Ingress of Retrograde Mercury, Sun-Saturn Conjunction and Entry of Cold Blizzard in winter of 2017-2018
Late Dr. B.V Raman has observed many of such above-mentioned conditions in his lifetime research work, in His opinion, Strong (Usually Slow moving planets) positions or aspects of planets leave strong impressions on the weather during this Perihelion distance progressively all over the world.
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News : Britain braced for long, snowy winter as strongest El Nino since 1950 expected.The strongest El Nino for 65 years could bring a winter like the 2009/2010 Big Freeze.
In winters of 2009 in December month (16th December 2009), Rahu was Just Separated from the Capricorn Sign around (28’27 Degree) was transiting back to the Sagittarius Sign, loosely conjugated with the Sun (1’6), Mercury(21’12) and Moon (5’42) and Jupiter ( 29’30) was transiting in Capricorn sign, It was the Day after Amavasya (New Moon day (Shukala Pratipad) after the day of Dark Moon), and Saturn was closely linked with Venus. Sun, Mercury and Moon all were linked with Nodes. This has been clear case of chilling winter Seasonal change around the globe which has triggered the drastic winter season for year 2009-2010.
United Kingdom, Most of Europe and India has Measured one of the coldest year in century, almost record breaking Winter in last 40 years has been experienced.
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Map of Europe showing the difference of temperature between December 11–18, 2009 and the 2000–2008 average, Source: NASA – |
As Reported by Nasa Earth observatory, The winter of 2009–2010 in Europe was unusually cold. Globally, unusual weather patterns brought cold, moist air from the north. Weather systems were undergoing cyclogenesis from North American storms moving across the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and saw many parts of Europe experiencing heavy snowfall and record-low temperatures. This led to a number of deaths, widespread transport disruption, power failures and postponed sporting events.
Following is the Data Taken from Wikipedia For winters of 2009-2010
The winter of 2009-2010 was defined by snowstorms of historic proportions and record-breaking cold.
Millions of Americans from coast to coast faced unusual cold, damaging flooding and mudslides, or blizzards of mammoth scale from December 2009 through February 2010. These conditions required massive cleanup and repair efforts, cost millions of dollars and disrupted daily life at a seemingly routine pace for many people this winter.
The winter of 2009–10 in the United Kingdom (also called The Big Freeze by British media) was a meteorological event that started on 16 December 2009, as part of the severe winter weather in Europe. January 2010 was provisionally the coldest January since 1987 across the country.A persistent pattern of cold northerly and easterly winds brought cold, moist air to the United Kingdom with many snow showers, fronts and polar lows bringing snowy weather with it.
The first snowfall began on 17 December 2009, before a respite over the Christmas period.The most severe snowy weather began on 5 January in North West England and west Scotland with temperatures hitting a low of −17.6 °C (0.3 °F) in Greater Manchester, England.The snow spread to Southern England on 6 January and by 7 January the United Kingdom was blanketed in snow,which was captured by NASA’s Terra satelliteThe thaw came a week later, as temperatures started to increase.
The winter weather brought widespread transport disruption, school closures, power failures, the postponement of sporting events and 25 deaths. A low of −22.3 °C (−8.1 °F) was recorded in Altnaharra, Scotland on 8 January 2010. Overall it was the coldest winter since 1978–79, with a mean temperature of 1.5 °C (34.7 °F).

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COMPARISON OF 2009/10 WITH PREVIOUS COLD WINTERS. Source : Exceptional weather events |
Indian cold wave (2012)
In Above chart, near Surya Sankranti of Indian Winter in year 2012, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter were Closely Linked under the grip of North and South Nodes in the Sign of Scorpio and Taurus where Jupiter was in retrograde motion and Rahu and Ketu has just transited in Taurus and Scorpio sign. Saturn having link with Mars and Sun during that time too.It was the day before Full Dark moon.So, it was confirmed that the year 2012 will be a Cold year for India and rest of world.
A Kashmiri fisherman navigates his way through a partially frozen Anchar Lake, on the outskirts of Srinagar, India.A severe cold wave has gripped Kashmir valley, with the region’s main Dal Lake and other water bodies seen partially frozen. (AP Photo/Mukhtar Khan)
Indian cold wave during the winter months of 2012 killed at least 92 people across northern and eastern India.The drop in temperature had a devastating effect on the hundreds of thousands of homeless people in India.

Most of the dead were homeless and elderly people, living in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Other northern and eastern states such as Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, New Delhi, Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Tripura were also affected by this cold snap. New Delhi was also gripped by cold weather, with the temperature dipping to 7oC on the Christmas Day and 1oC after New Year.
(Source: Wikipedia)
Normally it has been seen whenever Saturn forms relation with Venus, Mercury, Moon and Sun it usually trigger chilling weather conditions with heavy blow of wind around November/December months for predicting winter season.In India Heavy Winter season knocks the door when Sun ingresses over Capricorn Sign after 22nd December 2017 and during this time When Moon, Venus passes over Saturn or closely conjugated with Saturn or Jupiter or there will be a full lunar eclipse passes or Full super-moon trigger with Mercury or Saturn, it usually triggers a very Cold, frosty and snowy winter season will follow across the globe in the northern hemisphere especially in those countries those are very close to the northern hemisphere.
Whenever Slow moving planets transits to close to Scorpio-Sagittarius-Capricorn signs, winter seasons in the northern hemisphere has experienced a sudden and an erratic weather condition.
Astronomically, Winter season usually begins with the Winter Solstice (around 21 December) mark as the shortest day of the year and has been notices 24 hours of darkness above the arctic circle.It has been observed less than 12 hours of daylight everywhere in the Northern hemisphere.Sun angle is mostly around 90° at Tropic of Capricorn and this winter solstice ends on the Vernal equinox (around 20 March)

winter Scenario of 2017-2018
Currently Northern countries those are close to Northern hemisphere (U.S, Canada, Germany, Russia, North of India, Pakistan, North China, England those are close to Capricorn Sign) will “experience Sudden and Erratic winter condition” after 10th-11th of December 2017 with the ingress of Retrograde Mercury over Jyestha Nakshatra in Scorpio Sign (Jala Rashi) around Gandanta Degree (29’40) in Vayu Nadi and having closely conjugation with an orbital distance of 4 to 6 degree with Sun (25’00) and Venus (18’00) – Weather will take Sudden U-turn in Most of the Northern and Western States of India including rest of worlds lying closer to Northern Hemisphere.

It has been seen that whenever there will be a junction of the Beneficial planet in Jala or Vayu Nadi or in Jala or Vayu sign in the same sign or same nakshatra near Surya Sankaranti, (Transiting State of Sun to next Nakashtra/Sign around 0-1 Degree), or Full moon or Full dark moon, winter seasons usually gives a huge amount of Snowfall, rainfall, with a Heavy blow of cold blizzard air and temperature, can go down drastically at night time.
More the Retrograde mercury will move closer to the Sun and Venus after 12th of December 2017 to 15th of December, Intensity of cold blizzard with rainfall can increase.
Day of 15th and 16th of December can be marked as one of coldest day in December month before the beginning of winter solstice of 2017.

The close association of Retrograde/Combusted Mercury with Sun and Venus has always given sudden seasonal changes in Jala or Vayu Nadi.
After 15th of December 2017 mercury will separate from Venus at 23’00 degree will give both sunshine and soothing weather condition and with little chances of showers and there could be possibility of cold blizzard or onset of cold wave in some of the north and western regions of India as Mercury will be moving closer toward Jupiter in reverse order in jyestha Nakashtra toward western states of India or countries those are close to west of USA, Mostly Ruling Most of the western regions of India (Jaipur, West UP, Merath, West Pakistan,Rajasthan) and world ( US).
Though mercury will be gripped from both the sides by Mars, Saturn and Jupiter till December 2017 month, so chances of long-lasting stagnant weather or cold blizzard will be there during this winter season but it won’t be much consistent.
Though at the same side, Jupiter will be in airy sign that can produce the possibility of a windy and wet season in 2017-2018 till it is in Swati Nakashtra but later after 20th of December 2017 when Jupiter will move to Visakha nakshatra winter condition can change and it will give more damp and cold season with chances of good rainfall or snow or totally dry wind and atmoshpehre.
Though there will be fewer chances of terrific thundering and lightning during this winter season as Mars will be unaspected by Either Venus and Saturn till march 2018.
If we see the Current condition, Mars would be having 3/11 relationship with Saturn till 6th of March 2018 so there won’t be any Disastrous winter thundering or lightening trigger till 6th March but later when mars will Join with Saturn in Sagittarius season, will change and it would trigger sudden, warm and erratic weather condition with more chances of earthquakes around eastern countries and condition of warm weather can experience more after 15th of March 2018.
During this Conjunction air pressure will be high at higher altitudes and temperature at hilly areas will be very low with more chances of Snowfall at higher altitudes but warm weather in plain areas, but there could be the possibility of the cold breeze of air when Moon or mercury will join them.

If we see the current scenarion, situation will either improve or increase later When Sun will join with Saturn in sagittarius sign over Moola Nakashtra in Agni Nadi ( greater chances are that weather will become cold according to the latitudes of the countries( Cold in higher and warm in lower alitudes) but it could be different in plain areas), ruled by Mars which usually gives sudden temperature variation in the winter season and it can either trigger an totaly warm atmoshpehre, erratic cold and chilling weather in higher alitudes or behaviour will be totally drastic but it has been seen past years, that there could be chances of two different Changes or temperature variations would measure within a day, this effect will be experienced in Most of the northern Regions of India and another part of the world close to higher alitudes i..e Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab. New Delhi. Himachal Pradesh, West Up, Jaipur, Rajasthan, Germany, England, Russia etc. as during this time Venus will be crossing and moving toward from Jupiter to Saturn (* from Libra, Scorpio to Sagittarius).

After 20th of December 2017, when Venus will join with Sun over Moola Nakashtra in Agni Nadi there would be either Possibility of Increase of cold wind, chances of wetness in the atmosphere or with chances of Snowfall, but sunshine at the same time in plain areas or possibility of Shower would increase in higher altitudes areas of India with snowfall could be felt in US, Canada, Germany, Russia and England, and condition could be measured up to 25th of December 2017 when Venus will be much closer to Saturn around 6 degrees.
In this Season winter will be very cold, hard, frosty and snowy as both Venus and Moon will be moving toward Jupiter to Saturn motion but in 3/11 relation so at the sameside winter would be enjoyoble and soothing too.
Another Important reason for this year winter season was based on sunspot theory, as after 9th September 2017, a bigger and massive Sunspot has been spotted in the Solar region with the size around 1000 at the solar region of 12673 with top 10 solar flares from sunspot region 12673 has been measured in 2017.
During September 2017 Mars and Mercury were closely conjugated around 5 to 8 degrees with Sun in the sign of Leo (Firey Sign) .
When Sun will closely conjoin with Saturn in Sagittarius 16th of December 2017 there could be another possibility that sunspot would appear in the solar region that can trigger cold and damp Winter season with stagnant pressure over longer periods (Possibly for 1 month – up to 16th of January 2018) and winter would be colder than normal for the season.
After When sun Will join South Node Ketu weather condition would be much colder, sever and possibility of winter Storms could trigger during winter in 2018 up to 16th of February 2018.
In General, Mild winter would be trigger after 22nd of December 2017 to 22nd of January 2018 for rest of northern Hemisphere countries, and one can experience seasonal changes in winter in Most of the northern and Western areas of India and rest of the world.
Source and Reference,
Weathers and Earthquake by Dr B.V Raman
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