Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact

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Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 Astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact


ॐ श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः

Written and Researched by : Ramadas Rao


With the Blessings of my Kula Guru,Kula Devatha and my Naadi Guru Shri R.G.Rao,I am going to analyse the present pandemic disease Covid-19 through Naadi Astrology principles.

I. Introduction

Nadi Astrology has been a source of fascination and intrigue for centuries, offering profound insights into the mysteries of life and destiny. As we navigate through the unprecedented challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic, the wisdom of Nadi Astrology provides a unique lens through which to understand the inter between cosmic forces and global health crises.

By this time many experienced Astrologers have analysed about this deadly disease and gave their expert predictions.Even an young boy of 16 also has predicted almost 7 months before about this disease but it got published very recently.Even the famous Nostradamus has written about this disease in 1551 through his prophesis.Anyhow this is only an analysis of this disease as when it started and which planetary combinations have taken part in the formation of this deadly virus and when it may end etc.

A. The Impact of Covid-19 on Global Health

The Covid-19 pandemic has upended lives and societies worldwide, leading to unprecedented disruptions in healthcare systems, economies, and everyday routines. The rapid spread of the virus has highlighted the interconnected nature of our world and the importance of collective well-being in the face of a common threat.

B. Exploring the Interconnection between Planetary Movements and Pandemics

Nadi Astrology sheds light on the intricate relationship between planetary movements and earthly events, suggesting that cosmic energies influence human affairs in profound ways. By examining the planetary configurations at the time of major events such as pandemics, astrologers can glean valuable insights into the underlying causes and potential remedies for such crises. In 2020, a rare alignment of planets, including the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn, marked a significant period of transition and transformation. According to Nadi Astrology, these planetary movements have profound effects on health and well-being, indicating a time of upheaval and restructuring in global healthcare systems.

To start with we must know some basic Karakatwas of planets. Here the most important planet in consideration is Shani whom we consider him for day to day life activities or the Karma of everybody. Ketu is a planet of breaking anything related to Karma.Ketu is also responsible for the formation of deadly viruses when he gets certain planetary configuration.Rahu is the planet of communication or spreading the virus. As he is in Mithuna Rashi, it indicates nose and throat parts of human beings. Dhanu Rashi is the Moola Trikona Rashi of Guru,the Jiva Karaka. To start with in 2019 ,Shani was retrograde from 30/4/2019 to 18/9/2019.At this time,Shani Retrograde was in Dhanu Rashi and Ketu also was in Dhanu Rashi and both were in Dhanu Rashi ruled by Guru,the Jiva Karaka while Guru was in Keeta Rashi of Vrishcika.Shani eventhough retrograde till 18/9/2019,he lost Graha Yuddha with Ketu on 24/6/2019 and it was decided by Ketu to stop day to day activities ruled by Shani .


Shani Ketu Graha Yuddha 1 2 Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact


But the time has to come to take over by Ketu. For 2 days from 16/9/2019 to 18/9/2019,Shani was in Retro-Stambhana.When Shani became direct on 18/9/2019,again he was in Stambhana mode.


Shani Stambhana 1 Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact


So totally Shani was helpless and Ketu ,the significator of virus started acting. Now the sign lord of these 2 planets is Guru and was placed in Vrishcika Rashi which is a Keeta Rashi lorded by Kuja. Now if we look at the sign lord of Guru,Kuja is with Surya in Simha Rashi on 16th of September which gives a suspicion that some country leader may be involved in this deadly virus production.But Surya was in end of Simha Rashi and next day,he was about to move to Kanya Rashi lorded by Budha.So this leader wants to involve in a business through which he can control the world. Now on the same day, if we look to Chandra’s position it was in Meena Rashi/Pisces sign ruled by Guru.Thus Ketu links with Chandra indicating the virus testing was started as Guru,the Jiva Karaka was in trine to Chandra and also he is the sign lord of Ketu+Shani.Also Budha,the planet of multiplicity was exalted but the time has to come to spread this deadly virus.Please note that all planets are held between Ketu and Rahu forming a perfect Kalamrita Yoga.


1st case of Corona Virus 1 Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact


As per live science website,the 1st case of known Coronavirus was traced back on 17/11/2019.

On this day, Chandra was in Mithuna Rashi along with Rahu and are in trines to Budha (V) + Kuja placed in Tula Rashi, and in Dhanu Rashi, we have Guru +Shani + Ketu. This is the perfect combination of planets for virus transmission. Guru has just entered Dhanu Rashi indicating Jiva Karaka. Day to day life Karaka Shani has already crossed Ketu in Dhanu Rashi which indicates Shani has taken the malefic energy of Ketu. Ketu was heading towards Guru, the Jiva Karaka. But it was kept secret as Shukra was in Keeta Rashi of Vrishcika ruled by Kuja.


Solar Eclipse on 26th Dec.2019 1 Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact


On 26/12/2019, there was Annular Solar Eclipse and it occurred On Dhanu Rashi, Moola Nakshatra where along with Surya and Chandra, Ketu , Budha, and Guru were also in Moola Nakshatra indicating a dreaded danger to the universe due to Virus outbreak.

The above is Ketu Grasta Surya Grahan. In Dhanu Rashi there is a cluster of planets ie., Surya +Chandra+Budha+Guru+Shani+Ketu. Surya and Chandra indicate eyes and they are afflicted by Ketu as he is coming near to both of them. This means the universe has been made blind by Ketu, the Karaka for Virus. Shani has already crossed Ketu and has started to enter in day to day lives of human beings. Guru, the Jiva, or Prana is running in his own Moola Trikona Sthana to protect himself as Ketu is coming in the opposite direction ( behind ) to swallow him. But during this running of Guru called Ati Chara, he became afraid or Bheeta and gets in the hand of Ketu. This happens between 3/1/2020 and 6/1/2020. So Guru takes the energy of Ketu further till the end of his Rashi and enters his sign of debilitation, Makara Rashi. On the day of Solar eclipse, Budha, the planet of multiplication has just entered Dhanu Rashi, so the disease started slowly increasing. On 3/1/2020, Budha got completely afflicted by Ketu as he lost the war with Ketu. As he moves very fast ( inferior planet ), there was an increase in the number of patients. Rahu is a planet of spreading as he is also the sign lord of Mithuna Rashi whose sign lord Budha gets his aspect /link. Now Mithuna Rashi indicates right hand but as Rahu was transiting in that sign, the left-handed work has started by some country. So the increase in the number of Virus patients started more and more when Budha came to Dhanu Rashi and gets afflicted by Ketu and Rahu. By January 13, Budha had won the war with Shani, the planet of day to day life. So from this day, there started a huge number of Virus affected patients all over the world.

But the number was not that much. This was because Kuja, the planet of energy was in Vrishcik Rashi only. He entered Dhanu Rashi on the 8th of February,2020, slowly the number of Virus affected patients started increasing. Between 23 and 24th of February, Kuja lost a war with Ketu, so the energy of the human beings affected by Virus has reduced and so Virus took over the charge.


Now Budha,the planet of multiplication has moved to Makara and then to Kumbha Rashi on 31/1/2020 and suddenly the number of patients started increasing as Rahu was in trine to Budha.From 17/2/2020,he became retrograde.This means he started looking at Makara Rashi where Shani is placed,thus interfering more with day to day life of the human beings.Budha became direct on 10/3/2020 and suddenly there was rise in the number of patients and death also.Now he will be entering Meena Rashi,his sign of debilitation on 7/4/2020.He will be leaving this Rashi on 25/4/2020.But he will have a link with Ketu as both Rashis are owned by Guru who is also debilitated.So till he reaches 15 degrees in Meena Rashi,there will be a lot of casualties related to Corona Virus ie., till 16th of April.After this date,some medications will start working.Till 14th of April,Surya will be in Meena Rashi which has a link with Ketu,so Surya also will be afflicted.As a result,cat,tiger etc.may be attacked with Corona virus.This may continue after Surya enters Mesha Rashi on 14/4/2020 when both Rahu and Surya aspect each other.Also some powerful country king/president/prime minister will be attacked with Corona Virus and the result may be fatal.


From 28/3/2020,Shukra will enter its own Rashi of Vrishabha which will be in trine to Guru +Shani in Makara Rashi.So new types of medicines will be invented along with gain in energy.But he will be retrograde from 13/5/2020 to 25/6/2020.At this time,both Surya and Budha also will be in Vrishabha Rashi and this Shukra is the lord of Lagna of Indian Independence.So Ayurveda type of medicine will be invented and tested for human beings during this time as Budha is the Karaka for green leaves and medicinal leaves.

On 11/5/2020,Shani becomes retrograde in Makara Rashi followed by Guru also will become retrograde from 14/5/2020.But both will be in Stambhana state from 4+4 days before and after the date of retrogression has started.Let us look at the chart on 17/5/2020.


ShaniGuruShukra retro chart 1 Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact

Here I would like to explain the main purpose of Shani + Guru +Shukra retrogression.Shukra being in his swakshetra getting retrograde means he gains more strength to stop the fatality of the problems caused by the spread of Corona Virus.Supporting to human day to day life Karaka Shani who also becomes retrograde,so he also becomes more stronger to solve the problems of mankind.Now let me explain about retrograde Guru who is in Makara Rashi where he is debilitated.He is getting retrograde means he starts looking at the back door of his own powerful house,Dhanus Rashi where he saw the problem maker,destiny breaker Ketu has started leaving Dhanus Rashi.As retro Guru gets the support of retro Shani + retro Shukra +Budha +Surya,he will start his journey to his powerful Rashi of Dhanus through back door of his Rashi and starts chasing Ketu.He will be entering to Dhanus Rashi on 29/6/2020 and becomes more powerful.This is how Jiva Karaka Guru gets strengthened and with the support of the planets above,will be able to get rid of Ketu’s mischievous deeds.


Now to end this article,I would like to explain one more chart as below :

In this chart,all planets are in the same Rashis as in previous chart except Budha has moved to his own Rashi of Mithuna and crossed the longitude of Rahu,so has won the war with Rahu and thus Lord Vishnu,the personification of Budha with his Chakra destroys both Rahu,the Virus spreading planet and Ketu,the Karaka for Virus creator.On 21/5/2020,Rahu will be leaving Aridra Nakshatra and will enter Mrigashira-4th Pada.Thus his spreading power will slowly reduce.Budha,then enters its own Rashi of Mithuna on 24/5/2020 and slowly prepares war with Rahu.Also retro Guru will be chasing Ketu from Makara Rashi.

End of Corona Virus chart 1 Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact


On 29/5/2020,Budha will win the war with Rahu and becomes more stronger to remove the evil effects of both Rahu. Once the virus spreading planet Rahu has lost its powers,it can not spread virus to anywhere in the Universe.There is one more thing to be written here.On 18/6/2020,Budha who will be in Mithuna Rashi will become retrograde in Punarvasu Nakshatra 1st Pada.This clearly indicates Lord Vishnu ( Deity of Budha ) will be chasing Rahu from behind.This retrogression of Budha will end on 12/7/2020 and he will be at 11 Degrees 21 minutes of Mithuna Rashi and Rahu will be at 3 Degrees 51 minutes of Mithuna Rashi.Here when Budha becomes retrograde he becomes more stronger to chace Rahu, thus nullifying the malefic effects of Rahu.

Lastly on 29/6/2020, Guru in retrograde motion enters its own Moola Trikona Rashi of Dhanus and will chase Ketu who will be at 4 Degrees 33 Minutes. This will continue till September 13th when Guru becomes direct. On this date, Ketu will be at 0 Degree 32 Minutes.

So this clearly indicates even though Budha crosses Rahu’s longitude on 29/5/2020, Guru retrograde when enters back Dhanus Rashi will become immensely strong to chase Ketu and his malefic effects on earth.

The above analysis is through the Blessings of my Guru, Ishta Devatha, Kula Devatha and Naadi Guru Shri R.G.Rao whose Atma has helped me to write this article.

ना अहं कर्ता । सर्वस्य हरि कर्ता ॥

( I am not the doer and HE, Lord Vishnu is the doer )

By Ramadas Rao

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