Marilyn Monroe Astrological Case study of Marriage and Death mystery

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In jaimini astrology Char dasha is very important, the dignity that Vimshottari dasha holds in Parashara School the same dignity is given to char dasha in Jaimini school. But why it is so because in Jaimini and in Parashara in both systems there are some differentiations in dasha, it is the reason why we have so many dasha, they are divided into 2 categories first they are divided into dasha that are used to predict on a chart and then dasha that are used for longevity predictions only. Then under those dasha which can be used for predictions there are dasha that can be applied to each and every chart and there are dasha which can be applied on the case when the chart fulfils some conditions given for applicability for dasha. Why vimshottari and char dasha are main in these schools of thoughts is due to two reasons first they don’t have any rule of applicability and second they can be used for both purposes for prediction as well as for longevity prediction. Jaimini have so many dasha for prediction only, but they all show events from different point of view, rashi dasha shows events from a concrete point of view whereas Nakshatra based dasha shows our mind’s reaction based on that, so both dasha systems have their own perks, and as per my own suggestion in prediction 2 Nakshatra and 2 rashi dasha should be used based on the type of analysis that need to be done.

As we know that Char dasha is much esteemed in Jaimini School, thus it have different methods of calculation, why it is so is because Jaimini sutras are very cryptic in nature. Sage haven’t explained in the Shloka but have written the whole thing in sutra form thus it need to be decoded, and different scholars have decoded it in different ways based on their own understanding of Jaimini principles. As per char dasha is concerned I do know 4 variation of this. Proposed by different scholars and those are

1. Normal char dasha calculation given in “Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra”

2. Calculation given by Mr. K.N.Rao

3. Calculation given by Mr. Irangati Rangacharya

4. Calculation given by Mr. P.S.Shastri

In my last article on char dasha I have used the method proposed by Mr. K.N.Rao and used in a chart of mine friend. In this article I will use the system of char dasha proposed by Mr. Irangati Rangacharya that is given in his book “Jaimini Sutramritam” and “A manual of jaimini astrology”. His calculation is based on Padakram order and Prakriti chakra. So let me explain about these before going further into calculation.

There are 3 types of chakras used in Vedic astrology that is – udaya chakra, Prakriti chakra, vikriti chakra and graha chakra.

1. Udaya chakra – this is mainly used in Parashara School under this we count anticlockwise in north Indian chart and clockwise in south Indian chart. That is the normal counting method that we are aware of that says 2nd house will come after 1st house and before 3rd house and counting is direct. For example if first house is Aries then 2nd will be Taurus 3rd will be Gemini and so on.

2. Prakriti chakra – this says count direct for male sign and indirect for female sign. That says for Aries counting will be Aries-Taurus-Gemini-Cancer-Leo and for Taurus that is a female sign counting will be in reverse that will be Taurus-Aries-Pisces-Aquarius-Capricorn and so on. This is called Prakriti chakra that by translation will mean following nature (here it is nature of sign that is being decided by its being male or female)

3. Vikriti Chakra – vikriti means disturbed, deformed, opposed to nature is vikrit. Thus vikriti. And as the name hints in itself it says go opposite to Prakriti chakra that says for male sign count indirectly and for female sign count directly. That for Aries counting will be Aries-Pisces-Aquarius-Capricorn-Sagittarius and for Taurus it will be Taurus-Gemini-Cancer-Leo-Virgo

4. Graha Chakra – in this chakra houses are reckoned (jaimini says rashi and house is one there is nothing like Bhava Chalit chakra in jaimini astrology) in this chakra significator of Bhava are decided and they are very important in judging dasha. Great scholars of Jaimini astrology never analyses any dasha without making this. In this method of reckoning reckon the significator of Bhava from lord of the Lagna. In regular (Udaya chakra method) so for this 1st house will be signified by Ascendant lord and second house will be by that planet that comes next in counting directly from ascendant lord. For this purpose if in one sign there is more than one planet then the one at the lowest degree will come first. For Rahu and Ketu their degrees can be obtained by subtracting their degrees from 30 as they are always retrograde. This will decide karakas till 9th house then 10th house karaka will be the first karaka that is ascendant lord. 11th house karaka will be the 2nd karaka in order and 12th house karaka will be the 6th karaka in the order. (Illustration will be shown in later part).

Having understood this much, now let we proceed to calculation of Char Dasha. Method as proposed by Rangacharya Ji and I will show its application on chart of Marilyn Monroe. But readers should caution here that in this method calculation is different for male and female natives. So apply this dasha very carefully. Another male chart will be take in some another article on the subject.


Male Horoscope

Starting sign – first dasha will be of the sign falling in ascendant.

Dasha Sequence – this is based on “Padakram order” let me explain what this Padakram order is.

Padakram order – this is one philosophy behind this that is also used in calculation of divisional charts, but that is topic of another day. The philosophy sates that movable signs are lorded by Brahma, fixed signs are lorded by Shiva and dual signs are lorded by Vishnu. Thus the work of Brahma is to create this world thus it is zodiacal, work of Shiva is to give us Punishment and 6th house signifies “Danda” that in Sanskrit means punishment. Work of Vishnu is to give us sustenance, blessings, abundance, protection and he is who gives us blessings and it is shown by trines in any charts. So based on this all movable sign will move in direct order or indirect order based on Prakriti chakra, all fixed signs will jump on 6th sign there from based on Prakriti chakra and dual signs will jump of 5th sign there from based on Prakriti chakra. So for example of movable sign counting of Aries will be Aries-Taurus-Gemini. Counting of next movable sign Cancer that is a female sign will be Cancer-Gemini-Taurus-Aries. In fixed sign Taurus that is also a female sign the counting will be Taurus-Sagittarius (counted 6th house anti-zodiacally as it is a female sign) – Cancer-Aquarius for Leo that is a fixed and male sign count will be 6th in direct motion that will be Leo-Capricorn-Gemini-Scorpio. For Gemini that is a Dual male sign counting will be Gemini-Libra-Aquarius-cancer (as it is a male sign after completing one round in trines it have started moving in trine to next sign) for Virgo that is a female dual sign that will be Virgo-Taurus-Capricorn-Leo (as it is a female sign after completing round in that trine now it will move in trine to last sign from the starting sign) this is Padakram order one should remember this. It is very important in everything in jaimini astrology.

Sanmukha Sign – before going further let me also explain this. Jaimini says any movable sign is aspected directly by 8th sign there from any fixed sign is aspected directly by 6th sign there from and any dual sign is aspected directly by 7th sign there from this is the abhimukh sign. Then later jaimini further adds that 4th and 10th signs from Sanmukha sign also aspects the sign under consideration so that’s how Jaimini aspects are derived. There important is to note that Sanmukha sign is 8th for Movable, 6th from fixed and 7th for dual signs.

Upapada (UL) and Arudh (AL) – this is a well known concept but why I am adding it here is because Rangacharya Ji calculated it in different way. For Arudh they say for male horoscope if ascendant is an odd sign (male sign) the count Arudh of 1st house of not then count Arudh of Sanmukha sign that will be his AL. for female horoscope if rising sign is even (female sign) then count Arudh of that sign if not then count Arudh of its Sanmukha sign that will be her AL. in exception he only says when ascendant lord is in 4th house then 4th house will be the AL and if ascendant lord is In 7th house then 10th house will be the AL. at other places he doesn’t gives exception and he further adds these exceptions have to be fairly adhered in case of dual signs. For calculation of UL he says find stronger between 1st and 7th house using rules of strength in Jaimini rules will be explained under next topic. For male native see 12th house and for female see 2nd house. So first find stronger between 1st and 7th house then for male if it is an odd sign find Arudh of its 12th house if it is even sign then find 12th Arudh of its Sanmukha sign. In the case of female chart find stronger between 1st and 7th house and see if it is even sign then see Arudh of 2nd house if it is an odd sign then find 2nd house Arudh of its Sanmukha sign.

Rules of strength in Jaimini astrology –

1. More number of planets makes one sign stronger that means sign having planet is more powerful than empty sign or sign having more number of planet is more powerful than house having less number of planets

2. The house having planets in dignity is more powerful

3. The sign aspected by Mercury, Jupiter, Sign lord is more powerful

4. Dual signs are powerful than fixed signs and fixed signs are powerful than movable signs

The rules have to be applied in the manner that means apply rule two only when rule one fails to give results.

Dasha Years –

1. Count from sign lord to sign in question based on Prakriti chakra that says if lord is in male sign count zodiacally if in female sign count anti-zodiacally.

2. Take both signs into consideration

3. Don’t subtract one years

4. If lord is in the sign then it will have 12 years

5. Aquarius and Scorpio have one lord only.

Antardasha Years – this have not been given by Irangati Ji but we will take it as MD years divided by 12 because there have to be 12 AD. First AD will of the sign whose MD is running.

Female horoscope

Starting sign – first dasha will be of 4th sign based on Prakriti that for Aries will be Cancer and for Taurus will be Aquarius and so on. Order of the dasha will be “Padakram order”

Dasha years –

1. If the sign in question is male then count zodiacally and if female then count anti-zodiacally. Here, one thing should be remembered in male horoscope we will see oddity of the sign where lord is placed in whereas in female chart we will see oddity of sign whose dasha we are counting for.

2. Take both signs into consideration

3. Subtract one year. Here, we are subtracting one year in female chart whereas in male chart there was no deduction.

4. If the lord is in sign itself then years provided will be 12

5. Scorpio and Aquarius have only one lord.

6. If lord is in 7th sign then take 10 years.

Antardasha Years – this have not been given by Irangati Ji but we will take it as MD years divided by 12 because there have to be 12 AD. First AD will of the sign whose MD is running.

Example chart of “Marilyn Monroe”

MM Marilyn Monroe Astrological Case study of Marriage and Death mystery

Here as an example we are taking chart of the American Actress, Model and Singer “Marilyn Monroe” who was a sex symbol for so many American men. I am taking her chart because it is a female chart whose calculation is not easy and simple as male chart. There are so many riders in calculation. A male chart as an illustration will be taken into another example. Another reason for taking this chart is because her life was very sensational and full of ups and downs. Here I will use 2 dasha 1st char dasha of Irangati Rangacharya Ji and 2nd Vimshottari dasha to explain her life and to show that both systems are complimentary to each other and they can be used at same time for interpretation of a chart but need to not to be mixed up. Keep them separate and then we can use them in combination.

Her Details were – 1 June 1926, 09:30AM (Rectified by me as 09:29:45)
Los Angeles, California (34N03/118W15)

Coming to her D60 which parashara says to read as birth chart we can see ascendant is aspected by moon and ascendant lord by Saturn and Venus. That resembles to the type of her face thus we can infer D60 is correct too. We will be watching its use further too.

Both her mother and grandmother suffered from mental illness. Her 4th house has exalted Saturn who is further aspected by Rahu from 12th house of mental illness. 4th lord Venus is also under aspect of Saturn and 11th aspect of Rahu. Moon in under Paapkartari yoga. Mother’s mother is seen from 4th from 4th that is 7th house which have moon hemmed in between malefic and in her D12 Saturn is in 7th house aspecting 4th house and mars is in ascendant aspecting or we can say having influence on 7th house and Moon the significator is debilitated. Moon is also under 3rd aspect of Saturn and 9th aspect of Rahu. 4th lord mercury is in 8th house of depression. That is also 7th lord. In D1 also 7th lord Saturn is afflicted due to aspect of Rahu. MK sun in D1 is under 4th aspect of Mars and in D12 it is in 10th house although powerful but its depositor Jupiter is with Rahu aspected by Saturn, in D9 too 4th lord MK and Moon is under influence of Saturn.

She lived with foster parents until she was 7. Family is seen from 2nd house that in D1 is afflicted by aspect of Mars and 3rd aspect of Rahu. 2nd lord is also under influence of mars and 2nd Karak is with mars. That too is in 8th house. In D9 again 2nd lord is with mars in 6th house Sun his bitter enemy is also with him.

After her mom was hospitalized, she was placed in an orphanage and a series of foster homes, where she was sexually assaulted several times. We have already seen condition of 2nd house and lord in D1 and D9 now let we come to see her D30 to analyze sexual assault. In D1 we have seen affliction of Venus, And 8th house also of 8th lord coming to 12th house there is Rahu exalted that shows over-ambition, dark sexual fantasies, addiction, alcohol, lust, greed, etc. as 12th lord is in 12th from 12th it have made loss to 12th house significations. In women chart 4th house is seen for virginity and we have seen its condition already before. In D30 ascendant lord is in 10th house although exalted but he is with fiery, angry, dominating mars. And aspected by Rahu who shows her suffering. 6th lord of rashi chart is mars who being with Saturn are being afflicted and also afflicting him, here we see difference between affliction and strength. Amount of affliction on planet will decide its results weather it will be acting benefic or malefic and his strength shows how much power he have to do the task he signifies in the chart. Further mars are also afflicted by aspect of Rahu. This being in 4-10 axis also destroys her 4th house of virginity. See her Venus in D30 who is under influence of Rahu in 2nd house. In 3rd house of her D30 is Sun who is MK and Mercury who is PK. That shows lack of mother’s and children’s love in her life. Sun also shows powerful people, politician and there is rumor about that she had relationship with Kennedy brothers and later on they suddenly left her and also exploited her. Mercury shows friends who being debilitated there in 3rd house of friendship and sexual relationship shows her physical and love relationship with friends led her life to more disasters. In D30 weak and strong both planets are not welcome as they both show suffering. Here in her D30 Sun and Rahu are exalted and Moon and Mercury is Debilitated showing her sufferings due to over indulgence in sex, not following discipline and code of conduct, and also shows her weakness as inability to keep her mind in control and lack of judgment abilities. As Mercury shows Vishnu his debilitation in D30 was something that was indicating her to be spiritual that she never was and thus she suffered a lot. In 3rd house of D30 one debilitated planet also shows bad death that we will be analyzing in end of the article.

She had been raped when she was 11. Reason for the same we have analyzed in the last section coming to timing this happened in the year 1937 when she was 11 years old. Her mercury is also combust and is in Mrityu Bhag that also shows her inabilities to use her mind properly, unable to think and take decision. Lack of blessings of Vishnu and cloud of Maya over intellect. Moon in 1st or 7th house from Lagna Arudh Lagna shows fame that she had. As her moon is in Kendra we will start vimshottari from moon.

It was Rahu-Moon. Rahu is vargottama in D30 he is also exalted in 12th house of sex in D1 afflicting 4th house and 4th lord of virginity and Saturn is in 4th house of virginity in D1 and also afflicting 4th lord Venus. In D30 he is also aspecting 4th house and is with 4th lord. Rahu in D30 is exalted in 6th house of Shadripu that shows six weaknesses of humans. Affliction of 4th house shows her lost of chastity and that too due to 2 exalted and vargottama planets in D30 it gave her grief.

In char Dasha she was under Pisces MD. Dasha sign is aspected By Rahu and Ketu we have seen their role in chart also it is aspected by Maandi that shows poison being given (she was a young girl at that time) also it is aspected by A8 and A10 the sign contains A11. Sign lord is afflicted by one malefic in 12th from the sign and Bhaya sign that falls in 5th house is aspected by GK significator of 6th 8th and 12th house By UL, A7, A6, all these showing relationships and suffering related to relationships. (Count the position of dasha sign from ascendant that houses away from dasha sign will be Bhaya sign and Dasha sign itself is Dwar sign). Also being aspected by Venus and Moon due to their natural nature this event happed in her life.

She left school and married “Jim Dougherty” on 19 June 1942. For education see D24. In D24 4th house is education up to schooling, 9th house up to bachelor’s degree, 2nd house up to master’s degree, and 7th house specialization like doctorate. Now see where the axis is cut by Rahu and Ketu and then if the lord of that house is also weak then education will not go beyond that. Here Rahu and Ketu is in 5th house in between 5th to 9th house and lord of 5th house is in bad 8th house with mars that is also lord of 6th house and ascendant this connection have 8th lord mercury and is aspected by Venus from 2nd house and there is Rahu is in 5th house of love affairs. Shows education stopped due to Venusian activities of live with Mercury that is friend.

Vimshottari dasha – Ra-Ke-Ve-Su-Ve. Rahu is aspecting 7th lord in D1 and 7th house in D9. Rahu is also in UL (as per calculation methods provided by Irangati Rangacharya Ji from new we will call it RUL and normal UL will be called as UL) Ketu in D1 is aspected by 7th lord and in D9 it is in trine to 7th house with Marriage significator Jupiter. We know Venus shows marriage in both male and female chart and in his PAV 7th from Venus is given points by ascendant that shows AD of nodes can give marriage. Venus is in mutual aspect with 7th lord in D1 and in D9 he is in own house being strong in D9 he shows in his dasha he can give effect of D9. In D1 Venus is on UL and A7. Sun in D1 is in trine to 7th house and in D9 he is in RUL.

Char Dasha – Aq-Sc-Ge-Ar-Sc. In D1 DK is in Aquarius, Scorpio is aspected by UL and A7. Also it is 5th house 11th from 7th. Gemini has RUL in itself. Aries have UL in it and is aspected by DK. As Scorpio is also 11th house of D9 that shows fulfillment of desire and it have DK in D9 it have finished marriage.

Divorced “Jim Dougherty” on August 1946 –
in D1 7th house have moon (Adulterous yoga also it shows fame) 7th lord is in 4th house afflicted by Rahu. 7th from Venus is also afflicted due to placement of Saturn and 7th lord from Venus that is Venus is afflicted due to aspect of Saturn and Rahu. As 7th from Venus is aspected by Jupiter her desire for marriage remained, 7th from Moon is aspected by Saturn and 7th lord from moon is hemmed in between malefic. 7th lord in D9 is in 8th house under aspect of Saturn and 7th house is aspected by Rahu. As 7th house in D9 is aspected by Jupiter and Venus it also made yoga for marriage more than once (all adulterous yoga can also signify multiple marriages). DK in D1 is in 8th house with mars and is aspected by Saturn and GK. In D9 he is with Ketu showing de-attachment also by graha aspect he is under aspect of Rahu. UL have GK in it aspected by mars and 2nd from UL is aspected by Saturn also UL is with A6 showing problem 2nd lord from UL in D9 is with Rahu that also shows break in marriage. RUL have Rahu in it aspected by Ketu and 2nd from it has aspect of Mars 2nd lord from it in D9 is in 8th house aspected by Mars showing break in marriage.

Vimshottari dasha – Ra-Su. W doesn’t know dates so are not going much further. Rahu is afflicting 7th lord, 7th from Venus and Venus also Jupiter who is significator for husband in female chart and DK in D9 too he spoils 7th house Jupiter and Venus. Sun is 2nd from UL and 12th from RUL. Showing loss to RUL and is in marak place from UL. He is 8th lord from 7th house and is in 8th from 7th lord in D1 and in D9 he is in 12th from 7th house lord of 8th house in D9. That shows the event very clearly.

Char Dasha – Cp-Vi. Capricorn is in 7th house he is 8th house from RUL in D9 it is also aspected by DK and GK. Virgo is 3rd house aspected by A8 and RUL, it is 6th from UL have maandi in it; it is also 8th from DK.

Great Publicity in May 1949 – she made a Nude calendar this year and have had great publicity. Publicity is seen because her moon that is also her ascendant lord is in 7th from ascendant, and her AL is having Venus that shows Maya connection with glamour, nudity, show business, skin business, and beauty. AL and ascendant lord and Ascendant have quadrant relationship between them showing she was happy with her image. But as they say that Moon in Capricorn gives some blemishes on character it was fame due to nudity, blemish!! Her AK is aspected By AmK and DK and is with GK that shows she was famous due to her profession (AmK) partners (DK) and fights with them (GK) that AL is also with A7 and A6 showing her name was popular in society due to her A7 relationships, A6 struggles and what she faced and UL marriages.

Vimshottari Dasha – It was Rahu-Mars both are 3rd and 11th from AL where malefic are good. Rahu is in 12th house showing there have to be something related to sex symbolism and Mars is in 8th also showing the same thing also he also indicates things which have to be underground, hidden, and he is with Jupiter that being with mars and aspected by Rahu is weak that shows morals and boundaries were broken. But who made boundaries for her exalted Rahu or weak Jupiter.

Char dasha – Capricorn – Gemini. Capricorn is 7th house that shows things related to public life, aspected by PK significator of 5th house that shows photo-shooting, movie, media. It also have Moon, Blemish on character as well as it is 7th from Ascendant and 10th from AL fame was there. Gemini is 12th sign which have exalted Rahu and A8, remember earlier remarks about 8th house that all applies to A8 too, 12th house is house of sex and Gemini shows media, communication, television, and Rahu shows porn, obsession, nudity, outcaste things. Things that are considered taboo in society.

Medical Procedure, Appendix removed, 28 April 1952. Not going into diagnosis why it happened we will see the planetary permutations and combinations. Effect of Rahu over 6th house and 6th lord or 6th lord in D1, D3, D9 and also effect of Mars on 6th house or 6th lord in D1, D3, D9 operation.

Vimshottari Dasha – Ju-Sa-Sa-Ra-Ve. We will use D3 and D9 in compliment to D1 for predicting disease. Because D1 shows physical features, strength, courage, and as we know weakness is due to lack of heath, vitality and vigor it is important to be analyzed. Jupiter in D1 is 6th lord in 8th house afflicted by Rahu and mars. In D3 he is aspecting 6th house and again he is with mars in 12th house that shows hospitals. In D9 he is aspected by 6th lord and is in 11th house that is 6th from 6th. Saturn is aspecting 6th house in D1 and is aspected by 6th lord as well as Rahu from 12th house. In D3 once again Saturn aspects 6th house is again aspected by Rahu. In D9 he is in 6th house. Rahu is in 12th house of hospitals in D1 aspecting influencing 6th house as well as 6th lord, 6th lord also aspects Rahu in D3 Rahu is again in 12th house 6th from 6th lord. In D9 Rahu is in 5th house with 6th lord. In D1 Venus is on A6 Aspected by Rahu and Saturn. Significator of disease, in D3 Venus is in 8th from 6th lord and in trine to 6th house afflicted by Mars and Rahu in D9 Venus is with 6th lord and also afflicted by Rahu. Role of Rahu shows operation here.

Char Dasha – Cp-Aq-Ar-Li-Ge. Capricorn in D1 is 7th sign aspected by Gulika; in D3 it is 11th house that is 6th from 6th. In D9 it is in 1st house aspected by GK significator of diseases and conflict and 6th lord. Aquarius is 8th house in D1 where 6th lord is places and is also aspected by GK. In D3 it is 12th house of hospital aspected by GK. In D9 it is 2nd house aspected by A6. Aries in D1 have A6, GK and is aspected by 6th lord. In D3 it once again has GK in it, in D9 it is 4th house where A8 and A6 is placed in. Libra in D1 has Saturn aspected by 6th lord. In D3 it has malefic mars with A6. In D9 it is 10th house aspected by GK as well as 6th lord. Gemini in D1 have Rahu in it and is in trine to 6th lord opposite to 6th house is aspected by Maandi, in D3 4th house where Saturn is placed in aspected by 6th lord. In D9 it is 6th house itself.

Second marriage with “Joe DiMaggio” on 14 January 1954 – 2nd marriage is seen from 8th from UL and 7th house because it is end of first marriage also if it due to wishes then 11th house have to be involved, if due to duties related to married life like children then 9th house also have to be included. 8th from RUL is more power as compared to RUL because of aspect of mercury. Whereas if we see 8th from UL then we will find using jaimini strength UL is more powerful as compared to 8th from UL but in Ashtakvarga 8th from UL seems to be having more points. There are also so much adulterous Yogas in the chart that also shows second marriage is there. We will analyze them with dasha.

Vimshottari Dasha – Ju-Sa-Ra-Me-Sa Jupiter is in 2nd from 7th house a marak house, aspected by Rahu who is in 12th house of extra marital affair and he himself is in 8th house of hidden sex relationships. In D9 Jupiter is in 11th house that from Rashi and Planetary by both aspect aspects 7th house from D9 that along with involvement of Venus makes it an adulterous Yoga. Saturn is afflicted 7th lord that is in mutual aspect with 11th lord Venus and also Saturn is 11th lord from Venus that shows this marriage was due to wishes, own desires. In D9 Saturn is ascendant lord showing the event of marriage and being 2nd lord 8th from 7th house shows second marriage. Rahu is 2nd lord from 7th house in D1 that is in 12th house of sex and affairs and it also 2nd lord 8th from 7th lord from moon ascendant and from Venus ascendant is 11th lord. In Navamsha he is 2nd lord in 11th house showing love and now loves marriage. Mercury is in 11th house in D1 with 2nd lord 8th from 7th aspected by 5th lord in opposite of 5th house showing second marriage due to love. In D9 it is in 5th house with 5th lord and Rahu illusion of love that was soon to be over. Saturn we have already seen.

Char dasha – Sg-Ar-Pi-Aq-Vi. In D1 it is 7th from RUL and 9th from UL. Being 7th from RUL it better shows second marriage whereas from UL it shows protection to marriage that he hasn’t done. Aries is sign having UL and 11th from RUL aspected by DK. Pisces is 10th from RUL and 12th from UL and is having A11 is also aspected by Rahu. Aquarius is 8th house having DK is in 9th from RUL and 11th from UL. Virgo is 4th from RUL and 6th from UL. Aspected by Rahu. Here till now we can see clearly how clearly Rahu have influenced her life in terms of bad as well as good events. How Rahu have given her multiple marriages that’s why I have wrote RUL is working good in this case but before making anything as a final word we have to test it aggressively to come to an conclusion.

Divorce with “Joe DiMaggio” on 5 October 1954 – first marriage lasted 4 years this was the reason why I have said Fake Illusion of love because this second one was only for 10 months.

Vimshottari dasha – Ju-Me-Me-Ra-Su, Jupiter is involved in adulterous Yogas in D9 in D1 he is aspecting UL. As it was 2nd marriage its break will be from 8th from 2nd that was 8th from 7th, and 8th from 2nd is 9th and Jupiter is in 12th house to 9th house giving loss to significations of 9th house. He is also 9th lord afflicted in 8th house with 10th lord that is marak for 9th house and 5th lord that shows love, romance. Mercury in D9 is with Rahu and Venus that also made him involved in adulterous yoga. In D9 he is in 2nd marak from UL and 12th loss from RUL. Rahu is exalted in RUL in 12th house in D1 showing loss and is also involved in adulterous yoga in D9. Sun in D1 is in the same condition as mercury, moreover in D9 he is in 12th from 7th showing loss to significations of 7th house of D9 and is in 10th from 9th house in D9 that shows karma of end of 2nd marriage was done by him, as by taking 9th house of D9 as Lagna he will have complete Sthan bala.

Char Dasha – Sg-Le-Ta-Ge-Vi, Sagittarius is 12th house from 7th house in D1, 7th from RUL and 9th from UL. Aspected by A8 and A11 showing loss of marriage as well as re-marriage bur to desires. He is also 10th from 9th house that shows he has became the working plane for 9th house. He also has very malefic Ketu placed inside it. Leo is 2nd house which shows end of first marriage and start of second one aspected by GK showing troubles, problems and break, along with that he is also aspected by malefic Saturn. BK moon significator of 3rd house that is 2nd from 2nd. And By AL showing effect of this event on her image. Along with UL, A7 and A6 showing marriage, relationships and problems. Taurus is 2nd sign from UL and 12th from RUL showing marak and loss effects. Aspected by malefic Saturn and Moon that is BK. In the sign the depositor of Gulika and Maandi is also situated afflicting 2nd lord Sun showing break of her 2nd marriage. Gemini is 3rd from UL and the sign where RUL falls with an exalted malefic Rahu who is there with A8 loss and aspected by another Malefic Ketu and Maandi. Virgo is the 3rd house aspected by the same exalted malefic Rahu and Ketu, also aspected by A8 and is 7th marak from 9th loss of 2nd marriage and is 2nd house from 3rd house showing second marriage is also the sign where Maandi is placed in.

Third marriage with “Arthur Miller” on 29 June 1956 – 3rd marriage will be seen from 9th house of UL and 7th house in D1 and in D9. Because it is 8th from 2nd house that is 8th from 7th house or UL that shows after end of first marriage 2nd was done and after end of the second one now the native is pursuing to third marriage. 9th house is vacant whereas 8th from 9th have Saturn thus it is more powerful showing that it will also break.

Vimshottari Dasha – Ju-Me-Sa-Sa-Ju, Jupiter is 9th house lord as well as DK and in D9 it is in 11th house of fulfillment of desires. Mercury is lord of RUL that shows marriage and in D9 it is in mutual aspect with Jupiter. Saturn is in 8th from 9th house we will see its role in breaking marriage too her he is in 5th from RUL and 7th from UL showing marriage in D9 he is aspecting 7th lord and is in another sign of 9th lord in 10th house from 9th house showing he will work for that cause. Jupiter we have seen before.

Char Dasha – Sg-Ta-Pi-Ta-Cn, Sagittarius is 10th house from 9th house shows he is working for 9th house aspected by RUL and exalted Rahu from 12th house of affairs, it have Ketu a dire malefic that also shows marriage. It is also 9th from UL and 7th from RUL showing marriage. Taurus is 11th sign showing desires and their fulfillment and it have PK and MK. It is 4th from 9th house counted from RUL. Aspected by HL showing gain of money, SL once again gain of money GK is there showing rise in power and influence in society. Pisces is the 9th sign itself, aspected by RUL and exalted Rahu and Ketu that shows marriage. Taurus we have already seen coming to cancer it is ascendant sign 2nd from RUL and 4th from UL aspected by DK and GL showing gain of power.

Divorce to “Arthur Miller” on 20 January 1961 – This marriage lasted 4 years 7 months. Before proceeding further let we make “Graha Chakra” for her and let’s try to find out house signification of planets as per this and by that we will be able to get a clear view as to why any planet in Char or Vimshottari dasha have caused the event. Graha chakra is very vital and always has to be kept in mind. As per graha chakra significator of 1st house will moon, 2nd-Jupiter, 3rd Mars, 4th Venus, 5th Mercury, 6th Sun, 7th Rahu, 8th Saturn, 9th Ketu, 10th Moon, 11th Jupiter, 12th Sun. Now just see in retrospect placement of Rahu that is significator of 7th house in RUL that shows her multiple relationships and Marriages. Now see role of 6th 8th and 12th house significator in making breaking marriage and deciding its future, see in retrospect and you will find importance of Graha chakra as well as its usage and how fantastically it works.

Vimshottari Dasha – Ju-Su-Ke-Sa-Me, Jupiter is DK in 12th from 9th house of 2nd marriage, is afflicted by mars and Rahu in D1 and Rahu in D9. In Graha Chakra (GC) he is significator of 11th house that shows fulfillment of desire that can in her case be of 2nd marriage as well as he is lord of 2nd house that is 8th from 7th house, a natural question arises is always 2nd will also be significator of 11th in GC then how we will decide answer is simple that when you have decided to fulfill only your desires, keeping your other half’s wishes aside, relationship is bound to suffer here Jupiter also being GK and afflicted in 8th house and in Polygamy yoga’s in D9 was more and more lethal. Sun is lord of 6th from 9th house that shows problems in matters related to 9th house and in GC that is significator of 6th house 12th loss from 7th house in 11th house fulfillment of desires with mercury that is 12th loss and 3rd 7th marak from 9th house lord in 3rd house from 9th house that shows efforts or lack of it. Ketu in GC signifies 9th house that I for third marriage is in 10th from that that shows karma related to 9th house that I third marriage as well as his break both have to be done by him also he is in 7th from RUL and 9th from UL. In 6th house 12th from 7th and 12th from Lagna lord also is afflicted by Saturn who is also subhpati (depositor of moon) and pakesh (depositor of Ascendant lord). Saturn is significator of 8th house in GC that I 2nd marak from 7th and 12th loss from 9th house and is afflicted by Rahu and is in 7th from Venus ascendant and also in 5th from RUL and 7th from UL that shows 7th marak from UL and 5th future of RUL. Mercury is in 11th house and its role we have seen in part where we were discussing Sun now in GC he is lord of 5th house that is affairs, love relationships, future of native, also he is PK and in GC signifies 5th house his affliction by Mars in D1, Rahu in D9 and again mars in D7. In all 3 charts he is in either way connected with 5th house and in GC is 5th house significator was it the reason of her not getting progeny in her life…?? Was this also a reason for not getting bliss of being someone else progeny or it was affliction of Sun that is MK/Pik in D1, D9, D12 that have deprived her of this.

Char Dasha – Sg-Cn-Pi-Li-Ta, Sagittarius is 10th house from 9th house working for him is 7th from RUL and 9th from UL. Ha also have significator of 9th house in GC is aspected by A8, Maandi, exalted Rahu that is in 12th house of loss. Cancer is ascendant sign aspected by DK, who is also significator of 2nd and 11th house in GC; its lord is also very afflicted. Pisces is 9th house itself aspected by exalted Rahu and Ketu from 12th houses from ascendant and 7th house respectively also It is aspected by Maandi and its lord in 12th from it is also very afflicted. Libra is 5th from RUL and 7th from UL with AK life lesson in it that is also 8th house significator in GC showing her soul lesson as suffering, and other things represented by 8th house is also aspected by AmK that links this to her profession, is also aspected by afflicted DK, and Gulika. Taurus is 11th sign 2nd from UL and 12th from RUL. Having 5th and 6th house significator of GC in it showing romance, hopes, future, desires, film line, fame and break, disappointment, struggle, loss, in that. Aspected by BK and ascendant lord moon and AK and 7th lord Saturn that shows life’s lesson through matters related to 7th house that is sex, obsession, marital life, physical relationship. And 8th lord that is grief, sex, disappointment, loss, underworld, nudity, hidden and taboo things. In GC too Saturn signifies 8th house.

Bought first home in February 1962 – 4th lord is in 10th house and that is Venus aspected by Saturn that is malefic but also his friend, 4th from moon is also Venus and in D4 in 4th house is also Venus aspected by Saturn moon and in D1 aspected by Saturn Rahu that is in 3rd from AL showing death conditions and circumstances. 4th house is also aspected by Jupiter and Rahu that shows her house being lascivious, big, also an old house that she bought haven’t made. And the house in which she was found dead, naked, in her bed, with telephone in her hand. 4th lord of D4 is in 11th house showing her wish of buying a home was fulfilled but with 8th lord it also shows death in the same home. Aspected by Rahu that is 2nd lord in D4 and is in 3rd house from AL in D1. In the same 11th house in D4 is also A8!!

Vimshottari Dasha – Ju-Mo-Me, in D1 Jupiter is aspecting 4th house is in 11th house from 4th lord and is in 8th house with land/home significator mars. In D4 he is once again aspected by home significator mars who is also 4th lord and is aspecting 10th house of D4 showing he have made the work of D4 in his dasha. Moon is in 4th from 4th house and 10th from 4th lord in D1 and in D4 he is aspecting 4th house being in 10th house of D4 he again showed in his dasha he worked for D4. Mercury is in 11th house of fulfillment of desire with 2nd lord of family sun. Aspected by Mars significator if land/home. In D9 he is 10th from 4th lord and significator mars aspected by Jupiter from 2nd house showing involvement of money in it. In GC mercury is significator of 5th house, 1st house shows place where we were born in so 5th house shows where our next generation will born that is our own house. Also it is house of future and Punya.

Char Dasha – Sg-Sc, Sagittarius is 6th house having Ketu in it that signifies 9th house in GC that shows but it is also aspected by exalted Rahu who is in 12th house 3rd from AL showing death conditions, also it is aspected by A8, and MK that is significator of 4th house of home is in 6th of work from the sign, it is 3rd house of work from 4th house and 11th house from significator of land mars and is in trine to 4th lord Venus. Scorpio is 5th house we have already seen role of 5th house in land/home of native, he is further in 7th to MK significator of 4th house and is aspected by Venus lord of 4th house Moon lord of ascendant signifying native himself and A4. Sign contains A2 that shows family or home of native.

Mysterious Death at age 36 on 5 August 1962 – longevity estimation for her will say: – Lagna + Hora Lagna = Long Life, Lagna lord + 8th house lord as per Vriddha Karika Method = Middle life, Saturn + Moon = Long life, Now check Kakshya Vriddhi and Hrasha he have 2 rules applicable for Kakshya Vriddhi that is Natural benefics in 1st or 7th house or in trine to it that is Mercury in 11th house trine to 7th house but with sun spoiled, 2nd rule is exalted is AK that is Saturn is 4th house that haven’t worked as Saturn being in Hora Lagna make one rule of Kakshya Hrasha to work too and that is Saturn in Hora Lagan or his connection with lord of Hora Lagna. So normally she have to have long life that she didn’t have because ascendant is weak due to aspect of Saturn, ascendant lord is weak due to hemmed in between malefic, 8th house is weak due to placement of mars in 8th house that is further aspected by Rahu and 8th lord is also weak due to being aspected by Rahu. 10th house is weak due to aspect of Saturn and dig bala less Venus being posited therein and 10th lord is weak due to being in 8th house and aspected by Rahu who is sure to give death as he is in 3rd from AL.

Conditions around death have to be seen from 8th house, 3rd from AK and 8th house in D3. 3rd from AK is exalted Rahu in 12th house aspected by Ketu and Maandi (who shows poison) Rahu there exalted shows media intervention after death, Rahu is also significator of marak house 7th in GC. With A8 that shows death as well as mystery Rahu himself shows drugs, addiction, alcohol, secrecy, death in bondage, and further aspected by maandi which shows giving poison it makes drug overdose more clear to see. 12th house is also house of addiction, bondage, drugs. 8th from ascendant have Jupiter that is an expending planet and shows bad deeds there he is also 6th lord there shows bad death, death due to being hurt by something. He is there with Mars and in D3 Mars once again is in 8th house showing violence, blood, in D1 as well as in D3 Rahu is aspecting 8th house as well as 8th lord in D3 by 3rd aspect and in D1 by 5th aspect and in both charts aspects 8th house by 9th aspect. That shows death due to drugs that clarifies why she died of drug overdose, next day she was found naked in her bed, with telephone in her hand. Lord of 3rd house and significator of communication is in 2nd house from AL marak house and planet who becomes significator of 3rd house in GC is in 8th house in 11th bondage from AL. see the role of 8th house and lord and significator of 8th house in GC that is Saturn in D1 and D3 and you will find why this was the death conditions, Rahu signifies nudity and 12th house signifies bed pleasures, most probably bed too.

Vimshottari Dasha – Ju-Ma-Ra-Ra-Ra. See the dasha of Rahu being repeated in PD, SD, and PAD and just look back position of her Rahu in D1 and D3. And him being in 12th house from ascendant 3rd from AL. and his connection with bed 12th house taboo, and nudity that Rahu signifies. Jupiter is 9th and 6th lord in 8th house, and parashara says when 6th house or its lord is afflicted then he too can give death see here 6th house in under aspect of Saturn and Ketu is in 6th house lord of 6th house is in 8th house with Mars and aspected by Rahu. In D3 Jupiter is again with Rahu in 12th house that is 3rd marak house. Lord of ascendant in D3 that is afflicted with Rahu in 12th and in D3 he is depositor of Gulika. Mars is lord of 10th and 5th house 10th house is very vital for longevity of a person he is in 2nd marak house from Moon; Jupiter is also in the same condition. His both signs are aspected by marak house lords from ascendant. Scorpio by 2nd lord sun and Aries by 7th lord Saturn who is also marak from Moon ascendant being 2nd lord and sun in lord of 8th house from moon. Mars is Further afflicted in 8th house by aspect of Rahu in D1 as well as in D3. Mars is also marak in D3 being lord of 2nd house. Role of Rahu we have already seen Further he is co-lord of 8th house from ascendant and 2nd house from moon and is in 12th house from ascendant 3rd marak and 6th house from moon remember afflicted 6th house gives death. In D3 Rahu being lord of 12th house 3rd marak is lethal and dangerous because he is in 12th from ascendant in both D1 and D3 showing loss of body.

Char Dasha – Sc-Sc-Cn-Ar-Ta, Scorpio is 8th house from AL, aspected by BK significator of 3rd house from Ascendant that is 8th from 8th signifies longevity, and GK significator of 6th house remember what parashara have said about 6th lord. Venus is also Maheshwar that signifies death in jaimini astrology and is used in longevity dasha. It is also aspected by A7, A6 and UL, 12th house is 3rd marak, 6th house we know and as A7 is found from 7th house we should not forget 7th house is marak too. Cancer is 1st house aspected by Brahma Jupiter that shows birth as well as death and is used in longevity dasha like Sthir Dasha. it is also aspected by 2nd lord sun, and DK Jupiter that shows death because he is 7th significator in scheme of char karak that is a marak house, this sign is also aspected by Scorpio 8th from AL. Aries is where AL is placed in aspected by DK and Brahma Jupiter, and having Maheshwar Venus in it, it is also aspected by Gulika showing bad death. Taurus is 2nd marak from AL and 11th bondage from ascendant that have 2nd lord marak sun in it. Aspected by Rudra another planet used for longevity determination in Jaimini astrology, and 7th lord marak Saturn. Sun is also Prani Rudra. This sign is also aspected by HL, ascendant, moon, Saturn and 8th lord all the factors that are used for determining longevity in Jaimini astrology.

Transit – Her ascendant lord was under 3rd aspect of Rahu and Rahu the most deadly planet that gave him everything from Bhoga to death was in her ascendant. Saturn and Jupiter both were retrograde and applying rule of Bhrigu that says retrograde planet also aspects from the last sign we will see double transit on 7th marak house and ascendant that shows the native, 4th house that signifies her home, 8th house longevity and 8th from 8th that is 3rd and her ascendant lord Moon coming under double transit effect of Saturn and Jupiter and is further afflicted by 3rd aspect of Rahu. Combined influence of mars and Saturn over 6th house. By this analysis things are clearer in front of us.

Unlike other predictive sciences Vedic astrology is a vast ocean in itself. To get pearls we have dive more and more deep. This science was transmitted into oral tradition by our sages then at later times it was written in form of books by Acharyas, there have been and there are so many scholars of Vedic astrology and one such living legend is Mr. Irangati Rangacharya Ji. Whose method of char dasha calculation I have used here, I am highly indebted to him for sharing his knowledge with people like us in form of his books from where I have learnt astrology, and have come to a level where I can say that I have seen the depth of Jaimini school but due to my fear or inability I am not able to go deep inside it. Mr. Rangacharya Ji advises us to use Jaimini Navamsha and Pravritti-Traya and Somnath Drekkana in jaimini astrology that I haven’t used in this article but in my next article on char dasha where I will explain the same method in a male horoscope I will show to usage of Jaimini navamsha and Somnath drekkana, and Raajyoga in jaimini astrology.

I am highly indebted to Mr. Irangati Rangacharya Ji and Sage Jaimini for sharing this wonderful system with us.

“She was a girl who knew how to be happy even when she was sad. And that’s important – you know?” – Marilyn Monroe

Om Tat Sat
Shubham Alock

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Paul Kenneth Bernardo; A Canadian serial killer astrological and biographical case study

paul Paul Kenneth Bernardo; A Canadian serial killer astrological and biographical case study

As per our Indian philosophy, belief and tradition we believe that there were 4 Yuga’s namely satyayuga, dwaparyuga, tretayuga and then now kaliyuga, it is said that now in kaliyuga bad deeds are in vogue and bad people are everywhere. Humanity is at its lowest place and there are people roaming around the streets who by outer look are like humans but internally they are animals. Astrology is a great toll that helps us understand inner nature, personality and soul of a person maybe for that reason sage have developed it and based on this and insights provided by this we can make our lives better by understanding our karmas and past mistakes that we have made and due to them we are now suffering. But this all is for those who are awaken by inside, those who are slept inside those who doesn’t have any spark of divinity inside them for them astrology is unbelievable, it is because the knowledge of our ancient seers pervades our limited understanding and those who are slept at soul level can never understand this, for this reason sages have used spirituality along with astrology and only for this reason it is very important for an astrologer to have some spiritual ground. Because only by walking on this way, we can understand the language of our sages and can be human in its truest sense.

Today I am going to analyze chart of man who as per me doesn’t have any spark of divinity and is even more worse than animal and let we find out which astrological combinations made him like this.

His name is “Paul Kenneth Bernardo” right now he is under imprisonment. Because, he did sexual assault on 19 women. Along with that raped and tortured 3 women and assaulted them, filmed them, practised cruelty over them and killed them. His wife helped him doing all this. He was well educated then why he did this, this is what we try to find out with his horoscope.

His details are – 27th August 1964, 08:31:00, Scarborough, Canada (I have just changes little bit in latitude and longitude and have used 79W25/43N40)

His chart casted using these details is correct on the criteria of birth time rectification too.

untitled Paul Kenneth Bernardo; A Canadian serial killer astrological and biographical case study

Story Starts – a child with this much achievement can only be of parents of the same stature, it is the place where I do think that our Indian society and cultures are far better than of western world.

His father abused his own daughter sexually – his mars is highly afflicted because he is in Mrityu Bhag as well as defeated in planetary war with Venus. Mars being a planet of power, anger, vitality, virility when is weak or afflicted shows wrong use of power and authority (he becomes depositor of sun when sun becomes exalted) also weakness of Venus or Mars or their extra powerful influence on chart makes a person sexually pervert, weak, the one who can’t control his desires and fantasy (Mars is responsible for exaltation of Sun and debilitation of moon and Venus is cause of debilitation of sun and exaltation of moon they both are also each other’s enemy as their signs as always 1-7 to each other).

Any imbalance between them clearly shows lack on synchronization between sun and moon that is soul and mind, intellect and emotions, emotions and actions.

We can here notice Mars is weak due to being defeated in planetary war and being in MB (Mrityu Bhag) and Venus is extremely powerful being in Pushkar Amsha and winner in planetary war. Venus in D1 is in friend’s house who is fast friend too. (5 fold relationship of planets) and in navamsha he is in own house whereas mars in D1 is neechabhilashi (going towards its debilitation and in D1 as well as in D9 is in enemy’s sign. Further Rahu with this combination spoils this for worse.

Also here Rahu is co-lord of 6th house that shows Shadripu (6 weakness of human being and sexuality, excess of anything, anger is few of them) Venus is AK and Mars is AmK thus he have spoiled almost everything in chart. Now just change our focus to 9th house and we can see it’s all happening in 2nd from 9th house that is 8th from 7th house from 9th house (boundary of marriage for father) here from 9th house it is a conjunction of 6th 7th 12th 1st house lords. Venus and mars is in very close conjunction. 7th and 12th house of sex and 6th house of weakness and 8th house lord from 9th house that also represents sex is in 9th house from ascendant. Now see PK in the chart.

Now just come to MK that is used for predicting things related to 4th house in Jaimini astrology and BK who is representative of 3rd house Shri K.N.Rao says use MK and moon for mother and BK and sun for father and I do use MK for both of them as jaimini haven’t given separate karaka for father.

So karaka for parents is the one MK that can be used for both mother and father here no matter which method you use. Either it be of 7 char karakas of K.N.Rao, 8 char karakas of Sanjay Rath or mixed 78 char Karakas as suggested by jaimini and parashara we can see a simple thing that GK this is representative of 6th house of disease, illness, weakness, have jaimini aspect on them. So we can say 2 things from here first both his parents have had some weakness (its normal in human beings but not when it is all in bad houses) and he never liked any one of them and developed hatred for them later in his life.

Till now we have seen for father what about mother. When Paul was 16 years old he argument with his parents where his mother told him that he was illegitimate child (who was born due to her physical contact with one lover of her) after this incident he stated calling his mother with abusive words (what a bad experience on the mind of an 16 year old – this once again shows why Indian beliefs and rules have to be followed all over the world for the sake of humanity to live humanly) how to find he was in illegitimate child is out of context of this case study. When we focus on 4th house of his chart we can see the conjunction between Rahu, Mars, and Venus is being made in 7th from 4th house doesn’t it indicates the event.

Rahu from 4th house is 3rd Co-Lord of courage; Mars is 12th lord of sex and 5th lord of emotions and love affair/relationship.

Venus is 6th lord of weakness and 11th lord of social circle, multiple partners. 4th lord is in 6th house from 4th house once again showing weakness of his mother. This all is happening in 10th house that is house of work in any chart and it shows how all these events influenced his works and his doings in society. Parashara mentions that is there are malefic in 10th house it shows works of native will be bad here 10th house having 2 malefic under which Rahu is exalted and mars is a weak and afflicted malefic. And Venus an afflicted benefic shows about his karma also to notice here is Venus is 2nd lord and Rahu by his 5th aspect aspects 5th house.

If in any horoscope 10th house and 2nd house and their lords are afflicted then that person can never reach on spiritual heights. He will make bad deeds and whole of his life will be busy in making bad deeds and can never come out of those consequences of bad deeds and his life will be just doing bad deeds and suffering their reactions.

This is completely applicable in this case. So far we have seen 10th house and 2nd house and 2nd lord being afflicted now come to 10th lord. 10th lord is in 12th house that is a bad yoga with sun that is there in Maran Karak Sthan (MKS). In navamsha 10th lord is in 6th house showing bad karmas. He is further also afflicted by aspect of retrograde (powerful) malefic Saturn.

Retrograde malefic aspected by another retrograde malefic is like living hell and here in this condition mercury and Saturn both are retrograde mercury being with sun in malefic and aspected by another retrograde malefic made it so bad and afflicted that his karmas 10th house was bad and his sexual tendencies 12th house were also bad. 2 malefic in 12th house aspected by another powerful malefic Saturn from 6th house who is 5th lord of Punya and 6th lord of weakness. Thus it is affliction of 10th lord of karmas ascendant lord of self native, 12th lord of sex and 5th lord of Punya.

With 6th lord of weakness and Ripu. Thus it made him sexual sadist (Saturn is sadist in itself he by being aspected by retrograde malefic mercury bitter enemy Sun and co-lord of 6th and highly malefic Rahu whose 9th aspect that shows bad deeds of past life made the condition more worse) thus as a result Paul was a sexual sadist and pervert. His 7th lord Jupiter seems in good condition in D1 but in D9 he is debilitated in 9th house of Purva Punya. Aspected by retrograde mars (again living hell in 9th house of D9 that shows Dharma of a person). He in D9 is also aspected by malefic Sun.

the same Jupiter is also 7th lord from Venus and 7th lord from moon and 7th karak is Venus whose affliction we have already seen. Worst over all these is the fact that his DK is also Jupiter from all 3 schemes of Char Karaka. This shows that his spouse “Karla Homolka” also helped him doing all this. His wife used to find girls with him, tortured all women with him, filmed all of them while Paul raping them and was also responsible equally in the crime committed. He was a sexual pervert surrounded with another sexual pervert people that were his father, mother and wife.

In university he developed dark sexual fantasies, he enjoyed humiliating women, and public beating all the women he dated. Here we have to see Jupiter who is in 9th house of university and Venus who is karaka for love affair and girlfriends and Mercury who represents education as well as friends of opposite sex.

We have already seen their affliction in earlier parts of this write-up now coming to D24 chart in 9th house of university education we can see nodes which shows education lasted only up to this level. Nodes in 9th house is with mercury lord of 2nd house showing this education terminated after bachelors degree and 2nd lord being afflicted who shows masters degree indicates he never opted for masters degree. Saturn is retrograde in his chart and if we take rule provided by Bhrigu Rishi and if we see Saturn as in 9th house then it will be Saturn and nodes in 9th house.

That shows heavy affliction to 9th house. Also in D24 his Venus is in 12th house with sun again Sun is in MKS showing his soul has died. In his D10 there are 3 planets in 6th house and one in 7th house showing he only did job. In 6th house of D10 the most powerful planet is Venus in friends sign and 10th house is aspected by Saturn from 10th house that shows he was salesman in Amway.

His Venus is also in 10th house in D1 and is the most powerful planet in his 10th house in D1 too. In D9 also his 10th lord is in sign of Venus once again showing his career as salesman.

She came – in October 1987 he met Karla, they became sexually attracted (this is the definition of love in western world – one more reason to proud on Indian culture) she encouraged his sadistic sexual behavior. It was period of Rahu-Mercury-Sun (I am starting vimshottari dasha from ascendant because there is no planet in Kendra to moon whereas from ascendant there are 4 planets) Rahu is 6th lord in 10th house who is afflicting Venus his sexuality who is also 9th lord of dharma and mars who is 3rd lord of sexual attraction and 8th lord of sexuality and hidden desires, sadist nature.

In navamsha Rahu is in 7th house. Afflicting 7th house  here let me explain difference between 7th and 9th house 9th house is dharma and main cause for which marriage is done in Indian society that is one of the dharma the reason for which marriage was created and it comes under 16 basic rituals of Hinduism. Whereas 7th house is mainly related to sex and physical contact and partner.

That’s why D9 is seen for marriage that is Dharma Patni and D7 for children that arises out of physical relationship. This is why jaimini haven’t chosen A7 to be seen for marriage it is only seen for physical relationship. Jaimini sutras are based on south Indian script that is KaTaPaYaDi method.

Used mainly in south Indian classics. Whereas Parashara used Shloka in poetry form that is more used in north Indian classics. Jaimini says us to see marriage from UL the word he used for this in Shloka is the one who follows ascendant (different scholar translate it in different manner based on udaya chakra and Prakriti chakra, vikriti chakra, we are not going into that debate) but the main this is he said wife will be the one who follows the native in astrology terminology UL is the one who follows ascendant. Same is with parashara he uses trine system more prominently.
And using that before native that is ascendant comes 9th house of wife and after native comes 5th house of children. In the same manner in Bhava chakra that is north Indian chart and in rashi chakra that is south Indian chart. We see a pattern. In Bhava chakra it comes in trine. Where the part in quadrant houses are related to native. For example 9-1-5 shows father native son, 2-10-6 shows family responsibility work 3-7-11 shows formation of desire, coming out of desire and completion of desire. Then 12-4-8 that shows loss of things self realization transformation. Coming back to topic being discussed in nutshell 9th house is legal marriage and 7th house is mere physical contact 7th house for marriage only works when native is virgin before marriage. If not then 9th house will always be Dharma Patni.

They say marriages are made in heaven thus through 9th house as Purva Punya we get our wives.

Then in AD there is mercury that in D1 is in 12th house of sex and lord of 5th house of love and attraction in D9. PD was of sun that in D1 is in 12th house and in D3 is in 3rd house of friendship and sexual fantasies, in D1 he is 12th lord of sexual house and in D9 he is 4th lord of chastity. He in D9 is afflicted by Rahu and can’t be saved by aspect of debilitated Jupiter. In Transit Rahu was in 7th house from his ascendant and with Jupiter because he was retro also take him paced in previous house and Saturn and Jupiter both by dual transit was activating his 12th house of sex.

Also if we take Jupiter in pervious sign there was dual transit also on 3rd house of sexual attraction and fantasy. Also his 7th lord afflicted by Rahu shows things more clearly.

Crimes committed (whose criminal record can be found) –

1. 4 May 1987, Rape, 21 Yr Old women, ½ Hours attack. – Rahu and Mercury we have already seen are not giving him marriage but sexual fulfillment only. Off course in other cases we have to judge natal chart first then have to decide the result because mere watching at that dasha planet is not connected to 9th house in D9 we can’t say it is just a physical love. Whole chart have to be taken as there are so many adulterous Yogas in the chart that I will explain later we can conclude it was just physical attraction we will see involvement of dasha planets in adulterous yoga.

PD, SD, PAD was of Venus who is 9th lord of D1 dharma afflicted in 10th house with Rahu see once again Rahu. In D9 ascendant that Venus with mars and Ketu are afflicted and with moon is making adulterous yoga. Venus is prostitute and Moon is the one who have stolen the wife of Jupiter thus he highly adulterous and this yoga have been confirmed by energy turned bad Mars and evil eye Rahu.

Here I want to tell some adulterous Yoga but apply them with caution. If mercury is in trine to moon in D9 then it is an adulterous yoga whereas mercury in trine to Jupiter in D9 can nullify this.

If 2nd and 7th house of D9 is lorded or aspected by Mars and Venus by rashi aspect then it is an adulterous Yogas Jupiter’s aspect on 2nd or 7th house or mars or Venus will make the yoga worsen. Here see 7th house is lorded by Mars where Rahu is and this house is also aspected by Venus and Mars using planetary aspect that shows desire. Means it doesn’t happen at own the native desired and worked for it.

Jupiter by rashi aspect aspected this 7th house and by rashi and planetary aspect both it aspected mars and Venus mars is the main yoga forming planet here and Venus is the one who is in charge of the yoga. See in D7 Rahu is in 2nd house 8th from 7th with Gulika, Gulika shows flaws, curses, our ancient sages said if gulika be posited in ascendant there is flaw in intelligence of the native if it be with moon then flaw in mentality and if be with sun flaw in soul is there. Gulika with moon affects longevity very badly here in his chart Sun and Moon both is in MKS and Ascendant is with gulika and maandi. Thus it shows his souls level. His Lagna is 13 degree and gulika is 18 degree. See how close the conjunction is.

In D7 that same Venus is in 6th house of weakness in Scorpio with Mars and Jupiter as it is sign of mars where mars is placed in Jupiter was not able to protect and mars being the main planet in formation of Adulterous yoga worsen the situation. That day moon was in cancer 11th sign from his ascendant where A7 is. We already know 11th house is for completion of desire also sometimes it is for sex out of marriage due to own wish as it is house of wishes and A7 shows physical relationships only. Sun was in 8th house of sex 12th loss from UL.

2. 14 May 1987, Rape, 19 year old women, 1 hour assault – only PAD was changed to Rahu. We have seen how Rahu is in 10th house afflicting Venus and Mars he is also 6th lord of mistakes and in D9 he is in 7th house in D7 he is in 2nd house that day moon was transiting his 3rd house from ascendant trine to A7. Sun was in 8th house 12th from UL.

3. 17 July 1987, Attempted Rape, 15 year old girl, Paul have beaten that women – SD of Rahu and PAD of Venus was only change in the dasha scheme. Moon was in his 7th house he attempted to rape that girl and also beaten her but was unsuccessful because moon was with Rahu who is 6th lord from his ascendant thus he was fighting with the girl but as Rahu is enemy of moon he failed. Sun was in 3rd house being a malefic 3rd from UL he was good saved UL.

4. 27 September 1987, Attempted Rape, 15 year old women – Mercury SD Saturn PAD. Although Saturn is involved in adulterous yoga in D9 mercury is not supporting and as mercury is also 2nd lord from UL he will try to save UL thus he haven’t supported and event and he failed. That day moon was once again in 3rd from his ascendant but was with Saturn planet of disappointment. At 14 may Saturn was with moon and on this day too, but why he succeeded first time and not now. Answer lies in Sun now sun was in 7th from UL and 3rd from ascendant good from ascendant Sun was with Ketu and Venus 2 enemies bound to give disappointment.

One classics dictum says that in female horoscope (in modern context it is also applicable to male horoscope) is Venus in D9 is in his own sign or in sign of mars or Saturn aspected by mars or Saturn it will make women characterless. Here he is a guy but Venus is in his own sign with sun and Saturn being retrograde if we take his aspect from 7th house he will complete the yoga.

5. 6 December 1987, Rape, 15 year old girl, 1 hour assault – PD was of moon, SD Rahu, PAD Jupiter. We have seen role of Rahu, Jupiter in birth chart as well as in D9 in formation of adulterous yoga. Moon that is lord of A7 and 11th house of desires is in MKS in 8th house of sex and in D9 he is in 1st house making yoga of adulterous instincts. Moon was in his 10th house transiting over Venus, Mars and Rahu making his desires grow more and more and was in Marak house from UL and 12th house of sex from A7 sun was in 3rd house trine to A7 and 7th to UL with Saturn and mercury here Saturn was the trouble because he is in adulterous Yogas in chart.

6. 23 December 1987, Rape, 17 year old girl, Raped with knife – Jupiter was gone from PAD to SD and Rahu came to PAD giving lethal touch to the event and signifying use of knife while the criminal deeds. It is evident that in these types of events which are happening at a small interval PAD plays an important and decisive role. We have seen role of Rahu and Jupiter in adulterous yoga in the chart. Moon was in 5th house with Venus in 7th to A7 and sun was in 4th house 8th from UL and 6th from A7. With Saturn and mercury. Once again Saturn is here showing the accuracy of the dictum of parashara that he stated with respect to character in female chart. Here readers need to note that Saturn and mars effect on moon when they are in sign of these planets or in how own sign makes a person ascetic and the same with Venus makes a person adulterous here moon and Venus are together that pity is that is sign of Venus where he is powerful and moon to being exalted was able to ward off de-attaching effect of Saturn and was evolved in physical desire provided by Venus.

7. 18 April 1988, Rape, 17 year old girl, 45 minutes – Moon PAD we have seen role of moon just in last few lines, in transit moon and Venus both were on UL although benefic they make adulterous yoga on UL. Sun was in 12th from UL shows expenditure of UL and 10th from A7 showing work related to A7 that is physical relationship.

8. 25 May 1988, nearly caught the women but she escaped, he was stalking the women when at night she departed from metro to go home. PAD was of Mars although he is in those yoga’s but he is weak, he can afflict Venus and give more and power to Rahu but isn’t able to do anything at his own due to his weakness. Thus event hasn’t materialized. For the first time he was not even able to tough the girl. Moon was in ascendant 3rd from A7 being a benefic bad for A7 and trine to UL being a benefic good for UL Sun was in 10th house with UL lord Venus that saved UL. Sun and Ketu is not bad for UL. For break in marriage or for this type or person better to say for a person to go out of marital bounders UL and 2nd there from have to be seen. UL have Jupiter that seems good but that Jupiter is debilitated in D9 it terrible. 2nd from UL is Rahu and Mars who shows break in marriage. 2 malefic in 2nd from UL are 99% surety for break in marriage here also mars is weak. And Rahu is exalted showing due to extra ambition, desire, and sexuality it will break. Lord of UL is also afflicted due to being in that conjunction in 2nd from UL and 8th from UL having an exalted planet shows 8th from UL is more powerful as compared to UL that shows marriage will sure break.

9. 30 May 1988, Rape, 18 year old, 30 Minutes assault – Jupiter PAD was running and we have seen role of Jupiter in adulterous yoga’s and also we have seen how he is afflicted DK and is unable to save UL. Lord of UL is also afflicted in Rashi as well as in D9. 2nd lord from UL have to be seen in D9 for marriage and see It applying jaimini aspect how he is afflicted in 6th house of D9. Moon was in 7th from UL moon in 7th is a hint towards adulteration, also it is in trine to A7 also he is aspecting A7 not UL. Sun is in UL but not with its lord as it was in last case.

10. 4 October 1988, Attempted rape, inflicted women with wounds on thigh and buttock (12 stitches) – Jupiter PD we have seen his role, Mercury SD as he is afflicted but not in adulterous yoga he haven’t let it materialize but moon in PAD as it is in 8th house in MKS in D1 he attacked the girl and gave her deep wounds. But was unsuccessful due to Jupiter’s transit over UL. Although moon was on A7 Sun was in ascendant and lord from UL was himself debilitated weak to let UL break. But due to favorable transits of Sun and moon he made wounds.

11. 16 November 1988, Rape, 18 years old – Sun SD Venus PAD. Sun was to block the happening of the event but due to power of Venus in D1 and his involvement in adulterous yoga’s in D9 it happened. In transit sun was in 3rd house 7th from UL aspecting A7 and moon was in 5th, 9th from UL aspecting UL showed his adulterous nature and his involvement in adulterous yoga.

12. 17 November 1988, Metro Police formed a special force to capture him – moon was in 6th house with Rahu and SD and PAD was changed to Moon. Just keep role of moon in mind we will see its role later. Moon is like Indra who is adulterous but at the same time king of gods moon too is king of Nakshatra like Sun is king or zodiac signs.

13. 27 December 1988, Attempted Rape – PD and SD was of Saturn but PAD was of mercury that is weak but not in adulterous yoga thus the event haven’t fructified.

14. 20 June 1989, Attempted Rape, he had scratches on his face due to fight – Ketu MD who is in adulterous yoga in D9, Venus PD he is also in adulterous yoga in D9, Sun SD this obstructed the event because he is not in adulterous yoga in D9. Rahu SAD as sun is always powerful as compared to Rahu (unless they are together) he blocked his effect. Also sun is in own house in D1 where Rahu is exalted but also afflicted. Sun in SD blocked Rahu to fructify the event. This sun also made him being injured why we will find later. Sun and moon in transit were aspecting each other Sun was in 2nd to UL with UL lord and Moon was in 8th to UL and 6th to A7 with 6th lord Saturn thus he was beaten by neighborhood public.

15. 15 August 1989, Rape, 22 year old, 2 hour Assault – Sun PD, Moon SD, Mercury PAD. Sun and moon both are in MKS whereas Mercury is not he is making connection with them but is not engaged in adulterous yoga’s in D9 but as he is retrograde if we take his effect from last house in D9 it will be in Virgo which will make him exalted. Being in 5th house of D9 he fell prey to aspect of Jupiter and Ketu and as Ketu is in AD and Rahu is in MD who is aspecting mercury by his 3rd aspect in D9 and well as in D1 for this reason even tough mercury is not in adulterous yoga he never blocked that yoga too. In transit sun was on A7 and moon in 7th to A7 and 9th to UL and 5th from ascendant whereas Sun was in 11th from Ascendant and 3rd from UL.

16. 21 November 1989, Rape, 15 years old, 45 Minutes – PD Rahu, SD and PAD mercury we know how he falls prey to Rahu. Sun was in trine to aspecting A7 and moon was in 2nd from A7 and 12th from Asc.

17. 22 December 1989, Rape, 19 years old, 30 minutes – PD, SD, PAD was of Jupiter who is weak DK, who is unable to save UL and in adulterous yoga’s in D9. Moon was in 2nd from Asc, 4th from A7 and 6th from UL. Sun was in 4th from Asc, 6th from A7 and 8th from UL.

18. 26 May 1990, Rape, 19 years old, 1 hour assault – Mercury PD, Jupiter SD, Rahu PAD, we have seen role of these 3 planets earlier, in transit sun was on UL and moon 2nd from UL 12th from A7.

Murders – he killed 3 women after giving them drug/alcohol overdose and then raped them while his wife filmed him, then he murdered all 3 of them.

1. Tammy Lyn Homolka – she was sister of his wife, whom his wife gave drug overdose, then filmed while Paul raped her and then killed the girl. On December 23, 1990 under Rahu MD that is 6th lord of hitting someone else or being hurt by someone else. Is with deadly mars in D1 and opposite of mars in D9, Rahu in D9 is in mysterious sign Scorpio. In D9 he is aspected by Ketu and Mars that both shows murder. Rahu in D1 is with 2nd 3rd 8th 9th lord here 3rd and 8th house are for longevity 2nd is a marak house and 9th is house of Purva Punya. All was spoiled by Rahu. In D30 Rahu is in 12th house of punishment, jail, outer world, with another malefic Saturn. Venus AD we know condition of Venus in D1 in D30 he is in 8th house in own sign aspected by Rahu. Sun PD lord is in 10th house aspected by mars and retrograde mercury. Rahu is also PD lord Moon is PAD lord who is in 2nd house in Aries. Moon in Aries is also like moon in Scorpio.

2. Leslie Erin Mahaffy – on 15 June 1991,(Ra-Ve-Ma-Ve-Su) they both after doing all their bad deeds murdered the girl with saw- Mars PD in D30 mars is in 4th house dig bal less, being aspected by Sun and Rahu. With retrograde mercury is off course not a good indication as per sufferings on soul of Paul is concerned. Planets whose effect has been seen earlier are not being discussed again.

3. Kristen Dawn French – on April 30, 1992 (Ra-Ve-Ju-Ra-Ve) they killed that school girl and left him naked on the road making her bald to refrain away from identification of body. Effect of Jupiter has to be seen here Jupiter is in MKS in D30 who was to give him death like suffering.

One thing that has to b noticed is as D30 is for misfortunes strong as well as weak both type of planets are not welcome in this chart. Powerful planet shows suffering due to excess of something and weak planet shows suffering due to starvation of that thing. In his D30 we can see ascendant lord is in MKS in 3rd house that shows this person having to face great suffering. 6th lord of D1 is vargottama here showing that his mistakes and weakness will be the cause because he will not realize his mistake and weakness and will keep on doing that and will suffer. Planet in 8th house in D30 shows the cause of suffering in this world and no wonder in his chart there is Venus in 8th house in D30 in Libra.

MKS Jupiter shows how his intelligence has been died, Mars of own sign shows his anger as his weakness and due to that mars have made his power his weakness and cause of suffering. Venus of own house in 8th house shows his sexuality and his cause of destruction and Rahu and Saturn in 12th house in own sign shows his cause of suffering as sadism given by Saturn and over-ambition, indulging too much into Maya. Harming other people. Remember here that Venus is also AK in 8th house in D30 showing that his soul is here to suffer only.

For the fear of making this article too large let we conclude by analyzing his date of apprehension.

Date apprehended – 17 February 1993 – Saturn is the planet who punishes us for our bas deeds. Here in D1 we can see Saturn and moon in 6-8 from ascendant makes Bandhan yoga (that gave him imprisonment) that same Saturn in D9 in the same 6-8 axis is once again making Bandhan yoga in D1 he have created it with moon that is Malefic (Jaimini takes Aries moon as malefic) and in D9 it is in Bandhan yoga with Mercury. Who is malefic due to his association with sun in D1. See the role of Sun and moon the 2 luminaries and celestial mother and father here. In parivritti-traya D3 there is Bandhan yoga in 5th and 9th house that constitutes Mars, Venus, Moon, Ketu. See those planets who gave him enjoyment now are punishing him. In jaimini Navamsha Rahu and Sun is making Bandhan yoga in 3-11 axis once again showing all those planets those were helping him is now opposing him. In 2 charts it is in 6-8 axis showing bad deeds and punishment due to that in 3-11 showing punishment due to wrong desires and their fulfillment in 5-9 axis punishment due t misuse of given Punya. D3 is very important in jaimini astrology because it shows use of free will, Hard-work, industrialism, use of hands. It was dasha of Rahu who is making Bandhan yoga in Jaimini D9. Venus AD that is making Bandhan yoga in PT-D3, mercury PD who is making Bandhan yoga in normal D9, Jupiter SD who is debilitated in D9 in jaimini D9 as well as in normal D9 showing fall of his intellect and bad karma and now punishment arising out of that. Saturn PAD. The one who is making Bandhan yoga in D1 and D9 the law maker, the Yama between planets. Saturn represents Brahma that writes our destiny. The law maker Saturn has given him the punishment of his wrong doings.

So many points and techniques in analysis I have left for readers to explore and to find by reading between the lines. This case was a best example to show how planets works as per deed of gods, a planet is never malefic never benefic based on your karma either he blesses you or punishes you. This case is an example to all of us to stop for some time and think on what we are doing, why we are doing, are we doing right, are we doing what god wants us to do. We should think everything. Only this makes us distinct from animals that we can think on what we are doing. 

As chanakya said it “before doing anything ask yourself 3 question.
1. What I am doing
2. Why I am doing it
3. What will be its results

Om Tat Sat
Shubham Alock
pin Paul Kenneth Bernardo; A Canadian serial killer astrological and biographical case study

Views: 35

Vedicsiddhanta Research Journal Series : Download and read in-depth Analysis on principals of wheel of time based on Mundane and Vedic cosmological principals

Wheeloftime Vedicsiddhanta Research Journal Series : Download and read in-depth Analysis on principals of wheel of time based on Mundane and Vedic cosmological principals

After seeing great dedication of the Demon Maya
toward the Sun god, The Immortal god of Light and Energy himself said, I will
present you this deep and immemorial
knowledge on speed and motions of planetary structure closely based on
Space-Time system.
Neither anyone has any potential or tolerance to
accept my violent and aggressive bright lights nor have I much time to deliver
it but your deep devotion and dedication earned this and part of my brightness
will sure present this deep immortal knowledge on Time to you. Henceforth, the
person immerged from the Sun god said, oh! Maya, Lord of the Demon, Listen
carefully with great dedication, and This Deep knowledge on time is same as
preached to Seers by the sun god itself since the beginning of creations and
from many eras’. This Deep secret on time is still same as mentioned in Veda’s
and Scriptures only the difference is of speed and motion of the time with the
changes in era and revolution of time.
Further explaining, the person said; listen
carefully on secrets of time, what is time and how we can understand true
definition of the time in both the terms:
– Surya Siddhaant, Intro chapter, Verse 10)

and Explanation –
 As preached by the Sun god
himself, the person said; Time is based on two schemes, one is used for
creation and destruction of planetary structures for
human beings and it is endless, eternal and cyclic in nature and
other part of time is purely mathematical also cyclic in nature
and preciously exist in both material and non material

Here the Sun-God revealing secrets and understanding
on time and how it is connected with never ending cycle of cosmos. First one is
purely based on space-time formulation on cyclic nature of time that the
process of Creation and destruction of planetary structures always moves in a
continuous, it is endless and connected with never ending life cycle in cosmos.
In Modern saying, life started after 13.7 billion years ago after a huge
explosion, we called it big-bang and further planetary structures in our universe
formed and thus we are able to understand how time and evolution process
started in earth. 
For More @ Click blow mentioned download link:

pin Vedicsiddhanta Research Journal Series : Download and read in-depth Analysis on principals of wheel of time based on Mundane and Vedic cosmological principals

Views: 6

Astrological Case Study of Pratyusha Banerjee suicide death mystery via conditional Dashas

pratyusha 759 Astrological Case Study of Pratyusha Banerjee suicide death mystery via conditional Dashas

She was a bright rising star, With dreams into her eyes, But what lead her to this wrong decision at such a young age of 24!!.

Love in modern times in 21st century is a blessing but at the same time a bane too.

Not commenting one someone but talking on general, before loving anyone else we should love ourselves, our life, our dignity, our respect. Only then we will be able to love anyone else. My heart cries when I see people killing themselves for love, love is to give you happiness. If it doesn’t gives then find someone else to love and the main things why love gives misery is we love wrong people. Rather than loving ourselves and god we love mortal people. I am not of the opinion that loving mortal people is bad, no its not but first love own self, love god then love mortal people and make sure “love have to be love never let it be lust or attachment”.

It was shocking for me to watch on T.V. that one of the brightest T.V. Serial actor Pratyusha Banarjee committed suicide by hanging herself on 1st April 2016. Let we see her horoscope and try to find out something using astrology

Note – analysis is only for educational purposes only.

Her birth details as I have been able to get is.

PB Astrological Case Study of Pratyusha Banerjee suicide death mystery via conditional Dashas
10th August 1991, 04:20, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India. 

In her chart there is planetary war between mercury and Venus. 3 retrograde planets, Venus, Mercury and Saturn. Mars, Saturn, Ketu, Lagna in Pushkar Amsha. Jupiter combust (maybe this was the reason she lacked the decisive qualities of Jupiter and took the wrong step) Moon in Mrityu Bhag. For this reason despite of moon being in ascendant I have taken Lagna degrees as starting point for vimshottari dasha and have used 7/8 mixed char karakas as said and advised by parashara under which due to being in planetary war mercury loses his signification of being char karaka, and thus Rahu becomes DK.

Her birth time have been further rectified by me to be 04:19:15 AM

Birth Time Rectification – Using 3 methods first of Pranpada that says for human birth Pranpada in D9 have to be in trine or in 7th house here In this case it is in 7th house. Second method says for female birth ascendant in D108 have to be female sign and vice-versa for male birth adjusting her Pranpada to be in 7th house from moon in D9 we get Taurus as D108 ascendant and as she was a female actress here it also becomes Correct. Now for checking let we see her D60 ascendant and under which Amsha it comes. In D60 Amsha in her ascendant comes is “Vamsha-kshaya” Vamsha means lineage and Kshaya means the one who terminates, ends or stops. Here we can see she was only child of her parents and as she have committed suicide without being married and producing progeny it confirms her D60 Lagna with its Amsha to be correct too.

She had graduation in commerce –
her 9th lord Jupiter is in ascendant with sun and moon showing she had some sort of degree. With sun it shows good/big degree. However we will take 5th house as final education as 4th house if for primary education, 9th for bachelor level education 2nd house for masters level education and 7th house for PhD. Level education. 5th house have to be taken to see the end result or the main education under which native have taken degrees. Here we can see her 5th lord mars is in 2nd house with 2 powerful planets (because they are retrograde) mercury and Venus which shows her education into commerce and also as 5th house is aspected by Jupiter along with 9th house too it have to be something related to management into commerce. If we see her D24 there once again we can see Jupiter in 5th house and Mercury and Venus conjoined in 4th house also Venus is 4th and 9th lord and mercury is 5th lord in her D24 chart they being conjunct in 4th house shows her education into commerce and as it is in 4th house it was into her homeland (St. Xavier’s collage)

She was trained dancer and singer – her 2nd lord is in 1st house with ascendant lord moon and Venus the artistic planet is in her 2nd house along with benefic Mercury. Thus is gave her the talent of singing. As per dancing is concerned conjunction between 5th and 3rd lord. And both 3rd and 5th lord with Venus shows her dancing and singing abilities. (As we know Venus is artistic planet and mars shows movement along with Mercury Intellect)

Although she was educated in commerce she took acting as her profession – in her D10 there are 3 planets in 7th house whereas only one in 6th house showing she will either be self-employed or in business rather than into normal job. As her 10th lord is with both, Mercury that is for commerce and Venus that is for films/media/T.V. the decisive factor here is Mercury and Venus is in planetary war in which Venus wins. Thus she chosen Media over commerce in other words Venus over Mercury.

At age 17 she did her first stage show named “Kalidas” – it was year 2008. She was running mercury-Venus/Sun we have already seen role of Mercury and Venus into signing and dancing sun being their depositor is in ascendant with ascendant lord another artistic planet moon. Also in the same year she did another stage show too.

Her career started in the year 2010 with “Balika vadhu” –
she was under Mercury-Moon at that time. Mercury as we can see in D1 is with 10th lord and the planet that signifies her profession Venus. In D10 mercury is ascendant lord in 7th house with 7th lord Jupiter and Venus (Significator of her profession) Moon is with 6th lord in D1 and also with depositor of Venus and Mercury. In d10 she is in Venusian sign Libra (also signifies glamour in 5th house Trine) with 3rd lord of communication Sun. In D10 moon is aspected by 11th lord of gains and 6th lord of work Mars.

In Kaalchakra Dasha It was Virgo dasha of 3rd house communication, jeeva sign is in 10th from Dasha sign showing some important happening related to 10th house. 3 planets in 11th and 3 in 12th from dasha sign shows she had gains in the dasha along with moving away from her homeland to Mumbai.

Under Char dasha of K.N.Rao it was dasha of 10th house Aries clearly showing the event. In Char Dasha of Irangati Rangacharya it was Dasha of 7th house Capricorn, where GK is situated that shows work and being 7th house it more clearly shows why it was coming into public (through Television) and why she have chosen self-employment rather than normal Job.

Under Narayan dasha of D10 it was Sagittarius dasha of 7th house which have 7th lord ascendant lord, 10th lord, and significator Venus.

She committed Suicide on 1st April 2016 – Taking jaimini rule of longevity. If we see:-

Lagna + Hora Lagna = Short Life

Lagna Lord + 8th lord = Long life

Lagna Lord + 8th lord (Using Vriddha Karika method of determining 8th house) = long life

Saturn + Moon = long life.

Parashara says for longevity see strength of ascendant lord, 10th lord and 8th lord here we can see ascendant lord is in Mrityu Bhag along with Sun and being of Amavasya only 3 degree difference with sun he is extremely weak. 10th lord is in 2nd house with 2 strong enemies. And 8th lord is in 7th house retrograde being aspected by Sun, combust Jupiter and weak ascendant lord moon. Saturn and mars both is in Pushkar Amsha but very weak ascendant lord made everything weak.

3rd from Arudh Lagna shows conditions surrounding death and Ketu there aspected by Rahu when they both are debilitated shows her death conditions, in her D30 both 6th and 8th lord of ascendant is in Maran Karak Sthan and ascendant lord of D30 is also in Maran Karak Sthan (if we take 4th for Mercury) aspected by Malefic, cruel, lethal mars. Also as 8th house of D30 is without any planet when we see 3rd house of her D30 there we see Jupiter into mysterious sign of Scorpio in MKS (Maran Karak Sthan). As her 3rd lord of ascendant as well as Ascendant lord of D30 is defeated in planetary war it shows so many things.

Vimshottari dasha – it was mercury dasha 3rd and 12th lord (3rd is 8th from 8th and 12th house is 3rd level Marak in 2nd house in Marak place defeated in planetary war, In D30 he is in MKS. (Parashara says when 6th house or 6th lord is afflicted then in that case even 6th lord or planets in 6th can also prove fatal) AD was of Jupiter who is 6th lord that is combust and aspected by Malefic and Powerful Retrograde Saturn. In D30 he is also in MKS at the same time he is also lord of 64th navamsha. PD was of moon afflicted and weak ascendant moon, moon is in MB (Mrityu Bhag) with Sun very weak due to less paksha bala and aspected by Strong (Retrograde) malefic Saturn. SD was of Saturn we have already seen how Saturn have been a true marak being lord of 7th and 8th in her chart and being in 7th house a marak house being retrograde powerful have afflicted her ascendant, ascendant lord and saving grace Jupiter thus when his SD came he along with being complete marak. Is also lord of 22nd Drekkana.

Kaal Chakra dasha – cancer MD. We have already seen cancer is afflicted due to his lord being weak, due to combust Jupiter and due to being aspected by Saturn. From cancer 1st and 8th lord is in mutual aspect showing the event. AD was of Pisces from where 3 planets is in 6th house 2 retrograde and one malefic mars we have already seen what parashara have said about 6th house and having 2 retrograde planets and one lethal mars he is sure malefic. From Deha sign MD sign was 7th marak and from jeeva sign AD sign was 2nd house once again marak. This confirms the event as well as shows why Parashara have said that Kaalchakra is king of all dasha system. As compared to Vimshottari which have 120 years period it have 3185 years period thus it is very sensitive to birth time error. But once birth time is correct it gives fantastic results (it is person experience of the author)

Yogini dasha –
being a Tantric Dasha and having round of only 36 years (some people expand it too) it is very useful to time events. For 2 reasons, 1st because it is a tantric dasha. Second because it has only 36 years span so it is good dasha to see events in those chart where longevity is short. Also it shows effects of Yogini over native (Yogini is a concept that readers can find into Indian philosophy. It effects our mind/intelligence) MD was of Rahu, Remember what have been told about 6th house by Parashara and see Rahu is in 6th house debilitated, 6th lord is also weak. AD lord mars is 10th lord one of the factors of longevity in parashara system it is in 2nd house a marak house with 2 enemies aspected by Rahu and in D9 too it is in 2nd house marak. PD was of Jupiter afflicted and weak 6th lord. That if we see using Prakriti chakra will become 8th sign for female sign cancer. SD was of Saturn Marak in Marak house. And PAD of Venus who is in 2nd house marak house being retrograde and defeating 3rd lord of longevity Mercury.

This chart also satisfies some applicability for conditional dasha as told by sage parashara and if you also apply them and see the event it will be clear, but as they are Falit dasha only thus author have not taken them to demonstrate the event.

Shool Dasha – MD was of Virgo trine to Rudra. That is also 3rd house of longevity and 6th house from AL. having Pranpada (the life force). Taurus MD once again sign is in trine to Rudra Having Gulika, and 2nd from AL. (marak house) Virgo PD explained under MD. Aquarius SD that is 8th house of the chart having A6 (Bandhan – she hanged herself to death) also in natural zodiac Aquarius is 11th house of badha. Libra PAD that is 7th from AL having A7 Pada of 7th house marak from ascendant.

Niryana Shool dasha – Scorpio MD sign that is in trine to Maheshwar, 8th from AL. Leo AD that have Brahma, and also marak from ascendant, Leo is also aspected by DK who shows death being significator of 7th house. PD was also Leo and SD was Scorpio already explained. PAD was Taurus who is in 2nd from AL, and having Gulika and aspected by DK.

Brahma Dasha – Sagittarius MD sign is in trine to Brahma, having debilitated Rahu and A8 showing death. Pisces AD who is in trine to Maheshwar (Brahma is the one who created life and Maheshwar is the one who destroys it. Thus when the journey is completed from Brahma to Maheshwar end comes) aspected by debilitated nodes and in 12th from AL. showing loss of Maya. And 7th from Pranpada (life force) Sagittarius was also in PD, and Pisces in SD as they have been explained earlier it is not being explained again. Aries PAD was also in trine to Brahma and it is having AL the Maya.

Event can also be checked using Sthir dasha, and navamsha dasha but I am not giving analysis using them in order to avoid repetition. As Mandook Dasha of K.N.Rao applies in the chat (it satisfies his condition of application which shows 4 planets have to be in quadrant to Lagna excepting Rahu and Ketu) here we have 4 planets.

Mandook Dasha – cancer MD. As cancer is ascendant has Raajyoga by conjunction of AK and AmK in the sign it is ruined by Sun being Maheshwar and A3 being posited there. AD was of Aries 10th house that is aspected by PK and 5th lord from ascendant again Raajyoga this clearly shows she was active into her profession till her death, she was active from 2010-2016. In all rashi dasha and Nakshatra dasha we can see marak dasha is running along with benefic money making and Raajyoga dasha too. However being aspected by DK (if we take method of K.N.Rao to calculate char karaka) and being in trine to Brahma it was proved fatal. PD was Gemini where debilitated nodes aspects/sits and also it is aspected by DK (if we take what parashara have suggested in calculation of char karakas – I do support calculation given by parashara and jaimini too that is the same) it is also 12th from ascendant and 3rd from AL house of longevity and 3rd house of marak. SD was Capricorn that is 7th house itself. PAD was Taurus 2nd house from AL.

Mool dasha – Sun MD who is 2nd lord in Ascendant afflicting ascendant lord as well as Saturn. Also he is doing karak bhav nasay and afflicting life. AD was of moon that is in a curse also he is afflicted by being with sun, aspected by Saturn and hasn’t been saved by Jupiter because he himself is combust. Saturn PD who is marak lord of 7th and 8th in marak house 7th aspected by sun and afflicting ascendant and ascendant lord Moon. Once again in SD it was Moon we have already seen moon and in PAD it was Rahu (remember what parashara have said about 6th house)

As Mool dasha shows Root of events –
Past karmas let we see it in D60. Sun is in 5th house of Punya in paap Kartari. Being 8th lord in 5th he is not good and also shows some bad karma. With 12th and 3rd lord he also loses his power to do well and indicates bad karmas. Moon being 7th lord in ascendant and depositor of moon in 6th house it also shows some problems. Also it shows something related to 7th house matter was the reason for her birth (see the cause of her wrong decision and you can guess what I want to say) Saturn being ascendant lord in 6th is sure bad also as he is 2nd lord and depositor of Rahu he becomes more evil and as Mercury depositor of Saturn and 6th house lord is in 8th house afflicted with Ketu and aspected by Saturn. Once again remember saying of parashara about 6th house. Also in 6th house in D60 there is Gulika along with Saturn this once again shows importance of PD lord in Vimshottari and its variations (loosely Nakshatra Dasha’s) along with the accuracy of words of parashara (that also shows even if we have BPHS in adulterated form it is enough to enlighten and guide us).

Sudarshan Chakra dasha – in this dasha take starting time of MD and cast a transit chart known as dasha Pravesh Chakra of that time and make the MD sign as ascendant and see the results here when we make it we see. Cancer rising with debilitated mars and 2nd lord sun in ascendant. Mars also here afflicts 8th and 7th house by his bad aspect and being with sun and Saturn in 5th house combined influence of Saturn, sun, mars on 7th house doesn’t arguer well for 7th house. 7th house also have A8 and there is 3 planets Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in 2nd marak house. Moon in 12th house from ascendant shows balarishta, and also as it is ascendant lord his importance is increased and being in 12th from sun he is also paksha bala less. 2nd house is also aspected by malefic aspect of Saturn.

Tithi Pravesh Chart – day lord Venus is in 8th house with Sun, Mars, and Moon 3 malefic. Thus it makes day lord as well as 8th house weak and day lord being weak shows body will lack power, health, and courage. Moon is here once again Paksha bala less along with being in MKS. As moon is also 8th lord here 8th house, 8th lord, day lord all are afflicted. In D9 of Tithi Pravesh chart there is strong Shakat yoga between 1st and 7th house axis showing her life was in Shakat (upheavals) and why she did took that wrong decision.

See her chart, cast it using details provided above and you will see fantastic yoga’s in her chart. But a deeper analysis also reveals what she faced. What she was facing. And why her mind took that decision that is very bad for soul as well as his growth. There are so many points that I haven’t discussed. But have been left for readers to see.

In the end I will only say “winner is the one who fall 7 times and still stand up 8th time and say once more”

With thanks and Regards,


Shubham Alock

pin Astrological Case Study of Pratyusha Banerjee suicide death mystery via conditional Dashas

Views: 80

What are true qualities of Astrologer: Thumb Rules for Astrologers, Are you really fall in category of serious and truthful Astrologers or not ?? Moral Ethics of a true astrologer

HYM04SANTHASAYS 1981263g What are true qualities of Astrologer: Thumb Rules for Astrologers, Are you really fall in category of serious and truthful Astrologers or not ?? Moral Ethics of a true astrologer
Image Source – Satheesh
Whether you are doing free consultancy or paid consultancy keep in mind below mentioned tip of the icebergs:

1) Why Indian astrological system is called divine its simply because of its revealing abilities of karmic sufferings known through chart shows Mapping of births and Karama, either you are going through currently or you had been in past.The purpose of Astrology is for understanding Karmas and their root reasons of sufferings. That’s it! Nothing new can work or no one can change it. Karma works based on debits and credits system of every birth.

2) Planets are what ? they are simply Representatives of Kaal Chakra System of the divine plan. they are itself following the protocols of the divine system to keep monitoring Karmas of every one of us. Neither they are allowed to change it or amend it by own rules. they have been allotted roles and responsibilities. they are working relatively according to your karmic Loads and energies you send in-universe plane.Every single Planet simply represents Image of your karma either it was done in past, in present or involves in your future karma. Every moment shown in the celestial sphere is parallelly working based on a divine plane relative to your Karam’s in Mortal world. This is mortal world and everyone here is either to suffer or realize actions of pasts. that’s it. If you had done good karmas you will enjoy your sanchit by taking birth in good families else you have to realize those guilt’s, sins, debts, and prarabhdas by material sufferings.None of such Material remedies will work, Don’t fool innocent people already been in suffering rather try to show them the path of truth and divinity. That’s the only purpose of Jyotish – Correcting current mistakes, Understanding past root sufferings and moving toward eternal truth.

3) When you are trying to look people charts you are simply opening the Karmic loads of others. either it has to be paid by you or paid by the seeker himself. the choice is yours – whether you want to play with those karmas or you himself want to suffer via those. Don’t try to do an intervention in Karmas of others by befooling them via Gems, Rudraksha’s, Lal Kitab totkas and by Highly chargeable amounts in returns of fixing karmas of others.This is a total gibberish act of fooling others. The question is can you really change the system of the divine by fixing karma’s of others ?? are you allotted this role or duty by divinity himself ???. This simply shows you are an intervening system of the divine by befooling them or taking loads of Karmas of others. This isn’t the purpose of Jyotish system – Its Meant for Understanding root reason of Sufferings and realizing same and moving ahead of others toward Divinity and Path of Truth and Bhakti. The soul can only free from its karmic burdens by Almighty only via his own karma that is going to do in current life, the astrologer has no such role in it. It’s the almighty Brahman or Omnipresent God who only can neutralize your Karmic loads of pasts by your own efforts or Bhakti and Tapa.Rest of acts are foolishness.

4) Karma’s are a daily part of the routine and when you open charts of seekers you are actually opening daily karmic burdens of Life of seekers overburdened by the Karmic loads of past, present, and future. It’s better you himself knew how to neutralize those karmic burdens. Be a Pathfinder or Path shower like a teacher or Spiritual guru. The duty of a teacher is to find out mistakes of current doing, Wrong karmas of past, telling them what’s your do’s and don’t do’s that you have to follow and ultimately show them a path toward the path of divinity and truth. Rahu is Maya (Things which are beyond understanding, means those are hidden under spiritual world) and the truth is Jupiter (What is true from eternity and what is being true to your duties) – first understand it. Jyotish is not material knowledge it is based on the Eternal truth of life, understand them these stuffs to seekers. Now truth is what – its purely a divine intervention who is managing the whole Kaal chakaras system. truth is Bhakti, Spirituality and taking Naam and Bhajnam to release your soul and body from Material sufferings. Motive of true jyotish is to showing path of truth and way to release a soul from material sufferings via Meditation, yogas, Spiritual practices, Motivational and inspirational words, realizing guilt’s and mistakes and moving toward Ishata Devta who only can neutralize your material sufferings.

5) Be a teacher rather than a Predictor and Pharmacist. Doctor role is guide and tell you what is truth. Doctor never hides falseness. it helps to deal with truth of diseases and how to overcome them via little change in your life style. So try to change lifestyle of seekers by suggestions and advises like a true mentor. Pharmacist only know how to give medicine for particular diseases but he don’t know why he is giving medicine for such proper diseases. He is beyond in understanding root reasons of sufferings via diseases. So try to become like Real doctor rather than a money minded chemist and pharmacist. Try to invoke Guru(Jupiter) and Intuition(Ketu) Tatva in your trikonas bhavas than you can able to lift burdens of others else you have to suffer on account of seekers karmic loads and burdens. Law of Karmas simply says any one has to pay back either the seeker has to pay own debits and sins of past or the one who is intervening( Astrologer) has to pay back those karmic loads of seekers. the choice is your what you want to become? A Guru or Sufferer. This is the only reason why most of the astrologers are overburdened by the Karmic sufferings of others without any reason.Because of the absence of Guru Tattva in their chart. My Simple suggestion is don’t try to mess with Karma systems of kaal chakaras. those are sufferings simply because of own prarabhda of past not by something done well in past. why you are intervening others Karmas. If you want to help first be a Guru, a true doctor than open loads of others.This applies to people who are freely seeing charts in Facebook and other such social medias.

6) Never suggests useless totaks or remedies which have no connection with spiritual realities. Shortcuts never work one has to work by own.One has to do his karma by own neither the pundit can do your karma neither any astrologer can neutralize your karma by doing remedies which have no divine connection. The whole divine system is working under the protocols of Almighty, a materialistic pundit can never change it via own will and wish. Best suggestion is Simply to ask Seekers to start worshiping, or bhakti of Ishta devtas by reciting mantras of ishta or Bhajnam or naaam or keertan etc, There are many ways which only a learned spiritual Guru can tell you. Rest of the remedies are told by materialistic astrologers are simply to be-fool seekers. Understand first how can simple totkas neutralize karmas ??. One has to pay back own karama no one can do your share. This is a divine system working based on Karmic energies of every birth. Planets are simply part of this Kaal chakara system.

With Thanks and Regards,
Rakesh Jamwal
pin What are true qualities of Astrologer: Thumb Rules for Astrologers, Are you really fall in category of serious and truthful Astrologers or not ?? Moral Ethics of a true astrologer

Views: 21

Mars and Saturn Transits in 2016: Are you seriously working in your company: feel the challenges of transit of Retro Mars, Saturn and Nodes from month of April to august 2016

Saturn family Mars and Saturn Transits in 2016: Are you seriously working in your company: feel the challenges of transit of Retro Mars, Saturn and Nodes from month of April to august 2016

Till Kendras are afflicted by Nodes, Mars and Saturn there will be complete instability in Banking, Finance, Share market, Treasury & IT Industry those are working in Hardware based Service  industries like IBM, Dell, HP etc. Telecom Sector will be challenging and there will be need of good and on-time services, Mechanical Industries will require more hard-work and labor from employees.There will be pressure of Extra productions  in Mechanical and industrial sector. Boss will pressurize more in Mass laborious industries. Working environment will be demanding & more challenging to breathe peacefully. Employees will seek relaxation  and peace of mind in working environment but unable to give their best.those are naturally hardworking can do their best on time services. There will be  demand of Extra disciplinary services in working environments. Marketing sector will keep wandering for Projects but they will get empty hands. Iron industries will be in verge of closing projects. New competitors will emerge in Iron industries.

Revenues of companies will decay gradually and there will be possibility of financial scam in market trend. Client will be demanding and want more attention and production in industrial sectors. Keep enjoying the Stiff and disciplinary environment created by Mars and Saturn. This situation will be more Strict till August 2016. Afterward there will be relaxation. Market will be tough for new jobs. Don’t jumps for new jobs till August 2016. wait for August 2016 when Jupiter will be 3/11 Relationship with Saturn.

Currently Capricorn, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo Lagana will enjoy new jobs.

Aries, Taurus, Leo, Libra, Scorpio & Aquarius lagana will enjoy Hard and Stiff disciplinary working environment.

Sagittarius &  Pisces   Lagana will enjoy change of place or chances of transfer in their working locations.

pin Mars and Saturn Transits in 2016: Are you seriously working in your company: feel the challenges of transit of Retro Mars, Saturn and Nodes from month of April to august 2016

Views: 5

Retrogression of Saturn in Scorpio in Jyestha : Impact of Retrograde Saturn on ascendant, its a Time to evaluate your true goals hidden beneath in subconscious side.

o EXOPLANET facebook Retrogression of Saturn in Scorpio in Jyestha : Impact of Retrograde Saturn on ascendant, its a Time to evaluate your true goals hidden beneath in subconscious side.

Retrogression of Saturn in Scorpio in Jyestha – Time to evaluate your true goals hidden beneath in subconscious side.

Saturn is currently in Retrograde in Sign of water (Scorpio) in Jyestha Nakashtra placed in Square to Retrograde Jupiter in Fiery sign. Nakashtra Lord Mercury is in Debilitation state too. Two Retrogression elemental energies Clashing with each other and creating a situation of rebellion in deep inner side – that’s what is called retrogression – A new prospective hidden in your original personality. Later After April 2016 – A True Rebellion Leader will born in you either you will become too rude or too Rigid. those who can handle such immense retrogression energy  will be a born leader in near future.This is the high time to think deeply in deeper emotional side what were you doing wrong from the last couple of months, where were you stuck in middle of way, why you were not real, why you were not able to fix your situation and why you ignoring your real karmic duties. Saturn will force you or give you plenty of time to think more and more to evaluate your real practical personality simply to get evolve in practical world. May be you stuck in challenges or in hidden jealously prevail in working environment by the people try to challenge your credibility but ultimately you have to fight back those situations given by people and get rise ultimately.

Saturn will warn or make you more tough and serious and will make a complete changeover in your viewpoint of life. You will see many new values in you whom you might be ignoring in past months or years.You will see why world is so rude out your boundaries and why you are not enough competent to fight back. This phase of transformation will keep up-to till Sun reach to Highest  Retrogression energy in Taurus sign. After attaining highest chesta bala in Taurus Saturn will totally transform you in real and practical world. After this you will become real you who can survive in any situation. Till Sun reach at Taurus you see many challenges in life from many known and unknown people around you. Kendras are representative of public life, so you will you see many new challenges in society from your very own people whom you were trying to totally dependable on them.  It might  change your ideology regarding your daily routines, might be your ignorance in work, might be negligence toward your real motives and true thoughts.

Saturn is telling you currently try to make yourself independent  in emotional side. Release all your Emotional thoughts which keep burdening you and try to be in an independent state of all duties and think of those karmic duties which you were neglecting from long pending time. this is the time to think from much more deeper prospective level about whats your true goal in your life are, will show you who is real and who is unreal and whom you going to rely. Challenges and challenging people (Mars) will keep try to shatter your dreams and try to make you weaker from inner side in deep emotional nature. Its the time when you only have to think from your own soul level not from any other such Outer prospective thoughts  of people.

Its the time you have to spent your thinking to yourself only leave all people aside. your deeper Level of Sixth sense will develop during this time period and you will able to think more on your real targets of life. you will either try to change your profession or you will take your life too seriously might be you were ignoring from many months. Retrogression of Saturn only meant to make more disciplined ideology in life , be more realistic, thinking on big projects on real ground not in imaginary world. It will make you much stronger internally in emotional side and your deep hidden independent talent will come up after deep challenges you will meet in your Work areas, as Jupiter is also retrograde in fiery sign with Nodes. The Firing and igniting Deeper wisdom of Jupiter will transform your internal side of Saturn very soon after April.

4/10 Relationship is always be a time to work on ground reality rather than totally depending on people and what time is giving you. Trines works like a driver is ruling your life but in Kendras you have to work on your own wisdom, you have to make efforts and you have to work in actual one will move you further. its the only your deeper hidden thoughts will build your inner personality much stronger. This is the time to agitate your thoughts and ideology to bring real you in society.

People (Mars – Fiery Nature – turbulence in emotional values will increase) will challenge you after April 2016 to till August 2016. Situation will calm down when Jupiter will be in 3/11 Relationship with Saturn.

Its a High challenging time for Aquarius, Capricorn, Gemini, Libra, Leo, Scorpio  and Taurus Lagana people.

pin Retrogression of Saturn in Scorpio in Jyestha : Impact of Retrograde Saturn on ascendant, its a Time to evaluate your true goals hidden beneath in subconscious side.

Views: 7

Yogas in Natal Chart: How we can check results of strength, debilitation, exaltation and fruitfication of Raaj yogas and neech Bhanga yoga in Natal & D9 chart

vimanas11 45 Yogas in Natal Chart: How we can check results of strength, debilitation, exaltation and fruitfication of Raaj yogas and neech Bhanga yoga in Natal & D9 chart


Strength of alone Yog Karka and Raaj yogas planets in d1 chart never justify its results.we have to see many factor i.e strength from Lagana and Moon and rest of Divisional charts but most important is its Yoga bhanga strength factor that only could be seen from D9 chart.

Raaj Yogas fruitfication depends on two conditions – firstly Navamsa Strength of that Yoga-karka planet and the factor of Yoga Bhanga in Both D1 and D9. If someone has exalted Saturn placed in lagana in  D1 chart and same if it is weakly placed and debilitated in D9 it is preciously causing  a Yoga Bhanga for Saturn.According to this rules Saturn would be considered as weak and we can not see its results according to its exalted state and good placement in d1 as the life source it is getting in d9 is not enough to breathe for longer periods and it is not able give its Exalted Results fully.

Firstly, Saturn is placed in 1st house considered as Maran-karka Sthan (Weakly placed 1st House – Lost the Sthan Bala – Unable to fruitfy due to weak by placement), though whole strength will be fully dependent on the Dispositer lord strength (Venus the house owner) in D1 and D9. If Same house owner is weakly placed in trik bhavas or afflicted with nodes we can say owner is itself suffering due to external factors and environmental based conditional  situations- So how could he help Saturn. Its like a situation of how could i help if i am already stuck in prison due to my sins and debits. Nodes afflictions are simply representation of Karmic impressions of past birth connected with current birth sufferings and realizations.

Secondly, here in this condition Saturn is suffering through Yoga Bhanga factor (Cancellation of Yoga) in D9. It simply means may be native get lots of opportunities to grow or rise by his some of Good karmic blessing in current birth. But if environmental factors are not supporting, native can lose everything if he isn’t able to sustain or support those conditions created by external factors or by those people. Those situations are given to him might be act as blessings or a curse totally depend on his past Karamas. Debilitation creates hurdles, obstacles and uneasy environment might be a lesson for native and exaltation are result of easy going situations and fruits as a result of good sanchit karmas as acquired by support of external factors and people. Here any Negligence of native can be major factor for fall in his life.vice a versa situation of exaltation and debilitation creates situational factors for fall.

For e.g if One has an exalted 7th lord in d1 and but at the same time it is debilitated placed in D9 with debilitation of Venus too.If there is malefic influence of Sun, Mars and Rahu on that 7th lord too in d9 than what could be possibility of marriage or relationship longevity strength  ?

Answer is ; Because of Exalted 7th lord and Good Strength in D1 native may have a good and long lasting Loyal relationship of 7 year duration but it can suffer or break at any moment after marriage due to native own mistakes or ego clashes or constant bickering between couples.

Here external Environmental factors are playing major role and they can create whole goody things into a mess and native can face separation but results would be depends on the strength of the 2nd lord from UL (Up-pada Lord).

Lets Take an another example;

Lets says in simpler words an old men can Get kingdom (D1 Exaltation –Blessing from ancestors) as a blessing from his ancestor to run it but due to native old age factor (Debilitation in D9 act as a Weakness or inability factor) he is unable to enjoy the fruits of kingdom fully, still he will be the king of his kingdom and can lose its kingdom at any time. Here external factors are his age and at what time he is getting ruler-ship and percentage of support from his own people.

D9 is like an extra life support or an extra oxygen cylinder to breathe as blessings from past actions by the divine. D9 is your fruits or dharama karmas you had acquired in past. Whenever any planet is weakly placed or Debilitated in D1, & if same planet get strength from other beneficial planets or get Neech-Bhanga yoga in D9 from dispositer lord, planets can live for much more longer periods or can give some positive results even the planet has lost his own strength but help from others can work as wonder.

Its simply because of the extra oxygen support in D9 from other planets to breathe or survive  for more days and time duration.

If Moon is giving extra life support it means mother role will be a major role play here for sustaining the native needs and requirements, if sun, than Father or bosses could be supportive, if mars, than help form brothers act like miracles.

So, you can apply this principal for others factors too for checking influencing factors for other relational karkas.

Same way if any planet is exalted in D1 but debilitated in D9 result can be reverse if the environmental factors won’t support them.

Debilitation simply means one has to put more effort in order to achieve or get success in any venture or have to fight more from the environmental factors.

Exaltation means with little effort one can get everything.

king can Lost his well blessed Kingdom(D1) due to his own Mistake if he do blind trust on his kith and kins. Here Blind trusts in Kith and Kins are Environmental factors and weakness is Blind trust (D9 plays major role in weakness and Strength factor) and either they can support or either they can destroy him.

pin Yogas in Natal Chart: How we can check results of strength, debilitation, exaltation and fruitfication of Raaj yogas and neech Bhanga yoga in Natal & D9 chart

Views: 10

Quantum mechanics in Jyotish – Understanding Multiverse Karma, How our karmic energy effects our time thread

How our karmic energy effects our time thread and planetary motions

pearson threads of time labyrinth of time1 Quantum mechanics in Jyotish - Understanding Multiverse Karma, How our karmic energy effects our time thread

Karma is widely considered as a continuous process, always in motion and moves with perfect order and speed. Every karma has its perfect order and bind with multiple time threads those made out of our karma either in past, present or in future actions. Whatever we do in any form either physical one or mental are simply connected with these time threads and every action and thought travel in universe also connected with these multi-verse time threads, thus shows how time is connected with every and each part of our karma which means karma is an eternal process and has perfect order and rotatory speed.

That’s what lord Shiri Krishna said in Bhagwat Geeta in Chapter 3,  Text 5,  Karma-yoga :

Na hi kascit ksanam api
jatu tisthaty akarma-krt
karyate hy avasah karma
sarvah prakrti-jair gunaih
na—nor; hi—certainly; kaścit—anyone; kṣaṇam—even a moment; api—also; jātu—even; tiṣṭhati—stands; akarma-kṛt—without doing something; kāryate—is forced to do; hi—certainly; avaśaḥ—helplessly; karma—work; sarvaḥ—everything;prakṛti-jaiḥ—out of the modes of material nature; guṇaiḥ—by the qualities.
” All men are forced to act helplessly according to the impulses born of the modes of material nature; therefore no one can refrain from doing something, not even for a moment.”
(Reference – Bhagwad Geeta, Karma Yoga, chapter 3, Source –

” karma is a flow and no one can sit idle, everyone has to do its associated karma to survive in the karmic world, even god itself never sit idle either it is a physical or mental one. Karama always in action even when one is not willing to act in any way “.

This shows how god is itself in motional form but the rotational speed of god and our karma bind with us Only with our soul and way we think broadly that only decides how we can understand god around us and how our karma matters much in understanding actions of planetary forces.

Now, what are Time threads?

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In a questionnaire dialogue between Charlie Kaufma and Brian Greene regarding understanding on the fabric of time and cosmos, famous astrophysicist Brian Greene explained in a very simplest form how we can understand time in our day to day life –

The Question was: What is Time?

Mr Greene said: “The mechanism by which you can notice the change is exactly the definition of time ” He suggested that it may be a derivative idea, an emergent property, not elemental to the first equations of physics. The equations certainly do not distinguish between past and future. In fact, all moments of time are in existence. We can imagine an expanse of space before our eyes, but not time. This is merely a limit of our representative imagination. It is just as “real,” even “material,” as this computer, or the Pacific Ocean.

Why do we experience a sequence—a passage, a flow—of time?

Mr Greene offers an evolutionary explanation. Establishment of a now (including an imprinted past in the form of memory) distinct from a future leads to predicting and anticipating, planning and striving, brain-initiated functions that encourage acquisition of energy until the replication of DNA, and thus survival in nature. Mr Greene insists that there is no mathematical distinction between present and future. There is no unique NOW. (“And is that, is that what they’re thinking these days?” said Mr Kaufman, mind blown, to a laugh).

Words ultimately fail here– although Mr Kaufman’s, writer that he is, was often perfectly selected. “Now is a function of a brain. If there is no brain, I think there is no now. It just is, whatever that means.” (“Do you guys . . . smoke a lot of pot?” the novelist and Kaufman-collaborator Susan Orlean humorously asked during the question period). Let it be known, too, that quantum physics complicates this picture.

What is time in Vedic Cosmology ?
Quantum mechanics in Jyotish - Understanding Multiverse Karma, How our karmic energy effects our time thread

The Hindu concept of time is cyclical (and eternal and degenerative). Time is preciously based on two schemes, one is used for creation and destruction of planetary structures for human beings and it is endless, eternal and cyclic in nature and another part of the time is purely mathematical also cyclic in nature and preciously exist in both material and non-material form.

That shows time is circular and cyclic in nature and keep moving around us. Question is how we can relate it and understand it in our day to day life actions.

The answer is simple – Our Karma decides how we move in time threads.

The karma we do decides how it has perfect speed and harmony with nature itself. If we look out at scientific definition of Time is what -It is also simply a cyclic or circular motion and follows a certain amount of speed based on our karmic energies based on spiritual aspects.

If we compare it with planet’s – they are also in motion, cyclic and circular in nature too and thus shows they too have some karma or actions or certain amount of energies associated with them and follows certain order and speed since many eras from the beginning of creation  with  many variations in speed and motion shows root of everything, including time is – The speed and Motion of our karma.

Something’s keep flowing and keep moving everything in perfect order is simply our karma and energies associated with those karmas.

Take an Expression as T – Time, K – Karama and P – Planets and write it down as a direct proportion relation of karmic motions acting as key and shows a formula for decoding time and karmic link.

i.e  Time = Karama x Motion + Cyclic loop, Planets also works on same phenomena = Speed x Motion + Cyclic Loop.

Moving in certain order following a system.

That shows  Both time and Karma is Interrelated to each other in some way, what we do directly effects our time threads and same effects thus are seen via planetary movements too.


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This means that everything is karmic in nature from individual actions to natural disasters at a particular location’s. Our karmic energies thus influence actions pertaining to natural forces either it is individual or its a group actions.

If you want to understand how planets are effecting us this is the answer for them those who are always in a state of dilemma how planets affect our karma and how our karma are interrelated with planetary action in a vice versa relationship.

This proves Jyotish Planetary science is simply a karmic science based on our karmic actions and energies associated with them.

The motion of planets is simply relative to our motion and speed of karma.How well we do our karma will decide our destinies and planets effects will reflect it in the same and can be astrologically analysed.Same way the time is moving karmas are also moving and relative with our planetary speed and motions.

If you can move your karma fast maybe you can cross time dilatation and able to travel in an interstellar manner. Simply, Time, karmas and planetary motions are moving in perfect harmony with each other if you stop, time will be stop for you but it will keep running eternally in background as always endless in a circular loop.

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23rd March 2016 Lunar eclipse will fall in uttraphalguni Nakashtra and visible in Most of Asia, Australia, North America and South America

untitled infographic28229 23rd March 2016 Lunar eclipse will fall in uttraphalguni Nakashtra and visible in Most of Asia, Australia, North America and South America

According to Vedic principals, 23rd march minor lunar eclipse will fall in uttraphalguni nakshatra in Virgo sign when the sun will be in exactly opposite in uttrabhadra nakshatra in Pisces sign. During this lunar eclipse, Mercury will be closely conjoined with Sun within 2 degrees of orbital difference.According to Koorma Chakara, this eclipse will fall in Sign of India and Mostly it affects Northern and South-eastern states of India and Asia, Australia, North and South America will be most affected by it.

According to Indian Political chart, this Eclipse will fall in 5th-11th  house axis, Northern and South Eastern states of India need to take care.

Wednesday eclipse is falling in Fire circle nakshatra and the symptom will be observed within a week.

Mars and Saturn will be in 3rd from Moon, Rahu and Jupiter will be in 12th from Moon and South Node will be closely conjugated with Venus.

Usually, it has been seen whenever Moon and Mercury fall in opposition during eclipse we have observed a dramatic shift in weather situation i,e sudden rainfall, cyclonic activities and rainstorms etc to those countries falling under eclipsed areas.

Tomorrow Eclipse will be falling in the category of minor eclipse but it is falling within a gap of 15 days from last solar eclipse occurred on 9th of March 2016.

The mundane point of view it has greater meaning since from Vedic periods. Whenever two eclipses have been observed within the span of 15 or 30 days usually Mass tragedies, unusual and sudden mundane activities have been observed within a month or could be either day before or after it where the eclipse will be visible.This can be true as soon after this eclipse we are going to see retrogression of 3 three planets (Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter)  in month of April 2016 in Square (Kendra) relation to each other. 

We can observe Dramatic shifts in weather, increase in earthquake activities, Minor warning for tsunami’s, sudden tragedies, increase in Anti-national activities and level of vehicle-based accidents or plane hijack’s or air crashes could be observed.It is not a dead sure principal that events are likely to occur but we have been observing since past mundane events soon after retrogression of planets with eclipses. It’s simply because of change in apparent motion of planets wrt to Earth closeness with elemental conflicts of signs and planets those are falling in square and trine relation to each other.

In April 2016 Mars and Saturn will be retrograde in Watery signs and Sun will be having a relation of 6/8 signs to each other. North Node and Jupiter will In fiery signs trine to Aries – something like sudden, irrational and outbursts like situation can be observed.

According to Brihat Samhita;

When Mercury cuts the Moon and then departs therefrom, there will be trouble for the country of Magadha (Bihar). The city of Mathura(UP) and People living on the banks of the river Vena. In other places, there will be peace and plenty.

Let’s see what is written in the destiny of the world. we can only pray and hope for the best of world peace and integrity. Stars works on universal principals.we are nothing against the working principals of nature and neither we can change anything in material world.its the time and nature who decides and balance it for establishing harmony in the world.

pin 23rd March 2016 Lunar eclipse will fall in uttraphalguni Nakashtra and visible in Most of Asia, Australia, North America and South America

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