Understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018

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Subject: Astrology weather prediction 2018 and understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018


india temples Understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018

Weather and Meteorology of ancient India

As per the early Ancient observations, the four days commencing from the “eighth day in the light half ( Krishna Paksha) of the month of jyestha (i.e 4 days after the mid of the month of the may and June – from 15th may to 15th June, it can be varied) fall in may and June month are Known as, “Vayu Dharan Days (Pregnancy days of Clouds) “

These are the most important days when the movements of the wind seen and observed in the jyestha month freely from ” North-west to East direction  carrying full of rich amount of moisture in it”.

In Science of Astro-meteorology, These 4 days when the wind is heavy,  Pressure is quiet low  in the environment it carries lots of  moisture in it. Around these period, Moon movement would be seen from ” Swati to visakha nakashtra” before Poornimagives a vital clue for judging the nature of health of the Pregnancy of the rain-clouds for upcoming monsoon seasons.

Here observation of the wind direction and its richness or quantity with Apah (moisture),  and movement in these particular 4 days are most important.If there is no wind in these 4 days, we can expect coming months will be much dry in nature as well as humidity will be more.

If there are enough winds in those 4 days, should be like gentle, agreeable and if the Sky Should be covered by fine, bright clouds than there will be the possibility of good rainfall in Monsoon else monsoon will be a bit delayed and level of humidity will be more.

If there is rainfall during” Swati to Vishaka Nakshatra for full 4 days ” then we can say with surety that the monsoon is near to Shower full of insistent rainfall in Shravana to Karttika Month (August to November) else there will be the possibility of drought like situation in the rainy season.
rhwallalphacoderscom lightning Lighting Storm Ocean storm over the ocean full hd wallpaper and background rhwallalphacoderscom forces of nature waves clouds rhrenaturescom forces Lighting Storm Understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018
In Ancient Weather science, This gives an easiest way to time entry of monsoon via own sense of judgement and to get clear understanding on clue for rainfall during Sharavana and Karttika month. The only thing required is you need to keep  on observing the movement in the sky, the direction, and pregnancy of winds and clouds.

Astrology Meteorological year 2018 : Vayu-Dharan 2018 Process


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This year Vayu Dharan process started from ” 15th of May 2018 ” onward when moon was entered in Jyestha Amavasya and sun in Taurus Sign, and those 8 light half days started from “15th of May to 22nd of May 2018″. In Those 8 days Venus was in front of Moon, Mercury is behind the sun and moon, Mars and Ketu was in trine to Sun and Moon, blocking the good Vayu Dharan process. This shows that during this Vayu Dharan process there will be intense heat and warm weather will start from 22nd of May onward when those 8 light days will end.
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After those 8 light half days, 4  Major Vayu Dahran Days  started around “26th of  May to 29th of  May 2018 “ when moon was transiting from “Swati to visakha Nakshatra around poorniamsya (Full moon day)” , carrying huge Amount of moisture from the north west  coastal regions to rest of india closely in contact with Jupiter,  Mercury opposite to Moon/Jupiter and Venus was in trine to the Moon , shows that the this year Monsoon  for india will be much better then earlier years. This year South of india, North west states including maharashtra,  Karnataka, Kerala and costals regions of north west  of indian states will receive plenty of rainfall. Only Gujarat, Many of states of north of india will receive normal rainfall due to presence of two warm planets in Amrita Nadi ruling north indian states.
During those 4 days of Vayu-Dharan Process, Temperature was around 46 degree to 47 Degree, that shows Planetary alignment those were featuring around 26th to 29th of june triggers toward high temperature and maximum moisture process.
TemperatureVarations Understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018
Graph Understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018

From 29th of May onward, we have seen gradual decrease in temperature almost in most of the states of india.

As per Skymet Weather, both maximum and minimum temperatures seen over Delhi and adjoining regions of Noida, Faridabad, Gurugram, and Ghaziabad. In fact maximum temperatures has touched around 47°C in these 4 days.Hot weather conditions are observed due to the dry and hot northwesterly winds which are blowing over Delhi and NCR.Due to Close movements over scorpio, soothing dust storm was likely to appeared over Delhi and others north of indian states by the end of the month when Moon will further conjugated over Sagittarius and Capricorn.


Symptoms need to observe on Meteorological events from 26th of May to 3rd of june 2018


Did anyone observed good winds, cool breeze or Rainfall during this period ?  If they had missed that opportunity, here is an another opportunity to closely observe the weather in up coming days.

If Anyone hasn’t yet started observing the sky or weather scenario from 15th of May 2018 to 29th of June 2018  for vayu Dharan process, Start observing the weather when Sun will move Mrigshara nakashtra around coastal areas of india. 

Here are another time for amateurs Rainman observers or an upcoming opportunity to analyze current monsoon weather scenario for your state or place. Via this tips you can understand how monsoon will take shape in coming days.
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Below are the points required for Mundane analysis of rainfall, please note it down and carefully follows those. here are the tips shows what you have to do now:
1) See the direction of the wind first, it should be from North- east/ west to south, See the speed, See the depth, See the content of moisture in it, Show how warm or cold it is, See the level of storm factor in it.If it is stormy in nature Chances of pregnancy will be wash away by the fierce wind.If the wind is full of cold and smooth in movement, rainfall will fall soon.The direction of winds shows how it will cover the moisture in the atmosphere, usually if air is smooth moisture will always be in intact with the wind.
2) See the cloud movement from Northwest to South in the sky, Observe its motion – Moving or it is still or stays for a much longer period or not, See the color of the clouds.See how close clouds are moving toward the surface.More they are closer to the surface, better chances are for cold weather and cool breeze.During the day of rainfall, there will be slight warmness in the environment.
3) Note down the atmospheric pressure,  if it is too much humidity in the atmosphere with Warm weather or if it is the hot windy environment,  Rain will be delayed.If it is a cool breeze in air rain will follow soon.you can observe the content of water in Atmosphere. If it is high-pressure weather will be good but it will delay rainfall on coming days. If it is Low pressure after some period of rainfall will be there soon when the moon will transit to Jala Nadis with nodes or Jala Grahas around Mercury or Venus in Jala signs ( Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces)
3) If there are blackish or bluish clouds sky and are very close to the surface or place where they appear,  rainfall will come soon within 5 to 7 days soon after Surya enters in Ardara Nakashtra.Currently, Sun will be with Mercury so chances of rainfall will be more especially in Eastern and Northern India.
4) Watch carefully the wind intensity, Speed, Motion, denseness,  if it is stormy, dry and warm in nature rain will be delayed.Hot winds have the capacity to clear the low pressure in air.
5) If during Sankranti some rainfall has come, or you observed water content in the air, or Cold factor in wind its an indication rainfall will be good in upcoming monsoon season soon after Ardara parvesh of the sun.

6) Observe the birds, animals and aquatic animals movement in the sky and land both, if u see lots of birds moving in the sky, especially those came around Swati nakshatra, then chances of rain will be high in your environment and rainfall will be good.Birds Sounding in environment indicates that weather will be good.Their movement and nature show the intuition they got from nature.\


Rakesh Jamwal

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Understanding Scientific reasons of 9 Days of extreme Heat (Nau-Tapa) in summer

343 header Understanding Scientific reasons of 9 Days of extreme Heat (Nau-Tapa) in summer

Understanding Scientific reasons for 9 Days of extreme Heat and coming weather scenario


9 Days (Nautapa) of extreme Heat and coming weather scenario



The 9 days of Extreme and furious heat that started on 25th of may 2018 ended on 3rd of june 2018 which will end the terror of extremely volatile heat, whereas Mars and ketu conjunction in amrita Nadi ( Ruled by moon – this season drying up all the moisture content present in the atmosphere, in Amrita Nadi) that ended on 9th of june 2018 which has slow down the process of scorching heat in most of the other Indian regions from 9th onward in year 2018, It has helped alot in weather condition , but level of moist in atmosphere kept on increasing with increase in warm weather, as sun has joined with Mars  in (Agni Nadi).

What is Nautapa ( Or 9 days of Extreme Heat)

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With the entry of the Sun in Rohini Nakshatra, the 9 days of the Scorching heat usually starts.

This time Sun entered in Rohini Nakshatra on 25th of May 2018, at 7.53 pm, which will remain till June 3.

These Nine nights are called 9 days of the year when the Sun is most closest near the Earth, which usually causes severe heat and warm weather almost in all the states of india or other countries as well. When Sun Entered in the Constellation of the Moon ( Rohini) , Moon usually travels to 9 Nakashtras and start grabbing the heat, which is why it is called Nau-Tapa which usually bring inconsistent warm weather and heat in weather.

It has been said that the whenever Moon during these transits causes rain it will give the signal for the upcoming days that the monsoon will bring low rainfall, which is called the Rohini Throat.
These 9 days are like 9 days of pregnancy of clouds where, more the heat generated due to Sun and Moon movement more it can carry rain causing clouds for coming monsoon seasons.These 9 days are actually called as Pregnancy clouds of the monsoon and mother earth bears it for the goodwill of the mankind.

Because of the Extreme heat of the Sun in the Jala Tattva of Rohini Nakashtras, it increases or fasten the cycle of Condensation process from the coastals regions, that’s the reason it is called Monsoon Garabhdharan period.This year the process of Nau-Tapa started when Sun entered on Rohini Nakashtra on 25th of May from 10 degree 23 ‘ 40′ and it will remain till 8th of june 2018 , 23 degree , 40’ min.During this period, The sun which is actually considered as to be a symbol of glory and furious heat enters the moon’s constellation Rohini and takes its constellation fully under its influence.

Due to this, the level of heat usually increased at great level. Due to the heat rise during this period storms start coming on the earth which we will see in coming Ashad Month, and this year we have longer version of Ashad Month and that time Sun will oppose the Saturn and chances are higher that we can See solar,winds and rain storms in earth.

Understanding Scientific reasons of 9 Days of extreme Heat (Nau-Tapa) in summer
Credit: Walt Feimer (HTSI)/NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Conceptual Image Lab

Understanding the Scientific Reason

342 header Understanding Scientific reasons of 9 Days of extreme Heat (Nau-Tapa) in summer


Scientifically unknown reason behind this scorching heat is could be due to the inner solar activities happening in the sun which was started On 3rd of May 2018 in the sun inner surface, and one of  Coronal hole has been found toward Earth facing ( toward Northern Hemisphere) and  has sent high speed solar wind stream towards earth, which as triggered a Small sunspot region 2712, produced a couple of minor solar flares. A C3.3 solar flare peaking at 17:14 UTC strongest event has been recorded so for by the Scientists.

Although, Sunspot region 2712 remains in fairly small region but fairly enoughed that scientist able to notify it in solar region. Though its tough to say its direct influence on earth region.Till now scientists are never able to understand The Sun’s influence on the Earth’s climatic changes and it is still complicated, but researchers are slowly figuring out how the solar wind can indirectly affect clouds over the poles.its effects on the Earth’s weather and climate are still a mystery for most of the researchers.

According to JoAnna Wendel, research has been found that the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) can causes certain effects in the Earth’s ionosphere but its impact on changes in climate remains still a mystery.According to Lam, et al., there is strong correlations found between the changes in the IMF and atmospheric pressure anomalies for the Earth’s polar troposphere which can results change in the atmospheric pressure to cause changes in cloud physics and thus it can be said that it have a wider effect on weather and climate.

The authors saw effects in the lower troposphere, which were driven by electric potential difference between the ionosphere and the Earth’s surface, days sooner than in the mid-to-upper troposphere. The findings support the idea that the Mansurov effect is linked with changes to cloud microphysics, which can then in turn have an effect on meteorology.

(Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1002/2014GL061421, 2014)


Understanding Medini jyotish Reason


It has been seen that whenever Jupiter and Saturn are closely or loosely conjugate, influences, Aspects sun around 10 to 20 degrees in any sign, high amount of solar activities in surface area of the sun usually increases for the whole month.Such solar activities also been noticed during Lunar and Solar eclipses too but depends on eclipse type, Half or full or partial etc.

During these combustion or conjugation periods ” Black Dark shaft ” in Solar disc usually been observed with different different shapes and sizes in addition increasing amount of temperature and heat also been noticed in earth atmosphere too.

This has been notices in 17th of August 2015 when sun ingresses on Leo, Sun was closely Conjugated with the Jupiter in the Leo sign, in a close combustion state with the orbital distance of 9 degree opp to earth – ” Tamasa kilakas or Sunspot ” appeared in the Sun.

Same is the case, when In august 2015 Scientist has observed two sun spots with rod and key like shape.

During these sunspot phases major break in power (Electricity) and satellite Communication channels usually observes.

In “August-September” 2015 month sun-spot impact has been seen more in toward the Northern Hemisphere Regions, those were closer to the line of Cancer.

The rise of temperature in atmospheres also been noticed after these dark shafts. It has been further noticed during these dark shafts raining clouds usually unable to shower rain and weather behaves strange and also raises possibilities of earthquakes in those areas where-ever these sunspots appears geographically.

(Brihat Samhita, Adityachar) .
sunspot group august 26 2015 Understanding Scientific reasons of 9 Days of extreme Heat (Nau-Tapa) in summer

” Tamasakilakas ” or Dark Shafts in the Solar disc region is an ancient wisdom on Sunspots research as described by Acharya Varahamihira in Brihat Samhita around 500 AD when there was no science and any scientists available to analyse an impact of Sunspots. This shows Ancient astronomers were already known to the most of the Facts in nature “

– Source – Brihat Samhita of Acharya Varahmihira, by Ramakrishna Bhat , Adityachara, Chapter 3,Verse 9,10,11,12 &13


Scenario of heat of 2018


With this Nau-Tapa Process, People of Jaipur has taken little bit of relaxed weather from 1st of june 2018 to 3rd of june onward, after morning when Moon crossed the moola and reached to Poorvashda nakashtra with saturn in Soumya nadi,  condition of weather has improved,  smooth but Major problem of extreme temperature, Dry and warm weather has still remain persistently until Saturn and Jupiter turns to direct motion. People of Madhya-pradesh will experience relaxed weather when Sun will transit in Gemini Sign in ardara Nakashtra.

Problem with summer season of year 2018, is placement of mars with Ketu, also ahead than sun having capability to suck all clouds which are meant for heavy rain, especially in Amrita nadi which is meant for good rainfall for 2-3 days if beneficial planets are transiting over Amrita nadi, but here, it usually giving warm weather with no rain, all clouds are acting like barren due to this, this is actually happening from last 10-15 days.

When Sun will reach to Mrig-shara nakashtra in agni nadi, Level of moisture will increase in Coastal and other regions of southern india which will increase the chances of rainfall but with heat and moisture in atmosphere will still remain.

Same it will apply for North of india, though Weather will be bit relaxed from Scorching heat but presence of moisture content will increase from 10th of june 2018 onward.

Keep Praying with this mantra for avoiding any such unnatural weather uncertainties.

कृष्ण कृष्ण महाभाग त्व्न्नाथं गोकुलम प्रभो |
त्रातु मर्हसी देवाण कुपिताद भक्वत्सल ||

Till then Stay connected.

Source and References,

– Source – Brihat Samhita of Acharya Varahmihira, by Ramakrishna Bhat , Adityachara, Chapter 3,Verse 9,10,11,12 &13   
(Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1002/2014GL061421, 2014)

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