Transits vs Dasha, How transits and dasha impacts our day to day life ?

transit vs dasha Transits vs Dasha, How transits and dasha impacts our day to day life ?

Many people are confused about using Dasha and transits simultaneously in their chart but there is a major difference in both the system in its application. Though in traditional Parashari system Dasha has given an edge over transits system. In, Traditional system, transits are used by two reference points one by Lagna and second by Moon in addition use of Ashatak Varga points on the Lagna.

Both the references give good results but reference mapping is the lordship of the House and results depending on the functional role of the planet in the natal chart.

But in this system, I have found the timing event is not so accurate with the use of Nakashtra Dashas.

In my humble experience and opinion, Dasha only shows about the result of your total accumulated karma including both prarabdha and the sanchit karma’s which we have done in many of the past journeys.

As it is based on the placement of the planets that typically shows what sort of karma we have done in the past and we have to experience in this journey in the form of Paap and Punya’s.

Same way, when Dasha period triggers we experience the results of pasts deeds either in good or in a bad way, our mind only responds to that environment.

As the Dasha period starts from the Moon nakshatra so here role of the mind is very much important in understanding the Dasha periods results , reaction and response to the native life issues whether it is the period of Maha Dasha or antardasha.

Because the Dasha period Starts from the moon nakshatra so it has a major  impact on our mind which is a storehouse of our previous karmas.

But when it will activate any major events in our life only decided by the transits, as Transits do the job of delivery boy whose duty is to send you the parcel of results at a given time period.

So results of the events totally dependent on the transit triggering point in the natal chart that mapped over your natal placements of the planets and experiencing good and bad karma seen by the Dasha period as it is based on the planetary placements which shows our karma fruitification.

In transits system, slow-moving planets give long-lasting and consistent results for years that may feel like it is difficult to experience the results for any native.

Same is the case with the fast-moving planets like mercury, moon, and Venus which only resonates with ideas, intelligence, and communication as they move very fast in the space plane and its telegraphy energy also travel’s very fast in ether element so it is very difficult for a common man to differentiate it from others transits.

The whole natal chart is the blueprint of your prarabdha karma and transit is the delivery boy of all the events. When any event will trigger in your life only Transit will decide what is going to happen in your life and in which area it will impact.

Another interesting point in the transit system is that it resonates with your ‘kiryamani’ and ‘agami karma’, that decides what you have to do, what you are thinking and what you are acting in what conditions and further shows that what and how you have to feel the experience in your daily life.

So transit gives the unique power to humans how to think, analyze, and react on any daily life situation, it is totally dependant on the native choice. Transits are not predestined like Dasha systems, they give you choices to react on the environment created by the Dasha systems (Nakashtra Dashas).

Nakshatra (Combining many sun’s become a group of nakshatras)  is the energy and source of all the light given to the planets. Planets behave according to the nakshatra source and light energy.

Vimshotri and other nakshatras dashas only show about your mind setup and how you going to react to an environment created by the dasha pattern . I.e when you are visiting a new place either you are reacting to a new place in a friendly way or in a reactive way.

Action and reaction what Dasha period shows because they work on the moon movement over the specific nakshatra. So, you need to feel the difference be experiencing it.

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Mars and Ketu – The Deadly Conjunction of two Warriors fighting for an unknown cause

Mars and Ketu – The Deadly Conjunction of two Warriors

MarsandKetu Mars and Ketu - The Deadly Conjunction of two Warriors fighting for an unknown cause
Mars and Ketu conjunction always be considered as the deadly combination of the wars, Fear among people, battles among two countries or two neighbouring nations or arguments between two warriors fighting for a cause and when this combination is supported by Saturn and Jupiter it can bring Many catastrophic events in nations, earthquakes, war-like situation, fire and accidents. Luckily during this phase of Motion

Saturn was placed in 12th from the Mars and Jupiter placed in the 10th from it saving the Mars energy for betterment and Controlling the energy and bringing mars and Ketu energy into a balanced Action in society. But the main problem will come when Mars will gather enough energy in 60 days of 8 retrogression phases and its return will be deadly with South Node Ketu around 8 Degree in Uttrashada Nakashtra around 19th of September and up to 26th of September can bring much chaos. fear and debates like a situation in Society, till 26th of September Mars, will be in close association with South node Ketu, Sun in Pisces Navamsa ( The Jala Tattva amsa), it will bring much of ego and arrogance among people.

After the Comeback of Mars, the retrogression energy of mars will become immensely powerful for a period of the 1 month until and unless it will crosses over the 10 Degree of Capricorn with Ketu in Sharvana nakshatra. The planetary war between Mars and Ketu was already started from the 28th of August when Mars turns direct after gaining Maximum chesta bala ( around 48 Chesta, from the Sun ) via Retrogression, that time Sun and Mars having the relation of the 6/8 and the energy of Mars will settle down when Sun will be in Virgo, trine to Mars after crossing few degrees.

Question is why it is so? Because Mars is Agni Tattva Graha and Retrogression is an astronomical phenomenon occurs between an alignment of the three planets forming an energy relation between the Sun, Earth and The planet who is going to become retrograde and this Mars Retrogression has 8
States which was started from the 2nd May onward and it will complete these 8 phases of retrogression for the duration of 60 Days from 27th of June 2018 onward up to 28th of August.

These 8 Phases means, the 8 Energy gathering phases from the source energy of Sun which is again an Agni tattva Graha, Agni always rises up and keep on the blown upside and when it will be in maximum strength, it can burn the tattva of the planet it conjugates i.e with the moon, venus ( The Jala Tattva Graha, problem in weather and personal relations ), that’s the reason mars will become immensely powerful after 28th of August 2018 and till 1 month period of Mars, it will create lots of fuss, heated arguments, conflicts in close relations, fights among fellow people as Mars is going to fire up Ketu in Capricorn, as both the  planets are warm and agani tattva planets, so they will fight with each other without any reason for any unknown cause of war, as Ketu with mars is like fighting for no reason or fighting for an arrogance or Some disputes because of Heated arguments because of Ego and superior complexity.

During these phase People will face health issues because of the Pittha rog, i.e Stomach upset, indigestion problem, Jwar ( Viral Fevers), Jatha Agni Fire will rise up and people will start eating lots of Fiery food and fried foods and result will be the problem of Acidity and Indigestion related problem.The main issue will be people will start fighting with each other over small arguments or issues due to ego conflicts just to prove their points true or correct.

People having the profession of Preachers, Priests, counsellors, Astrologers, Lawyers, Judges, government officials, Military professions, wrestlers, swords fighters and other combat sports, Construction industry, Security personals, Hunters, Holistic physicians and politicians will face heated arguments and debates. Those who will lack moral ethics will get blown up by the true warriors, as mars has gained enough Power after the retrogression so mars energy won’t spare any cheaters or those people who will behave like chandala’s, or those having cheating nature or doing hidden kapta or forming Kapata yogas.

People with Capricorn Moon sign and Lagna of Gemini, Aquarius, Aries, Scorpio, Cancer, Virgo need special attention till 26th of September 2018. People running Mars or Ketu dasha need special attention not to indulge in fights or any debates.I hope this will clear up what it is about Mars and Ketu conjunction over Capricorn which is a sign of Bhoomi tattva so any matters related to cheating and fraud in money laundering will pick up like a fire and will be getting caught by the policing energy of mars. So be aware do not frauds in the matters of money and job, Saturn is behind this combination and it is also direct, so he is watching your actions.

Bhoomi is all about land-related issues, I,e Floods, Too much fire, too much heat and warm weather, people of South and North of india need special attention for any sort of Weather-related issues till 5th of November 2018. As per Brihat Samhitam When mars begin his retrogression in the star of Uttaraashda after being released from the eclipse in the star of poorva or uttar phalguni and get eclipsed again in the star of rohini it can afflict the three world with untold sufferings.

So mars in uttarashada is all about the Conflicts happening over spiritual debates or matters.Both the planets are fighting for a cause which has no end or has no goals. Ketu with mars is like blind anger which can bring much chaos like situation among society and it can bring many heated arguments in close relations.


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Decoding Cosmic Vibration of the year 2018 : Transit Analysis of February 2018

4165635 alien planet 1 Decoding Cosmic Vibration of the year 2018 : Transit Analysis of February 2018


Cosmic Vibes for the month of february 2018
By Imrana Malik

The month of February will start with the “Krishna paksha phase of Moon”, and it reactivates again the partial ” KAAL AMRITA YOG , a planetary formation when all the planets will be under the tight grip of shadow planets Rahu and Ketu.

The lunar eclipse in Ashlesha nakshatra and in the sign of Cancer on 31st January is a highly charged eclipse.

Many of you must have been feeling the dramatic shift of planetary energies a week before this highly charged full moon.This waning phase will last till partial solar eclipse when new moon will join Sun in the sign of Aquarius on 15th of February.

The period between the two eclipses is a very sensitive period.Its a period of dramatic and radical shifts in our consciousness due to sudden and unexpected events taking place around us.Take time out to get yourself indulge in spiritual and religious practices and meditation.These practices will help you align yourself with the cosmic energies well because eclipses darken our consciousness.

Don’t get panic at any unexpected issue arising out during these days.Truth will emerge on its own in the days to come.Just have faith that whatever happens happen for a good reason.Chaos will emerge into peace.Just be grounded and be positive.

Opposite to the sign of eclipse Cancer, Sun, Mercury and Venus are transiting in the sign of Capricorn and in the highly spiritual and sattvic nakshatra of Shravana.You will feel the transforming energy of this lunar eclipse in the houses owned by Cancer and Capricorn in your natal birth charts .

The planet of love, relationship and finances, Venus is sandwiched between Sun and Ketu.

Venus is like hemmed between the heat of the authoritative and egoistic Sun and fire of spiritual planet Ketu and is under combustion till 17th of Fabruary.

It is signalling a time of transformation in the areas related with Venus that are finances and relationships.

Since Sun and Venus are moving towards Ketu so time demands us to inculcate  some of the qualities of Ketu in our relationships during this time frame.Better to avoid yeilding authority in relationships otherwise you will loose your position of power.

This time demands us to change our old held approach and change our perspective a bit.

Handle issue intelligently and in a well composed down to earth manner with a humble approach.When storm comes it is advised to lower our head it saves us from severe injuries.

Shravana falls in the sign Capricorn, a natural 10th house of status,power and achievements.


Decoding Cosmic Vibration of the year 2018 : Transit Analysis of February 2018


Shravana is ruled by the planet Moon.This constellation is related with spiritual attainment and it is  connected with Budha who received spiritual enlightment here under the sacred tree “Peepal”.

The symbol of this nakshatra is “Ear”and its ruling deity is “Vishnu”.It is the birth star of “Goddess of Saraswati”(Goddess of learning).Primary motivation of this asterm is Artha(wealth) and its tattwa (element) is vayu(air).

Capricorn is all about hard work and is practical and goal oriented sign ruled by the planet Saturn.Shravana ‘s lord is Moon.Here Moon’s nourishing nature becomes practical.

Vishnu is the preserver of this world and listens to the problems of all.This is the inherent nature of this nakshatra.Planets when come into this nakshatra they absorb this energy of listening and preserving the knowladge within themselves to be used later and modify their behaviour accordingly.

So apart from spiritualistic side it has a bit materialistic side too.

Ketu is a moksha karak planet.Presence of Ketu  along with Sun,Mercury and Venus here in shravana is emphasising more on listening and less on speaking.Better to gain knowladge and pay attention to your inner voice to grow and handle issues in your life.Ketu is the co lord of the sign Scorpio where its lord Mars is transiting in the nakshatra of Anuradha , a star of success.

Scorpio is a sign of deep investigation and research about hidden realm of your life.Mars gives initiative energy on outer material plane and can work as a best spy here.The co ruler of the sign Scorpio, Ketu helps gain wisdom and helps in inner transformation.

So it’s a time of taking a fresh start in solving old issues of your life by gathering information, paying attention to minute details and listening to the outer and inner voices in order to arrive at any definite conclusions and plan your strategy accordingly.

Its a time of strategic planned action based on the all the knowladge you gather through listening to the inner as well as outer voices in the areas of relationships about the matters related with the house ruled by Scorpio in your natal chart and these issues will be addressed in the house where sign Capricorn falls in your birth chart.

Curb your egoistic and authoritative nature.It won’t help you now.

Be humble and adopt mature and practical approach.Ketu negates taking orders from anyone.Both Saturn and Moon are associated with masses so the information you gained through listening and secret investigation can be used to influence masses or people around you.

Hardwork along with aligning your energies whole heartedly with the divine energies always pays.Make the best use of this time of Mars transit in Scorpio in the star of success and its co ruler Ketu’s presence in the birth star of Goddess of learning in the sign of Capricorn.Take the initiative and see yourself  how divine plan will be manifested and awaken the spiritual warrior within you.Success follows those who sincerely surrender their own will to the will of Almighty.

And the best way of surrendering to God is to act as time demands.The planetary shifts are the signals God sends us and only understandable to the one who willfully surrender their freewill and those enlightened pure souls who are His followers.


venus transit in aquarius Decoding Cosmic Vibration of the year 2018 : Transit Analysis of February 2018

On 6th of February‘ Venus will enter in Aquarius sign, Sun on 13th and Mercury on 15th.All of these planets will be aspected by Mars from Scorpio,Jupiter from Libra and Saturn from Sagitarius.


Decoding Cosmic Vibration of the year 2018 : Transit Analysis of February 2018


The restrictive energy of Saturn,expansive energy of Jupiter and Energetic and protective energy of Planet of action Mars,all pointing towards a forward looking phase in our life with much hope and positivity in our lives in coming days.

After 19th February, Venus will be out of combustion.You will feel a bit relief in the matters of heart and finances.Plus by the end of this month Saturn too will come to close in its transit period in the dreaded nakshatra of Mula.

All you need is to keep a check on the excessive desire nature of Mars as there will be formation of ANGARAK YOG after 21st February till 25th February.

As I have mentioned some of its possible implication in my previous post of 16th of January 2018,that this combo can cause disastrous situations.So be cautious in taking any impulsive actions.

Note: Always study and compare transits with the planetary positions in your natal birth chart and your on going dashas to see how they will affect you.

The planet of karma Saturn has entered in the last pada of Mula nakshatra, in Cancer navamsha and will stay there till 2nd of March 2018.

As now we all know that Mula nakshatra falls in the dharmic sign of Sagitarius and is ruled by the planet Ketu.This star is related with deep investigation.Ketu is a moksha karak planet and here in Mula nakshatra deals with the past issues that are mostly secretive in nature or are hidden from our eyes and buried deep, so we have to go deep to find the truth.

As it is ruled by the goddess of Kali, who is often depicted as chopping off the heads of the demons, symbolising the need to open our eyes to the ignorant behavior of ours towards life in general, address our core belief systems and moral values and cut our cords with wordly desires that are destructive in nature.So it is a bringer of death and chaos.

It will bring out what we can least expect.But this nakshatra is not just associated with destruction and calamities but is a healing nakshatra too.

We can heal ourselves here.But as you know nothing comes for free.The price we pay here is usually very high.Enlightment always comes after we have gone through some sort of storms in our lives.These storms clear the way for the change to come.

So, get yourself prepared to welcome and embarace the change with the belief that it will be good for you in the long run.Though it will take time to accept the bitter truth/reality that will emerge suddenly.

Ketu can act on both lower  and higher plane depending upon the functioning of our mind.

If functioning on lower plane, can cause confusions and illusions and ultimately we become prone of committing silly mistakes about which we will regret later.But if it is working on higher plane(when we surrender everything to God,s will), it clears all the illusions from our mind and provides us with intuitive wisdom and alleviate us high on spiritual level.Rahu and Ketu are the projectors of our mind.Its up to us how we handle them.

Ketu can act like an angel and removes all the illusions if we proceed on the path of moksha, breaking all the chains that keep ourselve engaged in material desires and worldly achievements and can act like a demon if we disregard the spiritual path.It helps its devotees in need in sudden magical ways.Reversal of fortune is related with this nakshatra.

The Devta of Ketu is lord Ganesha who is remover of all the obstacles.It is a guardian of Muladhara chakra(base chakra) that resides at the base of spine.Both Ketu and Mula are connected with this chakra.It is very important to get entry past this chakra if you want to move on spiritual path.Kundalini or potential spiritual energy lies here.When kundalini energy is awakened we get access to the power of lord Ganesha.

Follow meditative techniques to activate this energy because it will help us on our spiritual journey.

Saturn entered in this nakshatra on 26th October,2017, Now it has entered in its last pada of cancer navamsha.The flow of energy has been different in each pada.Things that have been on hold will suddenly be brought to closure.With Ketu everything is sudden and since Saturn is here so enligjtment will come with a very heavy cost.Ketu and Saturn both are separative planets.Mula and Saturn both are linked with air element and Ketu is a fiery planet.

Air and fire energy in fiery sign Sagitarius the 9th house of kundali can bring about sad news of mass calamities.Fire and air is explosive. So will get the results quickly.Flow of energy has been different in each pada.But now both Saturn in Mula and Ketu in shravana have joined hands in the navamsha of Cancer.Cancer sign is ruled by Moon.

Its a very emotional and sensitive sign.Presence of Ketu and Saturn here will bring out the turbulent side of emotions.Agitated state of Mula will come out here.With Ketu everything is sudden and with Saturn mostly chaotic.Ketu Saturn will bring sudden explosive news that will be emotionally turbulent in nature and will effect our sense of security and emotional stability.We need to control our emotional reactions.Be patient let this phase pass.

Rahu is a giver and Ketu is where we get the pain.Rahu is our obsessive mentality and is placed opposite to Saturn/Ketu in navamsha.If we don’t open our eyes to the reality and follow the spiritual path no one will save us from the irreparable loss/pain caused by Rahu.

From tomorrow till 13th of february Mars will be vargottam.
Vargottam planet gain strength  because there is a good flow of energy from soul (navamsha d9) to this lifetime (lagna d1).

Mar’s energy in the 8th house of death and calamities aspected by melafic planet Rahu from Cancer can cause sudden chaos.Don’t take any hasty and impulsive action just because you heared any bad news and are feeling insecure.Avoid exercising control on others.Better to control your emotional responses.Don’t over react out of the fear of probable loss.

JO HONA HAI HO KER RAHAY GA!!.Just calm your mind and accept whatever comes out.Stop playing control control.

Sun will enter in DHANISHTHA nakshatra on 6th of February, a star of abundance,fame,wealth and worldly attainment.It combines the energies of Saturn,Mars and Sun.Sun,s placement here in Capricorn in 10th house of status and power in his friendly nakshatra will give boost to those enlightened souls who have been following Ketu,s path by being humble and modest and adapted well with the energies of shravana from the last month.They will reap the reward now provided they don’t exercise bossy behavior on others and by being egoistic.Let the time put a crown on your head for your patience and wise acts that you showed in difficult time.

Mercury is heading toward Ketu.It will bring quick shifts in our thinking with spiritual undertone for those enlightened souls who have been following wholeheartedly cosmic energies for a long time and for others confusion and loss of direction.On mundane level Saturn and Ketu combo in Cancer navamsha,vargottam Mars aspected by Rahu,and Mercury conjuction with Ketu in Shravana nakshatra,media can bring out some secret news or you can hear the news of some mass calamaties around the globe.

In short’many will fall  from grace and many will rise up.Ketu can do anything.It will be a period of endings for many and start of a new beginning for others.Everyone will reap what they sow.Justice will be done to all.

Since Cancer is a feminine sign and is psychic, intuitive, reflective, nurturing and healing in nature so Saturn in this pada can bring out the female healers out of hiding and into the light.Rahu,s placement in Cancer will expose many so called fake gurus too pretending to be spiritual healers.There will be sudden storm in calm water of Cancer.Everyone will get punished or rewarded as per one,s past karma.

Imrana Malik

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How to Check Transits Results from Both Natal and Divisional Chart

11013165 984149728304628 6019579618447886682 n How to Check Transits Results from Both Natal and Divisional Chart


Checking the transit result from Ashtakavarga System is always be a tricky part but if we able to get it,  it would be very easy to predict the results based on transits of planets in an Individual horoscope.

The first basic rule is Never judge the results of the transits of Major planets like Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu from Moon Signs, try to see it from both the reference points.Always see the transits planets results first from Individual Lagna Kundli based on Major points.Events usually trigger when there is close relation of Both Jupiter and Saturn on Same house of same sign either from aspect or from mutual placement, In Transit Jupiter act as main triggering planet for fruitful results, past karmic Punyas, fortunate events, Auspicious (Marriage, Kids and undertaking any Good deeds) and divine events (pilgrimages, visiting shrines, Devotional travellings, Meeting to guru or teacher), Mainly signifies when you can get fruitful results and Saturn transit act as Karma indicator in Natal chart and the main triggering planets for realizing results of Past Sanchit karmas (Both Punya and Bad deeds), Transit is meant for understanding change in the current order of living, underlying weaknesses’s and action that we need to do or adopt in our life and when a person is dutiful, honest and worked on humanity ground he will get results out of his Good actions and when both the Saturn and Jupiter are in mutual relation of Trine it shows, now this is the time period of  your karma, get ready to yield fruits in the form of transit favouring to Jupiter placement and Natal chart. In Transit system this is actually called double transit theory as explained by Sh. K.N Rao in most of his write-ups and it is one of the most important criteria used widely by Kn Rao sir in predicting major results via transits. Same way for timing events in day to day life we can use transit of Sun for timing event in particular month, Moon for Day, Tithi for the day of the event in the lunar month and hora for at what hour we can experience fruits or events:

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Below is the checklist and rules one should in keep in mind while Predicting any event with Transit system:

1) Birth sign: Check the birth Sign having a link with Transiting planet in Kundli or not or Birth Sign is in the Nakshatra of Transiting planet or not, for e.g in case of Saturn transit, If the natal Moon is placed in Capricorn or Aquarius, Saturn will become the Moon’s depositor lord. If we understand deeply, Moon is an actual indicator of our inner thoughts and shows area of the comfortable state of mind etc. So, for Capricorn and Saturn Moon Sign or those having any link with Saturn transit in their Lagna chart, they must have to be discipline in thoughts processing level and should have to cultivate or adopt disciplinarian ways of Saturn till transit is operative. For those who are ignoring the way of discipline, it will affect his day to day life events when Saturn actually transits over that signs and combinations.

2) Birth Nakashtra : Check whether the moon is in Transiting Constellation or not if the natal Moon is placed in any of the nakshatras owned by transiting planet, then follow the principle given above.

3) Sign of transiting Planets in Natal chart: Check Sign of transiting planets in Natal chart, When Saturn/Jupiter transit over its own signs, or those of its natural friends, normally gives the better results as compared to its transit over the sign of its natural enemies.It usually triggers good events concerned with that house or usually brings major changes or growth in those houses in physical ground or some sort of transformations in native life also seen when connected with the transiting Jupiter and Saturn lordships in natal chart.

4) Functional Lordship of the planet: Check the functional lordship of Saturn/Jupiter (Transiting planets) or relation with functional beneficial lords in the natal chart during transit. lords of trines (trikonas) in a horoscope are always supposed to give beneficial results (i.e, lords of the 1st, 5th, and 9th house).If Both the transiting planets are functionally Beneficial in the natal chart it usually brings Good results when they are transit in trines, Upachaya sthan or if they having any relation with Trines lords.

5) Strength in shadbala and bhavabala: Check Strength of transiting planets for individual Lagna in Strengths tools, i,e 8 types of strengths – Shadbala , Bhavbala , chesta bala , Kala bala , dig-bala , drig bala and Naisargik bala , ishta and kashtha bala etc . if Saturn/Jupiter and the moon have obtained the required strength in shadbala and their required ratio of the ratio that the strength is more than 1.0 then the transit effects of Jupiter /Saturn are better as compared to those where one or both of them are weak. The lower the ratio, the worse are the results .Similarly, in Bhavabala, if the house over which Saturn is transiting has more than 7.5 rupas in bhavabala. and in ranking is placed among the first six bhava then the evil effects of Saturn transit are lessened to a large extent and vice-verse.

6) Strength from AL : Check strength of Saturn/Jupiter transit from Arudha lagna to see what it will bring to you in society, the actual results of planet usually assume from what other people perceive after transits i.e Saturn/Jupiter in 11th from AL – Wealth and Financial Gain in transit , 3rd from Al – Courage and Strength in transits. This way you can better understand Saturn/Jupiter transit for any sign from AL.

7) Strength from Divisional charts : Check transit from Different divisional charts i.e first check transiting planet from divisional chart Moon sign, 2nd see the relation with that house Karka lord i.e For D9 (Marriage and Dharma); check any relation with with D9 7th house or 7th lord and 9th house/Lord for any auspicious and fortunate event during that year. In case of D4 (Home, assets, and Peace); check any relation with  D4 Moon sign, 4th house or 4th lord or with A4 arudha. In Case of D7 (Children); check any relation with D7 7th House/lord, 5th house/lord or A7 arudha for any events related to kids. For  D24 (education) ; check any relation with D24 9th house/lord or 2nd house/lord for higher studies. In Case of D10 (work and career); Check Transiting planets relation from 10th house/Lord, AL (Status in work environment), A10 (How it gone bring change in Work profile and work environment), UL (How it impact to your Marriage via office interference), A7 (For relationship with Co-mates), Sun (For overall Status in Career and Society), Moon (For Resources flow and State of mind), Mercury (For Overall growth and variationsn on Vocations), Saturn (For Seeing how we proceed our Karma in Society) and Lagna (Shows how it affects our Intelligence, attitude, and Application of intelligence effects in society)  in D10 Divisional chart and same way we can follow for other Varga charts too.

8) Check the transits results from Lagna Chart: For actual results, Lagna chart of D1 gives the true picture of results and it should be considerd as main ground for checking any transiting planets results, not the Moon Lagna first. Moon lagana shows our Karmic ground or how it gone affect our mental setup level or state of mind. Lagna shows Environment, Physical Scenario and Events in reality and Moon lagna shows Resorces and State of mind and it should be check after the natal lagna as moon is all about to what we perceive results from the mind or from the state of mind or how it gone effect our mind make up. Means what we are feeling and how it gone impact us after we get the results either positive or negative reaction. Moon only shows what sort of feeling or reaction to mind what we are getting from the results.Moon is for reaction, Lagana is for the physical environment as described in below mentioned cases :

9) Vimsotri Dasa Lords : Slow moving Transiting planets are More effectively seen in any Horoscope, so always check whether Guru , Saturn, Ketu and Rahu Vimsotri Mahadashas , Antardashas and Pratyantar Dasha is running or not if any of them is Currently running than Major planets will give its most of the results in their transits.

I can say they can give results 99% majorly more fast and More Accurate and with maximum results. For e.g for Taurus lagna Guru act as Functionally Malefic as it is the lord 8th house and also lord of the 11th too so When it is transiting in Taurus lagna Native may fall sick and have Some health issues too and we can see this result when a native Guru Mahadasha , Antardasha or Pratyantar dasha will be running else results will be less to see but
Final verdict will be predicted on ashta-varga system.

10) Finally time the results of the transits Based on the Individual Bhina Ashta varga and Sarvashtakavarga chart for Major transit Planets for eg – for Taurus lagna Guru Mahadasha , Saturn AD is running and Guru is transiting In 3rd house in cancer , Saturn is transiting in 7th house and in BAV Chart of Guru has having 4 Beneficial points out of 8 (4 Negative point too ) , Saturn has 5 Benefic points (Indicates very good State of Saturn) which mean native will get the transit result of the Guru in 70-50 % manner or you can say 50% negative 50 % positive for Guru and 70 % Beneficial results for Saturn.

As 4 points gives neutral results not much bad or not much less and when there is Guru MD dasha active and Sat AD too than we can assume both the results at maximum level and we Can expect Something around result of 7th house – Marriage, Business, and Partnership etc , Native may marry during this time period.

We can confirm this in SAV Chart too , Guru having 27 Beneficial Points in 3rd house out of 56 which means 2 negative points are more so this transit of Guru will give its 50-50 results w.r.t to Marriage , Business dealings , higher studies , Deep occult studies and Saturn 31 Points which means – Professional Brilliance, Spiritual gain and Ring for marriage and gain in partnership too.

Example Chart 1

How to Check Transits Results from Both Natal and Divisional Chart

For eg for Taurus lagna Guru is 8th and 11th Lord which means in last Transit of Jupiter (20th june 2014) Guru transited in Taurus 3rd house in cancer sign and aspects the 7th, 9th and 11th house as Guru Mool trikona sign is in 8th house.

So, Guru will give its beneficial results to the native with respect to new initiatives in the business in new partnerships with loans or might start his married life with the partner.As it is in the 3rd house so it indicates good initiatives in the field of business, courage, communication, and initiatives etc.

It can give a huge loan to the native in business matters as guru is 8th to the 8th house means new step with respect to the Loans and partnership in business/Marriage.As it is in 3rd house so native can start his business with their siblings or cousins with the loans they get from their initiatives.

Quite possibly with maternal cousins. Also aspecting the 7th house – the house of marriage and partnership, native might get married and also get success in the Marriage/business partnership too and it will also give good interest into deep sciences in occult i.e study of the 8th house matters like the secret sciences like astrology , tantra mantra and all deep mystical knowledge’s of yoga , siddhis or mantra etc too.

The person might involve into deep research in all philosophical and advance knowledge in religion or might start his higher studies like MBA in financial studies as per the beneficial aspect of the guru on 9th house and aspecting 11th house too which means native will get good gain in all his perspective or every effort he put to achieve .

Now the picture of moon Sign came for eg If the Native Moon Sign is in Taurus than Guru will be in 3rd from it so it’s simply mean native will get huge mental courage and wisdom knowledge (as guru is in 3rd house in a sign of Cancer – So its all about mental courage and mental peace ) w.r.t to the 8th house and 11th house so native might able to handle all his tasks with its deep wisdom and mental balance got from the guru and will put his more metal initiative into getting every of all his works either marriage , business dealings , higher studies or deep studies also.

Example Chart 2

How to Check Transits Results from Both Natal and Divisional Chart

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Take another example, for Capricorn and Aquarius Lagna Saturn is lagnesh so we can Say Saturn is beneficial for Both the lagnas, For Year 2014 November , Capricorn Saturn will be in 11th house, falling in 5th from the Jupiter and having 5/9 Relationship with the Jupiter where Jupiter will be aspecting 11th house where Saturn is already, so forming double transit relation in 11th house (shows results or events related to Gain, Brother, accumulation of the Wealth) and falling in 2nd (Food, Feed and Sustain) from the Moon in 10th house which means during this transit there can be Monetary gain, increase in name and fame with respect to 11th matters  (In Friend circle, Social Media or social Communities). Sign Lord mars will indicate what native has to do in order to get gain. For eg. Saturn has 5 Points (BAV) in 11th house – it means native will Get good gain by 11th house sources and would be beneficial. More than 28 Points (SAV) indicates native will get Clear Boom in that area. If the moon is in Taurus which Means 5th house for Capricorn – Native will expect or feel comfortable gain regarding 7th house matters, may be a child will born, the couple may get Wealth gain etc.

So this way you can analyse any results via transits of planets.

I Hope now you will able to cast your transits results with more accurate and in a scientific way for any major transits of any planets.

pin How to Check Transits Results from Both Natal and Divisional Chart

Views: 116

Rohini Shakat Bhedan Yoga : Why Saturn Never enters into Rohini Star 4th Pada while transiting in Taurus sign ?

taurus Rohini Shakat Bhedan Yoga : Why Saturn Never enters into Rohini Star 4th Pada while transiting in Taurus sign ?

Rohini Shakat Bhedan Yoga : The historical insight of Saturn transit in Rohini Nakashtra based on Padma Purana.

In Brihat Samhita of Varahmihira author explained many of exponential principals while predicting natural catastrophes symptoms and most are readily manual for today’s researchers for highlighting cause and impact of sun-spots, planetary movement overs different Nakashtras mandalas for understanding Earthquakes, Rainfall, Drought and famines etc. As we already know why Varahmihira was one of an eminent astrologer, astronomer and Mathematician in the era of Vikrama Aditya, interpreted many of incidents for saving the kingdom from miseries. He was one of an excellent interpreter in analysing and understanding the language of nature but the irony is today’s modern discoverers completely ignoring this ancient art of nature for understanding its language.

Varahmihira in around 412 A.D quoted and opined that formation of Sun Spot usually brings Famine in the land and gives huge magnet storms in earth.this was found to be the case during the famine of 1876-77.

The great famine of 1876 (also the Southern India famine of 1876–78 or the Madras famine of 1877) was a famine in India that began in 1876 and affected south and southwestern India (Madras, Mysore, Hyderabad, and Bombay) for a period of two years. In its second year famine also spread north to some regions of the Central Provinces and the North-Western Provinces, and to a small area in Punjab. The famine ultimately covered an area of 257,000 square miles (670,000 km) and caused distress to a population totalling 58,500,000. The death toll from this famine is estimated to be in the range of 5.5 million people.

From above all conditions, we can conclude our Hindu astronomers were not wrong on interpreting nature language i.e impact of Sun Spots, Solar & lunar eclipse, planetary moments, weather uncertainness, rains, floods and sudden catastrophes.

It is well-known fact that all India observe anxiously the course of the moon with respect to the four stars of 10th constellation when the sun is in the sign of Aquarius from “10th Feb to March 10th”, with a hope of future agricultural prospects of the land , the market price of food grains is once lowered or raised according to as the moon’s course lies to the south of the course stars or more and more to the north of the southernmost star.

It was also stated in ancient treaties that if the moon should Pass to the north of all the four stars the world would be at an end.

It is very much evident in scientific language as per what our modern astronomer’s moon will never pass to the north of all the four stars but in 1876 the moon course was lay between the north-most star and the one next to it. So we can assert our ancients treaties on reading nature languages aren’t wrong.

Now coming to Saturn course, according to our ancient Hindu astronomers if Saturn should enter the constellation of Rohini (4th pada) the world would be at an end.

The story belongs from during the era of Maharaja dasratha’s , one of astronomer form his court announced to the prince the dreaded entry of Saturn into the said constellation that the prince once flew in the air and stood before Saturn in his orbit resolved to stop this course; that Saturn, pleased with the prince’s boldness, promised never more to enter the circle.

There is a complete reference in Uttrakhand section of Padma Purana where Lord Shiva is explaining to Rishi Narda about the role of Saturn for both mundane as well as for individual horoscopes during Saturn course to Taurus when it was in Kritika (10 Degree) about to enter Rohini Nakashtra.

King Dasaratha was warned that this would lead to terrible famine and also indicates a sign of war.

King dashratha reached “Shani Yuga” and he told to Saturn if he enters Rohini constellation all would be destroyed, Dashratha asked Saturn to save the world from the agony of wars and famine. Dashratha Paid Respect and praised him to ask for a boon, Saturn was very happy with Dashratha gesture, somehow Dashratha saved as seeing his boldness in front of him

Dashratha recited ” Neel Shani Stotra” to propitiate Saturn as advised of sages and praised Saturn with verses. Saturn was much impressed and told dashratha to ask for boon . Dashratha requested him never to do “ Shakat Bhedan” to which Saturn Consented.

In the Book “Shani Shaman” it was well written about Saturn and King Dashratha and descriptions of “ Rhone Shakta Bhedan Yoga (Rohini Shakat Bhedan Yoga)” Which means entry of Saturn in Rohini Nakashtra will cause Terrible Famine for 12 years”

This was the whole story behind Saturn entry in Rohini Nakashtra.

Modern Astronomical fact has shown that ordinarily, Saturn will never enter the said circle, a circumstance which shows that the story is simply intended to cover an astronomical truth. it is well known that recently Saturn approached the circle to within a degree from it but did not enter it.

It is well known that recently Saturn approached the circle to within a degree from it but did not enter it.

So, we can ascertain that our ancient Hindu astronomers are wise in interpreting, observing and tabulation of the phenomena of nature.

There are lots of effects seen for Saturn entry in Taurus in recent many years which are mentioned below :

1) when Saturn entered Taurus on 12th May 1912 and Stayed there till 1914, while it was Rohini Nakashtra from 11 August 1912 to 3 May 1914, 1st World War started on November 29, 1913, to May 1914.

2) India Rise of nationalism establishment of Hindi association for freedom of India in USA Portland in May 1913 and publication of the first issue of Ghadar November 1913.

3) Mahatma Gandhi Started Satyagraha movement in South Africa.

4) Saturn again entered in Taurus in 1942 from 4 March 1942 to April 24 1944. There was a war of India in 1942 and famine of Bengal happened.

5) Quit India movement started in 1942.

6) Saturn entered in Taurus on 29 April 1971 – 11 June in 1973 “Indo Pakistan” war Started in 1971 ( July 22 to Nov 1971), Revolt Started in East Bengal and events lead to Pakistan war.

7) Saturn entered on 6 June 2000 to 22 July 2002, on 26th January 2001 Earthquake of Gujarat Bhuj happened, it was one of worst earthquake happened in the subcontinent for half a century, approximate 2.5 million people died.

8) On 11 September 2001, there was an attack on America.

9) USA war Against Afghanistan started.

10) The attack on Indian Parliament on 13th December 2001.

11) Godhra riots of Gujarat started on 28th February 2002.

Solution : Best Remedy is to Recite and Propitiate Lord Saturn by Shani Stotra Created by King Dashratha or Read Whole Story of King Vikrama Aditya , Read About lord Saturn in Padma Puran and Read Shani Shaman Book and understand its course for different zodiacs and do remedies as mentioned in Shani Shaman, Be calm and down to earth and do your responsibilities of Real-world seriously , make your self more serious towards your moral duties, respect women.
Source and Reference :
Brihat Samhita By N.C Iyer for Knowledge and Public Sharing

pin Rohini Shakat Bhedan Yoga : Why Saturn Never enters into Rohini Star 4th Pada while transiting in Taurus sign ?

Views: 479

Mars and Saturn Transits in 2016: Are you seriously working in your company: feel the challenges of transit of Retro Mars, Saturn and Nodes from month of April to august 2016

Saturn family Mars and Saturn Transits in 2016: Are you seriously working in your company: feel the challenges of transit of Retro Mars, Saturn and Nodes from month of April to august 2016

Till Kendras are afflicted by Nodes, Mars and Saturn there will be complete instability in Banking, Finance, Share market, Treasury & IT Industry those are working in Hardware based Service  industries like IBM, Dell, HP etc. Telecom Sector will be challenging and there will be need of good and on-time services, Mechanical Industries will require more hard-work and labor from employees.There will be pressure of Extra productions  in Mechanical and industrial sector. Boss will pressurize more in Mass laborious industries. Working environment will be demanding & more challenging to breathe peacefully. Employees will seek relaxation  and peace of mind in working environment but unable to give their best.those are naturally hardworking can do their best on time services. There will be  demand of Extra disciplinary services in working environments. Marketing sector will keep wandering for Projects but they will get empty hands. Iron industries will be in verge of closing projects. New competitors will emerge in Iron industries.

Revenues of companies will decay gradually and there will be possibility of financial scam in market trend. Client will be demanding and want more attention and production in industrial sectors. Keep enjoying the Stiff and disciplinary environment created by Mars and Saturn. This situation will be more Strict till August 2016. Afterward there will be relaxation. Market will be tough for new jobs. Don’t jumps for new jobs till August 2016. wait for August 2016 when Jupiter will be 3/11 Relationship with Saturn.

Currently Capricorn, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo Lagana will enjoy new jobs.

Aries, Taurus, Leo, Libra, Scorpio & Aquarius lagana will enjoy Hard and Stiff disciplinary working environment.

Sagittarius &  Pisces   Lagana will enjoy change of place or chances of transfer in their working locations.

pin Mars and Saturn Transits in 2016: Are you seriously working in your company: feel the challenges of transit of Retro Mars, Saturn and Nodes from month of April to august 2016

Views: 5

Retrogression of Saturn in Scorpio in Jyestha : Impact of Retrograde Saturn on ascendant, its a Time to evaluate your true goals hidden beneath in subconscious side.

o EXOPLANET facebook Retrogression of Saturn in Scorpio in Jyestha : Impact of Retrograde Saturn on ascendant, its a Time to evaluate your true goals hidden beneath in subconscious side.

Retrogression of Saturn in Scorpio in Jyestha – Time to evaluate your true goals hidden beneath in subconscious side.

Saturn is currently in Retrograde in Sign of water (Scorpio) in Jyestha Nakashtra placed in Square to Retrograde Jupiter in Fiery sign. Nakashtra Lord Mercury is in Debilitation state too. Two Retrogression elemental energies Clashing with each other and creating a situation of rebellion in deep inner side – that’s what is called retrogression – A new prospective hidden in your original personality. Later After April 2016 – A True Rebellion Leader will born in you either you will become too rude or too Rigid. those who can handle such immense retrogression energy  will be a born leader in near future.This is the high time to think deeply in deeper emotional side what were you doing wrong from the last couple of months, where were you stuck in middle of way, why you were not real, why you were not able to fix your situation and why you ignoring your real karmic duties. Saturn will force you or give you plenty of time to think more and more to evaluate your real practical personality simply to get evolve in practical world. May be you stuck in challenges or in hidden jealously prevail in working environment by the people try to challenge your credibility but ultimately you have to fight back those situations given by people and get rise ultimately.

Saturn will warn or make you more tough and serious and will make a complete changeover in your viewpoint of life. You will see many new values in you whom you might be ignoring in past months or years.You will see why world is so rude out your boundaries and why you are not enough competent to fight back. This phase of transformation will keep up-to till Sun reach to Highest  Retrogression energy in Taurus sign. After attaining highest chesta bala in Taurus Saturn will totally transform you in real and practical world. After this you will become real you who can survive in any situation. Till Sun reach at Taurus you see many challenges in life from many known and unknown people around you. Kendras are representative of public life, so you will you see many new challenges in society from your very own people whom you were trying to totally dependable on them.  It might  change your ideology regarding your daily routines, might be your ignorance in work, might be negligence toward your real motives and true thoughts.

Saturn is telling you currently try to make yourself independent  in emotional side. Release all your Emotional thoughts which keep burdening you and try to be in an independent state of all duties and think of those karmic duties which you were neglecting from long pending time. this is the time to think from much more deeper prospective level about whats your true goal in your life are, will show you who is real and who is unreal and whom you going to rely. Challenges and challenging people (Mars) will keep try to shatter your dreams and try to make you weaker from inner side in deep emotional nature. Its the time when you only have to think from your own soul level not from any other such Outer prospective thoughts  of people.

Its the time you have to spent your thinking to yourself only leave all people aside. your deeper Level of Sixth sense will develop during this time period and you will able to think more on your real targets of life. you will either try to change your profession or you will take your life too seriously might be you were ignoring from many months. Retrogression of Saturn only meant to make more disciplined ideology in life , be more realistic, thinking on big projects on real ground not in imaginary world. It will make you much stronger internally in emotional side and your deep hidden independent talent will come up after deep challenges you will meet in your Work areas, as Jupiter is also retrograde in fiery sign with Nodes. The Firing and igniting Deeper wisdom of Jupiter will transform your internal side of Saturn very soon after April.

4/10 Relationship is always be a time to work on ground reality rather than totally depending on people and what time is giving you. Trines works like a driver is ruling your life but in Kendras you have to work on your own wisdom, you have to make efforts and you have to work in actual one will move you further. its the only your deeper hidden thoughts will build your inner personality much stronger. This is the time to agitate your thoughts and ideology to bring real you in society.

People (Mars – Fiery Nature – turbulence in emotional values will increase) will challenge you after April 2016 to till August 2016. Situation will calm down when Jupiter will be in 3/11 Relationship with Saturn.

Its a High challenging time for Aquarius, Capricorn, Gemini, Libra, Leo, Scorpio  and Taurus Lagana people.

pin Retrogression of Saturn in Scorpio in Jyestha : Impact of Retrograde Saturn on ascendant, its a Time to evaluate your true goals hidden beneath in subconscious side.

Views: 7

Who will lead J&K in coming election – A astrological Analysis as per Mundane Astrology ?

Who will lead J&K in coming election – A astrological Analysis as per Mundane science ?

JammuandKashmir Who will lead J&K in coming election - A astrological Analysis as per Mundane Astrology ?

When Mars Will be in Capricorn Sign after 27th of November 2014 (Geographical Sign of J&k is Capricorn , sign ruled by great struggle and hardship ) , Jammu and Kashmir Political system will undergo a major change with alliances of two different parties and zones which was never happened ever or till now with High military action almost in whole region.

Battle ground war zone will warm up with the ingress of mars in J&K Lagana , Anti nationals activities will increase till 5th of Jan 2015.

Major Alliances will break and Split up and reformation will be there in underground zones secretly.

In Lagana of J&K Mars will be there at that time being Aspected by Rahu from 9th House , Military actions in state will increase to counter attack all conspiratorial activities in State ( there will be huge increase in Secret political activities or traps and rise in terrorist activities and we will see secret political conspiracies after 27th November 2014 in order track down the rising leader in J&K ).

Lagana lord Saturn will be in 11th house from Lagana in Scorpio aspecting Lagana too ( peace and alliances will take place but after a havoc or complete change and there will be much Changes in Ministers and splitting of parties will be seen with those people who are never wanted to be in ally with any Political party, but there will be a great change after a major split up in order to bring gain and change for State of J&K ).

Retrograde Jupiter will be sitting in 7th house in Opposition house for creating a smooth alliance with the ruling and leading party for the sake of bringing change in region.There will be strong Opposition by 4 planets in 12th house by Mercury , Venus , Moon and Sun in a tough environment but wont be much effective to slow down underground work – In a simple Line a strict , Disciplined , Bold and Courageous will Leader rise from Strong and Determined Political party & will take oath of Chief Minister – ship of Jammu and Kashmir after 23rd December 2014 with mutual alliance and agreement.

Whole process of elections will be in Tough Military scenario or Army protocols.

Boarder areas will be in high alert zone with high fy military actions after 27th November 2014 till 5th of Jan 2015.

Two Parties will rule J&K Political System with mutual understanding and agreement.There wont be any Clear Majority for any Party in J&k , it would be much like hung assembly like situation but one has to take step forward to make an alliance for J&K .One will be belong from bold , courageous and military based region and other will be belong from Strong religious belief.

pin Who will lead J&K in coming election - A astrological Analysis as per Mundane Astrology ?

Views: 4

Saturn Transit in Scorpio: Return of Saturn in Scorpio in November 2014, Complete understanding on transit of saturn in different nakashtras in scorpio with mundane analysis

Return of Saturn in Scorpio on 2nd November 2014

Scorpio – Sign of Transformation and Regeneration

maxresdefault Saturn Transit in Scorpio: Return of Saturn in Scorpio in November 2014, Complete understanding on transit of saturn in different nakashtras in scorpio with mundane analysis

In 2nd November Saturn will ingress in Scorpio approximately about after 2.00 AM start moving toward its next sign exactly in Nakashtra of Jupiter ( Visakha- Star of Purpose).

With this transit Sadhe-sati will start for Sagittarius sign , Dhahia & Ashtam Saturn will be start for Aries and Leo signs. Libra Sign will be facing last phase of sadhe-sati and Scorpio will be facing 2nd phase of Sadhe-sati.1st Phase of Sadhe-sati is about managing your close relationships , 2nd phase of Sadhe-sati is about managing yourself , your thoughts transformations and mental courage and strength and last phase of Sadhe-sati is about your personal , family responsibilities and values and managing your wealth and assets.

No need to worry Vedic Astrology is purely a divine science having deep Cosmological mathematics behind transits of planets in different signs.

In Simple language Saturn transit is about fixing those areas of life which are you lacking and which you have to fix it till transit period of 2.5 , it is simply What god Wanted you should focus on some certain areas of life and balance those areas during that transit or what you can deserve because of your past actions or what you can get during that transit – they are simply indicator of fruits , Deeds and karma.

Some Myths and hypocrisy of Transits and correct System of transits

Checking Transits results always be a difficult task for any of an amateur and beginner astrologer reason is very simple there is very less knowledge distributed in online portals and most of the people who are running online portals simply predict results from moon signs that is very wrong practice for transit system.

Reason is simple there are millions of people and millions of people who having same moon signs so results can’t be same for each and everyone for same 12 moon signs.

In Every horoscope moon is having lordship of 12 signs and 12 houses and having 12 house properties associated with each lagna , question is how could moon will show same results for every human being during transit.

In My opinion Moon cant be the reference point for transits but it could be reference point for Dashas lord who is having current transits in lagna and divisional charts.

During a child birth planets aligns with specific degrees and nakashtras that’s holds the qualities of that birth but it cant be same for whole birth , it keep on changing like water finds its way during its flow. Same applicable for planets in Vedic astrology, birth planets keep changing after birth and they return back few years back in transits.

More the planet huge in size and mass , more the planet is closer to earth more having effect on earth and living being.

That’s why planets which are closer to us are having smaller rotation period around earth and having more physiological effects on us and we count them as Fast moving planets. Sun , Moon , Mars, Mercury and Venus are Fast moving planets and they impact us much more in our daily life events but only for few days , weeks and months not for whole year.

Development need some time that’s why we count Slow moving planet as Development initiated planets whose only motive is to enhancing our strengths , will and Stability. etc.

In my Opinion Slow moving planets have much stronger impact on us during the transits in different signs and nakashtras and we should have to carefully verify their results on the bases of Lagna as reference point not Moon.

Moon role is when we are dealing with their dasha period , So , Saturn , Rahu and Jupiter can’t Give same results to everyone from Moon signs.Clarifying this Parashara given a clue to Properly check the transit system from Ashtaka-varga .

Here Indian Astronomical & Sidereal system plays major role to understand the ashtaka-varga concepts scientifically as its typically depend on the progressions’of the planets as a reference point and during their progressions planets emits certain beneficial Influencing beams to certain houses means those houses which sun basically influence like Sun has Beneficial argalas on those houses. Such beneficial Beams of Influence contributed by different planets act as a catalytic agent augmenting the good effects of Radical as transit.

So ,Before drawing the opinion about important event of transit, cross check rules of transit before making any assumptions for Saturn transits.

What is Saturn about – A complete Story ?

In Sanskrit Saturn is called Shani or Shana-ish-chara (the slow mover), because it takes about two and a half years to coverup a zodiacal sign or so to pass through each constellation of the sidereal zodiac.

In the Linga Purana it is said that Saturn was born from the solar deity Rudra. The Markandeya Purana states that Saturn is the son of the Sun god by his wife Chaya (shadow.Saturn is cold and dry because of its  internal core structure made of , tamasik (lethargic) and an elderly planet. His sight is bad, and he is said to be “malefic amongst the malefic).

Saturn destroys the house is aspects (except if positioned in the seventh house, where it receives directional strength) and any houses it aspects or any planet it conjoins or aspects.When well placed it gives its natives integrity, wisdom, spirituality, fame, patience, ability to lead, authority, long life, organizational abilities, sincerity, honesty, love of justice and awareness of right and wrong.

When ill-posited it brings miseries,sorrow, delay, obstruction, disappointment, disputes, dejection, difficulties. Saturnine natives are defensive, nervous and secretive.Saturn rules the direction west,Saturday is its day, black is its color and is the gemstone of Saturn. Saturn rules number 8(Year 2015) in Indian numerology.

According to legends, Saturn was born to Sun and Chaya, also known as Swarna. During the time of Saturn’s birth, Sun fell severely ill due to Saturn’s inauspicious aspect when he opened his eyes. Hence, there have always been disputes between the father and son (Sun-Saturn Aspect).

According to Hindu Puranas (scriptures), Shani is considered to be a son of Surya (Sun) and Chhaya (shadow). His brother is Yamaraj and sister is Yamuna. His color is considered to be same as an Indraneel Mani, also known as Neelam (Blue Sapphire).

According to Brahma Purana, Saturn was totally devoted to Lord Krishna and was mesmerized by him. Seeing this inclination, Sun married Saturn to Chitra rath’s daughter. Saturn’s wife was extremely strong, powerful and modest.The wife of Saturn is Param Tejasvi and one day she went to him to request a son. But Shani Dev was busy meditating and praying to Lord Krishna.

After waiting a long time, his wife got agitated and cursed Shani that wherever, and whoever he sees will get destroyed.Hence, she cursed Saturn saying that anyone seen by him would be totally destroyed because of these facts we called Saturn as Impotent and can destroy anyone by its aspect.

Saturn tried to convince her and she eventually accepted her mistake. But, she could not take back the curse. So, Saturn started looking downwards as he didn’t want anyone to get hurt.This causes Shani to keep his head down all the time.

This is the mythology behind the harmful drishti (aspect) of Shani.

According to Vedic Astrology, Saturn is beneficial in the house it occupies, but harmful to the houses which it aspects. Shani aspects 3rd, 7th and 10th house and covers 270 degree of orbital distance  angle and you can imagine how power magnetic influence of Saturn would be from the one it occupies.

Shani hates actions such as fraud, deceit, telling lies, consuming alcohol, gambling, staying unclean, animal cruelty, and disrespect of God, parents or elders.

If Shani occupies a favorable position in a birth chart then that person progresses in several aspects of life. That person is hardworking, fair in dealings and justice-loving. His/her social standing is also very good and that person does not suffer from any major ailments. On the other hand, if Shani is not positioned well in a chart, then damage to the house, fires, debt, disputes and loss of wealth and property will occur.

Early defects in teeth and eyes are also the effects of bad Shani positioning.The movements of Saturn, also known as the “Great Malefic,” used to be observed with fear and came with warnings passed from the astrologer to client about pending shortages, bad luck, great loss or punishing circumstances.

Saturn’s gift is the pressure that keeps us focused on our own path. It’s seriousness, like the sign it rules, Capricorn, comes from knowing that some goals require us to plod through dread to generate more inner discipline. Jupiter balances this out faith, optimism and trust that all the hard work will pay off.

Saturn doesn’t promise success, but by laying out the steps, and sticking to the path despite the distractions and doubts, you start to gain Saturn-approved mastery regardless of the outcome. It is the path to unshakable self-esteem.

Saturn’s influence may seem heavy and limiting, but that is the nature of the physical realm. When you toss up your hands and claim to be overwhelmed, inert, depressed, someone else has to be the authority in your life. This authority can be given to a boss, father, spouse, teacher, friend, or even a punishing voice inside your head. Once you’ve been humbled-humiliated enough, you might decide to pull yourself up and be your own boss.

The sign and house position of your Saturn shows where these life dramas will likely take place.Whatever are the apprehensions attached with this planet, Saturn is not the planet to be feared of. After all, a success gained after winning over obstacles is the truly satisfying one, accompanied by a deeper, and eternal knowledge about life. And that is the invaluable reward Shani imparts in our destinies.

Prajapati and Yam are believed to be Saturn’s Adhidevta and Pratyadhidevta respectively.

Saturn belongs to Lord Krishna’s caste, rides a vulture and a chariot made of iron.Saturn is also known by many different names like Asit, Aarki, Chhayatmaj, Mand, Shanaishchar, Suryaputra, Ravij, Pangu and Saur, Bhaskari.

According to Vedic astrology, Saturn is the Karak planet for the 6th, 8th and 10th house , Along with this, it is the Karak planet for detachment.

Saturn is also the Karak planet for coal, iron, brinjals, black or blue clothes, Udat dal, black grapes and jamun.

It is considered to be a Karak planet for almost all blue coloured things.Saturn is often associated with ligaments and stomach. Being a Karak planet for detachment, Saturn should be strong in the Kundali in order to achieve success.Saturn can also be associated with sculpting, service, farmer, labor class etc.Saturn is connected with the age and longevity of an individual. He gives long life if placed favorably in horoscope.

In spite of his bad name, Saturn is actually considered as a teacher. He behaves like a teacher, who punishes the students when they err and rewards them for their good deeds.Saturn is also the planet of justice, behaves like judge and gives justice depending upon the deeds of a person. The person who commits sin and bad karma’s are rewarded results accordingly.

Saturn rules over bones. All the large bones in the body of legs are governed by Saturn. Saturn, as per his nature, gives long-term diseases. Such diseases are long termed and hardly curable. So a person has to bear with the long illness.A person under influence of Saturn has to work hard in life. Saturn represents labor class who work die hard to earn a little livelihood. Land and all the products beneath earth are governed by Saturn. As such, all the mining items are ruled by him. Iron is his metal and his color is black/ blue. Zodiac sings which Saturn governs are Capricorn and Aquarius. He is exalted in Libra and debilitated in Aries. His mool-trikona sign is Aquarius.

Saturn believes in discipline and strictness and never likes chaos and disobeys. In Hindu Astrology, Saturn has great significance. People are afraid of this planet due to his strictness and discipline. The slow transit of this planet offers two important common periods namely Sadhe-Sati and Dhaiya. Every person undergoes the period of Sadhe-Sati and Dhaiya many a times in his life. Sadhe-Sati is a period when Saturn transits the twelfth and second house of the natal Moon. Similarly, if Saturn is placed fourth and eight from the natal moon, period of Dhaiya takes place. Period of Sadhe-Sati is seven and a half year and period of Dhaiya is two and a half year.

These two periods are considered very difficult time in a native’s life. He has to face many hardship and problems in life and gets no respite from any circle. Astrologically, speaking, this is the time when a person experiences enlightenment while going through the hard time.

By suffering hardship, a person is balancing his sins. Here, we can understand the difference in the nature of Mars and Saturn. Hardship faced by a person under the influence of Mars can make him a dacoit or thief. But, this is not the case with Saturn. In such circumstances, the Saturn will turn a person towards spirituality and forces him to think what is the cause of his misery i.e. bad deeds are responsible of his present situation. Slowly he becomes pious.

what is Scorpio sign means ? 

Basic Qualities of Scorpio
Triplicity – Water
Heat – Cold
Moisture – Wet
Temperament – Phlegmatic
Constellation – Fertile, Mute
Quadruplicate – Fixed
Gender Feminine
Degrees 210 – 240
Season – Fall
Other -Long ascension, Obeying, Hears Virgo, Sees Pisces


There are three symbols for Scorpio – The Scorpion, the eagle and the Dove. In working with the symbolism, it is important to remember this – as all scorpions are not the same.


Widening Experience to see alternatives. Emotions and feelings help you find significance.Drawing strength to expand our consciousness through feelings. This is achieved through understanding and experiencing the Power and strength of a collective – learning through study of achievements of others and experiencing new or alternative ways of life.
Huge possibilities, mystery, profundity and Renaissance. Take that which feels stressful and emotionally complicated, and transform it using your mind, concentration and self-discipline to find strength and personal growth.

General Meaning

instinctive, ductile, mistrustfully, aggressive, extremely, fighting, seductive, speculative, magic, destructive, secretive, powerful, domineering, resistant, intuitive, asserted, charismatic, magnetic, strong-willed, perspicacious, passionate, creative, independent, vigorous, generous, loyal, hard-working, persevering, untameable, possessive, cunning, ambitious, sexual, proud, intense, competitive but also aggressive, destructive, stubborn, anxious, tyrannical, perverse, sadistic, violent, self-centered, complex, jealous
When the leaves fall to the ground, revealing the trees. Exposed emotions must be avoided, or deep passions. Action or passion valued about beauty for the sake of beauty. Water acting powerfully.

Some of Important Aspects of Scorpion Sign:

• Regeneration
• Greed: Desire for energy from others without giving back
• Lust: Self gratification; comes from a sense of defeat. Criminals are thwarted men of action
• Regeneration comes from exchange of energy with others.
• Scorpio is more of a Phoenix than a scorpion.
• Scorpio is a cosmic gate.
• Magical qualities or the vampire, secrets
• Detective, can sense the root of problems or issues or won’t stop until they are discovered.
• Penetrating beneath the surface
• Impulsiveness, temptation
• To feel together. “I probe”, “I desire”
• Previous image was of an Eagle.
• Magnetic, determined, secretive, shrewd, dignified, self-confident, masterful, sensitive, tenacious and critical
• Negative – a tendency to be cruel, selfish , violent, indulgent and domineering, a destroyer or to attract others who do these things.
• A wish to change, break taboos, refuse to compromise.
• A detective or fanatic, cynical and stubborn.
• Emotional strengths can be compelling to others so can rise to power. Can also use these powers to be an energy vampire to such others dry of emotional energy acting in jealous, vindictive, sadistic ways.

Body Parts – the sexual organs and the anus
Colors – black or dark red
Stones – malachite
Day – Tuesday
Professions – gynecologist, psychiatrist, detective, the military, army, stockbroker, asset management
Countries – Morocco, Norway, Algeria, Syria, Korea, Uruguay, Transvaal
Cities – Washington, New Orleans, Valencia, Liverpool, Milwaukee, Fes, Halifax, Hull, Cincinnati
Animals – insects and other invertebrates
Food – red meat, garlic, onions, leeks, spices
Herbs and Spices – aloes, witch hazels, nepeta, mustard, capers, peppers
Flowers and plants – geraniums, rhododendrons, thistles, mint, honeysuckle
Trees – blackthorns, bushes
Metals – steel and iron
Salts – calcium and sodium sulphate

Conclusion of Saturn in Scorpio Sign:

Saturn will Be more Serious and more determined during this transit and will work like “Scorpion movement – Slowy and Stingy nature – Can say silent but dangerous ” – is about Slow and Steady nature but in a Secretive way and can make  a surprise move with full of confident and active energy in near future  being in fixed sign- Slow and Steady will be the key for everyone to get success during this transit.

Saturn in Scorpio will become more impatient  than more contend like in earlier sign Libra – sign of relaxation and peace within self and around environment, but they will be so much determine to do anything or to bring any change in society secretly.

During Saturn in Scorpio , people who are having Saturn in Scorpio in D1 , D10 or having Saturn dasha running will be become more workaholic  in their hidden tasks or internally to overcome weaknesses.

They will  demand a lot from themselves and from those around them. Sometime they can be so intense that it can be overwhelming to those who are not as directed as they are, having Full of willpower and energy, they  will be so determined to meet their goals it is hard for them to remain calm.
Scorpions  are not the type to stop and smell the roses. Instead of going gung  for their goals, however, they are usually more subtle and calculating.
Saturn in Scorpio is a secretive work indications. When hurt, they can be unforgiving. They don’t like to be treated unfairly. They may be cunning, resentful, jealous, or possessive but still will  be much confident. They will act like shrewd and determined  bird and will like to come out on top of any type of deal.

Scorpio Saturn fears emotional rejection and being inadequate. This fear may cause them to overcompensate in other areas. This fear may also be self-fulfilling. They are afraid of being taken advantage of. By examining their true motives, they may be able to overcome these fears and break the cycle through healing during this whole  phase.

Scorpio Saturn keeps their motivations hidden deeply. They may be from psychological, emotional or psychic causes. By revealing their motivations, they may master their issues.

People will  often seek power through covert means. They may dabble in the occult during this phase. They will work very diligently to achieve self-control. Passionate and intense, Saturn in Scorpio can also find themselves deep in denial. Struggling through their issues will help them deal with their emotional nature.

Scorpio Saturn is resourceful, but they can be vindictive or withdrawn. They do well if they learn to be responsible enough to handle other people’s possessions. They must learn to be calm, efficient and thorough. Emotional restraint will do them well.

Physically, Scorpio Saturn may be beset with issues in the reproductive system or the organs of elimination. Bowel obstructions may be a problem. Often associated with negative energy, Saturn in Scorpio must battle to overcome it if they wish to succeed.

In Scorpio, Lord Saturn says “no” to the mysterious, invasive, penetrating, sometimes sneaky, unexpected, disastrous, implosive, catastrophic, emergent, surgical, trans-formative characteristics of Scorpions.

Although Saturn cannot prevent the existence of Vrischika’s hidden agitations, its sexual mysteries, or its ability to discover hidden assets, Saturn can prevent these behaviors from moving forward.

The people around Him will be are controlling, subtly manipulative, unpredictable, harboring hidden forces which threaten to attack Saturn at any time during this transit. Saturn’s job will be  to say “no” to sudden changes, particularly identity changes; He resists surgeons and psychiatrists; He resists anyone trying to invade His secret inner world; He freezes their predatory actions in real time; He stalls and prevaricates to distract and discourage the predators. Saturn tries to prevent drilling, mining, incursion, discovery, revelation of secrets.

Saturn  in Scorpio is typically rather hard to interpret because their defensive stone wall (Saturn) protecting their inner reinvigorating life-force writhing fuel core (the inner snake, Vrischika) is so cold and so thick and so determined to ward off intruders.

More than anything, Saturn-Scorpio dislikes sudden upheavals and forced changes of identity; yet this is precisely the karmic situation which must be apprehended and regulated.During this transit Saturn has to learn to order this hostile environment through regulation of behavior not cessation of behavior. He must to apply His resistance judiciously so that life itself does not come to a halt via His inability to respond and adapt in a disastrous upheaval.

The particular karma of Saturn-Scorpios often poisoning, albeit typically not physical poison but rather the psychological poison of fear of annihilation by shadowy, controlling predators and resentment of a lifetime under attack by an unending series of emergencies.

Saturn periods tends to generate various emergency scenarios, including unexpected deaths or difficult births, urgent need to defend hidden assets or keep the cover on occult knowledge, or profound but slow invalidation of an outdated identity which forces a painful emergence of a new social role.

 Saturn 1st Phase ( 0′ 00” to 3′ 20”  till 30th November 2014)

During Saturn first phase , will be transiting over  Scorpio  in Visakha Nakashtra  till 30th November – Nakashtra of purpose-  Vishaka is one the twenty seven nakshatras according to Hindu astrological beliefs. Agni and Indra are the ruling elements of Vishaka Nakshatra and it spans across the constellation Libra in the night sky.

The natives of this nakshatra are very sharp and keen to learn new things, due to this positive trait they like to be more inclined towards modern practices and do not like orthodox procedures and beliefs. They are full of energy and enthusiasm and quite single minded. Their resolution to something that they decided to do is another of their positive traits, and they will work exceptionally hard and go to any lengths for their accomplishments so till November 30th people will be more on learning new things and trying to find-out hidden secrets of cosmology.

This period  when Saturn will be upto 3′ 20 Degree in Visakha nakashtra be Good for Space research , Astrologers and Spritual people and good for Ar , Ge,  Le , Aq , CP , Sg , Pi lagana who are running Jupiter Mahadasha , Antardasha and Pratyantar dasha or those who Moon are in Visakasha nakashtras- good For wealth , Name,  Fame  , research and Spritual Purpose.

Saturn 2nd Phase ( 3′ 20” to 16′ 44”  till 29th December 2015)

After 30th November to 2014 – 3 ‘ 20″  to December 29th 2015- upto 16 ‘ 44” Degree  , Saturn  will be in Anuradha Nakashtra – Nakashtra of Success – Extending in the realm of Scorpio – Mars, governed by the planetary lordship of Saturn, Anuradha Nakshatra dictates the cosmic firmament with balance, honor and harmony. Striking a harmonious nexus with ‘Vishakha Nakshatra’; Anuradha Nakshatra derives its divine strength from Mitra- its ruling deity, god of Friendship and partnership who promotes cooperation among humanity.

During this Saturn-Anuradha Phase primary target will be to maintain dharma or rightoeus activities in social mass , society  and will in promotion of peace and Saturn will spread lesson of fame and recognition can be attainted through frienfly cooperation with other people and will be good for Aq , Cp , Ta , Ge , Le , Sc  Lagana who are havingbenefic Saturn MD , AD and PD periods having Good shadbala and Sav points in thier laganas or in thier Divisional charts.

Social Leaders , Social Mass medias , NGO’s  Spritual Societies will get Rise and will do thier work for sake of Society.

Saturn 3rd Phase ( 3′ 20” to 16′ 44”  29th December 2015 to 17th Janurary 2017 )

After 29th ,  December  2015 – 16 ‘ 44’  to 17th Janurary 2017- upto 29 ‘ 56” Degree  , Saturn  will be in Jyestha(Mercury) Nakashtra – Nakashtra of Brilliance-  Existent in the zodiac of Scorpio, Jyeshtha Nakshatra epitomizes the quintessence divinity of Indra-its governing deity.

Implying the meaning of ‘the eldest one’; Jyeshtha Nakshatra reflecting the planetary force of Mars and Mercury happens to be the eighteenth Nakshatra in the celestial horizon.Mental Brilliance analytical ability are experienced here – which means Saturn will focus learned members of Members to achieve elevated position in life and accomplish things skillfully.

Creative Genius are true picture of jyestha .Primary Motivation of Jyestha is Artha and Material Prosperity.Ge, Vi ,Cp , Aq ,Ta ,Sg ,Pi people will rise in this phase those are having Beneficial Mercury placed in D1 and Divisional Charts  having Good Shadbala and SAV points in thier lagnas.

In Mundane Astrology-World and India

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The sign of Scorpio has been associated with birth, sex ,  Sexual abuse in marriage or in partnerships , Sexual diseases , Secret Societies , Spy agents , Underground organizations i,e RAW , CIA or Interpol etc ,research organizations , Micro-biology organizations ,  Gynecological problems , and death in nations and world.

Saturn Rules Agriculture , Land , Real estate , oil , coal and petroleum , underground mines and minerals , old people , diseases of old age  ,arthritis , backache etc. Rebellion , Common people , Democracy and all forms of democratic institutions , municipals elections , Farmers , Famines , Drought and earthquakes  in nations,During this transit Saturn will be  in aster-ism of Ju , sa and Mercury so all those things which are ruled by Ju , Sa and Me will enhance or get fixed soon.

In My opinion , Whole world Will be more focused around above mentioned activities during this whole phase of 2.5 years.

In Nations Hidden conspiracies will prevail around every environment , hidden jealousy will increase and everyone will try to overcome each other in inner competitions with each other. Competitor nations will try to let down each other in their foreign policies and foreign trades.

Its an Indication of wars , battles , open warfare between countries  , increase in  enemies , dacoits will increase  , robbers , foreign secret agents will work against each others , international affairs will be more highlighted , international disputes  with other countries will be get pick like fire  , death of Secret enemies cam be seen , so i can  say it will give more like Hidden and Cold war between nations.

Impact of Saturn in India

In Indian This transit will in 7th house of Foreign affairs – although Saturn will be in Digbali Place but in Area of mars always be an Indication of war , fights and conflicts with each others.

India has to deal with patiently with foreign and international  policies in order to avoid disputes.there can be increase in Issues between Western countries  and also with Pakistan in internationals environment.

Scorpio rules Coastal areas and South- western Directions  of India such as In india Gujraat  , Khach and Bhuj area , Goa , Mumbai , Maharashtra , Western Pakistan etc , More issue will be seen over here , political disputes will be more in these areas .

there will be increase in Hidden diseases , frequent earthquakes will be seen more  in coastal areas of india , North America , Canada , Israel , Norway , Bavaria , Algeria , North Syria , Sweden , Brazil m Morocco, Washington , Dover , Liverpool  , Baltimore , cincinnati , Halifox etc.

In USA Scorpio will be in 4th house – US Will be more busy in their Internal Issues , there will be lack of peace in nation , weather conditions will be sudden and strange, can be seen increase in Volcanic eruptions and mining disasters, Fall of Govt can be seen, there will be increase in Democratic movement in US.

Will extended to see larger survival and mortality issues which affect society. An example of this is the awareness of safe sex, sexual abuse and the aids pandemic which came into focus during the 1980’s as Saturn were traveling through Scorpio.

When Scorpio is triggered, crime and abuse will be key areas of exposure. Interestingly, Amnesty International, which campaigns against torture, was founded in 1961 when Saturn  was traveling through Scorpio.

Scorpio also rules other people’s money so industries such as banking, stock markets, insurance, accounting and financial services will become spotlighted and made accountable whilst this sign is visited.

Scorpio is also about seeing things through a magnifying glass. Therefore much of which has been buried will come into the light. This can range from the developments of crime detectors, weaponry, probing technologies and CCTV.

Planets traveling through this sign will also highlight changes and developments within the gynecological and obstetrics industry. Note that the first commercial hand held ultrasound scanner was launched in 1963 when Neptune was transiting this sign.

How To check Transit results from Parashara Most accurate

          and Logical System – The Ashtakavarga System

Now what is Ashtavarga System ?

Now coming to Main point how to Check transits via Parashra Ashatakavarga System.The Ashtakavarga system is a method of calculating the Strength of the planets in a Hora lagna, a transit chart and also for the Strength of the planets in Vimsotri dasha too. Therefore, it can be used in any chart including all the divisional charts. It is not restricted to Lagna chart. This system also gives the facility to check each planet results for all the twelve houses.Logic and Science behind Ashtakvarga ?

As per Shiri late B.V Raman research Ashtakvarga is the result of the Progression of the Seven Actual Planets (including two luminaries )in the Universe from their respective radical Places and from the lagna and the collective results which is arise from the influence the planets is called Ashtakavarga.

We can Say for Sun Is Actually Exalted in Aries and as per Kalachakra Chart Sun Starts its rotation from the lagna(east) to west(7th house) and while its progression from east to west it emits certain beneficial Influencing beams to certain houses means those houses which sun basically influence like Sun has Beneficial argalas on those houses. Such beneficial Beams of Influence contributed by different planets  act as a catalytic agent augmenting the good effects of Radical as transit influences.

For eg when we are dealing with Sun Ashtakavarga , We actually mean the collective factor due to the projection of positive beams with reference to sun itself and other six planets including lagna.

Parashara Actually made this system into Some numerical Values and arranges in some  way for interpretation and timing of events which is one of marvelous piece of work Parashara Rishi.

Ashtakvarga System should be used for accurate predictions with transiting planets and while predicting Vimsotri dasha   lords results.

Ashtakavarga also takes into cognizance the actions and interactions of the transiting planets with regard to their radical situations and by a certain manipulations of the beneficial and malefic influences given rise to by such movements and measures numerically as some units which we can use to time important events in the native life or in world in Mundane astrology too.

Usage of  Ashtakavarga System for Transits

All seven planets contribute their strength in terms of numerical value from 0 to 8 points. Rahu and Ketu is excluded from the list but you can check from their lords Houses (Aquarius ruled by Saturn and Also ruled by Saturn too so for Rahu check Saturn Strength or points in Individual lagan’s and same apply for Ketu – Lord of Ketu is Scorpio and Mars but i used to avoid it mostly as Rahu- Ketu Positions in universe is still a Mystery) as they don’t have any physical body and they have no physical influence on the other planets so we should avoid Rahu and Ketu in Ashtkavarga System.

In Ashtkavarga System Strength of the planets depends on its relative position or the radical position  with other planets. We can’t do judgment of the strength of the planets mere by its sign or placement in a particular house without considering the planets strength with respect to other planets.

There is no other system presents which can give exact view and strengths of all the planets.During my Research in Transits Systems with Ashtakavarga System I have found we can use the Ashtakavarga system  in the following areas of life:

1) General strengths of the planets and the houses in D1 chart for different areas of life represented by the houses for e.g More than 30 Points in SAV in 10th house in D1 for Mars Gives Success in Army and some Dynamic Jobs.
2) Parashra Exclusively Said an Honest Astrologer Should Use Ashtkavarga System for Identifying the Age or Longevity of the Native.
2) We Can use Ashtkavarga for Specific life Events based on Divisonal charts ( i.e D7 , D9 and D10 charts ) with respect to transits for analyzing specific events.
2) For Events timing in all major issues in Native Life.
3) For Predicting Vimsotri Dasha results.
4) For Professional and Social Success of the native VIA SAV
5) For Casting Horary Charts results.
6) Majorly use in Transit results (Commonly used for Transit results in individual horoscopy) with respect to Vimsotri Dashas.
7) For Predicting World Level Issues like earthquakes , Drought, Rains etc in Mundane Astrology

In the Ashta-ka-varga system ( Means dividing each of the 12 rasis into eight sub divisions) the charts are cast using the Individual natal chart or the Transit chart on Natal Chart and it is majorly Divided into three parts:

1) Bhina- Ashtkavarga Charts or Individual  Ashtkavarga Charts.
2) Sarva- Ashtkavarga Chart or total Ashtkavarga Charts.
3) Prashthara or Spread Out Ashtkavarga Charts.


The individual Ashtakavarga chart is known as the Bhina-ashtakavarga. Bhina-ashtakavarga charts prepared for the lagna and the 7 planets – total 8 charts are made. The Bhina-ashtakavarga charts of planets are very useful to study the transiting effects of planets. The total of beneficial and malefic points in a house, for a planet is eight.

Ashtakavarga beneficial placement of planets are:

• Sun beneficial places are 1st , 2nd , 4th , 7th , 8th , 9th , 10th , 11th from himself producing 48 Points.
• Mars beneficial places are 1st , 3rd ,5th ,6th ,7th, 10th ,11th from  himself producing 39 points.
• Mercury beneficial places are 1st , 2nd , 4th , 6th , 8th , 10th , 11th , 12th from himself producing 54 points.
• Moon beneficial places are 1st , 3rd , 6th , 7th , 10th , 11th from himself producing 49 points.
• Jupiter  beneficial places are  1st , 2nd , 3rd ,4th , 7th , 8th , 10th , 11th  from himself producing 56 Highest points.
• Venus beneficial places are 1st , 2nd , 3rd ,4th ,5th , 8th , 9th,  10th , 11th  from himself producing  52 points..
• Saturn beneficial places are  3rd ,5th ,6th ,11th from  himself producing 39 points.

The total Individual Contribution of beneficial points by any planet in any horoscope will be same and it will be equal to 337 for any horoscope and this is constant value.( SAV total 337 = 48+56 +39+39+52+54+49)If the beneficial points are known, then automatically we know the malefic points. Eight minus the beneficial points gives the malefic points ( if Guru Contributes 6 Beneficial points in Libra 9th house than Malefic would be (8-6= 2).

We have total seven planets and 1 Ascendant lagna that are 8 main reference points where we constitutes the 8 Bindus for reference check in Vimsotri and transiting planets so we called 8 Ashtavargka Lagnas charts , and there are twelve houses and 12 Signs in them, hence the total points should be 12 X 8 = 96, for each planet.

These 96 points may be beneficial or malefic. Jupiter contributes a huge 56 beneficial points out of 96 points reason it has much beneficial influence on other planets in 12 houses in a transit due to which it got more beneficial points, which means that 96 – 56 = 40 , Jupiter has 40 malefic points out of 96 Points and 56 Beneficial points.

This is the reason Jupiter is called the great beneficial because it got highest Beneficial Points in transits with respect to the radical positions from other planets. Similarly, Sun Contributes 48 Beneficial points, Mercury contributes 54 points, Venus contributes 52 points , Moon Contributes  49 Beneficial points. Mars and Saturn however, give only 39 beneficial points each, which means 96-39 = 57 malefic points.

That’s why Transiting effect of Saturn and Mars is Most imp in National Horoscopy  because of the  maximum malefic points they got in Ashtkavarga System and we have to see their placements in disastrous area to see their impact so we considered them as naturally malefic planets although Sun is not fully Malefic Planets as it has Got good number of Beneficial points in Ashtkavarga System so we can called it as mild Malefic planet.

This is the reason that Mars , Saturn and Sun are mostly Considered in Mundane astrology for their malefic influence of in Nation , World and individual Horoscopy Since the malefic points outnumber the benefic points they are called malefic planets and Sun as Mild Malefic. From the above, it can be observed that each and every planet gives both malefic and benefic results.

Following are the BAV Points or Bindus based on 12 Rasi’s in 12 houses with respect to the angular influence from other planets:

1) 0 Points gives Very bad result its like a dead planet.
2) 1 point better than nil results but still it is considered as very bad.
3) 3 point are also considered as malefic result and bad for transit.
4) 4 Points are neutral results for transits.
5) 5 Points are very good results in transits.
6) 6 Points are excellent for transits.
7) 7 points are Rare but it is like raaj yoga.
8) 8 Rare to see but if one get this results native usually get sudden rise and Sudden name and fame in this transits

How to Check  Saturn Transit ?

Checking a transit result from Ashtvarga System is a tricky part but if it get its very easy for you to predict the results based on transits of planets in Individual horoscopy.

The first basic rule is Never judge the results of the transits of Major planets like Saturn , Jupiter , Rahu and Ketu from Moon Signs always see the transits planets results from Individual lagna kundli based on Major points:

1) Birth sign : Check the  birth Sign having link with Saturn in kundli or not or Birth Sign is in the Nakashtra of Saturn or not  ,  If the natal Moon is placed in Capricorn or Aquarius, Saturn becomes the Moon’s Dispositor. Moon is actual indicator of your inner thoughts and your area of comfortable etc. So for Capricorn and Saturn Moon Sign or those having any link with Saturn in their Lagna chart, they must have to be discipline in thoughts processing level and  should have to cultivate or adopt disciplinarian ways of Saturn for those who are ignoring the way of discipline  and it will not be affected so much when Saturn actually transits over that signs and combinations.

2) Birth Nakashtra  :  check whether  moon is in Saturn Constellation  or not  if the natal Moon is placed in any of the 3 nakshatras owned by Saturn, i.e Pushya, Anuradha or uttaraBhadrapada, then following the principle given above, sadhesati or dhaiyya will not be very stressful for such a native.

3) Sign of Saturn transit:  check Sign of Saturn , When Saturn transit over its own sign, or those of its natural friends i.e, mercury and Venus it’s normally gives the better results as compared to its transit over the sign of its natural enemies i.e. the sun, the moon or mars.

4) Functional Lordship of planet:  Check the  functional lordship of Saturn or relation with functional beneficial lords during this saturn. lords of trines (trikonas) in a horoscope are always beneficial (i.e, lords of the 1st, 5th, and 9th house). If either the moon or Saturn are the lord of the trinal may not give bad case of fiery signs i.e. Aries, leo, and Sagittarius, neither Saturn nor the moon are lord of trines. Transit of Saturn is bad for natives with these moon signs .In all the other signs, one of the 2 planets i.e ,Saturn or the Moon is a functional beneficial and the results are better.

5) Strength in shadbala and bhavabala:  Check Strength of Saturn for individual Lagna in Strengths tools, i,e 8 types of strengths  – Shadbala ,  Bhavbala , chesta bala , Kala bala , dig-bala , drig bala and Naisargik bala ,  ishta and kashtha bala etc . if saturn and the moon have obtained the required strength in shadbala and their required ratio of the ratio that the strength is more than 1.0 then the transit effects of Saturn are better as compared to those where one or both of them are weak. The lower the ratio, the worse are the results .Similarly, in Bhavabala, if the house over which Saturn is transiting has more than 7.5 rupas in bhavabala. and in ranking is placed among the first six bhava then the evil effects of Saturn transit are lessened to a large extent and vice-verse.

6) Strength from AL :  Check strength of Saturn transit from Arudha lagna to see what it will  bring to you  in society i.e Saturn in 11th from AL – . Wealth , Financial Gain in this transit , 3rd from Al – Courage and Strength in this transits. This way you can better understand Saturn transit for Scorpio, what actually it indicate your directions in society.

7) Strength from Divisional charts : check Saturn transit from Different divisional charts i.e D9(Marriage and Dharma) , D4(Home , assets and Peace) , D7(Children) , D24 (education) , D10 ( work and career) from AL , A10 , UL , A7 , Sun , Moon and Lagna in Divisional chart lagans.

8)  Check the transits results from Natal Chart :  for the results as Natal lagna gives the actual results, not the moon lagna. Moon lagna should be check after the natal lagna as moon is about to perceive from the mind or from the state of mind. Means what we are feeling after we get the results means positive or negative feeling we are getting form the results as described in below mentioned cases :

for eg for Taurus lagna Guru is 8th and 11th lord which means in current Transit(20th june 2014) Guru going to be transit in Taurus 3rd house in cancer sign and will aspects the 7th , 9th and 11th house as Guru Mool trikona sign is in 8th house.

So, Guru will give its beneficial results to the native with respect to new initiatives in the business in new partnerships with loans or might start his marriage life with the partner .As it is in the 3rd house so it indicates good initiatives in the field of business , courage , communication and initiativeness etc.

It can give huge loan to the native in business matters as guru is 8th to the 8th house means new step with respect to the Loans and partnership in business/Marriage .As it is in 3rd house so native can start his business with their siblings or cousins with the loans they get from their initiatives .

Quite possibly with maternal cousins. Also aspecting the 7th house – the house of marriage and partnership , native might get married and also get success in the Marriage/business  partnership too and it will also give good interest into deep sciences in occult i.e study of the 8th house matters like the secret sciences like astrology , tantra mantra and all deep mystical knowledge’s of yoga , sidhis or mantra etc too.

Person might involve into deep research in all philosophical and advance knowledge in religion or might start his higher studies like MBA in financial studies as per the beneficial aspect of the guru on 9th house and aspecting 11th house too which means native will get good gain in all his perspective or every effort he put to achieve .

Now the picture of moon Sign came for eg If the Native Moon Sign is in Taurus than Guru will be in 3rd from it so it’s simply mean native will get huge mental courage and wisdom knowledge (as guru is in 3rd house in a sign of Cancer – So its all about mental courage and mental peace ) w.r.t to the 8th house and 11th house so native might able to handle all his tasks with its deep wisdom and mental balance got from the guru and will put his more metal initiative into getting every of all his works either marriage , business dealings , higher studies or deep studies also.

Take another example , for Capricorn and Aquarius lagna Saturn is lagnesh so we can Say Saturn is benefice for  Both the lagnas, For Capricorn Saturn will be in 11th house  which means Monetary gain , increase name and fame with respect 11th matters, sign Lord mars will indicate what native has to do in order to get gain. For eg. one Saturn has 5 Points(BAV) in 11th house- it means native will Get good gain and beneficial results. More than 28 Points(SAV)  of indicates native will get Clear Boom in that area. If moon is in Taurus which Means 5th house for Capricorn- Native will expect or feel comfortable gain regarding 7th house  matters, may be child will born , couple may get Wealth gain etc.

9) Vimsotri Dasa Lords : Transits are More effectively seen in any Horoscope so always check whether your Guru , Saturn , Ketu and Rahu Vimsotri Mahadashas , Antardashas and Pratyantar Dasha is running or not if any of them is Currently running than Major planets will give its most of the results in their transits.

I can say they can give results 99% majorly more fast and More Accurate and with maximum results . For e.g for Taurus lagna Guru act as Functionally Malefic as it is the lord 8th house and also lord of the 11th too so When it is transits to Taurus lagna Native may fall sick and have Some health issues too and we can see this result when a native Guru Mahadasha , Antardasha or Pratyantar dasha will be running else results will be less to see but Final verdict will be predicted on ashta-varga system.

10) Finally time the results of the transits Based on the Individual Bhina Ashta varga and Sarvashtakavarga chart for Major transit Planets for eg – for Taurus lagna Guru Mahadasha , Saturn AD is running and Guru is transiting In 3rd house in cancer , Saturn is transiting in 7th house and in BAV Chart of Guru has having 4 Beneficial points out of 8 ( 4 Negative point too ) , saturn has 5 Benefic points ( Indicates very good State of Saturn) which means native will get the transit result of the Guru in 70-50 %  manner or you can say 50% negative 50 % positive for Guru and 70 % Beneficial results for Saturn.

As 4 points gives neutral results not much bad or not much less and when there is Guru MD dasha and Sat AD  too than we can assume both the results at maximum level and we Can expect Something around result of 7th house – Marriage , Business and Partnership etc , Native may marry during this time period. we can  confirm this in SAV Chart too ,  Guru has having 27 Beneficial Points in 3rd house out of 56 which means 2 negative points are more so this transit of Guru will give its 50-50 results wrt to Marriage , Business dealings , higher studies , Deep occult studies and Saturn 31 Points which means – Professional Brilliance, Spiritual gain  and Ring for marriage and gain in partnership too.

I Hope now you will able to cast your transits results with more accurate and scientifically way for any major transits of any planets.


On 2nd of November Saturn is going to enter Scorpio a Slow moving planet whose only motive is Make a balance or to fix things cosmologically , in mundane or in Individual Horoscopy.

Saturn Aspects are Killer aspects for Enemic signs but good for beneficial or friends signs.Place where Saturn transits indicates what you have to fix or what you have to rectify regarding that house or that sign or that traits natives possess.

for E.g for Aries Native native has to face some sort of transformation w.r.t to income , career prospects , it will be positive transformation but it will goes form negative to positive side, so  this way you can check for any lagna transit for Saturn.

Current Saturn transit Will be good for Taurus , Gemini , Leo , Virgo , Capricorn , Aquarius , Pisces lagna- Taursian can  experience good Professional rise and ring for marriage , Gemini can hear news for some sudden moment or travel w.r.t to work and career purpose ,  Leo will get time to fix their home matters and relationship with their partners.

Virgo will get courage to cross the barrier of restrictions and and gain in professional front,  Capricorn will hear good news in Wealth , gain or increase in bank balance or news for change in job area , Aquarius will get new prospect to change their work profile , they will get new opportunities to change their work front or think around what they really wanted to in career.

Aries , Cancer and Libra has to work more on their issues of transformations and Regeneration energies to fix their Children’s , studies , affairs matters and Family issues , values and wealth matters.For Scorpion and Sagittarius People they need to fix their ideology and they need some time to fix what is going around their environment, what is running in their mind or thoughts or in their brain, so everything related to Brain and thoughts. they need to fix their Persona and Spiritual belief , family issues.

For India Saturn will be in Scorpio Sign  which is again a sign opp of Taurus and Sign placed in Western direction and coastal regions of India, we need to take more proactive actions against earthquakes, cyclonic issues in  coastal areas of India and to those countries which are lying near Taurus and Scorpio.

We need to work with patience and smooth dealing with foreign affairs as we can see there will be a downfall in external affairs with other countries or there may be Loss in foreign trade or fall in foreign policies , Hidden conspiracy will increase against Nation of India we can see a condition or situation like war by western countries lying to our western zone, so India need to be self aware and Self protective against any secret activities by our Opp Parties , agencies, rivalries  or Opp Countries .


For  natal Horoscope , Best Remedy is to Recite and Propitiate Lord Saturn by ” Neela Shani Stotra ” Created by King Dashratha or Read Whole Story of King Vikrama aditya , Read About lord Saturn in Padma Puran and Read Shani Shaman Book and understand its course for different zodiacs and do remedies as mentioned in ” Shani Shaman ” , Be calm and down to earth and do your responsibilities of Real world seriously , make your self more serious towards your moral duties, respect women, Saturn is more serious in Scorpio Sign so do everything more seriously with more serious approach in life.

With Thanks and Regards,
Rocky Jamwal

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Ashtakavarga System – Dr B.V Raman
Double transit theory for transit –  Shiri K.N Rao
Wikipedia ,  Shani Shaman , Nakashtra – By Dennis Harness

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pin Saturn Transit in Scorpio: Return of Saturn in Scorpio in November 2014, Complete understanding on transit of saturn in different nakashtras in scorpio with mundane analysis

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A Research Insight: Prediction of Unfortunate event of New Delhi on 30th May 2014 of Stormy and Dusty windstorm Catastrophe Came True

A Research Insight: Prediction of Unfortunate event of New Delhi on 30th May 2014 of Stormy and Dusty windstorm Catastrophe Came True While Discussing The Mundane Astrological Concepts with Student on 29th May 2014:

proxy? A Research Insight: Prediction of Unfortunate event of New Delhi on 30th May 2014 of Stormy and Dusty windstorm Catastrophe Came True

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It was a Stormy Night in My city on 29th of May 2014 2 @10 Pm when I was Discussing the Mundane Astrological and astronomical techniques for how to check Winds and Storms via astrologically and astronomically way and also predicting the nation’s catastrophe events like Rains, Earthquakes, Wars, Floods and Cyclones to One of my Student who is living in New Delhi.

proxy? A Research Insight: Prediction of Unfortunate event of New Delhi on 30th May 2014 of Stormy and Dusty windstorm Catastrophe Came True

It was a quite interesting discussion on prediction of Natural disasters via Indian Astrological and Astronomical Techniques which were given in Brihat Samhita of Varahmhir. I was teaching her how we can Predict Natural Disaster on our cities, Indian States and Countries and even on world level too.

I suddenly asked Her Some Questions on Astronomy while I was also checking the same on my software:->

Me: did you felt so much heat after 28th may ?

Student: She Said Yes It was much heat In the city it was around about 44 Deg.

( I said ) Me: you know why?

Me : I said Let me Explain : Heat Wave Usually happen in the Atmosphere when Sun and moon usually both are conjugated on those signs which are closer to the line of equators and on the Day of Day 28th May 2014 both Sun and Moon were in Taurus Sign and in future they will be Gemini and cancer signs and all those signs are very closer to the equator and so we will sure gone feel Much heat waves in the Northern regions of India for eg Jammu , New Delhi , Punjab , UP , Mp and Some of those cities which are closer to Line of Cancer like Rajasthan , Gujarat , Mizoram etc.

When sun transits to these signs after 19th June 2014 we will experience much heat in northern and Tropical states of India.

Astronomical Reason Is Sun usually evaporates the water and creates humidity in the atmosphere and when it goes close to the moon on those 2.5 days we can experience much humidties and heat in our atmosphere and this actually happened when moon goes closer to Sun on 28th of May 2014 there was much heat in all the northern regions of India as well as much moisture and humidity too.

I further said it will be over when you wake up in the morning of 30th may and you will experience much cooler atmosphere as on 30th of May 2014 morning as Moon will be more closer to Mercury in the same nakashtra of Mrigshira which is the nakshtra of Ketu and it can bring Sudden change in the Wind in city.

As Mercury is the planet who controls Winds and Dusty storms and when moon goes closer to Mercury we can experience much wind in the atmosphere

Student: She Said Amazing! Indian astronomy is so amazing even we can predict weather too.

I further Said in added to the upper explanation was there any Strong Wind in your city or Strong Storm in your city currently going on ?

Student Said: She said nothing! There is nothing like that there is only Heat of 44 Degree.

Me: I said there will be a Strong Windy and Dusty Storm may Hit New Delhi on 30th of May 2014 till 7 Pm.

Student: She further said! How it could be Possible.

Me : I explained it further and said ! It usually happen when moon moves closer to the Mercury in daily transit you can experience Windy atmosphere in those 2.5 days and you will see much Wind when tomorrow it will approach to mercury and Moon has the capability to gives cool breeze in the air when it combines with mercury as Mercury is the lord of the winds so you can experience cool wind at night on 30th May 2014 after 7 Pm and will feel a change in atmosphere from the morning but my Point of Stress was something else Mercury will move to Ardra Nakashtra on 6 deg 40 ‘ exactly @ 17:00 Hr (5 Pm) @ New Delhi. what Will happen at that time !.

But there was one thing which was keep running in my mind and it was giving me the Deep stress inside as Both Moon and Mercury Will be in Ketu and Rahu nakashtra respectively which can bring sudden damages to the city .

As Moon Will be much closer to Mercury on 30th of may 2014 but both Moon and mercury will be in Mrigshira and Ardra nakshatra respectively and both are the nakshatra of Sudden climatic changes and can give Sudden climatic catastrophe if further Rahu and Saturn aspect it or join it in a transit so I was quiet worried deeper inside as New Delhi may face Sudden Strong Dusty Wind storm which can damage the City to much extent.

Astrological and Astronomical reason Behind Catastrophe Event on 30th May 2014:

My Point of Tension was the Gemini sign which is to be considered as the most Destructive sign for any catastrophic events and history has seen this many time in the country and in Indian we have seen last year 2013 when We have transit of 5 major planets were transiting on Gemini sign on 16th June 2013 & we Experienced the nation most Disastrous event in the Nation of India – “ The Kedarnath Catastrophe “ and with the same thing it was Disturbing me much.

As when Moon will move into Gemini Sign on 30th may 2014 , Moon will be in Same nakashtra of which Mercury is lording too “The Mrigshira nakshtra ” whose lord Ketu is already present in Aries Sign in 12th house from the Taurus lagna of India & Having both Venus and Ketu present in it , both the planets in Ashwani nakashtra whose lord is Ketu nakshtra already there in 12th house So i can say Situation would be Very Dangerous for the nation Because Ketu is considered as the Most Randomly,Unpredictable and Disastrous planet in Mundane Astrology which can bring Disaster and Havoc to any nation.

Most Important thing will be at that time was Both Ketu and Venus will in 12th from Taurus lagna “ The India Chart “ and 12th Simply means Sudden Damages & Destruction to the properties , Sudden Changes in the climate and it could be Sudden Thunderstorm and Lightning with heavy rains too and it lead to Heavy loss to the city as Both the planets were getting aspect from Rahu , sat and Mars too.So we can Assume Situation will be Different after the thunderstorm and Sudden Climatic Change in New Delhi.

As Ketu is the only planet who has the capability to Bring any Sudden Disastrous challenge in any nation like nuclear explosion, unexpected Wars, Sudden Tsunamis and High cyclones and High atmospheric pressure and if it is any case conjoined or being aspect by Saturn , Mars and Rahu , than it can bring major damages and Loss to any nation .

In “ India Independent chart “ we have this Proof as Rahu was also Transiting on Libra sign also aspect the Gemini Sign Where Moon, Mercury and Jupiter are already present and we can Expect there will be a disaster going to be happen soon on 30th of may 2014 on Most hi-Tech City of the nation ( Gemini Sign- Indicates Hi-Tech Nations , States or Countries and Sign belong to North of India where New Delhi , Jammu , Punjab Like cities falls ).

When Moon will be in Ketu nakashatra and when mercury will be transiting in
“6 degree 40′ ” – “ The degree of “ Most Dreadful Ardra Nakshtra of Rahu “ I was assuming Delhi May hit Strong Dust Storm on “17: 00 “ Hr @20th May 2014 at 6 Degree 40′ when Mercury will be exactly in Rahu ( Ardra nakashtra) exactly at 17:00 Hr and Delhi may face Strong and Heavy wind Storm which never going to be happened in the New Delhi ever. As at that time both Rahu and Ketu will have that capability to Damage the city badly and hit with big Dusty wind Storms.

As on the Current Transit on 30th of May 2014 When Mercury will move to 6 Deg 40’ Rahu can give much disaster to the city of Delhi reason being it will aspect Both Gemini and Aries from Virgo sign where Mars is there and Saturn also going to aspect on Aries too where Venus and Ketu will be there which will be the 12th from Lagna ( the house of damage and Destruction ) and nakashatra lord of Moon will be there too so we can Expect Strong Windy wave and Dusty-storm ( Because of Mercury on most dreadful nakashatra of Ardra ) and Rahu also getting Aspect on Gemini Sign at same time as well as Aries sign too so we can expect That storm has capability to damage much and it can affect all the electricity and all the communication as well as all Airo control System functionality of the city too as Rahu is Lording both the electricity and Air Space system too in Mundane astrology.

This Movement of Mercury in ardra nakshtra will affect all the communication system in the city as Mercury will be in in Rahu nakshtra and Rahu also aspect Mercury too so we can Assume there will me much disturbance in communication system and this will be a sudden surprise to New delhi as moon is in the Ketu nakashtra ( planet of bringing Sudden and unexpected things ) and later we will experience thunderstorm too as Mars also aspect Aries sign too by direct aspect and Gemini by Rasi aspect.

So ,that was the Question of my worry which bring the Destruction Of New Delhi and it came Suddenly during the Mundane Discussion lesson with one of Student.

Now i am assuming Indian astronomical System can gives faster prediction than the Indian meteorological system.

News Reference for Same :

pin A Research Insight: Prediction of Unfortunate event of New Delhi on 30th May 2014 of Stormy and Dusty windstorm Catastrophe Came True

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