Research Journals

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Research Journals 

Below are research papers written by our scholars based on  many of vedic sciences streams i.e Mundane, Vedic astrology, Ayurveda, Spiritual Sciences and other miscellaneous astrological subjects after spending lots of time on intensive research works in past few years.Still, our teams is doing intensive Research work in finding various hidden aspects of Vedic Astrology, Vedic Cosmology/ Astronomy, Mundane, Hora and ancients Siddhantas for establishing scientifical and logical approach toward our sacred sciences via our research journals. Some of  research journals are free to download and some are based on preimum pacakages and one need to buy that from our journal portal. Most of the journals are well written in easy lucid writing but few of journals need scientific or subjective knowledge.

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Strategy experience and analytical expertise combine to enable decision making and create value.

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You can Make the best use of Researched information from a peer-reviewed database, Open Access Journals operated by many learned Editorial Board Members and esteemed reviewers and we are doing Scientific research in the field of weather, Geology, Earthquakes, Monsoon, Rainfall, Health and other areas of Spiritual Sciences.
Meet Inspiring Speakers, Authors and Experts at our Annual Conference or workshop Events on Vedic Sciences subject those can help in the field of Medical, Nature and Spiritual Sciences.
Editors Recommendation for Indexing
vedicsiddhanta Research Journals Research Journals
Vedicisiddhanta Research Journals is continuously doing intensive research work by collaborating with Team Divine codes in building its Open Access database in the diverse field of research. The initiative is committed to making genuine and reliable contributions to the Medina, Vedic and scientific community of Astrology.
We have nearby 10 Lakh readers database and success of the same can be attributed to the strong editorial board members, which contains dedicated scholars across India.
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The Vedicsiddhanta Upcoming Publications 

This Sections has quality of Publications,i.e books, Journals, Magazines those are belong to author database of vedic siddhanta, those we think should get acclaimed. “Sarfarosh” is one of its kind book written by my friend Guru Rajesh Kotekal that meets the exact expectation of Readers and one should read it to know more about on Nandi Nadi concepts and tributes given to the hard-work of Indian freedom fighters.

The life events of 108 revolutionaries belonging to the Indian Independence Struggle have been described using the Nandi Naadi principles discovered by the author.Besides the astrological angle, this book presents the biographical details of the revolutionaries, their poignant tales of courage and struggle against a giant colonial power and the tremendous sacrifices they made for the cause of Mother India.This book is indispensable for anyone who wants to grasp the application of Nandi Naadi principles to various facets of human life including longevity, mode of death, ill-health, misfortunes, married life, progeny, career and so on.

Incredible Benefits of Project

Data Analytics

Strategy experience and analytical expertise combine to enable decision making and create value.

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Strategy experience and analytical expertise combine to enable decision making and create value.

Market Expansion

Strategy experience and analytical expertise combine to enable decision making and create value.

Sarfarosh  – A Naadi Exposition of the Lives of Indian Revolutionaries

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About the Author

Dr. K. Guru Rajesh has been into the field of astrology since his teens. He contributed many articles to journals and magazines on the subject. He believes in a judicial mixing of tradition and research as the way for the progress of the science.A doctorate holder in Geology by qualification, Dr. Rajesh is also an accomplished artist and trained musician in Carnatic classical music. His other interests include classical poetry in Telugu and Sanskrit.

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Sarfarosh  and Author

The Vedic Siddhanta : Textbook on Astronomy and Cosmology of planets

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Another book that will soon be going to publish under own publication is Research based Textbook ” The Vedic Siddhanta” that will be in 2 Volumes. Volume 1 will be Consist of Astronomical Principals and Mathematical logic’s behind ancient Siddhantas which are deeply linked or related with Vedic Astrological treaties and Volume 2 will be Composed of Astrological calculations & Mathematical phenomena’s behind Predictive Vedic Astrology.Writing for Serious students of Vedic astrology, who want to explore true Astronomical and Cosmological reasoning of Vedic Astrology , it will covers all Scientifically proven Research of 12 planets, 28 nakshatras as per Rig Veda and Atharveda Puranic and most of Scriptural texts , including Mundane rules based on 12 planets, new way of understanding Retrogression theory – Based on Sages principals as well as based on ancient siddhantas and it will cover all other such important aspects of Vedic Astronomical and mathematical principals mostly required for understanding Predictive Astrology.

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The Vedicsiddhanta and Author 

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