Char Dasha part-5 (final) with Shool Dasha and case study of Nelson Mandela.

CharaDasha Char Dasha part-5 (final) with Shool Dasha and case study of Nelson Mandela.

In other 4 parts of this series of articles we have seen use of char dasha as given by sage Parashara in his Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra. As given by K.N.Rao and as given by Mr. Irangnati Rangacharya. In this article in this chart I will use all 3 of the Char Dasha variation naming them Char Dasha – 1, 2 and 3 respectively. A caution that I will give here is by no means it is a decisive article. All of them are masters and I am no one to say someone right or wrong. My only attempt will be to see by which method results are more clearly visible. We will use normal rules of interpretation of Char Dasha as given by Sage Parashara and Jaimini in their immortal classics. But here one should keep in mind that different masters use different techniques to analyze the same. Parashara have only given rules no example chart for demonstration. K.N.Rao uses Karaka’s a lot. And Rangacharya Ji Uses all rules but as their demonstrations are very less. We will use normal analysis method and will try to find out which one is easy to use and snapshot to find event. We will be using 7 char karakas only. As Mr. Rao says it as their own original research and Rangacharya Ji also seems to be saying the same. But in Arudh Pada Calculation we will be taking exceptions into account with dual lordship of Scorpio and Aquarius.

Nelson Mandela – 18th July 1918, 14:54:51 (Rectified by myself) Mvezo, South Africa (31S57/28E31)

NM Char Dasha part-5 (final) with Shool Dasha and case study of Nelson Mandela.

South African president – Hora Lagna and Ghati Lagna in 3rd house shows person achieved money and power through his own efforts. Lord of that sign Aquarius is Rahu and Saturn Rahu in 12th showing his Jail travels and Saturn in 8th house showing his long life as well as his struggles. Aspect of Jupiter on ascendant made him a great man with high ideals. Rahu by his 11th aspect and Saturn by his 3rd aspect is aspecting 10th house where 5th lord Mars is placed in having Dig Bala and he is also Lagna lord of navamsha that is in 3rd house with moon and having aspect by Jupiter that is 9th house also influencing his D9 ascendant showing Jovian influence on his life, mind, intellect and himself and also making a powerful Raajyoga. 6 planets in bad houses in D1 and 3 planets in bad houses in D9 made his life full of struggle, strife and hard-work. In D9 chart Bandhan yoga on 4-10th axis by Sun and Saturn shows his imprisonment in his own homeland for his work to his own homeland. Debilitated AK in 6th house in D9 made his soul’s journey difficult. AK with Ketu shows a good person but in 6th house in D9 as well as D1 shows his hard-work, struggle and suffering and own people becoming enemies. His 9th lord is vargottama and ascendant lord is in trine to Navamsha Lagna. Shows his Raajyoga and Mars over AL shows his fighting nature that is never to accept defeat.

Been Married 3 times – Venus is afflicted in his chart being in 6th house with Ketu aspected with Rahu. In his Navamsha he is debilitated again with Ketu aspected by Rahu and Mars in 6th house 12th from 7th house and in both chart Venus Karaka of Marriage is in Maran Karak Sthan. 7th house have Jupiter it have to be good but Jupiter being ascendant lord in 7th house show more than one marriage that is further strengthened by Venus and 7th lord that is in 8th house with Sun and Saturn 2 dire malefic making it more and more hemmed aspected by Rahu and the same Mercury in navamsha is in 11th house of more than one marriage with Gulika in Aquarius whose lord Rahu is in 12th house and Saturn in 10th house hemmed in between malefic it all shows more than one marriage and misery in marital life. Sun is DK that in D1 is in 8th house with malefic Saturn and Mercury aspected by Rahu and in navamsha in 4th house Dig bal less under aspect of Rahu and Saturn Again. Depositor of 7th lord as well as DK is moon in 11th house of multiple marriages. In navamsha in 3rd house of copulation with Mars high sexual drive and in both charts aspected by Jupiter that shows that he did marriages and was not in other practices like prostitution or other bad things like the same. A7 and UL are in same house showing Love Marriage that he did (we will see it later) but in 12th from AL showing ignorance by spouse. Lord of UL and 2nd from UL is in 8th house from ascendant showing all the trouble and 2nd from UL is mars showing break in marriage. We will all these with events while using Char Dasha on the chart.

Arrested as political prisoner on august 5th 1962. And spend 27 years in Jail. Released on February 11th 1990.

Char dasha 1 – Aries/Libra/Scorpio – Aries is 5th house showing political activity for which he was arrested. From Aries there is Bandhan yoga in 6-8 house showing imprisonment and suffering. Libra is 11th house with A8 and 8th lord Moon therein. Scorpio is 12th house with Rahu this Rahu is also involved in with sign in Bandhan Yoga.

Char dasha 2 – Aries/Taurus/Pisces – Aries is same; Taurus is 6th house with AK in that showing suffering of soul along with Ketu that shows emancipation. Can also show bondage. Being 6th house it is bit natural to be prisoner. Pisces is 4th house showing Imprison in own home land.

Char Dasha 3 – Virgo/Virgo/Virgo – Virgo is 10th house with Mars that is 5th and 12th lords showing imprisonment due to political activities. There is AL showing image of the person. Maandi is also there showing prison and the same sing is also aspected by Lagna and 4th lord Jupiter. From there no Bandhan yoga exists but lord being in 8th house and from sign in 11th house of punishment it shows the event. Arudh of the same is in 6th house showing the event.

Char Dasha 1 – Sagittarius/Virgo/Gemini – Sagittarius is ascendant showing the self, Virgo 10th house showing Karma and having 12th and 5th lord shows freedom as well as back to power/work/politics. Gemini is 4th house of happiness. He was released from prison in this time, all of them are in quadrants showing his comfort and blessing of Vishnu.

Char Dasha 2 – Sagittarius/Aries/Aries – Sagittarius is the same. Aries is the 5th house of power whose lord is in 10th house again of power. Shows the blessing of Lakshmi and Vishnu together.

Char Dasha 3 – Pisces/Pisces/Taurus – Pisces is the 4th house of happiness whose lord is in 4th from 4th in 7th house and Taurus is 6th house with AK in it and Ketu showing Emancipation. This shows the event. See the same Ketu and AK giving bondage and then emancipation showing it was all suffering of the soul.

Nobel peace prize in 1993

Char Dasha 1 and 2 – Sagittarius Maha dasha the sign rises in ascendant aspected by ascendant and 5th lord showing Raajyoga as well as Honor being 5th lord too. A11 and A3 are there along with PP showing life force. Jupiter and Mars GK+PK don’t show Raajyoga but PK surely shows awards and other things.

Char Dasha 3 – Pisces Maha dasha – it is 4th house aspected by the same Jupiter Mars combination. A4 is in 7th house with A9 and Shree Lagna along with Lagna lord Jupiter showing Flow of Shree Maha Lakshmi in his life and this prize will be thing for which he would be remembered in history. All 3 char dasha is aspected by the same showing validity of all 3 of them and showing that their usage has to be done carefully. All of them work. Jupiter Lagna lord is also there that shows honor.

Nations first black president on 2nd May 1994

Char Dasha 1 – Sagittarius/Taurus/Gemini – Sagittarius is in ascendant aspected by ascendant lord as well as 5th lord and PK mars showing Raajyoga. Aspected by Shree Lagna and Arudh Lagna it shows growth of Status in society and flow of shree in life. Taurus is the 6th house showing hard-work and struggle also having AK shows the achievement of the thing for which soul was born (freedom of South Africa) it have A10 showing power and aspected by DK and AmK makes one of the most potent Jaimini Raajyogas.

Char Dasha 2 – Sagittarius/Aquarius/Libra –Aquarius is 3rd house where Ghatika Lagna and Hora Lagna is placed along with A5 of power and A6 of service being AK in 4th there from it shows gain of throne. AmK is in 9th house there from showing the event. Libra is 11th sign showing gains with Moon that is depositor of DK and BK MK making small Jaimini Raajyoga. There are 3 planets in 10th house there from showing power. Being 11th from ascendant it shows gains but not Raajyoga Activation. For Activation of Raajyoga Position of AK and AmK have to be carefully judged from all MD and AD.

Char Dasha 3 – Pisces/Gemini/Virgo – Pisces is 4th house of throne whose lord is in 7th house 4th from 4th over SL and A4 and A9 showing the event but AK in 3rd house and AmK in 8th house there from is not a good indication for Raajyoga. Gemini is where Shree Lagna along with A4 and A9 throne and luck is placed in showing the event. And Virgo is 10th house with Dikbali Mars who is 5th and 12th lord but Having AL there it shows an important event related to Image of the Native.

Served till June 1999

Char Dasha 1 – Scorpio/Gemini – Scorpio is the 12th house showing freedom with Rahu that is depositor of HL and GL. Gemini is 7th house with SL and GK showing end of Job (6th house matter) being 10th from 10th it shows something important related to job and as in politics their career never ends but just gets a new turn. From dasa Rashi 10th lord is in 9th house 12th there from showing end of profession work and a new type of Raajyoga working. That is spending life as a high politician. AmK in 12th from Dasha Sign also shows end of profession.

Char Dasha 2 – Scorpio/Virgo – Virgo is 10th house with AL and PK mars that is also 12th lord showing end of profession, some significant event related to profession. End of job and a new status in society. Lord of Virgo that is Natural 10th house is in 8th house that shows retirement. For better results concerned divisional charts should also be used, here I am leaving that but readers are advised to do the same.

Char Dasha 3 – Pisces/Aries – Pisces is the 4th house of Throne and Home land too. Being 7th and Marak from 10th shows being at home/not working. Why it is also a throne house is a politician can work from home too. For politicians the whole country is their home. Aries is 5th house 8th from 10th and its lord is in 10th house showing important event related to profession.

· Author of “long walk of freedom – 1994”, “the struggle is my life – 1986”

Char Dasha 1 and 2 – Capricorn Dasha – it is 5th from Karkamsha Lagna aspected by Venus in D1 showing literary activities.

Sagittarius dasha – 4th from Karkamsha aspected by Jupiter in D1 and by moon and Venus in D9 having Jupiter in it. Showing validity of Karkamsha in D9 and Yogas Given by sage Jaimini. 2nd 4th 5th from Karkamsha and Moon Venus and Jupiter shows Literary Activities.

Char Dasha 3 – Libra dasha – 2nd from Karkamsha aspected by Venus in D1 and having moon in it in D1. In my humble opinion Karkamsha have to be seen in both D1 and D9 difference between them I will explain in an article on the subject.

Pisces dasha – 7th from Karkamsha aspecting Karkamsha and being aspected by Venus, Moon, Jupiter in D9 and By Jupiter and PK in D1.

Qualified in Law in 1942

Char Dasha 1 and 2 – Cancer Dasha – of 8th house where 9th lord of college and 2nd lord and 7th lord is placed in whose lord is in 11th house over A2. 4th house is primary education, 9th house bachelor, 2nd house masters and 7th house doctorate/specialization. 5th from Dasha sign is Rahu in 12th house in Scorpio sign showing the nature of education to deal with criminal, underground people, court etc. PK is in 3rd from dasha sign that is 8th from 8th showing termination of education.

Char Dasha 3 – Leo Dasha – it is 9th house dasha showing higher education, whose lord is in 8th house with Mercury and Saturn who be being in cancer created a Raajyoga in itself. This also shows the nature of education along with Rahu in 12th house in 4th from dasha sign.

In 1991 elected president of “The African National Congress”

Char Dasha 1 and 2 – Sagittarius dasha from where AmK is in 11th house of gains and AK in 6th house of service. Sign is also having A11 showing gains and A3 showing hard work.

Char dasha 3 – Pisces dasha – aspected by Shree Lagna and 10th lord from dasha sign Jupiter along with PK and 5th lord showing coming into politics but AK in 3rd there from and AmK in 8th isn’t favorable that also shows no great achievement in that period. But aspected by AL it shows the event clearly along with other factors.

1957 divorced with 1st wife

Char Dasha 1, 2 and 3 – Taurus dasha – AK is placed here debilitated. Having Venus and Ketu in same sign it shows marriage. Applying the same principle pervasively we can expand it to something related to marriage. Venus being 3rd lord from UL 8th from 8th and marriage significator that is afflicted as well as debilitated in D9 and in Maran Karak Sthan Shows Divorce. Lord of UL is in MKS (Maran Karak Sthan) from UL that have considerably damaged his UL. Being 12th from 7th it also shows the event. Taurus is also in 2nd house from Navamsha Lagna being Marak for Navamsha Lagna.

Second marriage June 1958, – 2 Daughters.

Char Dasha 1 and 3 – Taurus/Gemini – Taurus as we have seen have both Venus and Ketu Jaimini says the sign having Ketu as the most benefic sign. The sign having Ketu or Venus shows marriage and as it is in the same sign it shows very much potential for marriage being in 10th from UL it shows some marriage karma in form of divorce from one wife and marriage to another. Taurus being in 2nd from Navamsha Lagna shows end of first marriage and start of second marriage. Gemini is 7th house having A9 2nd that shows 2nd marriage being 3rd from 7th. Younger sister of first wife as Indian society takes second wife of a man. It also has Shree Lagna showing coming of shree or Lakshmi in his life. Only this Lakshmi gave him bliss of progeny that Jupiter shows naturally. Shree Lagna is very vital to time Marriage.

Char dasha 2 – Taurus/Virgo – Virgo is 2nd from UL with Mars in it that is raajyogkarak from UL and also PK showing his 2 daughters only from this marriage. This sign have Venus and Ketu in Navamsha.

Separated in 1992

Char Dasha 1 and 2 – Sagittarius dasha – being 10th from 2nd UL that is 8th from 1st UL and 12th from 2nd house that is 8th from 7th house it shows separation. As it is 10th it shows distance from home 4th house opposite showing separation for some time and being in 12th from 2nd house it shows loss of pleasures of 2nd house.

Char Dasha 3 – Pisces Dasha it is 2nd UL that is afflicted by GK and maandi but also helped and supported by Shree Lagna and PK and Jupiter but despite all these. Its affliction by Rahu in D9 (The concerned divisional chart for marital life that being 12th lord of separation from 2nd UL) shows the event.

Divorced in 1996

Char Dasha 1 and 2 – Scorpio dasha – here Rahu is placed in D1 chart that is lord of 7th marak from 9th house lord of 2nd marak from 2nd house and lord of 12th expenditure from 2nd UL and as it is not aspected by SL it failed to save the marriage and the fateful event happened. See till the time dasha of the house aspected by SL was going on it was separation not divorce. The same sign in navamsha is 8th house showing bad event related to marital life. It is also aspected by Afflicted DK and 7th lord in D1. And by afflicted DK in D9 too.

Char Dasha 3 – Pisces dasha – here it happened even after being aspected by Shree Lagna. Why so is it because next time he was going to marry his “sweetheart” Shree is manifestation of Lakshmi and what she have decided for the native only she knows. Here the same interpretation from the last analysis under separation can be used. Keeping in mind that it is also 12th from Navamsha Lagna. And if we don’t take progression of UL it will be 8th there from. Readers should think on the same to get a clear picture.

Celebrated his 80th Birthday by marrying his “Sweetheart” 52 years old “Graca Machel” on July 18, 1998 (28 Year younger)

Char Dasha 1 – Scorpio/Aries/Virgo – Scorpio is 12th house Having Rahu in it “Nest Graha” is very important in love marriage. It is 9th from 2nd UL and 2nd house of sustenance from 3rd UL. Aries is 7th from 3rd UL and 2nd from 2nd UL. In navamsha Aries is ascendant. Virgo is the 10th house 2nd from Primary UL and 12th from 3rd UL. Virgo also has Venus and Ketu in Navamsha.

Char Dasha 2 – Scorpio/Taurus/Taurus – Taurus is 6th house with Ketu and Venus in it is 8th from 3rd UL and 10th from 1st UL and 11th from DK.

Char Dasha 3 – Pisces/Leo/Taurus – Pisces is aspected by SL in D1 and also it is 8th from 1st UL and 6th from 3rd UL. From Pisces there is MKS Mars in 7th house and for this reason this dasha have shown him divorces and re-marriages too. Leo is the sign having UL and A7 showing Love marriage as well as normal marriage. Taurus is having Ketu and Venus combination.

· On January 6, 2005. Mandela’s 54 Year old son died of septic shock and pneumonia associated with AIDS. He was only surviving son of South African Leader.

For death and related matters Char dasha can be used but it being an Falit dasha is not appropriate for this work thus we will use Shool dasha for this and next event.

Middle life – taking 5th house as ascendant Lagna lord in 6th house is weak. 8th lord in 6th house is powerful making Vipreet Raajyoga. And 10th lord in 4th house in cancer with friend Mercury and 5th lord Sun are powerful also for the reason that his aspects on his own 10th house and for this reason 2 factors being powerful out of 3 he had middle life 40-80 years. He was 54 years old.

Shool dasha for 5th house – Cancer/Aquarius/Taurus – cancer is having afflicted 10th lord Saturn, aspected by 11th lord Rahu that shows punishment and also death. “Tanu tanou danda harah” lord of cancer being in 7th house from 5th house made it more Marak. Aspected by Rahu it was to produce bad event. Also it is in trine to 8th house from 5th house. Lord of Aquarius Rahu is in 8th from 5th house and another lord is in 4th house there from afflicting ascendant lord Mars by his 3rd aspect. Trine from Aquarius has Rudra Yoga with Moon aspected by Venus that is essential for death in shool dasha. Taurus is 2nd house where Prani Rudra Venus is placed in and it is also in trine to Aprani Rudra Mars and is making Rudra yoga all conditions fulfilled.

Mandela died on 5th December 2013 at his home, after several moth of fighting with Pneumonia (aged 95)

Age determination – Lagna + Hora Lagna = Long Life, Lagna Lord + 8th lord = Short Life, Moon + Saturn = Short Life. As two things shows Short life but as Jupiter is in 7th house it show Kakshya Vriddhi. And as Saturn or moon is not in 1st 7th house. Lagna and Hora Lagna shall prevail. Lagna lord is in 7th house powerful. 8th lord is in 11th house powerful and 10th lord is in 8th house weak as two factors is powerful it shows middle life, but as 10th house is strong under virtue of a Dikbali planet we can take 10th house as powerful too. Making it to long life.

We will also use char dasha here to time death but readers should keep in mind that there are longevity dasha in Jaimini and that should be used for this purpose.

Char Dasha 1 – Virgo/Capricorn/Virgo – Virgo is 10th house only whose lord is weak in the pairs and also its lord is in 8th house. Saturn is aspecting Virgo that is 3rd lord. 8th form 8th and Virgo have 12th lord mars. Capricorn is 2nd house that is a marak house.

Char Dasha 2 – Cancer/Pisces/Gemini – Cancer is 8th house, Pisces is 4th house afflicted by 12th lord Mars and Maheshwar Jupiter. Gemini is 7th house Marak where Maheshwar Jupiter is placed in and Pisces is Marak from AL being in 7th there from.

Char Dasha 3 – Scorpio/Pisces/Sagittarius – Scorpio is 12th house with Rahu in it. It is also in trine to 8th house and Pisces and Sagittarius both are aspected by Maheshwar Jupiter and 12th lord Mars.

Shool dasha – Aries/Taurus/Cancer – Aries is trine to Lagna but also trine to UL and A7. Lord of Aries is in 10th house afflicting the 3rd cornerstone of 3 longevity builders. It Is in 8th from Arudh Lagna. Taurus is 6th house with AK this should not kill but that AK is malefic being debilitated in Navamsha and is with Ketu the karaka of emancipation and forming Rudra Yoga in the sign that is important for death in shool dasha. Cancer is 8th house where Aprani Rudra is placed in along with 10th lord the weakest among 3 longevity building blocks.

Conditions around death have to be seen in 3rd from AL there is Rahu in Scorpio Rahu being like Saturn shows disease surrounding death. Pneumonia is also a Rahuvian disease. It is in a fixed sign Scorpio showing death in his own home.

Om Tat Sat
Shubham Alock

pin Char Dasha part-5 (final) with Shool Dasha and case study of Nelson Mandela.

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Jamini Astrology: What is Jamini chara dasha in vedic astrology, Prediction using chara dasha, Method of calculations, Timing events, Micro astrology using chara dasha: Complete Insight in chara dasha Explained and Demonstrated with Example charts

Understanding Jamini Astrology: What is Jamini chara dasha in vedic astrology, Prediction using chara dasha, Method of calculations, Timing events, Micro astrology using chara dasha: Complete Insight in chara dasha Explained and Demonstrated with Example charts

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CharaDasha Jamini Astrology: What is Jamini chara dasha in vedic astrology, Prediction using chara dasha, Method of calculations, Timing events, Micro astrology using chara dasha: Complete Insight in chara dasha Explained and Demonstrated with Example charts

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Char Dasha: explained using example and some basic concepts

A horoscope have so many facets as we humans have, but in astrology two things matter the most in the order that is first judging the effect of the planets and then watching what will happen, and then the next question arises when. Let we deal with both of them one by one

1.       Promises in a horoscope – not everyone is going to be billionaire not everyone is dying of poverty, people have their own standards and their own things to do.  What a person can do, what he can be, everything is in horoscope and deciding that first is the first and foremost thing. For that we use different techniques like judging natal chart, divisional charts, and so on and using these various techniques what a horoscope promises can be identified and a person can only do or become the thing his horoscope promises, this is a vast concept that I am leaving for now

2.       Timing the events – this can be done using various tools of Vedic astrology those are Dasha (there are more than 40 Dasha’s in Vedic  astrology – I know around 15 of them and use them interchangeably) Transit (there are so many methods of using transit – I personally know about 5 types and uses them) then there are also other special tools like Solar chart as known as varshapravesh that is the chart given to us by Arabians and that is casted on the date of birth when sun comes to the same point where he was in birth time and then based on that chart, result for coming one year can be found, it have one special point named Muntha. Very important in reading solar chart, it remains valid for one year only, and dasha can also be used in this to know which events will happen when, another technique is Tithi Pravesh, given to us by Sanjay Rath ji, that is based on Vedic tithi of birth, that takes sun and moon both into consideration, it doesn’t have any special planet like muntha, this is also valid for one year and can give very accurate results, but it is not our topic for today. All these tools namely Transit, Varshaphal and Tithi Pravesh is bound under Dasha, if A dasha or more specifically birth doesn’t promise an event then it will not happen no matter what happens. Dasha is also under control of birth chart, if anything is not promised in birth chart then it will never happen, it have to be kept in mind.

3.       Types of Dasha – there are 3 types of dasha those based on constellation like (vimshottari, ashtottari) those based on rashi (char,narayan,shool) those based on other things (panchswar dasha). The dashas are further divided into two more types those are Phalit dasha dealing with prediction and timing of event and second is Ayur dasha, used for prediction fatal periods or death. In other articles following this one, I will write on all of these dashas, for this I am confining myself to char dasha only. One thing that must be kept in mind is, every dasha have its own purpose and use thus no-one can be neglected, for example char dasha, and narayan dasha both are used for predicting/timing events, char dasha has its USP in getting the trademark of K.N.Rao he have worked extensively on this dasha and his research makes it infallible, whereas Narayan dasha is unique in the way as It can be counted for any divisional chart. Whereas char dasha can only be applied to birth chart, but I do also use it in other divisional too.

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4.       Methods of calculation – there are so many different methods of calculating char dasha, there is one system propounded by parashara that we find in Brihat parashara hora shastra, another version if of Irangati Rangacharya ji and another one is of K.N.Rao ji, as the system propounded by K.N.Rao ji is most pervasively used because it contains his years of research on the subject we will use his method only, in his method he doesn’t deduct or increase periods of planets in exaltation or debilitation sign. Because he says imagine case of Jupiter debilitated if we deduct one year for that then Sagittarius sign will have no years of dasha thus he doesn’t use this exception and says my method have been tested widely by me. And it gives accurate timing of events thus this should be used and we will be using that only. If time permits and my knowledge expands I will also write on other methods of using different variations of char dasha,

How char dasha is calculated I am leaving this due to 3 reasons, first because of there are now a day’s computer programs like jagganath hora which counts the dasha by one click so writing about calculation and expanding the article is something I will not do. Second this is over the internet there are so many articles dealing with the method of calculation readers can refer to those articles, and also I highly advise 2 books of K.N.rao 1. Predicting through jaimini char dasha 2. Advanced uses of char dasha to be read from which readers can get the idea on how he uses the system and how calculations have to be done. Third is I dislike teaching or writing about basics, and also I am in the favor that new immature students of astrology should not be spoon feeded thus I am leaving the part concerning with how to calculate char dasha and now I am giving few rules of analyze char dasha, and in the end we will understand the working of char dasha using one example chart and we will analyze few things in the chart using jaimini system of astrology and char dasha. For learning the basics readers can search my website also there they can find a basic article on char dasha in which they can find those things that I am using here but not explaining, and in readers encounter any problem they can contact me using any medium.


1.       Treat the sign as ascendant and see the relative position of karakas (char karakas – 7 char karkas are advised, sthir karkas, naisargik karkas)
2.       see the aspects on the sign
3.       Relative position of Arudh of different houses from that sign
4.       planets placed in the sign.  
5.       Also read the Arudh of the sign/house as jaimini treats sign and house as one, also examine the Arudh of the sign and effects on it.
6.       See the position of sign lord, and analyze the chart from that aspect too.
7.       See the position of AK, AmK from the dasha sign
8.       See in which house the sign is falling
9.       Raajyogas in the sign or with respect to the sign. Simple method is conjunction or relationship between AK, AmK, PK, DK and 5th lord makes jaimini raajyoga. Also see them in navamsha and note if the number of raajyogas increased or decreased.

10.   Aspect of Jupiter, mercury, sign lord, AK, AmK is good whereas aspect of mars, Saturn, Rahu, GK can be termed as bad
11.   Malefic planets in 3rd and 6th from dasha sigh and benefics in trine and quadrants will be good, otherwise choose accordingly. For example bad planet in 2nd sign can show monetary loss in the periods and also disturbance in family, whereas good planets will show increase in money and comfort at home.
12.   See the position of AK from the sign that will show in which direction interest of soul is going through the dasha
13.   AK is significator of 1st  12th (for liberation) house, AmK of 10th house, BK of 3rd, 9th, 11th house, MK of 4th house, PK of 5th house, GK of 6th 8th 12th (for malefic) house, and DK of 2nd and 7th house.
14.   In choosing sthir karakas there are two options in between choosing karaka for father battle is between sun and Venus and for mother option is between Moon and mars. As sthir karak is used for timing death the one more afflicted will have to be chosen as sthir karak for example if Venus be with sun then he will be sthir karak for father as being with a mild malefic he is more afflicted other have normal karkatwa like Jupiter for progeny. Etc.
15.   K.N.Rao doesn’t uses argala as he says their use haven’t been discovered till now, and I am of the opinion (till now ) that argala have to be seen only on yogda planet as Mudra Krishnmurthy Shastri and Irangati Rangacharya ji says so I am not using them, people can use them as they wish.
16.   The affliction or prosperity of lord will also work like the same way as affliction or prosperity of house/sign
17.   Abhimukh rashi will have stronger say into aspect, being aspected or aspecting in both ways, abhimukh rashi will be 7th from dual signs, 8th for movable and 6th for fixed signs.
Now let we examine a chart in the light of the rules presented above. (I can also use some rules which you will notice being used but not being discussed I will discuss them in another articles)
Birth details of the native is, 14 August 1988, 07:54AM, Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh) I have rectified the birth time to be  07:53:15AM. Using paranpada and D108 method. The rules used are
1.       At birth time Pranpada have to be in trine to moon or in 1/7 axis to moon in navamsha
2.       At birth time D108 ascendant have to show the gender. Male sign for male birth and female sign for female birth.

At the given time, the moon of native is in Leo navamsha and Pranpada was in Aquarius navamsha making it perfect but D108 ascendant was Taurus not a male sign a defect here, we have moved time to be Aries ascendant in D108 and Pranpada being in  Sagittarius in D9, it can also be settled to Aries navamsha so we have seen Deity of D60 lagna that was Kaala, why we settled that will be explained in another article, that will be exclusively on rectification of birth time. Now let we analyze the chart.

I am not using char dasha in divisional that I do but not illustrating, also not going further than PD, whereas in reality I usually go till PD in it mainly focusing on MA-AD as it is just a hint of the life direction, as Rashi dasha shows life direction, for minute prediction with time frame always mix more than 2 dasha, to come at a conclusion, also no future prediction are being made. (Abbreviations are being used be careful while reading)

Event 1 – Divorce between mother and father on 27-November-1994.

Jamini Astrology: What is Jamini chara dasha in vedic astrology, Prediction using chara dasha, Method of calculations, Timing events, Micro astrology using chara dasha: Complete Insight in chara dasha Explained and Demonstrated with Example charts

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First of all let we see why divorce happened, lord of 4th and 9th is one planet mars in 12th from 9th house in a bad house in 8th house, aspected by DK Saturn who is also indicative of 7th and 2nd house and also used from timing death as he becomes marak, A6 is in 4th house (10th from 9th is karma of father that is 6th house) A9 and A4 have 6-8 relationship. Sun moon is in 2-12,Mars lord of 4th and 9th house in D9 aspected by Saturn ( use bhrigu rule that says a retrograde planet will also influence from last house then use aspect of jaimini), 9th lord of D9 is also lord of 12th house that is in 9th house, being aspected by Mars and Saturn two malefic, now see they are influencing 9th house as well as lord, this is the basic reason behind the basic rules of Karako Bhav nasay. Mercury is not karak of 9th house but think on the rule then you will get the clue. Ascendant and 8th lord Venus is in 4th house in D9. He is 8th lord in 4th. Wherever bad house lord goes he destroys the house, in D12 mars is in 6th house aspected by 2 malefic Sun and Saturn. He is a mild malefic but with Saturn he becomes more malefic, also they both have classic enmity as we all know. Jupiter-Moon 4th and 9th lord of D12 is in 2-12 relationship in D12. BK-MK is in 6-8 relationship in D9, BK shows 9th house and MK 4th house.

Now see the event – Libra MD. Lord of Libra is MK, Libra is 7th marak from 9th and 12th loss from 4th. Libra aspected by BK, GK, PK, showing no raajyoga and involved GK shows fights in his period. In life of the native. Lord of Libra is in 8th from 4th and 3rd from 9th both bad houses and remember benefic in 3rd is not so good, and any planet in 8th is we all know destroyed. Sun in Maran Karak Sthan in 10th from Libra showing the karma of the MD of the sign is influenced by SUN in MKS, dying, sun in natural significator of Father. It is 3rd from Ascendant dasha sign is In bad house from ascendant, as lord of Libra is a benefic planet, its presence in 3rd and 6th will not be desirable. Lord of Libra is in 12th from Ascendant lord.

Taurus AD – 7th from 4th and 2nd from 9th both marak house, aspected by sun that is in Maran Karak Sthan, 8th and 5th lord Jupiter is in the AD sign, 8th is 12th from 9th and 5th is 2nd from 4th again marak, that Jupiter that is in AD sign that is depositor of Saturn and Mars. Dwar rashi from Libra have Saturn in it aspected by mars and Dwar rashi from Taurus have rahu in it aspected by Sun of MKS (Maran Karak Sthan) the concept of Dwar and Bhay rashi will be explained sometimes later.
Event 2 – minor accident at age 2. Virgo Md. – aspected by Saturn and mars, Saturn is DK (marak significator of 2nd and 7th both marak houses and also signifies accidents and death and Mars in 8th is danger), it is 2nd from ascendant that is marak from ascendant and 3rd from AK that is for harm to body, longevity and also a house indicating accident, minor and major too, being 8th from 8th.
Event 3 – first job at 1 April 2012 – Indu lagna is in cancer where sun is of MKS. (MKS – Maran Karak Sthan, use of indu lagna will be dealt in another article, it is used to time first salary then automatically it will also indicate job, sun AK there in MKS shows troubled career ). Sagittarius MD – it is 6th (job house) from Indu Lagna. Natural Karm Karak Saturn is there, It is also 6th from AK, and 10th from AmK (significator of 10th house). Libra PD – it is abhimukh sign from 10th house, it have A11 showing start of gains, in Transit, AK and AmK both were aspecting Sagittarius, I have used Jaimini aspects only and in Using jaimini rules apply them only (as K.N.Rao, Irangati Rangacharya, Hart DeFouw  and almost all significant astrologers says keep these systems separate) Natural Karm Karak Saturn was in Libra in the same time in Transit, and lord of indu lagna moon was in indu lagna cancer.

Event 4 – second job. – readers can notice he have left first job very soon that was of professor due to Jupiter in 10th house, why he did this will be explained later. Till the time of second job PD was changed to Taurus that is 10th house, aspected by AK, he is having PK that will signify Raajyoga. Also this sign is aspected by AK. (AK+PK+5th lord raajyoga. In navamsha they are in same sign. Only due to this reason this job was stable for some time till January 2015, and then he left the job. And after that he haven’t been employed till now, we have talked today morning, he got jobs but he haven’t did that for more than 15 days, as a result haven’t got anything, see the effect of AK in 12th house in MKS. In navamsha in 6th house with Jupiter showing at some later time he can gain intelligence but this time as AK is in 12th house in MKS aspected by Rahu his mind is like Grahan/clouded.

Event 5 – left job. Aquarius MD – having A9 and A3 both are bad houses from 10th house A9 12th from 10th loss of Job. And 3rd 6th from 10th difficulties in Job. (it also makes some doubt on a parashara raajyoga, about which we need to have deep understanding, that secret will be revealed in another write-up) lord of sign is in 5th house that is 8th loss from 10th profession and 12th loss from 6th employment, also he is aspected by malefic, Bhaya rashi have GK, 12th lord, and ketu 3 de-attaching factors that have de-attached him from Job, 7th is 10th from 10th. And his bhaya rashi is in that much condition terrible. Also his lord is malefic that is retrograde aspected by another retrograde malefic (a malefic retrograde aspected by another malefic is like living hell. And it have made all types of problem from him, also see the hell is in 5th house 9th from 9th and now see Event one) Rahu that is in dasha rashi is aspected by Sun who is AK in MKS. Making a garahan yoga, eclipse to life, till august 2015 he was under the grahan that made his life hell. Now he is in pisces dasha that can be expected to be good, as per job is concerned as it have AmK and AK is in 5th house from there but this AmK is aspected by Saturn a retrograde malefic and AK is in MKS, the blemish will be on until he gets a guru to guide his soul, as AK is in Pisces in D9 with lord of Pisces that is Jupiter, D9 is dhrama and Jupiter is guru, and 6th house is overcoming shad ripus, sign Pisces shows blessing of goddess saraswati that can be through knowledge or from upadesh, or by reading holy books. Only Jupiter can save sun from being under grahan that is being caused by Rahu aspecting Sun in MKS. Only Jupiter have the power to save him and as sun is in 6th house in D9 that is overcoming enemies weather internal or external, we can hope for good times. The Dasha rashi Aquarius is 12th from AmK, and 6th from AK and A10, and due to these reasons even after having its co-lord in Aquarius it was not good for career. Scorpio sign was running under AD – it is 7th from 10th house that is marak house, death of Karma/Profession. It have A6, that shows noticeable event related to 6th house that was loss of job signification of 10th house from a long time (1 year till now). It is also aspected by sun that is in MKS.

K.N.Rao in his book “Predicting through Jaimini Char Dasha” In one chapter writes that position of AmK from ascendant will show how the profession life will be of the native, see AmK in 8th from D1 ascendant aspected by Saturn a malefic as well as DK cause of death. In D9 3rd from Ascendant again bad house showing rise after a lot of struggle, as it will also be aspected by malefic and DK Saturn in D9 using Bhrigu rule of aspect from last sign when a planet is retrograde. In D9 it is also aspected by GK (GK is significator of 6th house in char karak scheme but in jaimini AmK shows profession not GK, but yes A6 will still be showing profession. )

With obscene to lord Shiva I close this article.

Om Namah Shivaye

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Past Birth Astrology: How to know Pending Past Karma & Purpose of Birth in Vedic Astrology from Divisonal charts

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Here in this article today I am going to discuss few techniques from which you can know about pending karma and life mission of the native in which direction his life will flow basically for doing which type of work and for returning which type of work any native have taken birth,
First, let me tell some basic things then I will share two techniques Pending karma finding technique given by Saptarishis Astrology. 

Using Jagganath Dreshkan for finding main life purpose given by Shri Jagganath Center

In a birth chart check the few things at first  See the house and Rashi placement of the sun and his conjunction and relationships with other planets that will show the thing in which soul will be comfortable and also see AK in the same manner in D1 and in D9 to find what soul desires. 

Check the placement of Rahu and Ketu in D1 and D9 and also check their relationship with other planets as they will show karmas with respect to the sun (soul) moon (mind) and so on, also keep remember that Jupiter and Rahu both have 5th and 9th special aspects which are for past life and future life but Jupiter shows blessings and Rahu shows curse.

Also, see all the things in D60 (only after rectifying birth chart) and also see all the things in D45and D30 too. Also, see the position of AK from Ascendant in D1 and D9 and also see the mutual relationship between AK and AmK. See the 5th house and 9th house their lords and their significations also see PK as he represents 5th house of horoscope

Techniques II.

Saptarishis Astrology technique given out by Sunil. 
Under this technique see the Rashi number falling in 6th house 8th house and 12th house and then see those houses from birth ascendant and then see planets placed therein, yoga being formed therein and aspects therein and this will show which karma is pending for the native and should have to be done. These houses become karmic houses,

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For Aries Ascendant 6th 8th and 12th house are karmic houses, planets placed their and aspect therein will become karmic planets and also lords of that house also will become karmic planets (by the way all planets are karmic). For Taurus Ascendant 7th 9th and 1st house, for Gemini Ascendant 8th 10th and 2nd house, for cancer ascendant 9th 11th and 3rd house, for Leo 10th 12th and 4th house, for Virgo 11th 1st and 5th house, for Libra 12th 2nd and 6th house, for Scorpio 1st 3rd and 7th house, for Sagittarius 2nd 4th and 8th house, for Capricorn 3rd 5th and 9th house, for Aquarius 4th 6th and 10th house and for Pisces 5th 7th and 11th house.

See where lord of these houses are placed and which planets are placed in these house and planets placed in these houses own which house and also see which planets aspect these houses and which planets and houses are being aspected by those planets who are sitting in these houses, all this will show pending karma of the native which has to be done by the native. 

Jagganath Dreshkan method handed down by Sanjay Rath Parampara was given by Vristi Larsen.

Make D3 chart using Jagganath method, it is given in Jagganath hora, method of calculation is not being given to me as it will make it complex just open jhora and then open D3 chart and then under option choose Jagganath hora and now chart opens, under that chart see the 3rd house as Ascendant and if 3rd house is vacant then see where 3rd lord is placed and that house as Lagna. 

See rashi aspect, planetary aspect see which planets are in 3rd house, or with 3rd lord, their signification, house lordship in D3 and yoga’s they are forming all would have impact over this and will show the karma for which the native have taken birth, for example 5th lord in 3rd house and 3rd lord in 5th house and Jupiter aspecting 3rd house using rashi aspect and mercury aspecting using Planetary aspect clearly shows that native is born for becoming author and write books, subject should be decided by the most powerful planet or by combining influence of all planets and houses.

P.S.- Method of making Jagganath Drekkana:-

Among the various dreshkan, the Parashar and Jagganath dreshkan traverse the trines to the sign. Whilst with the Parashar dreshkan the allotment is to the first, fifth and ninth houses, instead, the Jagganath dreshkan traverses the movable, fixed and dual signs respectively, always starting from a movable sign.

With thanks and Regards,
Shubham Alock

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