Kala Sarpa Yoga & Education as per nadi astrology

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ॐ श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः
With the Blessings of Acharya Madhva,my Kula Devatha,my Ishta Devatha and my Nadi Guru Shri R.G.Rao,I would like to explain about Kala Sarpa Yoga & education in Nadi Astrology.
We know as per traditional Astrology,Kala Sarpa Yoga is formed by the placement of all planets within Rahu-Ketu axis.Some scholars mention about 12 types of Kala Sarpa Yoga based on different positions of Kala Sarpa Yoga from Lagna.In some books it is mentioned that if Rahu /Ketu is placed with 5th/9th house lord or with Kendra Lords,then it gives sudden Raja Yoga during the Dasa/Antar Dasa of such planets.Except this condition,other placements of planets within Rahu-Ketu axis are termed as bad with difficulties in life.In such ancient books,it is also mentioned that if all the planets are within Rahu-Ketu axis then it is called as Kala Sarpa Yoga and if all the planets are within Ketu-Rahu axis,then it is called as Kalamrita Yoga.Anyhow both Yogas are termed bad and the native will experience difficulties in his/her life.But if any one planet has more longitude than Rahu/Ketu ,then it breaks Kala Sarpa Yoga.
But in Rao’s system of Nadi Astrology,we are not considering any Lagna.Instead we consider all the planets within Rahu-Ketu or Ketu-Rahu axis for Kala Sarpa Yoga.But to have such kind of Kala Sarpa Yoga,the planets must be related to Rahu or Ketu ie.,from Rahu,there must be a planet in the 2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th 7th from him.Similar is the case from Ketu also.
Now I was doing some research on this from past 15 years and about 13 years before I got a client and she wants her son’s education line has to be analysed she sent an email regarding this on March,6th,2006.When my client called me for this analysis,her son was studying in 6th standard.But when I saw his chart,I got surprised as all the planets are hemmed between Ketu-Rahu axis but I found the most important planets Jiva Karaka,Atma Karaka and Karma Karaka are in such a strong place,nothing bad will happen to him in his education or his future life ,rather he will get reward during his studies.
Now let us study his chart in detail. This is a male chart and was born in a western country.Now look at the Rahu-Ketu axis,and there are no planets at all and all the planets are within Ketu-Rahu axis.Even Chandra who is with Rahu is in the clutches of Rahu.

Kaal sarpa Kala Sarpa Yoga & Education as per nadi astrology

As both Ketu and Rahu are retrograding,from Ketu,the 2nd house is occupied by Shani and Shukra in Kumbha Rashi,Kuja and Budha ( R ) is Makara Rashi,Surya + Guru in Dhanu Rashi in 4th house from Ketu and finally Chandra in 7th house from Ketu.Let me keep the Jiva Karaka Guru aside and analyse from Rahu.Rahu is with Chandra,the Karaka for mother.Rahu is in trine to Vidya Karaka Budha ( R ) and Kuja,the Karaka for skills.Also from Ketu,both Budha ( R ) and Kuja are in 11th house.When Ketu is involved with Karaka for education,it is directly related to hospital as Ketu is in 12th house if we consider natural zodiac.Now both Dhanu Rashi and Meena Rashi are lorded by Guru and he is placed in his Moola Trikona Sthana of Guru along with Surya.So here Surya also becomes more stronger by associating with Guru and both will have a connection with Ketu.This is simply because both Rashis are lorded by Guru,so Surya + Guru + Ketu are in conjunction.Now Rahu with Chandra are in trine to Kuja + Budha (R) in Makara Rashi.Now Chandra is blood circulation,Rahu is poisonous medicines ( which we call as allopathic medicines ) ,Kuja is blood ,Shastra Karaka and skills through the hands and,Budha,the intelligence.Here as Budha ( R) is aspecting its previous house of Dhanu Rashi he becomes associated with both Surya + Guru.Thus Budha ( R) becomes more stronger.So I predicted to his mother that he will study medicines but he will move towards East or South-East from where he is born.I also told his mother that he is a genius boy and will get rewards during his studies.As the planets involved are mainly Surya + Guru  ( East direction ) and Kuja + Budha ( R) ( South direction ) and as all these planets are within Ketu-Rahu axis,he will move out of the country where he is born and move to a country where Sanatana Dharma is in existence which is none other than our Hindustan.His mother got surprised and said to me that they don’t have any plan to migrate back to India.But I said after looking to the planetary transits,all will move to India and he will study in India only.
Ketu is the planet representing hospitals placed in Meena Rashi which is also called as Devaloka whose Lord Guru is in his Moola Trikona Rashi of Dhanu.With Guru,there is Surya and Budha ( R) in Makara Rashi whom we have to consider from his previous house of Dhanu Rashi.So he has a combination of Guru + Surya+ Budha ( R ) + Ketu.This kind of planetary combination indicates a Vedic place which is India itself.There are no planets in Rahu-Ketu axis which clearly tells us that the native will move out of his birth country when progressed Jiva Karaka Guru touches Rahu + Chandra which was his 10-11th year and it was decided by the fate to contact me to do the analysis of this native boy.It was 31st of May 2006 and she called me when I was in Kuwait,that they are moving back to India and also to Bangalore.Let us look at the planetary configurations on this day.
Now look at the transit Rahu-Ketu axis.Rahu was in Meena Rashi and Ketu was in Kanya Rashi which is just opposite in his natal chart.In his natal chart,Jiva Karaka Guru + Pitru Karaka Surya are in Dhanu Rashi,so we can conclude that transit Rahu has a link with his natal Guru + Surya which clearly indicates that this male native along with his father will move to India.Also please look at the longitude of natal Jiva Karaka Guru which is Dhanu 8 Degrees 33’ and transit Rahu was at Meen Rashi 7 Degrees 3’,which means Rahu is forcing Jiva Karaka Guru to move from the place of birth.Also if we check his progressed Jiva Karaka Guru,it will be in Kanya Rashi and Chandra + Rahu are posited there.Chandra means movement and Rahu means foreign country,so a complete change of Rahu-Ketu alignment over his Chandra + Rahu indicates he will be migrated to India where Kanya Rashi indicates southern direction.His natal Rahu has a Drishti on Simha Rashi as he will be moving to his next Rashi and natal Guru + Surya are in trine to this east directioned Rashi.So it becomes South-East direction from where he was born.


transit chart Kala Sarpa Yoga & Education as per nadi astrology
After moving to India and Bangalore,the mother of the male native called me around 4 years before that as I predicted her son got admission into Medical sciences.She also told me that the CET board has given 3 options to choose the medical college.She asked me whether it is possible to predict to which medical college her son will join.I said “ the native’s Vidya Karaka Budha’s placement is in Makara Rashi 9 Degs.56’ along with exalted Kuja who is in Makara 10 Degs.21’But there is no Graha Yuddha as Budha is retrograde.This Budha ( R ) + Kuja are in trine to Chandra + Rahu in Kanya Rashi.Budha (R ) is connected to Dhanu Rashi where both Guru + Surya are placed.Also in Guru’s another Rashi of Meen,there is Ketu,so a combination of Guru + Surya +Budha ( R )+ Ketu has taken place.Now Ketu in Meen Rashi lorded by Guru indicates the institution must be a religious one and as Budha ( R ) with Guru + Surya are in Dhanu Rashi,the medical institute must have a statue of a Guru in front of the college.After this prediction,mother and son both went to all the 3 institutes and one institute called KEMS Medical College has the statue of Shri Raghavendra Swami Ji of Mantralaya and both were very happy about my analysis and took admission there and completed his medical studies.As Surya is very strong in the chart along with Guru in his Moola Trikona Sthana,I told his mother that your son is a genius one and will complete the studies before the time and he will be rewarded by a prestigious institution.When his 3rd year of Medical studies completed,the F.R.C.S in London invited him along with his parents for a special speech by the native.The professors and students there got stunned by his speech and awarded him with a special certificate and told that his M.D.studies will be sponsored by them if it is in London or anywhere in the world.So he completed his M.B.B.S.this year with a very high ranking.


Then he sit for the entrance exam.for M.D.Now recently his mother contacted me and asked me which kind of higher studies he can do and where ? Here is my analysis and answer.In the whole chart,both Guru and Surya are powerful and out of that Surya is most powerful and he is the karaka for children ( male ) and in opposite direction ( West ),there are Shukra + Shani.As Shukra is with Shani,Shukra becomes also very powerful as he is going to enter the Rashi of his exaltation. Shukra is the Karaka for female children.So I told the mother that her son will go for M.D. in Pediatrics and mother said as he got into Pediatrics.Now again the question of selection of Medical College.Here now both Guru +Surya+ Budha ( R ) are in east direction and both Shukra + Shani are in Kumbha Rashi in West Direction.Shukra indicates as per Sanskrit Kama and Shani indicates ancient and Surya indicates eyes.Ketu in linking with Shani indicates that the place where this native has to study is a very ancient one and a famous Kama + Akshi ie., Kamakshi Temple is there which is none other than Kanchipuram.His mother got completely surprised and asked me that such secrets also can be told as per Nadi Astrology and I replied yes but for that Tarka ( Logic ) and intuition from Ishta Devatha is required.So as per my analysis the male native is going to Kanchipuram Medical Institute for M.D.in Pediatrics.
The above is only a real life example to show that we can predict many secrets through Rao’s  System of Nadi Astrology.
ना अहं कर्ता । सर्वस्य हरि कर्ता ॥
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Decoding Vedic Astrology Dasha system and how does it impacts our Karma and life-cycle

Dasha Predictions Decoding Vedic Astrology Dasha system and how does it impacts our Karma and life-cycle

Vedic Astrology Dasha Systems


What is Dasha period ?  How does it impact our Karma and life-cycle ?

Dasha is all about your total sanchit karma , the storage point of all the Karma’s that you have gathered from the total birth journeys. It has two major points one should always keep in mind; major portion of dasha period speaks about  your prarabdha karma that is we can only see from the placement of the planets in the natal chart, means your all the bad deeds from the portion of total accumulated karma’s rest of the Karma is your sanchit karma (Left behind) where it shows good part of karma that can be trigger at any moment in native life. Choices always depends on your prayers and good deeds, they are changeable in nature. That’s the reason whenever there is an adverse dasha running in your natal chart it is very hard to avoid the results of the dasha period  as they represents all the misdeeds in the form of prarabdha karma. But if your 9th house or its lord is well placed or there are placement of beneficial planets in the 9th house or lagnesh ( 1st house lord) or 9th lord is forming relationship with each other you can get relaxation in the form of remedies.For remedies to work there should be a good linkage between 9th, lagna and 12th house if 9th is not forming any relationship with the said houses it is very difficult for a native to get expected results for their respective remedies. 9th house is the house of higher god, dharma and prayers, if it is well disposed it is possibly a good reason one can expect the results of remedies soon. Majorly karmic remedies always start working in your life via the 9th house activation with the help of Guru or a good jyotishi guidance. Majorly Dasha period speaks about your temporary Karma’s that one has to face during the time period those are difficult to change and that can trigger at any moment in any fixed duration. But when that results can comes in your life is totally dependent on the transit of the major planets like Saturn, Jupiter and Rahu/ketu over your natal planets. Transits are the delivery boy and dasha period is your parcel of all the Karma’s. When that event has to come only deliver boy can decides it. Transits has major role in transforming your whole life as they indicates about the actions period of the karma or in layman language it shows the timing of the events. Transits are indicative of the new karmas that one can do during the dasha period. It gives you a chance to work on your self, improve your life and do good deeds in the form of kiryamana karma ( The new Karma). Generally we can know the kiryamana karma by the Prashna chart  or by the 6th and 10th lord in natal chart.

In Dasha Systems, Vimshottari Dasha is most famous among all. Vimshottari Dasha that operates in any native life explains about certain life events those are in sync with your age like if Saturn MD or AD dasha operates in the age of 36 native will learn, grows or matures a lot w.r.t to his life lessons, karma, Career and he will meet many people in his life which will totally changes his experiences, wisdom and thinking power. Same way if Mercury dasha operates at the 32 of age of he will experience certain learning experiences wrt to expanding his social circle, meeting and leaving new friends, enhancing new skills, learning new sets of logic’s, improving intelligence etc. Thing is Purpose of every dasha beginning is to teaches you certain life lessons and understanding your life path at those fixed age. Vimsotri dasha is all about understanding and experiencing your Prarabdha and sanchit karmas and when certain transits align or meet with these dasha periods native life get total change in his life and in this new life cycle and life experiences both the Rahu/Ketu plays very a major and important roles in either giving you or taking everything you have in their Dashas and transits over natal chart.

The Biggest truth of planetary motion is  that they have major role in impacting human life cycle and certain karmas. The greatest impact of planetary force on human being is it can effect your state of mind, decision making, circumstances, situations, appearance, aura, and most importantly all the personality traits are dependent on the transits and dashas and it has greater impact on human mind first. Vimshottari dasha is one such tool you can read and analyze it well and in my observation Vimshottari dasha is all about your traits and planetary placements from the moon in natal chart, which can read your mind setup, environment and circumstances. That’s the reason I prefer to see vimsotri dasha first-most for all the human traits those can impact your status of mind, thoughts and decision making.One should always gives much focus on all these parameters while analysing the vimsotri dasha and impact of planetary force on human mind setup but one of major loophole in vimsotri dasha is decision of karma is always pending in your hand in any of the dasha period. your Agami karma always decides your kiryamani karma,so do not ignore the importance and purpose of birth given to you over vimsotri dasha.Your birth is all about your current karma over previous prarabdha.

In This article we will try to learn about all the Major dashas system and we will explain each dashas in their consecutive parts in future articles. So first lets try to understand  different dasha systems we can use in natal chart one by one.Among all Most famous is Vimshottari Dasha respectively and rest of the dasha periods are used according to their requirements and condition’s in natal chart.

1)Vimshottari Dasha:

Most Known Dasha System based on Movement of Moon on the progression of Nakashtras at the time of birth (Tithi – Longitudinal distance of Sun and Moon).Total 9 Nakashtras Forms a complete 120 year of dasha system as equals as life cycle in kaliyug, as suggested by some of sages.It is presumed as total life span of human being in kaliyug would be of around about 100 to 120 years.

Total Nakashtras are 27 ( 9*3 = 27 Nakashtras – forms 3 different Nakashtras based progressive Vimsotri Dasha system). for e.g If one is Born in Jyestha Nakashtra – Dasha of the native will starts from Mercury ( Lord of Jyestha) and it goes further up-to rest of 8 Nakashtras, like Moola ( Ketu Dasha) ,Poorva ashada ( Lord Venus) and finally it will end at Uttrabhadra Nakaashtra (Lord Saturn). Every Preceding Nakashtra has Major role in Forming Mental Setup of Native during the progressions of Vimsotri Dasha lords in VM Dasha system .Starting point of Dasha system is Ashwani (Nakashatra lord is Ketu) and end of Dasha system is Revti Nakashtra.

VMD Dasha System is a Commonly used Dasha system but Less in its accuracy and timing Events, in its application & usage, if one is not aware of Usage of Nakashtras and Degree Concepts with accurate Birth time in VMD system, than its not easy to Use it wisely with perfection, VMD perfection need case studies of lots of people and in depth knowledge of Nakashtras, Degrees, Padas and art of Birth time rectification process. So, what i believe is knowledge of Degrees and Nakashtras is must while timing events in VMD Dasha system.

If during the birth, Moon is Stronger in strength; means birth In Brighter nights (Shukala Pakasha), we considered Moon as Stronger. During Brighter Nights Moon is ahead of Sun and more powerful to receive Sun Beneficial Rays which are directly gone impact people mindset, who will take birth in earth during this period of time.

Most of Beneficial Works are done in Shukala Pakasha tithis. Even in Bhagwada Geeta it is Mentioned as – Birth in Shukala Paksha leads to Heaven and people who gone die at same tithi and same Pakasha never come back to earth in material world.

Those who are Born in Krishana Pakasha they used to come back to material world again and again until and unless karmic balance is equals to zero. So, those people who are born in Brighter Nights (Shukala Pakasha tithi ), can use VMD Dasha system blindly in Natal and Divisional Charts without any 2 views.
For its applicability, Check the Strength of VMD Dasha lords by Making Moon as Reference Point and Extracts the result of VMD Dasha lord by its Nakashtra and its Lord in Natal Chart.
Those who are Born in Darker Nights ( Krishna Pakasha), we considered Moon as weaker being in darker side of Sun, not able to receive full rays of Sun. Those people who are born in Krishna Pakasha Tithi – Either they should use Yogini Dasha System or Ancient Dasha system based on 108 years of cycle (Ashtottari Dasha system) as explained by Lord Shiva for timing events and Dasha results in Kaliyug.
Moon & Nakashtras are the base for Vimshottari Dasha System & it should be given Higher Priority over Planets placement in Natal and Divisional charts while analyzing Results for any Dasha Period ( Either it is MD , Ad or PD or Sookashmaa Dasha). VMD Gives Events based on what Mind Will Show and Experience you a Picture.
In My calculation its Accuracy is 60-70%.

2) Yogini Dasha System:

Best Dasha System Used in Kalyug for timing Events based on 8 Yoginis and Starting from Moon Nakashtara.Goddess Parvati asked Lord Shiva, “There are innumerable dasha systems in astrology, but in the Kaliyuga, which dasha would tell us in a flash the results of a person’s Karma?.”Lord Shiva said, “It is the Yogini dasha.” And thus Lord Shiva revealed this dasha to Goddess Parvati. In the Kaliyuga, after careful examination of this dasha on a chart, the results do not go wrong. By knowing the mere name of the Yogini operating for a person, the things happening in the life of that person during the period of Yogini can be known.

According the Rudrayamal, the Yogini dasha gives excellent results in Kaliyuga:

There are eight types of Yoginis: Mangala, Pingala, Dhanya, Bhramari, Bhadrika, Ulka, Siddha and Sankata. It is believed that the planets Moon, Sun, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Venus and Rahu have evolved respectively from the Yoginis Mangala, Pingala, etc.

The total duration of Yogini Dasha is 36 years. Shorter the Dasha system is More accurate is the result.

It is the Best Dasha System for timing events based on Nakshtras unconditionally. Yogini dasha is a nakshatrika dasha based on the nakshatra of the Moon at the time of birth.Quite Accurate in predicting events approximately about 90 to 95 % what i believe in its usage.

3) Ashtottari Dasha System:

Ashtottari dasa is also another Dasha System based on Nakshtras but it is conditional Dasha System applicable on Some of Conditions and perhaps the most popular dasa system in India after Vimsottari dasa.Based on 108 Cycle of years.It as a conditional dasa applicable only in some charts.

Maharishi Parashar explained as: O Brahmin, the sages have recommended the adoption of Ashtottari, when Rahu not being in Lagn, in any other Kendr, or Trikon to the Lord of the Lagn. From 4 Nakshatras from Ardra commences the Dasha of Surya, from 3 after that begins the Dasha of Candr, 4 after that will bring the Dasha of Mangal, 3 after that the Lord of Dasha will be Budh, 4 therefrom will have Sani, as the Dasha Lord, 3 thereafter the Lord will be Guru, Rahu will be the Lord of the Dasha 4 Nakshatras after that and then Sukr will take over the lordship of the Dasha 3 Nakshatras from the last one mentioned above.

The Lord of the Dasha at birth will be determined by counting in this order up to the Janm Nakshatr. The duration of Ashtottari Dasha for Surya, Candr, Mangal, Budh, Sani, Guru, Rahu and Sukr are 6, 15, 8, 17, 10, 19, 12 and 21 in that order. Thus in this Dasha system only 8 Grahas play the role of Dasha Lords, Ketu having been denied this privilege.

Simply Its Working is based on , If the birth (of the native) is in Krishna paksha (or the dark half of the month) or at night in sukla paksha (the bright half of the month) and that Rahu is in a quadrant (Kendra) or trine (trikona) from the lord of the lagna ( that location is also called the paka lagna).

In this system, the sum of all dasas is 108 years.

Ashtottari means “ashtottara sata”, i.e. one hundred and eight. Because poornaayush (full life) of a man is 108 years suggested by some of sages for kaliyug, some scholars have suggested that ashtottari dasa is best used as an ayur dasa, i.e. a dasa that shows longevity.

There are three different views on the applicability of Ashtottari dasa:

(1) Ashtottari dasa is applicable in all charts.

(1) Ashtottari dasa is applicable if Rahu, who is not in lagna, is in a quadrant or a trine from lagna lord.

(1) Ashtottari dasa is applicable for daytime births in Krishna paksha (darker fortnight) and night time births in Sukla paksha (brighter fortnight).

Some people use Ashtottari dasa as an ayur dasa and see longevity in it. Some other people use Ashtottari dasa as a phalita dasa. Because only chara karakas, i.e. Rahu and the seven planets, have dasas under the Ashtottari dasa scheme, it may also be suggested that it shows events related to sustenance, achievements, raja yogas and moksha (just like chara karakas do). Some people, however, prefer to see all matters in Ashtottari dasa..Accuracy is higly depends on its usage.

4) Kalachakra Dasha system:

Kalachakra Dasa is also Nakashtras Based Dasha like Vimsottari based upon the position of the Moon in Lunar mansion.Kalachakra is based upon Nakshatra Padas (instead of Nakshatras).It is a Rasi Dasa and Rasi Dasa lords are important to Predicting events not the planets.

The Dasa is extremly sensitive for birth time and Ayanamsa changes. So it is applicable only if the native’s birth time is quite accurate. A change of Ayanamsa can result in completely different results.It is Only Applicable in Navamsa.It is Quite accurate in Predicting marriage related events and accuracy is about 90% if birth time is accurate.

5) Narayana Dasha:

One of Best Dasha System in vedic Astrology based on Movement of Rasi’s. Narayana dasa is a very important rasi dasa as It is a phalita dasa that shows all general results based on Material Success, if the Lord Naryana is Promising the material success in our Chart this Dasha will show how we Growing Materially and this Dasha works with Sudasa Dasha(Laxmi Dashsa) and Runs Parallel with Narayana Dasha if Narayana is Promising than Goddess Laxmi will shower Extensively result for Success and growth.

Narayana dasa is computed differently for different divisional charts and we can use Narayana dasa of a divisional chart to predict matters related to that divisional chart.

Narayana dasa is based on the progression of lagna in one’s life. As one dasa ends and another starts, one rasi stops being the progressed lagna and another rasi becomes one’s progressed lagna. Using the progressed lagna as the reference, we find out the events that happen in that dasa. Thus we get twelve charts for each person, with each chart applicable in one dasa.Very accurate in Predicting and timing Events in Horoscope approximately 99%.

6) Chara Dasha:

This is another very Important Dasha system based on Rasi dasha.this Dasha System is made By Jamini based on 7 Chara Karkas and Predictions are Purely timed on 7 charakarkas and their meanings.Very accurate Dasha system.This Dasha System works on the basis of 7 PlanetsSun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus & Saturn and their Proceedings Degrees.

The planet with highest degree in a Natal Horoscope is known as Atmakaraka (AK – enjoys the status of Lagna); the planet with 2nd highest degree is known as Amatyakaraka (Amk – signifies 10th house/professional matter); the planet with 3rd highest degree is known as Bhratrikaraka (BK – signifies coborns/3rd house significations); the planet with 4th highest degree is known as Matrikaraka (MK – signifies/4th house significations); the planet with 5th highest degree is known as Putrakaraka (PK – offspring/5th house significations); the planet with 6th highest degree is known as Gnatikaraka (GK – enemies/obstacles/diseases/6th house significations) and the planet with 7th highest degree is known as Darakaraka (DK – significator of spouse/7th house significations).

7) Sudasa Dasa System:

Sudasa is a rasi dasa. It is also called “Sree Lagna Kendradi Rasi Dasa” or simply “Rasi Dasa”. Its computation is based on kendras etc from Sree Lagna. Sudasa is important for materialistic things like money, power and authority. It can be used to predict financial matters and matters related to status and power. If a political leader occupies a post of power, he must be enjoying a favorable dasa as per Sudasa. If a businessman sees increasing profits, he must be enjoying a favorable dasa as per Sudasa. If someone struggles with tight finances, he must be going through an unfavorable dasa as per Sudasa.If Someone Struggles with the Tight Finances, He Must be Going through an unfavourable dasa as per Sudasa Dasha.

Narayan dasa indicates how the environment is presented to you.Vimshottari or Ashtottari Dasa shows how the native responds to the influences of the environment.the final decision of the native (Vimsottari) will depend on the resources available at hand (Sudasa) so it Shows effort and environment provided by Narayana Dasha..Lakshmi is the giver of all prosperity and it shows when you get opportunity . While Narayana governs the environment and effort, Lakshmi governs the prosperity and well-being. As Rajya Lakshmi, she gives power. As Dhana Lakshmi, she gives money. As Arogya Lakshmi, she gives health. As Vidya Lakshmi, she gives learning. And so on. She is the giver of all prosperity.

Thus we can see when Lakshmi’s blessings come in a particular matter (in terms of prosperity). Remember that Narayana governs effort and Lakshmi governs prosperity! Both together define what happens to a person.This Dasha is quite Accurate wrt to Narayana Dasha and works perfectly with 99%.

8) Drig-Dasha System:

It is also a Rasi Dasa Which Means Visions and works on Aspects of Rasi dashas.It Shows How Spritual Vision Develops in a native Move ones life.It Shows Religious and Spirituals activities and the evolution of ones Soul.

9)Niryaana Shoola Dasha:

Niryaana Means Death and Shoola is a Weapon of Lord Shiva and who is the lord of Distruction and this dasha dasha system is Works as per Mahesh destruction so it is used for timing of death , Pain and Suffering one may face during the Life last Part.

|| Om Bhagwate Vasudevaya Namah: ||

With Thanks and Regards,

Rakesh Jamwal

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