Face off Divine Codes 4th Volume : Some Highlights from the fourth issue of divine codes magazine

21272817 894731300677909 2711515173644137570 o Face off Divine Codes 4th Volume : Some Highlights from the fourth issue of divine codes magazine

Coming Soon! The Divine codes 4th Edition. 


1-The secret vault of Lord Sri Padmanabhaswamy
Devaprashnam (When God’s speak), treasure & Chaitanya of God. The secret vault.
2-Where Nagas bless you.Kaalsarpa
(The curse and the Remedy)
3-Appendicitis in the light of astrology
4-The genetics of sapthamsa in astrology
5-Colors and Health
6-Astrology of murderers
7-U.S.A Eclipse and the Aftermaths
8- Your Problems and Solutions- Letter to the Editor
9. Book Review.

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“THE DIVINE CODES” journal is published by us for establishing scientific truth on the origination of different sacred subjects i.e Mundane world Events, Vedic Astrology, Earth Sacred Geometries, Vastu, Pyramid Science, Paranormal, Vedic Jyotish – Jamini , Spirituality, Yoga, Ayurveda, travelogue and Transcendental Meditation sciences.

The primordial being has encrypted many matters of life and Jyotish is a light that enlightens the path to unknown. The Divine Codes Journal is a free periodical with no time limits attached.

It is completely free and downloadable from the following links. The articles in the magazine are well researched and carry a well-balanced scientific approach.

Members can contribute their articles and research for the same. It will be published regularly and it will remain free forever. Each article from its contributing members will also carry a photo and bio of the respective author.

The authors will also get exposure through three websites, social media, and publishing archives.We welcome you to a voyage for love and peace.

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An Invitation to writers and authors for the Divine Codes 4th Edition

11088543 511937155623994 5588987580313700072 n An Invitation to writers and authors for the Divine Codes 4th Edition

Subjects: Spirituality, Jyotisa, nadi jyotisa, gems, travel related to temples or spiritual places, interesting interviews, Vastu, divine subjects, mundane astrology, palmistry, yoga, Ayurveda, naturopathy.

The fourth issue of our digital magazine “The Divine codes” is going to be published very soon. The forthcoming issues (Not this issue) will carry a paid subscription (Nominal amount) and the amount will be used to pay the writers.

Advertisements will be published as well. The current advertising rates are very less. You can email planet9.co@gmail.com for advertisements. The account statements of the non-profitable organization will remain a public record and will be published on open forums. Complete transparency will be maintained in all payments received and given.

Writers who can write on above-mentioned subjects can send their articles to planet9.co@gmail.com. There are certain amendments that will be seen in the coming issue:

1. The writers will have to complete their articles in three-four pages. This does not include photos.

2. The articles can be in Hindi as well as English.

3. Articles should carry a photograph and short bio of the writer. This will be published along with the article. 

4. Try to write short articles in a summarized form. 

5. The magazine will include articles on travels related to temples, mathas or spiritual places. This will include colored photographs and the spiritual aspects of the temple, the background history, and the traveling methods.

6. The magazine will include a question-answer session where anybody can ask questions and the panel of writers will answer the same. The question can be related to jyotisha, health, Vastu etc. Questions can be emailed to planet9.co@gmail.com and answers will be published in coming issue. Please send an email with subject “question”.
7. The previous issues of the magazine are free and can be downloaded from following locations.
Authors Can also send their article on below-mentioned link:
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What are true qualities of Astrologer: Thumb Rules for Astrologers, Are you really fall in category of serious and truthful Astrologers or not ?? Moral Ethics of a true astrologer

HYM04SANTHASAYS 1981263g What are true qualities of Astrologer: Thumb Rules for Astrologers, Are you really fall in category of serious and truthful Astrologers or not ?? Moral Ethics of a true astrologer
Image Source – Satheesh
Whether you are doing free consultancy or paid consultancy keep in mind below mentioned tip of the icebergs:

1) Why Indian astrological system is called divine its simply because of its revealing abilities of karmic sufferings known through chart shows Mapping of births and Karama, either you are going through currently or you had been in past.The purpose of Astrology is for understanding Karmas and their root reasons of sufferings. That’s it! Nothing new can work or no one can change it. Karma works based on debits and credits system of every birth.

2) Planets are what ? they are simply Representatives of Kaal Chakra System of the divine plan. they are itself following the protocols of the divine system to keep monitoring Karmas of every one of us. Neither they are allowed to change it or amend it by own rules. they have been allotted roles and responsibilities. they are working relatively according to your karmic Loads and energies you send in-universe plane.Every single Planet simply represents Image of your karma either it was done in past, in present or involves in your future karma. Every moment shown in the celestial sphere is parallelly working based on a divine plane relative to your Karam’s in Mortal world. This is mortal world and everyone here is either to suffer or realize actions of pasts. that’s it. If you had done good karmas you will enjoy your sanchit by taking birth in good families else you have to realize those guilt’s, sins, debts, and prarabhdas by material sufferings.None of such Material remedies will work, Don’t fool innocent people already been in suffering rather try to show them the path of truth and divinity. That’s the only purpose of Jyotish – Correcting current mistakes, Understanding past root sufferings and moving toward eternal truth.

3) When you are trying to look people charts you are simply opening the Karmic loads of others. either it has to be paid by you or paid by the seeker himself. the choice is yours – whether you want to play with those karmas or you himself want to suffer via those. Don’t try to do an intervention in Karmas of others by befooling them via Gems, Rudraksha’s, Lal Kitab totkas and by Highly chargeable amounts in returns of fixing karmas of others.This is a total gibberish act of fooling others. The question is can you really change the system of the divine by fixing karma’s of others ?? are you allotted this role or duty by divinity himself ???. This simply shows you are an intervening system of the divine by befooling them or taking loads of Karmas of others. This isn’t the purpose of Jyotish system – Its Meant for Understanding root reason of Sufferings and realizing same and moving ahead of others toward Divinity and Path of Truth and Bhakti. The soul can only free from its karmic burdens by Almighty only via his own karma that is going to do in current life, the astrologer has no such role in it. It’s the almighty Brahman or Omnipresent God who only can neutralize your Karmic loads of pasts by your own efforts or Bhakti and Tapa.Rest of acts are foolishness.

4) Karma’s are a daily part of the routine and when you open charts of seekers you are actually opening daily karmic burdens of Life of seekers overburdened by the Karmic loads of past, present, and future. It’s better you himself knew how to neutralize those karmic burdens. Be a Pathfinder or Path shower like a teacher or Spiritual guru. The duty of a teacher is to find out mistakes of current doing, Wrong karmas of past, telling them what’s your do’s and don’t do’s that you have to follow and ultimately show them a path toward the path of divinity and truth. Rahu is Maya (Things which are beyond understanding, means those are hidden under spiritual world) and the truth is Jupiter (What is true from eternity and what is being true to your duties) – first understand it. Jyotish is not material knowledge it is based on the Eternal truth of life, understand them these stuffs to seekers. Now truth is what – its purely a divine intervention who is managing the whole Kaal chakaras system. truth is Bhakti, Spirituality and taking Naam and Bhajnam to release your soul and body from Material sufferings. Motive of true jyotish is to showing path of truth and way to release a soul from material sufferings via Meditation, yogas, Spiritual practices, Motivational and inspirational words, realizing guilt’s and mistakes and moving toward Ishata Devta who only can neutralize your material sufferings.

5) Be a teacher rather than a Predictor and Pharmacist. Doctor role is guide and tell you what is truth. Doctor never hides falseness. it helps to deal with truth of diseases and how to overcome them via little change in your life style. So try to change lifestyle of seekers by suggestions and advises like a true mentor. Pharmacist only know how to give medicine for particular diseases but he don’t know why he is giving medicine for such proper diseases. He is beyond in understanding root reasons of sufferings via diseases. So try to become like Real doctor rather than a money minded chemist and pharmacist. Try to invoke Guru(Jupiter) and Intuition(Ketu) Tatva in your trikonas bhavas than you can able to lift burdens of others else you have to suffer on account of seekers karmic loads and burdens. Law of Karmas simply says any one has to pay back either the seeker has to pay own debits and sins of past or the one who is intervening( Astrologer) has to pay back those karmic loads of seekers. the choice is your what you want to become? A Guru or Sufferer. This is the only reason why most of the astrologers are overburdened by the Karmic sufferings of others without any reason.Because of the absence of Guru Tattva in their chart. My Simple suggestion is don’t try to mess with Karma systems of kaal chakaras. those are sufferings simply because of own prarabhda of past not by something done well in past. why you are intervening others Karmas. If you want to help first be a Guru, a true doctor than open loads of others.This applies to people who are freely seeing charts in Facebook and other such social medias.

6) Never suggests useless totaks or remedies which have no connection with spiritual realities. Shortcuts never work one has to work by own.One has to do his karma by own neither the pundit can do your karma neither any astrologer can neutralize your karma by doing remedies which have no divine connection. The whole divine system is working under the protocols of Almighty, a materialistic pundit can never change it via own will and wish. Best suggestion is Simply to ask Seekers to start worshiping, or bhakti of Ishta devtas by reciting mantras of ishta or Bhajnam or naaam or keertan etc, There are many ways which only a learned spiritual Guru can tell you. Rest of the remedies are told by materialistic astrologers are simply to be-fool seekers. Understand first how can simple totkas neutralize karmas ??. One has to pay back own karama no one can do your share. This is a divine system working based on Karmic energies of every birth. Planets are simply part of this Kaal chakara system.

With Thanks and Regards,
Rakesh Jamwal
pin What are true qualities of Astrologer: Thumb Rules for Astrologers, Are you really fall in category of serious and truthful Astrologers or not ?? Moral Ethics of a true astrologer

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