Vedic Etymology- Dive Deep Into The Absolute Knowledge
Understanding Vedic Etymology
Let me share with you a glimpse of the power of “Vedic Etymology” which will certainly put you in amaze.
From past many years, I had been emphasizing upon “niruktam”- the vedic etymology which helps us understand the deeper, absolute and true meanings of words. Every letter in the Devnagri varnmala (alphabetic system) has a meaning and it represents a system inside you. The vowels (swara) and consonants (vyanjan) has a meaning leading to a deeper understanding of the whole of creation and forms the connecting links between the creations that we see in this world.
विश in devnagri means the lotus stem which in sanskrit is written as “बिस”, and आल is आ (through, से) + आलय (abode) which means abode. So, we can join the meanings and understand that “Vishal” means “to the abode through lotus stem”, which is also explained beautifully in Lalita Sahastranam as “mahashaktih kundalini bistantutaniyasi”, verse 92. This signify the expansive form of the energy which is multi-dimensional with its expansion in each individual and the creation.
Now, let’s take another word. Same way the word विश्व is designed:
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