Mars and Ketu – The Deadly Conjunction of two Warriors fighting for an unknown cause
Mars and Ketu – The Deadly Conjunction of two Warriors
Saturn was placed in 12th from the Mars and Jupiter placed in the 10th from it saving the Mars energy for betterment and Controlling the energy and bringing mars and Ketu energy into a balanced Action in society. But the main problem will come when Mars will gather enough energy in 60 days of 8 retrogression phases and its return will be deadly with South Node Ketu around 8 Degree in Uttrashada Nakashtra around 19th of September and up to 26th of September can bring much chaos. fear and debates like a situation in Society, till 26th of September Mars, will be in close association with South node Ketu, Sun in Pisces Navamsa ( The Jala Tattva amsa), it will bring much of ego and arrogance among people.
After the Comeback of Mars, the retrogression energy of mars will become immensely powerful for a period of the 1 month until and unless it will crosses over the 10 Degree of Capricorn with Ketu in Sharvana nakshatra. The planetary war between Mars and Ketu was already started from the 28th of August when Mars turns direct after gaining Maximum chesta bala ( around 48 Chesta, from the Sun ) via Retrogression, that time Sun and Mars having the relation of the 6/8 and the energy of Mars will settle down when Sun will be in Virgo, trine to Mars after crossing few degrees.
Question is why it is so? Because Mars is Agni Tattva Graha and Retrogression is an astronomical phenomenon occurs between an alignment of the three planets forming an energy relation between the Sun, Earth and The planet who is going to become retrograde and this Mars Retrogression has 8
States which was started from the 2nd May onward and it will complete these 8 phases of retrogression for the duration of 60 Days from 27th of June 2018 onward up to 28th of August.
During these phase People will face health issues because of the Pittha rog, i.e Stomach upset, indigestion problem, Jwar ( Viral Fevers), Jatha Agni Fire will rise up and people will start eating lots of Fiery food and fried foods and result will be the problem of Acidity and Indigestion related problem.The main issue will be people will start fighting with each other over small arguments or issues due to ego conflicts just to prove their points true or correct.
People with Capricorn Moon sign and Lagna of Gemini, Aquarius, Aries, Scorpio, Cancer, Virgo need special attention till 26th of September 2018. People running Mars or Ketu dasha need special attention not to indulge in fights or any debates.I hope this will clear up what it is about Mars and Ketu conjunction over Capricorn which is a sign of Bhoomi tattva so any matters related to cheating and fraud in money laundering will pick up like a fire and will be getting caught by the policing energy of mars. So be aware do not frauds in the matters of money and job, Saturn is behind this combination and it is also direct, so he is watching your actions.
Bhoomi is all about land-related issues, I,e Floods, Too much fire, too much heat and warm weather, people of South and North of india need special attention for any sort of Weather-related issues till 5th of November 2018. As per Brihat Samhitam When mars begin his retrogression in the star of Uttaraashda after being released from the eclipse in the star of poorva or uttar phalguni and get eclipsed again in the star of rohini it can afflict the three world with untold sufferings.
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