Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

left hand Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview


   By H.Ramadas Rao

ॐ श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः

With the Blessings of Acharya Madhva,my Kula Devatha ,Ishta Devatha and my Naadi Guru Shri R.G.Rao,I would like to present a new topic on Left Handers based on Naadi Astrology.

Natural zodiac 3rd house,Mithuna Rashi and its Lord Budha indicate our shoulders,arms ie.,hands.Budha also is significator or Karaka for our central nervous system in the brain.Actually all our actions are through the signals from our brain only.Human brain is a more powerful part of the body even more than that of a computer.This is God’s creation.In this brain also,all the 7 planets are allotted some particular part/parts as shown in the following ancient diagram of human brain :

brain Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

The planets are indicated in the form of some symbols whose meanings are given below.( Earth can be omitted as we stand on earth ) :

pic1 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

The symbols given above are Surya,Budha,Shukra ( Earth ),Chandra,Kuja ,Guru and Shani.Thus any planet afflicted in the brain part will give wrong signals to the particular part of the body and so we suffer from various diseases,accidents etc.Thus we can see the middle portion of the forehead,upper portion and the side part is controlled by Budha/Mercury who is the controller of our central nervous system in the brain.We can also see through the following picture how our body parts are connected through the brain :

The above picture is only a part showing how our head,face,eyes,hand and its related parts,leg and its related parts function through our brain.This is a very big study related to medical science.

Now we know that the left part of human brain controls right side of the body and vice versa.For most of the human beings left side of the brain works faster than that of right side and so all our right side organs work prominently.

Now coming to the occult or secret science,human body has seven Chakras which modern science has not established.Starting from the base of the spine,it starts with Mooladhara Chakra,Swadhistana Chakra,Manipoora Chakra,Anahata Chakra,Vishuddha Chakra,Ajna Chakra and Sahsrara Chakra.Here I am not going to give all the details about these Chakras but a small and important information is that Sahasrara Chakra is controlled by Rahu.It is situated in the top,middle portion of our head inside the brain.Now who is Rahu ? It is an imaginary planet which revolves in Apasavya mode around Surya.So if this Rahu is either connected in a birth chart to 3rd house of natural zodiac or its lord Budha/Mercury,then the person will become a left hander.Even when Rahu is placed in a Rashi and Budha crosses it and stays in the next Rashi of Rahu’s placement in a chart,such person will be a left hander which means the native will work mostly through his/her left hand like writing,cooking,cleaning utensils in the kitchen etc.but eating through right hand.

Now let me try to explain how Rahu will influence  Mithuna Rashi and its Lord Budha.For a person to be left handed,Rahu has to be either in Mithuna Rashi,Karka Rashi,Simha Rashi,Tula Rashi or Dhanu Rashi.2nd point is that if Rahu is not in any of the above Rashis,then Budha must be  with or in 3rd,5th,7th or 9th from Rahu .Now let me try to analyse this theory with various examples ..

Male Chart-1 :

male1 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this male chart,Rahu is placed in Tula Rashi and Budha is also with Rahu in Tula Rashi.Also Rahu is in trine to Mithuna Rashi.So this person is purely left hander.

Male Chart-2 :

Male2 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this chart ,Rahu is placed in Dhanu Rashi aspecting directly Mithuna Rashi in 7th house.Budha,the Lord of Mithuna Rashi is placed in Meena Rashi and both Dhanu and Meena Rashis are lorded by Guru.So there is a link between Rahu and Budha,so this male person is also a left hander.This is the chart of Sachin Tendulkar, a famous cricket player who played through his left hand only.But Budha is out of Rahu’s cusp,so this native can write through his right hand also.

Male Chart-3 :

Male3 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

This is another Male chart which belongs to movie star Amitabh Bacchan.Here Rahu is placed in Simha Rashi in Eastern directional sign and aspecting Mithuna Rashi which is a Western directional sign.Here the Lord of Mithuna Rashi,Budha is exalted in Kanya Rashi but retrograde,so he will be connected to Rahu also.As Budha is exalted and retrograde,this gentleman eventhough a left hander,he used to write through his  right hand also.

Male chart -4:

Male4 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this male chart,Rahu is placed in Meena Rashi and Budha retrograde is placed in Vrischika Rashi which is in trine from Rahu.So eventhough this gentleman is a left hander,he used to write through his right hand also.

Male Chart-5 :

male5 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this male chart,Rahu is placed in Kumbha Rashi which is in trine to Mithuna Rashi.Budha,the Lord of Mithuna Rashi is placed in Dhanu Rashi aspects its own Rashi but Budha is retrograde.So the native is a left hander and eventhough Budha is retrograde,there is Rahu in Kumbha Rashi who directly aspects Makara Rashi and directionally opposite to Dhanu Rashi also.So the native was forced to write through right hand but he could not succeed.

Male Chart-6 :

Male6 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this male chart,Rahu is placed in Vrishabh Rashi but Budha is placed in his exaltation sign of Kanya Rashi.So this native is left handed.

Male Chart-7 :

male7 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this chart,Rahu is placed in Dhanu Rashi aspecting directly Mithuna Rashi.Budha,the Lord of Mithun Rashi is in trine to Rahu.But Budha is not in his own Rashi of Mithun or in his exaltation sign but is in the Rahu-Ketu axis.So this native is a strong left hander.

Male Chart-8 :

Male8 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this male chart,Rahu is placed in Mesha Rashi and is not connected to Mithuna Rashi at all but Budha,the Lord of Mithuna Rashi is placed in Meena Rashi and is retrograde also.But the difference of longitude between Rahu and Budha is less than 30 Degrees.So this male is completely left hander.

Male Chart-9 :

Male9 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

This is the chart of Barack Obama.In this chart,Rahu is placed in Simha Rashi which is 11th from Mithuna Rashi.Budha,the lord of Mithuna Rashi is placed in Karka Rashi.Rahu is aspecting this Rashi and Budha and the longitudes between both the planets is less than 30 Degrees.So this native is a pure left hander.

Female Chart-1:

1 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this female chart,Rahu is placed in Tula Rashi which is in trine to Mithun Rashi.Budha,the Lord of Mithun Rashi is placed in Dhanu Rashi directly aspects Mithun Rashi and is in 11th from Rahu.So this female native is a left hander.But Budha is not in the cusp of Rahu,so she can write from right hand also along with other jobs.

Female Chart-2 :

2 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

This chart belongs to daughter of above female chart-1.In this chart,Rahu is placed in Mesh Rashi and will move towards Meen Rashi and Mithun Rashi is 11th from Rahu.So the effect of Rahu on this Rashi is very less due to Rahu moving in anti cloakwise direction.Budha,the Lord of Mithun Rashi is in Vrishabh Rashi which is about to move to Mithuna Rashi and is out from Rahu-Ketu axis.So when she was very young she started drawing from her left hand and because of mother’s force,she slowly started to use right hand for all her activities.

Female Chart-3 :

3 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this chart,Rahu is directly sitting in Mithun Rashi and Budha is placed out of Rahu-Ketu axis in Vrischik Rashi.So eventhough she is a left hander,she uses right hand also equally..

Female Chart-4:

4 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this female chart,Rahu is in Simha Rashi and is moving towards Mithun Rashi and he aspects directionally Mithun Rashi.Budha,the Lord of Mithun Rashi is in Vrishabh Rashi but at 0 Degrees.So Budha’s effect on its own Rashi is very less.So this female is completely left hander and takes food only from right hand.

Female Chart-5 :

5 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this chart,Rahu is placed in Tula Rashi and is in trine to Mithun Rashi.Budha is placed in Vrischik Rashi and is out of Rahu-Ketu axis.So eventhough she is a left hander,she also uses right hand for all day to day activities.

Female Chart -6:

6 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

This is slightly different female chart.Here Rahu is placed in Mesh Rashi which is

11th from Mithun Rashi.Budha is within Rahu-Ketu axis and is placed in Vrischik Rashi.Both Rahu and Budha are placed in Rashis lorded by Kuja.So both planets are linked with each other.Hence this female native is a left hander..

Female Chart-7 :

7 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this female chart,Rahu is placed in Mithun Rashi,so she is a left hander.But Budha is out of Rahu-Ketu axis and is in Vrischik Rashi.So she uses right hand for eating food.In a way,we can say that she uses both hands for her day to day work eventhough a left hander.

Female Chart-8 :

5 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this female chart,Rahu is placed in Vrischik Rashi and has no connections with Mithun Rashi but Budha,its lord is placed in Tula Rashi and is retrograde.The difference in the longitudes between Rahu and Budha is less than 30 Degrees.So this female child is a left hander in day to day activities but writing and eating food from right hand.This she uses both hands.

So from above different example charts,we can make it clear that Rahu’s effect on Mithun Rashi and or Budha is more important in deciding a native left hander or using both hands.The reason for this is mainly due to Budha is the Karaka for our central nervous system in the brain,and Rahu,the planet of Apasavya movement and the Karaka for Sahasrara Chakra is controlling Mithun Rashi and or Budha,the Karaka for hands.


ना अहं कर्ता । सर्वस्य हरि कर्ता ॥

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