Does Science has proof of Vedic Sciences ? Scientific vs Non-Scientific Debate

Does Science has proof of Vedic Sciences ? Scientific vs Non-Scientific Debate

There is a huge debate always going on in this scientific and non-scientific fraternity regarding our Vedic culture, rituals, and Shastras like Jyotish and other such micro spiritual sciences. The basic thing is non-believers are strongly in belief that what we see is true rest is false.

My question to them there are immense galaxies, stars, sun, and multiple universes exist in this super-spiritual world do they have seen by their own eyes or have they visited them or landed them ?? But still it is existing, do we need any proof? When things are present they are it doesn’t require any certification from any authorities.

As per Bhagavatam, there are 14 lokas of Jeevas existing, life is still there does anyone has seen? But still lokas are there and we are part of it. We live in bhuvaloka and it has existed.

Does anyone knows where comes Atma or soul goes in or out from the body ?? But still, it is the process life is following it. We take birth and then rebirth happens does anyone has seen it but still, it is happening.

So my point is the spiritual reality of this world is too huge, vast one cannot prove it by their facts, logics and scientific views. These things will exist and are existing from millions of years of the life cycle they don’t need any proof. This world of almighty is so huge and big, it is impossible for a common human being to imagine and experience it by their naked eyes and micro brain.

Life is hidden and it will remain hidden. Working in this universe is beyond human calculation and logic. So before questioning it, one should know it’s base and base should be learned from the Shastras that are visualized by the rishis and sages by Thier immense Tapasya for the human well being. The same is the case with the Jyotish majority of the scientific world claimed it as pseudoscience but in reality, it is a divine and spiritual science which needs divine vision to decode and understand it. Those who believe in their naked eyes is difficult for them to understand it’s complexity and mathematical computation. We are tiny particles in front of these Shastras knowledge.

Science has certain limitations, the more you explore, the more you practice more you can able to learn and understand it so it is in learning state but this universe is already existing before human science.

Today’s youth and non believers world behaves like a tiny microorganism that stays in a half-cut apple who believes that this is his only world as he doesn’t know what is present in below the apple and what is present in above the apple but in true reality, there are multiple apples in a apple tree where numerous microorganism lives in many apples and in many trees no one knows each other’s that they exist and there are huge forest of apple trees which again exist and no one knows to each other but certainly means human thinking is limited to its imagination and logic but this spiritual world was existing from many of millions of years. Same way karma, reincarnation, rebirth and cycle of life is working in an invisible pattern you don’t need to prove it.



Rakesh Jamwal

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Surya Sankranti and Effects of transit of Sun in Libra in October 2019

Surya Sankranti and Effects of transit of Sun in Libra in October 2019


What is Surya Sankranti 

Surya Sankranti means entering of Sun from one sign to the another which signifies major changes in the course of the sun in the heaven for signifying major changes occurring in nature.

According to the Hindu Muhurata System, 16 ghatis or 6 hours 24 minutes before or after the Solar Ingress (Surya Sankranti) which falls on every month in different signs should be avoided for starting any new work, as in Hindu Panchanga system it is known for surya sankramana, When Sun god travels to different zodiac signs of the Brahmanda corresponding with different regions of the earth for changing seasons or welcoming new change in nature or bringing change in weather systems and also invoking new energies linked with the signs in the form of an electromagnetic impulses which directly hits the body.

Its the phase when solar energies are immensely powerful for bringing change in nature which are not harmonical for human (Body is not capable to adapt solar energies) well being or for beginning of any new works, as per Hindu Panchanga but it is considered as good for worshiping and doing certain spiritual and religious rituals especially worshiping of different shiva forms (Rudra; as Surya is karka of Aatma and the Pratayadi Devta of the Surya is Shiva. Surya gives vitality and strength to both the Soul and body and also works for purification of both) or one can do meditate with nature to get align with electromagnetic vibrations of the solar energies which we get from both the sun and the sign ( Sign is a combination of stars- source of energies). Solar ingress in zodiac sign marks for the beginning of the change in nature and few hours before and after are immensely powerful for mantra Jaap , Worshiping and certain spiritual rites as they do the work of purification of your Atma and Jeeva shudhi.

Sankranti falls on Monday or Sunday should be chosen for Jal Abhishek for Atma, Shareera and Mana shudhi to discharge your negative electrical charge or ions from the body. This is the reason why our Maharishis were so scientific and sync with nature for the formation of any new principals of Jyotish.

Impact of  Sun Transit on Libra ( Tula Surya Sankranti ) on India and general mass.

With the ingress of Surya Sankranti on Tula Rashi, the winter season has triggered or initiated which indicates that the sun has moved toward the southern sphere of the earth which we in the Vedic period called as dakashinayan period of Surya or Sharad Sampat period. As this Surya Sankranti triggered on the conjunction of Vara of Thursday – Friday around midnight from 11 pm to 1 am in Chitra nakshatra it is called as Mandakini Sankranti , it will give medium results and there will be happiness around kingdom and people those are living in it ( people those are living in western states and the globe) . This Sankranti falls on the Chitra nakshatra so people who are living around Karnataka, Bangalore, western states of India, eastern states and those of northern states will experience rainfall and good weather. As sun has conjugated with mercury and Venus, Mars is falling in 12th from it and Jupiter is falling in 2nd it northern hemisphere and northern states of India will experience cold waves, early snowfall and rainfall and weather will be good from now onward and it will trigger early winter in northern hemisphere and there are many chances that northern states of India those are living close to hills and mountain will experience early snowfall . As this Surya Sankranti triggered in night time after the sunset it will be considered as good it will favour ruling nation and Kingdom, it will restrict all sort of anti-national activities and people those are doing activities against the nation will be punished or get sentenced. It will control all the anti-national social activities and many of those people will experience sentences soon. As this Sankranti ingressed on libra sign and rainfall, the storm has triggered in northern states there are many chances that north of India will experience excessive rainfall in the winter season, there will be chances of any incident with respect to fire, bomb blast and chances of loss on Monterey gains of people living in the north.

If we look out the panchang during Tula Sankranti balava karna was rising it indicates as slept Sankranti and it is considered as good for weather and vegetables, it will increase the production and trade of vegetables, fruits and paddy. All eatables natural products prices will get stable and will be easily available in the market.

Balava vehicle is lion, and it indicates revolt creating political leaders those who keep on opposing the ruling party policies and procedures, the direction is west and it impacts the younger teenage girls, will create hurdles in Students those are going in school and collages. As Surya transited in Dahan Nadi in Chitra nakshatra ruling lord is Mangal so the possibility of fire incident will be possible.

For general mass one should do meditation, worship lord Shiva Mrityunjaya form to get a blissful and happy life, as Surya Sankranti shows the period of transition and filtering the soul silence, meditation and worshipping is must for the whole day.

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