How to do micro Root Cause analysis and Prediction from Divisional Charts

1cfb3ea4950b5129cef8074eede2d444 How to do micro Root Cause analysis and Prediction from Divisional Charts

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Kalyan verma in his book on astrology named saravali wrote
The effect of a horoscope should be predicted according to the strength in divisions of houses without which one can-not take even one step in astrology.
By writing this what Kalyan verma hinted at was 2 things 1st of them is that while assessing strength and weakness of a horoscope besides seeing Shad Bala (Six Fold) strength we also have to see Sapta Vargaigkya Bala (Strength of planets in 7 Divisions). And the 2nd thing is that prediction related to planets and things have to be done in accordance to divisional charts.
What is a Divisional Chart: – it is basically sub division of main Rashi chart. Like hora is 2 division of rashi chart that’s why it is called D2, in this a rashi of 30 degree is divided into 2 parts of 15-15 degrees each. Likewise in the same way there are 16 basic divisions given by Parashara minimum that are being used are 6 divisions and maximum 20 divisions there are more divisions and very few astrologers use them. In this article basically we will be seeing 20 divisions. And they are enough for natal horoscopy. In this article I will not deal with how to make it and also will not go in how many more methods are available of making them. I will take them in some another article. In this article basically I will be dealing with 1. How to read a divisional chart. 2. How to predict using them. 3. Techniques that can be applied up to them.
Parashara and modern astrologers: – Parashara suggests us to use D1, D2, D3, D4, D7, D9, D10, D12, D16, D20, D24, D27, D30, D40, D45, and D60. Whereas modern astrologers use 4 more divisions to make then 20 divisions they are D5, D6, D8, D11, hence adding 4 more charts to the 16 charts divisions we get 20 divisional charts and we will use them in predictions.
What they stand for.

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Now how to predict: – house lordship of planets and their placement in rashi or houses only have to be seen from D1 not in any divisional except D9 for rashi placement and bhava chalit for house placement. Bhava chalit is a totally different concept. Placement in rashi in divisional chart is only seen for judging effect and conditions of planets like in D9 we only see rashi placement of planets to assess their strength like if the planet is in same rashi and same Navamsha then the planet is vargottam that means powerful. And will give goof effects like in the same way if any planet is in same rashi in D1 and D10 then the planet becomes vargottam for D10 and will give good results relating D10 especially in own Dasha Antardasha, natural years. Favorable Transit Time.
In any divisional chart you only have to see the ascendant of the divisional chart and concerned houses, like for siblings Ascendant of D3 and 3rd house its lord and significator. Also in this or younger brother 3rd house, for 2nd younger brother 3rd from 3rd 5th then for next younger brother 3rd from 5th 7th for elder brother 11th 9th 7th and so on.  Other houses are also used but not for making judgement but for assessing effects of dasha and Antardasha. Two type of things can be done using divisional chart first to know the deeper and detailed analysis of a specific house. The promise of fructification, and how and when it will fructify, see for prospects related to progeny. There can be 2 things 1st to know progeny is promised on not and which type of progeny it will be good in nature or bad, male female, etc. and 2nd is when will progeny come, so for the 1st thing see ascendant in D7 and then 5th house in D7 and other houses and then see position of their lords in D1 and D7 and also the position of significator Jupiter in D1 and D7, now what is the 2nd thing is when someone can expect of progeny for that see the planets placed in quadrants and trines in D7 will show that in their dasha and Antardasha things can happen related to that divisional chart. In this too there is power. Like an exalted planet in Kendra in D7 is more likely to give progeny as compared to a normal planet in quadrant in D7. See these 2 type of effects are to be seen from divisional charts. 1st thing will happen or not. 2nd in which way it will happen 3rd what it will happen. See analysis of any of the divisional chart have to be done with respect to main rashi chart. Divisional charts are here to make our judgement clear and simple in Vedic astrology. See if mars is bad in D1 but good in D10 then we can say mars will be generally bad but good for profession. As see every coin have two faces no planet is completely good or bad in the same way. A planet can be good in D10 and bad in D9 means good for profession and bad for marital life so in his dasha and Antardasha he will give lot of success in professional pursuits but bad results in marital life. Then suppose if it be dasha of 20 years of Venus then pay attention to Antardasha and judge the effects of their lords in all divisional charts. So before predicting for any dasha and Antardasha see placement of the planet in all divisional charts.
Also there are few deities related to specific divisional charts that shows spiritual aspect of that field and that can also be understood by using divisional charts. The divisional chart of utmost importance is D60 which stands for past life karmas. If any planet is having bad deity associated with him in D60 then it shows that in previous life he did something bad related to that area and now in this life that planet will give bad effect. As one aspect of our life is also spiritual so that part is signified by deities of divisional charts. And if you understand them properly then a new dimension of Vedic astrology leaning will open in front of you and the best way to learn them is to read storied about them given in various puranas and sastras.
A planet which is combust or defeated in birth chart is useless in all divisional charts. Other planets like someone debilitated in birth chart but own house in D12 means planet will be good for parents. Rashi chart is just a general view whereas divisional charts is specific detailed view.
7 things that have to be seen in divisional charts are. 1. Friendly or inimical rashi position, 2. Own exalted or debilitated houses placement. 3. Position from ascendant. 4. Position from another planet. 5. Aspect. 6. Combination. 7. Yogas. Planet in friendly rashi good for that divisional chart and good for that area in inimical rashi bad for that divisional chart and area. Same rule should be applied to own house exalted or debilitated. Position from ascendant is an important thing. Planet placed in quadrants and trines will give good effects of that divisional chart and in their dasha will give good results related to that divisional charts in which they are in quadrant or trines and if they be in 3, 6, 8, 12 houses then in their dasha Antardasha they will show bad effects related to that divisional chart. Planet in 8th shows death and 3rd shows retirement.  Any planet in 3rd house in D10 can show retirement from job in his dasha Antardasha. Any planet in 8th house can show in his dasha Antardasha death of job and birth of business or only death and planet in 6th or 12th will signify joblessness or bad times related to profession. Position from other planets is also important like if you are judging D10 then see the position of all planets from ascendant of D10 ascendant lord of D10 6th house of D10 for job 7th house of D10 for business 10th house of D10 and 10th lord of D1 chart in D10 and so on. Now aspects planets also have aspects over each other in divisional charts and based on that effects should be judged like 10th lord of D10 aspecting 10th lord of D1 in D10 can show a good career in their Dasha Antardasha. Combination also works in the same way in divisional charts. Now coming to yogas if lagna is in paap kartari meaning 2 malefic in 2-12 houses from ascendant one in 2nd and one in 12th house from ascendant will show that all significations of that divisional charts have to be lost. No significant effect will be felt also karako bhav nasay will happen in divisional like Jupiter in 1st house in D7 will show karako bhav nasay and in his dasha Antardasha and in general will show difficulty problem related to progeny and matters related to D7.
Transit and all rules related to it can also be applied to all divisional charts and also Ashtak varga can be made for all divisional charts. And then their results have to be judged.
Based on these divisional charts birth time can also be rectified and this the most potent tool for birth time rectification.
Om Tat Sat
Shubham Alock
+91 9971655767

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An Insight on Jamini Astrology: Basic Understanding on Jamini Aspects, Karka, Argala and Jamini Raaj Yogas in D1 and D9.

jaimini astrology An Insight on Jamini Astrology: Basic Understanding on Jamini Aspects, Karka, Argala and Jamini Raaj Yogas in D1 and D9.

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The main propagator of Vedic astrology in kaliyuga is sage Parashara and Jaimini, Parashara wrote Brihat parasar hora sastra. And Jaimini wrote Jaimini sutras where he himself very clearly wrote that I am only saying here those things which have been left by ancestors before me and the areas in which more light have to be putted in that’s the reason why what Jaimini wrote we can find nowhere and that too he wrote in an coded language. That can only be decoded by katpayadi varga that is a hard nut to crack. But in no way he was proposing a new way or tradition in astrology as he himself was disciple of son of Parashara what he wrote was just the teachings of Parashara explained in detail and that’s the reason that you can find so many things related to Jaimini Jyotisha in Brihat Parashara hora sastra.

Basics of Jaimini part of astrology known as Jaimini astrology.

Aspects – different from parashari astrology where we use aspects of planets in Jaimini astrology there are aspects of rashis. Means each rashi is watching another rashi that makes a connection between all of them. Every movable sign aspects all fixed sign leaving one adjacent to it. In the same way ever fixed sign aspects all movable sign leaving the one adjacent to it. Every dual sign aspects all other dual signs. If any planets are posited in these houses then they will also aspect each other and other signs too. Like see if Saturn is in Aquarius and Venus is in Capricorn and moon is in Leo then as per this Saturn and moon have mutual planetary aspect and Venus and moon both have mutual rashi aspect, but here Saturn besides aspecting moon in Leo is also aspecting Aries, Cancer, and Libra. And his effects on these rashis and in which houses they fall will be permanent devoid of dasha and antardasha.

Karaka – there are 3 types of karkas 1st are natural karkas, 2nd are fixed karkas and 3rd are char karkas. Natural karkas are like sun for father, government, and so on fixed karkas are like stronger between sun and Venus will be for father. These all are explained by Parashara in his book what Jaimini introduces new to us is char kakas where he guides us that planets irrespective of his rashi only take degrees and then place them in ascending/descending order. The highest of them will me Atmakarak signifying soul. Known as the king of the horoscope every activity have to be guided by him. If he is weak then all of the charts prospects will get destroyed. Atmakarak is the main thing Atma meaning soul consist everything in himself and it is the base for everything. A major lesson related to Atmakarak native is must have to learn and 12th from AtmaKarak in Navamsha will show ishta devta the deity that will guide soul towards liberation. Next in order the planet having 2ndhighest degree is called Amatyakarak is the one who will give food to the soul (AtmaKarak) he is the minister in the chart like king is incomplete without minister a powerful Atmakarak is incomplete without a powerful Amatyakarak. He is the 2nd most important planet in the order. The placement of Amatyakarak from ascendant will show how the professional life of the native will be. The 3rd one is Bhratrikarak signifying brother and guru. Based on Bhratrikarak auspicious deity is decided. Next in order comes MatriKarak signifying mother and father basically parents. Next comes Putrakarak signifying son and next in order comes gyatikarak signifying relatives and enemies and next comes darakarak signifying spouse. Darakarak will also signify death and gyatikarak relatives. Their placement in rashi and Navamsha have to be judged to know their effects on parts of lives.

Some controversies lies there is one controversy in deciding to take 8 charkarkas or 7. Parashara and Jaimini both says that users are independent in choosing to use 8 or 7 and some opine that if 2 karkas clash then use one of them as alternative karaka. Now here one question that comes in mind is that what if more than one karaka coincides. Here there are 2 things that I want to say K.N.Rao says that if you calculate planets up to minutest degrees then there are no chances of clashing of 2 karkas. Whereas Sanjay Rath and some other astrologers add one more karaka after MatriKarak as pitrakaraka. This seems right to some extent as if there is char significator for mother then why not for father. But then one thing that comes in mind is that when both Parashara and Jaimini told karkas they told about 7 karkas not 8 and also told to use rahu for replacement not for making a new karaka. Here I will leave this up to readers to choose what they want. As both the system can give amazing results.

Dashas – Parashara told us about nakshatra dasha like Vimshottari dasha, Kalachakra dasha, mool dasha whereas Jaimini teaches us about rashi dasha based on sign whereas nakshatra dasha are based on lunar asterisms. I will be writing over them in the next article.

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Pad- pad means position, simply meaning position in this material world. Count the distance of rashi lord from the rashi and then count the number next to the house lord for example if 7th lord is in 11th house then 3rd house will be pad of 7th house because 7th lord is in 5 houses away from his house in 11th house and 5 houses away from 11th house is 3rd house so pad of 7th houses falls in 3rdhouse known as darapada. Pad of any house will show all the things related to that house and planets related to pad will become connected to that aspect of life. for example if pad of 6th house is in Libra and Saturn is also in Libra then it can show that there will be a strong enemy because Saturn is strong being exalted in pad of 6th house that stands for enemy’s. Pad of 1st house is known as Arudh lagna showing position of native in society and the way in which he is viewed in society and his position power and authority. 2nd pad that will be the pad of 2nd house will show family and money. 3rd house pad will show courage, bother and so on as in the series 4th house pad will show happiness etc. 7th house pad will show relationship and 12th house pad will show marriage. Planets connected to 12th house pad will be potent to give marriage and also from the 12th house pad known as upapada and 2nd from that marital bliss, marital life is to be judged. Planets associating with upapada in D1 and D9 will give marriage. Here too is a controversy some says that pad of any house can’t be in 1st or 7th house while some don’t follow this rule. Readers can choose himself as best. But what I will suggest is use exception with 8 char karkas and 7th char karkas without taking exception in calculating pad lagna.

Special ascendants – like rising ascendant in rashi chart Jaimini introduces new ascendants too and also have given some specific formulas for counting them. Like he told about Hora lagna dealing with wealth and Ghatika lagna dealing with power and authority and a planet connected with lagna and hora lagna will become special significator for wealth and a planet connecting with lagna and ghatika lagna becomes special significator for power and status and a planet connecting with all 3 of them becomes extremely powerful in giving all goods to the native in the same way there are Shree lagna showing the position of Lakshmi in horoscope and Sudasha showing her movement through the life of the native.

Argala – in these there are 2 sections 1st is argala planet supporting and 2nd virodh argala planet opposing, any planet that is in 2nd 4th and 11th house from any house becomes primary supporters and 12th 3rd and 4th becomes opposites of those supporters and will tend to obstruct the result of that house whereas the planet making argala will tend to give effect of that house and will tend to save effect of that house. Effect will be there or not that have to be judged on the basis that which one is stronger argala or virodh argala. The virodh meaning opposition will be in 12th for 2nd 3rd for 11th and 10th for 4th here there is an exception that if there are more than 1 malefic in 3rd house then rather than making obstruction they will support. 2nd argala will be made by 5th and 8th house and opposed by 9th and 6th house respectively.

Raajyoga – next and last lesson on this comes with raajyoga. Just like there are so much raajyogas in parashari astrology in the same way there are so many yogas in Jaimini astrology too and we can’t remember them all but as we remember their formula that connection between Kendra and trikona lord gives rise to raajyoga in the same manner in Jaimini astrology connection between AtmaKarak, Amatyakarak, Putrakarak, Darakarak and 5th house and its lord will give rise to raajyoga. Mutual aspect between Venus and moon is also raajyoga. Now you have to see if there are more yogas in D1 or in D9 if more in D1 then the person will see more dreams of raajyoga and less will fructify and if more in D9 then the person will expect less and will get more. Also see in which houses the raajyogas are being made as there is no use of house lords so houses in which yogas are being made will play a very prominent role in deciding. See their position from ascendant, Arudh lagna, hora lagna, Ghatika lagna, shree lagna and so on.

Jaimini astrology is a vast ocean and so many gems are also to be culled up we till now are not able to understand Parashara astrology completely then what can we say about Jaimini. We know nothing about it. Only one thing that I can say is that 100% correct prediction can be given out by using parashara+Jaimini method.

Om Tat Sat

With Thanks and Regards,
Shubham Alock

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Ancient secrets of Vedic Astrological glimpse on Gems based on ancient treaties – How Gems work in enhancing fruits of efforts

floating diamonds 90589 Ancient secrets of Vedic Astrological glimpse on Gems based on ancient treaties - How Gems work in enhancing fruits of efforts
and gems are associated from times immemorial. Astrologers often recommend gems
and associate them to planets. While the association is clear in so many
classics, the wearing of gems for particular planet is not mentioned in classics.

Associations are clear in Phaldeepika and Jatakparijat:

“Manikayam Tarne Sudharya mamalam Muktaphalam

Maheyasya cha Vidrumam Markatam Saumyasya Garutmatsm,

Devedyasya cha PushparagamSuramatyasya Vajram Shane,

Neerlam NirmalManyayochashya Gadite GomedjhVaiduryake” 

(Grahbehdadhyay, Sloka 29,Phaldeepika)

Vrihadjataka, Vrhat Samhita, Yukti
Kalpataru, Rajvallabha, Shushrut Samhita , Garud Purana refers to use of gems
in certain conditions and they associate gems to powerful magical properties. 

Dharnat tachh papalaxmi Vinashnam”

“Pavitra Dharnayach Paya Laxmimalapaha” (Shushrut Shanita)

“Te te Yathapurvamatiprashasta Saubhagyasampatividhandayaka” (Yukti Kalpataru)

note that ‘Gems’ refers to ‘Ratna’ and every stone is not gemstone. Classics
define “Ratna” according to following basis:

Gems taken out or mined on inauspicious Muhurta have ill affects despite of
being good in luster and appearance. 

In “Ratnajati” chapter of Manimala, Sloka six reads

“Stones originating on
inauspicious days and at unlucky moments are not only void of any beneficial
quality but are positively harmful”(
Adhyaya, Sloka 6, Manimala

(Most of gems do not fulfill this criteria. This is because as a Gemologist and
gem buyer, I have come across several gemstones and they are mined at
commercial level and not on the basis of some auspicious Muhurta )..

Same thing is mentioned in Chapter 68 of Garudpuranam. (Please forgive me I
have a translated version of Garudpuranam and Sloka numbers are not mentioned)

2. Gems should be free of inclusions, spots, internal cracks and should
carry proper color. (90% of the gems sold by astrologers do not fit this
description). In “Ratnaparikshadhyay” of Vraht Shanita,  it is clearly mentioned:

“Ratnen Shubhen Shubham
Bhavati Nripanaamanishthamshubhen,
Yasmadatah Parikshayam Devam Ratnashritam Tajagye”

Good, clean and gems of top quality bring good luck to emperors and those which
are of bad quality bring bad luck. Hence an astrologer should first check the
gem for quality and only then he should provide it to others. Gems are carriers
of fate.
Gems are worn after certain propitiation and rituals like removal of negative
influences through proper mantras.

Point 3 is my own view. I believe that only ‘Ratnas’ defined in classics should carry “Swapranavastha” (Self invoked state) and rest of the gemstones are just stones. To energize them one needs proper mantras to invoke their powers which are positioned in dormant condition. This is the same as Idols of Deities need to be “Pranpratishtith” before they are worshipped. But Shalagrams and Dakshinavarti Shankas have their own powers and they are never invoked through Mantras.

4. A gem which is powerful and fulfills above criteria gets devoid of its power
when the inheritor is an impure person. Please refer to the epic related to
Syamantak mani. 

Prasena was the brother of Satrajita. Once Satrajita took up his abode in the seacoast for the purpose of spending his time in worshipping Sun. After he prayed long and intently, Surya dev appeared before him. On being accosted, the divine Sun took out the gem Syamantaka from his neck and laid it out. Sun gave this Priceless jewel to Satrajita. It is said that on wearing the gem he appeared refulgent like Sun and entered Dwarka. Satrajita later transferred it to his brother Prasena. When own by a clean man Syamantak produced gold, but to an unclean person it indubitably proved fatal. Prasena decked this gem and rode hunting into the forest. He killed innocent animals on account of which the gem altered his destiny. His impure heart bought his untimely fatal death when a lion slew both the horse and the horseman.

we look at above criteria, it is very clear and evident that an average man,
who is bound by restrictions of average income cannot possess above kind of
“Ratnas”. Gems will come to you if you own a powerful horoscope and
trust me they will fit above definitions. Considering the authenticity of
wearing gems, certain classics do not mention them as remedies. Rather, they
are mentioned as powerful Talismans related to certain planets.

Remedies include Mantra, tantra and Yantra for propitiation of planets. It is a fact that your deeds can never be altered. Nothing can entirely mitigate your deeds. But you can lower the intensity of mishaps in your life if you can read what planets signify. A wise astrologer can tell you about some prayer, a stone or a ‘yantra’ that will help you bear the fruits of your deeds. Your soul may never escape the clutches of your ‘karmas’ but with remedies or Parihar you will get strengthened enough to bear that.While remedies are meant for removal of harmful effects of planets, talismans are entirely different things. They are meant for either providing one with special supernormal powers or for some definitive purpose. For instance gems can be recommended as remedies to a person when a particular planet is weak but benefic. Through a gem one can increase the intensity of its beneficence. But when a Mukta like the “Shankhamukta” is worn, it will give you all round power, devoid of its relation with any planet. This is because “Shakhamukta” is a Devmani which carries special powers and charm.

In those times gems were not available
easily. One cannot acquire them because of the low grade methods of mining. Now
with the advance facilities of mining and lapidary, gems are within the reach
of certain class of people. Still they may or may not fulfill particular
criteria and may not affect people as been mentioned in classics.

example in the “Ratnaparikshadyaya” sloka 14, 
Varahmihira defines the qualities of a blessed diamond:
“SarvadravyaBhedya  laghvambhasi tarati rashmivat Snighdham,
Tadidanlashaktrachapopamam cha Vajram Hitayoktam”

A diamond  which cannot be cut through
any device (This means that a diamond should be hard), which appears heavier
while held in hand, appears light when seen. 

“Tarati Rashmivat” means which
appears as if it is not touching the bottom when kept in water and then it should
radiate light, and should shine with sparks and appears like fire and rainbow
colors, then it  is considered the best
of all.

Now match this criterion with presently available diamonds in stores, you will hardly find any diamond which will match this description. The effects defined in classics may stand true but gemstones should match their definitions for the same.

I have stressed this idea in many of my write ups, that it is not so easy to change your destiny. Gems can off course change your destiny, but again that can only take place after supernormal intervention.

I can narrate an incident which is related to my life only. A person from Iceland came to visit me for astrological consultation. He became a good friend of mine and asked me to explain certain mantras and their process. He was devoted to lord Shiva and so, while he was leaving the country, I gifted him a beautiful Crystal Shivlingam. He was so happy with the above thing that he gave me a blue sapphire piece just as a token of appreciation. This sapphire was deep blue in color and fulfilled every criteria mentioned in the Shastras. Moreover it had a blue sheen like a peacock’s blue shine on its long neck. I got it embedded in Gold and performed the rituals mention in the classics. I wore it and the experience I got, is unparalleled. Unlike whatever is been mentioned in classics, I had a totally different experience. I constantly felt a cold sensation near my solar plexus and my back. This sensation moved towards my head and my head remained cold most of time. I felt as if somebody had kept ice on my head. I also felt that a golden hew surrounded everybody I used to talk to. As if this was not enough, there were times when I felt that I am not inside my body. I know, most of this would be taken as a joke, but what I have mentioned is true, word to word.

on I also understood the astrological combination which resulted into this kind
of experience. I was born on 3rd March 1977 at 14:34:40 Hours at
Neemuch, (MP)
is a benefic over here as it is the lord of the ninth house and placed in the
Nakshatra of ascendant lord. Mars aspects it as exalted planet. Moon +Saturn
often cause “Pravjaya” like situation when it is aspected by Mars. Saturn and
Moon both occupy the Dhanur Navmansha which is Jupiter’s sign. Saturn occupied
Meena in Vimshamsha and hence it created that state of liberation. 

Please note that gems have particular powers and when God needs you to be out
of troubles, he can definitely show you his powers.

affect a person only in certain cases when the mantra is properly invoked and
then denailed. Most of the sadhus initiate people with wrong mantras. The
utkeelan process of a mantra could only be achieved through a proper Guru who
understands and lives with a mantra. 
wq Ancient secrets of Vedic Astrological glimpse on Gems based on ancient treaties - How Gems work in enhancing fruits of efforts

Mantras were nailed by lord Shiva when demons started using them for gaining power and affluence. Their pronunciation was altered (Keelit) so that nobody can use them without proper knowledge and path. Every mantra has its own nail and bears an Utkeelan as well. The methods of Utkeelan are only shared through Guru Shishya Parampara and every mantra carries its own process. One is considered fortunate if he/she can obtain the utkeelan bejaas for their respective mantra. Please note that a prayer is like “Avahan” of a deity. Your mantras act as “Bhog” for Deities. But mantras without proper utkeelan do not reach out for Devatas. They act as “Bhog” for negative souls. Hence one should be very careful with mantras. Keelit mantras can bring mental illusion for its bearer and follower.

Same is the case with Yantras. Yantras have supernormal powers once they are
charged. But they lose their power when the “Karta” or the owner
becomes impure. The devatas which reside in a yantra leave it when impurity
enters a “Sadhak’s ” mind.

have the same criteria. They need to be washed with proper herbs and the person
wearing it needs to maintain a high level of purity. It is better to wear them
around neck then in fingers. Every gem should be purified before wearing. The
purification can be performed by keeping gems in their respective herbs for a
period of twenty four hours. Gems associated to planets which are malefic in a
horoscope, should never be worn. 




Kher, Katha 
Yellow Sapphire 
Blue Sapphire 
Cat’s eye 
Kusha, Dharbha 

Donations of gems are indicated in Shastras as remedies. One who cannot procure
high quality gems can donate their substitutes as remedies. Gems could be worn
or affect a person if they fulfill the above mentioned criteria. Gems are often
attracted towards people who have very strong Venus and who are undergoing a
Venus major period. One can collect gems during such periods.
which are not mined and are formed in animals, shells and other organisms are
called devmanis and they bear supernormal powers.  These manis and muktas are mentioned in
Chapter sixty-nine of Garudpuranam and “Mukta Laxnadhyaya” of Vrhat Shanita. They
are very rare and cannot be obtained without luck. Please note that gemstones
have nothing to do with money. Even if you have got too much money, you will
not be able to procure a proper gem. There is a very simple reason behind it.
You cannot change your destiny so easily.
With thanks and Regards,
Alok Jagawat
pin Ancient secrets of Vedic Astrological glimpse on Gems based on ancient treaties - How Gems work in enhancing fruits of efforts

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11th house in astrology: Understanding the role of 11th house and its lord in root cause of Desires of the past life

Case analysis: Understanding the role of 11th house and its  lord in root cause of Desires of the past life

10669108 10203096687207039 7152971725137207925 o 11th house in astrology: Understanding the role of 11th house and its lord in root cause of Desires of the past life

Why 11th House and its lord is linked with Root Cause of  all the desires

Understanding 11th house in astrology



While analyzing any Chart for material wealth accumulation and desires of native , Astrologer should give much priority to 11th house, 11th lord, Strength of Venus and to the sign where Venus placed and Most Important Placement and Sign of Rahu-Ketu axis.Reason Being 3rd , 7th and 11th are Kaama Trikona houses (The houses where your desire flourish) and 9th from 3rd house is 11th house – actually the Power House of Desires and the root cause of past birth, what made to soul born again to fulfill desires which are left from past.

All your answers to Desires from past and present birth, Material unsatisfactory leading to continuous birth, Unfinished business from past birth , Unfulfilled Desires those are left from Past birth are hidden in 11th house placed planets, 11th lord, Venus and Rahu -Ketu axis placement and Signs.

The Purpose

The Purpose of Life in Material world lies within our pending desires and the karmic debits and credits.In this life you can seek what you want. In order to achieve meaning and significance of life , there are four basic necessities (Dharama (Agni), Artha (Prithvi), Kama(Vayu) and Moksha(Jala) that you have to fulfill in different age patterns, every Necessity is important to fulfil the pursath.It is important to realize that all persons need to go through all the stages, and they will be left alone if they pursue and enjoy any one of the following paths in isolation, every phase is equally important to get succeed in  both spiritual and mundane plane.

The twin goals of any human are “Pleasure and Success”, as it leads to Moksha when they are equally satisfied ; nothing is gained by repressing these desires- in fact we might be worse if at some point we do not seek desires.Desires leads to satisfactions of goals and goals satisfaction leads to icha for Mukti and moksha.

In Mundane world Pleasure, Success, Fame, Name are some of these common desires whom we want to fulfill it in any case, if you want it, go after it rather than suppressing it ; the beauty and delight is there then any soul can be easily transformed into spiritual plane but those who are keep juggling in endless desires having no goals, its very hard for them to understand what actually is their life goals or life path after a period of time.Time is the ultimate healer in understanding our true life paths and goals.

This is the basic reason, why Desirous person feels very are Hard to transform himself into Spiritual plane, as his life paths  are unclear i in both the planes. Male are less prone to endless desires, success, fame and Name but females are much into a pleasurable life style because of Rich composition of Jala Tatava in  their Mind and Body (Venus and Moon) and root cause of all the desires are generated from Swadhisthana Chakara ruled by the Moon (the Seat of Mind and thoughts)

Astrological Answer

Astrologically, None has any capability to answer Women’s rapid fire questions on Materials Desires because of the genetic coding and inbuilt karmic debits. “women’s are Simply Power house of Desires –  Take an example of Sonia Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, Jai Lalita etc. In Case of Sonia Gandhi chart Rahu is sitting in 11th house in Taurus sign – indicating Unlimited desires to gain material in this birth and she is keep adapting mean way to get and bag material in her account and she chooses this way via 5th house -( Seen by Ketu) –  via followers, hidden links, by hiding identities or by her kids.

So if you want to seek answers of your unfulfilled desires and Unlimited questions of your counterparts, Use the simple way to get answer.

One must see below mentioned conditions then you can answer all their questions on desires, wealth and material gains.

Reason being it makes me really irritated by the rapid fire questions on accumulating wealth and mundane factors from the chart, i.e when will i get settled or when will i become rich. For whole 30 years in past i was not able to find the exact answer of these types of unique questions.Another reason was there is no such direct sutras clearly speaks about the answering endless desires generates in both the genders.

Till now i have seen thousands of charts from last 15 years and most of the time in my experiences, 95% of women ask usually me these unique questions oftenly, i.e When will i get settled and how ? , when i will become Super rich or Billionaire in life ?? , how long i will be rich ? and when will i have this and this and this ??, that and this word has no end.Another reason is there is no such word mentioned in Jyotisha system regarding settlements, financial status of native life effects because of the continues dashas and transits system, so we can’t justify the word settlement. Because it is bit dynamic in nature and it keep on fluctuating based on the good and bad dasha and transits systems.So we could never give such direct answers in straight way. Jyotisha is a science based on analysis and some mathematics and based on Sutras and principals, direct answer of the questioner has direct relation with the intuition power of the astrologer.No such tool can give direct answer regarding stability of the finance and Settlement.

But finally after the years of research i was able to find out the answer for endless desires, after having research on many case studies.

The Astrological Reasoning and logic

So, Here are the Short principals based on testing experience on many charts. First thing one should always keep in mind is  that Desires has direction relation with the Kaam Trikona Houses, their Karkas (Nodes) and their lords.More the planets are placed in 3rd , 7th and 11th houses more the native will have  urge for unlimited desires in current life and more the native will be materialistic in nature, Desire could be of any form.More the past birth connectivity will be there present in chart with desires, unfulfilled and unsatisfied businesses.

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Desire could be of anything it could be falling in number of relationships or multiple relationships (karka of 7th & 11th house – 11th lord in 7th house – 9th to 11th – Past birth connectivity for falling in love or relationship with friends).

It could be of knowledge, it could be of killing or having grudge of doing cruel things with intentions (6th to 6th house is 11th house), it could be of getting name and fame (7th from 5th , 11th from 1st ), it could of becoming rich like bill gates (9th to 3rd via business – past birth connectivity for establishing business with social media ).It could be of Keep trying hard for wealth attaining , Name and fame in media or masses etc (Venus and moon in 11th house) .

Every answer lies in 11 house and all the Kaama trikona houses connected with it.

Any Planet placed in 11th house indicates what type of desires is unfinished or unfulfilled from past birth being 9th from 3rd (which is the origin of the desires or Kama and 9th is past birth or root cause connected from past birth).

Sign present in the 11th house indicates what is the seat of Desire (what sort of desire) , for e,g Aries – Power and Being born leader , Taurus – Material and wealth and Falling in relationships number of time in friend circle or social circle, Gemini – Desire for Sexual gratification and Relationships, intelligence and communication with friend circle .

11th lord Indicates what you have to do (What action is required) in order to fulfill your unfinished business  or desires from past for e.g 11th lord in 12th – you need to go to abroad to fulfill your desires, 11th lord in 9th – you need to travel to spiritual places , monasteries , pilgrimages to fulfill your desires.

11th lord Sign indicates what is the desire , which made you to travel to 12th house or 9th house or what mode you have to use or adopt in order to finish your unfinished desires – If it is Libra in 12th – you need to travel abroad to get peace , balance , make relationships , make business links or establish business or to get settle in abroad by involving relationships with them and get benefit from them.

Venus indicates what are the Material prospective of that desire being natural Karka of feminine , Material , luxury , comforts and Desires.

For e.g, Venus in Taurus will indicates want to get pleasure and comforts from Material and wealth , Venus in libra will indicates want to make balanced relationship or to get settle in business and partnership after attaining desires.

Placement of Both Rahu and ketu and its sign indicates what is the Root desires present in that house which made you keep focusing on 11th house , if Rahu is itself present in the 11th house – It indicates lots of and infinite unfinished businesses which are left from past regarding social circle, friends zone, Name and fame etc.

Rahu-Ketu axis Sign indicates what are the root desires – for eg if Rahu is in taurus – Rahu wanted to earn and earn and keep earning till person never dies and get bag all those material gains and comforts in pockets till the end of life.

Ketu Sign indicates what you have to do in order to fulfill that desire which is signified by the sign placement of Rahu, for e.g if Rahu is placed in Taurus, Ketu will be in Scorpio which indicates Rahu is directing Ketu to get hidden knowledge, study occult sciences, and get knowledge of  ancient techniques or use hidden mean ways i.e tantra , mantra and black magic way to earn and bag all material gains or make friendship with those people who are in this profiles to get learning and knowledge from such people.Ketu always follows What Rahu giving him directions.

I hope these short practically tested principles will help you to understand factor of hidden desires and karmic root connected with those from your chart.

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With thanks and Regards,
Rocky Jamwal

pin 11th house in astrology: Understanding the role of 11th house and its lord in root cause of Desires of the past life

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Why Marriages Break – Understanding Root Cause Analysis on marriage astrology and its reason for marriage separations

Case Study: Why Marriages Break – Understanding Root Cause Analysis on marriage astrology and its reason for marriage separations

Why Separations in marriage astrology is very common

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In My Experience, I have seen even after Good matching points between two horoscopes and having more than 30 Guna’s people still facing many issues in their marital life & problems keep disturbing in marriage & personal life.

match making image Why Marriages Break - Understanding Root Cause Analysis on marriage astrology and its reason for marriage separations

You know why this is happening ? Because of Half baked Copy-Cat knowledge of Jhola Chap Commercial Astrologers, predicting based on mere so called mis – conceptualized and manipulated Modern concepts like Kaal Sarpa Yoga, Manglika yoga, and there are many such more concepts and yogas are present which are not mentioned in any of classical works, with out evaluating true reasons for post marriages issues, people are blindly following commercial astrologers.

Understanding Matchmaking in astrology

In My opinion they are simply ruining the image of Vedic Astrology, without doing any statistical research on post & pre Marriages issues, blind match makings are made.Without Digging Deep details on two horoscopes they are simply claiming match is perfect, in my view its a dangerous method of ruining life of two people and two emotional family values.

What is marriage astrology ?

article 20141027611484742527000 Why Marriages Break - Understanding Root Cause Analysis on marriage astrology and its reason for marriage separations

For Perfect Matching between two horoscopes learned astrologers should do Lagana Matching and Up-Pada(UL) Matching before approaching to final verdicts on horoscopes.

Lagana Matching gives complete knowledge on nature, Spiritual values, frequency and thinking intensity of two couples, qualities and level of intelligence between two couples which can be a measure for building block & growth in marriage relationships, Up-pada Lagana matching gives complete information on soul level compatibility between two couples.

Lagana Sign should be compatible to each other i.e If one has Cancer Lagana and Other lagana you are matching is Aquarius than it would be a dangerous match which deliberately become a main reason for hardship and suffering in marriage relationship, it can give massive amount of emotional turbulence and Physical separation as well as suffering in emotional/personal values of two couples which can give arise sever enmity between two people.6/8 is a Dangerous relation between two lagnas , both the laganas are falling to their 6th(enmity) and 8th(Suffering) house respectively, both the people never ever gone able to stabilize each other with their physical, intelligence, emotional and thought level harmonies.One is a watery and other is an Airy Lagana ; two different domain cant be perfect for long term relationships.Perfect Rule is, always Match signs of lagana either falling in trine( 1 , 5 and 9th house from your lagana ) to each other or in mutual kendra to each other ( 4, 7 and 10th from your Lagana).2/12 is another Most incompatible match where one has to face Miscommunication and other has to face setback in emotional expectations.One need attention but other is not ready to give any attention or enough caring toward the values of other emotional need.

It is a bit Mismatch relationship between two people, so never match laganas falling in 2 and 12th house to each other.

How to do matchmaking in astrology

kundli match making astrologer Why Marriages Break - Understanding Root Cause Analysis on marriage astrology and its reason for marriage separations

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If you are matching a Girl chart check her 1st house for presence of any malefic house ( for any Rigidness in Nature ), afterward check her 2nd house – for any malefic planet placement house of speech and family values. Than check her 4th house – if there is presence of malefic planets in 4th house – girl cant be stable in next home she is going to join with the in-laws family and soon she has to leave the house of in-laws and there wont be any harmony or peace after marriage. This could lead a major break-up due to issues with inlaws families.4th house is falling 10th to 7th house – a Play ground for Marriage relationship where actual cricket match plays after marriage – if any malefic planets are there match can be ruin with violence and aggression toward family.

2nd house is 8th from 7th house – again a Karka of Suffering to 7th house properties, any malefic in 2nd house – gone suffer family values of both spouse.1st house is directly opposition to your 7th house of Partner – if any malefic present , both the ideology never gone match ever in life and there will be life of Ego and opposition of views.

Now Coming to 7th house – If there will be any Negative planets in 7th house , Spouse always negatively treat partner or may be she dont like the attitude of the partner. Malefic in 7th house always be a case of ill treatment with partner which again lead to a battle ground for either extra-marital relationship or having out of wed lock situation.

8th house should be clean with any negativity – if there is any nodal or any malefic planets placed in 8th house – there will be a Major violence in relationship after marriage, it can be related with sexual incompatibility between two couples or might be sexual frequency never gone matches with each other and they may gone separate soon due to heavy violence , animistic sexual behavior or due to Sever Financial losses or joint ventures may gone face hardship.

If there is Any Malefic in 10th house – it will lead downfall to career of partner after marriage.

Most Important – 12th house should be clean from malefic influence in both Couples i.e from Mars , Rahu + added Venus for females , if it is then there always be secret enmity or hidden relationships behind Wall and two people cant sleep in one room ever.

Most Important – In Female Chart – Venus shouldn’t be there in 6th & 12th house either in D1 and D9 Chart – In My experience i have seen legal separation very often soon after marriage.

Karka of Feminism , Women-ism and Relationship Shouldn’t be Debilitated in D9 Chart for longevity of marriage.

Reason for Legal Separation and Divorce Is seen from Affliction in 8th house or 8th lord , 6th house and 6th lord, 6th house and 6th lord promotes bachelor hood and 8th lord and 8th house promotes Inability to fall in marriage and also marak for 7th house too, 6th house and 6th lord is Marak for 5th house matters – True Love and Kids.

In 6th Lord Major/Antar Dasha period usually tension arises in both couple and they may opt for legal separation or paper work May starts in 6th lord AD period.Dasha of 8th house planets gives temporary Separation which can lead to legal separations.

Sun + Venus Close conjunction within 6 Degree is Most disastrous Combination for Legal Separation and Disputes between couples.

In D9 Chart – 8th and 2nd house Should be clean from any Malefic Influence i.e Mars , Rahu and Saturn.

In D9 chart if 7th lord is with Nodal axis- it may give argumentative spouse who always involve in Starting of issues in personal life.

Presence of Malefic Influence on D9 7th house gives – Very Bad , Mean and Argumentative Spouse and may always give interest in mean people other than marriage.

For Longevity point of view of Spouse in Female chart – always check strength of Jupiter in D1, D9 and D60 chart.

For Longevity point of view of Spouse in male chart – always Check Strength of Venus in D1 , D9 and D60 chart.

If there is Presence of Mars , Rahu and Venus influence is there on 2nd house of D9 – Relationship with other women or men could be reason for break in Marriage.

All the combinations which i have explained above are based on my Experience on Martial discords which i had came across in my recent years observations.All the experience are based on practical and real Life case study analysis.2nd Major Way to check Couple compatibility is UL Matching ( Up-Pada Lagana Matching). UL Indicates Soul Nature of Spouse and DK indicates Soul quality of Partners – it includes Every relationship – Gf/bf/Sexual/Business/Spouse too.

Presence of Malefic Planets in UL indicates – Bad Soul Nature of Spouse , Presence of Malefic planets in 2nd from UL gives – Reason for breakup or Separation between couples.

6/8 and 2/12 Relation of AL and UL gives Bad compatibility between couples.Presence of malefic planets in 8th from UL gives – Probability of 2nd Spouse after one serious Major break-up.7th from UL gives People who are Openly opposing the Spouse i.e Mars – Brothers , Venus – Sisters or females friends , Sun – father in Law , Moon – Mother in law.Weakness of 2nd lord from UL gives when relationship can break or in which Rasi Dasha it can break the relationship and also gives clue how relationship breaks.Lagana of Spouse should fall either trine from UL or Kendra from UL for perfect harmony between couples , other than trine and Kendras gives Issues after marriage.Matching and finalizing the horoscopes based on Gunas Milan is a dangerous system which i have seen Jhola-Chaap Astrologers are doing these days , ruining the emotional values of Two families.

Even The Lord Shiri Rama and Mata Sita has Matching points over than 34 but they still got separated due to Complicity and environment factors arises after marriage.So, my Dear Learned and innocent members never go & opt blind matching based system on Gunas, Please get evaluate over all Analysis before confirming or finalizing two horoscopes.

Conclusion : From above all what we have found traditional way of Match making in Marriage astrology is purely a incomplete system and one has to do a complete and thorough lagna match making of both the couples rather believing in Guna milan system in astrology.

With thanks and Regards,
Rocky Jamwal

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