The Effect of Jupiter Gandanta from 31st October to 21 November 2019
The Gandanta is the position of the zodiac where two junction points of fire and water meet. Whereas the Nakshatra Gandanta is commonly known Dosa, arises when the Moon or any planet is positioned at the ending degree of the mercury Nakshatra ( From 26’00 to 30’00) i.e, Revati, Aslesha, and Jyestha, and it is falling near the starting point of Ketu’s Nakshatra (0 to 3’20) i.e., Ashvini, Magha and Moola.
They are very powerful points in giving soul revealing Karmic effects. In General meaning, Gand means a knot and Anta means the end so Gandanta means the knot fixed at the end.
Below are the degrees that have to be considered in Nakashtra Gandanta
Degrees | Rashi | Nakshatra | Amsha |
26º00-30:00 | Pisces | Revati | Pisces |
0º00- 3º20 | Aries | Ashwini | Aries |
26º40-30º00 | Cancer | Ashlesha | Pisces |
0º00- 3º20 | Leo | Magha | Aries |
26º40-30º00 | Scorpio | Jyeshta | Pisces |
0º00- 3º20 | Sagittarius | Mula | Aries |
More detailed version: The #Gandanta of #Jupiter
Jupiter is going to be in #gandanta zone from #scorpio to #Sagittarius from October 30th onward to 9th of November 2019, till Jupiter reaches around 1 degree.these ending 1 degrees of Jupiter and beginning 1 degree of Jupiter is very careful for general well being but auspicious for pilgrimages, spiritual practices and holy dip in the sacred rivers.
Its the time of spiritual #transformation from all sorts of mundane and emotional Desires to live in a spiritual zone which resonates with the energy of Prakriti.Its the time when nature changes its natural energy to more higher plane, from earthy ( material, Budh) plane to ether ( Guru, Spiritual) , from water element to fire.
It will break all the knots of bondage from all the past life experiences where one has felt in Scorpio is a most difficult time for both jyestha and moola nakshatra born people, as they will experience the change most in their inner plane. the diety of Jyestha is Indra whose duty is to control on all the senses but due to arrogance of having controlled on senses native often self destroy them, being the nature of Indra and they live in luxurious life which they feel difficult to leave when transformation happens from water to fire element during the transit.
Same is the case with moola, nakshatra deity is Nirrti, gives an experience like death, pain, and suffering awakes one to live according to the natural laws. LordShip of Ketu shows one needs to get ready to accept the change of naturality. its a time to balance your self from self-destruction to #universal #conciousnes and need to practice silence, meditation and doing sacred practices as it will shake the inner soul with many physical and mundane issues.
Its the time to leave your all mundane desires and merge yourself with the nature and aspire for natural spiritual path desired by inner soul for higher consciousness .its the time when nature starts it’s natural churning process and demands its children’s to get align and merge with it as during gandanta process nature changes its element from water to fire, where water tries to off the fire and fire tries to evaporate the Apah( water) into small droplets, breaking into nature demands one should leave all the mundane desires and burn your body for higher Tapasya .
It is never be considered as easy path as it creates many psychological and physical blocks that one needs to experience either it in a bodily, emotionally or mundane level plane changes, one needs to accept it in any case as it is the forceful changes given by the nature. As it is happening in #scorpio sign in #jyestha nakshatra, there will be churning of deep inner emotional and psychological changes where one feels emotionally shattered.
Those having any planet’s in jyestha they need to be careful wrt to any emotional activities as it will shake both materials as well as Their emotional level. when Jupiter reaches to #saggitarus,/mola nakshatra native feels like that he has experienced the forceful changes which native is not ready to accept it as mola signifies the root, to live in naturality, having lordship of Ketu which shows the ties of past karma or past lifestyle Where one is living in luxuries lifestyle in earthy plane having all sort of Mundane happiness has to give up.
This change is difficult for most of the materialistic people who were earlier enjoying the path of materials and feeling it’s happiness and one needs to live in the grass root of common life. people need to accept this spiritual change with complete openness and start practicing the spiritual rituals. one such easy way is to having dip in the holy river signifies by the zodiac sign given for Jupiter which we called as #Pushkaram celebrations and it include reverence of ancestors and spiritual discourses.during the pushkaram one should engage in activities such as snana (bath in the river), dāna (charity), japa (recitation of mantras), Archana and dhyana (meditation).
Here, The first 12 days when the Jupiter enters the zodiac sign and the last 12 days when it exits the zodiac sign are considered as most auspicious. When devotees take a dip in the sacred river is believed to erase all sins as per scriptural beliefs. The first twelve days are called as Adi Pushkaram, and the last twelve days are called as Anthya Pushkaram.
It is believed that during these twenty-four days, “Pushkar” ( Sthaan of Bramha) , imbued with the power to make any river holy, will travel with Jupiter as Jupiter moves from one Zodiac house to another. That’s the reason Planets that fall in the “Pushkara navamsa” or “Puskara Bhaga” of a birth chart are considered to be very beneficial and auspicious in Jyotish.
This year Tapti river is most auspicious for sacred dipping (Pushkaravahini). In Assam, the festival is celebrated on the banks of the Brahmaputra river. Tapti enjoys this sacred dipping in the Tapti river including all sorts of spiritual rituals to be done till the 16th of November 2019.
Rakesh Jamwal
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