Yogas in Natal Chart: How we can check results of strength, debilitation, exaltation and fruitfication of Raaj yogas and neech Bhanga yoga in Natal & D9 chart

vimanas11 45 Yogas in Natal Chart: How we can check results of strength, debilitation, exaltation and fruitfication of Raaj yogas and neech Bhanga yoga in Natal & D9 chart


Strength of alone Yog Karka and Raaj yogas planets in d1 chart never justify its results.we have to see many factor i.e strength from Lagana and Moon and rest of Divisional charts but most important is its Yoga bhanga strength factor that only could be seen from D9 chart.

Raaj Yogas fruitfication depends on two conditions – firstly Navamsa Strength of that Yoga-karka planet and the factor of Yoga Bhanga in Both D1 and D9. If someone has exalted Saturn placed in lagana in  D1 chart and same if it is weakly placed and debilitated in D9 it is preciously causing  a Yoga Bhanga for Saturn.According to this rules Saturn would be considered as weak and we can not see its results according to its exalted state and good placement in d1 as the life source it is getting in d9 is not enough to breathe for longer periods and it is not able give its Exalted Results fully.

Firstly, Saturn is placed in 1st house considered as Maran-karka Sthan (Weakly placed 1st House – Lost the Sthan Bala – Unable to fruitfy due to weak by placement), though whole strength will be fully dependent on the Dispositer lord strength (Venus the house owner) in D1 and D9. If Same house owner is weakly placed in trik bhavas or afflicted with nodes we can say owner is itself suffering due to external factors and environmental based conditional  situations- So how could he help Saturn. Its like a situation of how could i help if i am already stuck in prison due to my sins and debits. Nodes afflictions are simply representation of Karmic impressions of past birth connected with current birth sufferings and realizations.

Secondly, here in this condition Saturn is suffering through Yoga Bhanga factor (Cancellation of Yoga) in D9. It simply means may be native get lots of opportunities to grow or rise by his some of Good karmic blessing in current birth. But if environmental factors are not supporting, native can lose everything if he isn’t able to sustain or support those conditions created by external factors or by those people. Those situations are given to him might be act as blessings or a curse totally depend on his past Karamas. Debilitation creates hurdles, obstacles and uneasy environment might be a lesson for native and exaltation are result of easy going situations and fruits as a result of good sanchit karmas as acquired by support of external factors and people. Here any Negligence of native can be major factor for fall in his life.vice a versa situation of exaltation and debilitation creates situational factors for fall.

For e.g if One has an exalted 7th lord in d1 and but at the same time it is debilitated placed in D9 with debilitation of Venus too.If there is malefic influence of Sun, Mars and Rahu on that 7th lord too in d9 than what could be possibility of marriage or relationship longevity strength  ?

Answer is ; Because of Exalted 7th lord and Good Strength in D1 native may have a good and long lasting Loyal relationship of 7 year duration but it can suffer or break at any moment after marriage due to native own mistakes or ego clashes or constant bickering between couples.

Here external Environmental factors are playing major role and they can create whole goody things into a mess and native can face separation but results would be depends on the strength of the 2nd lord from UL (Up-pada Lord).

Lets Take an another example;

Lets says in simpler words an old men can Get kingdom (D1 Exaltation –Blessing from ancestors) as a blessing from his ancestor to run it but due to native old age factor (Debilitation in D9 act as a Weakness or inability factor) he is unable to enjoy the fruits of kingdom fully, still he will be the king of his kingdom and can lose its kingdom at any time. Here external factors are his age and at what time he is getting ruler-ship and percentage of support from his own people.

D9 is like an extra life support or an extra oxygen cylinder to breathe as blessings from past actions by the divine. D9 is your fruits or dharama karmas you had acquired in past. Whenever any planet is weakly placed or Debilitated in D1, & if same planet get strength from other beneficial planets or get Neech-Bhanga yoga in D9 from dispositer lord, planets can live for much more longer periods or can give some positive results even the planet has lost his own strength but help from others can work as wonder.

Its simply because of the extra oxygen support in D9 from other planets to breathe or survive  for more days and time duration.

If Moon is giving extra life support it means mother role will be a major role play here for sustaining the native needs and requirements, if sun, than Father or bosses could be supportive, if mars, than help form brothers act like miracles.

So, you can apply this principal for others factors too for checking influencing factors for other relational karkas.

Same way if any planet is exalted in D1 but debilitated in D9 result can be reverse if the environmental factors won’t support them.

Debilitation simply means one has to put more effort in order to achieve or get success in any venture or have to fight more from the environmental factors.

Exaltation means with little effort one can get everything.

king can Lost his well blessed Kingdom(D1) due to his own Mistake if he do blind trust on his kith and kins. Here Blind trusts in Kith and Kins are Environmental factors and weakness is Blind trust (D9 plays major role in weakness and Strength factor) and either they can support or either they can destroy him.

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