Moral ethics of Astrologer: Who is true Jyotish ? Qualities, Moral ethics and Spiritual nature of astrologer, Long pending query keep enquiring my state of mind and an observation since i have started my journey in Jamini and Rest of other Jyotish systems 15 years back.
I Personally believe real motive of Jyotish (astrology) is to share divine wisdom, spread a light of guidance and shower a positive ray of spiritual hope when a native is in middle of path, when he don’t know where to go and what to do or what to choose in a state of dilemma of life.Irony of Modern Day Astrological system is now a days it is becoming more of kind a Materialistic science rather than a Science of divine light.The cause of Jyotish is to Show true path of karama one can able to bring in his life. Absolute path of jyotish is truth thats why Its karka is Guru and ketu. Its more of kind a Karmic science rather than a Consulting science and real purpose lies in understanding Karmic sufferings, lessons and true goals of of Soul(atma) that’ why Seers given AK as the highest Spiritually enlightened planet to show the path of truth-fullness via own learning, mistakes and Sufferings. Body is bound with Atma without purity of Atama body always remain in sins, diseases and debits.
He should have good understanding on both the life prospects. He should know what is good for the native overall grooming.
Only he can do so is to inspire you or able to set or channelize all your energy in right karmic path to get success in both life( Spiritual as well material ).
Keep Remember its the God who is dispenser of all the fruits to the one who deserves based on his karmas.We are nothing we are just a channel to inspire people.
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