Secrets of Vimshottari Dasha : How to analyse results of planets if they are placed in 6th, 8th and 12th from AD lord.

Case Study: How to analyse Antardasha, Mahadasha and Pratyantar Dasha results of planets if they are placed in 6th, 8th and 12th from Antardasha lord.
secrets of vimshottari dasa idl084 Secrets of Vimshottari Dasha : How to analyse results of planets if they are placed in 6th, 8th and 12th from AD lord.

Vimshottari Dasha Tip No 2: 

Frictional Relationship of Planets with AD Dasha lord.

Period of Antardasha Lord always is a major influential factor in bringing many up’s and down in our lives in a shorter duration of life. Reason being AD lord has a direct relationship with the Mind for influencing thoughts, influencing Environment required for physical understanding. Antar Dasha has a leading role in mental makeup and thought provocation. 

What we think what we used to apply in our environment. If Planets are not well placed from AD Lord in Natal and other Divisional charts, the result can differ in many major areas of life but that also depends on certain others factors too, like whether planet placed is malefic or benefic in nature, or is it Exalted or debilitated or is it placed in friendly sign or inimical sign or not.

Now, the question is how?

First rule is AD Lord should be well placed from his own Karka – The Moon, Second factor would be he should be well placed from the Maha-Dasha lord, 3rd factor is He should be well placed from the karka of Maha-Dasha Lord, The Sun and last and most important factor is he should be well placed from the Both Lagna and Lagnesh in D1 and other Divisional charts.

3 Reference points (Sun, Moon and Lagna) and the cycle of 3 has a major role in understanding our life events.

The basic rule is, either it is AD Lord, MD or PD lord it shouldn’t be placed in trik Bhavas (6th, 8th and 12th) from the Lagna, if it is maleficial in nature wrt to the lagna or if it is functional malefic in nature wrt to the lagna.

Why Lagna?
Because it is the first-most symbol of the Body, health and intelligence. How we apply our intelligence and how placement has gone reacts to the body that primarily depends on the placement of the AD Lord in the natal chart. Lagna is a physical plane, everything happening w.r.t to our body is seen from Lagna. 

If AD lord is in trik bhavas to the Lagna it shows Our mind is not synced w.r.t to the body and intelligence correctly in an ordered manner, if it is placed in Upachya Sthan from the Lagna, our mind is querying to the lagna that we want certain improvement in that area, so it shows a continuous area of life where we need to keep working on it. Placement of Ad lord In Kendra to the Lagna shows Narayana Blessing is with us for sustaining our Mundane needs and desires are fulfilled. Placement of AD Lord in trines shows Laxmi Blessing is with us for improvement of certain areas of life via This birth learned Skills (1st), Guru blessings (9th) and Past birth punya Karmas (5th). Here one can rise by own efforts, Trikonas shows one’s efforts, learning’s, and learned skills (Anubhava).

Planetary placement in the Divisional chart shows the status of our Subconscious plane and how we can change our kiryamani karma in future life actions. So placement of the AD lord in Divisional charts has much says on a micro level.

But There are certainly other factors too we need to see from the Natal chart, those can directly create frictions with respect to the AD lord and result will be like wastage and expenditure of energy on useless matters and issues regarding those houses during those AD Lord Dasha periods.

Now the question is what are frictional relationships ??

In Jamini and Prashari system we called frictional relations as Aragala’s and in Nadi system, we called them as a basic Thumb rule for understanding planetary results of any planet in Nadi but I used to call them as Frictional planets. Means planets those can waste our efforts and initiatives even if AD lord is well placed in the natal chart still those frictional planets can waste our energy and efforts uselessly with no results in hands.

According to Sage parashara, Argala is a kind of influence that a planet expresses on another planet in a beneficial or malefic way as a result of 3rd party influencing factor.

If a planet or House puts Argala on other Planet, it means that it can act like as creating an intervention in the matters of others by the direct or indirect mean. This intervention or influencing factor can be beneficial or malefic depending upon the nature of the Argala creating a planet. The beneficial planet gives positive argala and malefic planets gives negative argala.

If an Argala creating planet is Paapagraha (malefic in nature), an intervention will be in a negative way while in a case of Shubha-graha, an intervention will be in a positive way. The positive intervention will help in getting resources in an indirect way, providing good environment, the capability of the planet to add something to that particular house and Negative intervention will do the same.

ShubhArgala Secrets of Vimshottari Dasha : How to analyse results of planets if they are placed in 6th, 8th and 12th from AD lord.

Shubha Argala is formed if natural Shubha planets are placed in the second, fourth, fifth and eleventh house from the Argala house.

Here Jupiter, Mercury, Sun and Mars giving Shubh Argala to the Lagna. Lagna is what good health, Name, Fame and resources. So Jupiter gone help in Getting good food, resources in financial terms, and support from family, Elderly and people are in teachers or guru. Mars, Sun and Mars will help in getting gain from friends and social circle to the Lagna.

VirodhArgala Secrets of Vimshottari Dasha : How to analyse results of planets if they are placed in 6th, 8th and 12th from AD lord.

Malefic intervention or Virodh-argala shows the obstruction of argala on that house or planet.If it is placed in the 12th, 10th, 3rd and 9th houses from a house or planet that cause virodh-argala and obstruct the argala on it from the 2nd, 4th, 11th and 5th houses from it (respectively).

Here, in an above-mentioned chart, There is total absence of Virodh-argala on Lagna that means Native will do positive via Shubh argalas (Via Positive influence).

Take another example, let say there is a Shubha Argala on the 7th house, it means it will help in getting smoothness in married life if beneficial planets are planets in 8th house (2nd house from the 7th), 8th house beneficial planets without any nodal influence will help marriage in much smoother way, might be couple try save their mutual findings in a better way for better life, their sex life would be much better and balanced, via their mutual savings might they can better feed their married life for better growth But while in the opposite case i.e if malefic planets are placed in 10th house, there will be a papargala (malefic or negative intervention) in 7th house, Means downfall in marriage life or downfall in career of the native due to Marriage issues or after the marriage or due to the negative circumstances in career and marriage life gone suffer.

So we need to understand the concept deeply, whether it is properly working or not. I will explain this concept in deep in another post. My current motive was to explain basic factor here is to understand nature of frictions of planets wrt to the AD lord.

So, Coming to the original topic, here are the Rules to check those frictional planets from AD Lord.

Rule Number 1:

Rule%2BNumber%2B1 Secrets of Vimshottari Dasha : How to analyse results of planets if they are placed in 6th, 8th and 12th from AD lord.

Check Whether AD lord is placed in trines or Kendras from the Moon sign or Moon Lagna or not, for any fruitful results in AD period. If there is malefic planet AD is going on and if it is placed in 6th, 8th and 12th from the Moon sign, possibility is that result won’t be much satisfactory or not according to the state of mind or might be not according to the expectations or not according to what native has decided it earlier, so native might not be getting it accordingly. But exceptions are still there with basic fundamentals are still required for finding strength of the planet for any results. So, one has to decide it carefully 
before drawing any final conclusions while considering many others aspects too before approaching to any final results.If the AD lord is Beneficially disposed wrt to the Moon lagna and badly placed in Natal chart then results might not be much beneficial. Even in Malefic case when the AD lord planet is Exalted or it is placed in friendly sign from the Moon lagna or the malefic planet is functional beneficial in nature wrt to natal chart it will gives good results. So, one should have to consider many other aspects too. 

Generally, it has been seen that whenever AD lord is placed in 6th, 8th or 12th house from the moon (Generally in case of malefic’s, if it is functionally malefic to the lagna) resources would be less available or environment won’t be much supportive to the native.I n another hand, Person might face issues in finances, as we have seen Moon for liquidity, cash flow and total financial status or financial opportunities during those periods.

He might feel uncomfortable in those environments or in the work opportunities he may not be fully interested or not willing to do his work with his full efforts or with full passionate desire. This has been seen much true in the case if the AD Lord is functionally malefic in nature wrt to the lagna. Functionally Beneficial planets those are placed in 6th, 8th and 12th from the Moon somehow give moderate results. Whereas Venus, Jupiter and Mercury’s AD always has many capabilities to give good results during those periods when they are placed in 6th, 8th or 12th from the Moon sign.

In Case of Functionally malefic especially Mars, Saturn and Nodes, they  usually gives much stress-full life, stiff finances, and sometimes major health issues too or certain blockages in finances. 

But it can be minimised too at much extent if any of these above mentioned planets are placed in Exaltation, friendly signs from 6th, 8th or 12th from the Moon sign. 

Thumb rule is, Simply never expect results according to your expected state of mind makeup or what you are expecting from long, for friendly comfortable environment, whenever any planet is placed in 6th, 8th or 12th from the Moon sign or the AD dasha lord.But if same Malefic or Beneficial AD lord is well placed in either of 5th, 9th and 1st house from Moon, results would be totally different and scenario would be comfortable or totally opposite.

Usually, I have seen whenever AD Lord is not well placed from the Moon sign, Mind  and thoughts usually feels like restless, loss of energy, no decision making, Loss of fruitful or creative ideas or blocked thoughts and would be having feeling of an uncomfortable situation in whatever environment one is going through. If AD Lord is not well placed from 6th, 8th and 12th houses in inimical Signs or nakshatras from Moon, as native usually get environment those are very rigid in nature or possibility will be result not according to will and wish or based on own choices of decisions.

If AD lord is well placed in trine from Moon i.e from Kendra or trine to the Moon lagna, native will always feel like creative, energetic and dynamic in actions and thoughts and always have positive moods and vibrations to accomplish any task.

Moon simply represents environment and resources you are getting from external factors, it can be stiff or it can be comfortable that totally depends on how your AD lord is well placed from Both Natal and Moon chart. Though Natal chart shows your Physical conditions and environments you may get because of your efforts and actions but Moon lagna shows how well you can mentally respond to those situations and conditions if those are not comfortable to thoughts situation would be stiff and tough.

If the AD lord is well placed from the Moon chart, positive Ideas will keep picking up like you are feeling like a scientist who can invent any thought into fruitful actions during that dasha period.Mostly I have seen In trine relationship Native, mostly expects Beneficial events from both material and spiritual Point of view based on the lordship of the planet in Natal chart. The mind will always experience gain in the House representing in the natal chart.

Rule Number 2:

AD%2BLord Secrets of Vimshottari Dasha : How to analyse results of planets if they are placed in 6th, 8th and 12th from AD lord.

Check whether any Functionally malefic planet is placed in 2nd, 12th and 8th from AD lord or not. If there is Planet placed in 2nd, 12th and 8th from the AD lord, then that house has much capability of giving malefic results to the AD lord planet like wasting efforts, unknown obstacles and can mostly creates hurdles and obstacles in fulfilling any task easily.

It’s like creating unwanted problems from that planet w.r.t to the house. Issues pertaining to those houses will always be in limelight in that AD Period. This is simply like in a parliament 1 member is keep arguing or keep opposing your viewpoints or keep creating unwanted problems to you, it can be unwanted or can be open challenges that totally dependent on nature of that planet w.r.t to AD lord planet. Mostly i have seen person often feels like his efforts or actions are wasting and going in vain and he always feels like unnecessary obstacles are troubling him and facing hurdles in accomplishing any task he undertakes. Usually, his positive energy always spent on or focus on those matters where those malefic planets are in placed in.

If Same AD Lord is stuck in between malefic planets in 12th and 2nd house from each other, whole energy of mind will be spent on matters of 12th and 2nd house from that AD Lord.This usually creates a situation of Bandhan yoga where AD lord always feels helpless to accomplish any task. If 12th house from the AD lord planet has Functionally malefic planet w.r.t AD lord the whole dasha period will be like painful or duration won’t be easy to survive.

12th from AD Lord means where you are always focusing or spending your energy whole heartily in one direction, it can be an expenditure of  energy in malefic way or can be in a beneficial way that totally depends on a planet is beneficial or malefic placed in the 2nd and 12th house from AD Lord.

If there is malefic planet placed in 12th house from AD lord, your mental energy will always be going in direction of expenditures or distraction,  issue and matter pertaining to that house will always be key for that AD period. for e,g If Rahu is placed in 12th from Sun AD period, and if same Rahu is placed in 5th house in the natal chart.

It Simply means that Rahu won’t let the sun to breathe easily, it keep giving issues related to 5th house i.e health troubles to children’s, Home environment would be mess because of love affairs, Native may always feel restless or cheated in relationship and Education can give problems to native and there can be many issues regarding 5th house which native can experience during that Sun AD period.

we have to only see the deep link with AD Lord. 2nd house from AD Lord is like feed or food to the AD Lord, if it is beneficial Dasha will be in a comfortable state like a bed of roses. If it is malefic AD Lord will be like in a helpless position during that Dasha period like walking in a cactus road. So, always see which planet is going to act like frictional toward AD lord planet.12th, 2nd and 8th house from AD are like Frictional planets.

In Jamini System we use these terms as Shubh Argala, Paap Argala and virodh argala to that house.

In General 8th from the AD, lord planet means suffering on account of that house during that Dasha period if it is case of functional malefic.

Take an Example Chart,

D1 Secrets of Vimshottari Dasha : How to analyse results of planets if they are placed in 6th, 8th and 12th from AD lord.
Here Native MD lord is Moon placed in 9th house in exaltation with AD Lord Sun and Mercury and 3 malefic planets are placed in 12th from It in 8th house. Sun AD started from February onward and native started facing lots of issue wrt to health, Loss in Fathers business (9th Lord in 8th), Loss in luck (Bhadkesha as well as 9th Lord in 8th house with 6th and 8th lord Saturn with 4th lord Ketu, shows lots of family issues and troubles and also Vastu dosha too also seen form the chart). Family issues are clearly seen from the (4th Lord in 8th) chart as 4th Lord Ketu is with 7th and 6th lord Saturn and also under the influence of Nodes too.

The problem in higher education (Saturn placed in 8th house, falling in 12th from the 9th house of higher education and aspects 5th house, showing delays and obstacles in completing education) also seen from the chart, Native is facing breaks and hurdles in Bachelor degree. 

Here good point is that the Native is getting support from the 10th house as Venus placed in own sign but due to 12th from the Moon, MD and AD having 3 malefic planets are placed in 8th house, Native not able to fully concentrate on his studies, fathers business and own career establishment, As whole of his energy is focused on 12th house from it.

Here Solution lies in the strengthening (Where Sun is exalted) of the 9th house Karka – Both Sun and Jupiter. Here the 9th house is getting aspect from Jupiter via 5th house, So Native need to go under the shelter of Guru blessings and he need to get Mantra Deeksha from the Learned guru, as Jupiter is falling in trine from the 9th house, Jupiter will provide strength to the 9th house.

Another thing is, as Lagnesh is Exalted in 9th house, he needs to visit Rameshwaram Temple with his father to fully activate his 9th house properties. As Venus is placed in Kendra sthan(Vishnu Sthan) in Taurus , is acting as feeder or Sustainer for the 9th house, being fallen in 2nd from it, So, Native father and his mother Need to visit Laxmi-Narayana ( Tirupati Balaji) Temple in south of India to get fully strengthen his Career, luck and father (Printing and Designing, Represented by Venus) Business in track.

For Resolving Family Matters, Bhadkesha lord is placed in Fixed sign in d9 and also afflicted in 8th house with nodes and Saturn in D1, Native need to Fix his South (Mars – Direction) corner of the house via Vastu Remedies.

Case Study 2,

Native%2BD1 Secrets of Vimshottari Dasha : How to analyse results of planets if they are placed in 6th, 8th and 12th from AD lord.

Here Native MD Lord Jupiter is placed in the 12th house with 1st and 10th lord Mercury and Marnakarka Sun(lord of 12th in 12th house) and Antardasha lord  Moon is placed in the 5th house having a relation of 6/8 with each other that shows somehow mind is not perfectly sync with the body and somehow Moon AD can be much troublesome in some matters and would be difficult in many Matters related to the 12th houses (i.e Health, Sleeplessness, Father health’s, Career Break), as 12th lord Dispositer Sun is also weakly placed in 12th clearly showing house is weak
During her Moon AD under Jupiter MD period Native faced lots of traumatic events Wrt to his career, own health issues, and majorly faced Father health issues, as Sun is placed in Marnakarka sthan from the Lagna and also placed in 8th from the Dasha lord and Moon too. 
Native lost his father in Sun/Moon AD period Around Jan-Feb 2017 and she is still under the distressed situation because the moon has lost his moral and mental strength for regaining the inner emotional and motivational strength, as there are none of beneficial planets placed on either side from the moon. 
Moreover, Aspect of Mars somehow also exaggerating the current mental state into fierce form due to anger and frustration she is facing because of unknown troubles she is facing  and many a time it would be a tough call for her to manage her emotional aggression. During this tenure, She also left her Job in Moon AD period after her father death, as 10th lord Mercury is also placed in 8th from the AD lord Moon with the Bhadkesha lord Jupiter too placed in 12th house and 12th house is totally under the influence of Paap Kratiri yoga, Rahu and Saturn both are placed in either side. 

Even she also faced tuberculosis issue in her neck after Feb 2017 too. During this period, she faced both the financial as well an emotional issues and both were in peak during this whole of Moon Antar Dasha period. 

During the PD period of Mercury and Ketu In December-January 2016-17 native again started facing issues wrt to her mother health reason being 4th, Lagnesh and 7th, 10th Lord all are placed in 8th from the AD lord Moon,and moreover Moon is afflicted by nodes and mars too.Even D12 chart also shows affliction on Both sun and moon. 

Moreover, Moon is Ak as well as deeply afflicted by the nodes and Mars aspecting it from the 2nd house too. So moon Dasha period seems to be very tough for her emotional as well as other family issues to manage such problems from every side. As there are no beneficial planets are placed in 12th and 2nd from it. Here, Solution lies in only strengthening and propitiating the strongest Planet placed from the Natal chart with the strengthening of the Karka, The Moon for her better Mental state and mother health.

For her blocked career growth, she needs to start worshipping Goddess Laxmi daily or need to visit any Shakti Peeth to get stronger the Venus. Luckily Native has a deep infatuation for the Mata Vaishno Devi from the beginning of her age, So suggested for same.

For Improvement of her own health, Mental stability and mother health Native advised to visit Somnath temple to do Shiva Rudra Abhishek to strengthen the weak and afflicted Moon.This way she will start getting blessings from Lord Shiva.

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Secrets of Vimshottari Dasha- How to trace Major and Minute Life events in Vimsotri Dasha Period

27 Secrets of Vimshottari Dasha- How to trace Major and Minute Life events in Vimsotri Dasha Period

Tips for Tracing Major and Minor life events from Vimsotri Dasha :

Vimsottari Dasha is most known and common dasha system calculated based on Movement of the Moon on the progression of Nakshatras at the time of birth (Tithi – Longitudinal distance of Sun and Moon).This Nakshatra is one of Most important Anga in Panch-anga system for identifying well being and over health of the mind and body of the native.

Whole Dasha system progresses based on  combination of Total 9 Nakashtras  which Forms a complete 120 year of cycle of dasha as equals to life cycle in kaliyug, as suggested by sages.It is presumed as total life span of human being in kaliyug would be of around about 100 to 120 years.

There are Total 27 Nakashtras where we have divided into 3 groups ( 9*3 = 27 Nakashtras – forms 3 different Nakashtras based progressive Vimsotri Dasha system). for e.g If one is Born in Jyestha Nakashtra – Dasha of the native will starts from Mercury ( Lord of Jyestha) and it goes further up-to rest of 8 Nakashtras, like Moola ( Ketu Dasha) ,Poorva ashada ( Lord Venus) and finally it will end at Uttrabhadra Nakaashtra (Lord Saturn). Every Preceding Nakashtra has Major role in Forming Mental Setup of Native during the progressions of Vimsotri Dasha lords in VM Dasha system .Starting point of Dasha system is Ashwani (Nakashatra lord is Ketu) and end of Dasha system is Revti Nakashtra.

VMD Dasha System is a Commonly used Dasha system but Less in its accuracy and timing Events, in its application & usage, if one is not aware of Usage of Nakashtras and Degree Concepts with accurate Birth time in VMD system, than its not easy to Use it wisely with perfection, VMD perfection need case studies of lots of people and in depth knowledge of Nakashtras, Degrees, Padas and art of Birth time rectification process. So, what i believe is knowledge of Degrees and Nakashtras is must while timing events in VMD Dasha system.

If during the birth, Moon is Stronger in strength; means birth In Brighter nights(Shukala Pakasha), we considered Moon as Stronger. During Brighter Nights Moon is ahead of Sun and more powerful to receive Sun Beneficial Rays which are directly gone impact people mindset, who will take birth in earth during this period of time.

Most of Beneficial Works are done in Shukala Pakasha tithis. Even in Bhagwada Geeta it is Mentioned as – Birth in Shukala Paksha leads to Heaven and people who gone die at same tithi and same Pakasha never come back to earth in material world.

Those who are Born in Krishana Pakasha they used to come back to material world again and again until and unless karmic balance is equals to zero. So, those people who are born in Brighter Nights (Shukala Pakasha tithi ), can use VMD Dasha system blindly in Natal and Divisional Charts without any 2 views.

For its applicability, Check the Strength of VMD Dasha lords by Making Moon as Reference Point and Extracts the result of VMD Dasha lord by its Nakashtra and its Lord in Natal Chart.
Those who are Born in Darker Nights ( Krishna Pakasha), we considered Moon as weaker being in darker side of Sun, not able to receive full rays of Sun. Those people who are born in Krishna Pakasha Tithi – Either they should use Yogini Dasha System or Ancient Dasha system based on 108 years of cycle (Ashtottari Dasha system) as explained by Lord Shiva for timing events and Dasha results in Kaliyug.

Moon & Nakashtras are the base for Vimsotri Dasha System & it should be given Higher Priority over Planets placement in Natal and Divisional charts while analyzing Results for any Dasha Period ( Either it is MD , Ad or PD or Sookashmaa Dasha). VMD Gives Events based on what Mind Will Show and Experience you a Picture.In My calculation its Accuracy is 60-70%.

As our sages made the Progression of Vimsotri dasha from Movement of Moon over different nakashtra during the course of 27.5 days, this dasha period has major role in identifying and tracing life events based on certain vimsotri dasha sub dashas divisions.It is a known fact that when a soul actually take entry in Body to give life to a new soul, baby birth usually takes place and during that duration the movement of moon on certain degrees, minute and seconds has major role in identifying past birth punya karmas.

So, one should never ignore the fact that the same moon is refereed as Maa Adi-Shakti in Vedic deities whose responsibility is to balance this material universe. Its due to Adi-Shakti Power this whole world is energized with the prana shakti from animals, to humans to plants to planets. every existence in this material world has energy in it.  The same power of Praana shakt in also running in the new born baby in the form of Moon energy when it enters in a body.

moon in the sky wallpaper Secrets of Vimshottari Dasha- How to trace Major and Minute Life events in Vimsotri Dasha Period

Moon actually signifies power of adi Shakti in human body. Body without mind is called boat without any guide moving aimlessly and in direction-less motion. So due to its life forcing nature one should see every event in life based on one’s Moon Lagana. Moon is Prana Shakti (Life giving), the Nourishment power, its a karka of Motherly nature, Its a  karka of Love and majorly it rules our mind, out thoughts and energy which is hidden everywhere and ruiling us.  Its more preciously a Prana Dasha which actually explained us in vedic astrology how Life force moves in every being or or how pran Shakti energies enters in our body and nourishes the Soul, Mind and body with the every moment of moon from seconds to minutes .

Moon Nakashtra and Mind is the basic Key in understanding Vimsotri Dasha life progression and how that life force air actually drives that energy in our life seen via the Nakashtra of the moon when it travels in a month in certain degrees forming over different tithits. One should always considered strength of Nakashtra lord of Moon for native health, Mind and Physical conditions. In timing Smallest to smallest events one should see from Moon lagana. Moon gives you environment where one has to act and react based on situation given or created by the physical conditions. How we react and act, simply decides how we actually takes decision in life.This More shows our aagami Karma for future life variations. So, we should always see events of life via Moon and its Nakashtras progressions in different signs. For tracing smallest to smallest events.
For better understanding i have highlighted major points in step by step, please Use this below mentioned System for verify Major to minor events in life via  use of vimsotri Dasha.

1) Use Sun lagana for MD Lord strength, to see how soul moves in particular direction in particular MD period for finding goal of life for number of years. As Sun rules our Atma -Soul- it decides goals of our aatma. that’s why for final evaluation of Atma one need time to transform itself after major time duration’s. It takes much time to realize what is the real goal of soul you got from past.Only can be possible when a soul faces major life events or a soul realizes slowly after duration of time. Trines from Sun Shows improvements, additions of skills in atma one learn from past. MD lord placed in 6th, 8th and 12th from Sun shows major life lessons regarding that house for e.g if MD lord is placed in 12th from Sun – it shows life event is regarding realization, Moksha, Spiritual transformations  and  major spiritual lessons. If Md Lord is 6th from Sun – Soul has to learn how to  get peace after sickness, diseases, fights, hardships and transformations. MD lord 8th from Sun shows Past life events that one has to face or debit in that dasha period. MD lord placed in Trines and Kendra from Sun shows soul has to evolve both materially and spiritually.

2) Use Moon Lagana for AD lord Strength to see how Mind acts and Reacts in given Environments for facing those challenges and Psychological  events given by Rashi. As moon shows Mind and thoughts and negative and positive environment has major impact on one’s mind and body.Mind can feel comfortable if environment is soothing and peaceful. If environment is hard , mind has to suffer or find on account of the environmental challenges.  Dasha lord in 6th, 8th and 12th from Moon lagana always be a conflicting state for our mind.

3) Use Natal Lagana for PD lord Strength to see how those events effects our physical body health and its conditioning.How it actually effects deha(Body). The Short duration in Vimsotri is Pratyantar dasha period which actually signifies the life events in physical form. If Any of PD lord is placed in 6th, 8th and 12th from Lagana than health and body can suffer during the AD period.

4) Use Progression of Current Moon transits in those Nakashtras when moon moves in transit chart for Sookshama AD in PD.Sookshma means minute events those are signifies by the movement of moon over different Nakashtras and its padas. If the Sookshma dasha lord is somehow interrelated with Moon transits nakashtra, signs, degrees or padas we might see sudden events those can effects our mind during that PD period.

5) Use Moon Lagana with Transit of Praana Antardashas Lord planets under Sookshama Dasha. Praana means very vital life events which can effects our Deha and Mind. If Praana Dasha lord is badly placed or afflicted from Moon Lagana, than we might can face issues related to life events.

6) Use transit of Deha AD lord in Praana AD with reference of Moon Nakashtras for seeing any Impact on body for those 2.5 days of Moon transits on particular Nakashtras.

Majorly Key of Praana and Deha Dasha is Moon only. Never ignores the power of Moon Lagana in transit charts for Seeing Hourly and days based events under those Sookashma dasha periods.

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Views: 413

Char Dasha part-5 (final) with Shool Dasha and case study of Nelson Mandela.

CharaDasha Char Dasha part-5 (final) with Shool Dasha and case study of Nelson Mandela.

In other 4 parts of this series of articles we have seen use of char dasha as given by sage Parashara in his Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra. As given by K.N.Rao and as given by Mr. Irangnati Rangacharya. In this article in this chart I will use all 3 of the Char Dasha variation naming them Char Dasha – 1, 2 and 3 respectively. A caution that I will give here is by no means it is a decisive article. All of them are masters and I am no one to say someone right or wrong. My only attempt will be to see by which method results are more clearly visible. We will use normal rules of interpretation of Char Dasha as given by Sage Parashara and Jaimini in their immortal classics. But here one should keep in mind that different masters use different techniques to analyze the same. Parashara have only given rules no example chart for demonstration. K.N.Rao uses Karaka’s a lot. And Rangacharya Ji Uses all rules but as their demonstrations are very less. We will use normal analysis method and will try to find out which one is easy to use and snapshot to find event. We will be using 7 char karakas only. As Mr. Rao says it as their own original research and Rangacharya Ji also seems to be saying the same. But in Arudh Pada Calculation we will be taking exceptions into account with dual lordship of Scorpio and Aquarius.

Nelson Mandela – 18th July 1918, 14:54:51 (Rectified by myself) Mvezo, South Africa (31S57/28E31)

NM Char Dasha part-5 (final) with Shool Dasha and case study of Nelson Mandela.

South African president – Hora Lagna and Ghati Lagna in 3rd house shows person achieved money and power through his own efforts. Lord of that sign Aquarius is Rahu and Saturn Rahu in 12th showing his Jail travels and Saturn in 8th house showing his long life as well as his struggles. Aspect of Jupiter on ascendant made him a great man with high ideals. Rahu by his 11th aspect and Saturn by his 3rd aspect is aspecting 10th house where 5th lord Mars is placed in having Dig Bala and he is also Lagna lord of navamsha that is in 3rd house with moon and having aspect by Jupiter that is 9th house also influencing his D9 ascendant showing Jovian influence on his life, mind, intellect and himself and also making a powerful Raajyoga. 6 planets in bad houses in D1 and 3 planets in bad houses in D9 made his life full of struggle, strife and hard-work. In D9 chart Bandhan yoga on 4-10th axis by Sun and Saturn shows his imprisonment in his own homeland for his work to his own homeland. Debilitated AK in 6th house in D9 made his soul’s journey difficult. AK with Ketu shows a good person but in 6th house in D9 as well as D1 shows his hard-work, struggle and suffering and own people becoming enemies. His 9th lord is vargottama and ascendant lord is in trine to Navamsha Lagna. Shows his Raajyoga and Mars over AL shows his fighting nature that is never to accept defeat.

Been Married 3 times – Venus is afflicted in his chart being in 6th house with Ketu aspected with Rahu. In his Navamsha he is debilitated again with Ketu aspected by Rahu and Mars in 6th house 12th from 7th house and in both chart Venus Karaka of Marriage is in Maran Karak Sthan. 7th house have Jupiter it have to be good but Jupiter being ascendant lord in 7th house show more than one marriage that is further strengthened by Venus and 7th lord that is in 8th house with Sun and Saturn 2 dire malefic making it more and more hemmed aspected by Rahu and the same Mercury in navamsha is in 11th house of more than one marriage with Gulika in Aquarius whose lord Rahu is in 12th house and Saturn in 10th house hemmed in between malefic it all shows more than one marriage and misery in marital life. Sun is DK that in D1 is in 8th house with malefic Saturn and Mercury aspected by Rahu and in navamsha in 4th house Dig bal less under aspect of Rahu and Saturn Again. Depositor of 7th lord as well as DK is moon in 11th house of multiple marriages. In navamsha in 3rd house of copulation with Mars high sexual drive and in both charts aspected by Jupiter that shows that he did marriages and was not in other practices like prostitution or other bad things like the same. A7 and UL are in same house showing Love Marriage that he did (we will see it later) but in 12th from AL showing ignorance by spouse. Lord of UL and 2nd from UL is in 8th house from ascendant showing all the trouble and 2nd from UL is mars showing break in marriage. We will all these with events while using Char Dasha on the chart.

Arrested as political prisoner on august 5th 1962. And spend 27 years in Jail. Released on February 11th 1990.

Char dasha 1 – Aries/Libra/Scorpio – Aries is 5th house showing political activity for which he was arrested. From Aries there is Bandhan yoga in 6-8 house showing imprisonment and suffering. Libra is 11th house with A8 and 8th lord Moon therein. Scorpio is 12th house with Rahu this Rahu is also involved in with sign in Bandhan Yoga.

Char dasha 2 – Aries/Taurus/Pisces – Aries is same; Taurus is 6th house with AK in that showing suffering of soul along with Ketu that shows emancipation. Can also show bondage. Being 6th house it is bit natural to be prisoner. Pisces is 4th house showing Imprison in own home land.

Char Dasha 3 – Virgo/Virgo/Virgo – Virgo is 10th house with Mars that is 5th and 12th lords showing imprisonment due to political activities. There is AL showing image of the person. Maandi is also there showing prison and the same sing is also aspected by Lagna and 4th lord Jupiter. From there no Bandhan yoga exists but lord being in 8th house and from sign in 11th house of punishment it shows the event. Arudh of the same is in 6th house showing the event.

Char Dasha 1 – Sagittarius/Virgo/Gemini – Sagittarius is ascendant showing the self, Virgo 10th house showing Karma and having 12th and 5th lord shows freedom as well as back to power/work/politics. Gemini is 4th house of happiness. He was released from prison in this time, all of them are in quadrants showing his comfort and blessing of Vishnu.

Char Dasha 2 – Sagittarius/Aries/Aries – Sagittarius is the same. Aries is the 5th house of power whose lord is in 10th house again of power. Shows the blessing of Lakshmi and Vishnu together.

Char Dasha 3 – Pisces/Pisces/Taurus – Pisces is the 4th house of happiness whose lord is in 4th from 4th in 7th house and Taurus is 6th house with AK in it and Ketu showing Emancipation. This shows the event. See the same Ketu and AK giving bondage and then emancipation showing it was all suffering of the soul.

Nobel peace prize in 1993

Char Dasha 1 and 2 – Sagittarius Maha dasha the sign rises in ascendant aspected by ascendant and 5th lord showing Raajyoga as well as Honor being 5th lord too. A11 and A3 are there along with PP showing life force. Jupiter and Mars GK+PK don’t show Raajyoga but PK surely shows awards and other things.

Char Dasha 3 – Pisces Maha dasha – it is 4th house aspected by the same Jupiter Mars combination. A4 is in 7th house with A9 and Shree Lagna along with Lagna lord Jupiter showing Flow of Shree Maha Lakshmi in his life and this prize will be thing for which he would be remembered in history. All 3 char dasha is aspected by the same showing validity of all 3 of them and showing that their usage has to be done carefully. All of them work. Jupiter Lagna lord is also there that shows honor.

Nations first black president on 2nd May 1994

Char Dasha 1 – Sagittarius/Taurus/Gemini – Sagittarius is in ascendant aspected by ascendant lord as well as 5th lord and PK mars showing Raajyoga. Aspected by Shree Lagna and Arudh Lagna it shows growth of Status in society and flow of shree in life. Taurus is the 6th house showing hard-work and struggle also having AK shows the achievement of the thing for which soul was born (freedom of South Africa) it have A10 showing power and aspected by DK and AmK makes one of the most potent Jaimini Raajyogas.

Char Dasha 2 – Sagittarius/Aquarius/Libra –Aquarius is 3rd house where Ghatika Lagna and Hora Lagna is placed along with A5 of power and A6 of service being AK in 4th there from it shows gain of throne. AmK is in 9th house there from showing the event. Libra is 11th sign showing gains with Moon that is depositor of DK and BK MK making small Jaimini Raajyoga. There are 3 planets in 10th house there from showing power. Being 11th from ascendant it shows gains but not Raajyoga Activation. For Activation of Raajyoga Position of AK and AmK have to be carefully judged from all MD and AD.

Char Dasha 3 – Pisces/Gemini/Virgo – Pisces is 4th house of throne whose lord is in 7th house 4th from 4th over SL and A4 and A9 showing the event but AK in 3rd house and AmK in 8th house there from is not a good indication for Raajyoga. Gemini is where Shree Lagna along with A4 and A9 throne and luck is placed in showing the event. And Virgo is 10th house with Dikbali Mars who is 5th and 12th lord but Having AL there it shows an important event related to Image of the Native.

Served till June 1999

Char Dasha 1 – Scorpio/Gemini – Scorpio is the 12th house showing freedom with Rahu that is depositor of HL and GL. Gemini is 7th house with SL and GK showing end of Job (6th house matter) being 10th from 10th it shows something important related to job and as in politics their career never ends but just gets a new turn. From dasa Rashi 10th lord is in 9th house 12th there from showing end of profession work and a new type of Raajyoga working. That is spending life as a high politician. AmK in 12th from Dasha Sign also shows end of profession.

Char Dasha 2 – Scorpio/Virgo – Virgo is 10th house with AL and PK mars that is also 12th lord showing end of profession, some significant event related to profession. End of job and a new status in society. Lord of Virgo that is Natural 10th house is in 8th house that shows retirement. For better results concerned divisional charts should also be used, here I am leaving that but readers are advised to do the same.

Char Dasha 3 – Pisces/Aries – Pisces is the 4th house of Throne and Home land too. Being 7th and Marak from 10th shows being at home/not working. Why it is also a throne house is a politician can work from home too. For politicians the whole country is their home. Aries is 5th house 8th from 10th and its lord is in 10th house showing important event related to profession.

· Author of “long walk of freedom – 1994”, “the struggle is my life – 1986”

Char Dasha 1 and 2 – Capricorn Dasha – it is 5th from Karkamsha Lagna aspected by Venus in D1 showing literary activities.

Sagittarius dasha – 4th from Karkamsha aspected by Jupiter in D1 and by moon and Venus in D9 having Jupiter in it. Showing validity of Karkamsha in D9 and Yogas Given by sage Jaimini. 2nd 4th 5th from Karkamsha and Moon Venus and Jupiter shows Literary Activities.

Char Dasha 3 – Libra dasha – 2nd from Karkamsha aspected by Venus in D1 and having moon in it in D1. In my humble opinion Karkamsha have to be seen in both D1 and D9 difference between them I will explain in an article on the subject.

Pisces dasha – 7th from Karkamsha aspecting Karkamsha and being aspected by Venus, Moon, Jupiter in D9 and By Jupiter and PK in D1.

Qualified in Law in 1942

Char Dasha 1 and 2 – Cancer Dasha – of 8th house where 9th lord of college and 2nd lord and 7th lord is placed in whose lord is in 11th house over A2. 4th house is primary education, 9th house bachelor, 2nd house masters and 7th house doctorate/specialization. 5th from Dasha sign is Rahu in 12th house in Scorpio sign showing the nature of education to deal with criminal, underground people, court etc. PK is in 3rd from dasha sign that is 8th from 8th showing termination of education.

Char Dasha 3 – Leo Dasha – it is 9th house dasha showing higher education, whose lord is in 8th house with Mercury and Saturn who be being in cancer created a Raajyoga in itself. This also shows the nature of education along with Rahu in 12th house in 4th from dasha sign.

In 1991 elected president of “The African National Congress”

Char Dasha 1 and 2 – Sagittarius dasha from where AmK is in 11th house of gains and AK in 6th house of service. Sign is also having A11 showing gains and A3 showing hard work.

Char dasha 3 – Pisces dasha – aspected by Shree Lagna and 10th lord from dasha sign Jupiter along with PK and 5th lord showing coming into politics but AK in 3rd there from and AmK in 8th isn’t favorable that also shows no great achievement in that period. But aspected by AL it shows the event clearly along with other factors.

1957 divorced with 1st wife

Char Dasha 1, 2 and 3 – Taurus dasha – AK is placed here debilitated. Having Venus and Ketu in same sign it shows marriage. Applying the same principle pervasively we can expand it to something related to marriage. Venus being 3rd lord from UL 8th from 8th and marriage significator that is afflicted as well as debilitated in D9 and in Maran Karak Sthan Shows Divorce. Lord of UL is in MKS (Maran Karak Sthan) from UL that have considerably damaged his UL. Being 12th from 7th it also shows the event. Taurus is also in 2nd house from Navamsha Lagna being Marak for Navamsha Lagna.

Second marriage June 1958, – 2 Daughters.

Char Dasha 1 and 3 – Taurus/Gemini – Taurus as we have seen have both Venus and Ketu Jaimini says the sign having Ketu as the most benefic sign. The sign having Ketu or Venus shows marriage and as it is in the same sign it shows very much potential for marriage being in 10th from UL it shows some marriage karma in form of divorce from one wife and marriage to another. Taurus being in 2nd from Navamsha Lagna shows end of first marriage and start of second marriage. Gemini is 7th house having A9 2nd that shows 2nd marriage being 3rd from 7th. Younger sister of first wife as Indian society takes second wife of a man. It also has Shree Lagna showing coming of shree or Lakshmi in his life. Only this Lakshmi gave him bliss of progeny that Jupiter shows naturally. Shree Lagna is very vital to time Marriage.

Char dasha 2 – Taurus/Virgo – Virgo is 2nd from UL with Mars in it that is raajyogkarak from UL and also PK showing his 2 daughters only from this marriage. This sign have Venus and Ketu in Navamsha.

Separated in 1992

Char Dasha 1 and 2 – Sagittarius dasha – being 10th from 2nd UL that is 8th from 1st UL and 12th from 2nd house that is 8th from 7th house it shows separation. As it is 10th it shows distance from home 4th house opposite showing separation for some time and being in 12th from 2nd house it shows loss of pleasures of 2nd house.

Char Dasha 3 – Pisces Dasha it is 2nd UL that is afflicted by GK and maandi but also helped and supported by Shree Lagna and PK and Jupiter but despite all these. Its affliction by Rahu in D9 (The concerned divisional chart for marital life that being 12th lord of separation from 2nd UL) shows the event.

Divorced in 1996

Char Dasha 1 and 2 – Scorpio dasha – here Rahu is placed in D1 chart that is lord of 7th marak from 9th house lord of 2nd marak from 2nd house and lord of 12th expenditure from 2nd UL and as it is not aspected by SL it failed to save the marriage and the fateful event happened. See till the time dasha of the house aspected by SL was going on it was separation not divorce. The same sign in navamsha is 8th house showing bad event related to marital life. It is also aspected by Afflicted DK and 7th lord in D1. And by afflicted DK in D9 too.

Char Dasha 3 – Pisces dasha – here it happened even after being aspected by Shree Lagna. Why so is it because next time he was going to marry his “sweetheart” Shree is manifestation of Lakshmi and what she have decided for the native only she knows. Here the same interpretation from the last analysis under separation can be used. Keeping in mind that it is also 12th from Navamsha Lagna. And if we don’t take progression of UL it will be 8th there from. Readers should think on the same to get a clear picture.

Celebrated his 80th Birthday by marrying his “Sweetheart” 52 years old “Graca Machel” on July 18, 1998 (28 Year younger)

Char Dasha 1 – Scorpio/Aries/Virgo – Scorpio is 12th house Having Rahu in it “Nest Graha” is very important in love marriage. It is 9th from 2nd UL and 2nd house of sustenance from 3rd UL. Aries is 7th from 3rd UL and 2nd from 2nd UL. In navamsha Aries is ascendant. Virgo is the 10th house 2nd from Primary UL and 12th from 3rd UL. Virgo also has Venus and Ketu in Navamsha.

Char Dasha 2 – Scorpio/Taurus/Taurus – Taurus is 6th house with Ketu and Venus in it is 8th from 3rd UL and 10th from 1st UL and 11th from DK.

Char Dasha 3 – Pisces/Leo/Taurus – Pisces is aspected by SL in D1 and also it is 8th from 1st UL and 6th from 3rd UL. From Pisces there is MKS Mars in 7th house and for this reason this dasha have shown him divorces and re-marriages too. Leo is the sign having UL and A7 showing Love marriage as well as normal marriage. Taurus is having Ketu and Venus combination.

· On January 6, 2005. Mandela’s 54 Year old son died of septic shock and pneumonia associated with AIDS. He was only surviving son of South African Leader.

For death and related matters Char dasha can be used but it being an Falit dasha is not appropriate for this work thus we will use Shool dasha for this and next event.

Middle life – taking 5th house as ascendant Lagna lord in 6th house is weak. 8th lord in 6th house is powerful making Vipreet Raajyoga. And 10th lord in 4th house in cancer with friend Mercury and 5th lord Sun are powerful also for the reason that his aspects on his own 10th house and for this reason 2 factors being powerful out of 3 he had middle life 40-80 years. He was 54 years old.

Shool dasha for 5th house – Cancer/Aquarius/Taurus – cancer is having afflicted 10th lord Saturn, aspected by 11th lord Rahu that shows punishment and also death. “Tanu tanou danda harah” lord of cancer being in 7th house from 5th house made it more Marak. Aspected by Rahu it was to produce bad event. Also it is in trine to 8th house from 5th house. Lord of Aquarius Rahu is in 8th from 5th house and another lord is in 4th house there from afflicting ascendant lord Mars by his 3rd aspect. Trine from Aquarius has Rudra Yoga with Moon aspected by Venus that is essential for death in shool dasha. Taurus is 2nd house where Prani Rudra Venus is placed in and it is also in trine to Aprani Rudra Mars and is making Rudra yoga all conditions fulfilled.

Mandela died on 5th December 2013 at his home, after several moth of fighting with Pneumonia (aged 95)

Age determination – Lagna + Hora Lagna = Long Life, Lagna Lord + 8th lord = Short Life, Moon + Saturn = Short Life. As two things shows Short life but as Jupiter is in 7th house it show Kakshya Vriddhi. And as Saturn or moon is not in 1st 7th house. Lagna and Hora Lagna shall prevail. Lagna lord is in 7th house powerful. 8th lord is in 11th house powerful and 10th lord is in 8th house weak as two factors is powerful it shows middle life, but as 10th house is strong under virtue of a Dikbali planet we can take 10th house as powerful too. Making it to long life.

We will also use char dasha here to time death but readers should keep in mind that there are longevity dasha in Jaimini and that should be used for this purpose.

Char Dasha 1 – Virgo/Capricorn/Virgo – Virgo is 10th house only whose lord is weak in the pairs and also its lord is in 8th house. Saturn is aspecting Virgo that is 3rd lord. 8th form 8th and Virgo have 12th lord mars. Capricorn is 2nd house that is a marak house.

Char Dasha 2 – Cancer/Pisces/Gemini – Cancer is 8th house, Pisces is 4th house afflicted by 12th lord Mars and Maheshwar Jupiter. Gemini is 7th house Marak where Maheshwar Jupiter is placed in and Pisces is Marak from AL being in 7th there from.

Char Dasha 3 – Scorpio/Pisces/Sagittarius – Scorpio is 12th house with Rahu in it. It is also in trine to 8th house and Pisces and Sagittarius both are aspected by Maheshwar Jupiter and 12th lord Mars.

Shool dasha – Aries/Taurus/Cancer – Aries is trine to Lagna but also trine to UL and A7. Lord of Aries is in 10th house afflicting the 3rd cornerstone of 3 longevity builders. It Is in 8th from Arudh Lagna. Taurus is 6th house with AK this should not kill but that AK is malefic being debilitated in Navamsha and is with Ketu the karaka of emancipation and forming Rudra Yoga in the sign that is important for death in shool dasha. Cancer is 8th house where Aprani Rudra is placed in along with 10th lord the weakest among 3 longevity building blocks.

Conditions around death have to be seen in 3rd from AL there is Rahu in Scorpio Rahu being like Saturn shows disease surrounding death. Pneumonia is also a Rahuvian disease. It is in a fixed sign Scorpio showing death in his own home.

Om Tat Sat
Shubham Alock

pin Char Dasha part-5 (final) with Shool Dasha and case study of Nelson Mandela.

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An Insight on Jamini Astrology: Basic Understanding on Jamini Aspects, Karka, Argala and Jamini Raaj Yogas in D1 and D9.

jaimini astrology An Insight on Jamini Astrology: Basic Understanding on Jamini Aspects, Karka, Argala and Jamini Raaj Yogas in D1 and D9.

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The main propagator of Vedic astrology in kaliyuga is sage Parashara and Jaimini, Parashara wrote Brihat parasar hora sastra. And Jaimini wrote Jaimini sutras where he himself very clearly wrote that I am only saying here those things which have been left by ancestors before me and the areas in which more light have to be putted in that’s the reason why what Jaimini wrote we can find nowhere and that too he wrote in an coded language. That can only be decoded by katpayadi varga that is a hard nut to crack. But in no way he was proposing a new way or tradition in astrology as he himself was disciple of son of Parashara what he wrote was just the teachings of Parashara explained in detail and that’s the reason that you can find so many things related to Jaimini Jyotisha in Brihat Parashara hora sastra.

Basics of Jaimini part of astrology known as Jaimini astrology.

Aspects – different from parashari astrology where we use aspects of planets in Jaimini astrology there are aspects of rashis. Means each rashi is watching another rashi that makes a connection between all of them. Every movable sign aspects all fixed sign leaving one adjacent to it. In the same way ever fixed sign aspects all movable sign leaving the one adjacent to it. Every dual sign aspects all other dual signs. If any planets are posited in these houses then they will also aspect each other and other signs too. Like see if Saturn is in Aquarius and Venus is in Capricorn and moon is in Leo then as per this Saturn and moon have mutual planetary aspect and Venus and moon both have mutual rashi aspect, but here Saturn besides aspecting moon in Leo is also aspecting Aries, Cancer, and Libra. And his effects on these rashis and in which houses they fall will be permanent devoid of dasha and antardasha.

Karaka – there are 3 types of karkas 1st are natural karkas, 2nd are fixed karkas and 3rd are char karkas. Natural karkas are like sun for father, government, and so on fixed karkas are like stronger between sun and Venus will be for father. These all are explained by Parashara in his book what Jaimini introduces new to us is char kakas where he guides us that planets irrespective of his rashi only take degrees and then place them in ascending/descending order. The highest of them will me Atmakarak signifying soul. Known as the king of the horoscope every activity have to be guided by him. If he is weak then all of the charts prospects will get destroyed. Atmakarak is the main thing Atma meaning soul consist everything in himself and it is the base for everything. A major lesson related to Atmakarak native is must have to learn and 12th from AtmaKarak in Navamsha will show ishta devta the deity that will guide soul towards liberation. Next in order the planet having 2ndhighest degree is called Amatyakarak is the one who will give food to the soul (AtmaKarak) he is the minister in the chart like king is incomplete without minister a powerful Atmakarak is incomplete without a powerful Amatyakarak. He is the 2nd most important planet in the order. The placement of Amatyakarak from ascendant will show how the professional life of the native will be. The 3rd one is Bhratrikarak signifying brother and guru. Based on Bhratrikarak auspicious deity is decided. Next in order comes MatriKarak signifying mother and father basically parents. Next comes Putrakarak signifying son and next in order comes gyatikarak signifying relatives and enemies and next comes darakarak signifying spouse. Darakarak will also signify death and gyatikarak relatives. Their placement in rashi and Navamsha have to be judged to know their effects on parts of lives.

Some controversies lies there is one controversy in deciding to take 8 charkarkas or 7. Parashara and Jaimini both says that users are independent in choosing to use 8 or 7 and some opine that if 2 karkas clash then use one of them as alternative karaka. Now here one question that comes in mind is that what if more than one karaka coincides. Here there are 2 things that I want to say K.N.Rao says that if you calculate planets up to minutest degrees then there are no chances of clashing of 2 karkas. Whereas Sanjay Rath and some other astrologers add one more karaka after MatriKarak as pitrakaraka. This seems right to some extent as if there is char significator for mother then why not for father. But then one thing that comes in mind is that when both Parashara and Jaimini told karkas they told about 7 karkas not 8 and also told to use rahu for replacement not for making a new karaka. Here I will leave this up to readers to choose what they want. As both the system can give amazing results.

Dashas – Parashara told us about nakshatra dasha like Vimshottari dasha, Kalachakra dasha, mool dasha whereas Jaimini teaches us about rashi dasha based on sign whereas nakshatra dasha are based on lunar asterisms. I will be writing over them in the next article.

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Pad- pad means position, simply meaning position in this material world. Count the distance of rashi lord from the rashi and then count the number next to the house lord for example if 7th lord is in 11th house then 3rd house will be pad of 7th house because 7th lord is in 5 houses away from his house in 11th house and 5 houses away from 11th house is 3rd house so pad of 7th houses falls in 3rdhouse known as darapada. Pad of any house will show all the things related to that house and planets related to pad will become connected to that aspect of life. for example if pad of 6th house is in Libra and Saturn is also in Libra then it can show that there will be a strong enemy because Saturn is strong being exalted in pad of 6th house that stands for enemy’s. Pad of 1st house is known as Arudh lagna showing position of native in society and the way in which he is viewed in society and his position power and authority. 2nd pad that will be the pad of 2nd house will show family and money. 3rd house pad will show courage, bother and so on as in the series 4th house pad will show happiness etc. 7th house pad will show relationship and 12th house pad will show marriage. Planets connected to 12th house pad will be potent to give marriage and also from the 12th house pad known as upapada and 2nd from that marital bliss, marital life is to be judged. Planets associating with upapada in D1 and D9 will give marriage. Here too is a controversy some says that pad of any house can’t be in 1st or 7th house while some don’t follow this rule. Readers can choose himself as best. But what I will suggest is use exception with 8 char karkas and 7th char karkas without taking exception in calculating pad lagna.

Special ascendants – like rising ascendant in rashi chart Jaimini introduces new ascendants too and also have given some specific formulas for counting them. Like he told about Hora lagna dealing with wealth and Ghatika lagna dealing with power and authority and a planet connected with lagna and hora lagna will become special significator for wealth and a planet connecting with lagna and ghatika lagna becomes special significator for power and status and a planet connecting with all 3 of them becomes extremely powerful in giving all goods to the native in the same way there are Shree lagna showing the position of Lakshmi in horoscope and Sudasha showing her movement through the life of the native.

Argala – in these there are 2 sections 1st is argala planet supporting and 2nd virodh argala planet opposing, any planet that is in 2nd 4th and 11th house from any house becomes primary supporters and 12th 3rd and 4th becomes opposites of those supporters and will tend to obstruct the result of that house whereas the planet making argala will tend to give effect of that house and will tend to save effect of that house. Effect will be there or not that have to be judged on the basis that which one is stronger argala or virodh argala. The virodh meaning opposition will be in 12th for 2nd 3rd for 11th and 10th for 4th here there is an exception that if there are more than 1 malefic in 3rd house then rather than making obstruction they will support. 2nd argala will be made by 5th and 8th house and opposed by 9th and 6th house respectively.

Raajyoga – next and last lesson on this comes with raajyoga. Just like there are so much raajyogas in parashari astrology in the same way there are so many yogas in Jaimini astrology too and we can’t remember them all but as we remember their formula that connection between Kendra and trikona lord gives rise to raajyoga in the same manner in Jaimini astrology connection between AtmaKarak, Amatyakarak, Putrakarak, Darakarak and 5th house and its lord will give rise to raajyoga. Mutual aspect between Venus and moon is also raajyoga. Now you have to see if there are more yogas in D1 or in D9 if more in D1 then the person will see more dreams of raajyoga and less will fructify and if more in D9 then the person will expect less and will get more. Also see in which houses the raajyogas are being made as there is no use of house lords so houses in which yogas are being made will play a very prominent role in deciding. See their position from ascendant, Arudh lagna, hora lagna, Ghatika lagna, shree lagna and so on.

Jaimini astrology is a vast ocean and so many gems are also to be culled up we till now are not able to understand Parashara astrology completely then what can we say about Jaimini. We know nothing about it. Only one thing that I can say is that 100% correct prediction can be given out by using parashara+Jaimini method.

Om Tat Sat

With Thanks and Regards,
Shubham Alock

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