Astrological Case study of Oprah Winfrey via Char dasha

oprah 2 Astrological Case study of Oprah Winfrey via Char dasha

In last articles of char dasha, I have used char dasha as taught by K.N.Rao in first article in the series, Char dasha of Irangnati Rangacharya on female horoscope in second article in the series and Char dasha of Irangnati Rangacharya on male horoscope in Third article in this series, now in this fourth article in this series. We will use Char Dasha as it is found in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra. Some people says Jaimini was disciple of son of parashara hence their teachings are same but Parashara have wrote in Shloka format that is easy to understand as compared to the sutra style of writing opted by Jaimini. We will not go into the debate of who was ancient and who was not. Rather that that we will apply what we can find in BPHS in chart of Mrs. Oprah Winfrey and will see the results along with Vimshottari dasha. Why I am also using Vimshottari Dasha is because any event have to be seen by at least 2 dasha so that astrologer can be sure of the prediction he is making or going to make and the second things is as Char Dasha is a rashi dasha changes are not that much clearly shown in dasha periods when events happens in interval of small time so for that reason I always recommend use of Vimshottari dasha along with any dasha of your likelihood. After all Vimshottari dasha is the king above all.


Direct or Reverse
– based on the sign in 9th house we have to decide order of dasha weather zodiacal or anti-zodiacal. Is in 9th house be Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius dasha will run in direct order and if remaining signs are in 9th house from ascendant dasha will run in anti-zodiacal direction.

Dasha years – count from dasha sign to sign lord based on oddity of sign (not of 9th house but of sign) so for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius count direct from sign to lord and for remaining sign reverse from sign to lord. Then divide it by one for example if lord be in 9th house then 9 – 1 = 8 years will be dasha years. If lord is debilitated subtract one more year and if exalted add one year, if lord is in the same sign give it 12 years. (in case if Jupiter is debilitated and we are counting dasha years for Sagittarius then he will get 0 years and in second cycle that will start after completing of all signs that can very per chart the dasha of Sagittarius will have full 12 years, for dasha years of other signs subtract the year given to sign in first cycle by 12 and the remaining will be dasha years in second cycle) No dasha can exceed 12 years so Mercury is Virgo for Virgo dasha will be 12 years only.

Exception – sign Aquarius have two Lord Saturn and Rahu and Scorpio Mars and Ketu, for calculation of periods of these signs take both the lords into consideration. Using the rules given below 

1. If one of the lord is in sign take another

2. If both are somewhere else together count till that sign minus one

3. If both are at different places count till the one who is more powerful (use jaimini strength here – Explained in earlier articles in this series)

Keeping the calculations in brief now let we go to chart analysis

Oprah Winfrey | 29th January 1954 | 04:30AM | Kosciusko, Mississippi | 33N03/89W35

OW Astrological Case study of Oprah Winfrey via Char dasha

We are taking vimshottari dasha from moon, because ascendant is weak due to ascendant lord being placed in 6th house and ascendant aspected by Saturn whereas Moon is in Scorpio with sign lord mars and aspected by Jupiter. Hence is quiet much strong also Ascendant have 31 SAV points as compared to the sign moon is placed in that have 35 SAV points, so we will initiate Vimshottari Dasha from moon.

General Chart Reading –
I was about to change her D9 ascendant watching her complexion but due to Desh, Kala, Patra and aspect of Saturn on D1 ascendant haven’t changed that.

Talk Show Host, Actress, Business Executive – lord of 10th house from ascendant is mercury that is in 4th house in D9 with Jupiter in the sign of sun that in D9 is in ascendant with Venus, Mercury in D9 is aspected by Saturn. In D1 10th lord is in 2nd house with Sun (Powerful personality) Venus and Mercury himself Media and Rahu (Modern communication) in her D10 moon is in 9th house thus she is self employed. Her 10th house in D10 is aspected by Mercury the Mimic and 10th lord by Rahu modern communication. He also signifies acting as he acted like god in churning of the ocean scene. D10 ascendant having sun and Venus shows her profession and her status in that and ascendant lord of D10 in 2nd house shows her income and money through profession.

She was featured in list of billionaires in “Forbes” magazine (2003) – In her Kashinath Hora Chart. Her ascendant lord of D2 is in 8th house showing money after hard-work and struggle. But there he is also 11th from 10th house showing hard-work never goes in vein. 2nd house lord of her D1 “Karyesh” Saturn is in 3rd house in her D2 being malefic planet he is good in 3rd house in Taurus sign a friendly sign he is very good therein. That Saturn is also over her AL in D2 showing hard-work and money is related to her Status in society, 2nd lord of her D2 is in 2nd house itself, with 5th lord moon making powerful Dhan yoga, that mars is also 9th lord in D2 showing luck and fortune supporting her monetary side of life. In Her D2 she has Chandra-Mangal Yoga good for monetary benefit. Gaja Kesri yoga good name and fame due to this but in bad axis of 2nd and 8th house shows struggle but as it is in 2nd house its fructification was in earlier part of life. But due to Jupiter that is also D2 lord it was not visible till 2nd part of life. In her D2 she also has so many Raajyogas and other powerful Yogas and Vipreet yoga too showing her rise and fortunes. From her AL in D2 2nd lord is in 10th house with AL lord Venus and 4th lord Sun again showing her financial condition, in her Rashi chart 2nd lord is in 11th house and 11th lord in 2nd house aspected by ascendant lord Jupiter in her 2nd house of D1 chart there is combination between 11th 6th 5th 10th 7th 3rd lord showing her rise in financial condition after marriage, hard-work, with luck and blessings.

Raped at 9 (1963) and 5 subsequent years of sexual abuse (1963-1968)

Vimshottari Dasha – Mercury/Mercury – Mercury is her 7th and 10th lord, 7th house is seen for sexual activities along with 8th 12th and 3rd house. In her D30 mercury is 8th lord and also depositor of Moon that is 8th lord in her D1. Mercury in D30 is aspected by mars and Rahu that is also bad and as 4th house in female chart shows her virginity malefic present there in D30 is indicated at some bad events related to virginity. In her 8th house in D1 Ketu is there aspected by Saturn that is bad.

Char Dasha – Scorpio/Taurus – Scorpio is her 12th house of sex with Mars that is GK bad event (significator of 6th and 8th house) with AmK showing very bad event that was going to happen. Taurus is her 6th house with MK significator of 4th house that can also signify her virginity. That is also afflicted there due to aspect of Saturn, Rahu, Sun and Ketu and also in Dasha sign a malefic mars is present showing bad event.

Subsequent 5 years of sexual abuse (1963-1968)

Char Dasha – the whole event continued till Scorpio dasha about which we have seen clarification in last paragraph. It is also aspected by Sun, Rahu, and Ketu and has Mars in that sign too much malefic influence. Mars in Graha Chakra (GC) signifies 4th house of virginity and Moon 5th house significator in Graha Chakra, (it is evident to note here that due to this abuse she became pregnant at age 14 and the child died after 2 weeks from complications of being born 2 months premature) Mars and Moon in female horoscopy signify her menstruation cycles and pregnancy as well. See Moon is also debilitated here signifying death of the child. If we see her D7 where a female sign is rising so if we take 9th house of first child and see then we will find 9th lord Mercury is in ascendant in Capricorn with Saturn ascendant lord being in Dig bala and ascendant lord he does show children but being with Ketu (in Rahu Ketu Axis he shows death too) and as the Rahu Ketu axis is in 1-7 axis it is significant to note that astrodatabank doesn’t show information about his progeny from marriage. If you search on Google regarding this answer in the very first result will be “her interview with a report in which she said” “If I had kids, my kids would hate me,” the mogul told The Hollywood Reporter. “They would have ended up on the equivalent of the Oprah show talking about me; because something (in my life) would have had to suffer and it would’ve probably been them.” Readers can see how beautifully Vedic astrology shows this with one of the main tools of Vedic astrology known as divisional charts.

In 1968 when her child was born it was Libra MD which is 10th house in her D7 2nd marak from 9th house of first children. In D1 Libra is 11th house 7th from 5th marak. Having Saturn that is DK that shows death and in GC he is significator of 3rd house marak for 2nd house of children i.e. 9th house. The sign Libra is aspected by Jupiter that is significator of children in bad house 6th aspected By Mars debilitated Moon and Rahu. That is also MK that took the bliss of being mother from her. Her 5th lord is also afflicted by being in 12th house from ascendant and 8th house from 5th house. PK Venus in 2nd house is afflicted due to Sun and Rahu and Mercury too that is malefic due to company of Sun and Rahu that Venus is also defeated in planetary war with Sun.

Vimshottari dasha – suffering continued till half of his mercury dasha that we have already seen mercury is also depositor of her A5. Those is also further afflicted there and remember he is Badhak that is there with 6th lord, and Rahu showing too much badha in his period, showing bad events in his period, showing suffering in his period.

In 1968 it can be Sun AD or Moon AD but as we have seen moon already afflicted too much with 5th lord and 5th karak we can safely say it have to be AD of moon only to time the event.

Won 2 beauty titles, when she was in college now see Venus and Sun placed in Taurus in her D9 ascendant.

By Age 19 became a CBS news journalist

Char Dasha –
Virgo/Taurus-Aquarius – we can see Virgo is her 10th house the event is clear. Taurus and Aquarius are two contenders for Antardasha as we don’t know the exact date there is a tussle between them but as Taurus is 6th house having ascendant lord it wins for the position and we can say it should have happened that time only. But as Aquarius is her D10 ascendant it can also be there.

Vimshottari Dasha- Mercury/Rahu – Mercury is her 10th lord in D1 and aspecting 10th house in D10 and Rahu is in 2nd house inD1 with 10th lord also aspecting 10th house in D1 as well as in D10 using his 3rd aspect (I do use 3rd 5th 9th 11th aspect for Rahu and no aspect for Ketu 3rd and 11th from Rahu will be 5th and 9th of Ketu)

She left college
– in Her D24 9th lord of college education is debilitated in 3rd house bad house and 9th house is aspected by Rahu as well as Jupiter that too is debilitated both the significator of education as well as wisdom is debilitated but Jupiter being dikbali and in Kendra is powerful as compared to mercury to show that she has real wisdom and also monetary gains, after leaving college she was earning $15,000 per year.

“People are taking” T.V. Show she did in 1977

Char Dasha – Virgo/Cancer-Aries – Virgo dasha is the same 10th house in D1 chart showing profession/career/work. As Ketu in GC is significator of 2nd and 11th house money houses is in Cancer as compared to Aries that is in 8th from 10th house in D1 Cancer AD looks stronger to provide this career to her. In D10 that cancer is 6th house as compared to Aries that is 3rd house 6th from 10th he looks more favorable to give her a debut show.

Vimshottari dasha – Mercury/Saturn – mercury we have seen is 10th lord in D1 and in D10 is aspecting 10th house in D1 Saturn is depositor of 10th lord mercury and is in 11th house showing gains that she had due to change in career. In D10 Saturn is in 2nd house of wealth, aspecting 11th house of income, and id lord of D10 ascendant and is with Ketu co-lord of 10th house of D10. Readers should remember that as 2nd and 11th houses shows money so they also becomes important for profession along with 6th house of service, 7th house of business, and 10th house of profession. 

Started dating “Stedman Graham” in May 1986

Before that she had unsatisfactory love relationships of short periods. We have already seen conditions of her 5th house and 5th lord along with of Venus that shows love, physical attraction, and desire to marry. But as he was her future husband we have to see 9th house whose lord is in 2nd house 6th from 9th house means improvement needed but he is also in Raajyogas and is powerful due to being winner in planetary war. In D9 we can see he is powerful due to him being in Taurus with Venus. See her 7th house lord is mercury that is in 2nd house 8th from 7th in D1 but the same mercury in D9 is with Jupiter that shows husband in female chart in 4th house showing good relationship. 7th house doesn’t have any aspect of planet in D1 not graha aspect neither rashi aspect. Readers should remember that sages haven’t admired any planet in 7th house and its best to have empty 7th house for good marital life. As we can see A5 and A9 both are in her 7th house showing all her fortune in her 7th house. And A7 in 9th house this exchange between Arudh of 9th and 7th houses shows rise in her luck after marriage. In her D9 Rahu is in MKS in 9th house but 9th lord is in his house in 10th house. 7th house is also aspected by 9th and 10th lord Saturn again showing rise in luck as well as professional advancement after marriage. It is also aspected by Sun the 4th lord showing peace in marital life and Venus ascendant and 6th lord of D9Venus being in his own house is giving effect of ascendant not of 6th house that is he have given he should have ended it in divorce. 7th lord of D9 is in 3rd house being a malefic is good there; he is also in 9th from 7th house good. Is having Neech bhang from 2 methods shows gradual progress after marriage. What about affliction that is also there on 7th house due to that they didn’t have had fortune or fruits of marriage that is progeny. One more important that have to be noticed here is that they got engaged to be married in November 1992 but the ceremony never took place.

Char Dasha – Cancer/Scorpio – cancer is her 8th house of sex (dating!!) with Ketu that shows 11th house of friend circle and dating 7th from 5th in GC and is also co-depositor of moon that is in 12th house love is always mental so is attraction. It is aspected by Mars (DK) Moon (Mind/Romance) Jupiter (significator of husband) but moon is also GK obstacle in marriage in that dasha. Scorpio is the 12th house that we have seen in between the lines so no further clarifications are being given.

Vimshottari dasha – Venus/Venus/Sun – Venus is PK significator of 5th house that shows romance/love and also he is natural significator of these things too. Sun are lord of 5th from 5th in 2nd house and also depositor of A7 showing that husband has come to her life?

She made an international debut on “the Oprah Winfrey show” on 8th September 1986

This was the show that activated Raajyoga for her. We already have see Dhan Yogas in her chart.

Char Dasha – Cancer/Scorpio/Cancer/Aquarius/Capricorn

Cancer as we have seen has Ketu in it that signifies 2nd and 11th house in GC. Cancer is aspected by AmK profession DK money and GK that shows 6th house of profession. It have Shree Lagna in it that is position of Lakshmi in horoscope along with Ghatika Lagna that shows power to the native (the show was on her own name) cancer is also aspected by HL showing wealth and A10 showing her work/profession. Scorpio is where DK is placed in that shows business/self-employment. Scorpio is also aspected by 11th lord Venus and 2nd house of Money. Mars signifies 4th and Moon 5th house in GC making Raajyoga. Aquarius is 3rd house having aspect of 2nd lord Saturn from 11th house of income, aspect of A2, and also aspected by SL and GL. Capricorn is the 2nd house itself of money having 11th lord Venus 9th lord Sun 7th and 10th lord mercury in it showing manifestation of all these things. It is further aspected by A7 and A10 showing self-employed profession or business. And also aspected by AmK Jupiter that shows profession.

Vimshottari Dasha – Venus/Venus/Moon/Sun/Jupiter –
Venus is 11th lord in 2nd house making Dhan yoga. He is also depositor of Lagna lord Jupiter showing fortune. Moon is 4th lord in 12th house afflicted making Vipreet Raajyoga showing her rise after hardship. Also moon is lord of GL over HL making it a Raajyoga showing fructification of Power as well as wealth in his period he is also lord of SL. Sun is 9th lord of luck in 2nd house along with 11th lord and 10th lord 7th lord 6th lord making powerful Raajyoga as well as Dhan Yoga. In the end Jupiter lord of 1st and 4th house comes 1st house is very vital without it being strong a person can’t achieve anything. He is in 6th house aspecting 11th lord 2nd house and 10th house and being aspected by lord of GL, SL, and 5th lord making Raajyoga as well as Dhan yoga. This is a very powerful time as we can see that have activated Raajyoga and Dhan yoga both for her at the same time and as its result she was into Forbes list of billionaires as well as she became a powerful personality. By 1999 this activation brought her fortune of $415 Million.

Engaged to “Graham “on October/November 1992

Char Dasha – Gemini/Virgo – Gemini is her 7th house that shows marriage. Virgo is her 10th house aspected by 7th house as well as UL. The event is very much clear.

Vimshottari Dasha – Venus/Mars-Rahu – Venus in D1 is with her 7th lord and in D9 ascendant he is in his house aspecting 7th house Mars is 7th lord in D9 and in D1 is aspecting 7th house and Rahu in D1 is also with 7th lord mercury and in D9 is in 9th house the main house. Both are equally strong both can give her marriage but why they never married although being engaged.

Her UL is in Pisces 5th there from is Ketu denying children. Lord of UL is in 6th house aspected by Mars and debilitated moon along with Rahu. In D10 he is in 4th house aspected by Saturn, lord of 2nd house from UL is in 12th house in D1 and 3rd house in D9 with Ketu showing de-attachment and with debilitated moon in D1 showing no marriage. Mars that is malefic and debilitated moon that is malefic aspects 2nd from UL. Does this show no marriage (no!!) Jupiter lord of UL in quadrant to D9 ascendant shows marriage/physical relationship but 2nd from UL that shows nourishment to him this much afflicted and his lord also afflicted in D9 shows No and the middle way is the result. Natural relationship between AK Mercury and DK Mars is not that much good (as well as temporal) to give him a desire for marriage that is important when AK and DK is in 3-11 to each other. As per desire is concerned we can also see her Tithi Lord moon in 12th house a bad house where he also makes Balarishta debilitated shows disappointments and in watery sign that shows due to being hurt in the relationship she took the hard decision.

Sued by “Texas cattlemen” trial date 20 January 1998

Char Dasha – Gemini/Leo/Gemini/Leo/Libra – Gemini is 7th house of badha, Leo is 9th house aspected by Badhkesh as well as Sun, Saturn, Rahu showing problems that she faced. Leo also has Pada of A7 badha. (Was it also the reason behind her marital life problem?) Libra is the 11th house where depositor of badhkesh as well as significator of 6th house in Natural zodiac and 3rd house in GC Saturn is placed in.

Vimshottari dasha – Venus/Jupiter/Mars/Mercury/Moon- Venus is 6th lord with badhkesh, Jupiter is in 6th house, Mars is aspecting 6th house Mercury is badhkesh with 6th lord and moon in the end is aspecting 6th house being debilitated himself.

Great fame due to being on “Forbes” list of billionaires on 27 February 2003

Char Dasha – Taurus/Taurus/Gemini/Capricorn/Virgo – Taurus is 6th house where AmK is placed in that in GC signifies 1st and 10th house 1st house is for fame that she got due to money that Jupiter naturally signifies. Gemini is the 7th house of public and his lord is in 2nd house with 11th lord, Capricorn is 2nd house where all Jaimini as well as Parashara raajyogas are forming it is also aspected by HL Virgo is her 10th house and almost all application of Gemini will apply to that keeping in mind that 10th house signifies fame.

Vimshottari dasha – Venus/Mercury/Mars/Jupiter/Rahu
– Venus is lord of AL showing fame, Mercury is lord of 7th house public and 10th house name and fame. Mars is 5th and 12th lord in 12th house showing fame because he is with Moon that shows Fame because he is Karaka of AL. Jupiter is ascendant lord of self aspecting 10th house of fame and also lord of AL as well as 7th and 10th. Rahu is with lord of AL 7th and 10th house aspecting 10th house as well as ascendant lord that show the native self.

Opened school in South Africa on 2 January 2007

Char Dasha – Taurus/Aries/Leo/Cancer/Libra – Taurus is the 6th house where teacher Jupiter is placed in. Aries is 5th house of education, Leo is 9th house of fortune as well as secondary education, and Cancer is 4th house having Ketu that in GC shows 2nd and 11th house and Libra 11th house showing gains as well as having AL improvement in image and status in society.

Vimshottari dasha – Sun/Rahu/Jupiter/Saturn/Mars – Sun being 9th lord shows schools, Rahu co-lord of 3rd house shows schools too as 3rd is Upadesha showing preaching’s will be given to that place. Jupiter signifies teachers in this chart he is also lord of 4th house that shows institutions as well as home, homeland, Saturn is aspecting ascendant the self, 5th house of education, and lord of 3rd house of Upadesha and 2nd house of finance in 2nd house of gains (basically what I am indicating here is expenditure of money in making school for improvement of AL over which Saturn is that shows image and for making money 2nd and 11th combined can show investor) mars as 5th lord aspecting 3rd and 7th house finalizes the event as making of something where Upadesha 3rd house will be given for 7th house public.

In this article we can see justifying events was very easy. (It can also be my inability) to use other systems properly. But readers can see how like butter everything is justified. People say BPHS is not in complete form is adulterated in which I can only say first read and understand all what is available then search for remaining parts we are not even able to understand even 5% of BPHS. Adulteration on that I can only say our mind can be corrupted but the writing of sage can never be as pointed out in last article in the series for answering the quest the best answer is own research. That we all must do. In the next and last article with one another chart I will use all the 3 variation of Char dasha and will try to find out what is working and what is not. But we should once again remember it is their research and for our growth we have to do our.

Vedic astrology is a vast science the deeper you go the more you will be benefitted. Reading and thinking over classics is the key that can give you pearls of this science.

Om Tat Sat
Shubham Alock

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Astrological Case Study of Pratyusha Banerjee suicide death mystery via conditional Dashas

pratyusha 759 Astrological Case Study of Pratyusha Banerjee suicide death mystery via conditional Dashas

She was a bright rising star, With dreams into her eyes, But what lead her to this wrong decision at such a young age of 24!!.

Love in modern times in 21st century is a blessing but at the same time a bane too.

Not commenting one someone but talking on general, before loving anyone else we should love ourselves, our life, our dignity, our respect. Only then we will be able to love anyone else. My heart cries when I see people killing themselves for love, love is to give you happiness. If it doesn’t gives then find someone else to love and the main things why love gives misery is we love wrong people. Rather than loving ourselves and god we love mortal people. I am not of the opinion that loving mortal people is bad, no its not but first love own self, love god then love mortal people and make sure “love have to be love never let it be lust or attachment”.

It was shocking for me to watch on T.V. that one of the brightest T.V. Serial actor Pratyusha Banarjee committed suicide by hanging herself on 1st April 2016. Let we see her horoscope and try to find out something using astrology

Note – analysis is only for educational purposes only.

Her birth details as I have been able to get is.

PB Astrological Case Study of Pratyusha Banerjee suicide death mystery via conditional Dashas
10th August 1991, 04:20, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India. 

In her chart there is planetary war between mercury and Venus. 3 retrograde planets, Venus, Mercury and Saturn. Mars, Saturn, Ketu, Lagna in Pushkar Amsha. Jupiter combust (maybe this was the reason she lacked the decisive qualities of Jupiter and took the wrong step) Moon in Mrityu Bhag. For this reason despite of moon being in ascendant I have taken Lagna degrees as starting point for vimshottari dasha and have used 7/8 mixed char karakas as said and advised by parashara under which due to being in planetary war mercury loses his signification of being char karaka, and thus Rahu becomes DK.

Her birth time have been further rectified by me to be 04:19:15 AM

Birth Time Rectification – Using 3 methods first of Pranpada that says for human birth Pranpada in D9 have to be in trine or in 7th house here In this case it is in 7th house. Second method says for female birth ascendant in D108 have to be female sign and vice-versa for male birth adjusting her Pranpada to be in 7th house from moon in D9 we get Taurus as D108 ascendant and as she was a female actress here it also becomes Correct. Now for checking let we see her D60 ascendant and under which Amsha it comes. In D60 Amsha in her ascendant comes is “Vamsha-kshaya” Vamsha means lineage and Kshaya means the one who terminates, ends or stops. Here we can see she was only child of her parents and as she have committed suicide without being married and producing progeny it confirms her D60 Lagna with its Amsha to be correct too.

She had graduation in commerce –
her 9th lord Jupiter is in ascendant with sun and moon showing she had some sort of degree. With sun it shows good/big degree. However we will take 5th house as final education as 4th house if for primary education, 9th for bachelor level education 2nd house for masters level education and 7th house for PhD. Level education. 5th house have to be taken to see the end result or the main education under which native have taken degrees. Here we can see her 5th lord mars is in 2nd house with 2 powerful planets (because they are retrograde) mercury and Venus which shows her education into commerce and also as 5th house is aspected by Jupiter along with 9th house too it have to be something related to management into commerce. If we see her D24 there once again we can see Jupiter in 5th house and Mercury and Venus conjoined in 4th house also Venus is 4th and 9th lord and mercury is 5th lord in her D24 chart they being conjunct in 4th house shows her education into commerce and as it is in 4th house it was into her homeland (St. Xavier’s collage)

She was trained dancer and singer – her 2nd lord is in 1st house with ascendant lord moon and Venus the artistic planet is in her 2nd house along with benefic Mercury. Thus is gave her the talent of singing. As per dancing is concerned conjunction between 5th and 3rd lord. And both 3rd and 5th lord with Venus shows her dancing and singing abilities. (As we know Venus is artistic planet and mars shows movement along with Mercury Intellect)

Although she was educated in commerce she took acting as her profession – in her D10 there are 3 planets in 7th house whereas only one in 6th house showing she will either be self-employed or in business rather than into normal job. As her 10th lord is with both, Mercury that is for commerce and Venus that is for films/media/T.V. the decisive factor here is Mercury and Venus is in planetary war in which Venus wins. Thus she chosen Media over commerce in other words Venus over Mercury.

At age 17 she did her first stage show named “Kalidas” – it was year 2008. She was running mercury-Venus/Sun we have already seen role of Mercury and Venus into signing and dancing sun being their depositor is in ascendant with ascendant lord another artistic planet moon. Also in the same year she did another stage show too.

Her career started in the year 2010 with “Balika vadhu” –
she was under Mercury-Moon at that time. Mercury as we can see in D1 is with 10th lord and the planet that signifies her profession Venus. In D10 mercury is ascendant lord in 7th house with 7th lord Jupiter and Venus (Significator of her profession) Moon is with 6th lord in D1 and also with depositor of Venus and Mercury. In d10 she is in Venusian sign Libra (also signifies glamour in 5th house Trine) with 3rd lord of communication Sun. In D10 moon is aspected by 11th lord of gains and 6th lord of work Mars.

In Kaalchakra Dasha It was Virgo dasha of 3rd house communication, jeeva sign is in 10th from Dasha sign showing some important happening related to 10th house. 3 planets in 11th and 3 in 12th from dasha sign shows she had gains in the dasha along with moving away from her homeland to Mumbai.

Under Char dasha of K.N.Rao it was dasha of 10th house Aries clearly showing the event. In Char Dasha of Irangati Rangacharya it was Dasha of 7th house Capricorn, where GK is situated that shows work and being 7th house it more clearly shows why it was coming into public (through Television) and why she have chosen self-employment rather than normal Job.

Under Narayan dasha of D10 it was Sagittarius dasha of 7th house which have 7th lord ascendant lord, 10th lord, and significator Venus.

She committed Suicide on 1st April 2016 – Taking jaimini rule of longevity. If we see:-

Lagna + Hora Lagna = Short Life

Lagna Lord + 8th lord = Long life

Lagna Lord + 8th lord (Using Vriddha Karika method of determining 8th house) = long life

Saturn + Moon = long life.

Parashara says for longevity see strength of ascendant lord, 10th lord and 8th lord here we can see ascendant lord is in Mrityu Bhag along with Sun and being of Amavasya only 3 degree difference with sun he is extremely weak. 10th lord is in 2nd house with 2 strong enemies. And 8th lord is in 7th house retrograde being aspected by Sun, combust Jupiter and weak ascendant lord moon. Saturn and mars both is in Pushkar Amsha but very weak ascendant lord made everything weak.

3rd from Arudh Lagna shows conditions surrounding death and Ketu there aspected by Rahu when they both are debilitated shows her death conditions, in her D30 both 6th and 8th lord of ascendant is in Maran Karak Sthan and ascendant lord of D30 is also in Maran Karak Sthan (if we take 4th for Mercury) aspected by Malefic, cruel, lethal mars. Also as 8th house of D30 is without any planet when we see 3rd house of her D30 there we see Jupiter into mysterious sign of Scorpio in MKS (Maran Karak Sthan). As her 3rd lord of ascendant as well as Ascendant lord of D30 is defeated in planetary war it shows so many things.

Vimshottari dasha – it was mercury dasha 3rd and 12th lord (3rd is 8th from 8th and 12th house is 3rd level Marak in 2nd house in Marak place defeated in planetary war, In D30 he is in MKS. (Parashara says when 6th house or 6th lord is afflicted then in that case even 6th lord or planets in 6th can also prove fatal) AD was of Jupiter who is 6th lord that is combust and aspected by Malefic and Powerful Retrograde Saturn. In D30 he is also in MKS at the same time he is also lord of 64th navamsha. PD was of moon afflicted and weak ascendant moon, moon is in MB (Mrityu Bhag) with Sun very weak due to less paksha bala and aspected by Strong (Retrograde) malefic Saturn. SD was of Saturn we have already seen how Saturn have been a true marak being lord of 7th and 8th in her chart and being in 7th house a marak house being retrograde powerful have afflicted her ascendant, ascendant lord and saving grace Jupiter thus when his SD came he along with being complete marak. Is also lord of 22nd Drekkana.

Kaal Chakra dasha – cancer MD. We have already seen cancer is afflicted due to his lord being weak, due to combust Jupiter and due to being aspected by Saturn. From cancer 1st and 8th lord is in mutual aspect showing the event. AD was of Pisces from where 3 planets is in 6th house 2 retrograde and one malefic mars we have already seen what parashara have said about 6th house and having 2 retrograde planets and one lethal mars he is sure malefic. From Deha sign MD sign was 7th marak and from jeeva sign AD sign was 2nd house once again marak. This confirms the event as well as shows why Parashara have said that Kaalchakra is king of all dasha system. As compared to Vimshottari which have 120 years period it have 3185 years period thus it is very sensitive to birth time error. But once birth time is correct it gives fantastic results (it is person experience of the author)

Yogini dasha –
being a Tantric Dasha and having round of only 36 years (some people expand it too) it is very useful to time events. For 2 reasons, 1st because it is a tantric dasha. Second because it has only 36 years span so it is good dasha to see events in those chart where longevity is short. Also it shows effects of Yogini over native (Yogini is a concept that readers can find into Indian philosophy. It effects our mind/intelligence) MD was of Rahu, Remember what have been told about 6th house by Parashara and see Rahu is in 6th house debilitated, 6th lord is also weak. AD lord mars is 10th lord one of the factors of longevity in parashara system it is in 2nd house a marak house with 2 enemies aspected by Rahu and in D9 too it is in 2nd house marak. PD was of Jupiter afflicted and weak 6th lord. That if we see using Prakriti chakra will become 8th sign for female sign cancer. SD was of Saturn Marak in Marak house. And PAD of Venus who is in 2nd house marak house being retrograde and defeating 3rd lord of longevity Mercury.

This chart also satisfies some applicability for conditional dasha as told by sage parashara and if you also apply them and see the event it will be clear, but as they are Falit dasha only thus author have not taken them to demonstrate the event.

Shool Dasha – MD was of Virgo trine to Rudra. That is also 3rd house of longevity and 6th house from AL. having Pranpada (the life force). Taurus MD once again sign is in trine to Rudra Having Gulika, and 2nd from AL. (marak house) Virgo PD explained under MD. Aquarius SD that is 8th house of the chart having A6 (Bandhan – she hanged herself to death) also in natural zodiac Aquarius is 11th house of badha. Libra PAD that is 7th from AL having A7 Pada of 7th house marak from ascendant.

Niryana Shool dasha – Scorpio MD sign that is in trine to Maheshwar, 8th from AL. Leo AD that have Brahma, and also marak from ascendant, Leo is also aspected by DK who shows death being significator of 7th house. PD was also Leo and SD was Scorpio already explained. PAD was Taurus who is in 2nd from AL, and having Gulika and aspected by DK.

Brahma Dasha – Sagittarius MD sign is in trine to Brahma, having debilitated Rahu and A8 showing death. Pisces AD who is in trine to Maheshwar (Brahma is the one who created life and Maheshwar is the one who destroys it. Thus when the journey is completed from Brahma to Maheshwar end comes) aspected by debilitated nodes and in 12th from AL. showing loss of Maya. And 7th from Pranpada (life force) Sagittarius was also in PD, and Pisces in SD as they have been explained earlier it is not being explained again. Aries PAD was also in trine to Brahma and it is having AL the Maya.

Event can also be checked using Sthir dasha, and navamsha dasha but I am not giving analysis using them in order to avoid repetition. As Mandook Dasha of K.N.Rao applies in the chat (it satisfies his condition of application which shows 4 planets have to be in quadrant to Lagna excepting Rahu and Ketu) here we have 4 planets.

Mandook Dasha – cancer MD. As cancer is ascendant has Raajyoga by conjunction of AK and AmK in the sign it is ruined by Sun being Maheshwar and A3 being posited there. AD was of Aries 10th house that is aspected by PK and 5th lord from ascendant again Raajyoga this clearly shows she was active into her profession till her death, she was active from 2010-2016. In all rashi dasha and Nakshatra dasha we can see marak dasha is running along with benefic money making and Raajyoga dasha too. However being aspected by DK (if we take method of K.N.Rao to calculate char karaka) and being in trine to Brahma it was proved fatal. PD was Gemini where debilitated nodes aspects/sits and also it is aspected by DK (if we take what parashara have suggested in calculation of char karakas – I do support calculation given by parashara and jaimini too that is the same) it is also 12th from ascendant and 3rd from AL house of longevity and 3rd house of marak. SD was Capricorn that is 7th house itself. PAD was Taurus 2nd house from AL.

Mool dasha – Sun MD who is 2nd lord in Ascendant afflicting ascendant lord as well as Saturn. Also he is doing karak bhav nasay and afflicting life. AD was of moon that is in a curse also he is afflicted by being with sun, aspected by Saturn and hasn’t been saved by Jupiter because he himself is combust. Saturn PD who is marak lord of 7th and 8th in marak house 7th aspected by sun and afflicting ascendant and ascendant lord Moon. Once again in SD it was Moon we have already seen moon and in PAD it was Rahu (remember what parashara have said about 6th house)

As Mool dasha shows Root of events –
Past karmas let we see it in D60. Sun is in 5th house of Punya in paap Kartari. Being 8th lord in 5th he is not good and also shows some bad karma. With 12th and 3rd lord he also loses his power to do well and indicates bad karmas. Moon being 7th lord in ascendant and depositor of moon in 6th house it also shows some problems. Also it shows something related to 7th house matter was the reason for her birth (see the cause of her wrong decision and you can guess what I want to say) Saturn being ascendant lord in 6th is sure bad also as he is 2nd lord and depositor of Rahu he becomes more evil and as Mercury depositor of Saturn and 6th house lord is in 8th house afflicted with Ketu and aspected by Saturn. Once again remember saying of parashara about 6th house. Also in 6th house in D60 there is Gulika along with Saturn this once again shows importance of PD lord in Vimshottari and its variations (loosely Nakshatra Dasha’s) along with the accuracy of words of parashara (that also shows even if we have BPHS in adulterated form it is enough to enlighten and guide us).

Sudarshan Chakra dasha – in this dasha take starting time of MD and cast a transit chart known as dasha Pravesh Chakra of that time and make the MD sign as ascendant and see the results here when we make it we see. Cancer rising with debilitated mars and 2nd lord sun in ascendant. Mars also here afflicts 8th and 7th house by his bad aspect and being with sun and Saturn in 5th house combined influence of Saturn, sun, mars on 7th house doesn’t arguer well for 7th house. 7th house also have A8 and there is 3 planets Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in 2nd marak house. Moon in 12th house from ascendant shows balarishta, and also as it is ascendant lord his importance is increased and being in 12th from sun he is also paksha bala less. 2nd house is also aspected by malefic aspect of Saturn.

Tithi Pravesh Chart – day lord Venus is in 8th house with Sun, Mars, and Moon 3 malefic. Thus it makes day lord as well as 8th house weak and day lord being weak shows body will lack power, health, and courage. Moon is here once again Paksha bala less along with being in MKS. As moon is also 8th lord here 8th house, 8th lord, day lord all are afflicted. In D9 of Tithi Pravesh chart there is strong Shakat yoga between 1st and 7th house axis showing her life was in Shakat (upheavals) and why she did took that wrong decision.

See her chart, cast it using details provided above and you will see fantastic yoga’s in her chart. But a deeper analysis also reveals what she faced. What she was facing. And why her mind took that decision that is very bad for soul as well as his growth. There are so many points that I haven’t discussed. But have been left for readers to see.

In the end I will only say “winner is the one who fall 7 times and still stand up 8th time and say once more”

With thanks and Regards,


Shubham Alock

pin Astrological Case Study of Pratyusha Banerjee suicide death mystery via conditional Dashas

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