Reasons for Increase in Natural Catastrophes or sudden climatic changes based on school of Vedanta – How Prakarti or Nature is changing and working silently in Mundane World to establish balance in Tri Gunas

Reasons for Increase in Natural Catastrophes or sudden climatic changes based on school of Vedanta - How Prakarti or Nature is changing and working silently in Mundane World to establish balance in Tri Gunas

Unseen world is composed of 90 % Prakarti 3 forms of energies; Satva energy (Energy in Rest, Praana Energy or Sookshma Energy, cause for promoting Satva guna in nature, energy of beginning) , Rajas (Energy in Motion – Kinetic Energy, cause for material manifestation) and Tamas (Energy in Mass or inertia, cause for Matter, Material creation and destruction ) and Seen world is made up of 10% Mass or Matter and it is made out of Maya (Dark Matter in Science and Divine energy in Upnishads responsible for creation and manifestation of cosmos). What we are seeing is only 10% rest of 90 % is Hidden and cant be seen via naked eyes and neither science will able to prove it.

Reasons for Increase in Natural Catastrophes or sudden climatic changes based on school of Vedanta - How Prakarti or Nature is changing and working silently in Mundane World to establish balance in Tri Gunas
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Sookashma(Sub Atomic level) is what we cant experience by physical knowledge or physical body it need Sookshma Vision and higher soul level Energy to understand it.In modern Science language 90% of world is in living in Sub-Sub atomic level(in Quantum World) and it is beyond for current Humans beings DNA level to understand it fully in simpler form. The DNA level of Seers and people who were living in Doophar, treta and Sat yuga were composed of Highly Precious and Extreme helix Structure.They were highly intelligent being and biological structures are beyond our imagination, living in multidimensional yuga with abilities to use sookshama energies at maximum either for traveling or for any material manifestation.

prakriti2 Reasons for Increase in Natural Catastrophes or sudden climatic changes based on school of Vedanta - How Prakarti or Nature is changing and working silently in Mundane World to establish balance in Tri Gunas
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In Spiritual terms we called it they were living in Sookshma energies form or in Quantum world structure or having solid understanding of Praana Energy form (Purest energy form) or absolute form (The god Component), to convert it into any mass or matter or to flexible their body according to environment. Means they have the vision or composed of highly superior subconscious to understand it or see it without physical eyes. They were having solid understanding of Prakarti Gunas, How Prakriti itself created all the matter or how it his holding individually and who is behind it- The Supreme reality. Without Prakarti tri Gunas Nothing could be manifest in any form.Stars, Planets, Space, Nature, Rivers, animals and Humans etc all are Manifested form of Prakarti, means made out of another form – ” The Maya – indicative of Physical existence of all ” , when Prakarti originated out of Purusha at the beginning. Whole universe is made out of vibration of  two Energies – The Shiva(+) &  The Shakti (-), the true absolute form of creative energies responsible for vibration and dynamism in  the universe.What we are seeing via naked eyes or what we are sensing or observing is manifested form of  ” The Maya – Sub part of Tamas energy in Mass”. In scientific terms we can translate as Matter made out of huge explosion in the beginning after darkness which means before nothing there was everything present too. In Language of spirituality it is Maya – Present in physical form and what is hidden is Sookshma (The Absolute energy or Brahman Tatva or simply the Vibrating energies in science, always there but not in visible form) that is what these days sciences is referring as how everything came into existence and how everything is bound in this universe out of unseen energies – That what is  the ultimate theory of everything – The String theory.

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Satyug was composed of 100% Satvic Energy and Satvic knowledge when people were almost in zero point gravity or you can say were mostly in Saadhna or in transcendental form, because of this they were living up-to lakhs of years or can survive even without any food or any physical requirements, all because of purest form of energy channelization. Treta Yuga was composed of 100% Rajasic Energy where people were mostly in Pleasure, enjoyment and in good living where most of their energies are spent in creation, building physical forms means energies were in kinetic form in creating something, without vibrating energies nothing could be create in any Physical form(Mass), that’s the reason Knowledge was in Rajasic form.

Doophar Yuga was Composed of 50% Rajas and Satva Both and at the end of Doophar Tamas Gun was superimposed it when We met Mahabharta around 3000 BC which was the beginning of the Kaliyuga period when people were mostly near destruction or misusing the knowledge, Rajas ultimately at end gives zero satisfaction because it bound soul in cycles in death and Birth. Kaliyuga was Composed of equal amount of Satva, Rajas and Tamas Guna that’s why Kaliyuga is most longest yuga from all and we have seen many frequent changes within short span of periods, In Kaliyuga people will Suppress Rajas and Satva energy and promote Tamas guna means everything who is in Mass form or physical form will be act as proof of living or proof for science, all material knowledge will in in boom, Jyotish will be one of important knowledge in realizing Spirituality in kaliyug but nature will be very vibrant in Kaliyuga because of increasing Tamas Energy.

The guna we promote Prakarti will behave according to it and will take its shape in Kaliyuga. Prakarti works according to Newton 3rd Law; equal and opp reaction formula, what you do same will get in that form but result will be depend on action chosen.If there is Adharma or Mass killing involve in action chosen or idea behind it, prakarti will be in fierce form and will be responsive with same amount of tamas energy; whose only initiation is to destruct , e,g Mass death in Uttrakhand – Adharma, Increases in tamas and Rajas energy around temples and Sexual activities around temple was the reason and there are many more hidden reason only who suffered there can better tell, Mass death in Nepal earthquake – animal slaughterings was the main reason behind equilibrium imbalance in Nepal, scientifically there was major shift in Himalaya’s Tectonic plates, ultimately is the seed of Lord Shiva and there might be other reasons too but uniqueness is more the Tamas energy Humans send or radiate from any place, nature will show its fury in its form and In Kashmir from 1990 – Humans slaughtering via Terrorist activities was actual initiation of Tamas energy, animals killings in mass and adhamara in the land of Seers was the main reason why Kashmir is again and again facing natural catastrophes and there will be many more to experience in future.If slightly try to analyze most of the areas drown via floods were the Lands of Lord Shiva (3rd energy(Tamas) for destruction’s). This is the reason why in Kaliyug, Knowledge ultimate motive is to make either Rajas based Equipments or to make those equipments whose ultimate destiny will lead to destruction’s or either it took shape into destruction’s knowingly or unknowingly.

Manhattan Project suggested by Albert Einstein to work on Nuclear bomb against Germany was an example to learn from it how nature acted and reacted on idea itself for mankind destruction.Nuclear explosion on Japan was an example how knowledge took its form in Tamas form ultimately we have seen many changes after that, mass killings and massive changes in environment. This is the reason why these days we are seeing increase in numbers and volumes of mass deaths via Natural catastrophes like Earthquakes, Rains, Floods etc because Prkarti Acting and Reacting based on Humans Gunas. More the Tamas guna promote in humans more natural catastrophes will come soon, Prakarti is Relatively working on humans actions and reactions theories, in Modern science it is called Time Ripples – What you choose , time will shift in that direction that’s why time is working based on multidimensional world and Future world is completely based on Current Karmas, actions and consequences, Bad karmas will create bad consequences and ultimately lead to destruction’s in future, simply Mankind will decay in its process.

Humans actions are leading consequences and creating polar shifts in earth field and till 2030 earth with new cycle of sun of 11 years earth will be in new dimension and in new polar shift with slighter drift in equators points – either there will be too much heat or there will be too much cold.Results are known to everyone and are visible to understand it. Now you can estimate why in this monsoon season why we have seen increase in number of Cloud bursting in India and seen Destructive shape of rainfall in almost every part of India. If we Suppress Rajas and Satva , Tamas will increase and Same tamas will lead to natural catastrophes and sameway tamas knowledge will increase too which ultimately take mankind into darkness at the end that’s why Murphy Law Suggests, everything decays in its process in nature with increase in time. So watch your actions and Karmas as time is proceeding, Prakarti exactly behave accordingly as replica to your Actions.What you send you will get same with at same amount , that what is law of energy.

With thanks and Regards,
Rakesh Jamwal

Official Facebook Page and Group 

References,Sources and Links :

[1]. The Vibrating Univserse by N.C Panda
Author Link :
[2]. Vedic Physics by Keshav Dev Verma  
Author Link :

pin Reasons for Increase in Natural Catastrophes or sudden climatic changes based on school of Vedanta - How Prakarti or Nature is changing and working silently in Mundane World to establish balance in Tri Gunas

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Quantum mechanics in Jyotish – Understanding Multiverse Karma, How our karmic energy effects our time thread

How our karmic energy effects our time thread and planetary motions

pearson threads of time labyrinth of time1 Quantum mechanics in Jyotish - Understanding Multiverse Karma, How our karmic energy effects our time thread

Karma is widely considered as a continuous process, always in motion and moves with perfect order and speed. Every karma has its perfect order and bind with multiple time threads those made out of our karma either in past, present or in future actions. Whatever we do in any form either physical one or mental are simply connected with these time threads and every action and thought travel in universe also connected with these multi-verse time threads, thus shows how time is connected with every and each part of our karma which means karma is an eternal process and has perfect order and rotatory speed.

That’s what lord Shiri Krishna said in Bhagwat Geeta in Chapter 3,  Text 5,  Karma-yoga :

Na hi kascit ksanam api
jatu tisthaty akarma-krt
karyate hy avasah karma
sarvah prakrti-jair gunaih
na—nor; hi—certainly; kaścit—anyone; kṣaṇam—even a moment; api—also; jātu—even; tiṣṭhati—stands; akarma-kṛt—without doing something; kāryate—is forced to do; hi—certainly; avaśaḥ—helplessly; karma—work; sarvaḥ—everything;prakṛti-jaiḥ—out of the modes of material nature; guṇaiḥ—by the qualities.
” All men are forced to act helplessly according to the impulses born of the modes of material nature; therefore no one can refrain from doing something, not even for a moment.”
(Reference – Bhagwad Geeta, Karma Yoga, chapter 3, Source –

” karma is a flow and no one can sit idle, everyone has to do its associated karma to survive in the karmic world, even god itself never sit idle either it is a physical or mental one. Karama always in action even when one is not willing to act in any way “.

This shows how god is itself in motional form but the rotational speed of god and our karma bind with us Only with our soul and way we think broadly that only decides how we can understand god around us and how our karma matters much in understanding actions of planetary forces.

Now, what are Time threads?

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In a questionnaire dialogue between Charlie Kaufma and Brian Greene regarding understanding on the fabric of time and cosmos, famous astrophysicist Brian Greene explained in a very simplest form how we can understand time in our day to day life –

The Question was: What is Time?

Mr Greene said: “The mechanism by which you can notice the change is exactly the definition of time ” He suggested that it may be a derivative idea, an emergent property, not elemental to the first equations of physics. The equations certainly do not distinguish between past and future. In fact, all moments of time are in existence. We can imagine an expanse of space before our eyes, but not time. This is merely a limit of our representative imagination. It is just as “real,” even “material,” as this computer, or the Pacific Ocean.

Why do we experience a sequence—a passage, a flow—of time?

Mr Greene offers an evolutionary explanation. Establishment of a now (including an imprinted past in the form of memory) distinct from a future leads to predicting and anticipating, planning and striving, brain-initiated functions that encourage acquisition of energy until the replication of DNA, and thus survival in nature. Mr Greene insists that there is no mathematical distinction between present and future. There is no unique NOW. (“And is that, is that what they’re thinking these days?” said Mr Kaufman, mind blown, to a laugh).

Words ultimately fail here– although Mr Kaufman’s, writer that he is, was often perfectly selected. “Now is a function of a brain. If there is no brain, I think there is no now. It just is, whatever that means.” (“Do you guys . . . smoke a lot of pot?” the novelist and Kaufman-collaborator Susan Orlean humorously asked during the question period). Let it be known, too, that quantum physics complicates this picture.

What is time in Vedic Cosmology ?
Quantum mechanics in Jyotish - Understanding Multiverse Karma, How our karmic energy effects our time thread

The Hindu concept of time is cyclical (and eternal and degenerative). Time is preciously based on two schemes, one is used for creation and destruction of planetary structures for human beings and it is endless, eternal and cyclic in nature and another part of the time is purely mathematical also cyclic in nature and preciously exist in both material and non-material form.

That shows time is circular and cyclic in nature and keep moving around us. Question is how we can relate it and understand it in our day to day life actions.

The answer is simple – Our Karma decides how we move in time threads.

The karma we do decides how it has perfect speed and harmony with nature itself. If we look out at scientific definition of Time is what -It is also simply a cyclic or circular motion and follows a certain amount of speed based on our karmic energies based on spiritual aspects.

If we compare it with planet’s – they are also in motion, cyclic and circular in nature too and thus shows they too have some karma or actions or certain amount of energies associated with them and follows certain order and speed since many eras from the beginning of creation  with  many variations in speed and motion shows root of everything, including time is – The speed and Motion of our karma.

Something’s keep flowing and keep moving everything in perfect order is simply our karma and energies associated with those karmas.

Take an Expression as T – Time, K – Karama and P – Planets and write it down as a direct proportion relation of karmic motions acting as key and shows a formula for decoding time and karmic link.

i.e  Time = Karama x Motion + Cyclic loop, Planets also works on same phenomena = Speed x Motion + Cyclic Loop.

Moving in certain order following a system.

That shows  Both time and Karma is Interrelated to each other in some way, what we do directly effects our time threads and same effects thus are seen via planetary movements too.


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This means that everything is karmic in nature from individual actions to natural disasters at a particular location’s. Our karmic energies thus influence actions pertaining to natural forces either it is individual or its a group actions.

If you want to understand how planets are effecting us this is the answer for them those who are always in a state of dilemma how planets affect our karma and how our karma are interrelated with planetary action in a vice versa relationship.

This proves Jyotish Planetary science is simply a karmic science based on our karmic actions and energies associated with them.

The motion of planets is simply relative to our motion and speed of karma.How well we do our karma will decide our destinies and planets effects will reflect it in the same and can be astrologically analysed.Same way the time is moving karmas are also moving and relative with our planetary speed and motions.

If you can move your karma fast maybe you can cross time dilatation and able to travel in an interstellar manner. Simply, Time, karmas and planetary motions are moving in perfect harmony with each other if you stop, time will be stop for you but it will keep running eternally in background as always endless in a circular loop.

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Law of universal energies: How Law of universal energies works with spiritual plane in universe based on law of Nicola tesla in terms of Frequencies, vibrations and energies

10403380 1111063232279943 5422955059764552813 n Law of universal energies: How Law of universal energies works with spiritual plane in universe based on law of Nicola tesla in terms of Frequencies, vibrations and energies

This Short article is for those who use science as an authenticating tool for validating non physical or Metaphysical phenomena of Sciences (i.e Jyotish, Meditation and mundane etc) as Mythological or Imaginary sciences.

Nikola Tesla said it best, “the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think it terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Science works best when in harmony with nature. If we put these two together, we can discover great technologies that can only come about when the consciousness of the planet is ready to embrace them, like free energy.

Now try to apply same principals in human body in terms of  Frequencies, vibrations and energies, If you want to understand how a physical body work in Physical plane or how you send positive or negative signals  to Universe.This is the way to understand it in simpler form. In Physical reality You are a living light body in Subtle Energy form or living in an Quantum Energy Form like many other Bodies,  you also vibrates certain amount of frequencies to universe and intensity of your actions or Karamas decides how much frequencies you send to universe. your Soul is Quantum energy living inside your Body, your body is form of an Atom attracts or pulls other atoms in your life.

1913628 1113927078660225 2504241461236257568 n Law of universal energies: How Law of universal energies works with spiritual plane in universe based on law of Nicola tesla in terms of Frequencies, vibrations and energies
Your Positive/Negative thoughts Sends Energy Signals in spiritual space plane, your moods, thoughts, actions and feelings generates certain subtle level of frequencies and vibrations those are keep travelling in spiritual plane. Your 7 chakaras Vibrates at certain amount of frequencies and releases energies in Universe. Your thoughts travels in Space plane in energy form and invite Negative and Positive Entities/People or energies in your life.

So watch your actions and thoughts.

In Short, Your Body = Atom, Your Soul = Subtle Light Energy or Quantum Energy, Karma = Frequencies you Generate and Thoughts = Energies you send and Chakara = Vibrations.

pin Law of universal energies: How Law of universal energies works with spiritual plane in universe based on law of Nicola tesla in terms of Frequencies, vibrations and energies

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You’re all enveloped by the energies around you, the energies of the universe, the energies of the elements which are inside and outside. The energies travel in the form of wave just like sound wave with the collision of particles. It works at different levels through thoughts, speech, sight & touch.

1. When you receive any good or bad intention and you walk through these thoughts, begin with the thinking process, the more you go deeper and deeper, more you transmit the the electromagnetic waves which travel in the universe to match its frequency & attract/manifest these situations/events in your life. (How the intention is created inside and how it manifests is not in the scope of this write-up). But, the important point is that we need to be aware and conscious of what thoughts we are subscribing from this unlimited expansive library.

2. Even after the thoughts, we can actually hold the manifestation by creating a different aura by the tool blessed to us called speech through which we chant, use affirmations, recite divine words & names and by speech we give output to the created thoughts. Majority, speak what they think means they are driven by their thoughts but when you’re conscious, you’re are out of the thought zone and you pick choose which thoughts to put into manifestation. So, the underlying principle is speak with awareness & conscious. Be concious of what thoughts your are speaking. You can use positive thoughts and give them output through your speech.

3. Energies travel outside your Auric field through your sight and touch. When you put your sight on anything it creates an intention and a thought process which further leads to creating your own reality. Similarly, when you touch someone or keep your touch with something, the energy transfers into you from that someone or something & another intention is created. The circle of thought to manifestations begin again.
Become aware & conscious of your thoughts, speech, sight & touch!!


Views: 2

Earth’s Ascension: Decoded – How earth is Rapidly moving to new age of advance DNA with increasing amount of Cosmic energies

The penned write up would unravel the mystery to all the mortals, which is possible solely through the heavenly plan, as only awakened and enlightened souls who are potential star seeds (signifies the human beings/ other extra-terrestrial beings, who have experienced the life anywhere in the Universe than earth) would be able to read and explore the path intricately explained. Consider the propitious moment of swimming through this article, as your providence, which would be a pointer to the fact that you are a faction of the celestial strategy, which would attract the energy of the soul towards the vigor which would enable sparking the light.

                                                       “I announce to the Universe,
                                  to bring the star seeds* together on this planet earth, &
                                                    to become aware of this article, &
                        this lights up the soul consciousness which they are carrying inside!!
                              Let the light workers be awake now and serve the Divine Plan.”

As time elapsed, the vibrational frequency of earth descended with the ascent in the act(s) of Kaam (Lust), Krodh (Anger), Lobh (Greed), Moh (Ignorance) & Ahankaar (Ego). Consequently, Earth sloped to the third dimension from the fifth, which in vedic terms, can be referred to or correlated with the shift of Yugas from Satyug to Kaliyug. After earth inclined to lower facet, innumerable scholars and rational beings left earth and never reincarnated. This could be possible due to the fact, which might be thought of as the receiving of guidance from the higher aspects in the galaxy to allow earth to complete 24000 cycles to attain the energy level, which would be appropriate to climb to higher extents.

Subsequent to the completion of 26000 earth cycles, earth would be able to channelize the negative energy vibrations from the atmosphere, and, the codes from the higher dimensions shall be released, from the core of the earth, which could manifest itself in any of the following forms; through the release of the seismic energy, melting of icecaps and/or by shift of current soul consciousness into a spiritual being.

Earth completed the 26000 cycles as on December 12, 2012 and is now ready for ascension to the fifth dimension. There is a huge energy influx experienced by every soul on the earth plane, which is affecting the physical, emotional and mental set-up, thus creating turbulence in the auric field of the physical body.

The Galactic Council (Union of star nations, similar to UN) arrived at a consensus in the previous session to include earth in the council, but, before earth becomes a part of the galactic council to participate in the deific proposal, earth had to be rise to the fifth dimension, so that human also carry the same consciousness and awakening inside and is capable of becoming an inter-dimensional being.

This ascension will serve the following objectives

  • Alteration in the energy vibration of the earth, so as to match the fifth dimension energy field, which reflects a shift from Kaliyug to Satyug

  • Creation of a new human who has 12 stranded DNA carrying all the qualities from the 12 dimensions, which would enlighten the soul and elevate the consciousness to higher levels

  • Accelerate the spiritual progress of life on earth

  • Craft a pain free environment at physical, mental and emotional plane

  • Generate humans as astral plane/multi-dimensional beings than a physical plane being

  • Achieve the completion of the era of duality at the earth plane level

Ascension And Rebirth Earth’s Ascension: Decoded - How earth is Rapidly moving to new age of advance DNA with increasing amount of Cosmic energies

To serve the purpose of ascension, the energy has been released on earth thru’ Sun which is like a doughnut in the hot air oven getting heat energy from all the directions while rotational motion. With the beginning of new 26000 earth cycles, there was an enormous change, as the foundation of the 3rd dimension gave way to fluidity of new dimensions of reality. We are becoming independent sovereign beings, releasing our ego personality’s expectations.

Profound and remarkable shift is progressively relocating from knowing to accepting. With the birth of this new sovereign being, there is a need to accept that there is no authority supreme than thyself. The necessity to learn, to balance the ego personality with the divine, in entirety because this totality is responsible for running the complete show; and, in quantum physics, wholeness is collapsing the quantum waves of potential, into particle form or matter, thus, leading to the formulation of novel creations in the new earth.

The wisdom of the universe in encapsulated in a holographic field, which is held by the life on earth. Therefore, to serve the divine plan, the call of the hour is for unity in form of loving kindness, and, this cohesion will help the life on earth be geared up for this shift. Helping each other to walk the path, is the key to serve one another, and, thus, the divine plan.

The ascended prodigies are now back on earth to help shift to the new dimension. Earth has 14,400 masters back on earth, working on, organizing earth to absorb the energy and transmitting the same into humans for awakening the soul and the consciousness. The virtuoso from other dimensions, namely; Sirius, Andromeda, Arcturia, Pleaides, Lyra, Epsilon Lyra are sending codes to the light workers on earth and guiding to release energy codes from various portals (on earth) and transmitting the same in the current human DNA, which can be achieved through meditations and breathing exercises.

The symptoms of this ascension phase are quite lucid to humans, because, simultaneously, earth and humans are ascending to the next dimension. The feeling of anxiety and pressure in life, could be at a physical level, manifesting as weak eye sight, head pain, dry and bumpy scalp, shorter sleep period, imbalance in the emotional sensitivity, awareness of the spiritual world, no dreaming, skin irritation, increased spherical consciousness.

Humans can prepare for this ascension at the individual level. At the completion of comprehension of this editorial, a thought is sowed in the consciousness which will cater to becoming proximate in preparing for this big transition and towards new you. Acceptance of one such single thought will transform the complete chemistry of life form at the cellular & DNA levels.

To speed up ascension progress, contribute towards yourself, and then, serve the cosmic blueprint. Stated underneath are tasks/activities that can be adopted in the routine to enhance the ascension process

  • Observe the love inside, for self, for fellow beings, nature, divine and every creation

  • Restrict to the vegan diet, specifically green vegetables in the raw form; green vegies contain chlorophyll which has the light holding capacity, and nourishes the soul by providing the light restored in it from energy of the sun

  • Meditate at least 30 minutes a day to enhance the energy field and cleanse the energy centers

  • Adopt the Dantian cleansing meditation/therapy, which will help cleaning the impressions the soul is carrying from past birth(s)

  • Drink lots of mineralized water which will keep the internal system clean & fresh, helping the body to absorb energy

  • Perform Pranayaam (breathing yoga technique), which will facilitate to absorb energy codes from the environment

  • Listen to various energy transmission by masters like Judy Satori, Patriji, Barbara Marcinieck which are transmitted in the language of light
The rational of this artifact is to help awaken many masters & enlighten souls to be a part of the blissful proposal and guide to help realize the true soul potential.

Let us celebrate every breathe and ascend together !!

*star seeds signifies the human beings/ other extra-terrestrial beings, who have experienced the life anywhere in the Universe than earth.

With thanks and Regards, 
Love & Hug 
Vishal Sood 

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Views: 15

Ancient secrets of Vedic Astrological glimpse on Gems based on ancient treaties – How Gems work in enhancing fruits of efforts

floating diamonds 90589 Ancient secrets of Vedic Astrological glimpse on Gems based on ancient treaties - How Gems work in enhancing fruits of efforts
and gems are associated from times immemorial. Astrologers often recommend gems
and associate them to planets. While the association is clear in so many
classics, the wearing of gems for particular planet is not mentioned in classics.

Associations are clear in Phaldeepika and Jatakparijat:

“Manikayam Tarne Sudharya mamalam Muktaphalam

Maheyasya cha Vidrumam Markatam Saumyasya Garutmatsm,

Devedyasya cha PushparagamSuramatyasya Vajram Shane,

Neerlam NirmalManyayochashya Gadite GomedjhVaiduryake” 

(Grahbehdadhyay, Sloka 29,Phaldeepika)

Vrihadjataka, Vrhat Samhita, Yukti
Kalpataru, Rajvallabha, Shushrut Samhita , Garud Purana refers to use of gems
in certain conditions and they associate gems to powerful magical properties. 

Dharnat tachh papalaxmi Vinashnam”

“Pavitra Dharnayach Paya Laxmimalapaha” (Shushrut Shanita)

“Te te Yathapurvamatiprashasta Saubhagyasampatividhandayaka” (Yukti Kalpataru)

note that ‘Gems’ refers to ‘Ratna’ and every stone is not gemstone. Classics
define “Ratna” according to following basis:

Gems taken out or mined on inauspicious Muhurta have ill affects despite of
being good in luster and appearance. 

In “Ratnajati” chapter of Manimala, Sloka six reads

“Stones originating on
inauspicious days and at unlucky moments are not only void of any beneficial
quality but are positively harmful”(
Adhyaya, Sloka 6, Manimala

(Most of gems do not fulfill this criteria. This is because as a Gemologist and
gem buyer, I have come across several gemstones and they are mined at
commercial level and not on the basis of some auspicious Muhurta )..

Same thing is mentioned in Chapter 68 of Garudpuranam. (Please forgive me I
have a translated version of Garudpuranam and Sloka numbers are not mentioned)

2. Gems should be free of inclusions, spots, internal cracks and should
carry proper color. (90% of the gems sold by astrologers do not fit this
description). In “Ratnaparikshadhyay” of Vraht Shanita,  it is clearly mentioned:

“Ratnen Shubhen Shubham
Bhavati Nripanaamanishthamshubhen,
Yasmadatah Parikshayam Devam Ratnashritam Tajagye”

Good, clean and gems of top quality bring good luck to emperors and those which
are of bad quality bring bad luck. Hence an astrologer should first check the
gem for quality and only then he should provide it to others. Gems are carriers
of fate.
Gems are worn after certain propitiation and rituals like removal of negative
influences through proper mantras.

Point 3 is my own view. I believe that only ‘Ratnas’ defined in classics should carry “Swapranavastha” (Self invoked state) and rest of the gemstones are just stones. To energize them one needs proper mantras to invoke their powers which are positioned in dormant condition. This is the same as Idols of Deities need to be “Pranpratishtith” before they are worshipped. But Shalagrams and Dakshinavarti Shankas have their own powers and they are never invoked through Mantras.

4. A gem which is powerful and fulfills above criteria gets devoid of its power
when the inheritor is an impure person. Please refer to the epic related to
Syamantak mani. 

Prasena was the brother of Satrajita. Once Satrajita took up his abode in the seacoast for the purpose of spending his time in worshipping Sun. After he prayed long and intently, Surya dev appeared before him. On being accosted, the divine Sun took out the gem Syamantaka from his neck and laid it out. Sun gave this Priceless jewel to Satrajita. It is said that on wearing the gem he appeared refulgent like Sun and entered Dwarka. Satrajita later transferred it to his brother Prasena. When own by a clean man Syamantak produced gold, but to an unclean person it indubitably proved fatal. Prasena decked this gem and rode hunting into the forest. He killed innocent animals on account of which the gem altered his destiny. His impure heart bought his untimely fatal death when a lion slew both the horse and the horseman.

we look at above criteria, it is very clear and evident that an average man,
who is bound by restrictions of average income cannot possess above kind of
“Ratnas”. Gems will come to you if you own a powerful horoscope and
trust me they will fit above definitions. Considering the authenticity of
wearing gems, certain classics do not mention them as remedies. Rather, they
are mentioned as powerful Talismans related to certain planets.

Remedies include Mantra, tantra and Yantra for propitiation of planets. It is a fact that your deeds can never be altered. Nothing can entirely mitigate your deeds. But you can lower the intensity of mishaps in your life if you can read what planets signify. A wise astrologer can tell you about some prayer, a stone or a ‘yantra’ that will help you bear the fruits of your deeds. Your soul may never escape the clutches of your ‘karmas’ but with remedies or Parihar you will get strengthened enough to bear that.While remedies are meant for removal of harmful effects of planets, talismans are entirely different things. They are meant for either providing one with special supernormal powers or for some definitive purpose. For instance gems can be recommended as remedies to a person when a particular planet is weak but benefic. Through a gem one can increase the intensity of its beneficence. But when a Mukta like the “Shankhamukta” is worn, it will give you all round power, devoid of its relation with any planet. This is because “Shakhamukta” is a Devmani which carries special powers and charm.

In those times gems were not available
easily. One cannot acquire them because of the low grade methods of mining. Now
with the advance facilities of mining and lapidary, gems are within the reach
of certain class of people. Still they may or may not fulfill particular
criteria and may not affect people as been mentioned in classics.

example in the “Ratnaparikshadyaya” sloka 14, 
Varahmihira defines the qualities of a blessed diamond:
“SarvadravyaBhedya  laghvambhasi tarati rashmivat Snighdham,
Tadidanlashaktrachapopamam cha Vajram Hitayoktam”

A diamond  which cannot be cut through
any device (This means that a diamond should be hard), which appears heavier
while held in hand, appears light when seen. 

“Tarati Rashmivat” means which
appears as if it is not touching the bottom when kept in water and then it should
radiate light, and should shine with sparks and appears like fire and rainbow
colors, then it  is considered the best
of all.

Now match this criterion with presently available diamonds in stores, you will hardly find any diamond which will match this description. The effects defined in classics may stand true but gemstones should match their definitions for the same.

I have stressed this idea in many of my write ups, that it is not so easy to change your destiny. Gems can off course change your destiny, but again that can only take place after supernormal intervention.

I can narrate an incident which is related to my life only. A person from Iceland came to visit me for astrological consultation. He became a good friend of mine and asked me to explain certain mantras and their process. He was devoted to lord Shiva and so, while he was leaving the country, I gifted him a beautiful Crystal Shivlingam. He was so happy with the above thing that he gave me a blue sapphire piece just as a token of appreciation. This sapphire was deep blue in color and fulfilled every criteria mentioned in the Shastras. Moreover it had a blue sheen like a peacock’s blue shine on its long neck. I got it embedded in Gold and performed the rituals mention in the classics. I wore it and the experience I got, is unparalleled. Unlike whatever is been mentioned in classics, I had a totally different experience. I constantly felt a cold sensation near my solar plexus and my back. This sensation moved towards my head and my head remained cold most of time. I felt as if somebody had kept ice on my head. I also felt that a golden hew surrounded everybody I used to talk to. As if this was not enough, there were times when I felt that I am not inside my body. I know, most of this would be taken as a joke, but what I have mentioned is true, word to word.

on I also understood the astrological combination which resulted into this kind
of experience. I was born on 3rd March 1977 at 14:34:40 Hours at
Neemuch, (MP)
is a benefic over here as it is the lord of the ninth house and placed in the
Nakshatra of ascendant lord. Mars aspects it as exalted planet. Moon +Saturn
often cause “Pravjaya” like situation when it is aspected by Mars. Saturn and
Moon both occupy the Dhanur Navmansha which is Jupiter’s sign. Saturn occupied
Meena in Vimshamsha and hence it created that state of liberation. 

Please note that gems have particular powers and when God needs you to be out
of troubles, he can definitely show you his powers.

affect a person only in certain cases when the mantra is properly invoked and
then denailed. Most of the sadhus initiate people with wrong mantras. The
utkeelan process of a mantra could only be achieved through a proper Guru who
understands and lives with a mantra. 
wq Ancient secrets of Vedic Astrological glimpse on Gems based on ancient treaties - How Gems work in enhancing fruits of efforts

Mantras were nailed by lord Shiva when demons started using them for gaining power and affluence. Their pronunciation was altered (Keelit) so that nobody can use them without proper knowledge and path. Every mantra has its own nail and bears an Utkeelan as well. The methods of Utkeelan are only shared through Guru Shishya Parampara and every mantra carries its own process. One is considered fortunate if he/she can obtain the utkeelan bejaas for their respective mantra. Please note that a prayer is like “Avahan” of a deity. Your mantras act as “Bhog” for Deities. But mantras without proper utkeelan do not reach out for Devatas. They act as “Bhog” for negative souls. Hence one should be very careful with mantras. Keelit mantras can bring mental illusion for its bearer and follower.

Same is the case with Yantras. Yantras have supernormal powers once they are
charged. But they lose their power when the “Karta” or the owner
becomes impure. The devatas which reside in a yantra leave it when impurity
enters a “Sadhak’s ” mind.

have the same criteria. They need to be washed with proper herbs and the person
wearing it needs to maintain a high level of purity. It is better to wear them
around neck then in fingers. Every gem should be purified before wearing. The
purification can be performed by keeping gems in their respective herbs for a
period of twenty four hours. Gems associated to planets which are malefic in a
horoscope, should never be worn. 




Kher, Katha 
Yellow Sapphire 
Blue Sapphire 
Cat’s eye 
Kusha, Dharbha 

Donations of gems are indicated in Shastras as remedies. One who cannot procure
high quality gems can donate their substitutes as remedies. Gems could be worn
or affect a person if they fulfill the above mentioned criteria. Gems are often
attracted towards people who have very strong Venus and who are undergoing a
Venus major period. One can collect gems during such periods.
which are not mined and are formed in animals, shells and other organisms are
called devmanis and they bear supernormal powers.  These manis and muktas are mentioned in
Chapter sixty-nine of Garudpuranam and “Mukta Laxnadhyaya” of Vrhat Shanita. They
are very rare and cannot be obtained without luck. Please note that gemstones
have nothing to do with money. Even if you have got too much money, you will
not be able to procure a proper gem. There is a very simple reason behind it.
You cannot change your destiny so easily.
With thanks and Regards,
Alok Jagawat
pin Ancient secrets of Vedic Astrological glimpse on Gems based on ancient treaties - How Gems work in enhancing fruits of efforts

Views: 13

How Planets & Remedies works – The Truth Decoded” (Excerpts from my Galactic Research)

“Planets & Remedies- The Truth Decoded”  (Excerpts from my Galactic Research)

AllPlanetsastrology How Planets & Remedies works - The Truth Decoded” (Excerpts from my Galactic Research)

Helloooo Folks,

Sooooo, here we are again, on the most discussed topic in Astrology i.e. Remedies whether these work or not?? Many doubts about remedies..Huhhhh…

Let’s take a deep breathe in & breathe out…let me share with you the real truth/ science about remedies.

Every single creation in this universe is energy being (source) & its vibrating on some frequency. Be it trees, animals, machines, our body, our soul, the planets, the light…everything. The divine light is an extreme source of energy from which our soul has descended to this earthly dimension (3rd dimension) for our soul progression & to enhance our vibrational frequency to progress towards higher dimensions of the Universe.

The earthly nature comprises elements viz. fire, air, earth, water and our physical body is the this nature’s gift to our soul energy in order to live in this physical plane. Thence, the soul energy is placed in this vehicle called body. Now, the soul energy which is invisible to the physical vision has to have nourishment and it has to receive information & messages from the higher planes/dimensions & actions/karma has to take place on this planet which will free us from the cycle of life & death.

The planets in the sky are spinning on a fixed rotational motion & Astrological texts give huge information about planets and their signification aspects of our lives. Actually, it might sound strange for a while but understand that planets are spinning information to the mankind in different sectors of life and this information hits our physical body through our breathe every single second. This information reaches our brain as electromagnetic waves and we receive this information into our nerve receptors which is processed into thoughts and thence the consequences.

So, this was about the planetary sector of my article which states the working of planets, now, let’s talk about the remedial measure that are inscribed in astrological texts. As I explained a part of the energy concept in my above description, so similarly remedial measures are basically the energy balancers which are grace given to the mankind, to feel the divine presence and to repent on their negative action which are performed using the free will as per the situation created by the destiny.

Similarly, everything on this 3rd dimensional earthly plane represents energy form and objects & gemstones also represent energy which is similar to the energy level & refractive index of planets respectively, so when any remedy is performed under the guidance of a learned & spiritually enlightened Guru always results in pacifying effect in our life. Same is the case with mantras as remedy. Viz. our voice has a vibrational frequency, same way our thoughts too have a electromagnetic frequency. So, Mantra chanted with correct pronunciation & thoughts enhance the positivity in our aura, thence, balancing the negative energy which is resulting in negative/difficult consequences in our life. He true results of remedies are dependent upon the remedial measure adopted like Mantra chanting or the tatva balancing.

I hope this clears the fact about working of planets & remedies. Any queries related to article, please drop in a text. Have a great positive life.

With Thanks and Regards,
Love & Light, 
Vishal Sood
pin How Planets & Remedies works - The Truth Decoded” (Excerpts from my Galactic Research)

Views: 15

Massive Earthquake of 7.7 Magnitude strikes in Papua New Guinea on 9th day after full Solar Eclipse and 5th day before Next full Moon Blood Lunar Eclipse on 29th/30th of March 2015

Mundane Astrological case Study of Earthquake of 29th/30th March 2015 

papua new guinea Massive Earthquake of 7.7 Magnitude strikes in Papua New Guinea on 9th day after full Solar Eclipse and 5th day before Next full Moon Blood Lunar Eclipse on 29th/30th of March 2015

This was the starting phase of an event was worried about from long time – Earthquake of magnitude about 7.7 took place near Pacific ocean (Triggered due to Grand watery trine).

Many times in my recent articles i have pointed why all Blood Moon Lunar eclipses and last year transit of Saturn on Scorpio sign (sign of transformations and deep mysterious of nature and things which are buried under the ground), Jupiter transit on cancer sign (again a sign of watery, sign of large Oceans and Sea), South Node transit on Pisces sign ( again watery sign – Sign of oceans, rivers , seas and deep transformations, hills and mountains), North Node on Virgo Sign ( Sign of Earth – Sign of conflicts – diseases – war like situations – terrorist activities etc) have deep impact on oceans, rivers and lands near hills and mountains.

This recent natural event again confirmed my intuition on earthquake activities, why i was focusing on issues related to oceans, seas, and watery diseases will be more prominent after series of natural astronomical patterns happening on Watery signs (Cancer -Pisces – Scorpio).

From last October 2014 we have seen target area for upcoming natural activities after Saturn transit on Scorpio Sign, Lunar eclipse on 8th October 2014, 23rd October 2014 Partial Solar Eclipse, Feb-March 2015 Grand Watery Trine formation and recent total solar eclipse on 20th of March was more on oceans and areas which are closer to seas, islands, tropical areas, lands near to rivers and those areas which are more closer to hills and mountains like Indonesia, Australia , Solomon Island, Pacific ocean zone, Indian Ocean, Yellow Sea, Gujarat, Mumbai, Kashmir etc

Things were pretty clear from last year watery signs patterns why we are going to face cyclones, earthquakes and tsunamis near oceans and Islands; First it was 20th of March Solar Eclipse on Pisces Sign exactly on ” Vernal equinox – 20th of March ” when day and nights are almost equal.

Secondly on 4th of April 2015 Full Lunar Eclipse will strike in Virgo Sign and will be seen in most of North America, South America, Asia and parts of Australia, Much of Asia, Australia, Much of North America, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica.

Massive Earthquake of 7.7 Magnitude strikes in Papua New Guinea on 9th day after full Solar Eclipse and 5th day before Next full Moon Blood Lunar Eclipse on 29th/30th of March 2015

The March equinox signals the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere.

” It marks that special moment when the sun crosses the celestial equator going from south to north and have small deflection or shift at the equinox “

During equinox earth’s two hemispheres are receiving the sun’s rays equally. Night and day are approximately equal in length. The word equinox comes from the Latin aequus(equal) and nox (night) which means sun will have maximum impact on earth during equinox points.

From the above celestial events it was confirmed that we might see natural happening near those areas which are closer to Oceans and islands.

Exactly it happened on 29th/30th of March 2015, Major Earthquake Strikes with 7.7 Magnitude in Papua New Guinea ( Near Australia- Near Pacific ocean) 9th day after full Solar Eclipse and 5th day before full Moon Blood Lunar Eclipse on 4th of April 2015.

These are important observations of Eminent Astrologers  like Dr B.V Raman and Dr K.N Rao  proposed for earthquake triggering  model and studies based on eclipses which was my ground for predicting earthquakes, cyclones or tsunamis like activities around eclipses :

1) Earthquake Never occurs during eclipses but they mostly take place exactly within 15 days before or within 15 days after eclipses almost around next new or full moon day, total of 1 month period is important after eclipses.

2) Earthquake often happens either at midnight (around 12 am, Nadir Point, 4th house) or just after the sunrise before midday (around noon time, 12 hr to 3 PM, Zenith Point, 10th house).

3) During Earthquake Major planets like Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Nodes are either in trine (1, 5 & 9) to each other or they are in Kendras to each other (means Quadrant distance from each other – 4/10 relationship – Square Relationship).

4) During Earthquake Day, either Moon or Mercury are closer to each other or might be both are closely conjugated within 6 degrees, or might be both are in exactly 180 degree to each other or Moon usually transiting in stars of Mercury or moon might be with Jupiter.

5) During Major Earthquakes triggering after eclipses, Slow moving planets are Often found in Earthy or Windy Signs– Earth Signs earthquakes gave major Disasters to lands where mostly humans are living and windy Signs gives major Disasters to those places which are closer to deserts and dry lands where Mostly Dust storms or wind storms are common and Watery Signs earthquakes gives disasters to those who are either closer to oceans and rivers i.e fishermen, the innocent people, aquatic animals but humans less effected by these earthquakes.

6) The Star on Devastating earthquake day often will be in the orbit of the earth or in the atmosphere.

7) Major Earthquakes Occurs during Sun Shifting toward equinox points or within 15 days after equinox points or during sun ingresses toward 0 or 180 degrees i.e moving from Pisces to Aries sign (March-April Month), during Tropic of Capricorn in December and January, During Tropic of cancer (June-July), and finally during after vernal equinox point.

8) 55.8 % of the earthquakes have occurred during the period covering the 5 tithis (5 lunar dates after Lunar eclipse) i.e days after New moon or full moon day and two days just following the new moon or full moon day including day of the new moon and full moon.

9) 33.5 % Of earthquakes have occurred during chaturdashi (1 lunar day before full moon day – when usually moon enters in full moon phase approximately during midnight) to pratipada (1st lunar day after full moon day or new moon day) including intervening new and full moon day.

10) Earthquake normally follows during eclipses and especially in those countries where eclipses occur in the tenth or the fourth house from their geographical or political charts.

Recently 20th March Eclipse Occurred in Pisces Sign and next one will be happen in Virgo sign exactly opposite to Pisces, So it is quiet evident 10th house and 4th house falling from these signs will be more prone to earthquakes i.e for Gemini Ascendant – Virgo will be in 4th house, for Sagittarius Ascendant – Virgo will be in 10th house.

Matter of fact is both the eclipses are occurring within 15 days to each other – means Two Major events within 1 month – Pointing me toward something big notorious activity will be played by nature near around oceans and islands as mostly watery signs are much influencing because of recent astronomical patterns and transits.

This happened true, On 29th/30th of March a powerful earthquake rattled the South Pacific nation of Papua New Guinea on Monday Morning and warning already given on 29th of march around 7:40 PM after the sensation felt around this island on evening, prompting officials to issue a tsunami warning for vast swathes of the Pacific and as far north as Russia.

For More detail look at the Chart of Papua New Guinea

Horoscope of Papua New Guinea

Date : 16 September, 1975 , Time : 00:00:00 , Day : Tuesday , Place : Port Moresby
PapuaNewGuinea Massive Earthquake of 7.7 Magnitude strikes in Papua New Guinea on 9th day after full Solar Eclipse and 5th day before Next full Moon Blood Lunar Eclipse on 29th/30th of March 2015

In Papua New Guinea Natal Chart, Jupiter is Currently transiting in 3rd house from Taurus ascendant ( Impacting Both 3rd-9th axis – Trine Houses ), Saturn is currently transiting in 7th house Impacting both Ascendant and 4th house (again Kendra Houses or Quadrant houses – 4-10 Houses ), South Node is in 11th house Directly influencing 5th house (Trine house), Neptune is in the 10th house from the Natal chart( Impacting both 4th and 10th – Square relation) and North Node is already in 5th house in Virgo Sign.

At the time of earthquake Mars and Venus Were in 12th house from Papua New Guinea – in the House of Loss- Earthquakes on Watery signs usually gives Destruction to animals or species which are living around islands or Oceans and earthquakes which are occurring in Windy or earth signs usually gives massive destruction’s to those who are living in Lands – i.e Humans.

Neptune was in the 10th House ( 4/10 relationship).

Sun, Uranus, South Node and Mercury was in the 5th- 11th house axis (Impacting trine house from direct aspect on 5th house of natal chart of Papua new Guinea ).

Solar Eclipse was occurred on 11th -5th Axis ( Trine houses) which means it wont give major loss in lands, though it will create social hype much.

Now Look at the earthquake Day Chart of Papua Gunea on 29th of March @ 7:40 Pm

29thMarch2015 earthquakeonpapuaNewGuinea Massive Earthquake of 7.7 Magnitude strikes in Papua New Guinea on 9th day after full Solar Eclipse and 5th day before Next full Moon Blood Lunar Eclipse on 29th/30th of March 2015

At the Day of Earthquake Warning Day – Moon was in Closely Contact with Jupiter in 10th house in the star of Pushya (Star of Saturn – Star lord was already placed in the 7th house from Papua New Guinea Chart – Kendra Placement- Square to Natal Chart) impacting both 4th and 10th house.

Mars and Venus were in 7th house impacting both 7th and 1st house.

Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, Moon, Sun, Mercury, South Node ( Ketu) are in trine to each other at the day of Earthquake which means Strong gravitational pull will be experience soon by all trine planets.

On 29th/30th of March, Exactly The magnitude -7.7 earthquake struck at a depth of 65 kilometers (40 miles), about 50 kilometers (30 miles) southeast of the town of Kokopo in northeastern Papua New Guinea, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

10451681 1101295133229622 6116522417297352468 n Massive Earthquake of 7.7 Magnitude strikes in Papua New Guinea on 9th day after full Solar Eclipse and 5th day before Next full Moon Blood Lunar Eclipse on 29th/30th of March 2015

At the time of Earthquake Mercury was closely Conjugated in ” Uttrabhadra nakashtra – Star of Saturn ” falling in 7th house of Papua New Guinea, With Sun, Uranus and South Node in Pisces Sign in 6th house on 29th of March.

Screenshot004 Massive Earthquake of 7.7 Magnitude strikes in Papua New Guinea on 9th day after full Solar Eclipse and 5th day before Next full Moon Blood Lunar Eclipse on 29th/30th of March 2015

Moon was with Jupiter in Cancer Sign (Watery Sign of oceans) trine to Sun and Mercury in Pisces ( Again watery sign – close to hills and Water) in 10th house – impacting both 4-10th Axis.

Venus and Mars was in 7th impacting Ascendant and 7th Axis.

Though 8th house is clear there wont be any major loss of lives for this earthquake.

In My software it is clearly seen – Depth of earth quake is quiet deep ( 65 kilometers (40 miles) – from 60 onwards earthquakes are categorized in Class 2 Earthquakes – Having medium impact on lands – but more will be in oceans on aquatic animals – as epic points are in center of watery signs and vast oceans )), so wont be much damaging for human lives but aquatic animals and people living over sea shore may suffer much, it seems Impact will be more experience when another major pull will trigger in watery signs over other part of pacific oceans in coming days might be after 4th of April 2015 – when Moon, Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus will be in alignment deeply toward oceans, More gravitational pull can be experienced.

Screenshot001 Massive Earthquake of 7.7 Magnitude strikes in Papua New Guinea on 9th day after full Solar Eclipse and 5th day before Next full Moon Blood Lunar Eclipse on 29th/30th of March 2015

For more Impact we need to wait for Blood lunar eclipse which will be happen on 4th of April 2015, again it will impact Virgo Sign – Moon will be in Exact opposition to Mercury, Uranus and Sun + South Node in Pisces on 4th of April 2015.

Screenshot002 Massive Earthquake of 7.7 Magnitude strikes in Papua New Guinea on 9th day after full Solar Eclipse and 5th day before Next full Moon Blood Lunar Eclipse on 29th/30th of March 2015

Currently Virgo – Pisces Axis is in Major hit area now and Flood Like Situation already Hitting in India in Kashmir and continuous rain is following from last week.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said hazardous tsunami waves could hit coasts located within 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) of Kokopo, with waves between 1 to 3 meters (3 to 10 feet) possible for Papua New Guinea.

4eb9c037 cafa 493f a515 e13688f58285 Massive Earthquake of 7.7 Magnitude strikes in Papua New Guinea on 9th day after full Solar Eclipse and 5th day before Next full Moon Blood Lunar Eclipse on 29th/30th of March 2015

Farther afield, tsunami waves of less than 0.3 meters (1 foot) could hit other Pacific island nations, Russia, China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Hawaii, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile and Antarctica later Monday, the tsunami warning center said. The Japan Meteorological Agency, however, said there was no tsunami risk to Japan from the quake.

Eclipses have major reasons in bringing earthquakes, cyclones and tsunamis reason being, during eclipses earth Magnetic field is Majorly Under gravitational pull of Moon, Sun and Mercury which are very closer to earth. Elemental composition of both Moon and Mercury are majorly responsible for changing weather conditions in earth during eclipses. Both are acting like two Strong Magnetic celestial bodies having solid rocky composition and beneath core is Solid iron core which have strong impact on earth magnetic field and weather conditions. Core Structure of Both Moon and Mercury is act like two magnetic bodies are attracting and pulling earth from both the sides. Now Mercury already Joined Pisces with Sun and Uranus – So Pull will be much more stronger after Vernal equinox .
On 4th of April 2015 – Moon will oppose Earth from one side from Virgo and Mercury will be in other side from Pisces . So, Much bigger earthquake can be expected after 4th of April 2015 within week or 15 days or might be near next full moon day or new moon day

With Thanks and Regards,
Rakesh Jamwal

pin Massive Earthquake of 7.7 Magnitude strikes in Papua New Guinea on 9th day after full Solar Eclipse and 5th day before Next full Moon Blood Lunar Eclipse on 29th/30th of March 2015

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