” BLIND CHART ANALYSIS ” Predicting past and background of unknown people by Guru Rajesh Kotekal


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With an immense sense of satisfaction and fulfillment, we are happy to share you with that, the fourth book ” Blind Chart Analysis – Predicting past and background of unknown people ”  has been published by our Guest Scholar and Author ” Guru Rajesh Kotekal “.

‘Blind chart analysis’ is a procedure in which an astrologer predicts the past events and present condition of a native only by looking into the horoscope, without having a prior knowledge about the native.

Astrologers practice this method for many reasons: for birth-time rectification, to bring faith in the client about the efficacy of astrology, to test the astrological techniques, to find out which method suits best for the given case, and to demonstrate his/her predictive abilities.

To do blind chart analysis successfully an astrologer should have very sound knowledge of the subject, vast experience, good intuition and a bit of luck also.

In the Previous Free e-book version author has explained only 10 cases briefly.

This book presents 100 cases of Blind Chart Analysis of people who have approached author for astrological consultation.

This is a book, first of its kind, where the method of Blind Chart Analysis is demonstrated by explaining the astrological reasoning and logic for the queries.

This work impresses the reader about the power and utility of Jyotisha in general and Nandi Naadi methods in particular.


Buying information : 


It’s size is 6 inch by 9 inch, nearly 450 pages and price Rs. 550 + postage charges (Total Rs.620/-). 

This is self-published the book through Print-On-Demand technology,
If you are interested to purchase the book reply back to this email or fill this form.

For copies of the books, write to: 
Kind regards,
Dr. K. Guru Rajesh
Team Vedicsiddhanta
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Decoding Devakeralam Chandrakala Nadi – Explanation of Chart 2

Decoding Devakeralam Chandrakala Nadi

Decoding Devakeralam Chandrakala Nadi


Decoding Devakeralam Chandrakala Nadi – Explanation of Chart 2 
Written By Guru Rajesh Kotekal

Dear friends,

“The Sanskrit text of Devakeralam Chandrakala Nadi has its own problems in its current form. Portions of some horoscopes are incomplete or mixed up, while same horoscopes have been explained at multiple places. Devakeralam requires thorough study, re-editing, re-interpretation and re-translation. The initial step would be to group the text according to the different horoscopes described. Then the conventional and
Nadi Amsa analysis applied in the interpretation of the horoscopes are to be documented and separated into different categories based on the techniques employed. The next step includes the extraction of general rules from this study. Finally, these rules have to be applied on real-life horoscopes to check their veracity.” With this statement I had concluded my article series ‘Decoding Devakeralam’.
Accordingly I have taken up the job of re-editing, re-interpretation and re-translation of the text. Here I am presenting the English translation of the slokas. This is a draft translation and does not include the deductions and interpretations. As I said earlier, some charts are explained at multiple places.I have translated every sloka where the chart appears in the first instance and in the subsequent places, I have translated only the slokas which give extra information or differ from the first. It can be seen that the internal information within the slokas will help
rectify many corruptions in the Sanskrit text and sometimes better meaning emerges when the text of different places is compared. I know this is a huge project and it may take much time to finish. And perhaps, no publisher may come forward to bring out the entire re-translation. Hence, I am sharing my work as and when it progresses. THIS IS NOT THE FINAL VERSION. This entire translation is hoped to form the basis of a book where specific astrological rules applicable for horoscopic analysis will be explained. I believe this endeavor of mine will add value to the extant astrological literature and the learned astrological fraternity will welcome it.

This chart has been discussed
from Sloka 54 to 96 in Book-1 and Slokas 1510 to 1549 in Book 2. The birth star
of the native is Anuradha 4th quarter (Book 1 & 2 refer to the
versions published by Sh. R. Santhanam).
DK2 Decoding Devakeralam Chandrakala Nadi - Explanation of Chart 2


54. Native will be born in first
part of Abalamsha in a fixed lagna, in a brahmin family and will be dark and
handsome in appearance.55. He will be liked and fond of his elder brother and
will be gentle in disposition. He will have troublesome childhood. He will earn
in fortune in a foreign land because of his sister’s husband.56. The native
having Mars in the ascendant and Jupiter in the 5th house will not
have younger brothers. Even if they are born they will die.57. He will have
two sisters and one elder brother. He will be bereft of comforts from his
father and mother.58. The person born in later half will have long lived
parents while born in the first half will have long-lived elder brother.59.
The native will live in a small village and go to a foreign country during
Sampat dasa (Mercury dasa). That place will be near Gokarna, on the banks of a
river flowing west60. (1515. On the coast of western sea). He will roam in his
childhood suffering from the pangs of penury. But the person born in the latter
half will be fortunate in his own country.

61. He will leave his place because
of civil unrest and later come back to his native place. The native born in
Taurus ascendant with Aries navamsa will be fortunate in pilgrim centres.

Later he will become prominent in the court of an Andhra ruler. The person born
in the middle portion of the first half will lose his father in his childhood.

But his mother will live long. For the native who was born with Sun in the 11th
joined with Saturn,

64. Father will die in the Sampat dasa (Venus dasa) and he
will leave his native country. During the currency of the 8th lord
from the Chandra lagna and in the bhuktis of malefic planets,

65. Native will
lose his father and mother (1521. And later his mother also). The native will
have three wives

66. (1521-1522. 7th lord being aspected by Saturn
will give three wives to the native as per some scholars). He will be bereft of
comforts from his wives. When Moon occupies the first half of abalamsa, and
being aspected by the 12th lord,

67., (1522. When the 7th
lord is aspected by Saturn) the native will have two wives and his first wife
will be poor. When the 5th lord is joined with Rahu, (1523. 5th
lord aspected by Rahu?)

68-70. And Saturn occupies the 11th house,
the native will face difficulties in begetting children. In the latter half he
will be very wealthy (1524. He will suffer serious disease) and otherwise, his
elder wife will be kakavandhya (lady giving birth to a single child). In the
first half, he will not have sons. But as per some other texts the native will
have a son after delay (1526. Will have a son after delay through his 2nd
wife). When Jupiter occupies the 5th house aspected by two malefics,

71. The native had a curse from a Brahmin from his earlier life. To ward off
this sin, he should do sethusnana and worship lord shiva. (1528. By donating
the idol of Nagalinga he will be blessed with progeny)

72-73. By the blessings
of lord Nageshvara, the native will beget children. He should observe fasting
on Mondays as prescribed in the scriptures and should donate palam or half of
the amount in the evening after pradosha puja. The native who was born in the
first half of abalamsa and having Sun in the 11th house,

74. Will be
blessed with sons without any doubt after observing Bhanuvratha. Jupiter being
the 8th lord and joining the 5th house aspected by
Saturn, 75. Indicates destruction of progeny. By the blessings of nageswara,
the native will be blessed with little progeny in his old age.

76-77. The lord of 5th
house that rules over progeny from the 11th house that rules over
the elder brother (Moon), placed in his debilitation sign and debilitation
navamsa aspected by Mars results in the danger of the son of elder brother
through water (1531. His elder brother’s son will die by drowning in water).
The native’s sisters will have sons.78. The native will enjoy comforts because
of his paternal and maternal uncles (1532. He will have comforts because of his
maternal uncle, since from his childhood). For the native born in latter half,
two sisters will be blessed with good sons.79. For the native born in first
half, a sister will be bereft of children and suffer widowhood. When the 3rd
lord occupies nirmalamsa,80. The native will have five brothers (1534. Five or
seven brothers) among whom two or three will be long lived. For the native born
in uttaramsa one sister will suffer widowhood. For the native born in first
half two sisters will suffer widowhood without any doubt.81-82. When Mars
occupies the 7th from Moon aspected by Saturn, the native will
suffer because of loss of mother (1534-1536. When Venus occupies the 7th
from Moon aspected by Saturn, the native’s mother will die during the dasa of
the owner of Tula or hora?). During the currency of the dasa of 5th
lord and the bhukti of 7th lord,83. The native’s mother will expire
after his father’s death. For a native born in the middle portion of the first
half, mother will predisease his father. 84. Death will happen in the Sampat
dasa (Mercury dasa) after native completes his 10th year. The
native’s parents may die in his 8th or 12th or 16th
or in the 24th year.
85. When the Moon is placed in
vargottama in Scorpio, the junction of the Vipat dasa (between Mercury and Ketu dasa) will be unfortunate.86. For a native born in first half Manu said that
the native’s parents will leave the native country and die in a foreign place. 87.
The minute timing of these things should be fixed based on the prasthara
ashtakavarga. This will be explained at some other place.88. When the 10th
lord occupies his exalted navamsa, the native will have knowledge of Vedanta
and will follow the vedic way of life. (1542-43. He will do ahnika karma –
prescribed daily rituals- every day and will have great devotion).89. He will
be devoted to saints.90-91. He will be of pure and calm disposition, will be
eloquent and devoted to shiva and Vishnu. After his 10th year, he
will be uprooted because of a civil unrest. After his 12th year he
will roam about in various countries and will suffer a lot because of the loss
of his parents.92. He will ultimately live on the banks of a great river and
start enjoying great comforts from the end of Vipat dasa (Ketu dasa).93. The
native will have great fortune during kshema dasa (Venus dasa) and will face a
grave danger during his 40th year.

94. After his 30th
year the native will enjoy great fortune after the change of the ruler. As per
the transit of Saturn he will suffer yogabhanga and mental affliction. (1547.
When transit Saturn moves in a sign that is in trines to the navamsa sign
occupied by the 10th lord, the native will suffer yogabhanga and
mental affliction as per the transit effects of Saturn)

95. When transit Saturn
moves in a sign that is in trines to the navamsa sign occupied by the 6th
lord, the native will suffer great difficulties. He will attain to normalcy
after performing remedies (1548. He will leave his country).

96. During the
dasa of the 4th lord Sun the native will enjoy great comforts. The
native will take to apatsanyasa and leave this world during the currency of the
8th lord dasa (Jupiter dasa). (1549. During the dasa of the ascendant
lord the native will have great wealth. But he will die in the dasa of the 7th
lord Mars after taking to apatsanyasa – Sanyasa taken in extreme situations like
impending death when there is no possibility of taking Sanyasa in prescribed

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Decoding the mystery of Devakeralam – Chandrakala Nadi – Chart 1

nadi jyotish Decoding the mystery of Devakeralam – Chandrakala Nadi - Chart 1
Devakeralam – Chandrakala Nadi
By Dr. K. Guru Rajesh
Dear friends,

“The Sanskrit text of Devakeralam has its own problems in its current form. Portions of some horoscopes are incomplete or mixed up, while same horoscopes have been explained at multiple places. 
Devakeralam requires thorough study, re-editing, re-interpretation and re-translation. The initial step would be to group the text according to the different horoscopes described. Then the conventional and Nadi Amsa analysis applied in the interpretation of the horoscopes are to be documented and separated into different categories based on the techniques employed. 
The next step includes the extraction of general rules from this study. Finally, these rules have to be applied on real-life horoscopes to check their veracity.”


With this statement I had concluded my article series ‘Decoding Devakeralam’.Readers can read my previous article too for more understanding on Devakeralam nadi.

Accordingly, I have taken up the job of re-editing, re-interpretation and re-translation of the text. Here I am presenting the English translation of the slokas. This is a draft translation and does not include the deductions and interpretations. As I said earlier, some charts are explained at multiple places. I have translated every sloka where the chart appears in the first instance and in the subsequent places, I have translated only the slokas which give extra information or differ from the first. It can be seen that the internal information within the slokas will help many corruptions in the Sanskrit text and sometimes better meaning emerges when the text of different places is compared.I know this is a huge project and it may take much time to finish. And perhaps, no publisher may come forward to bring out the entire re-translation. Hence, I am sharing my work as and when it progresses. This entire translation is hoped to form the basis of a book where specific astrological rules applicable for horoscopic analysis will be explained.

I believe this endeavour of mine will add value to the extant astrological literature and the learned astrological fraternity will welcome it.

This chart has been discussed from Sloka 1 to 53 in Book-1 and Slokas 1443 to 1509 in Book 2. The birth star of the native is Jyeshtha 2nd quarter.
Picture1 Decoding the mystery of Devakeralam – Chandrakala Nadi - Chart 1

1. Born in the first half of Malinyamsha while Jupiter is placed in the Kalakootaamsha, the native born in Matangayoga will be good looking with reddish complexion.2. Jupiter exalted and placed in Pisces Navamsa joins Venus forming Matanga yoga which makes the native famous, while Moon is placed in his debilitation sign occupying Capricorn Navamsa (नीचे नक्रांशगे wrongly typed as निजे ऋक्षांशके).

3. Moon having malefic planets Saturn joining Rahu in a trine makes the native’s birth in a blemished family (Malinya Kula).

4. The native will be bereft of brothers but will half half-brothers and his father will have three consorts.

5. Mother will have long life while a sister will have questionable character. Mother will be devoted to her husband but will be worried because of the family troubles (grihachchidra).

6. She will remain a widow for a long time suffering after the death of her husband.

7. One sister will have long life and remaining siblings will all die. Maternal or paternal uncle or anyone belonging to the same lineage,

8. Will join in spouse, but she will die of separation and widowhood.

9. This may happen before the marriage of the native’s father or in the childhood of the native. 4th lord being Moon occupying his debilitation sign in Capricorn navamsa,

10. And aspected by the 9th lord and attaining Durbhagavastha (Special avastha for Moon), makes the native bereft of brothers.

11. He will have one long lived sister while his mother will have a long life. When Moon has attained Durbhagavastha, his sister will be a Durbhaga (ugly or unfortunate).

12. His half-brothers will die and his father will have two wives. The native’s father will acquire lot of wealth during the native’s 3rd or 5th year.

13. He will roam in various places and countries and live by trading of goods. He will carry out business in goods like precious stones, grains, clothes and various different goods.

14. The native’s father will have a flourishing career in business and is blessed with siblings.

14. When the transit Saturn moves in a sign that is in trine to the navamsa occupied by the Sun, or Saturn moves in a trinal sign to the navamsa sign occupies by the 4th lord, father’s death will happen.15. This will happen when Saturn attains the same longitude as of Sun or 4th lord respectively. The death of father will happen in the birth dasa (Mercury Dasa, birth star is Jyeshtha 2). If this does not happen then,

16. It may happen in Mercury bhuktis of other dasas. Father will die suffering diseases.

17. During the birth dasa (Mercury dasa), the native will experience some comforts and will have his thread ceremony performed. He will get married in the 3rd dasa, Vipat dasa (Venus dasa) during the bhukti of 10th lord Saturn.
18. This will happen during the native’s 22nd or 25th year. The native’s marriage in childhood will face with obstructions.

19. A person born in Matanga yoga while Jupiter is placed in Kaala Koota amsa, will have some money obtained by the selling of a virgin, his own sister.20. The native born with Saturn in the 12th house obtaining Cancer navamsa and joined with a planet that is placed in the Libra navamsa will have money earned by his sister.

21. He will have some money earned on his own and in his childhood he will enjoy the wealth earned by his father. Otherwise he will enjoy the wealth earned by his kinsmen or his sister.

22. 600 or 300 or 400 or more than 10, the native will earn amount by doing business in trees and plants.

23. During the dasa of a planet that owns the navamsa of 10th lord the native will see destruction of his friends. His sister will face troubles and his mother will perish later.24. When Jupiter occupies Malinyamsa, the native’s mother will have mental imbalance in his old age and will die in a forest because of a wild and cruel animal.

25. As per other texts, when the 11th lord is joined with Rahu and occupies a cruel shashtyamsa, the native’s mother will have unnatural and painful death.

26. The native’s father also, during the native’s childhood, will face death because of a woman. He will die in a distant place because of Sannipatha Jwara.

27. The native will be wealthy during his middle age, but will suffer penury in his old age. He will have few comforts during his childhood.28. During the Pratyak dasa (Moon Dasa), after the completion of his 43rd year, the native will have difficult time for next 3 years. This will coincide with civil unrest in his native’s country.

29. The Mandaladhipathi will die and after the change of the ruler peace will be restored. After the 16th year of the native, there will be famine and shortage of food grains in the world.

30. When Saturn transits in the navamsa sign of Sun or in its trinal signs, the native’s king will face death in enemy lands.

31. The death of King may also happen when Saturn moves in the navamsa sign of 9th lord, or its trines or in the 7th sign.

32. When transit Saturn moves in the sign occupied by Mars in navamsa, or in its trines attaining the same longitude of Mars, there will be great famine in the country of the native.

33. During the Pratyak dasa, Moon Dasa, of the native, when transit Saturn moves in Libra, there will be a great famine and shortage of food grains that lead to deaths of many people.

34. When Saturn joins Rahu in the 12th house aspected by benefic planets, the native will suffer rekha yoga for some time and kemadruma yoga for some time.35. Saturn in the 12th, Jupiter in the 4th and Moon in the 8th will give the native Rajayoga sometimes and Kartari yoga some other times.

36. When such Moon is placed in Kartari, the native will suffer huge difficulties in the first half of Moon dasa.

37. When the native attains 46th year, he will have Surya yoga for 3 years. He will have comforts from his other wife (second wife) and will have gain of wealth.

38. (Same as 36).

39. The native will have arishtha to his wife.

40. He will marry for the 2nd time immediately after the death of his 1st wife and will enjoy comforts in the next Saturn antara. (So death of the first wife will happen in Moon-Rahu). He will have fortunate period starting with Jupiter bhukti and continuing into the Saturn bhukti.

41. The native will have marriage in Pratyak dasa (Moon dasa) and will have auspicious events happening in his house. He will gain wealth and comforts as a result of the Koorma Yoga.

42. During the Pratyak dasa, and the bhuktis of Moon or Mars, the native will have children in other islands (????).

43. Because of the Koorma Yoga, the native will have great wealth and comforts because of many endeavours in the 2nd half of the dasa.

44. When transit Saturn attains the same longitude of 11th lord or the 6th lord while moving in the sign occupied by them in navamsa or their trines, the native’s sister will die.45. This shall happen during the 51st year or 48th year of the native.

46. The native born in Koorma yoga will enjoy comforts during the dasa of the ascendant lord. He will have comforts from his 2nd wife and will enjoy the women in his old age.

47. During the currency of the dasa of Mars, the lord of Chandra lagna, and the bhukti of Jupiter, the native will have very difficult times and may have fear of untimely death.

48. He may suffer because of the death of his equivalents in the family or of his female children. If this does not happen, he may suffer because of loss of wealth at the end of the dasa.

49. For the native who was born in Aries ascendant and Cancer navamsa, the dasa of Mars will be comfortable. During the Rahu dasa also the native will have happy events like marriage of his son.

50. During the 63rd year of the native when Jupiter bhukti was current in Rahu dasa, the native will have the fear of untimely death. But he will attain peace after performing remedial measures.51. The native will die in his 77th year during the dasa of naidhanesha (8th star lord, Rahu dasa).

52. He will die in the three solar months starting with Taurus or in the solar month of Capricorn. He will die on a Monday during early morning.

53. The native having malefic planets in the 12th house will have unnatural and painful death. He will have a son in his old age. His next birth will be of abominable nature.


1448. The native will have three sisters.1451. Swabharyanugamishyati (Wife will follow him in death).

1452. His own half-sister will also follow her husband in death unable to bear the pain of separation.

1456. According to others’ opinion, father will have three wives.

1459. Father’s death may happen in the birth dasa (Mercury dasa), or otherwise in the vipat dasa (Venus dasa). 1460. Father will die in the same bhukti of Sampat dasa (Ketu-Ketu) suffering with diseases.

1463. The native will have many female children and will be longing to have sons.

1464. When the dispositor of the 7th lord occupies his debilitation sign, the native will be blessed with sons from his 2nd wife and he will lose his elder brother.

1465. When two malefic planets occupy the 12th house, the native will be fickle minded because of lack of sons. He will be bereft of comforts from his wife and will suffer because of death of brothers.

1466. His sister will suffer widowhood and the native will always be of sinful thoughts. When the 7th lord occupies Scorpio in navamsa,

1467-1468. The native will join prostitutes and will have two wives, during the pratyak dasa (Moon dasa), when transit Saturn reaches the longitude of the 5th lord while moving in a sign identical with the sign occupies by the 5th lord in navamsa, the native’s mother will meet an unnatural and painful death. Later he will be in great pain because of the death of his wife.

1469. The native may lose his wife in his 32nd or 38th or 42nd or 44th year.

1470. During the dasa of Moon who is in durbhagavastha, the native will suffer the loss of his brother and wife. There may be trouble to an infant in the house also.1471. During the currency of the kshema dasa (Sun dasa) the native will be blessed with daughters. In the pratyak dasa (Moon dasa) he will have mental affliction after the marriage of his daughter.

1472. During the dasa of debilitated planet (Moon) the native will have severe difficulties and will lose his accumulated wealth.

1473. When the 2nd lord Venus is placed in a Kendra and joined with Jupiter, the native will have a wealth of more than 300 (gold coins).1474. When the 10th lord joins Rahu, the native born in Cancer navamsa will carry out business joined with his friends.

1475. He will be endowed with quadrupeds, grains and money but will be a miser. He will not have faith in anybody because of Moon occupying his debilitation sign (Tribhagage?).

1476. He will live in another village or in a town and will be fortunate throughout his life.

1477. When Saturn joins Rahu in the 12th in the birth chart, the native will lose money in the year of his marriage. He will suffer some loss in business in the Pratyak dasa (Moon dasa).

1478. Some money will be lost because of some official works and some more will be lost because of his sister’s friend. He will have unfortunate periods in between and fewer comforts.

1482. At the least he will have more than 100 coins of wealth continuously.

1484. Mother’s death will happen because of cruel animals like tigers.

1488-1489. During the middle of pratyak dasa (Moon dasa), the native will suffer loss of wife. During the Vipat dasa (Venus dasa) there will be change of king in his native kingdom or in the country where he lives.1491. When transit Saturn moves in the sign occupied by Sun in navamsa, or in its trines attaining the same longitude of Sun, there will be great famine in the country of the native.

1493. Because of kemadruma, the native have severe mental affliction.

1494. The kartari yoga is akin to the kemadruma in its effects.

1495. During the dasa of Moon who is making these two malefic yogas, and in the antara of Jupiter, the native will lose his wife to death.

1498. In all the dasa and especially in the pratyak dasa (Moon dasa), the native will suffer sorrow (Santapam not Santanam) in the bhuktis of Moon, Mars and Jupiter.

1500. When transit Saturn attains the same longitude of 11th lord or the 6th lord while moving in the sign occupied by them in navamsa or their trines, the native’s siblings will die.

1502. For the native who is born in kurma yoga the dasa of Mars will be auspicious.

1507. Death will be during the end of naidhanesha dasa (Rahu-Mars).


pin Decoding the mystery of Devakeralam – Chandrakala Nadi - Chart 1

Views: 183

Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi

slide5 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi

This was an article published in the journal the ‘Modern Astrology’. I thank Mrs Gayatridevi Vasudev, the editor, for allowing me to share the article in social media. I hope you will enjoy reading this.

Decoding Devakeralam
By Dr. K. Guru Rajesh

Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques

scripture top img 1 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi


Devakeralam or Chandra Kala Nadi authored by Achyuta and Venkatesa is a voluminous work extending to more than 9000 Slokas in two volumes and belongs to the category of Nadi literature in Vedic astrology. Though its original manuscript is with Government Oriental Manuscript Library, Chennai, which published it in 1950, the richness of its astrological knowledge was first introduced to the English readers by the late C.S. Patel. Later, the late R. Santhanam published the entire Sanskrit text with English translation. With due respect to these late scholars, I proceed to present before the esteemed readers the results of my own study of this great work.
Apparently, both Sri Patel and Sri Santhanam had assumed that Devakeralam does not deal with actual horoscopes, unlike other Nadi works, because the work uses Nadiamsas. “Nadi texts are of two kinds. One uses a certain starting point, known as particular Nadiamsa, which rises in the eastern horizon at birth e.g. Vasudha, Vaishnavi, Brahmi etc; while the other one deals with the actual horoscopes; showing all planetary positions and giving entire life histories of natives. The present chapter deals with the former one … ” says C.S. Patel in the 9th Chapter of his book Nadi Astrology. Santhanam also writes in the preface to his English translation of Devakeralam, “He (Achyuta) had also quoted Garga, Vasishta, Parasara, Yavana etc … These Nadis, unlike Saptharishi apparently contained principles usable in predictive astrology and not full-fledged horoscopes … “. Anyone going through the works of these scholars on Devakeralam can observe that this assumption was always there at the back of their mind. While Patel culled out and presented the general rules quoted in the work, the entire English translation of Santhanam is influenced by the above idea. This resulted in missing the spirit of the general rules at some places and in a mostly redundant English translation. Added to this, the poor editing of the original Sanskrit text at places made the English translation erroneous at those places.
A deep and repeated study of Devakeralam has revealed to me that the text, in fact, deals with actual horoscopes that can be constructed by the hints that are intelligently embedded within the text. The horoscope including Rasi and Navamsa positions of planets that are mentioned in the discussion and the birth star with its Pada can be known, from which the entire discussion becomes meaningful and instructive. All the general principles enumerated are demonstrated by the horoscope. Encouraged by this discovery, I started grouping the entire text in terms of different charts and started the further intensive study.
Based on Nadiamsas

There is an element in Devakeralam which is discouraging to serious astrologers. It is the fact of the text being based primarily on Nadi Amsas which are very minute 150th parts of a sign. Added to this, the text divides each Nadiamsa into two parts, Purvamsa and Uttaramsa, and further into four parts, each pertaining to the four Varnas. Given the problem of correct birth time recording and the controversies shrouding the Ayanamsa, practical minded people shun studying and applying Devakeralam. Nevertheless, I found that, besides the Nadiamsas, more than 60% of the text actually uses conventional astrological principles which can be grouped under the following heads.
Bhava and Yoga Analysis: Great insights can be obtained by studying the way Devakeralam analyses a Bhava using various parameters like Rasi, Navamsa, Arudha, Ashtakavarga etc. Different types of Yogas, both famous and not so well-known, can be learnt from the work. Cancellations of various benefic and malefic Yogas find a place here, which is rare to find in other classical texts. Predictions regarding different relatives of the native, even the distant ones like cousins, their spouses and children are also made in the work.
Use of Vargas: Devakeralam extensively uses the Navamsa position of planets in the analysis of Bhavas, Yogas and effects of Dasas. Besides Navamsa, other Vargas like Dwadasamsa, Trimsamsa and Shastyamsa have also been applied.
Use of Arudha: The text demonstrates the way to use Arudha Padas in Bhava analysis and also Dasa predictions. At several places, Arudha and Ashtakavarga are used in tandem.
Use of Ashtakavarga: Ashtakavarga usage has been demonstrated at several places to quantify the things to predict. The number of siblings of the parents, of the native etc., is predicted using prediction principles of ashtakavarga. Further, the age that may prove dangerous to the native as also the age from which the native’s life becomes productive can be known by these principles.
Use of Dasas: It uses Vimshottari Dasa mainly to predict the unfolding of the events in the native’s life. Kala Chakra Dasa also finds extensive usage in most of the horoscopes discussed. Besides this, a few horoscopes have been explained using Rasi Dasas, mostly Chara Dasa.
Use of Transits: Transits of Saturn and Jupiter find wide usage in timing of various good and bad events. The Navamsa positions of planets are extensively considered here. Transit analysis is used along with the Dasas to pinpoint the event.
Mundane and Political Predictions: Interestingly, Devakeralam demonstrates the way to predict mundane and political events from an individual’s horoscope which include death or defeat of the rulers, revolutions, famines, wars etc. Saturn’s transit in various signs has been used independently to predict troubles in various parts of southern India.
Remedies: The text is replete with remedial measures to ward off the evil results of planetary afflictions. They seem to be culled from authentic Smriti and Mantra Sastra works and are of great practical use.
Miscellaneous: The text also includes a variety of information on the usage of Rashmis; prediction of Janma Rasi and Lagna (Ascendant) of the spouse, children, employer etc; prenatal epoch and mentioning of various planetary Nadis from which additional information has been solicited.
The entire text of Devakeralam deals with actual horoscopes. I have given some of the horoscopes discussed, highlighting the conventional tools of astrology employed in their analysis.
The chart I is given under Slokas 188 to 367 in Volume 1. The birth start is Poorvashada 2nd quarter and the birth Dasa will be of Venus. The following are some of the points discussed in the text with regard to Chart 1.
1 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi
(i) The Ascendant lord Jupiter is with 8th lord Moon in the Ascendant and receives the aspect of Mars, a natural malefic. The text says that Jupiter having 5 bindus in his Ashtakavarga, joining the 8th lord and aspected by malefic Mars will cause great danger to the life of the child at the age of 5 years (Sloka 196).

(ii) The Moon placed in Sagittarius Rasi and Virgo Navamsa makes Aquarius as the Deha-Rasi and Virgo as the Jeeva-Rasi as per Kala Chakra Dasa system (Sloka 320). (Because of poor editing, the word deha is printed as dvesha whose consequence can be noted in the accompanying English translation). The presence of Rahu in Virgo (and Saturn in Aquarius) at the time of birth indicates that the native will almost die in the very first year of his birth but will recover and survive (Sloka 321).

(iii) Whenever the junction between two signs of Kala Chakra Dasa or two Dasas of Vimshottari coincide with the transit of Saturn in the Jeeva-Rasi, the native will experience a lot of trouble in his life including unfortunate events to his kin. When the Libra Chakra Dasa ends and Scorpio Chakra Dasa starts for the present native which coincides with the transit of Saturn from Virgo, the Jeeva-Rasi, into Libra, he will experience very bad times like untimely death (Apamrutyu). This happens from the 19th year to the 21st year of the native. As a remedy he should give an image of the Zodiac in donation (Slokas 322-326).

(iv) Saturn being the lord of Bhagyarudha (Arudha of 9th house) placed in own sign and obtaining Capricorn Navamsa indicates that the native’s father will be of angry disposition inwards, pleasing in appearance and a miser (Sloka 267, 268). The Sun, the lord of the 9th house, is in Taurus, the 10th from Leo. Counting 10 signs from Taurus comes to Aquarius where Saturn is his placed in own sign.
(v) Saturn placed in Aquarius obtaining Capricorn Navamsa (Makaramsayute Mande wrongly typed as Makaramsekujemande in  Sanskrit) and Venus placed in Pisces obtaining Aquarius Navamsa indicates obstructions in the native’s marriage. For any person born in any Nadiamsa, Saturn in the 3rd creates hurdles whenever marriage efforts are made. After failure of two or three attempts, the native will get married (Slokas 219-221). Jupiter obtaining the Navamsa of Mercury (Budhamsa wrongly typed as Brahmamsa in Sanskrit) and Venus obtaining Aquarius Navamsa indicates that the native will marry a girl in his birth place and she will be hailing from the North direction. The Ascendant lord Jupiter in Gemini, the 7th sign from the Rasi Ascendant and Karaka Venus in a fixed Navamsa indicates a wife from the birth place while Venus placed in Pisces indicates a wife from North direction.
(vi) The 8th lord Moon joining the Ascendant lord Jupiter indicates that the native will be fortunate in the Vipat Dasa (third Dasa from birth – that is Moon Dasa). The native will have Raja Yoga during this period enjoying conveyances, ornaments, prominent position in society and a lot of wealth. He will beget children in this Dasa and his own sister will also prosper (Slokas 240-241).

(vii) When Saturn in transit moves into Sagittarius and obtains Virgo Navamsa, death of the native’s mother is to be predicted. Otherwise, she may die when transiting Saturn aspects the 11th house, the 8th from the 4th house. Similarly, transit Saturn moving in Taurus and obtaining Aries Navamsa may kill the native’s father. This event may also happen when transit Saturn moves in trines to the sign occupies by the Sun in Navamsa (Slokas 300- 301). Note that Matrukaraka Moon occupies Sagittarius sign and Virgo Navamsa while Pitrukaraka Sun occupies Taurus sign and Aries Navamsa.
(viii) The native will have a lifespan that will end during the Dasa of the Ascendant lord Jupiter and Bhukti of 8th lord Moon (Sloka 258). During the Dasa of Aries of Kala Chakra Dasa which coincides with the Jupiter Vimshottari Dasa, the transit of Saturn in Aries will precipitate the death of the native in the solar months of Sagittarius or Gemini or Virgo (Slokas 362-63). Note that these three signs are influenced by the 8th lord Moon in Rasi and Navamsa.
Chart 2 comes under Slokas 548 to 637 in Volume I. The birth star of the native is Revati 3rd quarter and the birth Dasa will be of Mercury. The following are some of the points discussed in the text about the horoscope.
2 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi
(i) The Ascendant lord Saturn obtaining a movable Navamsa and joined by Mars results in some physical deformity for the native’s mother or his elder sister (Sloka 548). Note that Mars is the 4th and 11th Lord.
(ii) The 9th Lord Mercury occupying Gemini Navamsa while Rahu is in the 9th house receiving the aspect of the Moon indicates that the native’s sister will be involved with a paramour (Sloka 551). Note that 9th house is the 7th house from the 3rd house.
(iii) When the Ascendant falls in Capricorn obtaining Leo Navamsa, while Ascendant lord joins the 4th lord Mars (kujasamyute wrongly typed as guru samyute in Sanskrit), the native’s mother will be ugly in appearance and wicked in nature and she does not heed her husband (Sloka 552).

(iv) When the Arudha of the 4th house falls in Sagittarius, the 4th lord occupies Aquarius with Saturn and Jupiter occupies Sagittarius, the native’s maternal grandfather will be very fortunate. He will be blessed with many siblings and progeny and will have many conveyances. He will be famous in the court of kings (Sloka 555-556). Note that 4th lord Mars is in Aquarius, the 11th sign therefrom. Counting 11th signs from Aquarius brings us to Sagittarius, the Arudha of the 4th house, where Jupiter is in own sign. Sagittarius is the 9th house from the 4th indicating maternal grandfather.
(v) When the Arudha Lagna falls in Pisces, while the Ascendant lord Saturn joins Mars and obtains his exaltation Navamsa, the native’s mother will have 7 or 8 brothers out of whom only two will survive (Sloka 530-531).

(vi) When the Bhagya and Karma lords Mercury and Venus respectively join in the Ascendant while the Ascendant lord occupies a movable Navamsa (Libra), the native will have fortune after 20 years of age in the Vipat Dasa, that is Venus Dasa (Sloka 574).

(vii) When the 8th lord Sun is in the Ascendant joined with two benefic planets, though the native faces almost fatal condition, he will recover and survive (Sloka 575).

(viii)The Ascendant lord Saturn occupying his exaltation Navamsa and joining the 4th lord Mars will indicate that the native will be learned and humble, will be of angry disposition but regains his cool quickly (Sloka 576).

(ix) Saturn placed in the 2nd, Rahu in the 9th and 7th lord with a malefic (darese typed wrongly as charese in Sanskrit) indicate thatthe native will lose his wife to death in the Vipat Dasa (Venus Dasa) but will remarry immediately (Sloka 594). This happens when transit Saturn moves in a trine to the Navamsa Rasi occupied by the 2nd lord, the 8th lord from the 7th house (Sloka 595).

(x) When two malefic planets are in the 2nd house while Rahu occupies the 9th, the native will face dire circumstances in his old age (Sloka 608).

(xi) In Sloka 529, the author says that the 5th house is the Rajyastana – the kingdom where the native lives, while 9th house represents the king. Regarding the present horoscope, Rahu placed in the 9th house receiving the aspect of Mars indicates that the ruler of the kingdom where the native lives will be suffering from diseases and will be of a cruel temperament (Sloka 619).

(xii) Rahu in the Bhagyastana, the 9th house, obtains Taurus Navamsa ruled by Venus. Hence the native will be fortunate after his 20th year, when Venus Dasa starts as the Vipat Dasa (Sloka 621).
Chart 3 comes under the discussions under Slokas 54 to 96 of Volume I. Birth star of the native is Anuradha 4th quarter and the birth Dasa will be of Saturn. The following are some of the points discussed in the text under Chart 3.
3 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi
(i) The Sun joining Saturn in the 11th indicates that the native’s father will face dire circumstances in the Sampath Dasa (Mercury Dasa). This is because Mercury is the 8th lord from the Chandra Lagna or the Moon-sign. In malefic Bhuktis of Mercury Dasa, the native’s parents will experience evil results (Slokas 63-64).
(ii) As the Moon in the 7th is aspected by the 12th lord (Dwadasesanireekshite is typed wrongly as Dwadasesaniveekshite), the native will have two marriages (Sloka 66). The 5th lord joining Rahu and Saturn occupying the 11th house (aspecting the 5th) creates obstacles in begetting progeny. His first wife will be barren or a Kaakavandhya (giving birth to only one child) (Slokas 67-68).

(iii) Jupiter placed in the 5th house aspected by two malefic planets suggests that the native was subject to a curse of a Brahmin because of which he will not get progeny. To pacify the curse, the native should perform Setusnanam and propitiate Lord Shiva. He should observe Somavarapradoshavrata and in the evening should donate an idol of Nageswara made of gold weighing one pala or its half (Slokas 70-72).
(iv) When the Sun is in the 11th house, performing of Bhanuvrata will also ensure that the native will beget sons (Sloka 73). The 8th lord Jupiter in the 5th house and receiving the aspect of Saturn results in the loss of progeny. When the native performs the prescribed remedies, he will be blessed by Nageswara with a few children after a long period or in his old age (Slokas 74-75).

(v) The planet having lordship over the children of the native’s elder brother (native’s elder brother is ruled by the 11th house Pisces. The 5th house from Pisces is Cancer, hence Moon will be the planet referred to here) being placed in his debilitation sign receiving the aspect of Mars (Kujaveekshite wrongly typed as Subhaveekshite in Sanskrit) indicates that the children of native’s elder brother may face dangers through water (Jalagandam) (Sloka 76).

(vi) Mars placed in the 7th from the Moon being aspected by Saturn will cause danger to the native’s mother (Arishtha) (Sloka 71).
Chart 4 comes under the discussion from Sloka 97 to 187 of Volume 1. Birth star of the native is Revati 3rd quarter and the birth Dasa will be of Mercury.
4 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi

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(i) Slokas 167-168 indicate that the junction of birth Dasa of Mercury will be in the 5th year, of Ketu will be in the 12th year and the next Dasa Sandhi of Venus will be in the 32nd year. These periods prove dangerous to the native.
(ii) The Arudha of the Ascendant falling in Sagittarius, Moon in the 2nd house while the Arudha lord Jupiter is in a Kendra or Kona, indicates that the native will enjoy conveyances after his 25th year. He will enjoy prominence after his 16th year. He will have great Yoga because of his intellect after his 19th year, all in Venus Dasa (Slokas 165-166).

(iii) Jupiter placed in Scorpio and obtaining Virgo Navamsa indicates that the native will have the normal physical appearance and his words will be boisterous. The native will be righteous, will know the intentions of people and will be truthful (Sloka 101). This is attributed to Jupiter because he is the lord of Arudha Lagna which falls in Sagittarius.
(iv) Jupiter placed in a friendly sign and attaining the Navamsa of Mercury makes the native highly passionate and he will serve a ruler. He will be fond of his half-brothers (Sapatnimatrusutavatsala) (Sloka 103). The 11th house rules half-brothers. Arudhalagna falling in the 11th house indicates this result.
(v) Rahu in the Ascendant aspected by the Sun indicates that the native will have a windy temperament in his body. He will have enmity with his relatives in course of time and will incur grief because of his own mother (Sloka 104).

(vi) The Sun joined with Ketu in Leo indicates early death to native’s father (Sloka 121). His father will face dangers because of wounds and boils during the Janma Dasa, which is Mercury Dasa (Sloka 123). Mars in the 5th house and the 9th lord Venus joining malefic planets indicate death of the native’s father in a foreign place (Sloka 124). Jupiter in a trine to the 9th lord Venus indicates that the death of native’s father will happen while he is on a pilgrimage to pray the deities (Sloka 129).

(vii) The 4th and 9th lord Venus joining the Ascendant lord Saturn in the 6th house indicates that the native will obtain a good education and will head many villages. He will be capable of writing and speaking three languages and enjoy Raja Yoga. He will be devoted to both Vishnu and Shiva (Slokas 158-159). (viii) The native will marry in the own Bhukti of Vipat Dasa (Venus Dasa- Venus Bhukti) (Sloka 162). During the end of Mercury Bhukti in Venus Dasa or in the beginning of Ketu Bhukti, which coincides with the transit of Saturn over natal Moon, the native’s wife will face danger (Sloka 174). The native will marry twice. He will beget a son during his 23rd year and will suffer only loss of progeny before that. He will be blessed with sons only from his second wife, among whom two or three will have long life (Slokas 175-176). Mars in the 5th house from Ascendant, while its lord Mercury is in the 8th house, indicates that the native will have many short lived children and will beget long lived sons only after a long time. In order to pacify this Dosha he has to observe Kumara vrata and perform setusnana. After that he will be blessed with sons (Slokas 178-179).

(ix) The native will suffer sorrow due to the death of his half-brother during the Dasa of the 6th lord Moon, during his 40th year (Sloka 180). The 6th house will be the 8th house from the 11th house that rules half-brothers and hence the Dasa of 6th lord Moon will give this result.
Chart 5 comes under the discussion on Sloka 1219 to 1335 of Volume 1. The birth star of the native is Uttaraphalguni 2nd quarter and the birth Dasa will be of the Sun.
5 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi
(i) Saturn placed in the 5th from the Sun and the 8th lord Mercury occupying the 9th indicates that the native’s father was struck with grief. Father will be of angry disposition but will cool down quickly. He would be given to vices for some time and suffer boils and wounds. However, later he would repent for his bad ways and become righteous and devoted to the deities and brahmins (Slokas 1227-1229).

(ii) The 9th lord joined with or aspected by Jupiter indicates that the native’s father was wealthy and a seeker of spiritual knowledge. He will be following both Vaidika and Tantrika systems of worship. During his childhood he was given to Tamasika nature but will become Sattwika later on. He will perform charitable acts like digging of tanks, developing gardens etc. (Slokas 1234-1235).

(iii) The 9th lord with a malefic planet and 11th lord (Venus joined with Mars and Jupiter) indicates that the native’s father will have two wives (Sloka 1238). He will be blessed with huge wealth, knowledge and many sons. This fortune to the native’s father is because the Arudha of the 9th house falls in the 11th house Sagittarius (Sloka 1239).

(iv) The Moon joining two malefic planets in the 8th house devoid of benefic aspects indicates Balarishtha to the native (Sloka 1241). However, Mars, the 8th lord from Moon sign placed in own sign and exaltation Navamsa joined with two benefic planets cancels the Balarishtha (Sloka 1242). The Moon in the 8th from Ascendant and obtaining the 12th sign in Navamsa from the Rasi Ascendant (Vyayamse) indicates short life span for the native (Sloka 1243). The native born in a fixed Ascendant and Pisces Navamsa while Rahu is placed in the 8th house will suffer Ba1arishtha (Sloka 1244). During the starting of Mars Dasa the native will definitely suffer Balarishtha (Sloka 1246). Ascendant falling in a fixed sign and attaining Pisces Navamsa, while Jupiter is placed in the 10th will cancel all the Balarishthas (Sloka 1251). During the Dasas of the Sun, Moon and Rahu the native should perform remedial measures. He should perform the Japa of Mrutyunjaya Mantra and should donate clothes. The life span of this native will be medium (Slokas 1252-1253).

(v) Mars being the 3rd lord when placed in his exaltation Navamsa and joined with two benefic planets will bestow the native with 8 brothers, among whom two will become prominent and influential (Sloka 1260).

(vi) Whoever takes birth when Moon is joined with or aspected by two malefics will be of sinful nature and engaged in secretive activities (Sloka 1269).

(vii) The 9th house from Chandra Lagna (Moon-sign) when aspected by Venus will make the native wise and fortunate (Venus being the 9th lord) (Sloka 1270). Jupiter being the lord of Lagna Navamsa (Navamsa Ascendant), when joins Venus and Mars (the 9th and 10th lords) bestows the native with lot of fortune. The native will be engaged in multifarious businesses (Sloka 1271). Lakshmi, the deity of wealth, will never leave a native born with Mars in the 10th or the 7th or the 1st house, and he will be fortunate right from his birth (Sloka 1325). 9th lord Venus in the 10th house joined by the 10th lord makes the native very fortunate and wealthy (bhagyartha wrongly typed as bharyartha in Sanskrit). However, because of the association of the 11th lord Jupiter in this combination, the native will not get political power (raja Yoga). He will do business and earn lot of wealth (Slokas 1286-1287).

(viii) The Moon ruling the house of maternal uncles (6th house) when joins two malefics, the native will have many maternal uncles among whom two or three will have long life. One of the maternal uncles will die in a foreign land. Another will become the lord of thieves and follow atheistic belief system (Slokas 1293-1294). During the Sampat Dasa (Moon Dasa), the maternal uncle will be afflicted by stomach diseases (Sloka 1301).
(ix) During the junction of Sampat Tara Dasa (Moon Dasa and Mars Dasa), transit Saturn moving in retrogression or acceleration at the junction of Gemini and Cancer results in the death of the native’s king. The Chola kingdom will face a grave danger (Slokas 1308-1310).
Chart 6 comes under discussion on Sloka 778 to Sloka 846 of volume 1. Birth star of the native is Ashlesha 4th quarter and the birth Dasa will be of Mercury. The following are some of the points discussed in the text about Chart 6.
6 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi
(i) Saturn placed in Aries with Mercury indicates that the native will be devoted to Vishnu (Sloka 779). Saturn in Aries, his debilitation sign, placed in Leo Navamsa, an inimical Navamsa, makes the native hate his own religion and he will adopt another religion (Sloka 778). This result is ascribed here to Saturn because he is the lord of the Arudha of 9th house.
 (ii) Saturn joining Sun in Aries indicate that the native will be righteous, self-reliant, knowledgeable, Satwika natured, sometimes of cruel disposition hurting people at their vulnerable points and displaying Tamasa nature (Sloka 780).

(iii) The native will be bereft of happiness from his father.  This is because of the position of 9th lord Mars in the 4th house, 8th house there from the 9th, joined with Ketu and receiving the aspect of Saturn. However, Arudha of 9th house falling in the 11th house, the 3rd house from the 9th house, ensures the native will be supported by his paternal uncles (Sloka 785).

(iv) Saturn placed in debilitated sign Aries and obtaining Leo Navamsa indicates that the native will suffer poverty during his childhood and will be fortunate only after the 30th year (Sloka 786). This is attributed to Saturn as he is the lord of the Arudha of Bhagya Sthana.
(v) Saturn obtaining the navamsa of Sun (Bhanvamsaka wrongly typed as Bhoumamsaka in Sanskrit) in a sign of Mars indicates that the native will lose his younger sister and Mother. He will be brought up by his maternal grandfather where he will get the Vaishnava Deeksha of Chakrankitam. After his marriage he will return to his paternal house and follow the religion of his paternal grandfather (Slokas 788-791).

(vi) Mars placed in the 4th house joined with Ketu (Puccha Graha is wrongly typed as Uccha Graha in Sanskrit) indicates that during the Janma Dasa (Mercury Mahadasa, the 4th lord) the native will grieve the death of his maternal relations (Sloka 795).
(vii) For the present native who is born in Pisces Ascendant, Saturn joining Mercury indicates that the native’s wife will be virtuous and wealthy (Sloka 804). This is because Mercury is the 7th lord and Saturn is the lord of the 9th house Arudha. However, there will be blemish in the wife’s family. Her brother will be sinful and will be seduced by a low-class woman. He will become penurious in course of time and will hate his own father (Sloka 805).

(viii) Venus placed in Pisces obtaining her debilitation Navamsa and Rahu placed in the 10th house indicates that a sister of the native’s wife will be ugly, unfortunate and sinful (Sloka 806).
(ix) 8th lord placed in exaltation sign and obtaining debilitation Navamsa, and receiving the aspect of Jupiter indicates that the native will have medium life span (Slokas 839-840).
(x) Significance of this case is that the events in the native’s life have been described by using Rasi Dasa (Chara Dasa). The Dasas start from Pisces and move in regular order. Though describing the entire text is not possible, I would explain a few points. (a) During the Ascendant Pisces Dasa, as Moon is placed in the Lagna Arudha, the native’s mother will face difficult circumstances and he will not have any happiness from his father (Sloka 808). 8th lord Venus placed in the Ascendant Pisces while Jupiter placed in a trine there from indicates that though the native will almost die in the Ascendant Dasa he will survive (Sloka 810). His father will face penury and difficulties while his paternal uncle will get married in this Dasa (Sloka 811). This is because the Ascendant is occupied by 8th lord Venus, the 12th lord from the 9th house. The Arudha of Ascendant is falling in Cancer, the 7th house from the 11th, house that rules paternal uncle. Hence, the native’s paternal uncle will get married in this Dasa. (b) During the Dasa of 2nd sign Aries, the 2nd lord placed in a Kendra joined with or aspected by Rahu will cause poverty (Sloka 812). 2nd lord joining with Ketu also indicates that the native’s Upanayana (thread ceremony) will be performed in this period (Sloka 813). There will be agitation in the kingdom where the native lives because of the change of the ruler (Sloka 815). This is because 2nd lord is placed with Ketu in the 4th house, the 8th from 9th house that indicates the king. (c) During the Dasa of the 4th sign Gemini whose lord Mercury is placed in the 2nd house, the native will get married (Sloka 818). Note that Mercury is also the 7th lord. However, the 4th sign occupied by Mars and Ketu indicates that the native’s domestic peace will be destroyed. The ruler of the kingdom where the native resides will perish (Sloka 819). (d) The native’s mother-in-law will pass away after the native’s marriage during the Dasa of 5th house Cancer. This is because, 5th house is the 8th from 10th house that rules over mother-in-law (Sloka 820). 5th lord placed in the 5th house, the Rajyasthana, aspected by the 10th lord Jupiter results in the native entering the service of a king during the end of the Dasa. The native will beget sons during this Dasa (Sloka 821-822). (e) Sun placed in Aries while Rahu placed in the 10th house (the Arudha of sign Leo) indicates that during the Dasa of Leo, the 6th house, the native will face the anger of ruler and suffer insults (Sloka 825-826). (f) During the dasa of 7th house Virgo, the native will enjoy fortunate times. This is because Jupiter is placed in the Arudha of the 7th house obtaining his own Navamsa (Sloka 836).
Chart 7 comes on discussion from Sloka 1821 to 1874 of volume 1. Birth star of the native is Pushyami 3rd Quarter and the birth Dasa will be of Saturn. The following are some of the points discussed in the text about the horoscope.
7 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi
(i) This native is born in Taurus Ascendant with the Lagna Arudha falling in Virgo (Sloka 1824). Saturn joining with Mars in the 5th house, the Arudha Lagna, indicates that the native will be secretly deceitful, passionate, will get angry instantly but have a pleasant disposition (Sloka 1837-1838). Because of this combination of Saturn and Mars in the 5th house, the native will suffer poverty in his childhood and will have comforts only after 5th year (Sloka 1839).

(ii) Mercury obtaining Libra Navamsa and joined with Venus indicates that the native will be devoted to Vishnu (Sloka 1836). Sun placed in the 2nd house and obtaining Pisces Navamsa indicates that the native will get the Chakrankita Deeksha of Vaishnavites during his childhood (Sloka 1840).

(iii) Sun being the 4th lord when placed in the 2nd house (Dhana Rasi wrongly typed as Dhanu Rasi in Sanskrit) and obtaining the Navamsa of Pisces while the karaka Moon associated with Venus will indicate long life to the native’s mother (Sloka 1841). During his 2nd cycle when transit Saturn moves in Virgo, the native’s mother will die (Sloka 1842). This will happen about 29-31 years of the native. This is because, transit Saturn aspects the 11th house from Ascendant which will be the 8th from the 4th house.
(iv) During the Sampat Tara Dasa (Mercury Mahadasa), transit of Jupiter in a sign trine to the Navamsa sign occupied by 5th lord Mercury (Libra), the native will get married (Sloka 1846). Otherwise, transit Jupiter moving in Scorpio in his 2nd cycle will see the native married (Sloka 1847).

(v) 7th lord Mars placed in a fixed Navamsa and joined with Saturn indicates only one wife (Sloka 1848). The Janma Rasi of one’s spouse will be in a trine to the Navamsa sign occupied by the 7th lord. The sign aspected by the 7th lord will be the Ascendant (birth sign?) of the spouse (Sloka 1849).

(vi) When Venus occupies the Arudha of the 7th house, the native will be fortunate after marriage. This is so especially because 9th lord Saturn joining Venus gives fortune through spouse (Sloka 1851).

(vii) Mercury being the 5th lord obtaining Libra Navamsa (Jookamse wrongly typed as Jookante in Sanskrit) and joined with Venus indicates abortions to the native’s wife (Sloka 1855). This is because Libra is the 6th sign from the Ascendant while Venus is the 6th lord.
(viii) During the first cycle of Saturn, when transit Saturn enters Cancer after leaving Gemini, the native will lose his father (Sloka 1865). This is because Cancer is a trine to Pisces, the sign occupied by the 4th lord, the 8th lord from the 9th house.
Chart 8 comes under discussion on Sloka 4977 to Sloka 5056 of volume 2. Birth star of the native is Moola 1st quarter and the birth Dasa will be of Ketu.
8 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi
(i) Saturn placed in Scorpio indicate that the native will be corpulent and intelligent.  He will be somewhat stubborn and foolish, passionate, hot-tempered but cools down instantly (Sloka 4984). These results are attributed to Saturn because he is the lord of the Lagna Arudha and occupies Scorpio, a watery sign owned by Mars, receiving the aspect of Jupiter.
(ii) This native born with Amala Yoga (natural benefic Venus placed in the 10th from Ascendant/Moon) will be fond of holy people, will be truthful and will look after his kith and kin (Sloka 5010).

(iii) 5th lord Mars is placed in the 11th house joined with the 9th lord. This bestows fortune, comforts and wealth on the native (Sloka 5027).

(iv) During the Dasa of Venus who is placed in the debilitation sign and exaltation Navamsa, the native will have a highly comfortable period (Sloka 5002).

(v) 8th lord Moon placed in the Ascendant in Sagittarius and obtaining the navamsa of Aries indicates that the Mars Dasa would cause difficulties and especially during the latter half there will be grave danger (Sloka 4991). This suggests that the Dasa of a planet who hosts the 8th lord in Navamsa will be troublesome. Venus occupying the Arudha of the 2nd house bestows the native will lot of wealth and clothes in Mars Dasa (Sloka 5012). However, the native will lose his own wealth for the purpose of serving his king (Sloka 5013). This result is attributed to Mars as he is the lord of the sign and Navamsa occupied by the 2nd lord Saturn, which happens to be the 12th house Scorpio.
(vi) Rahu placed in Leo (9th house) and obtaining Sagittarius Navamsa (Ascendant sign of Rasi) indicates that the native will have very comfortable period and good Yoga starting from the Jupiter Bhukti of Rahu Dasa (Sloka 4994). The junction period between Pratyak Tara Dasa (Mars Dasa) and the own Bhukti of Sadhana Dasa (Rahu Bhukti in Rahu Dasa) will prove to be difficult and the native will be involved in confrontation with the rulers (Sloka 4996). Starting from the transit of Saturn in Virgo during his second cycle the native will have fortunate period (Sloka 4999).

(vii) When the 2nd lord Saturn is placed in Scorpio Navamsa (12th sign from Rasi Ascendant), transit of Saturn in Cancer will give severe difficulties. Similar results will be experienced when Saturn transits in other trines (Sloka 5025).

(viii) During the Bhukti of Saturn who occupies Davagni Shastyamsa, in the Dasa of Rahu, the native will lose his relatives to death. He will suffer with windy complaints and experience sorrow because of the death of a child in his house (Sloka 5030).
(ix) During the last Bhukti of Mars in Rahu Dasa, the native will have comforts because of the position of his son. Because of the blemish of Dasa sandhi, the king will die and there will be change of ruler (Sloka 5040).

(x) As the native has Saturn in the 12th house he will face sorrow in his old age because of the death of his son. This happens during the Dasa Sandhi period (junction between Rahu and Jupiter Dasa) (Sloka 5051-5052). Saturn occupies the 12th house which is the 8th house to the 5th house that rules over progeny.
(xi) Venus getting lordship over the Arudha of the 8th house (Randhresa Arudhape wrongly typed as Randhresa Arudhage in sanskrit) and placed in the 10th house bestows long life even when hundreds of Apamrutyu Yogas are present in the horoscope (Sloka 5049).

(xii) The native’s death will take place during the Naidhana Tara Dasa (Jupiter’s Dasa) when Saturn transits in Pisces (Sloka 5042-5043). Transit Saturn moving over the Navamsa sign occupied by the lord of 8th house Arudha (Venus is the lord of 8th house Arudha who occupies Pisces Navamsa) the native will die (Sloka 5050-5051).

(xiii) Placement of Saturn in the 12th house in Scorpio indicates that the native will die in a pilgrimage centre on the banks of a river, on a Monday (8th lord being Moon) (Sloka 5055-5056).
Chart 9 comes on discussion from Sloka 5332 to 5599 of volume 2. Birth star of the native is Sravana 3rd quarter and the birth Dasa will be of the Moon. The following are some of the points discussed in the text about the horoscope.
9 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi
(i) Ascendant lord placed in the 11th house, obtaining own Navamsa and aspected by Jupiter indicates native’s birth in a royal family (Sloka 5333). Ascendant lord placed in the 11th house and 9th lord placed in the 10th house makes a person to be born in a fortunate family (Sloka 5352).

(ii) The text interestingly describes about the prenatal epoch of the native. Conception would have happened in the Ashwayuja Masa, Krishna Paksha, Chaturthi Tithi, on a Monday, in Rohini star and in Capricorn Ascendant. It is to be known that the birth Ascendant would fall in the 10th sign of the Adhana Lagna (Slokas 5334-5335).

(iii) 11th and 9th lords joined together and receiving the aspect of the 10th lord forms IndraYoga, because of which the native will be a ruler (Sloka 5353).

(iv) The native will have small-pox marks on his face as Ascendant lord Venus is joined with Rahu while Mars occupies the Ascendant. (Sloka 5357). Mars in the Ascendant, Saturn in the 8th house and Ketu in the 5th cause severe ill-health to the native in the very first year of birth and pose grave danger to the native in his 2nd year (Sloka 5358). Ayushkaraka Saturn placed in the 8th house bestows long span of life (Sloka 5360). 4th lord placed in the 8th house while Mars occupies the Ascendant will cause fear from dogs after the native completes his 8th year (Sloka 5361).

(v) Matrukaraka Moon in the 4th house while the 4th lord Saturn is placed in the 8th causes early death of the native’s mother and he will be brought-up by a foster mother (Sloka 5362-5363). This will happen in the Janma Tara Dasa, birth year and birth month (Sloka 5426-5427). Moon placed in the 4th house obtaining the Navamsa of Gemini, receiving the aspect of Sun while the 10th from Moon is occupied by Mars gives a step-mother to the native. His father will marry for the second time after the death of the native’s mother and the native will be happy through his step-mother (Slokas 5372-5373).

(vi) 9th lord Mercury joined with Pitrukaraka Sun and receiving the aspect of 10th lord Moon will cause RajaYoga to the native’s father (Sloka 5365). The aspect of Saturn on them will cause the father to have enmity with many people (Sloka 5368). Moon is placed in the 8th to the 9th house (4th house) while 4th lord is placed in the 12th to 9th house. During the currency of Janma Tara Dasa (Moon Dasa) and Bhukti of 8th lord Venus, native’s father will die when transit Saturn moves in Gemini (Slokas 5370-5371, 5429). The native will enjoy raja Yoga after the death of his father and he will attain powerful position (Sloka 5372). As 5th house is the Rajyasthana, transit of Saturn in Gemini, a trine to the 5th house, will cause great agitation and strife in the native’s kingdom (Sloka 5431).

(vii) 7th lord Mars placed in a trine or quadrant from the 7th house while Jupiter placed in the 9th from 7th house indicates a virtuous wife. 7th lord placed in the Ascendant, Ascendant lord placed in the 11th house while the 7th house is joined or aspected by Jupiter will bestow many wives to the native (Sloka 5387-5388). 7th lord placed in the Ascendant in a Kendra to Moon and obtaining the Navamsa of a malefic planet, while the 2nd house is aspected by Saturn (Samdrushte is wrongly typed as Samyukte in Sanskrit) makes the native marry women from various castes and communities (Sloka 5392). 2nd lord placed in the Ascendant, 2nd house is aspected by Saturn and karaka Venus joining Rahu indicates Arishtha to the native’s wife (Sloka 5393). Jupiter placed in the 9th to the 7th house while Mars occupies the 10th from Moon will result in a childhood marriage (Sloka 5394). Marriage of the native will happen during the junction between Sampat Dasa (Mars Dasa) and Vipat Dasa (Rahu Dasa), in the own Bhukti of Vipat Dasa (Rahu Bhukti of Rahu Dasa) after which the native will experience raja Yoga and becomes the ruler of a kingdom. This will happen after his 16th year (Slokas 5395-5396).

(viii) When natural benefic planets own the Navamsas occupied by the 6th, 8th and 12th lords, the native’s enemies will run away seeing the native (Sloka 5419). 6th lord Jupiter is placed in Gemini, 8th lord Venus is placed in Taurus while 12th lord Mercury is placed in Pisces. Jupiter being the 6th lord placed in his own sign with strength and obtaining a benefic Navamsa will give a strong body devoid of any illness (Sloka 5420).

(ix) This case is a perfect example where the text describes numerous Raja Yogas in the horoscope. Yogas like Indra Yoga, Avatara Yoga, Hariharabrahma Yoga, Mahalakshmi Yoga, Kubera Yoga, Kahala Yoga, Shankha Yoga, Bheri Yoga, Matsya Yoga, Kalanidhi Yoga, Akhanda Samrajya Yoga, Chamara Yoga, Koorma Yoga and Rudrasana Yoga are explained with the planetary position in the horoscope, along with their effects. Interestingly, for some Yogas nullifying factors are also described. I would explain this with the example of Koorma Yoga. Koorma Yoga is formed when strong Jupiter is placed in the 3rd or 11th occupying his own sign while the Ascendant lord is placed in the 11th house (Sloka 5518). The Ascendant lord of a movable Ascendant placed in a fixed sign and fixed Navamsa while Venus is joined or aspected by Jupiter forms the Koorma Yoga (Sloka 5519). However, a malefic planet placed in the 6th or 8th from Jupiter while Venus joined with Rahu in the 8th house from Moon will cause cancellation of Koorma Yoga (Sloka 5522).

(x) The text describes in every detail the different results of various Dasas and Bhuktis for this horoscope combining transit of planets. Explaining those details will be out of scope here. Readers are requested to refer to the original Sanskrit text in the light of the horoscope given here.
(xi) When the Ascendant, 8th and 10th lords are placed in Kendras, Konas and 11th house, while Saturn is also strong, the native will have full span of life. 8th lord placed in the 11th house obtaining benefic or own Navamsas while Saturn occupying the 8th house will bestow 60 years of longevity. When the 8th lord joins Rahu while Mars and Saturn occupy the Ascendant and 8th house respectively, the native will have medium span of life which may end during his 54th year (Slokas 5421-5423). During the Chakra Dasa of 8th sign of Kala Chakra Dasa that coincides with the Saturn Dasa of Vimshottari, the native’s death will take place in the Bhukti of Ascendant and 8th lord Venus during his 53rd year. Transit of Sun in the three signs starting from Leo in Dakshinayana, in the bright-half of the lunar month, on a Saturday, during day-time, the native will shed his mortal coil (Sloka 5597-5598).

What is presented here is only a glimpse of the astrological wisdom hidden in Devakeralam – only the tip of an Iceberg. A careful study of the work gives us great insights into the ways the predictive tools of Jyotisha were used by the savants of the bygone era. Many unsettled questions like – whether to consider planetary aspects and Ascendant position in Navamsa? Whether to consider the exceptional rules in counting the Arudha Pada? How to predict using transits, Vimshottari, Kala Chakra and Chara Dasas? How to use other Vargas, like Shastyamsas etc.? – becomes clear. Or, at the least we will come to know the way they were used.
The Sanskrit text of Devakeralam has its own problems in its current form. Portions of some horoscopes are incomplete or mixed up, while same horoscopes have been explained at multiple places. Devakeralam requires thorough study, re-editing, re-interpretation and re-translation. The initial step would be to group the text according to different horoscopes described. Then the conventional and Nadiamsa analysis applied in the interpretation of the horoscopes are to be documented and separated into different categories based on the techniques employed. The next step includes the extraction of general rules from this study. Finally, these rules have to be applied on real-life horoscopes to check their veracity. My experience so far suggests that there is a hidden treasure trove of Jyotisha in Devakeralam, which when properly unearthed will contribute to the progress of this ancient science.

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  1. Devakeralam (Chandrakala Nadi), published by GOML, Madras
  2. Nadi Astrology, C.S. Patel, Sagar Publications
  3. Devakeralam (Chandra Kala Nadi), English translation by R.Santhanam, Books 1 & 3, Sagar Publications


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Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart

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This was an article published in the JAN 2006 issue of the Astrological Magazine. I thank Mrs. Gayatridevi Vasudev, the then editor of Astrological Magazine, for allowing me to share the article in social media. I hope you will enjoy reading this……..
Poets, Musicians and Venus

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 By Dr. K. Guru Rajesh
Karaka for Art
tukaram Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart

sweetness of music is known immediately through hearing whereas that of literature
reveals itself slowly after progressive thinking. This is the opinion expressed
by our ancient Maharishis about the two branches of learning and culture.
Everyone has the right to enjoy the bliss of music and poetry. But only a few
are blessed with the interest and talent in either music or poetry while it is
rare to find one gifted in both. In
this article I endeavour to bring forth the important role played by Venus in
the horoscopes of poets and musicians in molding their personalities.

is above all languages and beyond any recognizable words. Music forms such as alapana, instrumental music etc., are
devoid of words and are considered as pure music which can be enjoyed by
anybody including an infant, a snake or an animal-all who do not know any
language (शिशुर्वेत्ति
पशुर्वेत्ति वेत्ति गानरसं फणी). On the other hand, poetry
requires language and one who does not know the language may not be able to
enjoy it. But for those who know the
language it gives indescribable happiness as they can contemplate it over and
over again. Music when combined with lyrics of poetry becomes an irresistible
medium to convey feelings and sentiments and to motivate the people to a noble
cause. This is evident when one hears the patriotic songs brimming with sentiment,
folklore music overflowing with innocent feelings and the Kritis of
Vaggeyakaras filled with Bhakti Rasa.
to the classical rules of music, composers can be classified into three types.
A person who writes only lyrics (sahitya) for the songs is named as
‘Matu-kara’ while one who only sets to tune sahitya is named as ‘Dhatu-kara’.
A person who can both compose the lyric and set it to tune is called
Vaggeyakara. India is blessed with innumerable Vaggeyakaras besides many Dhatu
and Matu Karas. The trinity of Karnatic
music- Shyama Sastri, Tyagaraja and Muthuswamy Deekshitar, are typical
Vaggeyakaras besides many path setters like Purandaradasa, Annamayya and

person may follow established rules of Sastrakaras and develop a classical style
or one can discard these rules and follow altogether a different path both in
music and poetry. Also there are many shades between musicians and poets and
lyricists. A poet who has fluent language at his command may be gifted with a
melodious voice even though he has no training in music. By recognizing the
sound pictures of different ragas, he can effortlessly sing his lyrics.
Similarly, a bit of poetical rules will be known to the musicians also such as
Prasa,Yathi, Matra etc. The unifying features between music and poetry seem to
be the Laya or meter and the Bhava or Rasa. A comparative study of music and poetry
is beyond the scope of the present article. Readers are urged to keep in mind the
above points to appreciate the different proportions of music and poetry in both
musicians and poets.

the planets, Venus is considered as the aesthetic planet ruling over sublime
feelings and cultured taste. He is called as ‘Kavi’ a celestial poet. It is
obvious to expect the powerful influence of Venus in the horoscopes of poets
and musicians. In the classical text Bhavartha Ratnakara, the following verses
can be noted regarding music and poetry.
शुक्रः चतुर्धगो यस्य गानविद्या विशारदः
द्वितीयगो यदि भृगुः काव्यालंकार शाश्त्रवान्
द्वितीयगो यदि भृगुः कविता धर्ममश्नुते
in the 4th house makes a person an
excellent singer. If he is in the 2nd house he will be a poet adept in kavyas and alankara.
These findings of our great sages hold good for most of the horoscopes in
my experience. Besides Venus, the secondary influence of other planets is
important in predicting the various sub-categories of art a person may follow.
Musicians may be classified into singers, string instrumentalists, wind
instrumentalists and percussionists. Similarly poets can be classical poets
writing according to the rules of Chandas, lyricists writing lyrics of the songs
following only broad principles of Laya and so-called modem poets without- any perceptible rules. Jupiter’s
influence is expected in vocalists while the influence of Mars and Mercury is
needed for instrumentalists. Prominence of Saturn and Mercury makes one a
percussionist. These influences will be
modified according to the nature of sign in which the Ascendant, 10th
house and Venus are posited. In the horoscopes of poets and lyricists an
inevitable influence of Mercury is expected, as he is the Karaka for writing and
publishing. The influence of the Moon cannot be ignored in both musicians and
poets as he is the Karaka for the mind, and a sensitive and responsive mind is needed for these fine
Unconventional Deviations

influence of Rahu and Ketu is necessary for an artiste to deviate from the
classical path and create a revolution. The combinations of Mars-Rahu,
Saturn-Rahu and Mars-Saturn are expected in such horoscopes, Venus, besides
ruling the positive aspect of sensitivity and culture, also rules over the
negative aspect of sensuality. If Venus is afflicted by in the above
combinations, it may result in moral degradation and abuse of artistic talents
manifesting in the form of addiction to alcohol, smoking and extra-marital and
immoral contacts. The association of these traits is a well-known fact among
many artistes. The influence of a powerful Jupiter coupled with unafflicted
Ascendant and 10th lords should negate these malefic influences.

the twelve Rasis, Taurus and Libra ruled by Venus and Gemini and Virgo ruled by
Mercury are the important signs inclined towards music or poetry. Leo, the 5th house of the Zodiac, has a tendency to these fine arts.
Among the 12 houses, some houses have a greater say in these matters. The
Ascendant and 10th house are the deciding factors for the general life of the
native and his activity or Karma in this world. Further the Ascendant, Moon and
the Sun that form the tripod of a horoscope should be considered in all matters
of prognostication.
The 2nd house ruling speech and education is important in the
case of poetry and literature and also in vocal music. The 4th house indicating education and also being a Kendra directly
opposing the 10th house has a great influence in these matters,
especially for music. The fifth house ruling over the mind and creative urge of
the native is also important in these creative arts.

and professional success also span a wide range of spectrum depending on the
strength of Venus and the horoscope in general. If Venus is powerless, a mere interest
or elementary knowledge can be predicted while a powerful Venus makes the
native an expert in the art. Becoming an adept in the art is quite different from professional
success and recognition in society, which depend upon the Raja Yogas and the strength of the 10th
lord. A person may be an excellent musician or poet without much recognition and fame while another with average talent can be well known and
famous. One may take the art as profession or be an amateur. All these different possibilities should
be considered by studying the
horoscope as a whole while analysing the potential for music and poetry in a native.
following combinations are
observed in the horoscopes of poets and musicians in my
humble experience:


94260 Henry Miller Quote We are all part of creation all kings all poets Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart

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1. Combination of Venus and Mercury in the 2nd house aspected by Jupiter.
Exchange of 1st
and 5th lords and presence of Venus, Mercury and Sun in the 2nd house.
3. Influence of Sun over Venus may give a royal and patriotic touch to the native’s creations.
Powerful Venus in the Ascendant
and the 10th aspected or occupied by Jupiter while Mercury is in the 1st
or 2nd house.
5. Combination or mutual aspect of Mercury and Jupiter in Kendras while Venus is powerful in a Kendra or 2nd or 5th

musician band wordpress theme slider 3 Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart
A powerful Venus in the 4th
Venus in the 10th house.
Moon in the 10th aspected by Venus from the 4th.
4. Venus in the Ascendant and the Moon in a
5. Venus in a Kendra and the Moon in the Ascendant.
Mutual exchange between 1st and 5th lords and the
presence of powerful Venus in Kendras.
7. Venusian influence on the Ascendant,
Moon and Sun.
8. Aspect or presence of Jupiter in the 2nd
house in all the above combinations makes one a vocalist.
9. Influence of Mars and Mercury in the
above combinations makes the native a string instrumentalist (Veena, violin,
sitar etc.)
10. Influence of Saturn and Mercury may
create a percussionist (mridangam, tabala, tavil etc.)
11. Presence or aspect of Jupiter on the 2nd
in a windy sign along with the prominent position of Saturn (windy planet) may
bring forth a wind instrumentalist (flute, nadaswaram, shehnai etc.)
us study some horoscopes of poets and musicians to substantiate the influence
of Venus in bestowing artistic talents and success on these natives.


poetry clipart Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart

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Chart 1:
Rabindranath Tagore: Born May 7, 1861 at 2h
. 51m (LMT) at
22 N
. 40, 88 E 30
1 Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart
striking feature in Chart 1 is the powerful exchange of houses between the 1st
and 5th lords Jupiter and Moon, Jupiter being exalted and Moon in a
friendly sign aspected by his sign-dispositor exalted Jupiter. Note the important combination of Venus,
Mercury and Sun in the 2nd house. No description is needed to explain the
literary genius of this great son of India which can be attributed to the above
two planetary associations. These
same combinations are also effective in the musical talents of the native
resulting in the creation of a separate branch of Indian music “Rabindra
Sangeet”. The predominance of Jupiter on the Ascendant and Moon made him
the ‘Gurudev’.
Chart 2:
Swami Vivekananda: Born January 12, 1863 at 6h. 33m (LMT) at 22 N 40, 88 E 30.
2 Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart
Vivekananda (Chart 2) the stormy monk of India, was also a poet with musical
talents. His poetry in Sanskrit, Bangla
and English are
of a high calibre. He had indeed undergone training in classical music in his
early youth. Note the presence of Venus, Sun and Mercury in the 2nd while
the 2nd lord is in the 10th with the Moon. There is an
exchange of houses between the 10th and 2nd lords. Also,
note the mutual aspect of the Ascendant lord Jupiter and the 5th lord
Mars. The 2nd house from the Moon is occupied by Jupiter while the 2nd
lord Venus is in the 5th house. Nothing more is required to explain
the musical, poetic and oratorical gifts the Swami enjoyed.
Chart 3: Sri
Aurobindo Ghose: Born August 15, 1872 at 5h. 17m (LMT) at 22 N 30, 88 E 20.
3 Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart
Leo, the 5th house of the natural Zodiac, rises in the 2nd with Venus, Mercury and the Sun in Chart 3. The Ascendant Cancer lodges exalted Jupiter and debilitated Mars, while the Ascendant lord Moon is in the 6th along with 7th and 8th lord Saturn. The association of Jupiter, Mars and Saturn with the Ascendant and the Moon explains the patriotism and spiritual achievements of the native. The combination which we are interested is the position of Venus, Mercury and Sun in the 2nd resulting in the poetic talents of the native which are coloured by Jupitarian and Saturnine influences.
Chart 4: Sri
Suddhananda Bharti: Born May 12, 1897 at 10h
. 19m (LMT) at
9 N 51, 78 E 37.
4 Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart

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Suddhananda Bharati (Chart 4) was a patriotic poet composing soul stirring
songs in Tamil which invoked patriotic fervour in the Tamil people of those
days. Note the presence of Venus in the 10th aspected by the 9th
lord Jupiter from the 2nd. The Ascendant lord Moon is in the 2nd
house in Leo along with Jupiter aspected by Saturn from the 5th house
while the Ascendant itself is occupied by the 5th lord Mars with
Ketu. The 2nd lord Sun is in Taurus, a Venusian sign along with
Mercury aspected by Saturn. These planetary associations explain the life of
the great Kaviyogi.
Chart 5: A.B.Vajpayee: Born December 25, 1924 at 2h. 45m (1ST) at 24 N 54, 74 E 55.
5 Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart
Libra, a Venusian sign, rises in the Ascendant with 5th lord exalted Saturn aspected by the 2nd and 7th lord Mars in Chart 5. The Ascendant lord Venus is in the 2nd with the 10th lord debilitated Moon. The 2nd from the Moon is occupied by Jupiter, Sun and Mercury. The influence of Venus on the Ascendant as its lord and on the Moon bestowed a
sensitive and responsive mind on the
native while the presence of 5th
lord exalted Saturn in the Ascendant and Venus and Moon in the 2nd house resulted in poetic talents.
Chart 6: Male: Born February 8, 1959 at 7h.30m (1ST) at 14 N 42, 77 E 05.
6 Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart
The native of Chart 6 is a
famous ‘Sahasravadhani’ completing the Herculean task of “Maha Dvi-Sahasravadhanam” successfully. He is bestowed with a musical voice and has received many honours and felicitations
from the Government and different organizations. He is also an ‘Asthana Vidwan’ of a famous mutt. This highly celebrated poet has many Raja Yogas. The Ascendant is occupied by Yogakaraka Venus and Moon
(actually, the Moon is in 12th Bhava) and the Ascendant lord Saturn
is in the 11th aspecting the Ascendant and 5th houses. The 10th house is occupied by
2nd and 11th lord Jupiter aspected by the 10th
and 3rd lord Mars. Considering
the Bhava chart from the Moon, Venus
occupies the 2nd house while the Sun and Mercury are in the
Ascendant (with Moon). The powerful influence of Venus and Jupiter on the
Ascendant and 10th explains the poetic and literary gifts of the
native and his status.


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 Chart 7:
Female: Born July 3, 1928 at 5h. 30m (1ST) at 13 N 5, 80 E 15
7 Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart
7 is from How to Judge a Horoscope-II by Dr. B. V. RAMAN and Gayatri Devi Vasudev. The native was a singer of classical
traditional music with great popularity and charm. The Ascendant Gemini is
occupied by its lord Mercury, 3rd lord Sun and Yogakaraka 5th
and 12th lord Venus aspected by the 2nd lord Moon. The Moon is in turn aspected
by the above three planets and Jupiter. The combination of the 1st and
5th lords in the Ascendant and 7th house can be noted
from the Ascendant
and Moon-sign respectively. Further, from Chandra Lagna, the 10th lord
Mercury, 9th lord Sun and the planet for music, Venus, are combined
in the 7th house, a Kendra.
Chart 8:
Male: Born March 15, 1930 at 18h
.30m (1ST) at 12 N 18, 76 E 37.

8 Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart
         The native (Chart 8) is a veteran Vainika (veena player) and a great Vaggeyakara with equal proficiency in vocal music also. He has retired as a professor from the Music Department of Mysore University and is greatly respected in music circles. Note the position of exalted Venus aspecting the Ascendant and the Moon. Venus is also the 2nd lord. Jupiter is in the 9th house aspecting the Ascendant, Moon and the 5th house. The powerful influence of Venus on all the three components or tripod of the horoscope, namely the Ascendant, Sun and Moon, explains his genius in music. The influence of Mars and Saturn on the Ascendant and 10th lord Mercury may be said to be responsible for his success in veena. Note Venus is not afflicted by Rahu, Ketu or Saturn.
Chart 9:
Male: Born September 21, 1942 at 21h
. 21m (1ST) at
L 6 N 34 80 E 40.

9 Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart
native (Chart 9) has retired as the Dean of the Music Department of a
University in South India. He is a flutist well known for his proficiency in
·the art. Note the presence of Venus in the 4th in Leo aspecting the
10th while the 10th lord Saturn occupies the Ascendant, a
Venusian sign. Jupiter occupies the 2nd house in a windy sign
aspecting 5th lord Mercury and the 10th house. The influence
of Venus made him a musician while that of Saturn and Jupiter made him a
flutist and a teacher of music.
Chart 10:
: Born April 13, 1963 at 20h.50m (1ST)
at 14 N 30, 78 E 50
10 Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart

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        The native (Chart 10) is a lecturer in mridangam in a Government music college in A.P. He is also a performing artiste with good concert experience. Note the presence of Venus in the 4th aspecting the 10th. There is an exchange of houses between Ascendant and 9th lords, Mars and Moon, both being aspected by the 5th lord Jupiter powerfully from the 5th. The 10th lord Sun is in the 6th exalted and with Mercury. The influence of the Moon and Venus on the Ascendant and the 10th made him a musician while those of Mercury and Saturn, Rahu and Ketu on the 10th and Ascendant lord made him a percussionist. The powerful position of Jupiter has given him teaching profession in his field of activity.

Chart 11. Female: Born
January 25, 1976 at 9h. 40m L 16 N 36, 82 E 03.
11 Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart
Chart 11 is of a native, an upcoming classical singer, with good repertoire and recognition. Note the powerful presence of Jupiter in the Ascendant as its lord and the position of
Venus in the 10th. The 5th is occupied by
Saturn and aspected by Ascendant lord Jupiter while the Moon occupies a Venusian sign.
Chart 12: Female:
Born January 22
, 1981 at 10h. 36m (1ST) at 18 N 07, 83 E 25.
12 Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart
native (Chart 12) is a playback singer in the cinema field. She has also undergone some training in classical music but later shifted to light music and film songs. The Ascendant and 10th lord Jupiter is in the 7th, a Kendra, with Saturn. Venus is in the 10th. The Moon is the 5th lord occupying Leo aspected by Mars, the 2nd and 9th lord. From the Moon-sign, the 2nd is occupied by Jupiter and Saturn, while the 5th is occupied by the 10th lord Venus. Note the powerful Guru Chandala Yoga in
the Navamsa which gets augmented as Jupiter is the 1st and 10th
lord resulting in the native deviating from the traditional path.
above illustrated horoscopes point out the importance of Venus in the lives of
poets and musicians and also underline other astrological conditions favorable
for the nurturing of artistic talents in these natives.

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Power of Transits in Vimsotri Dasha : How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords

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How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords

Dr. K. Guru Rajesh

This was an article published in the JANUARY 2015 issue of the ‘Modern Astrology’. I thank Mrs. Gayatridevi Vasudev, the editor, for allowing me to share the article in social media. I hope you will enjoy reading this……..

Complete System of Prediction 

Vedic astrology is replete with many kinds of tools and techniques which aid in predicting events in the life of a native and pin-point the time of their fructification. Even a single Sloka or a small set of 3 or 4 Slokas may contain in them the germ of a complete system of prediction. While studying Phaladeepikacertain Slokas of Chapter 20 that deal with the transit effects of Vimshottari Dasa and Bhukti lords attracted my attention.

Phaladeepika Slokas, Chapter 20

sloka1 Power of Transits in Vimsotri Dasha : How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords

Whichever Bhava from the natal Ascendant the Dasa lord moves through in his transit identical with his own, exaltation or friendly sign, the concerned Bhava will be strengthened, provided the Dasa lord is strong in the natal chart.

sloka2 Power of Transits in Vimsotri Dasha : How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords
When the Dasa lord is weak in the natal chart and he transits a sign identical with his debilitation or inimical sign or when he gets eclipsed by the Sun, the effects of that house from the natal Ascendant will get spoiled.

sloka3 Power of Transits in Vimsotri Dasha : How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords
When the Dasa lord during his transit moves in his debilitation or inimical sign or gets eclipsed by the Sun, the Dasa will yield unfavorable results. Contrary to this, if the Dasa lord moves in his exaltation, own or friendly signs or becomes retrograde during his transit the Dasa will produce benefic results.
sloka4 Power of Transits in Vimsotri Dasha : How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords
During a particular Dasa, the results of the houses reckoned from the natal Moon-sign will come to pass whenever the Dasa lord transits through them.

These Slokas suggest that when a certain Vimshottari Dasa and Bhukti is running in the life of a native, then the transits of the Dasa and Bhukti lords can be utilized to confirm the event promised by them in the natal chart and also to zero-in on the time of fructification of the event. Similarly, the transits of planets on the natal positions of the Dasa and Bhukti lords also have say on the manifestation of results. As with all methods of Vedic astrology, the dicta laid down by the Rishis should be taken as a broad guideline and more precise rules with empirical analysis need to be identified. With these pointers I have analysed a number of horoscopes of people who have experienced a variety of events, both good and bad, and found that the method works amazingly.

First of all the events promised by the planets in the natal chart should be analysed minutely in order to successfully apply this method. The good or bad results which the Dasa and Bhukti lords portend from their natal positions, lordships and association should be judged properly. While doing this, both the Ascendant and the natal Moon-sign should be considered. Similarly, the lord of the Nakshatra in which a planet is placed as per Vimshottari Dasa system should also be studied as it plays a prominent role in shaping the results. Various benefic and malefic combinations enumerated in the classical texts should be applied carefully before drawing a conclusion regarding the potential events that can manifest in the life of the native during a given Dasa and Bhukti period. After that, the following rules regarding the transit of Dasa and Bhukti lords and also other planets should be applied to pin-point the event. This method is particularly helpful when at least one among the Dasa or Bhukti lords is a slow moving planet. Nevertheless, it works well for fast moving planets also.

General Principles

(a) Observe the houses transited and aspected by the Dasa and Bhukti lords both from the natal Ascendant and the natal Moon-sign. The events connected with these houses will manifest during the Dasa-Bhukti period.

(b) Observe the natal planets on whom the Dasa and Bhukti lords move or cast their aspect in transit vis-a-vis their lordships and natural Karakattwas. The events connected with these planets will manifest during the Dasa-Bhukti period.

(c) Transit Dasa or Bhukti lord moving over or aspecting a particular combination in the natal chart may manifest the results of that combination.

(d) When the Dasa or Bhukti lord moves on or aspects a house of which it has natural Karakattwa the results of that house will manifest significantly.

(e) When the Dasa and Bhukti lords move over or aspect their natal positions then the period will give the results promised by them in the natal chart.

(f) When either the Dasa or Bhukti lord is a natural benefic and indicates a happy event in transit while at the same time the other lord is a natural malefic and indicates unfavourable result in transit, then the native will experience both results during that period. For example, events like marriage followed by immediate separation, or birth and death of a child etc.

Favourable Results

Opposition and Conjunction

1) Dasa or Bhukti lord transiting the 9th house from the natal Ascendant or the Moon-sign may give happy occasions like marriage, child birth etc.

2) The Dasa and Bhukti lords coming into opposition in transit will give benefic results promised by their position in the natal chart.

3) When Dasa and Bhukti lords come together in transit in a beneficial house either from the natal Ascendant or from the natal Moon, then the native will experience the favorable results of these houses.

Transit Jupiter

4) When transit Jupiter moves on natal Dasa or Bhukti lord, the native may experience happy events. Also, Dasa or Bhukti lord transiting on natal Jupiter may indicate happy events.

5) Transit Jupiter on or aspecting both Dasa or Bhukti lords will give happy events. 6) When Jupiter is either the Dasa or Bhukti lord and transits over the other planet while the said planet aspects or moves over natal Jupiter, the native will experience happy events.

7) The Dasa or Bhukti lord in transit moving over or receiving the aspect of natal Jupiter and Venus will give benefic results pertaining to the houses owned by him in the natal chart and also the houses influenced by him in transit.

8) When the Dasa or Bhukti lord transits natal Jupiter while transit Jupiter moves over the natal position of the Dasa or Bhukti lord, the native will experience benefic results.

9) When a Dasa or Bhukti lord is a natural malefic and transits over a beneficial house from the natal Ascendant or natal Moon while simultaneously either Jupiter or Venus is transiting over the natal position of the said planet, then the native will experience happy events.

10) When both Dasa and Bhukti lords join together in transit in the natal Ascendant or natal Moon-sign while transit Jupiter aspects their natal positions, then the native will experience happy events.
11) Transit Jupiter moving over the natal position of the Dasa or Bhukti lord or aspecting them in transit bestows favourable results on the native.

I have tested these rules successfully on more than 60 horoscopes and would like to demonstrate its applicability through an example horoscope.

Male: Born May 9, 1979 at 21 h. 30m. IST at 16 N 17, 80 E 26.
chart Power of Transits in Vimsotri Dasha : How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords

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Event I: Sister’s Birth: Mars Dasa-Ketu Bhukti >> A younger sister was born on 15thNovember 1982.

11 Power of Transits in Vimsotri Dasha : How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords
Vimshottari: Mars is the Karaka for siblings and is also the 3rd lord from the Moon-sign. Mars occupies the Nakshatra of Ketu who is in the 3rd from the Ascendant. The Bhukti lord Ketu is in the 3rd from the Ascendant aspected by 3rd lord Saturn. Transits: Both Dasa lord Mars and Bhukti lord Ketu were moving together in Sagittarius, the natal Ascendant. Transit Jupiter was in Libra aspecting natal Mars and Ketu, the Dasa and Bhukti lords.

Event II: Award of Gold Medals: 
Rahu Dasa-Moon Bhukti >> The native was awarded three gold medals for outstanding performance in the Under Graduate Course and received the medals on 25th November 2001 in the University Convocation through the Governor of the state. 

Vimshottari:   Dasa lord Rahu is in the 9th with the 2nd and 3rd lord Saturn. Rahu occupies the Nakshatra of Venus, the 6th and 11th lord, who is exalted in the 4thhouse. Rahu should give the results of his dispositor Sun who is exalted in the 5thhouse joined by 10th lord Mercury and 5th lord Mars. Thus Rahu is well fortified to bestow Yoga on the native. The Bhukti lord Moon is the 8th lord (the blemish of 8thhouse lordship will not affect the Sun and Moon) placed in the 10th aspected by exalted Venus. Moon occupies the Nakshatra of the 5th lord Mars who is in the 5thwith the 9th lord Sun and 10th lord Mercury. Thus, the Moon is also qualified to bestow recognition to the native and thrust him centre stage in the academicia.

Transits:  The Dasa lord Rahu was transiting Gemini, his exaltation sign, in the 10thfrom natal Moon. Transit Jupiter also joined transit Rahu in Gemini. The Bhukti lord Moon was transiting Pisces over natal exalted Venus aspecting the natal 10thhouse where natal Moon is placed.

Event III:  Top Rank in PG studies and qualifying CSIR-JRF-NET exam: 

Jupiter Dasa- Jupiter Bhukti >> The native obtained the top rank in his batch in Post Graduate Studies and received a prize and certificate of appreciation on March 14th 2003 in the University Convocation through the Governor. He also got qualified in the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research – Junior Research Fellow cumNational Eligibility Test and joined the fellowship in April 2004. For the first time in his life the native got a regular income in the form of a stipend.
Vimshottari: The Dasa and Bhukti lord Jupiter is the Ascendant and 4th lord exalted in the 8th aspecting the 2nd and 4th houses. The 5th lord Mars aspects Jupiter from the 5th. From the Moon-sign Jupiter is the 4th lord placed in the 11th house.

Transits:  The Dasa and Bhukti lord Jupiter was moving through his natal position in his exaltation sign Cancer.

Event IV:  Joining as Executive in a prestigious PSU: 

Jupiter Dasa-Saturn Bhukti >> The native joined as an executive in a prestigious Public Sector Company in March, 2006.

Vimshottari:  The Dasa lord Jupiter is exalted and aspects the 2nd house and is in the 11th from the Moon-sign. Further, Jupiter occupies the Nakshatra of the 2nd lord Saturn who is in the 9th house. The Bhukti lord Saturn is the 2nd lord placed in the 9th in the Nakshatra of the 6th and 11th lord Venus who is exalted in the 4th and aspects the 10th.

Transits: The Dasa lord Jupiter was transiting Libra, the 11th house from the natal Ascendant and the 2nd house from the natal Moon, aspecting the 10th lord Mercury and 10th house from the natal Moon sign. Bhukti lord Saturn was moving in Cancer over natal Jupiter in the 11th from natal Moon-sign and aspecting the 10th house and 10th lord from the natal Ascendant. Transit Venus was aspecting transit Saturn from Capricorn.

Event V:  Sister’s Marriage: Jupiter Dasa-Saturn Bhukti >> 

The native’s sister got married on January 25th 2007. 

Vimshottari:  The Dasa lord Jupiter is the 2nd and 11th lord from the 3rd and occupies his exaltation sign. Jupiter is in the Nakshatra of the 3rd lord Saturn who is in the 7th from the 3rd house. From the Moon-sign, Jupiter happens to be the 2ndand 5th lord from the 3rd and occupies the 9th from the 3rd house in exaltation. The Bhukti lord Saturn is the 3rd lord from Ascendant and occupies the 7th from the 3rd. Saturn further occupies the Nakshatra of exalted Venus who is the 7th lord from the 3rd house from the Moon sign.

Transits: The Dasa lord Jupiter was transiting Scorpio, the 3rd house from natal Moon, casting his aspect on the 7th house therefrom. The Bhukti lord Saturn was transiting Cancer over natal Jupiter, the Dasa lord. Also, transit Jupiter was aspecting transit Saturn.

Event VI: Native’s Marriage: Jupiter Dasa-Mercury Bhukti >> The native got married on May 15th 2009.

Vimshottari: The Dasa lord Jupiter is the 7th lord from the Moon-sign and aspects the 7th from the Moon where Venus is placed in exaltation. The Bhukti lord Mercury is the 7th lord from the Ascendant.

Transits: Dasa lord Jupiter was transiting Aquarius aspecting Gemini, the 7thhouse from natal Ascendant. The Bhukti lord Mercury was transiting in Taurus, the 9th from the natal Moon-sign.

Event VII:  Awarded PhD degree: Jupiter Dasa-Ketu Bhukti >> The native was awarded Doctorate degree on June 9th 2010. 

Vimshottari: The Dasa lord Jupiter is endowed with the capacity to confer distinction in studies. The Bhukti lord Ketu is in the 3rd house and can confer Yoga as per the dictum Truteeye Ketu samsthanam yogadam Bhavathi dhruvam. Further, Ketu occupies the Nakshatra of Ascendant and 4th lord Jupiter who is in exaltation.

The Dasa lord Jupiter was transiting Pisces, the 4th house from the natal Ascendant, aspecting the natal 10th house. The Bhukti lord Ketu was moving in Gemini, the 10th house from natal Moon.

Event VIII:  Acquires car: Jupiter Dasa-Ketu Bhukti >> 

The native purchased his first car on September 24th 2010.

Vimshottari:  The Dasa lord Jupiter is the 4th lord from both the Ascendant and the Moon sign and occupies his exaltation sign aspecting the 4th house from the Ascendant. The Bhukti lord Ketu is in the 3rd house albeit in the Nakshatra of the 4th lord Jupiter. Further Ketu should give the results of Saturn who is placed in the 9th house.

Transits: Dasa lord Jupiter was transiting Pisces, the 4th house from the natal Ascendant. The Bhukti lord Ketu was transiting Gemini and aspecting Sagittarius, the 4th house from the natal Moon.

Event IX: Birth of Daughter: Jupiter Dasa-Ketu Bhukti >> The native was blessed with a daughter on November 3rd 20 10.

Vimshottari:  The Dasa lord Jupiter is the natural Karaka for progeny and occupies his exaltation sign aspecting the 2nd house from the Ascendant which happens to be the 5th from the Moon-sign. Further, Jupiter is in the Nakshatra of Saturn, the 5th lord from the Moon sign, and receives the aspect of Mars, the 5th lord from the Ascendant. The Bhukti lord Ketu should give the results of Saturn and Mars (Kujavad ketu). Mars is the 5th lord from the Ascendant and Saturn is the 5th lord from the Moon. Further, Ketu occupies the Nakshatra of Karaka Jupiter.

Transits:  The Dasa lord Jupiter was transiting Aquarius where natal Ketu, the Bhukti lord, is placed. Further, transit Jupiter aspects natal Saturn, the 5th lord from the natal Moon-sign. Transit Ketu was moving in Gemini aspected by transit Jupiter from Aquarius.

Event X:  Promotion in Job: 

Jupiter Dasa-Venus Bhukti >> The native got a promotion in his job with effect from January 1st 2011.

The Dasa lord Jupiter is exalted and aspects the 2nd house and is placed in the 11th house, an Upachaya, from the Moon-sign. Further, Jupiter occupies the Nakshatra of 2nd and 3rd lord Saturn (lord of an Upachaya) the 6thand 11th lord (lord of Upachayas) from the Ascendant placed in the 4th in exaltation aspecting the 10th house. Venus is the 2nd and 9th lord from Moon sign. Venus occupies the asterism of Mercury, the 10th lord from both ascendant and Moon sign.
Transits: Dasa lord Jupiter was transiting Pisces aspecting the 10th house from natal ascendant and also natal Jupiter placed in Cancer. Bhukti lord Venus was transiting Scorpio receiving the aspect of both natal and transit Jupiter. Further, transit Jupiter was moving on natal Venus in Pisces.

Event-XI:  Constructed house: 

Jupiter dasa-Venus bhukti >> The native constructed a house and performed Gruhapravesham on 9th May 2011.

Vimshottari:  Dasa lord Jupiter is the 4th lord from both ascendant and Moon and occupies his exaltation sign aspecting 4th house from ascendant. Bhukti lord Venus is the 11th lord exalted in the 4th house and receives the aspect of 4th lord Jupiter. Further, from Moon sign Venus is the 2nd and 9th lord. 

Transit: Dasa lord Jupiter just entered Aries aspecting Sagittarius, the natal ascendant and the 4th house from natal Moon sign. Bhukti lord Venus was transiting her natal position in Pisces, the 4th house from natal ascendant.

Event-XII:  Second child:  

Jupiter dasa-Moon bhukti >> 
The native’s wife delivered a baby girl on October 1st 2014.
Vimshottari: Dasa lord Jupiter is capable of bestowing progeny as explained earlier. Bhukti lord Moon is placed in the 10th house aspected by exalted Venus. Moon occupies the asterism of Mars, the 5th lord from ascendant.

Transit:  Dasa lord Jupiter is transiting Cancer over his natal position aspecting Capricorn, the 5th house from natal Moon sign. Bhukti lord was transiting Sagittarius, the native’s Ascendant sign.

Event-XIII: Promotion to the native: 

Jupiter dasa-Mars Bhukti >> The native got a second promotion with effect from January 1st 2016.

Vimshottari: The dasa lord Jupiter is capable of giving progress in career as explained above. The Bhukti lord Mars is the 5th lord from the ascendant joining the 9th lord Sun and 10th lord Mercury in the 5th house, a powerful Kenrakonadhipa Yoga. Mars is the 3rd lord (Upachaya lord) from Moon-Sign and occupies the Nakshatra of Ketu who is placed in the 3rd from the ascendant and 6th from the Moon sign (both Upachayas). 

Transit: Dasa lord Jupiter is transiting Leo, the 9th house from the ascendant aspecting Aries where the Bhukti lord Mars is placed forming the yoga with 9thand 10th lords. Bhukti lord Mars is transiting Libra, the 11th house from the ascendant (an Upachaya), also aspecting Aries.

Unfavourable Results

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The first part of this paper has dealt with the connection between the Dasa-Bhukti lords and transiting planets covering favourable results. There are other principles which can also be applied in deciphering unfavourable results to the Dasa-Bhukti lords against the transits of planets.

Mutual Relationships

1) The Dasa and Bhukti lords portending evil results in the natal chart and joining together or coming in mutual opposition in transit in malefic houses from the natal Moon or the natal Ascendant will bring about evil results.

2) When the Dasa and Bhukti of malefic planets are running and one of them transits over the other, then the bad effect suggested in the natal chart will manifest itself.

3) When both the Dasa and Bhukti lords are natural malefics and form a formidable combination in the natal chart and one of them moves on or aspects that natal combination in transit while the other moves on or aspects the natal Ascendant, Moon-sign or the 10th house from them, the native will experience very bad results and commit grave mistakes due to poor judgment.

4) The Dasa or Bhukti lord transiting his debilitation sign and suffering combustion at the same time will give very bad results.

5) If the Dasa or Bhukti lord occupies his debilitation sign in a bad house in the natal chart and transits the same sign then that period will be unfavourable.

6) When a Dasa or Bhukti lord moves over a planet debilitated in the natal chart and also joins the same planet in transit, then the period will give bad results.

7) When either the Dasa or Bhukti lords is debilitated and posited in a bad house in the natal chart and the Dasa and Bhukti lords in transit move through or aspect that house, then the native will experience bad results as indicated by that house.

8) The Dasa and Bhukti lords both moving over or aspecting natal debilitated planets will bring bad results like loss of position etc.

Inimical Signs and Planets

9) When a Dasa or Bhukti lord in transit moves in an inimical sign joined by planets inimical to him, then that period will give bad results.

10) When Jupiter is either the Dasa and Bhukti lord and joins his enemies Venus or Mercury or both in transit in an inimical or debilitation sign, then the native will experience bad results.

11) The Dasa or Bhukti lord though moving in exaltation, friendly or own sign will give unfavourable results when combust at the same time.

Malefic Planets and Positions

12) Transit of malefic planets over Dasa or Bhukti lord who is disposed badly in the natal chart will give bad results.

13) Though a planet transits his exaltation, own or friendly sign that will not preclude him from giving unfavourable results if that sign happens to be the 6th, 8th or 12th house from the natal Ascendant or natal Moon.

14) When a Dasa or Bhukti lord transits his natal position joined by transiting malefic planets, the native will experience bad results.

15) When a Dasa or Bhukti lord moves in his debilitation sign or a malefic house from the natal Ascendant or natal Moon and is simultaneously influenced by transit Saturn and Mars either by conjunction or aspect then the period indicates unfortunate events.

16) When the Dasa or Bhukti lord moves over a natal planet that owns bad houses and joins the same planet in transit also, then the native will experience bad results of the house pertaining to that natal planet.

17) When the Dasa or Bhukti lord activates a formidable natal combination in transit and simultaneously suffers combustion or affliction by transiting malefic planets, the native experiences very bad results indicated by the natal combination.
18) When Saturn is one among the Dasa and Bhukti lords and generates sadesathein
transit (moves in the 12th, 1st or 2nd from natal Moon) while the other lord simultaneously indicates bad results in transit, the native will face difficult circumstances.


19) The Dasa or Bhukti lord joining transit Rahu or Ketu will be bad. This will be more pronounced when the planet moves through his inimical or debilitation sign.

20) Rahu transiting on natal position of Dasa or Bhukti lord will be bad.

21) When transit Rahu moves over a planet whose Dasa or Bhukti is current and that planet simultaneously transits his debilitation or inimical sign or suffers combustion, bad results follow.
22) When both the Dasa and Bhukti lords move over a bad natal combination joined with transit Rahu then that period will prove to be unfavourable.

23) When Rahu or Ketu is the Dasa or Bhukti lord, the transit or aspect of the Node over natal Ascendant or natal Moon may give bad results.

24) If the Dasa or Bhukti lord transits natal Rahu while transit Rahu simultaneously transits over the natal position of the said planet, then the native will experience bad results.

The same case discussed in Part I of this paper is examined in the light of these principles for unfavourable results.

Male: Born May 9, 1979 at 21h. 30m. 1ST at 16 N 17, 80 E 26.

chart 1 Power of Transits in Vimsotri Dasha : How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords

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Event XIV:  Father’s Heart Attack and Bypass Surgery: 

Rahu Dasa-Mars Bhukti >>  The native’s father suffered a heart attack on October 2nd 2002 and had to undergo bypass surgery on November 11th 2002. The 9th house lodges Saturn in an inimical sign with Rahu while the 9th lord and Karaka Sun is exalted in the 5th with Mars and Mercury. The 9th is hemmed between benefics exalted Jupiter and Full Moon. Thus, though the 9th house is considerably afflicted, the 9th lord and Karaka Sun is fortified and the 9th house is protected by the benefic Argala.

Vimshottari: Both the Dasa and Bhukti lords are natural malefics. The Dasa lord Rahu is in the 9th with Saturn. Rahu occupies the Nakshatra of Venus who is in the 4th (8th from the 9th). The Bhukti lord Mars joins the 9th lord Sun in the 5th house along with Mercury. Mercury is a Maraka from the 9th house. Mars occupies the Nakshatra of Ketu who is in the 3rd house, the 7th from the 9th. Mars Bhukti is the last in Rahu Dasa coming under Dasa-chidram which usually gives bad results.
Transits: Dasa lord Rahu was transiting Taurus, the 9th house from the natal Moon. Bhukti lord Mars was transiting natal Saturn and Rahu in Leo, the 9th house from the natal Ascendant.

Event XV:
  Father’s Hip Fracture and Operation: Jupiter Dasa-Ketu Bhukti >> On October 24th 2010, the native’s father fell down and had a hip fracture which was operated upon on November 2nd 2010 and a joint replacement done.

Vimshottari: Dasa lord Jupiter is in the 8th house, the 12th from the 9th and happens to be the 8th lord from the 9th house. Jupiter occupies the Nakshatra of Saturn who is in the 9th along with Rahu. The Bhukti lord Ketu is in the 3rd and should give the results of Saturn who occupies the 9th house with Rahu. Both Dasa and Bhukti lords are in Shastashtaka or mutually unfavorable positions.
Transits: The Dasa lord Jupiter was transiting Pisces, the 8th house from the natal 9th house. The Bhukti lord Ketu was transiting Gemini, his debilitation sign, aspecting the natal Ascendant.

Event XVI:  Heart Problem to Mother: Jupiter Dasa-Venus Bhukti >> The native’s mother had to be hospitalized on September 28th 2011 as she was complaining of shortness of breath. It was diagnosed as heart failure because of reduced EF%.

The Dasa lord Jupiter is the 4th lord from both the Ascendant and the Moon-sign. Though in his exaltation sign, Jupiter is in the 8th house from the Ascendant in the Nakshatra of Saturn who is placed in the 6th from the 4th in Leo which rules the heart. The Bhukti lord Venus is the 6th and 11th lord from Ascendant and occupies the 4th house aspected by 8th lord and Karaka Moon. From the 4th house Venus is the 3rd and 8th lord.

Transits: The Dasa lord Jupiter was in Aries, the 8th house from the natal Moon-sign aspecting Libra, the 8th from the 4th house from the natal Ascendant. The Bhukti lord Venus was transiting his debilitation sign Virgo where the natal Moon, the Karaka, is placed. Transit Venus was with transit Saturn, the Sun, Moon and Mercury aspecting Pisces, the 4th house from the natal Ascendant.

Event XVII: Father’s Death: Jupiter Dasa-Moon Bhukti >> The native’s father died on August 24th 2015.

Vimshottari:  As explained earlier Jupiter is capable of causing harm to the native’s father. The Bhukti lord Moon is the 8th lord, 12th lord from the 9th house, and placed in the 2nd to 9th house, a Marakasthana. Further, the Moon occupies the Nakshatra of Mars who joins Pitrukaraka and 9th lord Sun and 10th lord Mercury, a Marakasthana lord from the 9th house.

Dasa lord Jupiter was transiting Leo, the 9th house from the ascendant where Saturn and Rahu are placed in the natal chart. Further, Jupiter was combust by his close proximity to transit Sun, the 9th lord and natural Karaka for father. Bhukti lord Moon was debilitated in Scorpio aspecting Taurus, the 9th house from the natal Moon-sign.

This case illustrates the principles given in Phaladeepika very well.

With Thanks and Regards,
Dr. K Guru Rajesh 

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Presenting one of most unanticipated book of Astrological Interpretation on Indian Freedom Movement in 1947- “Sarfarosh” – “A Naadi Exposition of the Lives of Indian Revolutionaries” in Vedicsiddhanta Bookshop -Must have book for nadi lovers

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Sarfarosh- A Naadi Exposition

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infibeam logo Presenting one of most unanticipated book of Astrological Interpretation on Indian Freedom Movement in 1947- "Sarfarosh" - "A Naadi Exposition of the Lives of Indian Revolutionaries" in Vedicsiddhanta Bookshop -Must have book for nadi lovers   

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A Naadi Exposition of the Lives of Indian Revolutionaries

The life events of 108 revolutionaries belonging to the Indian Independence Struggle have been explained in a novel way using the Nandi Naadi principles discovered by the author.Besides the astrological angle, this book presents the biographical details of the revolutionaries, their poignant tales of courage and struggle against a giant colonial power and the tremendous sacrifices they made for the cause of mother India.This book is indispensable for anyone who wants to grasp the application of Nandi Naadi principles to various facets of human life including longevity, mode of death, ill-health, misfortunes, married life, progeny, career and so on.

About the Author

Rajesh Presenting one of most unanticipated book of Astrological Interpretation on Indian Freedom Movement in 1947- "Sarfarosh" - "A Naadi Exposition of the Lives of Indian Revolutionaries" in Vedicsiddhanta Bookshop -Must have book for nadi loversDr. K. Guru Rajesh has been into the field of astrology since his teens. He contributed many articles on the subject to journals and magazines. He believes in a judicial mixing of tradition and research as the way for the progress of the science. A doctorate holder in Geology by qualification, Dr. Rajesh is also an accomplished artist and trained musician in Carnatic classical music. His other interests include classical poetry in Telugu and Sanskrit.


Since long, I have been trying to write a book on the lives of the revolutionaries of the Indian independence struggle from the viewpoint of an astrologer. That has materialised now due to two reasons – the Nandi Naadi system of astrology, and the availability of the revolutionaries’ biographies on the Internet. Through the method of Nandi Naadi astrology, the analysis of a horoscope can be carried out with just the date of birth of a person, and the timing of life events can

be fixed by studying the transit of planets. 
This makes possible the analysis of horoscopes of revolutionaries wherein details of birth time are not available. This book has been written with two objectives. The lives of many Indian national leaders, who were mostly from the Indian National Congress, are available as general biographies and with astrological analyses. However, the biographies of revolutionaries and martyrs who sacrificed everything, including their lives, for the sake of the motherland are lost in oblivion.

Astrological analysis of their lives is even rarer. The first aim of this book is to impress upon today’s youngsters the selfless sacrifice, patriotism and courage of these revolutionaries and inspire them to develop the noble attributes of patriotism and self-sacrifice. The second aim of this book is to demonstrate the utility of the principles of Nandi Naadi astrology by the analysis of the horoscopes of the revolutionaries. Some of them died young, others lived up to middle age, while some others had a long lease of life. Some died in battlefields, some through weapons, some were hanged to death and some died from natural causes. Some of them lost their parents early in life.

A few were adopted. Some had siblings while some others were single children. Some of the revolutionaries married early, while others had late marriages. There were revolutionaries who married more than once. Some married widows while others had love marriages. Some revolutionaries had progeny while some died childless. Some revolutionaries faced severe physical difficulties including incarceration, deportations and debilitating illnesses, while some others were powerful rulers and held politically important positions. Some of them fought without leaving their native places while some others carried out their struggle from foreign lands.

 Teachers, homemakers, poets, writers, musicians, doctors, lawyers, soldiers, clerks, monks – they were from diverse backgrounds. Hence, I believe that the experience gained by studying the lives of these revolutionaries using the Nandi Naadi method will bestow deep insights that will be of great aid in horoscopic analysis for astrologers.

The advocates of the traditional Parasari and Jaimini methods or the followers of modern methods like K.P. may feel that the Nandi Naadi system applied in this book is too simple, unrealistic and useless. However, believe me, the logic behind this method is superlative, sublime, simple and almost infallible in the hands of an adept.

My views in support of the Nandi Naadi system should not be considered as my disregard for traditional Vedic astrology. I am a sincere student and researcher of traditional Vedic astrology. Readers of my articles on Vedic astrology published in the erstwhile The Astrological Magazine and its successor Modern Astrology are well aware of this fact. In my humble opinion, the Nandi Naadi method applied with conventional astrological analysis would greatly enhance the predictive capability of astrologers.

Keeping this in mind, a separate chapter dealing with the general rules of Nandi Naadi system is included in the beginning of this book to help even novices follow the Naadi astrological discussion given in the biographies. For readers who would like to dwell deep into the application of the Nandi Naadi method to various aspects of human life, I would suggest my other books. To the keen and discerning mind, the astrological explanation provided in this book will give lot of insights into the nuances of Nandi Naadi method.
Book Description :

This book contains the biographies and astrological explanations for the life events of 108 revolutionaries who were active from the 18th century, up to 1947 – the year that India won independence. In fact, there are thousands of revolutionaries in the illustrious history of the Indian freedom struggle. However, for many of them, even the birth date is not available. Hence, for this reason, and keeping in view the size of this work, 108 leading revolutionaries have been selected and arranged in a loose chronological order.

Care has been taken to gather relevant and correct information regarding various events and dates, but I cannot vouchsafe for their accuracy as I have collected them from various sources. While discussing every biography, a brief introduction of the revolutionary with his/her date and place of birth is provided. This is followed by the analysis of the birth chart in the light of Nandi Naadi principles regarding the potential promise in the Horoscope. Afterwards, the life profile of the revolutionary is discussed in detail from childhood to death along with the planetary transits responsible for the unfolding of these events.

All the horoscopic charts are cast for 6a.m. for the required date at Kolkata, my place of residence, while working for this book. The possible alternative position of the Moon in another sign is indicated by placing the Moon within parenthesis – “( )”. In the astrological discussion the planetary combinations are indicated by placing planets separated by hyphenation “-”, such as Sun-Jupiter-Mercury when Sun, Jupiter and Mercury are associated. Whenever reference is made to planets that are involved in mutual sign exchange, they are indicated by a slash “/”. For example, when Mars is placed in a sign of Saturn joined with Moon and involved in sign exchange with Saturn, they are referred to as Mars/Saturn-Moon.
Note from Author : Guru Rajesh 

I have to express my sincere gratitude to late Sri R.G. Rao, whose book Bhrugu Nandi Naadi forms the basis of my research in Nandi Naadi. Secondly, I am thankful to various websites, including Wikipedia, from where I have collected biographies of the revolutionaries. I am grateful to Sri Satyanarayana Naik, renowned author and one of the senior researchers on Naadi astrology in India, for taking out some valuable time from his busy schedule for writing the foreword for my humble work. I express my love and gratitude to my father Sri Krishna Murthy Rao, mother Radha, wife Prathima and daughter Srimayi for their understanding and care. They stood by me though I could not give the time they deserved as I was immersed in writing this book. If this book could awaken patriotic fervour in readers and impress upon them the utility of Nandi Naadi system, I would consider my efforts fruitful. I am enthused to share the opinions and experiences of astrologers who have applied the principles explained in this book.
With Regards,
Dr. K. Guru Rajesh

pin Presenting one of most unanticipated book of Astrological Interpretation on Indian Freedom Movement in 1947- "Sarfarosh" - "A Naadi Exposition of the Lives of Indian Revolutionaries" in Vedicsiddhanta Bookshop -Must have book for nadi lovers

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