Using Jagganath Dreshkan for finding main life purpose given by Shri Jagganath Center
In a birth chart check the few things at first See the house and Rashi placement of the sun and his conjunction and relationships with other planets that will show the thing in which soul will be comfortable and also see AK in the same manner in D1 and in D9 to find what soul desires.
Check the placement of Rahu and Ketu in D1 and D9 and also check their relationship with other planets as they will show karmas with respect to the sun (soul) moon (mind) and so on, also keep remember that Jupiter and Rahu both have 5th and 9th special aspects which are for past life and future life but Jupiter shows blessings and Rahu shows curse.
Techniques II.
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For Aries Ascendant 6th 8th and 12th house are karmic houses, planets placed their and aspect therein will become karmic planets and also lords of that house also will become karmic planets (by the way all planets are karmic). For Taurus Ascendant 7th 9th and 1st house, for Gemini Ascendant 8th 10th and 2nd house, for cancer ascendant 9th 11th and 3rd house, for Leo 10th 12th and 4th house, for Virgo 11th 1st and 5th house, for Libra 12th 2nd and 6th house, for Scorpio 1st 3rd and 7th house, for Sagittarius 2nd 4th and 8th house, for Capricorn 3rd 5th and 9th house, for Aquarius 4th 6th and 10th house and for Pisces 5th 7th and 11th house.
See where lord of these houses are placed and which planets are placed in these house and planets placed in these houses own which house and also see which planets aspect these houses and which planets and houses are being aspected by those planets who are sitting in these houses, all this will show pending karma of the native which has to be done by the native.
Jagganath Dreshkan method handed down by Sanjay Rath Parampara was given by Vristi Larsen.
Make D3 chart using Jagganath method, it is given in Jagganath hora, method of calculation is not being given to me as it will make it complex just open jhora and then open D3 chart and then under option choose Jagganath hora and now chart opens, under that chart see the 3rd house as Ascendant and if 3rd house is vacant then see where 3rd lord is placed and that house as Lagna.
See rashi aspect, planetary aspect see which planets are in 3rd house, or with 3rd lord, their signification, house lordship in D3 and yoga’s they are forming all would have impact over this and will show the karma for which the native have taken birth, for example 5th lord in 3rd house and 3rd lord in 5th house and Jupiter aspecting 3rd house using rashi aspect and mercury aspecting using Planetary aspect clearly shows that native is born for becoming author and write books, subject should be decided by the most powerful planet or by combining influence of all planets and houses.
P.S.- Method of making Jagganath Drekkana:-
Among the various dreshkan, the Parashar and Jagganath dreshkan traverse the trines to the sign. Whilst with the Parashar dreshkan the allotment is to the first, fifth and ninth houses, instead, the Jagganath dreshkan traverses the movable, fixed and dual signs respectively, always starting from a movable sign.
With thanks and Regards,
Shubham Alock
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