th from 4th (Skills required in Moksha or bhakti marg).

For siddha purushas this is the house of Kundali Awakening to reach into highest order of Subconscious mind and its stability and how you went through it – balance it or suffering via it which can results to psychological issues , everything depends on the strength of the 8th house and its lord in d1 and d60 chart. that’s the reason those having strong 8th house have deep hidden talents wrt to occult sciences and blessed with highest order of deep intuitions and psychic abilities.

People falls in these types of categories are well versed in seeing futures those related with deaths and mysteries, can see futuristic dreams those related with Something bad future events or related to destructive points wrt to personal relations or might be related to mundane worlds too.

In many of cases people develops deep interest in decoding deep and hidden meanings of interpreting weird and hidden dreams signals. it has been seen many people have abilities to speaks with dead souls too.

Being a house of legacy, it is also shows of corruptions, scandals and negative traits regarding unethical monetary gains via lottery and scandalous money. Being the house of deep secrets and root of Kundalini, it shows hidden mysteries and energy level of Mool dhara chakra we have in our body and any imbalance in 8th house energy can leads to imbalanced root chakra and disturbed Mental and financial life.

Longevity and 8th house ( verses from rest of the Classics and Bphs) :

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Sage Parashara in BPHS has clearly said that the Balarishta and rest of longevity matters should be seen from 8th house, as this house is primarily seen for the longevity matters. Whereas 8th lord shows the over longevity of the native.  Placement of 8th lord in Kendras or Trikonas bhavas shows Long life and in trik bhavas or with affliction from nodes shows issues of  health and long life.


SC 1 Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1

Same way there has been A quote in “Sarvartha Chintamani” by “Vyankatesha Sharma Translated by J.N Bhasin” which states that :

SC 5 Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1

“If  the 10th lord is placed in friendly sign, own sign, exaltation signs, it confers long life.Similarly the location of the lords of the 10th, 1st and 8th house lords in Kendra Bhavas ensures long life.”

Reason is why 1st, 8th and 10th are so much important in understanding longevity  Because 3rd from these houses shows what is necessary to perform the duties required by that house. 3rd from Lagna shows Skills required to survive, 3rd from 8th shows Karama ( good and bad karma in society – 10th house) required to ensure longevity and 3rd from 10th shows Moksha, peaceful sleep (12th)

(By Visti Larsen  Jyotisha fundamentals)


Regarding placement of 8th lord


SC 2and3 Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1
8th and 1st lord
SC 4 Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1
Regarding Natural Malefic in 6th, 7th and 8th House
SC 10 Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1
Regarding 8th lord in 1st House 
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Quote from Jataka Parijata on 8th lord
JatakaParijata Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1

Same way Shastras has revealed about 7 types of Longevity  for any loka : 

0-8 Balarishta
9­-20 Yogarishta
21-32 Alpa
33-64 Madhya
65-120 Dirgha
121-1000 Divya
Infinity Amita

Below are the translations of 8th house as explained by Sage:

Quotes from BPHS Regarding Longevity  :
Shaloka1 Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1

” O excellent of the Brahmins, listen to me speak on the effects of 8th House. If 8ths Lord is in an angle, long life is indicated.”

“Meaning : It 8th lord is well placed in trines ( 1, 5 and 9th house it indicates long life)

Regarding Short Life : 

Shaloka2 Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1


” Should 8ths Lord join Lagnas Lord, or a malefic and be in 8th itself, the native will be short lived.”

Meaning : If 8th lord is connected with Lagnesh or any malefic and all are placed in 8th house then it is a yoga for short life. for e.g Leo Lagana – lagnesh sun (1st) is with Jupiter (8th) and Rahu (7th lord-Markesh) in 8th house that shows short life of the native.


Saturn and 10ths Lord about Longevity : 


3rdShaloka Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1

” Similarly consider Saturn and 10ths Lord in the matter of longevity. 10ths Lord is in 8th along with a malefic Planet and/or Lagnas Lord.

Regarding Long Life :
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 ” There will be long life, if 6ths Lord is in 12th, or, if 6ths Lord is in 6th, as 12ths Lord is in 12th, or, if 6ths Lord and 12ths Lord are in Lagna and 8th. If the Lords of 5th, 8th and 1st House are in own Navāmśaas, own Rāśis, or in friendly Rāśis, the native will enjoy a long span of life. Should the Lords of Lagna, 8th and 10th House and Saturn are all disposed severally in an angle, in a trine, or in 11th House, the subject will live long. Like these, there are many other Yogas, dealing with the issue of longevity. The strength and weakness of the Planets concerned be estimated in deciding longevity.”

Regarding Short Life : 
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” Ones span of life will be between 20 and 32 years, if Lagnas Lord is weak, while 8ths Lord is an angle. The native will only be short-lived, if 8ths Lord is in fall, while 8th House has a malefic in it and 1st House is bereft of strength. Death will be instant at birth, if 8th House, 8ths Lord and 12th House are all conjunct malefics. Malefics in angles and/or trines and benefics in 6th and/or 8th House, while 1st House has in it 8ths Lord in fall: this Yoga will cause immediate end. If 5th and 8th House and 8ths Lord are all conjunct malefics, the life span will be very brief. Within a month of birth, death will befall the child, if 8ths Lord is in 8th itself, while Moon is with malefics and be bereft of beneficial Aspect.”

Regarding Long Life :
LongLifeAgain Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1

 ” One will be long-lived, if Lagnas Lord is in exaltation, while Moon and Jupiter are, respectively, in 11th and 8th House. If Lagnas Lord is exceedingly strong and receives a Aspect from a benefic, which is placed in an angle, the person concerned will be wealthy, virtuous and long-lived.”

Quotes from Phala-Deepika Regarding Planets in 8th House
Regarding 6th and 8th house 
Phala Deepika Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1


Phala Deepika 2 Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1


Phala Deepika 3 Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1
Regarding Sun in  8th house and Death


Phala Deepika 4 Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1 
Regarding Rahu in  8th house and Death
Phala Deepika 5 Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1
Phala Deepika 6 Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1

This is all about,

Mystery of 8th House in Astrology Part 1 : Understanding Transformation, obstacles and longevity.

For 2nd part please click on continue button

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