Understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018
Subject: Astrology weather prediction 2018 and understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018
Weather and Meteorology of ancient India
As per the early Ancient observations, the four days commencing from the “eighth day in the light half ( Krishna Paksha) of the month of jyestha (i.e 4 days after the mid of the month of the may and June – from 15th may to 15th June, it can be varied) fall in may and June month are Known as, “Vayu Dharan Days (Pregnancy days of Clouds) “
These are the most important days when the movements of the wind seen and observed in the jyestha month freely from ” North-west to East direction carrying full of rich amount of moisture in it”.
Here observation of the wind direction and its richness or quantity with Apah (moisture), and movement in these particular 4 days are most important.If there is no wind in these 4 days, we can expect coming months will be much dry in nature as well as humidity will be more.
If there are enough winds in those 4 days, should be like gentle, agreeable and if the Sky Should be covered by fine, bright clouds than there will be the possibility of good rainfall in Monsoon else monsoon will be a bit delayed and level of humidity will be more.
Astrology Meteorological year 2018 : Vayu-Dharan 2018 Process
From 29th of May onward, we have seen gradual decrease in temperature almost in most of the states of india.
As per Skymet Weather, both maximum and minimum temperatures seen over Delhi and adjoining regions of Noida, Faridabad, Gurugram, and Ghaziabad. In fact maximum temperatures has touched around 47°C in these 4 days.Hot weather conditions are observed due to the dry and hot northwesterly winds which are blowing over Delhi and NCR.Due to Close movements over scorpio, soothing dust storm was likely to appeared over Delhi and others north of indian states by the end of the month when Moon will further conjugated over Sagittarius and Capricorn.
Symptoms need to observe on Meteorological events from 26th of May to 3rd of june 2018
If Anyone hasn’t yet started observing the sky or weather scenario from 15th of May 2018 to 29th of June 2018 for vayu Dharan process, Start observing the weather when Sun will move Mrigshara nakashtra around coastal areas of india.
6) Observe the birds, animals and aquatic animals movement in the sky and land both, if u see lots of birds moving in the sky, especially those came around Swati nakshatra, then chances of rain will be high in your environment and rainfall will be good.Birds Sounding in environment indicates that weather will be good.Their movement and nature show the intuition they got from nature.\
Rakesh Jamwal
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