Astronomical reason behind why there will be increase in heat waves scenario in the Northern Region of India after 16th june 2014
Meteorological Astrology and Astronomical Observation for Coming Monsoons (2014) for North India Region
Mundane Astrology Observation
When can we Expect Rains in Northern Hemisphere of India ?
(Research Done on @29th May 2014)
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Image Courtesy –, Temperature anomaly given by NASA for 2014 for Asian Heatwave Precedes MonsoonViewers Can check what NASA Predicted for 2014 Monsoon : |
Based on our recent Astro Meteorological study for 2014 weather uncertainties, we have observed the sun is going very close to the equator line, from India point of view and it is the main reason why these days we are feeling so much heat waves in Northern Region of India. Astronomical reasoning lies in the sun current transit near equator line where you can see close constellations of Taurus , Gemini and Cancer are already present ruling most of central, north and some portions of Eastern regions. It is noteworthy to see that more the sun moves closer to sign of Cancer from Taurus to -> Gemini to (after 19th July 2014) more northern and eastern region will experience wetness and increase in heat waves with added humidity level.This most imp point Dr B.V Raman had clearly explained why Cancer sign rules most of rain in northern hemisphere of India when sun transits to cancer sign in pushya nakshtra.
After 19th july we can experience pretty much growth in humid level in atmosphere and there will slight increase in temperature as well could be around 40-45 Deg but humidity will be much concern and it will be more effective after 19th July.Reason being The Sun will be in Cancer Sign(Near Line of cancer) with transiting Jupiter, two most huge, massive and hot celestial bodies in a watery sign.Change in weather scenario will be sure to come.So, It could be a relieving point for the people of tropical and coastal areas where level of humidity is more in atmosphere.More chances of heavy downpour is possible around cancer sign ruling states.
After June 16th 2014 we will experience cool blow of wind and dryness in atmosphere and there can be chances of sudden rise in the temperature too probably around about 45 Deg but with few rain drops too as Sun is going to conjugate with Jupiter and Mercury which will give some relief in weather conditions but in later stage.
Mercury usually gives windy atmosphere with Sun but with Jupiter it is a sort of 50-50, so both dryness and good weather condition could be expected. Jupiter mostly try to lesser down the windy atmosphere and when sun moves away from mercury thunder Showering can be expected.
Blue Line is the ” The Equator Line “where we can see all three signs are transiting very closer to the Sun. This is the reason for heat waves in coming months.
From 28th May to 30th May 2014 we can feel this effect in greater amount as moon will be very closer to the Sun and this would be a turning point for Sudden change & greater level of increase in humidity in the northern regions of (New Delhi , Jammu , Punjab , Up , MP and Haryana). Later when moon goes further we will experience lesser number of humidity in atmosphere and it would a matter of relief in north india.
Currently much of heats waves are flowing in Northern region, reason is, Solar Activities beneath the Sun in northern region of India .
Currently Sun is very close to Rohini Nakashtra in Taurus Sign and Lord of Rohini Nakashtra is in Leo with out any contact of Mercury. We can expect heat waves awaiting for India’s northern sphere as sun is now in 2nd Quarter of Taurus closely touching around ” 72 Degree Longitudinal ” from Earth Prime Meridian distance. All the cities are lies in between 72 Deg Longitude are getting effected much by this Solar Activity.
The Main Reasons of we are not Getting any Rain and Heat waves are much is only One as we are not seeing any contact of Closeness of moon with Mercury with respect to earth Gravitational pull which can change the earth weather condition.
More the Planets are in contact with Moon and Mercury more we can expect Cooler Climate in northern Region till we see any activity in Taurus and Gemini sign else we cant expect Rain in northern Region of india,
But we can Expect there will be Lots of changes in weather condition sooner after Jupiter will Move Into Tropic of Cancer on 19th June 2014 and Same time Saturn also going to aspect Jupiter too so we can expect there will be much Relaxing weather conditions after 19th June 2014 as Saturn also help to Settle down the Earth heating atmosphere by making point of contact with Jupiter else Jupiter alone cant bring any change in earth but with Saturn and Mercury Contact it can make it much cooler soon .
As Jupiter has Bigger mass than earth and having much effects on earth atmosphere due to strong magnetic pull it can give to earth and Sun and hence can influence the solar activity more in Sun.
So, Combo of Jupiter-Sat will sure gone cool down the earth atmosphere Sooner after 19th june 2014.
Exact Point of Rain will be after 26th June 2014 exactly after @ 3:00 Pm When Moon will going to enter Gemini Sign with Mercury in Same Nakashtra (Mrig-Shara – whose Nakashtra is Lord Ketu which has capability to Bring sudden changes in weather conditions ) in a very closer degree.
So , we can Expect there will be Sudden Rain Conditions changes in weather in Northern Region of India Soon after 26th June 2014 and we can expect there will be good Rain too in northern Hemisphere .
States which are going to effects from these transits are , New Delhi , Punjab , Jammu and Kashmir , Himachal Pardesh , Rajasthan , haryana and Gujraat.
True Monsoon Season will Soon going to hit in between 22 july to 22 August in most of the North India region Including UP , Punjab Western region of Jammu , Delhi ,Haryana , Mid of India including Gujraat , Bihar and Bhopal when Exactly Sun move into Cancer Sign with Jupiter ( Two Hot Bodies will eat all the water in rivers ) after 16th July 2014 and than there will be lots of Evaporation in Coastal areas and it will produce lots of Condensation work for Idle & empty Clouds and it will effect most of the North-East India Regions and people will feel its result soon in the form of Heavy Rainfalls , High Humidity and Lots of Sweat around the environment & People AC’s start gone work now after this Joke apart.
Nature will show its true color of humidity around about More than 95% and after tomorrow movement and finally we can observe the effect of Monsoons Soon after 16th july 2014 when Moon , Mercury , Jupiter and Sun going to Conjugate closely.
Mars and Saturn Quadrangle Position also going to add Some mirch masaals too in this may be you can experience Some Sudden floods, Sudden Dust storms , thunderstorms or Windfall and can lead into some destruction too in Northern & Eastern regions of India may be in uttrakhand , UP , Bihar , Assam , Bhopal etc and all those states which are much closer to the Center of India and as their signs and degrees are much closer to the center of india ( Cancer line – Where Current transit is effecting much ) & as per the ” Koorma Chakara ” drawn for india you can easily trace locations for these regions and because of their Degree effects will be much more on these areas by both Sun and Jupiter.
Gujraat and all the neighboring countries i.e Pakistan , Iraq , Afghanistan etc which are also very Close to the Gujarat have to Suffer much too by this conjugation and can experience sudden dry atmosphere , sudden Droughtness and heaty environment also.
But Soon this Drought Atmosphere going to wash away in most of States of India for @1 month because of this conjugation effect and there will be more than average rain from earlier months although it would be lesser than previous years but still Rain will be much better not as per our expectations but still it will be better than earlier months.
People will purely enjoy Monsoon’s Season around about ” 22 July 2014 to 22 August 2014 “ Usually Monsoon reach in north India region about 15th June but this year it is delay of 1 month.
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