How Planets influences and effects human affairs

Magnetosphere rendition How Planets influences and effects human affairs

How Planets influences and affects human affairs

Magnetic field and Influence: 

Scientifically Saturn has a magnetic field (Power of Attraction and controlling any Jeeva for enforcing duties and responsibilities) about 578 times more powerful than the Earth’s, that shows the power, and force of attraction (Gravity) which is impossible to count, further shows the impact and controlling nature it possesses toward Rest of planetary structure from Mercury to Jupiter. This shows any Moving and rotating body circulation motion has a deep role in impacting any nearby celestial body within its range.


The thing is how huge celestial bodies floating in solar system effects so badly that we cannot think more than from it. Well, the answer lies in understanding the solar magnetic forces or currents they produce and how they influence, which keep on affecting any particle in contact with these huge celestial bodies.


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Understanding Scientific Hypothesis of solar magnetic currents

According to the “Swami Abhedananda” as explained in Heliocentric science, Effects of the planets upon on earth are the results of the certain vibrations, frequencies and circulatory motions of their bodies.These vibrations usually travel’s in an outer space from all the direction and strike the sun like a telegraphic signals those keep coming to the receiver end (Here sun is acting as the source of accepting and reflecting back those waves and signals) and in the same way sun strike back or reflect those telegraphic waves in all the direction to the sender ends

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Here both the Sun and rest of the planets are acting like a communication channel, whereas rest of the planets act like Transponder and the sun is acting like as the receiver who keep on responding those signals from outer space.These vibrations always coming from the other planetary ends in a regular manner in the medium of “Ether” and keep beating on the atmosphere of the sun.when they Strike to the surface of the sun they cannot penetrate through the sun, in return they reflected back and goes in every direction and strike to all other planets including earth too.


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These waves or vibrations are like magnetic current travelling everywhere in the solar surface and it has influence of each and every planet and they keep on sending this current to the sun, and sun keep on sending back these influences to other planets in all the directions and these currents keep on travelling from one planet to the other planet affecting weather surface, Mental and physical conditions of the human beings living on those planets. Larger the planet is located much powerful would be the magnetic current it has to send back to the sun and after coming back from the sun it gets magnetised by the solar atmosphere with much-telling influences on the human mind, weather, atmosphere and physical conditions of the human being.


solar wind bow shock How Planets influences and effects human affairs
These solar magnetic currents or waves of energy produce force and vitality and they are reflected upon the earth from every direction.Every planetary current has a much-telling influence on the human mind and body.Then Sun send it back to the medium of ether in the same way to the earth via its radiation, It has everything including light, Sound, different wavelength of colour, heat, Pran Shakti, Vitality, power, force and other telling influences those are gathered from the rest of the planets in certain wavelengths and they get mixed up with heat and light of the sun.

Our ancient seers and astronomers studied these patterns very well and then they understood that why human beings are more or less affected by the influence of each planet motion.


Because of the quick motion of the Mercury around the sun, it produces a much-telling influence on the human mind and brain functionality as it waves get much magnetised by the sun and in result vibration of the mercury produces quickness, Activity, changeableness, Hilarity, wittiness and brilliant intelligence.It has also been observed that these vibrations also produces different forms too, its vibrations are very quick and shorter in nature, that’s why its goes quick and back in much shorter period.

The result will be it has a much shorter influence on the human mind and body during its transitory and retrogression motion.Same way Venus has bit slower vibrations and it’s in a pleasant form.

It produces a soothing and harmonious influence on the human mind as well as on the weather too, and whenever Venus vibrations strike to anyone it produces harmonic vibrations around heart chakra those helps in a healthy relationship with any other being.Jupiter Has much longer, powerful but slower vibrations due to its slow motion and much broader surface and it produces vast and huge waves around earth helps in harmonic growth around human mind and body and when it strikes to the sun it gets harmonized by the sun and same it is reflected back to the surface of earth it has much-telling influence on the mind and it affects more on the Spiritual ground affecting human mind in a most positive way because it has much smoother and harmonic relation with the medium of the waves (The Ether – Akash Tattva).


As it is very huge in size and largest among all it has tremendous power of influence on the human mind, body and the surface of the earth weather condition. It has the quality of absorbing everything and when it strikes to human mind it gives healthy and powerful vitality force to the human body and absorbs every negativity around it.Now coming to the Saturn, it has very long, heaviest and much slower vibrations than any of the planets in the solar system and its waves and vibrations are very powerful and strong and it produces disintegrating influence on the human mind and body.Each of these different vibrations coming from different planets having different wavelength produces different effects in human system and characteristics of the human too.

Saturn being much slower in motion for longer period, its magnetic current has much influence on the inner side of the body and has more influence on the bone and flesh of the human being and its vibrations produce more a restriction on a person or its activity and have more of all kind of disintegrating effects on human body with diseases connected with it.

Source and Reference,

 Heliocentric science by 

Swami Abhedananda

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Quantum mechanics in Jyotish – Understanding Multiverse Karma, How our karmic energy effects our time thread

How our karmic energy effects our time thread and planetary motions

pearson threads of time labyrinth of time1 Quantum mechanics in Jyotish - Understanding Multiverse Karma, How our karmic energy effects our time thread

Karma is widely considered as a continuous process, always in motion and moves with perfect order and speed. Every karma has its perfect order and bind with multiple time threads those made out of our karma either in past, present or in future actions. Whatever we do in any form either physical one or mental are simply connected with these time threads and every action and thought travel in universe also connected with these multi-verse time threads, thus shows how time is connected with every and each part of our karma which means karma is an eternal process and has perfect order and rotatory speed.

That’s what lord Shiri Krishna said in Bhagwat Geeta in Chapter 3,  Text 5,  Karma-yoga :

Na hi kascit ksanam api
jatu tisthaty akarma-krt
karyate hy avasah karma
sarvah prakrti-jair gunaih
na—nor; hi—certainly; kaścit—anyone; kṣaṇam—even a moment; api—also; jātu—even; tiṣṭhati—stands; akarma-kṛt—without doing something; kāryate—is forced to do; hi—certainly; avaśaḥ—helplessly; karma—work; sarvaḥ—everything;prakṛti-jaiḥ—out of the modes of material nature; guṇaiḥ—by the qualities.
” All men are forced to act helplessly according to the impulses born of the modes of material nature; therefore no one can refrain from doing something, not even for a moment.”
(Reference – Bhagwad Geeta, Karma Yoga, chapter 3, Source –

” karma is a flow and no one can sit idle, everyone has to do its associated karma to survive in the karmic world, even god itself never sit idle either it is a physical or mental one. Karama always in action even when one is not willing to act in any way “.

This shows how god is itself in motional form but the rotational speed of god and our karma bind with us Only with our soul and way we think broadly that only decides how we can understand god around us and how our karma matters much in understanding actions of planetary forces.

Now, what are Time threads?

gravquantumphysedfig Quantum mechanics in Jyotish - Understanding Multiverse Karma, How our karmic energy effects our time thread

In a questionnaire dialogue between Charlie Kaufma and Brian Greene regarding understanding on the fabric of time and cosmos, famous astrophysicist Brian Greene explained in a very simplest form how we can understand time in our day to day life –

The Question was: What is Time?

Mr Greene said: “The mechanism by which you can notice the change is exactly the definition of time ” He suggested that it may be a derivative idea, an emergent property, not elemental to the first equations of physics. The equations certainly do not distinguish between past and future. In fact, all moments of time are in existence. We can imagine an expanse of space before our eyes, but not time. This is merely a limit of our representative imagination. It is just as “real,” even “material,” as this computer, or the Pacific Ocean.

Why do we experience a sequence—a passage, a flow—of time?

Mr Greene offers an evolutionary explanation. Establishment of a now (including an imprinted past in the form of memory) distinct from a future leads to predicting and anticipating, planning and striving, brain-initiated functions that encourage acquisition of energy until the replication of DNA, and thus survival in nature. Mr Greene insists that there is no mathematical distinction between present and future. There is no unique NOW. (“And is that, is that what they’re thinking these days?” said Mr Kaufman, mind blown, to a laugh).

Words ultimately fail here– although Mr Kaufman’s, writer that he is, was often perfectly selected. “Now is a function of a brain. If there is no brain, I think there is no now. It just is, whatever that means.” (“Do you guys . . . smoke a lot of pot?” the novelist and Kaufman-collaborator Susan Orlean humorously asked during the question period). Let it be known, too, that quantum physics complicates this picture.

What is time in Vedic Cosmology ?
Quantum mechanics in Jyotish - Understanding Multiverse Karma, How our karmic energy effects our time thread

The Hindu concept of time is cyclical (and eternal and degenerative). Time is preciously based on two schemes, one is used for creation and destruction of planetary structures for human beings and it is endless, eternal and cyclic in nature and another part of the time is purely mathematical also cyclic in nature and preciously exist in both material and non-material form.

That shows time is circular and cyclic in nature and keep moving around us. Question is how we can relate it and understand it in our day to day life actions.

The answer is simple – Our Karma decides how we move in time threads.

The karma we do decides how it has perfect speed and harmony with nature itself. If we look out at scientific definition of Time is what -It is also simply a cyclic or circular motion and follows a certain amount of speed based on our karmic energies based on spiritual aspects.

If we compare it with planet’s – they are also in motion, cyclic and circular in nature too and thus shows they too have some karma or actions or certain amount of energies associated with them and follows certain order and speed since many eras from the beginning of creation  with  many variations in speed and motion shows root of everything, including time is – The speed and Motion of our karma.

Something’s keep flowing and keep moving everything in perfect order is simply our karma and energies associated with those karmas.

Take an Expression as T – Time, K – Karama and P – Planets and write it down as a direct proportion relation of karmic motions acting as key and shows a formula for decoding time and karmic link.

i.e  Time = Karama x Motion + Cyclic loop, Planets also works on same phenomena = Speed x Motion + Cyclic Loop.

Moving in certain order following a system.

That shows  Both time and Karma is Interrelated to each other in some way, what we do directly effects our time threads and same effects thus are seen via planetary movements too.


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This means that everything is karmic in nature from individual actions to natural disasters at a particular location’s. Our karmic energies thus influence actions pertaining to natural forces either it is individual or its a group actions.

If you want to understand how planets are effecting us this is the answer for them those who are always in a state of dilemma how planets affect our karma and how our karma are interrelated with planetary action in a vice versa relationship.

This proves Jyotish Planetary science is simply a karmic science based on our karmic actions and energies associated with them.

The motion of planets is simply relative to our motion and speed of karma.How well we do our karma will decide our destinies and planets effects will reflect it in the same and can be astrologically analysed.Same way the time is moving karmas are also moving and relative with our planetary speed and motions.

If you can move your karma fast maybe you can cross time dilatation and able to travel in an interstellar manner. Simply, Time, karmas and planetary motions are moving in perfect harmony with each other if you stop, time will be stop for you but it will keep running eternally in background as always endless in a circular loop.

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Earth’s Ascension: Decoded – How earth is Rapidly moving to new age of advance DNA with increasing amount of Cosmic energies

The penned write up would unravel the mystery to all the mortals, which is possible solely through the heavenly plan, as only awakened and enlightened souls who are potential star seeds (signifies the human beings/ other extra-terrestrial beings, who have experienced the life anywhere in the Universe than earth) would be able to read and explore the path intricately explained. Consider the propitious moment of swimming through this article, as your providence, which would be a pointer to the fact that you are a faction of the celestial strategy, which would attract the energy of the soul towards the vigor which would enable sparking the light.

                                                       “I announce to the Universe,
                                  to bring the star seeds* together on this planet earth, &
                                                    to become aware of this article, &
                        this lights up the soul consciousness which they are carrying inside!!
                              Let the light workers be awake now and serve the Divine Plan.”

As time elapsed, the vibrational frequency of earth descended with the ascent in the act(s) of Kaam (Lust), Krodh (Anger), Lobh (Greed), Moh (Ignorance) & Ahankaar (Ego). Consequently, Earth sloped to the third dimension from the fifth, which in vedic terms, can be referred to or correlated with the shift of Yugas from Satyug to Kaliyug. After earth inclined to lower facet, innumerable scholars and rational beings left earth and never reincarnated. This could be possible due to the fact, which might be thought of as the receiving of guidance from the higher aspects in the galaxy to allow earth to complete 24000 cycles to attain the energy level, which would be appropriate to climb to higher extents.

Subsequent to the completion of 26000 earth cycles, earth would be able to channelize the negative energy vibrations from the atmosphere, and, the codes from the higher dimensions shall be released, from the core of the earth, which could manifest itself in any of the following forms; through the release of the seismic energy, melting of icecaps and/or by shift of current soul consciousness into a spiritual being.

Earth completed the 26000 cycles as on December 12, 2012 and is now ready for ascension to the fifth dimension. There is a huge energy influx experienced by every soul on the earth plane, which is affecting the physical, emotional and mental set-up, thus creating turbulence in the auric field of the physical body.

The Galactic Council (Union of star nations, similar to UN) arrived at a consensus in the previous session to include earth in the council, but, before earth becomes a part of the galactic council to participate in the deific proposal, earth had to be rise to the fifth dimension, so that human also carry the same consciousness and awakening inside and is capable of becoming an inter-dimensional being.

This ascension will serve the following objectives

  • Alteration in the energy vibration of the earth, so as to match the fifth dimension energy field, which reflects a shift from Kaliyug to Satyug

  • Creation of a new human who has 12 stranded DNA carrying all the qualities from the 12 dimensions, which would enlighten the soul and elevate the consciousness to higher levels

  • Accelerate the spiritual progress of life on earth

  • Craft a pain free environment at physical, mental and emotional plane

  • Generate humans as astral plane/multi-dimensional beings than a physical plane being

  • Achieve the completion of the era of duality at the earth plane level

Ascension And Rebirth Earth’s Ascension: Decoded - How earth is Rapidly moving to new age of advance DNA with increasing amount of Cosmic energies

To serve the purpose of ascension, the energy has been released on earth thru’ Sun which is like a doughnut in the hot air oven getting heat energy from all the directions while rotational motion. With the beginning of new 26000 earth cycles, there was an enormous change, as the foundation of the 3rd dimension gave way to fluidity of new dimensions of reality. We are becoming independent sovereign beings, releasing our ego personality’s expectations.

Profound and remarkable shift is progressively relocating from knowing to accepting. With the birth of this new sovereign being, there is a need to accept that there is no authority supreme than thyself. The necessity to learn, to balance the ego personality with the divine, in entirety because this totality is responsible for running the complete show; and, in quantum physics, wholeness is collapsing the quantum waves of potential, into particle form or matter, thus, leading to the formulation of novel creations in the new earth.

The wisdom of the universe in encapsulated in a holographic field, which is held by the life on earth. Therefore, to serve the divine plan, the call of the hour is for unity in form of loving kindness, and, this cohesion will help the life on earth be geared up for this shift. Helping each other to walk the path, is the key to serve one another, and, thus, the divine plan.

The ascended prodigies are now back on earth to help shift to the new dimension. Earth has 14,400 masters back on earth, working on, organizing earth to absorb the energy and transmitting the same into humans for awakening the soul and the consciousness. The virtuoso from other dimensions, namely; Sirius, Andromeda, Arcturia, Pleaides, Lyra, Epsilon Lyra are sending codes to the light workers on earth and guiding to release energy codes from various portals (on earth) and transmitting the same in the current human DNA, which can be achieved through meditations and breathing exercises.

The symptoms of this ascension phase are quite lucid to humans, because, simultaneously, earth and humans are ascending to the next dimension. The feeling of anxiety and pressure in life, could be at a physical level, manifesting as weak eye sight, head pain, dry and bumpy scalp, shorter sleep period, imbalance in the emotional sensitivity, awareness of the spiritual world, no dreaming, skin irritation, increased spherical consciousness.

Humans can prepare for this ascension at the individual level. At the completion of comprehension of this editorial, a thought is sowed in the consciousness which will cater to becoming proximate in preparing for this big transition and towards new you. Acceptance of one such single thought will transform the complete chemistry of life form at the cellular & DNA levels.

To speed up ascension progress, contribute towards yourself, and then, serve the cosmic blueprint. Stated underneath are tasks/activities that can be adopted in the routine to enhance the ascension process

  • Observe the love inside, for self, for fellow beings, nature, divine and every creation

  • Restrict to the vegan diet, specifically green vegetables in the raw form; green vegies contain chlorophyll which has the light holding capacity, and nourishes the soul by providing the light restored in it from energy of the sun

  • Meditate at least 30 minutes a day to enhance the energy field and cleanse the energy centers

  • Adopt the Dantian cleansing meditation/therapy, which will help cleaning the impressions the soul is carrying from past birth(s)

  • Drink lots of mineralized water which will keep the internal system clean & fresh, helping the body to absorb energy

  • Perform Pranayaam (breathing yoga technique), which will facilitate to absorb energy codes from the environment

  • Listen to various energy transmission by masters like Judy Satori, Patriji, Barbara Marcinieck which are transmitted in the language of light
The rational of this artifact is to help awaken many masters & enlighten souls to be a part of the blissful proposal and guide to help realize the true soul potential.

Let us celebrate every breathe and ascend together !!

*star seeds signifies the human beings/ other extra-terrestrial beings, who have experienced the life anywhere in the Universe than earth.

With thanks and Regards, 
Love & Hug 
Vishal Sood 

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