Face off Divine Codes 4th Volume : Some Highlights from the fourth issue of divine codes magazine

21272817 894731300677909 2711515173644137570 o Face off Divine Codes 4th Volume : Some Highlights from the fourth issue of divine codes magazine

Coming Soon! The Divine codes 4th Edition. 


1-The secret vault of Lord Sri Padmanabhaswamy
Devaprashnam (When God’s speak), treasure & Chaitanya of God. The secret vault.
2-Where Nagas bless you.Kaalsarpa
(The curse and the Remedy)
3-Appendicitis in the light of astrology
4-The genetics of sapthamsa in astrology
5-Colors and Health
6-Astrology of murderers
7-U.S.A Eclipse and the Aftermaths
8- Your Problems and Solutions- Letter to the Editor
9. Book Review.

11088543 511937155623994 5588987580313700072 n28129 Face off Divine Codes 4th Volume : Some Highlights from the fourth issue of divine codes magazine

“THE DIVINE CODES” journal is published by us for establishing scientific truth on the origination of different sacred subjects i.e Mundane world Events, Vedic Astrology, Earth Sacred Geometries, Vastu, Pyramid Science, Paranormal, Vedic Jyotish – Jamini , Spirituality, Yoga, Ayurveda, travelogue and Transcendental Meditation sciences.

The primordial being has encrypted many matters of life and Jyotish is a light that enlightens the path to unknown. The Divine Codes Journal is a free periodical with no time limits attached.

It is completely free and downloadable from the following links. The articles in the magazine are well researched and carry a well-balanced scientific approach.

Members can contribute their articles and research for the same. It will be published regularly and it will remain free forever. Each article from its contributing members will also carry a photo and bio of the respective author.

The authors will also get exposure through three websites, social media, and publishing archives.We welcome you to a voyage for love and peace.

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An Invitation to writers and authors for the Divine Codes 4th Edition

11088543 511937155623994 5588987580313700072 n An Invitation to writers and authors for the Divine Codes 4th Edition

Subjects: Spirituality, Jyotisa, nadi jyotisa, gems, travel related to temples or spiritual places, interesting interviews, Vastu, divine subjects, mundane astrology, palmistry, yoga, Ayurveda, naturopathy.

The fourth issue of our digital magazine “The Divine codes” is going to be published very soon. The forthcoming issues (Not this issue) will carry a paid subscription (Nominal amount) and the amount will be used to pay the writers.

Advertisements will be published as well. The current advertising rates are very less. You can email planet9.co@gmail.com for advertisements. The account statements of the non-profitable organization will remain a public record and will be published on open forums. Complete transparency will be maintained in all payments received and given.

Writers who can write on above-mentioned subjects can send their articles to planet9.co@gmail.com. There are certain amendments that will be seen in the coming issue:

1. The writers will have to complete their articles in three-four pages. This does not include photos.

2. The articles can be in Hindi as well as English.

3. Articles should carry a photograph and short bio of the writer. This will be published along with the article. 

4. Try to write short articles in a summarized form. 

5. The magazine will include articles on travels related to temples, mathas or spiritual places. This will include colored photographs and the spiritual aspects of the temple, the background history, and the traveling methods.

6. The magazine will include a question-answer session where anybody can ask questions and the panel of writers will answer the same. The question can be related to jyotisha, health, Vastu etc. Questions can be emailed to planet9.co@gmail.com and answers will be published in coming issue. Please send an email with subject “question”.
7. The previous issues of the magazine are free and can be downloaded from following locations.
Authors Can also send their article on below-mentioned link:
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Naturopathic.in Solution for Cancer: The Amazing Budwig’s Protocol for treatment of Cancer (Diet plan for Cancer)

Written by Alok Jagawat


Yesterday I was waiting in the office of an Ophthalmologist (A person who can look directly in your eyes, without a tint of emotions. Joking), and I came across this amazing recipe related to natural diet. This recipe is also known as Budwig’s protocol.

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My Son’s eyes needed a new pair of spectacles and we have nothing to do but to wait. I took a magazine (Health-related) from the shelf and started reading it. I came across an article by Lothar Hirneise (President and Founder of People against Cancer [Menschen gegen Krebs] Germany) [1] who referred to Dr.Johanna Budwig’s [2]treatment as the best alternative treatment for Cancer in the world.

Here is the Exact quote for Reader’s reference:

“Of all the alternative Cancer treatment that I have investigated, Dr.Johanna Budwig’s is definitely number one…Nowhere in the world, I found such fantastic cases as with Dr.Budwig. It’s phenomenal”

I was curious and googled it. Cutting the long story short, here is Brief of Dr.Budwig’s Protocol:

Budwig Protocol in Brief

This is a raw organic diet with a lot of Flax oil and juices. Consume only clean or RO filtered water. To get the best results. Proper guidance is strongly recommended.

7:00 AM A glass of sauerkraut[3] juice or buttermilk (Chach or Lassi in India, without salt and sugar though) consumed every morning. Sauerkraut is rich in vitamins including C. enzymes and helps develop the health promoting gut flora. lt is alkaline and cleansing. (I found the same diet plan with Karnataka Farmers. There are many farmers, cross 90 years of age who are still very healthy. Their diet plan usually starts with the same.)

8:00 AM Breakfast A cup of green tea or herbal tea, sweetened with real honey. Take such tea before every meal.

FOCC or Om Khand: Blend 3 Tbsp flaxseed[4] (Alsi in Hindi) oil ( FO) with 6 Tbsp low-fat Quark or Cottage cheese (CC) with an electric hand blender. Then add 1 tbsp freshly ground flaxseed. a cup of fruits. (e.g. berries, cherries. peach. apples) some dry fruits and seasoning that may create a new flavor every day.

10:00 AM Fresh-pressed juices Can-or juice, radish juice, beets etc. with lemon.

11:15 PM Salad plate (tomato. cucumber. lettuce. radish, cabbage, broccoli, and pepper) with cottage
cheese and flax oil mayo dressing (Prepared by mixing together a Tbsp Flax Oil. 2 Tbsp milk. 2 Tbsp cottage cheese and 2 Tbsp Lemon juice. Add a variety of herbs making the plate most appealing.

2:30 PM Main Course Vegetables cooked in water. then flavored with Oleolux (it is a healthy alternative to butter developed by Ludwig) and herbs possibly with oatmeal. curry etc. Vegetable soups flavored with a little Ole out and yeast flakes. as a side dish for buckwheat, brown rice, millet or potatoes.

Lunch Desert Cottage cheese/ Flax oil mixture served as a sweet dish prepared with dry fruits and fruits such as pineapple. or poured over a fruit salad.

3:00 PM Fruit juice Consume one glass grape. cherry. pomegranate or orange juice with a tbsp freshly ground flax seed

3:30 PM Fruit Juice Consume pure pineapple or papaya juice with 2 tbsp freshly ground flax seed.

6:00 PM Supper (light and served early) A warm meal may be prepared using brown rice. buckwheat or oatmeal. Prepare soup or lentils flavored with Oleolux (it is a healthy alternative to butter developed by Ludwig). (Same protocol is followed by ancient Indians and is still followed by Many devout Jains).

Prohibitions of Budwig’s Protocol

· No Sugar, No Meat, No Eggs. No clarified butter
· No Hydrogenated fat and Refined oil
· No Soya, corn, peanuts and refined table salt
· No frying, No sautéing, No Deep Frying-
· No Preservatives and Processed Food.
· No Microwave. Teflon coated and Aluminum Cookware
· No cosmetics. chemicals and pesticides
· No foam mattress and pillow.
· No nylon, polyester clothing. only Cotton. silk and wool is Allowed
· No CRT TV and mobile phones
· No leftover food. (Wow: We call it baasi in Hindi. Ancient Indians always avoided it)

Elimination or Detoxification

[Mnemonic M.Sc. Botany] may include flax oil massage, Sun therapy. Coffee enema and Soda Bicarb Bath.

Energy Therapies {Mnemonic MTV)

· Meditation, Yoga Nidra- Positive attitude. system change and Deep breathing exercises
Tumor contract: –

· Tell your tumor that if it grows in sue, then you may die, and eventually he also will die. So advise him to become microscopic in size.

· In return you promise to make some changes in your life so that both of you might live long.

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· If he agrees with your proposal sign a contract with him immediately.

· Visualization is the most important tool to tap into the power of your imagination to help cancer. Remain tuned to your healthy and happy future.

With Thanks and Regards,
Alok Jagawat

[1] “Http://www.hirneise.com/.”
[2] “Johanna Budwig.”
[3] “Sauerkraut.”
[4] “Flax.”

Originally Posted in www.Naturopathic.in, click here for more articles on Naturopathy.

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