Law of universal energies: How Law of universal energies works with spiritual plane in universe based on law of Nicola tesla in terms of Frequencies, vibrations and energies

10403380 1111063232279943 5422955059764552813 n Law of universal energies: How Law of universal energies works with spiritual plane in universe based on law of Nicola tesla in terms of Frequencies, vibrations and energies

This Short article is for those who use science as an authenticating tool for validating non physical or Metaphysical phenomena of Sciences (i.e Jyotish, Meditation and mundane etc) as Mythological or Imaginary sciences.

Nikola Tesla said it best, “the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think it terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Science works best when in harmony with nature. If we put these two together, we can discover great technologies that can only come about when the consciousness of the planet is ready to embrace them, like free energy.

Now try to apply same principals in human body in terms of  Frequencies, vibrations and energies, If you want to understand how a physical body work in Physical plane or how you send positive or negative signals  to Universe.This is the way to understand it in simpler form. In Physical reality You are a living light body in Subtle Energy form or living in an Quantum Energy Form like many other Bodies,  you also vibrates certain amount of frequencies to universe and intensity of your actions or Karamas decides how much frequencies you send to universe. your Soul is Quantum energy living inside your Body, your body is form of an Atom attracts or pulls other atoms in your life.

1913628 1113927078660225 2504241461236257568 n Law of universal energies: How Law of universal energies works with spiritual plane in universe based on law of Nicola tesla in terms of Frequencies, vibrations and energies
Your Positive/Negative thoughts Sends Energy Signals in spiritual space plane, your moods, thoughts, actions and feelings generates certain subtle level of frequencies and vibrations those are keep travelling in spiritual plane. Your 7 chakaras Vibrates at certain amount of frequencies and releases energies in Universe. Your thoughts travels in Space plane in energy form and invite Negative and Positive Entities/People or energies in your life.

So watch your actions and thoughts.

In Short, Your Body = Atom, Your Soul = Subtle Light Energy or Quantum Energy, Karma = Frequencies you Generate and Thoughts = Energies you send and Chakara = Vibrations.

pin Law of universal energies: How Law of universal energies works with spiritual plane in universe based on law of Nicola tesla in terms of Frequencies, vibrations and energies

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