Monsoon Mayhem: Witnessing the Catastrophic Downpour in Himachal Pradesh, India (July-August 2023)

Catastrophic Downpour in Himachal Pradesh

Monsoon Mayhem: Witnessing the Catastrophic Downpour in Himachal Pradesh, India (July-August 2023)

Astrological News: 

Encounter Himachal’s tumultuous downpour. Traverse July-August 2023’s unprecedented Monsoon Mayhem’s drama and discovery. Astrological alignments have been observed and studied for centuries, providing insights into various aspects of our lives. In July and August 2023, an alignment of Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus in the Leo sign occurred. This alignment signifies a powerful combination of energies and has the potential to impact various areas of our lives, including weather patterns and rainfall. Its implications for weather patterns and rainfall are analogies we have seen in various regions of the north of India, i.e., Himachal Pradesh, Jammu, Delhi, Uttarpradesh, Punjab, Chandigarh etc.


Welcome, readers, to this exciting astrological exploration of the alignment of Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus in the Leo sign during July and August 2023, and its potential implications on weather patterns and rainfall in the beautiful region of Himachal Pradesh. Astrology has long been regarded as a tool for understanding the interplay between celestial bodies and their influence on our daily lives. In this blog post, we will delve into the significance of this celestial event and its potential effects on the weather and rainfall in Himachal Pradesh.

The Insanity of India’s Monsoon Season: July 2023 Rainfall Breaks All Records

The month of July 2023 witnessed an unprecedented rainfall event in India, particularly impacting regions such as Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, and Punjab. As a professional observer of mundane astrology, I have been closely monitoring the celestial movements to understand the reasons behind this extraordinary weather phenomenon. In Delhi, the capital city, the monsoon rains during July 2023 broke all previous records, resulting in severe flooding and disruption of daily life. The excessive precipitation overwhelmed the city’s drainage systems, leading to waterlogging and traffic chaos. This exceptional rainfall can be attributed to a combination of astrological factors that influenced the atmospheric conditions over the region. Similarly, Himachal Pradesh and Punjab experienced an unusually high amount of rainfall during the same period. The abnormal weather patterns caused widespread landslides, flash floods, and damage to infrastructure. Understanding the astrological aspects at play helps shed light on the underlying reasons for these extreme weather events.

Astrological analogy and the onset of heavy rainfall 


nautapa 2022 1 Monsoon Mayhem: Witnessing the Catastrophic Downpour in Himachal Pradesh, India (July-August 2023)


According to my analysis, the alignment of certain celestial bodies during July 2023 created a unique configuration that intensified the monsoon activity in these regions. Planetary positions, such as the influence of Jupiter and Saturn, played a significant role in amplifying the moisture-laden winds from the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal, resulting in heavy downpours. Furthermore, the interaction between Mars and Venus further contributed to the intensification of rainfall.

The combined effect of these planetary alignments disrupted the usual monsoon patterns, causing an excessive influx of moisture-laden clouds over Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, and Punjab. While it is essential to acknowledge the natural variability of weather patterns, understanding the astrological influences provides valuable insights into the reasons behind the extraordinary rainfall witnessed in July 2023. By studying these celestial phenomena, we can enhance our preparedness and response strategies to mitigate the impacts of such extreme weather events in the future.

Below are the points that have a major role in bringing heavy rainfall and downpours for many days:

1. Even if it is not the rainy season, there may be a catastrophic downpour if a number of planets are congregated in the same rashi. This is especially true if Mars, the Sun, and Rahu are also congregated in the same nakshatra as the other planets.

2. When the Moon conjuncts Venus or is in the constellation Trikona, there is a change in the weather; during the rainy season, good showers take place unless there are preventing elements present.

3. The movement of Mars from one rashi to another, which brings about a discernible shift in the climate within a span of two days and, if it occurs during the wet season, favorable precipitation. Mars, the most powerful planet, is responsible for precipitation on Earth.

4. When a prominent planet shifts its position within a rashi, there is a discernible shift in the prevailing weather patterns.

5. There is a shift in the temperature and humidity levels whenever a planet goes into retrograde or direct motion. Mercury is an essential planet that should not be overlooked. Venus cannot independently affect the climate, either directly or by its retrograde motion.

6. The sky will be cloudy and rainy if the dispositor aspects a powerful moon.

7. If there are more favorable stars in Dakshina Nadi, rain will fall; if there are more unfavorable stars in Uttara Nadi, rain will not fall.

8. The development of clouds takes place when the planets Mercury and Venus, Mercury and Jupiter, and Venus and Jupiter are in the same rashi together and have favourable aspects to one another.

9.Venus, behind the slow-moving planet, causes wind. Many planets in Pawannadi are destructive nadis.

More can be learned from : ” Astro Meteorology Research study on Monsoon 2015 “


Effects in North of India
0.40273600 1689056772 julymonsoon 01 1072023 Monsoon Mayhem: Witnessing the Catastrophic Downpour in Himachal Pradesh, India (July-August 2023)

Source : IMD & Downtoearth


In many parts of India, notably in the country’s northern regions, the month of July 2023 was marked by a deluge of rainfall on a scale never before seen. Because of the unprecedented amount of precipitation that has fallen, the states of Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, and Uttarakhand have all been seriously hit. In what can only be described as monsoon craziness, these regions have been hit by a monstrous rainfall that has shattered previous records and caused widespread anarchy and destruction.

The persistent rainfall has caused flash floods, landslides, and waterlogging, which have resulted in the isolation of populations and the crippling of infrastructure. Heavy rains are continuing to cause chaos in the nation’s capital, Delhi, which is known for its lively streets and culture but has came to a complete halt as a result of the storm. Roads have been flooded, transit has been interrupted, and power has been cut off as a result since the drainage system of the city has shown to be incapable of managing such an overwhelming volume of water. Residents are struggling to cope with the aftereffects of this severe weather event, which has prompted many of them to flee their homes and seek refuge in other locations temporarily.

In a similar vein, the magnificent hill stations of the states of Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, and Uttarakhand have taken the brunt of the damage caused by this monsoon lunacy. Overnight, these well-known tourist destinations, which are located in the midst of the gorgeous Himalayas, were transformed into disaster areas. The relentless rains has not only caused key routes to become impassable, but it has also been responsible for the loss of countless lives. The search for people who have gone missing has begun, and relief efforts have been organised for those who have been impacted.

Impacts on Agriculture and Infrastructure


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Both the authorities and the citizens of this area have been taken aback by the extraordinary nature of this rainfall. As a result of the magnitude of the issue, the administration at the local level is having trouble keeping up with the demands placed on emergency services. Efforts are being made to get things back to normal as quickly as possible while also providing aid to those who are in desperate need. However, it seems as though the path to recovery will be a long and difficult one.

It is imperative that, while we struggle to deal with the aftermath of this monsoon mayhem, we take some time to think about the ramifications of climate change. There is no doubt that our climate is shifting as a direct result of the increasing severity and frequency of extreme weather events like these. It is vital that we take preventative actions to lessen the effects of climate change and establish resilient communities that are able to weather the difficulties that will be presented.


In summary, the rainfall that occurred in northern India in July 2023 broke records and left a path of devastation in its wake. The territories that have been impacted by this extraordinary monsoon mayhem, which includes Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, and Uttarakhand, are currently attempting to deal with the aftermath of the disaster. As we work towards recovery, it is crucial that we address the underlying causes of such catastrophic weather events and prioritise sustainable solutions for a more resilient future. This can only be accomplished if we focus our efforts.

The alignment of Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus in Leo sign in July and August 2023 holds significant implications for weather patterns and rainfall in Himachal Pradesh. While astrology cannot provide specific predictions, it offers valuable insights into the general trends and tendencies that may arise during this period. The potential for increased rainfall and erratic weather patterns calls for preparedness, early warning systems, and environmental conservation measures to mitigate the risks and ensure the safety and well-being of Himachal Pradesh and its inhabitants. Let us embrace the celestial dance and its potential impacts with mindfulness and proactive action.

Note:  Astrology is a belief system and should be approached with an open mind and used for learning and understanding purposes only. Always rely on established meteorological organizations and expert advice for accurate weather forecasts and disaster preparedness.



Team Vedicsiddhanta

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The conjunction of 6 planets on 25 December 2019 and Impacts in India and the Mundane world

Conjunction of 5 planets The conjunction of 6 planets on 25 December 2019 and Impacts in India and the Mundane world

If we study the Holistic analysis of transits of major planets that are transiting after 16th December will be going to give a  major shift in the mundane world. After the 16th of December 2019, #Sun is going to meet #Jupiter at (8 degrees) + #ketu (15 degrees)  and #Saturn ( 25 Degrees) and this conjunction will give major shift in Political, Religious, social order and weather scenario in most of the Northwestern countries and states of India.

As soon as the sun is going to meet Jupiter in #Sagittarius sign weather situation will start changing from 16th onward, hilly areas will start getting colder and colder day by day which will inversely impact most of the states, places in north and western regions. Plain areas will have chances of rainfall.

From 16th December to 23 January cold breeze will spread across the nation, when Jupiter will reach closer to the south node Ketu around 15 degrees from 26th December 2019 to 23rd January there will be greater chances of a sudden change in weather situation and winter will take a u-turn.

Same time annular #solar Eclipse will act as catalytic factor For Northern and western countries and states of India. There will be chances of some #fire incidents, #political upsets, riots, Agitations,  Mass controversies and chances of #earthquake could be a trigger.

Snowfall will hit in hilly and #winter will be deep and #stagnant.

# The majority of the Stock market could see major fall after 26th Dec. Older people should avoid any major travel from 26th December to 23, January 2020. This year winter will be dense. Now let’s analyze it further in deep to understand how it is going to impact the mundane world.

Solar Ingress on 16th December 14:56:59

Dhanu Sankranti The conjunction of 6 planets on 25 December 2019 and Impacts in India and the Mundane world

On the 16th of December 2019, Sun will ingress on Dhanu Rashi, which will be considered as the start of Dhanu Sankranti, which means when the sun will enter in dual sign, of the Jupiter. With this ingress Hemant Ritu (winter season) will progress across the northern states of India. Hemant Ritu is majorly classified in one of the six Indian seasons that is indicative of the colder months. During this period, cold climatic conditions prevail and are referred to as the Pre-Winter season. As per the traditional Hindu calendar, Hemant Ritu prevails during the ‘Margashirsha’ and ‘Pausa’ masa. In the Gregorian calendar, it is from mid-October to mid-December. Hemant Ritu is considered as the most pleasant and enjoyable in the winter.

As this Surya Sankranti triggered on the Vara of Monday – around afternoon time 14:56:59 in Moola nakshatra it is called as “ Rakshashi Sankranti “, it will give average result for the period of this month. But this Sankranti will be good for the trader’s community and will be good for products related to drugs, and Liquor. As this Sankranti will be ingress on Monday it can invoke strong chances of cold waves, heavy windstorms, storm and cyclonic activities around the Arabian sea.

There will be strong chances that after this ingress western disturbance will bring unseasonal rainfall in most of the states of north and west of India.

As this Sankranti is falling in the 3rd part of the day ( A Day is divided in equal 4 hours of duration – Prahar ) which will be last for 4 hours, start from 2 pm to 6 pm onward this will be considered good for the progress of stock market, growth in currency market and will be considered as good for all sorts of financial institutions till the Sun is without affliction during the month but as soon as it will conjugate with Nodes and Saturn it can give fall in the currency rate and downfall of the Stock price for the month of December.

At the beginning of Sun entry, all trader’s community will start investing in the stock market and will be very beneficial until the 24th of December 2019. After the 25th of December 2019, there will be strong chances that it will give issues in stock prices I,e downfall in stock prices, fall of Sensex, sudden and incessant rainfall or sudden unpleasant change in the winter season.

If this Sankranti has fallen around before or 48 minutes of sunset then it can be disastrous for the whole month for India. As Per the Sage Vasistha Sankranti’s those are falling on the sign of 2,5,9 and 11 used to give diseases those trigger by unseasonal rainfall, increases fear among people, pain and struggle to the common mass. On a personal level, it will trigger fights among own people, problems from enemies, disagreements among the couple. chances of famine among the lower class of people. As this solar ingress happens on the Kaulava Karan, it is considered as Stable or consistent Sankranti good for commodities prices, all eatable foods will be easily available for the common mass. There will be very fewer chances that prices will hike during this month.

As Sun is falling under Kaulva Karna, It will affect the western direction, I.e countries or states those are falling under the western direction and majorly it effect common mass, labor industry, those who are not doing the job or facing issues in the job will be most affected by this. Those people who are getting less paid will be feeling difficulty under this sun transit.

In the Sankranti chart,  Lagnesh is Mars is going in the 7th house, getting aspect by Uranus, Mandi and Rahu. As Uranus and Mandi are placed in the Lagna of the Sankranti chart this will give  Riots, corruption, Violence, Anarchy, Strike, and there will be strong opposition toward the ruling party and revolt like situation. Common mass will be disturbed by Violence, Revolt, and Instability in the government work. As this Alignment is falling in Lagna (East)  and the 7th house (West) , Places, states or countries that are falling in East and west will be most affected by this. 

It will affect Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, eastern Madhya Pradesh, and States those are Falling under Western directions i.e Gujarat, Rajasthan, Mumbai, Maharashtra, western Pakistan, Karnataka,  West Madhya Pradesh, Sind, West Punjab, and Multan, etc. Will be majorly affected by this transit and will show dramatic effects on weather and political unrest will be seen.

The 4th house Having influence of  Moon and the Venus will give an abundance of rainfall, snow, and insistent cold waves in the Majority of Northern and Southern states of India.

As this Strong alignment is falling on the 3rd and 9th house axis on the Sankranti chart this will shake law and order of the country regarding some religious and caste-based matter and it will invoke strong opposition toward the ruling government for the withdrawal of the Law and order policy and later on, when eclipse will fall on this axis there will be strong chances of triggering riots or agitations in the Southwest direction of India.

With this ingress Sun will be joined by Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu, where Sun will be in the 1st Pada of Moola, Jupiter will be in 3rd Pada of Moola, whereas Ketu and Saturn will be sharing the Same nakshatra in Poorvashada.

So people who are living around Oman, Saudi Arabia, Mangalore, Karnataka, Kerala, Thalasseri, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Indonesia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Northern Mariana Islands, Guam., Bangalore, western states of India, Gujrat, Maharashtra, Baluchistan, Sindh and those are falling around north-western states will experience rainfall and dramatic weather situation especially after when Mercury and moon will enter in Sagittarius sign After 25th of December 2019.

Annular Solar eclipse which will be falling on the day of 26th December 2019 in Moola ( nakshatra of Past karmas ) could trigger dramatic weather shifts in the form of cyclonic activities, sudden warm weather, political unrest, Firestorms, Anti-social or anti-national activities, fire Incidents around temples, or some religious places, terrorist activities in form of explosions, Volcanic activities or earthquake could trigger around these places.

Impact on India

India chart The conjunction of 6 planets on 25 December 2019 and Impacts in India and the Mundane world

As after 25th of December 2019, there will be a conjunction of 6 planets in the sign of Sagittarius where 4 planets will be in the Moola Nakashtra (Goddess Niritti)  which has the rulership of Ketu also conjoined with the rest of 5 planets and also rules the stingy part of the Scorpion sign which stores all the poison of Scorpio but falls under the sign of Sagittarius shows there will be chances of strong disagreements, unrest, among political people toward the ruling govt and their decisions making via Fanatic thinkers which can result in some sort of Anti-national activities around some religious places.

kurmachakra The conjunction of 6 planets on 25 December 2019 and Impacts in India and the Mundane world


There is a strong reason for it, Jupiter which is a Jeeva karaka Graha ruled by religious sentiments has transited on the firey sign of #Dhanu on the nakshatra of #moola (#ketu, ruled by the goddess nirriti ) around 8 degree, will be reaching more closer to Ketu which is currently transiting around 14 degree, blocking transiting Jupiter in Sagittarius sign. All the planets are falling on the India 8th house which can harm the rulership of the chief ministers, horses, people Videhas, Panchalas, Physicians, merchants, those who wield weapons. The reason being Sagittarius is war sign and alignment on this sign will bring trouble or death, murder to the notable personality of the ruler and kingdom. This may even invite military actions or involvement after the 26th of December 2019 and a strong war-like situation, discontentment among people.So this conjunction would invite chances of fires incidents, explosions, and firey diseases and also chances of serious death and accidents too.

Currently, Ketu behaves like #Mars too (kujvat ketu) and in the fiery sign, it gives more dangerous activities like fierce Mars. Ketu behaves as Mars (#fiery) right now which means Jupiter is getting blocked from first Ketu (Mars) in the 14 degrees, then #Saturn (25) so till Jupiter never comes out from this fiery Ketu degree, there will be #agitations ignite in India till 15th Jan 2020.

So there will very strong chances that till Jupiter is blocked by both Ketu and Saturn in dhanu (15th Jan 2020) Majority of people ruled by fanatic (Ketu) thinking protest against #CAB Bills in eastern(Gemini) and western ( Sagittarius) states of India.

Revolt regarding CAB Bill will increase after 26th of December 2019 when 6 planets will be in #Saggitarus #sign and annular solar Eclipse will trigger on Sagittarius sign.

As mass agitations are given by the nodes when they are involved with Sun, Ju, Sat or Mars, so chances are high that the situation will disturb after 26th December 2019 when Ketu will hit Sun. Whereas Ketu is more dangerous then Rahu in giving headless revolts against the ruling this reaction when Sun will transit in dhanu and close to Ketu + Jupiter, and especially after 26 December 2019 when Eclipse Will trigger in dhanu Rashi over moola nakshatra, the situation will be more worsen.

Ketu is a fiery planet it is more dangerous in giving headless anti-national activities. It acts like Mars and more powerful in Dhanu.

Till this period the majority of people will be affected in their daily life routines, they will feel like life will be stuck. stay Safe till 15 January 2020.

General Impact on Individual Life

If we see General interpretation for these conjunctions in the individual chart it will deeply impact or create strong influences on the root or core belief system of the people, which actually Is the soul of everyone. This alignment occurring is very rare, forming in space and will affect deeply on the core system of the human beings I.e. spiritual ideas, spiritual belief system, changes in spirituality and ideas belong to that. Majorly it will Their religious belief system, their root karmas, their past life’s and the majority of people will experience their past karmas during this transit. As the presiding deity of this nakshatras is the goddess of dissolution and destruction known as Nritti, it will bring strong climatic changes in the human mind and nature too and could trigger himsa or violent situations in the deep-rooted religious and spiritual belief system. It is the goddess of poverty, Misfortune, and calamity but it also gives maximum material pleasure and later on triggers strong impulses for spirituality and majorly 4 planets will be transiting around this nakshatra till 2nd of January 2020 so it will bring many deep-rooted changes among many people. People will experience sudden material as well as spiritual gain around this period. This alignment will trigger Strong transformations in many aspects of life, especially in belief systems and thoughts. so, it will generate strong impulses by the universe around this period and many people feel uncomfortable to accept this change but it will happen for the goodness of mass, as Jupiter energy is associated with it which will bring calmness after the spiritual transformation.

This alignment will help people those are doing Shamanic work, people who are in medicine, Healers, doctors, Good for sadhana, people, who are doing with poisons, preachers, researchers, astrologers, those who are in the profession of herbs, roots, and those who are practicing Tantras, Voodo practitioners, Black magicians, nuclear physics and mathematicians, etc. For individual charts all these alignments result dependent’s on individual planets placed on the Sign of Sagittarius. So do not worry regarding your natal charts activation of alignment depends on your Dasha period and the planetary placement.

Only people who are having Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces Moon Sign or Lagna need to take care if there are any planets in the mentioned signs i.e nodes, Mars, Saturn in the natal chart, etc. People who are running Moola Nakashtra Dasha, or moon or Lagna are placed in the Mool Nakashtra need to take care of their day to day life till 15 of January 2020.


Conclusion: This conjugation is very transformative till 15 January 2020 so general mass needs to take care regarding their daily life activities.


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Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi

By H.Ramadas Rao
ॐ श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः
f14gfptc pm modi at rashtrapati bhavan Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi
With the Blessings of Acharya Madhva,my Kula Devatha,Ishta Devatha and my Naadi Guru Shri R.G.Rao,I would like to write about Naadi Muhurta for swearing-in ceremony of Shri Narendra Modi Ji on 30th of May 2019 at 19:00 Hrs.
Before proceeding to Naadi Muhurta,I would like to write about BJP’s natal chart as per Naadi is the natal chart of BJP :
1 Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi
Now as per this chart,the strongest planet will indicate the person to rule our country.Surya is in Meena Rashi at 23 Degs.01’,Chandra is in Vrischika Rashi at 26 Degs.1’,Guru ( R ) is in Simha Rashi at 7 Degs.17’ and Shukra is in Vrishabha Rashi at 8 Degs.49’.These longitudes of the planets are very important in deciding the strongest planet.Surya in Meena Rashi is going to be exalted.Chandra has crossed its debilitation zone of 3 degs,so it will give the results of Kuja.Shukra is placed in his own house zone from 3 Degs.1’ to 30 Degs.Finally Guru ( R ) is in Simha Rashi.After looking all these, we can say that Surya,Guru ( R ) and Shukra are powerful.But out of these who will be the most powerful planet ? Now both Surya and Guru will have a powerful Parivarthana Yoga and Surya goes to its own and Moola Trikona Rashi of Simha and Guru goes to its own swakshetra.
So it is very clear that Surya becomes the most powerful planet in this horoscope.Now by position,Surya is in Meena Rashi.So any person in the party who has Surya in Meena Rashi /Dhanu Rashi as both are ruled by Guru and Surya here becomes very strong or in Kanya Rashi or trines to Meena Rashi will have the chance to become Prime Minister of this country.2nd criteria is Guru.Guru in BJP’s chart is placed in Simha Rashi in retrograde.So the ruling person should have Guru in Simha Rashi or in Kumbha Rashi or in trines to Simha Rashi.As Guru is retrograde in Simha Rashi, we should also consider it from Karka Rashi which is its exaltation Rashi.So the person who will rule our country must have Guru either in Karka Rashi or its trines.Similarly the 3rd planet indicating courage is Kuja or Mangal.He is placed in Simha Rashi but in retro state.So he also must be considered from its previous house of Karka Rashi.So omitting Karka Rashi,Kuja in Makara Rashi and trines to Karka Rashi ie.,Vrischika and Meena Rashi will be considered.As Kuja’s placement is in Simha Rashi,trines to it ie.,Dhanu and Mesha Rashi is also considered.Kumbha is omitted as it is an enemy sign for Kuja.
Now let us consider when BJP has gained power.In May 1996,it got power under the leadership of Late Shri Atal Bihari Vajapayee.But it lost the power within 16 days.Sometimes even if the chart is strong but the transits are weak,then the power will be lost.For this we have to see the chart of BJP and that of Atal Ji also.Now let us look at BJP’s transits in May,1996 especially on 16th.
Transit Guru was retrograde and was in Dhanu which is ok as per BJP’s chart where its natal Guru is in Simha Rashi.Now let us look which planets are transiting over Surya in Meena Rashi and they are Shani and Ketu and Rahu aspects from 7th house of Surya.So Surya has lost the power to rule the country.Also transit Surya is in trine to transit Rahu.So Shri Atal Ji has resigned on 1st of June,1996.
Now let us look at the horoscope of Shri Atal Bihari Vajapayee.
Atal Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi
2 Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi
In this chart,Jiva Karaka Guru is in Dhanu Rashi which is in trine to BJP’s Jiva Karaka Guru.In his chart,Surya is with Guru in Dhanu Rashi and is ruled by Guru itself.So Surya becomes stronger.Energy booster Kuja is in Meena Rashi which is in trine to Kuja ( R ) in Simha Rashi and to be considered from Karka Rashi.So in his chart,Kuja being placed in Meena Rashi whose Lord Guru himself is in his Moola Trikona Rashi of Dhanu Rashi.So Kuja also got boosted to be powerful.Now while considering transits on 16th May 1996,it was not favouring Atal Ji.Eventhough transit Guru was in Dhanu Rashi,he was retrograde.The energy booster Kuja in his chart was under severe afflictions in transit chart.Shani + Ketu was transiting over his Kuja and Rahu was aspecting the Kuja.This means he did not get sufficient support from other parties and his government fell.
Then Atal Ji’s party ie., BJP has formed government again in March 19th 1998 and he ruled for 13 months only.
Now let us look at this transit chart.
3 Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi
In this chart,transit Guru was in Kumbha Rashi with Ketu.Guru was at 16 Degs.28’ and Ketu was at 15 Degs.48’ which means both Guru and Ketu were strong.Ofcourse Ketu was retrograding or moving towards Makara Rashi with a lesser longitude than that of Guru but that was not sufficient to gain strength for Guru.Guru was under some affliction here.Transit Surya was on natal Kuja and this Surya is more powerful than his natal Surya which was in Dhanu Rashi as he is going to be exalted.Transit Shani was also over his natal Kuja but transit Shani was at 26 Degs24’ and his natal Kuja was at 10 Degs.31’ in Meena Rashi.So the affliction from Shani has reduced.So the energy got boosted here.So the government called NDA started functioning from 19th of March 1998.Here the main party supporting BJP was AIDMK with 18 seats with other parties whose numbers were less.Now as I already wrote that Guru got affliction by Ketu as both are almost in same longitude.Now Ketu was moving towards Makara Rashi and Shukra there in Makara Rashi was moving towards Kumbha Rashi.This means a lady was involved in failure of NDA Government.Ketu entered Makara Rashi on 11th Jan.1999 and and on 22/23rd of Jan.1999 both Shukra and Ketu conjuct each other.So the problems to NDA started from here and on 17th April 1999,the NDA government fell due to AIADMK removed its support to the government.Please note on that day Ketu was transiting over Atal Ji’s chart’s natal Ketu on the same longitude.
Now let us look at BJP’s chart to see this failure of NDA government.The transit of Guru in Kumbha Rashi in NDA’s 2nd rule falls in the 7th house from Jiva Karaka Guru but there is also Ketu in BJP’s chart in Kumbha Rashi.Transit Shani in Meena Rashi is over natal Surya of BJP Chart.Both are almost near to same longitude.This indicates failures in different policies.Also transit Ketu was over BJP’s natal chart Budha and both have almost same longitudes.This also indicate failures in dialogues,friendships etc.( BJP not adjusted for any compromise in alliance parties ).So these transits in BJP Party chart has resulted in failures of the government and hence it fell on 17th April 1999.
BJP and its alliances NDA again got power in elections in 1999 and Atal Ji became the PM again on 13th October 1999.
4 Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi
When we consider the chart of BJP,and the transits on 13th October 1999,transit Guru was with transit Shani and both are retrograde and in BJP’s natal chart,Jiva Karaka Guru is retrograde and is in trine to transit Guru ( R ).Transit Surya was in Kanya Rashi which is opposite to natal Surya in Meena Rashi.Transit Kuja was in Dhanu Rashi which is in trine to Kuja ( R ) in BJP Natal chart.Thus it forms a favourable Yoga for forming the government.Now let us look at Atal Ji’s natal chart.Transit Guru on 13th October 1999 was in Mesha Rashi retro with Retro Shani and is in trines to retro Guru in Atal Ji’s natal chart.Transit Surya was in Kanya Rashi whose sign dispositor Budha in Atal Ji’s chart is in Dhanu Rashi and gets support from Surya in Dhanu Rashi.Transit Kuja was in Dhanu Rashi which is in trine to his natal Kuja ( R ) in Simha Rashi.Thus all the factors were very favourable for Atal Ji to get power as PM of our country.
Now let us come to present picture of Shri Narendra Modi.Most of the famous Astrologers have given 2 dates of his birth date and month.This is the main controversy.If we take October 17th as date and month of birth,Surya will be in Tula Rashi and is in debilitated state which is not possible at all.He is a man of very high self confidence.Traditional Astrologers are of the mind of Tula Lagna or Vrischika Lagna.Lagna with Chandra makes a person handsome.Now I request the readers to decide.As per my studies above,Shri Narendra Modi’s Guru,the Jiva Karaka is in Kumbha Rashi which is retrograde and is opposite to BJP’s natal Guru ( R ) which is in Simha Rashi.BJP’s natal Surya is in Meena Rashi which is exactly opposite to Shri Narendra Modi’s natal Surya which must be in Kanya.Finally Kuja ( R ) in BJP’s chart has to be considered from its previous house ie., Karka or its trines Vrischika or Meena Rashi and in Modi Ji’s chart,Kuja/Mangal is in Vrischika Rashi.And that is why he gained again and today ie., on 30th of May,2019 he will swear-in as PM of our country.

Now let us try to analyse the swearing -in Muhurta chart by traditional and Naadi Method.

5 Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi
The time fixed is at 19:04 Hrs.on 30th May 2019.At this time,Vrischika Lagna rises with Guru ( R ) in the Lagna.2nd house has Retrograde Shani and Ketu.5th house has Chandra,Shukra is in 6th house,Surya +Budha in 7th and Kuja+Rahu in 8th house.Navamsha Lagna is of Vrischika,so Vargottama Navamsha indicating the ministry will be strong and Chandra is Vargottama but is in Rashi/Nakshatra Gandantha.Retro Shani and Ketu are aspected by Kuja + Rahu.Shukra Shataka,Kujaashtama,Nakshatra Gandantha all these are serious afflictions for the Muhurta chart.Only Guru( R ) is a benefic in the Muhurta Lagna which aspects both Surya + Budha.As per Muhurta Shastra,Guru in the Lagna removes thousands of Doshas in the Muhurta chart.But this Guru was retrograde from Dhanu Rashi and now in Vrischika Rashi.So this Guru is not that strong.They should have selected Karka Lagna which is approved by Kalaprakashika.Then Guru will be in 5th,Chandra in 9th,Shukra in a powerful Kendra and Surya + Budha will be in 11th.
Muhurta Devatha is Mitra which is positive and Nakshatra Nadika is Poorvashada and again a positive one.Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga based on Vara + Nakshatra Yoga.Kuja with Rahu in 8th from Muhurta Lagna is a severe affliction but this can be counteracted by their sign Lord Budha who is in 7th house from Lagna and aspected by Guru ( R ).
Now as per Naadi Astrology,Shani Hora is running during swearing in ceremony.After 24 Minutes ie., at 19:24 Hrs.Guru Hora will start.Shani is retrograde and swearing in during this Hora will make the government suffer due to loss of its own people.As Ketu is very near to Hora Lord Shani ( R ),troubles from other religious people will be there and no doubt there will be more terrorist activities during this 5 years tenure.But as Kuja indicating defence force is very strong as he is in the middle of the Rashi and the terrorists will be crushed to death.The reason is both Mesha and Vrischika Rashis are ruled by Kuja and both Rashis are occupied by Shukra and Guru ( R ) respectively.So it will be like Guru + Shukra, a Sanjivini Yoga is formed.Kuja’s sign Lord Budha is with Surya and is aspected by Guru directly thus strengthening defence force.And to mitigate the effects of Rahu,there will be more “ Surgeries “ during this tenure of 5 years.
Now when we see this Muhurta Chart over BJP’s natal Chart,Guru ( R ) is transiting over Chandra of BJP chart which indicates the type of rule will be changed from that of the previous one.Also Shani ( R ) has to be considered from previous Rashi of Vrischika ,so it joins with Guru ( R ) and aspects Shukra of BJP’s natal chart and this indicates a lady will be given a powerful portfolio who will tackle many difficult policies.From Modi Ji’s natal Guru ( R ) in Kumbha Rashi,transit Kuja and Rahu are in trine,there is a possibility to attack Modi Ji by terrorist group .Anyhow due to the trinal link of transit Shukra in Mesha Rashi with his natal Shukra + Shani ( this is as per my calculation ) in Simha Rashi ,by the Blessings of Shri Maha Mrityunjaya,the danger to his life will be averted.
ना अहं कर्ता । सर्वं हरि कर्ता ॥
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Year 2014 (Ketu) – The Year of Foundation for Revolution and Bringing Change in India.

2014(Ketu) -The Year of Foundation for Revolution

proxy? hqGU jGwQ4I%2FU43j4YtRpWI%2FAAAAAAAAABg%2FGc K UfFiDM%2Fs1600%2FIndia 2014 Year 2014 (Ketu) - The Year of Foundation for Revolution and Bringing Change in India.

2014 Will be a Year of Revolution , Social Revolution and India will see New changes in Era of Indian Political and Social System.Power of Honesty , Unity & Common Man will Rule the Year of 2014.

Mid-Half of June 2014 Will Bring Sudden Changes in Whole Political , Religious and Social System and establish the Power of Common Man.

Common Social Mass(Saturn) will win Sinners will get Punishment.

Just Wait n Watch

4 Major Changes would have been seen in year 2014 –

1)Guru Will be Move in its Most Exalted State(Cancer Sign) after 13 year & Will Form Miraculous Spiritualistic ,Religious and Righteous Duties to Establish Great Social Structure in India.
2)Saturn Will be in its Most Exalted & Powerful State(20 -23 Degree -Libra Without Rahu – Will Rule & Run the Whole system Honestly)
3)Rahu Will be in its Mool Trikona Sign(Virgo) and Defend the Honest System as a Defender.
4)Number 7(Ketu) Will Rule the Year- Truthfulness Will Prevail & Miracles Happening would seen in whole year.


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